
Chapter 1

I get settled on Rush, my very own horse that was given to me, waiting for Thayer to come back from the bathroom. He always goes before we go out riding, that way he doesn't have to leave early. Once he comes back and is ready to go we leave we  go. We trot through the trails, and eventually stop giving the horsea break and giving them apples and carrots. It's a lot of fun riding a horse, I'd never actually been on one until I came here. Thayer taught me how. He still doesn't believe me about never riding a horse because I seem like a natural. I of course told him, I might've road one before I lost all of my memories but I don't remember. 


As we sit eating the sandwiches his mothr never fails to pack, we talk looking up into the three. We're laying under a willow tree, watching as the wind blows the vines. I dig through the picnic basket lookig for the juice, and I find a vine of grapes. Pulling them out I smile at Thayer, he smirks sitting up. Clapping his hands and nodding he tells me he is ready. I pull off a grape and aim. I flick my wrist, and it hits the bullseye. I laugh as he eats the grape, smiling. We've practice this everyday that we came out here, or at least the days she packs grapes for us. After the two of us have thrown all of the grapes catching most but not all of them, we get back on our horses galloping back to the palace.


Going our separate ways so we can get cleaned up and ready for our lessons we say goodbye. I go to my room and he goes to his... even though they are right next to each other. We orgianlly were in the same room, but then Thayer begged his parents to not have us in the same room. They put us in different rooms then, but right next to each other. I'm not complaining though, I'm happy we do have different rooms. I haven't ever really shared a room with a boy, I've slept with Elijah... all we did was sleep.... other then the one night.. two nights. 


I change the subject running through my head back to my classes. I'm going to start crying. It's been a month since I left. It's been a month since I've talked to any one back home other then my parents. I sent them a letter, saying we arrived safely. They wrote back, but I haven't even opened it. I glance at the letter on my desk, pretending to tell myself that it got lost in the mail. Braiding my hair back again I leave my room meeting Thayer outside, we walk through the halls makingour way to the classroom. Sitting at our desks in the room, we chat until his mother or ather comes in telling us the lesson today. 




"Thayer!" I whine as he take the last bun just as I was gonna grab it. He smiles as me, eating it slowly rubbing it in. Then the kitceh door burst open and in walks his mother with a fresh pan! I smile at him spitting my tongue out. He roles his eyes and I take one smothering it with grape jelly!  


"How was your ride today?" Mrs. West sits down, getting her plate filled with supper. 


"Good, we could use more grapes next time." Thayer replies, cutting into his steak. 


"What on earth do the two of you do with all of them grapes?" She asks looking from Thayer to me. I smile, as Thayer explains where all of here garden grapes end up. Either on the ground or in our stomachs.  "Well I hope you eat more then you drop." She sighs, and takes a spoonful of the pudding. Thayer and I laugh quietly, digging into our plates as well. 


"What are the plans for tomorrow?" Thayer asks after we've finished, and all the dishes are cleare from the table. "With dad being gone, are we going to be doing anything important?" 


"Why dear?" His mo replies, sorting through mail. 


"Well I was wondering if I could take Lyra down to the cottage, show her the lake." He says, I glance at him not knowing this until now. 


"Oh that sounds very nice dear. Of course. How long will you be down there for?" She says looking up at the two of us with a big smile. Is there something I'm missing here? There must be, this is the first time I've heard anything about a cottage! And what's with the look on her face? 


"Only one night probably." Thayer replies shaking his head at her. I watch her face drop a little, and I think I know what she thought was gonna go down at this cottage. I'm afraid not! Thayer and I have only kissed one! That was at a party his parents through for us to because of our engagement. Other then that he hasn't mad any moves and neither have I. I only thinnk of him as friend as well. A very good friend perhaps my best friend, and maybe part of me does love him but it's a botherly type of love.  Oh god, and we're getting married next month! We're giong to be expected to kiss and be in love and have kids!


Excusing myself, I leave the table feeling slightly sick. God, ho could I not think about kids. They're going to expect kids, in the future espicially! Walking down the hall I rub my forehead, what do I ssay to him? Do I tell him that I don't like him like that? If I do that then things might take a turn for the worse. The last thing I want is to have Rashell come and take their land!


"Lyra! Hey slow down!" Thayer yells behind me. I stop waiting for him to catch up, I send a quick prayer up to who ever is there asking them to help me. "Hey, I'm sorry about my mother. I promise I didn't plan on bringing you up there to do anything like that. I really just wanted to show you the lake, I  remember you saying you liked swimming." He says completely embarrassed about what went down in the dinning room. 


"It's fine, don't worry." I assure him. We walk down the hall towards our rooms, in silence. Definately awkward silence, both of us know it's expected of us to do those things. I know how I feel, but not him. He might like me like that. He might not. "Thayer, I'm here to help save your people and land." I begin. 


"Lyra, we're taking it slow. Like we agreed upon, maybe it time... we will feel like that." He interupts. I glance up at him, with a shy smile. "Anyways..." he flushes looking straight forward. "So, do you want to go tomorrow?" he asks. 


"Of course." I reply, grabbing his hand. Now walking in silence again, all the awkwardness gone. We stop outside our rooms, letting go of each others hands,  smiling our goodnights. "Oh and Thayer." I say turning to him before I go in my room.  He pauses as well looking over at me. "Earlier I saw one of the maid carrying a doll. I'm pretty ure they brought it to your room." I smile then close the door behind me. I actually know there is a doll in his room, on his bed even. I maid sure to tell Patricia to put it there. Ever since he saw Annabelle dolls have scared him. Like he mad his mother lock up her china dolls collection in a room scared of dolls!


I lay in bed waiting for him to lay down and find the doll there, I know I hear him scream or fall out of his bed. Something, I'm jittery waiting for it to happen. We had a late tonight, so I'm suprised he is still up. After an hour of waiting for him to see the doll I give up. Curling on my side, Iclose my eyes, thinking of a cottage and lake. 


"Oh shit!" I hear sittting up from my bed. Then there is a  loud hurtful sounding thud. I look at the clock. It's 2:21 A.M! He is just now laying down? What has he been doing all this time, that jerk waking me up!  "Lyra Castir!" He yells right outside my door, I cover my mouth with my hand. Trying to keep my laugh down.  "I hear you in there!" He says, and then the door swings open. I close my eyes bitting the inside of my cheek, I'm not very good at pretending to be asleep! "Nice try!" I hear him whisper, he is right above me! Then the blanket gets pulls from my feet and he starts tickling me! 


"No!" I sit up, trying to wrestle him off my bed. 


"You put that doll on my bed! I think I deserve some payback!" he laughs, has he grabs my hands on in each of his. Holding them above my head he smiles down at me.  I give him a shy  sheepish smile, what is he going to do to me! "Now I know you're ticklish..." he sighs, smirking at me. I shake my head, I hate being tickled! Since I'm so ticklish, and when I get tickled I have a horrible laugh. "Nahh, I wont tickle ya. I'll getcha back tomorrow though." He gets off of me laying next to me. "But I am staying in here tonight." he adds. 


"That's fine." I say fixing my comforter, then we both snuggle down under the blankets. I take a deep breath, calming myself from our little war we had. I turn on my side again, closing my eyes. With a small little yawn, everything fades into blackness. 




"Lyra! Hey! Lyra, wake up!" I'm getting shaken. I sit up my heart pounding, and my blood boiling. My head feels like it's about to burst. Another nightmare. I've had one almost everynight since I got here! "Hey, it's okay, you're fine!" Thayer soothes me holding me in his arms. I feel tears running down my cheeks, and I know it must've been a bad one. Almost everynight I get woken up from one, but I never remember them once I'm awake. All I have is my heart pounding and blood boiling, and every once in a while tears. 


"I'm sorry..." I whisper, I woke him up. I didn't think about this earlier when  I said it was okay for him to stay in my room tonight. He kisses my forehead, and we sit quietly for a hald an hour before I finally calm down. " I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up." I whisper again, turnig in his lap, so my back is to his chest. I look ot the window in my room. "Wanna know the sad part?" I ask him, pulling the blanket up and around me. 


"What?" he asks. 


"When I wake up, I imediately forget what I was dreaming about." I sigh. 


"Dreaming? That sounded more like a nightmare." He whispers.  I nod, "So you have them often..?" he asks. 


"Yes." I admit. 


"You could've told me, I'm sure there is something we can do to get them to go away." He says, upset. 


"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I thought they would just go away, but they haven't. It's nothing." I tell him, and he scoffs at me. 


"You can tell me anything. Remember that okay?" He says, I nod. "Lyra I am serious." He says,  I turn so I can see his face. He is looking me in the eyes, waiting for me to say something. Sitting here in his arms, I feel safe and relaxed. I haven't been almost killed here, I haven't had to lie. This is the way life shoud be.Life with Thayer, and he family has been a perfect treat.  Knowing what I am doing, yet not knowing I lean in brushing my lips against his.  


"I will." I reply finally.  "We should get some sleep." I say, and he nods. Fixing the blankets again, we lay looking at each other chatting quietly. He is trying to get my mind off my nightmare. 


"Lyra?" He asks a couple minutes after our conversation died out. I nod with my eyes closed. Half awake. "Good night." He whispers, and I feel his lips on my forehead again. I smile, and nod back.  Dozing off again.




I sit up, pushing the blankets off of me I also push Thayer off the bed. He wakes up and we have a quick chat about breakfast and packing, then he leaves my room. I leave as well heading straight to breakfast, I'll shower after. Grabbing my plate of toast and eggs, I sit at the dinning table alone, chowing down on the toast and eggs. Giving my plate back to the cooks and thanking them for the meal, I head back to my room, I shower and change into jean capris and a tank top. Now it's time to pack.  Pulling out a small duffle back from under my bed, I grab a pair of pj's and a pair of clothes for tomorrow. Then I throw in deoderant, and a body spray.


"Where you going?" Tatum asks, appearing on my bed. He picks up my deoderrant from digging in the duffle, then tosses it back in. I smile saying goodmorning, he is always so nosey. I get the feeling it's because I'm getting married... and not to him. He says he is over me, or working on getting over me, but I can never be to sure.


"Thayer is taking me to some cottage house for the night." I say stuffing in a sweatshirt and sweatpants ust in case it's a cold night.  I sit on the bed next to him, catching his look of wonder. "No, why does everyone think that?" I mumble rubbing my eyes, and getting rid of the last bit of tiredness. He chuckles, but doesn't saying any more on the subject of tonight. Still thinkig about if though, I hope Thayer didn't have any plans like that.  He told his mother and me he didn't... but how knows.


"So you heard from your family?" Tatums gets up from the bed, walking around my room.


"Nope." I sigh, glancing at my desk where the unopened letter is. Normally it's under a bunch of stuff but right now it's out in th open. More likely for him to see it.


"Huh.." He sigh looking out the window, I keep looking at the letter on the desk. He is standing only two feet from it. There isn't really anything he can do about it, but I have been lying to him about it now for the past three weeks.  I also wouldn't know how to explain why I don't want to open it!  I guess I just don't want to hear about how happy they all are. which is horrible of me because I am happy so I shouldn't be jealous. "So... you haven't heard from anybody? Not even Eli-"


"No." I spit. "He is the last person I would expect to her from." I growl, sturning towards him. He is now holding the letter. "Ugh.." I lay back on my bed.


"It's from you're parents why haven't you opened it?" he sits, and I listen as he opens the letter. "Dear Lyra," he clears his throat.  "We're so happy you have made it to Caswan safely. We are also happy to hear that you getting along great their with the West family. It's different not having you with us again, but we know youre safe! The timing on your departure though was quite sudden, and we hope you and Thayer aren't rushing anything. Things here are going fine, nothing bad other then maybe Mr. Holt being bed ridden with some  illness. You must come and vis-"


"That's enough." I say, finally taking the letter from him. Putting it back on my desk, I rub my forehead. They're all fine, and they don't need me. "You can go now." I say, telling him he has over stayed his welcome. 


"I'll just go talk to Thayer then... see what he thinks about all of this." He stands now too. I role my eyes, I'm happy that Thayer and him get along, but right now Tatum is trying to start drama. 


"Why can't you just mind your own business?" I say as he leaves my room, and goes next door. I role my eyes, now Thayer and I are going to have a long talk about this now. I wait or one of them or both of them to come into my room as I finish packing. Brushing through my hair and putting it up in a ballerina bun, I lay on bed reading a magazine. Flippig through ads and gossip I go right to the fashion pages, looking at what some of the biggest stars are wearing.


"Hey you ready to go?" Thayer peeks his head in. I get up grabbing my bag, and head out with him.  "We have to get there on horse back if you don't mind." He says, as we make our way outside. 


"I don't care, I'm sure it'll be fun." I smile slighty, didn't Tatum say anything to him? Maybe he wants to wait to talk to me until we get there first. Getting Rush saddled up and ready to go, I feed him an apple before we leave. Following Thayer and Odin ... yes his horse's name is Odin from Thor. Walking through trail after trail I wonder how he remembers where to go, I'm already lost! 


We pop  out of the trees, and I see a grand view of a lake and beautiful small cottage. The lake is small, and has a small dock with a canoe I think hooked to it. There is a huge tree that has a homemade swing hanging from it, and a fire pit area. Wow, this place is perfect! Sliding off Rush, and give him another apple and lead him over to the small horse barn there is. Throwing my bag on the deck, I walk down to the lake, and out on the dock. 


"It's beautiful." I speak, as Thayer comes to stand next to me. 


"Well we're gonn abe here for only a night lets make the most of it." He replies, and I nod. He pulls his shirt of and runs off the edge! He had it swim trunks on, and I didn't even notice.  "You coming in?" he pops up out of the water. 


"Yes, just wait!" I smile running back up to the cottage, I grab my bag and run inside finding a bathroom and changing into my bathing suit.  I come out with two towels, and then run off the dock jumping and splashing him.

Chapter 2

"How about we tell ghost stories!" I elbow him, while roasting my marshmellow. "It's the perfect night for it. We're sittig be a fire, next to a lake... all alone in the middle of know where some what." I get more and more excited. 


"How about not." He elbows me back, biting into his smore. 


"Okay... so it was a cold snowy night, and Polly was walkin-"


"Polly?" He asks. 


"Shut up and listen!" I say pulling my marshmellow away from the fire. I eat it with out the  graham cracker and chocolate, I like just plain burnt marshmellows. "Poll was walking home, trying to call her roomate to tell her she was on her way. But she never answered the phone, so Polly texted her instead. There was never a reply, and Polly made it home with out any problems. Unlocking the door to their apartment, Polly went inside laying her keys on the table, and taking off her shoes. Going straight to her room not wanting to wake up her roomate, she gets ready for bed. Before she lays down though she goes out to the kitchen to get some water." I pause getting another marshmellow ready. I glance at Thayer who looks, bored yet intrigued. "As she walks back down the hall to her room, she notices the her roomates bedroom door is open now. It wasn't before. She peeks inside, seeing a lump laying on the bed under the blankets. Then out of know where a sink turns on in  the house. She turns going into the bathroom. It's door was closed. She turns the light on and see's that some one was washing there hands. There is red mixed with the water in the sink. She doesn't touch it thinking it's some prank from her roomate. Going back to her room, she lays down in hr bed. Looking at the cieling She see writing. Messy and runny writing. Sitting up so she can read it bet-"


"Yup I think that's enough." Thayer interupts, putting together another smore.  "I actually want to sleep tonight." He informs me and I giggle. 


"Oh come on... it's not that scary I promise!" I say, and he sigh. "Okay.. now where was I..? OH, yes. Okay. So Polly is trying to read the writing when some of it drips off the cieling and drips down onto her bed spread. It's red. Getting out of bed Polly turns on her bedroom light reading the creepy writing, "Come join my collection." Marching down the hall to her roomates room, mad at her for taking the prank that far, she flips the light on. But what she isn't her roomate sleeping in her bed. She see bits and pieces of her all over the floor.  A leg here an ear there. Screaming she turns running directly into another body. It was hard as a stone, and it knocked her off her feet. Looking up at the body she see, the missing pieces of her roommate, sewwed other pieces ofother people! She backs away, unable to even scream now. Out from behind the body peeks, a dark figure bright yellow eyes. She doesn't see a nose or a mouth just eyes and black. But Polly hears.."Come join my collection." whispered over and over as the figure plays a puppeteer draging the newest part of it's collection towards her."


"Really dolls!" He roles his eyes at me. I smile, at him eating my perfectly golden marshmellow.


"It wasn't a doll... it was a puppet." I smirk, "You're turn." I say reaching behind me and grabbing a can of Rootbeer.  "And I wont interupt you either." I add. and he roles his eyes again.


"Fine, I know one good one." He clears his throat, rubbing his hands together. "Cloe was sleeping in her bed like she normally does every night. She always slept good knowing her dog Spot was under her bed protecting her."


"Spot? Seriously?" I do interupt him and he looks at me, I hold up my hands apologizing. 


"Well one night while her parents were away, and it was storming. She was woken up from a loud thunder clap. Reaching her hand down, she feels the reassuring lick from her dog. Feeling better she pulls her hand up ready to go back to sleep. But in the distance she hears a dripping sound. Wondering what it could be she gets out of bed, and walks down the hall to the kitchen. Nothing there, so she goes to the bathrom still hearing the dripping. Going into the bathroom she can hear the dripping perfectly. Turning on the light she sees piles of blood, and she turn and looks in the bathtub, she screams at the sight of Spot hanging from the shower head with his stomach slashed open and his guts falling out. Turning away she looks at the mirror and see written in blood. "Humans can lick too.""  He finishs.


"Holy shit!" I link arms, with him. "That wasn't cool!" I whisper glancing into te forest. 


"It's why I never wanted a dog as a kid." he laughs, and we laugh for awhile. "Wow.... it's a beautiful night." he calms down looking up at the stars. I look as well, and he is right. It's one of those perfect stary nights, where every once in a while you see stars twinkle and fall. 


"I wish time could freeze right here." I sigh, looking away from the sky. No worries, no queen/princess duties. No worrying about a letter from my parents. No worrying about a wedding. 


"Lyra, is it that bad?" He asks me, and I look to my left at him. He is still looking at the sky. 


"No," I  reply grabbing his hand. "I like it here with you and your family. I just don't know how good of princess I'll make." I admit, I've never really talked to him about this before. I hope he understands. I wasn't raised knowing I was going to be a queen, like he was. Hell I don't remember being raised to protect a royal family either! Thinking of my powers, I shiver I haven't used them since I came here. I'm probably a bit rusty. I wonder if Thayer knows I haven two elements. He must know I have one at least. 


"I'm sure you'll do great." He whispers grabbig my hand. He gives me a reassuring smile, and I squeeze his hand in return.  I hope he is right, if he believes in me and sees something in me obviously there is something there. "Oh,  Tatum said something to me earlier." He adds. I sit up straight, looking down at the fire. Oh I knew this was coming, but why now when we're having a great time! I look up hoping Tatum is listening in or something. "He was talking about how you don't know what to say to your parents." I let out a breath. Well, Tatum didn't start a huge fight. Yet. 


"Yeah, I guess. I mean, I want to say I'm doing fine and I'm having fun because I am. But I guess I just don't want to come off like I'm better then them now because I'm becoming a queen." I glance at him again, "Does that make any sense?" I ask, scratching the back of my neck.  


"No. I don't think it's bad. I think you're over thinking it. Your parents will be happy that you're happy, they'll understand. I do think you should write to them though. Let them know we are feeding you." He chuckles, lightening the mood. I laugh quietly and shortly. 


"Well, I suppose I'll do that when we get back." I inform him. He smiles. A light wind blows through blowing my hair around, and sending shivers up my spine. It's  chilly out now. I'm sitting in my pair of swim shorts and a tank top with my wet swim suit still on.  


"Cold?" He asks. I nod. "How about we go inside now anyways? Get warm and non-wet clothes on. Watch some movies." He offers. I nod standing up and offering him a hand. We walk over to the cabin, and we go towards the one bedroom. Yes, there is only one bedroom. But we don't feel awkward about that. We've slept close together before. The first night that we were together, back in Spridge, I slept wih my head on his shoulder. Also the night before this he joined me in my room, since I played a nasty little joke on him.  He lets me take the bathroom, so I try to be fast showering and getting rready for bed with brushing my teeth, and cleaning my face. Once I finish, we switch places, and I head out to the couch area that has a projector to turn on and play movies like a movie theatre. Picking out a couple movies, I head into the kitchen making a bag of extra butter popcorn. Then I plop on the couch ready for movies. When Thayer finally comes out and joins me,  we pick out Bruce Almightly as the first movie, and we get right to it chowing down the popcorn, and laughing all the way through the movie.




"Lyra! Wake up!" I sit up, breathing heavey with sweat running down my face. I lay my face in my hands, calming down. Just once I wish I could remember what it was I was having a nightmare about! "Hey, you okay?" he asks rubbing my back. I nod, brushing my hair back with my fingers. We're still in the movie area. The play selection for Grown Ups is still up. He must've fallen asleep like I did. Grown ups was the fourth movie we watched. He lays back down pulling me with him, I place my head on his chest along with one of my hands. 


"I didn't mean to wake you up." I whisper after a moment of silence. Gosh I feel horrible, this is two night in a row that I have woken him up! 


"It's okay, when we get back maybe we will have Doc look at ya, see if maybe he can give you something that will help you sleep better. I just nod. The only doctor I want to see is Elijah. Shivering from thinking of him, I pull the blanket up by my shoulders Snuggling in closer to Thayer. Feeling his warm and reassuring hand rubbing my back, I slowly dose off as he does as well.


I sit up stretching out my arms, and looking out at the skt that burning through the windows. It's a beautful morning! Slipping off the matresss couch thing that we slept on, I head outside to the front door. I sit out on the bench on the deck, loving the warm morning sunlight. This place is really nice, it has a perfect view of a lake and a forest including the little patches of flowers here and there. the cottage it's self is actually quiet adorable as well, it's perfect for a small family. It only has one bedroom room, but that could easily be fixed. Although, I do't plan on starting a family. Or at least I don't plan on starting a family right now, or any time soon! While on the subject of kids, I don't know if I even want any! Obviously it's expected of me to have at least one kid, which will end up being a prince or princess. 


I move down into the sun, and I walk out to the edge of the dock. The sun reflecting off the water hurts my eyes, but I don't mind. I lay back, soaking in the sunlight. Thayer was right though. I do love it here, it's very nice. I love how it' quiet, and easy to here myself think. Perhaps though I am doing to much thinking. Thinking about children already even though we aren't married, and we haven't even really had a real kiss. I mean we've  techincally kissed twice. Once at that party, I kissed him the other day. Both of them looked like just real quick peck on the lips. Although, eventually more will be expected of us. Once we are married we will most likely share a room, and obviously be expected to be madly in love. Thinking about loving Thayer isn't hard for me though. I do love him already, I think it has a more brotherly type a feel to it. But if I love him in one way, maybe I can also end up loving him in another. 


Sitting up I kick my feet in the water, the day is new and bright. Why I am sitting here dwelling on the future I don't know. I should be smiling right now. It's often time that I don't smile while I am alone. When I am alone though I let my mind wonder. Like have been for the past 2 hours this morning. I look back up at the cottage, hoping Thayer is getting his sleep. The past nights I have wooken him up, and I'm sure he didn't fall asleep until he knew I was for sure back asleep. I should thank him. He wont take an actual thank you from me though, so I'll have to do something he can't refuse.  I'll make breakfast. Heading back inside I check to make sure he is still sleeping, which he is, and then I head straight to the kitchen, grabbing the pancake mix and milk. Turning on the radio, and dancing and singing along quietly to Blank Space by Taylar Swift,  I mix up the batter. I start toast while cooking a couple pancakes, and I also shake up the orane juice pouring into two cups one with two ices cubs. He like ice in his orange juice. I have three pancakes done and plate toast, I turn around placing the two plates on the barr, and I almost drop them, when I see Thayer sitting at the bar. I set the plates down and smile embarassed. How long has he been sitting there?


"I could wake up like this more often." He smiles at me, and I role my eyes but still laugh. I turn around and get started on another pancake. "What time did you get up?" he asks, and I can hear the butter knife sliding across the toast spreading more then likely butter on it.  


"Ahhh I think it was around seven. Maybe  even six." I reply looking at the clock, it's only nine. and I had to of sat outside for at least two hours. 


"You could've woken me up." He says, and I can feel his eyes on me. 


"I wanted you to sleep. I feel bad okay, I just wanted to make sure you got your sleep. Since I've woken you up the pas couple of days." I turn watching his reaction.


"Nahh, it's okay. I glad I'm there, I'm sure it helps you waking up with someone there telling you your safe." he wiggles is eyebrow at me. I let out a breath, he is right. I do feel a lot better, and I go to sleep a lot faster. As I finish p making the last of the pancakes I Sit next to him, getting myself my own breakfast. "Well, I didn't know ou could cook at all." He smiles at me, biting into his toast.


"I took food classes in high school." I scoff laughing. "Besides doesn't it run in my blood with my mother and all." I ask looking over at him. He is watchig me with an intense interest. "What?" I ask setting down the fork. Was he joking with me?


"High school.... the human high school." he notes, and I nod. "So... you really don't remember your schooling from Spridge?" I take in a breath. I know there questions were coming, but I didn't know when. I expected them to ome sooner but they didn't. I'm happy he wasn't all over me with the questions though. I wouldn't havve known exactly what to say. I still don't. 


"Yeah, it's all gone... other then the stuff that happened since they found me. Also the two years in the human world." I answer, grabbing some jelly and spreading a little on a bite of pancake. Try new things, like Molly told me the one day she had me help her cook. 


"Tatum...he was there with you in the human world." He scratches the back of his neck, and I know where he is going with this.


"Yeah. He was trying to get me to fall in love with him." I admit, without any hesitation. Everyone knows that, I just wonder what he thinks about it now. Tatum says he just wants to be friends. And it's been awhile and Tracy hasn't sent me any threats or anythig around that area. 


"You didn't." he says, not really asking. Still watching him, I can see the unsureness in his eyes. Jealousy? 


"I don't think I did. I think that we did become good friends, we are good friends." I say jumbling up my thoughts. I look at him looking down at his food. "I'm gonna be hoenst with you Thayer. I'm guessing that if I would've been then for another month or so eventually I we would've dated. Maybe fallen in love with each other." I sigh. Dating has gone to the garbage though. All this place has is forced marriages and partners.  I guess Sebastien and I had a relationship, but it was practically hidden. I also don't remember it  so to me it doesn't count. Although Chaston and Chase, and Sierra and Frederick.  I also think there is something going on between Jannessa and Theodore too. That day in the training room, when she spoke to him she sounded jealous. Although he wasn't to worried. 


"That's understandable." He speaks, and I glance at him again. "Spending three years with him obviously trying to charm you.  He isn't bad looking either." I smile. "I'm not gay either!" he points at me, and I bust up laughing. He doesn't ask any more questions after that, and we chat about the movies we watched. After we have finished eating, we both do the dishes. I dry and put away while he washes.  I hate washing dishes. I just don't like my fingers getting pruney I guess. 


"What time do we have to go back?" I ask, looking out a window and seeing the horse grazing in the yard. I don't want to go, yet I do. I hate being here and thinking  this place is perfect whlie other people are suffering somewhere. But I'm not suffering here. I'm happy here why leave when you are happy? But Thayer  and I have duties now being royalty and all.  In fact we have class today which is why we have to go back today. We only got one day off for this little break.  It was a nice break though, quiet  and easy. A little to quick for my taste, but hey I can't complain at least we got the break. 


"We have another hour." he sighs, leaning against the counter handing me the last dish. Another hour, what can we do for another hour? There is the canoe or boat thing, although only an hour might not be enough time. Stacking the last plate into in the cupboard, I lean against the counter next to him. "What do you want to do?" he asks, crossinghis arms. 


"What is there to do?" I ask him. 


"Hmmm there is board games. The canoe outside." he starts naming off lists of things to do, and I listen intently to his rambling. 


"Could we walk through the trails? I don't feel like flipping a canoe.." I reply to him, and he hold out his hand. 


"Of course. Follow me!" he acts like a tour guide. Making our way through he points out flowers to me and tells me their names, along with trees and birds that are up in the tree. I wonder if this is stuff he had learned in school, or maybe he just likes knowing this kind of stuff. It's neat to know. Including he is also telling me which ones are edible and which ones aren't. I actually listen in asking questions, and remembering certain edible and non edible plants.  "That milady, is the end of our tour today." He gushes as we break out of the forest and are back in the clearing with the cottage and lake. 


"Time to pack isn't it?" I sigh, and he nods. We head into the cottage, packing our things, and then we sadle up our horses. I feel bad leaving, but it's time to go back to the real world. The ride back feels like it only took five minutes even though it wasn't. once we're back we put the horses back in the stable, giving them carrotes and apples. Then we head inside and we got into our room. 


Leaning against the door I let out a breath. Throwing all my dirty close into my hamper, and putting away all of my other belongings. Sitting at my desk once I finished I see the letter from my parents. Next to it is another plank piece of paper with a pencil resting on top of it. I spot the sticky note hanging from my lamp, from Tatum. I read it crumpling it up. He wants me to write to my family, I don't know why he is pushing this so much. It's not like he has anything to do with my family! Shoving the letter and blank piece of paper into the bottom drawer of my desk, I get up and leave my room. I go to the kitchen asking the cooks if they could make me a quick peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The cooks here aren't like the cooks in Spridge. In Spridge, the cooks were never there to cook other then main meals. But here they never leave the kitchen, and wont let me cook anything. Which also felt nice this morning cooking a breakfast. The smile scurrying on their way all, all three of them spreading half a jar of jelly and peanut butter on a piece of bread. Then they mash them together and a bunch oozes out from the sides. Gladly taking it, loving how it's overflowing... I like PB&J... good  easy snacks. 


After about thirty minutes of sitting in the kitchen and talking with the cooks, I leave letting them get back to their work. Supper is gonna be here in about 3 hours, so they should probably get preparing the food. Running through the halls to my room I grab a blanket, and my notebook for school. I'm gonna be late. I didn't realize we got back that late, even though the ride felt like it was only 5 minutes! Rushing into my seat next to Thayer, who is watching me with humor, I open my note book and realize I shoved my pencil in the desk drawer with the letter. I smack my forehead on the table. Thayer knudges me holding out a pencil, I smile greatfully. Then stand up and wrap my blanket around me like a towel. It's not tha the school room is cold, it's just comfier with the wooden chairs. Also the chairs rock, they're like those weird wooden desk chairs not rocking chairs. Although if they were rocking chairs, I don't think I'd get anything done. I wood rock myself to sleep. These chairs aren't comfy enough to do that though.


"Thayer?! Lyra?! Are you in here?" Mrs. West flies in the room in a panic. We both sit up and stop laughing at my lame joke about cats. "Come, we must eat supper." She calms down leaving the room. I glance at the clock. It's only been 15 minutes since I left the kitchen, and they hadn't started supper yet. 


"What's wrong?" Thayer asks, as the two of us run after her. What could be so important? 


"We have to eat then pack for a couple days trip." She whispers, as we get to the dinning room. Supper is already served and ready to eat. It's steak with mashed potatos. I scratch my forehead. I know they couldn't have cooked that in the past 15 minutes, and I know it wasnt cooked before I came in I would have smelled it. Sitting in my seat, we all eat in 5 minutes in which I get a stomach ache from eating to much and eating to fast. I keep up easily though, running to my room and packing for a weeks stay. Somewhere we still haven't been told where.


With the four of us loaded in the car, and already on the street the first couple minutes are quiet. I notice Mr. and Mrs. West holding hands tightly and looking at each other with a love so strong that nothing could tear them apart. It makes me smile knowing they're that happy. But they look sad as well. What could make them sad like that? We could make us all rush through a normal night? 


"Are you going to tell us where we're going?" Thayer asks, breaking the silence. He sits up leaning between the driver and passenger seats. I'm still wrapped in my blanket, and looking out the window. I hope it's not a lonig car ride. If it is though I'm gonna sleep.  


"We're going to Spridge." Mr. West says, without turning and looking back. I sit up, leaning just like Thayer is. We're going to Spridge?!  "There is a funeral." He adds, and my heart stops. Oh god! My parents!? The other elementals?! Sebastien?! Chaston!? ELIJAH!? 


"Who's?" Thayer asks grabbing my hand, I squeeze his. Why didn't they tell us this right away? It must be one of my family members!


"Edmund Holt." He says, and my world goes blank. The Queen. This is her doing. 

Chapter 3

 "Lyra." I feel a knudge in my shoulder. I mumble something, I'm not sure wht even. Then go right back into my zone of sleep. "Hey, we're here." Thayer's voice breaks in again. My eyes fly open, and I see we are sitting in the caslte driveway. I don't see anybody waiting for us, but inside those doors are my parents and friends. And Elijah. I left without even saying goodbye to him. I left without that kiss. Grabbing Thayers hand we get out, but I can't go in yet. I mean I know it's not about me, Sebastien and Chaston dad is dead! But still I can't help but wonder what they will say to me. We're staying for a week, so they're bound to ask why I never wrote... and Elijah and I are bound to have one time when we're alone. I show him through one of the many gardens, trying to push back time. I hope no one spots us through a window but I'd rather that then actually seeing in person. Sitting at on the the benches I lay my head on his shoulder, he knows I'm not comfortable here.  We sit for twenty minutes or so not saying anything just sitting.


"We should get up there you know.." he whispers kissing the top of my my head. I nod, even though I don't want to. Taking a deep breath I stand up gripping Thayer's hand we find our way out of the garden. 


Walking through the castle now, I smile at all the good memories, and it make my heart ache more. Before we actually go to the throne room where everything is being held I show him to the study, where I was almost killed the first time. I explain that day to him, telling him everything even Tatum. Wasting away a little more time before I see any one. He doesn't mind though, and he doesn't say anything. 


"You're going to see her today." I hear Rashell's voice, and I look to the door. It's wide open! How could I have left it opened!? 


"Yes, I know Rashell." I hear his voice, and my breath is taken away. I wonder if he senses me in anyway. I sure as hell hope not. If he see's me I don't know what I'd do or say at the moment. Including he is with her. "Remember though, you are to cause no harm to her or her Fiancé."


"Only if you stay away from the girl, Elijah." Rashell replies, sounding aggrivated. Good the bitch, I hope Elijah has been pushing her buttons like this. Although, I know something they have been doing... even though they shouldn't have been. My head gets dizzy thinking about it!


"Lyra is engaged, Rashell with your orders. She probably wont even let me near her." He says. My heart pulses with energy at the sound of him saying my name. I can't keep my eyes off the open door!


"If I see you even talking to her Elijah, you know what will happen." Rashell warns. Their voices getting closer and closer. "Lyra will die, and I'll make you watch." I take a deep breath breath, and I can feel Thayer's eye burning a whole into my head from looking at me. I should say something but what? Including if I talk they might here me, and that probably isn't the best thing to happen at the moment.


"I wont let that happen." he says just as they become visible though the door. Thayer is gripping my hand, now obviously listening. I never told him about Elijah, I don't know how much of this is making since to him. "I love her." he says. My heart rate speeds and I know he will sense me here.


"I don't care!" Rashell pushes him against the wall. "You are not aloud to even look at her! Got it?" She hisses. If Thayer hadn't been in the room I would've stormed out and strangled the bitch! Without hesitation too. I don't care that she is Sebastien and Chaston's mother, she is a crazy old bat lady! 


"Yes, my queen." He replies still calm and collected.


"Good, now lets go say goodbye to my husband." she smiles. Then they disappear down the hall. Thank god they didn't see us! Maybe he sense me, he should've been able to read my mind. I don't know, At least nothing happened!


"Care to explain." Thayer asks, and I gulp. God, my life is on the line here! I squeeze Thayer, wishing Chase wouldn't have found me, I never would've caused any problems. But then again I never would've meet any one.  "Lyra... what was that?" He asks again. 


"That was the queen being herself." I try to sum everything up with out going into detail. He doesn't go for it and he lets go of my hand, he is upset.  "Thayer wait... Please. It's a long story, and I don't know how to tell it." I try to reason with him. 


"Lyra we've told each other everything... or at least I thought we did. No secrets remember, that was your idea." He  says staying calm, I've never seen him really mad, or really upset. But I get the feeling one of them is coming. I need to tell him now. There is no way I can't. He heard to much, and being here will show obvious signs.  "Now what was that?' he asks a third time, ad I take a deep breath. 


"Elijah and I are partners, Thayer." I whisper, and he understands automatically. I sit down on the couch, and dip into a bit of what has all happened between us. Meaning the appointments for my memories, and the whole we never told any one because we didn't knw what they would think. I leave out our little scenes from his bedroom. I finish on the whole I found out Rashell was practically forcing him to have sex with her, and then she brought Thayer into the picture.  "You aren't to mad are you?" I ask, I running a hand through my hair. It feels nice to know he knows now but what will he think. 


"You're partners." He whispers, and I let out a breath. "You love him. He loves you."  He is really mad. 


"Thayer, please don't do this." I whisper. My head is buzzing and my hest aches. I can't lose Thayer, he is my best friend! He is part of me and my life now! 


"Lyra, you've been staying with my family trying to fall in love with me when it's impossible." He stands up, but isn't yelling. "Why didn't you tell me this? No one else knows?" 


"I know!" Tatum raises his hand showing up. I breath out a bunch of swear words.  Of course he shows up now. "She didn't tell me, I just spied on her and figured it out on my own though." He adds. Seeing as to he isn't helping.  


"Thayer, I told you in the beginning it would be a long process." I whisper. Ignoring Tatum, hopefully he'll get the hint and leave. 


"It's an impossible process!" He replies, getting snippy. 


"No it's not!" I stand up getting lourder. "Because I do love you!" I shut my mouth a second. As I realize I just said that to him. I never have before, and they way I said that didn't sound like a brotherly I love you. I sit back down on the couch. Holy shit. Do I love Thayer? We've only known each other a little over a month, but like he said before we had no secrets... well I did... but we're best friends. Aren't you supposed to be best friends with the person you love? Elijah and I always had secrets, and never really found anything out about each other there was always drama. So perhaps it's just the partner thing that makes me love him. His looks as well too. No. I love Elijah for who he is as well. How he is secretly funny and not always serious. How he is smart yet not. 


