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Copyright Statement

Clujel Joyce B. (C. Joyce) & Jessica Pham
Operation: Loser

© 2012, C. Joyce & Jessica Pham
Self publishing


This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.


Shay Mitchell as Chloe Willows

Zac Efron as Jake Marshall

Hayden Panettiere as Brittney Kingsley

Janel Parrish as Jasmie Ling

Hunter Parrish as Nate Dalton

Malese Jow as Clayse Ling

Robbie Amell as Ashton Anderson

Chapter 1

~Chloe's POV.~

Loser - that's what I am. But what does the word "loser" even mean? Well, the definition is:
los·er (lzr) - [noun]
1.a) One that fails to win: the losers of the game.
1.b) One who takes loss in a specified way: a graceful loser; a poor loser.
2.a) One that fails consistently, especially a person with bad luck or poor skills: "losers at home seeking wealth and glory in undeveloped countries" - Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
2.b) One that is bad in quality: That book is a real loser.
loser [ˈluːzə] - [noun]
1. A person or thing that loses.
2. A person or thing that seems destined to be taken advantage of, fail, etc. a born loser.
3. (Group Games/Bridge) A card that will not take a trick.

For anyone who's ever called someone a loser, there's the exact definition. And that's a great job you've done, dimwit: you hurt a fellow human being's feelings. Okay, sorry for those harsh words. But you

try to be your school's loser, outcast, and freak show. Then tell me how you feel.
So, my name is--

"CHLOE!" I was snapped back into reality: cold, harsh reality. And seconds later, a volleyball had been launched at my boobs. Yes, my boobs.

Jeez, that freaking hurt! It's sore as --- No, no, calm down Chloe, you don't swear.
I look up to see my school's head cheerleader, Brittney Kingsley, grinning down at me and looking like satan in human form. You know, since she is. Don't tell her that, though.
"Whoops, didn't see you there, loser," she said, dragging out the word 'loser,' making it sound longer than it really is, "my bad." Brittney then flashed me a smile as fake as her boobs, then walked away, flicking her bleach-blonde hair, and her little minions followed her after sneering at me.

"Are you okay?" my best friend Jasmine asked in concern.

"Yeah," I lied. She gave me a doubtful look, her dark brown eyes pretty much screaming "I know you're lying." That's the downside of best friends. They always - and I mean a-l-w-a-y-s - know when you're lying.

"It's okay," Jasmine cooed at me the same way you would coo at a baby. It was a little patronizing, but it was to make me feel better, so I accepted her comforting. “We'll get that bitch!" she said, and, I swear, I saw pure hatred in her dark brown eyes.

"It's fine, Jas," I tried talking her out of it. If she gets one more detention because of me, she might get expelled, and I definitely don't want that. "Thank God school's almost over!" I breathe out a tired sigh, changing the subject.

She paused a second, as if trying to remember something. "School isn't technically over... until the big game," Jasmine looked over at me with an amused smirk playing on her lips. I raised an eyebrow at her. Oh no, she wouldn't... would she?

"Oh, yes she would. And she will," she said, as if reading my mind, her smirk growing wider.

"Oh, noooo

," I groan.

"Oh, yes," She copied me.

"Come on, people, move it! Gym class is over!" our gym coach yelled, his spit flying through the air repulsively. Some guys sighed since they loved gym, while the preppy cheerleaders cheered along with me, as for some reason they also hate gym, even though they must be at least a little sporty if they're cheerleaders. But, me, I really, really hate gym. "Shower and get dressed in the school's colors, tonight's game night! Be there at seven!" Coach roared , and the jocks joined him in roaring: tonight was their night - whereas tonight was my misery.

I dragged my sore legs to the locker room, as well as my sore boobs, stripped out of my clothes and went into the shower. The warm water was a relief to my sore skin and I relished in the heat. Once I was done, I took the towel next to me, and, after covering up the majority of my body, I went back to my gym locker - only to find my fresh clothes stolen. The only thing left was my undergarments - well, sort of. My pretty blue bra had "Loser" and "Nerd" scrawled on each cup with some kind of spray paint or marker, and a weird gooey-like substance also coated the area around the word.

