
Chapter 1

Blaire's POV


I'm being dragged. A rough and dry hand is covering my mouth. My eyes are wide, but all I can see are cars parked and nonmoving. I can't scream, I can't break free. I know what happens next. Something I will never... no... something I can never forget. I hear hear a  vehicle door open, and I get shoved inside. Still not fast enough to turn arond and look at his face. His quiet whisper, and words etched into me like an annoying song on repeat. His last word always gets me, every time.




Sitting up feeling the sweat drip down my forehead, I shove my comforter off and throw on my training clothes. No matter how many times I have that same exact freaking nightmare, I still wake up drowning in sweat. In fact, that damn thing occurs so often that I know exactly when I'll wake up, and I have a system for what I do after I wake up. Change into clean clothes, and run. More like sprint and get the anger and tension out, but in general I get up and put the anger into something like I was told to do. Walking through the halls, to get to the outdoor training center my mind slowly calms and starts to wonder. I wonder what everyone else is doing right now? More then likely still sleeping. 


Stepping outside into the fresh air helps tremendously. I stretch out, taking a minute. Then I take off sprinting, thinking about what I would do diffferently in that situation. It's horrible. I already have to deal with it being one of my memories, but it haunts me almost everynight in my sleep even. Running as fast as I can I speed through the forest area we use for target practice. Jumping over fallen logs and dodging bushes gives it more of an edge.  It complicates the running part of it. Barely missing a bush, I let out a breath feeling good. Then the root appears.


I tumble forward with a groan, it's always that stuck up root that gets me. This is the fourth time I've tripped and everytime it's been because of that thing. I stay on the ground, taking in the pain. I like it more then my memories. I hear footsteps, coming and I sit up wondering who else would be out here this early. My neck hurts slightly from the fast movement, but I ignore it and get up on my toes ready to jump into the tree beside me if I need to.


"Well.. if it isn't little bunny." Crash smirks, appearing in front of me. His smile is eager and questioning. "Whatcha doing way out here this early?"


"I could ask you the same thing.." I sigh wipping dirt and grass off myself as I stand up. Crash, is one of the managers. He used to be mine in fact. I was reassigned after Mr. Wahl's noticed Crash paid a little to much attention to me. Even now that I'm not one of his marks he stills pays attention to me. I hate it. Normally there are more people around when we do see each other, but now it's just us. Alone, outside early in the morning.


"Ah little bu-"


"Don't call me that. You know I don't like it." I growl sternly. I never used to stand up to him like I am now, but I'm not scared of him anymore.


"There's that little temper I miss it so much." He smiles, walking over to me. "What have you been up to? Anything good? Or is Luke still keeping you locked up tight?" They way he says it makes Luke sound like a pedophile, and it just makes me angerier.


"It's none of your business." I reply, trying to keep my temper down. The last thing I want to do is boost his ego by letting him know he is getting under my skin. I'm just happy he didn't see me trip, if he had I'd never hear the end of it!


"Ah my little bunny defending Smith now? I'll have to tell him, I'm sure he'll be happy to hear."  He keeps getting closer, but I stand my ground. I role my eyes not in the mood for any of his crap.  "Well... I guess you are out here, so your leash must be loosening."


"Leave me alone Crash." I mumble turning away, not wanting to get picked on anymore. The longer I sit here and talk to him the more he'll get ideas and that's not needed this morning.


"Come on Blaire." He grabs my wrist. "You know I've been waiting to get you alone for a long time." He says pulling on my arm. I scoff in disgust, knowing what he means. Managers aren't aloud to have any type of physical or romantic relationship with there marks, and that's why I was assigned to a different manager. According to Mr. Wahls when a manager and a mark have any type of relationship like that the manager shows favoritism, and it might cloud there judgement during a mission. Which happened with Crash and I. He favored me, out of his  four other girls and he tried to get with me physically. Mr. Wahls noticed Crash's little infatuation with me, so him thinking that taking me away would diminish the feeling he changed my manager to Luke. Now, Crash and I can have any type of relationship. Of course I don't want any type of relationship with him, but like I said his ego blinds him from that. He thinks I'm playing hard to get.


"Let me go." I say. I watch his eyes, and they flicker with amusement and joy.


"But why?" He smirks, and pulls me into him. "You know you want me to." He sighs cockily.  The last time we were this close we were hiding in a closet during a mission. He made a pass at me then to. He is 6'4, and built like a profesional football player. He towers over my 5'6 height, and my stealthy ninja build. There is no way for me to break his grip, and my arms are pinned at my sides by his one arm wrapped around my waste holding me against him. "You're 18 now too."  he whispers in my ear. My body shivers, and I feel panic strike in my stomach. I just turned 18, last week. I always had the feeling my age was holding him back. Back when I was his mark, I was only 16, and he was 20. He must be around 22 now.


"Let me go, Crash." I say one more time. I wish I could at least fight back, but it would be worthless. A waste of energy.


"Little bunny, you're so tempting though." He smirks looking down at me, and I just role my eyes. "Just one?" He asks, and I lean away from him but it doesn't help. I turn my head just in time, and his kisses my cheek. He doesn't say anything about it, instead he just moves his lips down to my neck.


"Crash I mean it!" I say, but my voice shakes. My panic showing. He reluctantly lets go of me and I back away from him.


"Ahh... I supposed we should get back it's breakfast time." he sighs, looking at his watch.


"I can get there by myself." I turn and start walking back towards the center. I know he follows me, I can hear him. I don't comment on it though, I know he wont listen. I'm guessing I'm lucky he actually let me go.


"So how is Luke doing now a day anyways?" He asks, walking beside me.


"Mr. Smith," I begin. "I don't know... good maybe?" I hate talking about Luke. It brings color to my cheeks and gives me butterflies. I've been with him now for two years, and I'm partly sure I'm in love with him. I was actually his first mark, and damn is he hot! He has blnde hair and brown eyes, and he has a strong jaw with high cheek bones. He is just 6'0 and he  doesn't look like a wrestler or football player, but he has tight muscles. He didn't treat me like a mark at all, he still doesn't, he is a friend. When doing our training he trains with us, and he actually talks to us like we're people and not below him. He tells jokes and stories, and he is nice. The first couple of months with him, the two of us bonded almost. We tell each other everything, and we completely trust each other. We have the perfect manager and mark relationship. Accept, my feelings are a little more... a lot more then that. Every once in a while I get the feeling he feels the same, but I know it's not true. That's one thing I know for a fact. He loves his job and takes it seriously. And managers and marks can't be in any type of relationship like that.


"Yeah sure..." He sighs, he knows that I have feeling for Luke. That's not a good thing at all, because all he has to do is tell Mr. Wahls and Luke and I would get seperated, and Luke might get demoted. I don't want that. I haven't ever actually told Crash about my feelings but I know he has his theories.


"Why don't you just ask him?" I sigh, as we leave the forest area. I know the answer of course. Luke and Crash don't get along. Part of it is Crash hates how I like Luke more then him. Crash is jealous of him, because almost everyone likes Luke better even though Crash has been here longer. Luke is like I said still somewhat new. He himself was a mark up until the time I came here.


"Ahh little bunny I do miss you." He sighs, with a smile drapping an arm over my shoulder. "When is your next assignment?" He asks. I shrug out from under his arm, and shrug my shoulders.  "I remember seeing you in action. Damn you lit up like a fire, always brave and ready. I wish I could see you in action." He says, and by his tone I can tell he genuinily means it. He moves his arm to where it was around my shoulders, and I give up trying to get it off.


"I guess you did train me well." I admit. That is the one thing he did do right. He pushed me, and was forceful with me, but I needed it. Back then I needed that structure, I was all over the place after what had happened. He didn't ever pity me, or at least he didn't show it if he did and I loved that. That's something I will always be greatful to him for, but I wont tell him that.  Of course, Luke is a good trainer too. Luke is a little softer, but he still pushes us to do our best.


"I just knew what you were capable of." He says, and we enter the center. I take his arm off of my shoulders again, because I don't want people seeing that, because everyone will get the wrong ideas. He just puts it back though, and I role my eyes. "I've noticed you don't go out nearly as much anymore."  he whispers, and I don't do anything. I don't know how to reply. What he said is right. I just don't know why. "He doesn't think you're strong enough... what bullshit."


"Mr. Smith knows more then you give him credit for." I mumble, slowing down. We're getting closer to the cafeteria. I really wish Crash would just get over all of this.


"Obviously not. He keeps opting you out, when you're the best mark we have right now. He knows that too and yet he sits you. He is keeping you safe. Protecting you."  he says looking down at me wonder in his eyes.


"You're wrong. He just doesn't think I'm ready for missions." I look forward leaving his gaze.


"What bullshit." He says, and we enter the cafeteria. His arm still draped over my shoulders. He leans down, and I can feel his breath against my neck. "All you have to do is ask, I'll take you back, Blaire. Remeber all the things we did together, and good we were. We could do it again." I turn looking up at him, did he really just say that to me? He thinks I'd go back to him? After what happened durring our last operation together.


"I don't think that will happen." I move out from under his arm.


"Remember it is always an option." He tells me, and I shake my head and walk away. I can feel eyes on me, I keep my eyes forward. I knew it was a mistake to walk in here with him. People already had ideas. Luke? I wonder if he saw? I almost look around the room for him, but I decide against that. I go through the line grabbing a bowl of frosted flakes, orange juice, milk, and a banana. Sitting down next to Luke's other marks, I add the millk to my cereal. I glance up at them, Natalie, Morgan,  and Tessa, they're looking back at me wanting to ask. They don't. I wouldn't call them friends, but next to Luke they're about all I have.


The facilty, if you haven't figure out already, is training and operation center for spies. Meaning you never know if you're still gonna be alive the next day. Becoming attached is bad, because of that reason. It's one of the reasons relationships aren't really aloud. It could cloud judgment durring an operation, and/or put lives in danger. I've been here for 5 years now. My first year here spent in the basement, locked up. Then eventually I was given to Crash to train. I was with him for a year and a half and then I was given to Luke. I've been with him ever since.


"Blaire, Mr. Wahls wants to speak to us." Luke taps my shoulder. I nod, grabbing my banana for the walk. I follow behind him, through the cafeteria. My eyes roam, and sadly meet with Crash's, I look away right away and catch back up to Luke. "So... You were with Crash this morning." He says, once we're away from the cafeteria. I don't say anything, I don't know what he means. "What were you two doing?" He asks, trying to sound like he could careless, but I actually see through it. It's moments like these when he jealousy shows through that I get confused.


"We ran into each other outside." I explain, but he wants more information. "He was jut being himself... nothing new."


"What were you two whispering about?" I look up at him, just as he looks away. I notice the hurt and confusion in his eyes. It hurt him? He is jealous!


"He was telling me that if I wanted I can go back to being his mark... I said no." I see his shoulders relax, and it  makes me smile. Holy crap Luke was jealous! What does that mean? I'm thinking to much into this. I shake my head I need to focus. I'm going to see Mr. Wahls, and he isn't some one to be taken lightly, he runs this whole place! He's the boss.  And the boss has requested to see me.


We stop outside his office door, and Luke knocks on the door. After a second we get told to enter. Luke opens the door and I take a deep breath into the fiery pit we go. Luke takes a seat in the open chair in front of his desk, next to Ms. Jennings. I hate her. She is the councelor here, and she is a complete bitch. When I was first brought here she was the second person I might, of course Luke was the first. She has a fake friendliness to her, and she is  a very blunt person which can be both good and bad. Her hair gets dyed twice a week to a different color every time, and she is as skinny as toothpick. Luke greets both of them, and I stay back beside the door. This office always gives me the creeps.


"We have a mission for her." Mr. Wahl's states, not waiting or holding back. Luke nods, not asking questions... you never question the boss. I watch intently now as he flips through a file in front of him, once he finds what he is looking for he lifts it up revealing a picture of a man probably around Crash's age maybe a little older even. "His name is Cody Riker, a math teacher at Weston High. He is as of now a person of interest. I'm sending you out under cover, to watch him, and learn as much information on him as you can." I nod my head once. Understood. This is a big deal. I'm going under cover! Almost all of my missions are going to fight then come right back. Quick and only take one day. This might take a week or even a month!


"You're sending her to a High school?" Luke asks leaning forward. "Are you sure that is a good idea?"  My eyes flicker down at him, what is he doing? He is trying to ruin this for me!?


"She is the best mark we have for the job. You very well know that." Mr. Wahl's says, and Luke doesn't say anymore. I tried to hide the smirk on my face. Luke knows that Mr. Wahls is right, Crash knows it even.


"Do we need to do any changes?" Ms. Jennings speaks for the first time, and I bite my tunge. She is also in charge of make-overs to make people look different. She turns looking back at me now.


"No I really don't think that is needed." Luke turns back too. I have no say in the matter, but I'm on his side this time.


"No, I believe she is just perfect. She needs to look like herself." Mr. Wahls smiles, and now we're all confused. I'm going under cover though, so a make over is really what should happen.


"Why?" Luke questions him, but not in a challenging way.


"Back when you found her, she was attending Weston Middle school. Now we're sending her back to her class. She needs to be recognizable." He states, and now he is trying to hide his smile. He uses he hands, to cover his mouth. Luke doesn't look happy, and Ms. Jennings looks like she's already figured everything out. I am stand here debating on whether I should beg him to not send me. I don't want to go back there. Back to where all of this started. Of course now I don't regret it. After what happened, my parents sent me to a hospital and left me there. The hospital had to stop holding me after there was six months without a payment, so they were going to stuff me into the foster system, but Luke came and got me instead.I've been here at the facility ever since, this is my home now.


Although... I wonder what has all been happening back there. I wonder if my actually parents still live there,  would they recognize me? I still have unruly red hair, My body is still small, but now it's small with muscle still coating my arms, legs, and practically everywhere. I'm build more like a stealthy ninja, flexible and quite.


"I wont see my parents will I?" I speak up, knowing I shouldn't but I need to know. I wont be able to hold my cool if I see them. They just threw me away. Stopped caring.


"That I can't tell you for sure. They still live in the area, so there is the possibility." Mr. Wahls replies, and he doesn't seem mad or upset that I spoke out of place. The way he replied to my question was actually sincere, he pities me for what my parents did. I look at the ground. Pity. I hate it.


"I want you word, that if I do see them, I can say or do what ever I want to them, without giving away information about the facility." I step up, I'm challenging him. I don't want his pity. He nods, seeming to not have a problem with it.


"You'll leave tomorrow for you first day of senior year." He says, giving me a smile. I just nod. Watch Riker, hopefully see my parents and tell them off. Senior year. I follow Luke out, I'd be senior if was still in school. Wow, I missed all of high school! Although I don't really mind. I like it here. I wouldn't want to go back and change anything.


"Blaire remember the rules." Luke slows down, waiting for me to walk beside him. "No giving out information, do your job, be careful, follow pro-"


"Yeah. I've got those glued into my mind dont worry." I say. Keeping my eyes forward. He wants me to do good. I will to good. I will show him that I am capable.


"No relationships Blaire. You have to promise me this one." He stops outside the training center. He grab my wrist to stop me too. "Any attachments or relationships will just result in trouble." He looks down at me, and in his eyes I can tell this is a serious topic.


"I'm not dumb Mr. Smith." I say, holding a straight face. Even though my stomach is going nuts at the moment.


"You aren't. That's why I'm telling you this now. Don't do anything stupid." He wraps his arms around me in a quick embrace. Then he lets go of me and enters the training center. I stand out there, frozen. He hugged me?! Tossing that to theback of my brain I enter the training center, as if nothing happened. But something had, I just don't know what it was.

Chapter 2

Blaire's POV 


Hoping into the car ready for school, I ignore Luke who slides into the back seat next to me. I've been breifed again, on what my task is, I've had the rules read to me three times (twice by Luke), and I've been told I don't actually have to do my homework! Along with  of course my back story. I was shoved into the foster care system and taken from my parents, Luke's family took me in, and then in a tragic accident his parents were killed so he toook me in. Luke is now my 'brother'.


Clearing the thoughts about Luke being any part of my actually family, I look down at my new shoes. I was given a new wardrobe to look more like an actual teenage girl. I went with the skinny jeans, black converse, and purple and gray plaid shirt. I was graced with doing my own hair which I just left alone, and my own make-up which I just put a little mascara on my eyelashes to make them stand out. It feels nice being in real clothes. I mean I'm always in real clothes, but I'm in my training gear, or a really fancy dress, or even once a wedding dress. It depends on the mission.


"You look different." Luke says, and I don't know how to reply. Different good or Different bad? Do I look like an idiot?! "It's nice seeing you in normal clothes." and I stop freaking out. I look okay.


"So... do you have any idea why I have to watch Mr. Riker?" I ask, picturing him in my mind. Black hair, brown eyes, and average build. An average guy, so why him?


"No idea." He sighs, "So, are you nervous? You're going to see your classmates again." My classmates. I hadn't really thought about that. I don't really remember any of them. I remember twins... a boy and a girl... that's about it though. No names or faces come to mind. I think back to that night, and still I come up blank. I remember going to the party with twins, and then I remember what happened at the party. Almost like half my life was washed away, but I really could careless. Focus on the  mission, and no attachments. That will be easy.


"No." I say looking over in his direction, and I feel my cheeks heat he was watching me! We both look away, and the rest of the ride is quite. I sneak one quick look at him again, and I can't help but stare and admire him. He is always just so... perfect! I mean he is flawed, everyone is flawed, but I haven't seen many of them, honestly I can't think of one thing. But of course there is something. Looking away before he can catch me staring, I day dream about what is going to happen my mission. I have to do good. I have to prove to Luke I can do this.


"I can do this you know." It slips out before I even think about it. I don't look at him, but I can feel him looking at me now.


"I know you can. It's not that I'm worried about." He replies, and the SUV comes to a stop.


"You're worried?" I question, waiting to be told to get out of the car. At this moment I don't want to get out. I wnat to listen to what he has to say.


"Of course. I always worry about you." He says. It makes my heart melt. "Hmmm you and the other girls." He clears his throat, and his comment all of a sudden doesn't to mean anything. I worry about the others though too.


"Why don't you send me out on mission then?" I ask now I look at him. He looks away not wanting to meet my eyes.


"We should go." He says, opening his door. My jaw drops, at him ignoring my question. I hop out and catch up to him.


"Answer me." I say, knowing I can speak to him this way. He doesn't care, but if I spoke like this to some of the other managers I'd get slapped.  If Crash was still my manager I'd probably be running 10 killers which sucks when you have a running course as long as two backetball courts with 20 lines marked.


"Because you sometimes aren't the right person for a job." He makes up something.


"Are you kidding?" I ask.


"We're not talking about this right now." He says, and by his tone I can tell he means it. I look ahead of myself, pushing the anger down. In front of my are entrance doors to Weston High. Home of the Foxes. We push open the doors, and we're meet with teens laughing and skateboarding around. Phones in hands, headphones covering ears, and even a couple couple making out. This must be like a cafeteria area. None of this rings a bell. I don't recognize anyone, I don't remember the school at all. I step closer to Luke, maybe I'm not ready!  We walk around the big mess, and make it to the office. The lady gives me a schedule, and has Luke sign a couple more papers, apparently they knew I was coming. We get shooed out of the office once everything is taken care of, and Luke pulls me aside away from all the noise.


"Okay... Blaire, listen closely." He begins, I nod watching his eyes. "Remember all the rules. Do your job and get out of here as fast as you can. Mr. Wahls is only testing you, this is it. If you pass, you're cleared. You'll be his go to mark. Stay focused and come back to me." He says, but he doesn't seem to realize exactly what he said. He said come back to him.  Gladly. Although the whole Mr. Wahls thing has me a bit confused I don't say anything I just nod. I'll come back to him. I always do.


"Have fun." I say waving goodbye. He leaves, and I turn towards the mess of people. Jesus I'm in high school! I look at my schedule, and head in the direction of my first period class, Anatomy. Which is body parts and bodily functions. That was one of the classes I took a couple years ago, for my medical training. I have it all drilled in my head. Walking into the classroom the teacher looks up surprised to see a student.


"You must be Ms. Kennedy. Blaire Kennedy?" he looks up  pushing his glass up so he can see properly.


"Yes, Mr. Witeman?" I pronounce his name like white-man. He smiles, and I the corner of his eyes crinkle. He is older. White hair, glasses, doctor looking.


"Yes. Nice to meet you." He offers his hand, and I shake it firmly. "I have your things..." He gets up and goes into the closet behind his desk. I look around the room, and see posters of the body, and tables that have three stools each instead of desks. There are to skeletons in the back of the room, along with fake body parts on shelves. "Here you are, text book, packet for this chapter, and your body part."


"Body part?" I hold up " What do I need to do with a talus bone?" I ask, looking at the ankle bone in my hand. It's fake, plastic, but still weird to need. I glance at him, and he seems surprised. "What?" I ask.


"You know what that is?" he questions. "Without any of the other parts next to it." he seems amazed.


"Yeah.. I've taken Anatomy.. a couple of times." I make up on the spot. " I move often..." he looks sad, but yet happy.


"Well, I'm sorry to here that, but I'm glad I have one student who might know what I'm talking about." He laughs, and his laugh makes me smile. He is just a nice friendly old man! I'm guessing he will be my favorite teacher.  "Well.. I have three open seats in first hour. There is right in front middle, with John and Landon, or three rows back on the far right with Rachel and Logan, or there is al-"


"I'll take the front. I don't care really." I say, and he jots that down real quick. Then the bells rings, and I get a little nervous. school is starting now. I'm officially a highschool student. I sit down, obviously I'm the first one in the classroom. As other people start flowing into the room, I get a couple looks, but no one talks to me and some people don't even seem to notice me. I'm okay with that.


"Hey babe you new?" A boy slides into the seat next to me, I turn looking him over. Sandy blonde hair, dark blue eyes, and a cocky grin. I can smell smoke on him. It makes my nose wrinkle at how strong the scent is. I grab my things and move them away from his, and just nod. "Where ya from?"


"Des Moines." I say, remembering my back story. Although I really am from here, Chicago. I don't know where the faciility is located, but I know the drive here wasn't horribly long only 3 hours.


"What brought you all the way to Chicago?" He asks, and from his body language and tone of voice I can tell none of this matters to him.


"Foster care system." I say, looking at him.


"You're in the system?" He puts his chair on all fours, and now it seems his interest is peeked. I just nod. "Man that's gotta suck... hey if ya ever need anything. I mean anything.  You just lemme know!" he winks, and I'm pretty sure he is offering me drugs.


"Thanks." I say as another boy slides into the seat next to him. He checks me out, and his eyes flick at the other boy who's name I didn't get. "Blaire.. Kennedy." I introduce myself to both of them.


"I'm John.. and this idiot is Landon." the new boy says. He has blonde hair as well, but brown eyes. He is short and skinny.  Then the bell rings and Mr. Witeman quites down the class. He doesn't introduce me at all, which I'm greatful for, and he tells the class that he wants them to begin working on there packet. I look down at it, sighing as I write my name on the top. It's a matching activity matching the names with the right bone. I look up at Mr. Witeman, is he really gonna put me through this? I could do this whole packet in this class period.


"I'll just let you do this... unless you want different work." He says, catching my eye.


"Ah.. no it's okay." I say, and he nods. I begin, and I notice Landon and John both trying to get answers from my work. Should I let them copy? They aren't learning anything if I do, but do I want these to guys hating me? I'm guessing I don't. I let them continue, and I look back around at the rest of the class a second. I see some people who are actually trying, some on their phones, and even a couple that are sleeping. No wonder this is all the work they have to do. I flip to the next page once they're finishee copying, and we keep up this system through class. When the bell rings signalling second period, I gather my things.


"See later babe!" Landon says with a wink, and John just waves. I shake my head heading to my locker. I set my Anatomy things in there and head to my next period. Food and Culture, a cooking class. This is my only class I'm worried about. I can't cook. I've never been able to. I don't even like cooking. I go in and see the teacher, introductions are done, and she gives me my text book and tells me where she wants me to sit. Taking my seat, in the front again next to a girl who is already in her seat I lean back. The teacher is definetly more uptight then Mr. Witeman that's for sure. I get through class, and apparently this class is just a big mess because no one in here gives a shit. I was the only one participating, and I could tell Mrs. Lagor appreciated that.


Third period came, and I was stuck in yet another class that I would breeze through. French. Mrs. Lebough pronounced Lay-boof, entered the class late, and spoke only french when she walked in. Everyone else just shut up and stared having no idea what she said. Of course a couple kids caught a couple words, I caught all of it. She swore wishing she a longer break. She also had to be the first teacher to introduce me to the class.


"Introduire yourslef." She spoke, and obviously everyone could tell what that meant. I said my name, and where I was from. "Dire  á la classe ce que vous aimez faire pendant votre temps libre." She lost have of the class, and I glanced back at her. She didn't expect me to know what she has said.


"I like to read and go for runs in my free time." I state, and she glances up at me now slightly interested.


"Vous saves déjá francais?"  she questions me. I just nod. She doesn't seem impressed at all. "Tenir une conversation avec moi." she leans back in her chair, not believing me. She wants me to speak to her, in french.


"Oú est ma place?" I ask where my seat is, and she points to an  open desk in the back corner. "Merci." I say, "Je peux vous asseoir?" I ask if I can go sit down.


"Comment avez-vous apprendre le francais?" she asks me, and I let out a breath.


"Une famile avec qui je vivais m'a aprris." She nods gesturing for me to go sit. I get stared at as I walk through the ilse. Taking my seat I glance at the boy next to me. It's John. He is staring wide eyed.


"You must just know everything." then Mrs. Labough begins class. Unlike Mr. Witeman, she gives me more work, and I can tell she doesn't like the way I stood her up in class. I just role my eyes still finishing the worksheets. apparently worksheets is all they do. What else was I expecting though?  I don't but it wasn't this. 


Fourth hour for me is  my lunch break, or which thank god Luke remembered to pack me something. I eat my apple, and smile seeing as he actually packed me a poptart and a juice. I sit alone at first, but as more and more people show up, the more eyes I can feel on me. Landon slides into the seat next to me, his cocky grin and smokey scent in place too.


"So.. I hear you're like some extra smart foreign exchange student from paris." He sighs.


"No. I just know french." I inform him.


"And anatomy." He laughs, and I nod that too. "Thanks for letting us copy by the way that was cool of you."


"No problem.." I don't know how to reply.


"So I was wondering what you were doing after school. Maybe I could show you around, take you to the fun places." I look at him, and by his body language I can see that he means a lot more then what he is saying. "I'm the guy if ya need a tour."


"Leave her alone Landon... it's only her first day back." A girl says sitting next to me on my other side. I look over seeing long beautifully straight brown hair. Clear baby but smooth face and deep brown eyes. She is beautiful, and I'm not into girls.


"Casey." Landon says, and not in a friendly way. "What ever. If you ever need anything Blaire you know who to come to." He gets up and walks away.


"Wow Blaire... it's only your first day back and you're already conversing with the druggies? I thought better of you." She says as if she knows me. I turn looking at her again. Should I know her? Casey... that name doesn't bring anything up. "Gosh look at you! You look just like I remember you, red curly hair and brown eyes. You've even lost a little weight! Puberty really helped you out!"  I choke on my juice, and look at her again.


"Excuse me?" I say once I can speak again. She smiles ready to laugh, but when she sees I'm serious her face falters, and she looks confused.


"You... don't rememebr me?" she asks, quietly. Should I? I just shake my head, and she looks defeated. "Damn... we were like best friends!" She begins. I don't know what to say right now.


"Casey, a word." a guy walks over, and both Casey and I look over. Wait. Brown hair brown eyes. Casey...and Caleb. Twins. I remember.


"Caleb." I say, "Casey and Caleb... Riker." I say, and the name Riker is something I recognize right away. "You have an older brother right?"


"Cody? Yeah, he is the P.E and math teacher." Casey says, smiling at me remembering. "Caleb.. it's Blaire remember from like seventh grade!?" 


"Casey.. I need to talk to you. And yes hello, it's nice to see you again. " Caleb smiles at me briefly. Casey frowns getting up and I watch as the two of them move through the cafeteria. People say hi to them every five seconds, and I can tell they are popular. Were they before? I can't recall. I shake my head none of that matters. Cody Riker is all that matters. There brother is a person of interest. Must be under some protection detail. Although I don't know why a high school teacher would need protection. I have Gym class sixth hour and math seventh so I guess I'll get to see him soon. After lunch I have study hall and then his class so I guess I'll get to meet him soon enough.

Chapter 3

Blaire's POV


 Study hall is the most boring thing ever. Ever one else had a blast, paper was being tossed around the room, people were yelling and laughing, and no one was doing homework. I didn't have any homeword other wise that's what I would be doing. After about ten minutes, I get out of my seat and sign out to library. I haven't seen a library and I actually do like reading. I make it there, and I imediately regret it and wish I would have just stayed in my seat. Casey and bunch of her friends are hanging out in here. Along with Caleb and a couple of his friends. I haven't really remembered them yet, but they remember me, and it makes it hard for me. Although with their brother being my person of interest I should stay close to them. I'll have to talk to Luke about it.


"Hey! Blaire what class do you have right now?" Casey stands up and drags me over to the others.


"Study hall... I needed something to do." I gesture to the shelves of books. She just shakes her head and me, and pulls me towards her friends. "I really can't stay long!" I inform her, not wanting to stay long. She begins introducing me to every one as if she didn't hear what I said. I don't listen much, in fact I watch her most of the time. I don't understand how I was ever friends with someone so pushy, and bossy!


"... And that's Mark, he is my boyfriend." She finishes, and the only person's name I catch is Mark's. He is big and obviously atheletic, with muscles so gigantic you'd think he was a WWE wrestler.


"Nice to meet you all..." I wave awkwardly. I just get smiles or quick nods back, I can read that they are all upset that Casey seems to like me more. I'm starting to figure this situation out. Casey is the leader of the pack. At least the girls. The guys really could careless I notice. "So.. you girls are all like .. the most popular girls in school?" I ask not really caring that that isn't a question you should really ask.  Every one quiets down, and looks between each other.


"Well.. I mean... if you really want to label it." Casey turns and looks down at me. I can tell she is actually mad at me for asking, I just shrug it off.  "Anyways...!" she turns seeming to have forgotten the whole thing already. "Back to party planning."


I stand and listen, somewhat intimidated by her. I don't know what she would do if I tried to walk away. I wouldn't put it past her to yell at me to come back, or maybe even drag me! Listening did give me some insight though. Party at her house Friday after school. The house where Cody Riker is living at right now. That might be a good place to dig for information. The problem would be getting the permission to go. I'm sure I can get Luke to let me.


After a while I start to wander the library, walking through isle after isle. I pick up a couple books examining the covers and reading the short bio's about the authors. I stay close enough to still hear everything that is talked about, but the topic doesn't stray from the party. Apparently, Casey and Caleb .. well and Cody... live out in the contry around here, and throw parties often after football games.  Casey is cheerleader, Mark is a football player.  Caleb isn't into football, and all of Casey's friends are cheerleaders with her. She is the captain. I'm seeing a patern. After a while I get bored, and I debate on just leaving the library, but I tell myself to stay, because the moment I leave is the moment I'll miss something important.


Some one grabs my shoulder, and my body goes into it's first reaction. I grab the hand, and duck pulling the person over my shoulder, but doing it in a way that when they hit the ground no noise is made, and then I'm left gripping there arm that is now turned funny, and a foot stepping on their shoulder.


"Holy shit... whatjust happened?" Caleb coughs.


"Oh god!" I let go of him, and help him up. "I'm sorry! You shouldn't sneak up on me like that!" I say, quietly.


"Yeah?" He laughs. "Noted for next time.." He roles his shoulder, he is watching me now with a deep fascination and it's making me uncomfortable. "Where'd you learn to do that at?" He asks, and I scratch the back of my neck.


"I'm a black belt.."I shrug, which isn't a lie.  I know a very large variety of fighting styles, karate in general is only half of it.


"Really? Think you could teach me some cool stuff like that?" He smiles, and I feel something in me. Me heart speeds, at my brain connecting to a distant memory. I recognize that smile. I remember now, how he slightly tilts his head to the left, and his smile makes him look younger. His brown eye dance with wonder, and I find myself remembering a little more. Caleb Riker... the soccer star and class clown and, my middle school crush.


"Ah... I don't know.." I shake my head at the knew knowledge I had stored deep down. Then the bell saves me, and I leave as fast as I can. Now it's time to meet Mr. Riker. I need to focus and stay sharp. Gain as much information in the first meeting as I can. Going towards the locker room, I change in a bathroom stall and get to gym before all the other girls. In fact I'm the first person in the gym at all. I begin stretching rolling my own shoulders, and touching my toes and the ground. Then I fall into my splits, and reach for my toes that way too. I'm sure we won't do that much physical activity that this is all needed but I don't know what else to do.


"Hey.. I never was able to ask you what happened to you." Casey sits next to me. "Nice form by the way... were you a cheerleader at your old school?" she asks. Ha! Old school.


"No." I inform her and she looks impressed.


'So.. what happened? You just up and left... I heard you went to a mental hospital." she whispers the last part. Memories from the institution come to my mind, and I let out a breaht. She isn't wrong. I was sent a psych ward, of course I was sent there under false allegations by my parents.


"Ah... no I was tossed into foster care... my parents were ..ah are shitty people." I say going with my fake story I'm supposed to use. She wrinkles her nose, and gives me a simpathetic look. Pity. I look away not wanting to see it.  "A family took me in right away though, a good family. With a son. But... then there was the accident... So, now it's only Luke and I." My stomach flutters at his name. The only time Ill ever be able to actually say his name, I'm not suppossed to say Luke... I have to use Mr. Smith... anothr rule between manager and mark.


"How old is Luke?" she asks, and I can see the interest in her face. "Do you consider each other brother and sister?" she wiggles her brow at me, assuming things. I wish.


"Yes! He is my brother!" I jump to my feet. The heat rushing to my face isn't fake, and I try to calm down. " And he is twenty if you must know." I add. Her smile turns into more of a smirk, and it sends shivers through me. No way girl he is off limits! I yell in my head.


"Alright... everyone I want 3 laps around the gym!" An authoritive voice yells, just after the second bell rings signalling that sixth hour has now officially started. I hear Casey next to me mumble something about how she wish Caleb would get his head out of his ass. I glance in the direction the voice came from, and there he is. Standing with a clipboard checking off students for attendance. I pictured he would look either more intimidating and scary or more wimpy and feeble. At first look though he seems to just be a normaly in shape guy. I really don't understnad my reasoning for being here. I finish first with out even trying to really run, I practically jogged the whole thing! "Alex... James... Bla-" He pauses.  "Blaire Kennedy?" He asks, looking up. I hold up my hand and he looks at me. Looks in an understatement! More like his eyes tear me apart peeling away my clothes, and every ounce of strength I have! I don't like the feeling it gives me, so I look away, and move as far away as I can from him. What was that about? Maybe he recognized me from back when I was friends with his little siblings. I can feel the goosebumps on my arms, and I shake it off. Alright so he can be slightly intimidating. Well noted for next time.


The rest of the class is completely and utterly awkard. He stares. And stares. And Stares. Even Casey says something to him, but it doesn't seem to have an affect. They play volleyball for gym, and I get tossed into the mix playing back row. I'm apparently really good at it, and get multiple praises for diving to the floor and digging spiked balls from the other team. Casey informs me that it isn't to late for me to join the team, and I shake away the thought. No team joining for me.


Once we're finally dismissed to change I'm the first person out of the gym. I'm sick of his eye beating down on me! I change quickly back into my clothes, and I fix my hair and it makes me feel like a high school student for a second.  All the girls walk in and completely stripe naked, boobs and all, and it makes me uncomfortable even though I'm sure I'm more mature about it then they are. Hell, I've had to be around naked guy for hours before! I guess I'm self concious around these girls. I head back to the gym, not wanting to hang around any more. Once I'm there I regret it. It's just Riker and me. He glances up seeing who came in. He sends me a smile and walks towards me. His was is slow but has takes big strides, and he holds himself up high. Confident, he stops a couple feet away looking down at me. Everyone looks down at me though... I'm short.


"I rememebr you." He begins. "You were my brothers girlfriend weren't you?"


"No!"  My hands go to my hips. I wonder if he knows I'm here watching him. If I'm protecting him he shouldn know that's why I'm here, since he did hire someone for it, but I don't think that's why I'm here. What on earth would he need protection from? He is a highschool gym and math teacher... I need to talk to Luke. I'm guessing he knows more. "We never dated.." I search my memory. I don't remember ever actually dating him, just liking him so that has to be right.


"Oh?" He teases, a smirk playing on his lips now. "I vaguely remember hearing about how you two were caught kissing while you were spending the night at the house for Casey's birthday."


"I don't remember that at all." I say flatly. It's true I don't. Now I wonder if it's true Then the bell saves me. I go my locker happy to be away from him. Then it strikes me that I now have math with him. I slowly make my way to his room, wondering if it's possible for me to switch classes, but that would be pointless because he is the reason I'm here. Slipping into the room I'm greeting with only three other students. Looking down at my schedule I see Calculus 3, and I scratch my eyebrow. Calculus is really hard algebra. I was only taught up to Algebra II!


"Blaire." He greets me, and I just nod my head. "You're in Calc 3?" He questions, I'm guessing by the look on my face he can tell I'm slightly confused.


"I... think I need to be moved to another class." I admit." Like... maybe Algebra 2." I offer.


"Just try it for today.. lets see where you're at." He offfers, gesturing for me to take a seat. I do, and I actually pay attention trying to understand what's going on. None of it makes any since, and I don't comprehend how any of it works, but I catch on fast surprisingly. I couldn't explain how to do any of it, but I hold up and only ask for help once. I impressed him. It gives me comfort knowing that this will be the only class I'll struggle in other then maybe cooking!


After Calculus, I have English IV. I actually almost sleep through the class along with everyone else. The teach Mrs. Kay, plays a video that take the whole class period and it taught us nothing. I honestly couldn't even tell you what it's purpose was. It was just a thing to watch to pass time. At one point, Mrs. Kay even fell asleep. A student sneezing woke her back up and then she started typing feverishly on her computer again. Once the last bell rang signaling the end of the school day. I tossed everything in my locker, and walked out and found the SUV Parked I walked towards the car, and stopped before I opened the door when I heard Casey yell behind me.


"Nice ride." She looked at it, and I nodded. The window are tinted so she can't see inside, but I know Luke it in there right now watching and listening intently. "You're brother in there?" she asks interest peaked. I just nod, praying Luke stays in the vehicle. "So... you're foster family must've had money!" She says still lookig at it, and I just shrug, I wasn't told about if we had money or not. I don't really think that matters either.


"Blaire... we gotta get going. You have karate yet tonight."  Luke's voice rings out from above us. We both look up, and see him leaning over the top of the roof. He must've opened the back door and is standing on the seat.


"Holy shit!" I hear Casey next to me. I almost say I know, but I refrain.


"Okay." I reach for the car door handle. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow."


"Yes!" the way she says it implies that she needs to talk to me. "Bye! It was nice to meet you!" she then waves to Luke. I get in the vehicle and so does he. Nothing is said at first, we both just look at each other as if we haven't seen each other in years. It really feels like that to me though. The car jerks forward, and it pulls us back into the present.


"So." He clears his throught, "How was school?" He asks, looking down at the paper work in his hands.


"Different, and not what I expected." I sigh, laying my head against the window. "Do you have any idea why I'm watching Riker? I have been thinking about this all day and I havent figured it out."


"I don't know. I've been wondering as well, it's odd that they sent you back here." I can tell by the look on his face his doesn't want me doing what ever it is I'm supposed to be doing. Why? Does he really think I can't do it? I'll prove him wrong. I can do this. "It's not smart for you to be back here either." He adds.


"How so?" I sit up straight, I wish I could just read his mind! Or at least have him actually tell me what he is thinking.


"I did soome research while you were gone. Your parents still live in the area, and if you ran into them we'd have a prob-" He stops, rubbing his forehead.


"What was that?" I ask, and I can feel the anger in me boiling.


"Nothing... forget I said anything." he sighs trying to look as if he is reading the documents in his hands.


"Tell me." I demand. "If I ran into my parents why would that cause problems?" I ask, trying to stay civil and open minded.


"Blaire... just forget I said anything please." He looks up at me, but lets out a sigh seeing as I'm not giving up. "Well... When your parents put you into the institution, they filled out all the paper work and did everything correctlly. It was by luck, that it was your name that was chosen. Mr. Wahl's needed more marks. He went to hospitals looking for options, he came across you. You were the first an only girl he took. Because there was a lot of legal stuff that needed to be taken care of."


"What are you saying?!" I ask, not really understanding. I caught some of it, but I know there is more to it then what he has said.


"You're parents had to give us permission to take you... they wanted money..." He sighs. I sit back, looking at my hands in my lap. My parents sold me.. to the government. "In the contract they signed, one of there other rules was that they didn't want to see you ever again." That smacks me like a bucket of bricks. All this time  I've been mad at my parents for not paying the institute they put me in for no reason. Now I have the facts. They sold me. They just threw me.. there only child.. away as if I was just a bug.


"If that's a rule then what am I doing here where there is a chance the contract might be breached?" I ask, feeling the anger I was already holding towards them grew. 


"No clue." He sighs. Then it's quiet the rest of the ride home. Once the SUV is parked, and I'm aloud to get out of the vehicle I do. "Blaire... hey I'm sorry... I shouldn't have kept that from you.. but I ju-"


"No. I'm happy you told me." I reply, feeling the water works coming. I don't want to cry in front of him. Although right now I don't want to be alone either. "I'm gonna go bring this to my room." I say and it sounds odd.


"Blaire I didn't mean to keep it from you... Mr. Wahls didn't want you knowing." He says stepping closer to me.


"It's okay.. I'm gonna go." I turn and leave beforehe says anything else. I can feel him watching me. I walk like normal, holding my self up strong and unafraid. Once I'm out of his view, my shoulders slump and the tears almost spill. I run to my room, thankful that I don't run into anyone I slam the door shut, toss my book bag in the corner, and break down onto the floor crying.


"Blaire? You're gonna miss super!" Tessa's voice wakes me up. I uncrumple myself, feeling tight and sore. I feel asleep on the floor. I stand up looking at my reflection. It's obvious I've been crying. My pale skin doesn't exactly hide red puffy cheeks.  "Blaire are you in there?" She knocks.


"Yeah... I'm not feeling to good. I think I'm going to skip super tonight." I say, walking into my bathroom and turning on the shower.  If she replied I didn't hear her. I showered scrubbing my face, and washing my hair. Laying down on my bed even though not tired, I try to fall asleep. I sit up five minnute later knowing it's hopeless. I get up changing into my work-out clothes, and make my way to the indoor center. No one ever trains after super so I should be okay and my face should look alright I scrubbed it raw in the shower. I open the door, and I actually do hear someone in here. I peak around. I spot Luke, his working with one of the dozens of punching bags.  He looks up at the sound of the door closing behind me. Our eyes meet and there is something small talked about without words being used.


He is really sorry about everything with my parents. He understands why I'm mad and upset. But. I can tell by the look on his face. He wants me here. We have each other. To talk to and be around. When it's Luke and I no words need to be said, we're okay with silence  (most of the time). We have a good relationship. It's almost to good. It drive me insane.


"I was waiting for.." he speaks first walking over. "I figured you would come once super was over." He sighs, scratching the back of his neck.


"Here I am. So what did I miss today?" I ask, knowing he already had one training session with his other marks.


