
Trealm World

Chapter 1: Life My Way

Since its establishment, there had been a lot of misconception regarding the Mercenary Corporation, a service company which employed mercenary to do any kind of job imaginable – from mere courier service to escort work to tracking and other more complex tasks – for a reward. Mecor, as it was publically known, was the fastest way anyone could gain both money and fame. Nevertheless, that was not all Mecor was; anyone should look into Mecor Headquarters or any of the Macor Station and see that Mecor also enrolled ordinary people, who got no fighting or any outstanding skill, as regular staff to accomplish normal day-to-day works, including receiving petition from potential clients, the advertisement of the available job to mercenaries, the reward transaction as well as ensuring that everyhthing went smoothly between the two parties. Therefore, being a mercenary was not the only way to get into Mecor. The choice was open to me when my application to become a mercenary of Mecor was rejected.

I was thirteen then. I was the last child of my parents’ seven children. I had two older brothers and four older sisters. Being the third son of an innkeeper in the quiet port town of Nyra, Estrey Region, I soon realized my future looked grim. Well, my first older brother would inherit the establishment, while my second oldest brother would be the advisor, while my four older sisters had done immensely well with the kitchen and housekeeping works. I had chores as kitchen boy or extra hands when there was need, but half the morning I would spend just roaming the streets and pier of Nyra with my friends, and sometimes I would accompany them to help unloading cargos. Moreover, hearing stories from travelers who stayed in the inn got me dreaming of all the interesting things beyond Nyra. Thus, one night, I confronted my parents about this.

“Pa? Ma? Would you both let me find other work than helping out around the inn?” I asked.

At first they just sat there by the table, looking baffled by my question. “Any why do you want that?” my father asked.

“I think there are enough people to help run the inn, and I was thinking of doing some different trade…,” I reasoned.

Another silent from my parent as they looked at each other as if they were passing silent messages that only married couple knew. Then my mother signed before she turned to me. “If you have told us about this matter years ago, we can send you for apprenticeship.” Generally, ten was the older age of a child any master of skill or trade would be willing to take.

“Do you have any idea what kind of work your searching for?” my father asked.

“Definitely not another inn and not at the pier,” I answered. I doubted any sane innkeeper would hire a business rival’s son to work in their inn, and I had no interest doing any ship-related work, unlike one my friends, Nathaniel Phoenix, who dreamt of working aboard a ship. Last I heard he was already hired as a crew member for a ship named Valkyrie. I was content to work on land. “Any other kind of job will do.”

“That doesn’t sound convincing…,” my father said over my vague words. “Well, I will give you a week and if by end of the week you haven’t found any other work, I’ll have you help around the inn until your majority.”

That would be three years of grim life! I doubted I could stand the same routine until I reached my sixteenth years of age. I really, really need to find another job if I wanted to change my fate. “Don’t worry. When I got a job, you two will be the first people that I break the news to,” I promised. Then I bade them farewell and went out of the inn.

Actually, I already thought about the kind of job I would be looking for. One was to join the Estrey Regional Troop. I heard they were looking for new recruits. They had a camp just outside of Nyra and I heard talks from other stating that the trooper did not care how young a new recruit was as long as he could survive the probation training for one whole year. None the less, before I go there, I need to go to another place within the Nyra town itself. The place was only a few blocks away from the inn and had been in full operation for over one year. It was Mecor Station, and working as a mercenary was my second chosen professional.

From my calculation, the station did not even reach half the size of the inn my family owned. Yet, I could see how it maximized the small space by having notice boards, filled with notes, on almost all side of the wall – except the wall where the door and windows was, and the opposite wall was erected with still wall with small opening where I could see the clerk sat. There was a long bench placed in the middle of the room. I made my way towards the clerk.

“I want to be a mercenary of Mecor. How can I join?” I asked.

“First, you fill in the details here,” the young clerk, whom I known later as Jenise, said as she handed me a piece of parchment, a quill and an ink pot. I found out the parchment is an application document. I wrote down my details and signed the end of the parchment. Then I gave them back to Jenise. “Uh-hu,” the clerk said as she went through the parchment.

“Did I leave anything blank?”

“No, you give all the required information and I’m sure all are true? No falsehood?”

“Yes, all are true.”

“Even the fact that you are thirteen years old now?”

“Even that.”

“Then, we have to reject your application to be a mercenary of Mecor,”

“What!?” I could not help but cried in surprised.

“I try not to guess someone’s age by their stature but I thought you already read the criteria for those who want to be a mercenary of Mecor,” Jenise said as she tapped the notice pinned near the small opening by the counter.

Well, in my enthusiasm of trying to find a different way of life, I had not really read the rule for hiring. All I knew was from rumors that anyone could become a mercenary of Mecor. Now, when I read the criteria, I realized why my application was rejected. Firstly, I need to be fifteen years or older, and secondly, I need to have basic fighting or surviving skill; both of which I did not have. My disappointment must have clearly shown on my face when I heard Jenise try to console me.

“Don’t worry, you can always try in again by the time you’re fifteen.”

“I’m really in of a job right now. You think Mecor can make an exception?” I asked. If I failed here, I just need to try my luck at Estrey Regional Troop.

“Well...” Jenise was lost in thought for a while before snapped her fingers as a sudden inspiration got to her. “How about becoming a regular staff for Mecor?”

“A regular staff? What does regular staff do?” I asked.

“Similar to what I do now and more,” Jenise answered. “Basically, regular staff works at the backline while mercenary work the frontline in Mecor. We need some locals to help with the workload as Nyra Mecor Station only have three employees now including Chief Rado, myself and Adrian – Adrian is currently away on an errand. There is no age limit and no other criteria other than being able to read, write and calculate. You also need to work two shifts; combination of morning shift, evening shift, or the night shift for six days a week. There’s also the early morning shift but that time slot is reserved for senior staff, and to top it all, you’ll be paid ten silver coins a month. What do you say? If you agree, I can recommend you to Chief Rado and we can proceed with your initiation right away?”