Great, another bra for the dump. I walked over to Jasmine's gym locker, knowing she'd be there for me.

"Hey," I said gloomily.

A frown showed up on her kind face. "Let me guess, they did it again." I nodded sadly, my head feeling heavy on my neck. She reached into her gym locker, and pulled out clothes in the same size I wear. "Here, I always begin back up," she handed me the clothes, which I took from her gratefully.

"Thanks," I said, my spirits rising a little. I quickly removed the white towel and dressed in the clothes she gave me.

“What are friends for? Oh, and can you wait for me?" Jasmine smiled as she said this, knowing full well that I'd smile back.

"Yeah..." I said lazily, when, in my mind, I was jumping with joy. A distraction from the game! Yes! I may not have to go through that torture after all!

I thought to myself, because I know how long it takes Jasmine to do her makeup. I mean, I love the girl, but she takes so long to "dress up."

It felt like about three hours and twenty minutes passed before she was eventually done. "Done! Now, let's go! It's six fifty, oh my God, we're going to be late!" Jasmine yelled, sounding like a drunk teenage girl, before taking hold of my arms. And, why did she do that? Because, of course, she knew that I'd attempt to run away if she didn't.

As we walked down the school's hallways, a few - scrap that, a lot - of the kids glared at me purely because I have the status of "loser." My heart tightened. I used to tutor and babysit those kids, and now they're sending me hateful glares. What happened to gratitude, respect?


As we entered the field, more of my classmates looked at me like I was mere dog poop.
"Come on, Chloe, let's sit over there," Jasmine pointed at a spot on the right side of the bleachers. The teens already populating that area looked at us in irritation and disgust, and quickly scooted over to the other side - as far away from me as possible. And you wonder why I hate football games.

We took our seats, and I felt my hatred for the people in the school growing more and more. They don't even know me and yet they already hate me!

"Chin up, Chlo. Jeez, don't let those bitches get you; they're just jealous." I snorted at Jasmine's poor reasoning. Please, people actually jealous of me? Jealous of what? Being the school's loser? Jasmine, though, continued talking, "also, the game started, like, seven minutes ago while your head was pretty much on the floor."

I looked up, instantly regretting it as the first thing I saw was Brittney's butt poking out from her short cheerleading skirt as she cheered and waved her pom-poms. God! Put on some panties that actually cover your butt, instead of a freaking thong! The view was horrific - to me, at least. The guys probably dig it.

After their cheer, she and the cheerleaders went over to have a seat on the bleachers. Jake Marshall appeared in front of Brittney, asking how she was and the like, but she clearly ignored him and instead planted her lips on his, attempting to suck his face off. Loud hoots and catcalls echoed around me as they kissed. Yeah, they're the school's "it couple." I felt my heart crush into tiny pieces: Jake used to be my best friend - and, worse, my crush. Each minute of seeing them kissing broke my heart a little more.

"I'm so sorry, Jazz, I have to go," I shouted at her.

"Huh?" she questioned as I walked away in the direction of my house. I didn't reply.


The ten minute walk back to my house was tiring. I know it's only ten minutes and I was acting like a spoilt baby, but my legs hurt from gym class and my heart was in tatters. I paused outside a glorious white mansion. Yep, a mansion, and, nope, it's not my house. It used to be, though. The house now belongs to the Marshall family; Jake's family. Yeah, the it boy is my neighbor. I shook my head, taking a few more steps down the street to a smaller, brown house.

I opened the door, yelling "I'm home" at the top of my voice.

"Hi, honey. How's school?" my parents asked. I sighed, though it's not like I could tell them. It'd eat away at their souls and they'd want to do something major about it, and I wouldn't want either of those to happen.

"Perfect, as always," I lied to them in the most convincing tone I could muster, "I have homework to do."