"Okay.. I'm gonna go.. we'll talk later." Tatum breaks the long silence. Then I feel the couch sink in a little more as Thayer sits next to me. Gosh, I wish he would just say something already. Even if he says I hate you or that he doesn't want to marry me anymore. Just something. I've always hated silence, but I seem to very good at creating it. My life is one huge ass ball of drama! Twirling the tips of my hair around my index finger, I worry. I should say something but what? I don't know what he is thinking, and I obviously don't know how he is feeling. 


"Lyra, what you just said...." He speaks, and my gut clenches. What's he trying to say? Does he even know? Gosh I just told him that I love him! Which I didn't even know! Is it possible to love two people at once? I mean I love my family and friends. But in a relationship lke way can you love two people?


"I've known I love you Thayer." I say, thinking of a way to expain it better, "I just thought it was brotherly... I don't think it is though anymore." 


"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so mad about this. I do understand why you didn't tell me." He sighs. " I guess I just thought you trusted me with everything." He sighs. 


"I do Thayer. No one else knows about the partner thing. Not my parents even. Well I guess Rashell does... but I just didn't know what to say either." I look up at him, and is looking down at me. 


"He is the doctor who came to look at your head... he gave birth to you... that's weird.  He is like a hundred something, and your sixteen." He looks ahead. I nod agreeing it is weird, I've always thought that. "Hmmm.... we should talk about this later." He sighs. 


"We probably need to get to the ceremonies." I sigh. He stands offering his hand, taking it we head out together I lead the way to the throne room, not as worried now for some reason to see everyone again. I guess talking about it helped. Although I don't know how it helped. Oh well something happened that made me not so nervous. Maybe it is that Thayer knows now, and I am not keeping anything from him now. It makes sense. Beofre I was worried he would notice me looking at Elijah, or him looking at me. But now knowing that he knows, he might undertand why I'm looking. Also knowing that if Elijah does look at me, I could die. I have the knowledge of knowing he wouldn't risk my life so he wont look at me.  "That's the door there."  I say as we stop a couple feet away. I smooth down my black dress, and run my fingers through my hair. Black dress and white hair... classic.


"Lyra, wait." he whispers grabbing my hand that was reaching for the door. He walks towards me, cupping my face in his hands. I know what comes next. With out hesitation he ducks his head, and our lips meet. He steps forwards as I step back, until my back is to the wall. It's a nice passionate kiss. Third kiss we've ever had. First real kiss I would have to say though. He steps away, and I can tell my checks are a little pink. I want to reach up and touch my lips, I feel like a little girl who just just had her first kiss ever.  "Sorry... I just.. I wanted to do that. Before things started getting even more complcated." He says, embarassed as he scratches the back of his neck.


"It's okay Thayer. We're engaged, it's normal." I say. Then I think about it. We haven't really ever kissed before though. For us it's not normal. We're more of friends then we are lovers. Even though I did just admit to him that I love him, he never even said it back! Although I can't be mad at him for not. Now my head is everywhere! "Thayer.. I don't know what I'm talking about.. I'm confused... and .. and .." I don't know what to say!


"Let's unconfuse you." he whispers, and I look at him as he takes his steps back to me. I back up, unsure by exactly what he means. Obviously kiss, but how far? How long? Why do I think about this kind of stuff? He lips are on mine, forecully. It's weird knowing Thayer is capable of this mysterious and bad guy  look. He plays it good. I like this side of him. He seems dangerous, and unexpecting. He runs his tongue over my lips, and I don't argue with him. This is what we're supposed to be doing. whether now is the right time or not is the thing. Now that I think about it there is a body just on the other side of this walls. I forget that details after a second, as his hand on the back of my neck massaages under my jaw, and his other hand on my hip slips upward. Golden eyes flash through my eyes, that are closed. A gasp moan thing escapes me, and then he moves away just like that. Then grabs my hand, and drags me into the throne room. My breath hitched, and hair slightly messed. My face is red definately, and I try smooth down my hair.


HOLY SHIT! That was some kiss. He has skills. He's had practice. That girl friend of his he told me about... I'll have to ask him a little more about her sometime. We slip in the chairs next to his parents, no one notices us but them. They notice me and how I am flustered, and I get a smile from his mother. Even more embarassed my cheeks turn tomato red. I look at Thayer next to me unphased, as if nothing happened. He smiles and peeks down at me. I frown, but it's hard to keep it serious so I look away. He places a hand on my knee, in a relatiosnhip way, and then I grab his hand linking our fingers. I squeeze his hands really hard using my training, and he looks down at me. I smile with innocence. 


"We can finish later if you want." He whispers, and then kisses my hair line above my ear. I look up at him, to see him looking forward and unphased. I'm panting and blushing, how can he be like this at this time! He is almotst a new person. But he isn't. I've known he had a more dangerous side to him, and it seems that me telling him I do have feelings for him opened up this side to him. A side I don't mind at all.


Looking straight ahead, I see Rashell, Chaston and Sebastien standing in the front of the room shaking hands with everyone listening to them all say the same things. Sorry for your loss, and it was to soon. Glancing through the crowd, ... which was a mistake... I do see Elijah. He is sitting in the front row on the other set of pews. He pale almost white skin looks spectactular in the black tux. He hair combed back like usual and his complection still clear as a babies. I can't see his eyes,  but I can just imagine their golden color. I seen them only a couple minutes ago during Thayer and I's moment. That's just what I'm going to call that now is our moment. It was a good moment.  A step foreward for our wedding next month. 


Our wedding. I think again, I'm think of marrying Thayer as I stare at Elijah. I'm in trouble. I watch as he brings a hand to his face scratching his forehead like he does when he is thinking hard. I wonder what he is thinking about. Then I watch as he stands and makes his way to Rashell. Watching as he first sees Chaston and Sebastien. Chaston is bawling and Sebastien seems emotionless. Gosh there father is dead! Or course things aren't going to be good!  then I watch as Rashell wraps her arms around him and she cries, fake tears, I can tell. But I'm not the only one to realize she holds him but he doesn't hold her. Her kids notice, and so does Mr. and Mrs. West. Looking up at the coffin, which I can't see inside, I flash back to Harris's wake. Tatum was nice enough to take me. His wako sister sister killed him. Wow women these days! Looking out the window to my right I almost jump out of my chair. Tatum is there! Floating! Or doing what ever he does flying at something he points at the door, and gestures for me to hurry. Elbowing Thayer I point and he looks, and looks at me. I stand up, telling Thayer to stay put.  I look up at Rashell, Chaston and Sebastien... and he just happens to be looking at me as well. I smile slightly and leave the room as fast as I can. I'm gonna beat Tatum when he appears!


"Lyra, you know what the obituary says!" He asks behind me holding out the paper. I take it reading it and it says Pneumonia! 


"It's a bunch of bullshit!" I hand it back. "It was Rashell." 


"Oh.. you knew that already?" He asks, tossing it behind him. I nod wondering if I should pick that up or not. I guess I never picked one up so I wont be blamed for it, but I doubt Tatum will. Also it's not very nice... that guy is dead. The king is dead! Leaving only Rashell to rule over the kingdom. Oh god, I see where Tatum is going with this! His people might be in danger! I know I am and I'm from here! What might she do too Tatum and his family?


"I don't have time for this Tatum." I sigh, wanting to help, but until we know for sure whats going on we can't really help. 


"Later then." He says. I nod slipping back into the room. As I come back in The West's a sitting back down. Damn I missed the time to go up there. I don't want to go without Thayer with me. I look back up there and see my parents. I smile they look the same. Sadder then ever but still healthy. At least she isn't trying to kill everyone off! Taking my sear next to Thayer, I grab his hand and he gives me a quizzical look. I hold up a fingure gesturing for him to wait with the questions for a better time. We sit quietly as people come in and out. Elijah stays for the whoel time and so do we. Once the sun has started setting, guards come in and lead the Queen and her kids out of the room. I look up at the coffin one last time, I haven't seen his body yet. I grab Thayer's hand, and I stand up pulling him with me. Going up there now without having to say anything, I look down at Mr. Holt. He looks peaceful. I hope it wasn't a horrible and painful death. "Care to tell me whats up?" he whispers, wraping an arm around my side. 


"Tatum... he showed me the obituary. It says Pneumonia was the cause of death... It's wrong." I reply, Looking away from his body. I'm for some reason not as sad as I should be. More angry, because he was good guy, and the women he married killed him! She is one bat shit crazy lady! "He is worried about his people his race. I told him I will help." 


"Lyra!" He says in his normal voice now sounding worried. "You can't protect and save everyone.  He has an army why would he need your help? Why go through all of that danger?" He ask.


"Beause it's the right thing to do Thayer. She murdered him, and now Sebastien and Chaston don't have a father. The people of Spridge will live under her rule, and that's not right!" I say pulling from his hold. I cross my arms, can't he see this?


"You are right, I just don't want you put into that kind of danger." He says, and we walk back towards his parents. I take notice to Elijah talking to Asia, in the back of the room. "Lyra, you are so reckless sometimes!" He sighs, seeing my determination.


"Thayer do you realize me being here is huge risk?" I whisper. He nods, and I see his eye flick to Elijah. "It's not his fault either!" I add. "We need to talk to Tatum. Come on!" I grab his hand, and we head back outside and to the beach. We're no one should be able to see or hear us. We sit at the edge of the dock, waiting to see if Tatum shows up, dangling our feet into the water, and chatting. It's always easy to carry a conversation with him which is one thing I love about him. 


"I seen the other elementals in there." he sighs, as we finish talking about fish. I nod, unsure where he is going with this. Better not be that he is attracted to them! Although I shouldn't be mad if he likes other girls. "I've never seen you use your powers, and I know you have bth ice and air."  Holding out my left hand I  form a snowball, and he smiles. I still can do it. Then with my righ hand, I twirl a tornado.  "That's awesome." He smiles, 


"This isn't anything. " I smile, sitting the snowball in the tornado then I throw it and the snowball shoots out like a cannon. "I can fly, and create wind and snow storms. I'm kind of out of practice though." I sigh, ending the tornado in my hand. 


"Can you fly for real?" he asks, disbelieving me. I stand up, offering a hand for him to come with me. He shakes his head. I shrug, and he turns to watch me. "In case you really can fly, please be careful." He says, giving me a look. I smirk, crouching down. I haven't done this in so long, it will feel nice. My hair will get messy, but it's worth it.  "Lyra I'm serious!" He warns and I jump. Bursting into the sky, I laugh I forgot how good this felt! I do a couple loops and twirls. Then I dive down, flying a foot above the water. I reach down running my fingers through the water. Something I've always wanted to do since seeing it in movies. I slow down to hover by Thayer who is smiling as well and watching me. 


"Sure you don't want to come along?" I ask, holding a hand. He nods stepping away from me. Hmmm I wonder what his problem is. "Scared of heights?" I ask. and he doesn't say anything. I giggle, landing on the dock I run my fingers through my hair again happy it's not as bad as I thought. "Well, I don't think he is coming. "Wanna go back get some food." 


"Yeah." he sigh, and he holds out his arm like a gentle men. I put my hand on his elbow like a lady is supposed to and I still lead the way. I point out little things about bushes and flowers, still not a smart as Thayer is about these things. Walking up the entrance to the castle, I sigh. It's such a pretty place. I'm surprised my parents haven't came running to find me. Although there friend just died. Also they're probably trying to sooth their other friend even though she doesn't need soother she needs thrown into a jail cell! The stairs start shaking, and I look around at everything. I see the groundshaking as well, and I know something is up. We don't have earthquakes here!  I see Flora walking about of the forest, and it's her. It's her.. why is she doing this? Out of know where A bunch of crows fly out of the woods, and up into the sky. Then she stops. "What was that?" Thayer asks me. I'm gonna find out. Jumping up I zoom over to her, and land in front of her. She gives me a smile happy to see me. 


"What the hell Flora?" I ask right away. Not wanting to do the whole enitre how have you been and why didn't you write conversation. Her face faulters slightly. "Hey..." I sigh, and she smiles. 


"The crows... They've been hanging out around the castle the past couple weeks. Just trying to get ride of them. They're stubborn I had to make an earthquke for them to leave." She sighs. 


"Oh... huh.." I sigh, and then we somewhat catch up walking back to the castle.  "Thayer.. Flora... Flora Thayer." I  introduce them.  They wave to each other.  


"I hope you're treating her right, she is a special  girl." Flora grabs his hand shaking it. Thayer doesnt know what to say, and neither to do.


"Flora don't pesture the couple, come on we're running late." Elijah walks down the stairs. My grip on Thayers hand tightens. Oh shit. He heart rates flies again. I don't look at him, I don't say anything. 


"The others went to training already?" Flora groans. "Yeah, we shoud get going... Hey Lyra you should come with us! We never had that  trainging day with all od us and I'm sure Theo would love to see you. Along with the tother as well." 


"Ahhh.... no. I think I'll pass." I say glancing at her and back to Thayer. What do I say. First off Elijah, second Elijah and third Tatum might show up later. 


"Go." Thayer says, and I glare at him. "See you friends while you here for the week. If Tatum stops, I'm here and no what going on." He says. 


"You sure?" I ask.  He nods. "Alright. I'll be back later.. I hug him and hes kisses the top of my head. I like it when he does that yet I don't. I like because he isn't scared to show his affection in public, yet I don't because it seems like something your dad would.  "Let's go." I sigh. Then Flora, Elijah and I head down the street towards the training center.  Flora keeps things not so awkward with all of her talking, and I'm glad to listen to her and catch up on things I missed. Apparently Chase and Chaston made things official and everyone knows. Rashell isn't happy. Sierra and Frederick broke up, something about Frederick not wanting to be tied down. Janessa and Theodore are together as well, I was right! We walk inside, and I see everyone else warming up. I go towards the bathroom, I have a cabinet in there were I hide my things. It's locked also and I'm the only one who knows where the key is. Coming out as I finish wrapping my left hand, theodore and I do our hand shake and take a minute to catch up on things. 


"I bet you're out of practice." He jokes as we head to the mat with the others. 


"More then likely." I sigh, glancing at Elijah. He is doing some paper work, and hasn't said one word to me. I don't know if that's a good thing or not. "Ahh,  race?" I offer. 


"Your on." He says, and the two of us branch away for the  8 minutes it takes us to run through the course. "I thought you said out of practice!" He breaths out, after his minute of catching his breath. 


"I thought so too." I laugh, feeling great. "You should probably go back to your girlfriend.. I think she is slightly jealous." he looks towards her and he nods. I head over to the mirror, and look at my reflection. I haven't gained any weight from being with the West family. Which is also surprising. In fact my legs look a little better. All the running to not be late to class, and learning how to take care of a horse too. Ahh Rush. I'm gonna miss him. I already do. Looking at my figure more, I see the little outline from my scar. I think about that day, and how I almost died. I haven't heard from Tracy, and I wonder what is going on there. I'm still talking to Tatum. I wonder...


Is she still after me too? 


First the queen and maybe Tracy. Great.


I grip the bar in front of me, not liking where this is going. I'm dead. If I stay here I'm dead. I have to leave. I'm in to much danger. I need o get back to Caswan, but there am I really safe either?  I'm not safe anywhere. I shake my head what am I thinking about. 


"Lyra, wanna spar?" Asia comes over, and I shake my head politely. "Are you sure... you're over here alone." She asks again.


"Asia she is to good for us remember?" Sierra snips, then laughs. "She probably doesn't have any skills anymore." I role my eyes. Now she must really not like me. I don't know why though. It's not like I broke up her and Frederick. 


"Or maybe your jealous, I'm getting married and your not." it slips out and the room goes quiet. 


"Say that again I dare you!" She growls walking towards me. I smirk, ready to say it again. I know I can knock her out. I wait until she is right in my face, she is a foot shorter then me!  


"Lyra, I need to talk to you." Tatum's voice says from behind me. I turn ready to smack him too. He always comes at times like this. 


"Wow, still talking to him too. No wonder you and Thayer aren't working out." She laughs.  My arm swings out, but it gets stopped. I feel heat in my hand, and the room went quiet again. I'm still glaring at Sierra but I know who grabbed me. I will always know his touch.


"Sierra, that is quiet enough." Elijah speaks, I rip my hand from his grip. I turn to Tatum, and he smiles embarassed. "I also think you should go." Elijah adds and I assume he is talking to Tatum.


"No. He can come with me." I say, and I walk towards the bathroom to put my stuff away. He follows and I start unwrapping my hands this better be good.  He explains to me, a bunch of stuff he saw and heard. Which all makes total since and totally put Rashell at fault. I listen intently, looking down at my hand. His touch is still slightly buzzing, gosh I wasn't nice to him. But if I would've looked at him or even talked to him I would've broke.  I can't do this. I thought maybe, but it's been awkward the whole time... well for me at least.  


"I don't think you're safe here." He ends, and I nod. Heading towards the door, he follows. "Lyra I'm serious. You shoudn't be here. You're not only putting yourself at risk but what about Thayer and his parents." I scratch my eyebrow he has a point.


"What about your sister?" I ask, now that we are on the topic. Might as well get all of this off my chest.


"You're engaged now too. She knows you wouldn't do anything." He smiles slightly. I elbow him, giggling a second.


"Lyra! Hey can you come later tonight?" Theodore runs over. "It would be nice to have a partner at my level for a while again." He whispers. I smile slightly, but I don't understand how they aren't at his level yet. They've been training longer then I have.


"Yes, I can." I say, and then I wave good bye. Tatum and I fly off so we can go include Thayer in the conversation, and get everythig sorted out. I hope this is all easier then it seems. I mean what will I have to do anyways? Will it come to killing Rashell? I wouldn't mind that. Although doing that would put Sebastien and Chaston in situation with zero parents. But if they knew what she was really like what would they think? She is still there mother and they would still love her. Landing on the deck to our appartment.. the West family and I... we go inside passing by Mr. and Mrs. West with a hello, and finding Thayer in the bedroom. 

Chapter 4

 "Well, that was something else." I sit on the bed, scratching my forhead. Tatum just left, and informed Thayer and I about everything. Apparently his peope are already getting threats. From all the shit that has happened so far, Rashell seems to be more evil then the Drarkals! Tatum explained how the whole castle is crowded wth darkness that is stronger then any drarkal. I feel what he is talking about too, this place just doesn't feel right. We need to consider another player in the game. Who else though? Tatum said there are much eviler forces out there then Drarkals, so we might be in over our heads. What exactly we're doing I don't know yet. We aren't planning an asassin sadly, I offered though. Just sit and lay low for a couple days watch everythig and everyone. I thought this was just about me and Elijah, but no Rashell has a lot more planned and a ot more wrong with her thenI originally thought. I can't leave here nnow knowing the shit I do. My family is here! They could be the next targets! I know I'm on the list, I don't know where but it's obvious I am. So what exactly do I do. Sit and do nothing. That's what Thayer and Tatum said. 


"Why don't we just get food and watch movies for the night." Thayer says standing up. He is trying to pretned none of this is happening. He is good at that. I'm not. I wish I was more like him. What else is there for me to do now though. Standing and going with him to our little kitchen we make popcorn, and put on White House Down. 


I pause the movie taking a potty break, and not wanting to miss anything with Channing Tatum and Jamie Foxx I mean those to are HAWT! I use the bathroom and wash and dry my hand and I come back out and see The West's talking to Thayer. They gesture for me to come, and they explain again that Rashell is inviting us to supper. Of course she is. I'm in jeans and a sweatshirt that will do. I took off my dress since we're watching a movie. We all leave, and I lead the way to the dinning room. Thayer tells his parents to go in and we stand outside the room for a minute alone.  He squeezes my hand in a reassuring way. I smile again he is always seeing some bright side I don't see ever. We walk in the room, holding hands like we're supposed to. We get looks from his parents, they're smiling. I look at Chaston just to really look at her. I hope she is okay, she was bawling her eyes out earlier. She is  looking at me as well. Her look isn't happy though, it's mad. Oh great. I move on to Sebastien, he is looking down at his lap. Taking the second to look at him, I notice something is off. He is bigger. Buff wise. I also see the black eye that wasn't there earlier. What's he getting into now? Then I look and see my parents, there comforting Rashell. I role my eyes. I see Elijah next to her of course,  and the only other two seats open are the two next to him. Thayer puts me in the chair rdirectly beside him ad he sits to my left. Elijah on my right and Thayer and left. This will be interesting. 


I sit formally like I was taught. Talking lightly with Thayer. Asking about who is taking cre of the horses and stuff until the meal is served that is when I assume things will start going down. When the doors from the kitchen swing open and the food is being carried in a smell hits my nose. The smell of food obviously but there is something else though. It's faint, but I can smell it. What is it though is the question...? My plate is set in front of me and the smell is stronger then ever. It's somekind of fish thats being served, Rashell was smart. Fish smells the most when cooked. What ever that other smell is she was trying to hide it. It can't just be on my plate either, it's to strong. I lightly and soundlessy tap Thayer's foot he looks right away. I look down at my plate, and shake me head slightly. He understands, grabs his glass of water. I nod, letting him know the water is fine. Water it is for the two of us. Although, his parents.. and my parents! Good god. Everyone is eating already too it's to late. I push my plate forward, and look at Rashell in the corner of my eye. She is watching me like a hawk!


"Not hungry?" she speaks, smiling inocently. I smile back, shrugging my shoulders.


"I ate only a couple minute ago." I reply.


"Me too." Thayer comes in, and I'm happy he plays along. I want to know what is in the food though. Rashell sighs, looking down at her plate and eating hers. She is tricky. She must've done something, to make sure the cooks wouldn't put what ever it is on her plate.


"Now I think you can still eat." Mr. West speaks, and he doesn't sound happy. Mad, that's what is sounds like. Mad? I glance at everyone. They all seem to be a little edgy. What is going on?  I look at Thayer and shake my head something is definately not right. 


"If they don't want to eat don't make them." Mrs. West says. Also sounding mad and aggravated. 


"Lyra, you love fish. Don't waste a good meal." are the first words that come from my fathers mouth to me. He sounds mad to. What is with everyone being mad? Rage! I kick Thayer again, and he looks over to me. He was watching his parents who are now bickering. Where did Rashell get it from? Isn't it a Drarkal plant? Well, that other force though.


"It's rage. I plant used to make people mad." I inform him, he leans back and away from his plate. "People are gonna get mad and fight. I kn Iow first hand." I add. "This isn't good."   We sit quietly as everyone starts bickering, the only one who isn't is Elijah, but  he ate his food. He must have some kind of immune thing with being a vampire.  He can read my mind. I wonder is he or has. If he has then he knows that I know something. God what the hell am I going to do?! What can I do? 


The more and more people bicker and argue the more and more I want to slap the fake sadness off Rashells face. She can't do this this is drugging people and she is a compulsive liar wtih huge commitment issues! Thayer and I keep our heads down and stay out of it. Elijah isn't saying or doing anything either, althoug what can he say. He is probably under a bunch of rules and has a lot to lose if he breaks them. Everyone is still eating though too, and thats not helping. We need to get them to stop eating. I get an idea. Focusing as hard as I can, I thrust window all around the room, flinging open the windows, and blowing food everywhere. Most of it just happens to land on Rashell, and I didn't even plan that. Everyone shuts up, and looks at the mess and the open windows.  No one suspects me! That's perfect! I'm the first one to stand up and wipe all the food off of me. 


"I'm gonna smell like fish!" Chaston screeches, still having rage in her system. Then she stomps out of the room, a trail of pudding following her. I clear my throat, and exscue myself as well. I hear Thayer excuse himself, and he meets me out in the hall. I admit to him that I did it and he isn't mad, I apologize for dirtying his nice dinner clothes.  I wipe off the vegie dip on his shoulder, and giggle.  He swipes his finger through the little that's on his chest and then swipes it across my nose. He chuckles, and then we walk down the hall back to the place we're staying at. I shower first and slip into my pj's and then  Thayer does. Once we're both ready we go back into the living room and play the movie. Thayer ends up falling asleep, which I understand why. He doesn't sleep well in cars so he is more then likely tired.  I wake him up a little bit and help him to our room... yes our room...  this place only has two bedrooms.  I don't really mind though, Thayer wouldn't try anything. I wont try anything. Not here, and not now. Sitting out in the lving room alone, I'm guessing the West's are helping with cleaning up. They're good people. It's horrible that they're being threatened! 


Thinking about that I wonder.... I might have bought myself some time for snooping! I leave the appartment thing, happy I put on my black legging pj pants and a gray shirt. I'll blend in easier in the dark. Running through the halls I find the bedroom hall way and I make my way to Rashell's. I listne closely  listening for a voice which I don't hear. I crack open the door and stay still listening again. Nothing. I openit and fly up to the cieling just in case. Still nothing. Looking around at all the fancy furniture, I look for suspcious looking things. I gown down and closer into her closet, not touching anything yet. There might be traps in here. I know there isn't camaras Chaston was talking to me about how they never have camaras because they don't need them. It's amazing that all of Mr. Holts belongings are gone already. There isn't even a picture of them in here. The only pictures are Rashell and her kids, and then one picture of just her kids. Only two pictures.  At least I can see she likes her kids. I hear a tap, and I pause. Peeking over towards the sound I see a shadow of a crow in the window. What's with crows? Flora was talking about them too. There was never crows her a month ago so something has obviously changed. I should leave. I haven't found anything and I can't touch anything. I zip out of her room. Landing down the hall a ways, I glance out the window looking for crows. There isn't any. Why is it alwasy crows though? Crows or ravens. It can't once be a penguin or an ostrich!?


I head back to the appartment taking my sweat time, I'm not tired. I also am scared to go to sleep becuase that would be to least safe thing for me to do. There are multiple thousands of things Rashell could have done to me while I sleep. Instead of going back to the apartment just yet I actually go outside and sit on the stairs at the entrance. Looking at the stars. They're the same stars, that you seen in the human world, it's nice having them to look at. 


"You shouldn't sit out here in the dark all by yourself." Sebastien's voice breaks my train of thought, and I watch as he sits next to me. He seems to have calmed down, rage is a nasty thing and I don't know for sure how much of it he got but I know he didn't get as much as the adults. "Althoug from what I heard you can protect yourself pretty good." He sighs, looking up at the sky to. I don't know what he wants. I don't know what to say. Of course I don't want to bring up his father or his mother. But that's what I'm thinking about. Asking him if he notices the changes in her, or the weird things. "Or you can ignore me..." He whispers. 


"I'm not ignoring you." I sigh lookig back up. "I just don't know what to say to you." 


"How about hi... or I missed you... or how about sorry I didn't write to you or tell you I was leaving." He asks. I close my eyes. He is mad. I forgot all about the problem of not writing or saying anything. Jeepers what a great week away this is going to be! Between keeping myself alive, not killing the queen, and staying away fro Elijah I've booked myself! 


"Sebastien don't be like that." I reply, and he scoffs. "You know it was you mother who ordered me off? She was je-.. she ah she didn't want us together... so she sent me away." I stand up. I can't go through this. Not without someone here who understands.  Thayer or Tatum. That's all I have right now. 


"My mother? Lyra, my mom told me you wa-" he begins.


"Well she lied to you!" I fire back, "Yeah I never wrote to you guys... I didn't know what to say. You would have asked why I left. I couldn't exactly tell you your fucking mother sent me off because she doesn't like me! But now I don't care." I quiet down, he is silent thinking things through. "I'm sorry about your dad, but I'm going to be honest I don't think pneumonia is what killed him." I say, wondering what he might reply. 


"What do you think then?" he asks standing as well. "My mother killed him too?" he raises his brow at me. I nod, walking up the stairs. "How dare you come to my home, when we have been everything but mean to you, and treat me and my family like this!" He says following me.


"Yeah what ever I'm being a major bithc but it's because I'm sick of drama and fake people and your mother is the huge ass cause of both of those problems in my life. I'm sorry you don't see her the same way I do." I keep going without slowig down or turning around. He is still walking with me, so there is something. 


"I heard you're with Tatum now." He changes the subject. Now I stop, I turn around and get right in his face.


"You can tell Sierra to grow up for me." I whisper, then turn away. "Now good night Sebastien. I was hoping this could've been a nice week to see my friends and family...since my life is in danger... but no it wont." 


"Your life is in danger?" He asks.


"Ask your mother.... or don't she probably wont tell you the truth." I reply, turning a corner. He never replies and which I relax he isn't following me anymore. I stop at a window, sitting in the sill regreting what just happened. I told him to much. What if he does ask Rashell? She will for sure kill me. I lay my head between my legs, as I feel tears come to my eyes. I'm weak. I can't do anything like face a strong queen.  All I can do is mess up special dinner meals and fly! I'm going to put Thayer and his family in danger, my parents in danger! Danger. I'm the cause of danger and trouble. 


"Lyra." Elijah's voice echos to me, my head snaps up. He is standing only five feet away looking at me. His golden eyes sad yet happy. I stay where I am, as does he.  Where is Rashell, oh god If she finds out I'm dead for sure.  "She is sleeping already." He whispers again, and I giggle a hatred sound. I don't hate him at all, but knowing he hs snuck away to see me means he is risking both of our lives. He has been reading my mind as well, I wonder how much he knows. I get up, still a little unfocused on if he is really here or not. I reach up slowly, gently caressing his cheek. It's him. He is here!  "Of course, you really thought I wouldn't come?" He whispers pained. I just shrug my shoulders dropping my hand. What on earth do we talk about? There is way to much to talk about in the hour or two we have right now. 


"What are you doing?" I speak, finally getting my voice. "If a guard sees you. or anyone... we're both dead."  I hug him. 


"No one will come down this hall... the cleaning suply hall... what are you doing?" he asks. I look around, I wasn't sure where I was now I know. "I guess it doesn't matter though." He sighs, holding me tight. "You're healthy and happy that's all that matters." He pulls my away and holds me at arms length. 


"You look miserable." I sigh. He sends me a look, I didn't say goodbye or write to him either. He has probably been wondering. 


"It's okay, I've gotten most of the reasons why." He say pulling me back in. It's nice knowing he kept tabs on me!


"Well?" I ask, he must know what I think about Rashell. Also maybe he knows something about this other force here. Tatum said it was bad. I wonder if the crows have something to do with it as well? I can't believe I just now thought of that! I feel stupid now! Duh Lyra crows aren't a good sign! That crow in the her window I wonder what that was about!? 


"Why can't we just have one time where there is no drama... no threats and no fiancés." he sighs. I let out a breath. Thayer, he is sleeping too. 


"I know a couple times..." I smile at the memories of the nights I stayed in his room with him. Espicially the two nights, where we.. lets just say grew closer.  "I should really be getting back though. I'm sure the West's are wondering." I mumble, and he nods. Letting go of me. 


"Lyra." he says after I've taken a couple steps. "Last time you left me I didn't see you for months. You broke your promise about that last kiss." I smile practically running into his arms, slamming  our lips together. The heat washes over me faster then ever as I grip the hair on the back of his neck. His arms wrap around me lifting me with ease. This feels right, I've missed this. I've just missed his touch his voice. What about Thayer? If we get caught? I pull away, laying my chin on his shoulder in a strong embrace. 


"We should stop." I whisper, and he nods. Setting me down, I look out the window I should get going.  "Goodbye." I breath out, and then leave him walking down the hall. I don't look back, if I look back I might run back to him. I want to run back to him, but I can't I promised Thayer! We are getting married next month, and that's that. No changing that. I head back to the apartment, slipping back into our room. I lean against the door, looking at the ground. My heart is still beating at abnormal speeds, and I still want to run back to him for more. Just run back to him in general! "God what am I doing?" I whisper laying my head back on the door. 


"Not sleeping." Thayer answers my question, as he sits up. I look up at him, surprised and trying to see if he is mad or has an idea of where I have been. "I woke up a little while ago... I figured I should just wait and not find you." He scratches the back his neck and pushes his bed head hair back and out if his eyes. I move away from the door and towards the bed, I sit next to him and he takes in a deep breath. Gosh he knows, I look down at my hands unsure what to say exactly. He must know t least I was with Elijah, I didn't go to see him though... he found me.  I'm not complaining about him finding me though.  "So...whats up?" He sighs.


"I came back. I have a promise to you, and I don't plan on breaking it. We said goodbye." I look over at him, and he looking out the window. "Thayer... what I said ealier about loving you, I do." 


"I know." He replies still looking out the window, I watch him with intensity trying to figure out if he is really mad at me.  "You said goodbye to your partner,  you came back to me when you didn't have to. For that I am forever debted to you." He says,  reaching over and grabbing my hand in his. Locking our fingers together, I let out a small breath.


"I know just how you can pay me back." I whisper, he glances at me questioning me. "Make me forget him, not replace him... just make me happy." I lean against him, as a couple tears run down my face. He wraps his other arm around me. 


"That's all I've ever tried to do." He whispers to me, "Knowing you gave up your life here I wanted to make your life in Caswan good."


"You are doing a great job." I smile, looking out the window like he was. 


"Lyra, we will be happy.. You will be happy." He kisses my head, and I smile at his sureness. He is always so positive. I'm never like this. I even ran away thinkng I couldn't fight her, but I saved a whole city of people. I did the right thing. I am doing the right thing.


"I know." I push him down so we are laying down. "We need sleep." I kiss his cheek. Laying my head on his chest and throwing the blanket over the two of us. We cuddle, whispering about what we can all do tomorrow. Actually what we can do for the rest of the week, since we will be here that long.  We toss around ideas like boating and working on dance we have to do at our wedding. I might be a great fighter, but dancing is whole other story for me. It turns out girls can step on the guys feet too. 

Chapter 5

 "NO!" I sit up screaming. Where am I? I'm sweating terribly and my head is pounding. Looking around the room comes into focus better and I recognize the apartment room. 


"You okay?" Thayer runs out of the bathroom. I can hear the shower running, and see his hair dripping wet. I can also see him with just his lower torso covered with a towel. I shake my head, looking away from his torso and up at his face. "Sorry I wasn't out here."  He sits rubbing my back. 


"It's okay... go finish your shower. Your getting the bed wet." I push him away, and he chuckles. Once he is back in the bathroom I let out a couple deep breaths, thinking long and hard about the nightmare. But nothing comes up my mind is blank.  I get up picking out my clothes for the day, and waiting for Thayer to come out. Once he does we switch places and I can shower cleaning my body from the sweat.  Leaving the bathroom, Thayer and I go to the kitchen (in our appartment) and we make oatmeal. Talking lightly again about what to do today, we decide on practicing our dance. Cleaning  up our dishes we head back to our room grabbing the shoes we're told we have to where and the cd with the song on it. Thayer and I picked out a normal waltz song to dance to, and we've been trying the dances with all my different dresses. I haven't choosen a dress yet, neither Thayer or I have liked any that we have been shown. With the wedding only a month away though, a dress is some what needed. 


There isn't enough room for us to practice where we are though, so we're going to have to go to the ball room. Besides no one else will be there, the room is practically on lock down when there isn't a ball. Flipping on the lights as we finally make it there, I look around fascinated. I remember being showed this room, but there was never any balls. It really is grand. It looked just like the ball room in Beauty and the Beast! Minus the grand stair case and talking furniture. Setting up the CD in the music player, I shrug out of my jacket so I'm in dance attire. Thayer's mother insisted I get formal practice clothing, that way when I'm actually dancing with a dress on it wont feel to different.  Although the formal dance attire ha a small skirt like thing, it's just a tank top connected to a pair of leggings with a small skirt. We do a couple little small stretches, that was soomething our coach told us we must do. Yes, we had a coach to teach us the dance, and now that we know it we don't need her to show anymore. It's just that like I said before dancing isn't my thing. 


Taking our places once we finished stretching. I place my hand on his shoulder, and he puts his under my shoulder. Grasping each others other hands, we look at each other as the music begins. Taking the first couple steps, perfectly fine I get ready for the twirl that's coming up. It's always where I screw up. Thayer whispers for me to relax, and I try, but I don't know how longer his toes can go with my big feet stomping on them! He twirls me slowly, and I take the step to come back in. I let go scared I'm going to step on him. Why did we choose dancing this early in the morning? 


"I'm sorry..." I say mentally slapping myself. "I'm gonna break your toes sooner or later though!" I say trying to have some kind of defense. He just laughs at me walking over to the music. He changes it to another song, I think it's the Tango. I'm even worse at that!  "What on earth are you doing?" I ask, as he leads me back out onto the dance floor. 


"We are going to dance... some kind of dance, so you can loosen up." He replies smiling. Oh god, now I'm even more nervous."Lyra come on just have fun with it! Think of it like... using your powers." 


"My powers..." I repeat rolling my shoulders trying to loosen up. He smiles at me I nod. I run over to the music box, changing it back to our waltz. Getting out hands in place again, we start out like normal. Once the twirl comes I think about my powers, it's just like that easy and simple I'm making harded then it needs to be. Once the twirl is done I step back in, and not on his toes! "I did it!" I cheer quietly as we continue, but something is different.  "Oh god!" I say looking around. The twirl created a tornado! We're five feet of the ground right now on top of it. 


"At least you did it!" He smiles. I remember him saying he is scared of heights. Oh gosh, this probably isn't fun for him. 


"I'm sorry. I know you don't like heights. I promise I didn't try either." I say looking down, we're still going through the movements perfectly. I seem to be completely relaxed right now, and I can do the steps.  "Altough, if we do another twirl were just going to get higher. " I take note, as to there is multiple twirls or what ever they are called in the dance. He takes a deep breath shrugging his shoulders. He is obviously nervous, and with him nervous it's going to make me nervous. "I'll get us down." I say, but how is the question. I can just drop us, it's not that far.  "Okay, I have to move us." I say and he nods. We stop dancing,and I wrap my arm around his waist and lean towards where the couch is. That will be the softest landing. Once we are hovering near it, I think about what I should do now. We wont both be able to land on the couch, so how do I do this? 