I knew I should think more about the offer, and I had not gone to my next job choice yes, but I also knew she would not offer me the same thing again if I asked for time so I decided to accept it. “Yes, I would like to work as a regular staff for Mecor.”

“Then, wait for a moment,” the clerk said before she went away from the counter with the application form and disappeared through the boor at the back. Ten or so minutes later, she returned with a man in his mid forties, with graying brown hair, and wore a male version of the uniform Jenise was wearing. “This is Chief Rado,” Jenise introduced simply.

“So, you are Zachary Broheir who is interested in working for Mecor?” the chief asked outright.

“Yes, sir,” I answered.

“Welcome to Mecor, Zachary...Broheir? Uh, what name do you want to be called?” Chief Rado asked as he held out his right hand for a handshake.

“You can call me Zachary or Zack, sir.”

“Right, so welcome again to Mecor,” the chief said before he invited me to his office. There, he briefed me on my rules and regulation to those employed by Mecor and my obligation to the corporation. Next, he gave me a rolled parchment stating my admittance to Mecor as regular staff, and a pouch containing an iron signet, a writing case, a sealing wax and an iron plaque the size of my palm. He further explained that the writing case used to sign documents with my name and the signet and wax were used to stamp it after. The plaque is a free pass that I need to use for any expenses that I incurred while running Mecor’s errand, especially when boarding ship, and staying at an affiliate inn in any town or city in Estrey Region. I need to keep these items safe because there would be no replacement for missing items. “Do you have any other question?”

“Uh, when can I start?” I asked.

“You can start working tomorrow. For now I’m going to slot you for the morning and evening shifts. You can work other shift after you gain enough experience”

“Sure, sir, I can start tomorrow.”

“Then, see you tomorrow morning, Zachary Broheir.”

That evening, my family made a small feast for my admittance into Mecor. Afterwards, I had a private talk with my parents and when that was done; I went to bed early and conserved my energy for my first day of work with Mecor.

Chapter 2: Stepping Out

I thought that my days in Mecor would be so hectic and busy that I would not have any time for a breather. I was wrong; it seemed. In fact, I was so free most of my shifts that I had the time to know about my workmates, Adrian and Jenise as well as Chief Rado, and even befriended some of the mercenaries who frequent the place. They taught me about basic surviving skills – what to bring when you travel to other place, what is the essential thing you must do when you faced trouble, and what was the first thing to do when you came into a new town or city, et cetera, et cetera. And one mercenary named Karl was kind enough to train me in hand-to-hand combat and using spear whenever he came by. As time passed by and I continued with my daily routine, I began to get bored because Mecor did not give me the kind of exciting or hectic life that I was looking forward to.

“Something’s the matter, Zachary? You didn’t look spirited nowadays,” Chief, Rado asked. It was noon and he saw me sitting around languidly by the counter to continue with my second shift, from noon until six.

“Nothing, it’s just that...there’s nothing much to do...”

“I see,” he said simply and lost in thought for a while. “Are you interested in travelling?”

“Sure. After hearing this and that about the world from travelers and mercenaries alike, I would want to see the places they have seen for my self. Who wouldn’t?”

“Then, what do you think if I assign you to be a Carrier for Nyra Station? That position is usually done by Adrian for Nyra Mecor Station.” Well, I never did ask but sometimes I would not see him around station and all I got from Jenise was that he was away doing errand for Mecor.

“A what?”

“Carrier, it’s a division within Mecor regular staff, who dispatches documents and other materials from one Mecor station to another. Yes, we have magic devices for transporting items and materials but we only use them in time of emergency. Most dispatches are done by hand. So, what do you think?”

“Sir, you forgot that I never been out of Nyra. How can I see myself as a Carrier?”

“I though you want to see the world for yourself. What better opportunity than becoming a Carrier for Mecor?”

“Well...,” it was really a sound suggestion. “All right, I’ll try to do to the best of my ability.”

“I expected no less from you.”

Then Chief Rado briefed me further on the matter of Carrier. It was almost the same as the Courier service done by mercenary. The differences were the destination were Mecor Headquarters and any if its stations and all the travelling expenses were paid by the corporation itself – I realized that was the true usage of the plaque that I received during my admittance months ago. When the briefing ended, he gave a rolled parchment stating that I was a Carrier for Mecor, which came to affect by today date, and he gave me a big sack containing bundles of parchment to be destined for Kyrun. My next course of action should have been at the pier, booking a passage on a ship bound for Kyrun but before I did any of that I thought it would be wised to inform my parents about my new assignment so I made my way towards my family inn and sought out my father by the reception counter.

“Pa, I’ve been send to Kyrun for an errand,” I told.

“For how long?” my father asked.

“I don’t know. Not permanently, I guess. I just need to send some document there,” I answered.

“Oh? I hope they send you with an experience senior for the job.”

“No, this is an individual assignment.” My father’s forehead crunched with a frown over my words.

“Listen, Zack. Maybe you can ask for a change in assignment. To ask someone who hasn’t set a foot outside Nyra to travel is just…unthinkable, and alone at that. Or, let me have a talk with your superior—“

“No, it’s okay, Pa. I ask for this assignment.”

“But alone—“

“It’s just a simple delivery task and it’s just to Kyrun, anyway. I just go on a ship to Kyrun, go the Mecor station there, and come back by ship to Nyra; easy right?” My father did not look convinced but I did not want to lose this golden opportunity. “Please and can you tell Ma about this?”

My father did not say anything for a while. Then, with a sigh, he reached into his belt where a bunch of keys dangled and took one of it. Then, he used the key to unlock a drawer on the reception table and took a small pouch from it. “This is for your travelling expenses,” he said as he handed me the pouch, which jingled with the coins inside.

I hesitated to take the money as I said, “Mecor will cover all my expenses.” I doubted I had time to indulge in personal interest while I was in Kyrun.

“Just take it,” my father insisted so I took it and put it with inside my jacket pocket.

“Thank you, Pa.”

