
Prelude: Memories

"Maria, look! Mommy's got you a kawaii usagi-san!"


"---happy birthday to you, happy birthday to, Maria---"


"Let's go! Daddy's going to take us to your favorite candy store! You can buy whatever you want. Now, get into the old Toyota and buckle up!"


Huh? It's a younger me...

"Of course!"

"Yay! Thank you mommy, daddy! I love you the best!"

"Better than chocolates?"


"Hahaha, we love you too, angel,"


A tattered, white van suddenly appears out of nowhere in front of the Toyota, driving over the speed limit on the empty road that night. The driver of that van, drunk, didn't notice anything as he sloppily turns into the large curve in the road. Until the last minute. Until too late.

No. No no no.

Time seems to be moving slowly, like an hourglass of thick, dripping honey. I see my parents go into shock, paralyzing, as it dawned on them that death is inevitable in this situation. It seems that the death god, shinigami, loomed before their eyes, ready to devour their souls...and leave me behind.

No! No! No no no!

Little did the drunkard know that he was ruining my happy birthday. He didn't realize at all that he was just about to end a happy family.

I was confused.


My mom turned her head to the sound of her precious daughter's voice, and took one last look at her angel.


I was anxious.


My dad turned with tears flowing like rivers down his cheeks, and gave me what was meant to be a comforting smile that took every ounce of courage for him to muster.


I was scared.


Fright posessed my tiny body and frail soul.



"Goodbye, my Maria,"



Light blinded me eyes. Then, darkness, took over and engulfed my vision. Suffocating me with fear, lonliness, sadness, confusion, anger, and vengeance.

"Goodbye?" I whispered to myself. To no one because they're all gone. A single tear made its way down my cheek, the first of many to come.

I was devastated. 



Texte: Kerry Liu
Bildmaterialien: Kerry Liu
Lektorat: Kerry Liu
Übersetzung: Kerry Liu
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.04.2013

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To my dear family, loving friends, and myself. Thank you!

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