"What's that face for? Lyra? What are you going to do?" He asks, looking down at me. I've figured out a way to get this to work.  Although, he probably wont be happy about it.  "Lyra!" He speaks, and I look up with a sorry like smile. "What are you goin-" I  push him before he can finish. He falls off the tornado, and it takes him one second to hit the couch, it was only three or four feet.  He looks up at me like with a frown, but then he smiles. I smile back, then kill the torrnado and land next to him on the couch in a sitting position. "That was a new expirience." He sighs looking at me with a smile.  I let out a breath, and small giggle. 


"Sorry..." I say, he laughs shrugging his shoulders.  "At least I did it." I add feeling pretty proud of myself.  


"Yeah, we're getting closer!" He stands offering his hand. "Ready for another go?" I shake my head no, is he crazy!? "What? Come on Lyra you just did it we have to try again!" he states.


"What if I make another tornado? A higher one even?" I say, still sitting. I could seriously scare him, even hurt him!


"Fly with me." He says crossing his arms. I look up at him he has to be joking. He has the look in eyes that tells me he is serious, even has his arms crossed. He means business. I shake my head, no way. He is breaking his comfort zone when he doesn't have to. "Nope I'm not taking no for an answer. I'll pick you and carry you outside if I have to!" He warns, and I shake my head no again. "Alright..." he says walking towards me. Oh shit he is really going to grab me! I hop off the couch, but I'm to late. His arms wrap around me, and I holds on to me tightly. "You sure you want to run?" He asks laughing. I smile slightly. 


"You sure you want to fly?" I ask, looking him in the eyes. He nods, and I take a deep breath. Just do it! I jump up, and we take off up into the air. Thank god this place has high cielings. He grips my hand,  as I hover here in the air so he can get used to it somewhat. I've never had a fear of heights, so I don't know what to do. "Are you doing okay?" I ask.


"This is amazing!" He laughs, looking at the cieling and out the windows. "Can you just go as high as you wont?" he asks, now looking at me. I nod. 


"It's easier when your outside though." I reply, and he laughs. He doesn't seem to be scared of heights at all. Wouldn't he be like screaming and rying right now?  "Do you want to go outside?" I offer, and he nods. I fly us towards the music box turning it off. Then we zoom out the door and through the halls I see a coouple people in blurs, mostly worker but I think we past Chaston and Chase who were walking toghether. Once we're outside I fly up high above the trees takig it slow just in case he wants me to put him down. He hasn't said anything about being scared, he has only gasped and laughed. I fly towards the castle, up to the highest tower with the clock on it. Landing on the top and grabbing ahold of the top, I look out it's a beautiful view. All the gardens and the river ocean thing. The trees and the town.  "Beautiful isn't it?" I whisper, now watching him as he looks at all the views we have from up here. 


"Yeah." He smiles looking at me. "You're something else you know that?" he sighs. 


"I am?" I ask, looking out at the view again. 


"Yes. You're not like other girls. You prefer action and Syfi movies, you prefer a chucky doll over a teddy bear. You can't dance.. very good.. but you have these awesome powers and you're a kick ass ninja! You hate dressing up unless you know you need to.. you're tomboy." He informs me. I don't know where he is going with this yet, so I stay quiet. "But yet you're also one of the girliest girls I know. You still care what your hair looks like whether it's braided or in a bun. You're very picky with your clothing dresses espicially,  you like to cuddle and hold hands. You hate drama which most girls do.. but they just can't seem to stay out of it." He pauses again, and I'm getting the feeling this is going to be bad. "You're unique and different. Almost not scared of anything." I laugh now, looking down at the ground.  


"I have plenty of fears, Thayer. They just aren't the normal teenage girl fears." I interupt, looking at in the corner of my eyes. He is watching me, and I look up at the sky. The sun almost hitting it's peek. It must be ealry afternon only. 


"Tell me one?" he asks. I nod, what am I afraid of? I'm afraid of losing people, but everyone is afraid of that stuff. I'm afraid, Rashell is going to kill my family. Although I'm sure a couple people have that fear as well. I'm scared I'll never be happy when all of this is over.. if it ever is. He knows that already though. I don't have any normal fears though really. Not heights, not spiders, not really snakes.


"I'm afraid I will never fit in." I reply after a moment. "Losing my memories really took me out of the loop. I still don't know anything really. Just what I've learned in the past couple months when Chase found me. The other Elementals and I used to be really close, but now not so much. Chaston used to be my best friend, now we aren't. Sebastien and I used to be in love, and now..." I trail off. He gets the point. "My own parents are still practically complete strangers to me." 


"Well, even if you think you don't fit in here. I know you fit in at Caswan." he says. 


"Do I?" I ask. "I was supposed to be raised to protect a royal family. Not be part of one." I sigh.


"Maybe that's why.." He whispers and he lost me. "I believe in fate some what. I believe that fate took away your memories for a reason, maybe this is it." 


"I don't even know what happened.. It was bad that's all I've gotten. It killed an elemental, and I lost my memories. No one tells me anything. Everyone else seems to be over it. But's it's something I think about. While I'm alone it's alwys there in the back of my mind. What happened that day two and have years ago?"


"We should find out." He says. "Whlie we're here. If it's something you really want to know." he adds looking at me. I nod he has a point but who do we ask. I look out again, and scan over the gardens. Crows. There are crows  everywhere. A couple here and there. 


"Thayer, what dark force to crows belong to?" I ask.


"I couldn't tell you for sure, but I know it's not good. You think that's whats going on?" he asks, noticing them now too.  I nod, not liking where this looks like it's heading. 


"We should head back inside. Try that dance one more time." I sigh, holding out my hand and he smiles slightly taking it. We let go at the same time, and I jump off the building, and we fly out and I fly around a little bit wasting some more time. I bring us down and our feet land lightly on the ground, I let out a breath feeling good from the power usage.  "That was nice wasn't it?"  I ask. 


"It was..." he sighs. "Lyra... I know you're scared for the wedding. I don't want you to be, but I don't know how to help you." He says, I look at the ground he is right I'm terrified for the wedding. I didn't consider it one of my worst fears since it's going to happen. 


"I'm nervous.. isn't every girl nervous." I say, hoping we can drop the conversation. 


"Lyra." he sighs, and I scratch my eyebrow. "I know you don't want to get married.. but you're doing it for my people. I'm thankful. But you sai it yesterday that you do have feelings for me, so is the wedding really that bad of an idea." 


"I do have feelings for you, Thayer." I reply,  "It's just getting married so young... and soon." 


"Arranged marriage." He takes notice. "I remember you talking to me about how you we're once a long time ago engaged. You don't like the idea of it. That's holding you back I think." 


"I've told you how I feel." I say watching him now. "You know I do have feelings for you, and that I am going through with the wedding. I don't know how you feel though, whether you have feelings or even want this marriage other then to save your people." I get a little attitude with him. 


"You think I don't have any feelings for you?" He laughs, and I look away.  "I want to save my people yes, but Lyra I want to marry you." he scratches the back of his neck,  "You're my best friend, and the person you marry should be your best friend. You fit in with me, you help me be me."


"Thayer." I smile, tears coming to my eyes. I wrap my arms around him, hugging him tightly. "You're my best friend." We're standing outside in the yard holding each other, then I pull away, and I sit on the ground. He sits next to me and we lay back looking at the sky. We chat about bird that we see flying most of them are crows but every once in a while there is another kind. I can't tell from this distance, but Thayer can. Then we move on throwing back and forth small little wedding details, like the kinds of flowers we both like, and a menu. Yeah we haven't decided on what to eat yet either. Time is running out for this stuff too!


"What about just normal roses?" I sigh, leaning on my side so I'm facing him. He shrugs his shouders, we drop the conversation. Neither of us really care. "We'll talk about that later." I say picking at the grass. We're both quiet, daydreaming off into space.


"Lyra," He whispers, and I open my eyes. "I was just wondering if you were awake." He sighs.


"Yeah.. do you want something?" I ask him, closing my eyes again. I'm surprisingly tired now for some reason.  I even let out a little yawn and it's just now the afternoon.  


"Not really.. but if you're going to fall asleep, do you want to go inside?" he asks, moving in closer.


"No.. it's nice out. Just stay out here with me in case I do." I reply, rolling in closer to him.


"Of course." He says wraping an arm around me. It's nice laying in the grass like this. It reminds me of the night at the cabin. Being out in the wilderness, but there is a castle like 20 feet away. I role again, so I'm facing him now. I cuddle in close, and he kissed my forehead. I look up at him, he is smiling down at me. I inch up a little so we are more even. "Lyra...?" he questions. I don't reply, I might not do it if I do. I lean in on my side, touching our lips. Gentle oh so gentle a kiss it is. I move away, snuggling back into him. "Lyra." He says, grabbing my chin. He moves down  so are faces are even again.


Not so gentle this time he pulls my lips to his. I cup his face in my hands, as a breeze blows over. He roles over taking me with him now, he stops hovering abve me. I giggle, as his hands tickle my sides, and I nibble his bottom lip. Again, a different Thayer he is more playful and dagerous seeming. Our kiss changes from a nice little peck to passion filled make - out session in seconds, but we still have control. We just don't care, if some one see's some one sees. What if Elijah sees? Well, we said goodbye. I can't keep going back to him either. I need to forget him. Thayer can make me do that. He makes me happy. Although sitting here in Thayer's arms and knowing he can make me forget Elijah practically breaks my hear. I don't want to forget him, but I have to. Pushing against his chest I flip us, now he is under me. I grab the colar of his shirt and pull him up so we are sitting. My fingers grip in his hair, and he wraps his arms around my waist. Golden eyes appear and I knew they would. I ignore them, and think about Thayer. I'm with Thayer. I have to be with Thayer! It makes my blood boil and not in a normal way, as the eyes slowly start fading away. It burns though, and I feel like I'm sitting in a volcano. My head hurts like hell, and I'm partly sure my heart is withering away. What's happening? I groan, but not in a pleasuring way. Thayer takes notice and pulls back.


"Lyra? What's wrong?" he ask, looking at me. My head is spinning, I'm going to be sick! "You're getting a fever!" he says, and I try to stand up and move away. I lose balance, and I feel grass beneath me. 

Chapter 6

 White. That's all I see. Oh, now I see a light fixture. The light is all to familiar to me. I'm  in the infirmery. I feel sore, like I swam thirty miles and tired. I glance at the I.V in my arm, that's probably not helping. A snore comes from the other side of the room, and I look over and see my parents both sleeping. They've been in here with me, I smile knowing this. My face drops. Elijah, he had to of been my doctor. He has been in here with me as well. I lay my head back against the pillow. Jesus what the hell happened anyways? 


"Mom... Dad.." I speak, and they imediately sit up. Not a very heavey sleep I see. "What happened?" I ask not wanting to a whole entire meet and greet while I'm laying in a hospital bed. They both get up walking over, they don't look scared or anything so it must be nothing serious. That's great.


"You just had weird attack. To much sun." my mom replies grabbing my hand. I nod, sounds alright to me. Although, I've gotten a lot more sun then that before.. hmmm.  "Hunny you should go get the doctor." My mom says, and my dad turns leaing the room.


"No." I speak, as the door opens. "Get Thayer. I want to see him." As Elijah walks in. I close my eyes. Great. This is just great.


"He can't see you right now." He speaks, and I can hear the jealousy obvious in his voice. I let out a breath, looking at my mom. She sighs, and grabs my hand. She isn't going to help me. "Actually I need you to leave the room Molly." He adds, and she nods not arguing. She gives me another smile, and leaves the room. It's just Elijah and I.


"How long do I have to sit in here for." I look up at the cieling. I didn't accept to see him so soon. In fact I planned on not seeing him again while I was here. Just being in the freaking hospital room with him, I can feel that pull. It's never been stronger. I'm guessing it's strong because the two of us are purposely trying to forget each other. Or at least I am. I don't know what he is doing.  I don't need to know either, it's not my business. Although thinking about hi being with other people doesn't make me happy either.


"You're fine now. But you almost killed yourself.. and me." He sighs. "That's why I've kept you in here. We need to talk." he is still looking at the machines, and paper work.  


"What are you talking about?" I say closing my eyes. "Besides isn't the queen gonna skin me alive now?" I ask.


"No. She isn't happy with you, but I think she realized she can't kill you." he replies. I sit up, she can't kill me? I look down the at the I.V wanting to take it out if  I don't need it. He reaches over and just pulls it out. It doesn't hurt, but I get upset and mad. He is mad, and jealous and pissed off! I'm still not following him. He lets out a breath, setting down the clip board, and I get a good look at him. He is more grey colored then his normal, and his eyes are dull. What the hell did he go through? "Great you should ask." he speaks. "I just went through the beginning of  the breakage process as you did to." I sit back, closing my eyes. So I didn't just get to much sun. 


"What happened?" I ask. Not really wanting to know, but needing to know.


"You tell me. All I know is one minute I'm fine, and the next I feel like hell, and I'm getting called to come and help you. I put two and two together. What were you doing?" He wheels his chair closer.


"Thayer and I were outside and  talking about the wedding." I begin, not really wanting to tell him we were kissing and I was trying to push him out of my head. Oh shit!


"Well..." He sighs sitting back. "There is the answer."


"I wasn't trying to hurt you.. or myself!" I defend myself right away. "I didn't know all this would happen. It's not like you haven't ever done it! What about all the times your with the queen? Never mind I don't want to know." I say. "Just let me out. I wont do it again."


"Lyra you almost killed yourself. I'm worried." he says sounding less mad now.


"I didn't know doing any of that would hurt me or you!" I repeat.


"It could kill you. It can't exactly kill me, but it can break my heart." he says and I glance at him. Wouldn't breaking a partner bond break any ones heart? "I mean really break my heart. Like I would become a feelings void, and it's very hard to regain your heart once it's broken."


"Oh." I say. I don't know what else to say. "Well, I wont do it again now can I go." I imagine Thayer wants to see me, and I would prefer to get out of the infirmery. It's never been my favorite place. I sit up again, hopping down from the bed.  I'm in a stupid hospital gown. 


"Lyra, what are you trying to do." he asks standing up, and walking over the the side of the bed I am on. He leans agains the bed arms crossed. I look at the clock, it's 9:21 P.M It's the same day still! That's great! "I wont let you leave the room until I have an answer." He speaks, and I role my eyes. Doesn't he have like other patients to worry about? The force between us is getting stronger, and it's drawing me towards him. That's a line I can and wont pass. 


"I can't kiss my fiancé now?" I ask. "That's what I was doing." I say my attitude maiking it's way out. 


"No need to be smart." He smirks. "You said it before you were trying to forget me." He smiles, "I'm in your head even when you're with him." I turn away, roling my eyes. He is right, and I'm not denying it. It's just he seems to be liking the fact that he is in my head at all times. When I'm guessing I'm in his to, and when he is around the queen t messes with him just like it messes with me while I'm with Thayer.  "The difference is that you try to ignore it. I on the other hand embrace it." I turn glaring at him. That's gross, I'm partly sure he just told me that while he is with the queen he thinks of me.  "No." He says flatly. "I meant that I follow what is says. I stop, they're warnings. That you might be forgetting your partner. So when you tried to push the warning away it had to create a bigger warning." 


"Okay, so from now on I'll listen to it!" I lose my patience. "What did you tell Thayer happened?"  I ask him. 


"He is the only one I told. He needs to know, that way you don't do it again." He sighs. 


"Are you kidding me right now!" I say, turning back to him. "You had no right to tell him that! Oh god, he wont even come near me now because of this!" I say. Now I'm panicing. 


"I had every right. I don't want you dead and neither does he." he replies.  I lean against the wall, I need to think about this. Oh god, Thayer what does he think? He wont ever kiss me again! In the future... kids.. I wont have any! Do I want any? At the moment no there is a crazy queen on the lose!  "Lyra, you're thinking about this to hard." he sighs. 


"Being partners means you're not supposed to be with anyone else." I speak, looking at the ground. "Because of that stupid queen of yours, she is causing all of these problems. She is causing us both this pain, I wouldn't have to forget you, if I wasn't engaged!" I say. Elijah stands walking closer to me. "No. Don't come any closer. You've been living here longer then I have. Dealing with all of this. You never said anything to anyone. You never told her off. Not until I came back. "I'm with some one else though.. I love Thayer, of course not as much as I love you... but I do love him. The queen got what she wanted. Now... I'm sorry, but we have to say goodbye." I whisper my last sentence. 


"Lyra, please don't there has to be a way." he speaks quietly. 


"There isn't anymore." I say wiping my cheek. "I'm getting married next month, and I'm guessing the queen has very special plans for you now that her husband is gone." I realize. "Neither of us were strong enough to stand up to her. Now we're paying the price. Goodbye Elijah." I say, leaving the room. I find a window, opening it and jumping out. No way am I walking through the castle in a hospital gown, I land on the back deck to our appartment and go inside heading straight into our room. I shower and change into a pair of sweatpants, and sweatshirt. I head out to the kitchen, grabbing an apple. Walking past the living room, I see Thayer sitting with his head in hands. Oh god. Poor Thayer. 


What on earth to say to him? It must've been so awkward for him, to have Elijah telling him. I wonder what he thinks. I should've asked Elijah, but then again I should ask Thayer myself. What if he regrets having feelings for me? I'm panicing again. I need to just go in a talk to him, but now I'm scared. He could reject me now. What am I going to do and say to him?! I need to go in. We need to talk. I slowly walk in and sit next to him, he doesn't move or say anything. We sit in the quiet, both of us thinking. This can go a bunch of different ways. Mostly bad. I let out a breath.


"You have to talk to me." I  whisper. I have not idea what to say. " I didn't know it would hurt me... or him. I didn't do it on purpose." I say trying to explain. 


"I'm happy you're okay." he speaks. "I just.. I wish you would've told me..." he says, he still hasn't looked at me. 


"Told you what though ... that while I'm kissing you my brain tells me I shouldn't be." I ask, but I don't want an answer. "Thayer I want to kiss you. That's why I was trying to ignore it, but doing that back fired." We sit in quiet again. I don't think he is really mad, just upset. 


"He said it almost killed you, Lyra. Meaning you kept going once it started.. why?" he asks. 


" I honestly don't know. I didn't know what was happening." I sigh, I'm getting jittery. It's from all my worrying I'm doing. 


"Don't ever. Ever. Do it again." He speaks, and I nod. I wont. "From now on you have to stop, when it tells you." he adds. I look at the ground. If I stop everytime it warns me then we wont ever be able to really touch each other. When we're adults, we will never be able to ave kids. Like I was thinking earlier though do I want kids? He must realize what this means, we will never ever be able to make love or anything. I feel tears coming, and I stand up leaving the room. He will never be able to truly love me, not knowing what he knows. Knowing that Elijah and I were meant to be together must be really hard on him. I can't tie him down. Not to me. But I can't not marrying him either, then his people will be in danger.  "Lyra.. open the door." I hear him on the otherside. I  reach up unlocking it I didn't realize I did lock it.  He sits next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.


"I wont be able to make you happy, Thayer." I say. "Not with all of this ... this stupid crap." I  say keeping my face hidden with my hands. I'm one of those ugly criers. 


"That's a bunch a bull." he sighs. "Lyra you have already made me happy." 


"I wont be able to please you then... how ever you want me to say it." I say, and he scoffs. 


"You really think that's what I care about?" He asks me. I don't reply, I don't know what to say. Isn't that what everyone eventually wants in a relationship? Well, kids even. If he ever wants kids!  "Lyra... please don't start this." he whispers. "Don't push me away. We're best friends, life is hell with out best friends." he pauses  "Espicially if you love you're best friend." he adds, I look up at him and he is looking up at the cieling. Did he just say he loves me? 


"Thayer... all of this means no kids in the future. No being able to really see each other. Doesn't that bother you at all?" I ask. 


"Will figure that stuff out when we get there." he replies right away. 


"You're to good to have to deal with me!"  I sigh, leaning against him, he just laughs. "It's true." I add. He kisses my hairline above my ear. 


"Hungry?" he asks. I nod. He stands up and hold out his hand for me. We leave the bedroom, and head out to the kitchen and the two of us make food. It's around ten now, so we try and keep it quiet unsure where his parents are and if they're sleeping. Deciding on grilled cheese, I get the bread and as he gets the cheese and butter. I let him do most of the cooking and I make us hot chocolate... that for some reason his parents packed.  I'm known for burning bread. My specialty is black toast. I drop in three marshmellows into each of our cups, and then I se our cups at the islancd so they're there when we're ready to eat. Out of know where a window flies open, and a bunch of crows come flying in! I duck as does Thayer as the ravage through the place, cawing or screeching what ever crows do. I crawl over to him, getting nipped at little by little.  "What is going on?" he asks, as we huddle together. They're destroying the place! I can hear glass breaking, and loud thuds. 


"Thayer! The stove!" I panic, she is trying to make it look like an accident! I stand up dashing to the stove, crows wipe past my face and into me as I fight throw the cloud of black feathers. There has to be more then five hundred birds in the place! I reach the stove, trying to see which switch turns it off, which is hard with feathers everywhere. Including I'm getting knocked around by the stupid things. I finally get it off, and I crouch back downI start forming snow balls and throwing them up into the smear of feathers, but it doesn't seem to be helping. A tornado would work but it would a lot of damage. Well it's not like the crows haven't done enough of that! "Thayer, grab a hold of something sturdy!" I yell, hoping he can hear me. Again crows screaming and wings flapping.


Starting a small tornado on my hand, I get as big as I can. Then I twirl, and the wind blows! I watch as swirls of grey and dusty and wind mixed with black. The crows noises die down fast, but that might be because of the wind. I have know idea what is going on now! I might just being seeing swirls of feathers that fell from the crows, but what if they are still in here? I'm gonna have to take the chance, and this isn't going to feel to good. I kill the tornado and plummet to the ground smacking my stomache to the floor. The wind clears, as do the crows. I have no breath at the moment it all came out when I fell, and as I try to regain it. I can hear Mr. and Mrs. West yelling and asking what happened. I role over so I'm on my back, I'm gonna hurt in the morning. Hell I'm hurting already! I look at the cieling as I see black bird feathers raining around yet, and I growl in disgust. This was Rashell's doing! I sit up, as I start breathing again I check on Thayer.  He is okay, and so are his parents, they were in their room sleeping. I excuse myself, leaving the disaster of a home, and I go find my way to Rashell. She is obviously awake, most likely in the throne room. She had to of known that no one would she knew I wouldn't let that happen. It was a warning, but for what?  Stomping right in while pulling feathers out of my hair, I interupt her and Elijah. Thank god they were just talking!


"Lyra, what on earth on you doing? This is extremely rude!" Rashell snaps right away, and I role my eyes, and just laugh at her.  "What a rude child." She says, reaching towards Elijah. Using him as if he will protect her. She isn't actually scare of me at though, she should be, but she isn't. 


"No!" I snap stopping at the bottom of the stairs, I don't want to go any closer to either of them right now. I actually try and ignore that Elijah is even in here. She planned this, she knew I would come here, she wanted him here to throw me off. Well it's not going to work! "What's extremely rude, is sending your ugly ass birds into the appartment you have us staying in! You destroyed your own building, and put the the West family at risk. I'm not okay with that, so if that is the way you will treat your guest we will leave. I don't want to be here anymore then you want me here."  I speak clearly and fluently. Never faultering and never leaving her eyes. I mean business, and even though Elijah is here, and I know he is worried. He isn't in danger, Thayer and his family are!


"Are you acussing me o-" she begins acting all confused. 


"Oh save it!" I say, "I may be a young child to you, but I'm not. I don't appreciate you threatening to kill people  I care about, even though killing people  ... even people that you should love... seems to be easy for you." my attitude pokes out again. I might have over spoken my boundaries this time. 


"What an evil little little girl!" She screams, stepping down the stairs. "How dare you come to my home. My kingdom, and say these absurd things, even to my son!" She points at me, I can see the smirk on her face. She knows I can't really say anything for sure. I can't report her, I can't do anything I have no proof. Elijah stays up by the thrones, almost as if he is tied up there. Can he not see what she is doing? He can read her mind he has to know. Why is he not fighting against her? Now isn't the time for this. 


"I told him the truth! Isn't that what you ask of everyone in your kingdom. Telling the truth?" I ask her and she faulters, for a milimeter of a second. I am breaking her down. Slowly but surely. I smirk now, and she grits her teeth. "You've been lying for years though haven't you? To your kids.. to your husband to my parents your so called friends. You thought you could get away with this shit." I pause, I did just swear at the queen. "I'm not leaving. I wont leave until all of your lies have came up, that I promise you. Be prepared, Rashell. You're life will be hell." I smile at her, as she doesn't know what to reply back. I see her arm fly up, I reach over, grabbing it before it hits me. Her breath hitches, and I glare at her. "Never. Ever try to hit me again." I threaten.


"Or what?" She laughs. I form a snow ball behind my back, smiling at her. She doesn't know or see it coming. I smack the snowball on her head and she flinches and gulps in a breath at the coldness.  


"All lot worse next time." I warn her again, and leave the room. I go back to the aparment steaming, and mad. Elijah didn't say or do anything. What said is he on? Right now not the right one that's for sure. I go in and sit down with Thayer and his parents.  I explain to them everything, about Rashell and all she has done. Leaving ut all of the stuff with Elijah, cause they don't need to know that. Thayer knows that already anyways. I was as the expressions become more and more grim. Explaining to them how they are in danger, and that they... all three of them need to go back to Caswan where they are safe.


"What about you dear?" Mrs. West ask me, and I smile at her. She is worried about me, that makes me feel warm inside.  


"Yes." Thayer speaks, he is the one who will take the most convincing to go. "What about you?" 


"Thayer, you're aren't safe here. I will stay and take care of her. Then once it's safe again I will return to you." I say, and he shakes his head no. This will be harder then I thought, he is stuborn and I will really have to push him. "It's for your own protection Thayer," I gesture to the destroyed place. "She isn't going to stop theses attacks are only going to get worse."


"I agree my parents need to leave, but I'm not gonna leave you hear." he says, and I see the look in his eyes. I wont be changing his mind. Not unless I go back wih him as well.  "How soon can you guys leave?" Thayer asks, and then they all scrambling around for the West's to leave. Okay, well at least his parents are safe, beside he'll be with me, I'll protect him. I will, nothing will happen to him. Once the Mr. and Mrs. have all of their things in the car we say our goodbyes, and Thayer and I practically push them down the back way from the castle.  


"You should have went with them." I say with my arms crossed, what if I can't protect him? How many people are that list already? My parents, the other elementals, Sebastien, Chaston, Thayer. I've decided to take Elijah off the list. Only until I know where he stands, and if he chooses the queens side then he'll stay off. I'm only one girl, including right now only one person from that list even knows they are in danger! Although Sebastien and Chaston aren't really in danger, I just don't want them to be sucked into what ever evil Rashell is working with. Also the other elementals can protect themselves, but right now they too don't know what's going on. I need to tell them, but I'm guess half of them wont believe me. Flora might and maybe Asia. Sierra wont, and I don't know about Janessa.   I look at Thayer who is glaring at me for my comment. "I'm happy you're here though, now I'm not alone." I reply, and smiles slightly.


"Plan?" he questions as we walk back inside.


"Finding the elementals." I inform him. "We need a bigger and stronger team, if we plan on taking down a queen working with evil."

Chapter 7

 As we near the training building looking for Theodore, we talk about how to go about telling people the queen ins't a good guy anymore. We can't just blurt it out, that will make us seem like the bad guys wont it? But we also need to hurry. Once we're inside I head straight up to his loft, since it's  past midnight I assume he is sleeping. He is the first person next to the other elementals that we need on our side. He is an expert trainer, he can train people. I knock on the door, and it's quiet, but I can hear shuffling and lots of it. What's going on?  The door flies open, and it's Theodore shirtless with shorts shoved on. Oh, I got it. 


"Oh god... sorry." I say. Loud enough for Janessa to hear as well. "Theodore I didn't mean to interupt .. but we need to talk." He isn't embarassed at all, but Janessa peaks around the corner in a shirt only.. she is. 


"Is it really that important?" She asks, from behind the cornner. Theodore sighs, looking from me to Thayer. 


"Would I be here this late if it wasn't?" I whisper to him. He sighs, and opens the door for us to come in. Janessa turns and I hear a door slam.  "I didn't mean to cause problems... but there is a bigger one brewing." I inform him. Hopefully this will kill two birds with one stone since Janessa is here as well. Thayer and I  go to the table that seat four, and we wait for the two of them to come back out.   As they take their seats, I look at Thayer and he nods. I'm losing confidence here, I mean I'm one teenager! "Okay... now I need you both to hear me out. No matter what I say, listen til the end." They are both confused now, and I take a deep breath. I launch into my theory on the queen working with a great evil that has something to do with crows, and how she killed Mr. Holt. I do leave out Elijah.  He is unneeded information, and that will open questions that are off topic.  "I need to know if I have people with me to fight against her." I finish, and they are both gaping at me with there mouths wide open. 


"Let me get this straight..." Theodore begins. "Rashell is working with evil, and you're the only one who knows. So you want to fight back?" I nod, also pointing at Thayer. He knows as well, but he doesn't count much I guess. 


"I wouldn't have came here in the middle of the night if something wasn't up... you know me Theodore." I say rubbing my forehead. He sits back thinking real hard about it. At least he is thinking, and not just telling me I'm crazy. I look at Janessa and she is looking at me, studying me. What does she think of all of this?


"I believe you." She speaks, and I don't know what to reply to her. "Something is up with the crows, and Rashell has seemed different. She didn't really grave over Edmund's death either. It all makes sense." She admits, Thayer grabs my hand under the table.  "Theo you know it to, we were just talking about how different she has been since Lyra came. It's because Lyra is the only one who sees through her crap." He is still quiet, and I bite my lip. Janessa is on board, that's one elemental. Now we just need one expert trainer, and the other elementals. 


"I believe you." he sighs, looking up at me he is sitting directly across from me. "What can we do though?" he asks. 


"I ran away once." I say looking at Thayer, "Since I left things have gotten even worse, and I'm not scared anymore.  I am an elementals I'm supposed to protect people, Sebastien and Chaston, Edmund..." I trail off. "We need to fight back before it's to late."


"We're in." Janessa stands up, "Where and when do we start?" she smiles, ready for action.  


"We need to get the others." I tell her and she sits back down. "Tomorrow I plan on coming to training. We'll talk to everyone tomorrow. For now we need to sleep." Now I stand as does thayer, we thank them and leave them to do what ever for their last night of peace. Now Thayer and I have to find somewhere to stay. "We can go to my parents place, just for the night." I hug him, and jump. It's quiet a walk, so I'll just fly. I land on the back deck and we slip inside. I lead him to my old room, and I'm happy to see it' still got my bed in it. We slip in, and snuggle together, again last night for peace and safety. Last night for getting a good nights sleep I'm guessing. 




I'm sitting in the window sill, waiting for Thayer to wake up as I watch the sun come up. I got a good three or four hours of sleep that's enough. I'm sure I could just go back to sleep, since it was just another anoying nightmare that woke me. I'm to anxious though, so much is going to happen in the next couple of days. People might die! I might die! I'm putting everyone at risk, but aren't the elementals supposed to do this can't of stuff? Thayer isn't, and Theodore can can both ways. Neither of them have to fight, as long as they're on the right side that's all that matters! I can hear my mom getting up, she has to start making breaking now. I want to go say something, but for now I need to leave her and my father out of everything. Until  the actually fight begins. If they don't suspect anything they will be safe. I listen to her humming in the kitchen as her coffee cooks, and I wonder why she doesn't just make the coffee in the other kitchen. After a couple minutes, I hear the front door open and close. She is gone. I look at the clock in the room it is six in the morning. I'll let Thayer get a couple more hours. Besides training isn't until later tonight anyways. I leave the bedroom quietly, going to the kitchen and grabbing a banana. 


I wonder how far we will get today? Everyone should hopefully be at training later, and hopefully with already having Theodore and Janessa on our side things shouldn't be to hard. The thing is though, that Elijah goes to the group practices,  just to be there in case someone gets hurt. What will happen with him being there? He already knows all of, but will he say anything? I need to think of a way to talk to the others, with him not getting in the way. Another thing I need to do is talk to Tatum, with things about to go down having him to help wouldn't be horrible either. So, I'll have to get ahold of him some how today too. Going back to my problem with Elijah though... what should I do? At the moment I have no idea what side he is on, I would hope he isn't really on the queens side and he just waiting for the right time to come back to me. Maybe that's actually what he is doing keeping me safe. Although he told me yesterday that the queen wont kill me anymore, but I'm not gonna hold anyone to that. I'm still not gonna relax around either of them.  


I go back to my room unsure when my dad wakes up, and I would prefer he didn't see me. I sit in there thinking about what I can say to get everyone else on board. Probably the same thing I said to Theodore and Janessa. I also need to talk to Chaston and Sebastien. If Rashell wanted them dead or hurt, or mixed in with the evil I'm guessing it would've happened already and judging by her yelling at me yesterday for telling Sebastien what I did she wants to keep them out of it. Should I bring them into it? Well, I already hoked Sebastien, it's just whether he believes and comes with me. Chaston though might be another story. It's her mother, and I am not sure how she will take to all of this. 


Changing the topic in my head, I look over at Thayer. Soundly asleep, and seemingly perfectly fine. He is fine, he isn't hurt yet. But he is in danger, and he might get hurt. I can't believe I didn't force him to leave, I actually can't force him to do anything, this was his choice to stay. He must understand the danger he is in, his life is on the line! Hell everyones life is on the line! Again, I should've just let things be. Doesn't good always win in the end? ... Only if it fights back. We are destined to win, whether it's finished in a day or weeks. Maybe even months or years! This will start with me, and hopefully end with me. There is a loud thud out of know where, and I swing towards the window. A crow just smashed into the window! 


"I take it, it's time to leave." Thayer says, and I look at him now sitting up as well. It's 7:46, he should get breakfast. I lead him out of the room and back to the kitchen he grabs a box of Corn Pops, and we leave the appartment. My parent's wont miss the cereal, I hope. He chows down as we walk through the halls. We should be safe for now, she wont cause anymore problems inside and around here staff I hope so we should be fine. It's later tonight I'm more worried about. "So, what do we do for the morning?" he asks, offering me some Corn Pops.  I wave them away, not really in the mood for food, my banana was enough for me.  It's weird, looking around at all the staff smiling and chirping like morning birds as if nothing is wrong!  They should be the first people to really notice something isn't right! Not a girl who has been here for only two months!


"We.... have fun." I say, and he looks at me funny.  "We only have a couple of hours before all this peace and calm could go away. Let's use it while we can." I shrug my shoulders. "Let's go to the beach." We make our way out there, not really planning on swimming but just to be outside and in fresh air with nothing to bother us. We sit at the edge of the dock, dangling our feet over the edge.  "This reminds me of the cottage." I whisper laying my head on his shoulder. 


"Yeah.. It's always calm and nice when you're by water." He replies, and we sit in silence. What else is there to really say? In the very near future a war could break out, and we could both die. Of course we don't want to talk about that, but talking about a bunch of good old memories probably wont help either. Hearing faint crow cries in te distance, makes it hard to actually relax. I meant I was in a tornado of crows, and a crow did just smash it's face into a window! I never been a fan of crows, and now I guess I have insight into why. "Have you talked to Tatum?" Thayer asks.


"No," I sigh. "He normally will just appear, but lately it's been harder to get ahold of him. Unless he wants to interupt something important. More then likely he will show up the training center later." I sigh, hoping my hunch is right. I wish I could talk to him before anything starts for real, but as long as we can talk. I remember him sayig something about his people already being threatened, so maybe that's where he is... taking care of a threat. He has a whole army to help him. Army. He has one. He wants the queen and the crows gone to. Maybe it's time to rewrite history!  "I've got an idea... what if we work with the Drarkals? They have the armies to help us!" 


"What happens when we defeat the queen and they move into her kingdom then?" Thayer asks, I nod he has a point. Not all of them can be trusted like we trust Tatum. "It's a good idea though. Maybe Tatum can get a small group of people he trusts for sure to help." He adds, I nod any help will do. I create a small hand held tornado, and throw it at the water stirring the smooth water. Watching as the wind in the torndo spins the water, that's what gonna happen. Everything will be still and then boom the winds will pick up and nothing will be left. I look up the sky, noticing the crows that are starting to circle above us. What is this? Does she have them spying on us? It's not like they can go report to her, she wont be able to understand them. ALthoug who ever is running them will. I wonder who it is? I'll have to do some research later. For now I don't want to think about any of this, the time right now is precious. 


"Thayer.." I whisper. He hmm's. "This is the last time we will be able to be alone and happy. I don't even know if I would consider this happy. Not even safe... I want it to be special."


"So what do you want to do?" He asks, I sit up looking out at the water. I turn so I'm facing him, and he looks at me quizically. I dont hesitate, I want to have one more moment. I swing my leg over, so I'm sitting on his lap. "Lyra.." He warns me, and I nod I wont break his rules. Laying my arms on his shoulders, I smile ducking my head. Touching our lips, he kisses me back trusting me to stop. I will, no way do I want to go through the beginning of breakage again. Even though the breakage process needs to be done to Elijah and I. He holds me,  enjoying having one last good moment. Screwing being nice and weak! Last moment here I want to remember it! I grip his hair, and slide my tongue over his lips. Now Dangerous and forceful. He brings his hands to my waist gripping me but not in a hurtful way. I let go of his hair and hold his chin wanting more. As soon as the eyes appear, I pull away. I place my forehead on his, both of us breathing heavy. He inches in again for one last innocent peck. A tear slides down my cheek and he wipes it away.  "Lyra, it's fine." He soothes me, wrapping his arms around me again. 