“Have a safe journey,” he said before I went away from there to my room to take a few necessary items such as spare clothes, washing kits and other that both travelers and mercenaries deemed important. Then, I went back down and made my way to the shipping centre at Nyra pier to look for a ship bound to Kyrun.

I heard that it took about six days to sail from Nyra to Kyrun and that most passengers of a ship were required to do ship chores during the sailing, though I found this to be another misconception – it only happen to cargo ship as the ship need to reduce excess mass due to the weight of the cargo they bring. Nevertheless, the crew did not object when I asked them about ship operations and let me experience how it felt like to work on a ship. It made me understand more why Nathan was so obsessed of it. Anyway, I was glad nothing out of the ordinary happened during the journey and I thanked the crew when we arrived at our destination.

Upon stepping off the ship on to the pier, I was overwhelmed by the shear sight of the place. I already knew that Kyrun would be twice as big as Nyra but I did not expect the mass of people at the harbor, and the way the people were always on the move. It made me wanted to see the whole city. Of course, I squashed that idea since I had an errand to run. So, after asking some of the people there, I went towards the direction of Kyrun Mecor Station. Fortunately, the way the building was made was similar so I knew where and whom to give the bundle of sack to, and according to Chief Rado, I need to wait for any dispatch bound for Nyra.

“Excuse me, but do you mind taking these to Mecor Headquarters in Bedin? Our Carrier hasn’t come back from his errand and we’ll give you the documents to take back to Nyra when you return,” the clerk there said as he gave me a sack.

I wanted to tell the clerk that this was only my first shot at being a Carrier and advise her to find another Carrier to do the job. Yet, I stopped myself from voicing the words as I thought it would reflect badly on Nyra Mecor Station if I refuse the assignment. So, I out a grin on my face as I said, “Sure.”

As I walked away from the counter, I was contemplating myself for making a rash decision and wonder how I was going to accomplish the assignment. Then I chanced upon a familiar mercenary among the many there. “Karl!” I greeted.

“Hey, kid. Fancy seeing you here,” Karl said.

“I’m on an errand,” I noted. I showed him the sack for emphasis.

“Where do you bound next?”

“Mecor Headquarters in Bedin.”

“I’m heading that way myself. Care to join me?” he offered. It sounded like music in my ears.

“Sure,” I replied.

As one of my teacher in survival skill, Karl gave me further lecture on the preparation for travelling. He checked, commented and recommended on my choice of travelling kit in the process – I had to add a few items into my inventory and I was thankful for my father for insisting myself to bring the pouch of money. When that was done, we hit the road.

Of course, the lesson did not end just there; throughout the course of the journey to Bedin, Karl taught me the ‘do’ and ‘don’t’ of road travel, including practical identification of useful and dangerous spoils in the forest, building and breaking shelter from materials obtain from the forest itself, and what to do when encountering bandits and highwayman. Indeed, we came upon a small group of bandit on the way, and the experiences show me how far I had gone in my fighting skill. It was enjoyable and I thanked Karl when we arrived at Bedin South Gate at the end of the journey.

Chapter 3: Another Division?

The sight of the capital city of Estrey Region mesmerized me the moment I looked at it. Then, I remember what I was supposed to do and followed Karl into Mecor Headquarters, which was located at the heart of the Business District, and which was many times bigger than Kyrun Mecor Station. The place boasted many rooms and facilities, though when I came there the first time; I was surprised that there were different halls for all the different mercenary level: Gold, Silver and Bronze, each with their own assignment counters and reward receiving counters. Then, there was different hall for regular staff to go to so here Karl and I parted ways. Nevertheless, he advised me to go with any mercenary when I return back to Kyrun, because it would be safer for me to have an experience along than traveling by myself. I was intending to do that after I done with my business here.

There was only a single counter at the hall for regular member so I crossed the distance and dumped my load there, informing them I was from Kyrun and asked the clerks there if there was anything to dispatch to Kyrun or Nyra – I told the clerks beforehand so that they would not send me elsewhere, like to Joarna or Biryn. I had to wait for half an hour for them to prepare so while waiting, I had a friendly conversation with another regular staff. His name was Dimitry and he was a Carrier and a Watcher.

“A Watcher? What’s that?” I asked in puzzlement.

“Watchers monitor selective members of Mecor, either mercenaries or regular staffs, as they go about their task, especially new mercenaries. In addition, Watcher helps the corporation with big regional cases,” Dimitry explained.

I did not know regular staff had this kind of division. It seemed there was a lot more to being a regular staff of Mecor. “How long have you been with Mecor?”

“Close to six years. How about you?”

“Just passed my first year mark.”

“Really?” I noticed Dimitry was quite surprised by that fact. “And you are already assigned as a Carrier?”

“I don’t know,” I shrugged. “There was nothing much to do in Nyra and the chief ask me if I want to try being a Carrier,” I said honestly.

“So what do you think of being a Carrier?”

“It’s not that bad once you get use to the travelling.”

“I see. Then, do you want to try a Watcher’s duty?”

“Well..., I’m still trying to get use to being a Carrier...”

“It’s noting complicated. It’s just monitoring without being notice. Then, you will have to write a brief report about the task. Why don’t you try sometime?”

It was a sound suggestion and it would gave me an alternative in finding my way back to Kyrun if I could not find any mercenary to accompany me back to the port city. Thus, when I was called to the counter to collect my dispatches, I asked whether I could take on a Watcher’s assignment. “Do you have anything on a Watcher’s assignment, preferably towards the same destination as I am heading?”

I did not know that normally a regular staff would need to show their letter of appointment for any work assignment for division liked Carrier and Watcher, but the clerk then did not asked me for the letter and asked me to wait for a while before she looked through the stack of paper in one corner of the counter. “There is on currently available. The assignment is to monitor a Watcher who was assign to monitor a new mercenary on a Courier task,” the clerk said as she gave me the necessary document which includes the details of the mercenary, the courier task, and the watcher’s detail.

