

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, STACEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" My brother, Nick shouted in my face.
"Shut up, Nick!!" I said and he throws a bunch of glitter in my face.
"Thanks," I said sarcastically.
"Your welcome!" he said and smiled back.
"Hurry up and wash up!!!" my mom yelled from the kitchen.
"Ok, mom!!!" I yelled back and I headed for the staircase. I ran into my room and grab my dress that I have brought last week from Forever 21

and my bra and panties.
I ran into my bathroom and started taking a bath. I finished up and blows dry my hair and curl. I curl it the first time; it went back straight so I have to curl it 20 more time before it is really curl. I throw my dress on and when to my walk in closet and grab a matching shoe and head down stair.
"Waaaooohhh!!! Someone is SUPER PRETTY!!" My brother said.
"Ok, we are all here, let's go." My mom said. My mom was wearing a dress too and my dad and brother was wearing a suit.
We all head towards the house parking lot and we drove to a 5 star restaurant.
"Happy birthday!" my mom and dad said once again.
"MOM!! DAD!! You don't have to repeat that. You said it a trillion of times. I hear you and I am not deaf." I teased.
We ate the food that we ordered and when the birthday cake came, they sang the song.
"Blow the candle!" Dad said.
"WAITTT!!!!!" Nick said.
"Make a wish!!!" he said.
"NO way!" I said.
"Yes way."
"OH, fine than."
I closed my eyes and whispered, I wish I have my own house!!!

and blow out the candles.
"Yay!!!" everyone cheered.
"Ok!! Time for presents!" my mom said. My heart beat fast. Will I get a house????!!!

My mom gave me my present first.
"Here is a credit card. Spend it on whatever you want, ok? It has 1,000,000,000,000 in it."
"Thanks, mom." I said and kissed her.
Dad was next.
"Close your eyes please." he said.
I did as I was told.
"Hold out your hands please." I did as he told. I heard something jingles and something light on my hand. I can tell it was edgy.
"Open your eyes, please."
I opened my eyes.
"OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed and the whole place was looking at our table.
"SHHHHH!" Nick said and smiled.
"OMG!!!!" I said softly. IT WAS A KEY!!!!!!!!!! TO MY HOUSE!!!!! I HAVE A HOUSE!!!!!!!
"OMG, DAD!!!!!!!!!! THANKS A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLLLLYYYYY MY HOUSE!!!!!!" I shouted softly.
"Your welcome." he said and smiled.
"Your turn," mom said to Nick.
"My present is a whole year supply of ICE-CREAM!!!" Nick said to me.
I ran over to him and hugged him. I am obsessed with ice-cream. I even eat ice cream in the winter, not kidding!!!
"Thank you!" I said and hugged everyone.
This is the best birthday ever!
I squealed of happiness.
"Someone is squealing like Miss Piggy!!" My brother exclaimed and laughed.
"Stacey you want to go home and pack your things and leave for your house, 'cause it is beautiful! I know you want to live in your house right away. And if we have time, we can go take a look at the house." my mom said and smiled.
"Ok!! I am off to go!!" I said and got up.
My mom and dad pay for the food and we drove home.
"Hey dad, I want to see the house first. Can we stop there first?" I asked.
"Yeah, sure sweetie, whatever for my birthday girl."
We drove to the house. We have to pass the security place in order to get in.
"This place is very secure." my mom told me.
"I see." I said and nodded.
The police stopped our car.
"This is Maria and Edward with my daughter Stacey, looking at her house." Dad told them and they let us pass. We turned a right and there it was, my house.

I gasped at the house and I heard my brother gasp too. I turned to him and I shot him a smirk. He smirked back. HAHAHA
"THAT IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!" I screamed in the car and everyone covered their ears.
"OWW!! THAT IS LOUD, YOU KNOW?" My brother said.
"No, I don't know!!!!" I said and bounced up and down on my seat.
"Let's go. You can go inside if you want to. You have the keys anyway." My dad said and smirked. I looked confused.
When does old people smirk???

I thought.
"I am going in anyways," I declared.
I ran out the car with my brother follow.
"Where are you

going?" I asked him.
"With you?" He said. He followed me into the house. I took out my keys and throw the door open. The first room I see was the living room.

"OMG!!!!" I screamed and ran in. I throw myself on the sofa, "I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!!!!!!!! This place is the best place ever!!!! I AM GOING TO LOVE THIS HOUSE, MY VERY FIRST HOUSE!!!"
"WOW!! This place is cool!" Nick said softly. I looked at him in the eyes. I can tell he was jealous.
"Hey," I said softly.
"Are you jealous?" I asked him.
"NO!! DUH, what do you think, jealous???!!" he said.
"No, really?" I asked him.
"What??!!! I really ain't jealous."
"I know you are jealous, you can live with me!" I said to him and smiled.
"Really??!!!" Nick said and jumped around, seriously he did.
I laughed and said, "Maybe. I will see about that."
I bet he didn't hear me because the next day, everything was packed and ready to go. I have 6 suitcase and 2 tote bag in my hand. I have to pack EVERYTHING from my room with me.
"MOM!!" I shouted down the stairs.
"Yes, honey?" she said and walked into my room.
"I am finished packing!!! I can go to my house now!!!" I shouted.
"Honey, no need to shout! I am right here." she said and laughed.
"Oh!!! I am just excited." I said and squirmed.
"Let's go. I am going to drive you there." mom said. The maids help me carry all six suitcases down the stairs. We got into the car and we were about to shut the door when three more suitcases came out.
Didn't I pack everything and put them at the back of the car??

I thought to myself.
Nick came out and said, "Hey,"
"Hey??? Where are you

going?" I asked him.
"Live with you, DUH?!!" he said and rolled his eyes.
"What are you talking about?" I asked him, looking confused.
"Yesterday you said that I can live with you!" he said.
"OH, I was just joking!" I said and smiled my sweet smile. My sweet smiles never work on him, but it work on every other guy.
"Well, I am not going to take it as a joke them." he said stick his tongue out.
I stuck my tongue out and push my nose back and made a piggy face.
He laughed and he said, "I am still coming!"
"MOM!!" I complained, "He is living with me without my permission!"
"I am sorry honey, but he have to live with you, because you said yes. And he is already pack, you don't want him to unpack everything."
My jaws dropped to the ground. I think this is the first time my mom have said something against my will.
"See, haha!!" Nick said and got in when he find putting all of his suitcases in the back. I pout and crossed my arms.
He slammed the door shut. I can tell that he was satisfied.
We drove up to the security and they stopped us again, like last time. He handed me a card and he said, "You must not lost this card, or you could not enter this place. If you need any extra copy, you must tell me. I am only going to give you 3 for now. And when you want to enter, you have to put the bar code at the scanner."
I did that and the gate open. "Thanks!!!" I shouted out of the car.
Mom dropped me off at the front of the house and watch us go inside.
"You own me something!!" I sneered at him as I took out my keys.
“For what?" he said and smiled.
"For living at my house. So, you own me another year supply of ice-cream, so you own me 2 years of ice-cream!" I said and smiled; I got inside and throw myself on the sofa. My suitcases are still outside in the front yard. I'll just leave it there. I didn't even close the front door.
"Nick!!!" I shouted.
"Yes???" he yelled back from the second floor.
"Can you get my bags?" I asked.
"Yeah," he said and went outside and got my bag. He closed the door.
"Here is your card." I said to him. He looked at it like it was 1 zillion dollar.
"Helllooo????????" I said, "Are you gonna take it??"
He quickly took it and carries my bag upstairs. I look for a room to sleep it, but it was taken. It has a balcony on it and it was so cool!!!
"Hey!!!" I said.
"I want this room." I cried.
"No, too bad, it is mine now." he said.
"Are you going to give it up?" I asked him, making a puppy dog eye. Again it didn't work.
"No, too bad," he said.
"Fine, be like that, I will get it, somehow." I told him and smirked.
"We will see about that." he said and smirked evenly back.
He just left my bag at the front of his door.
"Humph," I said, than I got a good idea. A VERY GOOD IDEA.
I checked the kitchen and Nick was there.

"Where did you get the cookie?" I asked him.
"Oh, there are foods in all of the drawers and closet." he explained and ate his Chip Ahoy!.
"Ok, bye, got to go," I said and ran up the stair. I want into Nick's room and I started opening his drawers. I grabbed a whole sack of clothes and throw them out of the room, some even dropped down the stairs. I continued doing that until everything was gone in 'my' room that belongs to him.
I grabbed my bag and headed in the room and throw it on the floor.
"Ha, that is what you get for messing with me!" I said and relaxed until I heard a scream. I burst out laughing; I knew it was Nick's scream.
He burst into my room after a while.
"Why did you do that?" he asked.
"Oh, I told to move out of my

room, but you didn't listen, so BOO - SH!! There goes your things. Your welcome." I said and smiled.
"You should have told me and I would have move." he growled.
"I did, and

this is my house, see? So, I get whatever I want." I said and took out my card. There was my name and address printed on it. HAHA
"Fine, you win," he said and he went to pick up his stuff.
I looked around my room, it was plain. I decide to give it a make over.

I took out my phone and I called Sydney and Lexie. They are my best friends; I told them that I moved because my dad gave me a house for my birthday. I even told them to move in too because both of their parent don't even come home. They are always too busy to even worried about there daughters, sad. They said that they will begin packing and they will arrive at noon.
"Hey," I poked my head in Nick's room.
"Yeah?" He said.
"Can you go shopping with me?" I asked.
"Why?" he asked.
"I want to give my room a make over. And I don't want to go alone."
Sighing he got up, "Yes."
"YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed.
"You don't have to scream you know." he said annoyed.
We went to the mall and I used my credit card to buy them all. After the shopping, I started hanging all of the thing and BAMM!

I LOVE it. I know, white and brown and it has a lot of space. It is kind of plain, but I like it, it is better then before :)
My phone rang.
"Yel-llo?" I said.
"Hi, Miss Stacey, this is the security. There are two girls that want to see you."
"Oh, please let them in and please bring them to the front of my house. Thank you."
"Ok," he said and hung up.
5 minutes later, there were at the front door.
"Hey, I am going to go out for a moment." Nick told me and left.
I shrugged and I let Sydney and Lexie in.
"HI!!!" Sydney shouted and jumped on me for a hug. She crashed me on the grass.
"I LOVE YOUR HOUSE!" Lexi and Sydney exclaimed together.
"I know right," I said and laughed and got up.

We each decorated our room, because it was too plain for us.
This is Lexie's room:

This is Sydney's room:

Nick can back with his car he got from back home. We ran outside and waited for Nick to get out of this car. But out came . . . GUESS IT???? BOYYYYYYYSSSS AND NICK!!!!!!

Who Are They?