We move on not wanting to dwell on it, and we walk around the castle grounds looking for things to do. We a swing  hanging from a huge everest tree. It fits two and we both swing it, laughing at lame jokes again. After while it's already time for lunch and he chases me all the way to the kitchen. I come in forgetting the moment and I run and hide behind my mom. She laughs asking what I'm doing as Thayer comes in. He sits at the island watching as I help my mom make us lunch. I get to have a nice moment with my mom to before everything goes down, I didn't think about it at all but now I'm happy I came here to eat! We get a little toalking done, mostly about the wedding she wants to know the menu and flowers and my dress. All things we haven't really decided on yet. 


"I'm happy to see you two get along so well." She smiles taking our dishes, and I look over at Thayer, he seems to like my mom. She seems to like him too. That's awesome.  "It's cute, reminds me of your father and I." she adds, and I recoil jokingly. 


"Okay mom!" I laugh, even though I remember the way they were from a mont ago before I went to Caswan. They  were adorable, espicially for an old couple. Not saying my parents are like really old I'd say they are actuallly young still but... yeah. "But yeah. We're best friends." I smile grabbing Thayer's hand. My mom awws at us pulling out her phone and snapping a picture of us.  "Mom!" I laugh, as the kitchen door opens. It's Sebastian with Sierra and Asia. My laughter dies out. I look at Thayer, telling him we should go.  A light above us flickers, and I narrow my eyes at Sierra she smiles innoncently. I role my eyes. She is the only person I'm really worried about, she might say no, and tell Rashell everything!


"Oh are you leaving?" my mom questions, her eyes go from Sebastien and the others to Thayer and I. 


"Yeah, we have some stuff to get sorted out." I sigh looking at Thayer. He nods, saying goodbye to my mother. We head towards the door, as they walk in still. Sierra walks into me with her shoulders, and I turn gripping a snow ball sick of her.  Thayer grabs my hand but it's t late it smacks her on her back.  "Oops." I say, sarcastically.


"What am I going to do with you?" Thayer whispers. Grabbing me and pulling me out of the room. "Sorry she didn't mean that." He says before he closes the door.


"Oh the hell I didn't!" I yell, then the door shuts. "She wants knocked out." I say to him.


"You'll be able to do that tonight." He laughs, wrapping his arms around me. My back to his chest, and I nod that sounds like a good plan. He tells me some more lame jokes as we walk around the castle, but I'm not listening much. Now I'm worried! Training is at three, it's one now I have two hours. We go outside, and walk towards the training building taking our time, but also wanting to get there earliy so we can talk to Theodore before the others get there.  When we do get there it's  two thirty and Theodore is setting up.  


"Theodore." I great him, and he smiles. "So.. you ready for all of this?" I ask, he shrugs his shoulders unsure. I help him set up, as Thayer goes over to the waiting area trying to get contact with Tatum.  "It needs to happen, she needs to be brought down!"


"She does." He says, facing me. "Lyra, you're leading an army against the queen. Are you ready?" He says. 


"I have to be."I reply. "I'm through with her shit, and I want her to be put in her place. I can't do it alone though, but I don't want to put people in danger either." I looking at Thayer, he is looking out a window on the phone right now. I didn't realize he had Tatum's phone number, I did.. but my phone is back in the human world. Not much use when you have a bunch of human phone numbers in it. I don't want a phone anyways.  "I hope I can protect everyone." I sigh.


"You aren't in this alone , Lyra. You're friends are here for you and to help you." He tells me seeing what I'm looking at. "Everyone is gonna be here soon... you know Dr. Drake will be here too right? You never mentioned him yesterday... what do you plan on doing with him?" he asks. I sigh scratching my eyebrow, what will I do with him?


"Well, I know he is going to have to take of Sierra." I say after a moment, Theodore narrows his eyes at me. "She will come at me first don't worry! I'll give her watch she asks for!"  he smiles, remembering the other day when she came at me. Just then the door opens and I leave going over to Thayer. I need to talk to him a second about Tatum. 


"He answered once, but said something about Tracy." He says as I close the door.


"Oh great." I scratch the back of my neck. I thought I was in the clearing with her? I walk over to the window, dealing with her and the queen will be to much. I know it, I barily handled Tracy last time, I almost died twice! I look out the window, and Thayer lays his hands on my shoulders. 


"Hey... don't get stressed." He whispers, massaging lightly. "Tatum is taking care of her if something is wrong he will keep her away. He said something about explaining, and working." Thayer tries to explain the short conversation. 


"That makes no sense.." I sigh, turning  laying my head on his chest. "Of course shit gets complicated now!" I mumble he laughs.  "What is so funny?" I ask, wrestling out of his grip.  


"Lyra, what has you so worried? Right now things are in your favor, why so tense loosen up." He informs me grabbing my arm and pulling me back to him. He tickles my sides, and I laugh trying to break free.  "See it's easy." He whispers in my ear. I turn my head slightly, giving him an innocent kiss.  "Ready?" he asks, smiling and looking down at the crowd of people. I look through the crowd, spotting everyone. Of course this also just happens to be the training lesson that Sebastien and Chaston come to as well. My eyes run over everyone and Sebastien is looking directly at me. A shiver runs throw me, and I wonder why he is looking at me like he is. Elijah is also looking, although I try to not take to much notice to him.  


"Stay up here.." I say, leaving his embrace. "I'll get you when I need you." I say, he nods.  As I walk down the stairs, I take deep breaths calming down.  I walk over to Theodore and Janessa, telling them to keep quiet and to keep their thoughts on training only for right now, but I'm sure it's to late Elijah has probably already went through their minds. Behind me there is a loud snap, and lightening strikes down next to me. I close my eyes taking another deep breath. I started thinking she let it go, but that would've been to easy. I try to ignore her, it was one strike. I don't want to cause a scene either. A little while ago I would've but right now I need to stay focused. 


"Chickening out?"  She laughs, and I ball my fists. "Figured you couldn't win!" She laughs, I role my eyes. She asked for it! I turn around, slowly walking over to her. 


"Why don't we do this the right way?" I smile gesturing towards the sparring ring. She smiles, agreeing with me. I glance at Thayer and he watching me intently giving me a warning.  I reasure him, and follow Sierra onto the mat. Theodore runs after us standing as the reff, he whispers a warning to me and I nod. No major damage. "Knock out on the table or not?" I  ask getting into place. 


"On." Sierra growls. I smile, well she knows whats coming to her. Theodore starts the match, and Sierra circles me.  She throws a couple punches easily dodged. She is mad and worked up and can't fight me properly. This isn't a fair fight. 


"Time out!" I say, and she laughs talking about how I'm scared. I make my way over to Theodore. "This isn't a fair fight, I can't fight her. She is running off adrenaline she can't fight properly." I whisper, and he nods. 


"She asked for it, Lyra." He sighs. "I'd just do it, and let her know now." He says. I scratch my eyebrow. He knows I'm gonna win. I go back up, Getting back into position, all eyes on us right now. Theordore blows his whistle again, and Sierra kicks right away. I grab her foot twisting it lightly, and throwing her off.  She circles again punching randomly. I role my eyes and yawn. I block a punch and sned her off balance she goes to the mat.  She stands up right away, obviously her adrenline is starting to whither down. 


"Is that all you have? Why haven't you attacked?" She asks, circling some more. I don't reply, how long does she expect to do this for? 


"Lyra, quite playing with her. Just get it over with, we have to move on." Theodore speaks loud and clear. I nod, ducking from another random punch.  I reach up grabbing her arm, and pulling her into me kneeing her in the gut, I let go of her and she stumbles off. I don't wait for he to regain her balance, going in for the kill I decide on just a normal superman punch, and she is down out cold.  "Elijah." Theodore says, as I look down at her sad defeat. I watch as Elijah comes over to her and starts checking her vitals and all that stupid stuff. I didn't kill her, she is just gonna be asleep for a while. 


"How was it? It's been a while." I ask shaking out my fist. Stung a little, I'm used to having my hands wrapped.


"Pretty good. You could've just gave her a kick, ad it would've been done." He laughs as we do our hand shake.


"Kicks hurt more though." I sigh. "She got off easy." He laughs, and the rest of us get started on training.

Chapter 8

 I keep looking up at Thayer, he is on the phone with Tatum and I have no idea how the conversation is going. His expression goes from good to bad, and I wish I could just go up and talk to Tatum myself. I want to know about Tracy! I mean if she is back on her Lyra needs to die bend then I should know! I'm happy to see the other girls aren't as adrenline ran as Sierra was and they are good fighters. Janessa is the most in tune with combat fighting, Flora and Asia are good with there powers, and Sierra... well she is getting there. She must've skipped a lot of something. I wonder what the air elemental was like... I don't even know her name. I just know that her power was transferred to me, which I don't know why. I still don't even know what killed her! I don't know how I lost my memories. I need to talk to these guys about more then one topic.


I stay around Theodore and Janessa, as we idle around watching the others and training at the same time.  Elijah is with Sierra, watching just in case she might have brain damage. I laughed at that, because I wouldn't have caused her brain damage. I could've if I really wanted to, but I need her so I took it easy. Chaston and Sebastien are watching all of us and talking about something, which seems to be very important, they're really into their conversation. I glance back up at Thayer, and I see Tatum next to him, and I smile happy he finally shows up. I excuse myself, and run up there not wasting time I ask what's going on.


"We had a problem with a bunch of crows." Tatum informs me. "You're right, and I'll get who ever I can to help. Tracy already agreed." 


"So she isn't tryinig to kill me?!" I say my spirit rising. A girl like her helping us? Sounds like a good deal to me! She is ruthless and wont hesitate to kill, maybe she can be on queen duty. Although that's my job, since I started all of this. Who said anything about killing the queen though? I panic, are we going to kill her? I look down at Sebastien and Chaston, they're still talking intently. If  I .. or anyone killed there only living parent how wouldthey take it?  I assume not good, but if it comes to a choice and she needs to be taken out. I will do it.  "Okay that's great! Now we just have to get the these guys." I gesture towards everyone in the training center.


"Even Elijah?" Tatum asks, and I look at him. He has his thinking face on again, as he watches Sierra. "He can read minds Lyra,  having him wouldn't be a bad thing. More then likely he already knows what you're planning anyways." 


"Exactly." I speak, still watching him. If he is listening, I want him to know where he stands with me. "He does know what we're planning, but he hasn't made any move to help us. Although he hasn't made any against us either. I don't know where he stands, but I hope he knows once he chooses there isn't a second choice." I turn away, and back to the two boys in the room with me. They're both watching me, they don't believe me.  "Right now the fact that we are partners means nothing! I want to get all of this done and over with, then go back to Caswan and get married." I say leaving the room. This damned partner bond is making things difficult, and for all I care it coud not exist! If we weren't partners then the queen wouldn't be so crazy towards me maybe. Although she still might've dabbled with the evil side so we still might've been here at this point. Things would be easier though without it. I wouldn't have to worry about my future with Thayer, I wouldn't have to act so weird around Elijah, and I wouldn't have the feeling I do towards him. He would be the queens dog, although that doesn't sound fair me being happy and him not.  I go to the bathroom, I need to clear my head.


Looking back at my reflection, I see a girl white hair, sleepy eyes, pale skin. She is tired and scared. She is weak. The next thing I know the mirror is broken, and there is glass everywhere including stuck in my hand. I mumble swear words picking out the glass as my hand lets out little drips of blood everywhere. I wish my hand in the sink watching the water turn red. I let the water run over my bleeding hand as I start picking up the bigger chunks of glass with my other tossing it all in the garbage. I'm gonna have to tell Theodore about the mirror. Hopefully he wont be mad, I mean it's not like there isn't another three mirror next to the one I broke. The door opens as I start picking more pieces out of my hand, that I missed before. 


"Tell Theodore I'm sorry for the mirror." I say, expecting Janessa. When there isn't a reply, I look up at the door and I freeze. My hand, the blood.  "You need to leave." I say quietly, to Elijah. 


"Let me help you." He speaks finally, he walks in closer. The tension between us back, and stronger then ever. His eyes are blazing a dark honey color, from the lust for my blood. I grab a paper towel, and cover my hand pulling away from him.  He still looks like shit, gosh we seem to look alike. Tired and weak. 


"I really don't think that is a good idea, and neither do you Elijah." I say, ignoring the slight sting from the paper towel.  He actually roles his eyes at me, and then he dissapears reappearing behind me. Wrapping an arm around my waist he holds me in place, and his other hand grabs my bleeding one. Pulling the paper towel away, he doesn't hesitate he puts my hand to his mouth.  "Ahhhh!" the pleasure erupts inside me, it's been so long. "You need to stop." I pant, but I don't struggle in his grip anymore. I forgot how good this felt, and it strikes out just having dangerous make outs with Thayer.  As his tongue runs over each little cut, I whimper melting into him. What if some one comes in?!  "Elijah, stop!" I say slowly. He removes my hand from his mouth but still holds me. He is breathing heavy, and I question what is going on. He wasn't able to get much, and the amount he did get shouldn't have made him breathless. Something is wrong.  "Hey, what's wrong?" I whisper, he lays his forehead on my head.


"Nothing." He breaths, and I look down at my hand. It's still not done bleeding yet, I close my eyes what do I do? He is lying, something is wrong.  I move a little in his arms still, looking at him again. His eyes are closed, but I can visibly see the difference my little ammout of blood made. His skin looking more normal, and even his hair looking like it's gaining life.


"What's wrong?" I ask again, using my not bleeding hand I wipe away the little smeared blood on his face. He opens his eyes, watching mine as I clean him. That's sounds weird but it is what I'm doing.


"It's the distance and our situation that's wrong." He says, and I close my eyes. Of course, I did just about kill myself yesterday with the whole accidental breakage thing. Including that I have been kissing Thayer, and he has been doing.. stuff with the queen.  Looking down at my hand again, I almost give it back to him. I get out of his grip, and wash my hand again.  "I'm sorry, Lyra." He whispers.


"It's fine... I just... It can't happen again." I say. "If Rashell found out, things would be hell." I say, wrapping my hand with the first aid kit now that all the pieces are out.  


"And Thayer, you don't want him to know." He says, and I narrow my eyes at him. "It would make things even more complicated then they already are for you wouldn't it? Worrying about the future." I let out a breath, he is trying to make me mad right now, why I don't know.  "I mean you guys can barely really kiss.." He adds seeing that it's working. 


"Well, I'm happy to know that I have problems with this and you don't!" I yell, he got me. "It's also nice knowing that you can do what ever the hell you want, with who ever you wont yet you choose the queen!"


"Are you jealous of her?" he smirks. 


"Of course I am! I do still love you, but that doesn't matter!" I say, tension is building again. Lust and anger, and together those two things mean trouble.


"It does to, it matters to me." He says, appearing in front of me.  "Lyra, I do have the same problem you do. The queen doesn't foll-"


"I don't want to know about the shit you two do!" I growl, walking around him and towards the door. 


"Listen to me!" He says, and I stop. He is serious. "She doesn't just fore sexual activity on me, she makes me drink from her and it's not pleasant. When you blood hit my nose, I couldn't not come. I've been choking down her blood for a month, I need you. Not just your blood either, although yes that helps. Lyra, just you coming here has changed me, now that our bond has been completed we can't stay away from each other. There are side affects, the changes in your looks, no appetite, nightmares, loss of sleep." He pauses, and my mind is jumbled. "It runs off feelings, so if you still love me like you say then you have been expiriencing some of this like I have." 


"Nightmares and sleep loss." I whisper, "Every night.. nightmares. I get woken up, and never remember them." I lean agains the door.  "I don't know what you're trying to get at.." I finish, not wanting to include how Thayer was there for me.


"My point." He speaks, "is that you and I can't stay away from each other. Even if you get married, and I stay here with Rashell. We will both be miserable, until we see each other again. When we do see each other it's inevitable, we will be together like we just were. All the tensions towards each other right now, that's from being away from each other."


"Again you point..." I say 


"I'm not going to go through all of this again. You're staying here with me."  He says, and we lock eyes. "You know that deep down you want to stay here with me. You can't truly be happy with him, and you know it. You may love the boy, but your feelings for me are greater." 


"Even if that is true." I say  "I can't. We can't let this happen again." I say indicating my hand. I leave the bathroom, looking at my wrapped hand. The pleasure from the blood drinking gone, I let out a breath. If what he isaying is true, I'm gonna have nightmares forever, and I will never be able to visit here not if the inevitable will happen! But if I'm going to be miserable. I think back on the month I've spent with Thayer. It wasn't miserable, the nightmares were. I did miss everyone here like crazy and crave for Elijah touch though. Maybe is small way it wasn't as fun there as I at first thought.  I look up at Thayer and he looking down at me, he looks mad. His eye flick to behind me, Elijah must be coming out. He turns away, and moves back so I can't see him anymore. Oh god, Thayer!  


"It was inevitable Lyra. He needed to realize that you two will never be a happy normal couple not as long as we're bonded." Elijah whispers next to me.


"What does he think happened?" I ask him, watching the room hoping I can see him again. 


"He thinks that we did exactly what did do. He can tell because just from that little bit, we both look different, healthier and more awake." He says. I don't reply to him, I just walk up to where he is. I need to explain. Once I get up there, I see him looking out the back window. I walk towards him, and place a hand on his shoulder. He imediately brushes it off, and I hold in my tears. I'm not gonna cry over this. 


"Thayer let me explain." I say, not trying to touch him again. 


"So you can just tell me more crap? Lyra, what happened to we said goodbye?" he turns, he is mad. Very mad.  I have never seen him this mad.


"We did I swear! I punch the mirror and broke it, and split my hand open." I begin, "With the distance and what happened yesterday, he was practically dragged into that room from the smell of my blood." he shakes his head, sitting down at the table. "Thayer, he wants me to stay here with him, I said no!" I don't know what else to say to him, there isn't much. I can't give him excuses he is right.


"We will talk about this later." He says, and walks away. I mumble swear words, leaving the break room. I look at the clock, and it's time to start anyways. I'll leave him up here for a while. I tell Theodore to round everyone up, to get the show on the road. The door to the training center flies open with a loud creaking sound, but nothing and none one comes in or leaves. Everyone is looking towards the doors, and I slowly walk towards the doors. Standing in the door way, looking out at the surroundings, I don't see anything or anyone either. A black feather floats down in front of me, and I know what's coming.


"Shit!" I whisper turning and running back. "Everyone get behind something!" I yell just as they all start flooding in. I lay on the ground covering my head with my arms, and I can feel the wind current created from all of there wings, and their screaming. Crows are destroying the place just like they did to the appartment. I hear screams from girls, and my body kicks into elemental mood. Chaston and Sebastien are in here! I thrust my arms up and snow shoots from them,  A bunch of birds fall, and I start army crawling my way towards where Chaston and Sebastien where. Once I'm out of the entrance, I can stand and I do watching as I see the other fighting back. I spot Chaston and Sebastien, and I fight my way to them. "Come with me!" I say to them, and I lead them upstairs to where Thayer is.  "Thayer! I need you three to stay up here. Stay over there and behind something!" Then I leave the room. I join the fight with my fellow elementals, as the numbers of the bird start to go down. The fight gets easier, but I notice we're missing some one. Elijah. 


"I'm here!" I hear him yell, and I stop worrying. Well, it's nice knowing he is listening to me still. 


"What is with the birds!" Sierra yells, and I look at Janessa next to me. She is thinking the same thing I am, the queen. Another swarm comes in adding to the numbers, and for some reason they focus on me! Sick of throwing snow balls and spheres, I createa human size tornado and send it up in the air clearing the air above me. They all move and focus on Sierra knowing the weakest link, and she struggles. Although I still have my own to deal with. When she falls, I panic. Where ever you are Elijah you're needed. He appears, by Sierra, checking her pulse and doing other things.  I keep sending out tornados to keep the birds away fro Elijah and Sierra. Flora and I work together a little as she forms  balls or dirt I freeze them so they stick together, and I have a small held held tornado gun created that we're shooting them out of. 


As the numbers go down more and more, eventually the birds dwindle down to less then 20. Janessa and Asia check on Sierra as Flora and I knock out the last couple. Once we finally hit the last of them, we all let out a breath. I go up and get Thayer, Sebastien, and Chaston making sure they're okay. I lead the three of them down out of the room, and towards Sierra. She is awake now, apparently a bird dropped something on her head. I look around, actually spotting an eight pound weight on the ground obviously not were it's supposed to be. I get a weird little tickle on top of my head, and I look up seeing a clouded black figure. I watch it, as it just floats. What the hell is it? No feathers, just black smoke or fog. With silver blue eyes! They seem to be familiar. Watching as it hold up an arm, and a black looking lightening bolt. What the hell? I watch longr speechless, as it raises it's arm aiming. I try and follow where it's going and it's down at someone. I watch closer, and then I realize what ever it is. It's being a threat! It throws it's arm forward, and I run realizing it's going towards Elijah too. He is leaning over Sierra still help her. 


"No!" I yell, jumping right over Elijah and it strikes me. It sends shocks through me, and I loose all feeling.I colaspe not able to move or feel anything! I can see the figure though as it watches me for a second it's silver eyes locking with mine. Then it fades away. 


"Lyra?!" Elijah says, now hovering by me. I'm struggling to focus my eyes, and I inch my arms towards my torso. I feel goey stuff, and I know I'm bleeding again. 


"What happened? Where did that come from?" I hear voices start babbling, and Elijah does something to me. I can see him having a hard time focusing to. My blood and lots of it is spilling. More shuffling happens around me, but I focus on Elijah's face. 


"Lyra, I need you to talk. About anything, just stay awak and talk."  Elijah says looking my in the eyes, and I blink a second.  "Hey, come on. Don't scare me." He says. 


"How much have I lost?" I breath out, talking is hard at the moment. I gulp in air, okay what the hell was I hit with?  He doesn't reply, and I don't know if that's a good thing or not. "What was I hit with?" I ask a different question, and he lets out a breath. 


"It's supposed to be ment for vampires, I have not idea how it's going to affect your system." He admits. "You took it for me. Why?" he asks. Now it's my turn to ignore a question. My throught tickles, and I don't think I could speak anyways. I cough slightly and it sends me into a wave of coughing, and the next thing I know I'm throwing up.  I get flipped over so now I'm on my stomach, and I hear screaming and lots of running around. I'm puking up blood, okay this isn't good. My head is feeling dizzy, and I know I'm losing to much. 


"Elijah..." I panic, trying to wipe the blood from my mouth. He is trying to get everyone calmed down, and get them all back. "Blood..." I cough up more. I'm loosing to much, I need his and he knows it. Although I might just puke it up so what good would that do? I start getting black spots in my eyes,  and I lay my forehad down on the ground that way if I pass out I'm not gonna I wont bang my head on the ground. I'm moving, and I open my eyes slowly to see Asia and Sierra sitting on the ground in front of me. "Whaa.." I slur out trying to understand. I wrist get shoved in my face, and brought to my mouth.


"Come on, Lyra." He whispers, holding me close. Gosh everyone is watching.. Thayer is here! I'm dying so who cares?! I hear his sharp intake of breath, as I clamp down. Closing my eyes, I drink up. His grip around my waist tightens, and I know how hard this must be for him. He is getting the most sexually activuty from this, and he is managing it like a boss. Although I didn't want it to be like this. I wanted it to be because he wanted me too, and because we were having a moment. Not for saving my life for the third fucking time. After a minute, I push it away from me. I want more, and I'm sure he didn't want me to stop either but we needed too. But any longer and I don't know if he would be able to keep up his resolve. I take a couple deep breaths, still with my eyes closed. I feel a lot better actually. "You're going to throw up again, but it will just be the rest of the acid making it's way out of your system." He says. Just after that I lean over as I throw up a bunch of black shit. 


"Thank you." I say, wiping my face. I stand up shaking myself off. "Damned demon birds and evil shit. When this is over I'm vacationing at some freaking beach!" I say. I don't even look at Thayer I don't want to see his face.  I look down and offer Elijah a hand up, and he takes it. 


"Evil birds? ... ahhh when whats over?" Sebastien speaks, and I look a him. 


"You know what." I say, and he opens his mouth ready to speak but then closes it. "Let me guess she told you I was crazy, and jealous?" I say. He just nods, I send Elijah a quick looks, also loking at his clothes. Bloody.  "Elijah you should go. Change out of that." I say, gesturing to the blood. He nods, and leaves without a goodbye. 


"Sebastien knows what?" Chaston complains, "I'm always out of the loop." I give Theodore and Janessa a look and they nod. It's time. "Some one gonna tell me what's going on?" 


"You're not gonna like it." I sigh, and Theodore and Janessa nod in agreement. I hop into the same explaination, I gave them yesterday, still leaving out Elijah. ".... And now she sent the birds here so I couldn't talk to all of you about this... but it failed."  We're all quiet, and Thayer makes his way to stand next to me. He doesn't grab my hand or anything but he is still there. Seeing that probably didn't help the case, but I'm sure he is happy I'm alive! I look at everyone, they're all pretty shocked. Oh boy, we might be here a while.


"You two believe her?" Asia is the first one to speak, and Janessa and Theodore nod. "Everything you said does make sense." She sighs scratching the back of her neck, 


"Where is everyone! Is everyone okay?" Chase's yells running into the building, I forgot all about him! 


"I believe you, I've noticed it. I'm happy I'm not the only one!" Sierra says and she inches over to my side. I'm suprised, but happy.  Asia doesn't say anything but she comes over to, leaving Flora, Chaston, Sebastien, and  now Chase. Where is Frederick? Maybe he moved back to where ever, since him and Sierra broke up. Not the focus right now Lyra! I look at my side happy  this was easier then I thought. "Flora you know Lyra has a point." Sierra says to her. I'm still surprised she is over here, I did just knock her out about two hours ago!


"It's the queen guys." Flora says, she is going back and forth. I'm working on Chaston right now, eyeing her to get what she thinks. 


"Think about it Sebastien, Chaston." I begin. "Has she ever really mourned you fathers death? Has she not been different since the crows started appearing?" I say, Sebastien looks down. He knows what I'm talking about, and he knew the first time.  "Chaston, come on. I know it's hard because she is your mother, but she needs to be brought to justice! She just attacked this place!" 


"Chaston...she is right." Sebastien whispers, holding out a hand to her. She glares at him for a second, but her face goes to a frown. I see tears form in her eyes, and she grabs his hand. Chase walks on over to my side without really knowing whats going on, all that's left is Flora. She is looking at us all, and she is still confused. Elijah comes back in, but he is different. He looks more proffessional, and unreadable. Rashell talked to him! Oh god what happened? Then Rashell herself appears next to him, she is glaring at me. I stand straight not afraid. I wont back down.  


"Well.. well.." She smiles walking in Elijah following behind her. What did she say to him? What is she holding against him?! I walk up to Flora and push her behind me,  standing in front of everyone. "So... you managed to tell them. Even my own kids believe you." She says to me. 


"Because they know what's right, unlike you." I say my voice sounding strong and brave, she frowns at me glancing behind me. I'm assuming at her kids, and I hope this is proving to them that she isn't a good person anymore. I take the second to look at Elijah who is standing at attention behind her, he is looking somewhere off in the distance. What did she do to him?  "Wanting to see the damage you caused?" I shake Elijah off my mind, and gesture to the training center, it's even worse then the appartment.


"It's not as bad as I had told them to do, I wanted a couple wounded elementals as well." She admits, no longer hiding. I can hear the sharp intake of breaths behind me.


"You just want me dead." I say, trying to make her not seem like she was trying to kill her kids, even though she might've been.  "But you know you can't kill me now, not unless you want someone else dead as well." I cross my arms, glancing at Elijah behind her. I didn't say his name though, and I hope she doesn't. Maybe I shouldn't have mention him. Oh well, they are going to find out sooner or later. She doesn't say anything she just glares at me.  "I think you should leave." I finally say before she can say anything about it. 


"Leave? This is my kingdom." She smiles, gesturing around her. 


"It wont be for long." I say, and I notice the other elementals stand beside me now. All of us in a line, looking ready for a fight.  "You're a bit out numbered at the moment." I take note.


"This isn't over. I will come back." She speaks loud and clear. "To my children... the next time I see you, you must choose whos side you are on." Then she looks back at Elijah, holding out her hand. He looks up at me. I shake my head, don't go with her! Stay here! Anything! He looks away taking her hand, and throws something to the ground and in a poof of black feathers, they dissapear. I fall to my knees, pounding my fists on the ground.  


He went with her. He choose her! Oh god what does that mean, what's going to happen? It's like Romeo and Juliet all over again but even more serious! How could he do this? He just was in the bathroom practically begging for me to be with him, and now he chooses her and the evil side sense I said no? 


"Lyra, maybe he is protecting you some how. Don't loose your faith." Thayer whispers grabbing my arm and standing me up. He is right I shouldn't lose hope just yet, then I realize it's Thayer I'm talking to. I close my eyes, now isn't the time to do this. 


"Well, you all believe me now?" I say finally, and they all just nod. "Now, we have some war tactics to work out." I say, rolnig my shoulders. My whole body is tense from standing up to her.  "Thayer, what did Tatum say?" I ask.


"He said he will get troops ready." Thayer replies. 


"Already ready." Tatum appears beside me. I look a the others some look unsure. 


"We need more people if we want to win." I say, "Tatum is here to help us, shouldn't we be greatful?"


"Not just Tatum." Another girls voice, comes into play I look behind me. I freeze looking from Tatum to the girl. "Nice to finally meet you, Lyra. I assume you're Thayer, and I'm guessing I know who all of you are as well. I'm Tracy."

Chapter 9

After we have everyone calmed down about working with the Drarkals, we sit up in Theodore's loft talking more about how we can defeat this unknown enemy, and the queen. No has really talked about the option of killing the queen, but who ever the other enemy is they so far haven't lived in one scenario that has been made. We don't even know who or what it is. 


"Hey... It's funny though.." Theodores voice breaks through my chain of thoughts. Funny? Did he just say funny? How in the hell is ay of this funny?! Everyone quietes down so he can explain. "Doon't you guys remember?" He asks, looking around the room. No one says anything. "The accident... it's been in front of us this whole time. The crows, are back, and-"


"Theo." Janessa  interupts, and everyone turns their heads and looks at me. I'm looking, at the floor thinking. The accident? There was crows at the accident?  How didn't any one else pick up on that? What happened that day, I need to know.


"What happened." I speak, still not looking up at them. Thayer sits next to me, and I lays a hand on my back. Well, at least he is being semi reasonable. It feels nice knowing he still cares... hopefully. 


"She needs to know you guys.." Theodore speaks. No one argues with him. "Alright then... one day we were all here training...." He trails on telling me everything from that day. The attack, from black shadowed creatures, and the loud caws and screams from birds that were never seen. How Emilia, the orignal air elemental, was killed from saving me! How I went all ice zombie  warrior, and fought on meeting a black figure with yellow eyes that was in the sky. "The figure said it didn't want to hurt you... that you weren't supposed to be there, but you still attacked it. The figure shot an arrow at you, and it struck you in the side. Then you disapeared as did the figure and it's shadow creatures." He finishes. I sit, not understanding. I was thinking something really bad happened. That doesn't sound so bad. "The figure knew you Lyra, it didn't kill you like we thought it did. All it did was relocate you and make you forget you're life here. There has to be a reason." 


"I don't... know." I say. "I saw the figure today.. black with yellow eyes. That's what threw that thing at Elijah... Dr. Drake." I say, and I figure I shouldn't use his first name. Not now, we don't or at east I'm still figuring out where he is in all of this!


"Did it bring any memories back?" Janessa asks, and I think long and hard. Does any of that ring a bell? Me saving the day, a girl dying right in front of me. I didn't save her. Why didn't I save her? Why wasn't I fighting? 


"No. It's doesn't." I say standing. I pull my from Thayer's grip, and I leave the room. Why wasn't I fighting? Why did Emilia have to save me? Was I not a fighter before? Emilia, he name was Emilia. She was the oldest out of all of us, the most trained. The best fighter. She saved me, and died doing it. I leave the building, taking in the fresh air. Even the area around the training center is trashed. Fallen trees and other depri scattered around the whole place.


The black figure, didn't want to hurt me the last time. This time it wasn't trying to hurt me either. It was trying to hit Elijah, I just got in the way. The people I care about, the people around me are in danger. I'm puttig my friends in danger! I will not let anyone else die. Emilia is the last one, I will die before any one else. Back to the figure though. It said it knew me, and if it is the same thing or person it still knows me! It send me to the human world. It took away my memories. It wanted me out of the fray, why?  I run back to the castle, I need to talk to my parents.


Once I get to the castle I'm glad to see it's still in one piece. I run inside and towards my parents home. I get there, and I find then in the kitchen delibrately talking about the Queen and Elijah being gone.


"I told her to leave." I say making myself known. They both look at me, and I tell them everything. Still leaving out Elijah. "You're beloved queen," I laugh, "Has been lying to you this whole time." I finish and they sit quietly staring at me with open mouths. "That isn't why I'm here, though. I'm here to ask you guys about a black figure with yellow eyes."


"Yellow eyes?" My dad asks, and I nod. "We don't know anyone with yellow eyes." He says, they are trying to wrap their brains around all the new information. It's a lot, but they need to know. 


"I figured... but who ever it is they know me." I sigh, leaning against the wall. What on Earth is with all this secret shit! Why can't things be straight forward with no secrets! Although secrets are helping me as well with Elijah.  I look down at my wrapped hand, it tingles slightly just thinking about him. I'm gonna have a mark now on my hand, as he will on his wrist. I'm gonna have to keep my hand wrapped or covered. 


"Fine, but you know everything now. Be careful and don't trust any of the castle workers!" I say leaving. I cant sit here and be around them. just in case another wave of crows comes, or the figure even. I head to the kitchen, and throw a bunch of food into a bag. Then I carry it back to the training center. I'm guessing we wont have time to do any actual shopping, and Theodore's loft is the only place we can be without anyone maybe catching us. His loft is set up to be a bomb shelter, that isn't on the ground. Hence why it's still standing and untouched on the inside becaus the birds couldn't even crack it's shell.  


"Hey." Tatum greets me, he opened the door. 


"Hey." I reply,  walking in and setting the back of food on his table. I start pulling stuff out and putting it away in spots. I have no idea what to do right now. Everything accept my one secret is out on the table, what else should we do. I should tell everyone about Elijah, but I can't. Not if he really does choose her. My hand tingles, and I excuse myself to go to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and lock it. Unwrapping my hand I look at the mark. Yeah, it's sure there and pretty easy to see. I look at my reflection, I do look better, My hair calmed and bright. My eyes are alive again, and I didn't even realize they werent before until I see now there is a difference. Pulling out the first aid kit from under his sink, I braid my hair back first, and then rewrap my hand. I come out, to see  everyone together in the kitchen cooking. I smile it's a nice sight to see after everything. Even Tatum and Tracy are helping, and everyone is okay with it and normal about it. I'm still a little iffy with Tracy, but I always knew Tatum was a good guy no matter what his kind is. 


We all sit around eating, there was spaghetti made and chili and mac and cheese. A little of everything, and we all just chat telling funny stories as if nothing is wrong. We're just a bunch of friends hanging out. I wish life was like this all the time, I wonder what made the queen  go all crazy evil though. What got he mixed up in this? It's not just her jealousy for Elijah. That can't be it. There is something else, but what? I mean maybe part of it is  the jealousy and anger she holds towards me,  for having Elijah and Sebastien, who used to like me. I think he has moved on. Or at least gotten the picture that me and him just wont work. He is still garden boy though, cute and hot, funny, and a nice polite guy. Other then his thing with the blonde girl. Although I haven't seen him with her since. I haven't seen him with anyone in fact. Other then the elementals and his sister, and Chase.  I shake away all of my thoughts on Sebastien, not important. I need to talk to Thayer. That's what is important, other then of course the evil war going on. 


Later on once we've all worked cleaning up the place, and the meal. We all split off into small groups.This is the time Sebastien and Chaston take to talk about there mother, couple group wanting to be together for on last night. I'm leaning against the counter in the kitchen, alone. I watch everyone now smiles gone and sadness taking over. Thayer is talking to Chase, I have  no idea what about. I see Tracy and Tatum, and I smile slightly. Tatum looks semi annoyed, but I can see in Tracy's face that she is in love with him. It sends a shiver up my spine, they are brother and sister. They even look alike, as if I seen them just walking down the street I would know they were family. Not Engaged. I turn looking out the window, It's dark, with the night coming.


Out of know where, thunder roars and lightening strikes, and the power blinks out. The room goes quiet, as the power stay off, and the noises outside get louder.  This is weird, not a normal storm. Something else is doing it. But how? The elementals are here, no one is using there powers. Abruptly it stops, and the black figured with it's beaty yellow eyes appears outside the window. He or she or it, is staring directly at me. The power blinks back on and I tear my eyes away from the thing, checking on everyone else. Tracy is squeezing Tatum, obviously scared, and to think she was threatening to kill me! The elementals are standing ready to fight, Chaston and Sebastien are standing as well. Theodore is still sitting and he is looking at me. Trying the best I can, I ty to say to him with out actually speaking to keep everyone inside. 


"I'll be back." I say, and turn towards the door. There is slight comotion behind me, but Theodore's voice interupts, telling everyone to just stay put for right now. I leave, happy Theodore understood what I wanted him to do. I head down the stairs slowly walking towards the figure. Eyeing me still but unmoving the figure waits until I'm stand across from it. "Okay... you got me out here. What do you want?" I wonder if it can even speak. I haven't heard it speak before. Up close like this I see more features. I see it has a mouth, and a nose. It's hard to make out still but its there. It looks human, other then the black shadows. 


"Don't you want to ask me who I am?" It's a guy! The yellow eyes narrow, and getting a better look at them I see some flicker of resemblance. Not as if remembering from a memory, but like connection wise. Like relation some how. "It's been a long time, and my arrow affected you more then I wanted it to." He sighs, "You were only supposed to forget fighting me, not your whole life. I sent you to the human world that way I could talk to you on level ground, but when I seen all of your memories of this life were gone I decided to leave you alone. Now you're back though. I want what's best for you Lyra, I'm trying to protect you. I hoped Tatum would suceed, I inched him towards you, without him knowing it. He found you on his own, he knew who you were, and he still wasted the time getting to know you. He fell in love with you. But that's when complications came along. "


What? How does he know all of this? Who is this? This darkness surrounding him, is fake, it's a cover. Hiding his face. Who is underneath the mask though?