“I’ll take it,” I said and the clerk gave me something to sign and stamp to indicate that I agreed to do the both assignments – it was similar when Chief Rado gave me the Carrier assignment.

The Watcher duty was easier than I thought. First, I went get a quick meal and to change my clothes. I thought that since I need to be practically invisible to my targets, I have to blend with the general public and wearing Mecor regular staff uniform would not help me in that area. Next, I need to identify the people named in the assignment, without them knowing it and when they began their moves, I followed suit. Luckily, there was nothing happening throughout the journey from Bedin to Kyrun, and though I do wandered how they could be so focused on their own assignment that they were not aware of being followed. I mentioned this in my report when the mercenary completed his assignment, and went to collect his reward at Mecor Headquarters, followed by the Watcher. I exchanged the dispatches to Kryrun with the one for Nyra and returned home to report my Carrier assignment to Chief Rado.

In truth, I was just wanted to experience being a Carrier once. Even so, I should have known that once a regular staff was given a letter of appointment, it meant that he or she had the capability to do that specific assignment. As for the Watcher’s duty, I had no idea that my name was listed under that division until Nyra received the updated version of the name, rank and division list of Mecor regular staffs and mercenaries.

“Well, well. When did you do a watcher’s assignment?” Chief Rado asked. He called me into the office one day, three years into my service with Mecor. So I recalled the moment from I met Dimitry until I wrote my report about the task. “You didn’t say anything about this when you return from your Carrier errand,” the chief accused.

“It doesn’t relate with the Carrier assignment,” I reasoned.

Chief Rado just stared at me blankly before giving out a sigh. “And to think they didn’t check you for any appointment letter...I didn’t know if that’s lucky or not. Anyway, even if you do it out of curiosity, your name is listed under both the Carrier and Watcher division. Do you have your signet and plaque with you now?”

Nodding, I placed the items requested on the table – I always brought them about my person. “Did I do something wrong?”


“You are taking them away, right? Am I going to be fired?”

“No, you are not being fired, and I’m taking them because they are inappropriate for your rank and line of duty now. Here’s your new signet, plaque and appointment letter,” the chief said as he gave me a small pouch. I look into it and found a silver signet, a silver plaque, and a rolled parchment. The parchment mentioned that I had a supervisor rank for both Carrier and Watcher. “Do you have any more questions?” the chief’s voice brought me back to reality.

“No, sir.”

“All right, and now let me congratulate you on your promotion.”

“Thank you, sir.”

That night I shared the good news with my family and we held a small feast as commemoration.

At first I thought it would have trouble fitting into my new responsibility, but it was baseless. I continued doing may regular work at Nyra, and I did my Carrier duty, along with Watcher duty, when I need be, and I thought everything would continue on like this when the world was thrown into a crisis.

Chapter 4: Meeting, Meeting, Meeting…

As much as I wanted my life to be full of excitement, I never wanted to involve myself in any kind of crisis, but fate would have none of that and thrown one down on to my lap. It started as a rumors brought by travelling merchants, traders and mercenaries alike, talking about the band of people trying to take control of the Medie Territories – Medie Territories was a vast plain situated to the northwest of Trealm and home to countless tribesmen which made and followed their own rule. Mercenaries and regular staffs were sent out to collect information and to prove the authenticity of the rumors. I was not involved with the assignment so I had no idea how it progress from there, except that they obtained lots and lots of information about the subject, and deemed it as something of concern. Therefore, the upper echelons of Mecor decided to invite all people concerned for a meeting to discuss the matter, and paired a mercenary with a regular staff to personally give away the invitations. Because it was part of my obligation to Mecor, I could not stay out of this. Yet, I knew there was bound to be some problem when I read the details of my supposed partner in this assignment.

“What? This kid’s going to be my partner?” the mercenary sound baffled when Director Malkovich, the introduced us to each other.

“So, can I excuse myself from this operation?” I turned to the director hopeful.

“Sorry, Zachary, I can’t spare you.”

“Can I swap places with him?” Dimitry interjected.

“What’s wrong with you and Dane?” Dane was Dane Ambereyes, who was three years older than me, though he has served as a mercenary of Mecor since he was fourteen due to some special circumstances. By the way, Dane was a Warding Mage and a Gold level mercenary.

“Nothing except that I’m not comfortable around people with abilities,” he answered. Well, even I knew that was a total bull. After all, he had been with Mecor for more than ten years, and I could imagine him interacting with a number of mages through out that period. Besides, I knew Director Malkovich did not like to swap people the people since each one had been chosen according to their compatibility with the assignment. Though, if he wanted to resolve the current issue, he had to agree with what the mercenary said.

“Okay, you and Zachary can swap places. But only you and him,” the director finally said to Dimitry while stressing the last word as not to encourage any swapping from the others.

“That’s more like it,” the mercenary beamed happily.

“I would have preferred to do nothing,” I said under my breath as I passed by Dimitry to make my way toward Dane Ambereyes.

“And let you off the hook? You know me better than that,” Dimitry replied, chuckling away.

“It seems that you’re stuck with me,” I told Dane when I reached him.

“I’m not complaining,” He said simply.

“By the way, what’s our task?”

“Well...,” Dan began and briefed me on the task. The task was to meet with a representative of the Shadow Society; a lawless society congregation existed in Estrey Region. The mere mention of the name sent most people running because everyone knew that any member of the society would do anything to accomplish their goals and even the ruling government of the region had a hard time eradicating tit completely – when you destroy the today, you can bet that the society would sprung again like nothing happen the next day. Thus, a pact was made between the government and the Shadow Society. Of course, the government was not the only one to make that pact; Mecor also did the same, and we were to make dealing and to invite the society for the meeting.

Diner’s Delight, the venue for the meeting, was one of the famous eating houses ever established in Bedin – actually, I never been there since my time was quite limited whenever I was on a Carrier or Watcher’s assignment. The cuisine was beyond excellent, the service was commendable and the place had a policy of ‘No Fighting’ within its premise, making it the best place to enjoy a meal. However, only some people knew that the young owner, Lucien, had a connection with the Shadow Society, and he was the representative of the society that we were going to meet. Thus, when the agreed date and time came, Dane and I made our way to the dining house.