BOYS AND NICK!!?? What are they doing here?
I ran up to Nick and whispered, "What are those boys doing here?"
"Oh, they are going to live here!" he said and smiled.
They were, because they got out of the car went to the back and got their luggage out. My jaws dropped. WHAT THE HELL??????
"ME, MYSELF!" he said back and smiled.
"This is MY house!" I sneered at him, but he ignores me and grabs my waist and pulled me towards them.
"This is Brandon." he said, "This is William, Timothy, Alex, Henry, and Raymond. This is Stacey, my sister."
"Hi," each of them said and smiled.
"Call me Timmy," said Timothy.
"Call me Will," William said.
"Call me Ray." Raymond said.
"Hi," I said back and shook their hands.
Brandon has silky black hair, brown eyes; Will has light brown hair -Justin Bieber hair style- with amber eyes. His eyes are really interesting. Timmy has black hair with light brown highlights with green eyes, Alex has dirty blond hair with one green eye and one blue eye, and his eyes are really cool too. Henry had blond hair, with dark blue eyes and Ray has light brown hair with dark brown eyes. They were all hot, but I was still angry at Nick.
Brandon and Will kissed me on the cheeks and Timmy hugged me.
I think this was my imagination, but did Timmy just rub my bra strap? I blushed.
Alex and Ray hugged me and Henry said, "Thanks, I think I am going to love living here.", even though I have not said yes.
We went inside and they were looking for a room. Sydney and Lexie were flirting with the boys.
"Nick!! GET YOU BUTT - TALK OVER HERE!!" I shouted from my room.
He entered my room.
"Yes?" he said and sat on my chair.
"Who invited them here?" I asked him.
"I did, I told you." he said.
"After they came, yeah. Anyways, this is my

house, and you know what!!!!???" I screamed.
"It everything ok, here?" Henry asked poking his head in my room.
"Yeah." I lied.
He left and I pounced on Nick.
"HEY!!!" he said, "Someone is violent here!"
"I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" I screamed at him. He chuckled.
"I am not kidding!" I said.
"Fine what do you want?" he asked me.
"Revenge!" I said and smirked and got off of him.
"Like what?" he asked and smirked.
"Like something, you will see."
"Well, I am going to keep my eyes on you." he said and makes the sign. He walked out of the door and I sat there think of one, than I got an idea. A VERY, VERY GREAT IDEA. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
I ran down the stair and made a sandwich to eat.
"OMG!!!!!" Sydney screamed and ran into the kitchen.
"BAD NEWS!! REALLY BAD NEWS!!" she shouted.
"What??!!" I asked.
"I have to move back, because my mom and dad are coming home!!!! They said that they want us to go for a vacation." she screamed in my ears.
"What???!!!" I shouted back.
"I HAVE TO MOVE -" she said, but was cut off by me.
"No, that is not what I mean. I meant, are you sure? You parent are not like that."
"I know right, they said they want to surprise me with the trip. I HATE SURPRISES!!!" she said.
"So you will have to move back?" I asked her and frown. She nodded.
"You better start packing." I said and hugged her. She nodded and hugged back, tightly.
She headed upstairs and packs her things. I went upstairs and went to Lexie's room.
"Do you know that Sydney is leaving?" I asked her.
"Yeah and . . ." she paused and looks down.
"What happen?" I asked her.
"Umm, I have to leave too." she said softly.
"Why???" I asked her, "Why is everybody leaving me?"
She was quiet for a moment, ". . . My parent was in an accident just then."
"Oh, I am sooo sorry, I didn't know." I said and hugged her. She cried in my arms. Even if her parent seem like they never come home, Lexie still love her parents.
Why is today such a bad day?

I thought.
Lexie got up and wiped her tears. She went to pack her things.
"Do you want me to help?" I asked, and she shook her head. Poor Lexie.
I walked down the stairs with a bad mood and I plopped down on the sofa in the living room. All of the boys are there, I next to Will who was eating ice-cream.
"Are you, ok?" Will ask me. I frowned.
"No, I am in a bad mood, right now." I said and leaned on him.
"Do you want ice-cream?" he asked.
"YES!!" I screamed in his ears.
"I knew it could cheer you up," he said and smiled.
He chuckled. He used his spoon and scooped some for me. I stuff the spoon in my mouth.
Mmmmmm!!!!! It is soooo good!

I thought.
Lexie and Sydney were coming down the stairs with their luggage.
I got up and ran to them I hugged them.
"It is going to be alright," I told them and they hugged me back.
"We are going to keep in touch no matter where we are, ok?" Sydney asked and we nodded.
"NICK???!!!!" I shouted.
"Can you drive Sydney and Lexie?" I asked him.
"Yeah," he said and headed out of the door.
"Can I have more ice-cream?" I asked Will when I sat next to him.
"No, why don't you get your own?" he asked and smiled.
"Because I am too lazy," I said and smiled my sweet smile. I can tell he was melting, but he snapped out of it.
Dang it!!!

"Well, don't make me get it from you!!!" I told him.
"What are you going to do?" he asked me.
"Something," I said and smirked.
"You can have my popsicle," said Alex, licking his Popsicle on last time before holding it out.
"No thanks, I like ice-cream better." I said and looked at Will again.
"Sorry, I am not giving it up," he said and ate a spoonful of ice-cream in front of my face.
I leaped to get it, but his hand was out of reach.
Damn it!!! I hate my short arms!!

I said to myself.

(BTW, Stacey does not have short arms, she just couldn't reach it.)

"Fine, be that way. I am going to get it no matter what!!!!" I said and smirked.
"We'll see about that," he said and smirked.
I leaped again, but this time, he leaned back. I leaned against him, but I felt like I was going fell at the edge of the sofa, so I put my hand to hold me up. The collar of my shirt went down and it showed my bra and a good view of my boobs. Will has a closer view and everyone was just staring at my boobs. I felt SOOOOO embarrassed, I fell off the sofa. I knew I shouldn't have worn a deep 'V' shirt. My arm felt weak and I slipped to the floor.
"Oww!" I whimpered and rolled on the floor. Will looked away and blushed.
OMFG!!!! I can't believe that happen!

I said and blushed.
"Are you alright?" Alex asked me and helped me up.
"Yeah. I am going to change, got to go, bye," I said quickly and ran off.

I ran into my closet and changed. I slowly walked into the kitchen room and got myself a bowl of ice-cream. Everyone was so quiet in the living room. I walked into the living room and sat next to Ray. I can feel everyone staring at my chest.

"Could you guys stop looking?" I shouted, "It is weird!!"
They all looked away and blushed.

That night, I decided to take revenge from Nick, hahahaha. It was 2 in the morning and I grabbed a thick Sharpie from my pen can. This Sharpie is special; it does not come off of skin from 4 days!!!
I sneaked out of my room, trying not to wake them up. I was outside of his room, when someone tapped my shoulders.
"Ahh -!!" I started, but their hand covered my mouth. I turned around and saw Brandon.
"Thank goodness!" I whispered to him and kissed him on the cheekbone and hugged him. He just looked at me like I was crazy.
"Fine, I will take back the kiss, it was suppose to say a thank you, but whatever." I said.
"No, no, no, I'm good" he said and blushed, "What are you doing up so late?"
"Revenge," I said and smirked.
"Revenge? For what?"
"Some reason," I said, "Grab a Sharpie and follow me, ok?"
He nodded and went back to him room and grabs a Sharpie.
We tip toed into Nick's room and I tip toed over to Nick. He was snoring.
"Woah!!! Someone is loud in here." I whispered and laughed. Brandon nodded.
"Now, just doodle on Nick, ok? Also, his room too, if you want, ok? Hey, look through his drawers to see if we can find something interesting." I said and uncapped my Sharpie. I drew a beard on his chin and thickened his eyebrow, whoa, ugly! I drew a black, fat zit on his forehead, hahaha, he looks hilarious and ugly!!! I drew bagged eyes under his eyes. He didn't even move a bit, he is a heavy sleeper, haha. I drew a whisker and a fat, round dot on his nose. Rudolph the black nosed reindeer, reindeer has a very dirty nose . . .
"Hey!!" Brandon whispered to me, then he looked at Nick and bursted out laughing.
"SHUT UP!!!" I whispered-shouted to him and he stopped.
"What??" I asked him.
"You can't believe this, Nick has a diary!"
"Really, OMG!! I am going to embarrass him with that!"
"I can't wait to read it!"
"Take it out with you!" I said. This is the best revenge ever!!!
"Let's go!" I whispered and we headed out of the door. I opened my bedroom door and let Brandon in. I turned on the lights and opened the diary, no lock, easy peey lemon squeezey!! I put it in the middle and started reading out loud.

Dear Diary,

I can't believe my sister got a house and I don't get any house on my 18th birthday, I am jealous!! She looked pretty today. I am planning to invite some of my friends to stay over at her house so everyday I could see them. Also, there this girl who I have a crush on forever. She was sexy in all ways. I wonder if she is going to like me back . . .

"Boring!!!!!" I said and thrown the diary on my sofa. Brandon laughed and took the diary.
"I will take it." he said and I throw myself on the bed.
"Go to sleep because tomorrow I want to wake up early and see his reaction." I said and laughed.
"Can I sleep with you?" He asked.
I nodded and patted a spot next to me. I pull the blanket and snuggled next to him when he got in.
"Why do you sleep with your shirt off?" I asked.
"I don't know. I got used to it?" he shrugged. I hugged him.
The morning came and I got up. Brandon was still sleeping when I woke him up.
"Hey, sleepyhead, wake up. We want to sleep Nick's reaction, do we?" I asked him.
He groaned and pulled me down to him.
"Let's just sleep for a moment. I feel comfortable right now."
"Alright, extra 8 minutes, ok?" He nodded.
10 minutes past and he was finally awake.
"Hurry up!!" I said and pulled him. He pulled me into a hug and kissed me on the cheek. He kept on kissing it.
"You have very kissable cheeks, you know?" He asked me and I just nodded quickly.
I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I ran downstairs and went to the kitchen and ate a piece of bread. I ran upstairs and waited outside of Nick's room. My prediction in 5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1!!!

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Nick screamed like a girl. My prediction was right, 5 second. Me and Brandon bursted out laughing. Nick stormed out of the room and throw the door open. I was rolling on the floor laughing my ass off!!! AHAHAHAHAHA
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??????!!!!!!!" he roared.
"W-what??" I said still laughing and everyone else joined in.
"Why did you do this?" he asked.
"I . . . told you . . . I am . . . getting you . . . revenge." I said in between laughers.
He stomped back into the room and my stomach hurts from laughing so much.
"I told you Brandon, you would not want to miss this!" I said when I was sitting on the sofa.
"Thanks, you just made my day."
"High-five!" Alex said and I high-five everyone.
Nick came in the room and everyone burst out laughing again.
That is what you get!!!

The next morning I woke up with Alex in my bed. I snuggled next to him and smiled at him. He looks like a cute little baby sleeping next to me. I touched him dirty blond hair, it was silky and soft.
Oh, laa laa!! SOFT!!!!

I thought.
I run my hand through it and Alex opened him eyes.
"Morning, Blondie," he said.
"Morning, I don't like being called Blondie." I told him and run my hand through him hair again.
"Sorry." he said and snuggled next to me. His hair is SOOOO soft, like seriously, what does he use??
"I like it when you do this," he said and grinned.
"How do you get your hair to be so soft? Conditioners???"
"Nothing, natural," he said and grinned.
"No, really,"
"Fine," I said and continued running my hand through his hair.
"Thanks for letting me do that, I like doing this too," I said and kissed his cheeks. He melts and I giggled.
I got up and when to the bathroom to get ready for the morning.
I ran downstairs and sat at the kitchen table. Timmy was sitting drinking his coffee.
"Are you ok? You look very tired." I asked and turned to face him.
"Yeah, I am extremely tired."
I was about to ask him why, but he plopped his head on my shoulder. He pushed my back to make me lean on his shoulder.
"Are you feeling better, now?" I asked him after a while of silence. He didn't say anything.
"Hello?????!!!" I shouted when I didn't hear any respond. I pushed him head off of my shoulder and realized that he was looking inside of my shirt!!!
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU???!!!" I shouted.
"What?" he said and blushed.
"You were looking inside of my shirt, what do you think?!" I said and looked away. He did have a good view of my boobs.
Why do they always see my boobs???

He got up and started to walk away. I got up and grab his arm.
"Why you do that?" I asked him. He spin me around and pushed me on the wall.
"Did you know that you are sexy? HUH?!" He whispered in my ears and lean on me. He put him warm hands on my stomach, which sent shivers down my body.
Damn, I hate him.

"Did you know that you have a nice body?" He whispered again, now his hand was on my back.
"Did you know that you are not resistible?" he whispered again and now his hand was on my bra. He quickly unclipped my bra!!!!
"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!??" I screamed and shoved him away.
"Why do your bra with two hooks?" he asked and grinned.
Crazy people these days!

"I want to and I will make a note to self to never wear bra with one hook ever again!!" I said.
He pushed me on the wall again.
What's up with the walls these days???

I thought to myself.
Than, he started kissing my jaw, my soft spot. I gripped his shirt and bit my lips.
Damn it!!!!

I thought, His first guess and he got it!!

I can feel his smirk against my skin.
"Stop, Timmy," I said.
"No, I like it. I want to hear you moan." He said and continued.
"Please, you are going to make me crazy!" I said and gripped his shirt tighter.
This is torture!!!

