

October 30th 1981

"James I thought we promised not to do this again!" Lily said to her beloved husband, James. They were in hiding so they couldn't go anywhere except stay in there house.

"Sorry Lily. But I know you want to do this again." James said smiling. Next thing you know a beautiful baby girl popped out.

"James what are we going to name her?" Lily asked.

"How about Jamsie Lily Harriet Amortentia Potter?" With that Lily smiled.

October 31st 1981

"Lily run I'll hold him off run!" James yelled. (Go to Search One Last Goodbye-Let's Lumos WITH LYRICS and play. I promise you will be on the verge of tears.) Lily ran to Harry's nursery and set down Jamsey.

"I love you both remember that. Mummy and Daddy love you both. Obliviate." Lily said to Jamsey.

"Step aside girl!" A man in a dark cloak said.

"Please have mercy! Not my children please! Kill me instead! Please!" Lily screamed at the dark figure. And with that the dark figure screamed those awful words at Lily and Lily's body went limp. He then screamed this at Jamsey and Harry. But it back-fired.

And to this day that is how they got the scar's. Harry's on the forehead. Jamsie's along her face.

10 years later

I've been at this stupid orphanage for 10 years. All I have from my family is a letter and a locket with a picture of my family.

Dear Jamsey,

I know your family might be dead by now but they wanted you to know that they love you. And they always have. Your birthday is October 30th 1981. You were born a day before a very mean person came and killed them. Your parents named you Jamsie Lily Harriet Amortentia Potter. I know it's mean to leave you at Bloomingdale Orphanage but that's what your parents requested. I'm sorry I can't tell you anymore.

Your Mother's Best Friend,

Severus Tobias Snape

Yup he's the only person I know about that knew my parents. Yet he wouldn't even tell me who they were. I think that is just rubbish.

"Jamsie Lily Harriet Amortentia Potter come down to the Lobby. I repeat come down to the lobby." Mrs. Barbardge said over the intercom. I reluctantly went down to the lobby and saw a man with greasy black hair and coal black hair.

"Hello Jamsie I am Severus Snape. I am here to take you away." The man said quietly. I look at my letter and then back at him. "Yes I am the one who wrote your letter. Now go and get your stuff and we will be on our way."

"I'm sorry sir this is all I have." I told the man. He just nodded and we were on our way.

We went to this place Diagon Alley, somewhere behind a pub called The Leaky Cauldron. Apparently I'm a witch, Not those creepy green things. We went to Gringott's Bank to get my money. We went to get my books and supplies. The last thing I needed was my wand. He told me to go on so he could get me an early birthday present.

"Ahh Ms. Jamsie Potter I was wondering when I would see you in here. I remember your parents coming in here. I'm sorry that your parents died a day after you were born." I regretted punching him for saying that.

"Try this. 10 3/4, ivy, dragon heart string ,good for transfiguration." I waved the wand but it destroyed a vase.

About the whole shop later...

"Try this. 10 1/4, willow, phoenix hair, swishy and good for charm work." I tried it and it didn't destroy anything. "Curious." He said.

"I'm sorry but what's curious?" I asked.

"It's sure you should be destined for this wand when one of it's brother's gave you that scar." He said pointing to my scar along my face. "The phoenix gave only 2 other feather's just two. One of them gave you that scar and one of them resides in your brother's wand." He said.

"I don't have a brother so sorry to disapoint you!" I payed him for the wand and walked out of the shop. I saw Snivilles waiting at the ice cream shop with a pure black owl with big gigantic emerald eyes.

"Happy Early Birthday Jamsie! What are you going to name it?" He asked.

"How 'bout Emerald Midnight." I said and he nodded. But this was just the beginning of my journey....

Sorting Hat

2 months later...

It was two months that I met the man that brought me to Bloomingdale Orphanage. 2 months that I learned I was a witch. Mrs. Barbardge was the one who was bringing me to Kings Cross Station.

"Ginny you come with me onto Platform 9 3/4." A woman said. I walked to the place where I heard it from and I saw a family with red hair and a boy with black hair.

"Hi can you show me how to get on the platform. It's my first year?" I ask the family. They told me I run straight into the barrier. I did and waited for the collision but it didn't happen. Instead I went straight through. I followed the twins and they grabbed my stuff and put it on the train.

"Thanks guys!" I said and they just smiled. I went onto the train and found a compartment to myself. I was just getting to sleep when a girl with pure white hair walked in.

"Hi can I sit here everywhere else is full?" She asked. I nodded. She sat down in front of me. "Hi my name is Luna Lovegood." She said shyly.

"I'm Jamsie Potter." I said and she just nodded. I got on my robes so I didn't have to do that later and fell asleep. It wasn't until I was woken up that I knew where we were.

Luna and I walked to the boats and we met Ginny Weasley and Collin Creevy. We got up to the Castle and this old lady with sick green robes stopped us.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Now, while you are here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you house points. Any rule breaking, and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup. The sorting ceremony will start momentarily." With that she left. I just started humming this awesome song called One Last Goodbye by Lets Lumos. It's really sad. Then the scary women came back. "We are ready for you."

