
Chapter 1- Last Week (Lyra's POV)



Finally my hand hits the off button on my alarm set for school, but I don't want to get up. It's not because it's time for school, I want school. I just don't want it to end, and this is the last Monday of my sophomore year.  Meaning, I'll be stuck in my huse again, with Harris, my over protective foster dad, and Sean, my pervy foster brother.  Shoving my black comforter off of me, I slip out of my bed beginning my morning routine or getting ready for school.  First, looking out the window  for a weather check, second, showering and all the hygenics, and third, getting dressed and leaving.  Grabbing the hair pony from my dresser I leave my room, and head down the stairs to the kitchen where Harris will be waiting with my breakfast that I never eat.


"Morning sweet pea! How'd you sleep?" Harris asks shoving a plate of waffles in my face, I swerve around him. "No breakfast again? I should make you an appointment. I mean I don't need you getting sick." He begins worrying out loud, and I sigh grabbing the plate taking one bite and leaving. I don't even bother to ask Sean for a ride. The last thing I want on my last week of freedom is him trying to get me to give him a blow job. It's only a fifteen minute walk to the school from our house so I don't mind. Reaching into my back pack, I grab my ipod sliding on my headphones and playing Amnesia by 5 Seconds of Summer. Ironic, that's what Melanie would say right now. Since I'm currently suffering from Amnesia myself. I have been now for two years, since I was 13. I don't even remember the accident. I just know it killed both my parents, hence why I'm in foster care. The doctors told me, that my name is Lyra Castir, but that's about it. Apparently my family moved a lot ... I don't know. I guess it's good having amnesia, it's hard to grieve over people you don't know... that's also the sad part. I don't remember my parents at all. I don't even know their names. Other then Castir. Distracted by my ipod, I almost fall to my knees tripping over  the big crack in the sidewalk. I do that all the time! I glare at the crack and continue my way to school.


Pulling the lock away from my locker, I swing open the door. Grabbing all my homework out of my back pack. Then I toss the bag on the bottom, grab my math book and other necessities, shut it and lock and head to the math room.  Taking my seat next to Sophie, we say our 'good mornings' and 'hellos'. She pulls out her phone, to show me something and I see her wallpaper. It's a picture of Melanies, her, and me from Halloween.  I was Yue from Avatar the Last Air Bender, Melanies was Tinker Bell, and Sophie was a minion from Despicable Me. I look at my costume, I looked a lot like Yue, even though she was a cartoon.  My hair kinda put it all together. White. My natural hair color is white, no I'm not an albino either. I've tried dying it, but it doesn't stay. Even when a professional does it, it all comes out and it's white again. I personally like it, it's obviously different and it's real.


"Did you hear a word I  just said?" Sophie asks knudging my shoulder. I look up at her, I didn't hear any thing. To lost in thought, she sighs. "I said we where invited to that party friday, you know end of school big celebration." Now I sigh. I lean back in my chair.


"I hate those parties." I whisper, and then the bell rings, Sean walks in late like usual.  He sits down, and the teacher starts the lesson. After math I head science, today we're just cleaning up the room. Throwing away dead frogs that weren't used, and letting go all the bugs we caught that were still living. I hate this, it's like being rubbed in my face that school is ending. Even if it is only a couple months, I hate summer, I hate the weather, and the whole entire no school things. Maybe it would be better if I was aloud to be in sports, and see friends, have a job even! But Harris wont let me. To many things can go wrong, that's what he says when I ask him. What ever that means.


Sophie and I make our way to the lunch room a couple periods later, chatting about summer plans already. I don't think she realizes I hate this conversation. Grabbing our food we sit next to Melanie, and keep up the summer plans conversation.  I notice of course when Sean comes in, I think everyone notices. He comes in talking loud enough, for people a cross the country to hear. He frantically looks for a second around the lunchroom, landing on me. He sends me a look,  almost like a warning. I stand up and dump my tray, what the hell is his problem? I go back inside,  brushing  past Sean and his friends who still haven't taken their seats. He grabs my elbow, and whispers to me.  Once he lets go, I plop into my chair, and smack my head on the table. 


"What is Sean's problem?" Melanie whispers, and I rub my forehead. Head butting the table isn't a smart idea. "He seems, more... creepy perv brother today then normal." Yeah, she couldn't be more right. He didn't  hit on me today though. He seemed genuinely worried, but he didn't say what about. He just told me to watch my back, and always carry the pepper spray Harris gave me. 


"What ever... he isn't important." I say, grabbing Sophie's un-opened milk, and holding it to my forehead. Why did I smack it so hard? First I almost die tripping over a crack, then a turtle bites my finger as I'm letting it go, and now Sean, and my head!  Sophie takes her milk away, and the pain  slowly disinegrates. "Anyways... your summers sound unbelievably fun." I begin changing the subject. They hop into a huge discussion about how to get me out of my house.  The bell goes off, and I head to my study hall. I have no homework, only  a free reading book. Which I'm almost done with,  I'm partly sure I'm the only sophomore who still reads. I'm also the only sophomore who isn't 16 yet.  Friday, so last day of school I'll be 16.  Doesn't that sound awesome?  Being the last day of school, big party that night,  and turning 16! No. I'm mean sure turning 16 is big, I'll get my permit... maybe if Harris lets me.... and I can get emancipated. Meaning I can leave this place.


"Lyra... you coming to my party Friday?"  Tatum asks sitting next to me, oh it's this study hall.  Tatum, throws all the parties but isnt actually in any sports. He just throws awesome parties, and he's been major crushing on me since last year, when Harris actually let me come to school. Don't get me wrong I'm crushing back, his dark brown hair and blue eyes, he has a skinny figure and is one hell of a runner... meaning he has great legs! ...But Harris would probably murder him... that's not a very good first date. Having your foster dad murder your date, but that's where it's confusing... he is a foster dad. Not a real dad. 


"I don't know. You know Harris, probably wont let me out of the house." I sigh, he leans forward in his chair. Obviously frusterated,  he rubs his eyes. "Tatum... I'm sorry....but you kno-"


"Sean will be there. Have Sean bring you!" He says, getting a look from the study hall teacher for his outburst.  "I can talk to Sean." He whispers.


"If you convince Sean to let me go. Without a price, then I'll be there." I smile, and he leans back  pride shining off him.  We play hangman, and tick-tack-toe the rest of the study hall. Also chatting about summer plans.  Once the bell rings again, I only have two classes left. I turn in my text books, in English and Spanish. Then I head home, also walking again, I don't want to talk to Sean about a ride. I still beat him home, happilly I go right into my room. Throwing on my headphones, and blaring the music I sit on my bed starring out the window. There is a boy standing outside, on the side walk, starring through my window right at me! I get up and look closer, no one is there! No boy?! I understand, I swear he was there.  Blonde curly hair, brown eyes, really  skinny figure.  He wasn't from school, I would've recognized him.  He wasn't real! He isn't there now, must've been me day dreaming.


Later that night I head to the kitchen, I don't eat super with  Harris and Sean. I hate it. Sean is always innapropriate, and Harris is all  ... well over protective foster dad.  Grabbing a banana and a Rootbeer, I  head back to my room. Sean stops me.


"Banana for super? You in the mood tonight?" He ask reaching to wrap an arm around me.  I slide back, he chuckles. "You know I can't touch... Harris would kill me." I sigh, I always forget that. "No matter how much I want to." He adds quickly. "Your lips are already spoken for though."  He whispers, grumpily then walks off. I turn watching him go. I don't think I was supposed to hear that. My lips are already spoken for? Okay then. Maybe it's his new way of flirting with me. He's been trying a bunch of different techiniques lately. Not wanting a banana anymore I set it down on the table, grabbing a lunchale from the fridge and finally making it back to my room. Pressing play on my tv as I walk by it, The Golden Compass starts playing.  It's my favorite movie, I think/hope my parents read the books and feel in love with the name Lyra. Since it is my name.  I lay my head down on my pillow, once I finish  brushing my teeth, and I feel how tired I really am. Not just physcally but mentally. I just I'm not on top of it anymore. I never am during the last couple weeks of school.


Heading down stairs the next morning, I skip breakfast. Harris isn't pleased. "You need to eat." He scolds. "Sean is giving you a ride to school from now on as well. No more walking." He adds, I turn already ready to fire back at him why that isn't okay. "No changing my mind. Sean gives you a ride or your don't go the school."  He just threatened to take away my last week a of freedom! Not happening. I'll live getting a ride from Sean.


"SEAN!" I yell up the stairs a couple minutes later. "I want to go!" I add, and he comes strolling down the stairs. I follow him out, once he unlocks his car, I slip into the back, and turn on the music. I get to school with no innapropriate incidents. Sean gave me a break. Melanie meets me at my locker, questioning me about why I'm later then usual. I replay the morning in my head as I tell her.  I'm happy he didn't bug me though, or at least my mood is still up high. At least as high as it can be.


Heading to first period, I watch for  Sophie. I haven't seen her yet this morning, normally we meet in the classroom though. She isn't there either. The first bell rings, and I settle into my seat she must be gone today. Then the door flies open, she runs to her seat. Dropping all of her stuff, in a pile on the floor she turns to me ready with gossip.


"I seen the cutest boy outside the school! He was ski-" She squels. I brace myself for the next hour, of her explaining how dreamy his eye were. "- and really tall. Blonde curly hair, and brown eyes." She says, and now I speak.


"Oh really?" I ask rubbing my eyes. "He sounds lovely." I say. She nods frantically. Ripping open her back pack she grabs her note book, and pencil. "Oh... Sophie... no what are you doing?" I ask, trying to grab her pencil.


"I gotta draw him before his image dissolves!" She says slapping my hand, and then she begins. Blonde haired boys... she has always had a thing for them. I'm more into Black hair on boys, or at least darker colors. Darker brown, and black.  Tatum as a darker brown. I push Tatum's image out of my head.  Today we aren't doing angthng in clase we took care of all of it yesterday, so study hall.  I watch Sophie as she draws this apparently god like guy. Which she is drawig with lightening speed, and is already 1/4 the way done with.  I  grab my free reading book, wishing I had something else to do. Wishing I could draw like Sophie, but if I even attampted to draw anything I would probably make a baby cry. I can't even draw a tree I bet. I test my theory on  note card I use as a book mark.  Drawing one swoopy line then another. then drawing lumps to look like leaves. Nope. It looks like... something that's not a tree.  Crumpling up the card, I get up and toss it in the trash. Settling in my seat again, I open my book. Getting lost in the mythical world of witches and vampires. 


The day flies by to fast, I'm already sitting at the lunch table eating the hamburger on my plate. Sophie next to me is trying to get the finishing touches on her drawing. She hasn't let me or Melanie see it. Melanie and I begin talking about stalkers, and creepers dropping hints about Sophie being one. She is either completely zoned out, or is really trying hard to ignore us.  I guess the guy must've been alright looking for her to be acting like this, I try and peek over the table. She pulls the notebook to her stomach. Glaring at me. Then goes back to her drawing.  Melanie and I glance at each other, she has officially passed the 'You're a Stalker" test. Dumping Sophie's and my own tray, I run into Tatum. 


"Sorry!" I say steading him, with my hand. His hand shoots up grabbing mine, and I try to pull back. Whoops, maybe he doesn't like being touched!


"Your hand is freezing cold." He says, rubbing it between his hands. Shrugging he lets go, and I give him a wimpy smile. Turning around and scurrying back to Melanie and Sophie. That was weird, but it's true. I rarely ever touch people, because for some reason my touch is like ice. When the bell rings I make my way to my next class, getting stopped by Sean. He waits for the hall to clear, but once it is I start walking away. I don't want to deal with his shit right now. He grabs my arm, and pulls me back against a wall. 


"So... Tatum invited you to his party Friday." He is says, I gulp. This wont be good.  I nod, he pushes off the wall. Pacing in front of me. 


" I didn't plan on going anyway Sean." I say, and he stops pacing. Waving off what I said he continues thinking. "What's the problem?" I ask him, and he stops pacing directly in front of me. 


"You can't go. I wont drive you." I nod, and he looks down at me. "Hmm no fighting back? Are we submissing now?" He asks leaning in closer.  I shake my head, pushing him away from me. I start walking down the hall, away from him and I hear his chuckle.


"You want to be with him. I see it in your face. I guess, that's the way things were meant to go.... Although I still you were share-able." He yells after me. I round the cornner, and pause leanning nto the wall. Sean makes moves like that all the time at home, but at school? Where people can see him? Why does he do that to me? Say those kinds of things to me? I want to punch him sometimes. Uncomfortable now I head to the nurse, I don't want to stay here with Sean. She calls Harris, who is at work, and he tells me to walk. I head out without letting Sophie and Melanie know.  Half way home my phone rings.  Melanies contact picture shows up, and I answer it letting her know that I went home sick.


I hang up the phone after explaining to Melanie three times that I'm just not feeling good, and continue walking home. I can't believe Sean would do and say something like that during school, I don't want to tell Melanie and Sophie about what happened! I'm trying to shove my phone back into the phone pocket in my back pack when I trip over the big crack in the sidewalk again! Making that the third time this week!


"Whoa, I gotcha!" I heard a boy say, and I feel arms wrap around me. "Gosh where have you been? What are you doing here?" He asked me. Once I was back on my feet I pushed away from the boy. "Hey Lyra it's me, Chase." the boy said. I looked him up and down, I don't recognize him. I take a step back. His face changes from pure excitement to confusion. He has blonde hair, and brown eyes, very thin figure but something about him is fimiliar.


"I ... ah..." I don't know what to say to him. What if he is some psycho?


"I've been trying to find you since the accident! Why didn't you come back home?" He asked. I take another step back, How does he know about my accident? "Lyra what's wrong?" He steps towards me, and holds out a hand. "Come on Lyra your parents are going to want to see you, so stop playing and lets go!"


"My parent's? What?" I say. He looks defeated, and lets out a sigh. Now this isn't funny. My parents are dead. "Lyra co-" he begins.


"How do you know my name?!" I say, I need to run. He is crazy!


"Lyra it's me Chase. The last time I saw you was right before your accident." He paused. "You... you aren't playing are you?" he hesitated.


"I'm sorry... I think you have the wrong Lyra." I say and walk around him, then I begin speed walking.


"No I don't! I've been trying to find you for the past two years. You don't remember anything... at all?" he asks behind me.


"Leave me alone!" I say. He grabs my wrist, and I whirl around. "My dad gave me pepper spray!" I say and I start digging in my back pack for it, thankful for once about him being over protective.


"Your father? Are you kidding me? Lyra your father and mother are trying to find you. You don't remember who you are?" He is talking and I find the spray. "Lyra your not mortal."


"If I'm not mortal what am I?" I laugh, he making up fairy tales now. Gripping the spray can I get ready to squirt him.


"You're an elemental, a protector of the royal family in Spridge."

Chapter 2- Feel the Burn (Lyra's POV)

 My index finger pushes down, and he flips backwards. No lie, this teenage boy in front of me does a backwards summersualt with ease. Spridge? Is that what he said? Protecter of the royal family? Me? Definately has the wrong Lyra! Athough it's weird, who ever he is talking about has my name and also apparently had an accident like I did.


"Is that really nessacary?" The boy asks, staying back now.  I look at him again, what is so familiar about him?  Blonde curly hair, tall lanky body. Outside my window. He was the boy outside my window! Gripping the pepper spray harded I aim at him, inching closer.  "What?" He asks holding his hands defensively.


"You..... it  was you outside my window.."  I accuse him, and he nods still holding up his hands. "What the hell! Are you stalking me?" I ask  threatening to push to button.


"No! I told you. I've been trying to find you for two years." He repeats digging in his pocket. He pulls out a phone, I have photos with you in them." He holds out the phone, I squint to see the photo. Sure enough, I am there... Little me. I reach up to the phone, wow.... the only picture of me I have are ones that Harris has taken. I can't help the smile grow on my face. "I knew you were alive!" I can hear the boy , Chase, sayig next to me. "Everyone else thought the drarkal who took you killed you." Snapping back up to him.  I give him back the phone. Drarkal killed me? Did I hear him right? (AUTHOR NOTE DRARKAL IS PRONOUNCE DRAW-ARK-ALL)


"A what took who and supposedly killed who?" I say, and he sighs. "You're some weird stalker aren't you!?  You have pictures of me from times I don't remember... and you know my name... and about my accident. How dare you say my parent's are still alive!" I start trailing off using my finger to scold this boy.


"Because they are! Molly and Garret Castir I sti-"


"Molly and Garret." I say.... I was never told my parents names. "Leave me alone!" I say, I feel tears coming.


"Whoa whoa what?" he asks.


"Please... this isn't funny anymore." I  turn from the boy, his name propbably isn't Chase. "My parent's died in the car accident that made me lose my memories."  I say, hoping he will quit joking.


"Car accident my ass." I hear him say behind me. "We were attacked bye Drarkals... and one of then got you."  I keep walking.  Still gripping my pepper spray, I turn on my heels. He stops, almost knocking me over. I spray again, getting him this time.  He crouches down, holding his face in his hands. but he doesn't say anything abut pain.  I turn running. Without looking back, suddenly happy I'm a good runner! I get home, slamming the door shut behind me and locking it. Then close all the blinds, and go to my room.  I hope that this stuff burns his face off, that is such a cruel joke to play.  I crawl on my bed, and start crying.




"Lyra! Hey, it's Harris it's time to get ready for school!" I fall out of my bed. I look at the clock, I've got an hour.  I hurry off the floor, turning on my shower. I get ready ignoring my hair, I shove on  yoga pants, and a sweatshirt. I'm not in the mood for any crap today. Not only is it Wednesday, I'm also still spooked out from yesterday. That boy, and the things he said. "Ah.. what did I say... Sean takes you to school." Harris says as I almost walk out the door. That's right... yesterday. Ah, now I have to deal with Sean!


Sliding into the back seat of Sean's car,  he starts the engiene.  "Lyra what happened to you yesterday? You shut all the blinds... and locked yourself in your room last night." He asks, backing  out of the drive way. 


"Nothing.... Just... a little spooked out." I sigh, watching out the window.  Surprised that he actually sounds like he wants to know what happened. 


"Spooked out? You?" He laughs. "The girl who watches scary movies for fun to laugh at them?" He actually makes me smile.


"Yeah... some boy walked up to me yesterday. Saying I was some royal protecter person.... and that my parents were alive.  It was weird.... he also said that like... a dra... drarkal... kidnapped me or something." I sigh, rubbing my eyes, just as we park at school.


"What?" Sean turns around looking me in the eyes.


"Yeah... it was weird.... I seen him outside my window one night." I say.


"If you see him again you need to yell for me! Got it!" He orders, I nod. Over taken by how much he seems like he cares.  Then I get out, and we walk into the school.  Meeting my friends at my locker, the drill me for details about yesterday.  Of course they get nothing true out of me. I don't want them to know what all happened yesterday.  We chill out, since Sean was actually early today. Sophie is carrying around her  sketch book, so I assume she finished her drawing.  She wont show us though.


"You've got dibs... no worries! I don't think either of us is going to call dibs on a drawing!" Melanie laughs, helping me try and get her to show us this god like boy... in Sophie's eyes anyway. 


"Fine... but... swear you can't even say he is cute!" She laughs breaking. She flips over the notebook. What? This can't be.


"Where did you say you saw him?"  I ask.


"In the parking lot yesterday..." She sighs, looking at the drawing for the umptinth time.  She thinks I'm hitting on her man! No, I'm not! "I've got dibs!"


"I don't want dibs! The guys a jerk!" I sigh, looking away from the photo. So he was really watching me... or at least someone. He was outside my window, outside my school.


"You've meet him?" Melanie yells at me, stopping everyone in the hall. We get weird looks, then they all move on. 


"Yeah... He stopped me yesterday, when I was walking home. Telling stories about how I-" The bell rings. I sigh getting up. Sophie and I walk to our class, and she doesn't say anything to me. She is mad at me because her new obbsession has talked to me and not her.  "Hey... I told him off... even sprayed him with pepper spray! I don't like him!" I assure her.


"If you sprayed him with pepper spray he must really be a creep." She sighs, I nod. Good, everything is okay between us! Sitting in our seats, we  drop the conversation on Chase.  Later in the day it sinks in again that it's Wednesday. Only to more days. What will I do all summer? Read the same books over and over again?  Play cards with Harris? Heading to lunch, Melanie and I talk about how obessesed Sophie still is. Carrying around her drawing like at any second it will turn into the real thing. Chugging down my milk, and eating all my apple sauce in one bite I'm done eating. That's all I can manage, I'm getting depressed great! Sean and his friends ake their grand entrance, ad he eyes me for a second then continues like normal.  I don't understand him at all.  Dumping my tray, I see two girls walking across the hall. I've never seen them before, which is highly unlikely for the small school I go to.  I wonder why they transfered so late in the year, since there is only two days left.  Although, one of them looks like she is only in middle school 5th maybe 6th grade. Short with blonde hair. The other girl looks more my age, brown hair and the greenest eyes I've ever seen. Those must be contacts, although my hair is naturally white... so who knows.


I head back into the lunch room, forgetting about the girls. I have bigger and better things to be worried about, like school endiing and my 16th birthday. Harris will throw me a lame little only his parents, and his family will be there party I'll get a marble cake and chocolate icecream with the same pink wrapping paper he's been using the past 4 years for my presents. Which are all books and movies, well last year he got my my ipod. Once the bell rings, I head out to my next class. Tatum tries to talk me into sneaking out, something I've never done suprisingly, so I csn go to his party.  I've thought about it before, but I just don't want to get caught and get in trouble with Harris, so I decide against it. Moving on to a different topic he tells me about what his plans are for the party to be awesome . . . another way for him telling me that I really need to go.  I sign out to get a drink, walking down the hall to closest drinking fountain, I spot the girls  again.  They seem to be in a heated conversation, and I can't help but watch them. I can't hear what they are saying. 


Then the boy who says his name was Chase rounds the cornner, and joins the conversation. What is he doing here? Who are the girls?  To many questions start going through my mind.  I don't want him to see me, embarrassed he'll tell those girls about his prank. Yet my feet go towards them, I want to know what he is doing here.  The closer I get the more I see my pepper spray didn't really do anything to him.. it must wear off after an hour or so. Darn, I was hoping that stuff burned for hours and hours.


"What are you doing here?" I ask interupting their conversation, they  were so distracted by what they were talking about that they didn't even notice me coming. Chase looks at me, and gesture toward me with both his hands smiling like a baboon.


"I told you! It's Lyra!" He says to the girls, and the brunnette is standing in shock. The small blonde is giving me the stink eye.  I mentally hit myself, I should've just left it alone!


"Again... you have to wrong person.... You need to leave!" I say, shooing them towards the fire exit  the actually just happens to be right to my left.


"Holy shit! It is you! Chase wasn't lying!" The brunnette says wraping me in an anaconda like hug. Okay, now I'm mentally shooting myself with a gun. Maybe I should yell for Sean, like he said. But then Iwould attract a lot of attention, I don't want that.


"You can put me down now.... ah... girl." I say, and she releases me immediately.  "Well... it wasn't nice meeting your friends who think it's funny to play trick.. have a nice life." I say turning ready to run. I get grabbed, and pulled out the fire exit.  "Let go of me! I have school! I still have that pepper spray!" I yell  profanities.


"Flora." the Chase boy says, and the brunnette nods. She bends down placing her hands on the grass, and starts humming some tune that I don't recognize. Then vines burst from the ground, splattering dirt and reaching for me. Chase's grip on my moves just as the vines grip my feet, twisting up my legs.  What is this? I'm dreaming! To much reading about witchs! I close my eyes, I'll pinch myself awake. I pinch my hand, and then open one eye. The three of tehm are standing in front of me still watching me with curiousity.  I try and move, but the vines are to tight. 


"She really has forgotten.." The blonde sighs,  looking at her nails.  The boy nods.


"Oh think about how happy Molly and Garret will be!" the girl, I assume is Flora, squeels. "Sory about the vines." She adds. Molly and Garret? Those are the names Chase told me about being my parents or something.  I'm still whoozy from the vines.


"How... di- how..... what? Vines?" I stutter unsure of what I should ask exactly. Flora smiles, and nods.


"I'm an elemantal, like you!" She begins, with the same fairy tale. "I'm earth. I control plants, and dirt." She smiles, touching the dead bush next to her, and humming that same tune. Then it blossoms  with green again. I look in horror. I feel a scream coming.


"I could just knock her out ya know.. it'll be the easiest way to get her back to Spridge." the blonde says. Oh, god! I'm going to scream! Controling plants, and bushes! Little middle school girls wanting to knock me out!  I reach down and start pulling at the vines, as I begin hyperventilating. They must all be taking some crap, or... they're like top secret government expirements! I'm still dreaming, I mean what else could be going on?


"No, Sierra you might kill her." Flora says, sighing. The vines wont budge, I'm stuck.


"Only a little shock." Sierra, begs. SHOCK!? Like electricity?


"No." Chase says, she needs to come willingly. The next 20 minutes of my like are like a weird history lesson, on my apparently home realm called Spridge.  About how it's just like earth, and has people. With one royal family how rules the realm, and they have protectors called Elemental. Which I am apparently one of.  "Lyra.. I know you don't believe any of this, but... maybe you can just come with us... and we can show you."


"I just want to think about everything." I lie, "I promise... I'll think about it, but I need to get back to school." I say, then Flora does her 'elemental thingy' and the vines go back int the earth. They all hug me accept Sierra, and then dissapear in thin air. I think I'm losing it.  Running back into the school, I take my seat in study hall. Tatum questions me about why I was late, I tell him I also stopped in the bathroom. He seems to have believed me. Leaving studyhall I head to my next class, going through that in a second it feel. Then the same for my lest two other classes. School is out. Sean is giving me a ride home.


Nothing is said in the car, alhtough I'm contemptplating telling him about earlier.  No, he'll probably say I'm crazy.  Maybe I am. . . I more then likely imagined everything that just happened. Or I'm in one long dream, once I'm home though I realize I must be awake. I should've woken up by now. What if everything that happen is real and true? That Flora girl might actually be able to control  dirt and plants. Sierra could maybe actually shock me or what ever. Sean heads right to his room, like usual disappearing and never being heard from after clicking his door locked. It's like he disappears from his room, maybe he is going to the magical realm of Spridge.  That's a weird thought, because there is a 10% chanceit could be true.


I decide to spend the day with Harris, playing cards to get my mind away from powers and realms. We play rummy, and slap-jack. For an hour and then  we stop to  so he can make super,  I watch because I'm that bored. Heading up to my room a while later bored  of even watching him cook, I change into more comfortable clothes. Coming out of my closest, carrying my dirty clothes I see Chase and Flora in my room. Dropping my clothes and my jaw going with them, I hold in my scream.  They're here. In my room!


"Lyra!" Flora cheers, coming towards me for a hug. Then she stops. "Sorry... force of habbit." She sighs, backing away.


"What are you doing here!?" I ask pushing them towards the door, then I change direction and start pushing them toward my window.


"We came to bring you home! You're parents can't wait to see you." Chase says. My parents! I wish they would quiet saying that. "Also we didn't come in through the window."  I stop pushing. Looking at the stone he is holding up. "Every Elemental is given a traveling stone, when they are finished with training."  The black stone that's the size of a ping pong ball, in his hand is  to familiar. I turn away, running to my night stand opening the drawer. There it is. The same stone. I pull it out, and the both smile.


" I was told it was in my pocket in the car accident." I say. "Althoug... maybe I wasn't in a car accident." I whisper. Flora sniffles, reaching out for me Hugging me, but I'm not complaining. Wow, what if they are telling me the truth?

Chapter 3- Welcome Home (Lyra's POV)

 They showed me each a couple times all I had to do to travel to Spridge. I couldn't believe my eyes, no wonder they could disappear and appear so fast! In the blink of an eye they were gone, and then again they were back! They told me to ty it a couple times, with just going to my closet. All I had to was hold the stone, and think of that area. I wondered before why it never worked, if I ever tried it. Flora explained that I actually have to believe the power is there for it to work. I did now.  Gripping the stone in my left hand, I thought about the inside of my closet. Clothes hanging, and shoes all over the floor. I feel a weird tingle go through my body, and I feel like I'm being stretched by a taffy  puller. It doesn't hurt at all, and the next thing I know I'm standing in my closet!  I covermy mouth the keep from yelling of both pure excitment and pure fear. The stone really does work! I open my closet door slowly, and they are both smiling at me.  Coming out and wearily walk up them. 


"You said my parents were alive?" I whisper, and Flora squeels. Grabbing my hand, explaining to me that since I can't picture Spridge she'll take me. As long as I'm holding on to her and my own stone, I'll go with her.  "I'm ready." I whisper. Seeing my parents, learning I have powers, my past! I'm ready. I close my eyes, praying that if this is a dream I never wake up.  I feel the weird tingles running through me again, and the pulling. Then my feet are back on the ground, I can grass, tickling my ankle where my converse don't cover my feet.  Obviously we went somewhere. My eyes flutter open, and I see a completely different setting then my room. People walking from building to building, house and what look like appartments. A flowing river behind us that has a huge bridge, to go across to get to the other side. Horses, pulling wagons, and dogs running around chase cats with kids chasing after them. It's looks like a place from a fairytale. It's all modern day looking other then the horses, some people have phones, tablets, and ipods. They're dressed like in normal stuff too, no old times, and suits of armer.  Every once in a while I spot people using the traveling stone, but not very many.


"Flora! Chase!" An old women cheers walking towards us, her arms open. I move back, avoiding the ladies hug.


"Hey Grandma!" Flora says hugging her, and i just made out Chase's mumbling words. Pulling away from each other Flora grabs me, shoving me at her Grandma. "Grandma, we found her!" She says hugging me again.


"I found her." Chase corrects her, I look at the women who is looking at me like she is seeing a ghost.  I inch back, but her arms shoot out gripping my tighter then the blood presure wrap things. She is now smiling, and holding me close. Talk about awkward.


"Lyra Castir! My my where have you been all this time?" She holds away at arms length looking me up and down. "Don't tell me you don't remember me, you always said I was your favorite teacher." She smiles, and I don't know what to say. I don't remember her, but she just said teacher. . . so maybe she taught me english... or what ever they teach her.  Flora behind me clears her throat laying a hand on my shoulder.


"Grandma..." She begins, but doesn't know what to say. I don't either, we both look to Chase. Sighing he scratches his stomach.


"It's Lyra yes.... but her accident was worse then we thought." He starts, her grip on my arms tightens. She stares me now horror struck.  "We brought her here to so she could meet her parents. That's it."  He says, and her hands completely drop from me.


"You... lost your memories. Of me? Of.. Of Spridge?" She looks at me. I don't move, what the hell am I suppsoed to say.  Sorry I don't remember you or this place? That seems rude.  "Yes.. yes of course take her to her parents. Maybe Garret can help her." the lady says turning the three of us around pushingmore into town.  I look around like a child at Disney World, this place is so cool! Farther up the road, there is a gate and hill leading to castle. The royal family.  Flora is telling me, what everything is and introduces me to other older people. Apparently teenager don't just walk about the town like their parents. They're either at home, or in the Flappers, the place for teenagers to hang out. Walkinkg through town I get stared at.


"It' been two years... everyone though you were dead." Flora whispers, as I start getting more and more stares.


"I've been missing since I was 13?" I ask them, and they nod.


"You're birthday is in two days." Chase says trying to lighten the mood. I nod knowing that already. I'll be 16, and the party, Tatum's party! I actually get used to the stares, as we make our way deeper into the city. . . it's a lot bigger then a town. Finally they stop, at ahouse that looks like something back in Gone with the Wind. Queen Anne style house, the onyl reason I know that is because I had to do a project on House styles like that.


"Does my family have money?" I ask, then wish I hadn't. What if there's didnt? I feel horrible.


"Most familys do. Whether they own a business, or breed animals, work for the royals. There is no poverty here." Chase says, my jaw drops again. No poverty? Meaning money isn't a problem here, no homeless or bums? I like this place more and more. "Our familiy, and yours work with the royals." Chase adds looking down at me. "Elementals." That's right I can apparently do some type of magic. Flora practically has to carry me up the stairs, I'm frozen. I might be meeting my parents . . . who I was told were dead! Two years, that's a long time to think you lost someone. Flora knocks on the door, shoving me behind her. It swings open, and I take in a deep breath.


"Frederick." Flora greets, I want to peek over her shoulder because I thought they said Garret. Neither of them ever mentioned a brother either.


"Flora, what is it? The Castir's aren't in the best of moods . . . you know, it's just a bad couple days for them." He sighs, I hear a creaking sound. Maybe he leaned against the door, by his voice I'm partly sure he is our age. The Castir's! It's nice to hear other people have my last name. It's not common at all.  It must be a Spridge name.


" will be the best week of their lives!" Flora squeels unable to keep her calm,  I peek over her shoulder... yes she is a lot taller then me. She is at least 6'2! I'm like 5'6! I see a boy who about the same height as me, standingin the doorway leaning against the door like I thought. Brown hair, and more muscular build. Not to bad looking.  Digging the dark colored hair. His eyes meet mine, and he backs away grabbing the door.  I shrink back, oh shit, maybe I shouldn'y of looked.


"Is that. . . " He whispers, and Chase grabs my elbow pulling me out from behind her. "Lyra." He gasps, still gripping the door.


"Careful what you say Fred, she lost her memories." Chase warns, and he lets go of the door. What could he have said that would upset me?


"How do you know it's even her?" He asks, stepping out onto the porch. Closing the door.  Launching into how he found me, Chase explains how hard it was. Then he tell him abut when he first talked to me... and the pepper spray. The Frederick guys laughs at that, yet while he is telling the other parts he isn't happy.  He isn't happy I'm back, I guessing that's it. "Does she have that birthmark? Did you think about checking that?" I hear part of their conversation. Birthmark? Wow, some dream! I think about the mark on my shoulder that looks just like a cloud, or at least thats what people tell me it looks like.


"You can't just ask someone if they have a birthmark, some people might take offense to that." Chase sighs, glancing at me.


" What if it's not her? What do you think Molly and Garret will go through. How much trouble you'll be in for bringig a mortal here. " Frederick fires back, staring at me. Something is in his eyes, almost like a pain.


"I-" I clear my throat. "I have a birthmark." I say, and Flora and Chase look at me. " On my shoulder," I touch my shoulder, pulling down my sleeve.  I hear Flora squeel again. Best dream ever. The door swings open out of know where.


"Frederick, what are you do- Oh my god!" a small blonde woman says. Her eyes glazing over ready to burst into tears. Yelling for a Garret, she starts crying. But doesn't move. Flora pushes me closer, I'm still holding my sleeve down so the birthmark is still being shown. She is hugging herself bawling her eyes out. Her bleach blonde hair blowing in the breeze. A man walks into the picture a couple seconds later brown hair, oiled back. Brown eyes, tall compared to the woman. He wraps his arm around her, asking what's wrong. Looking where she is looking, at me. He gasps pulling her closer, covering his mouth with one hand. Oh shit. It's them. Molly and Garret. My parents! Pulling the sleeve of my shirt back up, I clear my throat. Do just say hi mom and dad? I mean I don't remember them, so I feel awkward. The woman steps closer to me, holding out her hands. Reaching for me like I might disappear, I can see resemblance. I got my height from my mother, my eyes from my dad. She stops, right before she touhes me taking in a deep breath. Her hands cup my face, and a tear slides down my face. She wipes it with her thumb. "Lyra." She sobs pulling me into her,her arms scrablling all over my body checking to make sure I'm real.


" hmmm . . . Mom.." I say, it's funny to say. She sobs again at the sound of my voice, and Garret . . . my dad comes out of the house as well. Looking my in the eyes, Tears well up in his. If he starts crying I'll start crying. He sniffles, wiping his eyes as if he heard what I was thinking.


"Our baby!" my mom is still crying.


"We should take this inside." My dad says, pulling Mom away, and I follow. Along with Flora, Chase, and Frederick. Chase hops into his story again, While my parents stare and hug and cook for me. Lots of 'hmm's' and 'oh wow's' are said, and lots of laughing at how many times Chase thouhgt he found me but didn't. Then tears when he gets to the part when he did find me, also getting to the part where I have no memories of this place or them.  "You don't remember us . . . at all?" Garret asks, I look at each of them. I see resemblance but nothing that rings any bells.


"I..." I begin.


"She doesn't remember anything." Frederick says, getting up and leaving the room. He seems even more adjetated then before. He really dislikes me.  I watch him as he goes, wishing I knew why but that's what happens when you loose your memories.


"Could you.... possibly.. tell me what happened?" I ask, everyone in the room. "It wasn't a car accident." I say wearily looking at Molly and Garret. Everyone in the room looks at Flora, and she gulps.


"Why don't we talk about something else!" Molly says, "We can show you back around the house... and we can get to know each other better." She says scooching to edge of the couch.  I nod, sure. I don't want to upset my parents my first time seeing them in three years, and I'm guessing talking about what ever happened must be hard to talk about. Why they all looked Flora though I don't know.


"So... how are you powers? I remember seeing you practice, so sure of yourself,   graceful."  Garret says  after a couple minutes of silence.  My powers, so I do have some. That's cool. What are they? "You don't know." He sighs. I smile slightly.  Molly gets off the couch walking out of the living room, and I take a minute to look at pictures.  There is a fire place with a big family potrait on the mantal. Molly on the left, Garret on the right, and me right in the middle. "That was taken a month before the accident." Garret says, and then he grabs a photo next to him it's Frederick and me, standing side by side smiling holding toy swords. The word brother crosses my mind again, but if he was my brother wouldn't he be happy to see me? Maybe not, maybe we didn't like each other. Molly runs back in, with a dvd shovig it into the dvd player. Then rushes back to the couch, and sits next to Garret. He wraps an arm around her shoulder, and the video begins. It's me, I can tell by the hair eyes and voice. I look six maybe seven.


"You were seven when I filmed you." Molly sighs, smiling. "You begged and begged for me to do it so you could watch it yourself, and see what you were doing wrong." She says. I look back at the screen, Seeing little me stretching out and smiling at the camera.  My little voice saying I'm ready. Molly saying go.  I watch now in interest, as little me holds out my left hand,  fingers cupped. The bowl next to my feet shakes, and up out of it comes ice cubes. Spreading my fingers the ice breaks into smaller pieces, and then my arm flies up sending the ice in the air. As it drops, I hold out my right hand now, catching all the ice in mid air. Then little me makes a fist, and it all forms one huge ice cube. Pulling back my arm, and then punching the ice goes flying into a tree.  I hear Molly cheering, and  I'm staring. I control ice?  Some where in the distance  phone rings, and Garret gets up answering it.


"So... I control ice?" I say, trying to not sounds like kid in a candy store. I want some one to get a bowl of ice now, so I can try! I leave that part out.  Molly laughs, she can tell I"m excited "I'm like a bender!" I say realizing that I can bend ice! Again Avatar the Last Airbender! Flora is like Toph! Of course, elementals control the elements.


"Yes, you could make is snow in the summer and freeze a popsickle in a second." Molly laughs, "Flora has the eath element." She gestures, and flora touches the planted pot next to her humming and it blooms up turning a brighter green. 


"Wait though..." I say, thinking hard. "Why does she hum? I mean, in the video I just help up my hand." I say, and Molly looks happy to explain. I'm happy to learn.


"Depending on the person, Flora is very musically talented so when she was born her magic flows through her with music."  Flora is blushing at the complement. "Sierra Has to have one arm pointing at the sky, so she can access the electricity. Asia has to do special dance like routines depending on what she is trying to make the water do. Janessa has to close her eyes,  picture what she wants fire to do." All girls. All the names she just said, were all girls... or at least to me  they sounded like girl names.  So there is water, earth, fire, electricity,  and ice.  No air?


"What about air? I mean in Avatar they had water, fire, earth, and air." I question, and everyone in the room looks to the floor. Oh, maybe not a good subject.  Way to go, I yell at myself upsetting them already!


"Bonnie.. she didn't make it out in time." Flora whispered, and everyone looked at her. The accident? Is that what they mean? She didn't make it out. . . so a fire?  "She has a right to know-" Flora begins, and Molly cuts her off.  She shushes, and Chase pats Flora's back. It must've been bad. The room stay quiet for a moment, and Flora is staring at the floor. I feel bad, I want to know what happened. She wants to tell what happened . . . so why not? Shouldn't it be my choice what do and don't hear?  I don't push the matter though.  Frederick walks back into the room,  sitting down on the chair across from me.  Looking at everyone in the room I familiarize myself with them. I want to remember this forever.  Chase is glare at Frederick I notice, Flora still staring at the floor, and Molly is wiping her face trying to stop the tears. Wow, my parents. My friends learning I have powers! Going back to Chase and Frederick I watch each of them, there must be something going on there.  I wonder what, I also want to know what happened to make Frederick hate me. Flora is still upset about not being ableto tell me what happeneed, which I understand. She wants me to know everything, I want to know everything!  Garret makes his way back into the room, not sitting down next to Molly.


"What's wrong dear?" She asks,  grabbing his hand. I notice him squeeze her hand, and she stands up. Somethings wrong. "Garret?" She questions. He looks around the room, stopping at me.


"Well... it looks like we are taking a trip." He says, staring at me. Oh, no.

Chatper 4- The Royals (Lyra's POV)

 Getting into the cute little horse thing that came to pick us up an hour later, I sit in the far back. Apparently news of me rising from the dead has traveled to the royals. The king and and quen  heard, and want to see for themselves. I hope that's a semi good thing, I mean I supposed to be an elemental . . .  so I protect the royal family. Molly sits next to me, gripping my hand in a s reassurring way. I'm nervous though I've never met a royal person, I don't know how to act around one! Do I bow?  Maybe they're really strict and scary, oh god! Wait though, if the elementals are supposed to protect the royal family, why isn't Flora there? I wonder if the others are there too, so I can meet them. Asia, Janessa, and Sierra . . . but I have meet her. Funny, we're all girls.


"Are all the elementals girls?" I ask, trying to get my mind off the royal family. Molly nods and Flora claps saying something about how girls are the more superior human, then chase has something to say to that. I wonder why girls, I mean aren't men really considered to be better soldiers? I'm not stereo typing now, but  I don't know. Chase and Flora are still argueing when the wagon things pulls up to the gates. The creek as the slowly swing open, and the horses move forward again. I really do wonder why they have horses and wagons till when they have phones and internet. Oh well, it's cute. I watch the road behind us, looking at the town of Spridge. Wow, it's all so real. I notice guards standing at the front entrance to the castle, yes castle. So, there is another thing from back in the old times. I was expecting something like the white house, but no we have a castle. I get off the wagon last, since I was the first one on, Chase helps me.


"Flora, the princess has been looking for you."  A guard says, I glance to Flora. Now serious, she nods and walks straight in. Chase follows, Frederick Follows, Garret and Molly grab my hands, and we follow. Once we arrive, Flora, Chase and Frederick say there goodbyes and see you laters. Molly and Garret lead me through hall after hall, staying quiet. They are unsure of what's going to happen as well. There are metal armors, and weapons, and all those fancy pictures everywhere as decorations. Statues of heads, colorfull carpets, in different rooms from what I can see from doors being left open. I get a look out a window getting a view of the most spectacular  garden Ive seen in real life. Holy poop, I woner how much there gardener gets paid. Walking past another window, I pause and look out the window.


"It's beautiful." I whisper, looking at all the colors and the shapes some of the bushes are in. I spot a group of people, who are walking casually throw the paths. Flora, Chase, Sierra, and another girl I don't know. Maybe it's Janessa or Asia? Although, Flora, Chase, and Sierra are just in jeans and shirts the other girl is in a nice, sky blue, elaborate sun dress with her brown hair done up in a pretty braided bun. I turn away from the window, ushering Garret and Molly to comtinue. My nerves are beginning to eat at me again. Please, be a nice king and queen, like the ones in Tangled . . . that disney movie!  They stop before a door, a couple minutes later. Oh god.


"Ready?" Garret asks.


"As I'll ever be." I whisper, playing nervously with my hands.  The doors swing open automatically, and I close my eyes. Take a deep breath, and follow Molly and Garret. Grabbing there hands so it doesn't look like I'm shaking as much as I really am.  I look around, I see the two chairs, where the king and queen would be sitting. Windows line the wall behind the chairs. Suits of armor line the walls to my left and Right, aong with the two guards standing one each side of the door.  A long rug leads from the door to the chairs, but  like I said before... No one is there.


"Oh Edmund!" I hear a women say, and then two grown up pop out of from behind the curtains on the left. What were they doing back there?  Then the man who I assume is the king and named Edmund, pulls the curtain back. and I see there is a door the lead to a balcony. The man has graying hair, and is nice built. In a suit. He doesn't look like a king, more like a business man. The women is blonded haired, with curls falling down her shoulders, in an elegant day time dress. She has a tiara like thing in her hair, but I assume it isn't the actual crown. I take in another deep breath, and the walk over to us, trying to not look at me. They each hug Molly and Garret, and finally look down at me.  "I didn't think it was true!' The women whispers covering her mouth, looking me up and down.  She grabs the kings hand.  "Oh... Lyra. It's so nie to see you again. We've arleady started our best doctors and scientist on getting your memories back." She smiles at me.


"That's is.... a I mean.. Thank you." I say, and she smiles more.


"It's alright dear, no need to be so proffessional." She says, wrapping her arms around me.  "Oh, Chaston will be so happy to see you again." She says. Chaston?


"The princess?" I ask, and she nods. I was friends with the princess?  That's good . . . I think. Doctors, they have people trying to find me a cure! What if they do? All my memories will come back, that's a good thing. Isn't it?  Although, it's kind of a cruel trick to play in a dream. I discretely pinch my arm, this can't be a dream though.


"-edding be back on? I expect invitations."  I catch half of what the queen was talking about. Edding? Wedding?


"Oh," Molly glances at me,   she looks at me when they're talking about a wedding?! "With the memory loss... we ah... we just thought we would hold off on that." Molly whispers, I still hear.


"Wedding?" I ask, joining forgetting about if this a dream or not. I'm to young to be getting married. Garret sighs, and rubs the back of his neck.


"You didn't tell her?" the king asks, and I look at him. Oh boy, did I just get my parents in trouble? I start playing with hands nervously again.


"She's lost all her memories, Edmund.  She doesn't know our ways, she knows human ones." Garret  says in my defense. Human ways? Yeah, they don't usually let 15 year olds get married! "Besides, Frederick  doesn't want to marry her with out her memories of her feeling for him." He whispers, but not quiet enough. FRECERICK! He was going to be my husband? Did I have feelings for him?  Oh god no wonder he hates me!


"Garret!" Molly smacks his chest, I wasn't supposed to know about Frederick and mariage either.  Just like I can't know about the accident. Placing my hands at my sides, I leave the room happy that we were still right next to the door.  Walking down the hall, I hear the door open again and Molly and Garret asking for me to stop so they can explain. I shouldn't be as mad as I am at them, but I hate them knowing things about my past and not telling me! Poor Frederick, and what is this they're having people do research thing about? I'm not staying! I told Chase and Flora I wanted to meet my parents and go.  Although, they're my parents! This is my home, shouldn't I stay here? What about Sophie and Melanie? I start to run, those two yelling behind me aren't helping me any. I run, and run, and run. I bang through a set of doors, leading my outside. The garden. It's even better in person, or at least better then what the window showed. Chase and Flora! They were out here before! Maybe I can fin them, and get my traveling stone back. Chase took it from me at the house. Running through the flowers and bushes my nose is attacked with different smells. Out of know where a dog that's litterally foaming from the mouth pops out of one of the bushes. I'm dead! Holding up my  hands, I scream. Then it's silent, the dog is gone! I open my eyes hugging myself, it got cold.


"Oh my god!" I whisper, looking at the frozen dog in front of me. It's frozen solid in a block of ice! Looking at my hands, I jump with excitement! My powers! Wait, did I kill it? I start backing away from the ice block, I don't know how to undo it! I don't know how I did it!  Running again, I see a fountain. Running to it, and stopping there. How big is this stupid garden? Maybe I'm just that slow of a runner! Touching the water, I sit on the edge. I was going to get married to Frederick,  I must've liked him a lot . . . probably loved him. I'm 15 though, I don't know what real love is!  I look around the whole garden, where could they be? If they went back inside I'll never find them!  I walk around the garden now, not really looking anymore. That's when I hear a girl laugh. Then a 'shhh' It's close, like on the other side of the bush to my left close.  Walking back the way I came and peeking to the left where there is a fork in the road I didn't take. There is a blonde haired girl, fake bleach blonde hair girl. Wearing a skimpy what I assume is supposed to a sun dress. Next to her on the grass is  a boy,  with dark brown hair,  and deep brown eyes. He is in a suit. He is very very VERY good looking!  The girl pushes her lips on to his, and pushes herself away. That was abrupt, and something I didn't need to see.


"Tell me one more time!" the girl attempts at sounding sexy, to my ears she failed. He throws his head back, smiling maybe but he doesn't look happy, white teeth shining. He spots me peeking! Oh shit! I move,  and speed walk away.  Oh wow, Lyra way to go! I hear noises behind me, and I think he is chasing after me. Damn, he is probably going to cuss me out for snooping! Making a sharp left into a small hole in the bushes, to catch my breath he appears.  "What is it? What did you see?" The girl asks next to him, trying to grab his hand. He steps away from her looking around.


