
Family Business

A picnic seemed just about right on this colorful spring day on the hills of Rochester, New York. So that is where Julian took his new wife. Soft linen cover spread perfectly beneath a weeping willow. A nice selection of green grapes on the vine and four blocks of cheese lie neatly beside a freshly baked loaf of bread and his beautiful wife's favorite cinnamon rolls hid neatly wrapped inside of a napkin. Julian pressed his fingers gently against Harmony's eyelids her black hair blew against his face and neck as he led her toward his surprise picnic.

"Julian are you going to tell me where we're going I'm afraid I may fall soon" her voice was playful.

"Your fear of falling suggests that you have no faith in your husband" the wind caught the raspberry scent of her skin encircling them in a moment Julian would never forget.

"Keep your eyes closed until I say open." he needed to see her eyes light up. He lye on his side resting his head in the palm of his hand waiting anxiously..

"Open" Harmony revealed her cat like green eyes. The dimples in her cheeks appeared as she smiled

"Do you like it?" Harmony pressed her painted lips against her husbands; massaging her slender fingers through his dark brown curls she whispered the words

"I love it" into his parted mouth. The happy couple reminisced on their wedding day sharing laughs, cheeses, fresh bread and bottled wine. Speaking of dreams yet to be fulfilled and nights yet to come to pass.

The time spent with her was time not spent thinking about his career. He was now the President of his families company. For 100 years his great-grandfather, grandfather and father have imported and exported fine Linens, Silks and Raw Leather all across the globe. As tradition in his family, the first male child born inherits the company upon being married on his thirtieth year of life. Julian risked being over looked for this guaranteed career being thirty-three. His heart would not allow him to marry a woman, any woman for the sake of money. His father pleaded his case to his grandfather not wanting to let this "wonderful opportunity" slip into the hands of his cousin William. Thankfully William was twenty-seven at the time of his fathers request giving Julian three years to find Harmony.

       As unusual as this may sound Julian knew Harmony was his wife before he saw her face. Early one morning when the sky was still splashed with the colors of dawn he was out walking going over and over in his mind what path life would take without his chosen career. His feet led him to a familiar, wooded area deep in Letch worth State Park, close to the lapping waters of the Genesee River. The slight smell of raspberries following the sound of a guitar melody caught his attention; no matter how close he got to the sound he couldn't fine the person who made it. Finally deciding to sit back and enjoy what he heard, he rested against a tree wondering how long the person would play or if the smell of raspberries came from them. The sound of a woman singing softly broke his thoughts. Her voice carried a tone of sorrow and utter heartbreak. Several moments later the music stopped. Julian saw the image of a thin woman emerge from behind a tree. Her long, wavy black hair danced around her face and shoulders while her burgundy wrap skirt chased itself around her legs. Julian could not see her face but something told him she was beautiful. He forced himself to be bold enough to speak to the mysterious woman. Seeking words but finding none his hand reached up and brushed her shoulder. Her eyes caught him off guard. They were sad and piercing. She stood there waiting for him to speak, when he didn't she walked out of the park and his life until two weeks later when he saw her again buying fresh produce from an outside vendor. Julian admired her beauty from a distance. There were a thousand things he wanted to say floating inside of his head, but his vocal cords would not participate. So he bought a

single sunflower, attaching his number on a tiny yellow posted he never left home without in the center of the long stemmed reminder of the sun. He carefully placed it inside of her basket and walked to a nearby bench to wait for her reaction. It seemed like forever before she noticed the flower but the amusement in her eyes was worth it. She searched around for a possible culprit finally resting her eyes on Julian he smiled too afraid he'd appear arrogant if he waved. She returned his smile reaching in her basket for the sunflower. She inhaled one good time before walking shyly in his direction.

"I'll call you tonight" the words slipped over her shoulder quite like a satin bathrobe when ones about to take a shower leaving Julian in a state of infatuation.

       Three hours later on the drive back to what they called the "House on the hill" Harmony noticed a change in Julian's mood

"What's bothering you? You seem a thousand miles away"

"I'm just nervous about tomorrow. I've always been on the receiving end of leadership and tomorrow I'm expected to lead." He gave her a reassuring smile.

"I have every confidence that my husband Julian Anthony Bordeaux will be the best President from a line of very great Presidents" Julian could not help but laugh at her exaggeration. Twenty minutes later they were walking into their partially decorated house to a ringing telephone.

"What do you think? Should I get it?"

"If you won't I will" she ran her fingers through the back of his hair as she walked in the direction of the telephone.


"Sure, he's right here" Julian knew who it was without her saying a word.

"Hello dad"




"Julian, I'm sorry for interrupting you. I was just calling to see if you were prepared for tomorrow." His father's tone of voice was always the same, serious. Julian could not remember a time when it hasn't been. 

"I'm prepared as I'll ever be just hoping the family business doesn't end with me" he gave a nervous laugh stopping when he realized he was laughing alone.

"Ok son, I'll meet you there in the morning be sure to wear suit and tie, your employees will respect you more if you do so."

"Sure dad, Goodnight" He hung up with his father feeling much worse then when he started. Everything with his father has always been business or negotiating, even down to getting married to his mother. Which is why Julian has vowed never to let the family business harden him or to rule his every decision.

Julian began undressing on his way to find Harmony although it was not quite six he wanted to slip into his favorite worn linen pajama bottoms. Harmony's guitar could be heard in the middle bedroom where they both decided would be her music room. Shirtless and comfortable in his linen pants he entered the presence of his wife sliding his body on the floor beside her. With every strum of her guitar melting away the conversation with his father taking all of his concerns about tomorrow with it. Julian did not know how she did it, how she managed to take him to a place where only they dwelled, where everything was light and carefree.

            The following morning Julian was all nerves standing in front of his office.

 "Charles Manning this is my son Julian Bordeaux. Julian, Charles will be your assistant as he's been mine for the past six years. Whatever you need talk to Mr. Manning here and he'll work it out." Julian shook Charles' hand; he met him in passing on two other occasions.

" Mr. Manning may I have a word with my son please?"

" Sure I'll be in the office if anyone needs me." Charles looked well put together Julian noticed that right away.

"Now listen Julian I have to go, but if you need me call me on my home office phone. You'll be fine. For the first few days follow Mr. Manning's lead." Julian thought it was weird hearing his father call a man-years younger than himself Mister. Christoph Bordeaux practicing business etiquette twenty-four hours a day.

" No problem dad I'm sure I'll be fine." Julian reached out to shake his father's hand, which seemed fitting under the circumstances something that obviously pleased his father greatly. He stood in the hall watching his father disappear behind the steel door.

       Charles sat on the edge of a polished cherry wood desk reading papers that may or may not have been important when Julian entered his office.