"You killed Emelia." I say, not wanting to ask obvious questions. "Why did you kill her?" He holds up a hand and with a flick of his wrist, a figure appears. A girl, long dirty blonde hair, dressed in normal Spridge clothing. She has muscle and looks to be around seventeen or eighteen. It's her. Emelia. 


"Emelia.. knew what I was after. Her and I went way back, we were once engaged you see. But once my true nature was shown I was casted out, my parent's didnt want me anymore, and Emelia hated me. I left and didn't cause any problems, Of course I went away, while gone I created my own people and my own kingdom. Waiting for the right time to come back. Then you were born." He goes slowly, making sure I understand. Which I do, but don't. "I drew back, and waited until you were old enough. Of course around the time you were born all the other elementals were too. I waited watching you grow stronger. I knew the adults were taking causions with you, after what happened with me they didn't want another child going bad. They didn't teach you how to fight properly, and you were weaker then everyone else. The King and Queen scared of you, even our parents were scared of you." He stops. 


He said our parents. I noticed that. What?


"I decided enough was enough on the date of your thirtenth birthday. I came to come and get you, train you properly wait until you turned eighteen so your true nature would show. Things got messed up, and Emelia wouldn't let me take you. She had to get out of the way somehow, and in her last breath she granted you her powers. Making you even stronger, you just don't know what you can all do!" He grins.  "I shot the arrow at you, so you would forget Emelia's death, and the battle. So I could talk to you, but like I said before that isn't what happened." He comes to an end.


"Who are you?" I ask, keeping my guard up. "Why are you working with the queen?"  He scoffs and me mentioning the queen. 


"The queen, is an unstable child who thinks she has powers that are stronger then mine. She doesn't. I used her to get to you." He sighs bored onthe subject. "As for who I am, I wish I didn't have to tell you. But no one remembers me. Only Mom and Dad, and the Queen, with the dead king that means only three remember me. The rest of Spridge was drugged to forget me." He  frowns, but he isn't actually upset. He is talking as if he knows me, yet he knows I don't know him. Also true self? True nature? What the hell does that stuff mean? Why doe this place have to be so compicated. Can't we just be straight forward? No.. I guess not. Straight forward would be not keeping secrets. 


"What do you mean true nature?" I ask, shifting. How does any of this make sense?! I glance up at Theodores building everyone has there faces smashed against the windows watching. I look away, not the time to get distracted.


"They didn't tell you again?" He glares towards the castle, off to our right, I can just see the top of it peeking out through trees. "How like them." He mumbles. "You and I were cursed, from the day we were born. We have a rare curse placed on us Lyra. When I turned eighteen my true nature deemed me evil, and not kind hearted. Hence why I was thrown out. That is our curse. When you turn eighteen your true nature will reveal and you'll either be kind hearted or not." 


I could be evil? I take a step back, my breathing is getting off and I'm loosing my grip on braveness. In two years, I could be a cold hearted killer! Is that the kind of evil he means? He killed is ex fiancé, and he doesn't seem phased about it at all. I don't want to end up like that. I look again up at the others, I wonder if they've been able to hear anything. No windows are open. They shouldn't.


"Why are we cursed? What is it about us two?" I ask, fearing the answer.  "Who are you?" 


"You know who I am. I've told you enough to figure it out." He replies. I feel like all the air in my lungs is gone. This can't be right.  My arms fall to my sides, and I'm gone. Bravery lost. 


"You're... my... my brother." I whispers shaking my head. This doesn't make any sense, Molly and Garret have another kid? They had a son? I have an older brother! 


"Ding ding we have a winner!" He claps, and the shadows and blackness around him slip and fade away. There standing in front of me, he is. He has white hair, yellow eyes, strong bones like me. He is taller and obviously older. Stronger. I can feel power radiate off of him.  "Mom and Dad told you your white hair came from you elemental powers, they were wrong. It's the curse. You're eyes are from your powers. Silver. Other wise they would be yellow like mine." He says. I get the urge to run and hug him, but that would be highly innapropriate. Holy shit my brother! 


"Holy mother fucking shit!" I say, I want to run and hug him, but I also want to chop his head off! I have an older brother, I'm sure my jaw is touching the ground. "Whats your name?" I ask, sounding like an idiot. 


"Donatello, Donatello James Castir." He smirks, we have the same middle name. "James is our uncles name. He died before even I was born." He say. 


"You're named after a famous artist." I smile, also ninja turtle. The purple one who is smart. 


"You're named after Mother's favorites character in her favorites piece of writing." He smiles, an actual smile. Not an evil smirk, or making fun of me way. An actualy brotherly smile. I want to hug him. That's for sure. "You really grown up to be beautiful... and oh so powerful!" I take a tip toe towards him, then stop. No wait. He is a killer. The bad guy.


"You've killed... so many people." I whipser, "You don't feel anything..?" I ask. He frowns thinking about it. 


"Emilia. She is the only death that haunts me." He admits. "Yours too. I thought I killed you when you took that poison for the vampire. Then he gave you his blood, and you were fine." He sighs. 


"You were going to kill Elijah?" I ask, my heart drops slightly. 


"No, that wasn't enough to kill him. He had just had your blood, and he would've evenually gotten better." He answers. "I was only trying to see what you could really do, but you didn't attack. You took the bullet instead." 


"You know what he means to me." I state, and he nods. "You were going to risk breaking my soul?"


"No. It's wasn't enough to kill him Lyra. You both would've been fine. I wanted you to attack me. You didn't." He sigh, "I need you to understand. Eveything I have done, has been what's best for you. I haven't ment to cause you any harm, even though I know I have. I need you to really understand, I want what is best for you." he says stepping towards me. I don't move. Unsure if I should. What should I do. That feeling to hug him is still there. Which with the others all watching I don't know if thats a good idea.  


"I can't be out here much longer just talking..." I say finally. We've talked for to long, we should be fighting or something.  I see his eyes flicker towards Theodores place, and he sighs. He opens an arm, and smiles at me. "I'm not going with you..." I say.


"I want a hug from my little sister. Is that to much to ask?" he sighs, "Besides, I don't expect you to choose right this minute." He adds. I take a deep breath. He wants a hug? Can I trust him?  "So, you gonna leave me hanging here?"  I take a couple steps towards him. "Just a hug I swear no tricks. We haven't seen each other face to face since you were born. My true nature may be evil, but  we are still family, and I do love you."  I feel a tear slip down my cheek. Well shit. I run into him, and squeeze him tightly. He hugs me back, and I realize everyone is watching. At this moment I don't care, it's my brother! 


"It's nice to meet you!" I whisper, and I can feel him relax with a couple breaths. 


"Lyra, you must know I'm not on sides with the queen. I'll let you do what ever you wish to her in fact she is very annoying."  He laughs. I do too. "Until we meet again. Lyra, my baby sister." Then he lets go of me, and the shadows return and he fades away. Then I'm left standing alone, and way more confused then ever. I turn looking back at everyone, they're all staring wide eyed and mouths wide open. Well okay... now what?

Chapter 10

 I close the door, standing back in Theodore's loft now, all eyes on me. I take a deep breath, not wanting to explain. I know they will ask, I'm surprised I haven't been bombarded with questions yet! Okay, so the evil villian we are facing is my brother. I don't know exactly what he wants to do other then get me on his side. He isn't working with the queen in fact I can kill her if I feel like it.. which I do. 


"What the hell?" Chaston is the first person to speak. "You have enough guy problems as it is Castir, and now you're hugging the enemy?" Of course she brings in guys, that's so like her trying to create more drama! And to think we were all fine before Donatello came. Well I guess we still would've ended up fighting, it just happened a lot faster. "So, this whole time you'vebeen with us you've been sleeping with the enemy is tha-"


"Shut up." I say, simply and calmly. She closes her mouth, and sends me a look. "He .. Donatello is m-"


"Well you're on a first name basis, thats just grand! So while you have a fiance here and two boys dreaming about you've been ge-"


"Donatello is my brother!" I yell over her. The room goes quiet. "That's what I thought." I send Chaston a glare. "He just wanted to talk to me, introduce himself. He wanted to actually be my brother before things got bad." I begin telling them what he all said to me about everyone forgeting him, and the curse. Leaving out the fact that he told me I could kill the queen, and Elijah. Everyone sits quietly and listens, not once am I interupted. I finish telling them everything, and I look at Thayer I wonder what he thinks. I look at Chaston, wishing she wouldn't have said anything. I am engaged to Thayer, he and Elijah are the only guys that I have feelings for... that I know of at least... I know who she was talking about though. Sebastien and Tatum. No, no and no. Tracy first of all, and there isn't anything else to be said about Tatum. Sebastien though... I have no idea, he is still garden boy. Now things have changed, his mother is a traitor, meaning he doesn't have to follow her and neither do I.  Shaking my head I can't believe I even thought that.


Getting up, I walk slowly to the bathroom. Locking the door behind me, I turn on the sink splashing water on to my face. I look at my reflection, I'm still glowing from the blood, but I'm still tired, and I'm shaking. Weakness. I'm weak. Donatello was right. I don't know how to use my powers the way I should. Theodore did what he could with what he knows about hand to hand combat. But my powers, hell I have two elements! I'm stronger then the other elementals, yet I'm the weakest. There are to many people I'm trying to protect, everyone in the other room, my parents, Elijah, Thayer's parents, the people of Caswan, the people of Spridge.


Looking again at my reflection, the girl in the mirror smirks back at me. Crossing her arms, I get the I told you so look. Stepping back, I try to shake it off. She is still there, her lips are moving as if she is speaking. No volume is coming though. I can't here her over the water running from the faucet. I turn it off and look back, but she is gone. Out of the blue my own voice rings in my ears, so loud I cover them with my hands but it doesn't help. Over and over again being repeated my voice says:


"You're weak. You know what you must do."


Shaking my head trying to get it to stop. The words get louder and pound into me faster giving me a spliting head ache. I mumble to myself saying it's not real, it's just my tiredness, and everything I've been through. It wont stop! I feel tears slip down my cheeks, and I remove my hands from ears standing up and looking at my reflection ready to see a girl who looks broken. I see me. Smirking, and lips moving again. Repeating the same thing. I shake my head at her. It's not me. It can't be. She stops speaking, and the voice does as well. 


"I'm not weak." I whisper, voice shaking. Her smile turns malicious, and a laugh cracks through the air. 


"Yes. You. Are."  Each word is pronounced as a single syllable. Drilling into me. Before I even realize, I pull my fist back, and punch into the glass. It shatters, thousands of tiny slivers colasping into the sink and on to the floor. 


"Lyra? What's happening are you okay!?" I hear Thayer on the other side of the door pounding, trying to get it. I pull my hand away from now broken mirror, bleeding everywhere. This is the second time today, that I have punched a mirror.  "Lyra!?" I swing the door open. 


"I need to go outside." I say, walking past him blood dripping from my hand. "Alone." I add, feeling him behind me. I close the door and I'm alone-ish outside. Going down the stairs from his loft, I walk towards the castle. I need some bandage. After taking the hour long walk to get to the castle, I feel tired. I'm tired, and I've lost a nice amount of blood. I just want to sleep. Going to Elijah's office hoping to find bandages, I search through the medical drawers and cabnets. Pulling off the over wrap, and revealing my mark, and looking at how bad my hand is I let out a sigh. It's not horrible. Cleaning out the cuts with some sanitizer crap. I wince at the stings. I wrap my hold hand, and lean against the counter. 


Elijah's office. I've been in here only a couple of times, I've been in his bedroom more then I've been in here. It's clean, and organized like you would imagine a doctors office to be. Sitting at his desk, I look for personal items. There isn't any. No pictures, or anything. Just a bunch of paper work, and files. I look around as if I'm going to get caught, even though I wont. I'm in the clear. I dig through drawers and buzz through all of the files. It's all labeled with code names! Opening a bunch of different ones I just find a bunch of stuff n other patients. Where is my file? I want to know what he has written on me! The queen, what does he have on her? I go faster, practically throwing files that give me nothing. Flipping through on I find a report on Rashell, I skim through it, and he thinks she has a bunch of mental issues. Tossing it aside, I lean back letting out frustration. Where is my file? He has to have one, somewhere! I rummage through the drawers again, gooing slower needing to find my file. 


I've torn his desk apart. Nothing is here. As if he doesn't even know who I am. I look aroound where else would it be? Where else could it be? My eyes run over the room, there isn't filing cabnets. There is cabnets like in kitchens, but they're filled with medical crap. I sit down on the small love seat, feeling bad for practically running through here like a tornado. It's not like he'll be back though. I like this alone time I'm getting. Great time to think. Although the only thing I'm thinking about it Elijah and it's making me more mad then anything.  I still feel like I need to trust him, but how can I when he has chose her more then anyone else? Is he only choosing her to protect me? Why couldn't he just tell me that straight out then? Looking at his desk again, and look at the top. I never touched anything on top. I go bach to his chair, and sort through everything on top of the desk. More files, paperwork, and then I spot something I've been needing to see. There is a key, a key that goes to a safe. Where the safe is I don't know.  I go through all the cabnets and come out empty handed, then I check the bathroom, and still come up with nothing. His bed room? Would it be there in his room? No, that's where Rashel would find if easier. Think Lyra, where would Elijah hide a safe?


Going to my knees, and push the love seat, and move the desk, and the rug. It's wood floor, is that obvious though? To hide something under the floor? I stand up again, looking aroud. What looks normal and not suspicious? I scan the walls, looking at the couple of paintings, and the one book shelf. Pulling everything off the book shelf, I grunt in protest. This is hopeless. I'm never going to find the stupid safe. All I'm doing is letting out my anger by destorying his office. Which makes me a creepy bitch. I stop, as the last book falls. Nothing. He doesn't have a file on me. I grip the edge of the shelf, screaming as it falls over. It reveals a clean white wall. Nothing. I go to my knees again in tears this time. Why does this matter so much? I want to know what he thinks of me. I want to know if he thinks I'm crazy, and need mental help. Or if this bond thing is as real as he has made it. If he thinks I'm a child and uncapable of what he wants. I lay my head back, looking at the wall across the room. A painting is directly across from me. It's a ball, people in fancy dresses and dancing. It's the ball room here in the castle. Ball room painting. 


"Holy shit!" I stand up running from the office. I remember I was in that weird room filed with paintings, and one of them was a painting of Elijah and a girl who looked like me. I'm sure it is me! I get to the room and I scan looking for the painting. I find it, and slowly tip toeing towards it as if the ground beneath me will crack if I take one wrong step. I get there and reaching up I can see I'm shaking. I touch the painting, and pull against it corner. It pulls open like a cupboard. There it is. I'm shaking so bad I can hardly get the key in, once I do I unlock it and it reveals, a bunch. A necklace, it's beautiful. I flip the painting back over, and it's the same one painted in the picture. I pull out the manilla folder, and I open it seeing it's packed with a bunch of information. All of the stuff from when I was younger, all my medical records, broken arm, black eye, my first period! Then it all stops. The accident. I read through the quick file, of what he has documented. Nothing I didn't already know. With all the files there are pictures as I grew older, he was watching me closely. I set the file down, and pull out another piece of paper. It's a letter of sorts written in scribbles. It's from me to him! 


Deer Dr. Drake,


Thanks you for taking care of my mommy. I will always luv you for that.


Luv, Lyra


I smile he kept this little letter? Why? What's so special about it? I could barely spell! I spelt love and dear wrong! I smile, looking for other information. There isn't anything. Just the file, the letter, and the necklace. I put the file back, and letter as well. I pull out the necklace, looking at it closer. It's gorgeous, silver with a amethyst stone. My birth month Febuary. Little diamonds surround the jewel in the middle, and practicallly twinkles. I want to keep it, but with everything going on I can't I'll lost it or damage it. Putting it back, I decide that I'll wait to see if he ever shows it to me. Locking all of it away, and keep the key, this I will keep. I don't want anyone getting in there other then me... or Elijah I guess. Leaving the room, I go back to his office grabbing the file on Rashell. This might come in handy. I go back to Theodore's and go inside to see everyone sleeping. I sit at the kitchen table with the glow of candle burning, reading and rereading her file. I want to knwo her weaknesses, I want to know her strengths, I want to know everything. 


I'm not going to let her live. 


Not after everything she has put me through, not after everything she has put all of us through! She has hell to pay. Gripping the key that is now hanging from around me neck, I found a necklace string rope thing to put it on, I gain hope. Maybe everything will be okay in the end. I mean, I just want the queen gone. Once she is gone, maybe Donatello and I can talk through some agreement. Or at least maybe he will draw back and let Spridge get put back together.


What if though in the next year and a half when I turn eighteen, my true nature is evil? Everyone else told me I had nothing to worry about, but what if?  I get up looking at the calender. Holy shit! I turn seventeen next month. I've been in Spridge and Caswan almost a whole year now. If I go bad, what will happen? The others will fight against me, I want them too! I can't go bad, if I do then everything will have been for nothing. All this death and fighting. I would've saved all of these people just to come back and try to kill them! 


"Lyra." Sebastien scares me, and I close the file looking up. He snuck up on my. "My mothers file... I can read." He whispers, pulling out the chair next to me.  I slide it over to him no use arguing. I watch as he flips through it, keeping my facial expression neutral like he is.  


"So?" I ask, after a couple minutes of nothing. He pushes it forwards and closes it.


"I need you to do something Lyra." He replies, ignoreing my question. I pull my chair in closer, gripping my hands on my lap. What would he need me to do? "No matter what Chaston or any one else says... you have to kill her."  I sit back, unsure if he really just said that. "She has done to much to this land and it's people. She needs to be put to death as soon as possible. I know you want to as well, it's obvious. Why I don't know... the only reason you have to be mad at her would be because she didn't want us together... what else?" He asks. 


Well, yeah I'm mad at her for that a little bit, but mostly for Elijah. Which I can't tell him. So what do I say? I get the feeling this is him trying to figure out where our feelings for each other are. I have to many guy problems, Chaston was right about that. Do I still have that same crush on Sebastien that I did before? I have Thayer, and he loves me, I love him, but is it possible to love two people and have a crush on another?  I stnad up moving away from him. No, I can't keep doing this to myself. I'm only making things harder. 


"She threaten Caswan." I clear my throat. "Thayer and his family, that's why I want her dead." I say, realizing that's another reason I want her gone.  "Not because she forbid you and I. She was right, Sebastien. We don't and wont work out ever. Even if I wanted us to." I finish then I walk away. Leaving a small piece of my heart there with him, in the kitchen in the flickering light of a candle. It must be possible to love two people and have a huge crush on another. My heart just broke. How could this be happening to me. I'm one girl. Why is all of ths happening to one person? I've got a love square thing, multiple evil villians to face, a curse, a wedding, becomeing a queen! All of this is shoved at one teenage girl within a year's time. It's to much, and to fast.


Laying next the Thayer, I watch him while he sleeps. He looks so calm and happy. Relaxed and at peace. Since I've came to his life, I've ruined all of that. Now he is in danger, life being threated! His family and his people! It's all me. 


No, it's the crazy ass queen. I wont let anything happen to any of them! No one else is going to die for me ever. No one else will put killed because of a mentally challenged queen. I doze of slowly into sleep, cuddling in closer to Thayer, wanting to feel his warmth. 


"Lyra! Hey you're fine you're safe!" Thayer's voice pulls me from my terror. I sit up arms flailing. He catchs both of my hands, gripping them and holding them still. Remember. It's gone, I don't remember at all. My chest is heaving and I'm sweating like a fat pig.  "Hey... it's okay." Thayer whispers again pulling me into his lap. 


"I didn't mean to wake you up."  I whisper lay my head back against his chest. I know he isn't happy with me, I'm not happy with me, but this feels nice being in his arms. It's always safe and everything bad fades away. He hums a tune, from a song that his mother plays on the piano, and rocks us back and forth. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. For everything." I say my voice cracking. 


"Everything?" he asks, and stops humming. He lays his chin on my shoulder, letting go of my hand he pulls my hair back and the other side. Then he grabs my hand again. 


"Yes, everything. Mostly what happened earlier today, but even for meeting me." I say, "You've been put through more then anyone in the past two months." I look down at our linked hands. My breathing is back to normal, and now with it being just the two of us, we need to talk. 


"I do not regret meeting you." He says almost in a laugh, "I can't think of my life going any other way." He smiles, and it cheers me up slightly. "I understand too." 


"Understand what?" I ask, unsure what he is reffering to.


"Today at the training center. I know it's hard for both of you... and with him being what he is, it's obviously very hard for him, espicially if you're bleeding." He holds up my hand that's wrapped, and he starts unwrapping it. I don't know if I want him to see the mark, why would he want to see!? I don't stop him though, if he wants to see it, then I'll let him see it.  "I have to say he is probably my second favorite person here next to you..." He sighs, turning my hand over showing the mark and the other little cuts from earlier when I punch the mirror here. 


"Seriously?" I ask, tilting my head to look at him. 


"Of course, he has saved you life on numerous ocations I've heard.. I can't help but be thankful for him. Jealous of course too, but..." He laughs slightly again. He pulls my hand in closer looking at the deep purple pink hickey looking mark. "It doesn't hurt or anything?" he asks, scanning it closely. 


"Not at all." I say, thinking about it. It feels really good actually. I shiver, sending the thought away now isn't the time to get into how his bite makes me feel. I'll waste half of my life trying to explain that. 


"It gives you intense sexual pleasure, even more intense then actual sex." He whispers, and I stop swaying with him. He did his research, why is he saying this? He is just upsetting us both. I check making sure everyone is still sleeping, they all look asleep, and I can't tell if anyone is acting, I hope not other wise they would know about Elijah and I. I sit up still in his lap unsure now what to say. How do I respond to that? He knows that I've expirienced those feelings, and he knows he can't make me feel them. 


"I would be lying if I said no." I say, sounding angrier then I ment. I slip out of his lap, now for some reason I am mad at him.  He is making me feel like shit, and it's not my fault. It's not Elijah's fault either. It was something that fate or destiny did to the two of us. I remember back to the painting of the two of us dancing. It's old, meaning someone saw this coming. I wish I would'ved looked for a date and a name, now wondering who knew that this all would happen. In the painting I was older, maybe nineteen or twenty, I was wearing the necklace which I have to key to still. We were at a ball in the ball room here in Spridge. I need to know who painted that, maybe I can do some reserch or get some answers.  "Thayer... I don't know what you're getting at, but if it's to make me feel bad it's working. I'm sorry." I say one last time, "Now, we both should get some sleep." I lay back down, a couple inches away from him now. 


"I know... I'm sorry too."  he whispers, and then his arm wraps around my waist, and I feel his forehead against my neck. I lay thinking about the painting, how old could it be? I wonder if he was alive when it was painted? Maybe Elijah knows who it was. 


He has obviously seen the painting, and knows that's it's the two of us. Maybe he knows who painted it then! ... If he's known about the painting though... then he has known I was coming. He knew that there would be a girl with white hair and silver eyes that he would be with in the end! I wonder... I wonder...

Chapter 11

I never going to get back to sleep now. Not with this information! Elijah has known for a long time now that I was coming. A girl with white hair and silver eyes. It confuses me how no one else noticed the painting, but I'm not complaining. I scratch the back of my neck looking at Thayer who is sleeping next to me. 


Should I be mad at him? Why would he say those things to me? Doesn't he know that I already know that stuff, and it doesn't make me feel any better. In fact it makes me feel like shit at the momment since it looks like Elijah is switching sides. I look down at my still unwrapped hand, the mark from his bite is still clear as day. Thinking back to the one I had on my neck, I remember how close people came to finding out about the bond. Chaston espicially. I think she still suspects something is up, but that's all she can know. Now with him being on the same side as the queen he is officially off limmits for me.


I look around the room at all the sleeping bodies.  Theodore and Janessa are ocupying the chair together cuddling, and Chaston and Sebastien have the couch.. they aren't cuddling. Asia, Flora, Sierra, and Chase scattered around the floor. I spot Tracy and Tatum together in a corner. I smile seeing something from Tatum I never expected. I wonder if he does have feelings for her. I mean hell, he is holding her. They're spooning, and his arm around her is tight. He grew up with it being okay to marry siblings, in fact that how things work with his people. I think that he does love her.


Does Elijah have feeling for the queen? I mean she has been doing things with him that I haven't, and she is an adult... maybe he deep down doesn't want me. Looking at my hand again, I run my finger fro my other hand over the mark. Right here, this is the place his lips touched me. It makes my gut clench in a good way. I let out a breath, I can't go down this road again. Not now that I know he is gone.


"Lyra." my heart jumps out of my chest, and my arm flies back ready to hit Thayer. "What are you doing? You need to sleep." He grabs my hand, catching it before it makes contact. 


"Holy shit." I say gaining air in my lungs. "I thought you were sleeping." I inform him. Putting my hands in my lap, I wonder if he  has been watching me.  Oh god, so he  might have just saw me looking at my hand... well I was just looking he did the same thing. 


"I'm waiting for you." He sighs, sitting up. "Come on." He gets up, I watch as he makes his way to the kitchen waling around everyone. What is he doing?  "Lyra... don't make me come over there and carry you." He threatens, and I hop up. I follow him outside, and he walks arond the tower, and sits at the base of a tree that is still up. He pats the ground next to him, and I sit. 


"What are you doing?" I ask, looking around. It creepy out here with the ruined building parts and crow feathers and bodies everywhere. I scooch closer to him, not wanting to be out here.


"You needed some air." He sighs, leaning back against the tree. "I'm sorry about earlier.. I shouldn't have said that. I just... thinking about what he can give you and what I can't.. it pisses me off."


"It's fine... I'm sorry it happened." I say laying my head on his shoulder. I wish I would've grabbed a blanket, it freaking cold! Rubbing my shouldering an pulling my knees to my chest, I look up at the sky. Gosh it's a cold and cloudy night. 


"Are you cold?" He asks, I just nod. "Well... I wanted to bring you out here for more then just one reason." He whispers, and jut by the tone of his voice I can tell what he means. His dangerous side is popping out. I move my head, unsure if I want to have a make-out session out here were anyone could see us... although I guess who could it hurt?  But here? This isn't a romantic setting at all, in fact him wanting to kiss me while sitting next to bunch of dead birds is a little weird. I think it's time to go back inside.


"Thayer... I don't think we sho-" I begin trying to get up, he grabs my waist pulling and holding me down. He sits up getting closer to me, and brushes his lips to mine.


"No one is around, this might be the last chance we have for while." He whispers, I know he is right but something still feels weird. "Lyra, I know you want too. I can feel your heart beating." He brushes a hand against my cheek and pushes some hair out of my face. I look in his eyes trying to figure out what is going on with him. His free hand moves down my side, and over my thigh, and to the ground grabbing my hand that's helping me keep balance. I watch unsure what he is going to do as he pulls it to his mouth and kisses the back of it. I gulp. Seriously what has gotten into him? He looks up at me through his thick lashes, his eye blazing. For some reason he really wants me right now. His arm that was carressing my face moves down to my waist, and he wraps around me, pulling me in closer.


He kisses my neck, and follows my collarbone over to the other side. He never lets go of my hand, and he holds my to him tightly. He shifts a little bit sitting up better, and getting more comfortable. I bite my lip unsure what to do. I look around, and all I see is still dead birds and garbage. What can it hurt? I move my still free hand to his shoulder, and scooch in more. I place my lips to his, and it's like a static. All of a sudden I'm hungry for more, and I can't have enough of him. I lean on my knees, stradling him and moving one hand under his shirt. What is this? This isn't right. It feels right, but I can tell there is somethig wrong. I try to move away, but it seems I'm not in complete control of my body anymore. But boy does his touch feel good! I open my eyes trying to look for soemting out of place. I can't focus though, I keep looking at Thayer.. who is attacking my neck in a good way.


"We really should stop.." I breath, and he just groans in an annoyance type of way. He pulls away from my neck, and looks down at my hand he is still holding. He turns it over revealing the mark from Elijah. "Thayer... What's going on?" I ask, trying to take my hand away. He holds it tighter and pull it towards him. It stings as his lips touch the mark, and it sends a horrible burning sensation through me. I grit my teeth, and try to take my hand away somemore. I fail, and the burning gets worse. "Thayer stop please!" I whimper, laying my forehead against his. He stops, letting go of my hand. But he pushes me back, and I feel the ground under me. His hand runs under my shirt now, and kisses my jaw. His body starts a grinding rhythym against me, and my body reacts in all the right yet wrong ways. We shouldn't be doing this, I'm very sure it isn't even us. There has to be something or someone doing something. It feels right though, his body against mine and breathing getting faster and faster. Hearts pounding. Our lips colliding with lust. My hands lift his shirt, and he sits up pulling it off. Looking up into the branches of the tree above us, I spot what's wrong. Throwing my arm up, I smack the bird, with a snow ball. It drops the crystal ball and flies off. the ball smashed to the ground breaking into tiny pieces. Thayer jumps away from me, and I feel control come back to me. We both look at the broken glass, trying to catch out breath. Thayer pulls his shirt down slightly embarrassed. I get up looking at the crystal ball, I see the piece of parchment paper that has the charm written on it. It was a lust charm.   Rashell even signed it. Was she trying to get me to break the bond? I tear the paper, looking back up at Thayer.


"I'm sorry.. I don't know what happened... I just  I don't know." he scratches the back of his neck. 


"It's fine.. it was neither of our faults." I say. "We need to get back inside." I say, he doesn't argue. We head up the stairs into the tower loft, but before we go in I stop him.  "Thayer wait." I grab his arm, and he pauses.  Leaning up close I touch our lips. "It's okay.." I say, and he nods. I kiss him once more liking having the control. He holds me, giving me a response of passion. Reaching behind him for the door knob I open the door, taking him with me. He closes the door, and presses my back agains the wall. My hands slip under the bottom of his shirt, as we continue our lip locking. I like this much better. Then the golden eyes appear, and they come at me like a brick wall. I push him away pulling my hand in to my chest. the marm is burning just like when Thayer put his lips to it. 


"Sorry.." he whispers after I've calmed down. "I shouldn't have pushed you like that."


"It's fine... I'm sorry.. I was having fun." I sigh and my cheeks heat to me admitting that I liked it. He just chuckles quietly. "Come on lets get some sleep." I sigh pulling him back to our spot on the floor in the living room. We get situated and cover ourselves up with the blanket Theodore gave us before, and we stay in each others arms drifting back off into the black.




I wake up again, not for a nightmare, but from a knocking on the door. Thayer is sound asleep next to me, so I get up trying to be as quiet as I can. Making my way through the living room with all the others still sleeping, I notice Sebastien from some reason. I can't tell if he is sleeping or not, He is sitting up on the couch as if he is watching the t.v but his eyes are closed and his mouth is slightly open. He must be sleeping. The knocking goes again. Just three taps agains the door, and they're quiet. Who would it be? Who could it be? the closer I get the more butterflies I get in my stomach. I'm nervous! I shouldn't be, but boy oh boy is my stomach flipping out. Peeking back at everyone I still see sleeping bodies. Okay now or never.


"You need to leave!" I say right away, no wonder my stomach was bugging out. I try to shut the door, but Elijah puts his foot in the way. "I'm serious! I don't want to talk to you... I don't want to see you!" I say trying to push the door closed even though his foot is there. What on earth is he doing? Shouldn't he be out with Rashell causing trouble everywhere he goes? Why is he here? 


"Will you just come out here, we haven't talked properly since you came back." He asks, in a whisper. "Please. I need to see you." He adds even quieter. his tone seems to be almost begging. Oh god what should I do? Bitting my bottom lip, I look at the others. They are asleep... but still this isn't a good idea. "I  will come in one way or another Lyra." He warns me, and I look behind me at the door. I stop pushing, and slip out the little crack created. I leave the door open an inch, that way the noise of closing it doesn't wake any one up. Now taking the time to look at him my heart almost seems to melt. His normally white clear skin is gray and blotchy, I can see his hands shaking and the golden eyes turning to an ugly puke color. What's happening to him? 


"What's happened to you?!" I ask, stepping closer. I reach up to touch him, but I pull back. No touching. Definitely no touching. His clothes are clean, jeans and a normal t-shirt. His hair is brushed back like usualy, but I see spots of brownish reddish in it. My brain recognizes it right away as blood, and my heart starts pounding. Who's blood is it? It can't be mine. Rashells?


"It's mine." he leans against the rail, as if if he wont be able to stand much longer. Mind reading... I take a deep breath.Why is his blood in his hair? Should I ask? 


"What happened?" I ask again, staying where I am at. It's taking all my might to not run to him and hold him feel him against me. I look behind me real quick through the crack. Everyone still seems to be sleeping. Looking back down at Elijah, my cheeks flush. His eyes are on mine, and I can see the pain he has been put through.  "Elijah, what happened." I ask one last time. 


"She took my blood. She drained it out of me." He whispers closig his eyes ashamed. "As punishment." Bitting my lip again, I look at my surrounding. It's nearly sunrise, and all the crow bodies are gone now. Donatello must've done something to them. 


What he is saying sounds like Rashell drained his blood from him almost completely. As a punishment for... drinking my blood?  Taking in another deep breath, I look back down at him. His eyes are still closed. He is ashamed and embarassed. I feel horrible. Even though he is the one who bit me without my permission. Although I could've stopped him if I really wanted to. I don't know what to do, what does he want from me now? Why would he come here if I'm  the reason this happened to him? 


"Being near you will help me get better faster." He whispers, laying his head back against the rail. My breath is caught in my throat, I know what will help him get better even faster though. I step away and feel the door behind me. No, I can't go there. "Lyra it's fine." He sighs, opening his eyes, they have already starting turning into a more golden color. 


"You're not fine, Elijah! Can't you see what is happening to you? Why do you keep choosing her, and doing this to yourself!?" I break down. How can he be okay with this? How can he expect me to be okay with this!? 


"Lyra calm down. You're going to wake up the others." He hushes me, and I look behind me at the door. I lay my elbows on the rail, watching as the peek of sun starts coming up.  "Hey, I'm fine. Just need some rest."


"No." I say again. "Why? Why are you doing this to both of us? You keep leaving with her, but coming back to me. You need to choose, I'm not going to play this game anymore! I can't take much mo-"


"Can't you see, I have chosen!" He stands up. "I chose you, Lyra. I'm protecting you! If I don't listen to her, she plans on killing your friends one by one. She at first planned on killing you, but then realized doing so might kill me as well." he pauses catching his breath. I look down at the metal rail gripping it so hard my knuckles turn white. 


"Look what she did to you." I turn around, looking at him again. "Your beautiful skin and your eyes! You have you own blood in your hair!"  My hand instinctively reaches for him, but stops mid air. No touching! I look at my hand, at the purple/blue/black mark. He caused that. My hand pulses with energy, my whole body does. It want's him. I want him. His hand slowly comes up grabbing mine, it sends me over board. Stepping as close to him as I can, I wrap my arms around his torso taking in his smell. His arms wrapped around me, and we stay in each others arms just holding each other. It's sad, his whole body is shaking, not just his hands. I will not cry. I'm not going to be a weak little girl about this. The words from earlier tonight.. well now yesterday come back to me. My reflection, yelling and laughing at me.  


"Lyra, everything is going to work out for the best in the end." He whispers running a hand through my hair. 


"How can you say that!? Look around you... Spridge is being destroyed. Donatelloo wants to destroy everything... kill everyone! I never should've been found. None of this would've started, everyone here would be safe, and Spridge wouldn't look like war zone!" I let go of him, turning away. I look threw the crack on the door. "Nobody would be in any danger." I whisper. 


"Then none of us would be as happy." he whispers. 


"You think they are happy?" I look at him again. 


"Yes." He says evenly. He eys never leaving mine. "Lyra, you brought hope back. Your parents, and your friends. Me. We all thought you were dead. Now even if you weren't found all of this was bound to happen at some point. We're lucky we got you back to help us win!"  He reaches for me, wrapping an arm around my waste. Energy blazes between us. My heart starts pounding again, his grip  tightens pulling my closer. My back is to his chest, and he sways back and forth. "You were choosen to take all of this on for a reason. You are strong enough." He whispers, and then I feel his lips on the top my head. It's his kiss, that really gets me going. The skin to skin contact. I turn in his arms, moving a hand to the back of his neck and pulling his head closer. It feels so right to be kissing him! We fit like a puzzle, forming to each other. He stops shaking, seeming to get better, and he holds me tight. 


What is with my horomones? I mean, that kiss with Thayer after we broke the lust charm, and now this. Oh well, that doesn't matter right now. Pulling away to catch my breath, my eyes wonder to his neck. I lose all the air I did have, and I feel a pinch on the inside of my mouth. I bit the inside of mt cheek, it's bleeding. Bleeding... oh shit!


"Lyra..." He backs up, I close my mouth, and step away. "You bit your cheek." he smiles slightly. 


"Maybe you should go." I say quickly. My eyes keep wondering to his neck, and it's not helping. I wish he would've let me- Lyra focus! I shake my head, that is the last thing I need to be thinking about. "Just a little." It's out before I even realize I thought about saying it.  His mouth is back on mine, and it slowly slips down my neck. God, my body is aching for this. But having a new mark on my neck will be hard to explain. His hand grabs mine, and in a fast motion we're both sitting. My back still to his chest, and I'm between his legs. His left arm holding me in an iron grip, his right holding my already marked hand. The second the mark touches him lips, I feel intense pleasure. Once he bites and actually gets my blood, I take a deep breath choking down a moan. My back archs from pleasure, and I can see his skin getting better with every second. "Elijah..." I say quietly, as a warning. If we keep this up, I wont be able to stay quiet. Instead he just bites harder, causing a little whimper to escape me. I close my eyes trying to focus on staying calm. But, my body starts squirming, and I'm loosing control. His grip holds me in place still, but I'm wiggling around still as the pleasure starts building. Opening my eyes real quick I look around trying to think about something else. Something catches my eye through the crack, and I look closer. 