"I thought I saw the Castir girl, but she's been dead for two years. It's not possible." He says, was that pain I saw in his eyes when he said my name? Should I com out and be like, yeah it was me! No! I stay put, and the two of them walk off.  God has everyone in this freaking town seen me!? Peeking out to see if they're gone, I slip out breathing again.  Running off the Find Chase. Speed walking, and on a mission I walk the opposite way then that boy and girl.  Hearing another girls scream, and a boy laugh I head that way. The boy was Chase! Running now, I leave the garden out in the open I spot a lake, and a dock. With teenagers on it. Chase, Flora, Frederick, and the other girl. Swimming! There things are sitting on the sand. Waiting a moment to catch my breath, I look for my stone. Spotting it laying on his shirt, I wait for them to all be distracted. I want to go home, not necessarilly back to Harris, but back to Earth! An undog like bark errupts from behind me.


I turn, the dog! Jumping away, and yelp. Making a run for my stone. The dogs chases after me, barking and something else that I've never heard! 


"Lyra?" Flora yells, and I see her and  Frederick running towards me, Chase is swiming out of the water. The other girl is frozen solid, staring. Reaching my stone, the dogs takees me tumbling on the ground. It's growling and dripping with slobber hvoering about my and holding me down. 


"Get off you freak!" I scream, trying to push the thing off of me. Then it flies up, and snow and ice falls on me. I just shot it! Good I hope it's  dead this time!  Scrambling to find my stone again, on on my hands and knees. 


"Lyra?!" Flora yells, almost to me. Finally I feel the stone in my hand, and I stand gripping it. Getting a good look at the one girl I don't know, she's crying. My bedroom! My thoughts go to my room, my bed and dresser and TV. Then I feel all tingly and then pulling. Back on my feet, I'm in my room. Dropping the rock, I fall to the floor. Bawling my eyes out. Why can't I just be normal!  No I just happen to like an alien or something! Glancing at the clock,  I get up after a while. It's 10:44 at night. Shower and then go to sleep! Leaving my room quietly I head to the shower. Then once I'm done I'm back in my bedroom. I fall asleep instantly.


I wake up to a Harris singing me happy birthday, like I normally do. Rubbing my eyes, I thank him as well as push him out of my room. Time to get ready for my last day of school, and my 16th birthday. Grabbing rnadom jeans from my dresser, and walking into my closset grabbing a shirt. I get dressed then straighten my hair, something I never really do. Then shoving on my Roxy slip ons, I head to the bathroom brushing my teeth and checking make-up.  I jump dropping my toothbrush when Sean practically knocks down the door. Picking up the toothbrush, and rinsing it. I leave the bathroom. He isn't happy or something.  Using a kitchen cup to rinse my mouth, I wait for Sean. Harris, is humming happy birthday cooking my special pancake breakfast that I wont touch. Remembering that I left my phone in my room, I head back up. Opening the door It bumps into something and I imediately apoligize thinking it's a person, but it's my room so there isn't anyone in there . . . or at least there shouldn't be.


"Lyra! You have to come back with us!" Flora says smiling when she sees me. Oh shit, no dream. Stepping away from her, I grab my phone.  "Lyra?" She asks.


"No." I say, "Flora I don't want to be with a bunch of liars and secret keepers." I say leaving her there in my room.


"Who were you talking to?" Sean asks, right outside the door. I freeze, who were you talking to Lyra!? Holding up my phone, I laugh slightly.


"Melanie." I say, following him downstairs and outside. Getting into his car, he actually tells me happy birthday. Arriving at school, he holds my elbow a second.


"I guess, since it's your 16th birthday. . .  I can bring you to that party." He says looking towars the school, my heart leaps.  I get to go to Tatum's party! What will I wear? I have nothing good, for a masqurade party! Skipping to the school still doped up on happyness, I meet Melanie and Sophie. Explaining what just happened moments before, we all talk about what we're going to wear. It's just the three of us sitting in math room, no one else.  I mean who wants to go to math early?  So it's nice and quiet. Looking up images on our phones,  talk about how we will even get the outfits/costumes. I wont be able to go shopping to get one, but the other cn maybe pick one out for me and bring it to my house.


Scrolling through the website of the towns store, that's actually a year round costume store, we find a couple cool masqurade dressed. Although, most of the girls invited probably went there and go there costumes there as well. Melanie and Sophie decide that they will go check right after school, to see if anyones bought any of them. So we waste another, 10 minutes  just messing around on the internet, of course nothing inapropriate because the teachers monitor what we're doing. Out of know where one there is a knock on the storage room door. We all jump, then put it off.  Then it happens again, and again. I get up from my seat. Maybe there is a window in there knocking things down. Opening the door, and switching on the light I'm greeted with Chase and Flora!  Shutting the door in there faces, I tell Sophie and Melanie there was nothing in there.  Once the bell actually rings, and the teacher shows up we play hangman, and and cards all period. I keep glancing at the storage room, even thought there is no more knocking. 


The student body is told to report to the auditorium, where we are going to all watch a movie that we all voted on last week. Turns out we're watching 42 The Jackie Robinson Story.  Taking my seat between Sophie and Melanie, and sharing my popcorn that I bought with them we chat through the previews.  Once the actual movie begins we hush, I focus on the screen. Half way through the movie gets paused, and there is a bathroom break. I just need to wash my hands that are full of butter. Leaving the bathroom, I get pulled into the science room across the hall by Chase.


"What are you doing!?" I scold, pulling my wrist from his grip. He looks frusturated, good he should be! What do they want anyways? The deal was I would go meet my parents, and I did.


"You're parents Lyra! They want you to come home, along with the Holt's and everyone else! This isn't your home! You aren't from here!" He says, not holding his handle at all. I feel a wave a guilt, I guess it was a bitch move of me to  see my parents and leave with out a word.  But like they said, I don't know there ways, I no human ones. I'm not supposed to be able freeze rabid dogs, and time travel with rocks!


"I just... " I sigh unsure how to continue, " It was a lot for me to take in." I lower my voice. "Meeting parents who were supposed to be dead, using powers! It's a lot for a human." I say.


"YOU ARE NOT A HUMAN LYRA!"  He yells, loosing it. Sending a desk flying, he takes a couple deep breaths. "You're an elemental! You belong in Spridge with your family, and the royals whom you are supposed to be protecting!" I back away, I've never seen anyone this angry. Only in movies and TV shows!


" Chase, I don't know what you want me to say." I whisper, clenching my hands into fists.


"What you should be saying is that you'll come back with me! Forget about this stupid human life you've been living, it's not real! Come home, and  learn how to se your powers again! Get to know your parents, and-"


"Marry Frederick, risk my life protecting some poeple I don't know, almost get eaten by rabid dogs, worry about fighting Drarkals! . . . Right? that's what you want me to go home to? I life of danger and death? When I can stay right where I am, and have a happy life?" I interupt him. He pauses, going through what I just said.


"You wouldn't have to marry Frederick." He whispers, sitting on one of the desks. I lean on the other across from him. "Those dogs, were going after you because they didn't know who you were. I'm sure the Holt's have reprogrammed them by now." He adds.


"Reprogrammed? Like computer?" I ask, he nods. "So you have computer dogs and internet, but no cars?" I laugh, and he sighs, with a chuckle.


"Lyra. . . " He begins, "I understand, it is a lot to take in. But it's your home, and your real family and real friends. We want you to be with us. You're right it is your decision.  It is dangerous, but you can always be retrained.  Please, Lyra. Just think about it." He says. Looking me in the eyes.


"Yeah, I will." I sigh, and then he is gone. Going to check on the desk he flung, trying to give my heart a couple seconds to calm down. It's broken, I can't do anything to help it. Heading back to the auditorium, I see Tatum talking with Sean.  Tatum seems to be scolding Sean, and Sean isn't fighting back he is taking it. That's unusual. They see me, and Tatums smiles waving. Sean is studying me, he can tell something is up. Waving bye, I turn into the auditorium, taking my seat. Hushing the girls who are trying to ask me where I was th past ten minutes.


Finishing the rest of the movie, and heading to my homeroom, I wait for the anouncement that will anounce it's my birthday. I'm dreading it actually. Maybe they wont anounce my birthday, even though they anounce everyones birthday when it's on a school day. Sitting quielty at my desk, Tatum walks in the room. Walking towards me, I sit up. His dark hair reminding me of the boy from yesterday. The one with the slutty girl, and the way he said my name.  Although everyone yesterday who said my name sounded a bit sad. That boy though, wow was he hot. He had bad taste in women though.


"Lyra. Are you coming tonight?" Tatum asks pulling over a chair and sitting next to me. Looking closely at Taum I see, he is still good looking. Although, compared to that boy he isn't much. Why do I keep thinking of that boy? If I'm going to be thinking about any of the Spridge boys it should be Frederick, and don't get me wrong he wasn't bad looking either. I don't think he wants, to marry me still, and I'm perfectly okay with it!  "Lyra?" Tatum breaks my train of thought. Oh right, back to Earth Lyra!


"Uh, yeah. Sean said he would bring me, since it's my . . . birthday." I sigh, and he smiles. "Speaking of Sean though, what were you two talking about earlier during the movie?" I ask leaning in a little closer. I do know that curiousity killed the cat, but I can't help but wonder.


"Oh." He says, I can almost see the tension his body gains. So, Tatum was scolding him? "I was.. yelling at him somewhat. Asking him to bring you to the party." He says, smiling.  He's lying. The thought hits me like a brick wall. Why though?


"The party.. hmm." I say, leaning away.  He sighs, and gets up.


"Lyra, just promise me you'll be at the party." He asks, and I nod. My body language must've given away that I'm mad.  Putting away the chair, he leaves the room. Glancing around everyone is whispering and looking my way. Gossip on the last day of school. Minutes later, we are dismissed to the cafeteria for lunch. Finding Sophie and Grae imediately, I tell them what happened with Tatum.


They both say I'm crazy and just trying to find excouse for me to not go out with him. It isn't even worth argueing with them about it. Taking my tray and going through the line for food, I try to think of way to get out of going to the party. Even though I did just promise Tatum I would go. I don't want to be with liars, or people who with hold the truth. Eating my meal and listening to the girls talk about shopping afterschool isn't a fun lunch period. It seems to go on and on and on. I get up dumping my tray, I see Flora peeking around the corner. I send her a glare and she whips away. Fumming, I head down the hall. What is with these people? I mean, I understand and I told Chase I would think about it.


"Look Flora I already talked to Chase." I say rounding the corner. Not only Flora is there. The other girl, with brown hair who was in that sun dress yesterday walking in the garden. "Oh. Hi." I say, turning to Flora, I'm not in the mood. "Also, you can't just keep showing up in my school. You might get seen!" I say.


"Told you." Flora sighs, looking at the girl. I get another good look at her, she is dressed in another exspesince looking dress. Her hair all done up. "Seeing you wouldn't help."  Flora adds, "Now we must get back before your parents find out." Grapping the girls wrist Flora, pulls out her traveling stone.


"Wait." The girl says. "Just let me look at her. I mean I thought shes been dead for two years, let me get a good look at my other best friend." She says, looking me up and down.  "Chaston.. Chaston ho-"


"I got it. You're the princess. Chaston Holt." I say, remembering what the queen said yesterday. Chaston and I used to be very good friends.  "Yeah, Flora is right. You should probably get back." I sigh, turning away. I feel tears come to my eyes. Why am I being mean to these people. All they're being is nice to me, and I'm being a total bitch. I want to live a normal human life, that's all. No dangerous job, no magical powers! I can't have that life in Spridge, I can here.


"Lyra wait!" Chaston say behind me. I stop, Looking back at her. "I heard there is masqurade here for your school year ending." She begins, if this is her way of telling me she'll be there I wont be happy. "I'll have Flora bring you a dress, or... a costume I guess is what you call them." She smiles. I smile back, god even though I was just a bitch she is still offering my a dress.


"Really?" I ask, and her smile spreads. "Thanks." I say, walking towards them. I hug them both. " I'm sorry I don't remember, and I promise I am thinking about it." I say, then turn away. I head back to the lunch room, all smiles and giggles. If Chaston really does give Flora a dress to give me, then I'll for sure be the only one wearing it at the party. I get questioned again when I sit down, and I just tell the girls that I over heard the cooks talking about hwo anoying they thought some of the boys at the school were. can exactly tell them, my friends from another realm came and promised to give a me a dress for the night. Although, just five minutes ago I wanted an exscouse to not go. I need to get my priorities straight. The rest of the day buzzes by, and I find myself running to Sean's car afterschool. Even though the party isn't until seven tonight. It takes Sean what seems like hours to get to the car, and even then I still can't hide my excitement.  He laughs, at me.


"I wouldn't be to happy." I he says, and I laugh.


" Are you kidding? I'm getting out of the house, and going to a party." I reply, and notice his eyes change for a second.  "What exactly is all going to happen at the party? You're the one that's been to parties before." I ask, intrigued.


"Hmm, a bunch of drunk teenagers, and the crowning of the royals, beer pong, strip poker." He creates a list. Crowning of the royals? I ask him what he means. "Oh, right.  Everyone at the party votes on who they think looks the best, and it's one boy and girl. They're crowned prince and princess. They have to dance and all that, like homecoming or prom." He says. Wow, I've always wanted to see one of those! Now, I'm even more excited.  "Lyra, just promise me one thing." He says seriously.


"Yes?" I ask, now I'm worried.


"Listen to what people say to you carefully. Don't agree to anything you don't want to." He says, oh god is he telling me to watch out for drunk boys?


"No worries Sean." I sigh, as he pulls up to the house. Running out of th car, I head right to my room. Nothing. No dress. Oh man, it was to good to be true. Leaving my room, I head to the kitchen I'm gonna eat my pain away.  Harris bought me a cupcake, and a bag of skittle! I grab them from the kitchen table and go back to my room.  I can't resist skittles, and a cupcake to cry with sounds good.  Why would I cry? I mean, I was mena to them, so why shouldn't they have been mean back?  My phone starts buzzing, and I answer Sophie's call.


"We found the cutest dresses," She shouts into the phone, without a hello.  Suddenly my day brightens. "But none of them are in your size, you're to danr skinny!" She adds. The rain clouds storm back in.  I almost hang up on her.


"It's okay. I'm su-. . .  Soph, I'm gonna call you back." I get sidetracked, Flora and Chaston just arrived by stone traveling. It's what they're each holding that really catches me. Hanging up, I look back forth between them. They have enough make-up and hair stuff that a fashion would need!


" Are we early?" Chaston asks, holding up the curlling iron.  I shake my head, the dress though, I want to see the dress. I can't. It's zipped shut in a bag protecter thing. Getting down to business they shove me down the hall the to bathroom. Amazingly Sean never popped his out of his room to see what was going on. Shoving me into the shower, tthe start plugging in the curler and some other hair untensil I've never seen. Oh boy, I pet through my hair. Praying it will make it through the night. Washing my body, and puttint the special products in my hair they gave me I take a five minute shower. Once I finish I wrap up in the towel and they get right to drying my hair. I don't think I even sit this still when actually hairstylist do my hair! It's intense watching the two of them work. Like a team, they know exacly what the other has planned. Maybe they talked about what they would do before they came. 


Pushing me back to my room, is when the real stlying begins. Turns out the had another curler plugged in ready to actually curl my hair, the one in the bathroom where just hair dryer of a different kind as Chaston tells me. I still havent seen my dress, which is driving me insane.  They start argueing about whether I need a corset of not. Chaston thinks I'm skinny enough, and Flora just wants to make my butt look bigger. In the end, one in which I'm thankful for, I don't have to wear the corset, and I get to see a bit of my dress.  I see the color blue. Blue looks good on me!


"No peeking!" Flora scolds, turning my back around. They had to look at the blue color one more time to make sure they knew what blue to use for my make-up. Aren't I getting a mask though? So eye make-up doesn't need to be so flashy, or what ever the word would be. They insist though, saying I wont alwats want to have the mask to my face They turn me away from my mirror, saying the rest will have to be a surprise. Another hour I sit, statue still while they do their work. Fixing my eye brows a little, more to my hair. I can't wait, to see. Then they have my shut my eyes, for putting on the dress, and make-up so I really can't see anything. Yes, I kept my eyes shut the whole time. I didn't want to ruin there surprise. Finally they both move away and everything goes silent.  They must be done!  they each help me stant up, I didn't need them to, but they did. Then flip me so I'm facing my mirrior, and the count down.


"One . . . Two . . . Three!"  They cheer. Opening my eyes, I almost cry. Peacock themed, I'm ina peacock themed masquerade gown. It's beautful. Ilsand blue colorinng, with green and sparkles. The dress strike me as familiar. I used to babysit one of Harris's friends daughters. She always watched a movie, a barbie one. Barbie and the Ilsand Princess . The dress Ro is in at the ball! Just like that. Accept instead of pink it's green, and the back has the crown of peacock feathers, that move like an actual tail, it looks amazing. Intracite designs, and color pallets! Looking at my hair and Make-up I'm taken back. I look nothing like me, I mean I do but.  wow! My eyes have the same blue and green, so when I blink of looks somewhat like ruffling bird feathers, and my white hair is done up in a curly bun. Then they hand me my mask, that straps around my head. Putting that on the look it complete. The mask it's self is silver, with a green rim, and lne beatiful blue peacock feather is attached, making it all tie in together. The silver, matches the sparkles pulling them out more. Holy cow, I wonder what Sophie and Melanie will think when they see me.


"Will you guys be stopping by?" I ask. After I'm  done starring at myself.


"We didn't plan on it." Chaston says, and I help them clean up there things.


"Oh you must!"I say, " I mean, even for a couple minutes." I tell them. I'm unsrue why I'm saying this, they wont know anyone but me, and if Sean see's them.


"Maybe.. If we come you'll know." Flora replies, Grabbing Chaston. Then they are gone. Glancing at the clock, I let out a breath. Then theres a knock on the door. Peeling off my mask, I open it an inch. Sean is waiting in a tux, and a black Zarrow mask.  He turns, and his jaw drops. He hasn't even seen my dress yet just my face. He stands up and away from the door. Gesturing that it is time to go. Opening my door all the way, I step out and he stares at me.


"That dress re-" He begins. I don't know what to tell him? If he asks where I got it? I don't know!


"Like it? It was sitting on my bed, Harris must've got it for me!" I say twirling, and he nods. Then we leave, without saying anything to Harris. Hoping into the back, he sighs gearing up the car. Once  we arrive at Tatum's I take a couple deep breaths. I'm at a party!  "Thanks Sean." I say he nods walking off into the crowd.  I text Sophie and Grace, and Sophie replies tell me to meet her inside by the staircase. I go inside and see one of the dresses she  explained to me over the phone. I hop over to her.  "Sophie?" I ask, and th girl turns to me.


"Yes? . . ." She is silent a minute, "Oh my god! Lyra? You look amazing! Where did you get that dress from, and your hair and make up!" She is in awe.


"Lets just say I'll be thanking Harris. You look amazing!" I say replacing my mask. " Have you seen Melanie?" I ask her, and she nods. but her face darkens and her eyes worry. she lifts her mask so I can read and see her face perfectly.


"It was weird, we were out shopping for dresses when she got a call. Then she just up and left, then I came here. I seen her talking with Tatum, and couple other people from school. She had on a really nice 1800's ball gown and mask."   She was with Tatum? Oh, well maybe I was reading different signs. Although she never ever talk to or about Tatum. Maybe she was a closet liker? We walk around, ignoring the offer of sleeping with boys, and drinking. No alcohol for me. We walk outside, through a little garden. No rabid dogs are in sight.  I laugh.  Although those dogs were aparently computerized! Talk about technology! Coming back to the real world I realize I've lost Sophie. I try and spot her bright pink dress in a mess of colors. Nope, I don't see her anywhere.


Walking around trying to find her, I get more and more stares.  What is there problem? Yeah, it's Lyra, boohoo get over it. I consider taking off my mask, maybe they don't know it's me . . . but my hair should be a dead ringer. Passing by the staircase for the third time, I figure Sophie must've got ick and left.  What else would have happened? Then I consider going up stairs, and looking in the bedrooms. Sophie isn't really like that, but maybe. I make my way up grabbing my skirt in one hand so I don't step on it, smiling to myself because it's something I've always wanted to do! Peeking into the bedrooms, with my eyes closed I ask for Sophie. Nope, not upstairs.  Descending the stairs, I can't hepl but smile . . . it's not everyday a girl like me feels like princess! I head back outside, it way to hot inside. Bumping into someone I imediately turn and apoligize. The greens eyes, distract me a second.


"Oh, Flora!" I say, and she smiles. "You look beautiful!" I say, and she does. Black ball gown and mask, it eally brings out her eyes.  "Where is Chaston?" I ask, and Flora pulls me to the side explaining how Mrs. and Mr. Holt AKA the king and queen hate it when Chaston and Sebastien leave Spridge. Sebastien? Must be the prince, or did I know that already? I don't recall hearing his name. I didn't see him yesterday in Spridge, I wonder where he was. "I can only stay for a seco- Lyra, who is that?" She stops mid-sentence, and points at a girl  a couple feet away. Looking at her  costume, I don't recognize her. The dress looks old style though, like 1800s. . .  Melanie? Looking more in the eyes, I can tell it's her. Wow, she really did it tonight.


"That's Melanie, she is one of my best friends. I haven't seen her all night until now!" I reply, still amazed at her dress. I don't thin kshe found that, in the costume store in town. Glancing at Flora, I can see her face is dark, scared almost. "Flora?" I ask.


"I must go. Lyra you need to leave now!" She whispers, and runs off. I still spot her when she pulls out the traveling stone, and she disappears. I need to leave? I sigh, if she is warning me maybe there is like an earthquake coming. We don't get earthquakes in Nebraska, at least none that I know off. I wish I knew where Sophie was. I start walking over to Melanie, it wouldn't be nice of me to not warn her. Then I freeze. Why was Flora perfectly okay . . . until she saw Melanie? I step taking mini steps backwards. I don't think Melanie saw me yet, but what is wrong? It's just Melanie! I sigh, I begin making my way through the house. Just leave. That's what my insides are telling me.


"Lyra." A boys voice says behind, Tatum's voice says behind me. Tatum! I haven't seen him all night! I turn, and I'm surprised to see The Phantom of the Opera. At least a costume on it. He knows how to work it to.  "You look lovely." He says, bowing and holding out his hand for me to take. LEAVE! My insides start yelling, why? It's Tatum, the boy you like! I yell back. Sighing with a smile I take his hand.  "You're dress is beautiful, it must've costed you a fortune for all the peacock feathers." He says leading me back outside, to the dancing area.


"Oh, I don't dance." I whispers, stopping. He smiles at me. "Two left feet, I'll break a bone." I laugh slightly.


"Come along, we must dance." He says, pulling me. "If you have two step on my feet." He whispers, and I nod. I'll be doing that. "Anyways, the peacock feathers?" he asks again. Jeepers what do I say?


"Melanie and Sophie, found them at that costume store in town. Said theye came with the dress, that was like 50-60  bucks." I sigh, "Are they real?" I ask him, and he nods. Looking around the dance floor a second. Well, I know Chaston likes exspensive things.  We dance, more like Tatum dances with me on his feet. He has no troubles, so I must not be to heavy! He doesn't even trip over my skirt!


"Lyra, I just wanted to say, I rea-" He begins, and my gut clenches. What could he be saying?


"Is this thing on? Melanies voice drifts over the music, which quickly mutes it's self. "Hello?" She says, and then the microphone squeeks a little. She clears her throat then hold up two envelopes. The crowning! Sean told me about this.


"Here we go." I here Tatum beside me, glancing at him I see his smile. He knows who it is, since it's his party I'm sure he does know.


"This years costume king is, the Phantom of the Opera!" She cheers in the microphone. I look at Tatum, that's him.


"What?" he says, and then looks around everyone looking at us. People must know that it's Tatum, the mask only covers a little more then 1/4 of his face. I clap and cheer for him as he makes his way to the stage, slowly. Telling everyone that he isn't suposed to win these things since he throws the parties.  Once he is up there,  he grabs the crown, and holds it in his hand. He doesn't look like he's putting it on. I laugh.


"Hush," Melanie says into the microphone, and everys cheering comes to a halt. I bet it's her who won, or maybe Daniel. I seen her costume when I first arrived, she was very pretty to. Her dress is red, and mermaid styled, and her mask looks like flames. It reminds me of Katniss Everdeens red dress she wears that has those fake flames. Accept Daniel's dress doesn't have the fake flames, if it did I'm sure was garuanted to win though.


"This years costume queen is," She takes a second longer then needed to open the envelope, keep suspense in the air.  "The Peacock Princess." she cheers, I look around, I wonder who that is. Then a bright light shines in my face. Oh, that's me! No, oh no no no!  All of a sudden selfconcious, I try and back away from the light. I hear people cheering for me to go up.  I catch Tatum's eyes, which are dazzling with excitement. I send him a look, and he shrugs with a smile. He planned this! Making my way up the little, stage I hold up my skirt a liitle.  Last thing I need is to trip, walking in front of everyone! Once I'm there, Melanie puts the crown on my head. She winks at me. I try not to frown at her. She hasn't talked to me since I got to the party, I wonder why? I mean I didn't see her until a little while ago, but from what Sophie said... I don't know I guess. Wow, I'm royalty for a night!


"What are the odds?" Tatum laughs. I look at him, and he smiles again.


"Now it's time for the King and Queens dance!"  Melanies cheers. Oh no.  I look at Tatum, and he understands. He grabs Melanies hand and whispers something to her. Melanie should no I can't dance though.  "How about we don't do the dance this year?" She asks the crowd, and there isn't a response. So Tatum and I don't have to do anything? Good!  "How about we do. . .  King and Queens kiss!" She yes, and the crowd erupts into a roar of cheers. I'm happy I have a mask, no one can see me blush. I'm not kissing Tatum, no matter how much I want to. I glare at him, I bet he planned all of this.


"I didn't do that! I asked her if we could just pose for the pictures, because my foot is bugging me." He says, pleadingly.  I sigh. The crowd starts chanting kiss her over and over again.  I look at Melanie for help, but she is chanting as well. Oh, fiddle sticks! "We don't have to... " Tatum says.


"No, then we'll get made fun of." I reply. It's still my first kiss, . . . well probably not for real. I probably kissed Frederick. NOT THE TIME! I yell at myself, it will be my first kiss I remember. I sigh, stepping closer to Tatum. He is relaxed, and calm. I'm the oposite. He's probably kiss dozens of girls.  He places his hands on my waist, and I put mine on his shoulders. He is tall, I have to be on my tippy toes to make eye contact.


"Ready?" he whispers, pulling me in a little closer.  I give a brief nod, leaning in. That's when the shriek comes from the crowd, and then more. Then people appear, in armor suits and wepons from old days. Tatum nexts to me tenses, and I can hear him swear under his breath. How did all those people just appear out of know where? . . . Traveling stones. Another group appears, and I recognize some of the people. Flora, Sierra, and couple other girls. One has flame red hair, and the other has jet black hair with the britghest blue eyes. The other elementals?!


Tatums grip on my tightens, and the soldiers stand in ready to fight positions. People are clearing out. Accept there are a couple people here and there who stay put,  and the watch the soldier. Melanie being one of the people who stays put, and I spot Sean running up the stage.  The other who stayed start making there way closer to the stage. I spot Molly and Garret next to Flora, and I take a step what are they doing here?  " I need you to stay put Lyra." Tatum scolds, pulling me back.


"But  I know them." I say, and he looks at me for a second. His face darkens, and he snaps his fingers. Sean appears at his side.


"Sean, have you not been watching."  He scolds, smacking him upside the head. Sean's nose splatters out blood, I gasp, jumping away.  What is this?  The king appears, and yells for the soldiers to march on.


"Lyra is up there!" Flora yells, and I catch her eye


"Tatum, let me go." I say trying to push through his grip.


"You couldn't have waited three more minutes." Tatum says, to the king.  "Well, you are still to late. She is mine now." He says, electricity starts knocking down my classmates. Sierra! I'm almost crying. I want to use Tatums body as a shield so I don't have to look, but from what I've heard he doesn't seem to be the good guy!


"I'm sorry, drarkal prince. But the girl, will be coming with us."  The king smiles, and disappears. Did he just say drarkal prince?  I struggle in his grip.


"Now now Lyra, we were just having a moment!" He sighs, still holding me.


"You! You kidnapped me!" I begin.


"It wasn't me personally. Melanie and Sean where the ones who actually kidnapped you."  He says, like he is teaching me a lesson. MELANIE! Melanie, who I thought was my best friend, kidnapped me!


"What happened.... to me? My memories?" I whisper, and Tatum put his chin on my head. 


"Now that wasn't us, we found you like that. Of course we used it to our advantage." He says, I thought there was some big battle that I got hurt in?!  The fountain in the garden bursts, and it starts raining everywhere. Then lightening starts falling and coming from everywhere, It's a full on battle field! I knife swings by my face, and  hits Tatum in the shoulder. I cover my mouth with my hand. Screaming.  Looking for who through the knife I spot Frederick, who is ready to throw another.  "That hurts." Tatum growls, pulling the knife out thats cover in black goo. Not red, black.  Another one buzzes by but Tatum dodges it, letting go of me in the process.  I run, and Sean  reaches for me. Tripping over my skirt, now of all times, I hold my hands up to try and push Sean away. He flies backward, with snow following him. On my but now, I scurry to get up. Tatum is walking towards me, and I hold up my hands again. Nothing happens.  A knife connects into his side, and he jerks it out again. How many can he be hit by a knife and not die?! Black goo oozing from there now two places, he reaches down for me.


"No! Don't touch me!" I scream, and  wild gust of wind comes from behind me. Also sending him flying. Then out of know where Flora appears in front of me, and then I fell  tingly and that pull. I"m in a room, a bedroom.  "Where am I?" I ask her. I'm still on my but.


"Your house." She replies. Oh yeah, this is my bedroom. . . at Molly and Garrets house. I open my mouth with a bazilion questions. "Not now." She replies, and vanishes. Leaving me alone. Bringing my knees to my chest, I cry.

Chapter 5- Story Time (Lyra's POV)

 Everyone is sitting in Molly and Garret living room, and I mean everyone. Molly, Garret, Mr. Holt, Mrs. Holt, Flora, Chase, Sierra, Chaston, Janessa, Asia, Frederrick, and that boy from garden. I, on the overhand, am just peeking around the corner and watching all these people.  They expect me to come out, so they can explain. I understand must things perfectly in my head!


1. Sean, Melanie, and Tatum are drarkals . . . Tatum just happens to be the prince too


2. I didn't lose my memories figthing drarkals . . . Tatum said they found me like that


3. I used two elements last night . . . Ice and Air . . . I shouldn't be able to do that


I stop myself there, no need to freak myself out anymore then I already am. Who do I believe though, I mean with Tatum being evil it's like well obviously he is the one lying, but last night he did say that they found me that way. I don't know who to believe both  sides have already lied to me enough. Leaning against the wall, I take a minute to clear my thoughts. If I go out there I need to have an open mind. What if they just lie to me more?


"I have to tell you, Molly Garret," The queen speaks breaking the silence. "We have found someone who might be able to help with her memories."  I scouch closer, my memories!?


"Oh that's just perfect." Molly sighs, "We'll get our little girl back."  In my stomach I feel a ball forming, and I feel like I'm about to barf.   I'm still her little girl, memories or no. I can't cry anymore tonight, I don't want to. But what she just said is tearing me at the seams. Pushing away from the wall, I walk back to my room. Going through everything to try and find my traveling stone. Flora hid it from me, not very good, but she still hid it. I find it under my matress. Gripping, it in my hand I think. Where do I want to go. Not back to Harris, although I need to get out of this dress. My bedroom at Harris. I appear in my room, quickly changeing into jeans and my black hoodie.  I let down my hair and then brush through it, with isn't has hard as I thought it would be. Then I braid it, flipping up my hood I grab the stone again. Now where? I can't stay here, what if Sean comes back? Before I go, I remid myself to wie off my face. Getting rid of the make-up I grip the stone.  I'm hungry, I'll go to the cafe by the park. I grab the $30, I had sitting n my desk and go.


"Isn't it a bit early for you to be out?" the waitress asks me, as I sit at the bar.


"No, I just finished babysitting.  Had to walk home.  I was going by this place and decided that some good breakfast would be nice." I say to her, and she s gives me a menu.  I eat with out other distractions, then leave after paying the bill and leaving a tip. Now what to do? I head over to the park, sitting on a swing I look at the sky. The sun is about to come up. It's been a long couple of days, I don't know if I believe all of this really happened! I mean it must've, I couldn't still be dreaming not after what happened at Tatum's party. Knife throwing, and power using. I'm wide awake, none of this has been a dream. I really am Lyra Castir the elemental!


I watch as the sun slowly rises, it's beautiful. Something I've only seen from my window, which faces the oposite way so I don't even really see the sun. I remember reading books that have the characters watching the sunrise. It always sounds like the coolest in the world to see, and I guess the books exxagerated a little. It still is a nice sight.


"Whatcha doing all alone so early in the morning, little girl?" A mans voice says behind me. How does he know I'm a girl? He can't see my face or hair? My jeans maybe, but my sweatshirt is a guys, I remember Tatum gave it to me on a school trip because I was cold. Tatum, the evil drarkal prince. I stand up from the swing, I want to run but that seems wrong. What if it is just a guy worried about me being out so early?


"Ah... I wanted to watch the sunrise. Never really seen one." I say, looking at the man. He isn't  old and creepy, or creepy at all. He looks like your everyday average dad. Short brown hair, jeans, nice dress suit like shirt on  with the sleeves folded.  What's he doing out here though? Law and Order SVU passes through my mind, and I shiver. Oh yeah, not all rapist and creepy guys are old and ... creepy!


"I'm not a fan of sunrises personally, they tend to give me head aches." He sighs, folding his arms over his chest. Okay, well thats my que to leave.


"Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I should probably get back to my house now though." I say waving. I turn and start walking. Before I'm completely out of the park I turn looking for the man, he isn't there. Okay, now I run. . . smack into somebody.  "How did you .... when.... ah.. what?" I stutter, back away from the creepy fast man. He smiles, and  almost have a heart attack.  "You're a vampire..." I sigh, like it's normal. He even looks confused.  My mind and body scream run, but obviously he will be able to catch me.   "Of course... when I find out I'm some weird alien like thing, vampires come for me!" I begin ranting, trying to keep myself  from screaming.


"Alien? That's a new term. You consider yourself an alien?" he asks leaning on the tree next to him. so, he knows that I'm not human. He can probably smell it or something, but wouldn't that be a werewolf? Are those real to now though? 


"I don't know. I mean I didnt know that I wasn't hu- why am I telling you this? You're going to eat me!" I say, ranting again. He laughs, I pause. Oh great the vampire is laughing at me!


"I see what he sees in you."  He sighs, looking me up and down.


"Who?" I ask, ranting pushed aside now.


"I work for prince Tatum, he sent me to find you. Report on your where abouts, and try and bring you back with me." He says, getting off the tree.


"Oh, Tatum sent you. He couldn't just come himself, I'd have a harder time saying no." I sigh turning and walking.  "Peace!" I yell, and keep walking. Then he is next to me in a second, oh why me! "You saw me, so you can go tell Tatum, I'm fine." I growl.


". . . and I will. I'm just trying to figure you out.  I mean, haven't your friends and family warnned you about drarkals and vampires and all us other 'bad guys'?" he asks. I sigh, oh boy.


"No not really. I didn't even know Tatum was a 'bad guy', as you put it, until last night. Also I understnad he is supposedly evil, but the past two years he has been a normal teenage boy, and he's been good. Nice. Or maybe that was just what I saw." I begin babbling. "He was probably just acting so I would kiss him... what ever that was suposed to do.." I start up again.


"They really didn't tell you anything." he interupts, I nod. " If an elemental kisses, prounounces their love, marries, or anything around those natures to a drarkal they a changed to dark. . .  the bad guys side.  You'll still be you, but you wouldn't be bound to the royals, or your family. You woul join the drarkals, as witches and warlocks." He informs me. I'm learning more about my people in five minutes with this guys then I did a whole day with my family!


"That makes since, but why didn't Tatum just use my memory loss as anvantage then? Just lie and say oh we were boyfriend and girl friend. Or say something about marriage?" I ask aloud.


"We may be evil, but it doesn't mean we don't have feelings. Whether it's hate, embarassment, love. We still have attractions to other people, we just are unforgiving and bitchier then you guys.  Like, the whole entire bible Jesus story, with the sins and asking for forgiviness.  We don't forgive so easily."  The he is explaining this makes total since.  I don't understand what the difference is though, because I'm sure there is someone in Spridge who is a flat out bitch, and that doesn't make them a drarkal. "Of course..." He adds, here we go. "Powers and true nature I guess have something to do with it as well. Drarkal powers are more evil, and so are vampires and witches and wizards. Like take a vampire for example. We run around sucking peoples blood, thats pretty evil.  Then take a healer, they heal things, using there powers to heal." He finishes.


"What if one switches? Like you said before, a vampire being good, or a healer being bad?" I ask.


" It does happen." He replies. "Healers when they go dark, can still heal, but they can also hurt. Start fires, shoot lightening, and jut plain out kill someone with a look. Vampires can change to good,   like they swear off human blood. We can live of special mixtures of different fruit juices as well."  I nod, hmm.


"Thanks." I say.


"For?" He asks.


"The history lesson. " I say walking away from him now. "Tell Tatum I'm fine." I add.


"Will do." He replies.




My brain is still buzzing. He didn't seem evil at all, but he was. The way he explained it though was good. It's not like they walk around killing people for fun.  Maybe some do.... but some humans even do that! I sigh, I've been walking around in the flower garden thing now for three hours.  I'm so bored and I have no place to go. Maybe to Sophie, I should tell her about what happened at the party. Although I can't. I'll go to Sophie's, maybe She'll let me shower and change into better clothes. Or at least wash these.  It takes me an hour to just to walk to her house, since it's on the other side of town. Once I get there I ring the doorbell, and she answers the door.


"Oh my god! Where have you been?!" She grips my arms pulling me into the house. "I've tried to call you, Melanie stopped by looking for you, Sean even!"  Sean and Melanie came here! I tense, pushing her hands off of me. I wish there was a way for me to sense if they set up traps but there isn't.


"when were they hear?" I ask walking around slowly getting a good look at everything.  She eyes me funnily.


"Around 3 A.M. They said you ran off before the party ended, and didn't know where you went." She whispers behind me. I laugh.


" I ran away my ass!" I say to myself.


"What?" She asks, oops maybe a little to loudly.  "Why are you all grubbing looking? and your hair has a gray tint to it, andyou pants and sweatshirt. . .  Have you been out all night?" She asks me.  I look for a clock, walking into the kitchen I find one. It's 2:43 P.M Saturday afternoon. I haven't really slept accept for when I cried myself to sleep for an hour.


"Sophie," I begin, I have to tell her she is my bestfriend. Although I wouldn't want to put her in danger.  "I learned something really bad about Sean, Melanie and Tatum. I can't say what exactly, but you can't trust them." I tell her.


"What? Why? Melanie is upstairs now, showeri-" She states.


"SHHHHHH!" I clamp my hand over her mouth. I mouth the word  Are You Serious to her and she shakes her head yes.  " I have to go!" I say,  running from the room. Why is Melanie here? Didn't Tatum no that his vampire dude found me already?


"Leaving so soon?" Melanie asks, at the bottom of th stairs.  I freeze, pulling my hand away from the door. Oh god.


"Melanie," Sophie greets walking in the room. "Lyra what is the matter?"  She asks me. I turn, glaring at Melanie.  She is smiling.


"You knew all along." I say to her. She nods.  "Everything was a lie." I add, and she shrugs. "What's that supposed to mean!" I yell, grabbing the vase of flowers next to me and throwing it at her. I hear Sophie shriek, and then glass breaking. My eyes never leaving Melanies, I can still see the black good oozing from her left shoulder. I almost got her head.


"That hurt a little bit." she sighs, and Sophie is screaming how mad she is at me from the kitchen where she is getting supplies to clean up my mess. She didn't see the black blood.  "I'm not here to harm you... or Sophie."  she says, as the cut bleeds. "I'm jut hear to keep an eye on you." She sighs, and then the bleeding stops. I gape the scar that's now there.


"Why?" I demand, grabbing the small marbe bowl that was right next to the flower vase.


"Tatum sent a bunch of us out to find you." She sighs, "It looks like I found you..." Now she is smilling. " Come on Tatum's going to want to see you're  okay."  she says holing out her hand.


"Bullshit I'm going with you!" I say,  kicking away glass from my feet. Just as Sophie walks in.


"Lyra Castir you put that down now!" she yells, dropping the cleaning stuff.  "Melanie you okay? I can't believe you throw a vase at her!" She says ready to smack me. I can't either, I mean to Sophie I must look nuts! "What is going on?" She asks, looking at both of us.  The front door behind me opens, and I jump out of the way.  "Dream boy?" Sophie scratches her head. Dream boy? Who is that? Why is he coming now of all times? I turn around, ready to push him out of the house. The bowl rops from my hand hitting the ground with a thud. It's Chase!


"Lyra, your parents have been worried sick about you!" He scolds, noticing me first. He was looking for me as well. I look at Melane and Sophie, they're staring at Chase.


"Parents?" Sophie asks, picking up the bowl I dropped. It wasn't broken!


"Chase, not the time." I warn him, he glance now at Sophie and Melanie. Freezing on Melanie, oh... so there is a way to tell if someone is a drarkal. "Chase no stop!" I say to late, the marble bowl goes flying towards Melanie. Sophie is screaming again, and Chase is reaching for me.  Melanies arm reaches up stopping the bowl. Holy shit!


"I've already got one scar I don't need another." She growls at him, wiping it back at Chase and me. I thorw up my hands, I'm going to die! Then there is  loud hud on the ground. I look, and I woop with exitement. I froze the bowl! 


"What the FUCK is going on!" Sophie yells at the top of her lungs, and we all stop what we are doing.  "My house! My friends... have super powers?"  She is freaking out.


"Chase!" I grab him and Sophie. She has seen so much already whats a little more. He understands, and then I feel a pull and tingle. Then I'm in the living room of Molly and Garrets house.  Sophie starts screaming her head off, and Molly runs in.  "Help her... like a sleep posion... or something to calm her!" I beg. She nods once then runs out of the room, coming back in a minute later. Giving her a small baby like bottle, Sophie drinks it all and then she is out like a light. "Finally..." I sigh, colasping on the couch behind me.


"Lyra Katherine Castir, where have you been?" Molly starts right away. I smile, it's the first time I've been yelled at by my mom.  "What on Earth are you smiling about!?" She asks confused.


".... It's what the... third or fourth time I'm seeing you and I'm already getting grounded.." I laugh and she smiles.  "Although... I'm gonna fall asleep soon... so maybe I should sleep then get grounded?"  I say, already dozing off. An hour of sleep isn't enough.




Looking from Molly to Garret to the Queen to the King, I begin to worry.  They're trying to decide on a punishent for me, from yesterday. . . running away. I couldn't have Sophie or anyone else in here with me either.  Just me and four adults! I twiddle my thumbs, I don't think I should get in any trouble really. I mean, Molly's comment set me off. Now though it doesn't bug me.  We don't know each other, and I haven't put in much effort to change that so . . . 


"Alright, Lyra," Rashelle (AKA the Queen) says quietly. I look at Molly and Garret one last time, please be something not totally horrible! Taking a deep breath, I meet eyes with Rashelle. "You will move back in with Molly and Garret." she begins. It's already bad, I was hopping for like a banishment type thing, and I know that sounds horrible but I don't want this life! I mumble quietly, and begin to stand up.


"I'm not finished yet." She orders in a silk voice, I imediately sit back down. "You will be retrained, in karate and on your powers.  Which includes going to school here." She throws in the last sentence nonchallantly. Now I stand.


"You must be fu-. . .  I mean-" I begin.


"I can guess what you meant." She smiles, oh shit. I'm pissing off the wrong person.  "Oh, one more thing." I growl under my breath but I don't sit. " You will see a specialist in the brain, everyday for a while until we figure out if we can retain your memories." She finishes.


"Yeah, because I'm not good enough for you without them." I tort, pushing away my chair. No way am I staying here.  "What do I have to do to get banished!?" I ask, pacing.


"Lyra. . . could you maybe just try it for a week or two. Then if you still have strong feelings about not wanting to stay. . ." Molly begins, but can't finish. She starts crying.  Oh now I'm the bad one.  I don't want to hurt there feelings, but she said it herself I'm not her little girl anymore.


"Ah... what your mother is trying to say is if you really don't want to be here . . .  with your real family and friends. . .  you can go back to Earth." He says, but for some reason he isn't upset at all. So, maybe he hopes I'll leave. "Although I think if you try you'll find you'll like it here, in your birth place." I was wrong. He is positive I'll stay here!  My mind is screaming at me to prove him wrong, but then that means staying here for a week. So what! prove him wrong, say your goodbye to Chase and Flora. Then get the hell out of here!


"Fine, two weeks tops." I say. Everyone in the room sighs. "School, Doctor, Training.... not to hard." I say. Then Molly and Garret lead the way out. "So... like can I redo my room? I'm not afan of all the pink and white." I ask hating the quiet. I know I upset them by asking to be banished, but don't they want me happy now matter what?


"Yes, you can redo your room." Garret says, and we turn the to left. I'm learning my way around! "Do you want to say goodbye to Flora or Chaston?" He asks a while later. I hesitate, should I. Probably so I look like I'm trying, but I might be here fore anohter 30 minutes trying to find them.


"Actually, no. Could we just go home, maybe have a nice meal. The last thing I ate was a plate of greasy gravy over biscuits." I sigh, remember the delicous taste of it. That was a day ago.


"Sure, what do you like?" Molly asks, and I actually smile. She didn't say something like 'I can my make your favorite' She is learning as well.


"My absolute favorite?" I ask, and the wraps and arm around me laughing. "I really really love mashed potatos with brown gravy, and coleslaw." I say. Not what normal people like, like chicken, steak, and sweets. They both stop walking and pause with them. "We playing red light green light?" I laugh slightly looking at them. Maybe they don't have the same food here!


"Mashed potatos and coleslaw." Molly repeats, I nod. She is going to cry, she scurries back to me grabbing me in both arms holding me in a bear hug. "You asked me to make that exact same meal every night for super." She whispers, and I feel tears myself.  Garret pulls Molly off a couple minutes later, and we continue our journey home.

Chapter 6- Awesome (Lyra's POV0

After I finish eating, I say my goodnights. I head up to my room, with my own bathroom! Ignoring everything, there is a tunel of light leading the bathroom. One of my very own! No sharing with two boys, just myself!  I walk in, and almost faint.  It's fantastic!  A nice porcelain sink and toliet.  Claw foot tub, with pink shower curtains and a shower head hanging from the cieling!  Holy shit, it's bathroom for a queen. I could live here, just switch out the shower curtain, and the towels!  Turning on the water, I watch it fall from the cieling. Beautiful.


Running out of the bathroom, and grabbing my ipod I left here the first day I was here. I press play on a random song, and get in. I have perfec hair soaps and body washes. Purple shampoo and conditioner is best for blonde hair, or in my case white. Then I have three different body soaps, Warm Vanilla Sugar, Japanese Cherry Blossom, and Lilac. I choose the vanilla one, and finished up my shower. Wrapping my self in the plushy pink towel, I head out to see what I have for clothes. No comfy shorts or tank tops. Night gowns. I have satin and silk night gowns.  Sighing I grab one, looking for bras and underwear. I'm gonna have to go through my wardrobe again. It's mostly skirts and dresses . . . in pink and yellow.  Grabbing the only sports bra in the draw I shove it on, then pull on the underwear. Maybe I could just sleep in this? No, I want to be a little more covered.  Shoving the night gown over my head, and pulling me arms through, I walk towards my window. Tonight was great, they told me stories about when I was younger. Funny ones and sad one. Like the first time I broke bone . . . which I apparently happened a lot. Closing the curtains over the window, I turn off the lights, and head to my bed.  Pulling back the covers, there is a gasp, and a flash of movement. I run the lights, and flick them on.


"Sophie?" I ask, my eyes must be playing tricks. What is she still doing here?


"Lyra! I was brought here, a little while ago. Dream boy said to make myself comfortable, and I did I guess." She sighs, wiping her face checking for drool.  She is a quiet sleeper, but drools a lot. 


"His name is Chase." I sigh, "How long are you hear for?"  I saying, Unsure what to do. Molly and Garret didn't say anything, so do I send her back home or let her stay? The bed is big enough for five people I don't see why she can't stay the rest of the night. Turning off the light again, I walk back to the bed. She stays standing in the middle of my room. "You coming?" I ask, getting comfortable. She rustles her way over to the bed slowly, pulling she blankets up to her chin like usual.


"Lyra." she breaks a long silence, I figured she'd start the questions soon.


"Yes?" I reply, getting all my thoughts together to begin explaining.


"Are you happy? Hear with your mom and dad?" She asks, and I am caught off guard. That wasn't what I thought she would ask me. I was thinking more on the lines of . . . 'what are you?' 'do you have super powers?' what happened earlier at my house?'.    What do I say? I'm not sure, but if I say that it might hurt her feelings in some way.  "Chase and Flora filled me in on everything, like about Tatum and Sean. You and your powers, and parents." She adds.  Chase and Flora? Why would they do that? Isn't that breaking a law or something?


"I . . . don't know." I whisper finally. "I don't know them well, and they don't know me wel . . . or at least the me with out my memories." I say.


"Yeah, Flora hinted that you had changed a lot." Sophie says.


"Did Flora and Chase tell you what happened?" I sit up, I don't even know yet!