"We all just worked on scaling buildings and other climbing techinques." He shrugs, and I smile. I love doing these. It makes me feel like a monkey!  "Lets go." He smiles, and we walk over to the different types of walls. There is a rock wall, brick wall, and just a plain glass wall. There are also huge jungle gyms, that are just bars going up and down and side to side that go up three stories. There is a bell at the top, and normally you get timed to see how long it takes you. I've done it now some many times, I could climb up there in my sleep. So inside Luke has us play tag. It's hard running around on the bars, because it you fall you fall all the way down, unless another bar breaks your fall. None of us has fallen ever yet, but it's always a possibility. We start keeping up a light and easy conversation, about my school day. I explain to him , how I apparently used to be friends with Casey and Caleb, and how Riker is their older brother. I tell him about how my classes are  dumb, and that my french teacher doesn't like me.


After a good two hours of climbing and a little bit of messing around, we call it a night. I head back to my room, and change cloasping on to my bed. Tomorrow my real job begins. It's digging time, and I'm ready.

Chapter 4

Blaire's POV


This place is huge! I'm going to get lost here. The music is so loud, I can barely hear myself think. All of the other peopl here are older, why did I let her drag my into this. We shouldn't be here. I'm walking aimlessly around some house looking for Casey or Caleb which is hard to do while there is a party going on. I haven't seen either of them for a long time, and it's starting to worry me. I go outside, to see if maybe one of them ventureed that far. Of course Casey did. I find her witha group of boys, obviously way to old for her. I walk over, asking her if we can get going. She has no intention of leaving yet, I can tell. I walk away, not happy with her. On my way back inside I think to myself about going out the to car and waiting for them. I should tell them that's what I'm doing though. Not Casey though, she'd probably forget the second after I walked away.


After another fifteen minutes of wondering, I finally find Caleb. He is hanging out in a room of other kids from our class. I go sit next to him and hang out with them awhile, and we play a couple rounds of  Seven Minutes in Heaven. It's like spin the bottle, at least this version of the game is. Someone spins the bottle in the middle, and who ever it lands on is in the closet. That same person gets to spin the bottle to see who goes in with them. Then they're in the closet for seven minutes doing what ever they want. A girl spins the bottle and it lands on me, I get up and pray the bottle will land on someone fun.  It stops spinning after a minute, and I follow my eyes in the direction. It pointing directly at Mason who is sitting next to Caleb. I hold my hand, with a teasing / joking wink. He smiles gladly taking my hand. Entering into the closet, he asks about having the light on or off.  I reach turning it on, just so I can see what's around us.


"So, Blaire Kennedy actually parties!" he smirks, and I pretend to be offended. I not much of a partier, Casey prtactically dragged me here! I wont tell him that though. I suppose he is cute too. Shaggy brown hair with green eyes. He plays soccer with Caleb. Caleb and him are actually good friends. " I thought the bottle was going to land  on Caleb, honestly." he admits.


"Well you're the lucky one instead." I say, and his smile grows and he steps closer. I lean in and so does he and then we're kissing. His hands go to my waist, and I wrap mine around his neck. I've kissed people before. Like Caleb... we have kissed...a lot... but for some reason this kiss is different. Maybe it's because we're kissing just to kiss. Not because we like each other. But it's good. We seem to move in sync together, and I slip my tognue over his lips letting him no I want a little more. It seems like hours pass before we heard the knock on the door signalling our time was up. We break apart, and I know my cheecks are red. Mason no all of sudden seems thirty times more attractive. He opesn the door for me, and we walk out hold hands and smiling. Then take our seats again. I'm on Caleb left and he is on Calebs right. After a couple more rounds, after ours I finally peak behind Caleb at him. He glance over me too. He leans in closer to say something so I do so I can hear him.


"We should hang out some time." He says, I nod with a smile. "Cool. I'll text you!"  Then we go back to the game and have a good time.  After a couple more rounds people start breaking off, it gets boring. Caleb asks me what I want to do, but I don't know. I want to leave again now that I'm doing anything fun. I'm not comfortable hanging out with the older guys, because of that simple reason they're oldering. I also don't drink... so it's weird there too.


"I think I'm just going to go to the car." I tell him, and he looks sad but doesn't say anything. "You can come with." I offer, and he shakes his head. I nod, and tell him I'll be waiting. I head outside, towards the car we drove here. Then it happens.


I'm being dragged. The hand is rough and dry like always, and no one is outside to help me. I fight, and try to break free and scream but I get know where. I get shoved into a car, and try to turn and look, but I'm to slow. I lifts my skirt, reavealing a pair of black spandex. His breath smells of alcohol, and it's cold against my skin. So are his hands that touch me everywhere.


"You're my favorite... Blaire." He whispers in my ear, and send shiver through me. He knows who I am? I don't recognize his voice at all. It has to be one of the older boys here, he is way to tall and strong for him to be around my age. I hear a zipperr,  I try to scream, and break free, but his grip only tightens, and I know there is no getting out of this unless someone comes and helps me. He pulls down my spandex, and I feel tears leave my eyes.  Why didn't I just stay inside with Caleb!? 


Then it happens. The world seems to go slow just to torture me. I fight and cry the whole time, which didn't help any. His pace picks up, and it hurts like hell and then out of the blue sirens begin screaming getting closer with every second. Cops! Yes, the cops are here!


"Time for me to leave." He sigh. Moving my hair to one side, he kisses and sucks on my neck for a minute. Then just like that he is out and gone. I turn right away, but no one is in sight. I pull up my spandex and skirt, exiting the car. It's a black 2004 Malibu. I have no idea who's car that is. I run over to cops and tell them waht happened. Then I get stuffed into the back of one of there cars, and I'm stuck there for 2 hours while they crash the party. Finally I get brought to the hopsital where my parent were already waiting. The looks on there faces crushes me.  The doctor does a rape kit, and then say I need to go home and rest.


I fall out of my bed, with a thud. I stay on the floor trying to comprehend what I just witnessed. That was that night. I was at the party with Caleb and Casey. The seven minutes in heaven was new, and so was the hospital visit. Those are memories. That is what happened that night. I sit up, rubbing my eyes. What brought all the other memories back I wonder. I guess I did just see Caleb and Casey today at school yesterday. I shake my head, unsure if that was a nightmare or not.  Of course it was a bad dream, but that wasn't as bad as it normally is.  What he siadi rings in my ears like usual. "You're my favorites... Blaire.". I shake it all off, able to push it away. I get in the shower again, to start my day. Slipping into a different outfit I was given, I braid my hair back, and go to breakfast. 


Sitting at the table with the girls for breakfast all dressed in normal clothes draw attention of course but they dont ask. I'm not aloud to share what my missions are with them anyways, so that's more then likely why they didn't ask. Luke comes and taps me on shoulder a little bit later, and I know it's time to go. I wave to them, and follow Luke out.


"How'd you sleep?" he asks.


"I had a weird dream..." I admit scratching my eyebrow, he looks over at me. "Okay so it was about that night." I begin, and he listens intently. I never talk about it with him. He knows I don't like talking about it, so when I do talk about it he listens carefully. "I was at a party.. which I already knew... but Casey and Caleb were there. I went there with them." I say. "It was just like the whole memory being replayed." I shake my head.


"Hmmm..." He sighs, thinking about it. "Seeing them probably triggered it. Was there anything else weird?" he asks.


"Well... it even went on and continued up until when the doctor told me to go home and rest." I shrugged, "My parents faces were davasted they were so disapointed." I whisper. "If that wouldn't have happened... maybe they would have kept me." I think out loud.


"Why would you want even think that?" Luke questions me. "They sold you Blaire. If you could go back and not not go the party or what ever, would you still really want to live there with them, knowing that they would sell you."


"No I wouldn't." I look at the ground. That's a great point. We load into the vehicle, and the rest of the  ride is quite. Both of us deep in thought. Once we pull up the school, Luke gets out with me. "What are you doing? You going to school too?" I try a joke. We left things serious.


"No I wanted some privacy." He looks at the front seat driver, oh so this is serious too. "Friday after the game I'm going to let you go to that party."


"I don't wa-" I begin confused, but he interupts.


"Go to there house. Get information. Figure this out for the both of us, and then you can come back home." He says, and then with that he gets back into the vehicle.  I watch as they drive away. Okay then.


"So you guys have a driver?" Caleb asks, walking up to me. I just nod with a shrug. How else would I explain that? "That's cool... so you must have money then.." He says glancing up at the school, then back to me. We walk inside, and I explain that my foster family did have money. "Anyways... so I think you already know but, my sister and I are throwing a party at our place Friday." he begins slowly. "And I know that the last party you went to with us things didn't go good." He sighs, and him bringing that night up makes me think about my dream.


"Does Mason still go to school here?" I ask, and he pauses. I look up at him in curiosity.


"You remembered him.. but not Casey or me?" He asks, confused and hurt.


"Memories are... slowly coming back to me." I sigh. "Now what about this party?" I ask. Now he smiles, and steps in front of me. What on earth is he doing? I look around, and other students aren't paying any attention. I look up at him and his smile is confident and knowing.


"Will you go to the party with me?" He asks.


"It's at your place isn't it?" I ask and he nods, "So... you'll already be there once I get there... I wouldn't be going with you." His face falters at my smart ass reply. "And... I think I'll have to talk to Casey before I can answer you. I don't want to start things off between us weird."


"Makes sense, just let me know?" I nod, and he winks and walks towards the crowd of kids. I avoid it and find my way to my locker. I go to my first period class, Anatomy and hang out talking with Mr. Witeman. He is actually a very interesting person to talk to, very open minded and kind. He asks, about my family, and I tell him the whole fake foster family thing, and by the look on his face he hasn't ever heard anything like it. But the look on his face doesn't have pity. It's more of a proudness. He is proud that I'm still alive and trying even though I've been through so much.


Once the first bell rings and class starts,  I lay my head down on the desk, after I finish my page in the packet. Landon and John copy of of mine again, and they talk to me about going to the party as well. They want me to go with them too.


"I've already been asked." I say after they finish.


"Damn Rike, he is a fast fucker."  Landon sighs, leaning back. I watch as him and John as they look at each other with smirks.


"How'd you know it was Caleb?" I ask, looking at them both.


"He's had a crush on you since we were in like fifth grade." They laugh as if it's commonsense.


"I left for like 4 years though." I inform them, and they just role their eyes.


"Well now your back and smokin hot." John sighs, and I look down at my paper unsure what to say to that. "Did you say yes?"


"No. I don't plan on saying it either." I tell them. They both turn and look at me, as if I just said the unthinkable. "What? I just don't want it to cause trouble anywhere or with any one." I lean back, and we get shushed by Mr. Witeman.


"What about us?" Landon asks.


"I'll go wtih you." I shrug. They give each other loud high fives, and Mr. Witeman looks at us again.  I apologize and we all quiet down talking about random stuff up to the bell. Then I'm on my way to Food and Culture, and I'm happy to find out she isn't here today so we just have a study hall. I ask to go to the library, and when I go in there I'm meet with Landon and John again. They're whole group of friends seems to be here, and I introduce myself, and we mess around for the whole period.


We all turn our heads and look to see who came into the library, when we hear the door close. It's Casey. She looks at all of them, but stops at me. I wave, feeling weird with her staring at me.


"What's going on?" She asks, walking slowly over to where we are.


"Just chillin waiting for thrid period." Landon is the first person to speak.


"I see... umm Blaire could I have a word." She asks, practically ignoring Landon. I nod once getting up, I tell them I'll be right back. I follow her out of the library and she looks around to seeif other people are coming, once she knows we're alone she looks at me sternly. "What are you doing with those idiots!?"


"They aren't idiots.. they're actually kind of smart." I start, and from the look on her face I can  tell that was the wrong answer. "And they are a lot more fun then sitting in Food and Culture doing nothing."


"Blaire.. I'm just saying becareful around them. They aren't good people to get messed up with you." She says, slowly as if I wouldn't understand her at all if she spoke at a normal pace. The way she tries the control me and tell me the way I should act! I don't like it. What crawled up her ass and made her Queen Bee?


"Casey.. can we get something straight?" I ask, ready to set her in her place. Her place... the party. I need to stay on her good side. I let out a breath, and she asks me what I was gonna say. "I just want you to know that I wont fall into some pit of drugs." I smile cheerily, and so does she.


"Good!" she says, "Oh, I heard Caleb talking to some of his friends ealier... he said that you were going to hang out with him at the party?" she knudges me, and I shake my head. "What? Why?"


"He did ask me.. but I told him probably not. I don't want things to be awkward between me and you." I make up. Of course that's the reason I"m going to tell everyone here. I can't just openly say hey, I'm here to spy on your borther, so I don't want any relationships. She thinks about what I said for a moment, and I can't tell if she is mad or just thinking about it.


"Well... I think you should just go for it... I mean nothing stopped the two of you before right?" She giggles, punching my shoulder in a friendly manner, and then she prances off. I watch after her wondering what she means by nothing stopped us before. I don't remember the two of us doing anything! Did we do something? Who can I ask to find out for sure? I turn back into the library, and they all ask me what she wanted.


"Were Caleb and I like a thing before I left?" I sit down, and they all look between each other. As if I must be crazy. I don't like it. "Just answer the damn question.. I don't remember that's why I'm asking."  Landon snickers, and John leans forward clearing his throat. I get told a bunch of little facts about my past that I totally forgot about, and I wonder how I don't remember some of the things they tell me.  "We really got caught making out during a movie? While at school?" I cover my face with my hands.


"It wasn't really making out.. it was more of a passionate kiss." Landon informs me, and I rub my eyes. How does this kind of stuff just disapear from a persons mind? Acording to what they told me Caleb and I were an unofficial couple. Always together, whispering and flirting and smiling. Sneaking around behind Casey's back but she eventually caught on. She was alright with it though, she wanted us to actually get together and be a couple. But we never did just in case it didn't work, then we wouldn't feel to awkward around each other afterwards.  It's weird  because John was even able to tell me about the night of the party. Casey was apparently telling everyone what happened that night. Before the three of us left, Casey caught Caleb and I in his room on his bed. He had his shirt off, and he had his hands up my shirt.  Then I disapeared from the party and was never seen or heard from again until now.


"Well.. I guess I didn't think any of it was to spectacular.. I don't remember any of it." I sit back, seriously not comprehending how I don't remember a boy touching me like that.  In fact the only time I ever remember anybody touching my in any sexual way is at that party.  Crash hasn't even touched me like that, he wants to and has asked to, but he hasn't actually done it.


The bell goes off, and I say later to them all. I head to my next class, French, and I take my seat earning a glare from the overly friendly Lebough. The class flies, after she finishes teaching us the lesson for the day , and then she hands out the homework, giving me three pages next to everyone elses one. I still finish it within the class period, and I lay my head down on the desk and day dreaming about forbidden things... AKA Luke. I'm the first one out of the room when the bell rings, and the rest of my day flies up until P.E. I change running into the gym, and I spot Mr. Riker standing under the basketball hoop like yesterday. I make my way over to him, I still haven't decided how to go about this. I've been taught how to act, and manipulate people.. get them to talk... but how do I go about doing it to him?


"Hey I have a question." I sigh, figuring out something to at least start a conversation. He looks down at me with a sharp smile, and makes a check on the clip board he is holding. "Okay.. so I've heard a bunch of different things and I'm guessing you can set me straight." I begin and he crosses his arms intrigued. He steps closer to me. In that one step I realize what kind of person he might be. He is close. Very close. It doesn't phase me really knowing that if he tried anything I'd just kick his ass, so I continue on. "Were Caleb and I an official couple or were we just benefit types buddies?"  His smile turns into a huge grin, and he even chuckles slightly.


"You two were a bit of both to be honest. You were always teasing and touching each other, but you never actually said anything about it. You never said like all the I like you type things. Never went on actually dates or anything, but I for a fact know that you did had done some things."  He  says, a smile on his face the entire time. "Why you wondering? Yesterday it seemed like you could've cared less."


"Like I said.. because people have told me a bunch of different things... I was wondering. I don't rememerb any of it." I shrug, leaning over and touching my toes. Bait. If he glances at my but, I'll get an idea about who he is. He doesn't. I stand up after a minute, thank him, and walk away and stretch. What did you do Cody Riker, to get the government on your trail?

Chapter 5

Blaire's POV


 I'm sitting in math now, and I'm still off. Honestly, I'm not comprehending any of whats going on. In both the math class, and my mission! Why am I here, he is jst a normal guy and if he needed protection wouldn't he know that was I was I here? I shake my head shaking away the thoughts, and I focus again on my math book trying to work out the problem he told us too. Math is a dumb thing. I have a full career... acept I'm not getting paid whihc I'm okay with, and I've never used math. Actually that's probably a lie. I do probability problems in my head often, and I think about how much objects and people weigh, to see if I have a chance.


Focus here Blaire!


Back to my math book again, I finally give up and raise my hand to ask for help. He comes over, laying on on the right side of the desk, and leans in close to hear what I have to ask. It distracts me a for a minute, how he gets so close, but all the teachers do this when a student raises there hand.


"I ah.. I still don't get how to do this." I sigh, I'm not one to ask for help very often, and so far this is my second time asking him for it in one day. I asking him about Caleb and I in P.E, and now.  He crouches down bending his knees to become eye level with me. I look to left which is the side he is on, and he right hand that was resting my desk, moves and lands the back of my chair. He goes through three problem with me, and I finally start catching on to how to do what ever this even in. "Thank you... I didn't mean to take away your free time." I apologize.


"It's my job. No worries." He stands up, and his hands moves to my shoulder. It's would be weird, if I hadn't been trying to figure him out. But I just know that he is this friendly, and he knows me. I was his sister best friend. "Anytime you need help don't be shy, okay?"


"If you say so." I smile, " I hope you know what your in for now." I smirk, and he chuckles walking back towards his desk.  The smile never fades away, his chucke was contagious. I leave his room after the bell rings, and English goes by quickly. Time to go back home. Maybe Luke is in the car?! I hurry to my locker, and throw my things in not remembering or caring if I have homework. I don't plan on ever doing it.  Although I do need to keep my grades up so they don't kick me out. I pull out my back tossing in my math book, and anatomy packet. I'll just do the rest of it tonight. I shut my locker, and turn and almost face plant into Caleb.


"So... you're going to the party with Landon and John." He says, looking me in the eyes, meaning hes has to look down. Oh, dear lord. Of course they told him I said yes to them, those numb skulls.


"I just really don't want things to be weird between Casey and I." I sigh, turning to the right following the flow of students who are trying to leave the school. He follows behind me waiting until we're out of the crowd. I can tell he has something to say. "Caleb I'm sorry okay... I know that we used to have... something... but its been years.." I add once we are outside.


"I haven't forgotten any of it. I haven't forgotten you." He gets in front of me, stopping my path to the vehicle. " I haven't forgotten what we did that night before the party... where it would've gone if Casey hadn't came in." He steps so that he has to whisper the last sentence in my ear.


"I have." I whisper back. "I have to go."


"I'm not gonna give up quit so easily, I hope you know that." He follows me again. "Besides Casey told me she wants us together, and she also told me she told you that. So, what else aren't you telling me?"


"Nothing Caleb."  I sigh, spotting the SUV. He steps in front of me again, and I stop, looking up at him. I hate being short. 


"Don't tell me you're here from Cody." he whispers, jokingly of course. It gives a laugh out of me still, and he smirks like he knows something.  "I love your laugh." He sighs, "Just know that if they start to bother you, just come and find me okay?" he says.


"What ever." I smile giving up. He grins, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "You know your car is over there. I point, towards the direction of his black ford f-150.


"Later." He smirks, and his arms drops of my shoulder, and he turns in the direction is his car. I shake my head watching after him. I can't help but smile. I have to give him credit for being persistent. At least he knows what he wants. Although if he knew the truth he wouldn't want to talk to me ever again. I hope into the car, and get bombarded with questions.


"Was that the younger brother?" Luke asks, but today he is up in the passenger seat.


"Yes. That was Caleb Riker." I reply.


"What were you two talking about?" He asks finally actually looking back at me. I hold his eyes, and tell him everything that we talked about. Him asking me to the party, me telling him no. Him talking about our past togehter, and all the works. "I see..." He turns forward again, and I'm slightly confused. Why is he being so weird? I don't even know how to explain they way he is acting. The rest of the ride home is quite, and once we're back at the facility, Luke tells me to remember to do my training. I nod, upset be how cold and distant he is. I go to my room changing right away, and I go to the training center. I go through the fake fight simulator a couple of times, and work on multiple things while there. I leave the simulator, and Crash is standing there watching.


I walk past him, unsure what he is doing and what he wants. He doesn't say anything, and neither do I. I go over to the bows and pick out one to practice aim with. I grab a couple arrows, and swing them both over my shoulder. Where do I want to go? I could climb up the posts set, and shoot from the beams up across the cieling. That seems to easy almost at the moment.


"How is the mission going?" Crash asks, behind me. I just shrug. I honestly don't know how it's going, and he techinically isn't supposed to ask. He can ask Luke, or Mr. Wahls since he is a manager he can know this information. But I'm not supposed to tell him. "You're driving Luke nuts you know. Being at a high school with boy your age. It has me a little interested too."


"You don't know what you're talking about." I scoff, just climbing up the post anyways. I want to keep as far away from him as I can at the moment, that way he can't read my facial expression.


"I'm serious." he replies, I glance in his direction, and he is leaning now against the rack of bows watching me intetnly. "But at this momment that's not important. There is actually something I need to talk to you about." I relax my arm, uncocking the arrow.  He needs to talk to me about something?


"Yes?" I ask. He clears his throat, looking at the ground a minute. "Are you being serious or trying to distract me from my training?" I sigh.


"I need you to agree to a leave." he says, and my mouth drops open. "Only a temporary one, of course. I've been given a mission, to hand out and none of my marks can handle it."


"That's the point though.. is for your marks to take it. Mr. Wahls gave it to you, for a reason." I say, drawing the bow again. I shot the first arrow and it strikes the dummy in the liver area.


"Yes... he gave it to me, but he also put this inside it." He hols up a yellow slip. Yellow slips, are leave papers. Leave papers are a form Marks have to fill out to agree to work with another Manager or to even switch managers. I signed one when Luke became my manager. I didn't have a choice on that though, I had to sign it. But now I happy I did of course.  "It's all filled out with your information, it just needs your signature. He wants me and you do it."


I climb down, and take the form from his hand. Looking closely. I hand it back after a minute, and I make my way down to Mr. Wahls' office. I knock and he tells me to enter.


"Ah, Blaire, I'e been wanting to talk to you." He says clicking on his computer mouse a couple more times, and then he leans back folding his hands together in his lap. "How is your mission? Got any information?"


"Ah.. not really. That's partly why I'm here. Why did you send me to watch him? He seems like a normal guy." I stay standing like I'm supposed to. He sits, up with a chuckle laugh, that tells me I'm wrong. He isn't a normal guy. "I'm I protecting him? Like government protection?" I sigh, sick of all his secrets and games. There isn't anything I can do about it though.


"What ever. I'll figure it out soon. I'm going to his house, to do some research." I inform him, happy I might know something he doesn't. His face tells me I'm correct. "It appears his younge siblings are throwing a party at the house he lives at on Friday. Mr. Smith is sending me in to find out information."


"I see, that's very smart of him." He says, trying to play it off. Now I just hope I didn't get Luke in trouble. "Was there anything else you needed?" He asks now, seeming distracted.


"Yes, actually Sir. The yellow slip you gave to Crash?" I question, and he sits up serious now.


"Oh yes! I did give him that yellow slip. Do you have signed and ready to turn in?" I shake my head.


"If you want me doing int why didn't you give it to Mr. Smith?" I ask, knowing I'm pushing buttons.


"Mr. Smith turned it down." He begins. "I originally did give it to him, so you would be the one taking it. He said that you needed to focus on the mission you have. I gave it to Crash, and the yellow slip, instead of forcing Luke to take it. The yellow slip is still of course only an option for you."


"Mr. Smith doesn't think I can handle both missions..?" I sigh almost leaning back against the wall. He must have very little faith in me. "I'll sign it. But only for this one mission."


"That is how I filled it out." He smiles. "Thank you Blaire, this mission is rather important." I nod, and say goodbye. Then I head out to find Crash. He isn't in the training center and he isn't in his room. I guess it is dinner time, I'm guessing I'll find him there. I enter the room, my eye searching for his huge figure throughout the room. I find Luke first, and he finds me as well. My face falls, and I can feel the anger showing. I don't understand how he doesn't trust me! He knows me, and he knows I'm good. I can do it! I'm going to do it. I look away, from his now confused face, and I continue searching for Crash.


"Lookin for me?" He asks, behind me.


"Yes, actually. Where is the leave form at?" I hold out my hand.


"Seriously? You're gonnna sign it?" His excitement seeps through a crack. I just nod to him, and he pulled out the the folded yellow slip handing it over. I sit the  table reading throuigh it making sure this isn't some trick, and it only says that I'lll be completely on mission with Crash. I nod, asking him for a pen now too. I'm going to prove to Luke that I can take on both. I need to do this. He needs to know I'm strong, and will fight. Crash hands over a pen, and stands next to me waiting patiently. I sign my name on the bottom right, below his signature. I let out a breath, I did it. No going back now. I hand over the paper and pen.  "You're doing the right thing you know." Crash whispers, as I stand. I just nod. "I'm going to give this to Mr. Wahls." Then with that he leaves the room.


I go through the line, and sit down next to Tessa and Luke, they're the only ones still in here from our little group.  Tessa looks up at me from her plate, and her expression is worried.  she gets up a minute later taking her tray. Leaving Luke and I.  He hasn't said anything. He hasn't even looked my way. He is mad. He saw what I did.


"Maybe if you trusted me I would trust me and skills, I wouldn't have to prove to you I can do this." I say not very hungry anymore. I get up as well taking my tray, I toss the food in the garbage and lay the tray on top like you're supposed to. I leave the cafeteria. I go to my room and start pacing thinking about my rash decision. Did I really think this through? I'm going to be alone with Crash again. I remember what happened during my last mission with him. We both almost died, because of him. He became intoxicated. End of story. I saved us both barely. Mr. Wahls was upset Crash risked the mission and both of our lives. So, he switched me to Luke. It's been two years since that happened. Crash has gotten smarter. He knows better. Besides what ever this mission is it's important he wont risk it.


I glance at the clock, wondering how I paced around my room for over an hour thinking about this. I sigh, grabbing my book bag. Might as well do my homework. I begin Math first, and I finish up the last four problems, and then I pull out the anatomy packet. I don't rush through it knowing it's not due, but I might as well get it done.


"You know you don't need to prove anything to me." Luke's voice behind me sends shivers up my spine. "I trust you with my life."  Luke's in my room. This doesn't happen often. I'm happy my room is clean!


"Why did you turn it down?" I don't turn to look at him, I keep my eyes down on the homework. I hope he isn't to mad at me. But yet, I'm mad at him. I hear him let out a long breath, and then I hear the creak of my bed. He sat down. I stay at my desk, and still don't look. I bite my lip, trying to stay focused.


"You're going to stay at a hotel. A group of men that are staying there at the moment are threats to some big government person." He begins.


"It's a protection mission." I scratch my eyebrow. Why does that matter?


"No. In fact you're assinating them." He says. My jaw drops. He turned that down? He knows that quick in and outs are my specialty. Now I stand up and face him. What was he thinking?! "Let me explain, please." He says, and I cross my arsm waiting. "Mr. Wahls was going to send You, me, and Crash. I told him that Crash going along was a bad idea. I told him I'd take it if Crash wasn't going along." He stops, looking away. "I was trying to keep you away from him. I know you don't like him.. or at least I thought you didn't."


" I don't like him." I sit next to him on the bed. "But I need these mission, Mr. Smith."


"Luke... I've told you this call me Luke when it's just you and I." He sighs.


"Sorry..." I say unsure what to say. "But It's true. You need to give me these. I'm here, and I'm good, use me." I say. "Don't take that the wrong way." I say realizing that sounds kind of weird. I glance up at him, and he is looking over at me. "You know I'm right though."


"Yeah," he leans forward hunching his shoulders. "You are right. I just don't want you to get overwelmed or over worked."  I laugh at his comment. Me get overworked? Haha! That would take a lot. "I'm serious Blaire. You're not indestructable. If you died.. I'd.. If I lost you..." He whispers so quietly I barely hear him. My heart rate speeds up, and I my cheeks heat up. What does he mean by that?! 


"I'm not going anywhere." I say, and he looks up at me. Our eyes are locked, and I'm partly sure I'm drooling over the moment. His slips slowly part like he is going to say something but he doesn't. He changes his mind, and doesn't say anything. He blinks once, and his eyes flick down but come back up to my eyes. Instictively my body leans forward with out me noticing until I notice he is doing the same thing. OH MY GOD!


Then just like that it's over. He is up and off my bed in seconds flat. Apologizing and saying he will see me tomorrow. Then he is gone.  I'm left breathless in my room, completely confused and now exploding with embarrassment. What was I doing? What was I thinking!? I get up off my bed, and turn on my shower. Striping off my clothes I get in, and let the warm water cascade around my body.


We almost crossed a line. I almost did.


How can I ever face him again?

Chapter 6

Blaire's POV


"Blaire we gotta go." I feel a hand touch my shoulder. I sit up reaching and gripping onto the wrist. "Hey jesus it's Crash!"


"I know." I grumble, which I did know. " I just don't want to get up."I sigh pulling my blanket away. "Give my two minutes." I push him out of my room. I rub my eyes, and then get ready. Running a brush through my hair, and brading it back, and then changing into black leather leggings, and the black pullover that goes with it. I open the door, and I follow Crash out. It's three in the morning right now so almost everyone is still sleeping. We get  to use the same SUV that takes me to school, and my heart rate speeds, at the thought of Luke being awak to say goodbye.


He isn't. Which I'm thankful for. What would I say? What ever happened yesterday was horrible and it can't and wont happen again. Crash opens the door for me, and I sigh looking around one more time for Luke.  Nope. I shake it off, and slide into the back seat. Crash gets in next, and then the vehicle is started and pulling away. Crash breifs me on the exact mission, and hands over photos of the 5 men that we will be.. taking care off. Once the car comes to a stop I realize we're not at a hotel but an airport. I love flying!


"Come on." Crash opens the door, and I follow behind him. The facility has it's own private airport. We can fly anywhere at any time. All of the pilots we have stay at the airport! So when needed you just go get one. Of course the plane we will be taking is already up and running ready for take off.  The two of us take our seats, and buckle up, and no time is wasted we're taking off! I stare at the window, loving the feeling and watching everything on the ground become smaller and smaller. "I never understood your fascination with flying." Crash sighs turning down the T.V show he is watching.


" I don't know either..." I sigh, laying my head against the window. "Are we jumping?" I ask, sitting up. That's something I'm not good at. In fact I can't do it. I have to be connected to another person. He gets up and goes over the isle towards the pilot. He comes back a minute later with a sour expression. "We are!?" I panic. I sit back, not wanting to be here anymore.


"Are you afraid of heights?" He asks.


"Not heights... just falling in general." I say. I turn and look at him, it's his fault too! "I have been since our last mission together."


"Oh." is all he says, and that's the end of the conversation. Normally I get tied to Luke, and I squeeze him so tightly, that I'm sure he looses circulation!  Now I'm going to be doing that to Crash. I don't know what sounds worse. After an hour the pilots voice rings back over the speakers telling to get ready. I take a deep breath following him to the back. We suit up, and the Light flashes green telling us to go. "Come here!" He yells over the noise, of the door opening. I don't argue. He pulls the velcro straps, and uses the metal hooks and connects us together.


" I have to face this way." I whisper turning and facing his chest. "It helps."  I wrap my arms around him, taking deep breaths. "Don't count! Just do it!" I yell. He wraps his left arm around my waist, and even though it's him it's comforting. Then We're falling. My gut drops, and my breathing increases. I don't scream at all, but I squeeze the life out of him. I feel the jolt of the parachute but I leave my eyes closed, and wait patiently to feel the ground on my feet. It's still pitch black out, and to early to see us at all. I feel the ground beneath my feet, and I calm down and let go of him. First he unclips the parachut, and then he starts unconnecting us. I step away, thanking him quietly. I take off the gear, putting in a pile with his. Then I follow insuit behind me towards the hotel.


"... so you ready? It's been a while me and you!" he says, as we prepare ourselves outside. I nod stretching my arms. The plan is for the men to hopefully be sleeping so we can go in and slit their throat and leave. Of course plans rarely go as they are supposed to, so we neeed to be ready for anything.


"You know if these guys are somewhat important wouldn't they have body guards?" I question, as we walk inside. The desk attendant asks us what we're doing and if we need a room. We inform her that we are just here to pick up some friends. "Crash... what if?!" I say again. He pauses glancing back at me a moment.


"You and I are here. We can handle it!"  he smirks. "Now, do you want to press the button?" he asks, gesturing to the up and and down elevator button. I sigh, stepping forward thumbing the up button. Once we're on the floor we need to be on, we split up both of us going to around so that way if anyone leaves the room they will run into one of us. We wait about ten minutes hoping they will just come out on there own. They don't. "Alright, I'll go first. Stay out here, and be ready." He comunicates through our walkee talkees. I nod, and he makes his move towards there room.I scouch in closer as well that way I can catch up if they take off in the oposite direction. It's quiet for a minute then there is a loud thud like someone being thrown into a wall. Then there is more comotion, a yell and the door flies off it's hingers over the edge and I take a deep breath.


Two older men both come out and take off in the other direction. I role my eyes but take off in a sprint after them. I jump onto the closest one, and pulling back on his neck he falls backwards and almost lands on me but I get out the way I pull  my knife that is tucked away in my boot and then I clamber up and slit his throat easy as that. I'm not happy about it though because he was struggling under me, and blood squirted. It's all over me now. Including my face. I can't stay and clean up though, I have another one to go after. I chase after him, but don't make it to the elevator in time. I set off the fire exit alarms when I bust through the stair case next to the elevator. I run up the stairs taking them three at a time. I check each floor making sure that he didn't trick me. He leads me all the way to the top where I get there the same time he does, and we see the helicopter at the same time. He runs at it really thinking he can beat me. I go to, sliding in front of him he trips right over me. He face plants, and blood imediately drips from his nose. I reach over grabing his ankle, and then using my other hand as well pull it out and twist it to the right. I hear the snap over his scream, I let go, looking into the helicopter. The pilot is staring wide eyes, and holding a camera.


I jump in but I don't get directly to the pilot he had buddies in with him! I connect my fist into one of there faces, and he falls back not expecting that much force. The other grabs my knee and pulls it up tripping for a moment, until I use it to my advantage. I send my leg up doing a weird one lef stand split, and I crack him in the face as well. The other guy I had punched is back up, but now aiming a gun at me. I laugh he must be dumb! Pulling out a gun in a helicopter is the dumbest thing! I duck and slide between his legs, and I take an oh shit moment seeing as I'm now in front of the pilot who stood up and must be recording all of this! I feel hands in my hiar pulling, and I it catches me by surprised and I let out a small yell. I kick my legs up and over and I land on the guys back. Taking my right elbow, I bash it into his neck and he falls letting go of my hair. I push my leg out from under him, and I fall out of the copter in a moment of confusion. I lay for a minute making sure my body isn't hurting anywhere. Just then the door pounds open, and Another guy comes running. Crash is behind him. I stand up, ready to stop him.


There is a gun fire, and I feel a slight pain in my shoulder. I duck out of the way pulling my arm into my body. I was shot!? The pilot! I turn wanting revenge, and I see the helicopter already taking off. I sprint towards the edge of the building ready to jump.


"Blaire stop!" Crash yells, I don't. I keep going.  Then I get yanked back, and lift off the ground. An arm holding me, and stopping me from going anywhere.


"Let me go! We didn't complete the mission!" I yell fighting against Crash, but his grip is iron. "Crash!" I yell, lashing out. What is he doing? They're to far away now, there is no way for us to reach them!


"You've been hurt, we need to get you back." He says, "Besides we did finish, that last guy wasn't mentioned in the file at all. We  got them all Blaire!" He says. I stop kicking a minute, and I glance at my shoulder.


"It just grazed me. I'll be okay, it's happened before." I say, it hurts like hell but this is the third time it's happened to me. I know how to not cry under painful and intense situations. "Put me down!" I say stirnly, and he does as told. He calls in saying we're ready, and that the clean up crew needs to get here fast. Now it's the fun part. The clean up crew will come in, and take care of bodies, and blood. Then a big lie will get told about what happened here, and no one will ever have known Crash and I were here. The video tapes will be taken and burned, for no evidence.


Crash and I get taken aside from everything and get checked out. They begin cleaning my shoulder up and covering my wound. Once they're done, we get taken away from the scene right away flying back to the facility. We get there, and we both get told to take it easy the rest of the day. I go back to my room, taking off my blood stained clothes, and throwing them into the bio-hazard laundry basket. I look at my reflection not happy that no one ever thought to wipe the blood off my face. I guess I'll do it myself. I actually just need to shower, but I was told not to today because of my shoulder. I look through my clothes changing into clean spandex and sports bra and adding new deoderant. I go to the bathroom, sighing at my blood tinted skin.


"Blaire?" I here Luke's voice yells but not a loud yellm into my room. I peek out from my bathroom, and his face is filled with panic, and we speeds over to where I am. He pulls me into him holding me tightly. "Oh god you're alright! Lauraine said you were hurt badly, god she is always exagerating!"  I don't say anything. I just stay still, not knowing really what to do. Yesterday we left things very awkwardly, now here he is hugging my while I'm in my underwhere. Although he has seen me in this before, in fact this is what Crash used to make me wear will I was training. It made my skin tougher, he tells me. He pulls me away holding me at arms length, checking me over again.


"I'm alright." I finally gain my voice, "Just a little scrape." I pull in my shoulder, and he noticing the patch that is covering my bullet wound.


"What happened?!" He demands, and step away and back in front of my mirror in the bathroom. "What happened Blaire?" he asks agains leaning in the door frame. I wet a wash cloth, and begin explaining what happened on the mission. "You were going to do what?!" He asks once I finish, saying Crash stopped me from jumping.


"The helicopter got away! What else was I supposed to do?" I finally finish cleaning my face.


"You were going to leap off a building and into a helicopter?" He shakes his head looking at me closely.


"Yeah... he had the recor- Oh my god! Luke! He recorded it! The pilot! He has me on tape! That's why I was going to go after him!" I push past him.  I rummage through ym drawers throwing on clothes. I need to tell Mr. Wahls at once!


"Calm down. Are you positive?" He grabs my shoulers. I do as he says thinking about it. Yes. I know for sure. I nod, and he tells me to put clothes on. I laugh slightly once he closes the door to my room for me to get dressed. We hurry through the halls together, to Mr. Wahls office. Luke doesn't knock, but apologizes as he opens the door. We're meet with Crash and Mr. Wahls.


"Thank you, Luke. I needed to speak with Blaire as well. You may be excused." Mr. Wahls says, and Luke looks from Crash to me, I just nod hoping he gets what I'm saying. Then he leaves, and I stand behind Crash's chair. "Now Crash.. you may continue.."


I stand silently, listening to what Crash is saying happened. It's all accurate. At least I'm guessing it is. I didn't see much of what happened with him, but when he starts talking about the roof everything he says is spot on. Accept he doesn't mention the camera. I know I have to do that. He finishes up with telling him that after he calmed me down, he called for clean up.


"It sounds like you two did a good job." He congradulates us.


"Thank you Sir." Crash replies, looking up at me.


"The Pilot had a camera." I speak, even though I'm not supposed to. "I tried to get it from him.. but I didn't. He might have images or a video or maybe even nothing. But he got away with the camera." I look down, bracing myself for the yelling to begin. When it doesn't come, I look up and see Mr. Wahls clickong around on his computer.


"This man?" He asks turning the screen towards Crash and I. I no, that is him. How does he have that photo? "It's alright... It's not the first time he has gotten away with this. I'm not to worried to be honest."  He sighs. "How is you shoulder? Did they say how long it will take to heal?"


"Two weeks roughly." I shrug.


"Good. You may go now, get some rest you have school tomorrow." He says.


"Thank you sir." I leave the room. Luke is waiting outside, and he grabs me by the wrist and pulls me throw the halls. We aren't going back towards my room though, I have no clue where he is bring me actually.  He makes a left turn and a four way intersection, and then opens the first door on the right. The light flicks on, and I look around. It's a tech lab. I haven't been in one of these in a long time! I tested out of all the tech classes, I already know enough to not need to take the courses. I'm very happy about that because I honestly don't like computers!


"So?" he asks pulling out two chairs, and he slides one to me. I take the chair, and look around thinking about what I should say exactly. Nothing new was discussed, and Mr. Wahls wasn't mad about the camera. What else is there for him to know?


"Umm... well he isn't worried about the camera." I say, and he nods. "He just said that we handled the mission perfectly, and that I need to be ready for school tomorrow then I was dismissed."


"Well, that's awesome!" He smiles, "I called the school to, and they said that you haven't been in any trouble yet. There happy to have a new student like you." He smirks, and I just role my eyes.


"I want out of there." I lean back in my chair. "It's a bunch of drama and I really didn't realize that schools were so clicky. I've read books and stuff but I never imagined that they were really that accurate! Although I have to admit there is these two boys and there group of friens who are pretty funny." I smile thinking about the library yesterday with Landon and John.


"Well, I am happy you're having a good time.."


"I wouldn't say a good time, but I am keeping myself entertained." I interupt.


"But.. remember n-"


"Yeah, I know Luke, no relationships, and no attachments. You have no need to worry, I don't want to be with there people longer then I have too." I lean forward, looking him in the eyes. "I promise."


".... Okay." He lets out a breath leaning forward like I am. My elbows are resting my knees at the moment, but he just leans in closer. Not like kissing vicinty close like what happened before. Kissing vicinity. My eyes flash down to his lips, and my breath gets caught in my throat. "Just promise me one more thing, please. " He whispers. I nod, unable to speak. My mind is off in la la land thinking about kissing. "If you ever need out, or know you might have a problem let me know."  I nod, of course I would! Although it will be hard to do while I'm at school and he is here. "Which is why I was granted permission to give you this." He hands over cell phone. "It only has three number that it is able to call, Mr. Wahls, Miss Jennings, and me. Okay? So if you need anything use it."


I take the phone for him and stuff it into my pocket, I'm not to interested in it. I could careless honestly. I look back up, seeing Luke watching me closely, his eyes very concerning. Feeling nervous, and some what awkward I move away, standing and putting the chair back where he got it from. Finally able to speak I clear my throat.


"Well.. thank you." I say, "I'll be sure to get a hold of you." I turn towards the door. "If I need to that is!" I add, glancing back at him.  "I should be going now.... bye!" Then I leave him in the room. I can't be close to him like that. It just makes me feel terrible! Nothing even really happened, yet something had. For me at least. We almost kissed. That's a huge ass NO NO! It worries me too because he hasn't talked to me about it. Going to my room, I spend the rest of the night cleaning up the bathroom that's dirty from earlier today. My mind wanders towards topics it shouldn't. Mostly Luke. But the Riker family sneaks in as well, and I still can't tell what I think about them.

Chapter 7

Blaire's POV


"You need to come over tonight!" Casey tugs on my arm, dragging my down the hall towards the gym. This day has been flying by! I'm tired as hell from everything that happened yesterday, and my shoulder feels as if it's going to fall off! Her tugging doesn't help at all either. "Please just text your brother... I'll text your brother even... and ask!"


I role my eyes at her side note about Luke, and I let out breath wondering if I should text him or not. I did just recieve the phone last night... I pull it out of my pocket once we're in the locker room. I stuff it into my gym locker, and change deciding to wait until after P.E to get ahold of Luke. I don't know if I will get ahold of him either, that doesn't sounds smart. Although going to there house without a bunch of other people there maybe will work to an advantage. It also might not be, since it would be just me, Casey might never let me leave her sight. I go to the gym and stretch out Casey next to me standing and jabbering away about something.