"So Julian or would you prefer Mr. Bordeaux?"

"Julian is fine"

"If you'd like I could introduce you to the employees or we could" Julian cut him off

"I already know them I've pretty much grown up with them. How old are you Charles?

Julian wanted to know things about the people he would have to spend hours around.

"Thirty-eight" the arch in his brow let Julian know he was curious as to where this conversation would lead.

" And are you married?"


"For how long?

"Five years, it'll be six next month"

"Any children?"

"Yes, a daughter"

"How old?" Julian had his back toward Charles he faced the window looking out over a tree-topped hill.

"She's three years old"

"And how much of this does my father know?" There was a long pause before his answer


"That wasn't a trick question Charles, I just would like for you to know that I'm Julian not Christoph. The way I plan on running this business is not the way my father has or his father for that matter. I strongly believe that I can maintain a camaraderie as well as a business professional relationship with the people I work with." Julian turned to face him giving a sincere smile to drive the point home.

"Well in that case I'm hungry as hell. This is about the hour I try to grab a bite to eat." The two men shared a laugh something Julian was sure never happened between Charles and his father.

        At the end of the day, Julian accomplished a meeting with Chance Welling and Mac Byrd his partner. The drive home felt invigorating. It took almost everything in him not to call Harmony more than once. For the first time in his life, Julian felt powerful as if he could make things happen.

The smell of Italian sauces filled the rooms of the house as he entered his shared dwelling.

"Harmony?" there was no answer.

"Harmony?" Julian walked hesitantly into the dining area to find Harmony standing by the dining room table; she wore a sleeveless black evening gown hugging every curve of her body, a long split on the side revealed her creamy smooth skin. Her black hair was tied loosely away from her face, just the way he liked it. Flickering candles gave her a golden hue.

"What's all of this?"

"I just thought the President would like to enjoy a fine dinner and then his wife" Harmony's voice was barely above a whisper. A single sunflower sat in a clear crystal vase in the center of the table. Julian was forever amazed at the woman he married. He could not remember who walked over to whom or who kissed whom first. Harmony's soft lips pressed seductively against his, coaxing him into hypnosis, her fingers stroking the back of his neck slipping him further into fantasy making it harder to identify with reality. Julian traced the lining of her gown his hand sliding down the center of her back resting there, pulling her into him. It was almost as if Harmony knew how great his day had been. She pulled away from her husband.

"You're not allowed to have dessert before dinner, you know that." She gave his nose a light brush with her lips before taking her seat at the table.

"Sit with me, tell me all about your first day as President."

"My assistant Charles to my surprise is quite funny considering my father hired him." Julian allowed the white wine to roll around his tongue enjoying its taste before continuing.

"You'd be surprised to know how little my father actually knows about his employees"

"No I wouldn't be, especially after learning how little he knows of you and your mother"

Julian knew the words were not intended to hurt him but they did so much so he lost his appetite.

"I'm not really hungry, I'm going to go upstairs to change" He pushed away from the table dropping his napkin into his untouched plate of Alfredo.

"Julian I'm sorry, you know I did not mean any harm. I was out of line." He didn't know what hurt him more her speaking the truth or the truth it self. He faced his closet quickly unbuttoning his Bill Blass dress shirt a wedding gift from his father, placing it on its designated hanger. Harmony pressed her tear-streaked face against his shoulder, gently clutching his tank topped covered abdomen. Her warm breath could be felt against his shoulder blade as she whispered the words

"I'm so sorry" repeatedly.

"I'm not upset with you Harmony, you only stated a fact, It's the truth that hurt not your realization of it."

"I shouldn't have brought that up it was inconsiderate of me." Julian faced his wife, pain still lingering in his eyes. He wiped her tears with his fingertips. Before kissing her lips softly at first becoming hungrier with each touch of her mouth, the taste of her sweet skin met his tongue as he traced along her neck down to her shoulders.  Her black evening gown pooled around her bare feet revealing the firmness of her breast, the sleekness of her stomach, the visible grace in her thighs and calves leaving him briefly in awe. He used his left arm to lift Harmony feeling her legs wrap around his waist he rested her body on the soft goose feathered comforter. Lifting himself enough to slip out of his tailored suit pants.  Linked hand in hand Julian was reminded of a song Harmony once sang, "Forever locked into you" the words went. Harmony's hands wandered around his body willing him deeper inside of her. His lips found hers along with the sweat of each of their bodies. The power of the universe released from him sending tidal waves of pleasure from his body to hers.

The two lay in silent bliss, a mess of tangled limbs. Falling off to sleep within moments. Julian came to when he heard the telephone ringing

"Hello" he sounded a little disoriented not fully aware of the time.

"Hello son, Were you busy?" The tone of his mothers' voice was pleasant.

"I'm never to busy for a beautiful woman. How are you mom?"

"I'm fine, the question is how are you and your beautiful wife?

"We're good, I'm almost certain you've called about my first day of work how right am I?" Julian loved talking with his mother he often wondered why she stayed with his detached father.

"Well yes of course, I'm dying to know how well it went, your father said you looked like an established business man."

"I really liked it, it can give you a huge power rush"

"Power is fine Julian as long as you don't lose sight of what's most important, your family and the value of people." Her voice turned sad almost as if she were recalling something.

"I won't you don't have to worry about me mom I promise"

"Well is Harmony in? May I speak with her?"

"She's sleeping right now" Julian regretted saying that after hearing his mother's girlish giggling.

"Well tell her to call me when she awakes ok? Goodbye sweetheart" and just like that his mother was gone Julian placed the receiver back on its cradle. Gently getting out of bed careful not to disturb Harmony.

       Hunger set in causing him to quickly put on his linen pajama bottoms. The curtains still closed tightly causing the dining room to appear darker than it really was outdoors. The candles were still burning. Julian took his untouched plate of the creamy Alfredo into the kitchen to reheat. Dipping fresh bread into garlic and herb olive oil while he waited. He was joined moments later by a barefoot Harmony.

"I guess I was wrong"

"About what?"

"About you having dessert before dinner."

Sticky Situation

         Harmony rolled over to an empty bed. Julian placed a note beside her pillow saying he loved her and was holding his breath until he saw her again. A warm sensation flooded her body, which was really caused by the sun shining into the bedroom. She lay arms and legs outstretched a moment longer. Today was the day she was going to call her boss to let her know she was ready to return to work. She missed her students and wanted to see their progress since her absence. She taught music to children ranging in age from seven to fifteen.

"Hello, may I speak to Ms. Kelly please?"

"Sure who may I ask is calling?" Immediately Harmony recognized her friend Claire's voice.

"It's Mrs. Julian Bordeaux"

"Harmony, Oh my goodness how are you? It feels like I haven't talked to you in months. Susan's not in her office yet but if you'd like I can have her call you back." The excitement in her voice was genuine


"Will you please Claire? Now that Julian has started work I think it's time for me to come back to my students."