We followed her into the long hall and we stopped in front of a table full of older people. The teachers.

"All right, will you wait along here, please? Now, before we begin, Professor Dumbldedore would like to say a few words." An old man stands up.

"I have a few start of term notices I wish to announce. The first years please note that the dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Thank you." The old man said.

"When I call your name, you will come forth, I shall place the sorting hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses. Collin Creevy." The poor little boy got put into Gryffindor. I zoned out until she called my name.

"Jamsie Potter." She called. The whole entire hall went silent. I walked to the stool and she put the hat on my head.

"Oh a tricky one you would do good in every house just like your brother. Well except Slytherin. You wouldn't do very good in that house. How about Gryffindor!" No one clapped. They just gave me the death glare. Counting the teachers. I zoned out for more minutes and the feast was finally here. I dug in and grabbed everything I could except the Humbugs. I've tried those before. It was actually alive!

After the feast we headed up to our dormitries and went to sleep. But I started crying. Everyone was mean to me and they don't even know me. So I just cried myself to sleep and it worked.


When my posse, Ginny Weasley, Selene Draft, and Rue Moccasin, got up we got dressed and then headed down to breakfast.

"Jamsie here's your time table." I look at it. It says:


1st hour Potions-Slytherin

Double Herbology-Hufflepuff


1st hour History of Magic-Ravenclaw

Double Charms-Hufflepuff


1st hour Flying-Slytherin

2nd hour Astronomy-Ravenclaw

3rd hour Defense Against the Dark Arts-Slytherin


1st hour Defense Against the Dark Arts-Slytherin

2nd hour History of Magic-Ravenclaw

Double Transfiguration-Hufflepuff


1st hour Astronomy-Ravenclaw

2nd hour Charms-Hufflepuff

Double Potions-Slytherin

I compare it with Ginny and Rue. We all have the same classes which is awesome. We head down to Potions with the Slytherin's and we are the last one's there.

"Jamsie I would expect you to be hear on time. 5 points from Gryffindor." Professor Snape said.

"Yes Professor Snape." I quickly rush to the only table left. Which no one is at. Which I'm grateful.

We learned how to create the potion the cure for boils. Which I'm the only one to accomplish it in half the class. Proffessor Snape said I had a knack for Potions. (Which is my favorite class in real life. Not joking!)

The rest of the day went pretty fast. I just can't wait for Wednsday. We have flying, but with the Slytherin's. But I did make a friend that's in Slytherin her name is Andromeda Malfoy, the younger sister of Draco Malfoy. She's pretty nice to be in Slytherin. She just makes fun of me when the other Slytherin's are around, but she's actually my friend.

One thing that really ticked me off is that only 4 people actually talk to me. Ginny, Rue, Selene, and Andromeda. Which really sucks.

But anyways my first day at Hogwarts really sucked. I just wish my family never died. Then I would probally have more friends. But it still only the first year. I have six more years to get more friends.

The True Meaning

As I got up I noticed no one was in the dormitory. I quickly got dressed and walked downstairs where I found 3 kids. One with red hair like the ones I met on the platform. A bushy haired girl. And a boy with black hair and emerald green eyes.

"Hey I know you!" The red head exclaimed. I turned to face him.

"Wow your the 7th person to talk to me since I got here!" I exclaimed back. The others just turned their backs towards me.

"Hi I'm Ron. Ronald Weasly. This is Hermione Granger and Harry Potter!" He says. I pale at the last name. Why did it sound so familier.

"Pleasure. I'm Jamsie Lily Harriet Amortentia Potter." They pale at the sound of my name. Even though I'm sure I saw Hermit at the sorting.

"You look a lot like my mum. Except you have hazel eyes. Those come from my dad." Harry says.

"Creepy but okay. Your name sounds familier. Do I know you?" I ask him.

"Not that I know of why?" He asks back.

"Just wondering. That's all. Do any of you know where Dumbledore's office is? I'm going to pound his face in if I have a brother that I didn't know about!" They just laugh. They all show me the way to his office and they try random food names.

"Let me try guys! Bertie Bott's Every Flavored Jelly Beans." And sure enough the gargoyle moved. They told me to walk up the stairs and I did. But even before I knocked on the door to his office he said,

"Come in Ms. Potter." I walked in and I was excited at what I saw. "I am sure your wondering if you have a brother or not?" I nod. Dumbledore motions for someone to come out and it's Proffessor Snape.

"Jamsie your name is your name for a reason. Jamsie=James, your father, Lily=Lily, your mother, and Harriet=Harry, because he's your brother. Your middle name is Amortentia probally because they wanted you to remember that they always loved you. No matter what." Snake says. I just nod and start crying. "You were born a day before they died. As I explained in your letter. You are the younger sister of Harry Potter by a year and 303 days."(something like that.) I just nod and walk out of the office.

I run to our common room and see Harry and hug him. He staggers back.

"My name is Jamsie Lily Harriet Amortentia Potter. I am your younger sister. Born a day before our parents death."

The New Ginny!?

Like 7 months later. So March now.

