

One Day, On a stormy night Isabel gave birth to a beautiful baby. She named her Kat, Kat Sterling. Kat had kitten eyes that were gray, she had black silky hair, and cute lips. Isabel smiled at her baby....Her baby was different than all the other babies, she was a Maia Vampire, the top vampire kind. The most powerful and wise of all vampires. Jacob, Kat´s father came in with Kat´s baby bottle filled with blood. He handed it to Kat she quickly dranked it up. They were the last Maian vampire family. The others were worthless newborns who are weaker. Kat was very rebel, strong, wise, and daring. Once she grew up her parent´s started to travel and they always took her with them, when Kat turned 18, Kat decided to stay in one place to live for a while. Isabel and Jacob agreed to Kat´s decision Kat bought an amazing mansion in Pennsylvania that Kat likes to call a house, she lives there with her best friend Daisy. All human boys fell in love wit Kat including the newborns but Kat preferred humans but she knew she couldn't truly love yet....

Chapter 1

"ugh! where am I? I feel so tired". Kat yawns looking around. Suddenly she knew where she was. She was at Trevor´s house. Trevor was one of the humans boys who loved her deeply. Kat with her eyes closed began to wake up Trevor " Trevor wake up". She tickled him in his ribs. she could hear a heart beat resting, and now waking up."huh? why is it so dark? Kat what happened?" Kat responded " we partied hard, everybody woke up still sober and left, it´s 9:00 p.m". Trevor laughed " Damn that hard huh?". Kat could sense him looking for her in the dark. Kat got up and found the switch, turning it on. " Did i tell you, you look beautiful when you wake up?". Kat sticked out her tongue "Did I tell you that this place is a mess and you´ll have to clean it yourself, Ha ha!". Trevor got up, he tried to chased Kat, Kat ran to the door, She was after all faster, But she decided to let Trevor catch her this time. Trevor caught Kat, embracing her. Kat said "I should get home".Trevor Smirked " I love your curves, and your not leaving". Trevor began to kiss Kat´s neck. Kat asked " Why can´t I leave?" Trevor laughed " you´ll have to help me clean this mess, after all I think you were everywhere". Kat smiled, turning around to face Trevor." Aw but I have to see Daisy!".
Trevor remarked " She´ll have to wait love". Kat sighed then nodded, Kat went to the stereo, She connected her iPhone and blasted music. Trevor grabbed a broom ,Kat began to clean up the mess...In 20 minutes the place was clean..Kat sighed, laying on the bed." I should leave now". Trevor nodded " Yeah, now you can leave, thanks babe". Kat got up disconnected her i Phone and grabbed her favorite black skull bag that was on the floor. Kat started walking to the door. " Wait, a good bye kiss please" Trevor whined. Kat laughed, she went over to Trevor and hugged him then she kissed him goodbye.
"I love you".
Kat winked " I love you too, bye Babe". With that Kat went to the door, opening it slowly she got out and closed the door.

Kat went down the stairs and out the house.Kat walked to the corner then turned to her right she went straight down a long street then crossed, Kat heard her favorite song Black Veil Brides:Unbroken.. blasting on it was her i Phone ringing she knew it was Franklin, one of her best friends who secretly loved her " Hey Frank". Franklin smiled "Hey Emoxa". Kat loved it when they called her that it was a Spanish nick name her mother had gave her when she was little, that meant Emo and beautiful.
" Do you think you can do me a favor?"

" Sure, I owe you lots".

Franklin laughed "Do you think you can come with me to Florida?".
Kat stopped midway to her house she was shocked
" Wow! Florida!?".

" What? is it too far?". They both laughed

" No,Just- to do what exactly?".

"It´s just that I have to go over there for a P.40 meeting and if I don´t go you know what happens".

Kat smiled "You mean your gang meeting? uh sure, I´ll go with you to protect your ass from a beating". They both laughed again.

" Thanks Emoxa, I knew you would come with me, I´ll pick you up later at 11:00 p.m Love you bye". He hanged up

Kat thought .."Great, I have two hours to pack and to talk to Daisy"..

Kat walked up the steps to her house, she began to takes out her keys to her house

Kat opened the front door. There was no sound, Kat could hear a heart beat, 3 exactly. Her ears perked up. She was alerted. She quietly went up the stairs to Daisy´s room. The door was opened she recognized a guy and a girl near Daisy, torturing her. Kat saw her gun on the floor. She grabbed it, it wasn´t no ordinary gun, it had bullets to kill newborns. Kat hid it on her sides.
" Simon, Veronica get out of my house!" Kat yelled.

Simon and Veronica alerted turned around and hissed at her.That annoyed Kat,

"Stupid Newborns" Kat quickly grabbed Simon, she high kicked Veronica in the head. Kat got out her gun and shot Simon in the heart. Simon screamed falling to the floor.