"I asked. But they both jut acted as if I didn't." She yawns.


"Hmmm..  Oh well." I reply, and wait for her to speak again. She doesn't for a couple minutes. She must be asleep again.




I wake up to a loud pounding on my door, Harris already?  I sit up stretching, what on earth could he want school is over. I'm not at Harris's, I take note, Molly and Garret's house! Sophie stirs next to me as I get up heading to the door.


"There you are, sorry I just wanted to tell you breakfast is ready." Molly smiles, then looks at the night gown.


"Okay thanks! Also could we maybe do that shopping and redecorating soon?" I gesture to the gown. She laughs, and nods. I close the door, and shake Sophie awake. We go through my wardrobe trying to find something for to wear.  Laughing at what my style used to be like, we finally find outfits. Mine is a nice, but still me,  floral printed romper. Sophie slides into one of the many bright yellow sun dresses with white pokadots.


"Looks good with the black hair." I say, and we apply make-up fix up our hair. She curls mine, and does my make-up. Apparently I don't make myself pretty enough when I do it, so she is doing it for me. Of course she takes an hour to do us both, and once she is finished the smell of bacon is so heavy I could eat the air.  We run down stairs, and chow down. Sophie telling stories to my parents, and they are laughing  and compairing it to what I was like. I'm apparently not as different as they thought, just not as girly, prissy, and weak.  After a nice needed breakfast, Sophie has to go back home.


"Come back anytime Sophie!" Molly waves, to Sophie and me.


"I'll be back." I wave, I kind of have to be. I made a promise. I feel a pull and tingling, then We're in Sophie's bedroom.  "See ya soon?!" I ask, and she nods. We hug, and I wave bye one last time. then before I can change my mind I leave.  I appear back in the kitchen at my house, and help clean up breakfast. We talk about what we could do today,  and Molly offers to go shopping today. Once we finish dishes I let her get ready, and watch Garret head off to work. When Molly comes out to the living room, all showered and cleaned up  we head out. Harris would never let me do this, or do this with me so it's nice being able to pick out my own things. Harris just went out and bought things and I tokk them if I liked them if I didn't he reutrned them and got something different. Now I get to pick and choose myself!


"What about this?" Molly asks, as we enter a store that's just like Bed Bath & Beyond. Poiniting at a bedding set that is being showed on a bed. It's plum purple with small white stripes, and the pillow cases are a lilac purple color. It actually looks nice. I walk over to feel the fabric, I like my of a silky blanket, and sure enough it's made of pure silk! I love it, then I glance at the price.


"Well it's beautiful, but maybe something not so...." I don't know exactly what to say.


"Pay no attention to price Lyra." She whispers,  walking towards the isle that has the bedding in it. Okay, I guess. We find more bedroom things that go with the purples on the beding, and then head to the bathroom things. Molly and I pick out a japanese floral print theme for my bathroom, which include a new rug, towels, soap dispencer, toothbrush holder, garbage can, and wall decor stickers. Then we head out after the check out, and Molly doesn't let me see the price. She sends me out to the map, yes a map, there is a hufe square field with different stores and places. I look through the clothing columm, where should I go. All the store are ones that aren't in the human world, so I just have to take a guess at which ones sound like teenage clothing stores. I pick out a couple, and then wait for Molly to come out.


"Picture of Grace and Now were your two favorite stores." She notes as we're walking towards Picture of Grace. Once we get there I'm amazed by all the different styles they have. With what it's called you'd expect  dresses and high heels. But there is multiple different styles here,  punk rock and nerd to name a couple. I head right to the nerd shelves. I'm in love with the plaid skirts, and uniform looking outfits for some reason. I've always wanted to try a school uniform, just from watching TV  there are really cute.  I get a couple things for there, and then I do make my way to the elegant side, picking out  dresses more my styles now, and  getting comfortabe flats instead of heels.  Then we head over to Now, and I find a couple more outfits, and just normal pants and shirts.


"Thank you. So much." I hug Molly as we sit down at the smoothie bar. Sounds so cliché, but there is a smoothie bar here in the middle.


"No problem, I had a lot of fun." She smiles, and we order our drinks. "You know you're a lot more like you, then I at first thought." She sighs, once the waiter leaves.


"Am I?" I ask,  ignoring the little whispers I can here, behind me about how I'm back and not dead. I glance behind me, teenagers. They're my age, girls, and they are staring. I lock eye with the blonde one for a second.


"Lyra." she sneers my name.  For some reason I know this girl, she is familiar.  Blonde hair, sluttly outfit,  bad make-up . . . this is the girl I seen with that boy in the garden! I don't even smile to her. I turn around facing Molly again. Molly pretends she didn't see anything or she really didn't notice what just happened. I'm okay with it though, I myself don't know what for sure just happened other then a gil my age not liking me.


"Molly." I say, after a couple minutes of silence.


"Yes?" She replies, looking up from her drink. I decide to not ask her about what happened. I don't want to ruin the fun we've been having.  I glance at the person who is walking past us, he is holding a bag the says Books+.


"It's there a book store?" I ask, turning back to her. I sit up in my seat, almost jumping. She nods, and I get up crom my seat. "We must go!" We take our drinks, since they were put in to go cups and make our way to the book store. I've been waiting to read the Vampire Academy books, maybe they'll be here!  Pushing open the doors, I almost shed a tear. It feels nice to be in a book store, the school library really sucked, and never got new books.


"Go look around, I'll be over in the coffee shop area." Molly pushes me towards the shelves. I don't argue. Making my way through all categories, I see christian, si-fi, manga, non-fiction, and then I find teen fiction.  The catergory teen fiction has smaller categories in it, so I have to find where they keep the supernatural ones. . . if they even have them. I see the The Fault in Our Stars and  Divergent, those are good books I've already read them. I spot Twilight, and my anxiety gets higher. If they have Twilight they better have Vampire Academy! I spot Vampire Academy! Runny towards the package that holds all six of them.


"Thank you!" I squeel looking towards the cieling, gripping the books as if someone trying to rip them out of my hands.


"Shhh, trying to read." A boy whispers farther down the isle. I drop the books. I look down the ilse, there is a boy . . . sure enough.  All I see is a dark brown maybe it's black hair, and a book shoved in the face.


"I'm sorry, I just..." what do I say? I lean down, picking up my books I dropped.


"Got excited about books? Unlike most girls here."  He says,  with a sigh. "Lyra!" Shit, he knows me? I stand up, gripping my books. I stand back up, and wipe off the books as if there was dust. I don't know who he- Yes I do. It garden boy! Who was making out with the slut girl in the garden.


"Ah... sorry about ... the other day.." I blurt. Of course, I scratch the back of my neck. I don't want to look at him, but damn I was right thinking he was hot.


"That was you?" He asks, embarassed looking at the floor. I just nod, even though he isn't looking. Well awkward!


"Well... I'm sure Molly is wondering where I am, so it was nice meeting you . . ." I don't know his name.  I'll just leave it at that. I turn, and speed walk away. One I leave the long hall, I glance down. He is there staring at me, god who is that?  I find Molly talking to some girls, and when they see me they all squeell and hug me.  Introducing themselves, even though I didn't catch any of there names.  Grabbing Molly and dragging her to the check out we leave. 


"Hungry?" She asks me. I think about if a minute, and decide I'm not. "No, well how about we take all of your stuff home, and then we can decide from there?" I agree. Once we are back at our house, we carry all the bags inside. Then we clean out everything in my room,  and bring in the new! 


"Perfect!" I sigh, closing the last drawer in my dresser. Everything is in it's place now!  "I'm kind of hungry now." I whisper, and Molly laughs. We head out to the kitchen and I watch her cook something I can't pronounce. It's delicious though! Then I help with dishes, and we colaspe next to each other on the couch. We chit chat about small things like favorite movies, music artist.  Out of the blue a phone starts ringing, and Molly excouses herself. I hear a hello and that's it. A minute later, she walks out.


"I have to go to the castle." she sighs, slipping on her shoes again.


"Oh, how long will you be?" I ask her, and she shrugs. "Could I come?" I mean I'll go out to the garden, with a book. I just don't want to be here alone." I say, a little embarassed. Grabbing Vampire Academy, the first book in the series


"That is fine." she says holding out her arm for me.  I grab her elbow, and we walk out of the house hoping into the horse and coachmen that was already waiting for Molly. The ride is quick, and once we're there I head straight to the garden. I don't need to get lost in the castle. I find a nice spot, by some really good smelling flowers and I begin reading.  I could've just stayed at the house to read, but I really don't want to be alone. Here I know there is always someone even if I can't see them.


"Sierra!" I here a boy. "Can we talk about this later? The others are waiting." as the voice gets closer it gets more familiar. Frederick.  I haven't seen him in a while.  I bend the page in the book and get up.


"No Frederick. She is back, you know whats going to happen. Even if it's not right away, you two will get engaged again." Sierra says pissed off. I remember her, little eletric girl. "Besides, you're still atracted to her. I can see in you eyes." She growls.


"I thought she was dead for two years! Sorry." He retorts. "Sierra, I'm not into her anymore. Only you."  They are fighting. . . because I'm back? Right I was engaged to Frederick, and by the sounds of while I was away those two got together.  Sierra looks 12 though!


"So if the Castir's ask you about getting married again?" Sierra asks, and they stop right on the other side of the bush I'm next to.


"No. They wont ask me, I already talked to them." He sighs, and then Sierra grabs his hand, and they walk off.  Well, that was something else. I've never seen anyone fight like that.  Harris wasn't married, and Molly and Garret are happy . . . from what I see at least.  Remembering that they said the others were waiting, I follow behind them. Then I can here the other laughing talking. They're at the sand bar beach place.  I spot, Frederick, Sierra, Flora, Chase, and Chaston. There are two other girls there who I remember from the party. One with blue eye, and the other has red hair. I should go out there, say hi. Although maybe I shouldn't. I wouldn't want to cause more problems for Sierra and Frederick.


"Spying are you?" Garden boys voice whispers behind me.


"Ugh, no." I sigh, glancing. I had to look, how could I not. "What are you doing here? Waiting for your blonde?" I sigh, moving away from the arch that lead to the beach.


"No actually." He says, and I note that he is now wearing a suit again. "I came out to spy on people like you." He smiles, and I blush a little. I wasn't spying, but I guess it some kind of way I was.


"Well, I'm afraid this spot is taken." I grin, and he gives me a mystifying look.


"So now you admmit to spying?" He  interogates with a playful grin. A blush starts creeping up my face, and I push it down.  I think he is flirting with me, but that blonde girl. I can't flirt back, no matter how bad I want to.  I don't even know his name! Stranger danger here!


"Maybe . . . Maybe not." I say. "You can have to spot, I best be on my way." I say, heading the way I came.


"Leaving already?" He asks, reaching for my hand. "Lyra why don't you stay? Your parent's will be a bit longer."  He knows what my parent's are doing, okay. Stalker much.


"I . . . um," I stutter, "You're name?" I blurt. He gets a striken look, and then lets go of my arm. "I'm sorry, I didn't mena to offend you,  in anyway. I just. . ." I shrug, I thought everyone knew I lost my memories.  His face now clear of any emotion, is staring at me.


"So all of your memories are gone." He sighs, " I heard you'd forgotten, I wasn't told the extend of how bad it was."  He sighs, then a smile appears. What's he laughing about?


"What's so funny?" I ask.


"Have lunch with me?" He holds out his arm. Now I'm thoroughly confused, but even though I already ate I  want to say yes. This gorgeous boy has asked me out . . . sort of. I'm not turning down the offer.


"Why?" I sigh, "I mean it's not like I don't know your name of anything about you." I add, and he laughs.


"It's Se-" He gets cut off by a growl, an ugly strangly sound. A black computer dog jumps out, from a bush.  I scream, throwing out my hands. The boy and I go flying, thankfully into pile of floaties. Soft landing! No damage.


"Oh shit! I'm so sorry!" I say, pushing a donut float away from me. "I don't have control of the powers yet!"  I add turning to the boy. He is laughing. "I'm glad yo find this near death experience funny." I scold, but end up laughing myself.


"Could we do that again?" He asks, after we both calm. Then he stands up, offering a hand to me. Taking it, I stand up. "You have sand all over in your hair." He adds.


"Do you see yourself?" I  giggle. Shaking my head a little bit, sand rains down to my feet. 


"Lyra hey!" Chaston says standing right there, with Flora and the blue eyed girl. I peek over there shoulders, and everyone else is staring. "What are you doing? Sebastien what did you do." She smacks the boy.


"Nothing. One of your guard dogs scared her that's all." He replies. I feel numbness everywhere. Sebastien! THE PRINCE! Oh yes the dog, I look over towards the way we came. Sure enough its there frozen solid. THE PRINCE! It's still shocking me. Holy shit.

Chapter 7- Risk (Lyra's POV)

"Really though I better get going. I have to go find Molly." I say backing away from the group. 


"You must stay, hang out with us?" Flora says holding out her hand. I glance to the side at Sierra and Frederick, who are now acting as if they aren't even friends. They don't want me to know,  I wonder what the others think of them being together. I could honestly careless, and I zip my lips before I say anything about it. The last thing I need is to get knocked out by a bolt of lightening.  "Actually I had a couple questions for you." Flora adds, noticing I don't want to stay.


"Okay?" I ask, looking at Sebastien. Then I look away, off limits Lyra! No way the prince would ever be into you anyways, he has his blonde girl.


"At the party the other night I told you to lea-" She begins. I really don't want to go through all of this now. I know I didn't listen to her. I know I was almost turned to the dark side. I know Tatum is evil along with Sean and Melanie. I know I used to elements that night.


" I don't want to talk about it." I say, "Now I really must be going." I turn, and leaving. Manuevering arund the still frozen dog, I continue without hesitation. Now that I am alone my stomach starts flipping, garden boy . . . is the prince. I should've picked up on that. Him and Chaston look a lot alike. Off limits, I have to keep reminding myself.  I should've asked for a way out of the garden, I've been so distracted with my thoughts I'm lost.  Taking a right at a fork in the paths, I get caught in a dead end. I turn around, following the path that went to the left instead. Why would you have a dead end path in a garden? why the path if it's just a dead end!  I spot a fountain, which I have now learned there are many of in this maze. I sit down, looking at the stone scuplture of angels with water shooting out of there mouths. It kind of reminds me of somebdy puking, which is weird.  I splash the water, wishing I could have map.


I lay there at the fountain for a while, if someone finds me somene find me. I'll live. I just hope it isn't Sebastien, Flora, or anyone from the group. Perhaps a gardener might come along, and I can ask him for directions. I sit up, expecting to see a worker walk by, but nope. Frusturated I kick, the potted plant that is sitting on the ground waiting to be planted in the ground. Bad choice, I sit back down holding my foot. Wrong shoes for kicking solid stone, who the heck has a solid stone plant bowl thing anyway! Right, kings and queens do.


"You know, I have to say you are a fiesty one." It's the vampire guy.


"You know, I have to say you are a creepy one." I sigh, turning in his direction. He's leaning against o the tall bushes of some kind of flower.


"Touché" He chuckles, "Although I promise just following orders." He says in defense, kicking away from the bush. He saunters towards the fountain, gazing at the angels. What is he doing here? I understand he and many others have been ordered to find me and bring me back, but being right in the middle of the palace garden in Spridge doesn't sound like a safe place.


"Why are you here?" I ask, "I mean, here where you could be seen by the 'good guys'?" I fix my question. I'm intrigued to hear his answer, I mean it has to be a big risk to be hear does it not? He chuckles, and I'm throughly confused. Why be laughing when your life is in danger!?


"Tatum sent me out to make sure you were safe." He sits on the edge of the fountain. I looking down the paths making sure no one is coming.  "Calm down." He sighs, sticking his fingers in the water then pulls away right away.


"What's your problem?" I ask, walking over to him. His fingers are burned red.


"Holy water." He say blowing on his hand. I glance in the water, looks like normal water to me. Does holy water look different though? "There isn't a difference, accept priest has blessed the water." He laughs, so no wonder he couldn't tell either.


"Okay... well you seen me I'm safe." I sigh, while the thought of pushing him in the water buzzes through my mind.


"I see that." He says, hoping up from the fountain. "It was nice to see you again." Then with lightening speed his arm reaches out from mine, and his lips are brushing against my palm.


"Isn't it suposed to be the other way?" I breath out, I thought he was going to bite me. My heart is racing!


"It's easier to feel a pulse on this side." He snickers, and I pull my hand away.


"Tatum would kill you himself." I inform, he hols up his arms.


"Yes he would."  he replies, then his eyes slide all over my body. "But you are very tempting." He adds.


"Are you flirting with me?" I ask him, and he smiles. "I'm sure Tatum would also love to know that." I say waving. He bows, being funny.


"Until we meet again?" he smolders. Then he is gone, must be something Tatum gave him.


"Who ya waving at?" Sebastien asks, appearing in his place. I pull my hand back, oh geez thank god he came when he did and not a momment before. 


"Swatting away a bug." I sigh, moving away from the holy water fountain. What is he doing over here anyways? He laughs, walking closer keeping his distance though. I bet I have offended him in some way. I mean I was a little distant when I found out he was the prince. I don't understand, if I'm supposed to protect the royal family . . . why I'm a friends with them? Shouldn't I be considered a lower class?  I watch him, as he watching the water squirt out of the angel mouths. It gives me the shivers, I can't get the idea od that being puke out of my mind now.  "What's with the holy water?" I ask, and then heat rushes to my face. I shouldn't be able to tell if it's holy water, only vampire if they touch it! How do explain myself?


"Holy water," He sighs, catching on right away that I shouldn't know what it is.  "How exactly did you know it was holy water?' He sits on the edge watching me now. I can't tell if he is upset or mad about me knowing, of course it's a bit odd for me to know. But the look he is giving me is making me feel even worse for saying anything.


"Something I learned in human school. That if places like churches and castles, had holy water in fountains instead of normal water. It's supposed to help keep the land holy." I lie, hoping that sounds legit. Also hoping he hasn't been to any human schools lately.


"Really? They teach that kind of stuff?" He asks, loosing the look. Either he is a good liar, or he believed me.


"At religious school. Not public schools." I lie again, sitting semi next to him on the edge. He gives me an ununderstanding look. "Public schools can't pray during school, and they don't have religious classes." I say, He nods now understanding.


"So you went to a  religious school then?" he asks, I nod even though I didn't. I'm telling lie after lie to the prince of my people. I could probably be thrown into some kind of prison!  "Well, are you excited for school a couple days? My mother told me you would be coming back." He says, changing the subject. He scooches closer to me in the edge, and I look at the green grass under my feet.


"Yeah, I'll be going to school and training." I reply, leaving out seeing the brain specialist. I don't want to sound like I'm sick or need help. I don't, I don't really need to see the specialist either. They want me too.


"My mother said that you were going to see Dr. Drake as well. The see if you could get your memories back." He says looking at me quizically. Apparently nothing is secret around this place. Dr. Drake huh? I wonder what kind of doctor he is.  Maybe he is a therapy person, they get called doctor sometimes right? Or maybe he is a reall doctor?


"So . . . everyone knows about that." I take note, and by the look on his face I'm wrong. "Only you know?" I question.


"I listen in on a phone call I shouldn't of." He admits, looking around making sure no one was around to hear. "Next week he is coming apparently, around the time school starts  . . . for you at least."  He adds. I just now am getting the whole entire he goes to school with me thing. Why would they send  the prince and princess to a public school where other people go?


"You and Chaston go to the same school as us." I say, in question form. He nods. "Why?"


"Our parent's don't want us to seem superior. They want to make sure we know the people and the people know us. I also asked to go to school and not have tutor." He  shares. That makes since I guess. We both stand here awkwardly, I don't know what to say. What if I say the wrong thing? Since he is the prince, I could get in trouble! I don't know what his problem is, he normally never has a problem with starting conversations.


"Wanna go have that lunch?" He asks, holding out his arm for me. I'm a little hungry now, and again I'm not turning down a 'date' with him. Even if it isn't real at all.  I can dream.  He leads the way to the kitchen, and we points out different things to me about the castle.  Stuff like, who the people are in pictures, who whore a certain suit of armor in the past. Boring stuff, but for some reason it is intersting. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the person telling me the information.  Reaching to grand door, I can already smell the scents of cooking. I smell sweets, and chicken and maybe even a little chili! I've never noticed how good my sense of smell is until now.


"The smells!" I sigh breathing them in.


"You're mom is a good cook." He opens the two big wooden doors, they swing open the smells rushing at me like a wrecking ball. He pulls me into the room, and we sit at a island. I notie no actual table in the kitchen, I wonder where the main dinning room is then. Maybe Sebastien can show me sometime, or Chaston or Flora or anyone! Getting a little carried away here with the prince.


I spot Molly dashing around the kitchen, taste checking, fixing, cooking, doing everything and anything that should be done in a kitchen. No wonder she makes home made meals at home, and no wonder they're delicious! I wonder what Garret does? I don't see him, so he mustn't be a cook.  Molly spots me, and waves. Then I can see as her eyes turn to Sebastien next to me. I can't read her face. It emotionless. That is probably a bad thing.


"Should we be here? Together?" I ask hesitantly. He didn't hear me, so I tap him on the shoulder to get his attention. "Should I be here? With you, is there like some rule I don't know about?" I repeat myself.  He sighs,  roling his eyes. Shit! There is a rule!?


"No, not techniquely." He whispers, I can barely hear him over the pots and pans and other banging noises. I glance at Molly, whispering well look suspicous. she didn't see. I knudge him with my elbowunder the counter, he needs to explain! "Before," He begins, oh boy. Before as in before I lost my memories. "You and I... I'll just say had a past. Secretly though because you didn't want Chaston mad at you." he says. I thought I was engaged to Frederick?


"But I thought Frederick and I were . . . " I trail off, he lets out a huff of air. scratching the back of his neck. He is mad?!


"You were. You and I had been together secretly for a year, and then you two were forced into an arranged marriage. You told me that we couldn't be together anymore, that it would be unfair to Frederick." He sighs, leaning back in his bar stool.


"So what that's the past." I say, feeling giddy. Sebastien and I were secretly togethr in the past! Maybe, there is a future for us? My heart soars.


"Once you broke it off with me, we  stopped being around each other. We couldn't do it, we coudn't keep our feelings in check. People noticed that. Like Molly and Chaston."  He responds glancing at Molly, who is still running around the kitchen. "They figured out something was up, they talked to me about it. I told them that I was just jealous, and that I did like you . . . to protect you keep you out of trouble."  He goes on, and I'm still confused. 


"After the acident and you disapearing,  I sort of went into a depression." He sighs looking at the ground. "For a while, and thenI heard Frederick and Sierra were getting together. . . that's unimportant.  Anyway, now you are back and I think your parents were hoping your engagement would come back into play. Also for some reason I don't think Molly likes me much." He finishes. I take in all he just said. He is wrong, Frederick already talked to my parents. He doesn't want to get engaged anymore.


"Well, even if they were or are hoping for that it wont happen." I say, happily. He gives me a questioning look. "Frederick told my parents he doesn't want to be married to me." I cheer quielty. "I wouldn't of married him anyway." I add, and I can see Sebastien's whole body relax. It bugged him that much?


"What can I get you to?" Molly is all of a sudden in front of us, Sebastien who is unphased sits up, and asks for Mac-n-cheese with bacon along with a cup of milk and two chocolate chip cookies.  "Alright. Lyra?"she turns to me. I shrug.  "BLT?" She asks, oh bacon does sound yummy. I nod.  Then she is off.


"Why doesn't Molly like you?" I ask him, and he rubs his forehead. "Sebastien?"


"The day she asked me about you, I told her that I love you. She just hasn't bee n the same with me since, I think she thinks I was trying to take you away from her or something." He sighs, then Molly is back with his milk. I take note to that fact the he said I love you and not I loved you. He used a present tense form! GIRLFRIEND Lyra. My mood goes down to the negetives.


"I seen your girlfriend today." I say out of the blue, as if I didn't plan on bringing her up. "At the strip mall." I add.


"Peru isn't my girlfiriend." He almost chokes on his milk. I go back to the first time I saw him. She did kiss him right? Yeah, it was small and abrupt but still a kiss.  "That day in the garden,  she was trying to figure out if I like her at all.  "She kissed me  for like two seconds." He sighs, wiping his lips as if he could still feel it. "When I brought you up though she freaked out. We walked away off in the oposite direction you ran, and she wasn't happy with me." He practucally laughs. I smile, good the slut better stay away!


"Here is your meals!" Molly places our food in front of us. Giving me a cookie as well, and a class of apple juice. I love this women more and more!  I take a bit of my BLT and I practically moan from the taste. What ever this women makes is perfect! "Glad you like it." Then she is off.


"Try this." Sebastien holds out a bite of his food, it does look good. I love mac-n-cheese and bacon so . . . I don't turn it down. It was good very good, and through out the times while we are eating we each take bites of each others food.  I laugh when his cookie gets to soggy with milk and fall into his glass. It is even  more funny  watching him try and get it out without spilling milk everywhere. Once we finish eating, Molly takes our dishes. She gives me a stern mother look that I don't understand. I brush it off. Oh well.


Sebastien end up giving me a tour of the castle, without me even saying anything about it. Showing me the huge dinning room, and the ball room.  Multiple rooms that have special names I don't remember! Then I points out bedrooms but doesn't open doors. First Chaston's then his parents, and farther down the hall is his.


"Wow, you have a beautiful home." I sigh looking out the window across the hall. It shows a garden as well. "How big is the garden?" I ask, and he laughs.


"There are three different gardens, the two smallest ones are on the sides, which is this one and the one on the other end of the castle. The one with all the fountains is the biggest and it's in the middle of the back yard." He informs me.


"Must have a lot of gardeners." I quip, and he laughs now. His laugh melts my heart. He  Turns leaning against the wall,  quiet now.  Did I say something wrong? Maybe the gardener thing was a bit rude? Even though it was s joke.  "Hey, I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you." I apoligize, trying to hide my confusion.


"You didn't offend me at all." He scoffs. Then what is wrong?  "You are so much like what you were like, yet you are so different." He states, were is he going with this?  "I like the new you." He keeps reading my mind. He likes the new me? That's good right.  "Lyra." He breaks my thinking.


"Yeah?" I say nervously.


"When you see Dr. Drake, don't let him or anything he does to you change you." He asks in a begging tone. That's a good thing isn't it? He saying he likes me the way I am, I'm partly sure he is the only one who has ever said that to me!


"Didn't plan on it." I whsiper, and he grabs my hand. Then pulls it to his lips, and lays a feather light kiss. "What was that for?" I ask, blown away. His lips shocked me, like lightening. I wonder if he felt that?


"Until the next time." He smiles, Gentily return my hand to me. "You're dad is coming." He whispers, and I barely hear him again. I  glance out of the corner of my eye, yup there Garret is. 


"Bye Sebastien." I wave, leaving with Garret after we all chit chatted for while. Sebastien heads into his room, and Garret and I are off. I'm going to see him in my dreams tonight, I can feel it already.

Chapter 8- Advice (Lyra's POV)

The ride home from the castle is painfully quiet, and I dreading the second we get home. I'm going to get the talk, I can feel it. No, not the sex talk, the talk about him being a prince and me not being a princess. I understand, we can't be together I don't plan on being together. When the wagon comes to a stop, I hop out without a word heading straight into the house. I hang around in to living room waiting for them. Might as well get it over with. Taking a seat in the small little lounge chair, I look at the cieling begging for this talk to not be as hard as I think it might be. I can already feel my heart cracking a little, even though I've only talked to the boy two or three time. Why do I already have such strong feelings?!


"Lyra?" Molly yells walking into the house. Here goes nothing.


"Here." I reply, and Garret and her make there way into the room. Sitting down on the couch across the room from me, they both lean forward grip their hand together, and look at the floor. "Yeah?" I ask, hoping they could hurry it up. I mean a girl can only get her heart broken once right . . . thats wrong.  Tatum. His name echos through my head. Forget it, he is gone and Sebastien is back right in his place. 'NO! OFF LIMITS' I mentally yell at myself. Remembering his laugh, and smile, then I try and push him out as well.


"Lyra,  you and the pri-" Garret begins, finally some one does. I can't hear it though.


"I got it. Sebastien and me, are a  big no no." I interupt, and watch them both screw their mouths shut. "He is a  prince... I get it. He has duties and stuff,  I wasn't going to go there anyways." I sigh, and they both sigh with small smiles. I'm doing the right thing! I finally get Sebastien out.


"Ice cream anyone?" Garret asks clapping his hands together and the rubbing them creating friction. I jump up racing him to the kitchen, Grabbing caramel and chocolate from the fridge, I set them on the counter. then wath him as he makes three perfect sundaes. Putting away the chocolate and caramle when he is done I spot the little jar of cherries.Grabbing that, I bring it out setting one on the top of each bowl. Then I grab one and Garret takes the other two to the dining room, where Molly is waiting with the board game Sorry.  Taking a seat oposite of her, I take the first bite of my sundae. I haven't had one in a while, the only time I got onw was if Harris took Sean and I out to the ice cream parlor. Which happen three times in two years. Otherwise he nice had ice cream in the house.


"Sorry!" I laugh moving Garret back to his home on the board, then moving my person thing there. I'm having good luck tonigh, I already have two people home and I just go another one close. Garret doesn't have any yet, and Molly has one. I take another bite from my bowl, it's almost gone now so I'm taking smaller bites to savor it. Garret mumbles something under his breath, and Molly and I giggle. He is really having the worst of luck. After another couple rounds, I have only one person left on the board while the others still are the same. I take the last nite of my ice cream, and the cherry as well. So good! I might just eat one of those every night, then I glance at my tummy. Maybe not. I smile, and watch as Garret get's his first sorry of the night. He moves Molly person back home, the he puts his piece down with proud thud.


In the background I here a phone start ringing, and Molly excuses herself from the table.  While she is gone on the phone Garret and I take to ince cream bowls, and clean up the dirty dishes. Once we finish Molly is still on the phone, so I strike up a conversation about the day and how fun it was shopping. When Molly comes back, her mood has gone down hill.


"What's wrong?" Garret asks right away. She doesn't look my way once.  "Ah... I think you should go get ready for bed." Garret says, reaching for my hand across the table. I nod slowly. Now what? Saying  good night to them both, I head up the stairs open and close my bedroom door. Then I head to the top of the stairs and listen.  "Molly?" Garret asks again, I can here feet shuffling.


"He is coming, Garret." Molly starts to cry. I can hear sniffle, and more feet shuffling. "Dr. Drake he is early."  She adds. There is a long silence. Dr. Drake? The guy who is coming to see me about my memories? How early? What? Why?  Questions race through my mind.


"When will he be here?" Garret asks, then there is a sound like blowing a nose.


"He is already at the palace, got here an hour ago." She sobs now, and Garret tries to comfort her.  I almost start crying myself.


"Isn't this what you wanted?"  He whispers, I can barely hear him.


"I don't know." She says calming down. "Spending the day with her, the new her.  She is Happy Garret, what if getting her memories back changes her for the worst?" She says.


"What if it helps her?" Garret questions, I can't tell what side he is on!


"Are we willing to take that risk?" Molly asks, that's when I leave. Actually going into my room, I head straight to bathroom.  Turning on the shower, and then I get right in. I showered washing my body  and hair trying to forget the conversation I just heard. It sounds like Molly doesn't want to go through with it, but Garret is right in the middle. Finsihing up my hair, I reach out for a towel.


"Darn." I sigh, I didn't grab one. Getting ready to  hop out a towel is placec in my hands. That's not normal! Pulling my ahnd back I  wrap myself up, and the peek out. "Really? What the hell!? " I say throwing one of my many bottles of soap at him. Vampire guy is back.


"Hey just do-" He begins grabbing the bottle, obviously he would catch it.


"You job... yeah I got it." I sigh. "You can leave now, I'm in the shower and I'm okay." I  growl. He chuckles.


"Not tonight sweet heart. Tatum wants to talk to you." He smiles eviliy. Then he is behind me and hes arms are holding me tight. Then I feel tingly and the pull, he has a stone? The my feet are on hard wood floor, I look around the empty room. Nothing, just wood floor and black walls.  Out of now where I huge four poster bed appears. It's a dark brown wood color, with a black bedding set. Looking closer at the blanket I see the intrackit purple lace like design, then under my feet shaggy black rug appears. Slowly more and more furniture appears,  A plum purple leather couch with black throw pillows, Dark wood dresser and desk.  Huge flat screen! I'm in aww of the room. It's grogeous. Gripping my towel closer to myself,  watch has painting appear. on the walls.


"Like it?" He voice asks behind me. I straighten my legs, and grip my towel firmly.


"It's a little black for my taste." I answer, and watch as the color start to fade away. Now all the black is gone and in it's place pure white.  White and Purple. It's still is pretty cool, but if I were to be honest the black looked better. "It's a bit bright now." I add. I hear him chuckle behind me, and shiver goes through me. Don't turn around! I'm yelling. 


"You're insatiable." He whispers, right behind me now. He hands touch my hips, and he turns me so I'm facing him. "Miss me?" He asks,  hugging me. I don't hug him back for two reasons. 1. I'm in a towel . . . it might fall. 2.  He is the bad guy! "No hug?" He sighs, pulling away and holding me at arms length. He looks me up and down.  "You're unhurt." He takes note to.


"The only thing that's really hurt me lately is finding out your friends and your brother are bad guys trying to kidnap me." I say, and he drops his hands. Then the room around me fades. Now I'm standing in a library study like room. A fire crackling, and books cases lining the walls.  The fire feels nice!  Walking closer to the fire,  I make sure my towel is still covering everywhere.  "You know you could've waited  a couple more minutes. . . so I  could put clothes on." I sigh. He lets out a breath, and  the fire comes to life bigger and warmer. I glance at him, he is doing something?


"Yeah, but you look good." He says standing beside me now. We are quiet for a while, my head is spinning. Why is he being so good and nice right now? Isn't supposed to be like forcing me to kiss him or something?  "Lyra, are you okay?" He ask asks, worry clearly taking over. He actually is worried about me?  I remember what the vampire guy told me when we first meet. He still feels, and is practically the same as me. He just has a harder time forgiving.


"I'm fine Tatum," I say turning back to the fire. "Is that even your name?" It comes out before I can stop it.


"Ahhhh, there she is." he  sighs. "Yes, Tatum is my real name. I was wondering when you would start in on questions." He admits. "Come, I'll give you clothes." He says gesturing for me to go through the door at the other end of the room. I follow behind him, walkng through a ginormous hallway. He opens another door, and I'm in his bedroom.  "Over there are my comfortable clothes." He says, closing the door with him outside the room.  Making my way towards the dresser, I open  the top drawer. Basketball shorts! Yes! I have no underwear! I here the door squeek open. "On the bed." He says, and then it closes. I look at the bed. It's a pair of my underwear from my house in Spridge. Sports bra and spandex. Grabbing them and flinging them on I slide into shorts, and a plain t-shirt in the human world. He actually went to school there, he wasn't just there out of knowwhere.


"You can come in." I yell to him, walking around looking at the pictures.  He room is normal, more normal then I thought. Queen bed, with royal blue beding. Dresser, and desk. Nothing that says I'm evil.  "Thanks for the clothes." I say once I hear the door close again.


"No problem." He sighs. "Lyra can we please talk?" he asks.


"I can try, but when can I go home?" I ask, afraid the question might upset him.


"When ever you want." He says, then he plops on his bed. Slowly I walk over to it, and sit next to him. All right Lyra, you can do this be mature. "How are Molly and Garret?" He asks, and I can already feel my temper boiling. He knew that my parents weren't really dead, Melanie and  Sean knew too.  I take a couple deep breaths.


"Next question." I say between gritted teeth, I honestly don't know how they are with Dr, Drake coming to see me soon who knows whats going through there heads. I glance at him, and he is eyeing me. "I can't answer that question." I say, and he still eyes me. "Ugh... They are all over the place right now. One minute telling me to enjoy seeing my friends the next telling me I can't be with one of them and crying because a docter is coming to see me that they hired."  I give him a breif exlaination.


"Can't be with someone . . . " He sighs, leaning back into his pillows. I rub my forehead, probably not the smartest thing to say.


"It was stupid they thought I was into the guy when I wasn't." I lie, and he seems to blow it off.


"They hired a doctor?" He questions, now my blood is boiling. Not because of him. Because Molly and Garret did hire a doctor, and now they regret it because they got to know me. Serves them right judging a book by it's cover!


"Yeah, he is like 2 weeks early. He is suposed to help me get my memories back."  I inform him using my fingers to try and brush through my hair. For some reason I'm not as scared here as I thought I would be, for some reason I'm calm  as in not scared he is going to try anything. I trust him, and I have no idea why.


"Do you know who?" He asks, sitting up. Grabbing something off the end table next to the bed.


"Dr. Drake." I sigh, looking at the object in his hands. It's a ball, almost like a snow globe. "What is that?" I ask. pointing at it.


"You might know it as a crystal ball." He sighs, shaking it. Then a picture shows up, a pictures of a room, my bedroom in Spridge? "I'm checking to make sure your parents aren't checking on you." He enlightens me. I nod, Why does he seem, so good?!


"Tatum." I begin, he looks up at me from the ball. "Have you ever looked for me through that?" I ask, and he puts the ball back where he got it. Twiddling his thumbs, he looks directly at me. " I see. . ." I chuckle uncomfortable.


"Mostly at night, while you sleep. It  . . .  calms me  you could say." He tells me, "I've neer seen anything I shouldn't of." He adds, and that makes me twice as uncomfortable. He could see me while I shower! He could've saw me with Sebastien. The thought slowly creeps in. 


"I don't know if you're telling me the truth." I yawn, all of a sudden tired.  "Please don't. I mean don't watch me if I'm showering or something." I plead, and he laughs lightly with a nod. "Anyways..." I say looking around his room, trying to get rid of all the awkwardness that is now in the room.


"Lyra I just want to make sure you know that I did-" He rushes


"Sir." Sean appears in the doorway, with the door swing open. I jump, and Tatum glares.  Sean, god god. "Oh. sorry If interupted something. But her parents are making there way upstairs." He says, then leaves closing the door.


"Time to send me back." I say half relieved.


"Sadly." He adds, standing up. I stand with him. "Until next time." He grins grabbing my hand and kissing it. Sebastien did that too. I pull my hand back as soon has he is done. What's with boys in doing that! "Good night." He says, touching my cheek and I'm out like a light.




I scramble out of bed, at the noise of the door bell ringing down stairs. I hit the ground with a thud, which hurts.  Getting up I make my way to my bathroom, use the potty and brush my teeth.  My stomach rumbles and I know it's past time for breakfast. I wonder why I slept so late, it's not like i was up all night. Maybe when you dream, you sleep better and longer. Man was that some weird dream too. Meeting Tatum, and talking to him.  I giggle, making my way to kitchen. Grabbing a bowl, and making oatmeal I find in a cupboard. I sit down with a long yawn, checking to the clock on the oven. 10:17. I wonder who is here. I mean I'm pretty sure the doorbell rang. Taking a couple bites of oatmeal, I get up from the stool peeking around the cornner.  Oh, shit!  I head back to my cereal grabbing the bowl, I head up the stairs. No way am I facing them this early in the morning. Espicially not with the others there as well.


"Lyra! There you are." Molly says behind at the bottom of the stairs. I freeze dammit. So close, just five more stairs and a couple more feet to my room!  I turn around and wave at her with a mouthful of oatmeal.  "We have some guests." She says, I sigh. I go back downstairs, finish my oatmeal. Drink a glass of water as slowly as possible and head to the living room.  The queen and king are there with there two kids.


"Morning." I say, standing in the doorway. The only spot left just happens to be next to Sebastien, in the love seat. I'm not sitting there.  I get multiple replies from multiple people, and I give everyone the friendliest and warmest smile I can this early after waking up.  I glance at Chaston, she is looking at something around me but I don't think she is looking at me.


"Lyra dear," Molly says, and I can tell a question is coming. "Where did you get those clothes?' She asks, I was right a question. My clothes though, we just went shopping yesterday. I look down expecting to see my new pair of pj pants I got along with  a shirt. Nope. Black and green basketball shorts, and a gray shirt that is way over sized. Tatum's clothes! This is what I pout on in that dream! Or was it it dream? What happened? That vamire guy got me right out of the shower, that's right. I was up all night! My face turns bright red, I'm actually wearing Tatums clothes! I was okay with it last night, I mean there isn't anything like horribly wrong, but Obviously they're boys clothing.


"Oh... uh..." I say, what do I say. " It must be some of the stuff I brought with me, from human world." I say, "I'll be back." I say leaving the room without an okay. That wasn't very convincing! Running to my room, I throw of the clothes and dig through my drawers in the dress from something else. Sliding into a plain pair of jeans, and a nice sweater. I make my way back downstairs.  "Yeah, I forgot I packed a bunch of stuff." I half laugh and half sigh walking back into the room. Chaston eyes me suspicously I give her a small smile, no way can anybody find out where those clothes really came from. If they found  out I seen Tatum last night I would probably get kicked out! What even happened last night? I remember talking and then Sean showing up. He like forced me to sleep or something. The king and queen had things they wanted to talk about with my parents, so I stayed and barely listend for a couple minutes. I slipped out of the room after a little while, and went back to my room. I grabbed a sticky note and wrote Tatum's name on it then stuck it to the clothes. Shower time. Remembering to grab a towel this time, I start the water. Get in a wash away all my sleepiness.  I hop out wrapping myself in the towel, time to get ready for the day!


Running back downstairs dressed in one of my new outfits, and ready for the day I come to find the royals are still here. Slowly slipping back in the room, I try and catch up on what I missed.


"- wondering  when he might be able to first see her. He is very - ah -  antsy about seeing her."  the queen says, glancing at me. How? I bet they mean Dr. Drake, he is here he came in last night!


"Oh, well, maybe we could give Lyra a couple days before she sees him. Let her get comfortable." Molly utters, sounding unsure.


"No." I vocalize, surprising everyone even myself. "I want to see him. I want my memories back." I slide off the wall. All eyes on me now, I clear my throat. If I change maybe it will change the way I feel a bout Sebastien, although yesterday he told me that we couldn't even be in the same room together because our feelings were to out of control. He said he likes me better this way, so hopefully it will be a turn off.


"Lyra, I thought you didn't want to do it." Garret questions. I take a deep breath.


"I had a long night full of..." Sneaking around in the enemies house, and talking "Thinking," I say pushing away Tatum's visit. "And  I should do it. It's not fair to all of you, like you said Molly. You want your daughter back." I say, and I realize that was a low blow. Even though I was trying to use it to my advantage, I still shouldn't have said it.  The room goes silent, I clear my throat again quietly. Excusing myself from the room, once I'm out of there sight I'm running. God I can't do anything right here! I need to talk to Sophie, I want to talk to Sophie. Rumaging thrugh all my things for my traveling stone, I hear nothing downstair. Not even the mumbled sound of people talking, I really might have just crossed the line! I need to start thinking before speaking!


"Lyra." Sebastien's voice is in my room. I jump up from looking under my dresser,  holding my hands to my chest. Damn he scared the shit out of me! "What's going on?" He asks, closing the door behind him. My body goes paralyzed, and I can't take my eyes off of him. I knew I wouldn't be able to rid myself of the attraction towards him, but I hoped it would've gone done when Molly and Garret told me he was off limits. Although things that are of limits seem even more valuable to teenagers. Damn them.


"Sebastien." Choke out, and push closed on the dresser drawers that is open half way. Never loosing eye contact with him though.  "Where is Chaston?" I ask quietly, as he observes me. He can tell something is wrong, knowing him he will ask and I don't know if I will be able to lie to him!


"Talking with our parents about Dr. Drake." He informs me, his eyes locking with mine. He starts walking further into my room, closer to me. I don't move, I've seen movies what will happen is I'll back up into a wall and he will pin me. Then we start kissing, and one thing leads to another.  I shudder at the glorious thought, the two of us kissing, just being close enough to feel his breath on my neck makes me skittish!  I nod, a couple seconds maybe minutes later.  "What were you looking for?' His curiosity gets to him, or maybe he knows what I was trying to find and just wants me to confirm? He is two feet away, maybe a little more. Still close enough to make my stomach flutter. 


"Traveling stone. I want to talk to Sophie." I admit in a whisper, I'm not going to try and lie to him. "Molly and Garret said I can when ever I want, so I thought I should now that way they can think and I can think." I add. He face changes emotions, at first he was blank then it went to something that looked like pissed-off-ness and then sadness.  He is sad? "You are upset." I take note to, and he chuckles not of laughter. More pissed-off!


"Yes, I am!" I he says, turning away from me. He begins pacing, from what I've learned pacing isn't a good thing. On most ocasions it's a bad thing. His hands rub his eyes  and forehead a couple times. Then he stops, and gazes at me. Oh shit.  "What changed?" He asks, in a demanding voice.  "Yesterday you hated the idea of him coming, now you want him here and want you memories back. Yestersay you sounded like that was one of the worst fears you had." He  reminds me again of yesterday.  I can hear a pleading in his voice, and something like a small child begging. I really threw him out of whack.  He moves closer to me, reaching towards me. I don't move, his hands grip my wrists a second then they slide up my arms. Stoping at my elbows, he is now close enough for me to feel his breath. I'm doomed.


"I-ahhhh."  I'm speechless. I'm looking straight at his chest, that is covered with another suit gray pants and jacket with black button-up shirt and a maroon colored tie. If I even glanced at his eyes my knees would buckle.  His hands move up an inch by inch slowly. I don't want them back . . . well not so I change, I want them back so I can remember how the two of us once where, how close I was with the others, and my childhood! Tears swell in my eyes, I can't cry not now!


"Don't cry!" He whispers, wraping his arms around my waist letting go of my arms. Drawing me to me him, he holds tight as if he will never let go. I don't want him to either. Slowly, but surely my arms are clutching him. Everything in my room freezes and it's just us no bed, no dresser, we're like floating through air.  My heart is hammering in my chest I'm sure he can feel it.


"Am I interupting something?" Oh no! Not now, please! Now of all times!  Sebastien, lets go, keeping on arm on my lower back showing possesion.  "Yes? Well, my bad." He smiles, evily. I glare at him, and his smiles grows. He knew Sebastien was here, something by the look tells me he came now on purpose.  "A message for the lady." vampire guy says, clearing his throat. I move away from Sebastien, I'm supposed to be a royal protector right? Well he is one of the bad guys so...


"Tatum would like his clothes back." He says, and my world spirals into darkness.  I'm speechless again, I just point toward the folded shorts and shirt resting on my bed with a sticky note on them.  Oh god Sebastien is probably going to report me or something, and he will never ever hold me like that again, let alone ever talk to me!  "Thank you,  Tatum said he will get you back your towel soon as possible." He adds fuel to fire un purpose, my arm reaches out gripping te pair of scissors from desk I fling them at him. He is gone before they even strike the wall behind him. Turning around imediately after I realize he is gone, I see the rage burning in his face.


"Sebastien let me explain." I say holding out a hand to him. He steps away. This isn't good.


"No,"  He spits out. "Some advice Lyra,  you should probably make sure your parents don't see you with your boyfriend." turning on his heels he is out of my room, without slamming the door. Tears again. No, I wont cry! Tatum is probably watching as I stand here alone now. 


"Tatum, why did you do that to me!" I cry looking around my room, without tears though. I walk over slowly picking up the scissors I threw, placing them back on the desk I slowly head downstairs. Waiting for a punishment.

Chapter 9- Appointment (Lyra's POV)

Good news is  Sebastien didn't rat me out, bad news Sebastien hasn't talked to me since then. Now three days later, I'm walking around through the palace waiting . . . dreading seeing Dr. Drake. That's what I am here for. Although I guess it's good that he isn't talking to me, it's what I wanted now there is no way anything can happen between us!  I haven't heard from Tatum since then either, only that vampire guy how make frequent stops. I told him that the next time he sabotages me like that I dump a jar of holy water on him myself. Which reminds me that I was trying to find the garden so I could fill up a jar. I'm suposed to be waiting in one of the many studies in here, but I got restless and bored.  I left, it's not like I'm in a rush to see Dr. Drake anyways. Finally finding a door that leads outside I make my way down. I'm by the beach, so I turn to my left and there is an entrance to the big garden that I will more then likely get lost in.  It doesn't take my long to find  a fountain, I filll up the jar Then try to go back the way I came. Taking a couple wrong turns on accident I'm lost. I stop a t another fountain, I'm so screwed. I'll be here for hours! 


I look at the sculpted stone, this one isn't angel with water. It's horse with a knight on it on it pointing a sword at the sky. Water is coming out of the sword. This one is better then the puking angels, but water coming out of a sword doesn't make much sense to me. I wonder who the landscaper was.


"Is that a jar?" the vampire guy asks, appearing. I groan rubbing my eyes and forehead, second time today once this morning and second now.  Gripping the jar at my side, he holds his hands in defense.  "I'll stay back." He laughs, but there is an edge there.


"Okay, you seen I'm okay. You can go now." I growl. He is such a pest, I'm starting to get the feeling that he is just stopping and bugging me on purpose. I doubt Tatum would send him to find me three or four times a day, being the prince of evil that he is, I'm sure he has bigger and better things to worry about then just little old me.  Dipping the tip of my fingers into the fountain, I lay down on the stone staring at the sky. He didn't leave, he is still standing there. Mumbling swear words I turn my neck so I'm looking at him. I still don't even know his name, you would think that would've came up in one of conversations. 