"Doesn't the game end at about nine or ten? You're home early, it's only seven thirty-five," My dad asked sternly.

"Yeah, but as I said, I have homework to do," I fed them my lie again, kissed both them on the cheek and raced up to my bedroom.

The weird part is that my bedroom used to be Jake's room. Yeah, I know: talk about weird.

- F L A S H B A C K -

I was sat (used to be) bedroom balcony, seven years old, as I watched the removal people carry beds and the family's belongings into the house next door. A couple came out of a car, along with a cute little boy. His hair was black and he had the dreamiest, brightest blue eyes you'd ever see. Yeah, cute was the right description. My parents hopped out the house to greet them, and so of course I was forced to accompany them.

"Hello, we're the Willows! I'm Chase, and this is my wife, Arlene," Dad introduced us to the strangers who would soon be our neighbors.

Mom took my hand, pulling me out from my hiding spot behind her, "and this is our daughter Chloe."

"Nice to meet you, too, we're the Marshalls," the man chuckled, "I'm Jacob and this here is my wife Kaylee, not to mention our little boy Jake."

Jake's mom, Kaylee, interrupted him. "I must say, your daughter is just a plain cutie! How old is she?" the woman questioned, directing the question to me.

"She just turned seven," Mom answered on my behalf, as I had shied away to try and hide behind her again.

The Marshalls stared at each other in surprise and some kind of happy shock. "Jake is seven, too! Maybe they can have a play date?"

“We would love that!" My parents answered happily, not even bothering to check how I felt about that. Jake's face went all red; I don't know whether he was blushing or if he was upset.

"I don't want to play with a girl!" he said indignantly. So he was upset. His parents looked pretty pissed off at his outburst.

Kaylee kneel down to my height, "I'm so sorry about him," she said in a angel like voice.

"It's okay," I replied with my girly little voice, and I reached out, taking his thin little arm. He held quite a fight but since he knew he couldn't punch a girl, I won. I somewhat tortured him for what he had said earlier, by making him play Barbie with me. Surprisingly, he did as I told him too, though he was still pretty mad at me for making him play with dolls.

"I like you," I decided, "I'm gonna call you Jace!"

Jake just muttered a "whatever" in reply.


Those past few years were pretty good. Jake was always there for me, no matter what. He'd listen to my boy troubles, even though he hated it with passion, he'd hug me while I cried, and protected me from bullies. Bullies, such as the rich ginger girl known as Brittney Kingsley.

This time I really needed him. Why? Because my family was broke and the bank was kicking us out of our house. Again, why? Because my dad lost his job to... Jake's mom. That's right: his family was rich now, and mine was poor.

"Mom, I'm going to the park to see Jake!" I shouted, my hand on the doorhandle, ready to go.

"Okay, sweetie, stay safe!" she called in reply from upstairs, probably packing.

As I closed the door I replied, "I will!"

The park was just a quick five minute walk away. Upon reaching it and not seeing Jake, I took a seat on one of the swings to wait for him.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here, a rat

” I froze at the sound of the icy, mocking voice. It was Brittney.

“L-le-leave me al-alone!” I stuttered, unable to speak clearly.

Brittney just fake gasped at me, "whoa, I'm so scared I'm peeing my pants!" Her 'friends' laughed along with her as she beat me up to a pulp. I lay on the cold, hard ground, knowing that my skin was already bruising.

Then I heard a voice saying, "leave Chloe alone, Brittney." I looked up to see Jake: my knight in shining armor. Wow, I watch to many Korean dramas. Hey, don't judge me, they're plain addicting!

"Jake!" I shouted. Brittney looked at me with a smirk as I yelled his name, transforming it into a genuine smile as she switch her gaze to look back at Jake.

"So, you're the famous Jake Marshall? Wow, you're really hot," she purred lustfully. I was disgusted by how two-faced she was. "Why don't we just ditch that loser and have some F-U-N?"