"Your crush just asked me when you'd be coming back. The way he asked you'd think he was thirty instead of fourteen." Harmony laughed. One of her students had a big crush on her. Michael made sure he was always on time, homework done on time and on every holiday he brought her a nice gift. It crushed him when she told the class she was getting married and for the first time, since he's been in her class Michael was absent for

two days. Julian thought her crush was adorable considering he had one on a friend of his mother's when he was thirteen.

             Harmony hung up with Claire feeling inspired. She went into the kitchen for a quick breakfast of a small banana, a croissant and a glass of 2% milk. She decided to eat on the patio this morning wishing Julian were there to share the view. It overlooked the smaller houses down the hill. Julian loved the house because it made him feel like they were an island unto themselves. Isolated but yet still apart of the world. An aerobics class started at nine O'clock that gave her an hour to get there if she wanted to catch it. The drive was ten minutes so that left her with fifty minutes to get ready. After she finished her very quick meal, she discarded the waste in the garbage disposable before walking slowly, dramatically up the stairs to the bedroom. Harmony didn't allow herself to enjoy the warm water that escaped forcibly from the showerhead. Not wanting to stay there longer than really necessary. Dressing would be easy considering she was only going to the gym. A white tank top and blue wrap skirt should do it she thought.

               The short drive ended too soon. The landscape was always beautiful. Weeping willows gently swayed seducing tourist to stay awhile longer. The car door slammed shut behind a jogging Harmony as she bounded the gym staircase. A strong stench of sweat and masculine musk filled her nostrils on her way to the women's locker room. Once inside, the voices of unfamiliar women filled the air as Harmony found a recently available locker. She began stripping her pale blue wrap skirt.

"Did you hear the news?" a red-haired, pale skinned beauty asked a tall, slender blonde

"You know I haven't, I don't know why you bother to ask" the two shared a quaint laugh before she continued.

"William has dumped his fiancé after he found out Julian really was getting married."

"Poor Elizabeth, she must feel horrible knowing a man would only marry her to inherit his families business" This time the laugh shared was very haughty and arrogant. Harmony turned quickly to face her locker wanting to avoid recognition from the two snobs.

Suddenly she did not feel much like aerobics but like calling Elizabeth. What could she say with out appearing arrogant herself? Maybe she could stop by after the class and maybe just maybe her words would find her then.

             Newfound energy pressed Harmony in the direction of Elizabeth's home. A gentle breeze stroked the dark strands of her hair causing a chill to start from the nape of her neck down her spine to the tips of her toes. As the car pulled into the drive of the small single home with the brick walkway her nerves almost won the decision to drive away. Harmony noticed broken seashells in the lawn hidden between yellow and purple flowerbeds. She wondered if it were done purposely. Movement could be heard behind the door before she could ring the bell.

"May I help you?" a soft voice spoke through the door.

"I'm here for Elizabeth its Harmony" before she could finish saying her name the door opened. Elizabeth's countenance was much sadder than Harmony ever remembered. Her usual bouncy blonde curls were limp and lifeless and her once shimmering blue eyes were now dull.

"I was not expecting any company. I would have gotten dressed" Elizabeth showed obvious embarrassment as she stood aside for Harmony to enter. The house was near complete darkness all of the shades were pulled shut, dust dwelled here. She followed her into the living room sitting hesitantly; she declined the offer for a glass of water.

"I was stopping by to find out how you were"

"I'm ashamed isn't it obvious? Everyone has to know by now. Poor Elizabeth a pawn in William's silly power game." She flashed a sheepish grin right before she put her head down.

"You should not blame your self for William's blindness. You were the best girlfriend any man could have." Those words were sincere; anytime the two were together they were smiling and petting one another. Harmony remembered once thinking to herself that William and Elizabeth were probably as sickening as Julian and herself.

"Maybe I was to secure in my feelings for William, maybe he showed me signs that he was not in love with me."

"What do you mean?"

"His hate for Julian and Christoph was almost frightening. I remember once he told me he would do almost anything to inherit the families business. I guess that meant marrying me. He was going to ruin your wedding but I convinced him not to go." Tears appeared in her eyes as she told Harmony things she couldn't believe.

"He hates Julian? Why?"

"Harmony please don't be so naïve, William and his father have been left out of the family business, sure they will benefit from it's wealth but why would anyone settle for some when they can have it all? This was William's only shot and Julian got it. William said his father depended on this." Harmony sat back trying hard to take this all in. She wondered if Julian knew any of this she was sure he did, he would have to.

"Listen Elizabeth I was about to go to lunch, maybe you should go with me."

Harmony could since hope in her friend's eyes.

"I don't know, I haven't been out doors for almost three weeks"


"That is why it will be good for you and it's beautiful today, come on I'll help you get ready." Elizabeth stood from her seat and grabbed Harmony's hand cheerfully.

The air in the tiny bedroom was thick causing Harmony to gag when she entered. All to well had she known this feeling.

"Sit here, I'll be ready in a moment" Elizabeth directed her to sit on the edge of the bed as she began to dig in her closet for something to wear. She placed a pair of baggy sweatpants and a California T-shirt on the bed.

"Elizabeth, you've mourned for William enough, now it's time to move on." Harmony walked over to the armoire and moved hangers of clothing. Stopping when she spotted a pair of Marc-by-Marc Jacob jeans.

"Put these on" Harmony swung the jeans over her shoulder Her eyes fell on a cabbage green Halter shirt from Guess she was sure.  She gently tugged the shirt from its hanger and passed it to Elizabeth.

"Where are your shoes?

"In my closet, I have a pair of Delman sandals to go with this shirt. It's in back of my pink stilettos." She was right the shoes did go perfectly with her shirt. When she came from the closet with the satin sandal Elizabeth was sitting fully dressed in front of her vanity holding a brush but not using it. Harmony stood behind her and slowly took the brush from her pained friend's hands and began stroking her hair gently. She noticed Elizabeth had a green, flower hair clip sitting in a small box. She swept her hair up into a ponytail holding it there with the hair clip. Harmony stood back to watch Elizabeth apply a small amount of makeup on her face and was shocked to see a pleasant difference from the girl who answered the door.

"Are you ready?" The two women headed out of the door and to the little café on the corner of Shannon Street.

The waiter came immediately to their table closest to the entrance.

"Do you ladies need a menu or are you ready to order" He flashed a million-dollar smile something she was sure got him the job.

"A menu would be nice, thank you" Elizabeth gave a weak smile.

"One for me also, please" the waiter handed them both a menu, smiled again and waited at a near by table.

"What are you having?" Harmony asked Elizabeth not knowing what else there was to talk about. She flagged the waiter back to their table.