"Seriously, I'm laying here doing nothing you can go now. Unless you're trying to get me in trouble again. Although I'm sure if any of the elementals so you they would just kill yu on the spot." I say, now wishing that Sierra or Flora would come along. I still haven't even meet the other two, I know their names and I'm pretty sure I know what there elements are, but that's it. Asia and she is water, and Janessa she is fire.


"I see your boy toy didn't rat you out." He finally speaks, I frown getting up off the stone. Boy toy? Sebastien wasn't my boy toy, if anything he was  my crush . . . is my crush.


"Don't call him that. He wasn't my toy . . . or my boy." I threaten, grabbing the jar again. He holds up his arms again. "Now, if you don't mind I would rather be alone." I utter tired of argueing with him about this everyday. I glance over in his direction, or at least where he was. He is gone! Thank you! Making my way back to the stone fountain, I tell myself to carry around a jar of holy water everywhere it tends to come in handy when you have vampire stalkers. Dozing off, I have little visions about wha tmight happen when I meet Dr. Drake. That's going to be hell. Then also in the next couple days I'll be getting my school schedule so school will be in the picture. School, Dr. Drake, and training. I signed up for all of it though, I still have a week and half left. So far things aren't looking prety enough for me to stay. But I don't want to leave Molly and Garret, now that I know I have parents. I'm sure it would break their hearts if I chose to leave as well.


After about an hour of dozing off a palace worker finds me, telling me it's finally time for me to meet the doctor. I faint from hyperventalating! As we are walking I realize I need to use the restroom, and eat something, and probably go running and screaming like a kid when they see a snake or bug.  I do get to stop at the bathroom, taking my sweet time in there. I'm partly sure I was in the bathroom for 30 minutes of more. I mean I washed my hands 16 times I counted.  Then I practically force the poor guy leading me around to take me to the kitchen. Once there I just head right in, staying out of workers way of course, Digging for the junkiest junk food I can find. I find a box of gushers, which I just happen to love to death. I just grab the box and go. Without a word or even a peek at Molly I'm out the door, and following my guide. I get shoved back into the study and told to wait here for the dude to come  and see me. I flop onto one of the many couches, and open my box of Gushers, tearing into one package. I doze in and out again, and I'm shappy I was brought somewhere which a fluffly couch instead of stone fountains.


"Someone didn't get enough sleep during the night." A quite but very dominant and demanding voice says. He sounds horrible already, and I haven't even spoken a word to him or even looked at him. "No welcome for the man who delivered you?" he questions, dam doctor can tell I'm awake even though I pretending to sleep. Delivered me? So he must be like 60 or something years old I bet. He sounds like he could be. Although there is  a certain youngness in his voice. I sit up with a sigh looking down at the ground for my box of Gushers. Brabbing a package and opening them, I look at my deliverer, thinking of him like that gives me shivers. My body switches gears and flips into a hyperactive mode at the site of him. Holy Bolagna! I'm grabbing the couch cushions beneath me to make sure I don't actual start jumping.


"You're Dr. Drake?" I ask, again I was thinking old guy with no hair or at leeast white hair.  Was I wrong! Platitum blonde hair, golden eyes, and pale I mean pale skin. I get the urge to reach out and touch him, obviously that wouldn't be right.


"Surprised?" He asks, setting down the last of the papers. I nod, jaw dropping. Oh my god, I let go of the couch and tuck my hands under my butt. This is so weird, like total atraction going on for this man in front of me! "Well why don't we get right down to it, that way I don't keep you from anything." He begins. You can keep me as long as you want. Heat rushes to my cheeks, Did I really just think that? He face  scrunches a second, and then small smile slies across. Then it's blank, like a piece or new paper. 


"Hmmm, yeah." I admit. "You're a lot more. . . "  good looking, sexy, hotter, ETC " You're younger then I thought you would be." I  finally get out something that is semi appropriate t say your doctor.  He smiles another second then goes back to blank page.


"Well, thank you." He says, sophisticatedly. He shrugs into a white doctors coat "All right now this might be cold." He informs grabbing a stethoscope. Then he walks over to me, and my heart is racing again. I thought Sebastien made my heart race!  He places one of his hands, on my shoulder his touch is cold. It warms up in seconds almost like a burning fire. I watch has he slowly moves his other hand holding the end of the stethscope, and he places it on my chest. Is this a check up or something? I thought he was here for my memories?  "Am I,  but I should probably check your heart first." He says, and I jump.


"What?" I ask, now I'm really lost.


"I am here to  see if you can get memories back." He says, moving his hand with the tool in around my chest.  "We aren't going to get anywhere doing this though, your heart is racing." He says, moving away from me and back to the desk. My shoulder feels like it's naked now from his touch leaving.  What is this? Why is my body being so funny?


"Oh... I'm sorry, I think I ate to much sugar." I say glancing at the box of Gushers, I only ate to packages though. Now it's not sugar,, it's definately the doctor! He is looking threw his paper work again. I take this time and stare, I can't not stare at him it's ridiculous!


"Ahhhh, I don't have any of the right materials to get started on looking at your brain today." He sighs, turning away from the desk. He leans back on it looking at me, and my faces heats up all over again.  "We're going to have to reschedule." He finishes. My que to leave!


"Oh, well. I'm sure you can talk to Molly and Garret when you'll be able to see me." I say in rush standing up and grabbing the Gushers.  "I'll see you then." I smile and wave with my free hand. Then I head for the door.


"Ah . . . Lyra." He utters, and I stop right in front of the door before I open it. "Try to not eat sugar before your next appointment." He says looking away from me. Nodding I leave the room. I shut the door behind me, and lean into it for support.  That was Dr. Drake. My heart is still beating a mile a minute! My should and chest burn from where he had touched me!  Pushing away from the door, I walk down the hall I'm leaving. I'll walk home if I have to! Once outside I'm meet with Molly. She is waiting for me and Garret.  We walk down the stairs to the wagon, and she talks about her day. I forgot my day other then Dr. Drake!


"Who is Dr. Drake?" I ask,  interupting her story about  someone spilling a full pot of stew on the floor. She regards me with suspicious eyes.


" He is one of the more known doctors in Spridge. He actually was the doctor in the room when you were born." She smiles at the memory, and I recall him saying something like that to me. "I must give him credit, to for all he has done with his heritage. I mean being a vampire and switching over, and then becoming a doctor. He really is a true hero in some eyes." She tells me, and the Garret is hopping in next to us. She said vampire, she said he is a vampire!


"Vampire? How hold is he?" I say mortified. I can't believe I didn't pick up on any off that. I mean pale skin gold eyes. He reminds me a someone out of twilight! The dad with that weird name.


"Well, he was 22 when he was changed." Molly thinks aloud. "Oh just asked him this last time he was in town!" She giggles.


"Dr. Drake? He is 163. Just talked to him, before I left. He was talking about not having the right tools for the appointment, he seemed a little off. Lyra what happened?"  Garret enters the converstion. I'm still stuck on the 163 part. "Lyra?" He asks again.


"Nothing. I just had to much sugar, and sleep before he came. My heart wouldn't calm down." I sigh, as the wagon jerks forward.


"Hmmm well I rescheduled you appointment for tomorrow, he said he should have everything he needs by then."   Garret says, leaning over and kissing Molly on the cheek.  Oh tomorrow is a lot sooner then I planned on seeing him. Just thinking about seeing him tomorrow makes my heart race. Once we are back at the house, I head inside taking my shoes off at the door.  I head straight to the kitchen and throw the box of Gusher in the cabinet, then I head to the livng room and turn on the t.v.   Molly and Garret walk in behind me and Garret heads to his study, then Molly goes to the kitchen and starts supper. I head up to my room I'll put comfy clothes on, and get out of this skirt and nice shirt. Changing into more comfortable clothing, I head back downstairs. I help Molly with supper, she assigns me frosting the cupcakes. I'm okay with this job, since it's something I actually know how to do!  I frost at least 30 cupcakes, and I wonder how exactly a three person family is going to eat  30 cupcakes. Once I finish frosting the last couple ones I sit down my hand is cramping! Garret comes in sniffing the air, exclaiming about how good it smells and hiw everyone will love the meal she is preparing.


"What? Who is all going to be here?" I ask. Now thinking I should probably go change back into my nicer clothes.


"The holts and Dr Drake.  Maybe the other elementals." Garret answers, confused by my outbreak. Oh good god! I get up and head back upstairs, shoving my comfy clothes off and my nicer dressy clothes on again. Redo my hair and make-up, then I head back downstairs. Just in time.  Everyone is already here, I didn't think it took me so long to get ready, I look at a clock. I just spent to hours getting ready, it felt like five minutes! I look in th mirror, I look no different. Same outfit same here just a fixed up, and same make-up with re touches. What the hell happened?  I must've lost time  while doing my hair. Slowly slipping into the kitchen, I get a glimpse at Dr. Drake. the race begins again, I slip back out of the room. He is even cuter dressed in normal everyday clothes! I thought the doctors coat made him look sexy.


"Hey Lyra!" Flora says scaring me.


"Holy shit!" I mumble grabbing my chest. "You scared me!" I laugh, and she joins me. We talk about how the past coupe days have been going and all the school work I'll be getting when I go to school. Garret calls everybody in for supper and Flora and head in. The only seats left are next to Sebastien and Dr. Drake. Flora swoops in taking the seat next Sebastien, leaving me next to the good old sexy docter.  Heart flying faster and faster the closer I get, I'm partly sure everyone can see it jumping in and out of my chest! Taking my seat, I take a little bit of everythng and put it on my plate. I'm to nervous to eat.  There is multiple conversations going on and I'm not involved in one of them. Aint feeling very social at the moment. Taking to bites of the  marvelous food on my plate I finish, and listen to people conversations. Glancing at Sebastien who also looks a little non social today. Flora tries to drag him into conversations but he purposefully doesn't say anything. I wonder if he is still that mad at me? I feel something tap, my food, and I glance down under the table. You have got to be kidding me! I kick him in the ribs, and he disapears.


"Excuse me a moment." I say, getting up from the table. I walk slowly out of the room once I'm the stairs I run. That fucker better have a good reason for almost getting me killed. "You better have a good reason for pulling me from that me- Tatum!" I say. Well, this is just great. I lock the door behind me, and scratch the back of my neck. "What?" I ask, semi apoligetically.  He holds out the towel I was wearing that night, I take it from him with out a thanks.  " I can't be to long." I say, and he nods.


"I wanted to see you, it's been a couple days." he says reaching for me, I back up. No way. "I thought we were getting past all this." He sighs.


"I have my family and friends downstairs. Tatum,  I could get like beheaded for talking to you!" I  say and he scoffs.


"They wont be head you. They would kick you out, but then you could join me." He smiles. I frown.


"Are you trying to sabotage me!? Make me lose my parents again?" I ask pissed off. He face drops.


"No." He sighs, I shoo him away he waves then disapears. I glance at my reflection, doesn't look to frantic. I head back downstairs, and bump into Sebastien. 


"Oh I'm sorry!" I say, without looking at him. He hmm's and I sigh, well he obviously is still mad at me. I don't judge him either, he probably realized thats what I was just doing.  Walking past him I head into the kitchen where I catch Dr. Drake, and the queen in a heated conversation.  "Ah... something wrong?" I ask, and they both look at me. The queens face is blank. the doctor smiles at the sight of me, and then rubs his eyes, and his face is blank to. My hear is just racing from the stupid but sexy smile!


"I'll let you two alone." The queen says quietly. I watch as she leaves what does that mean? I give him a questioning look.  He rubs his eyes again also watching her leave, he knows what she meant.


"Is there something you have to tell me?" I ask, and m thoughts head straight to the word love for some odd reason. I mentally slap myself and tell myself to get a grip.  I see a smile play on his lips again, what is so funny! "Nothing? Okay." I say piviting on my heels, I can't stand being alone with him it makes me jumpy and I really for reason want to reach out and touch him.  A hand grabs my shoulder, and it's freeing then it burns with a dark flame.  He is touching me again!  "Yeah?" I ask turning to face him. I wonder if he feels that to?!


"Lyra, if i told you something could you promise to hear me out?" he asks, I nod. Where is he going with this? Then I hear Molly yelling for me in the other room, he drops his hand from my shoulder and tells me I should go see what she wants. I do, and he doesn't follow me. He stays in the room alone, I sigh he is confusing. Once in the living room, I get pulled into a game of Monopoly with Molly, Chaston, Flora,  and Chase. I notice before we start actually playing that Dr. Drake enters the room.


"Play with us?" I ask him, grabbing his elbow as he walks by. Even when I touch him, his arm is freezing then heat the feel of fire. I don't let go, I want him to stay. I want to know what he was going to tell me. I also just want him near.


"Why not?" He smiles, a big smile, bigger then what I've seen. My heart races again, it soars like an eagle flying at high speeds! He pulls a chair over and sit right next to me, and the game begins. I'm now social, unsure why I wasn't before, but now I'm talkative . . . espicicially with Dr. Drake. Just random questions. Like favorite book and movie and color.  As the game progresses, I notice our chairs get closer and closer. I shiver, and scooch closer to him. I look up and faces of the people playing no one notices a thing. Why does it matter? Once the game is finished, everyone help put the game away, and then the king says it's time for the adults to talk. So I offer for everyone to come up stairs with me. Flooding into my room, everyone even Sebastien come in. We'll chit and chat and talk, mostly about school and then Chaston brings up the topic of boys.


"Lyra, I can't wait to see Jordans face when you come to school. Have the people there still don't believe you're back." She says. I laugh slightly, and look around the room, using my eyes to plead with someone to change the subject. No one takes the bait.


"Jordan..." I sigh, I don't know who that is.


"Oh right.. god I'm sorry!"  Chaston says, covering her mouth. She remembers that I have no clue who that is. The subject chages right after that, but ofcourse it changes to Dr. Drake, and about him maybe helping me get my memories back.  "I forgot how good looking he was too." Chaston giggles, and Flora nods in agreement. I look over at Chase and Sebastien at the other end oe my room, they're talking about something.


"Lyra what do you think of Elijah? He came all this way just to see you?" Flora asks, making it sound like he came to confess his love to me. I wouldn't mind that though. Elijah? That's his name? I like it. I love it.


"He is definately not what I was expecting." I sigh, yawning. I'm tired already? I bet I've had plenty happen today. Just in time my door opens and Molly walks in saying that it's time for everyone to go. Flora, Chaston, and Chase say goodbye to me, and Sebastien just walks out. I throw a small fit on my bed screamming into my pillow. I need to just cornner him myself to explain. I wont do that though, hopefully he will talk to me when he is ready.


I shower, and head straight to bed. I'll sleep good tonight.

Chapter 10- Deadly Attraction (Lyra's POV)

"Lyra! Come on now, it's time to get up. We're all going to go to the palace." Molly yells on the otherside of the door, for the fifth time in ten minutes. I throw a pillow at the door, and she giggles on the other side. I get up, time to start another day. Another day of by chance seeing Sebastien, another day of seeing Dr. Drake, another day of being stalked by Tatum's vampire friend body guard guy. Slipping out of bed and into my bathroom, I do my hair and brush my teeth. I can never function correctly early in the morning, so I shower at night and then just worry about my hair and a couple other hygenics. Picking out a pair of black leggings and a navy blue sweater, to wear for the day I begin with the make-up. Just a little eye liner, mascara, and a glossy lip gloss that I lick right off my lips. . .  I love the taste of it so much.  I'm ready as I'll ever be for the day, passing by my body length mirror I stop hating my hair. Gripping my hairbrush again, I comb through my hair again then grab  a ponytail off my dresser. Braiding it I shove it over my shoulder, glancing in the mirror again I smile. Perfect, I look like Elsa from the disney movie. . . just not as dressed up. 


When I get downstairs, I'm shoved out the door and pushed into the wagon. Apparently we're running late, or is it I'm running late making them run late? Once we get there they both scurry off, I'm on my own right away! I pull out the jar of holy water out of my bag I have with me. I grabbed it last minute, it has a book for me to read, food for me to eat, and music for me to listen to.  Shoving in my ear phones, I make my way to one of the many studies. A couch and blanket are calling my name! Opening random doors everywhere I get discouraged, I thought I was beggining to know my place around here! Walking down a dead end hallway, I stop looking out a window. There is a door behind me, do I see if I found one? Pushing open the door, I peek inside.


"Oh! Shit! Sorry! Sorry! I'm so lost!" I apoligize slamming the door shut. Shit, oh well good hot damn! Sebastien in a towel only! Nice abdominal muscles he had on him to. I speed walk down the hall, how could I not realize that I am in the bedroom area of the castle? God, his stomach and his chest and his shoulders and HIM! I smack myself on the forehead, and I feel the sting as I'm still trying to get out of the hall.  I take a sharp right turn, and keep walking. Then I open doors as I pass them trying to find a closet to hide in. No way am I staying out here where I might run into him! Finally finding a study I slip in closing the door quietly behind me. I catch up on my breath slowly walking towards a fluffy black leather couch. Grabbing a blanket from the rack which happened to be by a roasting fire, I snuggle comfortably onto the couch. It's so warm! I smile I'll sleep nice! I think abut getting up and locking the door so I can't be disturbed. Nah, I just leave it.  I feel like I am already snoring and out cold on the couch. 


Reaching down into my bag I fish out one package of Gushers, slowly tearing into it letting the juicy flavors take over my mouth. These are proably the worst thing to be eating for breakfast, but at this momment I could careless. Shoving the wrapper bag in the bag, I turn around so I'm facing the back of the couch and snuggle in for more comfort. The couch it's self is a little cold, but with the fire heated blanket it's perfect! Sitting up suddenly from the couch, my heart beat quickens. I look down at my bag, maybe that was to much sugar so early in the mornig.  Clutching my chest, I realize I'm startig to burn like fever and overheat like. Pushing the blanket off of me, I stand up. I reach out to steady myself with the couch or just anything, I need to sit back down!


"Lyra!" I hear a familiar  boys voice, although it isn't a boy it's a man. Cold, frozen like arms wrap around me. Then start a fire, burnig my skin and my insides. "Lyra, hey I need you look at me. Say something." his voice demands, and I try. Focus here Lyra, come on you want to see his handsome face! Fire spreads through my body, and burns everywhere. Everywhere accept where his arms are, I can't focus my eyes on anything. I think I might be on the floor,  with a spinning cieling why would you build a house with a spinning cieling?


"Fire!" I gasp for air, I can't breath it's like I'm choking in a cloud of smoke. His hands are checking things on my body. On my wrists for a second then my neck.


"Stay with me now." He pleads, he sounds worried.  "I'll be right back!" He speaks, but I don't comprehend what he is saying. It's when the cooling pain freeness of his touch disapears that I understand what he said. Fire takes, over and I don't understand how I'm not dead yet. The pain becomes unbarible, and I cry out in pain. When will I be dead? Then I wont be able to feel this inferno!


"Ahhhhh!" I begin screaming, and my eyes start seeing black spots. Touching my face checking for flames and burns, I don't feel anything other then heat. What kind of fire is this? Water. That jar of holy water,  I throw my hands everywhere hoping by chance I'll catch the back and I'll beable to reach my jar of holy water. Whithering in pain I pull my arms back in.


"I'm back!" he returns one hand grabbing my hands, and pulling them above my head. The other lifting my shirt, what is he going to do. He runs the hand over my stomach, and it soothes my skin only for seconds not even! Screaming out again, he tries to sooth me some more. Brushing my friizy hair out of my face. "Where does it burn the most?" he asks.


"Ev- everywh- everywhere." I stutter,  gasping again. I hear doors slamming and opening, and feet everywhere. Voices, voices start screaming in my head. "Make it stop!" I yell. The noise isn't helping!


"They're here to help me." Dr. Drake whispers, and I try and focus on whats going on. The  door starts up again, and this time there is screaming and crying.


"What's happening!?" Molly?


"What did she take? Did she take something?" Garret?


"Lyra!" Sebastien? What? He is here? No, but that was him. More of Molly and Garret, and my ears burn with such fire that I feel like I''m being  baked in a 1000º oven! I grip his hand. More noise, Molly and Garret and others that I don't know. He grabs my hand that grabbed his, squeezing it tight.


"Do something!" Molly yells. I groan at the sounds of yelling.


"I can't." He replies. "We have to wait until it passes. It shouldn't last much longer." He says, and the pain get more intense. Squeezing his hand tighter, I groan and start hyperventalating.


"Lyra, you need to breath! Don't stop breathing!" his voice panics. Why is he panicing! If he panics I'll panic!  "I need the injection!" He says, loudly his hand leaving my stomach. Then it is back pulling my sweater up farther, farther as in it was pull over my head again leaving my stomach and chest bare!  "I promise, this will help." He whispers next to my ear.  I feel a pinch in my side, and I feel groggier then before.


"Wha. . . " I begin.


"Shhhh, Lyra. Please just sleep." Dr. Drake whispers, and I don't argue. My body numbs as I fall asleep, and I think why couldn't they have given me that earlier?




"-nder what happened, Elijah seemedd to know." Chaston's voice slips into my mind.  I can hear her, but I am still groggy and sleepy. My eyelids feel like they weigh three tons, my whole body feels like it weighs 10 tons!


"Well, he is a doctor. I would hope he might have some idea." Sebastien murmurs, he is here? Open eyes! I try pushing open my eyes I can't. What the hell was in that injection? What the hell happened to me? I need to talk to Dr. Drake. Where is he? Everything in the room is quiet, or maybe I'm falling back asleep. Maybe I am asleep!?


"Although, I find it odd that he didn't want to leave her." Sebastien's voice breaks the silence. My mind is all jumbled, how long have I been in here for?! I'm so hungry, and my throat is parched.  Inside me my voice is trying to break free, but I still feel like multiple elephants are sitting on me!


"Hmmm,he is a doctor worried about he patient. What's so odd about that?" Chaston replies, and I picture her sittingin a chair filing her nails and twirling her hair. "I did how ever see the way he was looking at her." She breaths out in an aww. Jealously leaking through hes voice, then she puffs out air yeah. . . that's jealously. They're talking about Dr. Drake, looking at me funny? Yeah probably because I was screaming, fire when nothing was happening. But holy shit did it feel like I was really on fire!


"That's what I was talking about, he seems to have . . . what's the word I'm looking for. . . " Sebastien says, ignoring the jealously in her voice.


"He has a crush on her!?" Chaston screeches, and again I just picture her jumping up from the chair throwing her nial filer in the air.  I listen closely for the small thud of it hitting the ground, nothing. I got my hopes up for nothing.


"No!" Sebastien growls, he sighs loudly then I can feel something touching me. His hand, on my cheek!


"You have a crush on her Sebastien, just like before."  her voice is quiet, and the room goes quiet. No one moves, and no one speaks. It feels like hours pass, and it drives me crazy. Because I know I am awake, I'm just still to druggged to even move an inch! "Don't think I don't see the longing in your face when ever you are around her, you smiled for hours after you seen her back and alive. Although, something happened. You stopped talking to her just like before, she isn't engaged this time though . . .  What happened?" Chaston finally speaks, I want to sit up! I want explain myself, I want to see Sebastien, I want to get up and talk to Dr. Drake! There is a lot more I want to do to that man, but. . .  EWW Not the time! Groaning on the inside I lay where ever I am and keep listening to the conversation going on.


"She isn't the same girl anymore. That's all.  I don't have a 'crush' on her Chas." He says, he didn't even fool me and I can't see his face.


"Yeah right. Admit it Sebastien, you are head over heels all over again."  Chaston replies, and I hear a thud. Maybe a pillow falling, or just a creak from the floor.


"You are wrong!" He says, and then I hear foot steps. The door opens and closes, and the room goes quiet.  He left, she upset him.


"You're way to obvious!" Chaston yells, at no one. I laugh inside. I can tell they are siblings.


"What's way to obvious?" Dr. Drake's voice asks, as the door opens and closes again. He is here! Okay you can wake up now! I urge my body but nothing happens.


"Oh. . . nothing." Chaston sighs, then I hear multiple foot steps. I listen to them with there small talk . . . mostly about me and if I  moved at all or woke up. "All right, well I leave you to your... job." She says, and the door opens and closes. I can feel his presence now, closer and getting closer. His eyes, burning into me everywhere. WAKE UP!  I hear the rustling of paper, and writting. Then he hands grabs mine,  checking my pulse. It's cold, like usual then heat to a comfortable  warm touch.


"Lyra, you should've woken up by now."  He whispers worried, he is panicing again! His hand just lays on top of mine a while, and I save the moment if only I was awake! The room goes silent again, but this time I'm okay with it since it is just us two. I'm way to comfortable with the sexy doctor. Wouldn't this normally be the time when he turns out to be a complete creeper, and he rapes me in my sleep? Sleep Asualt! If I could've I would've shuddered. I begin to doze in and out,  and slip into a light sleep.




Sitting up from the, what I can now see is a bed. I look around, I'm in a room that looks like a hospital. I panic, I'm alone, in an unknown area! There is an Iv plugged into my arm. Okay, not cool! Ripping out the Iv,  I get up. Alarms start buzzing and the door flies open. 


"God damn!" Dr. Drake yell his voice frantic. "Don't scare me like that!" He says, gripping my shoulders and looking me up and down. I smile, the warm feeling from his touch creeping in.


"I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I whisper, my voice is weak. "How long was I out for?" I ask, making eye contact and drowning in the golden color of his eyes.


" A week." He replies, and I'm taken back.


"What about school? and ... and my training... I mean I don't want training but.  I was supposed to be there! School I'm going to be so far behind, and my parents oh god what do they think!" I start babbling.


"Lyra!" He shushs me with his finger which is on my lips. I zip my mouth shut. "It's fine, you don't have to worry." He says looking me in the eyes, I nod slowly. His finger still on my lips, I reach a hand up to his. I'm getting jumpy again and shakey. Although his hand is bigger then mine, I grab it. I know I have way crossed the line with what you should and shouldn't with your doctor, but hey he isn't complaining. It's not like I'm trying to kiss him either, I just grabbed his hand! Although kissing him sounds very nice and twice as tempting! Still staring in his eyes, I wish I could tell what he is thinking! He is studying me, as I study him. I wish I had memories from  the other times we had meet, I wonder if I still felt like this if he touched me, and if I had ever gotten lost in his eyes.


"Knock knock." Molly's voice says on the other side of the door, and I drop my hand from his. He also drops his hand, and my lips start getting colder again. Then the door opens, and I see Molly face as her smile is contagious.  "Oh, Lyra! You're awake!" She beams, running over and hugging me. She smells like food, and good food. "I bet you are hungry!" She continues, naming of food that she could make me and I just nod. I feel like I could eat a whole entire cow right now!


"No sugar Molly." Dr. Drake warns her, and she scoffs.


"But she just woke up! She deserves cookie and cake!" She smiles at him.


"Doesn't mean she needs it though."  he smiles back, and I nod in agreement. No sugar, that sounds fair.  "After she finishes eating I would like to have her come to my room, that way I can take a couple tests. Harmless, I just want to figure out what going on in there." He says placing a finger on my forehead, now I shiver. The two adults don't seem to notice. Leaving the room with Molly, I glance back at the doctor. He is rubbing his forehead, his eyes closed. Something is bugging him, I hope it's not me! Following Molly to the kitchen, the two of talk about how I wont go to school until Dr. Drake figures out everything that is going on with me.  I push away that worry, thank god! I recognize the kitchen doors up ahead of us, but we take a sharp right into another room that is full of people eating! The dinning room. My jaw drops. The holts are sitting and eating, along with Garret and the other elementals.


"You know." I whisper and stop walking. "I'm not feeling to good, I'm just going to go back to Dr. Drake." I say, trying to wiggle out of her hold on my arm.


"What about me?" He says behind me, I spin. What ever was bugging him before, is seemingly gone now.


"Oh nothing!" Molly says pulling me to the chair between  Garret and her. Dr. Drake takes a seat in chair across from Molly. No one says anything to me, so everyone must get that I'm not in the mood to be questioned. I hop into a small conversation with Flora and Asia, getting the chance to get to know her a little bit. They talk about random things, but nothing from the past, nothing that will upset me. I was so hungry, but now I'm not really eating. My plate of course though is stuffed,  full of food from Molly. Pushing my plate forward a bit, I try to catch Molly's attention so I can excuse myself.  She is to into her conversation with the king and queen.  Looking back at Flora and Asia, they are in a conversation with one of the servers, just chit chatting to see if he will give them extra desert.  Sliding  my eyes over the doctor, he is watching me. I pause, and I try and read his face. He smiles, a second and I smile back. Damn.


"You should probably eat." He says smirking at me, and I glance at the pushed away plate. Sneaky fellow he is, he seen me push it away.  I pull it closer grabbing my fork,  and take a smal bite of the corn on my plate. "That's better." He  says, and he takes a drink of wine I think it is. Then I push the plate back again, nope not feeling the eating part.


"Hey hunny you feeling okay?" Garret asks, and rubs my back. Good, now I can get out of here!


"No, I'm feeling a little sick, like . . . vomiting sick." I whisper the last couple words.


"Do you want me to show you to a bathroom?" He asks, I shake my head.


"I'll find my way." I says, pushing my chair out from the table.


"Hey what are you doing?" Molly asks me, and grabs my wrist.


"I'm gonna go find a rest room." I inform her, and she lets go of me. Another chair slides across the floor.


"I'll go with her. I'm finished anyways. " Dr. Drake says,  I pause. Then once he is by my side, I continue walking.  "Your welcome." He sighs, walking next to me. I nod, I'm getting jittery. Just us two, and we're walking somewhere. 


"So, you wanted to take some tests?" I sigh, and he hmm's mhh's.  "Well, lets get the show on the road." I say stoping, I have no clue where this room is he wanted me to go to so he will have to lead the way.


"First, you should eat something." He says grabbing my hand, and we walk back in the direction we came. I try and pull out of his grip even though I really don't want to, I just really don't want to go back in that room.  "I'm taking you to the kitchen!" He says, and I stop fighting.  "I will cook you something." He adds, and my stomach grumbles. He laughs, and heat rushes to my face. We continue walking hand in hand, to the huge wooden doors. Opening them up, we are meet with an empty kitchen, he switches a switch  and light flicker on.


Leading me to the island, he pulls out one of the stools. I take a seat, and watch him get to work. Once he finally decides what to make me,  He turns on the stove, and grabs a pot filling it with water. Once it's filled he sets it on the hot spot, boiling the water. Rumaging through the cabinets he finds what he is looking for. Spaghetti noodles?!


"Oh! Are you making Spaghetti? It's one of the meals I actually no how to cook, school taught me something!" I say, and he chuckles.


"Thought you didn't feel good?" He looks at me suspiciously. I rub my brow, darn him.  "Besides, it will take me like two minutes to do." He adds. Now I look at him suspiciously. Then he moves with such speed, that I can barely see him! Oh right vampire. Then he is in the chair next to me, looking at the stoves clock.  "Told you."


"So he has  a funny side." I snicker, and he looks fake offended. We sit in quiet a moment, and then I dare to ask him a question. "So, what happened to me. . . the other day?" I ask, I can by the look on his face he knew it was coming. He looks ahead in deep though, maybe he wont tell me. Although I think I deserve to know, espicially if it keeps happening. I turn in my chair so I'm facing him, laying my hands in my lap. Aren't patients supposed to know whats wrong with them? He can't keep this a secret, isn't that illegal?


"Lyra, it's hard to explain. I'm unsure exactly what happened to you the other day, but I'm positive it was something supernatural." He says, getting up then he uses his speed again. Seconds later there is a plate of spaggetti is placed in front of me. Then a fork, and he is seating in the chair next to me again. "You have to try it."  he sighs, gesturing to the food. Grabbing my fork, I twirl some on to my fork and take a bite.  "I'm not your mother, but..." he sighs, leaning back in the chair.


"This is really good! Did you like go to school for this?" I ask, swirling another bite on the fork.


"No, I've just had that much practice." He says, I look at him. He is watching me, watching how a react, to him talking about himself. His age, and what he is. It doesn't bug me, at all. Infact I smile at him.


"Well you can come and cook for me anytime!" I laugh taking another bite.


"I'll keep that in mind." He says, "So, you don't have to worry about school I heard." He  adds,  he must remember what I said earlier about missing school.


"Yeah, Molly said I don't have to go until you give her the thumbs up. So I guess my fate is in your hands." I smirk, then rethink what I said. "I mean, at least my school career is." I add, looking down at my spaggetti. I just made things to awkward in my mind. I really need to start thinking before I speak!


"Is it now... hmmm, maybe I just wont send you back." He sighs, rubbing his chin like people do in movies. I laugh, and then all awkwardness is gone. While I eat we just talk about what is favorite thing to cook is, and hs favorite hobby. Then we move on to me, my favorites hobbies and movies. Once I finish eating, I grab the plate before he can, making my way to the sinks I do the dishes. We carry on conversation, until I finish putting them away. Not mention the couple times I had to tell him to sit down because I can was dishes by myself. "You're stuborn. You know that?" He says, as I lean against the counter with a smile.  He just laughs.


"You are to." I reply, and he scoffs. "You are! I heard about how you didn't want to leave the room while I was still sleeping, and you wouldn't quit asking to help me with dishes." I remind him, and he scoffs again. Now I have one question burning inside of me. I turn around on the bar so I'm facing  the oposite way then him.  "By the way... why didn't you want to leave my room? I was just sleeping." I say, thank god he can't see my face. I'm scared to here the answer to his question, if he answers. What if it's something like, I had to make sure you didn't die, or like I had to make sure you didn't start on fake fire again! I rub my forehead, I should've left it alone! A huge part of me is hoping that he will answer, and that his answer will be something like I didn't want to leave you because I love you and I want to be with you. Keep dreaming Lyra. I rub my forehead for the fourth time in the past two minutes.  Why do I feel like this about him? It can't be healthy, that I'm falling in love with my doctor. It's really bad too, I crave his touch, and his eyes consume me every time I look in them. He voice is like silk, combined with velvet.  His laugh, oh god his laugh.


"Lyra!" He whispers all of a sudden in front of me. I jump holy crap! He scared me, but damn he is sexy while doing it! His hands are on each side of me gripping the counter. He is standing as close as he can with out actually touching me. "Your mind is so hard to follow." He whispers, his eyes closed. He is reading my mind? Oh no!  I'm sitting here imagining how cute and hot and sexy he is! He probably thinks I'm a creeper! Lyra stop thinking!  But having him this close, is making me feel even more jittery. The craving, for his touch is so strong I almost reach out and grab him myself!


Scanning over his body I stop at his lips. They look very nice, and kissable. What happened to the no more thinking? It gets harder for me to breath, I gottab calm down and think about failing tests and being put into a  pit of snakes. God his lips though! What is wrong with me!


"Lyra," He whisper even quieter then before, and I look up at him slowly. Not looking him exactly in the eyes, I decide that I will look at his nose. "Lyra." He sighs, grabbing my chin in one hand moving it so my eyes are on his. Oh my knees start to quiver! "Lyra, there isn't anything wrong with you." He answers my unspoken question. This is not fair, he can read my mind, but I can't read his! I stand up straight, pushing away from the counter. I was wrong before, we're closer now and still not even touching. Other then his one hand on my chin.


"You're so tempting." He breaths moving his hand from my chin, and brushing hair out my face. What the heck does that mean!? Like he  wants to bite me and eat me! He chuckles lightly. He is reading my thoughts.  "No." is all he says. I lay my forehead against his chest, feeling the coolness and then the heat. I wonder if he feels it to?  "Of course."  he says, I frown dammit! Wrapping our arms around each other, we stand there holding each other fitting together like a puzzle piece. I don't think I have ever felt this about anyone! 


"Because you haven't." He whispers. "We have a b-"


"Dr Drake," The queens voice, erupts into the kitchen. "Weren't you going to go take some tests?"  She doesn't sound happy. Pulling away from him, reluctantly.  I wave goodbye to the two of them, and then I run down the hall out of the kitchen. Holy crap!  I find my parents, and then we leave, and I take one look back at the palace and we're off.

Chapter 11- Training (Lyra's POV)



I couch out the rest of the air in my lungs, as Theodore get off of me. He holds out his hand, and I reach out and grab it. Pulling me to my feet he apoligizes. Training sucks. I've been going to training now for three days, it's the only thing I've been doing. I haven't seen any friends, and I haven't been out of th house . . . other then training. I haven't even seen Dr. Drake, which is odd because I thought he came all this way to see me about my condition.


"Maybe a little easier." I say as we get set up again. Right now we are working on my offense, I'm really good at defense because I can see him coming at me. But  offense. . . not my strong spot.  Theodore laughs, shoving his hair out of his face.  It's shaggy and covers his eyes.


"You're getting better." He replies, and I scoff that is his nice way of saying I'm doing horrible. "No seriously, you've gotten better since Tuesday." He says, getting into position. I can't tell if he is lying or not, he has a very good poker face. Mumbling to myself, I think of what I should try. I only know three different ways to attack so far. Just your normal  throwing punches, round house kick, and he taught me this really cool moon kick like thing. Choosing the moon kick I get in my place, inch closer slowly. I will do it this time!  I get a sudden dose of courage and strength, and I smirk, I can so do this!  I grunt as I jump up, and swing my leg in the way he showed me. Connecting with something, my body spins from the forceof my foot swining. Landing down on my feet perfectly, I look at Theodore, who is on the ground holding his jaw.  I squeel with excitement, and help him up for the first time.


"Damn my blood is running now!" I jump, and ha laughs. "What?" I ask, I just kicked butt of course I'm happy and jumpy!


"It's called adrenaline." He saw, rubbing his jaw. He smirk, I caused him that pain. "If you can kick like that from here on out, we wont have to work on kicking at all anymore." He mumbles.  I squeel again, I really did it!


"Lets go again!" I say, and he looks at me horrified. "Oh don't tell me you're scared!" I laugh, and he groans. "Well, at least show me a couple new punches or something. Do it while I'm interested!" I beg. He sighs, and I actually run to the bags. He takes his sweet time getting to me, still holding his jaw. I start to feel a little bad, but if he is a trainor he should be used to it!  "Okay, I'm ready." I say popping into my stance.


"Let's try something new." He offers, and then his hand is pushing on my stomach.  His foot is bending my knees more.  " forty-five degree angle there. Stomach in." He says while doing it. I do as he says, and his other hand grabs my left elbow pulling my arm in closer to my chest. Then does the same with my right. Then he lets go of me, and stands in front of me doing the same pose. "Now I need you to to reach your left arm out straight." He instructs, as I do I feel a little unbalanced.  "Okay stop." He says, standing up. Then he is pushing against my lower back. Pushing my stomach out a little. "Again." He says.  That made it easier, and he keep instructing me. All I had to do was throw normal punches, and my legs were feeling the burn.


"What exactly are we working on?" I moan, my legs are going to feel like noodles in the morning. I begin to stand up, but he bends my knee back down. Darn him.


"Defense stances." He says, and I sigh. I probably need this then. "It's will help you keep your closed off, holding the arms closer to the body, and lower to the ground." He tells me, and I groan throwing more punches. "You're doing great." He adds. After a  couple more minutes of doing this, I stand up.


"Okay, I can't do that anymore. My legs are going to fall off!" I groan rubbing my thighs, damn that was hardcore. I'm not completely out of shape either, you try standing with your legs at a forty-five degree angle and punch for 30 minutes straight. I can do wall sits easily, but I have a wall to seen on while doing that!   "How about we go through the training course!?" I clap, I always race him through it . . . and I lose but it is still fun.


"Fine, we only have five minutes anyways." He says, running over to beginning of the course. I make my way there slowly legging my legs get a good stretch. Then we count down and go through. The first part is running and jumping just like hurdle for track. Then we have to climb a rock wall, and swing down from a rope. Landing on a trampoline from the rope, we have to  jump to the other side, and then we have to jump from block to block acrossthe floor. It if you touch the floor you actually set off alarms!  Then we have to walk in a two inch ledge, with out falling. After that I realize I'm catching up, and I push myself harder making my way to the set of thirty monkey bars up ahead. I'm good at those to! I speed off, and get ahead off him. I'm good at the holdig on stuff, and jumping stuff. I can even skip between bars, thus it takes me half the time it takes him. Landing on my feet, I take off. I'm gonna win! I'm ahead now! Next is scaling a building, I feel like Spiderman everytime I do this. Even though it's not my strongest suit. Once I finish with that and it's time for the hardest part for me. Robot bad guys come out, three of them. Attack just like you did earlier! I get in my positoin, and kick. Slaming my foot into the robots face which doesn't hurt like you think it would. That one falls, and then I get put on defense. The others take advantage of my cheering for getting one down.  Good thing I'm better at defense then offense! Next to me I see Theodore is just finishing witht the building, crap! Then he has one down, two, and three! He hits his button and my robots back down. 


"That was good!" He says, holding up a fist. We bump fists, and laugh.  Then I grab my stuff, and hed outside where Molly and Garret are waiting.  Once we are home, I head straight to the shower. Once I'm done there, I head downstairs. 


"What are you hungry for?" Molly asks, and I tell her what ever. Questions bubble up in me again, and I get mad. I can't go to school  until Dr. Drake says I can, and I haven't seen or heard from him in three days, I can't  see friends at all. Not even talk to them over the phone, and they took away my traveling stone.  When the end of this week comes, I don't think I'm going to stay here.  When supper is finished, we eat in silence for the second night in a row. Then I head upstairs for bed. I have nothing else to do. 


Slipping under the covers, I look at the cieling the week needs to hurry up.




I grunt, throwing a superman punch one of my favorites. It's my last day of being here, I want to make the most of it. I'll be leaving and going home  . . . or at least I'll be going some where back to earth tonight. No way am I staying here. Ever since last Tuesday I haven't been able to do anything, and now it's Wednesaday of the next week. I've gotten a lot better since my first couple days here. Now I'm  just as skilled as Theodore, we started training longer, and harder.  I get up at eight in the morning, and don't leave until seven at night. Almost twelve hours.  I get him, but right now we're just messing around. Stepping back to put myself on defense, he comes at me. Throwing a normal backfist, at me I swerve out of the way. Then sink knocking him down, by swing my leg behind his feet.  I stand up offering my hand.


We move onto something more serious, or at least to is to us. The training course. Now is a fight to the death for us, the race of the year! Getting in a running position, we count down. Going through everything so fast it seems like seconds, I hit my button a couple seconds before him.


"You got beat!" I cheer, I beat him only every know and then. So I always brag when I do win. Making our way to our bags, and water we chat about normal things. How our nights were, and how our mornings were. "Same as always. . . " I say the same thing.


"You don't do much do you?" He asks.


"I'm not allowed to." I reply and he scoffs. "Yeah, parents have me on  tight leash. What ever though I'm not staying." I slap my mouth. I shouldn't have said that, even though it's true.


"What?" he asks, to late now.


"I made a deal with the Holts, and my parents. I said I would stay here for two weeks, and decide if I want to actually stay." I say,  wiping my forehead with my towel. Then placing it around me neck.  "I've decided I don't want to stay." I finish. Glancing at the clock, we only have 20 minutes left! Good.


"You can't  be serious." He laughs, and I toss my towel back on the bench. He is going to try and get me to stay. I doubt he tactics will work. I was right, he tells me everything I'll miss out on, and how upset everyone will be. I just brush it all off, the only things that hits me even a little is that part about Molly and Garret losing their child again but for real this time.  "There is no changing your mind." He sighs, as we walk back to the mat.  I nod, in agreement. We begin sparing again, just more intensly now. I pissed him off. Which is pissing me off more, it's not like it completely matters! They did just fine without me before! He comes in close, on offense but he is slow. I get him right in the liver with a shovel hook. He backs off, I'm not going to deal with his attitude.


He is intently still coming at me, but I hold my ground. Sending him back farther and farther the harder he pushes me. He himself is getting worked up as well. Apparently life was hell while I gone for more then just a couple people, but obviously everyone made it through. Also they will at least know I'm alive, and they wont have to think I'm dead!  Caught off guard a second comes at me with a long fist, and I jump up doing a back hand spring. Which caught him and me off guard. I guess that year of gymnastics in the human world did come in handy! Then I get an idea. Taking a running start, I use my other air flip technique, doing a plain front flip. I get momentum, for a better jump up in the air.  While in the air, I pull back my right arm tighted into a fist. Then Ony my way back down, I smack him right in the chest. Landing on my feet he goes flying a couple feet, landing on his back. Letting my fist out, I look at what I just did. Shit.


"Holy shit!" A girl whispers, and I whip my head to the side. Eight people are standing there and staring. Flora, Asia, Janessa, Sierra, Chaston, Chase, Frederick, and Sebastien. How long have they been there? Ignoring them, I go over and help Theodore up.


"That was awesomely scary!" He woops, hugging me. Caught in the moment we both laugh, and cheer for a second. Then he notices the others, and I get set down.  "You're early." He says.


"Yeah, they wanted to come and watch . . . so we thought coming early might help. I didn't realize that you had ahh. . . . other things planned." Janessa speaks.


"I told you guys, I'm busy from eight to seven." hi sighs, as  we make our way towards them. My stuff is right behind them on the bench.


"You're hear from eight to seven?" Flora asks, and I nod. "Well, then we can just come and join you guys in training." She says. "Just probably not that long." She adds. "Why are you hear so long?"  She asks.


"It's the only place my parents let me go is here." I sigh unwrapping my wrists.


"What?" Chaston asks.


"Yeah, I don't know." I sigh, grabbing my bag with all my stuff in it. "But my time is up, and I have some packing to do." I say. They all look at me confused. Damn I said to much again.


"She is leaving." Theodore speaks, and I turn and face him with a glare. He better not say anything else. "No one else knows?" He ask, and when I don't answer he takes that as a yes. "Who all knows?" He asks.


"My parent's and the king and queen." I groan, great. "Now my two weeks is up I'm leaving." I finish heading towards the door. Almost in tears, if they wouldn't have came this wouldn't have been so hard!


"Lyra, you can't just go!" Flora says, "Where will you go?" Flora says, grabbing my wrist. I turn pulling my hand from hers.


"You wont go to him will you?" Sebastien speaks up, and my heart thumps. Sebastien is actually speaking to me! I look at him,  and he is lost and confused.  Same here bud!  I take in a second what he says, feeling like shit even more. Go to Tatum? I haven't seen or heard from hi since that day he dropped off my towel, I haven't even seen the vampire guy.


"Who? Who's him?" Chaston asks, the question that was boiling in the room.  I rub my forehead, but Sebastien never says anything.


"No." I say, that never even crossed my mined. Although if Tatum finds out I left Spridge I bet he will start visiting me more frequently. I wonder why he hasn't stopped  by in a while,  although I'm not complaining.  "You didn't hear me out about that, nothing was going on." I sigh, then wave.


"Lyra." Sebastien says, and I stop. I want to hear him for as long as I can. "Please, think about this." He asks.  Longing in his voice, obvious. . . just like Chaston said a while back when I had the attack.


"I will." I reply, heading for the door. But it opens before I as I get there. "Dr. Drake!" I whisper, as he appears looking at the ground. Wearing his black pants and white button up shirt and holding his white doctors coat in his arms. Overwelmed, with feeling I feel tears.  I thought that he maybe went back to where ever, but here is he!


"Oh, Lyra!" He says surprised to see me, I want to run into his arms, and just cry. But I fight against  both. "How are you?" He asks. As if we had just seen each other yestday, and he neew everything about me.


"I've been great!" I say, smiling. I've been shit, locked up in the house with only my parents and traing eleven hours everyday.  But hey I'm leaving tonight, and I will nevet see you again. That's what I want to say.


"That's great!" He replies, "I seen your parents out there,  they must be waiting." is all he replies. Walking around him, I leave the building once the door behind me closes. I run, crying now. Why did I think he would hug me? Tell me everything would be okay? I'm such an idiot. I probably imagined everything between us! Getting in the wagon, I ignore there looks, as they don't question me. Arriving at the house, I head up to my room grabbing a my back pack that Molly ought for me the other day. What do I all need? Clothes, I'll need clothes. Grabbing a couple of my favorite outfits, I stuff them in the bag. Then I grab the deoderant, and a perfum. Socks and underware. There is once thing I need, and I have no clue where to get it. My traveling stone.  Sitting down on my bed, I take a coouple deep breaths. I must be really messed up to think a one hundred year and some years old hot sexy vampire doctor was some how into me.


"Sebastien, I think she is having a bad night. You should just let her be." I can Molly whisper on the other side of the door.


"I have some important news to tell her." He says, and the door opens. Then Sebastien is standing in my room. I stare at him, and he stares back. No words are spoken, his eyes go to the back next to me, and back to me. He walks more into the room, now standing in front of me  . . . I'm still sitting on the bed. I look at the floor, what could he be here for? To say goodbye? Taking small slow steps, he moves the bag to the floor and sits next to me.  "Explain." He whispers.  I take a couple more deep breaths.


"I was at Tatum's the night before, but not by free will. He used to have his workers check on me, three times a day, and that night I was forced to go see him. Right after I got out of the shower. . . " I explain what all happened. He is quiet through out the whole time, but listening intently. ". . . and then you stormed out." I finish, rubbing the back of my neck. He is quiet, I am quiet. I let everything sink in, and I look at the floor again. I hope he semi understands, and isn't horribly mad at me.  I would hate to leave with him still hating me.


"I should've let you explain." He sighs, falling back against my bed. "I was such a jerk, I felt like shit for days. . . I couldn't even face you about it." He says looking at me. We talk about it a little more, and get it all worked out. Feeling good again!  "Ahhh... it feels nice getting all that taken care of."  he says sitting up with a smile, and he accidently kicks the back at his feet. Then his smile fades, and so does mine.  "So, you're going to leave." He points out the obvious.