It was an hour before noon, yet the dining house was already filled with customers. I followed Dane as he walked towards the counter to talk with the bartender there. At the meant time, I took a scan of the whole dining place and spotted two to five thugs of the Shadow Society, by looking at the tattoo of a speared spider on their hands, blended nicely among the diners. My thought was interrupted when a waitress came to show us to a closed room, lighted only by a single torch at the corner of the wall, and inside I could see a young man with black hair and blue eyes, who seemed to be around Dane’s age, already seated by the table. There were also a few strong build men standing by the wall behind him. We took our seats and Dane started the introduction.

“My name is Dane Ambereyes and he’s Zachary Broheir.”

“Lucien, so what does Mecor wants with us?”

“Mecor send invitation to Shadow Society to attend an emergency meeting with regards to the crisis in Medie Territories,” Dane said as I gave a rolled parchment to Lucien.

The young man took the parchment and gave it to one of the man at his back, which in turn unrolled and scanned the content. Then, the man whispered something to Lucien. “Is that all?” he asked next.

At that question, Dane turned to me, “Zachary, can you step out of the room for a while, please?” Although, I had no idea what was going to take place, it seemed it was not something I should be privy to.

“Sure,” I said as I rose up from my seat.

“Wait, he stay,” Lucien’s voice stopped me.

Dane looked at Lucien first before he turned towards me. “Sit,” he said and I sat back on my seat. By right, I should have listened to Dane’s word, however by the sound of Lucien’s voice and the way Dane resigned to that it, I somehow knew Lucien was not someone to defy. “This is something from the director,” Dane continued, taking out another rolled parchment from his jacket along with a fist-sized pouch with undoubtedly filled with coins on to the table, and pushed both items towards Lucien.

Lucien ignored the pouch and just took the parchment, which he unrolled and read its content. Then, he stood up from his seat and went the torch. He let the flame from the torch ate the parchment until nothing remained. Afterwards, he walked to stand besides Dane and held out his hand. Dane got off his seat and clasped the offer hand for a handshake. Somehow, some kind of a dealing which I should not have known took place. When everything was done, we bade farewell from Lucien and went out of Diner’s Delight.

We were halfway down the street towards Mecor Headquarters when I head Dane sighed. “Despite being Luciel’s brother, I don’t think I can relax around that man. He’s very intimidating.”

“Who?” I asked, confused.

“Lucien. He’s the older brother of my friend, Luciel, in Estrey Regional Troop. I’ve meet the man sometimes when I come to eat at Diner’s Delight, and I know how good he is; I just can’t help being nervous around that him, especially when he’s the Liegeman of Shadow Society,” Dane explained.

I knew being a liegeman meant Lucien held a high position in the Shadow Society, but I could not believe the man to be intimidating. He acted just liked my brothers at home when they tried to be bossy. I thought since I would be in Bedin for a while, I would try to meet the man and judge him by myself. That opportunity pooped up two days later.

Chapter 5: Intermission

I was checking into inns and boarding houses around Bedin for vacancies. Well, since Mecor was hosting the meeting, we had to make sure all the attendee had somewhere to stay, especially those who came from out of the city or the region. I was coming out of the Treasure Hotel when I bumped into someone by the entrance. I fell down and instantly, I found a pair of blades by my neck. If I moved an inch, I would be a goner.

“Stand!” I heard a familiar voice commanded and turned to see Lucien standing in front of me. At the same time, the blades had disappeared from my neck. “Are you okay, kid?” Lucien asked as he helped me to my feet.

“I’m fine. I do need to apologize to you though for to seeing where I was going.”

“There’s no harm done so you don’t need to apologize. So, are you doing some errand for Mecor?”

“Just finish my task. Are you going somewhere, sir?” I asked, not aware that it was not something that should be asked from a person who was a liegeman of Shadow Society. I saw the two men with Lucien were ready to strike me down, yet they abandoned that when Lucien raised his hand.

“I was going to check a certain place and suddenly feel hungry. Do you want to join me for a meal at Diner’s Delight?” Lucien offered.

“Sure,” I replied happily, oblivious to the danger that happened a moment ago.

When we arrived at the eating house, Lucien announced to the bartender that we were having lunch before heading to a private room, which was lighted more brightly than the one we had a meeting in last time. We took our seats and while waiting for the food to come, Lucien started a conversation.

“What’s your name again?”

“Zachary Broheir. You can call me Zachary or Zack.”

“Then, I’ll call you Zack. So, Zack, how long have you been with Mecor?”

“Mm…Not that long; I’ve only been with Mecor for five years as regular staff.”

“Regular staff?”

“Yes, those that do the paperwork and stuff. Most people think Mecor is all about mercenary. That’s a misconception. There is more to Mecor than that.”

“Can you enlighten me on this?”

I smiled before I answered, “I can’t tell you anything more than that. Sorry.”

I thought the conversation was over when the food finally came but Lucien continued on. “Do you enjoy your life with Mecor?” he asked.

“Excuse me?” that question caught me off guard.

“I meant do you ever think of changing career?”

“Not really. There’s plenty to do in Mecor and I enjoy doing all the tasks given to me and more,” I replied. “Do you want something from me?” I asked.

“Eh? No, nothing,” Lucien denied.

“Come on. I have six older siblings and they act like you did with all the questions when they wanted me to do something for them.”

First, Lucien did not say anything. Then, he grinned and reached out to thump my shoulder. “Okay, I’ll just go straight to the point. When we make business dealing with another party, we need insider insurance to make sure the dealing go as intended,” Lucien said. In other word, he wanted a snitch inside Mecor.

“I’m sure you have a few snitch working for you in Mecor already,” Mercenaries who were employed by Mecor were not bound by any rules except to lend hands when Mecor needed it, and beyond that they were free to have any other affiliation, and most of them were not privy to the inner working of the corporation itself. The same cannot be said of regular staff. “By the way, I’m a regular staff. I’m bound to the code and conduct set by the corporation. I would be committing treason if I snitch for the society,” I continued.