"I think I'll have a grilled turkey sandwich on toasted wheat with a small salad, tomato and garlic vinaigrette and a glass of raspberry ice tea."

"I'll have the same please all but the raspberry tea, I'll have a glass of ice water with a wedge of lemon."  

"Sure ladies, your order will be ready shortly, I'll just go get your drinks while you wait" He walked quickly into the restaurant leaving the women with silence and a sense of unease.


              Julian sat at his desk watching the clock it was almost time for lunch. He finished looking over the production team an hour earlier. Charles was out picking up lunch for them both at a place he said was sure to become Julian's favorite. He picked up the telephone to dial Harmony, when he didn't get an answer he left a message on the answering service for her to get back to him when she got in. A light knock on his office door caught him off guard.

"Come in" The man on the other side of the door was his father, looking reserved in a custom made double-breasted suit in black with silver pinstripes. His black and silvering hair was freshly cut closer to his scalp than usual Julian noticed

"Hello son, Is everything here ok?" His father slipped his hands into his pants pockets never stepping completely into the office.

"Yes, as a matter of fact it's going great, I'm just waiting for Charles to come back with lunch." Julian examined his fathers face sure that wasn't the reason he was there.

"Well I came to tell you that I'll be going to Tokyo to handle a little business. I'll be away for two weeks and just thought you should keep an eye on your mother."

"Does mom know your going?" Julian felt weird his father never told him when he was leaving on business he always found out through his mother.

"Well no, she's at her sister's until this evening" His fathers expression never changed

"Well I'm sure you can call her at Aunt Marilyn's" this time Julian looked his father directly in his eyes.

"I've thought of that, but I don't want to trouble her so if you could son you can wait for her to get home and then tell her for me." Christoph's tone was matter of fact leaving no more room for discussion. With that, he turned leaving Julian's office, closing the door quietly behind him.  No more than five seconds later Charles came in carrying a "Charluche's" bag.

"Are you ok? You look a little funny" Charles placed the bag on the cherry wood desk

"I'm fine 'Charluche's' that's an interesting name for a restaurant" Julian tried to keep his voice light. He would call his mother after lunch to see what was going on. For the moment he enjoyed his meal of the best chunky chicken soup with egg noodles and a chicken Caesar salad with peppercorn and shredded Monterey cheese he's ever tasted.

"Hey Charles this is pretty good" Julian admitted

"I know, my wife discovered this place a few years ago and I get a commission for bringing in new customers" Charles smirked

"Do you really?"

"No, but I should. I saw your dad leave earlier, is everything ok? You seemed a little distraught when I came back with lunch." 

"Oh no everything is fine I was just thinking about a phone call I have to make"

When lunch was over Julian waited for Charles to close the door behind himself before he called his mother at her sisters.

"Hello Aunt Marilyn, is my mother around?"

"Sure is sweetheart, how is everything going with that new job over there?"

"I'm loving it." Julian didn't feel much like the small talk at the moment especially with his father going on business trips and not telling his mother.

"Yes Julian is everything ok?" His mother's voice was pleasant making him dread telling her his father's news.

 "Dad just wanted me to let you know he's going to Tokyo on business." Julian didn't want his tone of voice to bias his mother's reaction.

"To Tokyo? That's fine. Thank you very much Julian for calling me. Tell your wife to call me when you get home ok. Goodbye." His mother hung up before he had a chance to respond. It was obvious she was hurt but for what? Julian wondered. The telephone rang again before he could reflect on his parents' odd behavior.


"Hello Is Julian Bordeaux in?"  The voice was all too familiar to Julian

"Yes, William how may I help you?" Julian sat back in his soft leather high back chair.

"I need to speak to you. Is there any chance I can come to the office say in about a half an hour?" 

"Sure, I'll be here" Julian was almost curious about Williams' call. Especially since he has not spoken to him in over two-months and he didn't attend his wedding. He could not necessarily say it hurt his feelings either. The two never got along for reasons even Julian was unsure of. He remembered once when they were boys, around seven and ten maybe and William was getting a dog. All he could talk about was the puppy he was getting an English bulldog, So Julian went home and asked his father if he could have a dog too. His father's original answer was no until he heard that his brother Jackson was getting one for William. When William heard that he was getting a dog as well, he pulled him into the back yard and yelled

"You only want a dog because of me. You and your dad always get everything." And he stormed off into the house. Julian remembers telling his father that he didn't want the dog anymore, and Christoph left it at that.

The time flew by, before Julian knew it the clock read one. A stern knock on the door broke his concentration.

"Come in" the door swung open harder than Julian expected bringing him to his feet.

"Listen up Julian, Keep your wife away from Elizabeth." William walked over to Julian's desk. His demeanor was of a snake slithering from hell.

"I don't need her starting any trouble." William was standing behind Julian now, so close he could feel his breath swaying the hairs on the back of his neck. His words were spoken slowly, threatening.

"William I don't know what your problem is but I can't stop my wife from seeing anyone." Julian walked around his desk having his obviously annoyed cousin standing behind him made him uneasy. The look William was giving him was unmistakable.

"I don't need her giving Elizabeth any ideas."

"Is this really about my wife or is this about me and you William. I don't know what your problem is. Get it off your chest." Julian's voice escalated something he did not want to happen while he was at work but he couldn't control himself. This would surely upset Christoph. A true businessman never raises his voice he never has to according to his father, but his father wasn't here right at this moment with an outraged cousin staring him in his.

"Get over yourself Julian. They were out having lunch today at a café. Harmony has never hung out with Liz before and I just don't think she should do it now, ok?"

"Fine William, I'll talk to her when I get home but I must let you know I'm not making it a habit to tell my wife who she may have as friends." The sarcasm in his tone was obvious. William walked out of the office with out saying goodbye. Today was not going as nicely as he had hoped. Yesterday went so much smoother.

       Leaving the office today was rushed, with everything that went on there. Harmony never returned his call, which made him curious about what she was out doing. It was unlike her to not call him back especially if he asked her to. There was her white 1997 altima parked outside of the garage. Something about that made him uneasy especially with his cousin's earlier visit. He parked his car behind hers and walked quickly into the house. To be greeted by his wife along with Elizabeth sharing a glass of cranberry juice. Relief flooded his torso.

"Hello honey" Harmony flirted with her eyes. Making Julian wish she wasn't entertaining company.

"Hello, how are you Elizabeth? I'm sure there is something really amazing cooking in the kitchen with two amazing women here to cook it right?" He teased only half-serious

"We're eating out tonight. I just spoke with your mother on the telephone and she has invited us over for dinner." This was great at least now he could talk to his mother in person.

