
Chapter 1

     I moved to this really small town and now i'm desperate to get out. I
don't wanna live here, I wanna live back in my old place with the regular faces and familiar smells. I didn't want to start high school off this way. Ah yes. I start high school tomorrow. Freshmeat, as the people call them. I never did get that. Not to get off topic but, my mom and I went shopping to go get school supplies, and I swear to god I saw the most beautiful easel. I didn't ask to get it because my mom hates art. Ever since my dad left us for art, she's been disgusted by it.

   My dad got a job offer in paris to paint for some high class muesum and instead of bringing us, he decided to leave us. It makes me sad, really. He always spoked to me about how much he loved me, and how much art came second as to I, came first. He lied. Obviously. 


  My mom and I had dinner, and she was quiet the whole time. I even tried to start conversation. 


Me- So, I start school tomorrow. I'm kind of scared.


My mom- You'll do find, sweetie. 


Me- I guess. My classes are pretty awesome.


My mom- Nice.


Me- Uh yeah..


   and that was that. The rest of our dinner sat in silence. My mom ate the rest of her dinner, and went straight to bed. She didn't even say goodnight. I'm use to it, sadly. 




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.02.2013

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