
My Love

 My love, my love, oh my love

   The first time I laid eyes on you

    I knew that we had a connection

      A connection that couldn’t be damaged

        A connection that was sustainable

         A connection that would end up as a relationship


      My love, my love, my fair-haired boy

   The first time we kissed was remarkable

  Your kiss wass like chocolate, so sweet so fine

I didn’t want to remove my lips, nor did you

       The way your hands touch my body

      Your touch is smooth and wanting, I never wanted to lose you


     My love, my love, my charming prince

    Your suave looks always catch my eyes

       Not one day goes by

         Where I don’t think of your handsome face

      Even if you were plain, I would still be with you

        Because your personality is charming to me



      My love, my love, my chivalrous man

  Your love for me is so fulfilling

                        I can’t even describe your love for me

All I can say is that your heart has love

  And your soul has dignity

              And I’ll always know that I’m near your heart


       My love, my love, oh my husband

 Our dreams have come true

     We have our own house

        Our children grew up and went to college

    They found their love, just like we did 

And now we are grandparents


My love, my love, oh my love

   This is where our story will end

Still together with you by my side

 Right here

 Together, with love



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.10.2022

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