" Aw poor Veronica with out her guide". Kat grabbed Veronica by her throat, piercing Veronica in the stomach with her finger nails

"Now who sent you and why, talk or else die like Simon !".

Daisy was sitting on the floor with duct tape on her mouth she began kicking. Daisy sent Kat a thought.." Let me kill that Leech!"..

.." Shh. she´s going to talk"..

Veronica began to cry which only annoyed Kat more. Veronica looked at Kat´s eyes turning Red with anger

"Please, Don´t hurt me I-"

" Oh, Shut up don´t act like your scared because your not, cut to the chase who and where". Grabbing the gun, aiming at Veronica´s heart

Veronica Screamed " Gilbert, Gilbert sent us to kill your best friend he said to kill-".

Kat finished her sentence " The most I love". Veronica was shocked

"H-h- how did you know?".

Kat remembered Gilbert´s last words as a Maian, he was Kat´s first ex boy friend , he tried to kill Kat´s parent´s but he failed he wanted to kill her for revenge, for what had happened...Kat thought.." So, now somebody turned him into a new born huh? well, well, well he´ll pay big time"..

" I got a message for you to take to Gilbert, tell him
next time don´t send a newborn to do a failure´s job ".

"Y-you´re not going to kill me?". Kat looking annoyed looked at Daisy they both thought .." Dumb Ass"..

" No shit that´s why I´m letting you go, to tell him the message, but next time I will Kill you and you will be tortured like you tried to do with my Best friend".

Kat quickly grabbed Veronica and throwed her out the opened window with a powerful force,
Veronica screamed and transformed into a vampire bat and painfully flew to Gilbert to tell him Kat´s message. Kat untied Daisy and saw that Simon´s body had turned to ashes.

"Huh, looks like newborns can´t be turned back to human´s a pity".
Daisy laughed and winced with pain "Glad your back twin".

Kat helped Daisy up "At least your healing faster". Daisy´s cuts and bruises healed faster than 3 blinks

" So, what happened to the security system in the mansion?".

Daisy coughed " Oh, well you see, I sort of got mad at you and-".

"You decided to leave the house and you turned off the security system right?".

" Well, yes how did you know?".

" Eh.. That´s something you´ll do twin". They both laughed

"We should definitely work on our fighting skills".

" No, you should go that D.d".

" Yeah we know".

Kat went to her room and began to pack " D.d pack up were going to Florida".

There was no reply. " Daisy?!".

Still no reply. Kat went to Daisy´s room, she wasn´t there. Kat closed her eyes and tracked down Daisy, Kat saw Daisy practicing in the training room. Kat Thought.." Damn She teleported quickly". Kat teleported to the training room. Daisy was doing some karate kicks,spins,turns kicking every obstacle that came her way.Kat noticed that the level button was on level 19, there´s 200 levels. Kat always reached to level 20. Kat could see a killer bot with blades coming behind Daisy. Kat quickly leaped in grabbed a claw hand and sliced the bot in two. Daisy looked shocked.

" Whoa, I didn´t see that one coming,Jesus this kitten has claws much".

Kat laughed " Fuck yeah this kitten has claws". Raising her claw hand.
Daisy went to go stop the training " Well I´m done training".

" Great, you won a trip to Florida with me! so pack up consider it a vacation".


Kat nodded, they teleported to Daisy´s room. Daisy started packing up,Kat took out her luggage out of her room.

"With who are we going with?".

" With Franklin, I have to accompany him to his P.40 meeting". Daisy´s heart beated faster, Kat could hear Daisy´s thoughts they were loud,Kat knew that Daisy loved Franklin but Franklin loved Kat.That´s what Kat hated having boys falling for her, but it came in handy some times.

Kat went to her closet and typed in a code, the door changed and it opened, it was a safe full of weapons and outfits. Kat choosed a small but dangerous weapon
and grabbed ammo.
"Just in case huh?" smirked Daisy who was in back of her.
Daisy went to her room and typed a code on her closet door.The door changed she opened it, it was full of spy stuff. They were ex spy agents.Kat was behind her

"Good times huh?" looking at the pictures hanging on the door.
"word!" Daisy picked out a gun, she put it on a special case saving it inside her purse.They both heard a noise getting closer to the mansion´s roof. They both looked at each other " Airplane?". Kat´s iPhone rang, Kat answered
" Get in, we´re a lil late".Franklin hanged up, Kat and Daisy grabbed their stuff. Kat turned off all lights and turned on the security system. They both teleported to the roof,Just as Franklin was getting out of the plane.The plane was red and white that looked like flames.