"I'll go change, I should only take a second" Julian began loosening his tie as he headed toward the stairs. He could feel his wife's eyes on his back. He was very anxious for the time they would spend alone later that evening. As he promised he came down the stairs moments later wearing a pair of comfortable khaki pants, a pastel colored plaid button down, and his black Italian leather oxfords. Something his wife loved to see him in. Her eyes lit up when she noticed one of her favorite outfits.

"Is everyone ready? We can take my car since I parked behind yours honey. I need you to pull your car into the garage before we leave ok?" The three headed toward the door surprised to see William walking along the walkway. Clearly in shock himself to see Elizabeth with them, he stopped in his tracks.

"What are you doing here?" He spoke with callus

"I'm no longer any of your concern remember William. I can go where I want." She walked past him to stand near Julian's car.



"Why are you hanging out with them? Julian I thought I told you to keep your wife away from her" Harmony looked over at her husband clearly not understanding what he was talking about. William walked over to Elizabeth and reached for her arm

"I don't know what you're trying to prove Liz but the game is over"

"You're crazy, I'm not the one playing any games. Let go of my arm before you hurt me."

"Fine, do what you want." With those words William let her arm go and walked down the hill to his car Julian assumed.

"William wait" when he wouldn't stop Elizabeth followed behind him. Harmony called after her stopping when Julian touched her arm. The two stared long after they were out of sight. The long car ride was silent; neither of the two knew what to say after the scene witnessed back at their house. Harmony was the first to break the silence

"When did William speak to you?"

"He came to my office around one o'clock saying he saw you having lunch with Elizabeth. Something he didn't think was a good idea." Julian could sense something was on his wife's mind but thought it over before prying it out of her. His mother met them on the front porch.

"Where is Elizabeth?" she asked kissing Harmony on her cheek.

"With William. It's a long story,” Julian answered for his wife. All of the memories of child hood came back to him when he entered his old home. The only difference in the house was the living room set. Now white leather covered the antique chairs he remembered, the dark oak finished coffee table that could also be used as a linen or comforter chest was still there much to his pleasure.

"Something smells wonderful mom" Those words always bought a smile to his mother’s lips. Madelyn loved cooking. Using her spare time to pick up the trade when his father was away on the numerous business trips he had to attend.

 "Thank you my sweet boy. Tonight for the two of you I made a wonderful wild rice beef stew with homemade focaccia a recipe I've learned from Chef Fausto Oneto's cookbook."

"Well it smells absolutely delicious" Harmony wrapped her arm around his mother’s waist and followed her into the commodious kitchen. Where they giggled like schoolgirls reunited.

A single purple flower was placed on each of the dinner bowls. The wineglasses were already filled with red wine. Chardonnay he was almost certain, that was the only red wine his mother drank. One untouched plate was too familiar to both Julian and his mother, this time it was empty because of Elizabeth. Madelyn walked around the table filling the bowls with her stew. Sitting only after hers was filled.

"I hope you two enjoy it" His mother never tasted her food first only after the spoons reached their mouths and a comment was given would she enjoy her own food.

"This is excellent Madelyn." Harmony was not quite use to calling her mother yet.

"And you Julian?" She looked his way. He let the hearty stew enter his mouth and found himself amazed at her work.

"I love it. This is by far the best thing I've eaten all day." Satisfied with their compliments she allowed herself to enjoy her food. This ritual was picked up Julian was sure from her never knowing what his father would say about her cooking.

"Julian, I called my boss today to let her know I was ready to come back to work. Claire told me that Michael is already asking about me." This was no surprise; they both discussed her going back to teach when he started at the company.

"Who is Michael?" his mother asked confused.

"Michael is a fourteen year old student who has a huge crush on Harmony" His mother’s laugh was like music to his ears.

"I'm sure my son has told you all about the crush he had on my friend Belinda she had dark hair similar to yours, and the prettiest brown eyes. He would follow her around the house trying to get every thing for her from pillows to water. It embarrassed his father so badly I had to send him to my sister's when she came to visit." They all laughed in unison. He reminded himself to thank his wife for the excellent dining choice for the

evening. They all shared stories of the past over dinner making them all forget about his father not being there to share it with them. After a wonderful dessert of strawberry swirled pound cake, Julian decided to call it a night.

"Mom thank you for such a great evening but I think it's time we headed home. We have a long drive ahead of us."

"Yes and with cooking like that Julian is sure to fall asleep behind the wheel. He ate more than enough shares." Harmony teased rubbing her small hand on his stomach making his mother smile.

"Ohhh, do you really have to go? There is more than enough room here." Madelyn invited knowing he couldn't.

"May be we can have you for dinner one day this week." Julian hated his father at times like this for leaving his mother alone in a house that was never completely a home. He almost accepted her offer not wanting to leave her alone in the oversized house.

"You two drive safely and please call me to let me know you've arrived ok"

"We will." Julian kissed his mother on her forehead before walking off the porch stairs toward his car, Harmony following closely behind.  They both waved one last time as the car rolled out of the driveway and down the street.

"Why wasn't your father at dinner?" Harmony had to ask

"He came to my office asking me to tell my mother that he was going to Tokyo for two weeks on some kind of business matter." Julian thought when he took over the company it would leave his father with more time to spend with his mother but was sadly mistaken. He should have known his father would find other business ventures to participate in

"She'll be ok. I'll have her over for dinner on Thursday. Maybe I'll invite her to lunch tomorrow." Harmony's head lye on the headrest, she studied his face sensing his grief she stated softly

"Tonight is a lovely night to play the guitar don't you think? Maybe even on the veranda with the wind catching in our hair and the notes washing over us." That indeed sounded good to him. Hearing her play would definitely soothe his soul. Harmony was so many things wrapped into one beautiful package. The long drive home was not as quiet as before the two talked idly, never again mentioning his father's business trip or the loneliness of his mother. As they had promised, Julian gave his mother a call when they made it home. While he did that, his wife was changing her clothes. She came downstairs in a simple white peasant nightgown that rested on her thigh, so thin it was almost see through. She stood behind him pressing her breast against his back holding her guitar loosely in her fingers. She inhaled the scent of his skin, caught in a moment with her husband. Only after the moment had passed, did he go upstairs to change. Melodies from her guitar floated up to the bedroom, strumming the tune of a familiar song. Anxious to sit beside his wife he hurried to meet her on the veranda. Harmony sat on the floor leaving enough room between the wall and herself for Julian to sit behind her. He took his place wrapping his arms around her small frame. Her hair began to slow dance around his neck and face just in time to the music. The words of the song bought tears to his eyes. Something at the moment he wasn't ashamed to admit but it didn't matter because he was with the one person in the world who he could cry in front of and not worry about saving face.

