
People On Earth

People on Earth, why can’t we be friends?

Why can’t we be kind?

Why do we have to be ruthless?

Why do we have to devise a fight that is unessential?

Aren’t we all tired of this?

Don’t we want things to devise?

Do some people think that they are not the problem?

My people, don’t you see?

Our immorality is tarnishing our society.

If we want to stumbling block chaos, then we need to debar them.

There are certain things that we cannot devise, but the things we can are always at one’s fingertips.

One thing that we can devise is war.

Let’s desist war that is playing havoc with our pulchritudinous people.

Make foes into comrades.

Let’s see eye to eye on what is equitable & dispute the wickedness.

Instead of devising a fight, let’s hold hands with our wonderful people and make harmony.

We need to bring love & happiness, not hatred &evil.

We need to support one another, not let one fall.

Beautiful people, we don’t need to live in a lonely & dark world.

We need a place to give us a shoulder to cry on when someone is going through a hard time.

We need a place to bring joy when the world is blue.

We need a place that brings people together.

People on Earth, can’t you see?

We need each other.

I know that the ruthless and cruelest people in this world are actually tender &caring.

So why?

Why do we have to be so mean?

Let’s give each other a hand if someone is struggling.

In the bad times, we will help each other if there is a problem.

In the good times, we will laugh and enjoy the moment.

People on Earth, we can make a difference if we put forth the effort.

Let’s make peace with the people on Earth.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.10.2022

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