Chapter 12

 "So this whole time you have been his food. Are you addicted to his bites now or something?" Sebastien asks, as I stir my coffee. God, I'm so embarrassed. Elijah left right away without even saying goodbye... leaving me here to explain. I should've known Sebastien wasn't sleeping. "Holy shit.. how long has this been going on? And.. Thayer knows right?"


"Sebastien... please just leave it alone. It's a lot more complicated." I say.


"Wait... this has been going on for a long time! Like since you came back hasn't it! You've had the marks on your neck, just like your marks." I finally look up at him, and see his eyes wide starring at me. Ding-dinng he figured it out. I let out a breath setting my mug down. I can't tell if he is mad or not. "Before when you said a human.. it was him!" He is mad. I grab my cup taking a sip, I wish I would've just listened to my rule I set. No touching. He touched me first... but I didn't have to let him touch me. 


"Please... Sebastien I really do-" I try to explain to him. I need to ask him to keep quiet. I don't want this getting out. 


"Oh come off it Lyra." he leans back in his chair. 


"Please be quiet... I don't want anyone knowing. I didn't tell you for a reason."


"Yeah why is that?" He leans forward. His eyes studying me, as if he can read my mind like Elijah can. " I bet I know why. You didn't want to tell me so you could keep seeing me. You aren't sure who you want. Even though you're bonded to Dr. Drake, your feelings for Thayer and I are still enough to make you question the bond." I keep my eyes on him, knowing what he is saying is true. I'm surprised he said Thayer. I can't sit here and listen to this though. I just need to be sure he wont tell anyone about what he saw and what he now knows. 


"Even if your right it doesn't matter. Thayer and I are getting married, and Elijah is with Rashell." I mentally smack myself. He didn't need to know that last part.


"My mom?" He sounds grossed out.


"Long story short is that she forces him... and this is all part of the reason she hates me. Sebastien I need you to promise you'll keep you mouth shut. No one else here needs to know about this. Just you, Thayer and Tatum."


"Tatum knows?!" He throws his arms up in the air. "Are you in love with him too?"


"Oh I can't believe you!" I shake my head. He can be some immature sometimes, although he is kind hot when he is all worked up like this. Mentally slapping myself again I move away from him, he can't be garden boy. It's confusing me. "I don't have any feeling like that towards Tatum.. or you in fact." I say crossing my arms. 


"Admit it Lyra." he stands gripping my wrist. His touch is rough, and not passionate like it used to be. Looking from his hold on me to his face, I can see the stubborness in him. There is more there. He wants something, although I don't think he wants me as in my body or anything. Information. He wants to know. "Admit it you have feeling for me. Just like Thayer and Elijah." he whispers pulling at my arm. 


"Let go of me, Sebastien." I say tugging at my wrist. 


"Answer me!" He says, and the his grip only get tighter. 


"I have feelings for you still!" I whisper harshly. "Is that what you want to hear? Are you happy? There is nothing I can do about them though other then let them go away. I'm going to Marry Thayer, and you and Elijah need to get that through your heads!" I finish. Looking back at Sebastien, his smile sends shivers through me. Why is he smiling. 


"Well.. even if you are marrying him.. you still let Elijah have you blood." He smirks, and I move away. I get what he is wanting now.  I try to take my hand back. "Oh come on Lyra, you know you want me to." He whispers. 


"No." I say. Why is he able to hold on to me so tightly? It's like he got super human strength!




"Sebastien knock it off." I warn him. No matter if I want him to kiss me or touch me at all it's not right.  I'm with Thayer. That's why I tried to not let anything happen with Elijah... but with the dumb bond it's a little harder to say no to him. I stop trying to pull away from him, I send him a glare and it just seems to encourage him. "Seriously. Stop before any of the others wake up." 


"You just told me you still have feelings for me. I'm not going to give up, Lyra. I know we are ment to be together, even if you marry Thayer or have a bond with Dr. Drake." He says and he lets go of me. "I will wait." 


"Well.. it will be a while." I inform him, stepping away. As I walk away though my head begins to spin. Even though I'm getting married and have a bond with a vampire he still thinks we're ment to be together? I wonder why... I sit next to Thayer, taking a quick glance at Sebastien who is in the kitchen still. He made himself busy with cooking breakfast. I watch him, trying to figure him out.  He is going to wait for me? That's a very romantic thing to say...a lot of things he said to me were really romantic. How is so sure? Why does he have these strong feelings for me? I don't understand boys.. or men. 


Of course I also have all the guy troubles at the same time as a war too. What am I going to do about Donatello? My true nature!? Holy shit, the world is just out to get me! I can't do this! People are going to die in this, I can't let anyone get hurt because of all this. Everyone here is willing to risk their lives. How fucked up is it though that the queen is part of the problem? I mean that is crazy! She built this place why would she want to destroy it? I wonder what Donatello wants to do once he wins? If he wins. Evil never wins in the stories, but it seems he has a huge advantage in this war. What happens when this war lasts years, and my true nature turns out to be evil? Then what? 


A pound on the door pulls me from my thoughts. Thayer next to me shoots up, and Sebastien turns the sink off in the kitchen. He glances over at me, and walks towards the door. I skuttle to my feet running over with him. Who would pound on Theodore's door this early. It's only six in the morning. I've been up since probably three or four from Elijah... god today is going to be long. I grab the knob, pushing Sebastien behind me. Thayer is up and coming over too. I pull open the door, and slam it shut. 


"We need to get out of here now!" I yell, waking everyone up. 


"What? Why?" Theodore asks, alert and ready for anything. I already have almost everything we'll need packed and ready to go, once everyone is standing up and wondering what's going on. "Lyra?" 


"There are explosives tied to the bottom of this thing. We need to get out before they go off." I say ushering people out the door and down the stairs. We all get down and away from the tower/loft and we get far enough away to still be able to watch without being in danger of getting hurt. I do a quick head count making sure everyone is out with us. Once I know we are all here and all okay, I hand out the box of pop tarts for everyone to eat for breakfast. 


Now, I wonder who set up the explosives? I mean, if the queen did it.. then that would mean she is for sure trying to kill her kids. But if Donatello did it... ugh. I don't know and I guess it doesn't really even matter.


"I have to go back!" I hear Sebastien, but it doesn't exactly register what he said until he is already half way up the stairs, and everyone is yelling for him to come back. I'm up and moving right away, and I told everyone else to stay where they are. I run after him, and see him looking around the kitchen. 


"What in the hell are you doing! We need to get out of he-" The ground starts shaking, and there is a loud boom from outside. "Sebastien!" I yell, keeping my balance. Shit this place is going down. 


"I need to find that key!" He yells back. " My father gave it to me, and said to never lose it." I smile at what he is doing, but I'm still not happy.  I help him look, and after a minute I get it. We run towards the door and stairs but when I swing the door open I see the stairs are gone and a fire is buidling up the wall. 


"We have to jump!" I yell! I see fear cross his face, and in that second the tower tilts loosing part of it's side. It sends both of us flying back into the loft. "Sebastien!? Are you okay?" I hold the wall for support, looking around for him. Where did he go? I don't see him anywhere! 


"I'm good!" He pokes his head up from the chair. I get mad for a slight second that he was thrown into a chair, and I was thrown into a wall. I get over it quick as the building keeps tiping. "What do we do?" He yells. I look around, trying to figure that out. There isn't any rope up here, and beisdes the fire would burn rope. There isn't another set of stairs we can go down. In fact that's the only door to get up here, other then windows we're stuck. 


Window... I can fly! I make my way to the window a couple feet away, being careful how I do it. there isn't really a flat level ground anymore, so I have to step on the wall and floor. I work on getting it open before I even get Sebastien, besides I'm not sure how to get Sebastien down here safely, I end up breaking it, and the whole window frame pops out, but it topples to the ground shattering. 


"Sebastien!" I yell, looking for him up in the chair.


"Here!" I he says, right behind me. 


"How did you get here?" I ask,  facing him. He points to the path he took, showing me how he just hopped from furniture to furniture. "Well... great.. that's awesome. Now we have to jump." I tell him again, and he nods. I'm confused at how... strong he is being. I mean running into a building with explosives is one thing, but he doesn't look scared at all now. Also earlier when he grabbed me, his grip was strong. The tower goes through another quake, and Sebastien moves closer to me and the window steadying me and himself. 


"You gonna catch me or something?" he asks as a joke. But it gets me wondering how I'm going to do this. Because I more then likely can't carry him. We both get thrown again from the tower tilting more, I hit a wall again, but Sebastien wasn't so lucky. He is holding onto the wall of the tower hanging out. "Lyra!" he panics slightly not.  I grab his other arm, thinking. What can I do? 


"I'm going to jump!" I yel over all the loud cracking and creaking. 




"I'll jump, and when I tell you to let go!" I reply. 


"I trust you!" he says. Our eyes meet for a split second, and an unspoken promise is said between us. We will always protect each other. I nod and let him grab the wall with his other hand. I take a deep breath, and jump out. I twirl right away, not having time to waste. For some reason the tornado takes for ever, but it catches me mid air. Once I'm stable and have everything under control. I look up at Sebastien, he is still there.


"Sebastien, let go!" I yell, and he looks down seeing me. He lets go, and he falls directly into the middle of the tornadoe next to me. I move us both away from the towering, and then slowly lower us down. "Well.. that was.. interesting." I sigh, wipping off my pants and scratching my head. "We should head back to the others." I say. But I notice Sebastien look up at the falling tower, and I see he isn't happy. I try and look to see if there is something certain he is sad about. Glinting in the flames, I spot a silver chain with a golden key on it. "I'll give it! Go to the others." I say, and before he can say anything I jump flying up.


The key is the whole reason he ran into the loft, so I'm not going to not let him get it. I get up there and grab the chain that was caught on the corner of the curtain rod. Grabbing the key to make sure that I don't lose it on the way back now down, I feel something on my foot. What ever it is it distracts me a second and I lose some of my control. I start to fall but something on my ankle grips me, and I start dangling in the air. Now hanging upside down I panic. I still have the key, but I'm stuck. I look up, and see dark shadows or fog wrapped around me foot. Donatello. The fire is getting bigger, and now I'm really freaking out. Fire and I don't get along. The fog arm thing starts pulling me back into the loft, and I struggle trying to kick my leg free. It's grip is to tough, almost as if ifs bitten into me. Glancing quickly at the golden key in my hand, I look back down at Sebastien. He is being held back be fog too. I look at the key one last time, and then I aim it th best I can upside down and throw towards him. Then I'm back in the loft, and the fog arm  drops me. Looking around I don't see anyone. I make a run or at least the best run I can do for the window. Once I get there I go to jump out again, but I get dragged back inside. 


Landing in the chair that Sebastien was first thrown into, I whip my head around looking for th fog. It's already gone. Taking another look at my surroundings. I see that the flooring and the walls by the door are starting burn and catch fire. The ceiling above me cracks, and I begin panicing. If the ceiling caves in it's going to give the fire more oxygen! I'm a dead girl if I don't get out of here. Where can I go? If I go to the window again I might get dragged back here. Donatello has to have a plan, or an idea. This is some test... I wonder if he will save me before I can get killed. I highly doubt it, so I can't rely on that idea. Above me there is another crack, and pieces start chipping away. I need to move. I get to the floor and army crawl my way into the kitchen where I can use the counters to lean on. Once I'm stable again I look around. Try a different window. I go to the window above the sink, and begin kicking it to try and break it open. The room is starting to fill with smoke, so I work faster. Once I get part of the window out, I slip through the crack and I plummit to the ground. I get grabbed again mid air, and pulled back in.


"Fuck!" I lose my cool, for a moment, as I get placed back in the chair. I don't know what else I can do. Why do I keep getting put into the chair? What is it with the chair? I look at it for a second. It seems normal... other then being tilted and falling over with the building. The entrance to the loft is gone engulfed in flames, and the smoke it making it harder to breath and see. Takings a second to get my thoughts together, I look for another option. Another loud creak rips through the air, and part of the cieling by the entrance colaspes. The flames shoot higher  spreading into the area more. Then the building starts to tilt more, and I end up standing against wall. All the furntire is against the wall now, and it's hard to get through all of it. I make my way back up to the kitchen, closer to the fire. I'm crazy, I have no idea what to do! Fridge tumbles over, sending foor flying and it crashs into the counter. 


I spot it then flying out of the fridge, it's like a glass orb. That I don't remember seeing it there last night. Everything going slow motion, my body jumps towards it in the air. If it hits the wall it's going to smash, and I'm getting the feeling that it can't break. I get a grip on it and pull it in, and I realize now as thing start going normal speed that I'm going to crash into the wall! I twirl forming a tornado, and I move myself towards the window. Then I go spiraling through the air, now I'm falling again I take the couple second I have to look at what's in my hand. It's a clear glass ball with a black fortex looking thing moving insde of it. It's a teleportation globe! Starting about another tornado, I drift slowly to the ground and towards the group. Still looking at the globe, I feel another tug. I look down right away and sure enough the damn fog is back. My tornado faulters and it stops. I end up dangling upside down again, and I almost dropped the teleporter.  


In the distance I can hear everyone yelling and panicing about how to help me. The fog isn't carrying me anyway. It's just holding me in place. The device... I have to use it. Where is it going to take me? Or can I choose? I take a glance down at the group and I see that Sebastien made it to them with out any problems.   Thrusting a hand down towards my feet I freeze the fog, and it works. Then I slip out and I fall towards the ground. It's to late to form a tornado! I'm going to be a squashed bug!  I look at the  teleporter, and back at the guys. I toss it to the ground and watch it shatter for a split second before I get sucked into the black. I get slammed onto a hard surface, and I scramble to my feet. It's pitch black still, but I'm not falling or moving at all now. 


"Hello?" I ask, moving my arms around me trying to feel for something. There is a loud clap that comes from behind me, I turn around ready to fight if I need to. I get blinded by a bright light, and I use my left hand to block the light as my eyes get used to it.


"Welcome, Lyra." I hear Donatello. Turning around again, now getting a look at my surroundings. An arena. Like the coliseum in Rome.  "I'm so glad you could join us." He smiles, sitting up on his chair looking down at me.


"Us?" I look around, the seats are empty. I only see him. Out of know where people start pouring in, and taking seats around the stadium. "What is this?" I narrow my eyes at him.  


"Well... I wanted to see how your coming along with your powers, so I brought you here to my arena." He sounds happy and totally crazy. "You're the enterainment for tonight. If you don't win in the end, then that tells me you weren't strong enough to be kept around."  


He is throwing me in here with a bunch of things to fight?! Well so much for him being a good loving brother.  I watch as the seats fill fast, and I look for familiar faces. Donatello is the only one I recognize. I didn't realize he had he his own people. He is originally  from Spridge then he got banished. Then from behind his chair another person walks out from the door behind him. Rashell. She smiles down at me, and sits in the chair next to Donatello. They whisper a couple things to each other, and then he claps his hands silencing the crowd. 


"Tonights entertainment!" He yells cheerfully gesturing to me standing in the middle of the arena.  The people go nuts yelling and clapping. "HUSH! Now her apponent!" He gestures to under him, where there is a gate. It rattles open, and a guy my fathers age comes walking over.  He is huge though. He has brute strength. "Let the battle begin!" 


The man charges at me, and I take off running away. Ignoring the crowd as they laugh at me. This can't be happening! Battle to death? This is all maddness! I run around a wagon looking thing, and I slip under it when he can't see me. I watch his feet as runs around the wagon twice, and then it seems he realizes he is chasing nothing. The the wagon gets lifted, and thrown and I'm laying on my stomach three feet away from him without cover. 


"Oh shit!" I mumble, looking up at him. He is smiling but he only has two teeth, and there is a pile of drool dripping from his mouth. I thrust my arm out, and a strong gust of wind throws him back ten feet. The crowd roars as I get to my feet wiping myself off. He gets to his feet seemingly unphased. Just very mad. He stomps his feet like what sumo wrestlers do, and charges again. I move away at the last second and he looses balance trying to turn around. He falls again, I used this as my chance using ice I freeze his feet together. I look up at Donatello, who is just watching. He is really watching though. Watching me, seeing if I'm worth it. 


"Finish him." He says, and everything turns slow motion. Kill him? I don't think I've ever killed anyone. Birds... I know I've killed birds. If I have killed somebody then it was because they were attacking me or my friends. I haven't ever just murdered some one! I stand my ground, not doing what he said. "Do it. Now."


"No!"  He claps his hands, and a bunch of guards all around the arena point guns at me. I hold my hands up in defense.


"Do it."  He says again, and I can see his hand ready to tell the guards to shoot. I look over at the man with frozen feet. He is struggling to break free, and isn't paying me any attention. "Show us what you can do Lyra." Donatello cheers, agging me to do it. If I don't kill him... the guards will kill me. "You know you want to." I hear a him whisper in my ear, I turn looking at him again. How did he do that?  He nods with a slight smile. 


"You're wrong." I whisper. His smile disapears and I can see him thinking. 


"No, I'm right. I can see it in your eyes. It's your instinct. It's either him or you." His voice whispers in my ear. "Do it." I turn away, he is right about one thing. It is him or me. I have to get out of here.  Get back to everyone else. He has to die. I take quick steps over to the man, and I stand behind him casting a shadow over him. He stops fidgeting and looks up at me. He growls and spits at me, it misses me and it just seems to piss him off more. He wiggles trying to reach and grab my legs. I step back slightly, wishing there was another way. 


"You are weak! You wont do i-" the man begins laughing, and my foot flies kicking his jaw clear off his face. He words echo in me. You are weak. You are weak. You are weak.


"I am not weak!" I say, freezing his insides and then I stomp on his frozen body. He shatters, and I step back looking at what I just did. My breath is caught in my throat, as I calm down looking at the chunks of ice on the ground. I step away from the mess.


"Very impressive Lyra." Donatello praises me. I whip around facing him, looking at my hands. I'm shaking horribly. I just killed a man. "You're ice powers are progessing better then I thought they were." He smiles. "Now your next task." the gate opens again, this time a girl comes out. A little child. she might be seven years old. I notice the blood all over her, and he red stained lips. Her pale skin, is gray and her eyes are black. Vampire... a hungry vampire drained of blood. A child.  She spots me right away, and the hunger in her eyes makes me feel hungry even. She licks her lips, and then she runs at me. I jump over her, happy she is hungry and drained it slows her down. My jump didn't do much it got a second more time, I turn and she launches at me. We both go toppling to the ground, and I get a grip on his hers fighting her back. Her fangs are out, and she also is dripping with saliva. Her snarles, get louder as the struggle gets harder. Once I get my feet position correctly I kick her in the gut, and she is bucked off of me. I run towards the broken wagon, looking for the best piece of wood. No messing around this time. I'm not going to get bitten by a vampire. I grab a wheel and snap it over my knee just in time.  I turn swinging my arm, and stab in the the chest area not the heart. It makes her stop though, and she looks down at the stake punctured through her skin. I grab another piece of the wheel, launching myself at her. Now I have her on the ground. Her eyes go wide and watery, human like, but it doesn't phase me. The stake hits home, and beneath me I watch as a tear slips down her cheek and she start eroding away to dust. I stand up as the last of her existence disapears. The crowd has gone mad with cheering it hurts my ears. 


"Very nice. Smart thinking." Donatello congradulates me. "One last test." the gate opens again. A snake slips in, and I watch it closely. What's with the snake? It slithers in closer, and then it grows. Hair starts growing, and then arms and legs. It's a gorrilla now! I step away. It can change it's look. Pounding on his or her chest, it makes monkey noises. What in the hell am I supposed to do?! We both stand still looking at each other. I'm not loosing this. It's the last fight. No way am I dying here. It cowers back, and then it starts to shrink and a bark erupts. Now it's a poodle. It growls, and I just step towards it. I create an ice spear, in my hand just in case. I jumps at me a little, and I'm not in the mood. I slice the spear right through it's stomach/back area. It lies on the ground dead just like the others. "You didn't even hesitate." Donatello brings me back to myself.


"What?" I ask, looking at the body. It's now a naked boy. A teenager, my age. 


"You're a cold blood killer, Lyra." Donatello smiles, keeping the crowd quiet. "We have a champion!" He gestures to me again, and the crowd goes nuts. I look at the boy, and I fall to my knees. I killed him. I killed three people! Out of know where the boy moves, and sits up. He pulls the spear out of his rib cage. "Drew take her to her room." Donatello says, and the boy nods. 


"Come." He says grabbing my elbow. I pull away from him. 


"I just killed you!" I whisper. He shakes his head, and starts walking towards the now open gate. 


"I'd come with me unless you want to sleep in here." He sighs, I run to catch up to him. Realizing the place is clearing out. I don't ask any questions, I dont' speak at all actually. I just follow the naked boy who's name is Drew.

Chapter 13

"How long to you plan on keeping me here!" I growl as Donatello comes for another one of his annual visits. He has came three times now, and I have no idea how long has passed since I've came here. It feels like a year, but that's obviously not right. I haven't been fed anything either, so maybe it's only been a couple hours. He sits down across the table from me, and digs in his pocket.


"Here, I'm guessing you're hungry." he tosses a pack of gushers on the table. I tear into them, and eat them up. Then we sit in silence and stare at each other, I lean back in my chair.


"When can I go?" I ask finally after a couple of minutes. "You can't hold me here this is kidnapping!" I bring the chair back to four legs. He sighs, getting up from his chair. He just leaves without a word. Jumping from my chair, I run to the door, but it closes before I can get there. "Donatello! Let me out of here!" I yell pounding on the door. I kick the door, and pace back forth thinking up a plan. I need to get back to the others! What if they think I'm dead?  How long has it been? I kick the chair the Donatello sits in, and it bangs into the wall. I go over to the door for the thousands time, and try to pull it open. It's still locked of course.


I look at the key hole on my side of the door, getting an idea. I put my hand to the slot, and use my ice powers.  I twist my hand and I hear the click from the door unlocking. I pull my hand away and I see the key made of ice.  I smile opening the door. I take off down the hall to the right, that's the same way Donatello always took. I come to a room that has three doors, and I open the first one on my right. It's just a storage room. I go to the next room, and I see a golden retriever laying in the dog bed. All that's in the room is the dog bed and two bowls, one has water and the other is empty. It's head pops up, and then it gets up out of the bed. I watch as if grows and it's hair disapears. Again standing in front of me is naked Drew.


"Why don't you ever have clothes on?" I say, looking away. It's awkward for me slightly.


"I'm rarely ever in human form... Donatello has never graced me with clothing." He says, not ashamed to be naked. I mean he is shapped pretty good muscle wise... and other places too.


"Graced you huh?"  I scratch my eyebrow.


"He created me.. he controls me." He stretches out his arms.


"What do you mean created you?" I ask.


"I'm not human." He says at first, and I nod obviously he isn't human. "There is a spell casted upon this body. It tied my soul to this body." 


"Tied your soul? So you... died?" I ask. 


"I did, nine years ago. Donatello saved my soul, and transferred it to this body. When doing so it caught a couple other souls on the way, animal souls. Now I can change into the animal souls that have been caught. I owe him a life debt." He finishes. 


"I see... well I'm just going to go.." I say turning around. "You can just not tell him you saw me.."


"I'm sorry I can't do that." he says, and I run. I hear a dog running behind me, and I know he can obviously out run me. I jump off the ground, and fly that speeds me up. Then I look behind me quick and I see he has now turned into some kind of small bird. I take a sharp left turn instead of going straight, and I find my self in another big room. Glass windows surround the walls. Looks like I'm breaking out litterally. I fly up at high speed, and use my arms to cover my head, I crash through the glass. I find myself in the sky, looking around I almost lose focus on running. Donatello lives on a floating island! I fly towards the ground, feeling Drew hot on my trail. Once I'm break through the clouds, I see that he is just floating above Spridge. Where can I go to lose him? I flight towards town, and start swooping through buildings. I pause trying to figure out where I am, and to see if Drew is still following me. 


Then he is in front of me naked and all. He grabs my hands pining them against the wall, with a smirk. I mumble swear words, looking away from his brown eyes and brown hair. I'm by the hospital, I recognize the fountain that's a couple yards away. I need to get him off of me. 


"Did you really think you could lose me?" He questions, getting ready to move. 


"Yes!" I grunt, kicking my knee into an area I shouldn't. He colaspes, groaning in pain. I take off running again, jumping and flying again. I stay low staying out of the sky where he can easily spot me. I stop again, back by my old house. While I have the second to think about it, I need to figure out where they would've gone. I slip around to the front of the house, going up the deck stairs. I swing open the  door, and I smile seeing everyone here.  "Hey!" I say with joy overcoming me. Then I get thrown back again, and I tumble to the ground. Sitting on top of my stomach is a skunk, with it's tale up and ready to fire. "Drew I swear to god if you spray me I'm gonna skin you and eat you!" I say. The skunks face grows a smile and it's nose shrinks back and the black hair fades away. 


"Donatello wouldn't be happy if I sprayed you." He is human again. "Now are you going to cooperate with me now?"  I twist under his weight, and I get to my back. But he holds me there, and I can feel every part of him against my backside. "Really? Was that needed?"


"Yes!" I toss my head back, clunking our head together. I close my eyes as a head ache comes on strong, he lost his grip on me and I get up. I wipe the dirt off of me, looking down at him. He sits up rubbing his forehead. "God your head is like a rock!" I pout, rubbing the back of my own head. He stands up slowly, and shakes his head. He starts to shrink and is a long snake creature. His movement is so fast I don't have time to stop it. He slips around me, and I fall backwards. He unwraps himself, and turns into a gorilla like before. It only takes one of his arms to hold me, damn gorrilla strength. I struggle in his grip, trying to think of a way out of here.  He tosses me over his shoulder and dangles me behind his back upside down, I'm also facing the house and I can see everyone watching in the door way. I look away not needing them to laugh at me. I make up a quick plan, taking my one free leg and wrapping it around his neck. I pull it as tight as I can, and Drew loses his focus turning back into a human. We both fall backward, and he keeps ahold of my one leg. 


"Seriously!" I hear him mumble behind me. I start digging in the ground pulling up dirts balls and throwing them back at him. I then here a spitting sound, I laugh I must've got some in his mouth.


"I'm going to knock you out." I warn, noticing all I have to do is kick my free foot back. Then his grip is gone, I hop to my feet looking around. Where did he go? The ground beneath me shakes a little, and a freaking ant eater pops out. Then he turns into a cow and I'm on his back. I jump off... more like fall off... as he turns into a gorilla again. He grabs me again in one arm and holds me tightly to his furry chest. I start kicking my legs, but it's worthless. "You are so lucky you can't be killed!" I mumble, remembering how I stabbed him in the arena. 


I'm an idiot. I have powers! Using my hand I begin to freeze him, he puts me down before it does any damage. Forming a snowball. I throw it at him getting him in the head. He stumbles a little, and I take the chance. I crack him in the head, and he starts to fall foreward. I Try to move out of the way but I was a little late. He tumbles on to me, and takes me down with him. I look back up at the others. 


"A little help would be nice." I say, and the all walk out towards me. 


"He's naked." Sierra is the first one to speak. 


"He's hot!" Chaston says next, and Chase elbows her lightly. Then everyone helps carry him inside the house. I leave it to the boys to give him clothes, and we lock him in the bathroom. Sitting down on the couch I take a breather. Wow, that was something else. "So... care to explain the naked animal in the bathroom?" Chaston leads the others into the living room where I am at. 


"It's a long story..." They all sit making them selves comfortable, and I launch into what happened to me after I disapeared into the teleporter. They listen intently as I explain the arena, and what happened in the arena. Then I go to being locked up in the cage, and running away from Drew. "... then I was at the door here." I finish, and they all stare at me wide eyed. "How long was I gone for?" I ask. 


"Just overnight." Thayer, who is sitting next to me, leans foreward grabbing my hand. "Don't worry about what happened there. It was you or them, you did the right thing." He adds. 


"So let me get this straight... the naked guy in the bathroom can't die?" Chaston asks, and I notice Chase roll his eyes. 


"Well... he can't be killed by a spear at least." I lean back again. "His name is Drew by the way..." I inform her for the twentieth time. "What's been going on here? What have you guys been doing?" I ask, looking around the room. "Why did you guys come here?" 


"Same reason you did  I assume.." Sierra sighs, and that's the end of that conversation. We all sit in the room in silence for a little while, and we all jump a little on edge when there is a loud banging noise that comes from the bathroom. "He's awake!" Sierra hops up. Chaston gets up as well, and the two of them scurry off the towards the bathroom. 


I notice how pissed Chase is, and I can't help but not feel bad for him. I look over at Thayer next to me, and I give him a quick brief smile. I look around everyone seems to be okay. Tatum and Tracy are here and still okay. Janessa and Theodore. I take the quick look over in Sebastien's direction. He is looking at the key in his hands. I never asked what it was for. I wonder if it's even fore anything imparticular. It must be, since is father told him not to lose it. 


"What's the key for?" I ask, and he looks up at me from his hand. Our eyes lock, and I remember yesterday the promise we made. It still stands. "Do you know?" 


"I have no idea... but it's to something in the castle." He sighs, tossing it to me. I look at it firguring it's size for a lock. It has to be for a door. It's to big to be for a lock, I think at least. I could be wrong. 


"Where there any locked rooms in the castle? Or rooms that you were told to stay out of?" I ask, him studying it closer. It's gold skeleton key, and there isn't any numbers or words printed into the medal. A door. It has to be to a door. What would the king hide behind a door though? He was such a sweet man, he didn't seem to be the secretive type at all. With that crazy wife of his though, maybe he had to keep secrets of his own. Like a secret bedroom to bring mistresses too. I shake my head, that's not right. What could it be though? 


"The weapons room." Sebastien stands up. "The war ships, and tanks! It's all in the south wing of the castle. He always had the key to the south wing with him, in case a war started!" He starts pacing heavey in thought. "We need to figure out if we have any millitary men left who know how to run the ships, and tanks it's time to fight back!" 


I couldn't agree more. Accept I don't know what good tanks will do against a floating island that's so far up in the clouds you can't even see it from here. I already checked. I guess I forgot to them the location of the island. Air ships will be a great asset though. Maybe ... if we do find some military men... we can have them remake more air ships, and incorperate tank pieces to make them stronger! I stand up grabbing Sebastien by the shoulders. 


"You're brilliant!" I say, and I pull him to the kitchen. We start working on getting in contact with some of the military, ignoring the banging from the bathroom. After three hours of locating where most of them live, we decide that it can wait for tomorrow. It's supper time anyways. We all pitch in again, making a bunch of different stuff. I saved all of the food, from the loft when it was coming down. Sebastien and I explain our game plan for tomorrow as we eat, and everyone seems to like it. 


"What about naked dude in the bat-"


"Drew." I interupt Sierra, tired of hearing naked boy. I know he was naked. "His name is Drew. And I have no idea... some one might have to stay back an-"


"I volunteer." Chaston and Sierra say at the same time. Chase doesn't even roll is his or even look at Chaston. It looks like he has had enough of it.  I feel kind of bad, I mean there relationship hasn't even gone completely public yet, and all of this is already happening.


"Umm... any objections to those two staying back?" I sigh, unsure how else to go about the matter. No one speaks up, and that's the end of that. We all eat in piece after that.. well accept Chase. He isn't happy about Drew being here. Although I don't think Drew is the problem, I think it's Chaston. After we clean up supper, I knock on the door to the bathroom. "Drew.. are you hungry." I ask, " I have food for you." 


"I don't need food, I'm dead remember?" He sighs, on the other side of the door. 


"So you don't want it?" I say. 


"I didn't mean that!" He says, I hesitate unsure if I should give it to him. If he doesn't need it... why risk opening the door for him to get out."Don't worry I wont try to escape... there are to many elementals here I wouldn't even stand a chance." I unlock the door and go in sitting beside him on the ground. I hand him the plate happy to see him in clothes for the first time ever.  "Is that tomato soup?"


"And one grilled cheese sandwhich with a cupcake also a I swiped you a juice. Sorry this was all I could get ya." I lean back against the wall. I don't feel weird sitting in here with the enemy which is odd.  "I'm sorry you have to be locked up in here. Will Donatello come and get you?"


"I don't know. I'm sure he has better things to do then come and rescue little old me." he sighs, dipping the grilled cheese into his soup. It makes me feel bad. Drew doesn't realize that he is his own person. Donatello doesn't control him, he doesn't even have to serve Donatello! The idea strikes my mind, and I send Drew a quick smile. 


"Tomorrow, some of the others and I are going to go for a... walk... you can come if you want... then if you really wanted to you could fly off and go back to Donatello." I stand up, stretching out. 


"You're going to let me go?" he looks at me puzzled. 


"No not intentionally... but if you happen to slip away from us.. I guess you're free." I say, "Unless you actually wanna stay with us.. then that would be fine too." I leave before he can reply to my words. I close the door, and I think about leaving it unlocked but then decide against it. I lock it, and run into Thayer outside the room. "Hey... something wrong?" 


"No... I'm just happy to see you're okay... we all thought that after the night and you hadn't came back that you were... gone."  He sighs, throwing an arm around me shoulder. They thought I died. I scratch my eyebrow feeling bad for not getting back sooner, but yet I really couldn't have gotten out any faster then I did. I guess though if I would've been smart and realized I could've unlocked the door sooner. He pulls me towards the living room, and we sit in the love seat just talking. He is acting almost like a councelor and making me talk about my feelings of what happened.


"Thayer I'm fine." I sigh after thirty minutes of talking about my feelings. "I did what needed to be done, to get here. I wasn't going to just give up." I stand up feeling awkward sitting next to him now. "I'm kind of tired.. I haven't slept at all.. so I want to sleep." 


"The three bedrooms all have beds." He sighs, standing up. I walk towards the stairs going back to my old room, although it doesn't look like my old room. I go the bathroom first showering and washing my hair, they actually had soap in here so why not. Once I'm done I go straight to the bed, in my sports bra and underwear.  Thayer lays down next to me, twenty minutes later... there is an alarm clock on with the right time.  He snuggles into me wrapping an arm around my stomach. "This your old room?" He asks, after a minute of silence. I just nod. Then that's it I drift off feeling better with someone being with me.

Chapter 14

Theodore is a very persistent person. Even though the training center was ruined, and we have no more training tools, we still train. It's also six o'clock in the morning.  We all start with stretching and then we have to run 15 laps around the house. I take a quick bathroom break, in the bathroom in my old room though since Drew is still locked in the other bathroom. Running out after my hands are dry, I see  everyone is already partnered together and I'm alone. I shake it off accepting Theodore as a partner, I wonder why he and Janessa don't train together though.  Sticking to the fundementals for a while, since we don't have mats to actually spar. 


After an hour of fundamentals, Theodore moves on to working with out powers. Getting all of us in a line and asking us to perform certain moves and tricks. Giving us targets and lifes to save... which is him throwing around pillows.  I wonder how he knows all of these things about our powers when he doesn't have any himself. He is also our age, maybe two years older at max, so how did he learn all of this? I've never asked him, but it's on my list. I get sent inside to get more pillows after the first couple of minutes, the living room no longer has any throw pillows, and one of the bedrooms only has one pillow.


Theodore informs me on how to make an ince throwing star, and I get stuck working on aiming and throwing them while everyone else is working on using there powers in close hand to hand combat. After 15 minutes of throwing and creating little ice stars, I stop watching the other while Theodore is distracted. I watch Janessa as  flames appear on her hands, and Asia with a cool water whip. Sierra has sparks zapping from her hands everytime she punches and gets the pillow, Flora is using a stick she picked up from the ground that she made into a legit wooden sword. I throw a couple more actually focusing and wanting to seem like I'm doing something important, I actually end up tearing appart. I need a new one. I take my time getting another pillow, not wanting to go back out there. I leave my room with one of the pillows, and I look around for everyone else. Chaston, Chase, Sebastien, and Thayer are no where to be seen. I check on Drew in the bathroom wondering if he wants breakfast yet. He doesn't.  I go to the kitchen window to check out on the back deck, where I find Sebastien, Thayer and Chase. Where is Chaston? They all seem to be in a heater conversation. Me being intrigued, I open the window just enough for there voices to be heard.


"There really isn't anything that can be done about them." Sebastien leans back looking out at the rest of the back yard. "It is what it is she can't change it, you can't change it... I'd just let it be." They all go quiet, and I wonder what they are talking about. One of the girls I know. Sebastien just said she.


"Honestly I don't think you have anything to worry about... I mean look at where he is and where she is. Also with everything that has happened I'm sure they aren't in a good place." Chase says, scratching his chin, looking at Thayer.


Me. They are talking about me. Elijah and I, this stupid dumb bond that I have with him. I look at Thayer, wishing there was something I could do. There is...accept it could maybe almost kill Elijah or me! My eyes glance at Sebastien, who is still looking out at the yard deep in thought.  Just the other day we kind of had a blow out, and things were said. Just then Sebastien turns his head and he spots me watching. I duck and make a run for it out of the kitchen and back outside with the pillow in hand. Setting  up the pillow I go over to the stop Theodore told me to stand at, and I create a couple throwing ice stars. Mad and upset, I throw with my feelings letting them out. Smacking into the target and sticking to the tree trunk behind it. The ice doesn't break or shatter when it strikes, so I'm thinking these would actually be a good weapon to use. They are sharp enough to cut through skin as well.


"Great job Lyra." Theodore comes over and checks on me.


"Why am I stuck doing this while everyone else is doing other more important looking things?" I ask, as I take a second to create more.


"Because you my dear will not be anywhere near the actual fight." He whispers. I stop what I'm doing, and look up at him. He has to be joking. It's not a funny joke.


"Yeah, you're what is the real reason?" I say, I pull my braided hair over my shoulder. He looks down for a second, and then back up at me. He doesn't say anything though. "You're not joking? Are you fucking kidding me! Sebastien and I came up with this whole plan, it's my brother! I have to be in the fight!" I stomp my foot down.