I was walking to Myrtle's Bathroom when I found Ginny writing something on the wall. 'Her Skeleton Will Lie In The Chamber Forever'

"Ginny what are you doing!? Ginny?" I ask my friend. She slowly turns her head with an evil grin on her face.

"Ginny who's Ginny. I'm Tom Riddle. And you little Mudblood are going to die! Muhahahaha!" She said in a raspy voice. She ran over to me and threw me into the wall. After that I blacked out.

Harry's POV

"All students are to return to their house dormitories at once. All teachers to the second floor corridor. Immediately." Professor Mcgonnagal's voice said.

"As you can see, the Heir of Slytherin has left another message. Our worst fear has been realized. Two students has been taken by the monster. Into the Chamber itself. I'm afraid we shall have to send the students home. I'm afraid... this is the end of Hogwarts." I look at Ron. I mouth 'Who do you think they are?'

'I don't know.' Just then Gilderoy Lockhart walks to the group of teachers.

"So sorry. Dozed off. What have I missed?" He says in his cheery voice.

"Just the man. Two girls have been snatched by the monster, Lockhart. Your moment has come at last." Snape says.

"My m-moment?" Lockhart asks. Very unsure of himself.

"Weren't you saying just last night that you've known all along where the enterance to the Chamber of Secrets is?" Snape says very sure of himself.

" D-did I? I don't recall..." I'm just thinking 'Really Lockhart your really going to be stupid now!?'

"That settles it. We'll leave it to you to deal with the monser, Gilderoy. Your skills, after all, are legend." Mcgonnagal says.

I space out for the rest until she says to very familiar names.

"Jamsie Potter and Ginny Weasly!" Mcgonnagal says scared.

Baskilisk and a... Death! (End of Year 1)


"They won't awake you know." I turn around and see Tom Riddle standing there.

"What do you mean they won't awake! Their my friends sister and my sister! I have to help them!" I scream at him.

"Ahh yes Jamsie Lily Harriet Amortenia Potter. She only awakes if someone close to her dies. I'm guessing she never told you of her curse. Did she?" I shake my head while I'm looking at my baby sister.

"Why did you do this Tom. Lily did nothing to you. Neither did Ginny." Tom shakes his head.

"But she did! She was supposed to die, Like you were supposed to!" He screams at me.

"Well come on we need to leave! We can't let them die!" I scream at him.

"Don't you understand Voldemort is my past, present, and future!" Tom writes Tom Marvolo Riddle in the air. He then waved my wand in the air at that. It changed to... *Gulp* I am Lord Voldemort. I try to run away but something is holding me down. I look where Lily is and see she's awake. But when she talked different, like something was controling her.

"Harry you can't win this. You can't. Just leave the chamber and you'll live." She falls on the ground and something black comes out of her. I see Tom Riddle standing looking pleased with himself. My sister jolts straight up.

"Harry I can't live. You have to get Ron or something. Tell him he needs someone to kill Rue Moccasion. I'm sorry if I never told you my curse." Then she layed back down very carefully.

After Harry kills the baskilisk (Sorry people who wanted to read about the fight. But even when I watch it I get the creeps. :-( Sorry!)

Ginny and I carried Lily out of the chamber after I 'killed' Tom. Fawkes the phoenix helped of course. After we got the fraud and Ron, Fawkes helped us out of the chamber.

Once we got back to the castle, Ginny ran towards the girls bathroom, then came back crying. "Harry Rue's dead! She drowned herself. She must of known Lily's curse." With that Lily woke up crying.

"Harry I'm so sorry! I should of told you when I realized someone had to die for me!" I patted her back as she cried onto my shoulder.

"It's okay Lils it's okay." She looked up and she seemed very scared.

Once everybody got back to Kings Cross Station

Lily's POV

"By Harry see you next year!" I call over my shoulder to my older brother. I walk over to Snivellius.

"Jamsie you will be staying with your aunt and uncle for now on. Ahh here they come!" I look over to my right and see one skinny girl and two fat boys. Skinny Girl=Aunt, and probably the shorter fat boy=My Cousin, and the taller fat boy must equal my Uncle.

"Come on Freak 2 let's take you home." The fat man said. I nod and we were on our way.

Yay done with year 1 now bye!

Bye Bye Aunt Margie

Harry's POV

"Lumos Maxima. Lumos Maxima." I quickly get under the covers before Vermin gets here. Oops I mean Vernon. Once he gets to my door he opens it and turns on the light then leaves.

"Lumos-!" I was stopped when I heard a very loud whinning noise.

"Shut up James!" My little sister, Jamsie, screams. With that Vernon comes back and does everything in the world to help Jamsie. But grounds me for using magic 'again' outside of school. After that was done he left.

"Now you done it Lils." I look closely at Lils and see she has the infamous Potter smirk on her face. I roll my eyes and put my head on my pillow. I then fall into a very dreamless sleep. Like someone slipped a dreamless potion into my glass when I wasn't looking.

Lils POV

I made my brother mad. Eh I normally always make him mad. It's my thing. But the worst thing is he's really mad at me this time. I mean I didn't mean to yell at him. I was trying to sleep and he woke me up.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.02.2013

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