Jake stared at me, and then back to Brittney, weighing up his options. Really? He's thinking about choosing a two-faced bullying slut over me, his best friend of seven years?! I tried to signal to him with my eyes, sending a message of 'please don't do this to me.' A second later, he offered Brittney his right arm, who gladly took it. As she walked away, she sent me another smirk: this one of self-satisfaction, pride and pure evil. As for Jake, his eyes held a message of "I'm so sorry" as Brittney's minions continued beating me up.

As they did so, one of them said to me, "did you actually think he'd like you? I mean, really. He's a hunk, and, you... You're just an ugly loser."

That day, I lost my best and only friend.
That day, I learnt the word "betrayal."

- F L A S H B A C K O V E R -

*Edited By LadyBlahBlah aka Amy on Wattpad*

Chapter 2

~Jake's POV.~

"Bye man!" Nate pounded my back.

"Don't forget the game tonight." He reminded me.

"Dude. How can I possibly forget?" I asked.

"True." he admitted. I was the running back for the football team. He was our quarter back. And also my best friend since freshman year. Together, we ruled the school with our girlfriends.

Nate suddenly looked past my shoulder and smirked. "C' ya’." he waved and jogged to his car where he met up with his girlfriend and they both drove off.

Arms suddenly circled my waist as a seductive voice whispered in my ear, "Hey Jake."

I sighed,

"Hey, babe." She was getting WAY too clingy. Brittney pouted, "What's wrong? Do you want a ‘quickie’ in the car?"

"No." Usually, I would've been in the car, and out of my pants, but I haven't been feeling it lately.

She pouted even more, if that was possible. "Aww, come on. You know you wanna’." She hooked her right leg around my body and trailed her finger up and down my arm slowly. She nibbled softly on my ear lobe.

"I said NO." I roughly pushed her off of me.

Her face twisted into a sneer.

"Fine then." She marched off ‘Harrumphing’ loudly as she shook her hips.

I sighed and ran a hand through my black hair. I unlocked the car and got in. Brittney was TOO clingy. She treated other people like trash, and only cares about herself.

She's a bitch. I don't know why I even went out with her in the first place.

Maybe I should break up with her...


Maybe I should. She doesn't understand what a relationship IS. She thinks that our relationship is just for getting laid. And after that, she can just flirt with other guys shamelessly right in front of me.

No. I'm the commitment type of guy.

That's it. I'm breaking up with her, tonight. I don't care WHAT she does, I just can't stay with her.


The crowd was wild. Almost everyone in the school showed up, everyone was cheering. We were up against our rivals, The Archers. They were undefeated, like us.

I was sweating like crazy. It was hot. I stood behind Nate.

"And... HIKE!" he yelled. He threw the ball at me and I caught it and started running. A few players tried to tackle me, but I brushed them off. Then, this big, buff dude runs up to me and tackles me with all his weight.

I was crushed on the ground underneath him. And let me tell you, he needed a fucking diet.

A whistle was blew and the buff dude got off of me. I laid there, trying to breath again.

I caught my breath and got up. I ran near the benches, where Brittney was.

"How was I?" I asked.

She didn't answer me but pulled me closer and slammed her lips against mine. And out of habit, I kissed her back. I didn't feel anything. Not even a spark. Everyone started 'awe'ing’ and that's when I snapped back to reality. I shoved her away from me and wiped the back of my hand across my mouth and spitting on the ground beside me. Who knew where her mouth could've been!

Her face was like an open book, she was disgusted. I walked away from her and the whistle blew again.

I ran back on the field and continued playing the game.


The score was now 4- 6, the four being us and six being the other team. It was down to a few seconds. And they scored a touchdown. We'd lost. My team mates hung their heads as they walked off the field.

"Hey, it's ok guys! We did our best!" I complemented, trying to cheer them up.

"YOU GUYS SUCKED. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU TODAY MARSHALL?" The coach yelled. So loud that his veins were sticking out of his neck. Shut up. I tried my best, dickhead.