" Let me help you ladies with that". Grabbing Kat´s and Daisy´s luggage
They all went in. Franklin pressed a button " Alright Howard Let´s go".
The plane began to leave
" I´m impressed, all of this for us?". Franklin nodded and gave them a kiss on the cheek. Kat sent Daisy a thought." Go talk to him and smile, he loves your smile"..
Daisy listened to Kat´s order and went to talk to Franklin as they sat down.Kat went to the back seats and sat. Kat thought.."How can I make Franklin love Daisy, and not me? I can tell that he also like Daisy, Hmm, That´s it MAGIC!Yes, it would do good, luckily my Father made me sign up for magic lessons on the underworld, now they gave me a book, Crap! it´s at home now what!? Oh! I´ll search it up on my iPhone".Kat took out her iPhone out of her bat bag.

Chapter 2: Daisy´s soulmate?

Meanwhile Daisy was talking to Franklin.
" So, how come your coming along with us?".
Daisy´s heart hurted when he said that, Luckily Kat finished searching, Kat heard what Franklin said, she quickly went up to them
" Oh, it´s that I owed her a trip to Florida,It was from a bet I lost". Daisy smiled with relief

"Oh that´s fine,so Daisy what was the bet about?".

with that Daisy and Franklin were talking again . Kat went to her seat and began to read the spell: "TO MAKE A PERSON FALL IN LOVE....
INGREDIENTS: LOCK OF HAIR, EYE OF DRAGON,POWDER DUST,AND WINE. Crap its a drinking potion!? Groan!never mind then, I´ll guess I have to use my vampire powers then, I just hope I won´t grow weak, here goes nothing.." Kat got in meditation position, she could hear that they were still talking, which was good.Kat closed her eyes and concentrated on Franklin and Daisy she thought hard and whispered

"May their heart´s unite, Their love be big for they are soul mates".
Kat´s eyes flickered pink,blue,violet, then back to grey. Kat was floating she steady lowered herself down. There was no sound, she could hear that the heart beats changed.."could it be?". Kat steadily went to go see, she stopped in back of their seats. Kat could see that They were staring deeply at each other´s eyes.

"Your beautiful, I think I have known you for centuries, why is that?".

"I-we´re-s-soul mates".

Franklin smiled at her, Kat slowly went back to her seat with a smile

"It worked! All right!!".

Daisy and Franklin began to hug each other. Franklin was thinking beautiful thoughts that Daisy could easily see. Daisy thought.."I knew he was my soul mate Crap! soul mates with a human I have to turn him into a vampire?! Oh! Crap! I´m Panicking I need help ,,,,Kat!! yes she can help me I´ll tell her later"..

" I love you Daisy"

Franklin kissed her, they snuggled and slept for a while. Kat heard everything she felt too sleepy, Kat´s iPhone rang she quickly answered


"Babe where are you?".

"Oh hey Trev, I´m here with my twin Daisy and her boyfriend Franklin".

"Oh i´m in bed now, i wanted to hear your sweet voice".

" Aww, your so cute, I was going to sleep too".

" What a coincidence want me to put you to sleep?

Kat laughed " How bout we both make each other sleep?". They kept talking until they fell asleep.....
------Mean while--------

Veronica still hurt opened the door to Gilbert´s hideout, it was inside a rock club.

" Identify yourself". A mean voice boomed, Veronica showed him her green clover ring and bracelet. " Pass".

Veronica thought to herself .." Stupid werewolves"..

Veronica went inside, they were a lot of humans partying to the sound of the rock music. Veronica opened another door that lead to a long hallway with doors. Veronica went straight, took a left and stopped. Veronica opened a panel box and slides in a card, a door opened,she went in. There was Gilbert looking young and dressed in black and red with his black silky hair and tattoos. He had a star tattooed on his chest. He had snake bites pierced his lips. Gilbert had his finger nails painted black. He was having a meeting. Veronica interrupted

" Uh- Master, There´s been-"

"Shh hold on, take a seat, I´ll almost finish". Gilbert began to finish the meeting.
Veronica upset sat down on the sofa thinking

.."I´m hurt and bleeding, he wants me to wait?! I´m fucking dying right now -groan!-"..

5 minutes later the meeting finished.everybody left. Gilbert shut the door

" I presume you killed Kat´s Friend like I told you to do?". Veronica smiled still bleeding

"No, she killed Simon and almost killed me, but she let me go".
Gilbert shocked and annoyed rolled his eyes

"How can you fail? you guys were the best newborns". Gilbert looked angry now.
" So why did she let you go?".

"To tell you a message".

"which is?".

" Don´t send a newborn to do a failure´s job". Gilbert took out his pocket knife and threw it at Veronica´s heart.
Veronica winced and spitted blood on the floor.

