
1 Sophia King

My black chucks hit the stairs hard as i ran down them.If i didn't jump on my bike i would be late for first period class.
"Sophia,don't walk out this house without putting something in your mouth."My father John said to me walking out his study with his suitcase in his hands.
"I put toothpaste in my mouth,good enough?"I said sarcastically and walked out the door.
"Sophia,I'm not joking,even if you have to be late eat something."
"I did.Gosh get off my back!"I yelled and rolled down the street.I stopped at a traffic light and let the cars ride past...As i put my iPod in my ears i began to think should i skip school today.I mean there wasn't anything in life i would like to do,but work as a Mcdonalds Manger.I always try to tell John that i hate school,but he said if i get into trouble again it was Boarding School and i know i wasn't going down for that.Maybe i can just let Chelsea sign my name on the attendance sheet,but her hand writing sucks lemon balls.That plan was ruined.Then all of a sudden a car beeped for me to ride my bike across the street and woke me up out of my daze.

When i got in first period class i had to sneak and go to my sit but i still got sent to detention.Damn.
Everyone in detention was throwing paper balls and spiting spit balls at each other and the teacher and i knew i was going to kill someone if they did that to me.But,Mr.Gaye was a big man that loved to ignore things and people.I handed him my slip and then when i tried a paper ball hit my face.
"Who in the hell did that?!"I yelled holding mt bag tight and wanting to stomp someone to death.
"Sorry man,i didn't mean to.Don't flip Sophi,you'll live."Fred,one of the bad boys and jocks said patting my arm and laughing.
"My name is Sophia and don't ever in your life touch me again or else i will snap your neck.And what do you mean i will live,like I'm stupid,i know that,just don't throw anything else in my direction."Everyone sat speechless looking at me as i walked to the back and sat at a sit.
Fred rolled his eyes and looked forward putting his feet on another chair."I thought rolling your eyes was for girls?"
"Shut up you whore,i bet your mother left you because she didn't want to be ashamed of her bitch of a daughter."He said loud enough for Mr.Gaye to look up.
I got out my sit and walked in his face.I was thinking should i spit in his face or punch his balls.I just punched his face and his balls and spit in his face.He began to cry on the floor and hold his crouch."Miss King,i know what he said was rude,but that didn't have to happen.This is it,i will be calling your father after i get him an ice pack."
I really didn't care if he called my 'Father'.He said something about my mother and no one did that because they knew how i felt when anyone talked about Susie King.My mother was beautiful of what i remembered with her.I just couldn't believe anyone would say something like that.I felt like boiling him in a huge pot and then feeding him to the animals in the zoo.He was now dead to me.
I walked out the classroom and into the bathroom.I saw tears coming down my face and then i couldn't control them anymore.They were just flowing out without me cursing at the air.All i wanted to do is go to sleep and wish my mother was back in my life.That would make everything better.That would make me better.I would love if she would just walk in my door and say she loved me and never would leave me again in my life.But i knew that it would never happen.When they investigated her office at her job they found blood on her desk,walls,and floor.They just said it was a murder.But i know my mother isn't dead.Maybe.I want to think that she isn't dead.But i know that it isn't true.I just want to know the truth and the whole truth....

As i stopped on my brake,i felt the need to break another tear because i knew if i went back home,i would be getting sent to Boarding School.I just didn't want to leave my home.I wanted to be loved again.And i wanted Mommy.
When i said that i looked and saw a woman in heels and a black,long,pea coat turn away from me and starts to walk fast down the street.I began to follow her slowly.And when she stopped,i got off my bike and walked up behind her.
"Go home right now,young lady."She muttered and started to walk again down the street.
"Wait,"I said grabbing her arm,she flinched away quickly and turned and looked at my face expression.And i couldn't believe who i saw before me.

2 Finding out

My vision was blurry and i couldn't see anything hardly.But then i heard voices i began to get my vision back.I was laying down on black concrete and was chained to a wall.I started to listen in on the conversation.
"Susie,she can't stay here,her father is going to wonder where she was all night and she can't find out who we are or else."A male said.
"She's my daughter,and what do you mean or else?"I heard my mother say loudly.
"She'll be waking up soon,you should take her back home."The man said dismissing the subject.I began to wonder what he was talking about also,i couldn't believe my mother was still alive,but what was she.
"No,don't try to walk away,Tell me what will happen,Tell me what will happen?"
He took a deep breathe and then broke out and said."Jefferson will kill her and the one's that exposed us.Which is you."
What your telling me is that my Sweet Sophia will get killed by that blood sucker?"My mother said angry.John always told me that my mother called me 'Sweet Sophia',And i always yelled at him to get lost and shut up.But,now i realize that i could actually die tonight and never see my father or grandmother Selda or anyone else i cared about.This was actually my last day on earth,and the bad thing about it was that i was going to get killed when i finally seen my mother in person.
"I really don't give a damn what he does to me.All i want is my daughter safe."
"You have to change her then."
There was a long silence than i heard a loud bang and felt the ground shake a little."Your out of your mind if you think i will land my teeth on her neck or anywhere else on her body.I wouldn't dare hurt my own CHILD."
I began to feel like i was drowning in my head and couldn't breathe,but when i started to breathe,i couldn't take sitting here any longer and started to attack the chain.But,it wouldn't budge,or even try to break out the wall.
"Your the Lovely Sophia."I heard the male's voice behind me.I started to feel the need to call for help but i knew that i was probably the only human here.But my mother would help save me since i was here Sweet Sophia."I very sorry,but i have to give you a little pain.It'll last about 1 hour,but i know that your a big girl and will take the pain so i need you to not scream and be as quiet as you can.Because if you don't,someone's going to kill you......."

My eyes felt like it was mist inside of them, i couldn't see anything around me but i knew i wasn't chained up anymore or i wasn't in the same room i was in. This time there was white carpet and a pink bed with white flower decoration and more.
I rubbed my eyes and the smug look went away. When i jumped off the bed, I heard a gasp and turned quickly ready to attack. But,i saw a beautiful woman's face and saw that it was my mother.
"Sophia, i missed you so much.....


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.07.2011

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To: My Loved One's

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