"Sebastien, I don't know if I'm cut out to be here anymore. . . My parent's have shut me out from everything and I don't know why. I can't live a life shut out from everything."  I sigh. He is quiet again. " I don't want to never see you and the others again, I just don't know if I want to live here for the rest of my life." I say, hoping that explains a little better.  He moves in closer to me, grabbing my hands in his. "What?" I ask, confused. Is he like gonna start crying on my shoulder or something? The image of him crying  frightens me somewhat. He is so strong and brave, it would't look right to see him cry.


"If you're leaving tonight, there is one thing I have to do before you go. He whispers, getting closer and closer. What must he do? I'm lost.


"What?" I ask again, and a small smile plays on his lips. His lips. . .  is he going to kiss me? Funny Lyra. Wait, is he! "Sebastien, I don't think you should." I say, moving back an inch.


"Lyra, come here." He whispers, letting go of one of my hands. Placing it on the back of my neck, and moving in. Our lips touch. I can't believe what is happening, Sebastien the hot adorable prince is kissing me! Heat rushes to my cheeks, and my free hand caresses his cheek. Passion is buzzing off of both of us, his grip hand on the back of my neck slips away, and to the hand that's on his check. Then he pulls away!


"A goodbye kiss." I say,  wishing that wasn't what that was. Dropping my hand from his cheek, but he still holds it.


"Well, that's one way to look at it." He says, I look up at his eyes. "Or it's me begging you to stay." He adds looking  at our hands still joined together. Him begging me to stay. He wants me here, just like the others I'm sure do. Molly and Garret, want there daughter here. Sebastien and Chaston and the others don't want to lose there friend.  I was going to leave, and make them all go back to living with out having me here.  But shouldn't I do what makes me happy? Kissing Sebastien did make me happy! Really happy!  Ugh, now I don't understand. Everything is all jumbled in my head.


"I'm so confused." I whisper, and he chuckles.


"Let me unconfuse you then." He say, kissing me again. Stronger this time, and a little more forceful. My hands hold his face, and  his hold my wrists. He is really good at unconfusing me. I pull back this time, placing my forehead to his. "So..?" He asks, and I can feel how hard this is for him.


"Sebastien," I begin " You have no idea how it feels to finally kiss you." I say, and he laughs. "I'll stay, but not just for you." I whisper.


"I wanted to keep you all to mysef though." He whispers. I smile, and look at him in the eyes. For a second they are golden, and I get lost in them, but they aren't his. This eyes are Dr. Drake's! Then his come back, and I shake off the weird feeling that gave me. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to kiss you again!" He says, and I blush a second.


"Lyra? Sebastien? What's going on?" Molly asks on the other side of the door. We jump apart, even though she didn't come in.


"Nothing Mom!" I yell, and then I realize I called her mom! The door flies open, and Her eyes are brimming wth tears.  I get up and run and hug her. I hear Sebastien behind me sigh through Molly's cries. Garret comes flying up the stairs, asking what's wrong.  "Nothing." I say. Gulp, and take a breath. "Dad." I say, and he joins the hug.


"Sebastien what ever you said to her thank you!" Molly cries, and then I practically have to push the two of them out of the room. Asking for another second alone with Sebastien. Once they are gone, I lean against the door letting out a breath.


"That's the first time I've ever called them that." I inform, him and he smiles. "I guess you're the one who made me say it to. I should thank you." I say.


"I'll take you staying here as a thank you." He says getting up from the bed. Walking to the door.


"Wait before we go downstairs." I say, I grab his hand, and kiss him on the cheek. Then we head downstairs.  Sebastien gets to stay for  ice cream. We all talk about a bunch of different stuff. I glance at the clock and it's a little past nine. Then the doorbell rings and it's Chaston asking for her brother, he leaves with a wave goodbye and a secret wink to me. Then the door closes.  I'm bone tired, and my body is sore from those flips today.  "Night, Mom Dad." I say hugging them goodnight. Then I head upstairs, shower and hop into bed.

Chapter 12- Complications (Lyra's POV)

Slouching around in one of the many palace studies, I wait for Molly to finish in the kitchen. Theodore, was sick today and couldn't train, and Molly didn't want to leave me home alone. I got shoved in here and told to stay put, although I don't know where else I would go. Grabbing a bunch of books with interesting titles, I read the back of them all once I sit back down. What the hell kind of a library is this? It's all political science, and actual science! No wonder Sebastien was at the book store that one day! Shoving them all away from me, I walk around searching for somethig else to do. A cheeker board,  sewing kit, a cross word book. Nothing, why have a study if know one is ever in it anyways? They have enough studies you would think this was a huge  well-known college in England or London!


Finding a blanket I snuggle into a couch again. Nothing else to do, I might as well sleep. Turning my ipod on I place it next to my head, already dozing off. Not having training today really will kill me!  I should've just went anyways, and ran through the training course. Listening as the song changes, I hum along with it. Stopping almost instantly I can't keep up I'm to tired.


"Lyra!" Tatum's voice wakes me. I shoot off the couch, checking for drool and wiping my hair back. "We must talk." He says, and my eyes get used to the light. I'm the palace study still, I look for a clock. It's only been five minutes!


"Tatum what are you doing here?" I ask, folding up the blanket. Why is he here, in the castle! If I get caught with him, I might get kicked out! Putting the blanket away, I still don't look directly at him.  The door should probably get locked. 


"I'm serious, Lyra." He says grabbing my wrist. I whirl on him using a weak hook punch, he lets go holding his side. "That was good, you've have some training." He says, lifting his shirt  showing off his stomach and the spot where I punched him.  I continue to the door, what ever it is it must not be to important.  "Okay, seriously though. You're in danger!" He says keeping pace behind me. The door swings open in front of me, smacking me in the face. "Oh shit!" Tatum yells, and the door swings closed revealing Sebastien. My nose! I rub my nose,  groaning in pain.


"Oh I'm sorry! I heard you where here and I just wanted to see you!" Sebastien say, hugging me with an apology.


"Yeah, you're so sorry." Tatum sighs behind me. He is still here? Even with Sebastien in the room!?  "Anyways,  you have to come with me. You're not safe here!" He says, ignoring me and Sebastien glaring at him. I give Sebastien a give me a second look, he sighs and lets go of my hand he is holding. He doesn't leave the room like I wanted him to, but I'll live. I glare back at Tatum, and he gets that I now mean business.  "I promise!" He adds.


"Why?" I ask, checking my nose in the reflection of an armor suit in the room. It's red, but nothing else. It might bruise a little but that's it. Great Molly will ask me what happened and I will say I was hit in the face with a door! "I'm not in the mood Tatum, so this better be good."


"One of my subjects has ran off." He begins, and I already want to slap him. "She disapeared here somewhere, and I think she may be after yo-"


" A darkling is here?" Sebastien speaks up from the other end of the room, obviously he is listening. Tatum, looks at him funny.


"Yeah maybe... and who are you?" Tatum replies, oh jeez they are already fighting!


"Doesn't Matter!" I join in, "Tatum, what happened?" I say, looking at Sebastien and pleading with him.   He sighs, looking out the window. This sucks, we just worked everything out too. We're going to need to talk again.


"She found out about  . . . " He looks towards Sebastien, and I step on his foot. He grumbles something that sounds like swear words, and returns to me. "She found out about YOU, and I think she may try to end your life." He emphasizes the word you. My life might be in danger? Because this idiot likes me?


"It sounds like jealousy." Sebastien says still looking out the window, and more mumbling comes from Tatum.


"Yes, thank you for pointing that out." Tatum says, his eyes turning black a second. I step back, innocently even though it scared me half to death. "Lyra, all the locaters said she is somewhere here, in Spridge. I can't leave you here now. Please come with me." He says, holding out a hand for me. I rub my forehead. Do I believe him? Even if I do believe him, do I go with him? 


"She will stay here. I'm sure she is safer here then with you." Sebastien says, standing next to me. Ugh, he is heroic . . . and jealous.


"Is that jealousy I'm sensing?" Tatum asks, smiling at him. "Lyra, are you being unfaithful?" He asks, throwing me a smirk. Of course Tatum trying to cause problems. There is way to much tension between these two for me to think!


"Sebastien, maybe you should go. Only for a second." I say looking up at him, and his face goes blank and unreadable. I pissed him off.


"Oh so this is the knightly prince? I don't believe we have ever a officially meet. I'm Tat-" I step on his foot again, and he groans in pain. Grabbing at his toes.  While he is withering in pain I grab Sebastiens hand, and kiss his cheek.


"Calm down, please." I whisper in his ear. Then I let go of his hand, and take a couple steps away from him. Tatum didn't even notice he is to busy worrying about his foot.  "Okay, say you're telling the truth, one of you people is here. Why would I be safer with you? Where more of your people would try to kill me?" I ask, him.


"If you came with you would eventually become one of us, Lyra." He smiles forgetting his foot, he pushes my bangs out of my face. "All it takes is one kiss." He smolders with lust buzzing off him. I shiver at his voice, stepping away. Tatum's eyes flick to Sebastien who standing somewhere behind me, and then back to me. " I will leave for now. I will be back, and we waill talk about this with privacy." He says, grabbing my hand with quick speed. Laying a kiss on it he disapears. I wipe my hand on my shirt,  for some reason his kiss feels funny like some kind of trick or something.  Turning on my feet to Sebastien, I rub my forehead.


"He is kind of a prick." Are Sebastien's first words, and I laugh. Leaning against the couch with him, and we talk for a little while about what just happened. He obviously doesn't want to believe any of it, and is telling me its just another trick to try and get me to go with him. That is a posibility, but I mean its also possible that wha he said is actually true. "Lyra, the guy wants in your pants. He lieing." He says, and I take it as he doesn't want to talk about it anymore.  He wants in my pants. I glance down at my pants, I'm wearing a skirt. I laugh a second, and then I pick up on all the jealousy Sebastien is holding next to me.


"Is that all you want?" I ask, elbowing him and he grunts surprised. I look at him out of the side of my eyes, I caught him off guard and embarrassed him.


"What?" He asks, me grabbing my hand. " I hope you would know better then that." He sigh, kissing my forehead. I do know better,  I just hope that I'm right. My mind wonders now what if Sebastien doesn't like me . . . what if he is just trying to 'get in my pants'? Maybe he is some kind of player, I mean he was hangig around with the blonde slut in the garden. Also Molly told me to stay away, but we have past?  "Don't think so hard," He says touching a finger to my forehead now. "You'll get wrinkles." He smiles, and I giggle.


"Is there any truth to that?" I ask, making my way to the couch behind us. Plopping down together I ask him questions about the study, and he has no answers, and doesn't understand either.  We move on to playing dodgeball with the throw pillows, surprisingly not breaking anything. Once both our arms are tired, we lay on the floor looking through an old book about an old treaty between vampires and werewolves. I start dosing in and out again, and he covers me up with a blanket.I turn so I'm facing him, and looks down at me. I rub my eyes a second, and then look again. I sit up, his eyes are gold again. They aren't his eyes, they're  Dr. Drake's! This is so weird this happened yesterday as well!


"What!" He asks, looking at me. I shake it off, and his eyes are back. Damn that is so weird, I hope that stops.  I don't even know why it keeps doing that! Laying back down Sebastiens pulls the blanket back up over my shoulders again. "Just relax, no need to be jumpy." He whispers, and he is right. I'm just so nervous now, stupid Tatum. I blame the eye thing on the lights, and listen as Sebastien read out of the book about  the history of some big war between vampires and werewolves.  It's so weird listening to this because normally this things are concidered fairytails, but here I am living  a fairytale!


"Sebastien..." I speak quietly, hoping it sounded like his name. I'm so tired, I don't know for sure if I pronounced it right.


"Yeah?" He asks, and I hear the book close.


"Don't let Molly or Garret see you with me. I'm not supposed to be with you, alone at all." I yawn, and the lights get dimmer and dimmer.




I'm falling! I smack the floor, and sit up rubbing my back. I fell off the couch in the study, standing up I look around. I wonder how long I was out, I wonder where Sebastien went. Looking to the floor where we were laying I sigh. I wouldn't want to sit there and watch some one sleep either, that might be weird. Awww Sebastien must've picked me and laid me on the couch! Although I did fall off and hrt my butt, it was still a nice thought! I can't believe I'm still here, how long has it been? Checking the time on my ipod, I groan. It's been 2 hours! Molly said she would be 20 minutes, and it's been 2 hours! Maybe she forgot me here? Very unlikely.  I'm hungry, and if I go to the kitchen she'll be there, and she will cook me something.  Dr. Drake would cook for you as well. I rub my forehead, where did that thought come from? I haven't seen him at all today, probably because I've been locked in this stupid study. But do I want to see him? I mean, all the weird stuf I imagined  going on. No. Probably best I stay away from the sexy doctor.


Opening the door I peek both ways down the hall, no one. I make a run for it. Stopping at all intersections and checking for people. Molly said I wasn't supposed to leave the study, so I assume she didn't want me to see anyone . . . even though  it's a bit late for that. Taking a left turn, I laugh at how I know where the kitchen is, but nothing else. Running past the dining room doors, I smile I hate that room. The grand kitchen doors are ahead of me, and my stomach is grumbling in complaint! Stopping outside the doors, I catch my breath a second fix my hair a little bit, it's a litte messy from running with it not in braid or ponytail.  Creaking open the door I ask for Molly. 


It's empty? No one is in here, where is Molly then? Closing the door behind me I venture inside, I'm still hungry so maybe I can grab an apple or something. I peek inside one door, that is a pantry holding more food. Then another, it's shelves that have plates and serving trays. It's weird being in such a large kitchen without any one else! I scurry to the fridge, grabbing an apple, I make my way out of the room. I wonder where all the kitchen staff is, there wasn't anyone there! Come to think of it I haven't seen any one period. No maids dusting of armor suits and flowers vases, no men  working on fixing the couple spots on the walls. No one.  Now more creeped out then ever, I try and find my way back to the study. It's such a big place, I'm sure they all had other places to be cleaning. I wish I had a phone, that way I could call Garret, ask him what s going on. He was sent off on business this morning. Trying different doors again, I realize I'm lost. Now actually scared, I run through the halls. Sebastien was just here  . . . two or less hours ago. . .  but I know he was here.  God I've seen to many scary movies!


Pausing in a hall way, I try and figure out where I am. Looking out the windows, I don't see a garden or a beach. Just green grass. Where am I? I thought this place was surrounded by gardens! Scratching the back of my neck, I walk back the way I came, I need to find a garden! Maybe I should head back to the kitchen? I do little bit more back tracking, even though I'm not even sure where the kitchen is anymore. I come to a four way intersection, and I have no clue which way I came. Taking a right, I head down a dead end. Glancing out the window, I now see gardens! I've made some progress! Opening one of the doors, to see if I can figure out where I am, I sigh in relief. The door I opened was Chaston's bedroom!  I have an idea now of where I am! Glancing in her room, again my brow furrows. She isn't in here. I check Sebastien's, he is gone now as well. Pinching my nose a second, from frustration I walk back the four way intersection, I take left from there and walk.  This seems right.


"Lost?" Tatum says next to me. I groan, why!? "I wouldn't doubt it, you've been walking in this maze for about forty minutes now." He says, and I stop walking and look at him. Maze? What does he mean by maze? am I not really in the castle!? I look around, I'm still in the castle.  "It shows you what you want to see." He sighs, waving an arm. Then I'm in his bedroom again.


"What the hell Tatum!" I slap his shoulder, he knew I was lost in that stupid maze thing and he didn't help me out at all. "Why was I there to begin with?" I ask, and then the apple in my hand fades. I tottally forgot I even had that, I guess it's good I didn't eat it!


"I told you we would be talking, but when I came to get you you were sleeping. So I put you in the maze until you woke up,  that was the only place no one would ever find you. Then I had to leave, and when I came back you were awake." He says, pointing at something on his book case. I grab it and look inside. It's a maze! A small green shrub maze.


"I was in the castle though." I whisper confused.


"Like I said it shows you where you want to be." He chuckles. I put it back, that's weird he shrunk me down to that size?!


"Wait so I was shrunk, and shoved in toy maze four how long?" I growl at him.


"Only an hour. . . " He says yawning. Rubbing my forehead, I sit in his chair to his desk. " Okay now can we get down to business?" He asks, and I nod. "She is in Spridge somewhere Lyra, I know it. Our locaters know for sure now . . . that's where I just was." He begins, I get comfortable  . . . I might be here a while. "Did you here what I just said?" He asks.


"Yes, Tatum I did." I sigh, " I just don't know what you want me to do. . . or say to you." I add. I start to realize what might  happen. I can't leave, I don't have a stone! He might force me to stay here! I stand up ready to rampage. "Tatum you can't keep me here! I have to go home, I have training and ah school!" I say pointing at him to help add effect. He scoffs, in a mad and upset way.


"You have a boyfriend there you need to see." He torts, and I put my hand down.


"We aren't together," I rub my forehead, and he looks at me as if saying bullshit. "Seriously, we both know we like each other, but nothing is official." I sigh, wishing it was. Tatum yawns, and I frown. "It wont ever be official." I say more to myself. I need to follow the rules! No matter how much we like each other! I've dug this way to deep now, with all the kissing . . . even though they weren't full blown kisses . . . how will I tell him now that it wont work!?


"Back to the problem at hand please." Tatum grumbles, he is seriously jealous. I smirk a second, then flip back to another jealous person. "Lyra, I just want to make sure you're safe. Yes, I would love it if you stayed here with me.  But I understand I can't force you. . . I will just always have to be watching you." He says, I think finally getting to the end of his story.


"So, you'll be watching me through your crystal ball?" I ask, that isn't to bad. Unless I'm showering, or changing, or talking to Sebastien,  Dr. Drake, or  using the bathroom? How did I get Dr. Drake? Where did he come from?!


"Sometimes, I might send someone out after you. Have them always be there, but secretly. You wont even be able to see them." He says, reasuringly.


"Just not that vampire guy! Or Sean!" I point again, I feel powerful when I'm pointing. He salutes to me, and I put the finger down. If pointing gets me somewhere then I'll point! Then I think of Melanie, do I want her stalking me> No not really but what ever happens happens. Standing back up, I lean against his bed's night stand. "Can I go now?" I ask, and he sighs.


"I was hoping you would just stay..." He sighs, now I laugh. "Yeah yeah. See ya sometime." He says waving a hand and I'm out like a light! Again!

Chapter 13- Change (Lyra's POV)

"Lyra, come one time to go." Molly shakes me awake, I slowly get up folding the blanket. Tatum was nice enough to put me on the couch,  I smile slightly. I look around the room, I wonder if one of his people is watching me now! Following Molly out of the room I wish I could say goodbye to Sebastien. Although it's better that I don't, I can't keep digging that grave deeper and deeper! Once we're outside in the wagon, I lean my head back on the wooden head rest. They should really invest in cars.  Watching the castle get farther and farther from view, I sigh.  What a day I had today.  I wonder if that girl is watching me? I wonder if she is even real!? I mean Tatum seemed pretty freaked out, and it almost touches my heart because it really seems like he cares about me. I just can't be sure knowing all the lies and secrets.


Once I'm home I head inside, going to the kitchen and grabbing the stolen box of gushers. Plopping onto the couch, I turn on the T.V and watch what ever is playing. Some kind of criminial show. Maybe Law and Order. Opening my third pack of Gushers, Mollly comes in and takes the box away from me.


"Hey, I'm eating those!" I say reaching for them. Of course I'm nowwhere close to actually getting them. I put my arms down, and try to ignore her standing there looking down at me. I don't know what her problem is, normally I could be hanging with friends, or at the training center, she is the one making me stay here! 


"Okay, fine. I get it, you have no life." She sighs, sitting next to me. Grabbing a pack out of the box. Now I'm watching her, where is she going with this?  "I just . . .  I wanted you to stay here, and I want to keep you where I can see you and protected!" She says, and I smile she is only looking out for me.


"I get, but I'm a teenager." I say, and I realize that isn't something you should say to your mom, but I just did so.


"Yeah." She looks at me, "You're a teenager, you need to be with friends. Not stuck at home all the time." She sighs, and I smile! Is her rope on me loosening!?  Starting tomorrow I'll let you go, do what ever." She says.


"Oh thank you thank you!" I say jumping on her squeezing her as hard as I can. Tomorrow I can try and hang out with Chaston and Flora! Maybe I'll see Janessa and Asia! We sit on the couch together watching the T.V for awhile, and finishing the box of Gushers. After awhile Molly gets up to make supper. I follow, if my mom is a good cook I must have some talent. Tying an apron around my waist to be funny, she puts me to work. Of course I get easy stuff like setting the table and making the juice. I don't think she trusts my cooking skills. Garret comes in a little while later, interupting me mixing the strawberry and banana juice. I've never heard of that being a juice before only shakes and stuff like that but sounds delicious.  Garret joins me, in getting out place mats and silverware once we finish with the table Molly  finishes with supper and we sit down and eat.


It's a quiet meal, and I'm unsure why. I thought Molly and I just worked everything out, so why is it so quiet? Maybe she is mad Garret had came home late from work. Which is very odd, he is normaly home early if anything.  I don't know if I should say anything either.  If they are fighting I should't get involved, isn't that how divorces get started? The kid gets involved in the fight and then the parents start fighting about that.  Pushing around the food on my plate ,just like  Molly and Garret, I let out a sigh. What a shame to, I get the feeling that this meal  was really good. It looks kind of like a stew, or casserole with lots of vegetables and some really good mouth watering sauce looking stuff drizzled on top. 


"How was your day Lyra?" Garret breaks the silence, and Mollly drops her silverware on her plate making a loud clattering noise.  I look from one to other, something is up, but what?


"Ah, my day was alright.  I slept most of the time, and just did nothing." I say, actually taking a bite of the food in front of me for the first time. "It's really good," I speak with a mouth full of food. "What is it?" I ask digging through looking at all the different ingrediants.


"I'm happy you had a good day." Garret says first, and then we both turn and look at Molly, waiting for her response. Nothing, he just keeps twirling her fork around on her plate. "Molly?" Garret speaks again, and Molly drops her fork again.


"Garret, this isn't okay!" Molly says, standing up from the table. "I don't want him to see her!" She goes on, standing up grabbing her plate of food. 


"For gods skae Molly. We hired him for a reason, just let him see her one more time. See if he could help!" Garret says standing along with her. I notice he is gripping his knife. "She said she would see him, she is going to see him!"  I rub my forehead, they're fighting about Dr. Drake.  It's sounding like I'm supposed to see him again, which doesn't make me happy, but it doesn't upset me either.  The last time I saw him, he gave me a cold shoulder and that hurt. . . a lot for some reason. The time before that though, we were definately bonding or something. We we're so close, and that tense feeling was in the air. I shiver just thinking about it. I need to see him. I need to talk to him about what the hell was happening!  Maybe I shouldn't though, I mean it's hard for me to be around him even so maybe seeing him and asking him isn't a good idea!


"I want to see him." I whisper, and the yelling stops. I look up from my plate of food, they're staring at me. "I still want to see him . . .  Dr. Drake that is." I say, standing up as well. I almost point, but I don't think that will work on my parents.


"Lyra I just don't wa-" Molly begins.


"Molly, she said she would see him. It's done and settled." Garret says, grabbing his plate and heading towards the kitchen. I take it that's the end of that conversation. 


"Is that what's going on? You two are fighting  over Dr. Drake."  I ask, walking over to Molly. This little squabble, has been going on for a while apparently,  because it just now blew up. I feel horrible knowing that I've been causing them trouble . . .  espicially without even trying to! Molly just sighs, gripping my shoulder.  "It's okay. Don't worry, I really do want to talk to him. If I can get memories back in a safe way I want to." I say.  She smiles,  then grabs her plate. I watch her as she goes into the kitchen. I let out a breath, and grab mine as well. Handing it over to Garret who already has most of the dishes done, I excuse myself upstairs. Showering and cleaning up my room,  I let out my frustration. My arms will more then likely hurt tomorrow because I dusted the furniture in my room twenty times. 


Plopping on my bed, I rub my forehead, and take a wiff or my room. Its smells like those lysol wipes, and lemon wood polisher. I almost sneeze breathing it in, probably wont need to dust my room again, for a couple years.  Turning on my ipod and turnging the music on low, I lay down and try to fall asleep. I'm going to see Dr. Drake tomorrow. . . or sometime soon! I've gotten the okay to see my friends, and go to the training center. I can get a life again! I can feel the grin spread across my face. Although you do have a, more then likely pshyco, out there trying to kill you.  My grin disapears. Maybe that's another thing I can talk  to Dr. Drake about. Probably not actually, I'll talk to Theodore about that, maybe  get more self defense training. Tossing and turning through out the night, I keep looking around y room to make sure that girl doesn't come and attack me in my sleep.




I jumped when  Molly opened my door and told me to get ready. I tossed for the umptinth time, looking for my clock. the whole night went by, and I didn't get one hour or one minute of sleep! Slipping out of bed I almost trip over my bed sheets that fall off the bed. What a great way yo start the morning! Brushing through my and hair and teeth, and throwing on sweat pants and a sweatshirt I head down stairs.  Grabbing a bowl and oatmeal, I sit waiting for it to finish cooking.


"Is that really what you're going to wear, you're seeing Dr. Drake." Molly says, gesturing to my lazy outfit. A buzz flows through my body, I am going to see him today! Do I want him to see me looking like this? I mean, sweats and air up in a messy bun, no make-up. Yep, need to change. I slip off the barstool and pause a moment. No, he gave me the cold shoulder. I'll do the same.


"It's just a Dr. Appointment, why would I get all dressed up and fancy?" I ask, then the timer goes off, and I grab my oatmeal. Molly doesn't say anything else before she leaves the room. I eat my breakfast in two seconds, I'm going in hyperactive mode knowing I get to see the sexy doctor. I want to slap myself, I feel great ad horrible at the same time.  What about Sebastien, I do like him a lot. . .  I more then like him (not love or anything). But it's different with Dr. Drake! Just thinking about him makes me jittery and excited! Which is weird, he is like 100 something and has blonde really blonde hair. I don't like boys with blonde hair, but him. . .  he looks like my dream guy or something. 


Putting my bowl in the sink, I head back up to my roon. Maybe just a little make-up and redo of my hair. Fixing my into a nicer looking messy bun, and a little eyeliner and mascara, I run back down stairs. Molly and Garret are waiting for me. Shoving on my pair of black Ugg like boots, we head out to the wagon. It takes what seems like hours to get to the castle, but once we're there I of course have to wait for a while before I can see him because he is busy talking with the king and queen. Molly and Garret push off to go find Chaston, so I have something to do . . . apparently the meeting he is in could take awhile. Walking down the hallway that holds all the bedrooms, I head to Chaston's room first. I don't know if I should see Sabastien. I know I shouldn't see him at all. Ever, but I don't know how long I'll be able to keep that up. Knocking on her door, I don't hear a reply. I lay ear against the door, wondering If I could hear her. I don't her her voice, but I hear a shower. or something running. I open the door a crack, peeking inside. No one, bt I can see the steam rolling through the crack in the door to what I assume must be her bathroom. Slowly creeping inside, not trying to be a stalker or anything I just want to let her know I am here.


"Stop it!" I hear her squeel in the bathroom. "I don't have much time, what is it you wanted to tell me?" I she says. I pause, who is she talking to? Then I hear a distinctive sound that is obviously kissing, and I start backing away.  Okay, no need for me to be here. I should've just waited outside the door! "Chase Housen, you are to tempting!" She squeels, and I stop moving again. Chase?  Chase is the boy in there with her?! I wonder if Flora knows? I wonder if anyone knows!?


"Chaston you can't tease me like that." He growls, huskily. Yeah, I need to leave. More lip locking. Yup, time to go. Running on my tip toes from the room, I slip out. quietly closing the door behind me. I stand in the hall a second, wondering if what I just witnessed is something real, and if I'm the only one who knows. Walking down the hall not in the mood to even see if Sebastien is in his room, I try and find the kitchen. Which shouldn't to hard it's the only room that I know for sure. Of course I get side tracked and lost, and end finding a study instead. Growling about my bad morning I grab  a blanket and curl up by the fire. Sleep. I can go to sleep. Although there is couch behind me, why would I sleep on the floor. I think for a while about whether I should get up and go the couch, for some odd reason the floor is super comfy. Mumbling to myself I slink over to the couch like a worm or a caterpillar. Then I realize I'm just to lazy to actually hoist my body up onto the couch. I didn't realize I was this tired before. I can barely keep my eyes open now. Curling in a ball at the foot of the couch, I lay my head on my arms, and fall into a heavy sleep.


It's when I feel a pain, in my stomache that I shoot off the ground. I'm standing, wobbly but I am standing. I reach out for the couch, to steady myself. Got my stomach, I feel like I just got kicked! *SMACK* I tople over hitting the ground with great force, my cheek is stinging already. I look up, and the is a girl. Jet black hair, and brown maid looking clothes on. What? Where did she come from.


"You moved away from the fire." She speaks, then charges at me, I'm to stunned to move. The fire? What? Gripping me by my hair, she drags me. I yell out in pain. grabbing her hand and arm, to try and pull her off. Stay calm! Remain calm! You learned what to do! I tell myself. I stop screaming, and take a couple deep breaths ignoring the fact that the crazy lady is ripping out my hair!  I turn on my but tripping her with my feet, and she lets go of my hair. Now both of us on the ground, she heaves out a breath as I have a hard time staying awake.  I glance around the room, spotting the fire pit. What's so importantabout the fire?  She growls lounging at me, and I dodge it but barely. knokcing into a night stand, the lamp falls and breaks to pieces. How will I explain that?


Scarmbling to my feet, the girl, is also getting drowsy. Reaching for the blanket I throw it at her, and she gets tangled in it. Taking my chance, I crawl like a baby towards the door.


"No!" She yells, and then body slams me to the ground, I don't know who to wrestle. . . only karate!  "You were supposed to stay by the fire. Take in to much, and DIE!" She yels in my face, spitting when she yells die. Okay she is crazy! It's official!  She looks like a maid maybe she works here at the palace?  What the hell did I ever do to her! "He is already Engaged, don't ruin her life!"  She keeps yelling, as I get a grip around her neck. What do I do? Squeeze?  That could kill her! Pushing her off of me, I crawl faster, or at least I hope faster.  He is engaged? Sebastien? No he isn't, not that I know off. How else could she be talking about!?


I turn to try and find her, she is by the fire, speaking some weird language. Then the fire blinks out just like that, and she stands. Oh shit, what in the hell is she!? My grogginess fading I stand up still a little wobby, she stares at me. I stare back.  My stomach is in pain, my face stings, and I'm getting a headache!


"I don't .. know what you're talking about." I breath out holding my stomach, damn she must've kicked me!


"Stay away from Lord Tatum." She shreiks, jumping at me. I move but not in time she catches my ankle, and I colaspe, her nails digging into my ankle and shin, and is clawing trying to practically climb up my body.  Lord Tatum?!  Holy shit! It's that girl, Tatum told me about. Where is my protction! Tatum! Anyone! Using my still free leg I kick at her, getting her a couple times in the hand and arms. I get her off of my, and I stand easily all sleepiness gone. Running towards the door, I get yanked to the left into a book shelf.  She is standing two feet in front of me just staring again.  I grab a book, in my hand discretely, and then whip it at her, smack her in the shoulder. She yelps in pain for second and reload grabbing another. I can't kill her!  I don't want to kill her . . . even if she wants to kill me. Throwing another book at her, I miss and she charges. Lifting me clear over her shoulder, and throwing my on the ground. More wrestling moves!  My body is bruised enough, and I really don't think I can beat this girl. grabbing the rack of blankets thats next to me I knock it over, hoping that might do something any thing! I struggle back up to my feet, and run towards where the fire poker is. I grab it and turn ready to fight, but she is right there already, pushing me into the wall again. 


My powers!


Where are my powers? Normally they come out when I'm scared!


I come back to reality when I hear her grunt thrusting the fire poker at me. I dodge scaling against the wall, and then she thrusts again, and misses but there is  a loud crack, and behind me glass shatters. Not good. Sheilding my head from falling glass, I duck as she strikes again. No more miss little weakling! I'm done playing around! Standing back up, I look her in the eyes. She smiles, twirling the fire poker in her hand. 


"I'm not the one who is going to die here today." I growl, getting in position. She just cackles and ugle sound, tossing the fire poker to the side. Alright hand to hand combat I'm good at that. Next to me there is a coat rack, and I grab it tossing it at her. I never said I would play fair though. I take of running back towards the couch, and I hear her roar feriously. I large piece or glass, flies past my left shoulder just missing me. Grabbing a pillow from the couch, I try to use it as a shield.  In the distance I hear voices yelling about a broken window, they must be outside or something. She charges throwing her arms everywhere. I get a good spot to kick, her and she rams into the couch with so much force the whole thing falls backwards. She peeks from over the seat speaking in the weird language again, and the pillow in my hand ripples into flames.  Tossing it her way, I blow on my hand. No burns that I can see!  I hear more yelling in the distance, and then there is a hand on my shoulder. I turn ready to smack, but it's Tatum!


"My Lord!" The girl yells, standing up from the couch. He doesn't say anything to her, he just steps in front of me.  "She doesn't deserve you! You are engaged!" She yells, throwing her arm which lets go of more glass. For the oddest of reasons I jump in front of it. I stabs me right under my ribs, and I fall to the ground.  Why did I jump in front of that? For Tatum? He could've defended himself!


"Lyra!" He yells, throwing his arm up at the girls which sends ar flying into a book shelf. She is knocked out! Books fall from the shelf also hitting her, and I smile. Serves her right!  "Why did you do that, I can protect myself!" She wouldn't really hurt me!" He says, wiping the stray hairs off my face. Then there is more distant yelling, but it's closer, like just down the hall close.  "I have to help you,  . . . ahhh heal you .. or something!" He is stuttering, and frightened.


"Tatum." I say, and it's harder to speak then I would've thought. I was just a small shard of glass, and couple bangs to the head and stomach. Looking at my stomach I almost puke. More like big shard of glass and lots of blood loss. "You must go. Some one will be here soon. If they see you . . . " I pause needing air.  "If they see you, they will kill you." I say, pushing at him. I don't want him to die oddly enough, I guess that's why I jumped in front of the glass. "Now. Tatum!" I say feeling light headed.


"I . . .  Lyra, what. . ." He says his hands smeared in blood. The screaming is closer now, and I panic. I'm light headed, and losing blood, Tatum wont leave! I can see fear in his face, wow, I never thought I would ever see that.


"Now." I rasp, slapping him, as hard as I can. That did the trick. He growls mumbling that he will see me later, and then he and the girl disapear. I look up at the ceiling listening to the yelling get closer and closer and closer.  The door flies open, and there is bunch of yelling I can't make out. Then more foot sounds, and running. For a moment I think about what all happened to the room. But then more voices and yelling and footsteps.


"Lyra! . . .  Oh my god!" Dr. Drake's voice is the only one that I make out in all the yelling, I smile a second I can see him now. Although my vission is getting a little blurry. Speak Lyra! I can't. Where is he? I can't really see, is he around me? Then everything goes black.

Chapter 14- Locked Up (Lyra's POV)

 I sit up slowly, my stomach has a small ache in it and I think I have stitches. A machine starts beeping really loud and the door flies open


"Dr. Drake?" I ask, excited. Finally I can see him!


"No, it's my Mom." Molly says, and I look up at her. Oh, well now I feel stupid. She must've seen my reaction, becasue she slows her walk, and her face drops. "Lyra, what happened?" She asks, pulling a chair close to the bed. I study her face,  she is keeping something from me.


"Nothing... just Melanie she attack me. . ." I say, what could she be keeping from me? I look for a clock, it's only be a couple hours since what happened so, it's not like anything huge could've happened.  I try and get up from the bed, and the machines beep at me more. I take that as I need what ever medecine they giving me.  "What happened to me?" I ask, looking at all the machines around my bed. I'm still in the castle/palace, I'm even in Dr. Drake's patient room, but where is the sexy -- where is the nice doctor?  I mentally smack myself, now isn't the time to fantasizing!  Molly takes in a deep breath, and looks around at the machines.


"Hunny, you had major blood loss, a bad concusion, and sprained ankle. Well and stitches in your side." She sighs. I smile, hell that's a lot better then what I was thinking! I was thinking stuff like I only had hours to live and that I was paralyzed! "That's nothing to be happy about!" Molly says, and my face drops. Major blood loss is the worst, and it looks like I'm okay now so I don't know what else is so bad! Unless there is more, and she just didn't tell me!


"What else?" I say worried. Maybe I am dying! What about Dr. Drake and Sebastien and Chaston, and Flora, and . . .  well everyone else! I try to move my legs, I can. Then my arms, and I can. I'm not paralyzed! She doesn't answer me, and now I start panicing! "Holy shit am I dying!" I yell, and the machines roar with beeping. Molly stands up pushing me to lay down. I am! I am dying!


"You're not dying! Calm down, you're going make Mrs. Grinich  come in and check on you." She hushes me. Mrs. Grinich? Now I'm confused, and happy. I'm not dying! "Goodness, Lyra you panic easily just like your father." She says sitting back in her chair rubbing her forehead. She just compared me to my father! Is that good? Yes, it is ins't it? I mean shouldn't kids be like the parents? I smile slightly, then lean back in the bed.


"Wait! You said Mrs. Grinich, where is Dr. Drake?" I ask, sitting up again, feeling a littl ejolt of pain in under my ribs. My mom, looks at me for a second, and then at the floor. Panicing! "Mom? Where is Dr. Drake?" I ask, getting up. The machines go crazy again, but I don't care. I look down at what I'm wear. A gown, and nothing else.


"Lyra stop! You could hurt yourself!" Molly says, I glare at her. Paniced I look around the room for my clothes. I find them in a pile, along wih clean clothes! Thank god. Grabbing then clean clothwes I head towards the bathroom. Molly grab my amr gently. "Lyra, you can't leave. You might faint or something, they don't know if you're okay yet." She says now she is paniced.


"Where is he!?" I ask. What if he got hurt? Why am I so paniced! He is a vampire for pete's sake! "Molly! Where is Elijah?" I ask one more time, ripping my arm from her grip. She is taken back, and head towards the bathroom. I pause when I hear her speak.


"Dungeon." She whispers. I change as fast as I can, and leave. Behind me I can hear Molly yelling for me to come back. Dungeon. Where is the dungeon? I run  looking for a door that looks like it leads to a dungeon. My stomach killing me. My head is pounding. I stop to catch my breath for a second, I spot a guard walking down the other hall. 


"Hey you!" I yell, clapping my hands to catch his attention. He looks and stops walking. "Yeah, where is the dungeon?" I ask, and he explains to me how to get there with out questioning me. I thank him and go the way he shows me. "Turn left at the first four way.... go straight past inside greenhouse. . . .  Right a the next to fourways.. . . . Continue on past the kithen. . . . . " I speak to myself out loud as I do each thing. Anticipation is building in me. I wonder if one of the people locked up needed him. Since he is a doctor that sounds about right.  He isn't hurt or anything. I don't know why I'm panicing so easily. I don't normally panic like this. Or do I? I slow down to a walk, I'm confusing myself! All I know is that I need to see him, and I don't know why.


Walking past the kitchen I turn to left like the man said. There isn't anything here though! It's just a wall! I scream,  for some reason. Then I close my mouth, What is going on? I'm going to kick that guards ass! I kick the wall, and it moves an inch. I back up, holy shit did I just break the wall? I look closer, noticing the small crack in the wall. I push on the wall, and it swings open!  Those sneaky bastards! Looking down the hallway, I get the shivers. It looks like dungeon. Brick mossy walls.  lit by torches, and it smells really bad!  He is here! My heart leaps! I rush down the hall, ignoring the smell and the pain in my stomache. I come toa four way again. Which way, he didn't say where exactly he was in here!  I start to head to the right, but I get a gut feeling his isn't that way. I turn around and go straight, and I keep going.  I run around,  ignoring the sounds the people in the cells make. There are old men and women, and young men and women. I'm surprised.  I thought this place didn't have poverty, and bad people.


I glance at a name plate on one of the rooms I pass,  all it says is Drarkal. I back away, and the girl inside cackle and points at me. I keep walking, where is Dr. Drake!? I wonder if that is what all of them are, I don't want to look. Keeping to the middle of the hall so they cant reach out and touch me, I keep walking. I want to yell for him, but then again I don't. I pass an empty cage, and I grab it for suport for a second. Something fuzzy touches my hand, and I jump away from the bars.  It's like a big bear!   I almost scream. I look at the name plate. Berchi. That's all it says. I apoligize quickly walking away Berchi? I meet have to ask who or what that is! I pass a bunch of more cages,  with out seeing him. I keep walking and I get stopped by a door.  In huge bold letters, the word DEADLY is written on the door. Deadly? He shouldn't be in there, but my gut tells me other wise. I reach out opening the door, a cool wind blows out of the room. I take a step in the and the door behind me closes tightly. I take a deep breath. Walking through the hall, I can't help but look at some of the names. All creatures I have never heard of. They all watch me as I walk through, speaking to me even though I don't answer any of them.  I reach the end again, with another door I didn't see him in here. I look at the door, and I gulp. The word VAMPIRE is placed on the door on a plaque. Oh god. He is in here for something bad unless there is another vampire in here, that needed his doctor skills. Opening the door, I peek inside. I don't see anything. Not even bars, or a cage.


"Dr. Drake?" I whisper, I don't hear anything I walk in more, and the door behind me closes and I hear a click. I go to open it again. It doesn't, it must be locked!  "Okay. . ." I say turning around. How do I get out of here! Dr. Drake isn't even here! God, where is he! Why do I even want to see him!?


"You shouldn't be here Lyra." I hear his voice, it sounds weak and raspy. I walk in closer to where I heard his voice, he is here! I can't hide my excitement. "No. Don't come any closer." He warns, and I can hear him moving. I stop, and I don't know what to do.  Oh god, so he does hate me? I should've just went with the cold shoulder! I back away, but then I remember I can't leave the door is locked!


"I'm sorry, I just... I heard you where here..." I say,  grabing the door. It's still locked. God, I'm embarrassed now, and I hate being in the same room with him espicially if we're alone. I'm already all jittery, even though he told me to leave!


"I didn't say leave." He says, and I can here him moving again. I could feel the panic in his voice.  "Are you okay?" He asks, I stay where I am. 


"I've got a minor concusion and sprained ankle. Apparently there was a lot of blood lo-" I  take in a breath. Blood loss. It's quiet in the room for a minute.  "Can I..  can I see you?" I ask, moving in closer again. He is in here because of me!? In the room, all my blood! "Dr. Drake?" I whisper.  I'm frightened.


"You should be."  He says, I rub my forehead, he can read my thoughts! Clear the mind!


"I'm not scared of you!" I say, moving closer. "I'm scared that I hurt you, and that you don't like me. God I'm horrified that you don't like me!" I start spilling out my feelings. I reach some bars, and I grip them. " I put you in here didn't I?" I ask. It's still pitch black, I can't see anything.  "Elijah?" I ask, using his name. I hear him move, and then I can tell he is close. Maybe just on the othe side of the bars  . . . a foot away from me.


"I can't be around you Lyra." He whispers, I feel tears. Didn't I already know this though. "Not with out craving, and wanting." he whispers. I don't understand. craving and wanting? My blood?  "Yes, not only that though." He says. Now I'm confused. "You feel it. I know you do." He whispers, and then I can see him. His hair is a mess. His white shirt and black plants are messy from being in here. He only could have been in here for three hours how is he so groungy looking?


"Because, I had a break down." He sighs reaching a hand out of the bars, hesitantly. "The smell of all of your blood was to much." He whispers. Placing my cheek in his hand, I feel tears again. I'm not crazy.


"I don't understand." I whisper, still confused.


"Do you remembr that day in the kitchen." He asks, and I nod. "I was trying to tell you. Vampires are sort of like werewolves in a way, we have people in our lives that meaning everything to us. We don't call them mates. They're called the partners."  He says, and my heart starts racing.


"Partnerss? Isn't that what they are normally called isn't it?"  I ask giggling, slightly.


"Yeah, but to us is means something more special." He says, leaping into an explaination of what exactly a partner is. My hear rate gets faster and faster with my detail. I wonder if he is telling me this because I'm his partner?!


"Why are you telling me this?" I ask when he finishes, and he laughs.


"I think you know why." He whispers, and my heart jumps out of my chest! I'm his partner! Oh. My. God.  "Lyra why did you come down here?" he asks me.


"I think you know why." I reply, "How do I get you out of here?" I ask, nad now he sighs. "What?" I ask, wishing there was some kind of light in  here, ther isn't even a torch!


"You can't. Only the king or queen can let me out. It has something to do with their magic." He sighs. "Lyra, even if I don't want you to to, you should leave. I get the feeling you broke out of your hospital room, and that you need to go tell your parent's you're okay." He says.  I sigh in agreement. "Lyra, you must go. Don't worry I'll be out soon." he says.


"Will you be able to stay? I mean, I still need a doctor to look at my head." I say. He chuckles. Pulling his hand away from me. My cheek burns for a second longer and then I miss his touch. Saying goodbye, I head to the door that isn't locked anymore. "Did you lock me in here?" I ask real quick.


"No, the walls and bars and locks, all control themselves. Along with the King and Queen of course." He says. 


"So the room locked me in here... so we could talk." I say, and he doesn't reply. I'm right.  With out another word I leave. My heart still pounding. I take my way out, and once I'm back by the kitchen door. I lean against the wall, smilling like an idiot! I promised him I would find my parents, so I get up and walk towards the way I came. Walking back into the room, I notice no one else in here so I look at myself in the mirror. I'm blushing horribly and I'm jumpy and jittery! Damn that doctor!  Holy shit! I'm his partner, we are bonded! I was right, but why was he giving me the cold shoulder. I'm going to have to ask. I bet he was trying to deny it, or something. He couldn't and neither could I. Which I don't mind. 


"Lyra." Sebastien says behind me, and I jump. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He says, and I realize I'm still blushing. It's not for you Sebastien. I tell myself. I turn and face him. He is smack in the face of dark hair and smiles. Okay, now part of my blush might be from him.  We chat about what happened, and I explain what all happened with 'Melanie' even though it wasn't Melanie. I decided I would keep telling people it was her and that girl Tatum warned me about. But wasn't Sebastien there when Tatum first told me?  I wait to see if he questions me about it. Although Melanie is a girl, so maybe he thinks it was her Tatum was talking about! 


"I'm fine I swear. I fought her off pretty good, for not trying to kill her." I sigh, lightly laughing. Even though it isn't funny. "I only had a lot of blood loss." I joke, reminding me of Dr. Drake. I wonder how long he is going to locked up for?


"You know I was really worried." Sebastien whispers, and I'm pretty sure I know whats coming next. "It was so weird. I seen the broken window, and when I got there I seen some guards dragging Dr. Drake's body from the room. He was like rabid, crazy." I rub my forehead and let out a breath. It was really hard on him.  I'll have to make it up to him some how. Although that wasn't what I thought he was going to say.  "Your blood was everywhere, you looked dead."  He continues and now he is going where I thought he would. 


"That must've been hard, I'm sorry." I say looking at the ground.


"You think?" He says, in a rhetorical way. Then his hand grabs my chin forcing me to look at him. "Lyra, I lost you once. Please, I don't want to lose you again." He says moving in closer and closer. What about Dr. Drake!??  I move back.


"Sebastien," I whisper. " I can't. If my parent's find out, I could get in a heep of trouble." I say, leaving out Dr. Drake.


"I thought we talked about this."  He says, grabbing my elbows.  I don't know what to say, I do like him, but Dr. Drake! "Lyra? What has changed?" He asks, not letting go of me.  Oh shit.


"Nothing. . . " I say, I can't tell anyone about Dr. Drake, unless he says I can. I don't know if I will tell people even if he says I can.  " I just don't want to get on my parents bad side." I say. He sighs.  "Sebastien, I . . ." I say, what else can I say?


"You're parent's are coming between us again." He sighs, letting go.  He turns to leave the room.


"Sebsatien!' I say, but he doesn't stop, he keeps going. Then he is gone. I growl grabbing the pillow of th bed and throwing it on the ground. I stomp on it, and kick it. Why? Why? Why? Tomorrow I'm going to training center and taking out my anger. Which has been building sense earlier today when I was getting my ass beat by some random chick!  Grabbing te pillow I tear it in half and throw it on the ground, and then leave the hospital room. I was in such a good mood, and now I'm not!  Taking a left to go the kitchen for food, I round the cornner and then go back. Chaston and Chase are there.  I peek around.  They are whispering and I can't hear what they're saying. I feel a light wind and I look down the hall. Then there are arms on each side of me traping me against the wall.


"Holy shit!" I whisper, "Elijah?" I gasp, he was just locked up though. "Who let you out?" I ask, not touching him. I get the feeling this is some kind of joke or prank.


"It's me, right after you left they let me out. I of course cleaned up, but I thought I should come and find you." He smiled at me. I'm turning red, and I want to just stand on my tip toes and kiss him!  "Lyra, quiet thinking." He says, and I call myself  a retard and idiot over and over again, he laughs at me.


"Hey, I told you it isn't fair that you can read my thoughts and I can't read yours!" I point my finger at him, and put it. We both laugh. Then I remember the other two just a couple feet away from us. Oh shit.


"You just pointed at me." He laughs, and I join in.


"What's so funny?"  Chase asks peeking around the cornner. Elijah backs away from me, and my smile fades. Damn. 