"YOUR A FAILURE!" she screamed. Those were Veronica´s last´s words before she died and turned to ashes. Gilbert angrily thought .." No use, now I have to change plans, but where can Kat be?".. Gilbert sat down, thinking of the past. He remembered when he was with Kat

---Gilbert´s P.O.V--
.." I still love her,but I must kill her if it kills me, because she helped kill my beloved parents. My innocent poor parents burned in the fire trapped inside the house. the last thought that my parent´s sent me were
I was with Kat, I wanted to go home but Kat wouldn´t let me go,so I hit her stomach and ran to my house, on my way to my house i smelled burned ashes, I ran quickly inside to what was now a burnt house, I saw Kat´s parent´s crying next to my parent´s ashes. I went crazy, I began screaming for them to get out, I throwed rocks at them until they got out of my burnt house. I started to cry, I made a promise to kill the Sterling´s, what hurts me the most is that i Have to kill my sweet, rebel, and wise girlfriend. I kept my parent´s ashes in a box.The next day I went to Kat´s House I floated beside her window, she was taking a shower, I smiled, she had a body of a goddess curved and fitted. Boobs to go with her thighs. Her silky black hair that gleamed and a nice ass. her Light pale skinned brightened. She had a nice pack on her too. But I knew I had to kill her parent´s, I went to her parent´s bedroom and saw that they were sleeping and decided to burn them to death
painfully into ashes. I cried that day I was in the kitchen, I spilled gasoline everywhere around and in their room´s, locked all the windows and doors too. I went back to the kitchen and turned on the stove, I began to lit a match, then all of a sudden Kat was staring right at me with her teary grey eyes.

"Gil what are you doing?, you don´t understand you got it all wrong". but it was too late

I told her "I´m Sorry I love you but Die!".
I throwed the match on the stove, everything caught on fire,Kat screamed ,then she left leaving me her ring. I escaped and went outside, Suddenly I heard that no one was screaming, and I saw that Kat was with her parent´s outside I screamed "NO DIE!!". Kat looked at me with her smoky grey eyes she said " Goodbye!" and poof! they left to I don´t know where I failed to kill them and since then I haven´t succeeded. I don´t know how I failed. Or how Kat killed me, but left me human, at least I´m a newborn now..
-end of Gilbert´s P.O.V---

Chapter 3 : Reunion with childhood friends and new Friends

Franklin woke up he smiled when he saw Daisy next to him, He got up looking around for Kat, but she was no where to be seen..
Franklin ran to the pilot´s room ,opening the door.He saw Kat
"What a relief!".
Franklin smirked " Emoxa, you know how to drive a plane?".

"It´s easy, I love Flying!". The pilot and co- pilot nodded in agreement. Franklin laughed

"we´ll be landing soon in Florida now, Franklin can you wake Daisy up please and thank you".
Franklin nodded. Kat prepared for landing.Franklin went to wake Daisy up with a kiss "Love wake up , we´re here in Florida". Daisy woke up "Hey love, uh? where´s Kat?". Franklin laughed "She´s landing this plane!". Daisy smirked" That´s my twin always doing new things".

" Attention ! we´re in Florida, can the passengers get out and enjoy the wind, oh and thank you for choosing Le Kata". Kat said through the speakers. Kat loosened her seat belt. Kat said her goodbye´s to the pilot´s and left. Kat got out of the plane. Daisy and Franklin were already down there with the luggage. Daisy smiled " Hey twin nice landing.".
Kat nodded, the plane began to leave.
" So Frank, where are you taking us at 4:00 in the morning?". Franklin laughed " To eat Breakfast". Daisy sent Kat a thought .." Good I´m hungry, Did you pack blood?".
Kat Responded.."Of course! When do I leave without it?". Pointing at her luggage.
.."We need to talk,but Later"..
Franklin took them to a buffet/restaurant, they went in and sat down. A short, brown haired Teenager with a pad and a pen on her hand came to our table
" Morning welcome to The Eclipse Diner Buffet, what will you guys have?".
Franklin asked what they had, while the teenage told him what they had on the menu .
Kat seemed to recognize the Teen, "Jen-Jen?!". The waitress shocked looked at Kat,
Daisy laughed " OMG! Jen!".
The waitress looked at them, trying to remember
"Uh do I know you?"
Kat And Daisy both smirked " TWIN!!". The waitress Smiled "OMFG! Kat! D.d!, it´s been so long twins!".
Jennifer teared up a little. The girls hugged Jennifer."Aw don´t cry you´ll make us cry!".
Jennifer cleaned her tears way " Let me get you guys something to eat, then we´ll talk Kaycc". Jennifer was one of Kat´s nest friends since childhood, yes she was a Maian. Jennifer sent them a thought.."He´s human right?"..Franklin was getting uncomfortable Kat quickly said "


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.12.2012

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