Lucien gave out a dramatic sighed over my words. “Ah, you can’t always get what you want. No matter, we can still be good acquaintance. I’m sure that’s within the limit of your code and conduct, yes?”

“Uh, yes”

“Good. If you need any help, you can ask for me.”

“Sure,” I replied, ending the conversation. We ate the rest of the meal in silence.

Chapter 6: Moving On

How the time went so fast and without notice the day of the meeting approached. Since before dawn, members of meeting committee had started to ensure that every task and operation were in order and by the first light of day, invited guests began to come. I was at the back office, supervising other regular staff and review much important documents – because the usual person who did the task was currently doing some other assignment for Mecor – so I was not able to attend the meeting at all. Of course, when I finally finished my tasks, I went to the designated hall to take a peek.

The meeting hall, which was built as big as a theater, was fully occupied with people of various backgrounds. There was also someone from the Estrey Regional Troop who was currently giving a speech on the stage in front of the hall. I looked all over the hall, and saw Dimity waving towards my direction, signaling me to come to his side so I did.

“How’s the meeting so far?” I asked Dimitry when I reached him.

“The information sharing has been going as schedule,” Dimitry replied. Indeed. The meeting was nothing for than to share and exchange information to and from those who got it. A more private meeting among chosen people would be conducted once the information was gathered and compiled – meaning more work for the regular staffs later on.

“So, do you take notes of some of the new information?”

“Yes, including the stronghold of the leader of the Renegade Band which initiate this crisis...”

Dimitry shared that investigation done by Zamos Clan from Medie Territories reported a mage, who was clearly not from tribesman descent, and six closed aides of mixed backgrounds, currently made a series of caverns at the base of Heaven’s Cap mountain ranges as their headquarters. The man must have been a charismatic leader for he managed to sway quite a number of youngsters from various tribesmen, as well as other people from both Soparto and Estrey to his caused. Moreover, these people were no ordinary ruffians; no need to mention the warriors stocks who lived in the Medie Territories, there were mages of various practices in the band too.

To continue, the meeting already agreed to a solution proposed by the General of Estrey Region, and that was to use two-frontal attacks: one was a combination forces of troopers, mercenaries, knights, mages and volunteers to face the major fighting forces of the band, whereas a much smaller group would go straight to hit the leader. It was a strategy with the belief that if we got rid of the head, the rest of the limb might cease to move. Currently, there was a debate on the number of people to be put in the second group.

“Got any idea?” Dimitry asked me.

“Probably not so different from yours...I’ll say seven or eight is the number.”

“Make that eight. There are four main parties involve – Estrey, Soparto, Medie and Mecor – so two from each will even the odd.”

“Hey, what are you two whispering about there?” Lucien interjected, turning the attention to Dimity and I – I had no idea the Liegeman of the Shadow Society had his attention on us. .

Dimitry told them what we had in mind for the smaller group. There were few grumblings here and there among the attendees, yet in the end, they followed our idea and chose two people from Estrey Regional Trooper, a mage knight and a mage from Soparto, two representatives from Mecor, and lastly, two representatives from Medie. Thirty minutes later, the meeting was concluded with no further argument and the regular staffs were charged with compiling all the facts. When everything was done, I got permission to return back to Nyra to assume my responsibility there.

However, working with Mecor in time of crisis was like sleeping on a bed full of needles. It had only been a week since I came to Nyra before I was called back to Mecor Headquarters. I wondered if I need to supervise again, but when I heard the real reason from Director Malkovich, I could not believe it.

“Excuse me, sir. Can you repeat that?” I asked, disbelief shown on my face.

“As I’ve said; you’ll be part of the Infiltration Unit,” the director answered. Infiltration Unit was the final code name the campaign committee had came out with for the smaller group, which was tasked to eradicate the leader. “And don’t give me the crap that you’re wanting out of this task because we’re not pulling you out of this group,” he added as if predicting my next question.

“Can I ask the reason why?”

“Obviously, because you and Dimitry come up with this arrangement.”

“I assume that you’ve put Dimitry in the Combine Force?”

“Certainly, but you don’t have to care about that.” I knew later from Dimitry that it was one of the conditions Shadow Society imposed if the committee wanted to have the society’s cooperation – by having their chosen people in participate in the campaign. “Anyway, I’m pairing you with Dane for this mission and I’m sure you two work well together like before, will you?”

“No, sir. I don’t think there will be any problem.”

“Good. Now, you go look for your partner.”

Dane apparently had been in a meeting with the rest of the Infiltration Unit members since a week ago. It so happened that while I was in Nyra, the second meeting was held. The agenda of the meeting include the number of people each party was willing to send for the Combine Force, and the list of names for the Infiltration Unit. In a way, most people involved in the campaign had received their orders a few days after the confirmation, while only found put about it only recently. Thus, it was no wonder I got bad impression from the other members when I enter the designated meeting place.

“My name’s Zachary Broheir. I’m from Mecor and I’ve been assigned to the Infiltration Unit,” I introduced myself.

“I am Benjamin Avon, a captain in Estrey Regional Troop. I’m the de facto leader of the unit, and I welcome you on behalf of this unit,” one of the two troopers in the room came forward and introduced himself.

Then, he continued to introduce the rest of members: Dane Ambereyes of Mecor, Lieutenant Arthur of Estrey Regional Troop, Sir Nicholas Rosenberg and Madam Salena of Soparto, and Kasheel of Zamos Clan and Toma of Urdo Clan. Next, he briefed on what they had planned so far – we would be going to Kyrun and took a ship which would transport us through the Two-Faced Strait. The Zamos Clan would meet us upstream and took us to join with the Combine Force base to get the current situation of the campaign. Then, while the Combine Force dealt with the Renegade Band’s fighting force, we slipped away and struck their stronghold.

“If you beg to differ, we’ll discuss the plan again,” Captain Ben concluded.