This happens all the time. The coach never picks on Nate. He always yells at ME. Even though Nate was the QB. I lost interest and looked around for Brittney. Guess where I found her? ON NATE'S FUCKING LAP! My nose flared as I marched over to where they were and shoved Nate, causing him to fall off the bench

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Brittney shrieked. I just stood there, taking it all in and waited for Brittney to shut her pothole.

".... AND I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU PUSHED ME AWAY! IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE FUCKING SCHOOL!! You lost too!!! What kind of motherfucker are you!?!?" She yelled.

"I can ask you the same thing!! What the hell were you doing on NATE'S LAP? He has a damn girlfriend, for fuck's sake. YOU have a boyfriend. ME. Why are you doing this? You only use me for my dick! You know, I've always wondered why the hell I even went out with you. You're just a fucked up slut! You don't care about anyone else but you!! YOU TAKE OTHERS DOWN JUST SO YOU CAN BE AT THE FUCKING TOP!! You can be hot, but that doesn't cover up your DISGUSTING personality. You know what? I've had it. I'm done with your attitude, I'm done with you flirting with everything that has a dick, I'm done with YOU."

"YOU CAN'T BREAK UP WITH ME!!" Brittney screeched.

"Bitch, I just did." I stated calmly.

"I'm the queen bee!! NOBODY breaks up with me!! I do!! You can't do this to me!!" She whined.

"I'm out." I’d had enough.

Then she said something that made me want to go all ape shit on everyone.

"I slept with your whole team." She said proudly.

The whole place was silent. Everyone stopped to listen to the fight that was brewing.

"You did WHAT?" I asked, my voice deathly calm.

"I cheated on you. With the whole team. AND while I was with you, I was also dating Nate." She said bluntly.

"Oh hell to the mother fucking no." I muttered, shocked. Shocked couldn't even DESCRIBE what I was feeling right now. My shock turned to rage. Pure. Rage.

I stomped up to Nate and got all up in his face. "Is this true?" I asked him. He nodded shamelessly and shrugged, "I never really liked you. I just befriended you that day when we were ‘freashies’ because I had no one else. But now that I have everything, I don't need you anymore."

Before anyone could register what was happening, Nate was on the ground and I was on top of him, punching him like my life depended on it. No one made a move to stop me. I beat him until my hands were full of his blood, and he was knocked unconscious. He didn't even put up a fight.

I turned to the rest of the team.

"Is it true?" They all nodded. I didn't feel like beating up every one of my so called 'friends.'

I clenched my teeth together,

"I quit." If I quit the football team, then I might not be in so much drama. Also, they'll suck without me. Serves them right.

There was a collective gasp throughout the crowd. I forgot they were even there.

"I'm out." I said, my voice clipped.

"Wait!" Brittney called. She still had the NERVE to talk to me!?

I flipped her the birdie, "Fuck you, Cunt. Go suck it." And I strode out of the field, everyone stepping out of the way for me to walk. I finally made it to my car, and I stepped on it. That's when the betrayal hit me, hard.

*Edited by*

Chapter 3

~Chloe's POV.~

Right now I was driving to school, thank lord I finally got a car.

I hate riding on the bus ever since Jake choose the slut cheerio over me. Those days were a total hell-hole. I'm not kidding. Brittney and her drones would always flick matches (whether or not they were lit) in my hair. Jake just sat there with full amusement in his face. God! How I hated how he cheered Brittney on torturing me.

I thought he'll always be there for me as a friend or as a protective brother type of way. What happened to the guy I used to know? The nice one and not the school's man whore who's always banging on sluts.

As I entered the school's parking lot, I spotted a empty lot. I drift the car to only find Brittney, the jocks, and a few of her drones taking the spot. Speaking of the devil, here she comes. She got out the Hummer H2 which belong to a jock, I think his name was Nate? He would always come over to Jake's house and I'm not a stalker, if that's what you're thinking. Whoa! Nate had a giant bruise on his face. I'm pretty sure it was still bleeding.