"Nothing I said something funny." Dr. Drake says.  "Anyways, Lyra remember your appointment tonight at 6:00." Dr. Drake says, and then he walks away. I watch him as he goes, and I can't help but smile.


"What was that?" Chaston asks, appearing.


"What's going on between you two?" I ask, and they shut their mouths. I smile a little evily and walk away.

Chapter 15- Rage (Lyra's POV)

 Pacing through out my hospital room, I chew my own ass. I shouldn't have said that to Chaston and Chase. I was just mad because they interupted  Dr. Drake and me.  Great, so in the past 30 minutes I have pissed off three friends. First Sebastien, and now Chaston and Chase. Why is my life so complicated? I mean, hey I found my family! I love that, and I'm so happy I'm home. But if my life is going to go on like this I get the feeling I wont be happy here. Other then Dr. Drake, but maybe not even with him! I don't know what's going to happen! Maybe he wants to talk to me about seeing if there is  a way to break the bond! Maybe he can't stand me, and it's only the bond holding him to me! I go to grab the pillow to scream in it, but it is not there.  I sigh, looking at the ground. I forgot I came in here and beat the shit out of it. Now it's everywhere all over the floor.  I look out the window,  maybe some fresh air will do me good. I can't open the window, I twist the lock, to unlock it but nothing happens. turning away from the window I leave the room. It was a hospital room, no wonder the window didn't open, what if someone in the was suicidal, they wouldn't want to have them jump.


Finding an exit, I run down the stairs breathing in the air. Yeah, it didn't help. I'm still raging with anger, and I don't know what from. Well, I guess it could be from getting my ass kicked, and pissing off my friends. But I feel murderous, and strong. I shake out my arms, looking at my hands and flexing my fingers. What's up? It's like early, when I said the rude thing to Chaston and Chase, it just came out in anger. I didn't apoligize, I didn't say anything else I just walked away. Why did I do that? That's not like me. Mumble a swear word to myself, I kick over a flower pot. Then I almost scream, because the pot broke. I head back inside, writhing in anger.


I wonder what the study looks like? How will I find it? I will. Follow the scent, of men. I assume there was a lot of them in there. Eventually I do find the study, it's untouched! It looks just like it did before I passed out, the only difference I'm not lying in a puddle of blood. They haven't started cleaning yet? I wonder why. Walking over to the still broken window, I peek down, it s couple stories drop. The couch flipped over, and knocked over end table and blanket rack.  The pile of books from when Tatum sent the girl flying into the shelf. The burnt pillow, and thrown glass shards. I look at the fire, she kept talking about the fire. She also knew how to control fire. She put out the fire in the fire place, and started a fire on the pillow. What in the hell was she?  I kick the broken lamp shade on the ground, and it roles for a second. She also said Tatum was engaged. To who? He never mention it to me. What's up with people getting engaged at young ages! Arranged marriages, I grumble in disgust. Thankfully I'm not engaged anymore. I haven't even seen Frederick, for awhile! I haven't seen anyone for a while until today. Well, I guess that is a lie.  Getting  a better look at the fire place, I see something that isn't wood. It's a burnt plant of some sort. I take a smell, and feel drowsy imediately. I stand up away from the pit. Glaring and trying to get the smell out of my system.


She drugged me.


I grab the plant, and leave the room. I need somewhere private, so I can talk to someone! The garden, there is so much of it that we'll never be found. Going back through the exit I had found before I watch around holding the plant as far away from me as I can. That bitch! She was trying to knock me out! Is the plant deadly or something? She said she just wanted me to stay by the fire. I make it to a fountain, and I toss the plant to the ground. I look down at it, and my anger grows, into a beast.


"You're okay!" Tatum says behind me, and I just stare at the plant. I knew he would come. I didn't even have to call out for him. "Lyra?" He asks, touching my shoulder. I whirl on him, pointing and yelling.


"She was going to kill me! She tried to drug me! Why didn't you come sooner!? Who was she? Are you engaged? I want her dead! Beheaded . . or injected with someting!" I babble in hostility.  He stays quiet as I let out frustration. I continue and I keep thinking about how close she came to killing me.  "I thought you were going to have some one watching me!?"  I point at him, glaring. Ready to swing at him. I refrain from that to see if he answers.


"I thought you could taek her yourself." He sighs looking down at me. "You couldn't." He adds. My fist flies. I get him in the jaw. I feel bad for a second, why am I so hostile? "That hurt." He says rubbing where I hit him.


"You're a  . . . ahh.. . ." I struggle on words everything coming my mind is horrid. "You're an ass!" I say pointing again, then I put my hand down. No need to point I don't think it will help right now. "What took you so long! You obviously knew I was getting my ass handed to me!" I yell, getting in his face. I'm about to boil over, and I don't know why I'm so worked up.  Looking each other in the eyes, we’re both quiet. He doesn’t know what to say, I have tons. “Admit it. You didn’t come to help me because part of you wants me dead. It’s your nature,  wanting to see a good person die. You probably wished you could end my life instead! That’s why you came and stopped her from killing me! You wanted to safe me for you!” I start yelling, without thinking. As it all of it comes out I want to shut up, and take it back. I don’t believe that! I know he cares about me! Say your sorry! I can’t, rage has filled me!


“No! Lyra, you’re wrong!” he yells, I look at the ground I know I am wrong but my lips wont move or open to speak! He grabs my shoulders, and I notice just how close we are. Almost touching.  “I don’t want you to die! I didn’t save you earlier because I was having family troubles, and I came as soon as I could.” now he whispers, looking down at me. I can tell what I said hurt him. I’m a bitch that’s all thats to it.  All day since what happened. I look down at the plant.


“What is that?” I ask, moving away. I pick it up, and he snatches it from my hand. “What?” I ask.


“No wonder you’re so worked up.” He says and with a wave of his hand the burnt plant is gone. I sit on the edge of the fountain waiting for him explain. “It’s a plant that is only grown in my home land. It has multiple purposes depending on what part of the plant is being used. The plant is literally called Rage.” is all he says sitting next to me. A plant called Rage. I think I can figure out what it does. It cause people to become mad?


“Why would you need a plant like that?” I ask him, looking up at him. Even while we are both sitting he is way taller then me. “Need to eat or sniff it to make you more evil?” I blurt out.  God dammit! He actually laughs, and that pisses me off more. “How long is it the system for?” I ask, remembering how I snapped at Chaston and Chase. That stupid plant is why! Now I really want to kill that lady!


“Depends on how much you got. . .” He pauses looking down at me a second. “Which I  think you got quiet a bit of it.” He adds, and mumble calling him nasty names.


 “But, I past out too.” I say, standing up. Sitting is making me  aggravated for some reason. He makes  noise that sounds like thinking. “Unless there was another plant in the fire. He just sighs. I whirl again. “I don’t know about you. But I care about what she did to me! I want her to have stitches in her side, and sprained ankle and I want her dead! Oh, I want to cut her head off myself!


“I think you need to cal-“ He stands trying to stop me from pacing.


“No!” I yell, pointing. Out  of no where wind blows for behind me and he goes flying. “She has to feel everything I felt!” I smile, seeing the picture of me stabbing her with a chunk of glass. Tatum stands, wiping off his shirt. “You could hep me! I need a way to get to her, where is she?” I ask. He doesn’t speak. I grab him by the collar of the shirt, getting in his face again.  “Where is she?” I threaten him.


“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” He asks, grabbing my hand thats gripping his shirt. Somewhere to be? What? “It’s 6:00.” He sighs. Six? What’s happening at six? Letting go of his shirt, I watch him. What is he talking about? “You have an appointment.” He says.


“Appointment?…” I say, thinking. “Elijah!” I utter.


“Yes, the doctor who pays very close attention to you for some reason.” He says narrowing his eyes at me. Stepping away from Tatum, I look at myself. I look alright, of course for almost being killed I look pretty good. What Tatum said goes through my mind.


“You know about the appointment?” I say even though I’m getting the feeling it isn't really an appointment.  He nods. “He pays attention to me?” I say questioningly.


“Yeah, it’s weird. He watches you, and is different around you. More open, it’s weird.” he says waving his hand. I can’t help but smile. So, he does he act like himself around me? Maybe he is a complete fake! Oh that lair! Almost consumed again, I tell myself to not jump to conclusions.  “What are you smiling about? … Don’t tell me you like him?” He says standing up straight, looking at me  funny.  I don’t say anything, and I hope my face isn’t turning red. It feels like it though.   “Haaa, Lyra. You’re to cute.” He says appearing in front of me. He holds me face in his hands. “Be sure you don’t break the little princes heart.” He says, and then he is gone. The prince? Was he talking about himself? Isn’t a Lord or Duke though? Sebastien is a prince. . . oh. Fuck!  So he knows that I like Elijah, and Sebastien. Do I like Sebastien? Yes, I do. Elijah though. I can’t even begin to think about him. I need to find him anyways. It’s probably ten past six now!


Heading back inside the palace, I run to my hospital room. I assume that’s where he will be. It takes me what seems like years to finally find my room, and the lights are turned off. The window curtains are closed. It’s pitch black. No light, I can’t see anything. Looking on the wall for a switch, I bump into something, and there is a sound. Almost like someone trying to scream, but they can’t. I turn around, it’s still dark. I try to go back to the door, it’s locked!


“What the hell?” I panic. “Light switch!” I scurry the walls again. The noise is still going off, maybe it’s one of the machines. Okay, now I’m just pissed! What the fuck, the light switch was just right next to the door!  “I swear I’m going to kill somebody!”  say, then my hand passes over the switch, flipping on the light, I blink my eyes, so they can adjust.  “Oh shit!” I say turning. In front of me is the crazy lady from earlier, and tied up in chairs are Chaston and Chase.  Chaston is crying with make-up running down her face. Chase is trying to break the ropes tying him up.  My hospital room is torn apart, and Chase is bruised. I guess he has had some training, and got his ass beat too.


“It would be a shame for the princess to die.”  The crazy lady speaks, flashing a knife behind the two of them. Chaston screams the best she can, and starts shaking.  I’m frozen, what the hell am I supposed to do? Last time I fought her I got my ass beat, I don’t plan on fighting her again. I do have stitches!


 “Why are you here! You made your point.” I say, ignoring Chaston and Chase. “I not going after him though. Why do people think I am?”  I start babbling. Chase and Chaston both now are quiet listening in. Which gets me going again, great! Now they might find out about Tatum. . .  but there isn’t anything going on! She lifts her arm, and whips it towards me letting go of a throwing star.  I dodge, by ducking grabbing a tray thats one the shelf behind me. It supposed to be a lunch tray not a weapon! Standing I whip it at her like a frisbee. She doesn’t duck in time and I catch her right in the forehead. She falls back, and I rush to help Chaston and Chase. I get Chase untied first, which is probably the wrong choice. I’m supposed to be protecting the royals. Moving on to Chaston, I feel a pain in my side, and I almost topple over. Grabbing Chaston’s chair for support I tell the two of them to run, they do. That’s when I get,  the wind knocked out of me. Once my vision comes back I look up and the girl has her foot on my chest, holding me down. She is smirking at me evilly.  She sinks down putting more pressure on my chest, and I start gasping for air. I’m trying to push her foot off of me. Her hand goes over my neck, oh god she is going to suffocate me! I struggle more under her even though that is exactly  what you are not supposed to do!


“What’s this?” I hear her snicker, and I just now notice she pulled my shirt up. She pulls at one of the stitches. I scream, and tears race down my face.  “Oh, does that hurt?” She laughs, and I stop screaming. Don’t show her pain! I swear I’m going to kill her… if she doesn’t kill me first! “How about this?”  she whispers, and then there is a horrible pain almost like my arm burning in a fire, and a weird popping sound. I scream out, throwing my hand at her face. Apparently with a lot more force then I thought to, she topples over me.  I sit up, screaming more what the hell did she do!? All I see is the handle of the dagger sticking out of my side, where my stitches once were.


“Oh shit!” I gulp, stay calm. Someone should be here soon, they should’ve gotten help when they left! Do I pull it out? No, doesn’t that make blood flow out faster? How do I fight like this?! I can see the girl getting up and coming closer. “I swear! I wont see him ever again! I don’t like him, and I’m trying to ruin his engagement!” I start crying and screaming. Trying to move away. I can’t stand, and I don’t even want to try.


“Even if you aren’t trying, you are still doing it. All he ever does is watch you, and dream about you!” She says, pulling another dagger out, okay yeah I’m dying. “Now, you must die.” She whispers in her voice. I lay my head back, and cry silent tears. Hoping she will do it fast.  “After I have some fun.” She laughs, and I shudder in fear. How much pain can one girl stand? She pushes pressure on to the dagger already has already impaled me, I grunt trying not to cry anymore.  I can feel the tip of the other dagger trailing lightly over my skin. Can’t I die of blood loss, or go into shock!  Where is Tatum? Is he watching? I hope so that way he lives with the guilt of not saving me!


 “Hey.” I whisper, and she stops moving. I focus on her, and make sure I’m looking her in the eyes.  “You’re. A. Bitch!” I say then with the last of my strength, pop her right in the jaw. Again she topples over. ripping out the dagger at the same time. I moan in pain, gripping the table beside me. I’m standing!  Swearing every word I know, I stand up ignoring the pain and the spinning of my head. I’m for sure bleeding, a lot. Grabbing the other dagger she dropped, I sit on her now, she looks lost and confused. I got her good!  Sitting on her now, I stab her , smiling as she screams out in pain now.  I scratch my forehead, and pull my hair out of my face. Oh this is exactly what I needed!  Looking around for my weapons, I see the book I through, I reach for and smack her in the face with it. She out like a light! I won! I actually one! Some one got to cocky.  Dropping my hands from the knife I slide off of her. I mean against the bed, pushing my hair out of my face again. I feel gooey stuff on my face and in my hair. Looking at my hands they’re covered in blood. Mine and hers.  This was a nice way to die. At least I knocked her out, before she could kill me. Now I’ll just bleed to death.


“What in the hell!” Sebastien,  speaks. My eyes focus on him, and I give him a brief smile gesturing to the knocked out girl next to me.  “Lyra!” He rushes to me. How on earth did her get here before guards or anybody!  “My parents didn’t believe anything was happening! There’s a meeting!”  He explains even though I didn’t even ask. Or did I? I don’t even remember.


“Da … doc…” I try and tell him to get Dr. Drake, but it’s not working out.  “


What?” He says, “ I need to go get, help!” He says, I nod. Then he leaves the room, and  close my eyes.  “She can’t speak.” I hear him coming. back. Good, he got some help. Maybe they can take the pain away so I die peacefully.  “Can you help her?” He begs who ever it is he got I still have my eyes closed. Not worth opening them and seeing Sebastien upset.


“It can’t be to ba- Shit.” It’s Dr. Drake! Open eyes! Open now! Slowly my eyelids lift, I see Sebastien and Elijah. I try to smile. I hope I did smile.  Then I realize. I’m bleeding. A lot. So is the other girl.  Sebastien, moves in closer.  Elijah stays where he is. Trying to lift my arm, to motion for Elijah to come closer. I want to kiss him one time before I die. Or at least have him hold my hand.  “Lyra, I . . . I don’t know if I can.” He stutters, his voice sounds pained as well,  and if I could smile I would. I might not be able to speak but I can think!  What do I want him to do?    Please, please. If you want my blood what ever. I’m dying!  “You don’t mean that.” He says stepping in closer.


“What? Who are you talking to?” Sebastien, ask turning.  “Dr. Drake?” He says standing up. Oh no! Is Sebastien gonna make him leave?


“No.” I speak, one word then I take a deep breath. I wont him to stay, don’t kick him out. I close my eyes, they were getting hard to hold open.


“No!” Elijah panics. I’ve only heard him panic a couple times. “Lyra, come on you can’t leave!” He says, and I feel his hands working there magic. God, I’m the worst person ever. He is trying to save me and not drink my blood, while I’m sitting here and dying and bleeding! I don’t want to leave either! If had a choice, I would talking and laughing and living!


“Oh my god! My daughter!  Molly shrieks, and now I can hear lots of people, and lots of feet. “All the blood. Great, I don’t want her to see. Please get her and Sebastien out of here. God, I don’t want to hear her cry, or hear him cry. A hand touches my cheek, and it heats my face and my head ache clears a little bit. It’s Elijah’s hand.  Please. I think, he should know what I’m talking about. I hear him whisper an okay to me, and he is crying. I feel a tear slip down my cheek.


“Mrs. Castir, I need you to leave. You to young one.” He says, and protests fly. Tell them I asked! I don’t want they to see! I don’t want you to see!  “Lyra, wants you to leave.” He sighs, and takes a couple deep breaths.


“How on earth do you know?” Garret’s voice speaks. I am dying, aren’t I? God, even Elijah is crying. Make sure everyone knows I love them, and that I tried, and I will miss them. I start mind babbling. To try and get my mind off of dying. Lifting my eyelids again, I see a blurry version of Dr. Drake. One hand, wrapping something around my stomach the other still holding my cheek. Grunting, I lift my hand. Slowly but I do. I grab his other hand, stopping him.  If I’m dying it isn’t worth it.


“I know a way to save her.”  Dr. Drake speaks, gripping my hand.  What’s he getting at?


“Do it! Please!” Molly cries. His grip on my hand tightens.


“If I do… there is  slight catch.” He replies, everyone in the room hushes. Catch? What could be worse then dying?  “I have to give her my blood.” He whispers.


“No!” Garret says right away. I’m confused what does his blood have to do with saving me. “I’m not going to allow that!” Garret speaks, when no one else does.  Elijah’s hand tightens, I assume it’s getting harder and harder or him to be in here!  What does your blood have to do with anything?


“Garret it might heal her.” Molly mentions. Now the room is dead silent. My head starts pounding again, almost like I can feel my pulse in my brain. Maybe I am?  When is the light just going to come already!


“I need an answer she does’t have much longer left.”  Elijah now yells, just a little quieter then normal yells.  “She will either heal up perfectly fine, or die with vampire blood in her system. Either way she will come back!” He adds.


“Do it!” Molly says, and the room goes quiet. What is he going to do?  I will heal perfectly fine? Or die with vampire blood in my system. What does that mean!? I see Dr. Drake bite into his wrist.  I close my eyes, because I almost see tears. Don’t cry, Elijah.


“Shut up Lyra. I need you to open your mouth for me.”  He says, I do. Clamping my mouth on his wrist,  a jolt runs through me. I supposed to suck his blood. Isn’t this supposed to be the other way around? “Lyra, come on you know what do to.”  He begs me, I still don’t. “Lyra, Now!” He demands. Opening my eyes, I meet his licking the blood off his wrist. I feel a weird charge go through me. My head clears right away I feel my arms getting strength. Both my arms shoot up grabbing his arm. I close my eyes, sucking on his wrist like I would a straw.  I almost moan, but I refrain holding it back. Dr. Drake takes in a sharp breath as well. My body, heating, and I can feel his blood spread through me. Getting more and more strength, I sit up, moving myself closer to  to him. Ecstasy flows through my body, and for some reason. I’m getting aroused, and it’s getting harder and harder not to moan. Using my own arms, I push his wrist away gulping in air, and licking his blood off my lips.


“Lyra! Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Molly is in my face, whoa. I lean back, still feeling excited from the blood.  Closing my eyes, I take a some nice deep breaths.


“I’m fine.” I say, assuring her. “He saved me.” I say.  I look down at myself. No more huge rip ion my skin. There is a scar, but I can live with that. No more head ache. As my system starts settling down, I realize how tired I am.  “Can I get cleaned up now?” I ask, and Molly laughs!


“Yeah!” She says, and I watch as she and everyone else files out of the room.  I let out a deep breath, the excitement between my legs dying out.  What was that? Why did his blood taste so good?


“Comes with being partners.” He heaves sitting next to me. I can finally look at him! I turn my head, he is staring straight ahead. Tears gone,  and he seems breathless.  “I probably should have warned you. . . but you were able to control it.” He sighs, looking at his now healed wrist.


“So it’s normal for it to heal me and … well…” I don’t know for sure what to say. I’m mean, I’m a virgin, and I’ve only kissed like 4 guys and three of them were dares.


“Vampire blood normally heals, you only get strong sexual feelings when it’s with your partner.” He  says, turning and facing me. I’m blushing, really bad. “Who is the fourth guy?”  He asks, locking eyes. Oh shit! Thoughts. “Yeah, thoughts.” He says, running a bloody hand through his hair. Now his hair a streaked with blood.


 “Oh, ah.” I say, do I tell him. He can read my thoughts! He is probably doing it right now! “If I say you can’t be mad.” I say, and he sighs. “Sebastien.” He sighs again. “Just twice, and they weren’t like heavy make outs!” I defend myself, was it twice or three times?  He laughs. “Tell me how many people you have kissed!” I say smacking him in the shoulder.


“Oh, well . . .  didn’t you tell your mom that you were going to change out of the bloody clothes. Maybe wash your hair.” he says changing the subject.  Okay, so there has been lots of girls! It’s to early for the X’s talk though, are we even together? I don’t think it’s normal to have the X’s talk with your doctor.  “Oh just quiet thinking.” he whispers, and I start thinking about how unfair it is! I think about what we were talking about earlier.


“So … while I was sucking your blood. . . you felt … sexual tension to?” I say trying to sound sophisticated. He smiles a second, and looks at me. “What? I’m curious…” I blush.


“Yes.” He says standing up. “Now, if you wouldn’t mind, I would like it if you would shower. Clean up the blood on you.”  He holds out his hand. I take it and I’m standing. Wait! I look down where the girls body was. What? It’s gone! “She is in the dungeon.”  He sighs.


“Okay..” I sigh. “So um…. even my dried blo-“  I begin my curiosity getting the best of me.


“Yes, Lyra .You’re blood is still your blood.” He sighs. I blush more, if that’s possible.


“Well come with me a second.” I say pulling him towards the bathroom. He is hesitant, but he comes with anyways.  “I’m just going to help you clean your hands and hair.” I say, and he comes with me. Rolling up his sleeves, I grab a wash clothe and get wet with warm water.


“I’m quiet capable of washing my hands and hair.” He chuckles, and I start wiping his hands.


“Yeah, but . . . now we get to spend time together and get cleaned up at the same time.” I say, smirking. Two birds with one stone. The dried blood wipes right off, and it doesn’t take me long to finish his hands.  “See that wasn’t so bad.” I say, tossing the rag in the sink, and all the all the blood runs into the water.  “Is it hard?” I ask him, wringing it out. Purposely giving myself something else to look at.  I mean if he says yes, then I’ll feel bad. If he says no I’ll be okay. But man is my curiosity getting to me!


“No.” He says. “Not as bad anyways, now that we have both had each others blood.”  He pales. He has already had my blood?  “It was a long time ago. Back when you were really little, I was here for your birthday.” He stops, and I look at him suspiciously. Did he just bite me in front of my parents?  “No,  I didn’t do that. I had to tuck you in that night, and you wouldn’t let go of me. I was younger I couldn’t control it as much as I can now. Your veins were right there and so was your pulse and your blood… “ He trails off in shame and embarrassment. I wonder if I cried, or tried to push him away. I wonder what it feel like? If I felt that way from sucking his blood, I wonder I would feel from him sucking mine! “You didn’t even scream or try to push me away, you giggled. That’s how I knew for sure, that we were bonded.” He sighs, looking down at the counter.  “Now the bound is as strong as it can be. We both have each others blood running through our systems.”  he finishes.


“You seem so sad, why? I don’t blame you at all, I’m happy you did. Thank you for tonight, saving me. “ I say grabbing his arms and turning him so he is facing me. I hug him, and he hugs me back.


“Just don’t make me ever go through that again.” He whispers, and I giggle. “Alright, you should get in the shower. Like your mother said.” he sighs, but doesn’t let go of me. I don’t even try to pull away. We stand in the bathroom and in silence. Just holding each other. It's nice. I don't have to worry about anything right now, although next time I see Chaston and Chase I get the feeling they'll have questions for me, and I don't know how I'll answer them.


"Hey." I say, and hmm's me. "So, can you read everyones mind?" I ask, looking up at him. 


"Yes, I can read everyone mind. I mostly stick to yours, and the King and Queen. Though, it's a little infasive." He replies, and I smirk. So he knows that it's weird how he does that, yet he still does it. I giggle, and I don't even know why! "Alright,  I think you're tired. So you should get cleaned up, and get some rest." He says, reluctantly leaving me in the bathroom without another word. That little poophead. I purposely think off a bunch of mean/funny names in my head as I turn on the shower water.

Chapter 16- Interrogation (Lyra's POV)

Shoving on my pajamas that Molly brought while I was in the shower, I check my hair one last time for blood.  Once I'm all dressed and blood-free I head out towards the kitchen I'm starving. Opening the door slowly, I listen for voices.  Nothing. Running to the fridge, I throw open the doors. Grabbing a handful of grapes and also the jug of orange juice. As I’m eating and pouring myself some juice, the door to the kitchen opens and close. Who ever it is they don’t say anything, I don’t turn to look at them. What if it’s just a worker, I don’t want to be all up in their business. Although I guess I kind of have the right to be jumpy, I was almost killed twice in less then twenty four hours. I hear the scratch of the barstools against the floor, and I know it’s not a worker. I don’t turn, I just keep facing the cupboards and drinking juice, wishing I hadn’t eaten all the grapes I grabbed already. I can’t take it anymore!


 “Yes?” I say turning around, I’m faced with Chaston and Chase. Oh brother. Chase is standing up, so no wonder I didn’t hear the chair. They are watching me intently, as I drink up the lsat of my juice. Grabbing the jug, I put back in the fridge, and then wash my hands. They could say something, not just sit there and make me uncomfortable. “Again . . . do you need anything?” I say, closing the fridge doors with a slam.  I also know that all the Rage is out of my system, so that was just me being a bitch, but  they are being weird! 


“I have a couple questions.” Chaston saying folding her hands and laying them on the table.  I knew it was coming I just don’t know who from until.  “Who was she? Why was she after us, how did she get here?” Chaston starts without my reply.  Rubbing my forehead, I think of answers.


“She was… a  girl.” I begin, smirking at their dirty looks. “She wasn’t after you, she was trying to prove a point to me, and I have no clue how she got around the palace guards. You should ask them.”  I finish answering the questions so far. She leans back in the chair, giving me a snotty look.


“Prove a point?” Chase speaks up, trying to give me a sympathetic look. How do I answer that, I can’t say that she was trying to tell me to stay away from Tatum. There isn’t even problem there, Tatum is the one who wont leave me alone! 


“She jut wants me dead.” I reply, throwing my arms up in the air. “No clue why.” I add. Chase looks at Chaston, who is still giving me the look. “Of course, you can always go ask her yourself. Dr. Drake told me she is in the dun-“


“That’s another thing!”  Chaston sits up now smiling. She has the girl gossip look on her face.  “What is going on between you and our smart, lovely, sexy, blonde,  handso-“ She trails off saying words about My Dr. Drake.


“Yeah. . .  Chas we get it.”  Chase speaks looking bored, I smile. He is jealous.


“Right, sorry.” She replies. “What’s up with you and the Doctor?” She eyes me now with the we’re best friends and can talk about anything look. I’m not going to tell her,  no way. I role my eyes. “So…?” She asks.


“Nothing, but a girl can wish.”  I sigh, and Chaston bursts into giggles. Now we are best friends?!  “I don’t know what ever gave you that idea.” I add, sighing dreamily.  I hope all of this is working, I don’t want to blow cover before I even need one!  Now I want to talk to Elijah about whats going on! I’ll get to that as soon as I have the time and chance.


 “Well. . .  I don’t know. I’ve noticed him looking at you a couple of times. Also earlier in the hall. You both looked like we caught you doing something you shouldn’t of.” She replies, and I can’t help but laugh, only for a second though.


“I was caught!” I look back and forth between the two of them. Chaston’s face turns red, and Chase sighs rubbing his forehead. “I wont say anything.” I asure them, the last thing I need is the princess mad at me. Although I’m pretty sure Sebastien is mad at me, so that’s the prince. Pushing off the counter, I look through the cupboard for a snack food. Settling on some crackers, I turn back to them. Looking down as I open the package of crackers, I taste one to see if they’re the good kind. Nibbling off of it I glance back up at the two of them. Spitting out the cracker,  and coughing from almost choking. Standing right between and behind Chaston and Chase is Tatum! I get weird looks from all three of them, and I try using my eyes to tell Tatum to leave. He shakes his head no, and I rub my eyes.  “Hey guys, I have to go the bathroom.” I say. Walking towards the bathroom in the kitchen, I gesture secretly to Tatum to meet me there. Then he disappears so he must be waiting for me. Slipping into the room, I turn on the light and he isn’t here! Flushing the toilet and turning on the sink for a second, I leave the bathroom, looking around the kitchen for him.


“Are you okay?” Chase asks, now he is watching me closely.  No, I’m not fine. Tatum is being stupid, and I have no clue where he is!  I smile at him,  assuring him that I am okay. “All right. What were you saying about the dungeon now?”  He asks. Ugh, I thought I answered everything already!


“Dr. Drake told me that the girl is in the dungeon.” I say, and Tatum appears again. I try to ignore him as if he isn’t there. He mouths the word dungeon. What? Why does he he want the dungeon? He wants to let her out!?  “Or at least he said he thinks she is there.” I exaggerate the word think. No way in hell am I letting Tatum down in the dungeon where there are hundreds of Drarkals being held captive.  Tatum holds out he hand pointing at Chase, and I send him a warning look. He mouths dungeon again. Great, I rub my forehead. Would he really do anything though? I glance up at him, and he is still holding his arm out. I don’t think so, he knows that if he does I wouldn’t be happy.


“Lyra? What are you looking at?” Chase asks, turning around. Tatum disappears just in time. Letting out a breath I was holding,  I smile at the two of them. “What?” Chase says turning back towards me.


“Nothing, I think.. I’m just a little poppy from pain killers.” I say, “ I’m gonna go lay down.” I add. Leaving the room. Glancing to my left, I take a breath. The dungeon is right there, I keep walking. Waiting for Tatum to show up. Slipping into a room, that looks like an art gallery. I wait. Looking at paintings, I notice something odd about one of them. I’m in it! With Dr. Drake. Although, I look older. More his age and not teenage. He is smiling down at me, but that can’t actually be me.  She is older. Although she has my hair, and my face. I wonder if anyone else in palace has noticed this painting yet?!  Moving away from the distracting painting, I look at some of the others. A bunch of people I don’t know. The only one that I recognize people in is the one with Elijah and I. Maybe that isn’t me, maybe that is one of his old lovers. That’s why he likes me so much, because I look like her. Immediately I walk back over to the painting. We’re both dressed in old victorian looking masquerade dresses just with out the masks. Our boobs look the same size. She seems a little taller then I am, and the girl looks older like I said earlier. Puzzled by the painting, I want to find Elijah and  ask him about it. I don’t really want to have the X’s talk though if that is an X of his. Slouching into a bench, I wonder where Tatum is, I thought he would’ve followed me or something.  I guess not which I am okay with.


Leaving the room,  I walk trying to find somewhere I can go, or my parents so they can bring me home. What else do I have to do? I mean, I wouldn’t mind seeing Elijah, but I think I should let him be for a little while. Walking back to my hospital room, I hear Molly and Garret fighting inside. It’s about Dr. Drake giving me his blood. Listening in more, I hear how Garret thinks it was a huge risk that will never happen again. Molly is just crying saying things like at least she is okay and safe.  Leaning against the door, I keep listening. Since I got here it seems like all they do is fight, or have something about me to discuss.  Walking away from the room, I walk around aimlessly. I don’t go into any rooms I just keep walking. What should I do? Not go to a study,  I am still hungry. I bet they left, so I can probably go and get food! Finding my way back to kitchen I hum random tunes that probably belong to songs I just can’t think of them.  Once I find the kitchen I squeal with hunger and excitement. I’m really hungry. Rushing inside, I look for food that is easy to make and satisfying.  Grabbing a box of macaroni, I wonder where all the staff is. I mean, it’s around super time.  I start boiling the water, and get out milk and butter.  I don’t have my phone, there isn’t a radio.  I lean against the counter watching the water, waiting for it boil. Seriously where is everyone? I haven’t seen any one since I left her earlier. I guess I heard Molly and Garret.


Stirring the noodles, one last time before I drain the water, I  start humming again. I normally hate humming, I find it annoying.  But for some reason I’m humming. Once I have to water drained I mix in the milk, cheese, and butter. Smiling at the perfection in front of me I grab another bowl, and sitting at the island taking small little bites of my mac-n-cheese!  I miss training, or at least I miss having something to do. The day or two I haven’t had much to do, with my near death experiences and drama filled chats. finishing my bowl of cereal I look for another bowl to out the rest in. Cleaning up my mess, I head out. I’m not hungry anymore, but I am bored!  Next thing I know I getting pulled into a room, and lip locking with them. Pushing away from Sebastien, I take a couple breaths. He is breathing hard as well, pushing me back. I feel the wall behind me, and he grabs my hands holding them above my head.


“Sebastien!” I say, trying to break free. This isn’t him, it can’t be. His eyes are blood shot, and is breath reeks of alcohol. Is he drunk? “Sebastien, hey! Stop.” I say, as he starts kissing my neck. It’s a study, has he just been sitting in here waiting for me to walk by? I spot bottles of vodka lying on a table, and I feel bad. He is drinking because I told him no.


“I just want to be with you.” He says, speaking clearly. So he isn’t drunk?


“Are you drunk?” I ask, getting ready to knee him.


“No.” He replies, letting go of my hands. I slap him. “ I deserve that.” he sighs, rubbing his cheek. His eyes clear a little, okay good he isn’t drunk. I almost knee him still.


“Ya think?!” I ask, walking awake from him. “Why did you do that? It’s already hard enough for me!” I yell, frustrated now. I can’t look at him, I don’t know whether I’m disappointed or if I want to kiss him again! Moving as far away from him as I can, I wait to for him to reply.


“You think it’s easy for me?! I’m getting mixed emotions here! One day you kiss me the next you don’t.”  He says, walking towards me. I need to keep my space.  “Now you can’t even stand to be close to me.” He says throwing his arms in the air.


“You’ve been drinking Sebastien! I don’t know what you might do!” I point at him, and then pull my finger back, what’s with me and pointing? “What ever you have to say you can say it from there.” I add. He stops moving.


 “I just want to know what the hell is going on! I thought we were… together or getting there and now you barely speak to me.” He sighs, reaching for a bottle. I get up taking the bottle from him, pushing him away from the table filled with vodka.  “You know I love you.” he whispers. I sigh, I do know that. “Anything to say?” He asks, locking our eyes. I tremble. How do I feel about him? Definitely feel something, but is it love?  How do I feel towards Dr. Drake? I think I love him, but that might be from the bond. So, what it’s still love isn’t it? I was way attracted to him before I even found out about the bond. Same with Sebastien though. He was the hot guy I saw in the garden!


“I ahh… Sebastien. I don’t know…. I mean, yeah I’m attracted to you… and …” I don’t know what to say, I mean. I of course don’t want him to hate me, but I know that I need to talk to Elijah!


“Is there some one else?” He asks, now he is stepping away.  Well, shit. I’m not a good liar. I can be, but to him? “Who?” He asks, I rub my forehead. So my face was obvious, I need to work on facial expressions some time.  Who do I say? I can’t say who it is!  “Don’t tell me it’s the Drarkal  Prince or what ever he is.”  He says in disgust.


“It’s not Tatum.” I reply right away. Of course he goes straight to Tatum! Speaking of him, he warned me about this. Breaking the princes heart, but is that what I am doing? More then likely, yes.  “It’s no one you know.” I say, putting my hands on my hips. Hopefully I convince him. “He is back in… the human world.” I add. “We were friends before I came here. We recently started talking again over the phone.” I finish telling a short lie hoping that it’s working.


“So, you have feelings for some one who you can’t be with?” he says.


“I can’t be with you either!” I reply. “My parents said no!” I sort of yell getting in his face. He smiles. “What?!” I demand.


“So you do want me.” he whispers with a wicked grin. Ugh! He totally set me up! “If you want me and I want you what’s  holding us back? We kept it secret before?” he says, grabbing my hands.


“I told you…  I like someone else too.” I sigh. “Isn’t that like cheating?”


“When will you ever see him? He lives in the human world?!” Sebastien says moving his hand up to my shoulders. Why is the so hard and complicated! Gosh, why doesn’t he see that no matter how much we want to be together my parents don’t approve and his parents don’t approve! We can’t be together!


“ Sebastien, your parent’s don’t like me!” I say, I need to think of something that will get through to him.  He needs to find a princess, and fall in love with her not me!


“ My dad likes you. . .  my mom on the other hand…” He says, I rub my forehead. Wow, so his mom really doesn’t like me.  I had the feeling she didn’t, I also have the feeling she knows about Dr. Drake and I. She has caught us a couple of times, I mean we were only talking but still.


 “I’m not a princess Sebastien.” I finally say what I know I shouldn’t. The look on his face almost breaks my heart. “There, I sad it. Are you happy?” I ask, and he just shakes his head. Walking around him, I leave the room forcing myself to not look back. Closing the door, I let out a breath. I’m the worst person ever.


“No, you said what needed to be said.” Elijah says next to me. I jump, covering my mouth.  “You didn’t tell him about me.” He takes note to. He is jealous? Really!? Dr Drake, the sexy doctor is jealous?  “I didn’t know if I should or not, so I left you out. I don’t even know what is going on!” I express, throwing my arms up.  “I don’t know what to tell people about the attacks, or about you, or my family, I don’t know anything!” I begin babbling into a break down. Elijah holds a hand out for me, and I gladly take it. Drawing me to him, he squeezes me, and I take a couple deep breaths. Being close to him like this is definitely calming me down.


“How about we go talk about it. Somewhere more private.”  He offers, and my heart flutters the way he said ‘we’! I nod, and I follow him to where ever we’re going. Leading me through hallway after hallway, we have little small chat, keeping it light. Probably because it’s going to get really heavy pretty soon. He opens a door, finally, and I walk in seeing a bed, dresser, couch, bookshelf, lamp, and another door.  It’s really nice and sophisticated looking, and it’s extremely clean, and it looks untouched.  His bedroom. I’d been in his office, and his hospital room, but his bedroom! A shiver goes through me when I think about what might happen in here.


Stop thinking! He might be reading my mind!  Walking straight to the couch, trying to make it less awkward I sit down, with my eyes wandering his room. No pictures, nothing to personal. Wonder why?  Maybe he didn’t plan on staying long?


“What do you want to talk about first?” He asks, shedding his jacket off of him. Now he is wearing a plain gray t-shirt with dark washed jeans. Tossing it on the chair in the corner that I just now noticed, then he sits next to me on the couch.


“I don’t know. I don’t want to burden you.” I say scratching my eyebrow. He chuckles lightly, leaning back on the back rest.  “Yeah yeah.. Well, to start. Molly and Garret are constantly arguing and talking about me. I don’t know what I did wrong, I mean they fight about me seeing you, and me seeing my friends.”


“Give them credit Lyra, they don’t know what to do with you. You’re. . .  different to them.”  he replies. I nod, I guess. They’re just trying to do what they think best. Although them fighting about me seeing Dr. Drake still makes no sense to me. They wanted me to see him, and now they don’t. I still can’t decide whether they like me different or not. It seems that at times they each like me the way I am and other times they wish I was there old daughter.


“Am I different to you too?” I ask, looking at my hands.  I’m different to everyone, Sebastien said so, but he said he liked the new me.  Flora and Chase said I had changed.


“You’ve always been different to me.” He says, and I scoff. He knows that isn’t what I meant.  “You have changed, but I could careless.”  He says, and the first thing that comes to mind is that Sebastien said almost the same thing.  “Lyra, what did you mean earlier when you said you don’t know what to tell people about the attack?” He asks, and I let out a breath. Can I trust him? No one else knows, well maybe Sebastien.  “Sebastien knows?” I smack my forehead. This isn't fair!  Now he just plain upset! What the hell!?  “Why and how does Sebastien know these thing Lyra?” He asks, scooching closer.  Can I trust Elijah? I’m going to have to.


“If I tell you, you have to promise to hear me out and that you wont tell anyone else!” I say, he nods. “I need you to promise.” I add, he nods again. The times when I need to read his mind! “Okay. . .” I trail off telling him everything that’s happened with Tatum, and the vampire guy, and the girl who tried to kill me. “. . . then you Sebastien and you showed up.” I finish. We’re both quiet. I’m waiting for him to respond, and what ever he responds could make or break everything! I watch the clock on the wall as the seconds tick away. I never look at him, I don’t know if it’s a good idea. After a minute has gone by, I feel like I snap in half. Oh boy. Either he is really disappointed or he is really mad at me, maybe even both!


“The Drarkal Prince likes you.” He states, jealously and confused. I scratch my bro again, well at least he doesn’t sound mad.


“Yeah, he went to human school with me and everything. . . “ I explain human school to him and the party where we almost kissed.


“So, okay this is messed up.” He admits. I nod in agreement. “If he is engaged then why did he even get involved with you?” He asks, and I shrug. That’s the only thing I myself don’t know.


“Maybe he was like me, and doesn’t like who he had to marry.” I suggest, and he hmm’s.


“Thank god you aren’t engaged anymore, that drove me nuts.” He sighs, and I laugh. Back when I was engaged to Frederick, I didn’t know we were bonded. Yeah that must’ve sucked for him. I know it was bad for Sebastien, well Sebastien and I were technically dating though. I wonder what I thought of Dr. Drake back then, did I think he was really sexy and cute like I do now? If I did though  wouldn’t I have not wanted to date Sebastien than? Maybe I just didn’t pay much attention to Elijah because I was to busy with Sebastien.


“Lyra Castir!” Elijah scares me, and I shoot up off the couch. Holy shit! “Why is he always in your thoughts?” Elijah asks, standing along with me. His hands cupping each of my cheeks, his golden eyes locking with mine. Oh my god, I’m going to shoot myself!  “What are we doing?” He asks me moving in closer and closer.


“That’s what I wanted to ask you.” I reply, what do I do? Kiss him? Not kiss him?


“Oh yeah thats right.” He says standing up again, and I’m left breathless from almost kissing him!  He is a jerk, I bet he did that on purpose.  “What do you think?” He asks, walking over to the night stand by his bed. Opening the draw, he grabs something and sits on his bed. Phone. It’s a phone.


“Elijah….. you are so mean sometimes.” I pout, and he gestures for me to come over by him. He is on the bed, what do two people do on a bed?! Talk. We can talk. Striding over to the bed, I stand by the night stand. I take out my bun that is still intact, and braid my hair. Glancing back at him, I see he is watching me. My cheeks heat up, and throw my braid over my shoulder.  “Hi.” I say, and he smiles. My heart melts. I’m so jittery now, I can’t hardly think straight!


“What am I going to do with you?” He asks, setting his phone on the night stand. I shrug, I don’t know if that was rhetorical or not. He chuckles, and I let out a breath of air.  “Come here.” He says, holding out his hand again. Slowly this time I take his hand, and he pulls me to him. I’m standing between his legs, his arms are around me. We are really close

“What are you going to do with me?” I ask, surprised at the sound of my voice. It was scared and it didn’t sound breathless. It sounded confident and sexy. I narrowed my eyes at him, as he watched me. Slowly wrapping my arms around his neck, I seem to know exactly what to do. How, I don’t know, but what ever it’s working. He is smiling and watching me intently.


“What are we going to do?” He asks, and now I know he means what are we going to do in a serious matter.  What would my parents think? What would others think?  “The queen knows. I mean she knows about the bond.” He adds. I nod, I figured. Maybe that’s why she doesn’t like me. “No she doesn’t like you because her son loves you.” He says. I nod, makes sense. I’m guessing he read her mind to figure that out.


“So… are we together? Or  umm. . . “ I don’t know for sure what to say. I mean, he is older and smarter. Heck, he is a doctor!  


“What do you think?” He asks, pulling me onto the bed. Now I’m sitting next to him.


“I think, my parents wouldn’t understand.” I sigh.  He nods, “But, that doesn’t mean I don’t want to try.” I add. He looks down at me, and I blush shrugging my shoulders. “If two people were supposed to be together then they should be.” I tell him, and a small smile plays on his lips. I lay back on his bed, which is the most comfortable thing ever, next to my bed at my house. I stroke the blanket under me loving the silk fabric feeling.


“What about your friends?” He asks, and I stop thinking about the blanket. He means Sebastien. Did he not just hear what I said? Even if I do like Sebastien a little, it doesn’t compare to what I feel for him. It never would and it never will!


“Hey,” I say sitting up, I grab his hand. “One day at a time?” I offer, and he nods holding my hand in his. My hand is burning with an intense feeling.  “Elijah.” I say looking up at him. Wishing height wasn’t such a big problem, but hey I’m still growing! He looks down at me, and I sit up straight. Pushing up from the bed with my arms. Connecting our lips. A shock of pure electricity jolts through me, and my lips burn with pleasure. My whole body heats up, and my heart is racing faster then a cheetah can run. Swinging my leg over, so I’m sitting on his lap. Placing my hands on his chest, I slowly push away.  That was amazing! I’m breathing heavily even though it wasn’t a huge long kiss. Just a sweet little kiss, and I’m already like this! I put my forehead on his.


“you should get some sleep.” He whispers, and I look at his clock. It is 11:34 p.m. I nod.  I guess we talked a lot longer then I thought we did!


“If I can stay here.” it’s out of my mouth so fast I didn’t even realize I was thinking it. My cheeks, are already blushing as much as they can, so I can’t blush anymore. He is quiet for a while.  “I just want to be near you.” I say, and he sighs in agreement. I jump off his lap, running to the bathroom. I use the toilet and splash some water on my face after washing my hands. I come out of the bathroom and he is changed into black and gray paid pj pants, and no shirt. I can’t help but look. “I’ll be back in one second!” I say, and he nods. I slowly walk out of his room, and then run down the hall. I recognize where I am! My hospital room isn’t to far! Entering my room, I brush my teeth, change into different pajamas and then make sure my reflection is okay! I’m good. Leaving the room, I run back towards his. Hearing a noise at the four way in front of my I slow down to walk. I don’t need to look suspicious, I pause looking o my left. No one. I turn looking to my right. There are the culprits. It’s I can’t tell for sure, I think it might be Sebastien and Chaston. All they are doing is talking, whispering. I can’t hear a word they are saying! Looking at the hall in front of me, I take a deep breath. I’m getting to his room one way or another!  Do I want to risk them seeing me?  They look really engrossed in their conversation, I bet I can make it. Tip toeing in a rapid pace I make it over with out them seeing me, I think. Now out of their sight I run, I made him wait long enough.  Once I’m at the door, I don’t know if I should knock or just go in. I mean it would be best to knock, but he knows I’m coming back so shouldn’t it also be okay for me to just go in? The door in front of me swings open, and Elijah is standing there smiling at me.


“You can come in, no need to stand out here.” He smirks, still looking like a shirtless god!  I sigh rubbing my forehead. Little turd reading my mind. We are going to have serious talk about that!  Walking into his room,  I think of a bunch of different names again.  Jerk, poop head, egg head, pea brain.  Gladly laying back down on his bed, I actually yawn.  “It’s way past your bed time.” He says, pulling out the blanket.


“I don’t have a bed time.” I retort, snuggling under the blanket. “But yes, I am tired. Thank you for noticing.” I say, and he chuckles while pulling the blanket up and over my face. I pull the blanket down as he joins me. Now I’m wide wake of course, or maybe that’s just how tired I am? I don’t know. I role over onto my side, not facing him. If I was I don’t think I would get any sleep.  Closing my eyes, I try and focus on being tired and wanting to sleep.  Do I want to sleep though?  He is laying right next to me, now would be the time to talk, and get to know each other. Although, it is 12:00 or so at night, and we could talk in the morning!  Count sheep.  one sheep,  two sheep, three sheep, four sheep, five sheep...

Chapter 17- One Less Problem? (Lyra's POV)

 Reaching to turn off the alarm that is buzzing, I remind myself to tell Molly and Garret I don’t want an alarm clock. I hate them, they are annoying! When my hand doesn’t find it, I open my eyes. Not my room! It’s  a phone ringing, but I don’t have my phone.


“What time is it?” Elijah yawns behind me, squeezing me in a little hug with his arm that’s around me. Oh dear lord! I slept with him! We slept together! Not like that, but holy shit!  I reach over handing him his phone. He answers it laying back down, pulling me down with him. I lay my head on his chest, feeling the normal burn of skin contact. Trying to not listen to his phone call.  I look at the cloak across the room,  for the time, which is 9:42. Snuggling into Elijah more I  start dosing off. “Lyra? Have I seen her?” He ask shaking me, I sit up. Shaking my head no. Mouthing I’m not here. “No, I can’t say I have.” He replies to the voice on the phone. I take it Molly and Garret are looking for me. Slowly getting up and stretching, I head to the bathroom. Splashing water on my face, and checking my reflection. For some reason I look different, more bright. My eyes are practically glowing!  I leave the bathroom at the same time he hangs up the phone.


“So?” I ask, and he tosses his phone on the end table. Then he moves using his speed, and then he is standing directly in front of me.  “How long have they been looking for me?” I ask, and he sighs.


“Only an hour.” He says, and I lean into him. “So I assume you’re gonna go.”  He holds me tighter, and  I get weird feeling in the pit of my stomach just thinking about leaving. “Don’t tempt me to stay longer, Elijah. If my parents are looking for me.” I giggle slightly, and he sighs. 