"Beauty isn't in a picture, beauty isn't in your closet, when I think about beauty the only thing I find is that beauty defines you. The way that you smile, the way that you laugh, the way you walk away and gotta look back." The words to her song overwhelmed him not because of her amazing voice, not because she was the person singing it but because the reality of his father never telling his mother those words, not once that he could remember. In his house there was no affection from his parent’s not real affection not the kind of affection that lovers have when it takes the will power of an army to keep you from wanting to touch that person. His parents were always polite to one another almost frighteningly so. Displaying kisses in front of relatives at family functions or in front of

him pre high school years. Julian could not remember seeing his father laugh except once when he was asking him so many questions about God around the age of five or six. The laugh that erupted from his father was a genuine one. That memory stuck out in his mind because his father has never done that before that or after for that matter. There are so many questions he wanted to ask his mother but the fear of insulting her or hurting her feelings kept him from doing so. Why is my mother sitting alone in a big house right now? After his father has no more business to run is the question that keeps repeating over and over again in his head. Julian was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't notice when the music stopped or that a damn broke loose releasing tears long over due. Harmony silently wiped her husband's eyes asking no questions, offering no words of wisdom or advice just wiping silently, something worth all its weight in gold.

        Shortly after, the couple went up the stairs to bed. Harmony curled her body into a ball of comfort much like kittens do to humans. He stroked her back gently thankful for her presence. Moments later their breathing was synchronized. The sounds of crickets chirping somewhere in the bushes blended perfectly.  The light of a dying candle flickered out signaling the promise of a new day in the morning.  

               Julian awake to an alarm clock that was recorded in his own voice some gadget his aunt Marilyn thought would be cool for him to own. He looked over to see his wife still pretty close to him, he hated leaving her alone for the majority of the day but was reassured thinking of her having lunch with his mother at noon. The time was seven in the morning a time where most birds in their right mind were still sleeping. His body was becoming familiar with his new sleeping and rising patterns something he began three weeks before he took over the family business. Using his early rising time to study the Wall Street Journal, he learned how well his shares were doing. A quick shower would have to do if he had any plans on eating breakfast and catching a glimpse of the paper. The temperature of the water was inviting; it felt like a thousand little hands tapping into all of your pressure points. His choice of suit today was simple, a black Hugo Boss with his favorite royal blue silk button down. To pull his entire look together he put on a royal blue and gray-stripped tie. The best part of his job was the sense of importance you felt walking out of the house in a suit everyday.

            After spending too much time reading the paper Julian scribbled I Love You to Harmony on a white posted with a purple butterfly in the corner and stuck it onto the refrigerator. There was no early morning traffic on the back roads of the house, which meant he still had a good chance of getting there on time. His car phone began ringing.

"Hello, Julian it's your Aunt Marilyn " Her voice was soft but alert.

" Good morning" this was truly unexpected.

"I needed to speak to you about your mother. She doesn't know I'm calling you and I want to keep it that way. I figured now would be a good time to catch you." Julian became concerned what could his Aunt possibly have to say about his mother.

"She is very happy about you being President of your families company, but she has nothing to do now that you're off starting your own family. Your father is still making business moves. " She paused for a moment, which made him even more anxious what could this call possibly be about.

"Is there something wrong with my mother?" he tried to coach the information out of her.

"Oh no, no, no I just wanted to see if you could clear your schedule for you and I to have lunch and possibly discuss your mother taking a vacation or a trip. She's been doing so much for everyone else that she has forgotten about herself." Well if that was all his aunt wanted to talk to him about then that was definitely fine with him.

"Sure Aunt Marilyn just call my office and let my assistant Charles know that I wanted to clear a lunch date with you and he will set everything up ok?" He felt a lot better now pulling into his reserved parking space. A few of the employees stood outside near the entrance smoking a cigarette when he spoke they threw him an admirable smile.

"They must be born with class." One of the men said when they thought he was no longer in earshot. He was wrong because he could hear but he was happy to hear it from someone other than his mother for a change. Instead of taking the private elevator, he took the long way. The men he's seen a hundred times before working for his dad where now working for him. Julian pushed the doors of the shipping department open and walked through, displaying confidence something his father trained him to do since he was a young boy. He would walk the walk although he did not feel confident at all then.  The smell of sweat was in the air a good sign that work was being done. A bronze bicep caught Julian's attention for a brief moment he thought he recognized the man with the cut off tee shirt. He walked around a shipping crate being filled with raw leather and waited for the man to face him. Just as he suspected the man with the dark brown hair and the scar above his left eyebrow was his old time friend from high school.

"Blain?" Nothing has changed about Blain he was still rugged and muscular something that brought him much popularity in their high school days.

"Julian, wow man, how are you?" Blain extended a hand after wiping sweat on his worn jeans. Julian gave him a friendly handshake.

"Follow me." Julian led him to a staircase leading to his office. Blain followed hesitantly at first. Once in the office he closed the door behind them.

"It's been how long? Thirteen years hasn't it?" Julian asked, Blain sat in the chair facing his desk much like someone would his or her boss. Julian stood in front of the wall-to-wall window. He did not want to intimidate his old friend or throw his weight around so to speak so he walked over to the chair beside his old friend and took a seat beside him.

"How's life treating you Blain?"

"Pretty good actually now that I'm working here. Your dad hired me about six months ago. I was working at an auto body shop before this but I'm trying to settle down start a family you know? Need security." Julian couldn't believe how much his old friend hadn't changed; it was fitting for Blain to work a job that would require his physical strength.

He used to say that all school was for was to force you to learn things that you wouldn't need later on in life. So even then he relied on his body to get him the things he needed.

"How are you liking it so far?" Julian was really interested in hearing his answer

"Man I'm loving it but if you ask my muscles at the end of the day they might tell you something different." The two men laughed the way old friends do.

"Hey Julian, I'm sorry I didn't come sooner to congratulate you on becoming President. I guess I didn't want to appear phony or like I was trying to get an 'in' some where."

"Oh, don't worry about it. I understand and besides I haven't seen you in over thirteen years I can't say I wouldn't have done the same."

 "Well if you don't mind I would like to get back to what you pay me for" Blain stood up but didn't walk to the door until Julian gave the ok.

"Maybe we can do lunch sometime." Blain smiled nodding in agreement

"I'll set something up right after I talk to Ms. Washington." He gave his old friend the ok to leave the office making a note to meet with Ms. Washington. She was the company's accountant and she mailed him his latest expense and balance sheets. It was hard for Julian to believe that only a few short days ago he took over his families company.

       Charles gave him the news of his first business trip to Italy, close to the end of the day. He was taking care of his hotel accommodations along with his passport information that would be sent over with a receipt form to be billed to the company. Julian was anxious to tell Harmony this information about his first meeting with Mr. Welling that he pushed the gas pedal a little harder.