"Casey come here." Mr. Riker calls from the door, and Casey walks over towards her brother. I take the quiet moment to decide. I'll send Luke a text asking if it would be a smart idea. I'll bring up both the pro's and cons of me going and me not going. That sounds fair enough. Once every one is changed and Mr. Riker comes back with Casey class begins. Today we're peppering, and just messing around. Casey groups up with me, and also another one of her friends that I'm not a fan of. They talk and talk and talk. I don't listen o any of it, and I look around wishing I was in a different group. Honestly I'd much rather be paired with one of the boys, they seem to make this actually entertaining.


"Alright I suppose you can go change, but you've still got ten minute before you need to change." Mr. Riker sighs loosing interest in walking around and watching us. Casey drops the ball right away and leads all of the girl accept me out of the gym. I sigh picking up the ball.


"Hey Kennedy wanna play? We need another member." A guy who's name I don't recall yells, and I run joining in. These guy are actually playing with the net! We mess around more then anything, but it's still productive. I have a blast and I wish that  Casey more like these guys. Caleb is out here, he is on the other team but still here. Watching him closely while neither of his other siblings are watching, I realize he isn't like Casey at all. He seems to be more laid back and calm. I jump up, blocking a hit coming from Caleb. The ball ricochets off my hands, and back to the floor. My time scored. The gym erupts into whoops and cheers ohhh's ahhh's. I smile at Caleb who is shaking his head at me in disbelief.


"Damn girl you play right?" The same guy who asked me to play drapes an arm around my shoulder.


"No." I sigh, "I'd rather do this kind of thing, messing around I mean." I inform him.


"Well, I have dibs for you always being on my team!" He says.


"Alright... I believe it's my serve." I smile taking the ball that Caleb is holding. "Thank you." I smirk at him, and he roles his eyes with a smile. We go back to the game and continue to play until Mr. Riker comes out telling us we should probably go change. I go into the locker room, and Casey hand over my phone as I walk oast her towards my locker. "What were you doing?!" I ask taking it from her. Oh god what did she do? What is all on this thing? This can not be good!


"I sent Luke a text.. I told him it was me don't worry. He said that you can come over. You're welcome."  I just nod not replying with anything. I read through there messages, and let out a breath of relief seeing that Luke was telling the truth. There is only three numbers no photos and no other information. There was nothing for her to find on here. "Who is Mr. Wahls?" she asks, as I begin changing.


"Luke's boss at his work." I reply it's not a lie.


"And Miss Jennings?"  she looks down at her nails and then back up at me.


"Are therapist actually.. from the accident." That isn't a lie techinically either. She is a therapist. A horrible one, but she does do that at the facility.


"Why do you only have those three numbers? That's kind of weird." She asks stopping me from walking out of the locker room.


"Because Luke is that strict when it comes to phones..." I make up easily. I've been trained to think fast, I'm getting better and better the longer I'm here.


"Ha, well I'm supposed to take you to my house, and then bring you to the Pizza place a couple miles away from our house. Luke's gonna meet us there. I didn't know you couldn't drive."


"I can, but we don't have two cars. Luke needs the car more then I do." I say acting a little peeved about her remark. "But okay sounds awesome! Now I gonna head to class." I add just as the bell rings. I head to math, and wait for Mr. Riker to come back to his room. As the time gets closer for the bell to ring again I realize I'm to only student in his room. Once he comes in he shrugs his shoulders not knowing where every one else it either."I acutally kinda need help on this one any ways.." I sigh pointing at the last problem in the book he assigned us. He comes over and helps me, with it and then we chat about random things, he talks about the party he knows his siblings are throwing and if I'm going or not.


After a while of talking about how I like school he asks if I like anyone, hinting at his brother and I just shrug. No, I don't like Caleb, but what ever. It's not worth trying to convince him. No one else has beleived me other then Landon and John. I end up telling Riker that I'm going to the party with Landon and John even thogh Caleb asked me, and he looks at me like I'm crazy. Maybe now he will believe me.


He drops conversation about boys, and brings up a new subject. Volleyball. I sit back in my seat not liking anything I'm hearing. Apparently he told the coach here about my skills for it, and now the coahc is interested in me. I tell him that I'm not going to play no matter what the coach says to me and he asks why. I down at my math work that's complete, and just decide to ignore him. Beisdes a minute later the phone in his room goes off and it's like a twenty minute phone call. Once he hangs up he moves forward as if he is going to say something to me, but then bell interupts him. I get up and scurry to my last class, and I slip into the desk in the back of the room like usual, and follow along as Mrs. Kay reads out of the english book.


Once the day is over Casey finds me, and drags me to her car once I'm done at my locker, she leads me to her  brand new blue convertable volgswagon beetles, and role the top down dropping her school things into the back seat. I do the same thing, and get into the passenger seat. She speeds off, and I notice the two vehicles that fallow behind us. Cody's truck, and a orange mustang that is also a brand new car. Now I know what to expect from there house. We pull up, and I still can't believe me eyes. This house is gorgeous, and I  can't help but hold my jaw up to keep my mouth closed. I have seen plenty of house while being with the agency but none like this. Also whenever I see them the aren't this fancy, and it's really dark. I go in take care of the mission and leave.


"Wow... so you're not just rich... your like millionaires.." I sigh, getting out of the car. She doesn't say anything back, she just smiles and waits for me to follow her. I follow her throught the house, and I shake my head hating the accessive deocrations and over the top bragging of there money. I don't like there house. Accept the pool! I do like that. "We can swim right?" I ask, as we enter her room. It's last place she has to show me. I'm not even surprised when I see her room is big enough to have four more bedrooms. She has a four poster king bed with pink drapes, and a grand piano, that I'm sure she can't play, then there is also the full living room with three different game systems resting on the marble coffee table under it. Three are three diffferent doors, and she points telling me that the two by the tv are closet space. Including she has a dresser and an armoire in her room. Then the other is the bathroom. She tosses a swim suit at me and tells me to go change in there.


Following her instructions I enter the bathroom, and I almost laugh seeing what it looks like. she has a claw footed tub that's big enough to fit three people, along with a huge walk in shower that has a glass door, making it not very private if someone else was in here with her. White tile floor, and pink and white striped tiled walls. I shake away me tiny but of jealousy, and slide out of my clothes. I slide the bottom on and they fit a nicely. I'm assuming that they are supposed to show a little bit of my but, and then I slip the top on and I sigh seeing my chest is a bit bigger then hers. It still fits, and I'm happy she gave me a top that has straps. I look at my reflection, my little four pack or abs. and my couple scars. I look at my shoulder, peeling away the wrap. It's all closed up now, so I'll just leave the wrap off. I leave getting a towel tossed into my face, and follow her out to the pool. I don't actually swim to start I just stick my feet in enjoying the nice calmness. Later I have to do some digging and get some information.


After about thirty minutes of us talking about school, I excuse myself to the bathroom. I run back up to her room grabbing my phone, and I walk around trying to figure out what happened to Caleb and Cody. I pass by a room that door is slightly ajar, and I hear the two of them in there playin games. I skulk up stairs slipping into Cody's room and I begin my search imediately. I open his computer first, and begin crashing it and loading it all into a flash drive, as that's doing that I dg through drawers and find nothing but clothes I open the closet and find more clothes and a filing cabinet. I break into using a metal hanger, and the first draw just has school files, along with the second and third. I get to the fourth one on the bottom, and I push it closed right away after I realize what in it.  I pull it back open not completely sure what I think I saw is actually what I saw. Sure enough it was, I cover my mouth with my hand disgusted. It's a bunch of naked porn images. Mostly crying naked girls, and a couple of them are like fake settings of a school girl and a teach.


I take my phone and take photo of and lock it back up, then I grab the flash drive that has been ready for a while now. I leave his room hoping I got everything I'd need for now. I can't get caught in here either. I toss my things  accpet my phone back into my bag and and run back down to meet Casey. She isn't alone though, Caleb and Mark are out here now.


"Where have you been?" she asks.


"I got lost actually... then I wanted to grab my phone." I hold up my cell, and she nods.


"Holy shit girl you have more abs then Caleb!" She replies, and all three of them whip the head in my direction.


"No way. I've got six." Caleb gets out standing next to me. He wasn't lying he does have a full six pack. Luke's is better. I tell myself walking away from him. "you aren't even wet!" Caleb sighs catching up behind me. then my feet are off the ground, and I'm falling. I scream, until the water hits me. Then I realize what happened. It's just Caleb... jumping into the pool carrying me. "Did I scare you?!" he laughs, as we both come up. I splash water at him playfully, and he chuckles. He little laugh makes me laugh as well, I have to admit it was cute.


We all hang out, chatting and Casey and Caleb begin sharing old memories involving me that I still don't remember. Listening to everything that we had apparently done together actually upsets me. It's like we spent all of our time together, how could I not remember them? I remember my parents. I remember that night at the party, and I remember them being there but I don't ever remember being this close to either of them. Did something happen that made me forget? I suppose I'll ask Luke.


I'm surprised about how after about an hour of being in the water Caleb and Casey get tired of swimming. I on the other hand could still be out here for another five hours. Although it's not surpirsing. The only time I get to swim is when a mission calls for it and for training.  I can hold my breath for up to five minutes sometimes a little longer. But we are advised not to. I stay in the pool floating on my back, while Caleb dangles his feet in the pool chatting, and Casey lounges on a chair catching sun rays.  Caleb drill me with questions about after I  'moved' away, and I try to stay as close to what I was told to stay as possible. It's odd lying this much, to people who I'm supposed to be friends with. Although I'm not really supposed to be there friend, not relationships or attachments.


"Hey... ah Blaire your phone is ringing... it must be on silent or something.. I'll get it." Caleb says after there is an actual minute of silence.  It takes me  a minute  before I realize he is going to answer the phone when it's either Luke or some one else he shouldn't talk too!


"I'll get it!" I swim towards where I  put my phone. I'm to late. He answers the phone. I hurry grabbing the towel Casey gave me wrapping myself up. I stand up close to him trying to hear who is speaking on the other line.


"She is right here actually.. sorry she was swimming."  He smiles down at me handing ver the phone.


"It's Blaire." I speak not sure who it is.


"We coming to get you now. I'm sending you out."  Mr. Wahls says not seeming to care that it wasn't me who answered the phone. "In fact we're about two minutes away from the Riker's house."


"Yes, Sir." I say and then he hangs up.I grab my towel, apologizing then run into the house grabbing my things. Casey is following behind me asking me why I'm in such a rush. "I'm have to go with Luke to a business thing out of town. Like a small little vacation." I lie through my teeth. She takes it though, and follows me back through her house. She opens the front door for me in fact  just as the black SUV with tinted windows pulls up.


"How many cool cars do you guys have?" She asks, her jaw dropping.


"They come with the job." I shrug, and Luke opens the back door. I walk down the side walk towards him, Casey doesn't follow now but she leaves the door open, she is watching us. "Here." I hand over my book bag. Turning to look at her I wave bye and then she  closes the door.


"Get anything?" He ask holding out my mission clothes. Leather leggings, leather boots, and my leather stretchy jakcet. I nod gesturing to my back pack. "Okay you can change in the back." He says and I take my clothing hopping into the back. I change, and slip through the blinds sitting next to Luke and buckling my seat belt. "What's with these photos?" he asks, disgust obvious on his face.


"I found a locked cabinet drawer filled with them. I thought that would be something we might want to know.... All I was able to get was that picture on my phone and a flash drive that took all the files from his computer. " I lean back roling my shoulders. That swimming really loosened up my body. I feel nice and relaxed.


"You got his whole computer?" He looks at me amazed.


"Of course... it was just a standard apple lap top... easy." I shrug. I glance at the drivers, and back at Luke. It's just us two on a mission! "How long is this going to take?" I question.


"Three days at the least." He replies, quickly. As if that's the only thing on his mind. Well it is for sure the only thing on mine! Three days! Just Luke and I? I look away not wanting him to notice my excitement and slight blush appearing on my cheeks.


"So, I'm going to miss a lot of school?" I ask after I calm down. Still looking out the window even though I can't see anything. The Windows are always covered so the Mark's hav a hard time finding places. Also so that we don't know the exact location of the facility. But a world map is drilled into our brains during you first week here, it comes in handy during missions. "That's good if I am I don't really like it, I'm happy I didn't have to go through all of that." I glance over at him.


"High school is the time of your life, Blaire. Trust me you'll regret it." He says quietly. I glance at him trying to figure out what exactly he means. I've already figured out that he was in high school before he was brought here, but he has never openly told me that he misses it or that he regrets not finishing it.


"I don't know..." I begin, " So far it seems to be just a bunch of girls and boys with the heads up their asses so far they can't even see how ridiculous it all is." 


"You know I was one of those kids." He turns now looking in my direction. I raise an eyebrow at him wondering what extent he means. "I was... popular I guess... Football was huge at my school, I was quarter back. Dated the head cheerleader, rich parents who never really paid attention to me.... the works." He looks away now embarassed.


"You dated a cheerleader!?" I gasp horrified."My respect for you has gone down a couple knotches!"


"We didn't  even like each other... we did it because it was expected of us. She actually had a thing with my 'best friend' behind my back she of course told me about it but he never did." His eyes glaze over in ruminition.


"Sounds like you had it all.... how'd you get here?" I ask, even though I'm not supposed to. In fact we aren't suppoed to talk about our pasts at all, I can't even talk about mine unless a higher up asks, higher up's  being Mr. Wahls, Ms. Jennings and and Managers.  I keep my eyes on him, watching his reaction will he be mad that I asked, well he repremand me for doing something wrong?


"I got in a lot of trouble... with the law... drugs and drinking but my parents were always able to get me ou of it. Being a police detective and a lawyer.... but I just burried myself to deep one time.." He says in a rush looking at me. I keep a blank face and leave my judgements to myself. In fact I'm not really judging him at all, with his parents careers I'm sure he had one hell of a home life. Drugs and alcohol were probably his way to get away. I smile at him after a minute. Life is hard there are hardships but you can't let them slow you down. 


Look at where we are now! We're secret opperatives working for the government. We were once screw ups but now we're a secret weapon.


"Hey... well now your here, and if you werent here you never would've had the honors of knowing moi!" I smile, and my hand reaches out to touch him. I pull back, telling myself I shouldn't go that far. He does chucke about my remark, and the rest of the ride is silent but we both are comfortable.

Chapter 8

Blaire's POV


"Are you really going to make me go back there?" I sigh sliding into the back seat of the SUV. "There is nothing on this guy... other then him having a weird pedophile thing with porn." I add once Luke is in the car next to me. We got back from our mission late last night.. Sunday night. Now It's Monday morning, and he is dragging me to school.


"Just give it another week or two okay. Mr. Wahl's has sent you here for a reason." He whispers, keeping his eyes up ahead on the driver.  He looks down at me with a glint in his eye. "Besides... I get the feeling we're gonna get a lot busier in the next couple of days." 


I want to ask why. I want to ask what he means. I don't. I get the feeling I should know what he means, but I don't....


We pull up the the school, and I go in taking my slip for missing three days of school. Then I walk around getting my late homework. I stop in Mrs. Lebough's room last. I go in asking for all the work I missed.


"Vous avez manqué un test ma chére." She smirks, exactly the way a teacher shouldn't. Does she think I'm gonna fail her class because I missed three days? This woman is nuts! I missed a test...  I don't think she realizes I speak French... along with 9 other languages fluently.


"Je peux le faire dés maintenant. Je parle couramment le françias so vous aviez pas remarqué." I tort back not in the mood for any of her attitude. She is the one person in the dumb hell hole of a school I wish I could hit. She flexes her jaw letting out a breath of anger. She looks through the stacks of papers, and hands a packet to me with a smirk. I sit down zooming through the test faster then I even thought I would. I hand it back to her with a fake dimple, and she thanks me while roling her eyes. I leave her room, just as the bell rings still, and I hurry through the halls that are crowded with other students.

I close the door behind me when I enter Mr. Witeman's room just as the bell rings. He looks over at me with a happy smile. He is by far my favorite teacher. I take my seat and he hands my the new packet they started working on last week on friday. Poor Landon and John actually had to do some work on Friday, I'm pretty proud at how much they achieved with my being absent. I sit down, and work through the acket with them and  I realize this is all for review. There must be a test coming up. At least I know I will ace the tests in most of my classes!


Trying to not laugh at Landon in John the last couple minute in class I relax loving this break. I have to admit this isn't my favorites mission... actually it is probably my least favorite... but with these two idiots it's not that hard to call this a vacation! Right now we're playing hang man, and they keep coming up with nicknames for different teachers. Mr. Witeman doesn't seem to care either, he seems to be distracted and part of me wonders what about. It's none of my business. I shouldn't care. No attachments and no relatinships. From now on this is just a vacation until the mission becomes an actual mission. Speaking of this being a mission. I need to work on it. The longer I'm here the more suceptable I'll be to forming relationships. I clear my throat, looking at the clock. I need to get out of here. Standing up I ask to go see Mr. Riker. Walking to his classroom, I peak in. No class. No sign of Cody. I open the door slipping inside. His laptop is sitting turned on and files open. He is here. Where? I check around the room, gong towards the closet. I peak back towards the door, and behind me there is a thud sound, and I hear a guy.. but not him.. swear. Who is in the closet? Making my way closer I listen in. There isn't anyone speaking anymore. Pants are being zipped, and then there is a slight shuffle. Who ever it is is coming out! I make a run for it and shove myself behind his desk praying it's not him.


I hope it wasn't him. I heard that zipper. I know what was going on in that room. When the door opens, I hear more then just one persons footsteps. They don't say anything, but stop at the other door. I move back so they can't see me, but first I look to see who it is.


Oh! Well, I guess that my first impression on her wasn't right. That isn't even Mark, who is supposedly her boyfriend. I don't know him... but he is familiar. He was one of Mark and Caleb's friends.


"I'll gt a hold of you later." He says before he opens the door.


"Fine... but not right after school I'll be with Mark." She says, he nods. I shake my head they must have some kind of understanding about their relationship, and her and Marks. I bite my tungue holding in my anger with her. I want to jump out and slap some common sense into her. Why be in a relatiosnhip and cheat? If you don't like the relationship anymore break it off, don't cheat and lie about it. Once the door closes I get up wiping of my pants, I look around trying to see if there is anything semi helping in this room. Probably not though. If he has some terrible secret a  school is probably the last place it would be. To many kids and other people around.


"Whatcha doing back there?" Cody walks in holding a cup of coffee to his lips, and a handful of papers in the other.  He doesn't ask in an angry way, and he doesn't have any angry features. I move out from behind his desk, thinking fast.


"I was looking for that worksheet you gave me yesterday... I lost mine and I didn't want you to know.." It comes out easily and he takes it with out hesitation.  He sets down his coffee and paper work, and opens the top left draweron his desk, pulling out the worksheet. He hands it over, and I thank him acting embarassed. "I know students aren't supposed to go through teacher things... I'm sor-"


"It's alright, I'm not to worried about it." He chuckles sitting down and then takes a sip of his coffee. "What class do you have?" he asks and he begins sorting through the ffreshly printed paper. I lean against the front of his desk, crossing my arms, getting comfortable. Showing I'm alright, and I feel comfortable around him.


"Anatomy... Mr. Witeman likes me .." I inform him, and he chuckles again.


"Most of your teachers like you." he looks down at his computer typing quickly. Most? My eye narrow and my eyebrows do the weird thing they usually do when I want to know something.  "You still do that. I remember I would always tease you about it." He points out and my expresions changes to real embarassment and surprise. "And your French teacher is... very lets say fond of you." He smirks.


"Oh my god that women!" I  throw my hand up in the air. Lebough. Of course she doesn't like me. "Let me tell you about her!" I lean against his desk again, place my hands flat the desk, leaning over closer to him. My hair falls over my shoulders forming a curtain like wall around my face. "She is just jealous that I can speak french better the her! That she actually has one student who knows what's going on! Now she has to teach the class correctly and right. No lying or making things up." It felt nice getting that out. I stand up straight, taking in a nice deep postive deep breath.


"You speak french?" he question.


"Yeah... It's something my family thought I should learn.. so I did." I shrug looking away, now the way his eyes are watching me is making uncomfortable. The way he is studying me, intensely and intrugued as if I'm a science experiment. It reminds me to much of pity. I'm not a fan. "It's not big deal... I don't see why it matters. I better get going." I say shaking everything off. This encounter with hi now has me even more troubled then before. What am I doing here?  I leave his room without waiting for a reply. Heading back towards Mr. Witeman's room, my mind roles over everything that occured in that class room. Casey cheating, and that heated/not heated conversation with Cody.  What is going on here, that the government is getting involved?


Luke wont answer that question. I'll have to ask a higher up. Once I get back later today I'm seeing Mr. Wahls.


The rest of the day goes by so fat it couldn't have really happened. I fly through French and Math and Cody doesn't mention anything about what happened earlier. in class which I'm thankful for. He gave everyone another work day so he could explain another topic to me.


Now making my way to my locker to get my things and meet Luke out in the vehicle, I take a couple deep breaths. Luke knows me. He'll be able to tell something is wrong. I need to calm down and clear my emotions.


"So wanna do something tonight?" Caleb leans against the locker to my left. I close mine give him a quick look and walk away. "That wasn't a no." He follows walking closely, kids litterally part the hall for the two of us. Gawkig at house being together again. I role my eyes at the excitement about nothing. High school really sucks if this is what interests kids.


"No. I have other things to do." I say simply to him, his cockinesss doesn't fade this time, he knew I would turn him down. He just wanted the satisfaction of walking through the hall whispering. He also knew people would take notice to it. I turn away, heading out the doors.


"Blaire, hey I have something for you." I hear Cody, I stop turning to see. What could he have for me? I spot the SUV, wondering if Luke noticed me and is watching.  "First you forgot this in my room. He hands over my notebook that  use to waster time in French. I doodle in it. Oh god! "I didn't look! Whatchas got hiding in there?" he asks as I take it from him. I shove it into my back pack without really looking at what I'm doing.  "Also you asked for extra practice problems." He now hands over a worksheet.


"Oh! Good this is great thank you!"  I say looking down at the math problems.


"I saw you and my brother..." He finally says what he really wanted to to say. "You were pretty close.. and whispering."


"What exactly are you asking me?" I narrow my eye brows at him, and he scratches the back of his neck. "Nothing. He asked me o-"


"Blaire... we have to get going." I hear Luke, I turn seeing him standing to feet behind me. I nod.


"M- Luke this is Mr. Riker, my math teacher." I introduce them, needing to do something to fix the situation. Luke overheard the comments about Caleb.


"Nice to meet you.... I'm the older brother." Luke offers his hand, and Cody takes it.


"Like wise." Cody replies, and looks Luke over "Well.. like I was saying before, just come to my room tomorrow morning and I can go over those with you."


"Alright." I wave as he walks away. I don't even look at Luke, I just make my to the Suv slide into my seat and buckle my belt. He gets in next to me.


"You're smart." is the first thing said. I look at him totally confused. I'm smart? Is that like him making fun of me? "Getting close to him... Attracting him." He says that last two words with a shaky breath.


"I'm not doing anything. I don't know what to do." I say looking away laying my head against the black window. "I don't know what you're talking about."


"Sure." he sighs, "We've gotta talk later." Then the rest of the ride is quiet. Arriving back at the facility, for some odd reason makes me feel sad. Vacation over for the day I supose. Now it's time to get down to business. To Mr. Wahls. I walk away from Luke and our awkward silence, without saying anything to him. I barge into Mr. Wahls' office and he looks up from his computer screen. He doesn't say anything but he doesn't smile either. I take a sit making myself comfortable. Once I feel confident  enough I look up at him clearing my throat.


"Why, Blaire... what a surprise." He leans back folding his hands together and laying them in his lap. "Well.. now that you're comfortable what can I do for you?"


"I need more information. Something to help me with this case." I begin, "You've sent me on a goose chase, and I have no idea why."  He scoffs, a wicked smile spreading into his expression. He sits up and clicks on his computer mouse, and then the printer behind him starts up and begins printing. After that he carries on small talk waiting for all of the papers. Once it finishes he is left with a stack of papers so thick a stapler wont work, and he uses a huge clip thing to hold it all together. He sets it on the edge of the desk for me, and I reach up looking down and the first page. It's full of words... like a book page. I look up at him still not understanding.



"Read through that please.. and then come and talk to me. Take you time and really pay attention to what you are reading." He says and waves me away. That's my que to leave. Getting up without a word I leave heading straight for my room. I toss the paper onto my bed and change into different clothes in a frusterated manner. I go to the training area and take an aptitude test to see what category I need to work on. It is a simulation that test all of your fighting abilities, your endurance, and stamina along with mental health.


After I finish working in and out of the aptitude simulator, I go back to my room showering and throwing on the only pair of sweat pants I have and one of my three night shirts. I plop onto my bed smacking my head against the packet of paper. I pull the clip off flipping through the first couple pages, noticing the numbers. The first five pages are numbered one through five and then it starts back at one. There like stories... chapters. I pull the first five pages away from the others that I clip back together and lay on my dresser. Taking the other five pages, Ihead down to the kitchen for super. going through the line I get a yogurt cup and a baked potato with sourcream and cheese. Sitting down at an empty table I stir my yogurt and begin reading the first page. While reading through the first paragraph that is describing what a bathroom at some huge concert looks like, I get a weird feeling about what I'm reading. It's almost terribly written, and I begin to wonder if it's a book even.


"Whatcha got there?" Tessa slips into the chair across from me with her super tray. I shrug taking a bite of my yogurt and setting it down. "Where'd you get it from?"


"Mr. Wahls.. he gave me like a stack of five hundred papers to read..." I sigh, looking away from the reading and at my potato. It looks delightful! Cutting into it, and making small talk with Tessa for little while I look around for Luke. I haven't seen him sense after we arrived back here hours ago. I shake my head, knowing I shouldn't care where he is.


"Oh... god he is coming this way!" Tessa's cheeks turn as bright as a red rose, and she ducks her head loking down at her tray. She begins playing with her salad and covers her face with hr other open hand. Who's coming? I turn around, and Crash is five feet away looking at me. I look back at Tessa totally not cool with how she feels about Crash. I'm not jealous I'm mad and disapointed! Tessa, a beautiful pure breed Italian who is model material and 19 is crushing on Crash?


I feel his hand on my back, and then his breath on my ear and back of my neck. I'm taking a bite from my yogurt when he whispers a little note to me. Then he walks away as if he said nothing and didn't even stop and talk. I shake my head at his unneeded comment. About Luke not being here along with Morgan and Natalie. I glance at Tessa who is watching him walk away, and I kick her under the table. She grunts turning and looking at me.  Then she cover her face with her hands letting out a sigh.


"It's bad I know!" She says, I don't reply. She is right. "But he isn't my manager so I mean.."


"No." I say, "Don't even go there... he isn't a person you want to mess around with. In any way." I inform her and she sighs again, looking down at her food. She wants to say something... but isn't. "What?" I say setting down the first page to the reading. I still haven't gotten through it with all the distractions.


"Well.. just never mind." She takes a bite, and I set down my spoon taking in a deep breath. I hate it when people are like this. They obviously show in their body language and facial expression that they have an opinion and have something to say but then they just said it's nothing. I do it all the damn time too. I hate it when  I do it!I grab the paper again not wanting to deal with what ever her problem is rigth now. I begin reading again. "Okay fine!" she says, and I move the paper so I can see her over the top of it.


"Well I mean... it seems like you're jealous." She begins and I drop my arms and they thud against the table and my jaw is flexing ready to inform her on how wrong she is. "He is in to you, and you don't like me having a crush on him! It's the same damn thing with Luke! You two are totally into each other, and .. and- "


"You've got a lot of things mixed up here." I say, whispering. I don't want others hearing this conversation.  "I don't like Crash at all! You can have him if you really want him, I think he is a dumbass." I begin, grabing my fork and taking a bite from my potato. "And... Mr. Smith, and I aren't like that either. It's against the rules first-"


"If it wasn't though you'd be together!" She expresses, throwing her arms up in the air.


"No! That's not where I was going let me finish!" I hush her and she roles her eyes. "Okay... you got me I do like him... Mr. Smith... but he in no way feels the same about me. So that is where you're wrong." She eyes me with a crooked smile. Then she just laughs, and gets up with her tray leaving me alone again. What.. just happened? I shake my head and focus again on my reading. I get to the second page after a minute, and I become more and more confused. As I finally start seeing a character and story forming. A love story maybe?


The narrorator is a boy. He saw a girl at this concert. He starts walking toward her. He grabs her, and then leads her into a bathroom. He shoves her against the wall, and pulls down her pants that are apparently leggings.... WAIT! This is not a love story. He unzips his pants and penetrates her.


My bite of yogurt is everywhere infront of me, and I'm coughing re-reading the paragraph making sure I read it correctly. I'm being staired at now, as I clean up my mess and leave the room in rush. Sitting on my bed I scan through the whole story, and the last four pages of the story are about fucking rape! I look the the first page to the next story, flipping to the second and then the third and there is a rape in that one as well.  Mr. Wahls told me to read all of these! He wanted me to pay very close attention to all of it. Why? I didn't get any anser from him like I planned. Just more damn confussion. Of course.

Chapter 9

Blaire's POV


I don't know how more I can take.  I've read through the first five stories, and each one has grossed me out more then the one before it. Tossing the pages back onto my dresser I finally get up. I have to get ready for school.  It's only Tuesday... I hav three more days for this week! It's been only one week, including I missed a couple of days.. and I have nothing. Shoving on a pair of jeans and grabbing the  purple and gray plaid shirt of the rack of clothes Ms. Jennings brought me to wear for school, I run out of my room through the halls to the garage. I get there just as Luke opens the door to get himself in.


"I was wondering where you were." He says, waving for me to go in first. "Ladies first.." He smiles, and I role my eyes, he knows I hate that because ladies... girls now a days are just as capable of waiting for a guy. I get in any ways not wanting to cause any delays. I'm going in and speaking to cody first thing in the mornig, and I'm going to test him somemore and figure out what is going on. All Mr. Wahls can give me is freaky pedophile stories. How those are supposed to help me I do not know. 


"Do you have anything to eat?" I ask after we're about ten minutes away from the facility. I didn't have time for breakfast. My morning was hectic. I woke up and went the training center around 3 this morning, and stayed there until five. I came back to my room then and showered shoving back on some comfy clothes on purpose because I planned on having extra time left over to read a couple more stories. No matter how stupid I think they are, Mr. Wahls gave them to me for a reason. And he directions were specific. I'm looking for something, and apparently once I read it I'll know it because he didn't tell me what I was looking for.  I glance over at Luke, as he digs in his pocket. What in the hell kind of food can you keep in your pocket? He pullls out gum, and I take it at least it's something.


"Why so worked up this morning?" He asks a slight chuckle playing in his voice. I let out a breath informing him about Mr. Wahls' five thousand page book filled with rape stories. He has no idea what I'm talking about or where they came from. I sigh rubbing my eyes, what is Mr. Wahls wanting me to see? "Where is the stack at now?" He asks, pulling out his phone doing something on it.


"It should be sitting on my dresser..." I lay back closing my eyes. I'm tired. Once school is over though I wont have to train. I can just go right to my room and do some more reading. Hence why I did all this dumb shit this moring. Today at school is going to suck. "Don't do anything with it. I plan on reading the rest today once I get back from school." I tell him. I was going to actually bring it with me to school, but then I thought more clearly about it while I was in the shower. A bunch of papers that have horrible stories is probably not a good thing to bring to school.


"Well, if I get time I'm going to look through it... help if I can." He says, completely ignoring me. "But Morgan and Natalie are gonna require most of my attention the next couple of days." I bite my bottom lip wanting to know why. Jealous that they are stealing him away from me. But he wasn't mine to begin with. I scratch my eye brow wishing he wouldn't have said anything about them. It is going to bother me all day! He knows that I'm not supposed to ask about it too, that makes it twice as unfair!


"You don't have to ride with me... if you are so busy why waste your time doing this?" I sigh trying to keep my jealousy and anger in check. For me having a good life, I sure have a lot of anger issues. They aren't bad by any means... or maybe they are.. I don't really know for sure. Ms. Jennings hasn't ever talked to me about my anger though so I am guessing I am okay.


"I do this because I like spending the time with you. Besides I can talk to you.. actually talk to you. Unlike the other girls." He whispers, and my little spell of anger disintegrates. My cheeks get a small pink blush on them, and I almost turn my head and look at him. "It is nice.. this little privacy we get..."


"Yeah.." I sigh, and then the vehicle stops. I sit up unbuckling my belt, and grabing my back pack thats sitting by my feet on the floor of the car. "Well.. maybe see you later." I salute to him with a smirk, he hates when I do it! He sighs witha  big grin and waves. I head towards the school glancing behind me as I watch the black truck drive away. My heart skips beats longing for Luke to just hold me in his arms for just a minute! I shake the thoughts away, it's time for school. I take a deep breath, and  march my way towards Cody's room. Pulling out the extra math problem he gave me to do. I actually did do them and I'm curious to see how I did. I wave to Landon and John who both look high as the sun haning out by Landon's locker. I see that guy Casey was with in the closet the other day, and he is digging through his locker, none of his friends around. Other wise I don't see anyone else I know.


I knock on his door, and go inside the room. His computer is on his desk again, but he isn't there .. again. The door opens behind me actually surprising me, and I jump turing around getting into a fighting stance out of habit.   He chuckles holding a mug of coffee.


"Scare ya did I?" He smirks walkin over to his desk, setting his cup down. I shake it off feeling awake now. I grab a chair from the closest desk and pull it up to his desk. Getting comfortable while he looks over the worksheet. "It actually looks pretty good. The only thing I see wrong is that you didn't write your name on it." he jokes, handing it back over. "Do you have any questions?"


"Actually yeah...this one number six." I point turning the paper towards him so he can see it. "So you would take the log of 5.21 divided by lof of 77,423? I wasn't sure."  He hops into a short explaination about how I worked it out correctly and why it worked out the way it did. While he explains the problem I take the time to really look at him. He doesn't look like a guy who should be addicted to porn. Honestly... with his looks he could have a girl home with him every night if he wanted to. It is not like he needs the stuff... when he could (in my opinion) just ask a girl and she would do it. In fact though all three of Riker kids are exceptionally good looking.


"Did that help at all or did it all just go over your head?" He smiles eagerly at me.


"It helped actually." I lie. I didn't  really listen I was off in though. "Hey you know a little while before you came back into you room yesterday.." I say stuffing the paper back into my bag and standing. "When I first came in... I mean, there were people in your closet..." I look over at him and look away. By the look on his face he knows what I'm talking about.


"Casey..." He sighs, rubbing his chin. I just nod. "It wasn't Mark either was it?" He leans back stretching out her arms.  I just nod again, unsure what to say. I wasn't even going to bring it up, but I'm curious about his relationship with his younger siblings. I'm curious actually about he whole family...I mean A slutty daughter, a 20 sum year old son addicted to porn, what's Caleb's sexual problem?


"I haven't asked her.. I didn't plan on asking her... But I was curious I'll admit." I pushing the chair back to its desk.


"She has... addictions..." he sighs, and I can feel my face doing it's normal thing. Eyebrows and all. "When she was younger I guess it was probably a couple weeks before you left actually... she walked into our parents bed room, and saw our  mother having an affair. With two different guys.. at the same time. She saw things, that she could never unsee I guess. It sent her down a troubling path and she still hasn't came off of it yet."


"Wow.. I had no idea... are you parents still together?" I ask, intrigued.


"Yeah.. they went to counciling Casey did too... Everything is fixed now... well almost everything." He shrugs his shoulders.  "You can't tell her I told you!" he says sitting up and fixing his tie.


"I wont say a word ever again.. my lips are sealed." I say. Wow, it always seems that the seemingly perfect and well mannered rich families hide the biggest and deepest secrets. I can't believe there mother would cheat on there father. The last time I had seen either of them they looked happy and in love. There mother was a stay at home mom, and there dad had some big government job. I don't know what either of them does now. "Well thanks again for the math help!" I smile heading towards the door. I didn't get anything really on him. Just more about his siblings. And a little onhis parents.


"Any time!" he waves and I leave heading to my locker. Taking all of my books out and organizing my locker, I try and remember what Mr. Riker... their dad did. He had a government job. An important one. It's been five years or so, so I am wondering if he was promoted or moved to a different section of the government. I know that he didn't have anything to do with the president. Or any people in office, but it was something that got him recognized. I can't believe I don't remember.


Once first period begins, I try to not watch Landon and John, I was right earlier when I saw them in the hall. They are completely buzzed on something. They get away with it too, and that just blows my mind. I know everyone even Mr. Witeman knows they are high, but no one is doing anything about it! I was under the impression that coming to school completely doped is very illegal. I guess I have some things mixed up.


I'm actually happy once class is over, I can get away from those two idiots and refocus on my classes. In fact the day zooms by while I work through all of my classes and thoughts. Once lunch comes along I find Casey and Caleb asking if I caould come over for super. Casey jumps with excitement, and Caleb doesn't show any expression. I shoot Luke a text telling him that I have more digging at their house to do. He replies right away tellling I'll be getting picked up around eight. I want to meet their parents again. I want to look through Cody's room again. I want to get more information.


"Will your parents be home?" I ask, casually taking a sip from my milk.


"Actually yeah.. they're back from vacation and Daddy doesn't go back to work until Thursday!" Casey beams, Her dad doesn't go back to work until Thursday. It's Tuesday today. He has had almost two weeks off of work. For working for the goverment that seems like a lot. I wonder what exactly his job is.  Maybe while I am there I can do some digging on that as well. If he is something very secret and important he wont be able to talk about it with me, so I'll just dig. I figure it out.


"Sounds good." I smile at the two of them. I'm going to get to the bottom of this by the end of the week. I'm making that my personal mission.


After lunch things pass quickly. The next thing I know I'm back at the Riker house, and Casey and I are laying around on her bed. I'm listening to her talk abou Mark, and I have to hold back my resentment towards her because of her affair. Unsure how to really talk with her about guys, I just listen keeping a neutral face. Her parents will be home in a half an hour and then another hour or so after that we'll all eat some big meal. Since they haven't seen their parents in  awhile it's supposed to be a nice family dinner. That I'm going to be crashing, Casey said her parents already new so I'm not to worried. Besides they probably remember me, unlike me who doesn't really remember any of this. I'm still puzzled on their father career, I've been trying to remember, but everything just comes up blank. None of it makes munch sense.


Their mother from what I've gather is a stay at home mother, who is more of just a trophy wife. Plays the piano has a pretty face, easy to converse with. But Casey has told me about how much they do apparently love each other. Love. Relationships. I'm not stupid I know there are differences.  But once you have been in a relationship for certain time yu eventually start to love each other right? Like Casey and Mark... Casey is still with him and doesn't want him to know about her flings, she doesn't want to hurt him. Then there are relationships like me and Luke's. We have had a nice non romantic relationship, we are still very close.. or at least we were lately I'm unsure... but I know my feelings for him are more then just friends. I think I do love him. That's bad. Dangerous, and unpredictable. I could put people in danger and cause trouble with these kind of feelings and thoughts.


Can these kind of feeling go away? Will they just fade over time..?


"Blaire?! Have you listened to a word I have said?"  Casey knudges me, and I shake away all of my thoughts on Luke and relationships. "No, you haven't you have been of in La La Land!" she sighs getting up from her bed, mumbling something I don't catch. I don't really care either.


"I'm sorry.. but just sitting here doing nothing is boring..." I admit, and she turns looking at me. "I'm not much of a gossiper.." I add, and she lets out a breath. Just then a knock on the door, makes her jump and she runs over opening the door. I can't see who it is. I assume it was Cody or Caleb. When she squeels, and a bunc f quiet muffled noises are heard I sit up, it must be her parents. I don't say anything or try and peak over at them, I'll give them their privacy. I notice while sitting and waiting my heart is beating quickly. I'm nervous? Excited? I can't tell.  The feeling intrigues me because I do not get it often, other then on missions. I guess I am on a mission right now. It's definitely a lower calibor assignment, but still Mr. Wahl's expects me to take it seriously.


"Hey! Blaire come on! Meet my parents, and come here." Casey comes over to me. "We are going to go downstairs and meet the two of them in the study."


"For what?" I ask, standing up and following her out of her room. We meet up with Caleb who takes the other open spot next to me, walking close and every once in a while our arms would brush against each other.  I ignore him focusing on my back story to tell them. I try and remember everything I told Casey and Caleb to be sure I don't mess up the story.  My heart rate is higher. I am truly nervous. Why? It is not like I am meeting the president. Hell, I have done that already too, and it is not to special.


"We are going to play cards! We used to play cards all of the time before remember?" Casey asks, overly excited. I look straight ahead trying to remember cards. Nope. Nothing comes to mind.


"No." I say flatly, and then clear my throught taht came out rude. "I mean.. no I do not remember.. What kind of cards exactly?" I say and we finally get to the stairs go to the maiin level. I follow slightly behind Casey now unsure where I am going, and Caleb stay back a little still next to me. He has not said anything, and it is honestly starting to bother me. I have no idea what he is planning, or what he is doing, and it's worrying me. Not to mention I am uncomfortable with his way of trying to get me to fall for him again. Was I really in love with him though? I feel like I would have some memories of him if I was. I mean  I have small idea's, but not much more. Like my dream I had the other week. I have that.


"We played Garbage a lot when we were younger, but as we got older we started playing Rummy and Texas Hold'em." She looks back at me, and I notice her eyes flick over at Caleb. She looks forward again and turns to the left at the the huge wooden door of the to right of the kitchen. We enter into a room with book shelves everywhere, it looks like a library. Then on the other side of the room there is a giant desk that is just a deocation it doesn't look like anyones actual desk. Then there is a table in the exact middle, where her parents are already sitting. My eyes go directly to here dad. My stomach drops, at his face and my heart rate is the highest it has ever been in a while.



Chapter 10


Blaire's POV


"Mr. and Mrs. Riker!" I greet hoping he doesn't recognize me. Turns out that there farther is part of the military branch that the division I am in works with! I've meet with Mr. Riker on mutliple ocassions. Not just him and I, but with Luke, him and me. We work on larger scale missions with them. Like Terrorist attacks.


"Ahh Blaire... it's so nice to see you again!" their mom stands up. She has wavy brown hair with caramel highlights a framed cut around the face bring out her big emerald eyes. Pretty trophy wife, just not blonde. "Come here I want a hug!" I slwoly make my way to her, some what unsure how to approach her. "It is so sad what happened to you, we actually ran into your parents on our way back to the house this afternoon!"


"Oh...ahhh...."  my mind is jumbled. My parents? Does she know what I told Casey and Caleb? Does she think I still live with my parents?


"Mom... I told you sh-" Casey begins obvioulsy pissed off at her mothers comments.


"Oh yes!" Her mother hold out at arms length looking me in the eyes. "I'm sorry!  I didn't mean anything... I forgot."


"It is okay Mrs. Riker." I say say smiling briefly.  She nods, letting go of me now. "Mr. Riker." I change subject looking over at him. Honestly it is a little funny this situation. I'm technically above him in the ranks. I am his supreme. He follows my rules. His face tells me that he recognizes me. It catches my mind on  how he didn't even recognize me before. If I was his childrens friend, and then dissapeared and cmae up later in the secret militry / government facility. I'm surprised he never said anything.