“Don’t worry, I’ll come say bye before I go home. Or I see you or something.” He nods letting go of me. I make my way to the door. The door opens as I am reaching for the knob, and I almost get smacked in the nose. Standing behind the door, holding my hand over my mouth.


“Dr. Drake.” Chaston’s voice comes into play. What is she doing? Other then almost killing me. “I have a couple questions.” She walks in, and I pull the door in front of me so she can’t see me. Of course she had to come now!


 “Ah, yes?” He replies, I hope is he is keeping her way from the door!


“Well, first of all everyone is looking for Lyra. Have you seen her?” She ask, “Oh, I thought she would’ve been here.”  Chaston sighs, I rub my forehead. I just told her yesterday nothing was going on, why does she think I’d be here!?


“Why would she be here?” He asks playing the part of a confused guy greatly.


“Hmmm, no reason. I also was wondering if you could look at something for me.” She says changing the subject.


“Yes?” He says again, sounding more adult like and doctor like.


“I have this really bad itch, right below my shoulder and I don’t know what it is. I think it’s a rash, but you’re the doctor. I thought I should come and ask you.” Then everything is quiet for a second. I don’t hear anything, and I want to peek and see what’s going on. Although, isn’t that technically breaking some kind of law? Doctor-patient confidentiality. Wishing I was not in the room, I keep listening for them to speak.


“Is this the only spot?” finally he speaks. Now I really want to peek, where is he looking?


“It’s the place where it’s worse. It’s on the other side and on my chest.” She replies, sounding stressed out. Her chest? Oh hell no! He is a doctor, though I’m sure he is used to this. A shiver runs through me. He has probably seen multiple girls naked! I almost smack myself in the face, but I don’t because it might give away my position.


“I think you’re breaking out from something in your bra. How long have you been itching?” He asks, and I get mad again. Her bra. I have to keep reminding myself he is a doctor!  I stand behind the door another ten minutes listening to her explain what she feels and and how long. “I’ll have to take a couple tests later if it gets worse. Okay?” He says, and she mmhhmmm’s. Then she grabs the door saying goodbye. I scratch the back of my neck, looking at the ground. I assume he knows I was listening. I bet he was reading my mind. Well, thats just great.


“Sorry.” I say right away, looking up at him smiling sheepishly. “I should probably go now.” I say.


“Wait!” He says, and then he is gone. I hear water running in his bathroom. Then he is in front of me.  Hugging me one more time. When he lets go of me I rub my brow.


“Wait.” I sigh, grabbing him by his shirt which I assume he put on when Chaston got here. Pulling his lips to mine, I kiss him. Feeling the jolt of static running through me, I wrap my other arm around his neck. Warm heat from our contact spreads through me, I will never get used to this feeling!  Then we break apart, hugging one last time.   “Alright, I really should get going.” I whisper. Letting go of each other, he holds open the door for me. I don’t look at him as I walk out, scared that I might not leave if I do. Peeking down both ways I walk towards my hospital room. Time to face reality again. Once I find my hospital room, I walk in. I thank Molly and Garret for bringing me clothes! I go the bathroom, and get ready for the day.   Once I’m all dressed I leave heading towards the kitchen, letting my hair air dry. I’m surprised I haven’t seen anyone, I haven’t heard anyone either. I would’ve thought that if they were looking  for me they would’ve had some one stay by my room. I guess not. Walking into the kitchen I’m meet with people running around the smell hits my nose like a hurricane! Bacon, eggs, french toast! Everything that you could ever have for breakfast!


“Lyra Castir where have you been!?” Molly yells, moving from the stove towards me. Oh boy, I didn’t think about what I would tell people. “Hello?” She says waving at me, like I’m ignoring her. I scratch my forehead smiling at her.


“I fell asleep out on one of those beach chairs.” I say, “Which really hurts your back.” I add, trying to sell the idea. I rub my back even though it’s fine . . .probably better. His bed was like heaven!  She smiles at me, then pulls me towards the kitchen.  “What are we eating?” I ask.


“Well, actually why don’t I just take you to the dinning room.” then she turns us around. Great, the last time I was in the dinning room, my experiences weren’t the greatest.  I’ll live, I’m starving!  She seats me all alone in the dinning room, and leaves me without a drink or any food. Standing from the table, I head to the windows. She never said how long I’d have to wait either. I spot movement, on the other side, so I move to better window. Once I finally figure out whats going on, I want to go down and join them. It’s Asia, Janessa, Flora, and Sierra messing around with there powers. I spot Chase, Chaston, Frederick, and Sebastien sitting and watching. I can see by all their faces they are happy and having a good time. I wonder if they would still be having fun, if it I was out there with them.


I mean Sierra hates me, and Frederick might along with her.  I have no clue what Chase and Chaston think. Not since what happened, yesterday.  I think Flora might be the only one who doesn’t have problem with me. I know I really hurt Sebastien, and I still don’t really no Asia or Janessa. I open up the window getting the nice breeze from outside. Leaning out and looking down, I start humming again.


“Careful!”  arms wrap around me and I almost fall out the window. Thus I scream. Turning around I smack Tatum upside the head.  “You know I wouldn’t let you fall.” He says, and I laugh. I’m sure he would actually.  Trudging away from the window, I sit back down where Molly told me to. Trying my hardest to ignore Tatum, who is trying his best to annoy me.


“Alright fine what do you want!” I say throwing my arms up. Getting sick of him blabbering on and on about some weird movie he watched last night.   He smiles, and holds out his hand. He wants me to go with him somewhere! Yeah fat chance, I just laugh in his face. Walking around the room looking at all the art work on the walls, remembering the painting in the one room that has Elijah and me in it.  I still have to talk to him about that, now that’s going to bother me until I do!


“I’m not taking you back to my world! There is something going on in the human world I must show you.” He pleads, following behind me. What on earth would be in the human world? What if he is playing a prank on me, and I don’t have my stone to get back if he is playing a prank. “Lyra, I promise.” he says standing in front of me so I can’t move forward anymore.  “If I tell you what it is you wont want to come, but you have to.” He sighs, almost defeated. I can tell that what ever this is it means a lot to him. What in the human world could mean so much to him? I gesture to the air as if saying lead the way. “There is one catch.” He whispers, walking towards the window.  “The portal to get there is,” He points down and out the window. “down there.” I mumble swear words.


“So we jump.” I sigh, he nods. I look out one more time. Everyone is still there, I hope they don’t see. Of course at the exact time Sebastien looks up, and even though we are far away from each other I can tell her sees me standing here with Tatum next to me. Tatum being the dummy he is he waves, and grabs my hand. I hold a finger up to my lips, pleading with him to stay quiet.   “ Go!” I say, and we jump. There is a loud noise, and then it’s pitch black. Tatum’s hand grips my harder, and then we are standing on a sidewalk back in the human world.  “Okay, I’m here what is so bad?” I ask, looking where Tatum is. The funeral home? Why would we come here?


“I just thought you might want to say goodbye.” He says holding my hand, and we walk inside. Who? What? I spot the family members, and I see the open coffin. It’s Harris.  I squeeze Tatum’s hand. Stopping before we actually go into the room.


“I can’t face his family! Where do they think I have been?” I ask, freaking out. What happened? Harris had great health, and he isn’t even really old!


“They think you went to a different home, one closer to a college that was scouting you.” He said, I look at him funny. “I used some magic on there memories.” He admits, and I don’t whether to be mad or upset. Slowly walking into the room, I realize I’m a little brightly dressed for the occasion. They will live at least I came. I get hugs from everyone, and asked how it’s going and about Sean, which I ignore or just reply with I have no idea. I go up to his coffin, blinking tears. I look down at his seemingly sleepy face. I barry my face in Tatum’s shoulder, and cry.  We weren’t very close, but he did take care of me for two years.  A little over protective, but a good guy all in all. Grabbing a sheet a copy of the obituary, Tatum leads me out once I tell him I am ready.


“Please take me back.” I say wiping my eyes with a tissue he grabbed on the way out. Stuffing the paper in my pocket, I grab his hand. Then I’m we’re in blackness again, and the loud noise is pounding in my ears. Then We are standing in the hall way right outside the Dinning room. “Why did you want me to see him?” I ask, wiping my eyes.


“Because I wanted to apologize.” He says stepping back. I look at confused, and he doesn’t smile, he looks ashamed almost scared. I don’t know what gives me the thought, but I pull out the obituary reading the cause of death.


“You… you!” I start screaming and crying. “You murdered him?” I yell, so confused and upset. I keep rereading the paper, making sure I read it correctly.


“No! Lyra, it wasn’t me!” He says, grabbing my arm that flies out ready to slap him. “It was Tracy!” He whispers. Tracy? Who the fuck is that!?  “She is my fiancé. Once she learned her servant failed she wanted to hurt you. She did this as a warning.”


“So it was your fault!” I say pushing him. He is quiet. “You are engaged! Yet you purposely went to human school with me, and … you got feelings for me! You have cause this!” I say throwing the obituary at him. “How dare you! I thought you were a prince? Aren’t you supposed to do as your told and whats right for your people?” I say, still yelling. He is trying to get me to quiet down, but no fucking way in hell is that going to happen.


“We’ve been engaged since she was born, Lyra. I don’t have a choice and neither does she! I guess she likes me, and I just don’t like her that way anyway.” He starts explaining.


“What?” I’m semi confused now.


“Lyra, Tracy is my sister. It’s tradition for siblings to marry, it’s the way my people have been or hundreds of years.” He throws his arms up, and I’m quiet. His sister. He is engaged to his sister. His sister tried to have me killed, his sister killed Harris. His sister is a jealous, psycho, bitch who is drop dead evil.


“The fuck kind of tradition is that!?”I yell, still mad. “You didn’t stop her! You couldn’t have ordered her to not kill Harris, or told your parents or something! Why don’t you just leave me alone! You coming and seeing me is causing problems! I tried telling that other girl that I don’t like you, and I will never be with you!” I yell looking him square in the face. “I would never want to be with a monster like you.” I yell, and Tatum’s face looks crushed and distraught. “Tatum, wait I did-“ I begin trying to apologize. But he is gone. I called him a monster. More like I’m the monster! He was trying to help me and be nice, and show his feelings. He brought me to Harris’s wake, he has been trying to protect me!  “Tatum, if you’re listening I’m sorry! I didn’t mean that. I’m just… I  just have a really full plate right now. And I… I… I’m so sorry.” I say, he probably isn’t listening. Calming myself down, I use my sleeves to wipe my face. I hope I don’t look to crapy. I walk into the dinning room, but only one person is there. Sebastien. Happy the food is still there. I walk in as if nothing is wrong and grab a slice of toast


“Well, you sure know how to break guys hearts don’t you.” Sebastien speaks to me coldly, and I feel another batch of fresh tears. I was right he hates me, and he was listening to every word. I don’t say anything. I just head towards the door, with my toast. Even though I have lost my appetite now.  “Well, hey at least you aren’t leading anyone on any more. You made you choice.”  He adds, before I close the door. Walking away from the room, I head towards my hospital room. I’m cruel. The only person who might understand is Elijah, and even he might say I was wrong for what I said which is true. I was so out of line. Once in my room, I shut the door. Crawling into the bed. I’ll just lay here, and cry. Maybe whither away.




Sitting up slowly from the bed, I Recap what happened earlier. I was a complete bitch to Tatum, Sebastien was a total  ass to me.  I just want to get out of this castle, and go back to my house. Go back to training! God do I miss training!  Spotting the white rose on the table next to the door, I get up looking for a note. Taped on the door, there is a note. It’s from, I drop the paper. It’s said Tracy in neat cursive writing. Does that include the rose? How did she get it her? Picking up the letter, I open it reading it out loud.


“Dear Lyra, I’m so glad to hear that you have decided to quiet playing with Tatum’s heart. I will leave you, and your family alone now and I hope you will do the same for me. I hope everything works out between you and the Prince, I can tell you two truly love each other. If you ever need anything I suppose you can try and get ahold of me. I left you a rose to really show my thanks. Your dearest friend Tracy.”


“What the fuck!” I whisper, rereading. She thinks we are friends? This girl is fucking nuts! Picking up the rose I toss it in the garbage along with the note. She killed Harris, and tried to kill me! She thinks that sending me a letter and a white rose will make me forget all of  that! No fucking way! Storming out of my room, my room, I head outside. I need air. Throwing open the door, I run towards the beach. Running out on the dock, I look down at my reflection in the water. Who would’ve thought that in a months time. I would meet my parents, break two guys hearts(Even though only one of them really upsets me), find the person I’m supposed to be with, almost die twice,  become a very skilled fighter, and I think that’s it. Sitting at the edge of the dock, I hum. I guessing humming is my thing now. Dipping my feet in and out of the water, I think and think hard. What on earth am I going to do?


Heading back inside I decide, I’m going to go to the training center to take out a little anger. I find Molly in the kitchen, and tell her. I don’t ask, because she would probably say no. So I just pop my head in saying I’m going then leave. Walking there, I get more air, and time alone. Once I arrive I head inside, and Theodora is actually here!  With a little small talk, we get right to business. Everything comes back to me easily, and I get even more worked up about how I didn’t defeat that girl. I could’ve kicked her ass easily! Once we finish I thank Theodore for putting up with my attitude, and I decide I’ll just go home.  Arriving there I run inside the house. Something isn’t right! Boxes everywhere, things packed up and away. What is going on? Hearing noises upstairs, I run up. There are a bunch of men doing more packing in Molly and Garret’s room.


“Hello? What are you doing?” I ask, turning of the radio they had blaring.


“What you’re parent’s didn’t tell you?” One of them asks looking at me like I’m an idiot. Great, what didn’t my parent’s tell me?! “You’re moving, to the palace.” He says, and I leave without a word. All my stuff is already packed up! No wonder they’ve been getting me clothes! There probably already at the castle! Why in the hell are we moving!?  Running to the castle, which is at least a mile, I get speed from anger. Why are we moving? Why didn’t they tell me? Once I get there I head straight to the kitchen, but Molly isn’t there anymore. Making my way to find Her, even though I have no clue where to look. I give up after I’ve opened  five different doors, and they all turn out to be storage rooms. I swear the rooms in this place move! Walking around aimlessly  now, I kick around a ball I found in one of the closets. It’s actually a volleyball, but hey a ball is a ball.


Finding a study I head inside playing kick back against  bookshelf. Then I actually play volleyball which is very hard without more then two players and a net. For having two teenagers they have no fun play rooms. I haven’t seen a run filled with video games, and I haven’t seen and indoor pool or basketball course.  I’m so bored!  Looking through the books shelves for something maybe semi good to read, I spot a small note book lodges between books. It blends right in, and I wouldn’t have noticed it if I wasn’t looking directly at at as I passed it looking for a reading book. Pulling it out it opens to the first page. Chaston’s Diary!  Closing it right away I put it it back on the shelf. Why in the world is it in here? Grabbing it again, I open it to a random page in the middle. Reading through different paragraphs and pages, I find out a lot about Chaston. 1. She loves her family. 2. She and Chase have been on and off for four years 3. She and Janessa don’t get along well. and 4. We used to be best friends. Shoving it back in the wall I leave the study, with my ball, and start walking around aimlessly again.

Chapter 18- Testing Limits (Lyra's POV)

 I listen to the clock ticking, waiting for Molly and Garret to explain, Garret found me wandering and wanted to talk to me about the whole moving situation. He called Molly, and now we are sitting,  new part of the castle that was built specifically for us. We are for sure moving to the castle.  I admit it is nice, My room is still the same size and I have my own bathroom still! The kitchen is extremely nice, big enough for Molly to cook lots of big grand meals. All in all nice place, and we will be all moved in in a couple of days. I still haven’t gotten the reason we’re moving yet.  Hence why we are all standing awkwardly in the still not furnished living room, listening to the one item in the here (a clock)  ticking on and on.  The paint on the wall is still drying, so it stinks a little, and I’m not supposed to lean against the wet paint. I don’t know why they don’t just say, he were moving because blah blah blah. Get it over with already.


I walk around the room looking out all the window. From the living room, I can see a garden like most windows. Molly and Garret start whispering hastily to each other about something, and I grumble about how dumb the are. I’m still in the room, I can hear the little noises whispering. Walking right out of the room they don’t even notice. I head back to my soon to be bed room, and lookout the two windows, it has. I can see the beach. Again everyone out having a good time, while I’m up here living no life! Sierra and Frederick are all over each other, and Chase and Chaston are acting as if they would never think about going there. What’s up with all the secrets? Sierra and Frederick act like they aren’t together around me. Although I  guess I have no room to talk about secrets. Elijah and I.  Tatum and I(I mean just not telling everyone about Tatum himself). Oh and how could I forget, the whole entire I can also control wind along with Ice. That’s very important as well! Speaking of wind…


I move to the middle of my room, and think about wind and air. I’ve always wanted to play with my powers, what better time then now? I feel like I’m going to die of boredom, so why not try and have little fun?


Holding up my hand, I point at the ground and twirl my finger. Exactly what I thought would happen happens! A very tiny tornado of wind forms, and twirls along the floor in my room. Twirling my whole wrist now the tornado grows and is now as tall as me! My hair is whipping around from the wind, and I laugh. Still twirling my wrist I wonder how big I can make my little wind storm. I stop twirling my wrist and and I give it a flick, then the tornado is gone. I feel the grin spreading across my face. I need a bigger area, outside! If I go outside I can make it bigger! Running out of my room, I slip right past Molly and Garret who are still whispering (Must be some real serious topic). Running towards the door outside, I think about where I should go. Not the beach obviously. Not a garden either I wouldn’t want to ruin anything. The outdoor basketball court! Is a big open area, where hopefully no one will see me messing around. Making it there I sigh, it’s perfect! Standing right at the center line of the court, I twirling my finger. Again the small wind tunnel forms, and I make it bigger not waisting any time. But how do I get it bigger from here? So far it’s about as tall as me, and I don’t know what else to twirling. Maybe using both hands? I try and it doesn’t work. What is does do makes me giggle. Snow start spurring out of it like a snow storm.  Dropping my wrist, the snow quits and I think of how to make it bigger. Maybe my whole arm needs to twirl? Trying that, I do find another thing I can do. The speed picked up and now it’s moving in a circle like my arm! Testing more theories out, I point my arm in the direction the basketball hoop to my left, and the tornado buzzes over, but it’s to small to do any damage.


How do I make it bigger? I bring the storm back over to me, glaring at it wondering how it works. There isn’t any instruction manual anywhere fro me to look at, I’m on my own.  Watching as it spins, I start to pick up what I have to do. Twirl. I have to twirl my whole body! Spinning around once, I look back at my little storm.  I jump with joy, and spin again and again. Every time I spin it gets bigger and bigger! Then I cut it off watching the wind break apart like the snow flake at the end of that Disney movie Frozen!  I wonder if I have to start it small? Maybe it I can make it bigger right away? I grin, and ready myself for twirls. Sure enough the wind gathers again, and it’s bigger then ever! Comparing it’s height to the basketball hoop is practically impossible now! I’m happy the court is back a little away from the palace, otherwise people might’ve seen this. Although I bet they still can see, I shrug my shoulders. Oh well, it will be one less secret I’ve been keeping.  I keep testing different idea’s and working with my powers, and I realize I’m having more fun then I had in a long time, other then kissing Elijah of course.  I want to fly! Smirking, I think of a way for me to maybe fly. I jump right inside the tornado, and I flight straight out with out spinning in circles like you see in movies. Hovering what looks like thousands of feet in the air, I cheer. I did it! I’m flying or hovering what ever! Pointing my arm to different places, I roar with laughter. I’m moving! I do flips in the air, still spinning my wrist, and I dance like an idiot of course.


I wonder what happens when I cut it off?


Cutting it off while I’m still in the air, I start to plummet down. I scream from fright, and then I twirl as I fall creating a tornado the reaches me still hundreds of feet in the air.  I land feeling nothing, but still I was caught! Whooping and cheering, I make it smaller and smaller until I’m back on the ground. Taking the ponytail from my wrist, I tie my hair back.  Lets test this out. I want to fly, without a tornado under me. There has to be a way! I sit on the ground for a second, thinking about what I could do. My power comes to my with mostly hand gestures, unlike some of the others when they have to sing and dance. I stand up dusting off my butt, I think about what super hero’s do then they fly. Well, Superman hold his arm up. Iron man shoots fire out of his boots and hands. I bet I could force wind under my hands!  I crouch down, rolling my shoulders, taking a deep breath. I thrust my arms down to the ground, and nothing happens. Mumbling t myself, I think of other ways. Thor uses  his mighty hammer, and Green Lantern has his special ring.  I try to fly like Superman does, but like I thought, nothing happens. I really think I was on the something, with the whole entire Iron man idea!  Throwing my arms down, again. I see if I feel a fizzle of power. I do. Okay, so what else do I need to do?


“Ms. Castir? What are you doing out here?” A guard asks, walking out towards the basketball court. Of course some one shows up now. At least it wasn’t anyone from the gang, just a guard on patrol. Easy enough to send away


“Just messing around.” I reply, holding out my hand. Watching a snowball appear, I smile. This trick never gets old.   “Nothing to worry about. I’m not causing any storms.” I laugh, and he nods  saluting to me. Then he turns around and walks back away. I wait until he is clearly out of sight, tossing the snowball behind me, I think other things I might do to be able to fly. Do I have to say something, maybe yell up up and away! Now I just laugh. Once I focus again, I think about what I’ve seen hero’s do in the movies. I bounce back and forth from foot to foot. Getting antsy, I want to fly dammit! Maybe I’ll fly myself right out of here! Then I’ll ome back though. I wouldn’t want to leave Elijah, not permanently. I feel a lithe rhythm kicking, and I feel power  rise up from my feet. I stop bouncing and it goes away.  Okay, maybe I need a jumping start? Bouncing from foot to foot, I rolling my shoulders one more time. Feeling the power build up, I jump, thrusting my arms down at the same time. So glad I put my hair back in a ponytail, so it stays out of my face!


I’m flying! In the air, no tornado under me. I’m flying! I buzz around a hundred feet or so above the court under me, wondering if I can fly higher, and faster. Higher. Faster. Higher. Faster. Just thinking those to words, makes my soar higher and faster! Steering myself towards the castle, I  zoom toward the highest point which is the part with the clock tower! Landing light on the roof, grabbing the point to hold myself steady, I look down. I can see the whole city from up here! Glancing at the basketball court, I can barely see it, it’s so far down. I spot the beach, which i can see actually leads to an ocean. I can just make out the little figures running around, but no way can I tell who is who.


“Alright Lyra. Let’s have some fun!” I say to myself, jumping off the roof. I fall loving the feeling of the wind blowing my face, Thrust out my arms, I feel the bust of power that lifts me right back up. I twirl my wrist creating a miniature tornado, I hold it out in front of me. Then I fly into it getting a huge speed boost! Almost to the volt in gymnastics,  when the gymnast jumps to it the go up in the air to perform their trick. Accept this didn’t give me a little boost, this shot me out like I was a bullet going the a gun barrel!  Cheering and whooping even louder then before, I can tell I’ll never bored again! All of a sudden Tatum appears in front of me, and I ram into him. Now I’m falling, and so is he. I tail catching myself in a tornado, and him as well.  “Tatum?” I yell over the wind. He smiles. “Tracy, take your brother!” I yell, no way in hell do I want her mad at me again.


“Tracy sent me!” He says, now I’m throughly confused.  The fuck is with this family!?  “I’m supposed to ask you about the girl, that is in the dungeon!” He yells back, and I send him a glare.


“You go back and tell Tracy, that I don’t want to talk to you about it! Only her!” I says pushing him of the tornado. I watching him fall, but then he disappears.  Good, I didn’t just kill him. I wonder why is was all smily? I mean I was a complete and total bitch to him like 4 hours ago. I also don’t understand why Tracy sent him to see me? I thought she didn’t want me to see him!? Whatever I sent Tatum away, that’s all that matter. Leading my tornado, to  the nearest tree. I land jumping off, and fly again!  It’s much easier  then a tornado and a lot more fun! I still don’t understand what exactly just happened, but it’s fine now. Tatum is gone and I don’t have to worry about the wrath of his sister! That is still one f the weirdest traditions I’ve ever heard of. I mean meaning your sibling? isn’t that really bad for children? Well, I know it’s bad for humans at least.


Plummeting down towards the ground, I fly only five or so feet from the ground at high speed. Watching everything zoom past me. This is the weirdest thing ever! I’m never want to sleep again! Flying in and out of the forest area that surrounds the castle, I weave through the trees. I zoom past a garden, then I head back into the trees. We’ve out again, I spot a group of people I instantly slow down, and hover closer to the ground. Depending on who it is, if they see me it might be bad. Peeking out from under a bush, still hovering ( I don’t want to get dirt all over my nice clothes), I see the Rashell( AKA the Queen) talking to my parents and Elijah. MY eyes buzz over Elijah, and I get a shiver. Damn he is sexy. He looks my way, almost as if he senses me. I fly backward, and I don’t know how, away from the bush. I’m dumb. He probably did sense me! I wonder what they are talking about? Going back in, I listen closely keeping my eyes off of Elijah.


“Like I said before, I don’t mind. It will be good for her. She will be able to be with the other girls, and train with them now.”  Rashell smiles at my parents. I think they’re talking about me!  It’s about moving to the castle!  “Including she will be here for elijah to keep an eye on.” she adds, giving him a look. I frown, I forgot she knows about us. Elijah just plays along nodding, then he explains some theory he has about my memories. My parent’s look happy that he might be getting somewhere, although I’m not sure what gave him the idea he isn’t actually done any tests on me.


“Well, the paint will be dry by tonight, and the movers already have everything packed.” Molly smiles grabbing Garret’s hand. I smile they’re getting along and not fighting! That’s great! They all start walking again, and I follow for a little while to see if I can get any good gossip but most of it is just small talk between the four of them. After awhile Molly excuses herself, I guess she has a meal to cook. Garret goes with her, and that leaves Rashell and Elijah. I wonder what they might talk about…


“How is the she?” Rashell asks, stopping and smiling what I think is a tulip. Elijah who keeps walking, smiles.


“She is doing fine. Why do you ask?” He says, stopping and looking back at her. Rashell smiles at him now.  What kind of game are they playing with each other here?


“How long do you plan keeping this a secret and not telling Molly and Garret? I’m sure it’s only going to get harder to not tell anyone. Especially the girl herself!” She replies, catching up to him.


“Lyra knows. She knew something was up from the moment she met me or at least saw me again without her memories.” He informs her, and I nod. I did know! I still can’t tell what kind of conversation this is. It sounds light and airy, but I don’t know.  I’m hooked now, I can’t leave until their conversation is over! “As for her parents, I don’t know yet. She said she didn’t want anyone to know until she got settled in, which is completely understandable. My heart just melts, even though I don’t recall saying that, he really understands!


“I see.” she replies. “I’m guessing she was with you this morning.” She asks a rhetorical question.


“All night.” Elijah adds, and Rashell eyes him, with a smirk. “Nothing happened. We talked.” He gives her a look back. That’s right nothing happened, just talked. Only two kisses if she really wants to knows.


“Hmmm sure no blood was drawn?” she asks, and he laughs.


“Quit sure.” He says, leaving a tree branch as they walk under it. He is such a sweet guy!


“Something happened? You’re different, happy and you have a certain look to you know.” She says looking him up and down.


“I guess it could just be that she is back, and we were together all night.” He offers, and she nods. Then that’s it. Now they’re talking about Chaston’s rash she has. That’s the last thing I need to hear about Flying up and out of the trees, I look around. I’m out by the beach, but not that close I can still see all of them down there have a good time. I smile, I’m having just as much fun, probably more.


“Can we talk now?” Tatum asks, appearing in front of me again.  What the fuck?!? “Tracy is sending me! She wants her servant back.” He sighs.


“Why can’t she come herself? I thought you weren’t supposed to see me?” I say, hovering in front of him.


“Okay, okay you got me.” He holds up his hands. I rub my forehead getting stressed with him.  “She is gone on a trip. I’m bored thought I come hang with you.” He sighs, laying on his back. Now he can fly to? Maybe he always could I just didn’t know.


“I thought you hated me?” I asked, and he shrugged. “I don’t. Hate you I mean.” I add, he nods. “I was just so upset, and scared. I’m scared now! Tatum, Tracy is going to kill me! You can’t be here!” I plead.


“No, I told you she is gone for a week. She wont even know I saw you, yeah but when she comes back. You can't and you wont come and see me anymore!” I point, and he laughs.


“Just friends I swear!” he offers holding out his hand. I shake it, and he zaps me. Pulling my arm back, as he chuckles. I make a small tornado and send it at him. His flight falters and he falls a little.  “Let’s race!” He says, then using his own magic a her makes a starting line with arrows telling us where to go. “Only we can see the arrows so…” He smiles.


“You’re on!” I reply. Lining up with him at the starting line, we count down together. Then we fly off.  Keeping pace with each other, we make circles around the castle high up in the air. What the heck is with going in circles! We have all the space! Watching to arrows as they appear in front of me, and disappear I pass them. All of a sudden they dip down, and  I fall following the arrow. Tatum hot on my trail, I push harder. I come back up, five feet above ground. Then all of a sudden I’m in pitch black, and there is a loud pounding noise.  “Tatum!” I yell, of course he would do this!


“Lyra!” He yells, but I can’t see him. “Lyra, what happened? Where did you go?” He yells frantically.  I come to a stop trying to look around me. Nothing I can’t see anything!


“Tatum, let me out!” I yell, turning around frantically looking for anything. Why isn’t there light here?  “Tatum Now!” I yell again. I hear a muffled sour of his voice. I move closer, trying to understand what he is saying.


“It’ not me! Where are you! Fly through it you’ll come out!” I finally understand. Sighing, I fly the way I think I  was supposed keep going. Why am  I in here? Who is doing it? Tracy!? Oh god.


“I’m sorry, I promise I don’t like him. I promise! I swear cross my heart and hope to diahhhhh!” I I start pleading just in case it is Tracy. Then I break through, and I get distracted and stop flying. I’m falling. Water,  water is beneath me!  I’m gone kill myself when I collide with the water! I wont collide with the water then! Twirl! I twirl my body, and A tornado catches me two feet or so above the water.  “Holy shit.” I sigh, “I’m alive!” I cheer  standing up. I look out at my horizon. There is a pond lake thing. Then trees, all I see is trees.  I must be in the human world? Where though?  Turning around, I cut my tornado splashing into the water. I’m so dead! I’m still in Spridge! I’m at the beach! They of course were all staring at me!  I scream under water, looks like I have some explaining to do. Earlier I didn’t want to get my clothes dirty, and now look where I am at? I need to find Tatum! That ass hole he did this to me on purpose. I realize I’m sitting down on the sandy bottom and I look up. The water is only five or six feet deep, I bet could jump from here and fly out.  It’s to late now they seen me  use the tornado anyways. Jumping of the sand I force my hands, down. I shoot up, and I’m blasting into the sky. Making a tornado I dry myself off.


“Tatum!” I yell. Then he appears, “What the fuck is wrong with you!”  I yell throwing the tornado at him once I’m dry.  He flies back, and then hovers again trying to catch his balance.


“That wasn’t me, I don’t know who it was. It wasn’t Tracy either. She can’t do that, she doesn’t know how yet.” He says looking around. Thank god my hair is a ponytail, other wise it would be a disaster right now.  “Oh well, you aren’t hurt, nobody is hurt. We will worry about it later. Right now I think you have bigger problems.”  He points down, following his finger, I see everybody standing and looking up at the two of us.  I rub my forehead.


“Could I go with you?” I sigh, trying to be funny.  


“I don’t know…. that might be to tempting for me. With the whole entire being friends, thing.” He sighs. God he is such a clown.  “You want me to go down with ya?” He ask, I shake my head.  “Ahhh, well. I’ll talk to ya later bff!” He smiles, giving me thumbs up. I laugh as he disappears.  Making my way down by everyone else, I spot someone who wasn’t there before. Elijah. I almost turn around and go the other way, but hey I have to face them sometime. It’s not like they all aren’t already mad at me either, so… this might be quick and easy. Landing lightly on the dock, I clear my throat and apologize for disturbing them.


Talk about awkward, I’m not making eye contact with any of them. They’re all staring and not speaking. I scratch the back of my head, glancing at Elijah. I didn’t tell him about have the element of air. But he knows about Tatum, and Sebastien knows as well.  His face is unreadable, and I can’t read thoughts. He must be pissed, we just spent the night together and I told him that I told him everything and I didn’t, what is he doing here anyways. Wasn’t he just with the queen?  Ugh!


“So…” I saying, looking up towards the sky.  Still nothing, “Yup, ah… I’ll just be on my way.” I say swerving around the group, now I just have to walk passed Elijah. I don’t look at him, even though I should stop and beg him to not be mad.


“Lyra.” He says, after I’ve already passed him. I turn, gulping. God, I bet he hates me. “Come here.” He says, I gulp again. What is he thinking? What’s he going to do? I go back, I stand next to him.  “That was the element of air.” He whispers, I nod. “You were using it.” I nod glancing up at his face. He is .. smiling?! “I think I must be the luckiest guy ever.” He says, and can already feel the heat on my cheeks. “We’ll talk about this later.” He whispers, I nod. Then I keep walking towards the castle. I’m showering.  Okay, so he isn’t mad?  He can be so confusing sometimes. “Oh and Lyra.” He yells, I stop and turn. “My ‘office’ at seven.” He says, I salute him. His office meaning his room, I could tell by the way he emphasized it. I walk of smiling like a kid walking out of a candy store.


I shower and change, an then l leave the room, which is still the hospital room until tomorrow when out stuff is here at the castle. I need to find the group, and explain even if I don’t want to face them. I check Sebastien’s bed room, no one. Then I check Chaston’s and I hit the mother load. They’re all in her room.  


“Hey…” I say waving and opening the door. I close it behind me, taking one last deep breath.


“Girl, explain what just happened!” Flora says excitedly jumping off the bed. “That was awesome you were flying and using air!” She cheers, I nod.


“I also can control the element of air.” I say, and everyone in the room gasps. Everything gets flipped from what I thought would happen. Everyone is talking about how cool and lucky, I am. No one has asked about Tatum yet. The only one who isn’t saying anything is Sebastien. Which I understand. I look at the clock in her room, and I smile. It’s 6:45! Almost time to go!


“What about the  boy you were with?” Sebastien asks, not even really paying attention. I send him a glare, and he smiles. An actually smile, and for some reason I get a little weak at the knees, and I get pissed. He is giving me one of his adorable smiles, when he said something that  would piss me off. So obviously he hates me!


 “Yeah, who was that?” Chaston asks shushing everyone. I take another deep breath, so do I just say it was Tatum the  ‘evil’ prince who tried to kiss me that night at the party he also happens to be the drarkal prince?  I can’t make up a lie and say it was someone from the human world Sebastien knows the truth.


“I’m sure Sebastien can enlighten you.”  I send him a glare, and he actually  is looking at me. I smile. “You know anyways, so go ahead, I’m late for a meeting with Dr. Drake so, we’ll talk later.”  I say leaving.  Catching Sebastien’s look or confusion, and Chaston’s look of knowing. Even though she doesn’t know if there is for sure anything going on. Of course their is something going on, but she just doesn’t know. Skipping down the hall, I smile at myself. At least they can’t be anymore mad at me then they already are. Now maybe they will also be mad at Sebastien for knowing and not saying.

Chapter 19- Chosen Part 1 (Lyra's POV)

 Knocking on  the door this time, just in case anyone see’s me outside his room.  He opens the door in almost a second, giving me a funny look for knocking. I smiles shyly walking in, again I don’t think he is mad at me, but who knows? My hair is still a little wet, from my shower and it’s drying a little wavy which isn’t normal. Twirling a chunk of my hair on my finger, I stand in the middle of the room biting my lip. Oh god, I’m nervous now! He might yell at me, and he might not! Anticipation is killing me, and I’ve only been in his room for thirty seconds!


“I’m not mad.” he whispers in my ear behind me wrapping his arms around me.  Shivers run through me, and I can’t help but smile from the warm feeling he give me!  “You’re tense, is something wrong?” He asks. I laughing lightly, nothing is wrong now! He isn’t mad at me!  I don’t know why I’m still so rigid, Leaning back into him I let out a breath  I didn’t realize I was holding.


“I thought you might be mad at me.” I admit, and he exhales.


“You always think someone is mad at you.” He chuckles, and I blush and smile.  “Although that was something we all witnessed today. You really have both elements?” He ask, holding me out at arms length.  I nod, holding out a I twirl my finger, watching the normal small tornado appear. I cut it off there, not wanting to mess up his room from the wind. I look back up at him, and he is smiling at me. “What all happened with Tatum?” He asks now. Shoving my wet hair over my shoulder, I begin.


“He came telling me that Tracy sent him, which I knew was a bunch of bull,  then he told  me that Tracy is going to be gone for a week,  and that he wanted to see me. I told him he needed to leave, because no way in hell do I want the wrath of his sister.” I pause to take a breath,  and he gives me a weird look about the sister thing. “ Then he said he just wanted to be friends, and he tempted me with a flying race, which I just learned how to fly so I was of course like ‘yeah let’s race’  Then I went into some weird tunnel thing and I came out and almost feel in the water… yada yada you know the rest.”


“Some story…”  he says walking over to his bed, and I follow. He lays back pulling me down with him, I lay my head on his chest and he wraps an arm around me. We lay in silence for awhile, and my mind wonders to earlier when I listened in on him and the queen.  She thought that we did would’ve done something, like sex or drink each others blood. I’m a virgin, not that I never going to lose my virginity, but I mean I  want to wait and make sure it’s with the right person at the right time.  Although it doesn’t surprise me that the queen thinks I would lose my virginity within my first month here.  I mean she hates me because she thinks I like Sebastien, which I haven’t figured out myself yet if I do or not.  “Lyra…”  Elijah whispers, scaring me. Then the next thing I know,  I’m being picked up, and he sits up. When the motions stop, I’m straddling him and our faces are only inches apart.


“What?” I ask, quietly, I really want to smack myself now. He can read my mind, and I was just thinking about my virginity, and if I like Sebastien or not! I’m stupid! I’m dumb!


“You know what.” He says, leaning his forehead against mine. I close my eyes, I don’t know which one he is talking about!


“Im sorry I was just off in thought about sex and stuff.”  I say keeping my eyes closed. He chuckles, great now he is laughing.


“Not that. I don’t care about that. I’m happy you want to wait.” He stops laughing. I tense, of course the Sebastien thoughts upset him. “Lyra, I don’t want you to feel like you have to-“


“I want to be with you. I’m crazy about you! I know that part of it comes from the bond, but hey you said it yourself I felt something before I even knew about the bond.” I interrupt him, then grabbing him by his shirt, I pull him in to me. Our ups colliding, forcefully. Letting go of his shirt, I run my fingers through his hair stopping at the back of his neck. I sit up straight, pushing him back a little bit. His hands grip my shirt on each side of me. I slip my tongue across his lower lip, and then I’m moving again. Now my back is against the bed, and he is hovering over top of me. We continue passionately kissing, heating up the longer we go. A small whimper escapes me, and I move my hands to the bottom of his shirt pulling it up.  I pull my lips from his, marveling  at his ab muscles  and he plants a soft kiss on my forehead. Pulling his shirt up and off of him, I kiss him again. Not wasting time, I lean up pulling him down closer to me.


I have no clue where I got these skills, but I’m not complaining! Another whimper leaves me, and he actually groans a little! The sexiest sound in the world that’s what that was!  His lips leave mine, and they go to my neck. Moving my hips in a dancing like rhythm against him I let out an actual moan. Loud and clear. I bury my face in his chest, giving him a better view of my neck, and it helps keep my noises down. He stops  hovering his lips over my neck, and I immediately think of what is happening.


“It’s okay. I want you to.” I whisper, placing my lips against his collar bone. His lips hover a little longer, I move my hair making sure it’s not in his way.  I feel his lips, kissing me again. One of his hands goes under my shirt a little gripping my side. Then I’m moving again, and once I stop I pause seeing what position we’re in now. We are sitting again, and my legs are wrapped around him. He is still kissing my neck, and I place my chin on his shoulder. Closing my eyes, and biting my lip to keep my noise level down. He stops again, and I almost grunt in protest. Then I feel his tongue run across my neck in a spot, and I think I know what happens next. I was right. He bites into my skin lightly, and I feel a huge electric shock run through me. I can’t hold in the moan, the burst through me. Pleasure erupts throughout my body, especially down there. No pain at all, just pleasure comes from his bite. My hearts about to break right through my skin, and I can’t hold in any of the moans, and neither can he. I grip his shoulders with my hands, needing to work out some of the pleasure I’m getting. Now. With him. My mind runs the message through my body. I pull myself in closer to him, grinding against his body.  We’ve already came this far! I want to, and I know I want to do it with him! Placing my lips on his collar bone, I leave a trail of light kisses.  I have a horribly good feeling growing deep inside me, and I groan grinding harder and harder.  I might just climax, with out actually having sex. Blood drinking is enough, but I don’t want him to stop, ever!


“Dr. Drake are you in there?” Sebastien’s voice asks knocking on the other side of his door. Pulling away from me, he is lays his forehead on mine, and I thought I was breathing heavily!  “Hello?” He speaks again.


“Will he just walk in?” I ask, not wanting to be interrupted. Even though it’s to late he interrupted us already!  He nods, and I growl a swear word. He chuckles quietly.


“Here go clean yourself up.” He says, standing up.


“You should probably to. You have a little something right here.” I point at the little bit of blood on the corner of his mouth. He just licks it right off. I turn heading towards the bathroom, I turn on the shower and give Elijah a thumbs up. Closing the door, I finally look at my reflection. Holy shit! I’m glowing, my eyes are bright full of color. My cheeks are pink, and I dare to peek at my neck. No holes from fangs, but it does look like a hickey. It must be a mark that shows I was drank from. I have no problems with it, but my parents might if they see it! Fixing my hair and splashing some of the water from the shower on my face, I get calmed down. I don’t even listen to the conversation, I mean, if Sebastien wanted to come and see Dr. Drake it met be because he is a doctor, and I shouldn’t listen in on that. So I just stare at my reflection, loving with being with Elijah is doing to me and what it’s doing to us! After only two minutes I get antsy, and I start listening. Just to see what they’re talking about.


“-know. I mean have you tried tell this girl how you feel?”  Elijah replies, I push my ear into the door more what are they talking about? “Yeah, but she said she might like someone else.” Sebastien replies,


“I don’t know what to do, you’re an adult what do you think?”  Sebastien asks for advice!  He’s asking about me! I told him I liked a human boy to keep suspicions away fro Elijah. He really doesn’t suspect a thing.


“I think, that if you really like Lyra, you need to just get her alone and really ask her. Really talk to her.” Elijah says my name, and I almost walk out of the bathroom. Hello did the two of us not just about have sex there? Why is he telling Sebastien, that he should talk to me alone? What if he tries to make a move on me! What if he like almost rapes me! He wouldn’t do that though.  “I know she has a lot on her plate right now, so she is just confused and doesn’t know what she wants.”


“How do you know it’s Lyra?”  Sebastien asks.


“You could try a little harder to hide it.”  Elijah replies, and I scoff quietly. More like you read his mind! I think loud hopping he hears! Then Sebastien sighs. “Don’t beat yourself up about it. You’re young. Just remember you’re going to meet a lot of other girls in your life, don’t settle down to soon. “ Elijah adds, I smile. Of course, he says something like that.


“There is something about every girl when you’re your age.” Elijah laughs, and I smirk. He asked or it.  “Why don’t you go and try and find her now? I know that after our appointment she wanted to just go to sleep.  So I bet you could  talk to her.” He says. then they say there goodnights, and the door closes. I turn off the shower, opening the door. I stand in the doorway of the bathroom, taping my foot and smirking at him. “Oh shut it!” He says, with a shirt back on.


“You want him to talk to me?” I ask, walking over to him and wrapping my arms arm his neck.


“I want you to figure out what you want.”  he sighs, kissing my forehead. I drop my arms from him, this is unbelievable. After what just happened he still thinks I’d rather be with Sebastien!


“Elijah Drake.  I want you.” I say, walking towards the door. “Now, I’m going to leave. Go talk to Sebastien, since you implied I would be there!” I say.


“Good luck, also if you do choose him. Make sure you come back here and give me one more kiss.” He says totally serious. I throw the pillow on his chair at him.


“No chance.  I will choose you.” I say then I leave, so he can’t say anything else. Walking off, muttering how dumb he can be, I make my way back to my room.  Rounding the corner to the hospital corridor I ran into Sebastien, no lie,  legit run into him and I fall over.  “Ahh. my ass!” I say, as I stand up.


“I think that’s actually your tailbone.” Sebastien says, smiling at me. Reminding me earlier about his smile when he thought he got me in trouble. Little jerk. I give him a quick smirk, then walk around him towards my room. “Oh, come on Lyra. Can we just talk?” He asks, I sigh, following exactly what he was told. Elijah was right when he said I would be tired. All of that almost sex stuff tires you out.  Opening my door for him to come in he thanks me, again I smile. Closing the door, I get down to business.


“What?”  I say turning back to him, and he is right there in front of me. Close. Very close.


“Lyra, I want to know  the truth. How do you feel about me?” He asks, his eyes never leaving mine. A billion things come to mind to say, some good  and some bad. I want to say you’re a jerk, and I never want to see you again.  I want to say, Sebastien I think you are really cute, and I really like you! I also want to say Sebastien, I’m with Dr. Drake! I have to choose. I can’t choose! If I say the first one, I could lose his friendship forever. If I say the second one, I could lose Elijah (that isn’t happening!). If I say the third one, I could lose him and get in big trouble with me parents, and I have no clue if Elijah even wants people to know yet!    “You haven’t replied yet.” He mentions, I’m killing him here! I don’t know what to say!


“Sebastien,  I told you. I … think you’re cute and all.” I say finally. His face drops, he can tell there is a but coming up.  I scratch the back of my neck, now what exactly do I say?


“You like the guy who gave you that?” He asks, sounding aggravated, and pointing at my neck. Oh shit my neck! I walk over to my mirror, my mark still there. I wipe my finger a crossed it, feeling two little spots where I’m guessing his teeth punctured my skin. Just thinking about it send shivers done my spine!  “When on earth did you have time to get that?” He asks, “You didn’t have it when you stopped by Chaston’s room, and you said you went straight to Dr. Drake’s place. So where have you been?” He asks.


Dr. Drake’s. I think to myself, of course he doesn’t need to know that.


“You said he was human. You went back to the human world?” He asks, walking over to me, but not getting as close. I can tell he is having a hard time not staring at the hickey looking mark.


“No I didn’t go to the human world.” I reply. Who did I go to then!? Okay, didn’t think this through.


“Holy shit it almost looks like a vampire bite.” He notes, really focusing on it now. Oh shit.


“Does it really?”  I ask surprised turning around and looking in the mirror. “Vampire bites look like hickeys’?” I ask, and he shrugs his shoulder.


“We learned about them in school. Vampire can get people in there lives that are like mates, and when they drink each other blood they are officially bonded, and that’s what the bite marks look like. Wow, it looks just like the photo!” He says.  I move away, no need for him to start thinking about it!


“Sebastien!” I say, sitting on my bed. “Point is, I’m sorry I like this other person. Like I said before, you need to wait for a princess!” I smile, and he sighs. He walks over and stands in front of me.


“Never forget, I’ll always love you.” He whispers, then kisses my forehead. Then he turns and leaves the room. I shed a couple tears, and I know that I obviously have strong feelings for him. Definitely not as strong as Elijah and me, but there is feelings there.


 Okay, now I really don’t want to stay here alone. Elijah, I’ll go back. After I take a quick shower, again I’m a little hot and bothered from earlier! Once I’m done I change again into sweatpants and a tank top,  Looking both ways down the hall, to make sure no one is around, I head out. Quickly making my way back. I slip into his room when I know for sure know one is around, and the shower is running. He must be showering. Understandable,  I showered again.  I slip into under the blankets, to his bed, remembering how tired I am.  I dose off instantly.  The next thing I know, Elijah is laying down with me wrapping an arm around me. He kisses my bare shoulder, and whispers good night to me. I mhhm in reply snuggling into him,  for the warmth and feeling his touch he gives me.

Chapter 20- Chosen Part 2 (Lyra's POV)

I sit up stretching, and looking down at Elijah’s sleeping face. He is so beautiful even in his sleep! I kiss his forehead, which doesn’t wake him up. Then I find a piece of paper and pen, leaving him a note saying that I left just in case anyone comes this morning like they did yesterday. Slipping out, I let out a breath. Walking down the hall, back to my room to get changed, I pass by lots of movers. They’re moving all of out stuff in today! I know what I’ll be doing all day! Following the movers, to my new house, I make it to my room that looks like it has all of my big furniture already set up. My bed, dresser, desk,  t.v stand, and bookcase. I just have to unpack, easy enough. I get to it, starting with all my clothes, hanging some up in the closet and shoving other stuff into drawers.


Once I finish there I sort out my movies and books putting them on the book shelf, with one shelf  full of  pictures from my past, and one with Sophie and me. Then  I set up my lamp, and school stuff, and I finish with all the odd and end stuff.  The door to my room opens and it’s one of the movers dropping off another box. Glancing at my clock that I just set up, I almost fall over! I’ve been in here for 3 hours setting up! It feels like five minutes! Taking the box from him, confused because I’m not missing anything, I tear into it. Oh duh! It’s my bathroom stuff! Soaps, towels, razor, all that stuff!  Once I get the bathroom all done, up I head out. I’m starving!  Finding my way to the kitchen, in my house, I wave to all the workers being polite. Opening the door I slip in, closing it behind me. I rub my forehead, looking at the kitchen again. I was just in here yesterday, so it doesn’t look much different other then filled up cupboards and fridge!  Grabbing a package of Gushers from the new box, I leave heading out to the garden right outside our backdoor like thing. We have a small like garden, that has a marble statue of a suit of armor. It’s really cool, looking and I assume it’s really heavy as well.