"Lyra... I have my reasons... you're not going to be in the full battle of the fight. You will still be there. Just off to the side, and this is what you'll be doing." He picks up one of the throwing stars.  Reasons? He has reasons for keeping me from the fight, and apparently they are reasons I can't know.


"What in the hell kind of reasons could you have?" I ask, bringing my voice down a little bit. I don't want to make a scene and get all wound up. He sighs letting about a breath out air with a shake of his head.


"Reasons." He says, and with that he walks away. I grip a star in my hand ready to whip it at him, but I decide that probably is a bad idea. Turning towards my target, I launch the star at the pillow and it strikes the top left corner completely slicing it off.  Unable to keep my anger unnoticable I fly up to the roof where that can't see me anymore. Who put him in charge of telling me what to do? Why am I on the side lines, and everyone else is in the thick of it? Espicially when I pretty sure half of this is my fault! I mean it is my brother, and Rashell is lashing out in jealousy from this dumb bond.


Thinking of the bond though, I remember the small conversation I over heard... more like eavesdropped.... with the others. Thayer is worried about the bond. I guess I can't blame him, but after everything that has happened so far he should no that Elijah is more the off limits to me. I need to do some research on vampire bonds I need a better understanding of this. Jumping from the roof I fly off towards town, without telling anyone where I'm going. I probably should of, but to late now. Landing in front of the library, I have to break in because the town has practically shut down. Everyone is hiding in there houses from all the shit that is going down. Walking through the isles trying to find the right labels.


After a long ten minutes of walking through isle after isle I find what I am looking for. Taking a stack of books out to one of the couches, I make myself comfortable and get reading. 




"Lyra!" I get shaken awake. I jump off the couch, landing on the wooden floor and books. "Are you okay?"  I feel his hands on me, and the feeling is instant. I move away imediately, why does he always show up when I'm alone?


"I'm fine... what are you doing here Elijah?" I ask, standing up. He looks good. Healthy and happy. I can't believe I fell alseep. I guess my anger turned to tiredness. I stay as far away as I can, without seeming weird. 


"Checking on you." He replies, not trying to move any closer to me.  Maybe he is starting to get this. "What are you doing?" he asks, looking down at the books. I watch as he leans down and picks one up. I scratch my brow unsure exactly what to say. I was reading about how a bond forms, and how it choses who partners are.  "Lyra...Wha-"


"You know what." I say turning away. Walking over towards the drinking fountain. This is slightly awkward now. I didn't expect to see him again, or at least not like this.


"Actually I don't could you please explain?!" he follows not happy, he does have an idea he just wants to hear me say it.  Rubbing my eyes, I think about running off then I remember he has super speed. He wouldn't be able to catch me though if I flew! I'm inside though, so I wouldn't get far. I need to get closer to the door. I turn towards the door but he is right there.  "Nice try."


I mentally smack myself, he can read my thoughts. Why me? Backing away from him, I take the chance of peeking at his face. He isn't happy. I go back into the library trying to think of what to say to him. I mean he obviously knows, he just wants to know why. That's obvious to me too, but apparently not to him. But if I don't do something about this, it's only going to get worse with Thayer though. How can I fix this? What can I do? I don't  know how much more of this Thayer is going to take.


"Thayer this and Thayer that. I never have all of your attention do I? Whether it's Sebastien or Thayer... or Tatum!" He complains, I turn around and my hand flies out slapping his cheek. We both stand still and quiet. You could've heard a pin drop. We both just stare at each other, him in surprise. I'm glaring at him. "I deserve that."


"You deserve a lot more then that!" I mumble, "Do you know how much shit you and your.. your queen have put me through? And what about her kids? The other elementals?"


"She isn't my queen."  he roles his eyes.


"Oh yeah that's right you're her little pet!" I sneer.


"Don't call me a pet.." He sighs.


"That's what you are though! You think you can be her little play thing, and then come be with me. That is not going to happen! That's why I'm here!" I pause a second, letting what I just said sink in. "To figure out away to break the bond without harming either of us, that way we can just move on."


"So you can go be with Thayer, become a queen after all of this is over."


"If I'm alive when this is over." I counter.


"Donatello doesn't want you dead, he wont let any real harm come to you." He leans against the door frame, looking at the floor. "That's about the only thing we agree on."


"Drew said something like that to me too." I sigh, we're getting off topic.


"So you do have Drew?" he scratches his chin now.


"Do you know something?" I ask, getting the feeling there is some kind of plan in action now. He doesn't say anything, answering my question.  Jesus freaking christ! "Goodbye Elijah." I walk around him.


"Is this really what you want?" he asks, I turn looking at him. He is holding up one of the books I got out looking for answers. Is it what I want? Do I want to be a queen if I live through this? No not really. Do I want to be with Thayer, yes. Do I want to be with him, yes. Do I want to make a choice, no. I have to. I have to make the right choice.


"I don't know what I want." I give up. He has probably read my mind and figured all of this out already anyways. "I need to get back." Walking around him, I leave the building.  I can feel him following behind me, but what am I supposed to do? I've already slapped him, and that didn't seem to get the message through. What message am I trying to send though? I mean I'm not being very straight with him, like I know I should. Is he just going to follow me all the way back to the other too? Because I really don't want to deal with all that confrontation shit. "Okay!" I turn, ready to tell him off. That doesn't happen though. In fact the polar oposite happens. Lips locked, bodies melting together, and of course the pull of gravity to not stop on my shoulders.


Thayer. Think about Thayer, Lyra. It's hard for me to picture him while Elijah is touching me! This dumb ass bond. Although I guess it's not the bond that's dumb, it's Rashell. If Rashell would've just kept her nose out of things, then none of this would've happened.


"Lyra, I wish you would understand." He backs away from me all of sudden.


"Understand what?" I sigh, getting frusterated with myself and my jumbled feelings. He kissed me, not the other way around. I just didn't tell him no... like I should've. What on earth is there for me to understand? Everytime I see him he says he is doing this for my protection, but I can protect myself. I'm not weak. Theodore doesn't seem to get that either, kicking me out of the fight!


"We're just trying to keep you safe. Lyra, Rashell is ruthless and wouldn't hesitate to kill you if it wasn't for this bond." He sighs.


"If it wasn't for this bond, she wouldn't want to kill me. We wouldn't be linked at all, and we wouldn't have any of this drama to worry about!" I blow up at him. "That's why it needs to go. That is what will keep me safe, and that is what I plan on doing one way or another." I finish, and I fly off. I land in the yard to my old house, and see everyone must be done training. I'm just getting warmed up. I need a target. Making a bee-line for the bathroom with Drew in it,  I walk past the group of others and they don't seem to notice or pay attention to me. I use my powers and create an ice key, and slip in the bathroom with him.


"Lyra." He greets me, sitting on the floor. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"


"You're coming outside with me. I need a target." I say, opening the door.


"Oh so you're going to make me stand and get ice daggers thrown at me? You think I'm going to agree to that?" he laughs.


"It's getting you out of the bathroom, so yes." I sigh  gesturing for him to follow me.


"Good point." I hear behind me, and he is following. I hear the other protest behind me, but I just wave my hand telling them to drop it. "Okay... so what exactly do you want me to do? Stand here and let you stab me?"


"No, I want hand to hand combat training. You're the perfect person to practice with!" I say, pulling my shirt over my head. Rolling my shoulders and stretching out my arms, I get into a position. He sighs, looking at his clothes for minute.


"I'm gonna dirty the only pair of clothes I've been given." He whines, I role my eyes with a slight smile. Yet it's sad how these are the first clothes he has ever worn.  "Can I like take them off I feel more comfortable fighting na-"


"No. You're keeping your clothes on... you can take your shirt off and that's it." I stand up, feeling my cheeks heat of embarassment. I remember fighting him naked, definately not something I want to do again. He whips it off like it was burning his skin.  "Are you ready?" I ask getting back into a stance. He just nods, and we begin. I launch myself at him, but I role to the ground. Hopping back to my feet I look around for him but can't see him. He changed into some kind of animal. I feel I sharp sting in my side and swing my arm swatting at whatever stung me. But then I feel it on the back of  my neck, and then my thigh. I hobble around trying to figure out where he is, swatting at the air arround me. He isn't fair.


I feel my hand swat something and and I watch as a bee starts to fall, but it changes into a spider landing on the ground. I stomp on it, and watching as he lays in the grass limp and unmoving for a while. He body slowly starts forming back into a human, and his poor shorts are torn up and muddy.  I help him up, and he looks down at his shorts.


"I don't like clothing." He states, running a hand through his hair. Dirt and grass fall and he stretches his shoulders. "Round two?" he grins. We both get into our stances, and this time he attacks first. Wrapping around me, using his now snake body, he holds my arms at my sides,  and is tightening my legs to where I'm about to lose balance. I fall landing on my ass, which actually kind of hurts. "Oh so she does have feelings?" He jokes, turning human again.


"What is that supposed to mean?" I squirm under him, I'm very uncomfortable with his naked body all over me. "Also you know you are making me very uncomfortable."


"Quite frankly, I'm a little uncomfortable with this too." Thayer sighs, standing a couple feet away.  Drew gets off of me and helps me up.


"We're just training... Don't worry about it." I give him a quick peck on the cheek.  He narrows his eyes at Drew, and I gently push him towards the house. "He is just a little-"


"Jealous. I remember Elijah saying something about him having some jealousy issues."  He sighs, stretching out. I turn looking at him. Elijah talked about Thayer? That sounds like jealousy to me. "You know, Mr. Drake told me a lot about you... he asked me to keep you safe. He knew you would catch me or something I guess. He told me you would be kind and nice. You have been too."  


Elijah... told him to keep me safe. To protect me. Holy shit!  I run inside the house, yelling for Theodore. Everyone comes running after me, and asking me what's wrong and telling Drew to put some clothes on.


"What!? What are you yelling about!" He swings open the bathroom door, with his bottom half wrapped in a towel. "I'm in the middle of something." He sighs, leaning against the door.


"Elijah." I breath, and he looks confused. "Elijah told you to keep me out of the fight! Elijah asked you to keep me safe, and out of harms way!"  Now he gets that look like he just got caught. "What did you two talk about!?" I threaten.


"When did you talk to him?" Thayer steps foreward.


"Jealous much..." Drew mumbles, and then Thayer tells him he needs to get clothes on.


"Why would Elijah ask Theodore to do that?" Asia asks, and Chaston, Sierra, Janessa, and Flora all ask  the same thing. I rub my eyes, wishing I could just have some piece and quiet.


"Let me get dressed and I'll explain." Theodore sighs. I close the door for him pushing through the crowd of people now. Thayer follows behind me, but I slam my bedroom door shut locking myself in by myself.


"Lyra, let me in please!"  He asks, knocking quietly on the door.


"Don't let him in. We need to talk." Elijah says behind me. I whip around, backing away from him. "No need to be scared. I wont hurt you."


"Lyra! Who is in there with you?" Thayer  asks turning the knob on the door. "Lyra, let me in!"  Elijah grabs my hand, and moves his other hand up my arm stopping at my cheek. I can't focus on anything! Thayer yelling on the other side of the door. Elijah touching me, he is doing it on purpose!


"You have to go!" I say grabbing his other hand, and taking it from my face. Trying to get away from him, I grumble swear words as I realize he isn't letting me go. "Now. Let me go."


"Lyra, you need to listen to me." He pulls me in closer. "We're ment to be together. We will figure this out." Our face inches apart. Tension and lust building up about to explode. "I told you I wanted you to be safe. I'm just trying to protect you."


"By telling Theodore and Drew to protect me." I sigh.


"Donatello also told Drew to keep you safe."


"What? Donatello knows he is here!? And hasn't tried to get him back?" I ask.


"No. But I told you ealier Donatello wants you safe too. Drew has his orders, not just from me." He says. "You must stay safe. Lyra, if anything happen to you.. I wouldn't be able to live with myself." He whispers,  moving in again, losing those last couple inches between us. Pushing against his chest, I bring back a couple more inches.


"Just because you come here and say some romantic words doesn't mean everything is okay, Elijah. None of this is okay! How can't you see that?" He lets go of me. I move as far away from him as I can.


"You think I don't? I know how messed up all of this is! I'm trying to protect you, and I come and see you when I can, don't you get it? I'm doing everything I can for you!" He sighs, running a hand through his hair.


"No! If you were doing anything remotely good for me and for Spridge, you would stay here with me! Help us protect Spridge, and not be messing around with the queen in and out of bed." I say grabbing the door knob, because Thayer trying to get in is getting a little annoying.


"Jealously is an ugly thing Lyra.." he says, with a quick smirk.


"It is." I open the door, and Thayer, Sebastien, and Theodore almost fall into the room. "Accept.. I just now realized I'm not jealous anymore. I'm just disapointed." Walk past the three guys.


"Lyra," I here Thayer behind me, and I stop in the hall waiting for him. "Come here.." I let him wrap his arm  around me, and I take a couple deep breaths. "So... you're okay?"


"Actually I think I am." I smile. He kisses my forehead. I pop up on my toes, smiling. I give him a quick kiss, catching Elijah  Sebastien and Theodore watching.  "We have a world to save."

Chapter 15

 "Alright now that that is sorted out, someone will have to be sure to watch Flora's back as she moves the island. Okay? With it being in the sky that gives them an advantage." I add to our battle plan. We're working on how this fight is going to go down right now. Sebastien and I leading the meeting, and everyone else listening and offering ideas.


"I can do that!" Asia raises her hand. "Since this is all going down by the river, it will be easy for me to keep her safe. 


"Good point. Okay, then Sierra you are in charger of taking down any air crafts. With the volts of eletricity you can send them crashing down. Creating fire for Janessa on land, then Theodore and Drew will be hand to hand combat." Sebastien pretty much wraps everything up. I smile at Drew, happy he decided to stay here and fight with us. "Everyone else will stay with Lyra in a hidden spot out of the fight zone." I role my eyes, unhappy about that part. But I supposed someone does need to protect the two prince's and the princess.


"I'm sure Chase and I can handle it." I sigh, smirking at him. He looks worried, but not scared."Okay, so everyone needs to get good sleep tonight, and be ready for training tomorrow. Even you Chaston, Sebastien, and Thayer. I'm gonna work with you three on some things." I wiggle my eyebrows at Thayer, who smirks.


"I'll bet I can whoop your ass." He sighs, laying an arm over my shoulder


"Ha." Sebastien laughs. "Have you seen her in action?" He gets up. He waves goodnight, and then we all head our separate ways to bed. Thayer and I lay in bed for an hour talking about Elijah's visit, and about my feelings. I really do feel okay. I'm not heart broken about this anymore I'm honestly not even sad. Just disapointed and a little pissed off. After a long silence Thayer starts humming, knowing it will put me to sleep. I turn over in his hold laying my cheek against his chest, wishing I knew how to soothe him and make him feel better. I know that he is a little upset about what happened today, but I don't know what else I can really do to make sure he knows. I've told him over and over that Elijah isn't any problem anymore though. What else can I do for him?


"Worrying will give you frown lines." He sighs, and a shiver goes through my body. God he scared the shit out of me!


"I've already got frown lines and bags under my eyes..." I reply, as my heart slows down. "It can't get much worse."


"You're still beautiful." He kisses the top of my head. I flip around in his grip, getting situated. Now we're facing each other. I lay my chin against his chest, looking at his eyes trying to figure out what he is thinking.  "If I ask you to tell me something... will you? Even if the answer might hurt me or you?" He asks, after a moment of silence.


"If you really want to know then, yes I'll tell you." I sit up wondering where this is going. There are so many ways! Elijah, the battle plans, Drew, what happens after all of this is over, maybe even about the training tomorrow. He stays quiet contemplating whether he should ask. Gosh suspense is something I am not good at handling! "Thayer..." I mumble wishing he would just ask.


"If Elijah was here... and not with the queen... would you sti-"


"Yes." I say before he can even finish. "We're engaged Thayer, we are getting married in a mo- in like three weeks!"


"If he was here though. If he chose you." He sits up now, scracthing the back of his neck. "I know that since we've been back, you guys have saw each other... alone and that you've well, things have happened between you.."


"Thayer I-" I try to explain myself. In reality though there isn't anything to explain. Elijah and I are attracted to each other. Adding the bond on top of that it makes things a lot harder. Including the stress of everything else going on.  "There aren't any excuses." I decide to change my tact. "I'm sorry... but even if he was here now instead of with her, it wouldn't change how I feel about you."


We watch each other for a while, both of us studying. I can't tell if he believes me. I don't know if I believe me honestly. But I wouldn't just dump him like that just because Elijah was back. Thayer and I are going to be married. We are going to rule Caswan, and hopefully have family and grow old together.


Have a family. Kids. Having kids requires being able to do other things that at the moment we can't even think about doing. I can barely kiss him now because of the bond. It needs broken. I know a way to break it too. I scooch closer to him, and my stomach starts fluttering and we haven't even kissed yet. It's my nerves for what I'm going to try and do. Things start slow and soft, as if we're both scared the other will break if we push just a smidge. Does he think I' doing this just to reasure him? Well, I guess in a way I am, but I want to do this! I want to be able to do everything with him. That's the turning point, neither of us is made of glass, or anything fragile. Practically jumping on him, I push him down and stradle his hips. No way is he getting out of this.  I hold his hands in mine, keeping them in place, I have total control over the situation right now.


"Ah... Lyra, stop." He warns, I ignore him. Grabbing his jaw and turning his head back to where it was. Sadly though his warnin was just on time. Pleading eyes the color of gold start fading into view, I focus on Thayer. His black hair, and muscular build. I push harder and harder, and the eyes burn brighter and brighter. Thayer isn't happy I can tell, but he isn't pushing me away or trying to stop me. Out of no where there is a slight burning sensation in my stomach, and he gets worse with every second. It spreads rapidly, and I feel like I'm on fire. I jump off Thayer, and off the bed, trying to cool down, but moving gives the flame air. "Lyra?!" I can barely hear Thayer. I lay on the ground rocking back and forth screaming for the fire to stop. This has happened before! This was that weird attack that even Elijah couldn't figure out! I feel an ever so small breeze, and then the burning makes it's way back in worse then ever. As people start crowding around me and yelling over top of me. I can't focus, and even though I'm trying to stay quiet I know I'm failing.


"No one touch her." I hear Sebastien take charge. I know what's happening. We need to ge-"


"What good will he do? She isn't on fire!" Thayer interupts him.


"It's either get him to help her or she could lay here screamming for another ten hours... your choice!" Sebastien says. His authority and pride shining brighter then the sun.


"She needs space, you guys crowding around her isn't helping anything." Elijah's voice floats into the room. I feel a slight tremor in my heart, but the fire burning on me worries me more. Although even I can tell by the way he just said that he could careless if I burn or not.  And even though I'm not happy with him, his comment really hits home and hurt like a bitch. God how long does someone burn for!?


"If you going to be here at least help her!" Seabstien's voice is next, after a long almost silent pause... other then me screaming.


"I can't do anything for her... My touch only cools the feeling, and I don't have any of the medicaton to put her to sleep." He sighs. 


"Don't you dare just stand over there like you don't care." Sebastien keeps it up.


"He can't do anything Sebastien.. calm down." Chaston's voice cuts in now.


"That's a lie." I hear Thayer. Thayer... I bet he can help me... some how maybe! I ball up trying to make this go faster, but it just seems to get hotter and that's it. 


"Help her now!" Sebasiten demands. 


"The only way for me to really help her right now is for me to take her with me, and that isn't happening." 


"There is something else." Thayer says. Everyone is silent .. other then me.


"Yeah, can't you just give her your blood and heal it?" Chaston chirps in again. I small laugh breaks through my screams, almost everyone here knows what blood sharing betwee us will do. Apparently she doesn't know.


"Well yes, but there is more to it then that, princess." Elijah says.


"Just help her." Thayer begs. Then I feel cold and heavenly hands on my shoulders, pulling me up into a sitting position.  "I don't want to watch." I hear him just barely say in disgust.


"Everyone out!" Sebastien goes again.


"Come one Lyra.. I need you to cooperate with me now. I'm going to make it go away. I need you to bite me and take blood." That's when I feel his lips on my neck, and the heat there has fanished. His teeth sink into my skin, and my body goes nuts. With this fire and a body that I can't control things get hard. The fire feeling is still burning with a light, as I think about whether I should bte him back like he said. If it will make this burning go away though. I do as he said, just sinking my teeth right in. The fire oh so slowly shrinks down, untli it's gone. Neither of us stops, everything is so pleasuring. Thayer wiggles into my head, and I iediately know what is happening is wrong. I push away from him, my heart poudning so hard it feel like it's going to tear through my skin. We're both breathing heavy, and I can feel his eyes on me. I reach up and wipe my hand across my mouth, and I slowly stand up.


"How did you get here so fast?" I ask. Wondering how he knew to come. For some reason he can always show up just when he is either needed or unneeded.


"I knew something was wrong with you. I could feel it." he replies quietly. "I always make sure to keep you in my head.. so I know you're safe." he admits, but doesn't sounds ashamed about it. I don't know whether hearing all of this is good thing or not!


"I told you to leave me alone..." I say moving toward the door. I have got to get out of this room with him. Just the two of us is very statical.


"Do you really think I'm going to do that?" He steps in front of the door, blocking my only exit. "Honestly Lyra." He looks me square in the eyes. He is cocky almost with a small little smug grin broadening on his face. My frown only intensifies as he keeps it up.  He saunters closer to me, as I stand my ground and not move. I'm not going to let this keep happening. 


"Honestly..." I copy him, "I don't care anymore." I move around him opening the door. I head for the stairs, but I know he is following me. Before actually descending the stairs, I stop and once I know he is close enough I turn with an arm out ready to smack him. Maybe then he'll get the picture. My plan back fires as he grabs my hand in air and pulls me to him.


"So what your telling me is that this doesn't affect you anymore?" He whispers in my ear,  and then his lips skim across my neck. My heart jumps at the feeling, and my stomach drops hoping he'll bite. I pick up my right food, and stomp on his with my heel, but it only seems to amuse him more. He is almost like a completely different person. He never would've acted like this before all of this. It almost seems like he is transitioning to evil again.


"Ahhh!" the moan comes before I even know he did actually bite me. My body instictively leans against him, and his grip on my hand tightens along with his other arm wrapping around my torso. "Stop..." I manage to say, but it doesn't do any good. No matter what I say, it's not going to change the fact that my body reacts to him. As long as that happens he will always have a grip on me. I can't sit here and deny that this doesn't feel good either, it feels like I'm flying through space and that there isn't a worry in the world.


"If you take much more she'll probably faint from blood loss." Sebastien's voice says behind us. "I also believe she asked you to stop." He adds, as Elijah lets go of me. I colaspe to the ground, my breathing out of control and wild. Giving everything a second to calm down, I realize that I don't feel weak. I actually feel really high, and energized. My adrenaline was just so high I couldn't focus enough.


"I know what I was doing, I'm not an idiot." Elijah replies to Sebastien, and offers me a hand to help me up. I don't take it but I do get up. "She's at an ultimate high right now... you see we both had each others blood at the same time, that's the most sacred thing for partners to do you know." He smiles at me, and I can feel the heat rush to my cheeks.  I move away from him, and his smile disinegrates. "Well... you're okay now... Just know I'm always listening." He says, and his eyes flick to Sebastien, whom I am standing next to now, then back at me.


"Don't break Thayer's heart too, Lyra." he says and then he dissolves into nothing. How can he do that? It must be a new thing that Donatello showed him. The queen can't do that.. or at least I don't think she can. She doesn't have powers.  With him gone I relax, and rub my eyes. I feel drained now. As if I just finished running a 5 mile race!  I shake my head ignoring his comment. I know exactly what he was hinting at.  I can't believe how much he has changed. My brain almost can't comprehend! He doesn't even seem to be the same person!


"Come on, lets get you bandaged up." Sebastien says quietly next to me. I follow him back through my parents old room, and to there bathroom. Checking on my next I role my eyes seeing that Elijah had to make two different marks. I'm at least happy they're on the same side. I use a wet rag to wipe away the little amount of blood that dribbled out, and then I let Sebastien put the bandaids on. I wonder how awkard this is for him. What was he even doing up here anyways? I watch his face, which looks pretty funny... he's got his tongue out because he is thinking so hard. I don't even know what to say to him either. He saw what happened in the hall... he has seen what it's like for Elijah and I now. I wonder what he thinks.


"Sebastien... what are you doing?" I finally ask. He glances at me a second and then back to the open marks on my neck. "Really... I'm serious."


"I figured you wouldn't want Thayer to s-"


"No... that's not what I meant and you know it." I mumble, "What are you doing up here, were you listening or... waiting..."


"I was..." I move back so he has to look at me. "Yeah.. I was listening.. and waiting."


"Why? Elijah wouldn't ever hurt me... that's one thing I know for sure." I ask, slightly confused.


"How do you know for sure? We all know he isn't who he used to be." He says, and it throws mee off slightly. He is right, he has changed a lot. I turn my head again, and move closer so he can finish with the dumb bandaids.  "Hey.. I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said anything." He finishes up.


"No." I sigh sliding off the counter. "You're right." I say, and we both head downstairs. We enter the dinning room together, and all conversation stops.  Everyone just stares... at me, focusing on my neck. I cover up the bandage with my hand, andI  glance at Thayer. He is staring at the table, his face blank. Obviously he isn't happy.


"I'm just gonna call it a night... so see you all tomorrow." I say turning around. "Remember training tomorrow, Sebastien, Chaston... Thayer." I add then I go right back up stairs. I close the door to my room, and bang my head back against the door. Everything is all screwed up now! There is a small quiet knock on the door, and I move away wondering if I should let who ever it is in. It's more then likely Thayer, but he is probably so mad and upset he has no words for me. The door opens, and to my slight relief it's not Thayer.


"Hey..." Tatum says quietly. Even he seems to be disapointed in me. "Lyra you can't be upset, what happened today helped you. Of course there were some perks too, but hey that just makes it all better!" He tries to cheer me up, but it only makes it all seem worse in my head. "Seriously though Lyra don't worry about it. Thayer needs to get over it, you can't help any of this."


"What if I could though?" I ask turning around. I look up and out my window, seeing my reflection against the glass. Behind me, I hear Thayer come in the room, and the door close.


"What do you mean? You know how to break the bond?!" He asks, quietly but overly intrigued. Of course I do know a way to break it, but it risks both our lives, or at least broken hearts or souls or something. Neither of those sounds like good options!


"Yes and no." I reply, knowing I have other information as well. "I'm trying to find a way to break it without hurting either of us. So far the only thing I've found could kill us both or one of us, or leave us both hearltess." I inform him.


"Wow... I'd rather be dead then heartless." He sighs, sitting on my bed. I turn looking at his face, he is serious. An apparent bad guy just said he would rather be dead then be heartless. That tells me something. Sitting down on the bed next to him, we just sit. Thinking about things.  "I'm sure everything will work out for the bext Lyra, I wouldn't worry to much about it tonight. You need to sleep."  I agree, I do need sleep.


"You're right." I practically yawn, feeling more drained then ever.  He gets up, and says goodnight as I do to. I pull out the covers and snuggle under them. Tomorrow after training, I have some more research to do.

Chapter 16

"Just come at me already." I say getting annoyed with Chaston. She isn't taking this seriously, and it might cost her her life! She gets into the position I showed her reluctantly. She is upset with me because of the whole Elijah bond thing. She insists that she has known all along, which I believe. She is just upset that I didn't actually confirm it for her. She takes three small steps toward me getting ready to attack, and then she jumps trying to attempt a flying kick. I block by moving a step to the right, and I grab her leg pull and twist. she falls landing on her stomach with a thud. She groans, laying thre for a minute. "Maybe you should focus a little more on keeping your feet planted." I offer.


"Well you know what, you've been at this a lot longer then I have so give me a break!" She gets up and I hear multiple swear words as she somewhat limps away. I rub my eyes wishing I didn't have to be so hard on her but she doesn't seem to get it. This is a matter of life or death, she isn't just going to breeze through this like her school classes.


"I'll go get her..." Sebastien says and runs towards her.


"That's leaves us two." Thayer sighs, scratching his chin. "Now... I believe you have a couple things to show me." He smirks. It makes me smile, his cockyness... yet it also almost upsets me. Last night he didn't come up to bed, and he hasn't really spoken to me at all yet today. So I'm not sure if that's him being him or if that has some secret meaning to it that I'm not catching.


"Well... I suppose we should start with that mile run." I say, and his face drops slightly. Now it's my turn to smirk. "I made Chaston do it before we even started working on defense and offense." I add, and he lets out a huff of air. "I can run it with you too.. if you want me to." I add, trying to figure out where we stand.


"No... I'll be as quick as I can." He sighs, and jogs off. I almost yell at him to stop and tell me how I can fix what ever this is, but I let him go. I'm not gonna make matters worse this early in the day.  I glance over at the other who are all training hard, and using their powers. Even Drew is out this morning wokring with Chase. Using my powers, I create a chair made of ice, and I take a seat. After a couple minutes my mind wonders away from serious thoughts, and more towards a playful idea. Again using my powers, I form a septor looking stick and an Ice crown. Then a bunch of snowmen, as if they were my kingdom of people. I smile, looking at my little creation. The things boardom lets you do.


About 20 minutes later Thayer makes it back, and we get right to work. I let him choose between working on offense or defense. Not much is said between the two of us either, unless he has a question on something. So, yes he is still mad. Or at least he is still very upset. I've decided to just let it be. I'm not going to confront him about this, I'm just going to let him be mad. I'm so done trying to convince him that there is only him. Once all of this over, and we're back in Spridge everything will go back to how it was. The two of us laughing and having good times all the time. No danger, and no one else getting in the way.


After about an hour of working with Thayer, Sebastien and Chaston join us again. Chaston doesn't seem happy to be back, but at least she did come back. I pair Chaston with Thayer, and tell them to work on sparing, so I can start Sebastien. He, I'm completely positive, is the only one actually a little happy about being trained. I tell him that he needs to do his run first, and he nods with out any arguing. I can't go with him though because I have to keep an eye on Chaston and Thayer. I'm happy to see Chaston was actually paying attention, and that these two seem to actually be learning something. I back down in my ice chair, and form a bunch of throwing stars, sadly killing each of my kingdom members, as I wait for Sebastien to get back. Out of the corner of my eye though I keep watch on Thayer and Chaston. Yes, my jealousy kicks in seeing that he is smiling and laughing with her. I stay sitting, though taking it out on more of my creations.


"Okay.... I'm back." I here Sebastien, and I hop up and get right down to work with him. He chooses defense first, so I show him the basics, and a couple quick and easy defense manuevers. As it turns out though, he already knows a couple moves! He explains that he has picked up some from watching the others while training. After thirty minutes of going at it with a break, he asks for a quick drink. I of course let him go and grab one. While waiting I peek back over at Chaston and Thayer. They're getting faster and faster. Good. I watch as Thayer goes on defense, and Chaston come after him with a side sweep. He blocks it, and she loses her balance falling. Landing on her butt she lets out a huff of air. I continure watching as Thayer offers her a hand up, and she grabs it but pulls him down to the ground instead of getting up. They both laugh and get back to there feet. I turn away taking a couple calming breaths, unsure if I should be worried or not. I thought Chaston was with Chase, but then I also remember Chaston having a thing for Drew too. She better not be even trying to go anywhere near Thayer!


After another two hours passes we call it good for a day. Everyone meets in the dinning room after we're all showered and non sweaty and stinky from training. Chaston complains about being sore, and it makes me smile, she thinks she is sore now, just wait until tomorrow! We all talk about the battle plan again, making sure everyone knows what they have to be doing. Then we switch over to when the battle actually will be. It starts with us, so really it's up to us.


"The sooner the better... catch them off guard." Tatum offers, and I nod he has a point.


"Wait.. were not talking about like tomorrow are we?!" Chaston sits up in a hurry, and winces feeling her muscles.


"No. That's to soon. But by the end of the week we should be ready." I say glancing around the table. Everyone nods a little, as if they're scared. Thinking about it though, I'm sure they are scared! Hell I'm scared! But, of course I would never tell any of these guys that. We could be walking to our deaths, and not even know it. No, I bet we have a fair fight. All of the elementals, a couple army men, shooter plans, and expert combat fighting. They have  a bunch of birds, and Donatello. Do they have an army or warriors too? I didn't see anything like that while I was stuck up there.  "Meeting adjourned." I sigh turning away from the table. Every lets out a huff and starts slowly scattering. I make my way out to the deck, looking up at the stars.  It's been a long couple of days.


"Well, i it isn't miss perfect." I here a faintly familiar voice. I can't help but grin, it's been a long time since I've talked to him. All of our conversations always were funny as well, I have to admit that. I wonder what he is doing here? Maybe he is here doing something for Tatum?


"Why hello. Long time no see what are you doing?" I sit up.


"Checking on the Drarkal prince, letting him know whats going on in Spridge. How about you? I see you've been very busy." He gestures to my neck. Reaching up to where my marks are still bandaged, I eye him suspiciously how did he know?  "I'm a vampire... I can just tell." He smiles. "Now, were is Sir Tatum?" I point behind me to inside the house, and he gives me his creepy smile and walks on it. I lay back again, feeling the weight of the world on my stomach. 


Everything is going to fall on to me if we fail. I mean our attack plan is mostly my idea, and if it fails who else would they all blame? If we lose one person, then the whole mission will be a failure. Although we aren't going to lose anyone, and we aren't going to fail! I sit up, watching as a shooting star flies across the night sky. We will win. Good always wins. I knock on the wooden deck underneath me, feeling like I jynxed it. Just then I notice the black cloud moving at a fast speed coming towards me. I get ready to freeze knowing it's a bunch of birds. As they get closer though, they dwindle, the cloud gets smaller and smaller. Then only one is left flying only ten feet away from me. It swoops by my head, and drops a role of paper into my hands, and flies off. I pull of the deep purple ribbon, and unrole the parchment.


"Oh shit!" I whisper, gripping the paper I run inside yelling for everyone to get some sleep, and make sure they are hydrated.


"What's the matter? Lyra? What's going on!?" Theodore, asks. I shove the paper at him, and I watch as the blood drains from his face. The house starts shaking out of know where, like really shaking, items falling from shelves, and dishes flying from cupboards. Taking the letter back, I take a look at the message one more time.


Get Ready For War.


I tear it to shreds, as everyone makes  there way into the living room.


"What's going on?" Chaston asks, gripping Chase's arm so hard har knuckles are white. A small smile spread across my lips when I see them together, but now isn't the time.


"It's starting sooner then we thought." I say, and I can see the faces fall throughout the room "We can do it. We've been trained for this day!" I say, a fire burst from in the other room. "Everyone out!" I yell and start shoving people towards the door. "Is everyone out?" I ask, trying to do a head count. We're missing one. Thayer.


Running back into the house, that started on fire faster then I swear it should've I run up stairs which is something you aren't supposed to do. But I can fly. Crashing into everyroom yelling for him, I panic as I realize he isn't upstairs. Taking of down the stairs I yell for him over the crashing and banging hoping he can here me. Once I know I have searched the whole house, I really break down. Where is he? How did he just disapear. I make it out of the house just in time as it starts falling to one side. Watching as my house again falls and turns into nothing.  Chaston grips my shirt collar and pulls it down.


"Where is he?" She asks, in a very loud voice.


"I ... he wasn't in there!" I say, calmly. The queen must've taken him. But why him? God he is going to be bait or going to be used against us some how.


"Why did this happen? Why was he taken? Why weren't was it him and not you!" She completely yells now, and she strikes a nerve. She is blaming me for all of this. She lets go of my shirt, as Chase pulls her away. I stay there watching after her, and I know she is right. If I was never found, none of this would've happened. Thayer wouldn't be in any danger, and I'm almost positive Spridge wouldn't be in distruction!


"Don't listen to her, she is just scared. We'll get him back, don't worry about it." Sebastien whispers, to me once we all start making a move towards our next camp. We've already planned out where we'd go if something like this happened.  I just nod, knowing if I don't agree with him, he'll keep talking.


"We will get him back." I do say, knowing that we will I have no doubt against that. I keep walking, yelling at myself for not forcing him to leave with his parents. He would've been safe, and not in the hands of evil! I don't understand when he was taken, or even how! He was with all of us one second and gone the next... just like Elijah's new gift he has. That's interesting. Elijah wouldn't kill him though would he? Maybe, if he became jealous enough, but the queen wouldn't allow that would she?....


It's been hours now, and I haven't slept a wink. We've all gotten settled into our new fort, which is actually an old tree house that Chase and Flora built a long time ago. Everyone else is sleeping, or at least pretending to if they aren't. Accept me. I'm outside leaning against the railing, praying for Thayer to be okay. He needs to be brought back to me. Safe and sound.


"Bring him back!" I whisper, looking up at the sky. All I can see is stars, but I know... for some reason I can just telll that Elijah is watching me at this exact moment. "Please. Just bring him back." I look at the ground below my in defeat.


"Lyra." Donatello's voice whispers behind me. I turn around, coming face to face with the beast. He is holding out an arm, wanting me to shake hands with him.


"What are you doing?" I ask, moving away from him. The bad guy wanting to shake hands that's not a good thing.


"Truce. I'm withdrawing from this war. This is between you and the queen." He sighs, "That women is more evil then I." he insists, I don't agree but I don't disagree either. Slowly my hand reaches his, and we shake. "Until next time lil' sis." He smiles,  then he disapears and I sit on the little deck. Rashell has Thayer. Why would she need Thayer? What are her plans for him? Is she going to kill him, god I hope not. I'm never going to get to sleep now. How can I save him though? Rashell probably thinks I'm going to go charging up there to save him, which is what I  really should do, but that's not a very smart I idea. But the longer he is up there the more of an oppertunity there is for something to happen to him.


On to another topic, why did Donatello just withdraw? What does he know that we don't? Obviously it has something to do with the queen, and what she has planned. She just took Thayer as well... so he must be part of her plan. Oh god, what would she need Thayer for? He has to be there to be used against me some how.  Back to Donatello though... why would he pull out now? Doesn't that leave the queen defenseless? She no longer has any of her followers, and her protection detail no longer obeys her. All she'll have without Donatello is Elijah  and now Thayer. Donatello had the birds, and he had all the little worker men like Drew. She has nothing. Not even any powers. Elijah is all she has now. Because I doubt Thayer is up there helping her try to kill all of us. Although that would explain one reason why he is up there.