"Well, look here, it's Ms. Freak Show, what are you doing here? I'm really surprise you have a car. I never knew people actually let losers drive." She sneered on my face, the rest of her 'crew' just laughed at me. I could tell a crowd was showing up around us but I didn't care.

I don't know what got the best of me. Because the next thing I knew I was saying this to her face:
"Well if they let whores drive . Example A, You. Why not let losers drive? I mean, seriously, we're a lot safer on the road instead of you sluts stopping in the middle of a highway just to bang on some jock." I smirked at her.

Loud "BURN's", "Oh's", laughs, and claps filled in the air. One chuckle took my intention it was sweet, caring, yet funny and strong at the same time. It belong to...Jake, wait, why is he laughing? I was dissing his own girlfriend! Where was he anyways and why isn't he with Brittney?

Brittney's face wrinkled, she looked like an actual devil. "You better not said that bitch! Do you know who I am?! I'm fucking Brittney Taylor Kingsley! I'm the queen bee of the school, no one and I mean N-O O-N-E fucks my title in my school! Got that you fucking loser?!"

I just snorted at her. Wow. Talk about being so vain, "I know who the fuck you are. Only a dumb ass wouldn't know who. You're Brittney Kingsley, the head cheerleader, and you're the school's slut. Right? Everyone fucks you, since you can't keep your legs close. Yet, no one has the guts to stand up to you. You steal every girl's boyfriends and another fact you love to ruin relationships. You're the bitch that would always beat me up after school, steal my clothes after gym, and you also stole my ex-best friend. The real question is do you actually know who I am?"

She grin at me again, probably happy because of the attention she was getting. "I know who you are, you're the school's loser. Ain't I right, Freak Show?"

"No..." I stated, "I'm Chloe Vanessa Willow and I'm your worst nightmare. Now move it or or lose it!" I took the switching gear and move it up to drive. I gripped on the steering wheel tight as I could, my foot slammed on the pedal. This hoe better move quick or else she'll be a flat pancake. People wouldn't want to have sex with you if you're a pancake. Brittney quickly stumble out of my way falling on her fat butt.

"This isn't over!" She shouted her voice sounding raspy. It was really annoying to hear.

I rolled my eyes at her, "Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever hoe! Go suck some guy's dick off!"


I made in the school and heading down to my locker. Not only to find it.....clean? What happened to the graffiti on my locker? What happened to the swear words and death threats that were spray painted on it?

I did my combination and turned to sides to see people staring at me. They talked in whispers to their friends, so I couldn't hear. Jeez, can't people get a life?

"Nǐ hǎo my Péngyǒu!" A cheery Asian voice shouted to- me? I look to see a preppy Jasmine leaning next to my locker. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you guys Jasmine is 100% Chinese. Why is she so happy? It's a Monday morning A.K.A 'the beginning of hell school.'

I raised a questioning eyebrow, "Why are you so happy?"

Jazz placed a hand on her chin and said, "Well...I found out that you dis the slut. Great job, I'm so happy for you! My best friend finally learned new words!"

Wait, how did she know?

"The word is running around the school DUH! Not only that though." She paused to fix a annoying strand of her black hair, "Jake broke up with that slut, Brittney! Who's actually been cheating on him with the entire football team! How can she do that?! It's Jake Marshall, thee JAKE MARSHALL! Did you know that she was also dating Nate at the same time?! What a whore! Jake practically lost it and started to beat up Nate. Along with breaking up with Brittney in front of people in the game! " I could see tears as she was laughing hard, "OH MAN! It was fucking awesome! You should have been there!"

I was too shocked to talk, "No way..."

"Yes way, Chloe Vanessa Jay Willows." I heard behind me, I knew only two people who knew my full name besides my parents. One was Jasmine, the other one who I recognized the voice belonging to.........Jake Marshall.

*Edited by*

Chapter 4

~Jake's POV.~

After the game, I came home and took out all my anger on everything I did. Mom knew I was pissed, so she left me alone.

Fuck girls. Fuck girlfriends. Fuck boys, and fuck best friends. Who the fuck needs them?