"Ms. Kennedy." He stands politely, following his rules. "So nice to se you again." He offers his hand. I shake his hand with a nod, and smile. I don't think we have any problems. "Cards?" he offers picking up the deck that is n th table to his right.  We all agree taking our seats. I get stuck between Mr. Riker and Caleb. Casey is directly across from me and Mrs. riker is next to her.


"Is Cody coming?" their mother asks after a while, and I sit up listening in. I haven't really been paying attention to conversation. I am focusing more on the game. Which I  have won twice in a row now. We're playing Rummy and going up to 1,000 points... I guess I haven't really won, but I'm ahead of everyone point wise. Cody is here... somewhere. He still has his room here for when ever he wants to stay, but he also has an apparentment apparently closer to the school. But since his paretns came back today he came home for dinner.


"I will go ask if he is coming ever.." Caleb sighs standing up and stretching out his arms.  "Blaire will you come with me?"  He asks. I snap my eyes towards him and he has a nice little innocent smile on. I can tell he is smirking behind it. He knows I wont say no in front of his parents.


"Yeah, lets go." I get up pushing in my chair. I follow him out of the room, and I can feel the other three sets of eyes following us.  Once the door closes behind us I take the lead knowing where to go for Cody's room. "Why did I have to come with exactly?" I ask once he catches up.


"Because I wanted to spend some time with you alone. Playing cards wth the parents isn't exactly what I want to be doing while you're here." He wiggles his eyebrow, and I scoff adding an eye role for effect.  "You don't hate me do you?" He asks quietly. " I understand that things aren't the way the used to be between us... but you act as if you hate me." he expresses his thoughts, and it slows me down. He really wants to know. I glance over at him again, looks wise he isn't bad. He is attractive.. he is not Luke at all... but still an eye turner. I just don't know him. His personality or his hobbies.  Not anymore. I don't remember anything personal about him really.


"No.. I don't hate you." I say, and it seems as if the windows in the hall way open, letting out the tension. "I just don't really know you anymore..." I add.


"Have I changed that much?" he grabs my hand stopping me. He wants me to look at him. Look at him the way I used to. 


"Kinda... and I've changed... matured... things are different now Caleb. More then you will ever understand."  I try to some what let him down easily. He doesn't let go of my hand, he just studies me trying to figure me out. We should be back by now. We should've talked to Cody already.  "We better go check on Mr. Riker..." I add.


"Cody.. you always used to call him Cody." He finally lets go of my hand and now he walks off. I can tell what I said upset him, but I think I said it nicely.  I follow behind him now not wanting to upset him more. He stops knocking on the bedroom door, taking a quick back glance at me. Cody yells from the ther side telling who ever it is to come in. Caleb opens the door, and he pulls me into the room as well.


Cody Riker's bedroom is oddly plain. Probably because he isn't here often.  Remembering the last time I was in here I get a shiver glancing at the closet. I look around again, and my eyes landon on a new object in the room.  A picture from on his night stand. It is a picture of him, with Casey, Caleb, and me. I take a couple steps towards it. Studying it, I have no memory of that day. I pick it upand look at myself. My red cury hair blowing in the wind, Caleb right nex to me, he is in fact looking at me in the picture. The Cody is giving Casey a piggy-back ride. I keep looking over myself, and how much I have grown. It's been a while. I notice something else about the photo, Caleb and I are holding hands. I barely notive it because you can barely see it. The way we're standing hides it. But I can see it. I set the photo down backing away.  I look at Cody wondering why he pulled that out now. He smiles at me, and I can't figure out what it means.


A new photo... that has me in it? Is he trying to tell me something? Or is he just messig with me? I can't shake this off. This is something I need to know.  Now the three of us leave his room, Cody decided to join us. Onve we make it back to the stair case I think of my phone.


"Hey I'm gonna grab my phone.. I'll be right back down!" I say to them, and turn around heading for Casey's room. Once I know they can't see me I run, grab my phone and jet down to Cody's room. I take a clear picture of the photo in the frame. Then run back down to the study. I fix my hair and clothes so it doesn't look like I ran. I go inside and join the family in cards again, keeping my phone in my lap waiting for Luke to respond to the picture. I sent it to him..and I am unsure why... but I asked him iwhy I don't remember anything. Maybe I will get some answers.


"So... Blaire... are you staying here long? Or is your brothers work going to cause you to move again." Mr. Riker (their dad) asks me. I look at him, I knew he would start asking questions... but I didn't know he would do it in front of everyone.


"Umm... I don't know that's something I am never told." I reply, glancing down at my phone. I'm still waiting on Luke and I don't want to seem pushy  but I want to know.


"You might move? You just moved here!" Casey says sitting up sternly and eying me.  I sit back clicking on my phone, and taking a picture of their father quickly without anyone noticing and then I type a quick message saying that he is Caleb and Caseys dad. I set my phone down in my lap.


"Who's turn is it?" I ask, looking at my cards. Things were awkward there for a minute. My phone vibrates in my lap after a minute not even, and it's Luke.. obviously. It reads: I'M ON MY WAY.


All capitalized and bolded. Oh great! I sit up looking around the room. He replied to that message but not my other message? Meaning he saw the other one and my question he just didn't reply. We play a couple more rounds in cards, and then the doorbell is heard. It took Luke  nine minutes and forty-two seconds to get here from the facility. Why is it so close? Or maybe he was just close. Close enough to be able to use technology to listen in on conversations. That little sneak!


"I'll get it." Caleb gets up.


"I'll go with!" I stand up rushing out of the room.  Caleb and I are quiet and it is a little awkward.


" I saw you looking at the photo." He says.


"Yeah... we're holding hands." I reply. "So.... I mean we were secret? You're parents didn't know." I ask.


"Not really they had hints but never asked about it. Casey and Cody knew and other people at school."  He asks, "Why..."


" Caleb I don't remember any of it." I sigh, rubbig my forehead. "I have no memory of you or Casey. That's what is different."  He stops grabbing my hand again.


"I know Blaire." He says softly looking down at me. "That's why I haven't tried anything or really said anything. I don't want to scare you away." He scratches the back of his neck. "But I mean... yeah I still like you a lot..." He looks away. So do I. My cheeks are turning pink. I have never had any one say that to me. And for some reason Caleb sayig it to me makes it sound better since we apparently were together in the past.


"Well... that's very nice of you.. most guys would-"


"I don't want to be most guys Blaire. I want to be the guy. Your guy." He interupts. I feel my face drain of any color.  


"Oh, hey ... Luke." Caleb looks back at me. I shake away the conversation that Caleb and I just had, looking up at Luke.  "Whatcha doing?" Caleb asks him, confused on why he is here.  Luke looks at Caleb, figuring him out and trying to study him. He looks at me and shakes his head. He is mad? At me?!


"I'm picking up my sister." the way he says sister sends shivers down my spine and brings a pink color to my cheeks. It implied more. It was like he was marking his territory. My heart starts to melt.


"Hey It's Blaire's brother Luke!" I hear casey behind me and all the melting stops. I step over closer to Luke, as everyone starts pilling into the room to see who was at the door. Luke moves closer to me as well not knowing exactly what to say no that everyone is out here.  "What are you doing here, Mr. Smith?" Casey says his name with an edgy sexy voice. 


"I actually need Blaire. We have to get going." He takes a breath and speaks normally. I watch his eyes move over to their father. 


"Let me walk you guys out." He offers, leading the way. Once the door is closed behind us, he asked wright away what's going on.


"Mission, that doesn't involve your division. For now I'll leave you out of the books, but if I have to I'll report this alright?" Luke say, giving him a look. He nods without a flinch he understands. 


"Good luck I hope it goes well than." He opens the car door for us. "If I can ever be of any service." Than we all say our goodbyes and the car drives off.  Luke and I are quiet the whole entire ride home, what on earth is there to talk about. He is mad at me for some reason and it's pissing me off.  I look over at him wishing he would just talk to me, what is happening this stupid ass high school mission is ruining everything! 


I get shaken awake by Luke, but he doesn't say anything he just gets out of the car and walks inside the building. For one thing, this facility is really closer to their house and my old school. But there are different locations. Every once in a while he well stay at a different building like if we're on a mission. 


I get out  slinking my way to my room. I fall onto my bed so mad at myself. What if I loose Luke? Is it worth continuing this mission? Grabbing the packet of papers Mr. Wahls gave me I start reading another story I've got nothing else to.


A party with college students, highs school students, and middle school students. That should be interesting. Plenty of young boys and girls around to drugged and taken advantage of. I already know my plans for the night. I've been waiting for this one a long time,  I had to wait for the right time... now is better than never.  My sisters friend who is here with my brother. I'm gonna get her first. I know they haven't done anything yet.  She walks past me in fact without noticing it's me. Her red curly hair  and long legs always so perfect and tempting. I follow her and peak into where she went. It's a bunch of middle schoolers, playing a game. How cute. I watch noticing her getting chosen to into a closet with a boy who isn't my brother. He is in there as well. He doesn't look happy. She comes out all smiley and giggly 


After a while I see her again. She is heading outside. Now is my chance. I can't believe this is happening. God I've been waiting. I'm jittery and excited. She is my favorite.


Favorite?  Party... with middle schoolers and older kids? Seven minutes in heaven. 


"Oh my god!" I push away the stack of papers. My chest hurting and heaving. I can't breath. My face is soaked in tears and sweat already. I can't breath. My throat is getting to tight. I need to calm down. MY heart is going to break through my ribs andpop out of my chest. Why is this happening? Mr. Wahls he knew. He didn't tell me... I I've been around him and and 


"Blaire!? What's the matter?"  I hear Mrs. Jennings voice but I don't see her. I can't get my eyes to focus, I can't get anything to focus. My heart or breathing.  "Why are you screaming?" I'm screamming? I didn't even know. "I need you to talk to me."


"I... I...." I shake my head and I put my hands over my ears. I feel like the world is crumbling and cracking all over me.  "Him.... He...."


"What?" I still can't see her. I think maybe now my eyes are closed though. 


"What he did to me." I whisper and I just feel everything in me shut down. My tears stop and my arms drop.


"Blaire?" She asks but I barely hear her. "I need a nurse in here!"


My body goes cold. 

Chapter 11

Luke's POV


"Once she is back up send her in. Now that she knows we can get this mission done and over with."  Mr. Wahls speaks as if she healing from a gun shot wound. In fact, I'm tempted reach over and beat the shit out of him for putting her through this. He knew all along about her rapist and who did it. Why didn't he tell her? Or me? They told her there wasn't any DNA in the rape kit but there was. He has been planning this since she came here, to send her out after him, but the fact that he did it and didn't tell her or me what exactly was going on.


"And if it takes a while?" I ask looking down at her. Her skin is white as a ghost and the steady beeping of the machine is telling me she is still okay. Mrs. Jennings said she went into a type of shock that caused her to go into a shock induced coma. It apparently isn't supposed to last long. It's been two days. 


"If it reaches a month we'll have to move her to a hospital, and just keep waiting." is all he replies, and with that he leaves. I sit down in the chair at the other end of her room and rub my eyes. I've been spending as much time here with her as I can, but I have other marks to keep track of as well. 


Marks. The word makes me feel uncomfortable. The word makes these girls sound like they are disposable, they aren't. They are people. Younger than me yes, but still people. I have four altogether including Blaire. 


Blaire, was my first mark. It was just the two of us for almost an entire year. For some reason, I had it in my head that being a manager would be a hard job, but it's actually quite easy. It was easy with Blaire. Although I didn't train Blaire right away, she was easy to work with. She listened, and at first was quiet. She never complained and she worked as hard as she could. Eventually she started to open up to me though. First it was just about Crash and how things were different with me. She liked the change though. Piece by piece though we both just grew on each other I guess is a way to explain it. 


She grew on me a little to much. She is gorgeous and smart. Strong. It is amazing how strong she is, she hasn't let anything from her past slow her down or get the best of her. At least until now. I'm not completely surprised that this happened though. She just found out she's been seeing her rapist everyday and not even knowing it.


I need to get going. It's time for training with Tessa and the other girls. I say goodbye and head out, I can't show to much favoritism. Walking through the halls, I nod and wave as I walk past people. Everyone has heard about Blaire now, and I've been getting sympathy looks for it. The last girl we had go into a coma still hasn't woke up. She was moved to a hospital almost a year ago actually. I find my group and we begin training like usual with a couple laps and stretches. We are quiet. No one knows what to say, with what happened. 




I dump my super tray, and head out to the hospital wing to check and see how Blaire is doing. Once I first get there It take a minute for me to get all signed in. A group just came in from a mission, and there all pretty burned up. Burns are the worst wounds to get because they take the longest to heal. Once I finally am signed into the guest sheet, I head down the hall towards her room. I go to open the door, but it's locked. 


"Blaire?" I knock on the door,  I don't here anything "Hello?" I ask. Why is the door locked? Who is in there? I should go ask the nurse at the desk. Than the door opens.  "Oh, Mrs. Jennings. how is she?" I ask, I keep my voice calm but my heart is beating way to fast.


"See for yourself." She moves out of the door way. I give her a nod and go inside the room. I don't think I've ever felt this relieved before!


"Thank god!" I rush over wrapping her short and small frame in my arms. "How do you feel? Is anything hurt?" 


"I'm ... okay.." She whispers, laying her head against my chest. We stay in each others arms after a while she pulls away and looks up at me her face is serious. Something isn't okay. She steps away and clears her throat. "Did you know?"


"No!" I gasp. " I had no idea! I got into it with Mr. Wahls yesterday  about everything. What he put you through is right Blaire. I wish I could've done something or I -"


"It's fine!" She grabs my elbows. "Just stop babbling." She actually laughs. "So can I get out of here yet? I'm starving!"


"Yeah, sure. I'll go get a nurse." I say leaving the room. The next hour is spent getting her a check up and making sure she really is okay, and than the paper work. Once everything is finished I go with her to the cafeteria and we talk while she eats. We've both agreed that she wont go back to school tomorrow and instead will spend the day doing some training just to kindof give her body a stretch since it has been two days.


"So what exactly is going to happen when I go back?" She asks. "I can't just randomly arrest him at school... or at his house... Or is my part done?" 


"Honestly I don't know. That's something you're going to have to ask Mr. Wahls." I shrug leaning back in my seat. She nods and continues eating. "I really am happy you are okay, Blaire."


"You know.. I was really upset and shocked... but now I guess it makes sense why I was sent there. I just don't know exactly what I am supposed to do now you know?" 


"Mhhhmmm. I don't know." I reply. 


"Oh well.. lets stop talking about this.. have you been?" She asks. We trail off talking until she is finished eating and than we head separate way for bed.

Chapter 12

Blaire's POV


The ground is cold in the morning. Even a little wet with dew still resting on the grass. I tripped over that damn root again, and I'm trying to catch my breath. I had my dream like I always do. It was different this time. Now the perp had a face. His face. Cody Riker's face. I'm going back to school today, I'm going to see him. Mr. Wahls wants to meet with me before I go of course, I'm assuming so he can talk to me about what exactly is going to happen next. I told Luke I wanted him in the room while we talked just in case I couldn't stay calm with Mr. Wahls. I still can't believe that this whole time he knew and never said anything to me. 


I get up off the ground and wipe off my legs and arms, I better get inside. I need to shower anyways. I feel gross, I sweat really bad last night... that nightmare. Once I'm to my room I get into the shower washing up everywhere and soaking my hair in shampoo. Ever since the hospital my hair has felt really greasy even though I washed twice yesterday... that probably didn't really help though. I skip the conitioner, and finish rinsing off. I shove on my outfit Mrs. Jennings had picked out for me for the day, and head out. I  stop outside of his office and wait for him to let me in. 


"Ready?" Luke appears next to me, in khaki pants and white button up shirt with a black tie. 


"What are you ready for?" I ask, looking him up and down. He looks good. Damn, does he look good. 


"After this Tessa and I have to hit the road. Mission over in Florida."  I nod looking away not feeling to happy about him going on a mission. I never usually hear about his other missions, I don't like hearing about them. 


"Oh... how long?" I ask curiousity getting the best of me. I keep my eyes foreward though, not wanting to seem absolutely jealous. 


"Only supposed to be over night, I should be back tomorrow." He replies as if it's not a big deal for him to be leaving me. I mean for him to be leaving at all. A second later Mr. Wahls opens the door inviting us inside.  We both take out seats getting comfortable while Mr. Wahls sorts through some paper work. 


"Here is the plan." He clears his throat. "Since today is Friday, we are not going to do anything today. So, today just go back to school and play it as if nothing is wrong. Can you do that?" He looks up at me, and he really doesn't know if I'm capable of doing nothing. I don't either. I sit for second thinking about it. 


"Yes. I can do that." I finally answer him. I can do it. I shouldn't need to worry about doing anything to rash. I can just skip gym and math anyways. Play sick or ask for passes to other classes for help even though I don't really need it. 


"Alright. Than on Monday we can try and lure him out, or make some kind of move than okay? I'm sorry but with Mr. Smith here being gone and all I think we should just wait." 


"Of course sir." I nod, I agree. I don't want to do this without Luke. "Thank you for meeting with me." I get up as does Luke. With that we are released and we both make our way to the garage but get into separate vehicles. I watch out the window of the SUV I am in as he and Tessa get into the Impala. I lay my head back once their car is pulled out and gone. I have a small conversation with the driver joking around about his job and how he actually doesn't mind it.   "See you after school than." I wave getting out, I stay in the street a couple seconds looking at the school building. I breath in and head inside ready to get the day started. 


I go straight to my locker taking care of all my books and grabbing my Anatomy things. I just know realized I missed three days of school. I've probably got a lot of make up work. But if I really think about it, I probably don't have much longer here anyways. I take a seat in  the classroom and bail out before the teacher realizes I  was in there. He must have been back in one of his closets.  Walking through, the now seemily busy hall, I avoid making eye contact with people. I don't want to draw any attention to myself.  I make it to the library where I pull out a book and take a seat actually taking the time to read it. 


"What are you doing in here?" I recognize Caleb's voice right away now. "Reading?  I didn't know you liked books." 


"There are a lot of things about me you don't know." I say with a smile behind the book. It's rather funny to me how true that is.


"I've been noticing."  He sits next to me. "What happened the other night at the house... With your brother." I actually forget about that. I set down my book, glancing over at him. He is typing on his phone. 


"Nothing. He just came to pick me up." I shrug. 


"No. I mean what happened between you two?" He looks at my as he stuff his phone back into his pocket. I don't understand what he is asking. "Come on Blaire. You two definately don't act like just a brother and sister." HE leans in closer. "Is there something going on there on the side?" 


"I can not believe you just said that!" I get up from the chair and grab the book that fell from my lap. "How dare you say that to me! He is my foster brother!" and with that I storm out of the room. Mostly because I'm embarrassed he actually noticed that. My cheeks are a little pink now even. I get to a bathroom and rub cold water against my cheeks shaking off the conversation. I need to just avoid him. All three of the Riker's actually. I sneak out avoide Casey in the hall and slip back into the Anatomy room. I catch up on all the late work in the class and sit and look out the window. 




Time for P.E. We're apparently going outside as well. And Cody Riker is out sick today. I change witht he girls actually feeling good with him being out today. 


"Whoa what is that?" Casey walks over to me and grabs my arm. I look at what she is looking at. It's the scar from where that bullet grazed me. I pull my arm away from her. "Hello?" 


"Luke and I went on a hike... things went bad.. it's from a long time ago." I say and leave the locker room. I head outside where the substitute teacher said she would be waiting for us, and I lay in the grass waiting for class to actually start. Once everyone is outside we get split up into teams and we begin our game of kickball. Caleb and I are on the same team, but it looks like he got the hint to leave me alone because he hasn't tried to talk to me at all since this morning.  


I come up to kick again already into the fourth inning and half way throuogh the class, and get a double right off the bat. The next two kickers after me get out and than it's Caleb's turn. 


"Come on Caleb don't leave me hanging!" I yell over to him and he salutes me with a smile. I notice the short stop walk over to me. "Yes?" I ask.


"You to together again?" She asks, trying to seem like she isn't jealous but it's way to obvious on her face that she is. I chuckle a little and she looks back at the out field.


"Holy man!" She whispers and I glance at her. Her jaw is almost touching the ground. "Casey!" She get here attention at third base, and points out towards the entrance to the school. 


"Dibs!" Casey squeels, and now everyone is turning and looking at who ever. I'm intrigued. I glance back like everyone else falling for the bait. 


Oh great.


The sub blows the whistle telling everyone to pay attention to the game. But even she is staring at him. I scratch the back of my neck hoping he didn't see it was me. Obviously he knows I'm out here though, since he is making his way down here. 


"He looks like he could be in the NFL!" Casey sighs as if she is falling in love at first sight. I role my eyes, only if she really knew him. 


"Excuse me." He smiles waving at the substitute stopping next to me. I keep my eyes away, I'm not going to acknowledge him. 


"Do you need something?" the teacher asks. 


"Actually. Someone!" I can just envision the smile on his face right now. He lays his hand on my head, and I push it off. "I need Ms. Kennedy." Everyone is looking at me now. I really dispies him. 


"Of course." The sub sighs, and I look up at him. 


"Lets go little bunny." He smiles down at me.  After where a couple yards away. I notice the dress back he is carrying behind his back. 


"What is going on Crash?" I ask.  He whips out a yellow slip fully signed by even Luke. I'm actually hurt by this. I stuff it in my pocket not very happy with Luke not telling me anything about this this morning. He wraps an arm around my shoulders. "What is is this time?" I ask pushing his arm off. 


"You need to change. We've got a galla to go to!" He smiles handing over the dress. "Protection detail." he shrugs. 


"And one of your girls couldn't handle this because?" I growl taking the bag from him.


"Believe it or not I've got two girls out with broken arms, and the other two went with Mr. Smith." He sighs, and I get that he isn't happy about that. 


"What is Mr. Wahls doing?" I ask. Why is he mixing up our teams like this. It's like he is purposely trying to cause drama within the agency. 


"Good question. But you need to go get changed little bunny." He roles his shoulders. I head back into the school and do as I am told slipping into the sleek tight fitting gown. I don't know how exactly I'm going to be able to fight in this, but I'm not going to argue. Once I'm all dressed and I have my hair up in an elegant bun I head out in bare feet because I don't think tennis shoes go with this look. Of course just as I am going out the gym class is going back in. I get whistled at and stared at. My eyes pass over both Caleb and Casey, and I look away right away. Now isn't the time. Crash hands me a pair of heels, and I noticed he changed as well now in a tux. Once I have my shoes on he passes my a a clutch and a small pistol to keep in it. 


"Lets go." I gesture to the car, and he opens the door for me sliding inside. "How long well this take?" I ask. 


"We should be back early early in the morning." He closes the car door, and we're off.


The car rides takes hours, and onces we get their I'm half asleep and half to retouch my make-up that I did in the car to begin with. Once we get out there is a huge entrance and people walking in and paparazi even. Crash and I get out and get a couple of flashes from camera's but then we make our way inside without any trouble. I hate this types of missions. We walk around unable to drink anything, and unable to leave the area where our protectee is in. In which tonight we're protecting some senator from ... Florida.... where Luke is. 


"Dance with me?" Crash asks. Eyeing the target and his wife who are on the dance floor. I role my eyes, and go with it. I can't exactly cause any scenes here by not listening to him. For the next couple of hours he is my manager. While we dance staying close to the Senator Crash tells me cheesy jokes that I can't help but smile at.  "Okay okay... how about Scooby Doo?"  He asks me if I know what he is talking about.


"Is that the show with people who solve those dumb mysteries?" I ask, as he dips me after a twirl.


"Sure is. I grew up watching that... before I got here." He slipped up, talking about his past. That's the one thing we never talked about. For the time I was with him that was a huge off limits conversation. I don't push it any farther either. If he isn't comfortable saying anything, it's okay I know the feeling. 


"It's okay.. but the mysteries were so... dumb." I laugh. He shrugs not able to argue with that. There is a gun shot off in the distance and people start screaming. Crash and I both right away get over to the senator and cover them and lead them towards the door to our car. They both ask a bunch of questions and Crash just explains that we are extra protection. There are more shots, and once we get them outside Crash sends me back inside. I rip the dress so it's easier for me to move in and head upstairs where the shots were coming from. I grab my clutch and pull out my pistol. I edge around the cornner aiming in front of me, but no one is there. I move slowly making sure my heels don't click on the marble floor. I turn aiming into the room I pass and I find a bunch of empty food trays. Who ever was up here has been here a while. I head a bunch of footsteps, and I slip into the empty room and peek out to see what is going on. It's three men leaving the room next to this one. I don't recognize two of them but there is one I do. It's the camera guy from the other mission at the hotel. They head for the stairs. I follow after I'm sure there isn't anyone else. I stay back trying to listen in and see if I can find out exactly what they were doing here. 


"I thought they would be here." Camera guy apologizes. "Maybe they were and just didn't stand out. Or just ignored the shots." He offers, and they continue walking up the stairs. 


"The boss is interested you know that. We need to get this going. Where else might we find them?" A differnt guy speaks.


"I'll look." they stop moving, I take my chance. I peek around the cornner, and take aim. I pull the triger and hit home in the head. One out two to go. The other two freak out and look back at me pulling guns.  "I told you!" Camera guy speaks


"Get her!" The other one still alive yells, and then they both charge at me, not shooting but still aiming. I aim as well and they both slow down. Thinking about how to go about this.


I don't need to think. I take my aim again. And fire. I hit the guy I don't know in the chest, not a kill shot, but not a worthless shot. He falls still and is unable to continue. I aim at the camera guy now who is smiling. 


"What were you doing here?" I ask interagate aiming at him. He drops his gun, but his smiles doesn't go away.  "Answer me." I yell, stepping toward him. He cocks his head toward the window, and I look over there too. I hear it to late. A helicopter. Damn I was to focused on other things. He jumps out the window and I run over looking at what just happened. They're all ready to far away at least for the pistol. A hand grabs my ankle and I turn stomping down on he hand with my other foots. He screams in pain. "What were you three doing here?" I ask him grabbing his hair and pulling his face up off the ground.  He spits at me, and I tug on his hair. 


"I'm not gonna talk." He groans in pain. Blood is everywhere on the ground around us. "Might as well kill me." He laughs. 


I stick my finger into his bullet wound and the screaming begins. I don't think I've ever heard a man scream that loud or at least high pitched. 


"What were you doing here!?" I ask again. 


"You." he mumbles. "Bitch." Then out of knowwhere his arm is up and there is a bullet through his head. I step back totally lost. He didn't shoot me? He could've shot me... but he didn't. I wipe my face smearing some of his blood that splattered on me. 


"Blaire what the hell happened!?" Crash  makes it upstairs. 


"I got two of them... but that damn camera guy keeps getting away." I groan looking toward the window.


"The helicopter?" Crash walks over looking at everything. I nod, looking down at the dress I'm wearing. It more than likely costed a fortune, and now it's not only ripped but filled with blood stains. "Nobody was hit. Just a case vases shattered from people knocking into them on the way out." 


"They weren't here for any specific person." I rub my eyebrow. "I heard some of what they were talking about. They were waiting to see if someone would come out and openly attack them, I didn't catch any names though." 


"Well, you did good. Lets get headed back." He sighs. I nod and follow behind him back downstairs and outside. Once we reach the door, now there is not only paparazi but also news vans with cameras everywhere and  people asking questions and trying to figure out what went wrong. "Aghh.. lets just get out of here fast don't say anything." He sighs. 


"Here wait." I say, "Take off you jacket." He doesn't argue. "Turn around." He does. I slip the dress off, now in the strapless bra and thong. I shrug into his jacket that is just like a knee length dress on me. "Okay lets go." I point towards the door. 


"Are you naked under there?" He whispers as we sneak past eveyone with out anyone paying attention to us.


"No." I reply flatly, and we slip into our car and we head out. " I'm tired." I  yawm laying my head against the window. "I swear if you touch me I will shoot you!" I warn him 


"Thought you weren't naked under there?" He jokes. 


"I'm not but still!" I snap back and with that I ignore him and his like remarks. I'm ready to shower and sleep. It's Saterday tomorrow too. Good. But Luke wont be there. He is in Florida. With Tessa and even some of Crash's girls. Closing my eyes I push the thoughts away I can't get into that now. I don't want to get into that now.

Chapter 13

Blaire's POV


"Blaire? Hey wake up. It's just a bad dream!" I sit up bonking head with Crash who was leaning over my trying to wake me up.  "Sorry... but you started yelling and whipping around. Well, and we're back."


"Oh... sorry... I just...I .." 


"It's okay.. I understand. I'll walk you back to your room." He says, and I don't argue I'm to tired to. The walk back is quiet and once we're to my room, he goes inside and tucks into my bed, screw showers.  "Thanks... Crash."


"I heard about what your mission with the school is." He whispers. "I think it's a bunch of bullshit, little bunny. You're being really strong about everything. I'm proud of you."


"What are you doing Crash? You're actually being a good guy?!" I yawn feeling sleep coming. 


"I just wanted to tell you that, I am proud of you. Stay strong Blaire." He wipes some of my hair off my face, and says goodnight. Then he is gone, and I'm out cold.




I can help you if you don't understand it." Cody reminds me sitting in the classroom. The math room. 


"Please do because I'm still confused." I sigh laying my pencil down and crossing my arms. "This is all dumb stuff anyways when will I need this in the future?" I question. All he does is laugh, making his way over to my desk. I pulls over a chair and begins the first problem with me. None of still makes any sense, but it help a little having him explain it to me again.  "Thanks!" I smile finally understanding this dumb formula I have to use. 


"I know how you can pay me back." His voice goes raspy and low. Than his hands on my chair turning me towards him as he moves in closer. What is this? Aren't we in class? I look around, and panic when I don't see anyone else. I grab his hand and push them off of me, trying to get away from him. "Come one you know you want it."


"No!" I yell, instinctively swinging my arm to slap him. He grabs my wrist just in time and pulls me towards himand I jerk forward into his body. "Stop! What are you doing?!" I say trying to squirm my way out. 


"You know you're my favorite Blaire." He whispers in my ear


"NO!" I shriek falling out of bed. I stay on the floor, letting the hard cold floor calm and cool me down. After a while I sit up feeling a little calmer now. I have blood all over me from last night. A shower sounds nice. I get all cleaned up and decide I'll go to breakfast. It just opened a couple minutess ago, the earliest it opens is 4:00 and it's 4:06 right now.  


Like I thought, I'm the first one here. I chat with the cooks for while, and take my breakfast to go. Computer hacking. I'll go waste some time. Eating and working on skills wastes a lot of time. Mostly because it is hard to type and eat at the same time. Once three hours have past I decide to bring my dishes back to the cafeteria. Now it's packed full. I go in and joke with the cooks about this morning and me calling a banana a mango. I was slightly distracted, and we all laughed about it. I turn around looking at the table for Luke. They aren't back yet.  I leave as soon as I find Crash not wanting him to see me and mention last night. That was so embarrassing. I can't believe he saw me at my worst moment like that. 


Now what to do with my day? I have homework to catch up on, but that really isn't what I want to do at all. I should do it though, just so when I get to school on Monday I can turn it all in and be done with all of it. I shouldn't have anymore homework hopefully after this anyways. Grabbing a bottle of water from a machine, I head to my room and pull my bookbag over to my desk. I pull out all the worksheets and books I have here with me and get to work. Starting with French and ending with Math. 


Hanging around the training hall after that I chat with other marks. It feels nice to have a day off and be a somewhat normal teenager. Well, some what normal. Watching around the room, trying to keep my eyes open for Tessa and or Luke I spot Natalie and Morgan. We aren't very close... I'm not very close with any of the other marks. We talk and all but I don't go out of my way to chat with them. Espicially those two. They aren't that good of company. They both think their shit doesn't stink, and they are practically the sluts of the facility. They go on speical missions trying to seduce bad guys and what ever. 


I hear Crash's whistle that he always does trying to get peoples attention, and I swing my head to where it came from. 


"Me?" I ask. Now what does he want from me. I really don't want to talk to him. Yesterday he saw me at me worst and it was really embarassing for me. When he was my manager he didn't pay any attention or even care enough to notice it, but he saw it yesterday. Slowly I make my way down the bars, and leave the training center with him, and I feel eyes on the two of us as we leave. 


I've been spending a lot of time with him lately, and not Luke. I shake it off it doesn't mean anything. It's just with this mission I have schedules aren't working out like usual. 


"What?" I ask, after following him for a couple minutes. 


"Lets go outside." I replies, and leaves it at that. Outside? What's outside? I go with it knowing I can at least attempt to protect myself from him if he attacks me. Once were there he stops right infornt of the closed door behind us. "It's nice. The fresh air." He stretches out his arms. 


"What do you want?" I ask again.


"Little Bunny, you don't think I just wanted to see you?" He looks down at me with a smirk. I role my eyes turning to head back inside.  "No wait." He lays a hand on my shoulder. " I wanted to ask you about what happened in the car."


Of course you do. I rub my eyes wishing I really wouldn't have fallen asleep. I usually don't sleep in cars and plains because of that. Not even with Luke. 


"It was nothing. Just a bad dream." I push his hand of my shoulder.


"About?" He asks me. 


"None of your business." Than with that I go back inside, I hear his footsteps behind me. "Leave it alone Crash."


"Luke knows about this right? And Mrs. Jennings?" He appears next to me in the hall. 


"They both know that yes." I shrug. It's not a lie they do know, but I don't think they know the extent of them and how often they are.. but neither does Crash.


"How oft-"


"I'm not having this conversation with you!" I stop and turn towards him. "You never noticed before or even cared so I don't know why you do now." I pause. "Just leave it alone." 


"Maybe you should talk to someone about it." He offers. 


"Like you?" I scoff, and than continue walking.


"Like Mrs. Jennings.  I get the feeling you li-"


"I said leave it alone!" I turn on him again, my hand slaps his cheek and hard. "Goodbye." I walk away leaving my hand in a fist because it stings really bad. Once I round the corner I run not wanting him to be able to catch up to me. I know my slap surprised him. It surprised me. I go back to my room but lock the door, and unclench my hand. Damn that felt good to hit him, but the aftermath not so good. 


It's going to be a long weekend.




"Unlock the door."  I wake up to Mrs. Jennings knocking on the door. I look around for a clock trying to get the time. What is she doing here at 10:00!? "Blaire now." 


I slug out of bed rubbing my eyes, as I open the door for her.


"Come along." She orders and begins walking down the hall. I have to practically run to catch up to her at first. Where is she taking me? Why is wanting to take to me at all? We make a couple turns, and she tells me to wait outside Mr. Wahls' office for her. I do leaning against the wall with a yawn.  


A laugh. I stand up from the floor shaking off the edge of sleepiness that caught me. There it goes again. It's a girl. I walk toward the other end of the hall, who is it? This kind of laugh is one of those abnormally annoying ones. "So you going to help me take this off?" I hear the girls voice.  I stop. I don't want to know anymore.


"You know that is not why I came." No way. I run down the rest of the hall, and peek around the corner. Luke? He is back. At least he isn't hurt. 


"Oh but we used to have so much fun." the girls steps out of her room, and I notice she is older Luke's age. Beautiful. Blonde and tall. Her loegs are very long and she reminds me of a ballerina.


"Camille," Luke sigh. I watch as she  grabs his tie that he still ha on from the mission, and she moves in way to close to him. "I'm here fo-"


"I know why you're here Lukas." She smiles up at him, and watching this is making me feel really uncomfortable. Why did she just call him Lukas? Why are they acting like this? Are they .. together!?  "Come in." She say pulling him into her room and then with that the door closes.


"Blaire, what are you doing?" I hear Mrs. Jennings ask behind me. I blink my eyes really fast and take some deep breaths. I wish I didn't see what I just saw. They must be together... or have a big past... or.


Focus. That is not what is important right now. What am I doing with Mrs. Jennings? She opens the door to her office and tells me to take a seat. 


"What is this about?" I lean back in the chair making myself comfortable. I look around her office, it is bigger than Mr. Wahls', but she has a lot more stuff. " I really would just like to sleep." 


"But when you sleep you have nightmares don't you?" She turns around in her chair, now ready to start talking to me finally. I narrow my eyes at her. What is this? Her face stays calm and neatral, but her eyes never leaver mine. What made her want to talk to me now? At this hour. At all even?




"Look what ever Crash told you it's a bunch of hog wash okay." I stand up not wanting to be here. Not wanting to talk about this. "I'm sorry he wasted your time." I head for the door. 


"Sit down, Blaire." She orders sternly and she means business. "We are not finished here." 


"I think we are." I reply to her. 


"I have to authority to put you into confinement, now if that is not what you want I would suggest you sit back down." She threatens. Confinement! No I don't want to go back to that.  I turn around and sit. I'll just go around all her questions.  "Smart girl." she praises. 


"Lets just make this fast." I lean back again.


"So, these nightmares." She leans back as well, looking at me and not her notepad in her lap. "What are they about?"


"You know what they're about.  You know all the answer to everything about them already!" I reply to her. 


"What about how often they occur?" I watch her hand tense. She is ready to write something.


"I don't know. Once or twice a month?" I shrug. "Seriously, what am I doing here?"


"Blaire." She leans foreward now, setting the notepad and pen aside. "Now, I know you don't like talking to me but right now you need to." 


"I promise. I'm not lying or withholding anything from you. Crash is just an asshole...  I mean... he is a story teller." I rephrase my words. 


"He said you were shaking and crying, Blaire. That you were sweating an-" She begins.


"I was cold." I sigh, "I swear."


"Fine." She stands up "But if I hear one more thing about this Blaire, we are going to talk. Whether it is in or out of confinement." She leads me to the door. 


"I completely understand." I say leaving.  I'm going to kill him. I don't know where his room is. I don't remember. I go back to my room, wondering how I'm going to get my revenge. 


What about Luke!? What was he doing with that girl!? What are they doing now? Each other?! 


So much for sleeping tonight.

Chapter 14

Blaire's POV


I did a great job yesterday. My job was avoiding everyone. I stayed locked up tight in my room, and went to breakfast really earlier and super really late. It was perfect.  I didn't have to worry about freaking out at Luke for that girl, and I didn't have to worry about beating the shit out of Crash... but I do plan on doing that at some point. 


Today, I have school. So, I'm going to see Luke. Maybe. He usually rides with me to school, but maybe just maybe today will be an exception. I pray it will be. In fact, I'm makign my way towards the garage now, so I aproach with my fingers crossed. I'm either going to open the car door and find him waiting for me, or he will be waiting for me to arrive and he'll open the door.. or he might not be there at all. I peek into the garage. He isn't to be seen. He must be in the car. Tip toing my way there - as if doing so will make me be unnoticable - I pull on the handle and wait to see if I hear his voice. Nothing. There isn't any voice. I peek around the door, and I almost slam it back shut. He is in there. Watching me like I'm an idiot. Now I'm not only mad at him, but ferious with myself. 


Deep breath. Straight face. Get in the car. 


I do just that. I buckle my belt and pull out my free reading book to read for the ride. Hopefully the book will indicate I'm not in the mood to talk right now. 


"So, you and Crash went to a gala I heard." He starts right away. That seems like a jealous kind of tone. I just nod using my hair as a curtain so he can't see my face. I'm positive I have a huge scowl on my face or it's bright red from anger and embarassment.  "How... was that?" He asks, wanting more on it. 


"Fine." I shrug my shoulders, and turn the page in the book. I'm not actually reading but I have to make it look like I am. 


"Well, that is... good. Is something wrong?" He asks. "I can tell your not reading the book. You read a lot faster than this." He grabs the book and pulls it from my hands. 


"Nothing. Give me the book back." I sigh sending him a glare. I hold out my hand, but he doesn't give it back.


"Yeah okay. Did he do something to you?" He asks, now I look away. Both of you did something to me you damn idiot. Laying my head against the window I just stay quiet. Screw this. I don't want to get into now, but then go all day at school not being able to fix it. "What did he do?" he asks again.


"It's not important. I handled it. I always handle things perfectly fine when you're gone." I blurt, and then I rub my eyes wishing I wouldn't have said anything. 


"So you're mad at me for being gone now? I don't understand why you can get mad at me for having other marks and other people to worry about. You aren't my main priority all the time Blaire." He begins scolding me. 


"No Camille is." I whisper harshly to myself. That hit home. That hurt. I don't want to be his main worry. Not even his main priority... but I just thought that we were closer than this. 


"Besides you've been with Crash." he goes on not hearing my little remark.


" 'for work' " I use his same excuse. "It's not like I go into his room and fuck him every other night." I lean back, I am starting to feel tears but no way in hell am I going to cry because of this. 


"Excuse me!" He demands wanting to know what is going on with me right now. The car than comes to a stop and I know we're at the school.


"Or maybe I do." I whisper but loud anough for him to hear. I grab my book bag and leave the car. 


"Blaire get back here, now!" I hear him and a car door open and close. I keep walking towards the school. He catches up to me real quick grabbing my wrist forcing me to stop. His face it's filled with so much emotion right now. He is frightened and angry. Confused mostly.  "What in the hell has been going on?" 


"Nothing." I pull my arm trying to get him off. "I have school." 


"I'm going to throw you back into that vehicle if you don't anser my damn question."  he questions. 


"What do you want to know?" I sigh, giving up this whole strong indepent thing. Sadly I already miss having Luke here as my best friend. I'm in way to deep to just forget him like that. 


"Did you sleep with Crash while I was gone?" He whispers, and I look up into his eyes. I can't believe he actually believed me. 


"No. Now can I go?"  I look towards the school.


"We will talk about this more at the facility." He says, and I nod. Than with that he lets go of me and gets back into the car. I stare after him like a lost puppy, wanting him to come back here. 


"That looked bad." Casey's voice behind me sounds intrigued. "Get into a fight? Was it about that hot guy who came and picked you up the other day.. with that dress?" 


"Kind of." I sigh, leaving it at that. I walk past her back into the school, and towards my locker. 


"I'm not done here Blaire. You have explaining to do." She follows me keeping her voice down.  "Who was he? He looked like he was thirty Blaire." 


"Actually he is twenty two." I correct her.


"Fine. Why did the twenty two year old give you a dress like that?!" She keeps up with the questions. I take a deep breath thinking through my answer. Why would I have been given a dress like that? "Don't lie either." She whispers, as if she knows what it was for. That's impossible though. 


"It was for a party.." I try out. I'm not techinically lying. 


"What kind of party, Blaire?" she steps in front of me. Stopping me from getting into my locker. 


"A fancy dress party." I smile at her, and swerve around her finally getting to my locker. I open it and begin putting things away and getting out my Anatomy things. 


"No shit." She laughs but it's not a funny happy laugh. I turn around and step back seeing a phone screen being shoved in my face. "You went to Florida. To a big gala from the governer!" I look at the picture blankly, now what do I say?  It is of Crash and I as we were first walking inside.


"Where did you get that?" I ask.


"It was on the news. Apparently there was a shooting and some murders even." She is watching my every move now like a hawk.  I don't understand the clean up crew ussually deal with these things and makes sure there isn't any way to they can lead it back to us. 


"Who have you all shown that to?" I ask. This isn't good. 


"No one.. but it was broadcasted on the tv. So I'm others saw it." She is slightly confused on what's going on now.


"You have to delete that photo Casey. Now." I practically beg her. 


"What? Not until I get some answers Blaire!" She demands. The first bell rings signalling class, and I practically run away. I pull out my phone sending Luke a text telling him what happened and what Casey has. He replies right away saying he is on it. I shove my phone back into my pocket and pay attention to class.