“Hey Lyra! Come on!”  Flora yells, appearing on the other side of one of the super tall rose bushes. There is know way she is that tall! She is using her powers, I realize, I will too.  Jumping up I fly over the little hedge, and land on the ground as she makes the plants put her back down.  She is smiling like an idiot.


“So,  Sebastien told you guys.” I note, and she nods. “You aren’t mad.  I add, and she shakes her head.


“Lyra, we understand, you spent two years with the guy. Even though it was a lie, but still. It’s going to be hard to not see him, especially if he likes you!” She links our arms, I let out a long breath. Thank god, she isn’t mad … although maybe some of the others feel differently. Like Sierra and Frederick.  Oh well, I live with those two being mad at me. She leads me out to the basketball court in which everyone is gathered again. Does everybody live here or something?  “Lyra, thinks we all hate her.”  Flora says,  once we’re close to the group. I reach over to smack her, but then again. It’s okay. I should just get this over with.


Everyone, accept Sierra,  bursts into laughter about it and jumbled words all come at me at once. Good they aren’t mad!  I smile in relief, laughing along with them. Then I sit and join in on there conversation. They were talking about boys, yes even around Sebastien, Chase, and Frederick, I laugh at some of the stuff Chaston says, because I know she is in a relationship.  I’m happy Sierra and Frederick aren’t hiding their relationship anymore.  Maybe, I will fit in here, and have a good time. No more needing to worry about only having Elijah! Moving on to the topic of what everyone wants for lunch as I sit here eating a gusher every couple minutes. Being around my friends is making me feel like a teenager again, always being around adults made me a little high strung. Accept Elijah, he makes me feel just plain alive!  I shiver runs through my body, jeepers just thinking about Elijah does that do me now. Must be from yesterday, and the whole scene we had in his room.


“You cold?”  Janessa asks, and a small fire ball appears in between us.  I  move back it makes since now why I don’t like fire, I have the power of ice. Forming a snowball, I throw it towards the fire and  the fire puffs out, and then some water falls to the ground.  “Nice aim.” She replies, smiling at me. I smile back. Turning my head and looking at Chase and Frederick who are playing one on one.   “Holy shit, some hickey ya got there!” Janessa says standing up, and getting in my face. She moves my hair, showing everyone.  “Look at this!” She smiles pointing. I try to move away her hand. Sebastien knew what is was, I bet a couple other people will too!


“Hey that almost looks like… wait! That is a vampire bite!” Flora stands swatting Janessa away, so she can get in close. Looking at it expertly, I try to move away from her. She knows, and she might spill her guts!  “It’s a bonded bite! How? Who?!” She screams shaking me. Now all eyes are on me. I gaze at everyone a second, stopping at Sebastien. He isn’t happy.  “Spill it Lyra Castir!”  She keeps shaking me. I close my eyes, thinking. Should I tell them? I should, but am I ready for it? I should talk to Elijah about it.


“What is it?” I play dumb stalling, and they all scoff at me, yeah that didn’t work.I scratch the back of my neck, and Flora looks at it closer.


“It’s even fresh, within the past 24 hours!” Flora goes on. How does she know all of this!? I stand under the look of everyone still. I’m so in for it now. Avoiding everyones eyes, I look towards the castle, spotting Elijah, standing and obviously listening. He isn’t hiding or anything, he must’ve been walking out here for something, but stopped listening in the conversation. He scratches the back of his neck, and I role my eyes. He is reading my mind right now too! Little turd. He looks up at me, and I can imagine him rolling his eyes! He starts walking again, but I stay sitting unsure if he is coming for me or not. Even if he is coming for me I don’t want to seem to happy to go with the doctor even though that would be a highlight to my day!


“Dr. Drake?” Sebastien says first, and Flora backs up from my neck. I move my hair over it to cover it now. “What can we do for you?” He asks.  


“I actually need to borrow Lyra, for a second if you don’t mind.” He says, keeping his eyes off me. I stand up, sighing. Walking away with him, we stand a ways away and whisper. “Sorry. I forgot about the mark.” He whispers, moving my hair and looking at it. His touch making me shiver,  as we lock eyes.   “You’re parents want me to start tests on you. Although I don’t know how much testing will be done.” He smiles.


“My memories.” I rub my brow,  I wonder what he thinks about it? I know what Sebastien thinks.  Elijah puts both his hands on my face, looking me in the eyes. “Sorry. I just wonder what you think, and I know what he does. It just comes up!” I whisper.


“Lyra, I love you. I don’t care you have your memories or not.” He says, and my knees almost buckle. I almost jump on him and attack his face, but then I realize  the group is probably still watching.


“Can we go take some test?” I ask, wanting to get out of their view.  He smiles mischievously understanding what I really want.


“I think you should tell your friends.” He says, dropping his hands. I sigh, and nod. I glance at them, Chaston is watching intently. She knows.  “Chaston knows.”  he says, I don’t know he read my mind or hers.  I nod anyways.


“Yeah, I’ll get on that.” I say, “Let’s go do some tests.” I sigh, waving to them. Then I walk behind Elijah trying to get rid of some suspicion, as if I’m following the doctor to where ever where going.  Following him to his bedroom, I wonder what he will all have to do for tests. I mean, obviously stuff like cat skins or something. Maybe he will have to knock me out and like explore my brain! I shiver, freaking myself out. Once we are in his room, I lose focus. We’re in the bed room, where he drank my blood! Why did he bring me here? I thought we were really going to do some tests! Sitting down on the chair, while he paces around the room.


“I don’t know if I want to do the tests on you.” He said finally says, I cough unsure how to reply. “ I like you the way you are, and I just I don’t know if doing the tests will hurt you…” He trails off.


“You’re scared, my feeling for Sebastien will take ver from before!” I realize, and he stops rambling.  I’m right.  “Oh dear lord! Elijah Drake! Come here!” I stand up curling my finger at him.  He doesn’t move, he is embarrassed!  Walking over to him, I stand up on the tips of my toes wrapping an arm around his neck.  “Elijah, I  love you.” I say, and then I blink in surprise. I just said that.  “I chose you.”   laying my lips lightly on his. Then I lay my head on his chest. He squeezes me, and we stand here like this for a while.


“Lyra…” He sighs, letting go of me. “You are just so….” He stops, and I’m left wondering what he was going to say.


“Elijah.” I sigh, and he looks down at me.“Just kiss me already!” I whisper and he laughs, doing what I said.  Only this time no holding back, forcefully and hungrily, we kiss. I push him backwards towards the bed, already untucking his shirt.   I whimper under his touch, as his hands run over my butt. Stopping at my hips, he pulls my rear end in closer to him, and I start grinding my hips.  He groans, biting my bottom lip a little. My body tingles as his hands lift my shirt inch by inch, massaging small small circles into my skin with his thumbs.  He stops right under my bust, and I reach back pulling, my shirt over my head, breaking our kiss.  I toss my shirt on the floor, joining our lips again. My fingers work quickly unbuttoning his shirt, and then I push it over his shoulders, showing his chest.  God he is beautiful, moving my hands over his chest and abs, I can feel the tension in his body. Why is he tense?  I  break apart from him looking him in the eyes.


“Elijah why are you so tense?” I ask, stopping my hands on his chest. I’m in my bra… first time a boy has ever seen me this naked, and I still have pants on of course, but hey, My top half is naked accept my bra Which I’m happy, I picked up my only nice black lace bra. It’s not slutty or anything, it’s just my only nicer bra other than sports bra’s and normal solid color ones.


I just don’t want to lose you again. Ever.” He says. I smile, watching his eyes. God two years having no clue where I was must’ve been really hard for him!  “I’m scared you’re just going to disappear again.” He admits.  I bury my face in the crook of his neck, smiling like an idiot.


“You won’t, I promise.”  I whisper placing my lips on his neck. Wrapping his arms around me, he holds me tight, and kissing the top of my head. Leaving a trail of kisses up to his mouth again, we engage into a passionate and heated kiss. Holding his face, my grinding motions begin again.  His hands move to the small of my back, pushing us together more. Kissing his jaw, and roaming his front side with my hands, feeling his muscles,  I realize again what I want to happen. He knows too.  I want to do this with him, I know it’s right, and I know it’s going to happen.  Kissing him, one last time, I put my mouth next to his ear.  “Bite me!”  I beg, and he doesn’t hesitate this time. Sinking his teeth right in, the all to familiar feeling (already) flows through me. I  take in a sharp breath, moaning from the pleasure.  God, it feels so good, I wouldn’t think you could feel this way if I didn’t feel it myself.  Biting my lip, to try and keep myself quiet. I lay my forehead on his shoulder,  breathing heavy and  getting excited. In between my legs, is getting wet and aroused!  The motion in my hips quickens, and I can barely go one second without moaning. The two of us sit like this on his bed for what seems like centuries to me,  and I dig my nails into his back letting out some steam. My legs quivering, and my heart is beating so fast it doesn’t even feel like it’s beating.


“Elijah!” I cry out as the pleasure becomes to much, my body convulses and the pleasure between my legs erupts. He immediately pulls away from my neck, holding me close, while my body goes through it’s first climax ever. Letting out little whimpers, as my body goes through multiple stages of shaking,  and pleasure. I lay my head on his chest, trying to get my breath under control.  “Holy… shit…” I utter, finally catching my breath. Did that really just happen?  He stays quiet. “You’re completely unfazed.” I state, not looking up at him I'm majorly embarrassed now. He laughs, yeah I'm totally embarrassed.


“Unfazed? Not even close.” He sighs, and I don’t understand. I mean he didn’t  like…  climax  or anything. He might’ve groaned once or twice, but I mean I just had my first climax and holy shit did it feel like I was going to heaven and back!  “You get maximum pleasure while your blood is being drank, same for me.” He says. Now I feel bad. I just got maximum pleasure while he got a little nudge.  As if I have a light bulb pop up over top my head,  I sit up smiling. “Wha-  Oh,  don’t think you have to do that now because of what just happened. I didn’t mean to let it get that far, in the first place.” He says. Damn him reading through my thoughts. What ever, it still doesn’t change my mind.


“I want to,  isn’t this what would happen anyways?” I say. He shakes his head no. Feisty little bugger he is.  “It’s not  fair, I just had my first orgasm ever and you… are left with nothing.” I sigh, turning in his lap, so that I’m leaning against his chest.


“I’m not left with nothing, Lyra. I was just the cause of your first orgasm.” he says, kissing the back of my neck.  Sending a shiver down my spine, I wiggle in his lap.  Grabbing his hands, I hold them out in front of me stretching my own arms out. I’m not going to be able to change his mind about this, but he isn’t going to change mine either. I pull in one of his hands, and kiss it like a guy normally would.  I wonder why he wont let me? Is he afraid or something?  He lays back, and slip off him, so now I’m laying next to him.


“What should we do for the rest of the night?” I ask, trying to change the subject. My mind is still wondering about his reasoning. I can’t not think about it. If I think about it I might upset him!  I scratch my forehead, wishing I could just turn my thinking off.


“Lyra, it’s not because of you. It’s because of me.” He sighs, spinning so he is on his side facing me. What does that mean? Oh shit, is the the whole entire it’s not you it’s me speech?  I tremble at the thought, it better not be! He said it himself he just caused my first orgasm, so he better not want to leave me now!  “Lyra, you know what happens to guys when they get …. hmm… excited.” He sighs, and I nod. I did have sex ed in school. I know what happens for boys, the get hard and…. ah. I get where he is going with this.


“Oh, you’re uncomfortable to let me see?” I whisper, which I guess is understandable. I’m still sitting here with my bra on, with my jeans. Although I didn’t expect that I would have an orgasm with my pants still on. I under estimated the blood thing.


 “I just don’t want you to feel obligated or rushed.” He sighs, laying back down. That makes sense to, because I did tell him that I wanted to wait… I wanted to wait to make sure I was doing it wight eh right person though. He is the right person dammit!


“Elijah Drake, I don’t feel obligated or rushed. I wanted to make sure I did it with the right person. Who else could be better then you? We are meant to be together!” I say, sitting up. I’m not backing down.


“How about…. we safe it for another day?” He asks. I sigh, he isn’t backing down either. I nod, laying back down. I will hold him to that!


"I’m showering.” I hop of the bed heading towards his bathroom.


“Here?” He asks, as I close the door indicating that yes, I am showering here. Turning on the water, I undress myself the rest of the way. Then hop right in. Using the mens soap to wash my body, I leave my hair along it doesn’t need washed today since I did that yesterday (It’s very bad to wash your hair everyday, unless you have like a really bad grease problem). Hopping out I wrap myself in a towel, that’s when I spot the mark’S! Not only do I have the one from yesterday still, but I have a new one from today! It’s a little lower then the other one, and  it is a little bigger. Probably because it was longer then the other one. Walking out of the bathroom still wrapped in the towel, he sits up. Watching me intently.


“I need clothes? So you have shorts and shirt?” I ask, purposely  rolling my neck acting like I’m trying to crack it showing off the two marks.


“I have something better.” He sighs, then he is in front of me handing me my own clothes. He must’ve ran to my room and got them while I showered. I smile, taking them. His hands move to my neck and head. He tilts my head a little getting a better view of his work.  His eyes glowing.


“So if I did that to you would you have one of them?” I ask, and he holds up his wrist. I didn’t know what he was showing me at first then I see it. It’s just that faded already, there is a small little outline, of a mark. That’s from when he saved me, I narrow my eyes at him. I wonder how really excited he got from that. He hid it well. Including I got aroused from that! What the hell? I thought he said I would get much pleasure from drinking his blood?!


“You wont. You did that time because it was your first time having my blood.” He sighs, turning me around. I nod, then head back into the bathroom.  He saw right through my little idea there. hoping the whole me being naked, and only in a towel would break him a little. Drying off and changing, I head out of his bathroom. Crawling into his bed, yawning. It is 10:20.  “Sleep.” He whispers kissing my forehead. I guess I wont argue with him about this one. I snuggle under the covers, as he turns of the lights. I've made my choice, I'm not going to change my mind. I love him, and no matter what he thinks or says about Sebastien or anyone, he is wrong. There is only him.

Chpater 21- Confrontation (Lyra's POV)

 Waking up to his phone going off again, I shake him awake and he answers his phone. While he is talking I get up, stretching out. I slept amazingly, I was  really tired last night after what happened. What happened. I had my first orgasm, but I didn’t lose my virginity. I scratch my eyebrow, jesus my life is weird. Of course my stomach rumbles as well, my cheeks hit and I turn pointing at the door. I should get going anyways, probably send the morning with my parents. I haven’t seen much of them lately.  He waves bye, as do I then I leave quietly. I didn’t even look at the clock, so I have nov clue what time it is. It must still be early because there isn’t very many people out.  Only workers that I’ve seen so far.


Once I’m home, I go straight to the kitchen grabbing the box of Reese’s Puff’s cereal, milk, and a bowl. Once I have the cereal ready to eat, I put everything away and grab a spoon. It’s 7:21, so I assume everyone is still sleeping. Although I’m plenty rested, I guess I could go to my room and watch a movie.


“You must’ve came in late last night. You weren’t here when your father and I went to sleep at twelve.” Molly walks in, all dressed and ready for the day.  I nod, going along with her. We chat as she makes a yoghurt parfait, about the new house, and me seeing Dr. Drake about my memories.


“He came and found me yesterday.” I say, pushing my hair over shoulder so it hides the two marks. I don’t need her seeing them, she will know what they are. She nods, telling me to go on. “He said that he doesn’t know for sure if the tests will hurt me, physically and emotionally. He didn’t sound excited at all about it.” I say, which is the complete truth he doesn’t want to  do it. But I can’t really tell her that,  Elijah has to tell her that.  She sighs leaning back in her chair. She feels the same way, but she also wants me to have my memories. She changes the subject to training, asking me if I would want to join the other elementals. That seems like the right thing to do, so I tell her yes of course.


“Great! I will talk to Theodore and Elijah about it, and we will get you going.” she smiles wrapping me in a one arm hug. Elijah? I guess that’s right he was with the others that one time they came in early. He was giving me the cold shoulder, which I still don’t know why.


We are both quiet for a while as we finish eating.  I can sense something is up though. Her body language is a little off, and she has something else to say. I wonder what it could be, maybe it’s  more about the memory thing? Looking up at the door as it opens, I spot Garret yawning as he walks in. He looks like a zombie, dragging his feet to the coffee maker. Oh my god they have a Keurig! Once he has his coffee made he, he slouches over the counter practically dosing off. I get up and put my bowl in the sink, heading out the kitchen.


“Lyra, your mom and I have something we need to talk about.”  Garret speaks, I new it was coming. I just don’t know what it is.  I turn back around, sitting back down in the chair. They’re both quiet again, I let out a breath of air. Why can’t they just tell me?  It’s like the reason why we moved all over again! They wouldn’t tell me that either, I think I know why, it’s because now I’m with the other elementals, and I’m here for Elijah to study (even if he isn’t studying me).  


“Now… we know how you feel about, arranged marriages.” Molly begins, and I can tell this is not going to end well. “So, we thou-“


“When are they coming?” I ask, not wanting to hear any of the crap. “Who is it? Is this why we moved to the castle?” I demand to know. Anger building every second inside my body.


“It’s the Prince of Caswan (PRONOUNCED Case-Swan). A war might start between Spridge and Caswan, so the king and queen thought it best that you join the kingdoms.” Molly responds, and I’m lost. Why do I have to do it? Isn’t that the princesses job?


“Are you kidding?  A prince? What about Chaston? Isn’t this her job anyways!?” I stand up from the bar, pacing. I don’t even have any of the plant in my system, and I’m about to blow up! What about Elijah! This is going to kill him, hell it’s going to kill me! No, I’m not going through with this!


“Lyra, the queen specially said you. You should consider this an honor! Marrying a prince, you’ll become a princess. Then a queen yourself.” Garret says. An honor? To marry some one to save my homeland.  That makes sense. Although, why it has to be me is the part that gets me. The queen, she ordered me to. The queen. That little bitch! I knew she hated me, but really this is a low blow!  God, she wants my life to suck, all because I used to like her son. Without a word I storm out. I’m going to have a talk with the queen.


Running through the castle halls trying to find the thrown room, which is where I assume the queen is. Barging into the room, I get her all alone.


“Oh, Lyra. You’re up early, did you have a nice night?” She smiles a genuine smile. She doesn’t know, that I know she hates me. I smile back, once I’m standing next to her. I bow my head, standing straight up getting ready for the huge confrontation. I take a deep breath, feeling anger rise again.


“Yeah, now cut the bull crap.” I say,  that shuts her right up. She looks down at me surprised. Then her face changes to a smirk, she knows what I’m talking about now.  “Why do you hate me? I have done nothing to you. Now you want to ruin my life.” I continue. She is actually listening to me. I stop, and she sighs.


“There are somethings you wouldn’t understand about politics, Lyra.” She crosses her arms, giving me a look saying I know everything and you don’t.  I mutter swear words, at her.


“I know you hate me. I know you are trying to ruin my life! Why isn’t your daughter off marrying this prince huh?  I’ll tell you why. You thought it would be funny, to put someone between Elijah and me. I have to give you credit it was  a good idea, but it’s not going to work!  I don’t care, if you lock me up, or sentence me to some other freaking place. I’m not going to sit here and let you boss me around.” I say, letting out a huff of air. That was a mouthful.


“I’m the queen. I can ‘boss’ you around.” She begins, “And you would rather I banish you? Then stay here where you can still see your one true love? Even if you’re married, you would still be able to see him and talk to him.” She says, I’ve got her confused.


“No, I wouldn’t want to be able to see him. Not if I couldn’t have him.” I reply. “I  promised him he wouldn’t lose me, and if I married this prince. He would lose me. But if I got banished or whatever, he would no I chose him again.”


“What of Sebastien?”  She asks, and now I’m confused. I don’t know?!


“ I don’t know. I told him to leave me alone, and that I’m with some one else.” I say.


“He doesn't know about  the bond?” She says. I shake my head no.


“But, Chaston is catching on. So, I’m going to tell everyone soon.” I say. I sigh, looking at this from her point of view. “Mrs. Holt, I’m sorry. I just want you to know I really don’t have any feelings for Sebastien.  I’m not trying to like take him away from you, or anything. Also I shouldn’t have barged in here like this.” I say, scratching the back of my neck. “I just got so angry, because I know you hate me, and I don’t remember why. I promise I don’t want to cause any trouble.”


“Lyra,” She hushes me.  “I understand. I don’t hate you either. I envy you.”  She sits down, looking out one of the many windows. she envies me? Why? “He didn’t tell you?” She says sounding shocked.


“Who… didn’t tell me what?”  I ask, getting the feeling I really don’t want to know. I stay down at the bottom of the stairs, looking up at her sitting in her throne. Her faces pales, and my gut drops. What is it?


“Lyra, there are things that teenagers like yourself don’t understand about adults, and the way adults hearts works.” She begins, and my chest tightens. “Nothing ever comes from it I swear, it’s practically meaningless.” She says, giving me a look asking me to understand. I back away from her not wanting to hear anymore.


“How often?” I ask, barely audible. I can barely breath, she has to be lying to me! She wants me mad at Elijah.


“The last time, was the night you got attacked. You drinking his blood was to much for him.” She stands up walking down the stairs to me. “Lyra,  I promise he didn’t do this to hu-“


 “That night. After he saved me?” I wheeze out. Stepping away from her arms that are reaching for me.  I start hyperventilating, backing away from her. Elijah, has been having sex with the queen?!  I mean he technically didn’t cheat on me, but still he was sleeping with the queen!   “Thanks, for telling me. Whether you did it to be nice and honest, or to ruin our relationship.” I speak clearly, and she lets out a small sob I can't tell if she is acting or not!


“Lyra, you can’t tell anyone.” She begs. I nod, I wont tell anyone. Leaving the throne room, I lean against the door. My stomach clenching, and my chest burning. I run through the halls, finding my way back to my house. I break through the entry door, interrupting Molly and Garret.  They can see I’m even more upset then I was when I left.


“Honey what’s the matter?” Molly asks, standing and wrapping me in her arms. I bust into tears, finally everything hits me like a truck. “Lyra?” Molly asks, again. I can’t speak, I’m to busy crying! I push out of her arms. Wiping my face I run to my room,  I crawl  under my bed with the lights off and the door locked. Why did Chase have to find me!? If he wouldn’t have done that, I never would’ve went through all this shit!  Although, I would probably be with Tatum, and being evil. Although from what I’ve seen of Tatum he isn’t evil! I ignore Molly and Garret on the other side of my door. Until Garret asks about bringing Dr. Drake up to see me.


“No!” I yell. “I don’t want to see him. I just, agh … want to be alone. Before this other prince comes.” I say, my voice cracking a couple of times.  They leave, the door and I get up and play my iPod.  Curling up in bed again, I cry myself to sleep.




Waking up, I wipe my eyes. they burn a little as do my cheeks.  I cried a lot. I can’t cry anymore. Changing into my training clothes, I leave my room. Going out and training, and practicing my powers sounds like a good way to work out my anger. I leave with out seeing Molly or Garret, which makes me happier. Taking the back door, I stretch out. I crouch down, and grab the grass under my hands. I jump up, taking off into the sky. Landing on the basketball court, I take a deep breath.  Playing around with my ice powers now.


After about 20 minutes of playing around, I learned how to make small blizzards, and hail, and really cool ice blade sword thing, and really cool ice spheres! Forming really big snow balls I set up a snow man, it’s time for target practice! Creating a bunch of spheres,  I stick my extra three in the ground, gripping one and aiming it at the snowman. Thrusting my arm forward the sphere flies, getting the snowman's head. I imagine if it was a face, if would’ve hit either right under the eye  or right above it.  I don’t know if it would slice through actual skin, like it did the snow, but hey it has a sharp point at the end. Practicing with the other three I have left, I hit it once more in the head, and then twice right in the middle probably the stomach area. I walk over to the snowman, almost in tears again. Grabbing one of the spheres, I pull it out, turning and throwing in behind me. I turn back towards the snowman, and I hear a slice, and the a loud banging sound. Oh shit. What did I just do?


I slowly turn around, looking at the fall down basketball hoop. Running over to it I see it was sliced right in half! I look up, and a couple feet up is the sphere still in tact!  I run over and grab the sphere melting it.


 “Get all your anger out?” Tatum’s voice asks, behind me. I turn, and face him. “I can fix that.” He sighs, coming over and with the flick of his rest the the piece that broke off lifts up, and attaches itself back to the base.  I let out a breath of relief.


“You’re a life saver.” I say, wiping my forehead.


“I know.” He says shrugging his shoulders. “What’s gotcha so mad?” He asks, leading my to the bench on the side of the court. Taking the seat next to him, I look at the castle.  


“I just, heard some stuff I didn’t want to hear.”  I say, and he nods. “It sucks…” I sigh. He wraps an arm around me.


“Yeah, getting your heart broken sucks.” He sighs, leaning his head against mine. Now a tear falls, I have got to be the meanest person in the world.  He must’ve been watching me earlier with the queen, and knows what I’m so upset about. So, he knows I’m with Elijah!  I broke his heart… not on purpose. Just like Sebastien, I hurt him to. Not on purpose.  And Elijah hurt me, not on purpose.


“Tatum… don’t be like this. You lied to me, and yo-“ I begin.


“Lyra, your ‘true love’ lied to you!” he says true love as if it’s not real. “Everyone lies, you do even though you do it to protect people. I’m not the only ‘bad guy’ here, am I? I’m just like the rest of them, it’s just that my people have a bad name so I do to.”  He says, standing up. God he is right. I am a hypocrite! A very big hypocrite.


“I don’t think you’re evil, you know that don’t you?” I ask, looking up at him. Now with me sitting and him standing he is a lot taller then me. He nods, sitting back down. “What should I do? Do I talk to him, or do I just ignore it. Do I even believe it?” I ask, leaning on him. Even though we aren’t together like he wants us to be, I always no he is there for me. I feel even  worse now, I’m just like Bella from Twilight! She used Jacob, because she couldn’t live without his friendship, so she led him on. I hope I’m not leading him on!


“I think you should talk to him about it. Make sure that it wont happen again, maybe what the queen said is true. But maybe she changed it a bit.  Maybe she is forcing him to do it, since she is the queen.” He say, rubbing my leg. Which seems a little couple like, but I don’t care. Or is this part of the leading thing?  I grab his hand, picking it up off my leg.


“Thank you.”  I whispers, standing up. I want to get all of this done and over with. I’m going to go find, Elijah now. He stands, as well clearing his throat. “Really,  I mean it.” I say hugging him, but I pull away right away. “Thank you.”  He smiles, and then dissolves into the air. I will never understand his powers. Flying back to the entrance to the castle, I land in front of the door. I walk inside, looking everywhere he might be. Checking, his office and his room I don’t find him. I check the kitchen and dining room he isn’t there either. I shiver goes up my back when the thought of checking the king and queens bedroom comes to mind. No, he wouldn’t!  But I don’t know where else to look? I guess I will just come back later. I head back to my house, ready to just call it a night. Even though it’s five in the afternoon. I spent a lot more time training then I thought I did though.


Opening the door, I see no one again, but I still tiptoe around just in case. I don’t want to be questioned about locking myself in my room and crying. Walking past the half closed and half opened kitchen door I catch his voice.


“ There is so many dangers do doing these tests on her. She could lose her memories again, r have permanent brain damage. Just think about the pain she could be put through?” Elijah says, quietly to who I assume are my parents. Well, no wonder I couldn’t find him! I could talk to him now, but am I ready? Including my parents are here, so that might not go over well. I walk past the door hoping they didn’t see me, and that he didn’t sense me or anything. Slipping into my room, I get the need to shower I’m a little gross from training. Throwing off my hoodie, and my sweat pants I’m left in spandex and a sports bra.  I pause in the mirror, my body has definitely changed. I have a small little set of abs first of all, and really good muscle tone in my legs. I almost seem taller in height even, or maybe that is just me.  And, my scar which is right above my pelvis bone. Elijah’s blood healed the wound the most it could. I’ll be stuck with this forever. I don’t mind, it’s my first battle scar, and I assume I’ll get more.  Stripping naked, I get in the shower wishing I could just wash away all my stress.

Chapter 22- The Fall of the Mighty (Lyra's POV)

 Grabbing a book off my shelf, I plop on my bed opening it up. I toss it on the floor, letting out a breath of boredom. I’ve read that book hundreds of times, I don’t even need to read it I have it memorized!  Scrolling through T.V Channels I almost fall asleep. Until I hear my door open, I close my eye pretending.  Hopefully Molly or Garret will just leave, and not bother me. The door closes, but I don’t think they left the room. I shiver zips through my body, and I know exactly who is it. Elijah.  I should talk to him, but I don’t know if I am ready to hear what I need to hear.


“You’re parent’s are worried about you.” He speaks, and I open my eyes. I wont be able to fake sleeping with him.  I don’t look at him, if I do I might crumble into pieces.  Staring at the book I threw on the floor earlier, I wait for him to go on.  “They said you came in crying earlier, but you wouldn’t talk to them.  Then I came up to talk to them about testing on you,  they said they think you need to talk to a doctor. “ He sighs, sitting on the bed. 


“So you came because they asked you to.” I take note to, I sounded a lot grumpier than I wanted to. I keep myself snuggled under the blanket, and my eyes on the book. “Are they listening?” I whisper.


“No, they left. Why?” He asks, and I debate whether or not I want to talk to him about it or not. I came inside ready to talk, but now that it might actually happen I’m scared.  “Lyra? What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” He asks, now kneeling in front of me.  Now all I see is his beautiful face. I reach a hand up and wipe the tear of my cheek,  I didn’t even realize I was crying until now.  I wipe my eyes free of tears, there was only two.


“The queen told me something this morning.” I say, and he looks confused. I sit up, no going back now. “The other day, after you left the hospital room… where did you go?”  I whisper, looking away from him.


“What exactly did she tell you?”  He sighs, sitting on the bed next to me. So what she said is true!  


“That the two of you have been having an affair.” I say, looking up at him. He is scowling, and rubbing his eyes.  “How long? Why?” So many questions come to mind about this, I don’t know if I should be mad or not!


“Lyra, I promise that I wasn’t there by choice.” He whispers. “Rashell has had an infatuation with me, since she first met me. Which was the day you were born. You’re father and were friends, so he called me a couple days before you were born saying he wanted me to be the doctor. I came, of course, and that’s when I first met the king and queen.” He begins, and I sit up and make myself comfortable. I can tell this is going to be a long story.


“The king hired me, as the official doctor of Spridge, even though I am not from here. I have became close friends with him as well. I stayed for two weeks after to make sure that you were healthy and that you didn’t have any signs of any diseases or problems. It was during that time, that I realized I was paying a little to much attention to you, I didn’t understand. You were a baby, I thought it was just that you were a cute as hell child. Anyways, Rashell noticed to. She called me in to talk to her, and she questioned me about you. Asking me stuff like if you were secretly my kid, or if I was wanting to eat you.” He stops making sure I’m following, I nod. “She explained to me that maybe we were partners, it scared me so much. She said that the older you got the worse it would get, and the more I would want your blood.  I didn’t want us to be partners, I was scared you parents would hate me. She told me that should tell your parents at once, and I begged her not to. She said she wouldn’t, if I paid the price for it.” He stops. I sigh, what a lying bitch she is. She just wanted me to never talk to Elijah again!


“So she doesn’t just hate me because of Sebastien. It’s because she is jealous of me. She even said she envied me.” I say leaning my head on his shoulder.  “What happened that night after you left?”  I say.


“After you had my blood, she knew that our bond would be stronger then ever. It enraged her, she threatened to banish you. She wanted me to drink from her,  and I said no.  But I bargained with her.” He finishes. I let what he says sink in. So he saved me twice in one day. He bargained with her?


“Wait,” I whisper, “What did you promise her?” He doesn’t reply.  “Elijah, what did you promise her.”  I sit up, sitting on his lap. This isn’t good.


“I’m at her beckon at all times.” He whispers, looking away from me. “If I ever break the promise she will tell your parents, and do who else knows what.”


“You promised her  your body.” I say, “Not your love.”


“Love is what she wants from me.” He says, meeting my eyes. “She wont stop, until she gets it. I don’t want her to hurt you, or any-“


“I don’t want you to get hurt either!” I get up off the bed. “She is crazy! She married to the king and has two kids! What is wrong with her? … We have to tell my parents, that way she can’t hold that against you anymore.” I say.   He moves to the end of the bed, listening closely.  “But, she could still banish me.” I add, and then I remember why I even went to there. Oh Shit.


“What?” He sighs, dammit he can read my mind!


“I’m engaged.” I whisper, and he lets out a quick laugh not believing me. “To the prince of Caswan, I’m supposed to settle the war brewing between kingdoms. The queens specifically chose me.” I seethe. God, she has been brewing  this plan for a while I bet. She knew Elijah would do anything for me, and she figured the two of us would work things out, so she needed a back plan … me getting married.


“Thing king agreed to that? I would’ve thought that they would’ve wanted the princess.”  He says, not sounding as mad as I thought he would be. My bedroom door flies open, and Chaston is standing there breathing heavy. She gives us both weirds looks, and smiles. Dammit. She knows.


“Lyra, there are some people here who want to meet you.” She says.   My world crumples, they are hear already?


“Thank you, Chaston. We will be right out. I have to finish this test real quick.”  Elijah says, shooing her, and she looks confused. I  know what he is doing!


“Or I can go and we can finish this stupid thing later..” I say, and Elijah sighs. “Fine, hurry it up!” I say,  and Chaston leaves.  I wait a couple seconds, to make sure she is gone. “Nice cover.” I say sitting next to him. He sighs, wrapping an arm around me.


“Your prince is here. You should go.” He says standing up. I’m totally lost now.


“You’re okay with this?” I protest, grabbing his hand to stop him.


“Of course not, but until we can think of something we have to play along. You need to pretend to be mad at me, and go met this prince. I have to act like you’re ignoring me, and that I know something is wrong.” He says,  I nod in agreement playing along. I can do that. I let go of his hand.


“We can’t walk in the room together, that would look weird. Also, Chaston saw us, so the queen might now we’ve talked.” I say, walking towards the door.


“Good point. Alright, we got into a fight. You’re extremely pissed, and I am really upset.” He says, I nod. That sounds more believable.  “Lyra.” He whispers, and I turn around. I get pulled to him, and I feel his lips on mine. I wrap my arms around his neck, savoring this kiss. It might be the last one for a while. He lets me go, and I leave my room. Walking to the throne room, I think about everything the crazy queen has done, feeding my rage. Once I’m outside the room, I pull my hair over my shoulders hiding the marks. I open the door, and I meet with to many people.


The king and queen, another king and queen. All of the elementals, Sebastien and Chaston. My parents,  and standing in the middle of the room is who I assume is my groom to be. He’s tall like Tatum, and has messy black hair. He is wearing khakis, and a light blue polo. Casual clothes? I like him already.


“Lyra, how nice of you to finish your tests so fast.” the queen smiles. Anger crosses my face, and I clear it away.


“Yeah, didn’t need to be there any longer anyways.” I say, rolling my eyes. Playing my part perfectly, I can see her smile brighten. Walking towards the throne, I wave at my parents and friends.


“Is your hair natural?” the prince speaks to me quietly looking at my hair roots. He is smiling at me, and his body language seems to relax.


“Yeah, comes with my powers.” I say, unsure if I should be offended or not because he asked about my hair.  “Hmm.” I clear my throat. I bow my head, then stand introducing myself. “I’m Lyra Castir.” I stand, moving my hair behind my ears still being sure that it covers my marks.


“Thayer West.” He bows a princely bow, grabbing my hand and kissing it.  For a war almost starting, he is sure being a nice gentlemen. Once he is standing again,  his parents walk over to us. I can’t help but notice they are holding hands, and I can tell they are obviously in love, unlike another king and queen I know!


“I can see you two will fall in love in no time!”  the queen smiles, hugging me! Then the door opens, and I don’t have to look to know Elijah came in. I close my eyes, lightly hugging her, I’m officially engaged… again.  Once she finally lets go of me, I look towards Thayer, he isn’t horrible looking, but I would rather be with Tatum or Sebastien. He does how ever have black hair, and he seems like a nice guy.  He is giving me an apologetic look, shrugging his shoulders about his parents. His parents are nice as well, I don’t understand how a war was almost started the whole family seems pretty kind.


“Why don’t you come with out to eat with us? We we’re going to go out, join us?”  his mother practically begs. I nod, I don’t think I can say no.  “I hope you don’t mind us borrowing your daughter!” the smiles to my parents, and they wave us on. I’m sure they think this is cute.  Then I follow behind the king and queen, with Thayer at my side.  I wave goodbye to my parents, catching Elijah who is watching me, like a lost puppy. He is playing his part, I turn around right away, I can’t look any longer.  Then the door shuts, and it’s just me and this family.


I pick up a conversation with Thayer, about hobbies.  It turns out we’re both kind of into the same stuff too, athletic stuff and animals, he is a big movie buff, which is what we talked about for a while were a bunch of movies. He new tuff about the Harry Potter movies, that I never would’ve thought about ever, so we had very interesting conversations. We go to a some really cool pizza place, and I actually have a lot of fun.  His dad is really funny, and his mother is the cutest thing ever. Once we finish at the pizza parlor, we head back towards the castle. They are moving into the other house like part of the the castle… that just happens to be right next to mine. His parents leave the two of us alone, outside the door to my house, probably thinking we will kiss or something, which I don’t know! I don’t want to, but… would kissing him be considered playing my part? I don't know how far Elijah wants me to go.


“Can I ask you something… semi personal?” I ask him, before I go inside. He nods, smiling.  “Do you know about plans of a war?” I ask, and his face shows terror. “I’m sorry… I was just wondering.” I add, I didn’t mean to upset him.


“The queen.” He whispers, looking around checking for people. “She has been threatening to take our kingdom for years.  She said that if the two of us married she wouldn’t take our land.” He admits.


“Rashell? I knew it!” I say turning around and clapping. I need to talk to Elijah!


“You knew?… you know your queen is kind of crazy?” He asks, seeing if what he said about her will upset me. I laugh.


“She isn’t just crazy, she is a jealous bitch.” I flat out say, he laughs. He understands, that the queen is crazy! Maybe he and his family will just leave!… No, they wont. There land is on the line! “Although, I supposed even if you don’t want to get married you have to.” I say, and he looks at me apologetically


“I can’t just let her.. that crazy woman… take my parents land.” He says, leaning against the wall.  He has honor, and he really loves his parents. I can’t ruin this for them! It’s my choice. Rashell planned this as well! If I say no, a war starts, if I say yes. I leave and lose Elijah. Both bad. What’s more important Lyra?


“Well…” I say, grabbing his hand. “It might take me a couple thousand years, but I think you might grow on me sometime.” I say, and he smiles.


“Thank you.” He whispers, and I nod. “I think my parents wanted me to kiss you.” He adds, once he is standing in front of his house’s door. I’m going through with this marriage. I assume I’ll have to get used to kissing him. “Goodnight Lyra. Sweet dreams.” He says blowing me a kiss instead. I smile, and say goodnight. I head inside my own house, and I stand on the side of the door for a little while.


I’m getting married. To a prince. I’ll be a princess. In a couple years I’ll be a queen. Holy shit, I’ve got bigger thing to worry about then Elijah not letting my suck his blood!  Slinking off the door, I head to my room. It’s 8:00 close enough to bed time for me. Turning on my bedroom, light, I’m met with Sebastien, Elijah, and Tatum. I blink, no way all three of them are here! What the fuck? Maybe I’m not in the right place. I turn around, closing the door behind me. I scratch my forehead, what on earth do I say? I mean, all three of them here?! Poor Elijah, sitting here with two teenage boys!


“So… normally I would think this would happen if I was like a huge drug user.. but I’m not. Are you having some secret meeting in my room for a reason?” I try to start light, not wanting to get into the whole engagement thing.  Including I don’t think Sebastien even knows about the bond with Elijah, so he is probably confused about why he is here!


“I’m here because your parents wanted me to see if you were okay about the whole marriage thing.” Elijah speaks, and I frown at him. Remembering I need to be playing the mad girlfriend part.


 “Well, I don’t need to talk to you about it. So you are free to go.” I say, and he sighs, shrugging off the wall. Then he walks past me giving me a brief smile, and then he is gone. Okay, good he knows I’m not really mad at him. Now I’m left with Sebastien and Tatum.


“Trouble in paradise? Did you not take my advice?” Tatum asks, looking at the door.


“I did, and I found out some gross shit.” I say, ending the conversation. Sebastien is thoroughly confused, and I shrug off my jacket hanging it on the door knob.  “What do you want Tatum?”


“Wanted to see how paradise was.” He replies. “Obviously not so good. We’ll talk later.” He gets up, hugging me and then he disappears. He is such an ass. Just Sebastien left.


 “Paradise?” Of course that is the first thing he asks about. I throw my hands up in the air, not answering him. “Fine. So, hows your fiancé?” He asks. I role my eyes, he is jealous.


“Sebastien, why are you here? Nothing you say or do can change what’s happening and you know that.” I sit next to him on my bed, wondering what is going through his mind. I want to be able to read minds like Elijah dammit!


“Do you know something I don’t? What’s going on Lyra? You’re keeping secrets. I’d never heard anything about a war until today, when they showed up.” He says, putting it all out on the table. “Now you’re even tensed up. Obviously I’m right! What is going on?” He says, standing up.  I can’t tell him, he wont believe me it’s his mother! I can’t make him think of his mother this way.


“Nothing Sebastien. You should go.” I say getting up too. I open my bedroom door, and gesture for him to leave. He doesn’t say anything else. He just leaves, obviously pissed off and upset. I close my door, and fall to the ground in tears.


There is no way I can beat her. I’ll always be behind her. She won't stop until she gets what she wants either. No matter what plan Elijah and I cook up, she will always be able to one up us being the queen and all. I can’t fight against her anymore. I’m risking to much as it is! I get up off the ground, wiping my face. I put on a little make up, if I’m going to talk to the queen I need to look like I haven’t been crying.  Leaving my room, I head back up to the throne room. She is there, all by herself. Great.  Walking in, I look her in the eyes.


“Lyra, did you have a nice night?” she asks, and I nod. “That’s marvelous.” She claps her hands together, as if she is truly happy. Which now that I think about it she probably is. I take a deep breath, getting ready to surrender.


“I just wanted to tell you that, I planned on going back to Caswan with the West family.” I say, remembering that his parents talked about me going back with them for a couple days. Apparently we aren’t getting married right away, but we are getting married. “You win. I’m leaving, you can have your son, and Elijah.” I add. She frowns for a second, as if she doesn’t believe me.


“Just like that? With out a fight?” She stands up from her chair, walking down to me.


“I promise.” I nod. “ I don’t know why I thought I could stand up to you anyways. You are the queen.” I add, breaking my heart even more. She actually hugs me!


“Oh, I knew you were smart!” She holds me at arms length. “I’ll be waiting for a wedding invitation.” She smiles, and I nod. She’ll have to receive one to make sure I’m really getting married.  I leave after that, walking to the West’s house instead. Hopefully one of them is still awake, I mean it’s only 8:40 something.  I knock, and his dad opens the door gladly inviting me inside.


“Is something wrong dear?” he asks, leading me the kitchen. He said he will make me hot chocolate. God they are so nice!


“No, actually I wanted to talk to you about leaving with you. To go back to your kingdom, I would really love that.” I say, and he smiles. “I don’t remember when you said you were leaving though.” I say embarrassed.


“Ah, we didn’t really say a certain time. It’s up to you and Thayer of course.” he says, sliding me a mug. I smiles, it smells delicious!  “I must say, I’m confused. You don’t want to stay here with your friends and family?” He says.


“Well, I figured that I would have to go back with you sometime, why not now. I actually really do want to go.” I assure him, I do want to go. I want to leave before I have to see Elijah again, or anyone for that matter.


“Anytime dearie.” He replies.


“So tomorrow afternoon?” I ask.“Could be tomorrow morning if you really want.” He says taking a sip from his cup. I smile, “Tomorrow morning it is.”  He laughs. “Good thing we never unpacked our suitcases or anything yet.” He leaves the kitchen grabbing his family. I smile to myself. I’m sure I’ll have fun.  When they all come back, his mother hugs me, and he does too. Then I have Thayer come with me to help me pack my things. Good thing the mover's through all our boxes into the one closet we have.  My parents are here now, and I tell them whats going on. They smile, happily glad that I actually seem to be into him. Which like I said before I’m sure after a while I might grow to like him. I tell them I don’t want them to help me pack, because I want the time alone with Thayer. I also don’t want them in there because I might cry, because in the morning I have to say goodbye. They can’t come with me. I didn’t tell them I was leaving in the morning either, I said sometime tomorrow.


Once I’m on my room, I tell Thayer he doesn’t really have to help I just wanted someone to talk to. He helps me anyways, going through all my movies and books.  Like I said huge movie buff!  After about an hour, we have everything packed up already, other then an outfit for tomorrow and some hygienic stuff. We are sitting together on my unmade bed now, talking about the pair of underwear I flung at him earlier. He talks about he it sexy that I even wear underwear unlike most girls and I can’t help but laugh. I’m glad that me wearing underwear is a turn on.


 “Ugh, I wont be able to sleep here with all the boxes, it will distract me.” I sigh, changing topic from my undies.


“I’m sure my parents wouldn’t mind if you stayed at our place. We have a guest room.” He says. I laugh, their guest house, even has a guest bedroom.  There isn’t a guest  room in my house, those luckies! Would my parents let me go over there? The two of us head out, and I tell Molly and Garret I’m going to go over to Thayer’s, they smiles practically pushing me out the door! Thayer explains to his parents, and they say that I can just sleep on to the couch and Thayer can to. It’s one of the couches that is like  a mile long.


“Oh no. Thayer can stay in his bed. He should get good rested that way in the morning he isn’t a grump.” I say, remembering that he said he is often times a grump in the mornings. He blushes, scratching the back of his neck.


“Well, what ever you two work out. We’re going to go to bed, so just try and keep it down.” hi father says pointing at the two of us, then we all hug and say goodnight.


“What movie do you wanna watch?” Thayer asks, plopping onto the couch, turning on the TV. I sit next to him, and we pick out a movie.




I wake up, to the smell of bacon and eggs. I lift my head up from Thayer’s shoulder, and walk into the kitchen. His parents are making breakfast sandwiches.


“Smells good.” I say, letting them know I’m there.


“Good morning. I hope you slept well, here we made you some as well. All of our stuff is packed up already and so is yours.” his mother smiles, I take the sandwich from her and going back to the living room, waking up Thayer.


“I’m going to go shower.” I say handing him the plate, and he points towards his room that had it’s own bathroom as well. I take a quick shower, then change and I’m ready. I walk out and they are ready to go as well. I head over to my house, and wake up my parents. “Hey, I say, and they are confused what I’m doing up so early, It’s only 7:40. “We’re leaving. Since it’s two days and all.” I say, and they sit up hugging me. “I’ll be sure to sure to write, and send pictures!” I say almost crying. Once they let go of me, I leave, and I pass by Rashell who is talking with one of the maids. Oh great.


“Oh, leaving so soon?” She says, shooing the maid.


“Yeah.” I speak first. “I figured that it would be better if we were in Caswan. That way I know the land and people.” I say, hugging her and saying goodbye.


“What about your friends?” she asks. I see what she is really asking.


“Well, I didn’t want to wake anyone up.” I whisper, and she nods.  “I told my parent’s I would write them. So maybe I can write Chaston and the other elementals to.” I say, she nods. Then I grab Thayer’s hand, and we head  walk away from the queen. As we walk away, I think to myself…


Lyra, you should be proud. You’re stopping a war, meaning you’re practically saving a whole kingdom. Also in a way, I’m doing the right thing for Sebastien I’m getting married that should get it through his head we can’t be together … that will make Rashell happy. The only person I’m hurtig for sure is Elijah. Now he will be stuck there, with her. A cold front take over my body, and hold back tears. I’m doing the right thing.


We load up into their car, yes they have a car! Then I watch out the back window as the castle gets smaller and smaller. I turn away,  gripping Thayer’s hand.


“Are you tired?” He asks, and I nod. “Here.” He hands me the blanket next to him, and covers me up. I lay my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes. Repeating over and over, I am doing the right thing… I am doing the right thing… I am doing the right thing…



The End For Now….


Keep an eye out for the sequel:


The Elementals #2: Malevolent Forces


Lyra is finally coming to terms with her new life in Caswan with the West family. She is learning her duties, on how to be a princess and even a queen.  Thayer and her are going along the right path, for their wedding, which is planned for next month.  It's when an invitation in the mail, for Edmund Holt's  funeral (AKA The King of Spridge) arrives in Caswan, that things take a turn for the worst. Going back home to Spridge means, Lyra, will  have to see her family, friends, and Elijah, after all the time she has spent ignoring them.   Once Lyra and the West family arrive back in Spriddge, trouble stirs again. And Lyra realizes there is a darker evil at work in home land, and the queen is causing it all. 


Texte: My story
Bildmaterialien: No images
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.10.2014

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