I don't.

All they fucking do to you is betray you for something else. I should know, I did the same thing to Chloe.

Now she's a loser, and to top that off, she loathes me.


Losers have it easy, they don't have drama that's televised in front of the whole school. And the school doesn't tease and make fun of them afterwards. If only I was still Chloe's friend, I could be labeled as a loser and forever be in peace. No drama, no nothing.. Maybe she could forgive me and be my friend again? HA! Like that will happen. But it's worth a shot..


So I drove to school and guess who I saw? Brittney, Nate, and Chloe. And the rest of the school. I got out of my car and slammed the door shut.

A few heads turned my way, but most were too focused on the fight.
I stood there silently among the crowd and observed my former best friend and girlfriend's spat.

"...why not let whores drive? I mean, seriously, we're a lot safer on the road instead of you sluts stopping in the middle of a highway just to bang some jock."

God, I couldn't help it, as everyone 'oohed' and 'burned', I was cracking up and slapping my leg. I looked like a lunatic, but Chloe dissing my ex is just hilarious!

Brittney started yelling again, so I tuned out and walked away.

After the fight broke off, I caught up with Chloe at her locker. Just because I turned to a jock doesn't mean that I completely block out my old friends.

When Brittney and her gang made fun of Chloe, I was forced to laugh and play along. I can still remember vividly, that day that I chose Brittney over her. That look of betrayal. And then her eyes clouded over with hate. And raw anger.


As I made my way down the hallway, There were stares directed my way and whispering from all around. I ignored them all, but it felt weird. I saw Chloe at her locker with a Asian girl.

"...Jake practically lost it and started to beat up Nate. Along with breaking up with Brittney in front of people after the game!" She had tear tracks down her face because she was laughing so hard. "OH MAN! You should've been there!" she burst.

I was already right behind her as she whispered, "No way.."

I decided to make my presence known, so I answered her, "Yes way, Chloe Vanessa Jay Willows." her body froze and she slowly turned around.

"No way.." she repeated.

"Uh- buh-bye!" Her friend waved and ran off. She refused to look anywhere near me as we were left alone... Well, as alone we could get with the whole school in the hallway.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and rocked back and fourth on my heels. We stood there in an awkward silence before I decided to break it, "So... How's life?"

"Good." She still wouldn't look at me.

We lapsed into another silence. "You're a loser, right?"

She scowled at me, "Gee, thanks for pointing that out."

I took my hands out of my pockets and held them up in surrender, "Just asking."

"Why...?" She asked suspiciously.

I avoided the question and asked another one, "Do you hate me?" Her mouth shut and formed a straight line. She didn't say anything. That was my answer. I gave her my best puppy dog face.

Her eyes seemed to melt for a second, but then they turned blank. "What do you want?" She asked icily.

I flinched back at her tone. I decided to get to the point, "Teach me how to be a loser."
She raised her eyebrows in surprise.


"Teach me how to be a loser." I repeated.

"I heard you the first time." She shot.

She was silent for a moment, "Why? Why do you want to be a loser?"

"Drama." I answered. When she didn't say anything, I asked her again, softly. "Will you teach me?"

"No." Her answer was quick and sharp. There was no hesitation, whatsoever.

So I resorted to my begging mode. "Please?"


"Pretty please?"


"Aw, come on!" I begged.

"I said no!" she yelled, as the bell rang. She smirked because we don't have homeroom together.

I squinted my eyes at her. "This isn't over."

"Yes it is!" she yelled.

"No, it's not."

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Chapter 5

~Chloe's POV.~

"Ah! Will you stop following me! It's really annoying!" I screamed past my shoulders.

Short summary: I said no to help Jake to turn him into a loser. He thought it was good idea if he learn from the best, me. God, he calls me the biggest loser and now he wants my help to turn him into one. Why would he want a life like me? It's horrible!

Anyways now, he's following me like a lost puppy all around school campus. Little puppies chasing you are cute but a hormone-filled teen boys aren't.