"No, thanks," he said.
"Please!! Get off of me!!! I am going to die!!"
Thanked the Lord, Henry came into the kitchen when I told Timmy to stop.
"Timmy, get off of her." He said and Timmy got off of me. He put his hand up, surrendering.
I ran to Henry and kissed him on the cheek and smirked at Timmy who was just standing there, watching.
"Thank you, you saved my life. That boy over there is harassing me!!!" I said and kissed him again on the cheek. I stuck my tongue out at Timmy.
Timmy pouts and crossed his arm.
"I am going to get you, a kiss from you." he whispered when he walked past me.
"We will see about that, Stacey." he said and winked.
I went upstairs and changed again. I wore short shorts with a tight tee shirt and re-hooked my bra. I won't wear baggy collar tee shirt again.
Damn you Timmy, you pervert!!!

"Henry, can you sleep with me today???" I asked him and sat next to him on the sofa and hugged his muscular arm.
"Yeah," he said and holds my hand.
I looked at Timmy and I can tell he is trying not to look at me. Hahaha.
I went to the kitchen and grab a bowl of ice - cream.
Yay!! :)

"You know that I am going to got you no matter what, right?" he asked me suddenly, causing me to jump.
I stared at him and put a spoonful of ice - cream in my month.
"Why are you reminding me?? Why, are you jealous that you can't get me back or continued what you did to me? Jealous that everyone is sleeping with me and not you?" I asked him and smirked.
He looked away and did he just blush??? I swear he did.
I moved closer to see if he was, but it faded.
"I would not be jealous of that," he said still not looking at my eyes.
I shrugged and walked out of the kitchen.
I plopped down next to Alex and snuggled next to him. I finished eating my ice - cream and put my bowl in the sink. I sat down and started playing with his hair. I can feel someone staring at me, but I didn't even bother to look to see. I kissed Alex's hair and hugged him.
"Thanks," he said and smiled.
"Let's go, Henry, I want to sleep." I said and got off of Alex.
I walked to me room and let Henry in. I was about to close the door when Brandon hold my door.
"What?" I asked him.
"Can I also sleep with you?" he asked and looked away, "I like it in here,"
"Okay," I said and let him in.
"Thanks," he said and kissed my cheeks.
Than, Will came and hold my door.
"Can I also sleep with you?" I asked him and gave him a I-know-what-you-want-to-say-it

"Yeah, you got it," He said and smirked. He kissed my cheeks also.
Than Ray came.
"Here it goes again. Can I sleep with you?" I asked him.
He chuckled and hugged me, "You got me!"
Timmy came and stopped at my door. My heart beat faster. I know he would not ask me, or would he? What does he want to say?
"What?!" I asked, annoyed.
"Why is everyone sleeping with you?" he asked, when he pulled me into his room.
"Why are you asking? It's none of your business." I said and smirked.
He pushed me against the wall.
"But you said that only one boy will be sleeping with you everyday," he said and looked away.
My smirk got even bigger and I raised my eyebrows.
"Why are you telling me?? Are you jealous that so many boys sleep with me and you don't have a chance to?" I asked him.
"No," he said softly.
"What???!!!" I shouted, pretending I couldn't hear him.
"NO!" he said louder.
"Well, than bye. See ‘ya in the morning!" I said and headed towards the door. Before I could even reach the door knob, Timmy grabbed my arm and pushed me to the wall.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, "What do you want?" His eyes were half closed, looking a little dreamy

Total weirdo.
He hugged me tightly.
"Hello, are you ok???" I asked him and tried to push him away, but he wouldn't even budge.
"Are you going to answer me?? Hello?? Is anybody there?" I asked him.
Instead of answering my question, he said, "You owe me a lot. You have to kiss me 6 times, continued what I did to you in the kitchen and sleep with me 7 times, plus give me a hug everyday." He was still looking dreamy. I looked at him confused, really confused.
BAM!! And than it hits me after a while. Timmy was jealous all of the time, he was jealous when I was fighting with Will and how Will got to look inside my shirt and got a better view of my boobs. Timmy wants to look at my boobs, because Will did and when I was playing with Alex's hair, he was jealous that I wasn't touching him hair. When I kissed Henry on the cheeks, in front of Timmy, he was jealous that Henry got kissed.
He started searching for something on my face.
"No, I don't," I said stubbornly.
He lean closer and started kissing my jaws.

I thought. He started sucking my jaws, I gripped his shirt. He will not get me!! He started sucking me even harder, like really hard.
"Fuck you Timmy," I whispered. He slides me off of the wall and lay me on the floor. He started sucking and he wouldn't stop. Curses.
He putted his hand on my stomach and I knew exactly what he was planning to do. He started sucking my jaws harshly and I know I couldn't take it anymore. I have to moan, my mouth couldn't hold it in anymore. I let a moan out, by accident.
He got off of me and looks at me, like he was drunk. He stared at me for a moment. I turned my head a side and throw my hand over my cheeks, covering my blushing. My shirt was lifted and my cheeks were burning like crazy!! I can feel my heart ping. A ping of what??

"I am done with one part." he said and walked away.
Bitch, jealous person!! Just left me there when you feel like it. . . I hope this is a dream!!

I thought.
Someone knocked on the door after a while. Timmy went to get the door and I pulled my shirt down, picked myself off of the floor and tied my hair again.
"Yes?" Timmy asked quietly.
"Is Stacey in here?" Ray asked him.
"Yeah," he said it still in a whisper.
"Is she coming out?"
"Yeah," I said and walked out of the room.
In the hallway, Ray looked at me - stared.
"Why is there a bruise - looking thing on your jaw??"
I touched the spot and it was wet, but it does not hurt.
Than I realize: Timmy gave me a hickey!!!
"Ummm, I don't really know. I might have hurt myself today." I lied and looked straight ahead.

Ray gave me a weird look.
When I enter the room, it was a HOT MESS. Some were lying on the floor, and my blankets and pillow was on the floor. I don't even think I have space to sleep in.
"Umm, guys, plans changed at the last minute. Can you all go to your room? I don't even think I have space to sleep on. Henry you can stay if you want, but everyone else sorry." I said kindly and smiled my sweet smile at them.
Everyone got up complaining.
"Thanks!! You guys will have a chance to sleep with me, so no worry," I shouted down the hallway. I closed the door behind and throw myself on the bed. Me and Henry picked up all of the blanket and pillows on the floor.
"Thanks," i said and hugged him. I kissed his cheekbone when we got into bed. I snuggled next to him and made myself comfortable.
He was wearing a tight tee shirt that shows all of his ads and short pants.
"Good night, Stacey," Henry said.
"You too," I said and slept heavily.

Revenge and Lovers :)

The next morning, I was woken up by a squeeze on my ass.
Like seriously, my ass!!

I thought to myself.
My fingers crawled up to a fist and punch that person on the face with all of my might.
"OW!!" That person shouted.
I turned around and saw TIMMY!!
I jumped off of my bed and stood up, in karate pose.
"How the hell did you get in here?!" I asked him.
"Well, when Henry got out, he didn't lock the door, so yeah. I sneaked in here," he said and grinned.
"And squeezed my ass that is what you did!" I shouted.
"Yeah, they are nice and firm and you punched me. It hurts like crazy!!" he teased and holds his cheeks.
"Shut up and get out!" I commanded.
"Please?" he asked.
"No, not after what you have done to me, gave me a hickey and squeezed my ass." I said.
"Sorry," he said and looked away.
"Don't be sorry for what you did," I said kindly and put down my karate fist.
"Really??" he asked.
"JK, I am going to take revenge on you," I said and smirk, "Out now!"
He got up and walked out of the room.
I grab my clothes and took a shower.
I ran downstairs and it seems like a nice day outside. I ate my bread and opened the front door. I lay on the grass and I could feel the sun's heat.
Mmmm, this is better. I need to get more tan!

"What are you doing out there," Timmy asked me.
"What do you think?" I asked annoyed.
"I don't know" he shrugged.
"WOW! You really lost some brain cell in my room." I said, "I am trying to get a tan here, DUH!!!!!" I said.
"Oh, ok, I am going to go out," he said and headed towards the gate.
"Bye, don't come back until midnight," I said and closed my eyes again.
"Hey," Ray said and kneeled down next to me.
"Yes?" I asked him and sat up.
"All of us are going out, do you want to come?" he asked me.
"Sorry, I am too busy getting a sun tan," I said and smiled at him.
"Ok, then you stays here," he said.
"Ok," I said and kiss him.
"Bye," he said and everyone headed out.
I think I have slept for 10 minute in the sun, we I heard the gate open. I thought they were back, but it turned out to be Timmy.
He lies next to me and kiss my jaws. I jumped.
"What was that for? And why are you come back so soon?" I asked and moved away from him.
"I want to hear you moan again. It sounds so sexy!" he said and grinned.
"Ok, then why did you get home so early and how did you get in?" I asked him.
"I was never out, I just want them to leave and than I am here with you alone. I stole Nick's card," he said and moved closer to me.
He chuckled.
"What do you want from me?" I asked.
"A moan,"
"No way José!"
"Yes José" He said.
"We will see about that," I said and smirked.
I was about to jump up and run, but he was too fast. He grabs me by the waist and put me down on grass. He got on top of me and stared into my eyes.
"Don't you dare," I warned.
"Or else what?" he asked and kissed my jaws.
God damn it!!

I thought.
I gripped his shirt. I gave up my first moan, but the second one will be harder to catch.
"What . . . would make . . . you . . . stop?" I said and bit my lips. My heart was hammering in my chest.
He licked my jaws and that sent shivers down my body.
"Hummm, let me see . . ." he said and stopped his kissing.
"Beside a moan," I added quickly.
"Let's see . . . a kiss," he said slowly.
My heart beat faster.
A kiss???!!!

I gulped.
For the first time, I stared at his prefect - looking, cherry pink lips. They looked soft and good to be kissed on. He looked like something that you could kiss all day.
Was it worth it? My first kiss? Even if I am pretty and popular, I save my first kiss, or would I have to waste it on him?

I thought sourly.
"Sooo, what is your answer, or I could continue." he said and smirked. He lowered his body onto mine.
My heart beat faster, really fast
This is a sticky situation.

"Umm, I chose . . ., wait, but before I chose, you can't do both, ok?"
"Ok, I promise I will do the one that you say," he said and smirked.
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmm," I took my time, "Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm,"
"Hurry up, would you?" he asked.
"Eager beaver," I giggled, "Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,"
"Just chose before I do both," he said and shut his eyes.
A kiss!!

I finally made up my mind.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled Timmy down to me. He eyes flew open when he falls on me. He was surprised, but he didn't break away from it.
I run my hand through his hair. It was not as soft as Alex. His hands cupped my face and he bit my lips for entrance. With no hesitations, I let him in.
It was a while, until I knew how long we had kissed. I broke away and gasped for air. My cheeks turned red, right away and my arms covered my cheeks.
"That was a good one and we should kiss more." Timmy whispered in my ear and kissed my jaws. I moaned and realized it.
He got off of and left with a smile.
I am getting revenge on him. He just ignored something I have just said. . . And that kiss does not count or does it??

I thought to myself.
My phone ranged.
"Hello?" I said softly.
"Umm, Miss Stacey, your brother is here with everyone and he said he couldn't find his card. Do you want me to let him in?" the security asked.
"Yeah," I said and hung up.
A few minutes later, a car honked. Nick, Brandon Will, Alex, Henry and Ray got out.
"Are you ok?" Nick asked.
"Yeah, why?" I asked.
"You are red as a tomato!!" he said and laughed.
"Thanks a lot," I said.
Henry helped me up.
"Are you ok?" he asked.
"Yeah, it is nothing," I said quickly and went in.
Timmy was sitting in the living room watching TV. He saw me and he smiled at me, I blushed more.
I ran up to my room and locked the door. I opened the balcony door and lay in bed.
I don't feel like facing Timmy anymore.
I took my time to think about my revenge for Timmy and I got it.
I skipped lunch, dinner and when everyone went to sleep, I sneaked out. I went to the kitchen and ate everything in sight.
Boy, am I hungry!!

I said to myself when I am full.
I ran quietly upstairs and grabbed my pink hair dye from my bathroom and opened Timmy's door.
I walked over towards him and saw that he was sleeping.

I said.
I tip - toed to his bathroom and took out his entire hair product.
I pour my pink hair dye and mixed in together.
Hahahahaha, that is what you get!!!

I thought and smirked.
I quietly tip - toed out of Timmy's room and closed the door. I walked into my room and put the dye away.
Can't wait to see his reaction tomorrow morning!!

I laid in bed and went back to sleep.