Now I avoid Casey and Caleb both unsure if he knows about the photo yet.  I realize halfway into third hour that I'm going to see Cody Riker today. What do I do? What can I do? Nothing. Mr. Wahls hasn't told me anything  yet.  I'm screwed. That's all there is to it. I'm tottally screwed. Life is hitting the fan because everythig is begging to blow up and away. Luke and I are fighting. I'm stuck in a mission with my rapist. I might have put myself and the agnecy in jeopardy. But, that could also be Crashes fault. He was there two. Why did the new cast have us in there though? We weren't .. aren't famous. If Casey is telling the truth and it was broadcasted over the TV, than there is alot of clean up to be done.


I skip lunch not really feeling it because my stomach is already not feeling the best. I sit in the library trying to think of a way to get out of P.E and Math. I really don't want to see him. Ever again preferably ... unless I'm kicking his ass. I know I'm strong enough to do it. I can meet him face to face and not freak out, or break down. I just don't want to be waiting a long time to do it. 


"Blaire Kennedy, please report to the office. Blaire Kennedy to the office." The intercom blows it's top of hurting my ears. I keep up from my seat heading to the office. I open the door, and pause when I see Casey sitting in a chair obviously pissed off. 


"Blaire." I hear Luke, and he peeks out from around the room. Oh, her phone!


"You couldn't stand me having a picture of you? Wow." Casey scoffs at me. I walk past her without even acknowledging her. She is beyond my main issue here. 


"Blaire. Now." Luke yells from the other room. 


"Yes, Sir." I head inside, and see they have an entire system here breaking into all the students phones checking for the photo and or other information. "You know you didn't have to be a jerk about it. She is going to make my life hell now."


"You wont be here much longer anyways."  He stares at the screen, barely acknowledging me. Right he is still mad at me... I should still be mad at him.  "What was the mission?"


"You know I can't tell you that." I cross my arms.  He starts tapping his foot on the floor, getting angry. "That was a stupid question."


"What happened Blaire? This girl has your photo, and so do many magazine websites. Now I'm on clean up duty cleaning up your mess."  He demands finally looking at me.


"Don't blame me! That's Crash's job!" I fire right back. "Why do you care so much, it was just one slip. It's not like I was holding a gun in the picture!"  the computer beeps and he looks back at that. I turn away fumming about this now. He seems jealous but yet he might just really be mad about having to do clean up. 


"That is not the point and you know it." He calmly says. "You were sloppy... both of you. Next time just be maybe a little more careful."  That strikes home with me. Sloppy. I was sloppy!? 


"Well, I guess you better start training me better than. Since my sloppiness is interfering with you fucking around with Camille."  I reply like a spit fire. Oh no! Not what should have been said. He turns his head towards me, still trying to comprehend everything I just said. I let out a shakey breath, and turn leaving the room. 


"Blaire Kennedy get back here now!" He yells, but I ignore him. I pass Casey who was keeping an ear in on our conversation. I open the office door. and head down the hall back to the library. I sit in my chair  and lean back. 


Damn. I'm in so much trouble. I don't want to go back to the facility now. Luke is more than likely going to murder me, if Mr. Wahls doesn't do it first. I was way out of line today. Talking back to Luke like that. He could get me set back down to a trainee! He wouldn't though would he? He just might with how I have been acting lately. God I've been such a bitch to him. He has to hate me now! 


I lose a couple of tears knowing what ever Luke and I had before is gone. I just threw it all away. Without evening really thinking about it! 


"Blaire." I freeze. Oh god. I'm crying. "What is going on?" He asks and I hear the ceat next to me squeek as he sits down.  "You have to talk to me. I... I don't want to leave things like that. And don't say it is nothing."


"I don't even know what is wrong." I lie. Of course I know, but I can't exactly just say I'm pissed of and jealous that you have a girl that your having sex with and may or may not be in a relationship with. 


"Camille and I ar-" 


"God I don't want to know!"  I interupt looking up but not at him now that al the tears are gone. "It is none of my business."  


"- in a class learning how to use new weapons the agancy is getting." He finishes. I bite my lip to keep my jaw from dropping.  "I'm not sure what you saw... but I can't assure you there is nothing going on there at all." 


"I know what I saw Lukas." I scoff getting up. He must think I'm some kind of idiot. I walk through the shelves and he follows me. 


"You saw her acting like she does with everyone." It makes me laugh actually. I've never seen anyone act so sexual ever. "Blaire." He stops me. "She is into girls." 


"What?" I gasp. 


"Were you jealous?" He asks a hint of a smirk starting to poke out. "Are you jealous?" 


"Are you kidding!? No, I was just ... well I was worried for yo-" I try to think of a way to explain. 


"You were jealous."  He realizes. I turn away again and move away from him. Why does he have to be so damn perceptive!? I really do hate him sometimes. But I'm pretty sure I love him all of the times. 


"That isn't the point Luke. What do you want now!?" I stomp my foot. 


"You know you aren't sloppy right?" He asks a couple feet away from me. He is watching me now with those eyes. Like he's a hawk and I'm his prey. It sends shivers down my spine.  "I'm sorry I  yelled at you. I just don't want Mr. Wahls getting on our asses and bumping you down to a trainee." He pauses, but has more to say. "And... I was... I am jealous that you've been spending so much time with Crash." He finishes in a rush. I feel a little pink start coming to my cheeks. He is jealous of Crash? "You know there isn't anything going on between Camille and I. Now I need to know, have you and Crash ever h-"


"No! I would never do that. Not even if it was to make you mad." I reply. Right than the bell rings. " I better get to class." I sigh, walking back towards the door. I move around him feeling slightly awkward right now. This is a wierd place to leave things. But It's better than before. 


"Wait." He says, to quickly for me to even actually stop. He grabs my wrist, and I tumble towards him from him pulling. Not only are we chest to chest but we are lips to lips! Holy shit he is kissing me! 


Wait, he is kissing me?! 


I'm not going to argue. This is like a dream come true right here! Instinctively my arm wrap around his neck. His hands are on my waist holding on tight. I always wondered what it would feel like kissing him but I never thought it would be like this. This is like a peace of heaven. It's short lived. When the bell rings signaling 5th hour starting, I reluctantly pull back. I touch my lips wishing I didn't have to. No one can ever know about it. 


"I'm sorry." I breath out and turn and scurry out of the room, to my class. I slump into my chair still dazed from what just happened. I can't believe that just happened! I need to forget it. If anyone finds out we could both get into a lot of trouble. My lips are sealed. I wont say anything. 


I'll take that kiss to my grave. 

Chapter 15

My grave might be coming sooner then I thought. During my little ... scuttle... with Luke I forgor all about Casey and wiping her phone. She is now giving me the stink eye in the locker room as we change for P.E. Along with all of her friends as well. I might as well go kill myself now because I can tell that they're prepared to make my life a living hell. If I think about it though... it can't get much worse. I mean I'm like 10 feet away from the person who raped me, I kissed Luke which is way against all of the rules, and I'm pretty sure there is going to be one big clean up duty because Casey wont keep her mouth shut. 


I leave the locker room keeping my head down and mouth shut, no need to say anything else that might strike her the wrong way. I hang out in the gym waiting for everyone else. There are a couple guys out here but they are all messing around. 


"You changed fast." Cody sighs sitting next to me at the ground. I look at my hands in my lap, pulling in a deep breath. I need to stay calm and collected here, other wise things might make a bad turn. I just nod, going along with it. It's not like I absolutly had to reply to him with words.  "You ready for kick ball?" He sighs, sounding bored.


"It's not my favorite." I reply and to my surprise it sounded normal. Thank the lord! 


"What is your favorite than?" He asks, his voice sounds intrigued and it catches my attention more than he already has.  I glance over at him, and look away when I see he is looking at me. With him looking at me like that it his questions sounds almost sexual. 


Okay, wait.


This might be fun. Lets play. In a couple of days we'll be arresting him anyways. 


"Well... why don't you tell me." I look back over at him, and he smirks more with a scoff. He looks over towards the guys and watches them a while. 


"You know... you should be over there... or still in the locker room  with the girls." 


"Why though... you're  right here." I sigh looking over at the group of boys like he is. Caleb is over there now, but he isn't paying any attention.  Then the gym door bang open and all the girls from the locker room come in like a heard of buffalos. 


"Alright are we all ready now?" Cody stands up stretching out.  He looks down at me and offers a hand, I take it without a second thought and we all follow behind him. I stay behind everyone like the loner I am, and go about the class without friends. I do a pretty kick ass job at kickball though, but I still don't like it that much.  Classes continue like usual, I haven't faced the wrath of Casey yet, but I feel like their is going to be a big smack in the face coming up soon, and the sooner I get out of here the better.


"Alright go change." Cody releases us. I take off and change back into my clothes and take off to the math room... Mr. Riker's room. I pull out my phone checking to see if just maybe Luke texted me. No, of course not. That kiss probably fucked everything up. Knowing how much he likes his job he probably told Mr. Wahls and we're both in a ton of trouble. I lay my head down on the desk trying to play out the scene in my head. There are some many ways it could go. Depending on what Luke tells him too. Would Luke completely lie saying I made all moves on him!? No. He wouldn't. I don't think at least. 


"In a rush?" Riker walks into the room.


"Yes, actually... I want to get home." I sigh. 


"What's so great about home?  It sounds to me like you have a controling older brother who doesn't leave you alone." He leans on his desk looking in my direction. "Doesn't sound like that good of a life."


"No, Casey .. just doesn't understand whats going on." I lean back. "I'm assuming she told you about the picture." 


"Yeah.... of you at a big gala in Florida or something like that with a different guy."  he replies, in a questioning tone. 


"It's my brothers work.... and I can't say much more about it. That's why the photo had to be deleted." I end that conversation.  "Lets get on with this math crap." I sigh opening my text book. He moves back behind hs desk getting the board ready as more students pile into the room.


Luke isn't in the car when I get picked up. The driver doesn't greet me or even look at me. I'm so dead. The ride back is long and I try to do homework to make it go by faster.  But my worry gets the best of me and begin freaking out.  


I know what I can do. I'll jut go straight to Mr. Wahls and apologize! Take what ever punishment he has for me. Yes, that is what I'll do! I'm still going to be dead and in way to much trouble, but maybe just maybe it wont be as bad. The car comes to a stop and I hear the gears click putting it into park. Here I go. 


Pulling my bag over my shoulder I practically run to his office. Of, course I knock and I don't just barge in. Once I get told I can come in I take a deep breath. Okay. I can do this. 


"Sir." I greet opening the door. 


"Ah! Blaire, just who I wanted to see actually." He smiles. Oh god. But it looks like a genuene smile, not a "I planning to murder you" one. "Come please sit down." 


"Yes, Sir." I take a seat, now rethinking my idea of spilling my guts to him. 


"Alright. Now, we have to be careful how we continue with your mission. " He begins, "With his dad being in one of the top military branches, and his mother being a lawyer.. it might be more tricky to arrest him."


"I thought you have proof though? Like a rape kit." I'm slightly confused. 


"We do. But with it being a couple years old... and not having any other proof. We need a stronger case." He leans back, I nod understanding what he means. Although I thought we were higher up with the government then this. 


"What is it you want me to do?"  I stand, "I'll do anything." 


"I know." He stands up now as well. "Follow me." He gestures, and I do as I'm told. He leads me out of his office and towards the training center. We don't actually go into it though. This is cool! I'm in the over view room. Where managers, Mrs. Jennings, and Mr. Wahls watch us all. I've never been up here before. 


"Blaire, I need something from you that I usually don't ask for." he sighs looking down at the marks and managers down below us. I listen closely. "We know that he is a rapist... a repeated one in fact." Now he looks at me. 


"I don't understand." I admit not following him. 


"I'm going to send some one in with you." He looks away. I get defensive right away. Angry that he doesn't think I can handle this on my own. "For protoction." He continues explaining his thought process. I look back down at the marks spotting Morgan, Tessa, and Natalie all doing a simulation working together as a team. Luke is standing by watching them as they work. Luke... he didn't say anything. What is he doing? 


"Why would I need protection, Sir? I am quite capable of protecting myself and other people." I respond still lost. My eyes wonder away from Luke and the girls, and I just watch others training. My eyes find Crash, he is working with one of his girls that I don't even know. 


"Just a procuation that's all. Back up if something were to happen." He says as if he knows something will happen. 


"What exactly are you asking me to do?" I turn away from the glass. I need to focus on this conversation. 


"I need you to put yourself into a position where he makes a move." He now looks at me as well. "I need you to seduce him."  He lets that sink in a minute, and I process it. I sort of did that today but I did that because I knew we'd be arresting him. But... if he is asking me to do it, and sending in protection... 


"Yes, Sir." I reply.  "Anything as long as I can be there when he is arrested." 


"Of course." He smiles at me again. "One more thing though Blaire." His voice turns serious, and he points down towards Luke. Oh, no. 


"Yes?" I ask worried that he going to remove me from Luke. 


"Mr. Smith, can NOT know about this. None of it. This is between us two." He says, and we both watch Luke for a miniute. He stretches out his arms and twists his torso and just happens to glance up at us. He pauses confused, and his eyes cross mine. 


"I understand." I say still looking down at him, just like he is looking at me. 


"I'm glad. It shouldn't be much longer, Blaire." 


"Wait, who are you sending with me?" I ask tearing my eyes away from Luke's. I walk over to him, since he is halfway out the door. "If you don't mind me asking." 


"Tristan." He responds and I feel my jaw drop. Then with that he closes the door, and leaves me alone in the over view room. 


Back up here a minute. Tristan? The only boy mark here at the facility, Tristan?! Who just happens to look like a model for Calvin Klein?! I haven't even seen him around! I have no idea why he is the only boy here but he is and damn is he good at his job. I've worked with him only one other time, and that was at a wedding. We were the protection the bride who was someones daughter who was important. That was a long time ago. I don't even remember any specifics about it.


I leave the room heading down to the training hall once I've changed out of my clothes. He wont pass for a highschooler will he? I haven't seen him in a while... but I'm partly sure he is around Luke's age. 


"Why don't you go work on hand to hand combat." Luke's voice breaks my thoughts, I look over at him. He is still watching the other three. 


"Yeah sure." I sigh walking away. It's not like we kissed a little over three hours ago, or anything. I shake my head not wanting to even start with that. If he can act like nothing happened then so can I. Or at least I can try.  I work on my fighting like Luke said to do, but my eyes wander to him  every couple of seconds. I get it since we're in a crowded area, we can't really talk about what happened. But I think it needs to be talked about. Sorted out so that it never happens again... of course I'd rather it happen a lot more... but under the circumstances.


After I spend an hour on that I debat on what to do. I sit down on one of the benches wishing there was some  one here I could tell everything to. Not Luke, there are thing s can't tell him, for sure not Mrs. Jennings shes a snitch for Mr. Wahls. There are things I wish I could get of my chest, like this kiss!  


Running. Running also helps me calm down and work things out. I head out without talking to Luke about it. 




"Night." I get up from the table. It was just Natalie sitting there, the other three weren't there so they must be gone. I'm ready to hit the showers. I head towards my room, ready to just sleep for a couple of days. Tomorrow Tristan will be going with me to school, and I'll be trying to get into not only my teacher but my rapist pants.


Great just great. Everything was starting to somewhat go well, and now everything is blowing up. 

Chapter 16

Blaire's POV


Mr. Wahls left me a treat in my room. Someone must have came in my room late while I was sleeping and put this in here.  Because that is not creepy at all. The card just reads "Do your best. Mr. Wahls" I open the box and see an engraved dagger. It's beautiful. It has my initials on it. I slide it into the case and zip it into the pouch I never use in my book bag. 


I get dressed and shove my hair into a bun. I shove my feet into my converse shoes that I'm begginng to get tired of. I honestly miss my mission boots... actually just my mission clothes in general. I grab my bag and head to the garage. I don't want breakfast.  More like I don't want to see Luke, but I'm just ignoring all thoughts about him. 


I get to the garage and there isn't any sign of Luke anywhere. Good. Opening the car I freeze, remembering Tristan. 


"Been awhile crocodile!" He greets me with a wave. His curly black hair all geled and a school bag in his lap. 


"Okay.." I slide into the car closing the door. "Lets get this dumb show on the road." I rub my temples. 


"Not excited to be working with me? Damn. I wash excited to see you." He sighs. "You know you're like famous."


"You too, did you know that?" I sigh laying my head on the window. 


"Well yeah.. being the only guy in a group of girls... does make you stand out." He smirks. "but you.... you're like major big talk between everyone. Being an assisin with a smoking hot body who just happens to be in the middle of a huge war." 


"War?" I look over at him. 


"Oh come on Crash and Luke?" He chuckles. 


"No." I flat out say. "End of conversation, Tristan. Now, lets get on thing straight. I really don't need your protection so please just leave me alone."


"You're very interesting, you know that. Intriguing. Entertaining even. This is going to be a lot of fun!" He sighs, pulling a piece of paper out of his pocket. He tosses it at me and I look at it. No. No way!


"What is this!? You're in all of my classes?" I throw it back, what is going on. 


"I'm here to make sure you do your job. And to help you in case something goes wrong." 


"What could go wrong?" I scoff. 


".... Blaire... it is just in case you... freeze or something nothing important."  He sighs and looks away. I do to. I get why he is here.  


"Well.. I guess I should thank you or something..." I rub my eyes. 


"No, I should thank you. This is like a vacation for me! Besides I know you can handle yourself." then the car comes to a stop and we both slide out of the car. "Okay so what exactly do you do? Do you like actually do this or just half ass it?" 


"Depends on the day honestly." We walk towards the school together. " Do you need to go to the office at all?" I stop him in front of the office doors. The door swings open and out walk Caleb and one of his friends, and he stops looking at me. His eyes obviously looking me up and down in a lusting way. 


"Blaire." He speaks and then walks away with a quick look at Tristan next to me. 


"Caleb Riker, little brother of the suspect. Right?" he whispers, I nod. "No I don't need the office. I've got everything sorted out. I'm in all of your classes and I'm just suposed to chill with you... I'm your 'foster brother' like Luke." 


"Right." I nod and head towards my locker. 


"So explain to me what this school is? I mean nerds jocks ass hole teachers."


"Mrs. Lebough is a hoot I can tell you that much. She'll love you too you know. Being able to speak french better than she can."  We both laugh and I show him around the school. We stop at the anatomy room which is my first... well now our first class. "That's the school... nothing to special honestly." 


"So... Caleb Riker has a thing for you, and Casey Riker doesn't like you at all." is the first thing he says to me, and it catches me off guard. "Well... they both made it pretty obvious when we passed them in the hall back there." 


"Well, yeah your right. Although I don't think any of that matters does it?"  I ask, before I open the door. 


"Mhmmm, it might. We're dealing with there older brother. Especially since you have some seducing to do." He looks down at me, yes he it taller.. like everyone else.


"Mr. Wahls told you that part?" I look at the floor some what embarassed.


"Yes, that's why I have to be with you practically everywhere. So I can be sure to help if something goes wrong." He responds. If something goes wrong. What if I do freeze up? I wouldn't put it past me to do someting like that. I'm strong though, I know I can stand up to him.


"I just ignore them really.." I say back on the topic of Caleb and Casey. "Mostly Caleb though... I've had issues with Casey the past couple of days... yesterday.." I admit. 


"Like?" He asks, and I go into Mr. Whitman's room introducing them. Then we sit at a desk and I explain what happened yesterday... of course leaving out the entire Luke and I kissing part.  "Interesting... are you and Crash in trouble?" 


"Not that I know of." I shrug, "But we could be and Mr. Wahls is just waiting untilafter this mission." I lean back in my chair. Then the bell rings and class starts. Landon complains about how I'm not sitting by them anymore, but we're in the desk right next to them so it's not like I'm far away.  Of course they try to seem protective over me with Tristan being here because they don't know who he is, but then I explain to them the fostering situtation and they back off. I hand them my packet with the answer on it the they gladly shut up and get to writing. Tristan and I  whisper about the groups of people in the school, as he zooms through the packet same as me. 


"Are you both just super smart, or did Blaire help you?" Mr. Whitman walks over whispering to us. He seems suspicious. 


"We actually were taught at the same school believe it or not." Tristan smiles over at me, lying through his teeth. All though were were taught .. practically taught at the same place.. the facility.. but we weren't taught in the way he is imply.  "Two peas in a pod we are!" Tristan throws his arm over my shoulder and winks at me. I shake my head looking at Mr. Whitman. 


"Wow, really?" He asks, intrigued. "So, you're staying with her and her brother than?" 


"Yes, Sir."  Tristan salutes him. Than with that he walks away. "So, what's after this?" Tristan sighs leaning back.


"It's going to be a long day.." I lay my head down on the table, really wishing this wasn't the plan anymore.




"Tristan! Stop give it back!"  I panic as he runs out of our last class with my notebook... that I just happened to doodle stuff like  "I Love Luke" in.  "Pardon me! Sorry!" I say shoving my way through the crowd of students. "Tristan!" I yell again. 


He makes a sharp turn around a cornner, and I follow catching up. But he is nowhere to be seen. What in the hell? I look up making sure he didn't get up into the ceiling some how. Not there. I watch farther down, and I pass the boys locker room.  Oh. That smart ass. What if he looks through it?! I charge into the room, thankfully with no one in it except him. 


"I didn't think you would actually come in here you're so up tight and all." He chuckles. "I didn't look through it I promise!" He hands it over. Then leaves I follow not wanting to get caught being in here. "So, Mrs. Smith wha-OW"


"You did read it!" I smack him up side the head. Oh, god this is so embarrassing! What am I going to do? He will tell everyone and I'll be a laughing stock and not only that but Luke will probably be disgusted! "You can't tell anyone, Tristan!" I beg. "Please, it could ruin me!" 


"I wont. You're secret is safe with me." He whispers, and then we're outside walking towards our vehicle. "Besides.. I'm all for you and Smith." He shrugs.


"What does that mean?" I grab his elbow before he opens the car door. 


"I mean, I think you too might just work out. If you would ever admit to each other how you feel." He looks down at me. "Blaire, you know he admires you.. hell I'm sure that he is in love with you." 


"Luke?" I gasp, letting go of him. "You are way off their bud. Mr. Smith-"


"What about me?" The window roles down and his face pops out, I almost punch him because he frightened me to death, but Tristan grabs my arm just in time.  He is looking at us suspiciously, mostly Tristan actually, and he is confused and intrigued. He opens the car door gesturing for us to get in, and Tristan being the dumbass he is makes me slide in next to Luke. 


"Anyways..." I sigh, "As I was saying, Mr. Smith wont make you do the homework but if you want to you can." I make something up so things aren't completely awkward. I haven't seen Luke since we kissed, and I was just told the Luke probably loves me. What a bunch of fruit punch. Tristan is just trying to ... trying to... I don't know but he is trying to do something and I don't like it.  I look over at his face,  he is looking out the window he hair falling slightly in his face. It's times like these were I wish I could just take a picture of him like damn. 


Next to me Luke stretches bumping into me, and I glance at him looking away from Tristan. He apologizes quietly but continues looking ahead up to the front of the vehicle. I look forward to scrunch ing my body in and closer together trying to block both of them out. What a bunch of bolagna this is! 


Once we get to the facility I practically push Tristan out of the car and speed walk my way out of there. No way did I want to be by either of them any more. Luke hasn't really said a word to, and I am very made with Tristan. I go to my room and throw my stuff to the floor kicking off these dumb converse shoes and changing into my training gear. I throw on my jacket and boots, and head for the outside doors.  I'm not staying inside where I'm more likely to run into one of them. 




"Tomorrow. I'm finishing this tomorrow." I flat out tell Mr. Wahls. "I'm sick of wasting my time with this mission." I argue. "I could be doing so much more but you guys have me stuck in a damn high school chasing a rapist!"


"Your rapist." He replies. I lean back, wishing people would understand that I just want him behind bars. I'm not searching for revenge or anything, as long as he gets what he deserves. Jail / Prison  time. 


"Mr. Wahls... please. I'm tired of the school and the people. I really just want to get back to real missions." I say not begging but getting there. 


"I understand Blaire." He sighs sitting up. "Tomorrow I want you to go to school with Tristan like any other normal day okay?" I nod not happy but I know there is a but or an and coming. "And then Thursday we can make our move alright?" 


"Thank you Sir." I get up, good in two days this will all be done and over with. Then maybe things will go back to normal! No Luke and I fighting or kissing... well I'll miss the kissing part... but that is not the point.  "Good night." I say leaving the room. I feel a weight being liftd off my shoulders, knowing this is all coming to end and Cody will be behind bars or something.


I'm going to sleep easy tonight. Once I'm back to my room, I open and close the door leaving the lights off. I know the room by heart so it's not like the light needs to get turned on for me to make it to the bed. I pull off my shirt liking the cold air against my bair skin, but I leave on my sport bra because I can't stand sleeping naked. I pull off my shoes next and throw them over towards the cornner I usually put them. 


"Hey before you get completely undressed." there is a voice, and it makes me scramble backwards to the light switch.  "You might want to know I'm here..." Luke sighs as the light turns on. 


"What in the hell are you doing sitting in my room?! In the dark!?" I ask, looking for where my shirt landed. Way embarassed about this. 


"Blaire I wanted to talk to you about yesterday..." he scratches the back of his neck getting up from my bed. He looks from the floor to me, and I notice his eyes scan my body. Usually that would've been creepy but when it is him doing it not so much.  


"What about yesterday?" I cross my arms, over my stomach. For some reason even though he has seen me in Spandex and a sports bra I feel really naked in front of him. I look around the room trying to act as if I don't know what he is reffering to. He roles his eyes, and lets out a breath. 


"Just never mind." He heads towards the door. "I thought maybe you would be mature about this." He scoffs, and I whirl around closing the door in his face. 


"I'm not mature!?" I question leaving my hand against the door to push it closed if he tries to open it. "What is that suposed to mean? Huh? We broke a major rule, Luke if people find out we're toast!" I explain my reasoning here. 


"So, you would rather act like it never happened." His eyes catch mine, and my voice is caught in my throat. Damn the look he is giving me. 


"We shouldn-" I begin trying to change topic.


"Answer the question." He moves closer. 


"No." I respond way to quickly. Although he response to my answer was way to quick as well. His hands are running through my hair, and I can feel his strong body against mine. He walks forward making me step back, until I trip backwards onto my bed. I'm already shirtless, and he pulls his off over his head then moves back down closer again. His hands run down my sides stopping at the hem of my pants


"Luke, we can't." I say trying to catch my breath, after I break apart our lips. 


"We can." He whispers, looking at me. Lust clear in his eyes makes me wonder if he is just using me or if this is actually a mutual thing. "We both know how to keep a secret, and I want you so much." He lays his forehead on my shoulder. " I know you feel something here." He breaths. 


"I do." I reply, "That's why we have to stop." I push against him so I'm sitting up. " I care about you to much to jeopardize you job. You worked so hard to get here, and I don't want to ruin that for you." I pull my legs out from under him. His eyes watch mine, and I wish I could read his mind to see what he is thinking about! "I really think you should go." 


He ducks down, touching our lips again. Sweet and passionate.  


"Good Night, Blaire." He pulls away. Then with that he leaves the room, and I'm left in my bed wondeirng what exactly just happend and wishing I wouldn't have told him to leave. But I did the right thing. I know I did.  


I'm getting a little sick of this entire Romeo and Juliette thing going on here.

Chapter 17

Blaire's POV


"Shut up!" I knudge Tristan as he teases me about Caleb. We're walking into the school again and just happened to get here at the same time he did. "I'm ready to get this show on the road, tomorrow is our last day here and I'll be able to finally get back to normalcy!" I relax with a smile. 


"Isn't is sad how for most kids this is the normal?" Tristan sighs all of a sudden serious, and I glance at him. "I wish I had this experience ya know?" He looks down at me, his face almost sad with a wanting in his eyes. 


"I've had enough of an experience for the past couple weeks." I reply,  "Honestly it's a bunch of drama with slutty gir-"


"Who are you calling a slut?" Casey turns towards us. The way she says it implies that I'm being a hypocrite because I'm a slut. "So?"  She inquires. 


"A B conversation... C your way out!" Tristan wraps his arm around my shoulder and gives her a devil smile with a wink. Her jaw drops, and he pulls me away as we both begin to snicker. "I really don't like her." He whispers in my ear. 


"She thought we were talking about her. She is a big ass slut though so I'm assuming that's why she got so jumpy and snippy about it." We walk to Anatomy and chill at in our seats chatting about anything and every thing. He doesn't say anything about the notebook which I'm thankful for and it's probably a good thing to because of what happened last night. 


I'm not even sure what exactly happened last night. I mean I know what would've happened and what did, I just don't know what it means. And he wasn't in the car this morning, which I'm kind of happy about. It was just a weird situtation that is obviously getting weirder and weirder as we go. Althought there shouldn't be anything going on at all, but.... okay I need to stop thinking about this. It's getting me all confused and lost in thought. I need to focus. Stay on top of this and not slip up and say anything that could get us in trouble.  


The bell rings and we both get new packets, to sit on. We comtemplate even doing them because tomorrow is the big day for arresting Riker. We end up stuffing them into our folders and chatting the whole time anyways. It's not like he has to worry he knows that we know it all anyways so he doesn't say anything to us about it. I ask him questions about his training and his manager wondering if he gets treated differently. It sounds like he didn't have that much of a different experience compared to me. He trained just like everyone else. 


"Hey.. is it weird, being the only guy?" I ask as we head to second period. "You're surround by girls, and older guys... I can't imagine thats much fun." 


"Good days and bad." He shrugs, " I wish there were more guys yes, but  I also understand that girls seem like an unlikely assassin next to a boy." He looks down at me. "Especially girls like Tessa and you." 


"Tessa and I?" I raise an eyebrow at him.


"Totally smoking hot." he laughs as if everyone knows it."Including you actually have a personality and care about things and people." 


"You make it sound as if there aren't any other good looking girls at the facility." I role my eyes at him. 


"Oh there is don't get me wrong, but you... you're definately up there in the top 5." 


"Okay, so how about that school lunch today?" I change the subject, and he chuckles about it. 


"Hey lets skip class." He stops us a couple feet from the door. "Lets go chill somewhere, spend the last day having some fun."


"Sounds good." I turn him around and lead him to the library. "So... there is going to be a group of boys in here that we can chill with.. yes they will be high but they don't push... yeah you got it." I turn opening the door for him.


"So you have skipped class before?" he wiggles his eyebrow at me, "Naughty Blaire!"


"Shut up." I close the dor leading him back to where Landon and the group is. We all chill there until lunch skipping all morning classes, and then Tristan leads the way to the cafeteria.  He is hungry. I sit across from him with my lunch tray nibbling off of the pizza while he is stuffing his face. "Slow down there partner you're going to get sick." I inform him and he shrugs his shoulders not really in a caring mood. "You know that tomorrow is the day right?" I whisper, and he stops looking up at me from his food. 


"Yeah, Wahls told me. You sure you're ready to do this?" He takes another bite. 


"Never been more ready for anything in my life." I reply starting to tap my foot. I'm so ready to do this. "Then we can get out of this pathetic school."


"You're not going to miss anyone?" He questions. 


"Not really.. Maybe Landon and the gang but not for long." I shrug opening my milk. 


"Blaire Kennedy please report to the office. Blaire Kennedy please report to the office." The intercom rings into the room. Everyone turns there head my way. I get up from my seat unsure what's going on.  "Tristan Moore, please report to the office. Tristan Moore please report to the office." The  intercom rings again. I wait up for him, and we both know what's up now. We're getting pulled for a different assignment. Or at least one of us is. Making our way to the off, we both slow down when we see not only Luke but Crash and Mr. Wahls. 


"What is going on?" he whispers so quietly I barely even here. I shurg my shoulder wondering the same thing myself. We aren't arresting him today, so I don't know why they're all here. 


"There they are." Mr. Wahls points us out. "Come along we have much to do!" He gestures towards the doors to leave. 


"A mission?" Tristan keeps pace with him, being a kiss up. I stay back behind Luke and Crash even who seem to  oddly enough be getting along. I listen and stay quiet. 


"So glad you asked!" Mr. Wahls chuckles, and I know it's not going to be good. "We have a private job to do." Tristan and I are forced into the car with Mr. Wahls and Luke and Crash get shoved into a different car that was brought. "So, I need you both to cooperate together in this one okay?" 


"Of course." Tristan says as if there wont be any trouble. Well, there shouldn't be either we get along, and we're pretty close to thinking in similar ways. "What is you need us to do?"


"We're infilitrating a military base. We need two opperatives who can sneak and go unnoticed." He looks back us from the passenger seat. 


"I guess you have the right people for the job than." I lean back, watching out the window. 


"I thought so too." He turns and faces the front. "I need some data from a computer..." He explains to us want he is wanting us to do, and how he wants us to do it. 




"I hate these dumb suits." I whisper, zipping it up. 


"Tell me about it. At least you look good in one." Tristan complains, we're both were what we call cat woman suits, that are black leather and fitted to our bodies perfectly althought they should be perfectly fitted because everyone gets a custom made suit. I braid my hair back, and then pop up the hood that is loose. Ready to go. We slip out of the car and make our way towards the building avoiding all the street lamps. Once we get to the back we look for our entrance point. There is supposed to an airduct back here for us to be able to get into the building. Tristan spots it up a couple feet, so we work as a team to get it open. Then he goes in first and than me. We both have to crawl because the duct is small, and I follow behind him with his but in my face. 


"Right or left?" He asks, and I pull out the directions sheet the Luke gave me earlier. Luke and Crash both had a tour of the building while it was still open and got instructions on how to get to the office we need. 


"Take a left, and the after about 5 yards there will be an opening to the hallway beneath us. That's where we will get in and out." I inform him, and then stick the paperback down by my boobs. These suits dont have pockets or anything and there to tight to were any type of underwear with comfortably at least. I keep following behind him until he turns and is looking back at me with the opening between us. The vent lifts rigth up for us, and I go down first.  "Clear." I whisper up to him, and he drops down a couple seconds later. "This way." I say gesturing for him to follow me. We run staying close to the wall waiting to see the name on the door to the office we need into. 


Once we find it, I stand watch while Tristan uses his breaking an entering skills to get inside. I see a flash of a flash light and I tell Tristan to hurry it up. I don't hear any one though and the light is gone. Once he gets it open, I shove him inside closing the door.  I pulling the flash drive out from my boot that reminds me I could've put the papet there too. I shove the thought away going over to the computer. I turn on the computer and start hacking into the hard drive. Tristan stands by the door listening for trouble. 


"Alright I plugging in the flash drive it should take no more than 10 minutes." I inform him, and I take a seat in the chair. Watching the percentage go up. 


"How much longer he whispers about two minutes later.


"It's at 47% why?" Then I hear the shoes running through the hall outside the door.  "Shit! I can't pull it out it might set off a bunch of alarms!" 


"Get under the desk and turn the screens brightness off!" He orders, and I do as I'm told. I pull the chair in making look as if no one was in here. I don't know where Tristan went, but when I hear the door open and see the light from the flash light go across the wall I hold my breath hoping we doesn't get caught. Once the door closes, I give it a couple seconds to make sure the person is gone.  "He's gone." Tristan speaks before I come out. 


I pop out from under the desk checking where the flash drive is at. I pull it out surprised it's finished. I stuff it back in my boot, and pop the hood back up. 


"Once we open that door we have to run. Who knows where that guard is at." Tristan whispers as we both make our way to the door. 


"No problem." I salute him. He swings it open and then we both move out, I keep watch while he re-locks the door. Than we both make our way back to our pipe. Getting a jumping start, I grab ahold of the edge of the opening to the duct. I pull myself up with ease , waiting for Tristan before I go. He gets up and puts the vent back on and I lead the way this time. 


"I enjoy this very much." He chuckles, and I kick back my leg at him but he dodges it it. "It was a compliment! I can't help it you have a nice ass." 


I grab a pipe that running up the building beside the outside of the duct and pull myself out so I feet first and not head first to the ground. Tristan does the same and then we head to the parking lot where Luke is waiting for both of us. We slide into the back seat and gets put into gear on it's way. 


"Everything go smoothly?" Luke asks us. 


"Very." Tristan replies, sending me a wink and I smack him. Such an idiot. 


"That wasn't sarcasm was it?" Luke asks now worried. 


"No!" I say before Tristan can say anymore. "Everything went according to plan, in and out no troubles." Luke looks into the mirror back at us, but than back at the road... yes he is actually driving for some reason ... and just shakes his head not wanting to know. I pull the flash drive out of my boot and I zip it into the bag that Mr. Wahls will get when we get back.  The rest of the ride is quiet. Almost awkward even. 


Awkward stages are happening more and more. I'm just being put into awkward situations, and I'm trying to do the right thing! I sent Luke away. We both still have our jobs. Plain and simple. 


"So, tomorrow is the day." Tristan leans over closer in a whisper. 


"Yeah." I reply, looking down at my knotted hands in my lap. "I'm ready to be done with that school anyways." 


"Wont it be hard?" He asks, his question catches me slightly. "I mean... confronting him about it. Actually telling him you know and...yeah.."


"I'm not sure honestly, I .. ah well right now I'm not worried about that. I'm fed up with dealing with it in fact. I'm ready to move on. Get it behind me..." I respond to him as smartly as I can. "Maybe the nightmares will go away." 


"Nightmares?" He asks.  Great. 


"Just forget I said anything." I sigh. 


"Mhhmm, fine." He leans back and away. "I'm beat man how much longer we got?" He changes the subject without a problem. 




Once I finish my shower and get dressed, I pull out the cell phone I was given for the Mission. I wont be needing this anymore. I press the home button, actually laughing at how I'm a teenager and I honestly hate this dumb phone. Once the screen lights up I see I have a text message. There isn't a contact though. It's an unknown number. Reading the first sentence, I pause. It's not even a message. It's a bunch of symbols and numbers. Computer Lab here I come. 


Once I get there I find the correct cord I need to connect the phone to the desk top. Once it loads I get the unconding program up and running and get everything ready to go. I hit the encrypt button and give it its time to figure out the message. I should try and find out who sent the message, but I'm more interested in what the actual message is. The ding letting my know it's finished encrypting makes me jump up from the chair and click to open the now translated message. 


' We know who you are. You can no longer hide. ' 


I sit back down slightly confused. This is a joke. I can't believe Luke did this... wasted his time creating this! Shutting the program down, I comtemplate going and talking to Luke about it. I decide against doing that because I really don't want to see him alone. It's late, so he is bound to be in his room by himself... well actually I don't know that either. I'll just ignore it. What a waste of my precious sleeping time. Putting everything away and shutting everything down I go back to my room tossing the phone onto my desk. I turn the lights off and call it a night wishing tomorrow to hurry up. 

Chapter 18

"Blaire." Mrs. Jennings voice wakes me. I flail out of bed, falling to my stomach. "Good morning,  I have your clothes laying on the dresser." Than with that she leaves. I get up with a long yawn feeling like I got maybe ten minutes of sleep. Rubbing my eyes I head to the bathroom and wash my face brush my teeth and hair. Then I come out feeling refreshed and ready. 


Today is the day. 


Slipping into my clothes for the day, I'm happy Mrs. Jennings gave me actual mission clothes. I got my opaque black leather leggings with the boots and a white button up shirt. I look sophisticated. I like it. I braid my hair back and head out to breakfast. I sit down next to Tessa and Natalie chatting lightly about training. Tristan slips onto the bench next to me, and the two girls across from me gap at him practically drooling. 


"So, what are you girls talking about?" he scooches closer to me. 


"Training.. you need something?" I ask. Unsure what is going on at the moment. He jerks his head to the left slightly and I glance at what he gestured to. A staring Luke. We both look away at the same time, and Tristan begins to snicker. 


"So... you two are awfully ... close..." Natalie looks down at her tray. Jealous of course but she looks back up with a clear face. Emotion gone. 


"Oh, I thought we were telling people..?" Tristan moves away looking at me, his face show obvious signs of being hurt and upset. But he has me completely confused. "Whatever."  Then with that he storms off, and all three of us are left with our jaws touching the floor. 


"You and Tristan!?" Tessa leans across the table a moment later.


"No!" I blurt, "It's not what it looks like- I got to go!" I run off after him. "Tristan!?" I yell through the halls.  What is wrong with that boy!? I go to the garage guessing that is where he went.  "What in the hell man!?" I open the car door.  "I'm glad you find this funny!"


" I do actually yes, you don't seem to realize what I just did for you." He shakes his head at me after he finishes laughing. "I just helped your relationship with Luke." 


"Excuse me!? You just made it 30 times worse!" I get into the car closing it so no one else can hear us. "Why did you feel the need to but in at all anyways!?" 


"Ehh things were getting boring around the facility .. now things might spice up." He snort a laugh and I smack him in the shoulder and look out the window waiting to get this day over with. Besides today will be the day! Luke slides into the passenger seat with the driver and asks if we're all ready to go, and we wboth respond with a nod feeling awkard. Or at least I feel awkward because of this morning. 


Once the car stops, Tristan and I hop out and head towards the doors.  


"Blaire. Tristan. Wait." Luke call from the window. We both move back slowly and listen to what he has to say. "So, you're going to go to school like normal. All day infact. Then once the school is empty of all students after school is out we will be here. So, don't do anything dumb." 


"Us? Do something dumb?" Tristan scoffs, "Never!" He adds, and turns heading back inside.  I tkae this opportunity to say something to him somewhat privately. 


"Hey, about this morning.. there isn't anything going on betwe-"


"There isn't anything between  us either." He roles his eyes at me.  


"Lu-" I peek over at the driver, "Mr. Smith.. I'm just trying to ... you know what never mind." I back away with a glare and than I turn away heading into the school and meeting with Tristan who is waiting inside for me.  "Shut up I don't want to talk about it." I turn him down before he can even say anything about Luke. 


"I wasn't going to say anything..." He sighs and the rest of the walk to Anatomy is quiet. We sit at our table desk looking down at our hands in our laps. Today is it. No more worrying about doing homework... no more homework period! It might take a day or two to get used to not having to get up and go to school right away. But I am ready to go back to that life. I hate high school. Although I'm guessing that it's just because my experience here hasn't been a good one..  unlike most people.. and I came here for a month that's it. I wasn't here from freshman to senior year I hopped in right in the middle of senior year! Including I wasn't even here to learn highschool things.. I know most of it already in fact... but I came here to track down a rapist, my rapist. 


"Alright packets away and clear off your desks." the teacher begins class with a quiz. I pull my pencil out, and sit up ready to just get this day done and over with. I'm on edge. I'm ready to show Cody Riker that I'm not a weak little girl anymore. I'm strong. He has no more power or control over me. 


Once I finish the quiz I go up to Mr. Whiteman's desk and hand it to him. He lays it down next to his computer, and I turn away with a smile. Tristan is there right behind me... both of us the first two to finish. We both sit back down together and I stretch out taking a look around the room. Landon's eye catch mine and he is staring at me with a paniced look. He wants help. How can I help him when I'm over six feet away. I can't move closer, and he can't exactly hold up his quiz and let me see where he is at. I look away wishing there was more I could do for him. But at some point he is going to have to grow up and learn to be dependent on himself. He is a senior in high school. 


The bell rings and I get out of there as fast as I can so Landon doesn't say anything to me for not even trying to help him. I stop at my locker, and it finally hits me. Today is my last day I should be turning in books or something right? Maybe I should just bring them all to class and 'forget' them there. I shake my head I'm thinking about this way to much. I throw all my things into my locker and go to class with nothing. I sit down meeting Tristan in the room. He gives me a look but I ignore him too. I lay my head down on the desk and think about how later today is going to go. 