How do I even know that is where he is? Maybe he got scared and ran away. Maybe Donatello took him? That would make sense too. Donatello just took Thayer, and withdrew from the war. So he is leaving and taking Thayer. Maybe he is trying to get me to follow him?


What if it's not even about me? Maybe Thayer was the one taken because he was the only one Rashell was able to take without anyone noticing at the time. He was upstairs sleeping when it all happened.


I look down again, watching as the ladder sways slightly from the breeze. Getting a weird feeling from it, I pulling up  happy it's a rope ladder. Now, hopefully, no human will be able to get up here. I still don't think I'm going to get any sleep tonight. A tree house is the last place to feel safe in, but it's also the last place anyone would expect us to be. We might be safe here after all. Although Donatello knew where we... I'm sure Rashell does too. I rub my eyes wishing I understood. Wishing I was older and stronger. It seems like just yesterday when Tatum and I were at school flirting and talking. Now look how far I've came! First Sebastien and then Elijah... and now Thayer. I don't even think it has been a full year either. Being honest with myself though, I don't know the date anymore. Our wedding could be tomorrow for all I know.  Everything has gotten so screwed up. What's going to happen when all of this is over? Thayer and I will go back to Caswan, and what about Spridge? Rashell will be gone, Edmund is already gone. Sebastien and Chastonn will be left here. Chaston isn't ready to  be a ruler yet. In fact I always kind of thought Sebastien would take over for his parents. Sebastien is more responsible, and Chaston is still just a little to immature for a queen like responsibility.


I guess it will be up to them in the end. It's not like it really effects me anyways. I'll be going through my queen courses, and practicing walking down the isle when this is all over. God, I'm going to be a real queen. I've only ever known one queen and look at what happened to her. She went crazy! Crossing my fingers, I lean back against the walls and start humming. No more sad soppy thoughts. Lets keep a straight head about all of this and stay focused. If I lose focus I'll lose everything and everyone.

Chapter 17

 A slow gust of wind wakes me up, and I sit up straight looking at my surrounding. I rub my eyesas my back cracks. Gosh I'm sore from sleeping in this position. I can't believe I actually fell asleep... outside even. Leaning against  a wooden wall, without a blanket and pillow. As I stand my back pops more, a long with my knees and ankles. It sounds gross but feels amazing!


"I was wondering how long you'd be asleep out here for." Chaston scares me, I turn around not understanding how she is behind me since it's a wall. I see her looking out the window, that she must have just opened.


"Morning..." I say, unsure on what she is doing exactly. I'm surprised she is even talking to me, after what she said yesterday. "I .. hope you slept well." She just scoffs at me with a smirk. I narrow my eyes wanting to know what her problem is.


"You know I thought I liked you, I tried to like you... but I just... don't. Yeah, I don't like you." She shrugs her shoulders. "I mean I'm greatful that you're protecting me, and trying to help Spridge, but I'm not a fan of you anymore. You're not you." She explains, looking me square in the eyes. She doesn't blink, or even falter with her words. She means it, and she wants me to know it.


"Well... I can't say that I'm a big fan of you either, to be honest." I scratch my eyebrow.


"You know... you call out his name while you sleep." She stands up smirking at me now. Who's name? What is that supposed to mean? "You're engaged to Thayer and claim you love Thayer yet you call out Dr. Drake's name in your sleep." I feel my face flush with embarrassment, but then it disapears. There isn't anything I can do. It's the bond.  "Poor Thayer... I mean he'd have to listen to you call out for another guy... that must have upset him. I don't understand why he even stuck around..."


"Because your crazy ass mother was threatening his home land." I stand up for myself finally. I can see in her face she wasn't expecting it either. "Now why don't you quit trying to scare me away, because right now I'm the only hope you have at keeping Spridge under your control." I lean against the window so my upper torso is inside the tree house. "Also... I'd be careful if I were you. If you keep going down this path, you'll end up just like your mother." With that I pull the window closed, and move away so she can't see me or saying anything more to me. Flying off the deck, up into the sky, I wake myself up wishing I didn't have to go back down and see Chaston. I shouldn't have said anything about her being like her mother.  I need to control my temper better then that from now on.


It saddens me knowing that Chaston and I used to be best friends apparently, and now look at where we are? I wonder why she doesn't like me? She almost seemed jealous about Thayer, but she has Chase and I'm pretty sure Drew. I wonder if it has something to do with the bond Elijah and I share. Maybe she isn't happy about that either.


Focus Lyra, none of this matters. It's all just dumb teenage girl drama, we're both facing a life and or death situation, and we're arguing over this petty shit. I'm not going to let her get to me anymore, and I'm going to keep that little altercation to myself for the time being. I don't need anyone else butting there head in where they aren't needed. Going back to the deck I smooth down my hair, and take a quick breath. Pushing open the door I'm greeted with everyone awake chatting and eating. We all stay kind of quiet knowing that things are going to get tougher as time passes. The queen just openly attacked again, and even took one of our own. Leaving both of her kids here as well. My empathy towards them grows, and I realize that could also be part of Chaston's problem. After a good twenty minutes though everyone quiets down, and things get awkward. Nobody is talking anymore, we're all just staring at nothing, off in thought. It's kind of weird with Thayer not being here. He was good at keeping up conversations, and just being entertaining.


"Okay we can't sit here like nothing is wrong..." Asia whispers quietly. I close my eyes guessing everyone was thinking the same things I was.


"We have to go save him." Sebastien stands up, running a hand through his hair. "My first order as king is to go and bring him back here safe and sound."  Everyone whips there head towards him, and he shrugs. "I don't see anyone else here to take the job!"


"You're right." I say stepping up, "In fact we all could probably go up there right now, safe him and take down Rashell. She is alone now, Donatello is no longer working with her."  My heart thumps in my chest, as everyone takes into consideration what I just said.  "...Although Sebastien and Chaston will stay back with someone to protect them... an elemental for sure."


"What?" Sebastien eyes me as if I'm stupid.


"You just said it yourself that you're king. If you die then Chaston takes your place. Right now you two are the only people in line for the throne, meaning you need to live even if it costs us our lives. That's our job isn't it? Protecting the royal family?"


I can tell by the look on his face he knows I am right. I can also see he isn't happy about it. Right now though isn't the time to slip up, we all need to focus and prepare. Chaston choose Flora to be the one who stays down here with them, which is smart since they're on ground Flora will be of more use down here then she will up there.  After a couple more battle/saving plans are figured out we break, and  get ready to go. We leave right now.


It's me bringing everyone up. Creating a bunch of tornados for us all to use, I get everyone situated on one and tell them what to do and what not to do. If someone were to fall off I wouldn't be able to save them because that would risk breaking the other tornados and dropping more people. Everyone takes it seriously and get the hang of it quickly.  I glance back up into the tree house, spotting Chaston and Flora in one window and Sebastien in the other. Sebastien is watching me, and as I get situated on my own tornado our eyes meet. He pulls a hand up and pressed it to the glass, sharing silent and deadly words with me. He wants me to come back. He wants me.  Tearing my eyes away before I do something stupid, I whistle at everyone signaling for them all to quite down and get ready.  I lift us alll of the ground, slowly taking my time at first to make sure eveyone can keep balance. Once we're over a hundred feet up though I speed up, not wanting anyone to get scared from lookking down and having that throw them off. It takes only seconds for us to get on the island. 


Holding our ground for a minute we wait to see if we're going to get ambushed. Then we all go over the battle plan on more time, and then we all put our hands in. We give each other quick looks, trying to remember everything and everyone. This might be the last time some of us see each other. 


"Spridge." We all say in unison, and then we scatter. Asia and Sierra go off together, trying to find a water supply, like a pond that will be our strongest weapon. Asia can control it, and Sierra can put high voltage in it making it a deadly weapon. Drew and Theodore went off together to. Drew is going to lead Theodore around and try and find Thayer, since Drew knows this place better then any of us other people up here. That leaves Janessa and I to be partners, since we also left Chase down on land. Janessa and I's main focus is the queen. She is bound to have some kind of small little army, and that's Sierra and Asia job. We run right through the main door of the small castle looking building, and there is just one hall that has ten door on each side. Then one big door, at the other end. That's I'm guessing where Rashell is.


We check everydoor way just in case, and it blows my mind and how much wasted and uneeded space was built into this place! Some of the door don't have one thing inside them, and other aren't even rooms! They're just door put in front of bricks! We don't find anyone, and we make it all the way to the big door at the other end of the hall. We both give each other the look. I count to three on my fingers, and then I blow the door open with a gust of wind. Janessa has flames ready to fire as we cover each others backs walking into the room. It is a throne looking room. It's got one chair, in the middle, and twelve off to the side. It has a couple tables, and then there is a desk on the left corner by the door.


Sadly it's empty.  We've messed up. Or we missed something. We didn't see one person... that's a bunch of bull shit. They're here somewhere,  they must've known we were coming. We haven't heard a word from any of the other either, so I have no idea if they're okay or not.


"Now what?" Janessa asks, but she doesn't loose her focus. she keeps her hands burning, and her eyes tight. I take a deep breath thinking thoroughly through my brain for an answer. I honestly have nothing though. I have no idea how to navigate this place, I don't know any secrets doors, or any other building on this island. It almost seems abondoned! "Don't lose you hopes Lyra, we'll find him." Janessa adds. Then the lights flick off, and Janessa's fire is the only light source. Even though the room is filled with windows, none of the outside light shines in.


"Yes, Lyra don't lose hope... blah blah blah. It's always about you isn't it?" Rashell's voice floats around the room. "Well... I'm afrain your hope should already be lost." Then the light flicks, on and there she is sitting in the chair. On the floor in front of her is Asia and Sierra tied up and together. Next to them is Drew and Theodore, and then laying by himself not tied at all is Thayer. He isn't moving. He looks pale. Everyone else is awake and unharmed, just tied up. But Thayer doesn't look good. He looks... dead. Janessa and I stand unsure what our move should be. No one else is here. No fighters, no guards, she is alone. How did she manage to tie all of them up?!


Everyone is quiet unsure what to do. My head is spinning, still trying to process that Rashell was able to tie up two elementals, and Theodore and Drew. Wait... Drew.  Drew can get out of his ties! I zero in on him, and he catches me looking. I mouth the word 'change' to him, and he understands right away. I use my fingers at my side to give him a count down.


one... I hope we're all ready for this.


two... Take care of queen first then check Thayer. She is more important.


three... Elijah's presense in the room just occured.


Then with that Drew is a huge gorilla snapping his rope, and leaping over to the other who are tied and untying them We took Rashell by surprise, and using it to our advantage Janessa throughs he flames towards her. Rashell is able to move out of the way, but her chair is charred to a crisp. Elijah.. he is in here somewhere. I can feel him, but not see him. That can't be good. Then the feeling is gone, and I focus back on the queen. All of the elementals surround her. Sierra is the first to attack, and she strikes her with a low voltage bolt. Rashell falls to the ground, and I realize that she really isn't strong at all. She has nothing without Donatello. She has no power, and no army. So how were the other tied up? I tell the other to keep her there alive, and I run over to Thayer.


Falling to the ground, I turn him over gently. I grab his face saying his name rapidly over and over. I lightly slap his cheek trying to get him to wake up.  I feel tears burning down my face, but I haven't made crying noise yet. He isn't dead. He can't be. I can hear Rashell laughing in the background, as I move my hand down to his neck looking for a pusle. I can't tell if it's his heart beat or my own! I can barely hear anything my heart is pounding so loudly in my chest.


"Thayer!" I whisper, pulling his body onto my lap. Just then Tatum and Tracy appear here with a couple more drarkals, ready to fight a war. We sent them home to get reinforcement just in case it was needed. "Thayer don't leave me! We have to get married remember, and ... and go to those stupid royalty classes your parents taught us!"  I try to laugh, as if that will magically bring him back like it does in movies. I pull his chest to mine, holding him closely, and rocking back and forth.


She killed him. My eyes glaze over, and anger over takes my body. I lay him back down on the ground, whispering a quick goodbye, and I walk back towards the queen. At first she is smiling, but the closer I get the smaller her smile gets. Once I'm standing directly in front of her, and practically cowers away from me.


"I enjoyed it." She speaks, and I snap. My arms flying out, and my scream now mixes with cries. I never touch her though, and I can't even feel whoever is holding me back beause my body is to pumped with anger and adrenaline.


"Lyra, stop." Not even his voice breaks into my head. I scream yelling at him to let me go, and I swear every swear word I know as Elijah tells the other elementals to tie Rashell up and take her away. I kick my legs, and push against his restraints, but I can't break free. I step on his toes, and tell him I hate him but nothing falters his grip on me. After what seems like a good hour of screaming, and fighting I finally stop yelling. I look back over at Thayer's body, laying cold and unmoving on the ground.


"Let me go." I whisper, my voice barely audible. He does as I asked, and my body feels numb yet I feel like I'm  going to fall over because my muscles hurt from my tantrum. I sit next to his body scooping him up again. I tell him... more like order him to come back to me. Nothing I say works.  "Please you can't leave me!" I lay my forehead to his. "You didn't do anything to save him.." my voice cracks.


"Lyra is was to late... there was nothing I could've done." He says behind me. "She did it before she even had him here. I couldn't stop her. He passed quickly and painlessly though. He didn't hurt or feel anything." 


Knowing this makes me sob more, but yet it puts a little, if any really, hapiness into me. What will I say to his parents? What will I say to everyone else? I can't ever go back. Not without Thayer. I failed. We lost a good guy.  End of story. I will never forget what she did. I will get revenge. I stay there with him, crying and holding him as tight as I can. Now I can sense Elijah, and he is still behind me. He isn't touching me, but he isn't leaving me alone. I want to turn arond and lash out at him. Yell about how he could've saved him, but no I no he couldn't have or he would've. He wouldn't want me to go through all of this. I don't think he would at least.


"What will I do without you? What about you're parents? Your kingdom?" God all those people are going to hate me. His poor sweat parents, what will they think of me. I wouldn't blame them for hating me. I wouldn't blame them for killing me. We saved Spridge... but we lost a prince. Caswan lost it's beloved prince. I lost my fiance and best friend. The other lost there friend. Everyone lost a really good person today, all because of one crazy ass lady.


"Lyra... his parents need to know. His body needs brought back to Caswan." Elijah touches my shoulder, and I nod knowing he is right. Tatum appears, and he touches me without saying a word. He teleports me and Thayer's body.


The next thing I know were in the castle in Caswan, and the king and queen are in the room. I let go of him, and back away, unsure what they're going to do. His mother screams, and tears cascade down her cheeks, and His father opens his arms to me. I run into them and we all stand there crying and holding on to each other.


He is gone. There is know way to get him back.

Chapter 18

Sebastien's POV


"It's been two weeks and she hasn't left that room." Asia sighs, and everyone nods in agreement. "She isn't talking, or moving... she isn't even eating."


It's been a little over two weeks since we took back the kingdom. Which involved captuing my mom and finding Thayer's body. It upset us all, this wasn't his fight, but because of my mother's stupidity he was dragged into it.  All of this is just really bad, and since I am king I have to decide what to do with my mom. Right now, everyones main focus is Lyra. She's been in this depression now for two weeks, which is justified. Her fiance was kill, I feel for her. It hurts me knowing she has been cooped up in the room we gave her.  She hasn't eaten anything either. That is starting to worry me, if she doesn't eat she will get sick or worse. Although there isn't anything I can do. I've tried. I have sat in there with her for hours trying to get her to even say a word to me. She wouldn't even look at me. I wish I could just take away all of her pain, but I can't. If things keep going the way they are, we may have to hospitalize her.


"Maybe.. we should tell Dr. Dr-" Janessa begins, and I immediately shut her idea down. Everyone turns looking at me like I'm crazy. I'm not. I know something they don't. When Lyra was finally brought back here, Elijah saw her right away. In fact other then Tatum he was the first one to see her. I witnessed half of what happened between them. In fact it was the last time I heard her talk too. She lashed out at him, saying it was his fault that the queen  had done all of the terrible things she'd done. She wasn't just talking about Thayer either. I could tell by the rage in her voice this had been building up for a while now.


She slapped him completely across the face, hard and strong. It sounded so bad it made my own cheek hurt. Then her words still echo in my head. "I never want to see you again. I hate you."  Then with that, she turned and walked away. Leaving him standing there alone frozen in shock.


I wont put her through seeing him if  she doesn't want to. Although Janessa has a good point. He might be the only one who can get to her. Since that day when I over heard everything though, I haven't seen much of him. He has been around, and he has made it clear that he is back under my command. I'm assuming he has a lot to do though with towns people, since he is a doctor though. That's actually what I told him to do. I didn't really want to be around him either. Ever since I found out about the whole bond thing I haven't wanted to be around him. It's very weird for me. I love her. I have since she came back. I was mad at first when I realized she was with a vampire, heck I still am mad about that. But I wasn't ever really jealous of Thayer. I always thought there was some kind of secret hidden under their relationship and now I know I was right. Now a prince is dead, the love of my life is in depression, and I'm trying to pull a broken kingdom back together.


After a moments silence I finally take a deep breath and make a decision. "Give her until the end of the week. If nothing has changed, I will speak with Dr. Drake." I sit back, unhappy. But Lyra's life needs to come before her happiness. I'm not letting her die. Everyone nods agree, we have reached an agreement. "Dismissed.." I say, and everyone starts to chat quietly and leave the room.  I stay sitting in my chair, I'm at the point of the table, and everyone else sits in rows at my sides. I'm king now. I'm in charge. It's to much for a seventeen year old boy. But, so far everything has worked out.


My mother is locked in the jail with constant security watching her, Donatello hasn't reappeared at all yet. All the bad is gone for the momment. But it will come, which is why I hired a new military general... Theodore. I've told him what I want from him and he took it with pleasure. I want an army on land, water, and air. I want to be ready for the next attack. Now that both of my parents are gone from the throne, other kingdoms my come in and try to take Spridge, and I can't let that happen. I've now made it mandatory that both girls and boys have a fighting class in school, to train them so everyone can protect themselves if needed. I've appointed my secretary, Chase, he helps me keeps meetings and dates in order. I've put the elementals in charge of teaching these new classes at school, and Chaston has, even though I disaproved, renounced her title, and gave up her right to the throne. She wants to be a normal peasant girl. Of course that is not going to happen, because she still lives here in the palace and maids and butlers still serve as if she is princess.


It's just me. My father is dad. My mother might as well be. My sister has abandoned her name and title. I'm the only Holt left here in Spridge who is trying to put this town back together. Lyra's parents have been helpig me out a lot as well. They're explaining things to me, since I haven't even learned everything yet. Her father has been a great help with getting the town back in order, and Mrs. Castair has been busy cooking for the whole town as well. Everyone is working toghether.


Now that I'm alone, I stand up knowing that while I have the free time, I need to go and see her.I visit everyday. It's already five in the evening, and I usualy come during lunch, but today didn't work. Leaving the room, I tell my guards, that Theodore insisted I have and use, to leave me be for a couple of hours. They do as I say, even though they know where I'm going. They've figured it out. I know they think I'm foolish too. I'm a king, that last thing I need is a girl distracting me. But what they don't realize is that this girl. Lyra, has been distracting me, since sixth grade. I was actually in seventh grade, she was in sixth. I was moved up a grade actually because of my knowledge and smarts that year. Normally I was in the same class, and I had always just though of Lyra as a girl who was friends with my sister. It never crossed my mind that she would be protecting my life and or my parents. She was the same age as me for petes sake.


I remember it though as if it was yesterday. Chaston had been in a slight scuffle and lost her two front teeth, and so she couldn't talk correctly. A couple of the girls in the eighth grade, picked on her and made fun of her. for the whole week. Of course they never laid a hand on her, she was the princess, and they could've gotten in loads of trouble. But one day, in the middle of the hall between classes I was there talking to Chaston about a family dinner we had that night. The girls had gotten to comfortable with being able to pick on her, and decided to kick it up a knotch and spit spit balls at her. Lyra was walking with Chase, who at the time had a thing for her and everyone thought those two would end up together.  When she saw what was going on, she kicked into elemental gear. She handed her books over to Chase, she yelled at them to stop. But they just laughed, because they new Lyra wasn't aloud to use her powers in school.


She did anyway.  She froze their hair, and the ice cracked in places, so when it thawed out, their hair cuts had been ruined. Of course their parents tried to get Lyra expelled, but the my mother wouldn't allow it when she found out why Lyra did what she did. But that wasn't even what really caught my eye. What really got my attention was the next day, I excused myself from class to use the bathroom. When I saw Lyra standing in line, with her classmates waiting to go outside. Everyone was worried to be friends with her because of what happened the day before. Than a boy named Billy came and stood next to her.  I heard every word he said to her. He called her an ugly white rat, and told her that know one could ever love her. She had just roled her eyes at him, and he walked away. But the minute she was alone, she turned looking into the glass case behind her. She reached up and touch her shinning white hair, and her silver eyes brimming with tears. She was looking at her reflection. Everyone already knew she felt like an outcast with her white hair, but no one had ever said anything to her about it, because of her powers everyone figured thats why her hair was white.


As she wiped away one tear that did slip, I realized she was beautiful. Lyra Castir, my sisters best friend was truly and amazing beautiful. Her hair fit her skin tone perfectly, and he eyes shinned as bright as the moon at night. Her elemental training kept her nice and in shape, yet she still had a little tummy on her. Her nose was small and turned up slightly in a cute way, and her legs were long and lean.  I watched her closely, now as she shook herself off and held her head high. Not only was she beautiful on the outside but she really had a good head on her shoulders. She was confident, and brave. Yet she was kind and always so helpful. I remember telling myself I was crazy for not noticing her. She flicked her hair over her shoulder, and her eyes caught mine that day in the hall. She smiled at me warmly, and then followed her class outside. Ever since then, I've loved her.


Knocking on the door to let her know I'm coming in, I open the door and sigh seeing the food tray untouched, and her sitting on the ground in the corner hiding her face in her hands. She hair is wet, and I can hear the bathroom fan on working. She must've just showered, and it gives me hope. That's a big plus. She had never stunk or anything, but showers help people relax and it means she got up and moved today.


"I'm sorry I didn't come earlier... I had a couple things to take care of." I sit next to her. She doesn't say anything, but she inches away from me keeping her eyes down.   "This mornig Theodore showed me the battle ship designs they're coming along great, you should see them. Also the town is almost complete, and I'm sure you'll be happy to hear the library was undamaged." Next to me out of the corner of my eye I see her head move slightly. Something I said caught her attention.  I smile with joy, this is the most I have ever gotten out of her.


"If you like I can bring you a couple of books... or even bring you a picture of the ship designs."  There was no reply. I lay my head back against the wall. I really thought I had struck a nerve this time. "You should eat... you're mother made a delicious apple pie.. and I'm sure even though they're cold the french fries want be to bad. Although the burger might not be that good cold."


Nothing. No more movement. No noise, not even a blink in the eyes. I lost what ever I had. I stand up now loosing my patience. I love her, and something you have to do and say things to your loved one that might hurt them.


"Lyra, if you don't come out of this I'm going to have to put you in a hospital. You need to eat.. and drink water." I say standing in front of her. She still doesn't move a muscle. Running a hand through my hair, I get an idea. It's mean of me to do but I need to here her voice.  Walking towards the door I open it, and loud enough for her to here I pretend to tell someone to go get Dr. Drake, even though no one is out here. But she doesn't know that.


"No don't!" Her voice rings out, and I turn and look at her. She is looking up at me, her eyes pleading and shaking with terror.


"You need help. I'm running out of options here Lyra." I sigh looking away from her, trying to add affect.


"Please... I... I don't .. want to see him." She stands up,  laying one hand against the wall for support. I  eye her again suspiciously.  Her eye never leave mine, she is begging me to not go through with my order.


"Eat your pie... all of it.. and then I'll yell for the guards to come back. I'd hurry they're almost done the hall." She rushed forward and devours the pie in four bites. I yell telling the 'guards' to come back.  "Now.. was that hard?" I ask closing the door.  She pushes the rest of the tray away, as if she's going to be sick. 


"That doesn't taste so good.." She admits... wrapping her arms around her stomach.


"Probably not." I agree. "You  havne't eaten in like two weeks."  I cross my arms unsure now what to do. Her face heats with a blush, and she shakes her head.


"It hasn't been that long..." she whispers.


"Yeah... it's been about three weeks actually." I point out. She rubs her eyes, unsure what to do. "Why don't you come out and take a walk with me. Get some fresh air.  We can chat." She pulls away, and I take a deep breathe deciding I wont take no for an answer. I walk over to her and practically drag her out the room. She bucks slightly trying to break free, but I've been doing some training of my own. Once I actually get her outside, she stops fighting as the sunlight hits her. It's a shock I'm sure. Spending more then twoo weeks inside without any sunlight. She holds a hand up covering her eyes, and once they adjust I feel her chest rise and fall a couple times.


"Fresh air." She breathes, and I let go of her. "So.. what about those battle ship designs?" She asks, turning around and looking at me. I lead the way through the castle, and I keep a close eye on her wondering what she is thinking. I get distracted by a group of guards up ahead of us, and I don't realize she is gone until it's to late for me to catch her. I yell the to guards sending them after her, and sending a couple down to the dungeon to make sure no harm comes to my mother. I haven't decided what to do with her yet, and I'm not going to allow Lyra to kill her. Not because I don't want her dead but because I don't want Lyra to be the one who does it. Deep down inside her I'm guessing she doesn't want to be the one who does it either. 


Running around trying to find her, the couple people I do find, like Chaston and Flora, I tell them she is out and they both help to look for her. I burst into the kitchen, but no only her mother is there. She hurries out with me after I explain what's going on.  We've all apparently looked everywhere and no one has seen her.  She never showed up at the dungeon, and she hasn't been spotted anywhere else.


Where did she go? What does she have planned. I cut into a room, the art room, to let out a breath and think about where she might've gone. I notice one of the paints hanging off the wall, and I walk over to it seeing the wide open safe behind it. It's empty. I close it and move the painting, and I let go of it looking at the image. How could I not have noticed this before? It's Dr. Drake and Lyra, dancing at a ball! They're smiling at each other, and they look in love. I back away getting angry. What in the hell is going on here?! How had I not know about this piece?  I look for a name of the artist but it is blank. Would she have went to find him? His office. I run heading towards he office. I open the door, and see it's untouched. Where in the hell is she?! What about his room? I walk this time, not wanting to find her there either. But the more I think about it the more it makes since. Although she didn't want to see him so why would she run to him?


Once I get there, I'm happy to hear her voice, but not happy to hear what she is saying.


"Do it." She says.


"I'm not going to do that, I can't believe you think I will." Dr. Drakes voice sounds different. I'm so used to hearing him sound all up tight and serious. Now he isn't uptight, but he is serious.


"Get rid of the memories, Elijah." She says one more time. "I can't live with them, they eat way at me and kill me on the inside."


"Lyra.. think about what you're asking me to do." He says. "You're asking me to completely delete part of your life from your head. You'll never be able to get them back, and everyone else will remember accept you. Beside I thought you hated me. Never wanted to see me again."


"Now isn't the time." She murmurs.


"Now is better the never. I don't know when I'll see you again! Now god dammit Lyra, I love you and I'm here for you. I'm trying to help you, I want to help you. But this.. I wont do this." I'm taken back by his words. I knew they were bonded but he just said he loved her! I never pictured the two of them ever actually being together together.


"No.. don't touch me." she whispers, but doesn't sound strong at all. "Elijah.. don't."


"Lyra, calm your thoughts." He says, "When will you come back to me? Trust me, and love me like you used to." He sounds sad, almost tormented.


"Nev-" Her words get cut off, and I back away from the door completely thrown off. They're kissing?! Holy shit was I wrong. How did I miss al of this? Happening under my nose.


"You will. You can't fight this anymore then I can." I here Elijah whisper to her, and I take that them saying goodbyes I run and hide around the corner. I peek down seeing her come out of his room, and she looks even more confused then before.  I'm happy to color in her cheeks, and her eyes wild and bright. Although the reason for them being like that isn't my favorite.


I watch her as she looks at the ground, closing her eyes and trying to breath. She backs away from the door turning and looking at it, almost with a longing. Yet there is hatred there I see. Although small it's still there, but the heart broken expression beats out what ever anger she feels. The door cracks open an inch and Lyra stands up straight and clears her face. Dr. Drake comes out, is rush, but not using his speed. Then suddenly using his speed, they both are against the wall and having a happy  ol' time. I look away not needing to see, not wanting to see. I did though see the two of them kiss. Lyra and Thayer hugging and holding hands was one thing... but these to is just weird, he is four times her age!


I keep forgetting that the bond probably has a lot to do with all of this. I should just walk away, keep to myself what I saw and heard. I want to talk to Lyra about this though, or I least want her to know I'm not done fighting this battle either.


Out of no where there is a groan, but not a sexually one, a pained one. It's Dr. Drake. Taking the chance and peeking back over, I see Lyra's knee still resting in the area you should never hit a guy.


"I'd say I'm sorry but I'm not." she mutters. "I mean it Elijah... I'm done. I'm going to find a way to break this dumb bond." she moves her leg.


"No you wont... you wont say it but I know what you think." He sighs, recovering from the knee.


"Stay away from me Elijah." She threatens.


"Only because you can't control yourself around me." He smirks, but she walks toward me as if she hadn't heard him. I jog up ahead and start walking down the hall towards her as if I was just coming this way anyway. She stops in surprise at the sight of me. 


"There you are... I was scared you flew off and I'd never see you again." I say quietly. Hopefully sounding believable.


"No... I couldn't leave.. I have no where else to go." She replies, I offer out my arm to lead her to where she wants to go. Hesitently she takes it, after she tells me that she wants to see Theodore.

Chapter 19

Lyra's POV


"I think it looks awesome! Just how long will it take to build?" I ask, looking at all of his battle ship designs. They really are pretty cool.There is three different designs, each one unique in its own way. Like the smallest one, that moves the fasts also has most weaponery on it. Then ther is a normal battle ship, that has a bunch of different purposes. The biggest ship is actually a living quarter for all of the sea manin the other ships. It also has a huge block section cut off that is a jail place.


"Well... we're going to need at least four of these.." He points to the small army ship. "Then probably two of those." He then gestures to the normal looking ship. "And only one of these." I nod makes sense. "So... probably a month maybe even two depending on how fast we get materials."


"Where are materials all being shipped from?" I ask. Knowing the answer already. Leaving there for a the short time I did I learned what Caswan was famous for.


"Caswan mostly...." He scratches the back of his neck, not wanting to bring up Thayer's home town and family. Everyone knows what happened. The queen, Rashell, killed Thayer. I had brought his body back to his parents, and I thought they would send me away and never want to see me again. What actually happened. They wanted me to stay there, and still take the thrown without Thayer. They said that loved me and that they knew it wasn't my fault. They said that they didn't want to give the thrown to anyone else.  I turned them down still. I couldn't be a queen without my prince. With Thayer gone what was I supposed to do? He was the one who knew all the rules, and was going to take care of serious matters. I was just there to look pretty! The West's thought different of me. They thought I was a noble hero, even  though we lost a life... their sons life.


"But umm... Lockendale, is also sending some materials along with a war troop to help train our men." Theodore hurries on.


"Well that's kind of them." I say keeping my eyes down on the drawings. I can tell my eyes are watery, and I hate crying in front of people. Never again will I let anyone hurt me like Rashell did. To keep that from happening, I need to stay away from falling in love with people. Having feelings for anyone will just cause bad things to happen in the end. I'm starting with Elijah. I don't want anything to do with him, anyways though. He choose his side. He choose the wrong side. Everyone else just needs to keep a distance.


"Yes... although I'm slightly worried about it." He sighs, leaning against the table that has the plans pinned out for everyone to see.  I blink my eyes rapidly until the tears are gone, and I turn looking at what he is. It's a bunch of men, working hard and laughing. Having a good time even though they're preparing for war.


"About?" I ask, not sure I understand. Everyone is working and it seems they are all getting along. It's a good thing I think that everyone is happy at the moment, everyone needs to keep there heads up. Espicecially me.


"Well.. the men that Lockendale are sending.. are well... men." He points out and I nod getting where he is going. We're a bunch of teenagers. The king is only 17, the military leader is 18, all of us elementals are still teenagers ranging from 16 to 18. We're young. We're running Spridge. The biggest kingdom here in this realm, is being run by a bunch of kids who still technically haven't finished highschool.


"Well, they will listen. They have there orders, and besides they know what we have all been through. They'll know we mean business. I wouldn't worry to much about it." I pat him on the back. He nods, and continues watching his other men. I don't know how hard it was for them all to be okay with Theo being their boss, I was... busy with other things... I guess I don't know if he had hard time or not.


"Did.. these guy give you a hard time?" I ask, gesturing to them.  I see Sebastien make his way through the crowd of men, and they all move and out of his way and bow to him. Apparently they took well to him, that is a good thing. After everything he and his sister have been through it is comforting knowing they still have followers and the acceptance of their people.


"No.. they were all okay with it actually. No one argued it, and they all had the chance to step forward and take the job instead of me." He smiles. "I guess that means they believe in me." He whispers that last part as Sebastien finally gets to us. "Your Majesty." he holds out his hand with a nice friendly smile. Sebastien smiles taking his hand. It's all so formal I think seeing the two of them interact. Then they to a whole little handshakes, and I smile seeing the teenager still in them each.  

"So, when are the Lockendale men arriving?" Sebastien asks, and his eyes flash at me a second. I look at the plans again, so my back is to them. Sebastien needs to stay away from me. He is in the most danger in all of this. I know all about his feelings for me still, he hasn't straightly told me, but he is't hiding it. He came and saw me everyday, talked to me. He kept me company. I feel bad for never talking back... but I can't let him get drawn into me. No attachments. I'm not loosing anyone else I love. I excuse myself from the room, and leave, feeling the stares from the people I walk past. It's been awhile since I've been out.  Keeping my eyes down, I walk the halls of the castle, learning and becoming more familiar with this place again.


I find the art gallery room, and I go towards the safe behind the painting of Elijah and I. I already took everything out of it, but I just want to look at the picture. That picture takes place some time in the future. Sadly who ever painted the future was wrong.  I look at all the other dancin couples seeing if there is anyone else that I recognize. No not really. It's just a bunch of random faces now.


Or not.


That isn't a random face. I know the face next to it as well. How had I not seen them before? This seems impossible for me to not have seen! There standing at the only table painted in the picture, is Sebastien and Thayer. They're a little older too. Recognizable still obviously. I shake my head rubbing my eyes as if it's just a trick of the light. When I look back up at the picture, they're still there. I pull the painting off the wall revealing the safe, and I look at the back still searching for an artist signature.  I peel the back paper off, that is covering the actually back of the painting, and it reveals in a small scribble the name, Donatello.  Back away quickly I lose me footing and fall to my ass. I dont really feel the ground though, my mind if focused on more important things. Donatello painted that? He know about the bond before everyone else? I have to see him.  I need to ask him about this!


"All you had to do was call." Donatello's voice, says behind me. "I'll explain... in fact I have something to show you, that may or may not piss you off." He offers his hand to me. I stand up slowly, feeling a slight ache in my tailbone from my fall.


"You knew about the bond the whole time?" I whisper, and he nods slowly. "You did paint that picture? You knew I'd meet Thayer?" He nods again. I stay back unsure what to think off all of this.


"Lyra, I'll explain everything to you I promise. I haven't lied or hurt you yet have I?" he sighs, and I look at him wondering if he is serious. "I haven't intentionally done anything to hurt you. Everything I have done has been in your best interest." 


"Fine.. but first there is something I want you to see too." I cross my arms, and he gestures to the door. "No you can't just walk around the castle! If a guard or if anyone sees you they will call for help." Just go away and I call for you when I'm ready." He disapears just like Tatum can do. I make my way towards the kitchen hoping to find my mother.  I hit the jack pot though, and find both my parents sitting down and whispering about something. I haven't came and seen them yet since I've came out of my room. Although now isn't the time.


"What is it?" Donatello appears, beside me. I point towards our parents, and his face goes blank. "Mom and Dad." He sighs, scratching his eyebrow. They look good, happy." He actually smiles. "Why did you want me to see them? They don't even remember me."


"Because just wait one second." I whisper.  "Hey.. Mom.. Dad!" I yell, and they both look over towards me. There faces light up into smiles. There eyes flick between Donatello and I, and they seem confused. I can feel him tense and guarded next to me.


"Donatello?" Dad questions, and they both stand up. I was correct. Our parents had been given the potion to forget him, but can a parent really forget their child? Can a parent really want to forget their child? I guessed that they didn't actually take it.  Mom grabs Dad's arm to stop him from moving towards us.


"You must go my child. It is dangerous for you here at this time. Please go, stay safe. We love you." She says, to Donatello next to me. He nods and then he looks down at me.


"Are you coming?" I nod.


"I'll be back." I say to them they nod, apparently knowing I'm on no danger. Then Donatello lays a hand on my shoulder and we both fade off into a oblviion. Then we appear in a place I've never been in before.  "Where are we?" I ask.


"Well... I had to leave my island, so I found this old shed here. It all I need and more at the moment. It has a couple rooms for me a my pals, and more in case I gain a couple of people. It has a training center."


"Good for you." I say, looking around. It's actually not that bad. He did get lucky. He leads me into a room that has a table with a couple of chairs. "Even a business room!" I laugh, and he nods sitting down. I sit down across from him, and he clears his throat.


"Now.. the next couple of things I say very well might upset you. I need you to hear me out until I'm done explaining, and I have a couple proposals to make. Are you ready?" He asks. I take a deep breath wondering what exactly he has to tell me. He begins...


"First of all Thayer is alive...."


The End


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.10.2015

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