Father's Secret

           The crisp white sheets were crumpled under Christoph's frame. He lye in bed waiting for the call that would determine the rest of his day. For the first time in almost thirty years, he could focus on fun, no business venture for his brain to ponder over. The cotton sheets surrounded his body enticing him to stay there longer. He picked up the receiver to dial room service.

"I would like breakfast sent to my room." It was more like a command than a request.

"I'm having three cinnamon pancakes with maple syrup a side of scrambled eggs two strips of bacon and a glass of orange juice. I don't expect to be waiting long." He did not wait for a response before sitting the telephone back into its receiver.

Christoph's mind began thinking of Julian's expression when he asked him to tell his mother about his trip to "Tokyo." He was not expecting his son to challenge him on the matter. Julian had every right to question him because after all he had no business in Tokyo but more like interest in Italy. Although he promised his wife that there would be no more business trips, he found a reason to go to Italy. Christoph knew that marrying Madelyn was for his personal gain. He needed someone who would make things believable to his father, someone who did not know that they were being used so he went out in search of a bride. He found that woman; with a pretty face but not so pretty it was unbelievable, a nice smile and a body that was good enough that he could endure it for the next thirty years.

        Madelyn had been everything a wonderful wife could be. She was loyal, faithful, smart, an excellent mother but he did not allow himself to get to attached to her because he only looked at her as a business associate. Christoph did the things a man would do for his wife. He took her out to dinner, bought her flowers and gifts; he even took her on a few of his business trips, she never once had to worry about anything. Whenever there were family functions, he made sure for the two weeks before the event he was romantic so as not to seem as if he was pretending in front of his family. The knock on the door let him know room service was here. He exuded power even in a room all alone; the flowers on the nightstand seemed to bow down to him. The thin frame of the bus boy took Christoph by surprise. Dark stringy hair, dull brown eyes that looked sunken in. His tall, lean frame barely fit into his over-sized uniform.

"Everything you ordered is there." His voice was high pitched; he was about seventeen or eighteen if Christoph had to guess.

"Thank you" He reached into his jacket pocket, pulled out a twenty-dollar bill and slipped it to the help before pulling his tray inside and closing the door. The boy was pleased with the American bill. The food was good; not what he was accustomed to but not bad. A few bites into his meal and the telephone was ringing it could only be one person.

"Hello" His voice was softer than usual.

"Hello there how was your sleep?" The voice was low and seductive.

"My sleep was excellent, but being awake is proving better." He was definitely flirting he couldn't help it. The woman he was speaking with made him that way.

"I hope you're ready for my visit because I will be there shortly." The words that spilled from her mouth excited him more than she knew.

"How long will it take you I don't think I can wait any longer?" Christoph was aware of the pleading in his voice.

"Don't worry my love, I will be there soon. I know your room number. You just be there waiting for me." Her voice made him anxious she knew how to bring out something in him that no one he has ever encountered could. Her name was Michelle but she pronounced it Me-shell.  Her beauty was not in the typical sense but more of an inward beauty that poured out and radiated everything she touched or came across. When she hung up, she left him thinking of the day they met four years ago. He was in Italy on business as usual when he noticed a woman walking by a bistro where he sat to eat. There was nothing remarkable about her except Christoph noticed her facial expression. Her eyes were peaceful her demeanor was approachable. His eyes followed her across the street where she sat on a bench and began to read. Despite his hunger he walked out of the bistro and slowly walked in her direction only partially aware of traffic. He sat beside her and stared at her in awe. For some strange reason, she did not think it odd a stranger staring directly into her face. She looked him in the eye and spoke softly.

"Hello, my name is Michelle. Would you like to share your name or did you have plans of letting me know how awkward I am by staring?

"I'm so sorry, I don't mean to be rude it's just you're" He sounded so puzzled something that he has never sounded before. For the first time in his life Christoph forgot about money or being powerful, but was totally captured by this woman's elegance and grace.

"It's my book right? Well if you'd like I can let you have it. I don't mind buying a new copy."

"No, no it's not your book. I'm sorry my name is Christoph and I noticed you from the bistro across the street. If it's not being extremely rude would you mind having lunch with me." To his surprise, she agreed and that is where a romance so intense like nothing he's ever experienced first started. Quite naturally she noticed the wedding band on his finger and asked him about it. For a brief moment lying was something he considered but

he instead opted for the truth he told her of his one-sided business arrangement with Madelyn. He also told her about Julian and the amazing thing about Michelle was that she sat listening, no interruptions, no judgment, just listening. That was the first and last conversation they had on his wife and son. She asked him all of the questions that she felt she needed to know and that was the end of it. He even showed her the two pictures of Julian he carried in his wallet. One was him as a small boy the other a college graduate.

         Christoph quickly finished his breakfast taking a shower shortly after. Half an hour later a soft knock on the door made his heart speed up. He hasn't seen Michelle in over four months. He opened the door slowly. She stood on the other side of it with a smile so broad it was contagious. He took her by the hand and led her into the fairly large hotel room. He made sure the help put in fresh flowers and clean sheets while he showered. He stood there admiring her for a few moments before he slowly pulled her close to him in a long embrace. Her sandy blonde hair tickled his nose, her soft face pressed against his. She wore no makeup, which he loved because the beauty that she held within was enough to shine through any lipstick.

"I've missed you Chris. I've thought of your coming over and over. It could not have come fast enough." Her words were whispered.

"I've missed you too."  Michelle was the only person in the universe who was allowed to call him Chris many have tried even down to his mother but was cut off by his insisting that they did not. He didn't have to be in constant control with Michelle like he did at home. He did not have to know all of the answers or even make all of the moves here, he was able to be himself or find himself rather. She made things so comfortable for him that he never wanted to leave her sight. The irony in this situation was that Madelyn was not that much different from her but she couldn't find the nerve to stand her ground. She didn't want to make any of the decisions; she let him be in charge of everything. He gave his wife numerous amounts of time where she could have taken charge something that would have made him love her but she just took her place, behind him. With Michelle there was no doubt that he was the man but she never hesitated when it came to something she believed in that he may not have agreed with. She let him know her position on the matter and went back to normal. The two stood in an embrace that said everything they both were holding in for the past four months.

"Come in." He closed the door behind her.

"I had so many things to tell you on my way here, but I can't think of any of them now."

"Let's not use words, come sit with me." Christoph sat on the small crimson colored loveseat inviting her to sit beside him. He felt the warmth from her body reaching out to him. He drew her near squeezing her shoulders gently. He kissed her neck. When his body finally relaxed against the soft cushioning of the small couch hers did also and they sat with her back pressed against his chest in silence for what felt like decades.