Tristan wakes me up when the bell didn't and we walk to third period together. I still leave everything in my locker calling it a day for my actual classes. The only thing I'm focused on now is when we arrest Riker. Going over different senarios in my head about what might happen, I think about how much of a surprise it will be to him. Me. Working with the government in a secret agency! Ha, now that I'm thinking about it even it seems bizzarre all these boys and girls grew up not really knowing about the brutallity of certain things in the world. But me, I know it all. Terrorist, secret operations between countries, protection details, glamorous parties, with million dollar dresses.


It will come as a complete surprise. It is the most unlikely thing that could ever happen to anyone happend to me. 


"What in the hell are you thinking about?" Tristan whispers. I look up at him, he is sitting next to me like usual. 


"Why?" I sit up looking at the board to see what the topic of the day is. 


"You had a smirk... or like a know it all smile... or something sneaky like that ... " he replies, watching me like a hawk now.


"Oh... I wasn't thinking about anything." I shrug, "Just day dreaming." 


"About Smith." He coughs, and I push him out of his chair. He fell out easily because he wasn't ready or paying that much attention. I keep my eye down as the teacher scolds him for messing around during class. He takes his seat with an apology and send me devil glares the rest of class. I keep a smirk on my face just to tease him. 




Tristan and I are standing in the cornner of the gym stretching now waiting for Riker to take attendance for P.E.  We're both watching him with snickers almost because we know what going to happen to him in a couple hours. I glance over at Tristan wondering if he was told everything, or just the fact that he was a rapist and he raped me. 


"Tristan." I catch his attention. He acknowledges me, and I clear my throat. "Well, I was wondering how much you actually know about the case." I say keeping my voice down. 


"I ah, I know that he is the guy we're arresting." He scratches his back akwardly. He doesn't know. "Is there something I should know, Blaire?" 


"Oh! Well, ummm." I now I look away awkwardly not know for sure what I should say."No, I guess it okay. You know the main objective." I smile getting over it, as long as he can help out with the final out come he knows all he needs to know. We follow Riker's directions on how to play his version of kickball. It is definately intersting play kickball inside a gymnasium while with high schoolers who don't understand the concept of taking it down a knotch since we're inside. 


The class goes by pretty quickly. I sulk away after the guys kick our asses. He separated us into Boy versus girl and all of the girls in the class are Casey and her friends. Meaning non of them try and are more than scared of the ball. I change quickly and head back into the gym waiting for the bell to ring. Cody Riker comes over and sits down next to me. I don't move but I don't say anything either. I feel like if I say something it will hint at whats going to happen later. 


"So." He sighs leaning back against the wall, "When are you going to come over again?" He questions. 


"Ahh.... I'm not sure honestly. I'm not very good friends with your siblings anymore." I admit to him. At least he gave me an easy topic.. but it's not really his business on if I go to his parents house again anytime soon.


"Really? Not even Caleb?" He chuckles, and I stand up moving away. 


"Definitely not Caleb."


"I didn't mean to upset you." He stand up now as well, and walks over closer. I look him up and down, and everything about him right now is unprofessional. His body language seems to be in like seduction mode. " I guess what I was getting at was that you should come over again."


"And do what? Stand there having everyone stare at me because I'm not doing anything with anyone?" I scoff. 


"We could keep it our little secret if you came over.." He looks away but than back at me. "If you would want to." 


"Oh, and please tell me what we do during this secret meeting." I almost laugh.


"Anything you would want to do." He hints. 


"Nothing with you that's for sure." With that I walk away, finding Tristan in the hall. I do not tell him about what just happened. I barely understand what just happened. He openly acted with me. Well no on else was around but still. Is he getting sloppy or lazy? I don't understnand but to be honest it doesn't matter to me. Just proves he is perv and needs to get brought to justice. 


"Math is next..." Tristan sighs, leaning against the wall. "I'm getting tired of wasting this time." he admits. 


"Yeah, that's how I've felt this entire time." I reply "Well the day is more than half over with... we're almost done." Than the bell rings and we both head off to class. We sit down and barely listen as he goes through the lesson. About ten minutes into class, the intercom turns on. 


"Blaire Kennedy  please report to the office. Blaire Kennedy report to the office."  Than it turns off. I wait a second so they have time to announce Tristan's name but after five minutes, Tristan tells me to just go. Making my way down to the office. I open the door expecting Luke or Mr. Wahls but it's neither. Infact I don't recognize the person from behind. 


"There she is. Please sign out than you can go." the Secretary smiles at me. I slowly go up to the desk trying to see who it is but they turn there face away once I get close. I scribble down a scribble that can pass for my name and follow the person out. I stop outside the office door though waiting to see their face.


He turns around, and I almost scream. 


"Stay quiet, don't run." He pulls a hand from his pocket showing a gun. "Lets go." He jerks his head towards the door to go outside. 


"You think I'm just going to go with you?" I scoff. He nods pulling the gun out farther. "You wouldn't." I question. He pulls it out all the  way grabing my arm and pulling me. Holding the gun to my head. 


"I would." He snickers and I move my feet with his not wanting a bullet in the head. I keep my eyes forward, watching for other students but the halls are clear. He shoves me around the cornner to the doors that lead outside. But just as we are leaving Casey is coming inside. She left right after P.E to go get something. Now she is back. She pauses seeing what is going on a couple steps away from her. 


"Oh my god!? Blaire?!" She panics. 


"SHH! Don't you say anything!" He mutters moving the gun so she can see it. I nod telling her to listen. "Keep moving." he shoves me.  A car drives up ignoring all speed rules, and screetches to a hault in front of the doors. 


"Tell Tristan!" I yell, as Helicopter guy opens the the school doors and the car door flies open. He swears some words shoving me into the car. I have just enough time to see Casey running through the hall, I hope she is doing what I asked.  I look around the car, men. I'm surrounded by men. "What is go-" a hand with a towel in it covers my mouth and struggle but the man next to me grabs my arms. I stop struggling knowing that I will pass out sooner. I memorizwe there faces and than my eyes go black.

Chapter 19

Blaire's POV


Slowly I wake up and look around the room. I'm taped to a chair, in a room that has two chairs including the one I'm in, and a dim light that is bright enough for me to see only the chair across from me. I can't see a door or anything else in the room. I try to look behind me the best I can, but it's no use.  It's to dark for me to really see.


Stay calm Blaire. I know what I have to do. Stay calm, stay quiet, and listen to what I'm told. If need end it.


That's what we've been told to do.


I hear a creek and I assume it's a door opening. I listen as the foot step approach me, and I strain my eyes to see who it is. I lean back once the man takes his seat. It's not helicopter guy. I can't believe they kidnapped me! Who is he working for though? He was American. Is he American too?  I'll found out soon I'm assuming. I sit in the chair watching him like he is watching me. Obviously they want something from me, otherwise they would've / should've killed me already. The man has unshaved hair growing on his face and it reminds me of a scary axe guy. Although he is wear black suit pants and a buttoned white shirt with a loose tie.


Out of the blue I sneeze and he chuckles standing up and walking around me. Now I'm nervous. What is he going to do? I can't see behind me. Maybe they are going to kill me and they just wanted me to wake up before they did it.


"You are okay." His voice is deep, and his accent is strong. German. He is German. I don't say anything, I just keep watching him as he walks in front of me. I turn my neck as much as I can when he passes behind me. "I'm very happy to see that." Then the door screechs open again, and we comes to stand in front of me. Another, better groomed though, man comes in. Suit and tie looking nice.


"Hat sie etwas gesagt?" He speaks in German. I look at the ground with a smile. I know German. One of the many languages I was taught actually just like french. He asks if I've spoken yet.  The axe like man just shakes his head.  "schlug sie, wenn Sie müssen. Wir müssen mit ihr zu sprechen."  


"Was möchtest du wissen?" I reply, not wanting  to get the shit beat out of me beacause I haven't spoke yet. Both the men turn to me with there mouth gapped. The professional clears away any surprise, and laughs leaving the room.  I stare after him confused. He was threatening to hit me if I didn't speak, then when I speak he leaves?


"You speak German?" Axeman questions.


"And French, Italian, Mongolain..." I trial off. "What do you want with me?"  I ask the question this time.


"No... It's not what we want with you. It's what we want from you."  He smiles sitting down now across from me again. When I don't say anything, he begins questioning who taught me German. I keep my mouth shut and look at the ground.  "If you don't cooperate, I'm going to have to become violent." He sighs, leaning back in his chair.


"You might as well kill me." I look up, "I'm not going to talk."


"Kill you?" He laughs, catching by surprise. "We aren't going to kill you! You're going to work for us." He smirks.


"Why would I do that?" I scoff. They must be crazy. They helicopter guy here. So they must be part of a rebel group. Bad Guys.


"To stay alive." He leans forward now. I try to keep my face neutral. I can't show any emotion.


"And if I don't?" I ask my voice quiet.


"Well... I'm couldn't tell you for sure. I doubt we will kill you." He pauses looking at me again. "Maybe we'd keep you around.... you seem like you would be fun to mess around with." He smirks and licks his lips. I struggle trying to break out of my chair to beat the shit out of him. How dare he even say that!  He begins laughing, and it just makes me angrier. If only he knew what I could do if I wasn't taped and tied down! He stand walking behind me, touching my hair. "I bet you're still a virgin." He snickers directly in my ear. I move away from him as much as I can, and from the force of  me moving the chair tips over onto it's side. The tied holding my back to the chair and my arms behind me snaps, from the pressure. I try to squirm out of the tie keeping my feet. But right when I get one foot loose I feel the rope tigthening back against my stomach. He is holding is from the back. I pull out my other foot, and think about how to get out. My feet are taped together and so are my wrists which are still behind my back.


"You think it would be that easy?" He laughs but his voice sounds slightly worrried.


"Yes." I reply, and swing my arms back hoping he is close to me. I strike home, right between his legs, and he lets go of the rope, and I'm able to get out of the chair. Hopping up I turn looking for something to rip the tape with, and checking on his recovery. I have another minute. I use the legs of the chair and start running the tape back and forth on it seeing if that will cut it. After a couple of seconds the tape tears and I role out my shoulders stretching them out. He is back up on his feet now and watching me.


"You're smart." He notices. I just watch him wondering what his move is going to be. "Not smart enough." He jumps at me, and I duck laying my back to the floor. He way over shot it, and I have time to rip the tape on my feet.I get up ready now to show him what I've got. 


"Other way around buddy." I whisper, and he mumbles something in German and it's to quiet for me to hear. I make a run for the door, but he grabs my foot tripping me before I get there. I jerk my other foot back and hit his hand holding me back. He lets go with a gasp of pain. I get up and grab the door handle pulling it open. I peek out first making sure there isn't any guards. Then I make a choice of left or right. Left. I can see a window at the end of the hall. I make a run for it feeling the guy behind me. I get to the window, and I prayer it's only a couple stories up. I make the jump protecting my face.


I hear his scream in the background of glass cracking around me. I feel the ground beneath me right away. Thank the Lord! He is yelling for people to stop me.  I get up, making arun for it even though I'm more than likely bleeding in a lot of places and my foot is feeling some pain from landing on it funny.  I run as best as I can knowing I have more than one person chasing behind me.


"Halt. Komm hierher zurück!"  One yells in german telling to me stop. I keep going, but a couple yards in front of me is a fence. I can't tell if it is electric or not. It looks old and run down so I doubt it is.  I slow as the fence come to be right in front of me, and out of know where on the other side a giant dog jumps into the fence barking like it's  WW II. I back away frightened slightly. Now I know the fence isn't electric. Do I really want to go over there with the dog though? No.


I turn looking to see how close they've gotten to me.


The dog sounds better than these guys.  I grab ahold and pull myself up putting a foot into each of the holes in the wire.


A gun shot goes off. Startled I let go falling and my already hurt foot gets caught and stuck in the fence.  One man has made it to me, and I'm a little happy his priority is getting my foot out of the fence. Then the one with the gun comes shoving it into his coat again. Now a bunch of men are here and it takes four of them to carry me. Two of them carry each arm and leg. Making it pretty much impossible to break free, because I'm unable to jerk my way free. I get brought to a new room, hospital looking almost. They strap down  my arms and legs, and helicopter guy comes in taking my shoe off of my hurt foot.


"You should try to be more careful." He scolds jokingly. "Jumping through glass windows and fighting men three times your age." He sighs with a laugh.


"What are you doing?" I snap not wanting to sit here and listen to this. I need to get out of here.


"I'm going to check you foot. Make sure it's not broken." He replies, and moves a machine over and above my foot.  It's an X-Ray machine.


"You're a doctor?" I lay my head back against the pillow. I'm stuck. Know way I'm getting out of here with these straps.


"Nurse." He corrects me. Now, I laugh. "What's so funny. Males can be nurses too."


"It's not that." I correct him back. "You drive helicopters brilliantly, and you just happen to be a nurse. Anything else marvelous about you I should know?"  I'm still laughing.


"You'll get to know me, don't worry. I've been asigned to guard you." He pauses looking at me. I jerk my head up, he can't be serious. I practically beat the shit out of him in the helicopter. "Yep, from now on we're a team." He start looking at the ray that just loaded up onto the screen from the projector. I look as well, I can tell when something is hurt bad. "I don't see anything broken..." He speaks still looking. Another Xray from a different angle loads and there is an obvious crack in a boneright in view of sight.


"Great." I lay my head back with a sigh. This can't be happening. It could take weeks to heal that! Espicially if these people don't put a cast on it correctly.


"Don't worry." He shuts off the projector. "Week tops in a cast then maybe two days of physical therapy. You have about a week and a half to wait."


"And you guys know how to fix it... correctly?!" I question.


"Really? You doubting my skills?" He sighs. Breathing in from my nose and out from my mouth I try to stay calm about this. "I can put a proper cast on it don't worry."


"Just shut up and put the damn thing on." I breathe. This is going to be a long week. 




Luke's POV


"How could you let this happen!?" I grab Tristan by the collar of his shirt.


"How was I supposed to know?" He grabs my wrist trying to push me away. "This isn't my fault. It's the damn schools fault! She didn't want to be here anymore after she found out aout Riker anyways! You are the ass holes who made her stay here!"


"That was out of my control." I push againsts him and it takes him by surprise and he falls to his back side. "Why didn't you go with her? It's what you were here for?"


"Because I'm not aloud to just walk around the halls for no reason. She was the one called to the office not me." He stands wiping his pants off. "Don't sit there and blame me when you and Wahls brought this on yourselves." He threatens.  I ignore the urge inside of me to beat the shit out of him. I walk back into the office, and into the opposite room where the Riker girl is being interviewed. Because she saw who took Blaire.


"No... I mean it was so weird! This guy had a gun to her head and she was so calm!" She is shaking. She doesn't know about our line of work, she just thinks some random guy came and kidnapped her. Which is good less clean up control later on.


"What did the man look like?" Mrs. Jennings asks, yes she is the one doing the interview.


"White, with dirty blonde light brown hair. Youngish... maybe late 20's early 30's." she thinks about it.


"Eye color? Height? Anything more?" I ask.


"Smith." Mrs. Jennings speaks to me first. She turns looking at me, giving me a warning.


"Well... ummm.... brown eyes I think..." She stutters watching me now. I role my eyes looking out the door at Tristan who is sitting down in a chair in the office now. "Excuse me mister!" She snaps, "I wasn't to worried about eye color while there was gun shoved up against her head!"


"You're doing great Casey... but please... any other information will help even if you don't think it's important." Mrs. Jennings speaks in a soothing voice.  I leave sitting in the chair next to Tristan, rubbing my eyes and listening.


"I'm sorry... all I got is what I've told you." then there is a pause. "She told me to tell Tristan.. I ran to get him..." another pause. Why are we waiting! We should be out looking already. Blaire is an asset to this facility. One of our best trained marks she knows what needs to be done and how to handle herself. She is still allive. "Oh! I forgot about this." There another pause. "This is the vehicle she was pushed into. I got the plates."


"What have we got?" Mr. Wahls walks in. Just as Mrs. Jennings leaves the room. She hands over the clip board and what looks like the girls cellphone. "This is all?" He asks. "The plates, go run'em. We need her found." He demands. Tristan leave with Mrs. Jennings out to the vehicle.


"How did they find out where she was?" I stand up looking at him. "How did this happen!"


"I don't know." He sighs, scratching his chin. "She is smart. Our best trained, Luke she knows what she is doing."


"Unless they just put a bullet through her head." I scoff.


"I don't think they did that." The Riker girls stands in the doorway, listening to everything. "I don't know who you people are... but the guy that took her seemed to want her alive. That I can tell you for sure."


"Tell me," Mr. Wahls looks at her, studying her. "Was she scared?"


"No." She says flatly. "She recognized him.. or knew him."


"American... adult she knew." Mr. Wahls thinks about it.


"It's not Riker." I sigh, crossing my arms.


"Riker?" Casey asks.


"He is in the building then." Mr. Wahls is thinking.


"I don't give a shit about him right now, Sir.  We need to find Blaire." Than I leave the room, not wanting to get yelled at for speaking up. Where ever she is she s alive. She knows how to handle herself. I know it. She has to be.

Chapter 20

Blaire's POV


"Thank the lord." I move my leg flexing my toes and twisting around. My cast was just cut off, and I'm good as new! "Look at that I don't even need to shave it." I try and make a joke.


"You doubted my skills." Walter sighs leaning back with a proud smirk. Walter is Helicopter guy, we've gotten to know each other the past week. "Well, lets check it out get walking."  I hop off the bed / cart and I have no difficutly with walking or running. "Well look at that, no balance off or anything."


"I'm used to this stuff." I inform him. "Not the first time I've been in a cast."


"Right... because you're a ninja trained teenage girl." He sighs, and I nod. He kept askng about my training so I ended up making up a story about me goign to s special military school for traing because I was a 'bad behaved' kid.


"Pretty much." I stretch out my arms. I look around now what are they going to do with me. I'm healed, so are they going to make me fight with them or ... I don't even want to think about what else. "Well... thanks for the doctor job." I say in a blur. Then I'm out the door running through halls again. I hear a gun shot behind me and I panic I'm in an opennarrow hall way. I feel a prick in the back of my legs, and I tumble to the ground. Seriously? He just fixed my foot. I look down at the wound feel woozy and tired. Son of btch hit me with a tranq.




"This is crazy! I'm not going to shoot any one for you!" I cross my arms but my feet keep moving because I have chains attached to them dragging me along.


"I've told you.. he isn't a good guy." Walter sighs.


"Who is it? We are we hiding up here?" I ask.  It's been two weeks. They've pretty much force and threatened me to this point. Right now Walter, one German guy and myself is here in a room upstairs in a ball room building. But I have no idea where. They covered my eyes. It's a gala or a ball. As I peak over the edge of the railing I see servers running around getting last little touches ready.


"In here!" and the chains yank into a room. 


"Holy shit!"  I whisper. dynamite is everywhere in this room. "Are we blowing the town to pieces?!" I ask as the door shuts behind me. 


"This is precaution." Walter looks back at me with a sigh. "If you don't do the job we blow the place killing everyone."  I step back pulling against the chains hanging on my ankles. These people are crazy. Thehas to be some important party and they're going to kill everyone inside? Does that inlcude me? "So.. just do the job and no one else will get hurt."


"Who?" I ask, staying where I am at knowing these idiots they're will probably set one stick off on accident then we will all be blown to smithereens!


"Dieser mann." The German guy speaks holding up a photo.


"He isn't anyone particular.. just a man who betrayed the group thats all." Walter explains farther.


"What exactly is the group?" I ask.


"We are not terrorists." Walter sighs. "We're considered a clean up crew, for the Government whenever things get messy and a person learns to much information. We rarely are used but we've been after this guy a while now. Up until when we started tracking you down."


"You're working for the government?" I question. That makes no sense. If they were working for the Government then they wouldn't blow up all of these people just because I don't shout this one guy. "Okay..." I go along with it "I can't exactly shoot anyone from in here." I note to them. That earned a laugh.


"Follow me. We need to get set up before guests start arriving anyways." Walter walks over unlocking the chains. "If you run we blow the place." He warns I just nod. We leave the room leaving the German guy alone. I follow behind him staying back now that servers are starting to finish up. He sets up my riffle and gestures for me to get comfy. I lay down on my stomach lining up and adjusting everything.


"So... how much time do we have to get out of here once I make this shot?" I whisper once he lays next to me.


"5 minutes. There is an exit right there though. We'll be good." He replies, I take a quick look. Good. We stay silent for a little while now, and I have to give these guys some credit. First of all they have a guy who is a nurse and a pilot. They were able to get there hands on pounds of dynamite in a couple of days, and they have weapons. Good ones just like at the facility. Whether they really are military funded or not they know what they're doing.


The facility....


I wonder how everyone is doing. It's been three weeks. Luke. I lay my head down touching my forehead to the ground. I wonder if they looked for me at all. They probably think I'm dead. I might as well be working with these people.


"What's you're problem?" Walter asks. using his bonoculars and scoping out the place.


"It's been a while since I've shot a gun like this." I lie, although that isn't a lie. I haven't worked on sniping really at all. I'm more of a hand to hand combat or closer shot fighter.


"Well, don't have to hit him in the head. Kill shot that's all." He sighs, "You can do that right?" He asks getting nervous.


"I should be able to." I reply, "Depends on if this guy has guards or if he stands in a big crowd." I feel his eyes on me. "What?"


"This isn't your first time doing something like this. You're to calm, and you know what to do and how to do it. You're such a liar." He looks away now, "You're some military dog aren't you?"


"I'm a liar?" I question, "think about this buddy if you guys are working for the government why would you blow this place to dust if I don't shoot this one guy?" I catch him by surprise. "That's what I thought, but don't worry I'll do it."


"Good girl." He says and then we go back to silence. The big front doors open and couples in tuxes and gowns start to poor in. "Wait until the party is in full motion before you shoot." He whispers, I nod. No shit shooting this guy as he walks in will  get us caught. You have to do it while there are lots of people around to cause a pnaic and run around giving us a couple extra minutes to get out.


We're about a half an hour into couple still walking in. This must be like a red carpet event because there like coming one by one, and being introduced as they come. Walter next to me yawns, and I get an itch on my nose. I scrunch my face trying to get the itch to go away, and it's not working out to well. I give up, and look back down at the couples. This is the mot boring thing I have ever done. Whenever I used to do this Luke would tell jokes into our head pieces up until we needed to focus.


Luke. I miss him. I really do wonder if he misses me. If he even thinks I'm alive. Probably not. It's been three weeks and they haven't heard from me and I haven't seen or heard anything from them.


The damn itch on my nose comes back and I start scrunching my face again needing it to go away. I'm going to die here. That's it. I'm going to die because a damn nose itch wont go away. I lay my head down on the floor again hoping the cold makes the itch go away, and I listen to the announcer in the background introducing couples as they come in. I'm going to fall asleep if anything. This is crazy. I'm bored out of my mind and Walter is already snoring over there. If I fall asleep though I could fail the entire mission and I don't want them blowing the place up so we're staying awake. I wish I had that picutre though. I'm not sure I remember what the guy looked like.


He was old. White hair, with a well groomed mustache. I look back up and watch the couple walk in needing to find him and watch him all night.


"Luke Smith and his wife Tessa Smith." The announcer speaks, and my eyes fly over to the door.


This is not good. 


Peaking through the scope on the riffle I zero in on the new couple who walked in. 


"This is just great. Of course something like this would happen." I whisper, while watching the two of them walk in with smiles. They chat with other couples as they walk past, as if nothing seems off. But I know they are obviously here on a mission. I wonder what that could be..? 


Luke in a tux! Way better than Crash. My stomach clenches seeing him here, espicially with Tessa. The beautiful italian. Her gown is tight fitted and bright red matching her red lips. Her black usually curly hair straightened and parted down the middle. The two of them together look like movie stars. The way they laugh with each other and stay close makes me sad. He has forgotten me. I should've known I was just a random girl to him. How could I compare to Camille and Tessa? I'm a ghost white girl with hair that is the color of a fire truck.


Taking my eye away from the scope and I look back over at Walter, who is still out cold sleeping. I knudge him and he shakes awake with a gasp. I hold my finger to my mouth reminding him to stay quiet. 


"I need to see the picture again." I urge. He pulls it out from his breast pocket and hands it over. I didn't plan on shooting this guy, I was going to think of a new plan. But with Luke, being here I'm not taking any chances of this place getting blown up. "I'm gonne put this here for me to see." I say and he nods looking through the bonoculars at the crowd that has gathered while he was sleeping.  


"There." He says and I look towards the entrance. "He's arrived." He looks over at me. "Don't mess this up toots." 


"No chance." I reply grabbing the gun and aiming. "On you word." I add, keeping aim on the man. 


"Give him time." He almost laughs. I close my eyes wishing I could get out of this. But I know there isn't a way. If I shoot Walter the German guy could blow the place. If I don't shoot they're going to blow the place. How can I do this? I'm going to be a murderer! 


What am I saying I am a murderer. It's not like this is my first kill. 




I aim again following the man as he walks around. His date is younger, from there looks it would seem they are related. Father daughter? What a sad day for her. The itch on my nose comes back, and I scrunch my face a bunch of times again trying to get it to go away. I'm gonna shoot my nose pretty damn soon. 


"Itch my nose!" I demand and Walter looks over at me like I'm nuts. "Seriously just do it. The damn itch wont go away!" Hewatches me like I'm an idiot but reachs over and rubs the brink of my nose. "Oh thank the lord!" I relax. 


"Okay then.." He chuckles. 


"Shut up! I can't lose focus." I scold him, and he pipes down with a muffled laugh. I'm trying to not laugh with him. It is pretty funny, I admit, that I just had him itch my nose.


"You're something else you know that?" He whispers over. 


"Well whats so fun about being normal?" I question and he just nods. We sit quietly now, watching as the the party really begins. It's been a good thirty minutes since the doors have opened to let anyone else in. I watch scoping out the place, keeping an eye on not only my target but Luke and Tessa. 


What are they doing here? They haven't been staying around any specific person. They don't seem to have any goal or mission. They're just here to be here. What's going on? I watch them now more closely, trying to figure out what they are doing. In a matter of seconds after I begin watching them, Tessa roles her neck and looks up at the cieling. But she looks for to long. I pull away from the gun looking up.


"Now I get it." I smile. 


"What?" Walter beside me asks. 


"We can't shoot him." I reply backing away from the gun. "Look up at the cieling, it has canisters of gas and flash bombs. When those drop we aren't going to be able to see anything from up here. We need to be down there close and personal." I sigh. 


"How di you see those?" He asks, questioning me. 


"By chance. Some one else is here wanting to do some dirty work." I sigh looking back down at Luke and Tessa.  "I need a servers uniform." 


"Easy enough. Follow me." Walter praises me, and we run taking a back stair case to get to the basement where the extra uniforms are. I make him turn around as I shrug out of my clothes I am wearing and into one the the black and white butler looking suits. "Your hair will give you away." He says, once I let him turn around. 


"I'll be fine." I laugh now. "I'm a ninja remember? I'm good at going undetected." 


"Here." He hands over a knife. "No guns when you're down there. You might set of an alarm. But a server with a knife in her pocket shouldn't be questioned." 


"Smart." I praise him now. We head to the door. "Wish me luck." I look back and he gives me a smile and nod. I open the door wishing Walter wasn't such a nice guy. He hasn't been bad or mean. But yet he is on the wrong side here. I grab a tray of drinks to help blend in and make my way over to where I last saw my target. When those canister blow, I need to be by him and get the job down before Luke and Tessa notice me. They will be expecting it and know how to protect themselves. 


I find him and stand by acting as a server greating guest and serving drinks. I'm happy Luke and Tessa are on the other side of the room it makes this sligthly easier for me. I just wish I knew when this room was going to get lit up.  I need be somewhere where I can see those two so I know. I look up trying to get a clue. 


"Excuse me?" I turn looking at the voice. I almost laugh seeing as it is the guy here I'm supposed to kill. "do you know where the restrooms are?" He asks his voice is kind. This is to perfect! 


"Of course! Right this way. I need more drinks to server anyways." I gesture for him to follow me. He gloadly does and even keeps up small talk on the way. I show him the bathroom that is on the other side of the room, and he goes inside. I turn looking to see if anyone is watching. 


I go inside. 


"What on earth are you doing in here?"  he asks, and before he has time to say anything more I jump up and grab his head by his ears. But he knows how to defend him self he ducks and I loose my grip all fall back behind him. "Who are you?" He asks. 


"No time for chatting." I sighs, pulling out the knife in rush. I go in trying to hit him in the stomach. He dodges and I swing my arm up in a loop. Not fast enough. Blood splatters all over me as the knife slides through his neck. "Shit!" I look at my reflection. I can't leave the bathroom looking like this it's to  obvious and noticable. I hear a loud bang from outside and I remember what was supposed to happen out there. 


Now is my chance! I peek out and there is to much gas for me to really see anythibng clearly. Good. I make a dash for the kitchen with Walter is waiting. I get knocked over by a mass of bodies trying to get away. 


"Really?" I push a girl off of me who also fell. I focus and try and see what is going on around me. Oh. Not good. 


"Blaire?!" Tessa looks down at me. 


"Who?" I stand up in a blur. I grab a guy who is running past us and shove him into her, she wasn't expecting that. I run for it. I practically dive into the kitchen. I drag Walter back into the basement so I can get out of these bloody clothes.  "We need to hurry." I throw off the shirt and vest and through on  my other shirt. I grab my pants and we make a dash back up the old stair case. 


"What the hell happened?" Walter asks.


"Things got messy and complicated." Is all I reply, "Where is our get away car? If we don't have one of those we're screwed!" I know the facility has a bunch of people surrounding this place by now. 


"Out the back fire escape." he says, and we get going in that direction. Out of the know where windows around the building shatter and in come more opperatives and I panic this is not good. 


"Son of a bitch." I hear Walter beside me. In the corner of my eye I see him reach back into his coat pocket and pull out a small chunk of dynamite. It's only big enough to cause Grende damage and wont bring the building down. 


"You can't!" I panic Luke is in here he could get hurt. 


"We need to get out of here alive!" he replies pulling out a lighter. 


"No!" I stop and swing up my leg I hit the hand with the dynamite and it goes flying. I try and follow it to catch it but it flies over the balcony and down to where Luke and over opperatives are. "Fudge nut!" I run trying to catch it but it's to far out. No way am I catching that. All eyes look up as the dynamite hits the floor. "Shit." I say and I smile it off and wave. 


"Lets go!" Walter grabs me by the arm yanking me away from the edge. 


"Don't let her leave!" I hear Luke's voice and it makes me run faster. I'm in for it now. 


"Way to go get us caught." Walter yells at me.


"They wont kill me." I inform him, and he just keeps pulling me along the way. The fire escape door is in front of us. Almost outa here when the door burst in at us. 


"Freeze!" We have guns being aimed at us. It's Crash and Camille. 


"Funny." Walter laughs. He pulls something else out from his pants pockets and tosses it to the ground it's a gas canister.  "Move!" He pushes me into the fire escape I make a dash for it down the stairs and waiting there for us is a truck. We both hop into the back and the truck zooms away. WE break out onto the highway almost runing over Luke in the process. He look back at the vehicle that almost hit him and our eyes meet. We round a corner and that is the end of it.

Chapter 21

Blaire's POV


"That's not funny!" I punch Walter. He is teasing me about never having a boyfriend. Not exactly my fault, I've been cramped up in a government controled assasin facility! I don't really have the time to chat with boys.  Although he doesn't know that. 


"Once we get home Toots we're going out. You're going to meet some guys, and have some fun for the night." He leans back in his seat. We're on our way back from a meeting that Walter needed to get to. I was there as his damn body guard.  "You're 18 .... so no alcohol for you." He snickers. I role my eyes as well pull up the appartment building. 


We're in New York right now. It's been over a month sense he came to the school and grabbed me up. Oddly enough Walter is a pretty cool guy, I feel that we have bonded in like a brother sister type of way. Ever since the mission with the dynamite I haven't seen Luke, and I haven't had to kill anyone, and there are no longer German people. I haven't asked Walter what that mission was about but I still wonder. It has just been Walter and I. We've been going to meetings all over the U.S, and from all I could tell they weren't about killing people. 


"All I know is that I'm starving." I finally speak. He laughs and unlocks the car. Heading inside, I colapse onto my bed which is just a pull out couch. "Food?" I question him as he closes the door. 


"Get changed, we're going out." I sit up, glancing at the suit case he gave me when we moved in. It's full of clothes but I've been to scared to look inside. I am slightly worried about his fashion style.  "Chop chop or I will leave without you and not bring home food." 


I dash over to the bag and dump it out. Close my eyes and reach in. I pull out a black party dress. It is plain and has one strap over the right shoulder.  


"Good. Go change!" He aproves. Changing and doing my make-up with the little make up he did get me. I sit waiting for him now wondering where exactly he is going to take s. I watching out the one window in the place seeing a fire escape against a brick wall. Great view right?  I go check my hair again in the microwave and I see my pale face and oragney hair.  "Are you ready?" Walter's voice echos into the room. I back away from the microwave, and look over at him. 


"Well... some one is going for broke." I joke, seeing him in all his fancy guy dress clothes. He snickers at me and then roles his eyes. It just makes me laugh, then with that we head out the door and back into his vehicle. "So, where are we going?" I ask watching the traffic that passes us. 


"You'll see." He smirks keeping his eyes on the road. I sigh looking back out the window again. I don't know what he expects for me to be doing exactly. He is taking me out so I can have fun and meet guys.  I am not completely comfortable with this. I don't know how to act around boys. I'll end up migrating to the cornner of the room and being a loner while there is a bunch of girls and boys hanging out and having fun.  "Alright," the car comes to a stop, "Here you are."


"You brought me to a club..?" I question leaving on my seat belt. 


"It's an under 21 club. Get your ass in there have some fun make out with a guy or two maybe even a girl and loosen up Toots." He orders me. Taking off the belt and opening the door, I slip out wondering where exactly he will be going while I'm here. 


Wait a second. He is leaving me alone. He wont be around me. This is my chance to get back home! Looking back at the vehicle I wave and smile and head up to the door. I show the guard looking guy the fake ID Walter had made for me.  He smiles and opens the door for me. Lights flashing and music blaring. I almost back out and run for the hillls, but if I want to be sure I can really get away I have to go in and stay here for a while just to make sure Walter doesn't have some skeem going on here. I head up to the bar, and order a lemonade. Thanking the bartender I pay, and go find a secluded area and just watch how this people my age interact with each other.


"What is a pretty thing like you doing all over here by herself?" A boy walks over sliding right into the chair across from me. 


"Ah, I'm not much of a partier..?" I tell him with a shrug. He laughs running a hand through is hair. "What's so funny?" I ask crossing my arms and sitting back.


"Well, your in a teen club. Looking really hot and sexy. By yourself." He lays his elbows on the table and his eyes stare into mine. Leaning farther back in my chair, feeling umcomfortable, I have no idea what to do in this situation.


"My.. brother said I needed to interact with people my age..." I shrug, " So he dragged me here and left me."


"I see," He smiles. "Wanna dance? That woud be a good way to interact." He stands up offering his hand. 


"Don't laugh." I say and he nods with a chuckle. I take his offer and he leads me out to the floor. "If I step on your toe, I promise I will buy you how ever many drinks you want." I say once we get into the thick of it.


"I'll hold you to that." He winks, and it makes me pause. He is really flirty. Not terrible looking. He is talking with me, and acting like this. I haven't been able to tell if he is being real or not. I'm usually good at judging these kinds of things. But that's with adults. Teenager are better at this kind of thing especially if they have a goal in mind. "Don't be so nervous, just kind let the music take you." He speaks getting down at eye level with me. 




He reminds me so much of Luke. The shaggy hair that is always pushed back and spiked almost. The manners and witty way of talking. He has a tall but small frame and isn't a huge football jock. He has blue eyes but still can catch your attention and stare into your soul. 


This boy is actually attractive. I look down at the floor feeling a slight blush coming to my face. Taking the opportunity I close my eyes and listen, really listen to the music. It's pop. Up beat and fun. I remind myself to breathe, and I dance. 




I think he has other goals in mind. Things heated up quickly, and I honestly don't care. After a couple of songs I gained confidence and the music type happened to change to a more sexual dance. I went with the flow. We're both feeling it now. 


"Wanna go some where a little more private?" He whispers in my ear. My back is to him, and his hands are on my waist. 


"Lead the way." I reply, and he slips his finger inbetween mine. Following behind him my eyes wonder looking at other people. Teens grinding and laughing. Having a good time. This could've been my life.  Watching other couples being a weird stalker like person, I almost become jealous of these people. 


My feet stop moving before I register what I'm looking at. Who I am looking at. 


"What's wrong?" The boy asks me after he tugs my arm because I stopped. I shake my head, not believing the coincidence. My eyes are playing tricks on me. 


"Sorry." I laugh peeling my eyes away from Tristan. "I thought I saw a friend." I feel off balance now. Was that him? It looked like it. But what would he be doing here. 


"In here." The boy opens a door, and I go out and it's the back alley from the building. It wasn't him it couldn't have been.  I pull him towards me and he thrust forward, then my back is against the brick wall in the other side. His lips are attacking mine and I actually kind of like the feeling. I've only ever kissed Luke... well and I guess Caleb... but this isn't so bad. 


"I'm Brendon by the way." He pulls back and his eyes seem black with the lighting back here. 


"Carly." I lie, leaning my head against the wall. He slips his head down by my neck and his lips are cold. My hands run up the back of his neck and into his hair, for a split second I open my eyes, and something on the roof catches me attention. There is someone on the roof. "Hey.. Brendon there is someone on the roof." 


"Probably just more people like us." He chuckles. Good point. His hands travel down to the tip of my dress skirt, and he pulls it up slightly. 


Wait a minute. What am I doing!?  This isn't a good idea anymore. My eyes open again and I catch the person that is standing up there. They have a flash light now, but I can't see their face. Brendon pauses looking up at the light too. 


"What is this?" He whispers. 


"I don't know.. maybe we should go back inside." I offer.  Out of know where more black shadows appear and they all look down.  The door busts open and I pull Brendon in front of me, hiding my face. 


"What in the fucking hell?" Tristan asks. "Scram." he tells Brendon and he doesn't hesitate. I'm still confused on the cioncidence of all of this. "Well if it isn't miss runaway."


"Tristan, it's nice to see you." I greet him, this is actually somewhat awkward.


"Where is your boy toy?" He asks crossing his arms.


"Walter?" I ask, is that who he means? "Good quetion he dumped me here for the night. You aren't going to believe this but I was going to come back. Tonight actually.. I have no idea where Walter went and I miss you guys." I admit.


"What have you been doing even. You didn't try to hard to get away did you."  He scoffs with obvious disbelief on his face.


"Walter treats me good. I wanted to know what it was like to live outside the facility. Now I have and I'm ready to come home."  I role my eyes.


"Sure looked like it... even though you had your tungue down some guys throat." Crash appears walking down the alley. "We are bringing you back but you're going to have to be brief and re-assest."


"What ever." I shrug I hold up my wrist, "Do you need to cuff me too?"


"Little Bunny has an attitude." He chuckles, and I can see he is loosening up. He believes me.


"I am sorry. But I didn't go willingly. This just kinda happened..." I sigh wishing it was easier to explain.


My body is crouching to the ground before I even realize what happened.  My eyes wonder and I see Tristan on the ground bleed from his stomache. My eyes flash towards where the shot came from. Walter? How did he know we were back here? I crawl other to Tristan and tell him to stay calm.


"You shouldn't have lied to me Toots." His voice is thick and angry.


"You shouldn't have shot him." I stand "You just made a very big mistake."


"Alive Blaire." Crash speaks, taking in the situation. I nod. I run and he aims at me but doesn't fire. I knew he wouldn't do it. I couldn't kill him either.


"I'm sorry." I apoligize and I jerk off the straight path jumping up onto one of the dumpsters. My speed catches even me by surprise and I'm already coming down doing and ariel and kicking him in the face in the process.  He falls and the gun slides from his hand. "I work for the government." I say standing aboce him. He actually smiles knowing he is in a shit load of trouble.


"You're good Toots... really good." He laughs and blood starts leaking from his nose. Crash comes over and pulls him to his feet cuffing his hands and feet. I watch as Crash shoves him into the van, and closes the door.


"What were you doing here?" I ask Crash, now watch a med team take care of Tristan.


"Tristan was put in charge of guarding an important child believe it or not." He rubs his chin.


"Where is the kids now?" I ask, was it good for them to leave this person alone?


"Already inher car on her way home. Tristan saw you in there. He let us know immediately and we sent her home." He now looks down at me, "Good to see you ... Toots."


"Don't." I say.


"I prefer Little Bunny anyways." He smirks and pulls me into an embrace. Then he leaves an arm drapped around me, and pulls me to a different car.




"What happened to Riker?" I sigh sitting back, Mr. Wahls just finished his whole speech on how what I did was wrong. I could really care less I'll take my punishment and do what ever.


"We've been waiting to hear from you." He leans back. I do as well. He is still out. I rub my eyes, I need sleep. It's been a long day and tomorrow is just going to be worse. Training from dusk til dawn and gettig re-assest by Mrs. Jennings.


"I'll decide later." I stand up. "I'm going to sleep now." I head for the door. I pause before I actually open it. "And about Walter. I'd kill him, he is working with terrorist." Then I leave him just like that. Walking through the halls I slowly start to think about that little time I had outside. I really didn't like it. I missed this place and the people here.


My skills were being wasted out there walking around protecting a man who maybe is a terrorist. I've been treated better then others, but I know that I am better than others. I'm not trying to sit here and brag about myself. But the past couples months have really taught me some things. Not only about myself, but the world and the facility.


I reach my room after the 5 minute walk from his office. Ready to sleep in my bed. My heavenly bed. I miss my  room and honestly my shower too. I miss having my own place, since the past while I've been sharing with Walter.  Pushing open the door, I sigh feeling my shoulders droop as I see the clean and pristine white walls and the light wooden furniture. Making a B line for the bathroom, I marvel at my my shower and finally not having to rush so I don't waste water. Of course I take fast showers to begin with, something you pick up quietly with how many shower you might end up taking in a day. Not wasting any of my time, I turn on the water and go out digging into my dresser grabbing clean clothes and bringing them into the bathroom.


I love when you open the bathroom door after a shower. How the steam that has built up roles out of the room. I take in a deep breath feeling the minty coolness. I feel so much better now.


"Hey." I greet Luke who is leaning against the wall over by the door


"Hey." He replies. This is awkward. Has he been waiting for me this entire time? How long has he just been standing there? All I know is that I'm not speaking first. Obviously if he came here he has something to say. So he needs to talk not me. Now with him just leaning there against the wall looking at the floor and not speaking it's making me feel like I need to be the first one to say something. I wont.  We stay like this for 5 minutes, yes five minutes I watched the clock, and finally I break.


"It's nice to see you again." I move closer to my bed sitting down.  "What do you want Luke? I'm not really in the mood for another interegation." 


"I wanted to make sure you were really okay." he sighs getting somewhat rigid. He stands moving from the wall.  "You're fine." He heads for the door. I role my eyes and lay back. That's not what he wanted to say.... I think. I hear the door shut and I turn into my pillow yelling into it.  Life sucks ass hole sometimes. 

Chapter 22

Blaire's POV


 Training... yipee! With Luke even too. I wonder what this is going to be like... it has been awhile since I last trained and I honestly don't think Luke is in the mood to take it easy. Not that he should of course.  I forgot how gorgeous he is. Perfect bones structure and his pink lips. 


"Earth to Blaire." He sighs, "I get it you don't want to be here. But you are so ..." 


"Whats?" I ask. What gave him that idea? Of course I want to be here! I missed him so much! Instead of nightmares I had dreams or us! But I don't want to tell him that... for a couple of reasons. "I want to be here Luke." 