The next morning I woke up and ate my breakfast.
"AHHH!!!!!!!!!!" Timmy screamed like a girl.
I fell off of my chair from laughter.
"STACEY!!!!!! COME HERE!!" Timmy shouted from his room.
My laughing stopped and my heart beat faster.
I slowly got up and walked to his room.
"Yes?" I said slowly and widened my eyes innocently.
"This is your revenge?" Timmy asked and pulled off his shower cap that was on his head.
His hair was completely

I burst out laughter immediately, but stopped when his lips meet mine. My eyes closed immediately, something felt wrong, very wrong, like I am kissing a stranger, but I couldn't stop myself. Something that you should know about me is that when it comes to kissing, I can not stop. My brain stops working, until my brain cells realize what just happened.
I broke away trying to catch my breath.
Did it again!! Second kiss on the lips, does it mean something???

"You know you shouldn't kiss me every time you mad, sad, happy. . . We shouldn't kiss anymore," I said softly, almost a whisper to myself.
"Why?" he said softly and I looked at him. He looked hurt

I shrugged, "I just feel like I am not suppose to kiss you, it feel wrong,"
"Because, you did this to my hair," he said angrily and pointed at his pink hair.
Was it because of that???

I asked myself.
"You know that I love my hair," he said.
"You do?? Oppies daisy," I said and felt guilty.
"I don't want to talk to you anymore," he said and pointed to the door.
A ping of something hit my heart.
What is that feeling?

I quietly left the room and sat in the living room.
What is that feeling?

I asked myself again. It was confusing.
"Whoa, you have really gotten him, Stacey!!" Nick laughed as Timmy came into the room.
I shrugged still trying to identify my feeling again.
"That hair color really fit you," Ray said and laughed.
"Whoa!!!" Brandon said and laughed.
I was still deep in thought, but give up.
"Who want to go to the beach?" I said when I see everyone was bored.
"Meeeee!!!" Everyone shouted.
"But look at this, THIS!!! My hair, I can't go out like this!!!" Timmy exclaimed.
I ignored him since he said he does not want to talk to me.
"Ok, guys than let's pack our stuff and we could head off." I said and ran up the stairs.
"You are not going anywhere," Timmy said and gripped my hands.
"WHAT!!??" I screamed at him.
"I CAN'T GO OUT LIKE THIS!!!!" He shouted back.
"Ok, than you

don't go, THAT

SIMPLE!!!!! IF YOU WANT TO GO, WEAR YOUR SHOWER CAP OR WHATEVER, GEEZ!!" I exclaimed and I wiggled my hand lose out of his hand.
I stomped up the stairs, pissed at Timmy.
"Can I help you pick your swimming suit?" Ray asked me.
"Yeah, sure," I said half hearted.
I took out all of my bikinis and model it in front of Ray.
"Which one do you like best?" I asked him and kissed him on the kissed.
"I like that green one," he said, "you look sexy in it and your icy blue eyes stands out more. Your breast also looks bigger too."
"Perverted!!" I said and hugged him.
His beautiful brown eyes stared into mine. He leaned in kissed my lips.
His lips have a little bit of chapped spots, which sent shivers down my body.
It wasn't like Timmy's kiss, but it was pretty good. . . I like it.
I broke away for air.
"Sorry," he said and blushed.
"It's ok," I said and covered my face.
"Can you go out, I want to change," I told him. He got up and headed out of the door.
I stripped and jumped into my bikini and put a short - short over it and a baggy tee shirt.
I grabbed a tote bag and put another set of clothes, a towel, sunscreen and a sunglass.
I ran out my room with a flip flop.
"I AM READY!!!!" I shouted. They all came out of their room and we all headed out.
We got into the car and I sat on top of Alex.
"Can I invite some of my friends?" Nick asked me.
"Yeah, sure, it is a free country after all," I said and lean on Alex and make myself comfortable.
"State you meant," he teased.
"Shut up and call your friend!!" I said.
He made his phone call.
"Hey tonight, there is going to be a firework display," Nick said when he hung up.
"COOOOLLLLLLL!!!" I said, "I can't wait to see it!!"
We out to the beach and I stripped off my short - shorts and tee shirt. I grabbed my bag and stuffed it inside and carried it with me.
"OVER HERE!!!" a girl with wavy black hair and brown eyes waved to my brother.
"HI!!!" my brother shouts back.
All of the boys walked over and sat down next to them. I notice that they were a lot of girls and guys.
"Hey, guys, this is my sister Stacey," Nick introduced.
"Ohhhh, you might be the one he was talking about!!" a girl with blond hair, gray eye said, "Hi, I am Janet."
"Hi," I said and sat down next to her.
"I am Mandy," the girl with the wavy black hair said.
"I am Alexis," said a girl with straight black hair with pit dark eyes.
"I am Matthew," said a guy with brown hair and brown eyes.
"I am Jordan and also Janet's brother" said a guy blond hair with blue highlight with same gray eyes as Janet.
"I am Carter," said a guy with dark hair and eyes.
"I am Rachel and I like Jacob," said a girl with dirty blond hair with green eye and pointed at a guy black hair with blue eyes.
"Hi, everyone," I said.
Whoa, just met 8 people at once!! 16 people at the beach!!! FUN!!

"Hey, who has volleyball?" I asked.
"I DO!!!!!" Mandy said, "I packed one," and grinned taking it out.
"Let's have a game!!" Alexis said.
"Sure thing, I am having my own team," Jordan shouted.
"I am having my team, YOU'RE ON, JORDAN!!" I shouted.
"Deal, who ever loses, pay for the ice - cream, rewarding the winner!!" he shouted.
"Oh, you should know that I am obsessed with ice - cream and do you know who you are battling?? The captain of volleyball!!" I SHOUTED.
"Ok, let's see how good you are," he said and smirked.
"Get on my side if you want to be on my team," I shouted.
Mandy, Janet, Alexis, Rachel, Carter, Ray, and Will got on my team.
"You're on, bro!!" I shouted to Nick and he chuckled.
"You are on, Jacob!" Rachel shouted to him.
"You are on, bro," Janet said to Jordan.
The game began and we were playing like crazy. My team was AWESOME!!!!
"We are winning by 20 points!!" I announced to everyone.
"WE ARE GOING TO WIN YOU NO MATTER WHAT!!" Matthew said. I smirked.
Yeah right!

The game started again and even Timmy seems to be in a lighter mood.
The game was paused again, Alexis announced, "We are winning by 45 points!"
"Give up, would you??" I giggled.
Everyone on Jordan's team groaned and they gave up.
"Guys, line up in two lines. One side is Jordan's line, the other one is Stacey's line!!! Now they will get us the ice - cream!!" Mandy said cheerfully.
I end up next to Timmy.
"You gonna have to get your wallet out. I am going to get the tallest ice - cream ever!!" I said and laughed. He got out his wallet.
"Good, it might

afford it!"
"Hey!!!!! Not too expensive," Timmy said.
"Nuhhhh, I want to enjoy it," I said.
When it was my turn, I said, "Can I have 6 scoops of cookie dough, 3 scoops of chocolate, 5 scoops of vanilla, 5 scoops of mint chocolate chip and 3 scoops of strawberry, please?"
"HEY!!!!!!!!! THAT IS TOO MUCH FOR YOU!!!!!!" Timmy complained.
I turned to look at the ice - cream man. He looked at me like I was STUPID or CRAZY.
"JK," I said, "I want 3 scoops of chocolate, 1 scoop of strawberry and 1 scoop of vanilla with rainbow sprinkles and peanut toppings, please?"
He got the ice - cream and Timmy pay $18.75 on it.

I sat down on my towel and Timmy sat next to me. I licked my ice - cream in front of his face.
"Mmmmm, it is the best ice - cream!!" I teased.
He stared at me.
"It is too bad your team lost so badly," I continued with a smirk on my face.
"Shut up," he said softly.
"Or what?" I dared.
He pinned me down on my towel.
He is going to do it here??? Now??

my heart skipped a beat.
I tilted my ice - cream to make sure it doesn't go on me.
He leaned forward.
A kiss in front of all of them???

I thought.
"Or I am going to eat your ice - cream," he said quickly and took a big, fat, mouthful bite.
"Hey!!!!!!!" I said and blushed.
Why would I think of that?? So stupid!!

He got off of me and sat down my ice - cream in his hand.
"Hey, it is not fair, you're eating my reward!!!" I pouted, "I won that game!!!"
I crossed my arms.
"Sorry," he said not meaning it.
"Give it back!!" I exclaimed.
He took his last, fat - ass bite and put the crumbs in my hand.
HE FINISHED IT!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"You have to buy me another one," I said.
"Nuhhhhh, you waste enough money," he said.
"Fine be like that!!"
I got up and packed my thing. I sat down next to Carter.
"How is it going?" Carter asked.
"Bad, because someone in front of me eat my reward." I said and looked at Timmy who was in front of me.
Carter chuckled.
"Fine, let's go, I am going to buy your ice - cream," Timmy said.
"I don't need it, you say it anyway, that you don't want to waste your money on me, I don't want to talk to you, because you don't want to talk to me."
Timmy sat between me and Carter. I packed my things again and sat down next to Carter again, with Timmy on my left.
I leaned on Carter and I shivered from the coldness. The sky was starting to darken.
"Do you want my sweater?" Carter asked when he saw me shivering.
"Thanks," I said and smiled at him. He gave his brown woolly jacket and it was very comfortable.
I saw into the sky.
"Stacey, can I talk to you?" Timmy asked on my left.
I turned towards him and all of the sudden the firework started.
I saw his lips moving, but I can't make the words out. I can usually read lips, but his lips were barely moving. I only heard the word sorry

and friends

What is he trying to say???

I asked. I stared at his lips, hard.
When he lips stopped moving, I said, "What? I didn't hear a thing, please repeat it."
He looked away and blushed

He is so strange,

I thought.
He looked up at the sky and so did I. It was beautiful. I took out my phone and took some pictures.
When the fireworks ended. I went to the changing room like everyone else and changed. When I came out, I went to look for Carter.
"Where are you going?" Brandon asked.
"Looking for Carter, I need to give him his jacket back," I said.
When I finally spots Carter, I shouted, "CARTER!!!! WAIT!!"
"Yes?" He asked.
"Your sweater," I reminded.
"Oh, you can keep it, you look cute in it," he said and smirked. I blushed.
"Thanks," I said.
"Can I have you number?" He asked.
"Yeah," I said and we exchange numbers.
“Bye," I said.
"Yeah, bye," he said and winked.
I headed towards Nick and we got into the car.
"How come you still have Carter's sweater?" Brandon asked.
I sat on him, "Because he said I can keep it he also said that I was . . ."
I shut my mouth and he raised his eyebrow.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing." I made myself comfortable and went to sleep.

I felt someone left in bride style. I didn't even bother to open my eyes. I felt every comfortable. I snuggle. I can feel myself being lowered on the bed.
I wrapped my arms around him and pull him to me, still with my eyes closed.
I heard his sigh and removed my arms. I can feel the bed sink a little and I turned towards him. He wrapped his arms around me and I slept.

The next morning I woke up to see who slept with me, but I didn't see anyone.
I got up and took a shower. I got out and took my clothes. I put it on and dry my hair. I curled it. Cute ;)
I ran downstairs and I grabbed a toast from the kitchen.
"Hey," I said to Timmy.
"Yeah?" he said.
"Did you have something to tell me yesterday?" I asked, looking at him.
"Ummm, that . . ." he said quietly.
"Yeah, so what did you want to tell me?" I asked.
"Nothing," he said and looked away.
"Ok," I said and shrugged.
I ran into the living room and I asked, "Who wants to go to the mall with me?"
"ME!!" everyone shouted.
"Let's go,"
I texted Carter.
Me: Hey, let's go 2 the mall!!! :)
Carter: Yeah, b there with every1, kk?
Me: C ya!! :D Bye

I grabbed my bag with my credit card.
"Let's go!!" I shouted in the car.
When we got there, everyone else was waiting.
"HEY!!" I shouted to the girl and gave a group hug.
"Let's go to salon, I want to get a trim," Mandy said.
"Yeah, I want to get some highlights, I am tired of my blond hair," I complained.
"NO!!! Your hair is beautiful!!!!" Alexie said.
"Whatever, but I think it is kind of plain," I said and shrugged.
We entered the salon and all of the boys followed. A lady was there at the doorway.
"Hi, my name is Teresa," she said and she looked at Timmy, "I like your hair,"
"Thanks, she did it for me," Timmy said and pointed at me. I laughed.
"How many I help you?" Teresa said.
"I want to get the tips of my hair a color of electric blue," I said.
"Ok, sit here," she said and pointed at a seat.
I sat down and Timmy walked over to her and whispered something in Teresa's eyes, but his eyes were looking at me in the mirror.
She giggled and nodded.
"I am going to pay for the highlights, ok?" Timmy asked.
"How nice of you to do that, Timmy," I said and smiled. He smirked.