         Christoph decided that they did not have to leave the beauty of the hotel room right away. Instead they could stay in and watch a movie on pay per view. He did not mind what she chose as long as they were together, a classical opera. It was something most men would not have cared to watch. This did not bother him because he had the most beautiful woman in the world sitting there beside him.


       Harmony insisted they go out for lunch but her mother-in-law made it very clear that she wanted to make lunch for them both. Harmony was glad she agreed. Madelyn placed the colorful plates on the table along with a large picture of lemonade. She loved her delicious smoked turkey breast sandwiches on rye bread. The only sound came from the ice tinkering in their glasses for a few moments.

"When is Christoph do back?" Harmony tried to appear nonchalant.

"Next Friday, When is Julian going on his business trip?" Madelyn already seemed bored with the obvious attempt at chitchat.

"Well, I think it's next week some time. I'll know for sure by this weekend." Harmony was a little uncomfortable only because she knew her otherwise talkative mother-in-law was sad about something. Not feeling close enough to pry Harmony didn't know what else to do.  Madelyn leaned in closer to the table and began to whisper like there was someone else out there she didn't want to hear.

"Have you ever felt like your life was coming to an end? Like everything around you was becoming so unfamiliar or unrecognizable that it was hard to remember what they once were?" Harmony didn't know how to answer this; still a little unsure of where this conversation would lead.

"Yes, I've felt like that a lot before I met Julian. He changed everything for me, my outlook, my opinions, he made everything new." Harmony spoke with sincerity. She didn't know what exactly her mother-in-law was trying to tell her but she was here to listen.

"That's wonderful, sweetheart. I am so glad you were the girl my son has chosen to marry. There were a few times I was almost afraid with chooses of girlfriends he had in high school." The laugh that escaped from her throat was strained. Harmony knew that Madelyn used humor to mask her real emotions. How lonely that must be.

"The day is very beautiful isn't it?" Madelyn changed the subject as quickly as she had brought it up. Her eyes said everything with out saying anything at all.

        After lunch, Harmony insisted that she clean the dishes alone. Madelyn sat on a stool in the center of the island in the spacious kitchen.

"What other plans do you have for the rest of the house?"

"I'm not quite sure yet, Julian says he will agree to anything but pink or flower prints."

"That's sounds like my Julian he's never liked any pattern that had flowers on it."

"Well what do you have planned for the day?" Harmony was curious mainly because lunch with her was all she had planned.

"I was going to take a look at a new art exhibit in town. The artist is said to be very promising." A little excitement entered her voice.

"Would you mind if I went along."

"No not at all" After the two dishes and glasses were washed then dried they headed for the garage.

"Let me just call Julian at the office, incase he tries to reach me later." Harmony quickly spoke to Julian to let him know what her plans were for the day. He was so excited that she chose to spend time with his mother that he thanked her more than once.

"Let's take my car, we can put the top down." Harmony had no disagreement with that offer the weather was so lovely that it was welcomed. The black convertible was still out of the store shined; she loved the softness of the cream leather interior seats as she sank down into the chair. The purr of the engine was like a song she loved to hear. Madelyn turned the radio on. A wonderful musical ballet from Eric Clapton filled the air around them taking them to a place far beyond their troubles.

               The art gallery was filled with contemporary art and a few abstract, but what drew Harmony in was a painting that had two little girls sitting on a swing in the middle of a lawn. The expressions on their faces were sheer bliss.

"Wouldn't it be nice if every day could be like that?" She looked over to her mother-in-law. Madelyn did not answer just turned her lips up in a smile. They each took a glass of white wine from the waiter walking the floors one of the many pleasures of attending the art gallery.

        Two hours later they departed in front of "The house on the hill" Harmony rushed to make Julian dinner in the hour she had left before he was due home. She cut the chicken breast in thin strips, seasoning them with salt, pepper and cilantro one of her favorite spices. The extra virgin olive oil made popping sounds in the large pan. She let the chicken caramelize before she added sliced mushrooms and green peppers. She used a smaller pot to make a rich garlic cream sauce, which was poured over the dish when it was complete. She liked this recipe because it was so simple to make and it cooked in a short amount of time. Once the rice was done cooking, she dished out a nice portion to both of the plates placing the chicken mixture on top and adding her rich garlic cream sauce to make the meal complete. Harmony was satisfied with her work. Now if only she could shower and change her clothes before he walked in the door she thought to herself. Just as she stepped into the shower, she could hear his keys in the front door a little disappointed she wasn't there to meet him she quickly bathed in the soothing waters.

Moments later she walked barefoot down the stairs. Julian looked especially handsome to her this evening; maybe it was the grin on his face when he saw her enter the dining room that did it. He walked close to her wrapping his arms around her slender waist he drew her into him.

"I've missed you all day long." He whispered the words into her ear. She kissed him softly on the lips before pulling away taking his hand to lead him into the kitchen.

"I made a special meal for you tonight"

"Well I hope it's as good as it smells, or is that you?" He rested his face in the grove of her neck.

"It's probably a combination of both. Come sit with me and enjoy the labor of my hands." She loved to cook for her husband because she knew he really appreciated it. Julian carried the plates into the dining room placing them carefully on the table while she brought in the picture of pink lemonade. She decided she had enough wine for the day or the week for that matter.

"So tell me how was your day?" She started the conversation off.

"Today was very interesting. I found out my father hired one of my old high school buddies, we were like night and day two people couldn't be more different but we were inseparable."

"Why'd you stop hanging out?" Harmony was curious. She knew of only one friend Julian had and that was his friend Robert.

"Like I said it was high school. He was more of a tough guy or at least he appeared that way and his dad shipped him off to military school to straighten him out I guess. I called him into the office this morning so we could catch up but we only talked briefly before he requested to get back to work." 

"Wow, now that's the spirit, a man who requests to his boss to get back to work is definitely one to keep." Harmony winked at him.

Dinner was filled with conversation of the day they both had. Questions were being asked and answered. Once the meal was complete, Julian volunteered to load the dishwasher there was something sexy about a man cleaning, that drove her insane.

"You're doing a pretty good job with the dishes, kind of make me wonder what else you're good at." Harmony threw a playful smile over her shoulder and walked casually toward the stairs. She could hear Julian placing the dishes carelessly into the dishwasher, walking quickly behind her, which made her pick up her pace until she was running up the stairs and into the bedroom. When he caught up to her slightly out of breath laughing like a schoolboy he pinned her body against the wall with his and kissed her lips long and hard. When the energy flowed through him slowing him down he kissed her nose, cheeks, chin, forehead and eyelids before he found her mouth again. 

 "I love you" the words spoken from his mouth were gentle. Tonight Harmony wanted


her husband to take it slow and explore her body as if it were his first time.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.06.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book is dedicated to my mother for believing in my dream of becoming a writer. She has inspired me and mentions the Bordeaux's years after their creation. I love you for it.

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