"Mr. Smith." he corrects me and I stop looking over at him. Really? This is what this has came to? "Get started on your lap." He gestures and with that he turns and walks away from me. I do as I am told not wanting to upset him anymore. On my way I get looks from other girls and managers. This is great. I hear whispers and snickers. I'm not stupid. I finished the laps and see if Luke ... Mr. Smith is any where to be seen. He is over by Tessa and Natalie. Having a great old time laughing and smiling. 


Fuck This. 


I head for the door. 


"Bunny where you storming off to?" Crash appears. "Trouble in paradise?" he chuckles.


"Crash-" I begin,


"Nah I wouldn't worry about it you two always fix things anyways. He is just a little mad that you left him, and I think he has it in his head that you've been shaken up with guys while you were away." I stop looking up at him, I'm guessing that is his doing. He must've told him about Brendon that random guy. "Not my fault! He talked with Walter." 


"Crash. Not now." I walk away. Walter. I forgot he was here. I change into clean clothes and head to the interogation rooms. Sneaking into the wing of the facility I look for his room. The door isn't locked. Deep breath. Okay I can do this. 


"Well hey Toots. Where ya been? Thought I would of seen ya sooner." He sits up seemingly happy to see me. "I knew you lied to me about your skills... but I had no idea about this place. Pretty snazzy." 


"Cut the shit Walter." I sit down across from him. "I'm here for answers."


"I'm surprised you didn't ask sooner." He smirks and leans over the tabls laying his cuffed hands on it. "Well... it started that day on the roof..." 




It's been a long day. To long for my liking. I got all my answers from Walter, and now Mr. Wahls and Luke and whoever else can go back and watch it and get all their answers too. 


Luke. He is beyond mad at me. I'm guessing to the point where he doesn't want to see or talk to me anymore mad at me. Part of me is mad too. He should have at least given me a chance to explain. You know what? I'm going to explain ... or try at least. I go to his room but before I do anything I think about this. Is it worth it? Will he listen?  I have to try. 


"Luke hey I want to talk to you." I knock. There is a quiet moment. Maybe he isn't in there. It is 11 o'clock though. "Mr. Smith?" I try that instead. Maybe he is that mad at me. The door swings open in fast motion and it catches me be surprise. Well, here he is. Standing shirtless in front of me. "I'm sorry.. .were you sleeping?" He just shakes his head. Something is off. "Oh... well can I come in? I really would like to talk to you." I feel all embarassed now almost scared even. 


"Now isn't a good time." He sighs. I let out a breath. I should have just left it alone. No. You know what, I'm not just gonna roll over for him because he asked or said so. I need to explain. I want to explain. 


"Will ever be a good time or are just going to ignore me from now on?" I ask. He sighs, and is getting shakey. What is going on. 


"Blaire not now. Some other time okay." He peeks into his room and than back out at me. His room. What's going on? "Goodnight." He sighs already closing the door. I push in the other direction and the door slips from his hand. 


"Oh." I'm taken back. "I ... ah.. I'm sorry." I back up. I feel tears. 


"Blaire .. I can expla-"


"It's okay." I walk away. As fast as I can. Once I'm around the corner I run. I should have just left it alone. 


"Blarie! Wait! Please!" 


 Millions of questions are going through my head. None of them that I can answer. I don't want to answer any of them! I pushed him away that much. So much that he would sleep with another girl. The tears are pouring out and I don't really know where I am anymore from all the turning and not paying attention to where I am. I stop wiping my eyes and thinking about everything. He really hates me. I find my way back to my room. I sit on my bed. still wiping away tears. Throwing my shirt and pants on the floor and heading for the bathroom I decide a nice shower will relax me and let me think clearly. 


So, the shower idea was a bust. Didn't help me at all. In fact I feel even more mad now. I'm sweating from taking ahot shower and the redness on my face from crying will not go away. Maybe i should work out of something. Do something to get this anger out. Throwing back on my training clothes from earlier I head to the training hall. No one is here. All of the lights are off even. I turn on one switch and it lights up the place enough for me. 


I work on everything. Climbing, shooting, running, ETC. It actually feels good being in here alone. No one else to wait in line for no else to judge me. Peace and quiet. I can focus. 


After cleaning everything up and putting away the materials I used, I sit down and think again. Did he really mean it? Does he hate me now? I bet that isn't the first time he has had a girl in his room with him. I was a fool to think he had any feelings for me. Of course he wouldn't. I'm like a little girl toy thing to him. 


I don't want to dwell on this. I want to forget him. ... That's hard to do when you're wickedly in love with someone. I get up and go outside. Running more might help. I start off slow, but my mind wonders and I speed up. Why is this so hard, It's like I made up the entire thing in my head.  I'm suchan idiot. 


"Son of a bitch!" I yell laying flat on my face. I stay on the ground feeling the pain from smacking the ground so hard. One of these days I'm going to cut the root up. Even a damn tree root  can get the best of me. Tears a rolling down my face again. I just lay on the ground crying and thinking about everything. 




What in the hell was that? I sit up and rub my eyes adjusting them to the bright light. I let out a breath, looking at the grass around me, I fell asleep out here. Slowly, I get up my body feels a little stiff and sore but what can I expect. I did a full workout yesterday and I ran around like a crazy lady for over an hour. I am hungry though. I need to shower first. I make it to my room without anyway saying anything to me. I shower and change into shorts and a t-shirt and throw my hair intoa braid. Once I feel like I look presentable I head out keeping my head down and my mind on training again today. The cafeteria is booming right now and I almost turn around, but I decide to grab a banana and eat it on the way. 


The lunch lady chats with me for a while and it brightens my spirit slightly, but once we say our goodbye I rush towards the door. I don't want to see Luke. I don't want to see anyone for that matter. 


"Hey." a girl slides in front of me. I don't know her. Or I do. She was in Luke's room last night. "About last night..."


"I don't care. I wont say anything." I interupt, and she nods but stays in front of me. 


"Actually thats not it." She smirks, and I look up at her wondering what she wants. "I was wondering how it feels knowing he doesn't care for you at all?"  I here people yelling and my weight falling before I register what exactly happened. I jumped her. I'm smacking the shit out of her. She deserves it. 


"Put me down! Let go of me!" I yell  kicking against Crash who is pulling me out of the room. He lets go of me outside the  cafeteria. 


"What the hell Blaire?"  He questions. 


"Nothing!" I turn away and head for the training hall.


"That was not nothing!" he demands to know what just happened. 


"None of your concern. Leave me alone!" with that I storm away leaving him standing in the hall confused and angry. I go inside opening my locker and grabbing out my head phones I rarely ever use. Plugging them in and going over to the climbing wall, I think if what just happened what a good thing. Well, obviously it wasn't. But was it smart to do that when I'm already being watched? 


I'm an idiot. She wanted to piss me off and more than likely she wanted to get me in more trouble. Now pretty much everyone here is going to think I am some unstable little girl who needs help. Maybe I do need more help. Maybe Luke was to nice with me and I lost the decipline I need. I stop thinking about things again. Which is a bad idea but I can't help it.  


There must be some truth to that. Luke wasn't hard enough on me and now I'm acting out. No, it's all on me. It's all my fault for getting these feelings for him and thinking I was something special to him. I climb down and head for the door. I can't help but glance in Luke and Natalie's direction while walking past them. On my way out I also pass that girl again and she smirks at me ready to go another round. 


"You must rea-"


"That's enough." Crash is there in the blink of an eye. "Get going Britt." He shoos her away. "Were you really going to fight her again?" He asks.


"What's it to you?" I head towards the door again. "Are you watching me now or something?" I ask knowing he is following behind me. 


"I'm a little worried yes." He admits. I turn around grabing the door before is closes. 


"Well, don't be." I leave closing the door. My fist are clenching and unclenching as I go. Crash seems more worried than Luke. I shake my head who would've thought.




I decide that I will actually eat supper after skipping lunch and breakfast. Going inside, and going through the line I take a seat in the cornner with my free reading book from school that I still have. I ignore the stares that I can feel, and try to tune out peoples voices not wanting to here any of it. Once I finish eating I dump my tray grab my book head for the door. 


"Oops!" I hear and then there is a plate full of beef stew, corn, and apple sauce all over me. "You should maybe watch where you're going a little better." 


"You know what Britt." I sigh, my eyes look around at everyone watching us now. Luke is making his way towards us and so is Crash. "This isn't a competition. It never was. You can have him." I look at Luke. I can see he heard what I said. I turn not wanting to be standing in front of everyone anymore. 


"Blaire..."  I hear him and it makes me walk faster. "Stop. Please." I don't. I feel his hand grab my wrist and I pull it away, and look at him. I'm not crying yet but I can feel it coming on. "Just let me explain." 


"You don't need to explain." I speak to him. "You're a grown man and you can make choices for yourself. It has nothing to do with me." I start walking away again.


"I want to explain." He grabs my hand again. 


"I don't want to hear it, Mr. Smith!" I say turning again. "I don't want to hear another word from your mouth. I'm done doing this with you." I pull my hand from his. 


"Blaire, please jus-" He seems to be getting more upset. "I didn't want to hurt you... I .." he reaches for me. I back away. Feeling tears coming up but I hold them back. I'm not crying right now. 


"Don't touch me." I breath. "I mean it. Stay away from me." I turn away, and head down the hall slowly. If I run I might run back to him. I go back to my room, turning on the light and see Crash sitting at my desk. I pull my shirt off, it's filled with food and at this point I don't exactly care that he is in here. 


"I heard some of what went down between you and Smith." He tests the waters. 


"Not now." I say, searching through my dresser for a shirt. 


"You realize you're going to see him. He is your manager." He replies. I close the drawer and lean against it feeling the tears finally now coming out.  "Come here." He sighs. To my surprise as well as his, I run over to him squeezing as tightly as I can. "What happened Bunny?" He whispers holding me. For once he is actually being the good guy. 


"I just... I wish I didn't feel this way about him." I sigh. "I'm sorry... I really shouldn't be dumping this on you." 


"Hey I came here on my own. I knew something was up. I'm just making sure you're okay. You've been through a lot the past couple months." 


"Thank you." I say a couple minute later. My crying as stopped and I feel kind of slightly better. "For this place not being a high school there sure seems to be a lot of drama." I rub my eyes. "Really.. though. Thank you Crash." I look up at him. 


"No problem." He is looking down at me. He is so tall. Maybe even two feet taller than me! "Are you sure you are o-"


I had to cut him off. I don't want to talk about it. 


I want to get even. 


We're kissing. First time for everything. I'm on the tip of my toes, pulling him down towards me. I never thought I kiss Crash. Espicially under these circumstances. Well actually these circumstances are what got us to this point. He doesn't seem yo quite understand what is happening, and frankly neither do I.  He catches on eventually and his hands go from my waist to my thighs, and he lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist, running my hands through his hair. 


He walks with ease and I fall feeling my back against my bed. I move my hands down from his hair to his neck to his chest to his stomach to the hem of his shirt. Slowly moving my hands under his shirt feeling his sculpted muscle. I've admitted it before that he is built very well. Good looking and all. But the personallity is what gets me. I'm not sure where all this kindness he is showing is coming from but I'm not going to complain. Unless he is doing it so I'll do this? What exactly am I doing? How far is this going to go?


I'm having fun. I'm forgetting Luke. Isn't that all that matters?


He pulls his head first, and I pause wondering if he is going to say something. It's quiet at first, both of us just looking at each other. A little smile starts to appear on his lips. 


"What?" I ask. This is somewhat killing the mood. 


"You're just using me." He smirks now, "To get back at Smith?" 


"Maybe." I run my hands across his abdomine. "Does that bother you?" I ask, pulling his shirt up. He sits up and pulls off his shirt. 


"Nope. Use me all you want." He ducks his head kissing my neck, and moving closer to me. He was holding himself up before but now we are body to body. Both of us gain a grinding motion against each other, getting a little hot and bothered now. "I just want you to know." He pulls up, "You can tell me to stop when ever."  He is serious. 


"Killing the mood a little here." I sigh, with a smile. For some reason this Crash is different. Maybe it's just because I'm giving him a little action. "Crash, I really don't want to go all the way." I admit. "I don't want to stop though either."


"Then we wont." he kisses me again, and we go right back to making out like the isn't anything going on around us. The longer we go the more steamy it seems to get for both of us. I've got to admit he knows what he is doing. More than likely because he spends a lot of his time doing this. Our bodies move together, getting more and more intense. My body is actually getting slightly excited, and I wonder if I shouldn't just go all the way. It's not like it matters anymore. I wonder how many girls Luke has been with this entire time. A moan slips through after I lose focus and think about Luke.  It doesn't seem to phase him, and we just continue making my bed a mess. 


"We should stop." He moves from my lips to my neck. "It's starting to get to me."  he says between kisses.  I know what he means, I can feel it. My face flushes feeling him against me. He doesn't stop though, he doesn't and neither do I. 


"Crash..." I hesitate. He gets back up on his elbows removing his body from mine. He keeps his lips on me. "I'm not ready.. .. I .. I  I'm sorry." 


"I need your bathroom." He whispers. 


"Yeah... of course." I say, with a quiet laugh. He is up and in the bathroom in two seconds. I sit up, getting my breath under control. I run to my dresser and throw on a shirt. I look around seeing it is pretty clean just some clothes on the floor. I run a hand through my own hair wondering how long he is going to take in there. I'll admit I'm curious but not curious enough. I don't hear anything either. Although I'm guessing that this is something he does often as well. I get up picking up his shirt, just as my toilet flushes and I hear the sink running. I shake it out to get rid of wrinkles, and then he pops out of the door. 


"Here." I hand him his shirt. He takes it and shoves it back on. "I ah.. I don't know what to say." I admit feeling my cheeks heat a little. 


"Don't say anything. This was fun." He smiles. "Any time Bunny, I'm here for you." He kisses my cheek, and says good night. I watch him as he leaves, and I shake away any thoughts of pulling him back in here and finishing what we started. I hope no one else was out there and saw him leave. I go into my bathroom, and I take apeak around making sure there isn't any sign of maleness in here. Nothing. He cleaned up. I turn on my shower, and take a good hour long one cleaning up and catching my breath and thinking about what I just did.


Well shit.

Chapter 23

Blaire's POV


The cafeteria is busy again. I kind of slept in this morning. I was tired after my shower last night. I know why too. I go through line grabbing yoghurt, eggs, and a scoop of streawberries.  I sit down at the table I usually sit at with Luke and the girls. None of them are in here though. I decide to eat quickly just in case of any them to come inside. 


"So." Crash slides into the seat across from me. "I was thinking."


"Oh boy." I look down at my tray, wondering what this is about. 


"We should hang out more often." He wiggles his eye brows, and I roll my eyes. Of course. "Hey hear me out. I'm guessing you feel a little better then you did yesterday. You got out some frustration and anger... see this is like a win win situation." 


"Except you don't win anything... well unless hanging out by yourself in my bathroom for 5 minutes is fun for you."  I remind him. 


"Still worth it." He chuckles. "Think about it." He gets up, and walks away. I shake my head. He is unbelievable. I notice though as he leaves Luke comes in. Time to go. I take one more bite of my eggs, and rush away from the table and his site. I go to the training center, going to the firing range. I close the door and load up my gun and I set the level I want the targets to be at. After getting through a couple of magazines, I decide to move on. I head out and walk over to put the gun away. I open the door and put everything away correctly and clean everything the way I was taught. Leaving the gun room, I glance around. It's louder in here today. More people obviously. As my eyes wonder they land on Luke. He is with Natalie and Tessa now. They seem to be just fine. I'm a little surprised that Luke hasn't tried talking to me, but yet he is probably giving me space which I also appreciate. Just how much and for how long? Am I still mad at him now that I techinically got back at him?


My eyes must be desieving me. That Britt girl just walked over to them. I wish I could hear them. I can't so I just stand and watch as she pulls him to the side. They're standing close enough. She is smiling and being all flirty. But I can't see Luke he facing the opposite way. It irritates me. She touches his hand, and he doesn't seem to pull away or mind. I blink rubbing my eyes. I don't care! I look away. I am such an idiot. 


"If it helps any, I don't think he actually likes her." Crash appears by my side. 


"Are you just watching me now?" I ask looking up at him. 


"No. But I just happened to see those two and I knew you would be watching them so I came to find you." He watches them with me now. "Yeah, I think he is just using her because you two are fighting."


"We weren't doing anything. I've done more with you than I have him." I admit. "I don't know I don't care either." 


"I think you do. Hey just stop by my room later. We can talk."


"And do a something else... I don't think so." I sigh. "One time thing bud." 


"Awww Bunny."  he now looks at me. I could just push you into the room behind us and have my way with you." 


"But you wont." I walk away with that not wanting to see anymore. I head to the tech lab and work on hacking. He must really be full of himself to believe that I would want to do that again. Not that I didn't like it or have fun but I'm kind of but not really starting to regret it. I don't know what to do anymore.  I hate this entire thing. I'm used to having Luke to talk to! Now he is the one person I'm trying to avoid. I lean back in the chair, wishing I had other things to do. I usually waste time with Luke or have school recently. But neither of those things is happening anymore. 


I get up and make my way outside. I'll get some fresh air and go for a little stroll. I make my way into the trees walking this time so I don't trip over that root. I hear people talking. Who else is out here? I guess this is also part of the training center but usually no one is out here. It peaks my interest. I follow the voices that are barily audible, but I get to the clearing area and recognize the two of them instantly. 


Luke and Britt. 


"I'm never going to be able to do it." Britt complains. 


"You will to. You have to keep practicing and believe you can do it." Luke sighs sitting on the ground. "We're not leaving this spot until you do it."


"Hard ass." She sighs. 


"Hey you wanted a teacher." He smirks. "Now keep trying." 


He is training her?! She isn't even his mark! Sleeping and training. That's what the two of them have been doing. I feel anger again. Why isn't he working with Tessa or Natalie!? I watch a little longer trying to understand exactly what is going on. 


"You know... I could use some help. Like give me a reason to sit here and do this." She stops looking at him with a look that is easily recognizable. "Motivation." She walks over to where he is sitting. 


"Like what?" he sighs. "Because being a good mark isn't motivation enough?" 


"Mhhmmmm, no." she bites her lip, and sits next to him. "Come on, you know what I want." 


"No." he says flatly. "I told you that none of that ment anything." 


" No it only means something if I have red hair and have a fiery attitude." She stands. 


"Don't bring her into this." Luke stands. 


"God you make it obvious." Britt stands with him. "Blaire doesn't want anything to do with you, I am here. Why don't you even give me a chance?" 


"Britt I promised to help train you. This is not what I signed up for. I'm not going to waste my time-"


"I wont waste your time. Come on Smith. You can have me whenever you want, do what ever to me whenever. Doesn't that sound better then having to deal with a .. .child?" he sighs rubbing his eyes.  "It doesn't have to mean anything, unless you want it to." Another pause. "Besides she obviously doesn't care about you. Think about all the guys she was probably with while out exploring the world. Instead of being here with you?" 


"That's enough." He turns towards her. "Stop talking about her please." 


"I can stop talking altogether." She moves in close and lightly touches her lips to his. I turn I don't want to watch anymore. I get through the forrest and make my way to Mr. Wahls' office. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. I knock on the door. 


"Come in." He replies, and I go inside starting to shake.  "Blaire, what can I do for you?" He asks, sitting up intrigued at my being here. 


"Sir," I clear my throat. He is watching me with intensity and it's making wonder if this is the right choice. "I would... I mean. If it would be possible..." I pause.


"Yes?" He asks, his eyebrows forrowing. 


"Can I please transfer to a different manager?" I blurt. He leans  back unsure if he heard me correctly.


"Are you sure this is what you want?" He questions. I nod. "This isn't just some ploy for you and Smith to be able to be together is it?" He dares to ask.


"No!" I step forward. I want to explain but I decide I probably shouldn't. "I was... I am just wondering if that is a possibility." I finally say something. 


"Well, sure." He rubs his temple. "Here," He pulls out yellow slip and fills out a couple of things. "Sign here." I do as I am told. "Mr. Smith does have to sign this as well." He mentions. 


"Of course." I nod. 


"Alright. Just drop this off at his room then and I'll see what I can do." I thank him and leave looking down at the slip filled out for a complete switch of manager roles. Deep breaths in and out Blaire. He is more than likely still outside anyways. I knock and don't hear a voice. I open the door and look inside. The shower is running. They must be inside already. He is probably muddy from rolling in the dirt. I lay the slip on his dresser where I  know he will see it. Then I run like the wind out of there. I head straight to my room and wish I could lock the door. 


I hope this is the right thing to do.


I'm feeling regret now.


Oh god.


What have I done?

Chapter 24

Blaire's POV


It's really hot. I feel drenched in sweat. My limbs ar heavy. 


Or someone is practically laying on top of me! I turn around the best I can to get a look at the culprit. 


Luke? What is he doing here? What is going on. I move around so I can get out from under him, but it seems to wake him up as well. 


"Sleep." he mumbles opening his eyes for a split second. "Talk in the morning." he mumbles the last part. I lay back down not wanting to argue or ruin what ever momment this is.I lay back down away from him though. This is awkward for me now. "Come here." he whispers, and I turn around his eyes are open again. I don't move. This is surreal! 


"You must be nuts." I whisper. 


"Blaire." my blanket moves, and his arm wraps around my stomach. He pulls our fronts together. "I'm an idiot and a jerk and an asshole and a douche and I miss you." He whispers.  Our noses are almost touching. 


"Okay." I say holding my breath. I can tell that is not what he wanted me to say. "Go back to sleep." I turn away from him and scooch away. His arm is around me again and pulling me back. This is going to get tiring.  "Mr. Smi-"


"Blaire." He interupts me. "Just give me tonight. You can go back to hating me tomorrow." I feel his forehead on my neck.  "I need tonight. I need you. Please." 


"What about Britt?" It slips out. "I saw you out in the woods today... yesterday.. whenever that was." I turn facing him now. I want to see his face. 


"Nothing happened. You came at just the right time. You stopped me from making the biggest mistake in my life. Blaire I pushed her away. If you saw you would know that." He whispers. 


"I didn't stay long enough." I look away. 


"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so hard on you. I know that. I guess I just... I got scared and I thought I lost you. I don't want to." 


"I have to tell you something." I sigh, "Since we are getting things off our chests." he looks at me, and his eyes are watery. "The other night... when we got in that fight in the hall... Crash came to my room after." I stop. 


"What did you do?" He asks, he sounds choked almost. 


"We only kissed... really kissed... but we both had clothes on and it didn't mean anything! I did it because I wanted to get back at you... because I was upset and mad. Jealous that you were maybe sleeping around."


"I haven't had sex with anyone since you became my mark." He whispers quieter then ever. I look him in the eyes, not understanding. "I haven't wanted anyone.... but... you." He looks away. I look up at the cieling. I can't believe this is happening now. He seems so little. So lost like a puppy. 


"I haven't ever slept with anyone." I say and he chuckles for a quick second. "Luke." I test the waters on his name again. "Why did you come here tonight?" I ask. 


"I got that yellow slip... I signed it at first. I thought that maybe that would be good for both of us." He stops. "Then I wanted to talk to you about it. I thought about all our times together. I don't want to stop having those times. I don't want to lose you as a friend-" I close my eyes, friend. I'm just a friend. "- It made me realize that I've been hiding behind the other girls, and I avoided you whenever I felt we were getting to close. Then I saw you at that school... with boys your age... being normal. It scared the shit out of me."  He stops and he pulls ahand out from under the blankets and wipes away some of my hair that was in my face. "I finally thought about everything. All of the things we've been through. Everything. I went back through my memories all the times I almost kissed you, but decided not to. All the times that I was in here just make sure you didn't have another nightmare." 


"Luke." My heart is pounding. "What are you saying?"  His eyes flicker with tears pooling in them. He doesn't say anything though. Now he is looking away from me. He removes his arm from my side and lay down on his back. "So?" I ask my throat feeling tight. I just want to hear him say that he cares about me. I kind of got the feeling it was a lot more then caring after his whole speech he just gave me, but he isn't saying anything now. After another minute of silence, I wipe away my one tear that slipped out. I shouldn't have asked. 


My heart is beating so damn fast, and my chest is compressing. I feel sick, and with the wicked beat going on I litterally feel like my heart is breaking and my chest is going to explode. I try to calm myself, but I can't. I keep my tears locked up. But I can't control the rest of me. As I lay here in my bed, I finally understands what people mean when they say they got their heart broken. I don't like this feeling at all. 


"I get it." I finally speak again. He practically flinches from my voice in the silence. "You're just a worried manager... you didn't want anything bad to happed to your best mark." Still holding back tears, I get up from my own bed. He turns on his side again, now watching me.  The pool of tears still glowing in his eyes, and a tenseness in his face. I don't want him to see me cry. He can't know I'm breaking inside. 


"Of course I was worried." His voice is raspy. I close my eyes. He is lying to both of us. I can tell that this is more it has to be more! I did not just make all of this up. That fact that he can't even admit it to himself, shows me though how one sided this might truly be. "Blai-"


"You're just doing your job." I try to put on my best smile, but I feel tears just streaming down my face now. "I ahh... I'm just going to get some fresh air." I turn and inch towards my door. I walk as normal as I can so I don't seem like I'm angry or upset. I'm am positive he can tell I'm crying though. I hear him rushing to get up and it worries me. What will he do? Just leave and go back to his room? Will he try to stop me and talk to me more? 


I don't give him the chance. I make a run for it. I hear his one plea for me to stop and come back, but once I round the cornner I'm running so fast the doors in the hall fly by in blurs. I don't think he is following me. I can't hear his voice yelling for me anymore. He might show up outside. But I can't go back to my room either in case he is just waiting for me to come back. I should have just kicking him out of my room, it is my room! 


"Crash open up." I knock lightly, and lay my forehead against the door. My body feels drained. Practically numb. My arms are tingling and I'm so tired I start to doze when he opens the door. "Shit." I panic, but I catch my balance. 


"You realize it is ..." He looks away, to something in his room. I'm assuming a clock. " ... 3:22 in the morning?"  He asks, with one eye open and the other closed. I woke him up. Of course I did. 


"I want to sleep with you." I waste no time. He stands up straight all of a sudden awake and I feel all the color in my face fall to my feet. "No! I didn't mean it like that!" I hold up my hands, now this is awkward. Great just great. "You know what... nevermind." I sigh and my arms fall like limp noodles. 


"Come on." He sighs, laying a hand on my shoulder. "I even have an extra blanket so we don't have to share." He pauses gesturing for me to come inside. I take two slow timid steps and pass the thresh hold into his room. "Or we can share, you know get all tangled together." I look up at him with a slight smile and hit his chest in jokingly matter. He gives me a wink and I look away with an eye role. I watch him as he walks over to another door, that he opens up to be a cloest. He pulls a blanket down from the top shelf, and hands it to me once he is close enough.  As if nothing is different he walks back over to his bed, and lays back down. 


I get settles on the other side, thanking Mr. Wahls for giving everyone double beds. I lay my head on the pillows, and it surprises me how soft they are. They don't feel used at all. I just figured they would be wore down from all the other girls that have slept in here with him I guess. Shaking my head I regret going there because now I feel gross laying on his bed. 


"Thank you." I whisper, glancing over my shoulder at him. He is laying on his back, both arms are at his sides. He is out cold. Sleeping. Turning back over, I start to count sheep trying to see if that will put me to sleep. Not working at all. I sit up, and rub my eyes. Maybe this was a bad idea. I feel so awkward with him already sleeping next to me. I clear my mind the best I can and think about sleep. I need this sleep. Sleep... sleep...sleep.


Crash and I are both up and out of bed listening to hear exactly what alarm is going off. I look around for a clock, it's 4:14. Not much sleep. I rub my eyes and head for the door. 


"Gas leak?" Crash questions. "Come on." He leads the way. I'm not sure where I'm supposed to be going from his room. He opens the door and the hall is packed with people already who are shuffling to get to open air. He grabs my hand and tugs me forward butting into the croud. I grip his hand so I don't lose him even though I really could just follow the rest of the people. We make a turn that no one else is making and I ask him where we're going. All his reply is is trust me.  I do.  We make another turn, then another almost right away. I look around him and see the crowd again. But now they're going outside through the doors to get to the outdoor training center. 


"Smart." I gasp surprised. "Although was this really a faster way out?" I question. 


"Trust me. It is." He smiles showing his pride on his chest. Once we're outside we stand and wait to hear from Mr. Wahls.  "So while we're awake and have nothing to do... you feel like talking about it?" he asks running a hand through his hair. 


"Not particularly. No." I sigh looking around. Where is Luke? 


"Fine then I'm going to take a guess." He crosses his arms, leaning against the fence behind us. "Since you couldn't stay in your own room... Smith was there... and you two got into another fight. Hows that?" 


"Spot on." I look away, but they way he said does make it sound obvious. "Very perceptive." I sigh, taking in the fresh air. "I probably should go back to my bed though after this. Thanks for letting me .. crash .. Crash." 


"Any time Little Bunny." He lays a hand on top of my head and ruffles my hair. "You are welcome any time." 


"Alright we've got the problem all solved and fixed. Just a leak from the kitchen. Nothing to worry about. Everyone can head back to their rooms now." Mr. Wahls' voice booms from the speakers. "Great job everyone." He adds, and then there is a click from the microphone being turned off. 


Crash and I head in different directions once we're back into the building. The halls are still crowded and it takes me a lot longer then usual to get back to my room. I open the door and my light is on. There he is. Still here sitting on my bed. His elbows are on his knees and his face in his hands. I pause. I really didn't think he would come back to my room. I almost turn around. I am not readt to see him. And I am for sure not ready to talk to him yet. 


"Where did you go?" He whispers, but doesn't move an inch. "Answer me, honestly. Where did you go?" He speaks again, but this time his arms fall and he looks me dead in the eyes. The pool of tears gone, now replaced with and obvious anger. He already knows where I went. Air is caught it my throat. I want to go running for the hills. But I can't. He eyes have me trapped here. I'm not going anywhere. 


"You know the answer." I finally am able to wheeze out. He looks away now shaking his head in disapointment. 


"I bet you had a bunch of fun." Now he is laughing. Not a funny type of laugh. 


"How dare you." I gasp. My voice strong and angry. He looks up again but now with confusion. "How dare you assume things like that. How dare you sit there and judge me for wanting to get some fucking sleep. How dare you be mad at me when you are the reason I went to Crash's room to begin with!" I'm yelling. I'm walking towards him. "I want you out of my room." I say, deciding that is all I should say before I say something I shouldn't. 


"You expect me to believe you went to his room and just slept?" He speaks with laughing tone. 


"Believe what ever the hell you want to believe." I reply before he has time to add more. I'm not even going to sit here and try to convince him. I feel my braverly slowly slipping. Now I'm tired again. Heartbroken and I'm about to explode. He really thinks that low of me.  "You're not a fool. I know that. But I didn't realize you were this dumb." I sigh walking towards my bathroom. I'm done arguing with him. 


"Now I'm dumb?" He stands up. 


"Yes!" I blow up at him. Turning around and catching him by surprise. "You're dumb enough to think that I would actually do something with Crash!" MY chest is rising and falling so fast I don't think I'm actually getting any air. Forget holding back tears, becasue now they are falling like a waterfall. "You are an idiot for coming to my room and saying such... such... such things like you said! Espicially when you and I both know that you are lying to yourself!"  I pause. Shit. To late. No going back. "You're an idiot, Luke." I say quietly now. "Because you knew exactly how I feel about you."




"I love you." I whisper, "And you broke my heart."  I finish. "Now please.. just go." I turn away from him and wipe my face. 


"You're wrong." He says so quietly I'm not sure if he actually said anything. "I am a fool. For so many reasons in fact. I'm more then a fool! Blaire, I don't know what I should do. I here footsteps. They're moving away from me. I look back at him, wondering where he is going with this."I don't know how to begin apologizing. Even then there is no excxuse. Where do I begin?" His eyes float up to mine. He sits back down on my bed in the same position I found him in. 


"You think I know?" I actually laugh.  My tears have stopped, and now I feel awkward again. I told him I loved him. He knows now for sure. I'm still standing here with pieces missing and I don't know if I'm going to get the answer I want. 


"Come here." He looks up at me. My feet move on there own. He wraps his arms around me, laying his forehead against my stomache. He is shaking. I can feel everybreath he takes, they're so slow and shakey. "I'm sorry.... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry!" He starts to cry! I rub his back unsure if I should say anything.  He keeps repeating I'm sorry over and over again. 


"Luke." I finally interupt him. "Stop crying." I close my eyes. "It's.. fine." 


"It's not fine." He moves away, going to his knees in front of me.  We are the same height now. And only inches apart. My eyes flash from his eyes to his lips and then his nose and back to his eyes. "None of it is fine, Blaire."


"It is... I sorry to... I was a bitch... and-" 


"Stop." He whispers. I do as I am told. "I have loved you since that first night, Blaire." In a matter of seconds my heart is back together and about to break through my chest. "That first night where we stayed up talking, getting to know each other. You eventually dosed off, and then you had a nightmare. I think it scared me more then it did you! You woke up though and you clung to me for life. This girl who is so strong and brave. Was terrified from a nightmare." I can't breath. It's stuck in my throat and not coming out. " Once you calmed down I stood outside you door for an hour... and then I came back inside. I stayed there until four in the morning just in case you had another nightmare. You didn't. You slept. You were calm and you even smiled sometimes while sleeping."


I close my eyes taking in what he is saying. 


"I do love you Blaire. I love you." I open my eyes and find his staring into mine. We pull together like a magnet. Just holding each other.  I'm still shaking, and I know we need to sleep but how can I possibly sleep now? My eyes are open to new world. A world where just maybe everything is going to be alright no matter what happens tomorow. No worries. In this room the two of us are invincible. 


What about outside? In the cafeteria? In the training center?


We can't. It's impossible. It's against all rules. We would both suffer from the consequences.


"It's impossible." My voice finally works. He just shuffles a little bit so he can see my face. "I can't do this to you. I wont ruin everything you worked so hard for." I get out of his grip. "You don't have to say anything! Please, dont say anything." I continue before before he can speak. I'm up and out of my bed trying to put space between us now. How could I forget about this. The rules and why I told him no the first time. I'm such an idiot.  "Ha." I actually laugh at myself. "Now, I am the fool."


"You're not a fool." he gets up walking towards me.


"Luke don't." I say. "We said what needed to be said. Now we can both live on okay. You can keep your job and I can stay a mark.... As if nothing has changed."


"Everything has changed now, Blaire." He sighs, but he seems to understand where I am coming from. "We can figure it out. We have to figure this out."


"I'm being serious Luke." I finally say. "You're not losing your job because of me."


"Blaire, come on... lets just sleep on tonight." He sighs not sure what to say now.


"You think it's smart to stay here?" I question, looking around as if there is cameras hidden.


"We'll be fine. Let's just get some more sleep." He holds out his hand to me, and I take it. Yanking me towards him, I gasp when I run into his chest. Inches apart. I can feel his breath. Chest to chest we stand. I look up and he is looking down. "Are you going to run away again?" he whispers. I don't reply. "You always get away when I do this." He leans down, holding me with a tighter grip. Lightly he fingers brush hair away from my face, as our lips touch.


We have kissed before. But the feeling is still so different to me. A little bit of heaven maybe. I bet this is what heaven would be like.  Floating, in the clouds. Maybe I'm already past the clouds and into the stars.


"Luke." I say breaking away for a quick second. He pauses, and I shake my head. No way man. We do deserve this time. This is it. After this we might never see each other again if Mr. Wahls finds out! I swing an arm up pulling him back down. I feel his hands on my waist. Our bodies are melting together. It is getting hot in here. I move my hands to his chest readyo to push him down onto my bed that is right behind him.


This is a new me. I feel sexy. I love this feeling. Knowing now that he actually wants me.


I use the moment to push against him, and he falls without hesitation knowing the bed is there. I pull off my shirt, and then straddle him, pulling up his shirt. I didn't know I knew how to act like this. I want to say it's scary. But I'm having fun. My lips first start at his neck, while my hands explore. Feeling each muscle and every inch of his chest. Creating a trail from below his ear to his jaw, my hands slowly lower themselves. I can feel the hem of his pants, and I now pause. If I go there there is no turning back. 


I'm already in my bra and spandex. Once those are off I'm going to be naked. I feel like his pants should come off. Now I'm having a little dilema! 


His hands run up my stomach and over my chest, stopping at the straps to the sports bra. I already know I want it to be him. I want him like this. But am I ready tonight? My hands come back up, and spreading out my fingers, I feel his abs.  His body is sculpted, to perfection. Like Crash, but Crash has bigger bones. I move my hands down again. This time under the clothing. He gasps, as I pull down both his shorts and boxer briefs. I sit up, and with a deep breathe looking him in the eyes the entire time, I pull off my bra. He sits up picking me up at my waist. We switch spots, and He throws his shorts and boxers onto the floor. He is here in front of me, all of him. I bite my lip looking him in the eyes, as he ducks down towards my stomache. 


I feel his lips right below my belly button, and his fingers hooked intomy spandex pulling them down on the sides. His kiss moves with a torturing slowness from my left hip bone to my right. 


"God!" I groan sitting up. I grab his hair, pulling him up and back with me. Our lips colliding like they're fighting a war. I use this spare time to inch my spandex down and I get them off too. Now here we are both naked and our bodies are touching in ways that I never thought they would. His fingers slip down and he stops on my thigh. His fingers brush up slowly that it actually tickles, but the next place they stop sends shivers. He doesn't hesitate. His kiss is no longer taken all of my attention, and I feel someting in my throat. It's coming up, but it is kind of scaring me. Not like a sick type of thing at all. It's pleasure. It escapes me, and I feel his smiles against my lips. It makes my cheeks heat  for some reason. I haven't been embarrassed about being naked in front of him, but one moan and I've became the color of a tomato! 


If he gets to do it to me. Than I  get to do it to him. Trying to casually move my hand down his side, and over his hip bone. I take him into my hand, completely embarrassed again. He gasps, and pauses what he is doing. I don't. He lays his forehead on my chin, and his breathing is getting faster then it already was. I can feel, him getting more and more excited, and it actually excites me a little. Now he groans, and I stop. With both of my hands I cup his face and pull him back up but before I kiss him I say,


"I want you in everyway I can have you." 

Chapter 25

Blaire's POV


He is gone when I wake up.  His clothes are gone too. So he must have left completely. I hoped he would just be in the bathroom. Damn. I lay back down, going through last night. Holy shit.  I look over towards my desk for a clock. 


"Ah shit!" it's noon!  I fly out of bed, grabbing my clothes and running into the bathroom. I throw them into the hamper and turn on the shower. While the water heats I brush through my hair. I take a two minute shower washing every inch of me and shampooing my hair.  I throw on some training clothes and make a dash for the training hall. I peek inside and I my thoughts were right. Everyone is gone more thenlikely at lunch or on a mission. I do a couple things, and stretch out my body. I don't feel different. A little stiff maybe but that is it. 


Around three I leave as more people start coming back. I don't know what to do now? I could go eat lunch, but I'm honestly not hungry. I wish I knew where to find Luke.  I shouldn't go looking for him though. I need to just let things be for a while. See what exactly happens. 


Maybe last night he just used me. 


No. I push that thought away immediately. I can't go there. Not yet. Not until we talk again or at least see each other. I decide to go do more work in the tech lab.  I sit in there running through all the regular procedures, just to refresh my mind and I lean back looking at the blank computer screen. 


Everything is a mess. Being with Luke and creating this maybe fake maybe real idea of us secretly behind together. I lay my arms out on the table and lay my fore head to the cool glass. What do I do now? He just up and left. I haven't seen him either. Although I'm not trying to hard to find him either. But I don't want to be obvious or anything. 


"Oh.. Blaire?" Natalie's voice asks. I peak up at her with a wave. "What are you doing? Are you going to be sick?" She panics. 


"Something like that.." I sigh getting up. "I'm okay." I reassure her and she watches me still. 


"Hey have you seen Tessa at all today?" She asks, stepping in front of me. I shake my head no. I haven't seen any of you guys for a gouples of days I think to myself.  "Mmm, weird. She didn't say anything about having a mission... What about Luke?" 


"Nope." I sigh, and I rub my forehead. My mind wondering about the possibility of Luke playing all three of us. I take a deep breath, and consider asking Natalie if she and Luke ever had a fling. I don't. No need to get myself into trouble if she has no idea what I'm talking about.   "Why so worried..?" I decide to go a different route. Her face drains of color and she bites her lip. I feel my jaw drop. Luke and her do have a thing. 


"You can't tell anyone!" She flushes and rushes up to my grabbing my hands. 


"Holy shit! You and Luke!" I say trying to not sound mad. She looks confused and her face drops. She starts to smile slightly, and then she shakes her head no. ".... Tessa?"  


"Don't say anything please." She whispers.  I just nod not sure I completely understand. Tessa and Natalie?! The gorgeous italian and Natalie this brunette with muscle. 


"I wont... I just didn't have any idea... What?!" I smile feeling so happy. For myself and for the two of them. 


"Well... there is rule against marks and managers.. but nothing about two marks." She shrugs. "Of course we aren't really telling people though!" 


"I get it." I nod. "Wow. I'm so happy for you!" I give her a hug. "I wouldn't be to worried she can take care of herself." I tell her and she smiles with a nod. 


"Can I ask you something?" She steps away, and looks around the room. I nod unsure where she might be going with this. I mean I told her I would stay quiet, so I don't know what else there is to really talk about. "About Mr. Smith." 


"Yes..?" I say sitting back down in the chair. Where is this going? I just realized I called him Luke in front of her. We aren't supposed to do that. But everyone calls Crash Crash. I just sit looking around the room. Trying to act like I'm not to interested. 


"Well... I just. I noticed you two haven't been talking as much as you used to." She pauses, trying to think about how to continue. "What happened?" She blurts out and pulls out another chair. 


"Oh, ah." I scratch the back of my neck. "Well, this mission I've been doing has been pretty hard on both of us. I guess that the more we're growing up and getting to know ea-"


"Did you two break up?" She interupts me. I pause and I can feel my jaw dropping. "God. I'm sorry." She whispers covering her mouth. "I shouldn't have said anything. 


"No. It's fine." I say holding a hand. "We never were together." She is now watching me. "We were just close friends. We still are."  She is looking at the floor. "Natalie, I'm serious. We weren't dating." 


"It just... you two always were together... and you are always smiling around each other. But all of a sudden it seems you can't even be in the same room." She finally speaks. "Everyone has been talking about it. In fact some people have been saying they saw you come out of Crash's room with him last night during the alarm."  I lay my hands in my face, and mentally slap myself. I knew all of that was a bad idea. "... It's true!" She whispers. 


"Luke and I had gotten into a fight... I left and I wanted to sleep. Crash's room was the only place I could of that Luke wouldn't look." 


"Wait.. Mr. Smith was in your room?  What were you fighting about? Did you and Crash do anything." 


"We fought about the mission." I lie. "And no of course Crash and I didn't do anything!" I pretend to be apalled. 


"Mmm." She is watching me. I know that we both have been trained to detect lies but I think I have a good poker face. "Wow. So Smith really isn't happy about your new mission then." She sighs. 


"Yeah.. I don't know what his issue is." I sigh. 


"Blaire, I need a word with you." Crash opens the door. Both of us jump, and I can't exactly figure out how he knew I was in here. 


"Fine..." I get up, and wave good bye to Natalie. "What is it?" I ask following him down the hall. 


"There is some words going around... about things." He sighs. 


"Like?" I ask. 