A hour later, when they were done, I looked in the mirror.
"Yes???" he said.
"How come the tip of my hair are pink!!???" I asked.
"I don't know, how come you are asking me?"
"Well, who was talking to that salon lady??" I asked.
"Not me, that person does not look like me," he said.
I sigh, there was no point in this conversation, I couldn't even change the color anymore.
I walked away.
"Are you mad?" he asked.
"No, I just don't like this color," I complained.
"Oppies daisy," he copied.
"Hummm, try to get me back right?" I asked and smirked.
"Yep," he said.
"Hey, Stacey, you want to go to the amusement park?" Matthew asked.
"Sure!!!!" I said and ran a headed.
"Let's go!! Everyone is heading out!" Rachel exclaimed.
I climbed into the car and sat on top of Timmy.
"You guys looks like a match," Mandy said, "You guys look cute together also!!"
I fell off of Timmy's lap.
"Are you guys dating? You guys have a match and you guys look cute together," Rachel said.
I got up and sat on Alex's lap.
When we go there, it was big.
"You want to be partners?" Carter asked.
"Yeah, sure," I said and out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Timmy stared at me.
"You want to be my partner?" Timmy asked Rachel.
"Sure," Rachel blushed. I shrugged.
"Let's go to the Ferris Wheel," Carter said and pulled me.
I gulped. "I can't,"
"Why not?" he said and grinned.
"Because I am afraid of heights," I said slowly, looking up at the Ferris Wheel.
"Just go, if you get scared, just hold on to me," he said and grinned.
"I'll go with you guys," Timmy said.
I continued looking up.
How high is that?? 1,550 feet long?

I gulped.
"Let’s go!!" Carter said and tugged me. I nodded.
We got on the cart and my stomach felt sqeezey.
"How much round is this going to go?" Rachel asked.
"Once," Timmy said and stared at me. I sat with Carter, with Timmy and Rachel in front of me.
The cart begins to lift. I gripped Carter's arm and started to breath loudly.
"I am scared, Carter," I whispered to him.
"Don't worry," he said and patted my hand.
When we were at the top was latterly sitting on carter's lap.
"I AM . . . SO SCARED!!" I said and hugged his neck. My heart was beating against his steady one. My voice was tight and my palm was sweating. I was starting to feel dizzy when we are going down. I squeezed my eyes shut.
"It is almost over," Carter said into my ears.
I thought I was about to pass out, when the Ferris Wheel came to a stop.
"We are at the down, Stacey," Carter said.
I got off of him and started walking. I was swaying from side to side, but Timmy held me. I almost forgot he was there.
When we were sitting on the bench, I breathe deeply.
I rest my head on Carter's shoulder.
"Never do that again, I thought I was about to pass out," I whispered.
"I understand now," he chuckled.
"Don't tell anyone about this," I said to Timmy, Carter and Rachel.
"Ok," Rachel sung.
"Promise," Timmy said and smirked.
I looked at Carter. i raised my eyebrow and he nodded in agreement.
"Let's play one more game," I exclaimed and jumped to my feet.
We walked around, "OOHHHH, I WANT THAT TEDDY BEAR!!" Rachel exclaimed and jumped up and down.
"Let's play it," Timmy said and holds her hand. At the corner of my eyes, he looked at me.
"You want to play this game too?" I asked Carter.
"Ok, gentlemen, welcome," said the clown and he smiled, showing his UGLY, YELLOW teeth,
"Did you brush your teeth before?" Rachel asked and everyone laughed like crazy. The clown looked embarrassed.
"Never mind about that. . ." he said and looked away from Rachel, “The rule for this game is that 2 player will play each other. There have to fill that balloon, over there," he pointed, "with as much water as you can, with the water gun in front of you. BUT it is not easy!! You are going to try to get it in, the ball with move at some point,"
We nodded and Carter looked at Timmy in a challenge way.
"You're on, Carter," Timmy said and Carter smirked.
"READY, SET . . . GOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" the clown shouted. The game began!!
Carter was fast!! He was really good at aiming the water gun, into the balloon. he has more water than Timmy!!
"In 5 second the game will end, let's see who got the most!! In 5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . AND IT IS . . . CARTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the clown announced in the microphone.
"YAYYYY!" I shouted.
"What was you like?" the clown asked Carter.
"Let here choose," he said and pointed at me.
"I want a . . . that black teddy bear with pink nose," I said.
He hand it to me. I WAS HARD!!!!
"What kind of teddy bear is this? IT IS SOOO HARD!!" I exclaimed to the clown and everyone laughed.
"Too bad sweetie!" he said and shrugged.

"Give her another one!" Carter demanded.
"Sorry, or you have to play another round!" the clown said.
"You know what Carter, let's go!" I said and pulled him away, "He doesn't even brush his teeth anyways,"
He laughed.
"Let's go eat lunch now, I am hungry," Timmy said.
"I will call everyone to wait at the picnic area." I said.
When everyone was there, we got our lunch.
"Hey guys, guess what?" Carter shouted.
"What?" Jordan shouted.
"Did you know that Stacey was afraid of -" Carter started.
I grabbed the bear and through it at Carter's soda, which was in this hand. It knocked on Carter's shirt and everyone started laughing.
I ran over to Carter and sat on top of him.
"I thought you said that you wouldn't tell," I said.
"I didn't say anything, I just nodded," he said and grinned.
"I am going to kill you!!" I said.
"Not if you can't give me a hug!" He said.
"Ewww!!" I shouted and ran.
"I am going to catch you!," he shouted getting to his feet and chase off me. I putted up the black teddy bear and turned around. I throw the bear at Carter's face.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" I laughed. I laughed so heard that I feel to the grass.
"HA, GOTCHA!" Carter jumped in front of me, cutting my laughters off and everyone started laughing.
Carter pulled me up and hugged me. I whinnied.
"My tee - shirt!!" I cried and everyone laughed again.
He released me and we sat down on the grass.
I can feel Carter's eyes on me.
"What? Quit staring!" I said and hit him.
"I . . . want to ask you . . . something. . ." he said slowly and looked away.
"What?" I said.
" . . ."
"Tell me!!!"
" . . . Would you . . . go out with . . . me . . . if I asked?" Carter said.
"So does that mean, you are asking me out?" I asked grinned. He looked at me.
" . . . Yeah," he said quietly.
"Than, YES!!!!!!!!! DUMMY!!!" I exclaimed and everyone cheered.
Carter leaned in and kissed me. His lips were the softest lips on EARTH!!! We kissed for a long time until he broke away.
I blushed and saw that Timmy was staring at me.
Everyone laughed.
"What??!!" I yelled.
They shook their head.
"Guys!! Let's play TRUE OR DARE!!" Henry said.
"Yeah!" Janet said, "It is getting boring here."
"Ok, someone spins the bottle and who ever the bottle point to starts off, ok?" Ray said.
"DEAL!" everyone said.
"I'll spin the bottle!" Mandy yelled.
She spins the bottle and it point to Nick.
"Starter!" Nick yelled.
"True or dare?" Mandy asked.
"Dare," he said and gave a devilish grin.
"Fine, I dare you to lick that tree, over there," Mandy said and pointed at the UGLIEST TREE I HAVE EVER SEEM ON EARTH!!!
"OMG!! THAT TREE IS FUCKING UGLY!!" I shouted and everyone laughed.
"Are you going to do it?" Mandy asked looking at Nick, "Or too chicken?"
"I will do it," he said and got up. He stopped at the tree and gave a quick lick.
"ILLLL!! HOW DOES IT TASTE?" Alexis asked.
"PPPPPUUUUKKKKK! It taste like shit, man!!!" Nick said and grabbed a bottle of water. I laughed.
"Next!!" Nick said.
Nick spins the bottle and it pointed at Jacob.
"True or dare?"
"Dare!" he shout.
"I dare you to kiss Janet!"
The whole group howled!!
Ohh, Rachel is not going to like this! She is with Jacob!! Poor Rachel and Jacob.

He looked at her.
I patted Rachel on the back.
Jacob leaned forward and kissed Janet on the kissed and Rachel looked away. The whole group howled and looked at Rachel.
Janet quickly pulled away and looked at Rachel.
"Next!" Will shouted.
Jacob spin the bottle and it point at . . . ME!!!!
"True or dare?" Jacob said and wiggled his eyebrow. I laughed.
I always do dare in this game!!

"DARE!" I said.
"Ok . . . I dare you to . . . kiss . . . TIMMY!!!" he shouted.
My heart skipped a beat.
Timmy?? His out of all people??!! Why him, God??? Why?? Do I really have to kiss him? Maybe saying dare right now, wasn't the right time. But is this a dream???

I gulped.
"GO!!!!" Jacob said. I gulped.
But I have kissed Timmy on the lips 2 time already!!

I want to say, but the words couldn't come out. I can see that Timmy is leaning in!!!

I scream to myself.
I stared at his cherry, pink lips.
I was shocking myself too. I started leaning in and my eyes closed.
When our lips touched, my heart fluttered. That ping from my heart made my heart ached again, like the last time we had kiss. My heart was beating like a crazy choo - choo train.
I pulled away and wiped my lips with my sleeves and looked away.
"Spin the bottle, Stacey!!" Henry shouted and I quickly spin it. I quickly took a peek at Timmy, but he was acting like he didn't care. I couldn't read his expression, all I saw was blankness.
The bottle pointed to Nick.
"True or dare?" I asked and gave an evil smirk.
"Sucker!! Anyways, do you like anyone here; you have to make an honest confession!" I shouted.
He leaned in.
"So, who is it?" I whispered.
". . . Alexis," he said slowly and uneasily.
"Ahhhh -" I started, but got covered by a hand. I gave it a quick lick.
"ILLL!" Nick said and I smirked, "Don't tell anyone!"
"NO!! I will say it!! Only if . . . you confess your love to that person and ask her out!" I dared.
". . . Fine, I will do that," Nick said.
He cleared his throat and I laughed.
"I, Nick London is in love with . . . Alexis. Would you go out with me?" he asked Alexis looked at her in the eyes.
"SEXYYYYY!!!!" I shouted and everyone laughed.
"Yes!" Alexis said excited and got up and hugged him.
"KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS!" we all chanted.
They looked into each other's eyes and kissed.
We all screamed at the top of our lung and cheered like we all own the amusement park.
Alexis pulled away and said, "They are all looked at us!"
"It's ok, it's because you guys are like a sexy couple!" I said and everyone laughed.
"Sorry for the interruption, but the amusement park will be closing in a few minutes, please exit at the front desk." the speaker went on.
We all sighed and packed our things.
"Ok, I really need all of you guys’ number!" I said and we all traded numbers.
"Thanks, today was A FAB DAY!!" Rachel said.
"Couldn't have made it without you!!" Alexis said and I laughed.
"No! I couldn't have made it without you guys," I said and gave a group hug.
I love these people!!

I said to myself.
We went to the parking a lot and I got in the car with Timmy, Henry, Nick, Will, Alex, Ray and Brandon.
"BYE!!!!" I shouted out the window.

The next morning I woke.
So tired!!!