It was a simple enough plan and I had wasted some precious time for coming late. “I have no problem with the plan. When do we start moving?” I asked instead.

“We’ll start for Kyrun at the six hour of the morning tomorrow. If any of you need to do some preparation, do so. We’ll meet again at the South Gate a quarter before that.” A chorus of ‘Yes’ could be heard from the rest of the member including myself.

Chapter 7: Proof of Strength

The two days journey from Bedin to Kyrun was smooth without any major obstacles. We did encounter wild creatures, though it was not enough to exert everyone’s real potential. Of course, I did not think it was necessary to test the unit’s power as I was sure each one of us had the capability to excel in real situation. Yet, I could not say the same on how the other saw me. I had no problem with Kash and Dane because we were basically from Mecor and knew about each other before. The rest just saw me as someone Mecor put as an extra hand, whereas, Sir Nicholas clearly displeased with my presence on our first meeting. I even heard him telling Captain Ben that someone who was named by the Shadow Society should have no business joining the unit – well, like I had any affiliation with the outlaw society other than being in a good grace with Lucien.

“It’s obvious he’s looking down on you,” Dane concluded one night as the ship as set sailed up the stream. It was after dinner, me, Kash and Dane was out on the deck, enjoying the breeze.

“Look at my age and stature, you don’t have to wonder why,” I answered. I was short a few months before I reached my seventeenth years.

“I believe that not just an extra. You’re not as weak as you portray. And the reason why Lucien chooses you is because he’s knows your real potential. That man eyes can see the talent in people. He even tries to recruit me when I first meet him,” Kash said, laughing away.

“Besides, how long do you think I’ve been with Mecor? Do you think I didn’t know the division within the regular staffs? This prove enough how capable you are,” Dane said as he grabbed my right hand where I wore my silver signet. “This is mark of a supervisor.”

“I am but it’s nothing major. I’ve just done one assignment too many and got promoted,” I said.

“Whatever. Deny all you want but you’re still someone who has unique talents and unless you show Sir Nicholas, he will continue to look down on you.”

“Just let him. As long as he doesn’t jeopardize the mission, he can look down at me as low as he wants.”

“Zachary, if he looks down on you, you might lose his trust and trust is something this unit need to succeed. Please do something about this before it goes out of hand.”

Somehow, I saw the truth in his words. Sighing, I told him, “Okay but let me d it my own way. Agree?”

“Sure,” Dane replied, while Kash nodded.

I learnt that fighting was the best way to show one’s capability but as much as I want to accommodate Dane on that promise, I could not do it while we were still aboard a hip. Thus, as soon as we touched land and while waiting for the people from Zamos Clan to appear at the designated location, I took the opportunity to request a dueling match between Sir Nicholas and I. Captain Ben would be out judge.

“What do you say, kid?” the knight asked in confusion when I presented him with the dueling challenge.

“I’ve said, while we’re waiting for the Zamos Clan to come, why don’t we entertain the other with a dueling match, Sir Nicholas,” I repeated.

“We don’t have time to play around...”

“I’m not playing around, Sir Nicholas. I want us to have a duel,” I said. When he still refused to react, I continued, “It seems that you have been questioning my capabilities in accomplishing this mission so someone advice me that I should show you the extent of my ability so you would understand.”

I never bother to my expertise in the handling the weapon. After my first stint as a Carrier and a Watcher, I realized that I need to improve my weapon mastery because it was unlikely that I would be meeting an acquaintance to accompany me on the road so I had been training in spear and other long-armed weapons, learning their strength and weakness, and had been practicing them on wild creatures and bandits I encountered on the road trip. I also honed my skills by practicing with mercenaries whenever they have the time. This would me the first time I had a knight as a dueling partner.

For a while, I let Sir Nicholas be on the offensive while I was on the defense. As I parry and dodge the slash and trust with my halberd, I tried to read his techniques and fighting moves. Despite his strength, I found that his techniques and moves were slightly more refined and structured, than most mercenaries and brigands that I met, which made it easier to form a counterattack. When I had enough with the defense, I change my stance and began attacking. We were still in the middle of the match when people from the Zamos Clan came so Captain Ben had to stop the duel prematurely.

“Need to continue the match another time?” I asked Sir Nicholas as I helped him to his feet. On my last move, I managed to sweep him off his feet and made him land on his back. I was about to follow up the move with a down slash with the axe-side of the halberd.

“I think you better save that energy when we meet the real enemy,” he declined.

“No problem,” I replied and we had no more problems with each other after that.

Chapter 8: Into the Foray

One minor problem solve, one major problem was yet to be resolved. It took days to get to the rendezvous point and within that period of time, I took the opportunity to learn more about the Medie Territories by asking Kash, Toma and the other tribesman. After all, this would be the only chance I had to experience and observe the sight and scenery of the vast land. Before long, we reached our destination.

There were roughly three thousand people at the camp based and they were strategically placed according to their various regiments – there would be a group of tribesmen wearing different cloth color and style, among the group of Estrey Regional Troop, along with knight and mages, as well as mercenaries and free fighters, The command tent located at the center and we barely rested our legs before we were ushered to join the discussion.

The ratio between the Renegade Band and the Combine Force was one to ten. Rationally thinking, we overpowered them by a lot. Still, I got the feeling the number was a bit too much and from the way I see it, the committee had planned to obliterate the Renegade Band without a trace. I said so to Dimitry when we met.

“You can’t blame the tribesman for wanting the band annihilate. They raid and kill every camp they chance upon and at the same time, they want to send a message to other who has similar thinking that they will face the same harsh judgment,” Dimitry explained. “So don’t be sympathetic to them.”

“Don’t get me wrong. I do condemn their action.”

“Yeah, and be sure to remember that when we face them.”

“I will.” And that promised still rang in my mind when the sortie for the Infiltration Unit was issued two days later.

