
September 11th
Dear Diary,
I’m starting my first day of school tomorrow, it’s a new school, a new start. I can NOT wait to be able to start over, to get away from all those horrible rumors…

Love, Alysia

September 12th
Dear Diary,
Today was a good day. I didn’t see anyone from Winchester Academy. Thank God. I’ve actually made some friends! So far, I am LOVING this school.

Love, Alysia

Dear Diary,
I’ve recently underwent a changing of my handwriting, because I felt sooo sloppy whenever I saw the other girls handwriting. But, I feel this is more appropiate. I can’t belive I was honestly worried about having to make new friends. This is EASY! The best part is, apparently no one here’s heard any of the rumors about, the real OR fake ones. Great isn’t it?

Love, Alysia

September 23rd
Dear Diary,
My friend Janice is comin’ over today. You should’ve seen my moms face when I asked for a friend to come over. It was kinda creepy. Nice to know how much faith my mom had in me. THANKS MOM.

Love, Alysia

October 1st
Dear Diary,
Haha, Today was amazing! I met this guy! And he is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! Ever! And! He was totally in to me, atleast that’s what Janice, Scarlette, Candace, Camille, and Zoe said. So tomorrow I’m going to get to class early so I can sit next to him! Can’t wait!

Love, Alysia

October 5th
Dear Diary,
Good day. Tired, have practice tomorrow for volleyball. Had track today. Horse-back riding lessons on Saturday. Night

Love, Alysia

October 13th
Dear Diary,
Scarlette’s tomorrow. Night.

Love, Alysia

October 30th
Dear Diary,
Sorry my handwriting is so illegible to day. Just really happy, got some big news to write before the girls get here. Ok so remmeber that guy I brought up a couple of weeks ago? Well it turns out that he does like me. WERE DATING! Hahanah yes. Best thing everr. And my mom’s gone tonight, so I’m throughing a HUGE Halloween party. Gtg’s girls here!
Love, A

October 30th
Dear Diary,
Time to reveal his name, Jackson. He came to my party, of course! And we had the BEST time. I think. I can’t really remember. All I can remember for sure is that when I woke up, I was wearing less than I had when the party started, and so was he. I. That’s it I guess.

Love, A

October 31st
Dear Diary,
I missed school today, because I had a major hangover, my mom just thinks I had the stomach flu. I texted Jackson this morning, he skipped to. Apprently we did do what I thought we did. Joy. O I’m so tired. Goodnight.

Love, Alysia

November 1st
Dear Diary,
WORST day ever. No one would talk to me, or even look at me. Yes, I stopped writing in cursive, but just because I no longer see a point in it. But back to what I was saying, everyone was ignoring me. Even my friends, EVEN JACKSON! Wtf is up with this?! Hold on I just got a text. *Correction, Picture Message* O.M.G.

November 2nd
Dear Diary,
So I’m guessing your wondering what happened. Well, someone took a picture of me and my boyfriend. And sent it around. So I am now once again the school slut. But this time, its true. I guess. But, there’s just something weird about this. I mean I don’t even remember what happened! I don’t even. I don’t know, I don’t know what I’m talking about.


November 20th
Dear Diary,
School tomorrow. I’ve come to realize what was bothering me about that night. Right before I went into my bedroom I was with someone. Someone that wasn’t my Jackson. How do I know this? Because the person I was with didn’t smell like the familiar smell of Jackson.

November 25th
Dear Diary,
I LOVE MY MOM! She’s taking me out of school for 2 weeks!!! I couldn’t be happier. Well I actually could be. Because I remembered something else about that night. The drink. It tasted funny, at first it was just a funny flavor, but as the night went on I remember being numb, and totally outta it. Something’s up.

January 4th
Dear Diary,
I heard the most shocking thing ever today. Apparently there’s been an older guy going around to high school party’s. He picks a victim, drugs them, then. Rapes them. He was caught on Sunday. Could this be the missing piece to my puzzle?

Love, Alysia

January 5th
Dear Diary,
I saw the man on TV today, when I saw him, chills ran all over me. He gave me the creeps. His face also had a slight de ja’ vu feel to it. Almost as if I’d seen him in a dream before.

Dear diary,
I decided to look up date-rape-drugs. rohypnol was one of the most common ones. The symptoms are:
lowered blood pressure
muscle relaxation or loss of muscle control
visual disturbances
loss of consciousness
problems talking
inability to remember what happened while drugged
This is it. I know what happened.

Dear Diary,
Surpisringly, I was actually excited for school today! I was getting ready for school thinking :“I’m finnaly going to get my friends back! I just have to tell them what really happened.!” But of course, nothing ever works out like that. No the minute I walked in I got an egg thrown at my head. And everyone began chanting slut. I was terrified. And with good reason, because when I tried getting out of the way of a guy who was attempting to feel me up, I was shoved, form the back, into him. He shoved me down, yelling “Get the f***k away from me you dirty whore” When I tried to stand up and leave I was kicked violently in the side, repeatedly. This went on for over 10 minutes before a teacher finnaly stepped-up and helped me. I was sent home, for disorderly contact. I got suspended, because I got beat up. Well, when I went out to my car I got an even better surprise. My car was branded with the words slut and whore. There where feathers stuck to it and, well it was an absolute mess.

January 30th
Dear Diary,
I went back to school today. But I did something horrible. In the middle of the day I guess the stress got to me, because I went into the bathroom, and well. I slit my wrists. I know its bad. But it felt soo goood.


Dear Diary. I’m giving up. I’ve been slitting my wrists for months. Because the ranting has worsened. But my mom has stopped me. Someone caught me cutting and they told the counselor who told my mom who stopped me. But this made the rumors worse. I go to school wishing, and hoping that as I cross the street someone will speed up and hit me. Or that when I go to riding lessons the horse will buck me off and I’ll fly off and crack my head and just die. Plenty of people agree, they’ve even started an I hate Alysia Blog. Because I supposedly slept with Scarlette’s boyfriend. And Candace, and Camille and Zoe’s. So Diary, today is the day I say goodbye, I bid you farewell, adios, hasta la vista baby!

Love, Alysia.

“Alysia, ALYSIA!”
Alysia’s mom walked up the stairs to her room. Knocked on the door and continued to yell her name.
-No Reply. She tried again. And once again, -No Reply.
Her mom then opened the door to find an empty room, she walked into her daughters open bathroom door and gasped, then screamed. Her daughter was in the bathtub, her wrists sliced and bleeding.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.03.2011

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