I said and sat up.
I got up and quickly and ate my breakfast.
I walked to the living room and sat down.
"Where Timmy?" I asked looking around.
"Oh, he went out," Nick said.
I grabbed the remote control and flip through the channels. I stopped at Dancing With the Stars

"OMG!!" I said, jumping up from my seat, "I LOVE DANCING WITH THE STARS

I stared at the TV, trying to copy their dance moves, but fail to.
Everyone was staring at me, laughing their pants off.
"WHATT???!!!" I shouted.
" . . . You look . . . hilarious!!!" Will said.
"Shut up!!" I said and slapped him playfully.
"I bet, I am dance better than you!" Alex bet.
"Oh, yeah, let's see who is better!" I said and smiled at him.
"You're on!" he said.
"BUT I get to dance again," I said.
" . . . Fine," he said.
I got up and dance again, but this time, I was more serious. This time, nobody was laughing at me.
Ha, I am sooo gonna win,

I said.
When it ends, everyone cheered.
"Woahhh!" they cheered. I smirked at Alex.
"Try to beat that!!" I said.
"Ya' bet!!" he said and grinned.
He got up and danced.
I watched closely, but laughed when they were doing a split and Alex can't.

my phone rang.
Everyone looked at me.
"Sorry," I said and got up.
"I got to go," I said and left the living room.
I checked my phone, new message.

OMG!! I have good news! :)

Wat is it? Tell me

OMG!!! I am just SOOOO :)!! Timmy just asked me out!!

:O Really??!! :)

Yea, I was like YESSS!!

OMG!! I feel so :) for u!! :)

IKC, :) :) :) :) I <3 him, now!!! :) GTG, TTYL
I put my phone down.
I didn't feel fully happy, like I said.
What are you talking about???? You are supposed to feel happy for your friend right now!!!

A voice screamed inside me.
I shrugged the feelings off and walked off to the living room.


I sat down on the sofa.
I saw Alex sitting down.
"HEY!! Are you supposed to be dancing?" I asked.
"No, I am finish dancing," he said and grinned.
"Ok, to see who dance better, we will take a vote," I said, "You have to raise your hand for the person you pick,"
"AND you have to be honest," Alex said and smirked at me. I smirked back evenly.
"Ok, raise your hand if you vote for me!" I shouted and raised my own hands.
Six other hands went up, and I smirked at Alex.
"Okkkkkk, now right your hands if you vote for me!" Alex said and raised his own hands and six other hands went up.
"What??!!" I shouted, "That is not fair!"
"What's not fair?" someone asked and I turned to look. Timmy.
"Congratulation!!" I said and smiled, "For going out with Mandy!"
He looked away.
"WHAT??!!" Brandon shouted.
"Uhh, you are sooo late on gossips!" I said and turn back around, looking at him.
"Haha," he said.
"You are!!" I said.
"Well, I don't know too!" Henry said.
"Ha, you guys are like SOOO late, right now, ask Timmy and he will tell you everything," I said and jerk my thumb back.
"Whatever," he said and sat down on the sofa and lean back.
I lean on Nick's shoulders and flip through the TV.
"I'm bored, who wants to go to the park?" I asked.
"ME!!" everyone said.
I got up and grabbed a bag of water balloons. I headed towards the door, waiting for everyone.
I locked the front door.
"Let's have a race from here," I said.
"You're on!" Will said.
He - track king, me - track queen :)
I got in my starting pose.
"On my

mark . . .ready . . . set . . . GOOOOOOO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and everyone launched forward.
I reached to the park second!! SECOND PLACE!!!!
"WOOAHHH!!! SECOND PLACE!!" I shouted.
"Well, beat you!! First place!" Will said.
"Third place!" Ray said.
"Your face!" I said to Will and punched him in the arm.
"Haha, lost to me!" he said.
"SHUT UP!" I said and punched him again.
"Too bad!" he teased.
"Ok, fine, stay right here, ok I won't play with you anymore! I am going to give you a surprise!!" I said and smiled.
"Ok," he said.
I went to a water fountain and filled 2 water balloons with water and tied it up. I put the balloon behind me and walked towards them.
"So, what is the surprise?" Will asked.
"You really want to see it?" I asked and smirked.
I took out the balloons and thrown them at Will's shoe, favorite shoe!
I bursted out laughed and ran away from them.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Will screamed and run after me.

I said and grinned.
I saw that he was coming pretty close, go I throw my other balloon at his shoe and he stopped mid-track and shouted, "NOOOOOOO!"
I looked at the other boys and they were rolling on the floor laughing their pants off.
I ran over to them and laughed besides them.
"Humph!" Will said and pouted.
"You will get over it," I said and patted his hair.
"NO!! My shoe and socks are soaking wet and I am also wearing my lucky socks!!!" he said.
I burst out laughter again.
"Fine, you want to play it that way?" he asked.
"Yes," I said and looked at him in the eyes.
"Ok, water balloon fight!!" he said.
I shook out my hand, "Deal,"
"Ok, but can we have more people?" Will asked.
"Yeah!!" Nick said and whipped out his phone, "I will call everyone,"
Out the corner of my eyes, I saw Timmy frown.
10 minutes later, they came and they brought more water balloon. Each person has 3 packs.
WOAHHH!! Some people are too serious here!!

I thought.
"WOW!! This is going to be FUNNN!" I sung.
"Ok, let's get the game started, let's make a fun team!" Alexis said.
We quickly split up evenly.

Brandon, Henry, Ray, Mandy, Matthew, Rachel and Jordan

Nick, Timmy, Alex, Janet, Alexis, Carter and Jacob
"You're on!" everyone shouted to each other.
"WAIT!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
"What?" they shouted.
"Let's talk to our teams first, before the game starts, ok?" I asked and everyone nodded.
We huddled and I said.
"Ok, I borrow a bucket and we can carry it and attack them. Than 2 people will be fill the balloons, ok? That way we can attack them faster!" I said.
"Good idea!!" Matthew said, "No wonder you are so good with games, you are smart,"
"WELL, of course," I said and blushed.
He laughed.
"We are sooo going to beat them!" Rachel said.
"OK!!! TEAM WORK!!!" I shouted and we broke apart.
I looked around for a bucket and I saw one, but a little girl was playing with it.
"Hey," I said, walking up to the little girl.
"Yes?" she said really sweetly and smiled like an angel.
"Can I borrow your bucket for a moment?" I asked sweetly and smiled.
". . . Yes," she said and handed it to me.

I thought.
I quickly ran back and handed them the bucket.
"On our

mark . . . get ready . . . set . . . GOOOOOOO!" I shouted at the top of my lunged and everyone ran to do there role.
The first time, 4 people went to fill the balloon and when we have at least 10, we started attacking.
They looked so surprised, because they only have 2 done. Than everyone started attacking them.
When I see that they were having so much balloons, I ran over and steal some of the water balloon on the floor, rolling all over the place.
I ran out of the water balloon area and saw a little boy with a water gun. I smirked.

"Hey, how is it going?" I asked the little boy.
"Strange danger!" he shouted.
"Wait, you want to have some fun with us?" I asked him and point to the water balloon fight, he grinned.
"Of course," he said.
"Well, if you want to have some fun," I said, "take your water gun and shot it at that person's forehead and I promise you, you will have some fun," I pointed my finger at Will.
"Of course!!" he said.
"Good, now go on," I said, "you will have the best time of your life,"
He ran over to the fight and we pumped his gun. I grinned.
He pushed the trigger and the water gun's water aimed exactly at Will's forehead.
"Holy cow!!" he screamed and ran. The little boy chased him, until his was out of water.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA," I burst at laughter and pointed at Will.
Everyone stopped and looked at me. They knew I have done it.
I walked over to the little boy and said, "WELL DONE!! GIVE ME A HIGH - FIVE!"
He gave me a high - five and laughed along as everyone else did.
"Now, all you have to do it is to grab a water balloon and threw it that side. We have to get them as wet as possible, ok?" I asked and grinned. He grinned back.
"Got it!!" he said excitedly.
He picks up a balloon and threw it at Timmy.
Timmy picked up one of their balloons and throws it at us. The balloon fight got even bigger and soon, almost all of the kids in the park were taking sides.
"Whoa, this is a big game!" Jordan said.
"It is FUN!" the little boy with the water gun said.
"I told you so," I said and went back to the game.
By noon, we were running out of balloons.
"Hey!! We are running out of balloons!" Brandon said.
"Damn it!!" I shouted and looked around. All of the balloons on Will's team was now hidden.
Double damn it!!

We try using the water guns, but it was hard. We have to dodge the water balloons, but there was so much.
"Surrender!" Timmy shouted.
"NOOO!!" Henry said.
We continued to dodge, until we gave up.
"Surrender to us!!" Jacob said.
This time we were silence.
"I guess that is a 'yes' than," Will said.
We continued to remain silence.
"Ok, it is clear, now stand in a straight line,"
We slowly got into a straight line. They each got 4 water balloons.

I thought.
Will stand in front of me and he smirked.
"Gotcha back, now," he whispered.
I stuck my tongue out.
"Ok, guys, well done!! When I count to 3, you guys can throw your balloon anywhere to the person in front of you." Will said. I groaned.
He smirked, "1 . . . 2 . . . 3!!!"
He grabbed a balloon and threw it towards me, but I was quick. I took a side step and dodged it.
“Hey!!! Not fair!!" Will complained.
"Well, you never -" I was cut off by a wet spot on my pant.
"Ha, gotcha again!!" Will said.
"I HATE YOU!!" I screamed and grabbed a water balloon out of the person's hand, standing next to Will and ran after him.
He laughed as I chased him.
"I am going to get you!!!" I screamed and threw the balloon at his back and his whole shirt was wet.
I stopped running and laughed. This time, he spun around and started running after me.
Oh, snap!!!!

I thought and took off running.
He throws a balloon at my pant again, making it look like I pee on my pant. He throws his next ballon at my hair and my hair was soaking wet!!! His last one landing on my shirt.
Damn it, I am wet from head to toe!!!!

He bursted out laughter and I slapped him playfully.
Carter hugged me from the back and kissed my cheeks.
"I see that you are having fun," he whispered in my ears.
"Yeah, I am," I said and grinned.
I tugged his arm to sit on the bench.
He kissed me on the lips. My heart beat fast and I smiled at it.
When I broke away, out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Timmy looking at me.
I looked at him and he looked away
"I love you," I said to Carter.
He grinned and looks at me.
"I love you too," he said and kissed me on the lips again.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a snack to eat.
I went back to my room and listen to music. I opened the balcony door and let the wind in.

I woke up the next morning with Ray in my bed, snuggled next to me.
"Hey what are you doing on my bed?" I asked pinching his nose.
"I don't know." he said.
"You need to get out," I said.
"Why?" He asked.
"Because I like someone already and I can't sleep with -" I started, but was cut off.
"It doesn't matter; you are not married to that person yet." Ray said and I was shocked. I looked at him and he looked away.
I stayed quiet.
I think this is my imagination, bit did he just said 'it sucks now'.
"What?" I asked him.
"Nothing." He said and got up and left.
I am so confused!!!!!!!

I said.

2 month later:

Two months passed and Carter and I are still in a relationship.
"I love you!!!" I said.
"I think I know that," he said.
"Shut up!!!!" I said, "That is not why I want you to say,"
He laughed and said, "I LOVE YOU TOO!!!"
I lean in and pull his neck down. I kissed him passionately.
I love this guy!! The best person on Earth!!

It Is All Different Now

I sat on the coach and grabbed the remote control from Henry's hands and flipped through the channels.
"Hey!!" he protested.
"What?!" I said.
"You took the remote control and I was holding it first,"
"Well, I hold on to it second," I said and stuck out my tongue.
"Well, too bad," he said and leaped to me.
"CATCH NICK!!' I screamed and throw it at him.
Henry leaped at me and I held out my hands.
"Throw it to me," Henry said.
"Don't you dare, Nick or I will get revenge on you, a even bigger one," I said and looked at him evilly.
I saw him gulped and I hide a smirk.
Henry got up and walked over to Nick. Nick throws the remote at Brandon and Brandon caught it. Brandon looked at me and I also sent him a death look.
"You better throw it over here, before I get there or else," Henry said and I laughed.
"Brandon, if you throw it to him, I will . . ." I said and punch my hands together, "You saw what I did to Timmy and Nick, do you want it to happen to you?"
"Poor Brandon," Ray said, "Stuck in the middle,"
"I don't know," he said softly and holds out the remote.
"Fine, let's make this into a game," I said and look at Henry. Everyone laughed at us.
"Sure thing," he said.
"Ok, first one there, first one serves," I said.
"Ok, game makers," I said and point at Alex, Ray, Nick and Timmy, "your job is to make an obstacle - course for us,"
"Ok," they said.
"I kinda feel like I am in the Hunger Games!" I said and grinned.
Everyone laughed. They cleared out an area where the table and couch was. They place like stacks of pillow everywhere and push chair in the way. They push the coffee table in the middle. The remote control was on top of a self. Pebbles and tiny toys were placed on the ground. One pair of shoes was placed beside it.
"OKKK!!" they shouted, "WE ARE FINISHED!!"
"OK!" I shouted back.
"You have to explain the game and how we are suppose to play it,"
"Ok, first you have to walk through the maze of chairs, and then you have to leap over the stacks of pillow. If you land on it, you have to re - start the game. Than, you have climb over all of the chairs. If you leap, you re - start again and than the first people to reach the walking area have to grab that pair of shoe and walk over all of these pebbles. If you come in second, too bad, than you have to leap over the stack of pillow and go beneath those poles, but you have to lean back, you can’t get on your kneels. Than have to eat up those 10 crackers and find some ways to get the remote up there," Alex said.
"GOT IT!!" Henry and I shouted, smirking.
"Welcome to the 100th Hunger Game! And happy Hunger Games!!! Oh, my!" Nick said and giggled like a girl, pretending to be Effie.
We laughed.
"Ohh, oohh, ooh, how wonderful! Any tributes? No? Alright!” he giggled. His giggles make him sound like he is on drugs.
“Let the Hunger Game begin! On your mark . . . get ready . . . get set . . . GOOO!!!!" Nick mimicked.
I ran full speed ahead.
I am glad I go to track! SKILLS!!