"Like us sleeping together. Like you and Smith breaking up. Like you asking Mr. Wahls for a yellow slip to switch managers." We stop in a hall that is empty. 


"Oh." I say. Great. "We didn't sleep together. Luke and were never together!" I say feeling agrivated that people seriously are this petty. I turn away from him wondering how we can fix this. In all reality we can't fix this. We just tell people the truth and if they believe us then they do. I rub my eyes, feeling my bones droop. I feel heavey and tired again, even though I'm pretty sure I just had some of the best sleep in my life. 


"The yellow slip?" He asks, and his voice is confused. 


"That part is true." I say quietly. "It's in my room.... torn up on my desk."  I add after seeing it this morning on my desk. Luke must have done it last night. 


"Why would you do that?" He asks me. I turn to face him but I don't say anything.  "Blaire?" 


"It's a long story... one I really don't want to share."  I say and begin walking away. But he grabs my forearm.


"Just like the one about Smith coming to your room? You two getting into a fight?" He seems to be getting a little angry now. "What is going on, Blaire? The truth." he says not letting go of my. 


"It's nothing!" I say pulling my arm free. "None of anyones business!" I  start walking away again. "People need to grow up." I say to myself making my way through the halls. I get to my room, nad over to the desk. I look at the torn up yellow paper thats laying all over. I sweep up the pieces and toss them into the garbage. Under the yellow paper is the packet of papers Mr. Wahls gave me a while ago. The stories. The rapes. 


Grabbing those I also toss that into the garbage. I need to finish this. I run back to the tech lab that has a couple girls in it and they are working but chatting at the same time. They all look up and look at me. I keep looking through the filing cabinet ignoring them and there little whispers. They act as if I can't hear them. I can. It's about the yellow slip and how Crash and I are now a couple. I pull out my file. They are idiots for leaving it all in here for everyone to look at. 


"I'm a lesbian dumbasses." I say as I leave. I snicker walking down the hall. I take my fill back to my room and look through all the information they have on me. They have tons of pictures of me. Ones I don't remember ever being taken. There is an entire page on each of my parents. A packet about that night at the party. I keep looking, and I come across a sheet I've never seen before.  I scan through it reading parts of it carefully. "Holy shit."  It's the information on the agreement between my parents and the government! I toss it away not wanting to find out how much they are getting paid. Reading through a couple more different documents. 


"Nothing. Nothing in here at all." I sigh pushing it all off of my bed. I was trying to see if there was an adress for the school or maybe something that could get me to there house. Not that I would be able to walk out of here without getting caught.  I pick it all up and toss it back onto my desk. I need Mr. Wahls.


Right now I feel like my life has no point. Like nothing good is happening so why sit here and do nothing? Finishing off this mission will be something good that happens. Zooming through the halls I don't even knock when I go inside. I pause and smile as heat rises into my cheeks.  Luke and Mr. Wahls sitting together talking. 


"Oh. I'll just come back." I say turning for the door. 


"Stay actually." Mr. Wahls says. I do as I am told. I take a seat keeping my eyes down. I don't want to see Luke's face. "We were just talking about the yellow slip you came for yesterday."  I nod. Keeping my eyes down still. 


"I understand why." Luke says. "Things have been rough the past couple of weeks. I just don't want her talent wasted." Luke picks up where Mr. Wahls and him were at while they were in here without me. "Whether she is with me or not..." He adds. He leans back, and lets out a sigh. I glance over at him. His hair is still a little messy from a shower, and I can see a hint of a smile hanging on his lips. I look up going from his lips to his eyes. He is looking at me. I stiffen and look back at Mr. Wahls. He is looking at his computer typing very rapidly. 


"Well.. while no onw is talking." I begin, "Would it be possible for me to go back to school tomorrow? I'm ready to get this done and over with."


"Agreed." Luke raises his hand. 


"Tomorrow then." Mr. Wahls nods in agreement. "About the yellow slip..." 


"I really don't care anymore." I sigh, "As long as I stay out and keep up with missions any manager works."  I stand. 


"Alright then." He types again.  "Everything worked out then?" He asks. 


"I'm good." I head for the door. 


"Same here. Thank you Sir." Then Luke and I leave together. 

Chapter 26

Blaire's POV


Luke isn't in the car in the morning. We still haven't had time to talk yet either. I thought yesterday after we left Mr. Wahls' office we would talk. We didn't. He smiles at me, touched my cheek in a total loving way. Then he turned around his walked away from me. I couldn feel the disapointment run throw my body.  I thought he might be in the car like he usually is, but nope. 


I have to go to school today and do nothing. I have to wait until after school, and I have also been informed that I wont even be able to be the one to arrest him. I wasn't happy about having to waste my day and then not even get the pleasure of arresting him. I get dropped off and go into the building looking at all of the not so common surrounding again. It's been a couple weeks since I've been here. People stare thinking I'm another new kid. I ignore it and walk towards my locker, opening the inside I pulling everything out, and give back my books. Teachers of course ask questions about where I've been and why I am turning in my books and I tell them what I was told to tell them. I'm transfering to a different school.  


I hang out in the library most of the day. I don't want to go to class. I have no reason to. I read and nap most of the day away. People go in and out throughout the day, Landon comes in and chills with me awhile. He is the only one here today from the group. Caleb pops his head in once and I shove my nose in a book to make it look like I'm busy. I can feel him staring at me, but I don't make a move. I felt awkward since I'm techinically arresting his brother in a couple of hours.  


"So, you're leaving already?" Landon sighs as we sit in the back cornner and munch on a bag of chips he brought. "You didn't stay very long..." He adds. 


"With my brothers job we move a lot I'm used to it."  I lie through my teeth. "I'm honestly kind of happy for it. I'm sick of Casey and Caleb." 


"I don't blame ya there. Casey's been sayin stuff about you the entire time you was gone. Making things about you and her brothers having sex and you having a relationship with your brother."  he laughs, and I rub my forehead. Great knowing that my name has been held up while I was gone. 


"Fuck her." I laugh, "You know I caught her having sex in her brothers room my first week here. And it wasn't with Mark."  He busts up laughing and we both laugh about it for a while. Weplay cards for awhile and just talk about how stupid the librarian is for just letting us hang out in here, not that we would want her to kick us out either. 




"What is that?" I yell, over the loud alarm the buzzing. 


"Intruder alarm!" He replies, and I don't understand. Intruder? Who would want to intrude a high school?  Both of us make run towards the door, looking to see if we catch anyone. We don't. In the background I hear the librarian yelling at both of us to go hide in the back cornner like we were. I push Landon towards the area and tell him I'll be back. 


I wanna take a look. I duck outside the door, and manuever around the halls trying to find an intruder. I walk past a three way hall and I stop halfway through spotting three men with guns walking down the hall the opposite way. And of course one of them just happens to glance back at me. He points and yells. 


"Shit!" I take off running the way I came. Knowing I have I good lead on them, I think about what I should do. There are students here! I can't do anything stupid. I try to open one door but it's locked.  Well, now that I think about it I'm sure they're supposed to be locked with and intruder in the building. I run for door to door hoping I might get lucky. I do. I open it and get inside. But I do lock it. I turn and see student looking up at me from under desks. I wave with a weak smile. 


"Blaire?" Caleb pokes up from under his desk. Then Casey's head pops up too. 


"I need your phone!" I walk towards him, and he doesn't budge. "Caleb this isn't a game I need your phone." I say again. 


"It's in my locker.... I don't have it..."  he whispers, and then there is a pound on the door. It swings open and behind me Caleb whispers, "I should've told you the lock doesn't work." A guy parades in pointing his gun, and he spots me. 


"I got her." He speaks into his wrist. and I duck under the desks, and move towards the front of the room. "Alright Toot's let not make this difficult. We just want Walter back." the mans speaks. 


"I haven't heard that name in a long time.." I sigh, standing up now in front of the room. "Alright... you got me. Now put the gun down." I warn. He just laughs as if he doesn't have to listen to me. I take in a deep breath, and ask again. "Put the gun down." 


"Make me." He speaks and his German accent is poking out now. I'm in action. I run at him but he doesn't react quick enough I slide to his left grabbing the nozzle of the gun, and puling it with me. He leaves his hand and I pop up behind him gun now in my hands. I aim but don't fire.  "My men are coming you kno-" I don't let him finish. I jump kicking him the head, and he blocks but I keep up. I shove the back end of the gun into his side, and he bends over in pain. Then I swing my elbow down cracking him in the neck and he falls to the ground. He peaks up and me but I don't give him anytime to say anything. I smack him right in the nose with the end of the gun. 


"You didn't tell you buddies what room dumbass." I laugh, going back to the door and closing it. I also slide a table in front of the door putting it on it's side so the getting in part isn't as easy. 


"Holy shit!" Caleb is now standing again, along with all the other students. 


"Phone now." I say and a bunch of people pull out their phones. I take the closest one, and dial the emergency number to get in contact with the agency. I wait while it rings. It asks for my number. "Mark number 28G3R"  IT patches me into Mr. Wahls. "Sir, We have an issue." I look over at the German passed out on the floor. I explain to him what's happening. He tells me to put him on speaker so I can search the body for more weapons and still be able to hear him. I do as I am told pulling out magazines for the gun and pocket knifes. "I saw two others, but there might be more. Sir, this building has students in every class room."


"Take the gun, Blaire. Scout the halls. Smith and Crash and there marks are on there way." He hangs up the phone. I give it back to the boy and thank him. I shove a couple extra magazines into my pockets, and pick up the gun again. 


"What if he wakes up!?" Casey speaks, and I glance over at the guy. I role my eyes, but she does have a point. I pull the laces out of his boot and Tie his hands and feet, then take the duct tape from the drawer. I then shove two pieces of tape over his mouth and use almost have of the role to tape his knees together.  "Who are you?" CAsey asks seeing that I know what I am doing. 


"Someone who just saved your life." I reply, "Now all of you stay in here don't make a noise, if he wakes up don't do anything rash, the most he can do is wiggles around. Okay? Okay." I open the door and close it.  I go back the way I came and peak the gun out before I show a body part. Then I peak my head. No one. I make a quick dash to the next opening in the hall. I shoot seeing the man. He falls. I run towards the body and remove all his weapons as fast as I can and shove them into the locker that just happens to be open. I close it locking it, and move on. That's two. 


As I am looking I realize I didn't tell Mr. Wahls what room that was. But now that they have the number they can track it andHe is in a safer place than you. figure it out, but it's not like I'm in that room anymore either. I keep searching for the third guy but I can't find him anywhere. Once I walked the entire school three times I do go back to the room. I notice that Russian guy is awake, and he starts to struggle when I walk him. I pull up on his jacket, and he sits up. I rip the tape off his mouth withouth being nice about it. Then I step on the watch and it break, and hurts his wrist. 


"Hündin" he calls me a bitch. 


"Wie viele von euch sind da?" I ignore his foul language and ask how many men there are. 


"Ich werde nicht zu helfen." He laughs, and I stand up slowly, looking away. I really don't want to deal with him. "Wo ist Walter ?" He asks about Walter. 


"Er ist in einem sichereren Ort als Sie." I sigh, and knee him in the face. He is down for the count again. I re-tape his mouth and rub my eyes, wishing he would've been a little more helpful.


"You speak German?" Casey shakes her head. "Fluent German and French?" 


"And Italian, Spanish, Mandarin, and ... do I need to go on?" I role my eyes. "Where is your brother at?" I ask. She looks at Caleb. "No your other brother, Cody?" I ask. 


"His room. He has a math class this period." Casey looks confused. There is a knock on the window and all the student duck under there desks swearing and whispering that we got caught. I run over to it seeing if I can unlock it. I am able to and I let them all inside. 


"Nice to see you Bunny. How is school going?" Crash is the first one to talk.


"Shut up." I move past him finding Luke. "I think that since we have the window open we let these students out and to safety."


"It's not much safer outside. There was a couple guys." He sighs, and speaks into his wrist telling Tessa and Natalie to stay out side watching the perimeter. "How many did you count?" 


"Three. Two of them are down unless there is more... but from what you said there has to be more." I scratch my head. I take a peak down at the German guy who is still sleeping in the floor. 


"Blaire is right, we need to get these kids out of here Smith." Crash comes into the conversaion. "Have some of us go room to room, and lead them all out to behind the barracades." 


"I think we need to think about the situation a little more. Alright? No students have been hurt yet, and maybe none will be if we figure out why they are here." Luke stands up firm to Crash, and it looks like they're about to but heads. 


"They want Walter!" I push between the two of them. "I'm assuming he is back at base so we need to think of another plan." 


"How'ed they know we have Walter?" Luke shakes his head. Crash, looks like he is slowly figuring this out. "What? Is this some secret you two have been keeping from me? Like you two sle-"


"No!" I interupt again. "They must've been monitoring the school waiting to see me. The last these guys knew Walter was with me." 


"And we didn't sleep together... I mean we didn't have sex... we did sleep together... like litterally sleep... but yeah you get the point." I mentally smack myself in the face. These two idiots are never going to not be fighting.


"Now is not the time." I send him a glare, and I finally look at Luke. "What are you thinking? .. About the situation?"  I change the subject. 


"Honestly I don't know. We need to have some kind of idea of what we're up against... before we make any decisions." He sighs, seeming to calm down.


"Alright then. Blaire go scout the place." Crash shrugs. 


"Don't listen to him." Luke speaks right away. 


"Now what? She knows the building, and she might know the guys. She is more likely to make it out of this alive then either of us is!" Crash points out. 


"I''ll do it!" I speak up myself to shut the two of them up. "Give me a talkie." I say to one of Crash's girls who is standing in the background watching everything with slight amusement.  She peels hers off her wrist and hands it over, I thank her and tell them I'll be back and be in contact. I turn on the talkie once I have the ear piece in to hear what Luke and Crash tell me. 


I go through the entire building again, but there is nothing. Crash tells me to scout around again, and look into bathrooms and other class rooms if able. I do as I am told again. Peeking into bathrooms, even the boys, and I do come across the spot were I left the body. It's gone now. There isn't a blood trail either.  I run now looking for any little spot of blood or a sign that there were people. Nothing. Where in the hell did these people go? 


I run towards the office. I haven't actually checked all the rooms inside of there. I bet they have a hide out where they are creating a plan. I go inside, and grip the gun, already hearing voices. They are in the principles office. Running to other end of the hall just in case some come out, I talkie the news to Luke. I stay back like he said to do waiting to see what the next move is. I hear the door open and I peak out watching three more men come out. They split up going in different directions and one of them is coming my way. I slip back thinking about the situation. I was told to stay put... but of course taking anouther guy out isn't to bad of an option. I stay back and quiet and once he walks past me( I'm thankful he didn't turn ), I wait a little longer. I slip out around the cornner, and practically crawl closer to him. 


The bell goes off signalling for classes to switch and it makes us both jump. He turns spotting me, and pulls his gun right away. Without hesitation he fires, but he gave me plenty of time to move. The boys locker room. It does kind of stink in here. I need to think here. Focus. I turn towards the lockers, and pull open as many of them as I can looking for something to use against him. All I find is clothing and body sprays and at lesat 200 sticks of deodarant! The door slams open but he isn't alone. There is three of them. I have no weapons. I throw my arms up without hesitation. 


"You're surrendering?" One speaks, with a hint of a laugh. 


"I know when I can't win a fight." I speak slowly. Two of them walk toward me keeping a hand on their guns. They each grab an arm and pull it behind my back not being gentle about it. They push me out of the room and towards the office. I don't fight, but I don't make it easy for them either. The shove me into the room and all eye turn to me. "Ah- Hi?" I speak, and I get pushed to the ground on my knees. I feel a gun on the back of my head. 


"Long time. Toots." Some one I recognize but don't really remember stands up.  "You know what we want."


"I'm afraid I can't give it to you." I reply, and one of the guys behind me holding my arms twists it a little and it sends a pain up my arm. "That hurts!" 


"Take her back."  The guy looks away and leaves the office door. The men tug on my arms and I huff out a breath wishing I had a little bit more of a plan. "We can make her talk."


"You might as well kill me." I spit, my temper flaring. For being a secret spy agent person, I sadly have to admit getting tortured is a big fear of mine. It's like drawing death out for weeks or even months on end! No way do I want to go through all of that. I get slammed down into a chair and they tape my hands and feet. I sit without fighting them I need to think of a plan. 


"Long shot..." I start slowly, "But I do have to pee... you guys mind bringing me to the bathroom in the other room?" I venture, seeing if they take the bait. One of them stops looking at me. I know they are listening. "You can even stand in the stall with me for petes sake okay. I just really would prefer to not pee my pants... and honestly I don't think you want that either." 


He pulls me up from the chair and lets go of my arm, but it is impossible for me to balance with the tape. I fall over smacking the floor with a thud. But he grabs my shoulders and lifts me, and practically drags me to the bathroom. He explains to the bosses that he is taking me to bathroom that is located in the office for the secretary and principle. They don't argue.  He untapes my feet, and I wrinkle my nose trying to smile. I get shoved into the bathroom and he open the stall door for me. 


"Ah... I can't exactly use my hands... so how do you want to do this?" I ask. He pauses a minute not sure how to respond.  "Okay just pull my pants down if you wont undo my hands." I sigh. He steps forward slowly, and reach towards my hips were my pants are. Just a little closser! I kick up my knee and crack him in the head, he falls imediately and is knocked out. Turning around, I awkwardly begin digging through his pockets to find a knife. This is harder then I thought it would be due to not being able to see exactly what I am doing. I don't find one though. I flush the toilet in case they can here me out there. Tape is sticky... sometimes water can make it not stick. I go over to the sink and turn it on hot. I place the tape under it, and ignore the skalding water burning my skin. I try and pull my hands appart while it runs over, and it seem like years before I can even get it to loosen a little. 


"What is going on in there?" there is a knock on the door. Shit. The tape falls apart a second later and I run to the door. 


"I need help!" I yell standing behind the door. It swings open and I push it back smakcing the guy. I run over to guy I kneed in the face and grab his gun. I then shoot the guy I hit with the door. That was a lot of noise. Now I have to get out of this.  On a count of three all bust open the door and make a run for it. I can do this. I can do this. 







Chapter 27

 Blaire's POV


No one is here. The principles office and check in lobby are both empty. I tiptoe towards the door wondering what happened. I peek through the closed blinds that cover the windows in the room. Oh. Great. The halls are filled with students, and every once in a while I catch sight of a taller person holding a gun. I do not see Luke or Crash. But if they are emptying the classrooms they are bound to find them. What do I do? Why did they just leave me in here? They probably thought the two guys they left me with could handle me. I search the rooms looking for more wepons or anything hinting at how I can stop them. 


Slipping outside the door with a gun hidden and a blade shved up my sleeve I blend into the crowd of other kids following them to wear we're supposed to go. From the looks of it, we are headed to the gym. In the distance I can hear yelling in german and english. I try to listen to what they are saying, but I can't make any of it out. I can barely hear them over the kids freaking out around me. 


I need to find Luke and Crash. I stick my head up quickly seeing if there is anyone I recognize. No one. 


I stick with the crowd, unsure how to continue. I walk slower the closer we get to the gym doors, I do not know what is going to happen when I enter that room. I do not know what I am going to see. I need to be prepared. I look down at the floor keeping my face hidden as I enter into the silent gym. Everything is quiet. Boys and girls have to go seperte ways and sit down on opposite sides of the gym. I follow the girls in front of me, and try too look through the room for Luke. If they are taking students from class rooms then they would have found them. I do not see anyone. Not even Crash... and he is pretty hard to miss. 


"Finde sie! Der Chef will sie am Leben." One guy in the gym yells as he walks in. I take in a deep breath. He said "find her." and " she needs to be alive"


I am going to make a wild guess they mean me. 


"Get your hands off of me!" Casey's voice shrieks, and then there is a yell in pain. Everyone is now watching the door, they must be out in the hall. 


"Casey?!" Caleb's voice rings out next. 


"Leave them alone!" Cody Riker stands up. He is in here. I watch now as one of the german men grab him and hold him. He fights and out of know where there is another gun shot. "Casey!? Caleb?!" Riker panics. The german smacks Cody in the head with the side of the gun, and he falls knocked out. What was that gun shot? I don't hear Casey or Caleb anymore. It was only one shot though, I doubt it got both of them. 


It has only been 2 minutes. No one is talking, not even the germans. All I can hear are sniffles and crying. What can I do? I can make myself known but I'll be dead in two seconds with all the guns that are scattered around the room. But I can't just sit in here and dow nothing! Luke and the team are out there somewhere doing something and I am stuck in here. 


"28G3R. On the signal." Crash's voice anounces over the intercom. That's my mark number. What on the signal? What signal?  The lights go out, and screams erupt in the room. 


That's the signal. Due do special training, I can see in the dark rather well. I stand and go into action. Germans are yelling for everyone to stay put and no one will get hurt, but I can get them if the lights stay off long enough. I make my way through the rows of sitting kids, crawling telling them all to be quiet,  towards my first target. I jump up on him, and there is a loud crack. Maybe not the right way to kill him. There is more yelling and crying, but no guns or flash lights. I make my way to the next guy and pull the out the knife. I sneak up behind and slip the blade across the side of his neck. There was three more men in here. I can do this. Making my way over to another, I just slice his neck as well it is easy and quiet. Of course the students are somewhat freaking out and crying making it slightly more difficult. I make it to the second to last guy, and before I get close enough he must sense me. He turns kicking and my knife goes flying. I hope that doesn't hit anyone. I knee him in a bad area and he grunts in pain. I pull on the gun from my jeans, and just as the lights come back on I pull the trigger. 


"Well great..." I drop his body. I was hoping the lights would be off so none of the students would for sure know it was me. Now there will be a long debriefing for the school. Aiming the gun at the last guy standing, he reaches down grabbing the first person he can. "Oh come on!" I mumble. 


Of all people he could have grabbed, it's Cody Riker who is now awake. 


"You shoot you kill a innocent man." He grits through his teeth. 


"Innocent?" I laugh. "You're holding a child molester. You can kill him for all I care." I respond, and Cody tries to buck his way free. "Why do you think I was brought here Cody?" I ask, and he grits his teeth. "It wasn't a coincidence." I smile. 


The door behind him opens and there is the rest of the team. 


"Whoa! Let him go." Luke pulls his gun. "He has nothing to do with this. We have Walter, but you might as well stop this. You're the only one left who is alive... other than Walter." 


"You think we don't have more followers?!" He moves throwing Riker towards me, and he trips and colides into me knocking me down to the ground. Another gun shot rings out, and more screams come from the students. 


"Get off!" I push Cody off of me. I stand grabbing my gun, and seeing what happened. I let out a breath of relief. He shot himself. I had a bad feeling that he got Luke or Crash. 


"What's going on!?" Cody asks on the ground beside me. I turn look down at him. Without realizing it, I have my find hovering by the trigger and the end of the gun touching his forehead. If that German man had tried to shoot Luke of Crash I would not have been able to save them because this guy is a clutz. "Whoa!" he holds up his arms. 


"Blaire stop." Luke orders. I don't move the gun. 


"What are you doing?" Casey comes running in. 


"Casey we were told to stay out here!" Caleb grabs her. They both stop by Luke and are watching me.  


"Make her stop!" Casey screams, at Luke.


"Quiet." Crash shushes her like she is a pesky bug. "Do what you have got to do Little Bunny." He encourages me, and I grip the gun tighter. I look back down at Riker who is now crying. 


"Do not encourage her!" Luke complains. "Blaire, he is going to go to prison. He will be punished for what he has all done. Do not let him off easy for what he did." 


"He hasn't done anything! He is a freaking math teacher!" Casey shouts.


"You really think that?" I look over at her, and she nods. "You tell her." I look back at her older brother. He just shakes his head. I slap him across the cheek with the back side of my hand holding the gun. "Say it!" I threaten, aiming the gun between his eyes. He doesn't say anything. "How many have there been Cody? How many little girls have you raped?" 


"Blaire that's enough." Luke walks over. 


"No!" I  hold up my other hand tell him to stop. "He needs to fess up... So, come on Cody how many stories do you have on your computer? How many pictures have you saved?" 


"Someone was in my room." He chuckles, " I knew someone was in there." I crack, and fire the gun into his leg. He screams, and I yell for him to answer my question. 


"How many girls have you hurt?" I grab his neck pulling him up to eye level with me. 


"I've lost count." He smiles. I drop him, ready to shoot, but there is another gun shoot, and my gun flies from my hand. Luke. 


"You could have hit my hand!" 


"Get your ass over here!" He demands. "There has been enough blood and death in this school." He speaks now to everyone. Slowly I walk towards him. "Cleaners are coming to take care of everything. It's time for us to go." He grabs my hand, and gives me a brief smile. "They will take care of him, Blaire." he assures me. "It's time to go." He order through his walkie. I walk with him, looking around the school gym. Casey and Caleb are staring and I meet each of there eyes. I look away without saying a word. I have nothing to say to them.


Luke keeps ahold of my hand while we leave the building. All the outside commotion is huge. Well of course it is, a school was taken hostage. Crash and Luke lead all of us out towards the tent where the military is set up. I laugh with a chuckle seeing Walter standing out here talking with none other then Mr. Riker, Casey, Caleb, and Cody's dad. 


"You were part of this the entire time?" I ask. 


"Undercover actually." He smiles. 


"Why wasn't I aware of this?" I elbow Luke, although I am unsure if I should actally be mad. I guess I'm confused on why I was in trouble ... when they kidnapped me.


"Everyone needed to believe I was one of them... including you." Walter replies instead. "No worries Toots, everything was under control. Why do you think I brought you to the club that night?" 


"Ass wipes." I mumble. 


"Were any kids hurt?" Mr. Riker speaks, finally. 


"None that we know of, however cleaners are sweeping the building now. We will know for sure soon enough."  Crash enters the conversation. "I need you to come with me Riker. We need to talk." 


"About?" He questions. "I want to see my kids.." He adds. 


"Well... you'll see one of them in cop car." I spit, and he turns to me face red with anger. 


"What was that little girl?" He threatens me. He steps closer, but Luke pushes him back. "What is she talking about?" 


"Come with me." Crash repeats, and he practically drags him away. 


"What will happen to all the students? They all saw pretty much everything." I turn to Luke once Crash has Riker far enough away. 


"That isn't any of our concern." He looks around quickly, and grabs my hand again. He starts tugging my around through the tent and slips us through the back side where no one can see us. "You..." 


"I..?" I whisper, so no one hears us. He steps closer. "No." I  step back. "Don't be stupid." I shake my head. 


"Where is Smith?" Mr. Wahls' echos through the tent. I push him back into the tent, and take the long way around, so there is nothing suspicious to see. I stand back trying to listen to as much of it as I can without being noticed. "- success. No students are hurt and we didn't loose anyone either. It all went according to plan."


"Yes, Sir." He nods. 


"I have a proposition for you Luke..." Mr. Wahls put his hands in his pockets. He means business now. 


"It's not nice to eavesdrop." Crash appears by my side. I glance up at him, and shake my head. "He is getting promoted. All his marks have been transferred to different Managers, and he wont be a manager anymore." 


"You know this how?" I look up at him, I do not want to believe him... however Mr. Wahls does look like he is talking business. 


"I turned down the offer." He replies, "He just didn't interest me.." He pauses and there is but coming up. "But it's Smith ultimate goal for working with the company." 


"So why did they offered it to you first?" I ask. Maybe he isn't telling the truth. 


"Reasons... Little Bunny." He pats my head and I glance in Luke's direction. The smile on his face tells me he likes what he is hearing. 


"Wait.. you said we were all transferred..?" I raise my eyebrow. Does Luke know that we were all already changed? He holds up a blue slip, and I feel anger when I see my name written on the transfer line and his name on the accepted line. Blue slips are slips that only Mr. Wahls can hand out. Yellow slips are for managers and marks, and they are requests, but blue slips are the law, and unarguable. 


I look over at Luke and Mr. Wahls again, and they are shaking hands. Both smiling and happy as ever. I turn away leaving Crash there and head towards the grass to sit in. I wonder the position is. Depending on what it is, I might never see him again. There is aloud burst of noise, and can hear all the foot steps from student who are being let out of the school building. I lean against a tree watching them all run to safety, and I almost smile; I did that, I just saved these people. That is my job. To save the good and take out the bad. 


... The bad... where is Cody Riker at? I walk back to the tents, on a mission. I knudge my way through crowds of students trying to find the right tent. I know he is still here, he has to be. I peak inside a couple here and there but he isn't anywhere to be found. I couldn't have missed him. I did not notice any vehicles leave. After making a full circle around the parking lot, I make another round needing to find him and confront him. What would I say? I want to blow his brains out... so talking is not on the mind. However, there more then likely will be issues with just killing him. 


A couple yards ahead of me, I notice Mr. Riker with Casey and Caleb and he is taking them to one of there military tents. I did not check on of there tents... I didn't think they would bring him there. Mmm... I follow and wait outside a moment to hear if Cody is in there for sure. 


"-alled my lawyer. They have no proof of anything, and they threatened you into confessing." Mr. Riker whispers in a harsh tone. 


"What have you done Cody?!" Casey's voice is scratchy from crying. "I heard what you said to Blaire. Tell me she had the wrong I.D" 


"I don't." I sweep into the curtain. 


"You have no right to be in here!" Casey stands up. She was kneel infront of Cody. Caleb is standing in the back cornner and and Mr. Riker is standing only a couple feet away from me. All that is in here is a table and chairs. 


"Out."  I point to the opening behind me. 


"You can't do this!" Casey complains.


"Now." I make eye contact with Mr. Riker, he stays eye level with me trying to intimidate me. "I can get the boss..." I sigh laying my hands t my hips. 


"Come on.. Casey. Caleb." He gestures. 


"You're gonna let her boss you around?" Casey stands by Cody. 


"He kind of has to. Now, out." I point again. Mr. Riker has to practically drag Casey out and Caleb leaves without a word. I take a minute to look at Cody handcuffed sitting in the chair with his head down. I pull a chair out from the table and set it directly in front of him, taking a seat I let out a breath of air. 


Alright I'm here.. what do I do. 


"Can you really not remember?" I ask. He doesn't move an inch, and no words come from his mouth. I lean back in my chair resting my feet on the table, to show him I am in total control and thatnothing he does will upset or anger me. "Well.. I read a couple of your.... your mmm well I don't know what you call them, but I call them rape scenes. What do you like to read through them to relive the moment?" I pause to see if he will give me an answer. Nothing. He doesn't even flinch when I stand up and pull his hair so he has his head up. I let go and he holds his head now watching me as I pace. 


"What exactly are you?" He asks. 


"I'm the one asking questions right now." I reply quickly. "How many were there?" 


"I'm not talking without a lawyer." He smirks. My hand flies and the slap hurts my hand even. "Who do you work for if you aren't a cop?" 


"Why keep stories and even pictures of all your rapes? Espicially at the house with your younger siblings?" I sit back down.


"How'd you get into my stuff?" he leans forward as much as he can. I lean back crossing my arms, debating on if I should even continue. Maybe this wasn't worth it.


"How's your leg?" I ask, looking at his now all bandaged up leg. "I bet that hurt." 


"Yeah, I bet you wouldn't know." He sighs, "You only shoot people who can't fight back." He leans back as well, and he knows his comment strikes a nerve in me. 


"I could have let that German kill you." I reply thinkng through my words. 


"No you wouldn't have done that." He chuckles now, looking me in the eyes. "You want to do it yourself. Why else would you have came here?" He pauses, and I think about my response. Is that true? I was fully prepared to kill him in the gym but... I don't think I actually would've done it. 


"So what if I did...  You deserve it with all the pain you have caused. But then I thought just shooting you would be to easy. You will go to a special facility. You will be punished. You will wish I killed you." I stand up ready to leave things with that. As I walk to the tent opening, his chuckle makes me unsure. What could he be laughing about?


"Well... no matter what torture I go through, I will always remembering the feeling of your skin, so soft. And you're screaming for help. Admit it, you liked it."  


"How da-" I turn enraged, and ready to kill. 


"That's enough!" Luke is there in a flash dragging me out of the tent. He has his arms wraping around my waist also pinning my arms down.


"Let me go!" I yell, "This has nothing to do with you! Let me go!" I fight against his restraints. He isn't backing down of course, and holds on with all his life. I watch as the Riker family enters back into the tent, and Caleb is watching Luke and I as if he has never seen anything like it before. "Put me down!" I stop squirmming.


"What were you thinking?" he scolds me, "You know you just jeopardized his entire trial? If you threatened him or anything in that range his attorney can say we threatened him into a confession!"


"We have evidence, Luke! His computer files, all the pictures, all of the people in that gym who heard him say what he said in there!"


"You don't understand." He shakes his head.


"No you don't. Let me inform you on his situation, Mr. Smith." I pause for affect, and a breath. "He is toast. Whether the courts find him guilty or not. Got it?" I turn on my heels and walk away from him.

Chapter 28

 "Shut up." I whisper to Crash, who is sitting next to me talking to himself about something he is trying to tell me. I'm not listening... I'm waiting to see what and who comes out of the court room. The Riker family did there best to avoid court, but it was unavoidable and here we are now three months later. Mr. Wahls let me come to the court building to hear a verdict but only if Crash came with me. So, here we sit outside the room because I am to much of a chicken to go in there now, I don't want to draw attention to myself.


"and then we all kic- Hey I know that guy?!" Crash sits up and looks in the other direction of the hall. I turn my head trying to follow his eyes, but I do not recognize anyone. "No! Do not look in fact I need you to hug me... do something to make us look normal!" He turns around to me, and I give him a look. What on Earth is he talking about?


The court room door besides me busts open and out comes a crying Casey and Mrs. Riker. They both hug and cry, and I can't help but feel a rush of relief come to me. He was found guilty!? Right?


"What are you doing here?" Caleb appears, and he is looking exactly at me.


"Hearing a verdict then we are leaving." Crash speaks before me, and he lays a hand on my shoulder with a firm grip. He doesn't want me to say the wrong thing. "Well, after that piece of evidence your verdict will be guilty." He sighs.


"Why are they so upset if he hasn't been found guilty yet?" I ask, glancing at his family members.


"They jury wanted a break... and honestly I believe they want to end the trial now." He sighs.


"What piece of evidence?" I ask, "I didn't believe they there was any evidence for sure proving it was him..?"


"A security camera video was found... It caught an entire act... Cody's face is clearly recognizable in it."


"Why wasn't that found before!?" I turn to Crash. His cheek turn red and he scratches the back of his neck. "You all knew about it!?-- Actually don't answer that we will talk about it later!" I push him away. I look back at Caleb. It has been three months since I last saw him. He doesn't look different, maybe tired but I can understand why. "Caleb, I just want you to know.. I didn't mean for it to happen like this."


"Hey, no need to even begin to explain. After everything he has done he deserves it! I can't believe none of us ever caught on!" He lets out a breath of air. He looks me in the eyes, and I do not know what to say. "Can I ask you something..?" He whispers, glancing behind me. He must be looking at Crash.


"I'll answer it if I can." I nod intrigued.


"Cody is the reason you left... and got involved in all this government stuff." He replies.


"That isn't a question." I look at him.


"Yeah.. I think I knew the answer." He sighs scratching his eyebrow. "Where is the shorter blonde guy who isn'ta proffessional football player?"


"Luke?" I say his name for the first time since he took off. "He was promoted...I work with this guy now." I point behind me feeling Crash get closer. He heard mention of Smith and decided to snoop. "Well... I think I've heard all I need to hear... Have a good life Caleb." I hug him.


"Stay as safe as you can out there saving the world Blaire." He hugs me back. I don't say anything to Casey or her mother, then Crash leads me out of the building out to the car. 


"Did you guys know about the video?" I ask before getting inside. I grip the top of the door, and look up into his eyes.  Even though he is a good foot and couple inches taller then me, I'm not scared. 


"Recent discovery. Yes." He sighs, looking back at me. "We turned it in as soon as we found it."


"How was it not found earlier? Ho old is it?" I glance back up at the large court building. 


"No one was looking for it." He scratches the back of his neck, something seems off. He isn't telling me something. 




"I guess you should probably thank the person who did find it..." He pauses, "Let's go eat." He changes the subject. I don't argue. I don't understand what just happened. I follow a couple steps behind him as he leads me through the busy streets. The walk is silent... making it extremely awkard. He takes a sharp right turn into a little coffee house, and I follow. He orderd a couple drinks and some sandwhich lunch items and leads me to a table next to the big open windows. I stare outside watching as everyday normal people walk by. They have no idea that to spy / ninja / assasins are sitting inside the coffee house eating sandwhiches and drinking some kind of coffee drink. 


"So... why did we come here?" I ask, looking down at the sandwhich in front of me. It does look good, but I'm not touching anything until he gives me some answers. Mr. Wahls would not have aloud this. We must be breaking the rules right now. Crash is breaking the rules.  Why? Why is everything always so top secret... stupid question... We are spies, it is how we work. Without secrets we wouldn't be anything. 


"Look out the window towards the other end of the street." He whispers, between sips of his coffee. "Do you see the woman walking pushing a stroller?" I nod, focusing on her. She seems to be talking... but no on is around her, and she isn't holding a phone to her ear. I do not recognize her. 


"What about her?" I ask looking away, and at Crash. He is just messing with me. Leave it to him to do somethign stupid like this. 


"And now." I whispers pointing out the window. I imediately turn my head back to the woman, did I miss something? Is she actually important after all? Who is she tal-


"Why did you bring me here." I imediately advert my eyes. "I want to go back to the facility." I get up leaving my drink and sandwhich at the table. I make a break for the door, but when I look ahead of me she is there. Walking across the cross walk towards this side of the side walk. Luke is next to her with an arm wrapped around her waist and he is looking into the stroller with a big smile. I back away from the door as they get closer and closer. 


I don't understand. What kind of mission is this? Why did Crash bring me here? Once they reach the side walk, I see that the coffee shop is there destination, and I panic. I make a dash for the bathrooms, but once I get there the door is locked, must be only one person at a time! No what? I don't want to see him. The bell rings signaling that the door was opened.  


"Oh sorry." a guy apologizes after we both bump into each other. He looks like he is in his late 20's. "Are you okay? I didn't hurt you did it?" 


"No." I shake my head. "Just scared me half to death." I move so he can get through the hall. "Actually, hey!" I grab his arm, in a hopefully none weird panicy way. 


"Yes?" He turns. 


"Can you help me get out of here?" I pause, thats a weird question. "My ex just walked in with his new girlfriend and kid.... I just don't want them to notice me." I practically beg. 


"Sure. Anything to help a damsel in distress." He shrugs. I smile, throwing my hair into a bun and wrapping my scarf around me so it hids more of my face. I walk over to him, and he takes action swinging an arm across my shoulders, so I wrap mine around his waist. He carries on a normal conversation with me, with just him talking about his day at work. I avoid looking in Crash's direction unsure if Crash knew they would come inside. I avoid looking anywhere. I keep my eyes ahead of me or on my "boyfriend". We get outside the building, and I tell him to walk in the direction he needs to go because I can just find my own way home. I just want to be out of sight of this building. 


"Thank you!" I move away from him. " I feel like I should pay you..." I pause. 


"Your number will be enough." He smiles, and I smirk. "Besides.. you can totally do better than that blondie."  he sighs.


"Do you have a pen or anything?" I ask. He hands me one, and I turn over his hand to his palm. This is bad. I'm totally breaking all rules. I still have the phone from my mission. I haven't need to use it... I write down the number to the device, and say goodbye. "Thank you again. Really! You're a life saver." With that I leave him, and find my way back to the courthouse to the car. I take my time wondering what is happening back at the coffee house. They probably are looking for me... maybe not though. Was that a meeting? Or did Crash just know they would be there? I want answers but not with Luke there. The last time I saw Luke.... I hate thinking about it. 


After everything was all sorted out from the school lockdown. Everyone was brought back to the facility as if nothing happened. I showerd and ate supper and then spent the rest of the night in my room. I had yelled at Luke and stormed off. But he came to my room, later that night. There was a lot of anger at first... but gradually it turned to sadness when the subject changed to him leaving. we just found out that we were in love with each other! For petes sake we slept together! Now he is just up and leaving in two days! He told me that he wouldn't go. He said he didn't want to leave me. I made him go. I told him this was his oppurtunity. Then we started to fight over whether he should go or not. That ended with both of us naked in my bed for a second time. I woke up the next morning... and he was gone. Mr. Wahls changed his departure time, and he was gone with out a word. 


I spot our car and begin my strut towards it after reliving that entire night. I feel like I'm about to cry. Why did Crash do that to me!? Why was Luke with a girl who had a stroller?! So many questions with no answers. 


My eyes are brought the the courthouse doors as they swing open, and out comes a stampeed of people. New reporters, cops, courthouse guards. It's like what you see in the movies! I pause trying to see what is going on. I see Caleb push out of the crowd of people, and I figure it must be his brother. I look for a cuffed Cody Riker, but I can't see him through all of the other comotion. I glance at Caleb again, and see he is walking towards me.  I attempt to look away and get in the car, but he yells for me to stop. I close my eyes and turn towards him again. 


"I thought you left." He whispers. 


"I thought we were too." I respond, "what happened?"


"Guilty... life in prison." Caleb scratches the back of his neck. I can't help but feel and show my relief. "I know he put you and many other girls through hell..." He sighs. 


"This can't be easy for you and I'm sorry... but.. I can't help but be... "


"Happy." He chuckles. "It's okay. I want him off the streets if he is a threat." 


I reach over wrapping my arms around his neck, I hold onto him tightly. He returns my embrace. My eyes drift closed and I take a couple deep breaths. I open my eyes, and I see Crash and Luke both coming this way, the girl trialling along beside them.


"Shit." I whisper. 


"Casey what are yo- STOP!" Caleb yells and begins to move. I hear a gun shot, and I feel a prick in my side. 


"It's all her fault! It's all her fault!" Casey's voice rings out, but all I see is Caleb and he is crying. My side hurts like a bitch. 


"We need help over here!" Caleb's voice echos in the background. What happened? Was I shot? I was the one who was hit?! 


"Fuck!" I grit between my teeth. "This hurts!" I bite my lip. 


"Move!" More yelling, and I touch my side where I was hit. Gooey and wet. A lot of blood. "Ambulance is on it's way.", "How did she get a gun?", "Blaire. Look at me!", "She is restrained.", "Fatal shot.", "Blaire! Open your eyes!" 


I open my eyes the best I can, and see Luke. I shut them not wanting to see him still. I don't wabt him to see me like this! Everyones voices are ringing in my ears. I distinctly remember hearing fatal shot. 


"Loosing pulse.", "'To much blood.", "Get her on the stretcher.", "Take me with her!", "Running out of time!", "We gotta move her!", "Blaire!", I open my eyes again, and I see the sky above me moving extremely fast.  I look to my left, there is a man I do not recognize. I look to my right, a man I do recognize. 


"Coffee shop guy?" I breath, and he glances down at me. Although it's not a happy to see you again look. 


"I'm going with her!" I hear Luke in the background. I close my eyes having a heard time keep voices in my focus.  I cough and it send pains everywhere in my body. 




Luke's POV


"I'm going with her!" I push Crash out of my way. There is a terrible coughing sound. I swing my head up in her direction


"We're loosing her!" One of the men yell, as they cart her away. I run towards them, but Crash grabs me again. 


"You can't! You need to finish your job!" Crash says. "I'll go. She'll be fine Smith. She is strong. 


"No! She needs me!" I say again. 


"I can't find a pulse, get the difibrillator ready!" 


Texte: My story line and character!
Bildmaterialien: None of the image's are mine!!!!
Lektorat: Me when the book is done!
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.08.2013

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