Dimitry told me that they had been camping at the base for almost two weeks before the Infiltration Unit came and during that period of time, the Combine Forces had a few skirmishes with the assault group of the Renegade Band in term of physical and magical warfare. With each encounter, the Combine Force inched closer and closer to the Renegade Band stronghold and when the Combine Forces made an attack at the Renegade Band, the Infiltration Unit slipped towards the enemy’s stronghold.

I must say that I was impressed by the strategy the mastermind or maybe the tactician behind the Renegade Band, in spite of condemning them for their actions. That person knew how to disperse his man – the stronghold did not lag security when we entered the place; there were guards on the labyrinth-like hallways and chambers and not to mention the reinforcement which seemed to came out of everywhere. I had no idea how long we fought them as a group before Captain Ben decided to split the unit into two with me, Sir Nicholas and Lieutenant Arthur to hold off the guards. The other half would continue to seek the Renegade Band’s leader.

I had no idea how Captain Ben and the other fare but between the three of us there, we managed to cut the numbers to nearly a third of original force amidst cuts and bruises. We could hear the sounds of explosion here and there, and the stronghold shook with it. When I saw there would be no reinforcement coming from the, I called out to Sir Nicholas and Lieutenant Arthur.

“Sir Nicholas, Lieutenant Arthur, can I leave these guys to you two?” I dodged an incoming slashed, thrust the pointed edge of my weapon on the man’s guts, heard him screamed and collapsed. Less one guard for us.

“Where are you going?” Sir Nicholas asked back. Another swing from his sword and his opponents were incapacitated.

“I want to see if Captain Ben and the other are having a hard time fighting the leader. Can I leave you two to finish off here?”

At first the knight did not say anything. Then, he nodded. “All right, leave these guys here to us.”

Despite reading the map of the stronghold beforehand, I found that going through the labyrinth hallways was really a challenge. I would have lost time figuring one which one was the true path and which one was the fake if I did not see the corpses of man and creatures littering the hallways – no doubted from Captain Ben and the others. As I followed the trail, I could hear the sound of fighting, and it was getting louder and louder as I drew near and nearer to the source. I quickened my pace until I reached the end of the hallways, which opened up to a big, brightly lighted chamber.

From where I was, I could see Kash and Toma were fighting big muscled man, armed with axes on both his hands. They managed to give the man a few cuts here and there, but the man did not seem to be affected by it. Captain Ben was evenly fighting with another swordsman at one corner of the room, with Madam Salena on his back trying to negate the magic attacks thrown by the woman mage behind the swordsman. Dane, on the other hand, was fighting off a three hideous dog-like creatures, which was the size of a horse. Watching them, I did not know how I could fit into the fight until Dane called out.

“Zachary, watch out!” I turned to see one of the creatures broke away from Dane and was lunging towards my direction.

“Don’t think that I’m an easy target,” I thought as I brought my halberd forward and tapped the iron sodden end on the floor. A magical barrier instantly erected around me and the creatures was flung back from the force the rebound of hitting the barrier. I slipped out my dagger from its sheath in the process and stabbed the creature’s vital points – eyes, neck, underbelly and limbs – with it whenever I had the chance at it rammed against the barrier. After a while, the creature’s momentums lose its power and hit the barrier less frequently from the blood lost. I gave it a final pushed with the magical barrier and cleanly cut of its head with the axed while it loosed it balance. “One down and two more to go,” I thought.

Oh, I corrected that as I saw Dane was disposing the last creature while the other was a bloody messed on the floor. “Thanks,” Dane said to me before he rushed over to help Madam Salena.

I went over to help Kash and Toma with their opponents, and we managed to bring the man down on his knees. We bleed the man more of his stamina, and after cutting of his arms, Toma gave a final swing with his dagger to sever the man’s. By then, Captain Ben had disposed of his opponents and came face-to-face with the Leader of the Renegade Band, assisted by Dane and Madam Salena.

It actually took us almost an hour fighting the Leader and he was no pushover. He rained us with magic attacks in the form of fire and thunders balls, and occasionally summoned monsters from the pit to deter us. Until we broke his dark shield, we could do nothing to graze him, and we managed to break his barrier, we plummeted with everything we got until he ceased moving on the floor. Even then, Dane did not want to take any chances and encased the body in a magical barrier.

“Well, we were thinking of lending you a hand…but I see that you don’t really need it,” Sir Nicholas ranged from the doorway and we turned our attention there to see him and Lieutenant Arthur, standing ready with their weapons raised up in from of their chests.

“It’s not an easy victory. Never mind the Leader, his aides were quite powerful in their own rights!” Captain Ben told them.

“What are you doing, Dane?” I asked the warding mage as he checked all over the Leaders other, discharging jewelry and accessories. There was already a small pile by his side.

“I’m checking any magical artifacts I suspected the Leader was using and found a bounty,” Dane answered without looking at me.

“So, what are you going to do with them? Getting the spoils of war?” Kash teased.

“Of course I’m going to destroy them,” Dane replied and did just that with when he saw nothing else.

“Well, it seems we succeed with our mission. I wonder how the Combine Forces fare with theirs.” Sir Nicholas said to no particular person.

The Combine Forces fared better than the Infiltration Unit as Dimitry told me later. Two of the Leader’s aides were leading the Renegade Band’s fighters. Yet, the differences in the number of combatants clearly towards the Combine Forces advantages. It took them not two hours to subdue the enemies by killing some of them and gathered the other as prisoners of war.

Back at the camp based, there was a lot need to be done, such as healing the injured, taking notes of the casualties from both side, and secured the prisoners further. Of course, Dimitry and I need to make an intensive report of the whole thing and we did wondered if that was our main true purposed to be put on the frontline in the first place.

Anyway, back in Estrey Region, all participating combatants, both dead and alive, were given a hero welcome, and showered with rewards. Not to forget the festivals organized for three straight days, and the feast my family held for me back in Nyra, and I just hoped that the world did not be thrown into a crisis again, at least not in my lifetime!


That's the end of Zachary story.
I hope you readers enjoy reading the book.

Thank you. (^0^)/


Texte: Me, Myself and I
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.09.2012

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