I thought.
I leaped over the stack of pillow and didn't even touch it. I climbed over the chair, one after another and another after another. I was trying to feel tired, but still keep up my pace. I knew that Henry was good at leaping and jumping. I look for him and notice that he was on my pace. I picked up the speed, but didn't do any good. I took one more leap and grabbed one side of the shoe. I put it on and was about to grab the other one when another hand grabbed the shoe.
"HEY!!" I yelled.
"Let go!!!" Henry shouted and I tugged on the shoe.
"NO!! You let go!! Ladies first!" I screamed at his ears and he backed away, but still didn't let go.

"You let go or I will do something to make you let go!" I said and tugged on it.
"I am NOT going to let go!" Henry said.
I took a big breath and screamed as loud as I can. "AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"
He let go and I quickly grabbed it and ran across the walking area. I reached for my foot and throw my shoes aside. I quickly leap over the stack, before Henry could catch up. I leaned back and went under the poles. I grabbed the crackers at the table and stuffed my face.
That is how determine I am to have the remote!!

I swallowed and grabbed a stood and place it in front of the bookshelf. I climbed up and I heard a "NOOOOOOOO!!"
I laughed and grabbed the remote control.
"WOAAHHHH!!!!!" Everyone cheered. My bone feel tired and my muscular feel sore, too tired to smile.
"Lost to me, Henry!" I said and stuck out my tongue, weakly.
The doorbell rung.
"Someone, go get it, I am going to go to my room and change," I announced and left the room. I ran up the stair and wipe all of the sweats away and spay some perfume on. I took off my clothes, leaving only my bra and panties on and walked to the closet. I looked at the closet and picked out a shirt when the door opened.
Timmy stuck his head in and I screamed.
"Ahhh!" I screamed as he stared at me. I throw the shirt that I am holding at him and he snapped back to reality. He came in and slammed the door shut.
"Timmy!! Get out of here, I am -" I started, but got cut off by a hand on my mouth.
"Shhh!!" he whispered, "Your brother is going to kill me!"
I bit his hand.
"Oww!" he said and backed off, "What are you doing?"
"What are you

doing here

?" I asked, "I am changing

"I came here to tell you that Carter is here -"
"CARTER?!" I screamed. I love Carter!
"Yeah," he said and scratched his head, "he said that -"
"I will go and talk to him myself!" I said and throw on a short - short with a baggy shirt.
I threw the door open and ran downstairs.
When I saw Carter, I hugged him and kissed him on the lips.
"Hey," I said softly.
"Hey, I have to talk to you," he said and looked away.
I bite my lips, he sound serious.
He held my hand and pulled me to a room.
"What wrong?" I asked him in the kitchen room.
He kissed me on the lips. His warm, soft lips feel so good when they touched mine. It felt like they were made for each -.
He pulled away, which surprised me.
He looked away.
"What is wrong!?" I asked, turning his head to face my eyes.
"Stacey, you have to understand this, I tried my hardest to make everything ok, but I can't do anything," he said and hugged me. His warm was making me have a good, tingling feeling, I like that feeling, but this time was different. I hugged him back, hard.
"What are you talking about?" I asked him, softly.
"I am . . . sorry, Stacey. I've tried . . . everything I can -" he said and hugged me tighter.
"TRIED WHAT?!" I said, "You are going to make me insane! Please just tell me."
"I have to . . . break - up with you," he said.
At that moment, I felt shaky, I felt like I am going to break into piece when he said it. I could feel my heart aching hard.
"Please, Carter, don't say something like that," I said softly, "don't."
I buried my head on his shoulders.
"I am telling . . . you the . . . truth, we have to . . ." he said softly.
I can feel my eyes burning and I shoved him away. I shook my head. A tear fell from my face.
"That is not true!" I whispered, "Why?" And another tear fell down.
"I have to . . . my mom wants me to move to Florida . . . she wants me to . . ." he said.
"To what?" I asked bitterly and stared at him.
"She wants me to . . . marry the girl . . . that she picked out for me." he said really softly, softer than a whisper.
Several tears, no, I mean a lot of tears fell from the eyes. I can't believe what I am hearing.

Marry her?

Move away?


It felt like my heart stopped beating. I can feel that my heart is struggling to pump my blood as it ache.
He pulled me into a hug and let me cry on his shoulders.
"Why?" I asked him, "Why?"
"I can't do anything, I tried to convince her, but she won't listen. She was determined to have us married," he said.
I don't want to hear this. My head is spinning, my heart is broken into too many pieces that can't be fixed and my stomach felt squeezy.
"I don't want to hear it! I don't!" I screamed and ran out of the kitchen.
"STACEY!" Carter shouted. I ran pass the living room and everyone looked up at me.
"Stacey!" everyone shouted, but I ran out of it. I ran into my room and locked the door.
I threw myself on the bed and cried my heart out.
Someone knocked at the door and I heard some whispers.
"Stacey? It is Mandy, Janet, Alexis and Rachel; can you please open the door for me?" Mandy asked.
I didn't answer.
"I brought your lunch," she said. The word lunch, made my stomach roamed. I was starving.
"Please? I know you are hungry," Rachel said. I didn’t answer than there was silence.
A few second later, the heard the door knob rattle and the jingling of keys. The door flew open and I saw Mandy, Rachel, Alexis and Janet.
"Are you, ok?" Alexis asked and hugged me. I cried and hugged her back.
"Is he gone?" I asked and a few tear dropped.
She paused and pulls away. She stared at me for a few seconds. Janet grabbed the water from the lunch tray and pushes it against my lips.
Alexis nodded slowly. "He had to go; his mom picked him up just when we arrived,"
A few more tears fell. What happened if someone you love moved away and you're never going to see them again?
I feel like I can never be fixed again.
"Here, now eat your lunch," Mandy said and handed me my food. I nearly drooled, but I was under control. I slowly ate my lunch, even though I was hungry.
"You know everything is going to be ok, right?" Mandy asked me. I stayed silence and a few tears fell.
". . . I don't know," I said finally.
"It will," she said.
"Be a women and let it go," Alexis, "But I understand how you feel, right now. It once happened to me."
I looked at her.
"Yeah, I have been through it. When someone broke my heart, I cried about it a few times, but as times come I found out there were someone that is actually waiting for me out there, to comfort me." she said and looked at the balcony door. Everyone sat on my bed and Alexis grabbed a chair.
"You will find the real person, somewhere," she said. I nodded at her and gave her a hug.
"I am glad to have you as a friend, Alexis," I said.
"I am glad I am able to help," she said back.
Maybe Alexis is right about it. Maybe I should let this go.

At night, I stood on my balcony. I let my hair fly on my shoulder. The cool breeze.
I stared up at the night sky.
Where is he right now? Is he alright?


my other side said.
I shook my head.
I walked about into the room and closed the door behind me.
I lay on my bed and tried to fall asleep, but I can't.
I grabbed my I - Pod and listen to music. I put on my most favorite music. Stronger

by Kelly Clarkson!!

You know the bed feels warmer
Sleeping here alone
You know I dream in colors
And do the things I want
You think you got the best of me
You think you have the last laugh
Bet you think everything is good as gone
Think you left me broken-down
Think I’ll come running back
Baby, you don’t know me cause’ your dead wrong
What doesn’t kill you means you stronger’
Stand a little taller
Doesn’t mean I lonely when I’m alone
What doesn’t kill you make a fighter
Footstep even lighter
Doesn’t mean I’m over cause’ you’re gone
What does kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn’t kill u means u stronger’
Stand a little taller
Doesn’t mean I lonely when I’m alone
You heard that I was starting over with someone new
They told you I was moving on, over you
Ain’t didn’t think that I’d come back
I’ve come back swing in
You tried to break me
But you see
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn’t mean I’m lonely when I’m alone
What doesn’t kill you means you fighter
Footstep even lighter
Doesn’t mean I’m over cause’ you’re gone
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn’t kill you means you stronger’
Stand a little taller
Doesn’t mean I lonely when I’m alone
Thanks to you I got a new thing started
Thanks to you I not the broken - hearted
Thanks to you I finally thinkin’ about me
You know in the end the day you left was just about my beginning
In the end
What doesn’t kill u means you stronger’
Stand a little taller
Doesn’t mean I lonely when I’m alone
What doesn’t kill you make a fighter
Footstep even lighter
Doesn’t mean I’m over cause’ you’re gone
What does kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn’t mean I’m lonely when I’m alone
What doesn’t kill u means u stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn’t kill you makes a stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn’t mean I lonely when I’m alone

Best song ever!! Maybe I really should let this go.

I thought before I fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up with Ray next to me. I never got the sleep with Ray.
I stared at him and studied him for a while.
I looked closely and moved my head closer to his. His light brown hair was cute and they looked golden when the balcony sunlight shined on him. His pale skin makes him look sexy, making his hair more outstanding. His long brown lashes were really long. I can see them got tangled up. Than I looked at his lips. They were pale pink and thin. Than, I saw his lips curved.
"You can stop staring at my lips now." he said. I blushed and looked up at his brown eyes.
I leaned on him and gave his a hug.
"Morning," I said.
"Morning, do you want a kiss?" he teased.
I blushed, before I am even blink, he leaned in and kissed me on my lips.
His soft, warm lips were touching my cool lips. It was comfortable, it was the best kiss I've so far. His tongue licked my top lips and I let him in. His tongue danced with my tongue, until there was a knock on my door. I jumped and nearly fell off the bed, but Ray caught me. I blushed; I swear my cheeks were redder than the reddest tomato on Earth. He grinned.
I got up and opened the door.
"Hey, Stacey, you want to go to the park to have a water park? It is hot outside." Brandon asked.
I walked out of my room and looked behind me before closing the door behind me.
"Yeah, sure," I said.
"Hey and do you know where is Ray?" Brandon asked.
"No," I said. I am good at lying. :)
"Ok, get ready," Brandon, "I got to go and look for him."
"Ok," I said and walked into my room casually. When I shut the door, I looked for Ray.
"Ray?" I called.
"Here," he said and push the blanket that was covering him.
"You got to go. They are looking for you and we are going to go to a water park." I said and tugged him on the arm.
He walked out of the door and I took a shower.
I love morning showers!

I dried myself and wrapped myself in a towel and walked to the closet.
I grabbed my red bikini and slipped it on. On top of my bikini are black short - short and a white top, it is almost seeing through. I slipped on pair of my red flip - flop and headed downstairs.
"I'm ready!" I yelled from the kitchen. I grabbed a piece of toast and waited at the front door.
"Let's go!" Henry shouted and opened the front door.
"Hurry!" Will said.
"Hey, Nick, can you invite everyone else?" Ray shouted.
The first thing that came to my mind is that Carter is gone. I froze there blinking, but I shook the thought out of my mind.
Let it go!

my mind said.
"Umm, yeah," I said.

When we arrived to the water park. Everyone was there already.
"Hey!!" I shouted, out the window and jumped out of the car.
"Hey!" they shouted and we all hugged.
We all ran to the bathroom and stripped off our clothes and throw on our bathing suit, except, I just took of my clothes and threw them in the bag.
"Hurry up!" I shouted and grabbed a towel. I walked out of the changing room and every boy in the water park was staring at me.

I said.
I wrapped the towel tighter around my body.
"I'm here!" they shouted and walked out and I can see the guys, literally drool.
Seriously people, learn how to not drool!

I want to say.
"I'm going to the waterslide!" Alexis exclaimed.
"I am going with you!" I shouted.
"Let's go to the two - people waterslide!" Rachel said.
"Let's go, GUYS!!" Janet shouted and we all ran to the slide.
"I am your partner!" Mandy said to Janet and Alexis said to Rachel.
"Nice, guys!" Thanks for leaving me out!" I pouted and crossed my arm.
"I can be your partner," Timmy said.
"Um . . . sure," I said and shrugged.
We waited in line and Timmy asked me, "Do you want to go first?"
"No, you go first," I said.
"Thanks." he said.
The man pulled a sled that only two people could fit in and placed it in the water, while holding it, before it slipped.
He got on to the sled.
Before I got on the water sled, at the corner of my eyes, I saw Mandy staring at me, but I quickly got on the sled.
Is she mad? She is depressed? Sorry, Mandy . . .

"Hold on. READY . . . SET . . . GO!!!" that man said and let us slide down.
"Ahh!" I screamed and I quickly, without thinking, I hold on to Timmy's back.
When we reached the end of the ride, I was still holding on to Timmy and Mandy kept on looking at me.
I want to run up to her and said I am sorry.

"That was a fun ride," Timmy said and I quietly got up and walked away.
Maybe I should avoid Timmy.

I thought, Maybe I shouldn't talk to him or be near him.

"Hey, Brandon," I shouted.
"Yes?" he ran over to me.
"You want to go on the ride?" I asked.
"Sure," he said.
"But, I am your partner . . .” Timmy said, but I ignored him and dragged Brandon for another ride.
"Umm . . . isn’t Timmy your partner?" Brandon asked.
"No, he is not," I said and got another ride.
"Let's go to that one," Brandon said, pointed at a water slide and started dragging me. You slide through this dark tunnel where you see no light and than it twist and turn, than you land on the water when the ride ends.
"NO!" I cried and pulled back.
"Come on! It will be so much fun! Give it a try." Brandon said and dragged me.
"No, I am going to be scared." I said and pulled with all my might.
"I will catch you at the end," he suggested.
"No thanks," I said.
"Uhh, you're gonna go!" he said and picked me up and bride - style and I was screaming my head off.
He ran to the slide and put me down and I stopped screaming.
"I am not gonna go!" I exclaimed.
"Fine," He said, "I dare

you to go!"
My ears picked up, I never turn down a dare.
"Fine," I said instantly without thinking and I slapped my hand over my mouth.
Oppies daisy!

I said and cursed myself.
"Ok, you said it," he said and I looked at the slide and gulped.
"Do I really have to go?" I asked and looked at it. At the corner of my eye, I saw Timmy staring at me. I looked away.
"Yes, you accepted the dare," he said.
"Fine," I said quietly, "but you have to chase me at the end.”
"Gotcha," he said and ran down.
"I am going to get revenge on you if you don't catch me." I shouted and he smirked.
"Are you gonna go?" the man asked.
"Yeah," I said.
"Ok, you have to sit on this spot and hold onto this pole. Than you lean on your back and let go of the pole." the man told me and I nodded. I stepped on the spot he pointed at and I sat down, than I leaned on my back and took a deep breath before letting go.
"AHH!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
This is SOOO fucking scary!!!

I screamed in my head.
I can feel the slide turning towards and I knew that I am going to drop in the water soon, so I squeezed my eyes shut and I expected an arm to catch me, but it was no where near that.
I landed in the water with a big SPLASH!!!!
I quickly try to gain my balance with my breath held, but it took a while. I stood on my feet, my head above the surface of the water and breathe hard and deep. My heart was pounding in my chest. I walked over to the side where there was a mini stair. I got out of the water and walked over to Brandon, who was talking to Timmy.
I pinched Brandon's cheeks and pulled his cheeks, until he was looking at me.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" Brandon said, leaning to one side.
"You said that you were gonna catch me!" I said and let go of his cheek.
He laughed and said, "Guess I forgot!"

"Ha ha, very funny," I said without humor, "Short term memory loss."
He shrugged, "You did have fun."
"No, I didn't." I said and pouted.
He patted my head, "I guess I am the fun one," he teased.
"Getting you revenge." I whispered.
He nodded like I was telling a joke and grinned.
I punched his in the stomach to show that I am serious and walked away.
That's how I roll. :D

I said and grinned.
I called everyone to have lunch.
"I am starving!" I exclaimed.
"Let's grab some food," Alexis, Janet and Rachel said.
I looked at Mandy and she said, "I'm good,"
Is she made at me???

I frowned and walked away to get the food.
I came up with an idea on how to punish Brandon for not catching me.
"May I please have a toasted sandwich with American Cheese, fresh turkey and sandwich sauce? And a cup of ice, please?" I ordered and they nodded and gave me my sandwich and cup of ice.
I grabbed my food and placed it on the picnic mat.
I put the cup behind my back and ran up to Brandon.
"Hey. You want a surprise?" I asked and grinned.
"Ummmmm, sure?" he asked.
My grinned widened and I said, "May you close your eyes?"
"Sure?" he asked again and closed his eyes.
I pulled the back of his shirt out and quickly pour half of the cup of ice into his shirt.
He shoved me and hopped around, trying not to make a sound.
"Wait, I am not finish, yet!!!!" I shouted and chase him. Everyone looked at us.
I know we are so awesome, they have to look! JK

"Get away from me," Brandon whispered and grabbed my shoulders and pushes me away from me.
"No, I won't," I whispered back and lean in.
He was caught off guard when I pulled the front of his shirt and pour the rest of the ice into his shirt.
I rolled on the grass, laughing my ass off.
When I stopped laughing, I wipe the tears that were in my eyes.
"Ohhh, that was funny!" I said.
"No, that was not funny," Brandon said.
"Well, it is not funny when you didn't catch me!" I said back.
Brandon hugged me and whispered, "You know you did have fun."
I rolled me eyes and sat down it eat my lunch.
At some point, Brandon would sneak a few bites on my sandwich.
"You like it?" I asked him and he nodded.
I finished up my sandwich and throw my trash away.
"I want to play now," I announced.
"I'm done," Brandon said and got up next to me.
"I'm in!" Henry said.
"I'm going!" Mandy said.
"Me too!" everyone else said.
"Let's go to the bumper cars!" I exclaimed and we all ran there.
"Ok, if you want to play, you have to find a partner, because 1 person will be driving, while the other person is the person who controls the paddle. You step on the peddle with your feet to go and release it to stop. Ok, now choose your partner." the man explained.
"Everyone, bump Stacey!" Brandon exclaimed and everyone cheered.
I smiled and shook my head a little. Brandon nodded back.
"Fine, you’re on! Be that way!" I said back.
Nick with Alexis
Brandon with Alex
Will with Matthew
Henry with Jordan
Mandy with Janet
Rachel with Jacob
Ray by himself
So I guess the only person left was Timmy.
I sighed and we got into the bumper car together.
"You be the driver and I will be the peddle person." Timmy said and I nodded.
"Ok, now buckle your seat belt and everyone will start when I blow my whistle!" the man shouted and we all buckle the seat belt.
He checked on us and he blew the whistle.
Instantly, Timmy stomped on the peddle and the car went full speed.
"AHHHHHHH!" I screamed.
Another thing that you should know about me is that I have no experience in driving; I don't even know which way the wheel turn if you turn left. No joke!!
I was too busy screaming that I didn't even turn the wheel, so we bumped on to the wall.
"Everyone attack, Stacey!" Brandon exclaimed and everyone drove towards us.
I turned towards Timmy, to ask for help.
Timmy leaned in and quickly said, "Ok, we can get out of this mess. Ok, so if you want to turn right, turn the wheel right and if you want to go left, turn it left, ok? That is all you -"
Someone bumped our car on Timmy's side, so he roughly leaned in and his lips made contact with my lips in a rough way.
Everyone stopped where they were and stared at us.
It was silence for a moment; I might even hear a pin dropped.
I quickly pulled away and unbuckled my seat belt.
"I got to go," I said and ran across the bumper car area, before I saw Mandy look down.

I want to shout to her. I am soo sorry, Mandy.
I turn to look at Mandy one more time, but her head never went up.
I walked away and felt my heart ache.
I never mean to do that, I am so sorry, please forgive me.

I said and kept my head down.
I'm sorry, please, please, please forgive me.

What Did You - ?

I woke up and everything filled my head from yesterday.
I can't face Mandy and Timmy anymore. I probably broke Mandy's heart. I squeezed my eyes shut and my stomach felt squeezy.
I slowly got up and get dressed. I slowly put on my clothes and slowly walked down the steps.
"Whoa, you seem really slow today!" Nick exclaimed and I rolled my eyes.
"My eyes rolled fast enough," I teased and he laughed.
I walked into the kitchen and Timmy was there, his hand on his forehead. I froze and back step away from him.
"You don't have to go," Timmy said and I froze again.
"We broke up." he whispered and I stepped forward to grab a piece of bread and put it in the toaster, which is next to him.
I turned to him and said, "I'm sorry, it is my fault. I -" I said.
Timmy grabbed me by the shoulders and hugged me.
He said it in my ears, "It's is not your fault."
I hugged him back, he deserved a hug.
He buried his head in my hair and hugged me tighter.
"No, it is

my fault. I shouldn't have gone near you when she looked at me. I shouldn't -"
He pulled away and whispered, "You don't understand. You -."
"Is everything, ok?" Henry interrupted.
"Yeah," he said and turned to me, "Let's go to a room. We should talk there."
"Ummm, sure." I said quietly and shot Henry a looked.
Henry shrugged and walked away.
We went upstairs to Timmy's room. We stood at the door.
He stared at me, "You have to understand."
I nodded and tilted my head a little bit, "Understand what?"
"I don't know how to say it, Stacey." He whispered and turned his head.
"Say what? Just tell me, I will understand." I whispered back and hugged him.
Poor Timmy

"I want to say that . . . ummm . . . we never started." he said.
I stared at him.
What is he talking about?

"What do you mean?" my voice said in a whispery tone.
"We never liked each other." Timmy said to softer than a whisper, but my ears heard it.
I stared at him, "What are you talking about?! It doesn't make sense at all!"
"It does." he said.
"NO, IT DOESN'T!" I shouted all of the sudden, "Why did you ask her out when you never had feelings for her? You are playing with her feelings!"
"I didn't play with her feelings. We agreed to it that we . . ."
My anger was boiling.
Playing with my friend's feelings and saying that they loved each other, which they never did? And deserved a hug?! NO!

"You and her what?" I stared at Timmy with dragger - looks in my eyes.
"It was an acted. We agreed to -"
I was so angry with what he did to my friends that I lift my hand and slapped him on the face.
"It wasn't an act, Timmy. It was cruel. You never saw this in your eyes, but she fall for you. She fell for your trap. The way she says your name, said it all. It could have been an act, but them she was in falling in love." I said in a whispery tone again.
"I did it all for you, Stacey!" Timmy said.
"No, you didn't. You did nothing for me! You did it to tell other people that is how you handle problem. You hurt my friend instead."
"I did it all for you, because," he said and turned towards me, "because I love you!"
I stared at him, not believing what he said, "What did you - ?"
He lean in and kissed me. Again, my brain shut down.
"Now you believe me?" Timmy asked, while pulling away.
"Yes," I said and stared at him again.
"Than would you go out with me?" he asked.
I stared at him some more, before saying my answer.
And he just stared at me.

THE END!!!!!! :)

Why don't u choose the ending? :}

PLEASE WRITE A COMMENT & HOPE U LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Texte: I really hope you guys will like this book and please write a comment. Love you guys :) -Katy Wong
Bildmaterialien: Google Images ;) <3 I hope you like the pictures :)
Lektorat: ME!!! ;P
Übersetzung: Nobody
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.04.2012

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What happen if 7 boys live with you?

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