"NO!" Jake stubbornly said back, "Not on till you agree to help me with my problem!" I paused my heels so did he.

I gave him my best 'I'm warning you' glare, which caused him to smirk.

"You're not scary at all, you actually look pretty, cute." And that...caused me to blush. Damn! This boy's good playing with my feelings.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah save it playboy." I replied back to him rolling my eyes.

He started to pretend to pout.

"You think I'm a man whore?" Damn again! He's using my weakness, those puppy dog eyes! Curse you Jake Marshall!

All of a sudden, my throat harden causing it hard to talk,

"N…No! I..I called you a PLAYBOY! There’s a difference… Sort of…?“That's when I knew I was losing, to him.

"What's that difference?"

"I-I don't know! Do you or do you not want my help!" Check mate. Game over. I lost, he just won.

A victory smile showed up on Jake's face,

"Like I said. Turn me into a loser without any drama in my life." So that's why...drama...he hates his life because of it. I wonder who causes drama in his life, Brittney.

"Fine..." I raised up my hands in surrender,

"Under my conditions though."

"Like...what?" Jake questioned in confusion.

"Well..." I started to make a list, "One you will not question my lessons."

He interrupted me, "Deal."

"I'm not done yet!" I shouted at Jake.

"Ok. Ok. Calm down." Jake muttered at me.

I just breathe in my nose, annoyed.

"Two never interrupt me. Three only one lesson each day. 12 lessons is the max. I will only help you if you help me on my problem."

"What problem?"

Let's see what do I always want in my life. have that already, no, o.k. I got it!

"You have to find me the perfect boyfriend for me."

Jake snorted,

"I'm teenaged boy not a magician."

"Fine! If you don't want to I'm going now!" With that I storm my heels away for him.

"W…w…wait… WAIT!”" I heard him yell and again I stopped walking.
"Maybe I can't find a perfect boyfriend for you. But, ah-maybe I can transform you to a girl every single guy likes."

"No, you have to find me a perfect boyfriend. Or no deal!" I shouted at him.

"Fine..." One real life fact, if you shake your hands, it means you accept. So I took out my hands and Jake quickly shook it.

He wouldn't let go of my hand. Weird...."Ah, Jake." I was looking in his sapphire blue eyes. Those dreamy blue eyes...wha-what?! No, No, No, No, calm down Chloe. You hate him remember!

Jake stared into my hazel eyes and then down on our hands that were still holding.

"Oh! Sorry..." He finally let my hand go causing it to drift down to my side.

"Bye then... I'll see you later." Jake said before he started to walk away off to his next class. Shit! Class, I forgot about it. Oh man, oh man, I'm going to be late! I grab my book bag tightly huffing to my next class.


I had music class next. I race and slammed the door open.

"You're late!" Mr. Mute, my music teacher, yelled at me.

I just muttered a "sorry" and down on my chair in the back.

Mr. Mute went back to the blackboard. "O.k. class you're doing a song in front of the class." Everyone groaned, "You're singing with a partner." Once again the class groaned.
"Will you stop groaning! I'm not done yet! You have to come up with your own song about your partner in rhyme with Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. Who has the best song, wins. Who wants to go first?"

No one, at all, raised their hand.

"I'm choosing then, huh- Chloe..." Oh. Shit!

" about...Brittney..." Double shit!

We both got up to the front of the class. Brittney grim like a devil.


Brittney started to ‘sing’ A.K.A screaming

"Little, Little, little loser you stink. Now go now cause you reek." She smirked at me. Oh, is this her best? I'll show her my best,

"Twinkle, twinkle little whore. Keep your legs close, you're not a door." I smirked back her, take that whore! The class just

"OH!" and laughed. While Mr. Mute had a full amusement on his face. He was clearly enjoying this.

She just glared at me and began to bleed my ears, "Little, little, freak. No one likes you so go drown and weep." So, that kind of hurt....

"Twinkle, twinkle little whore. You're at school not in Jersey Shore." I heard the class slack their knee laughing their ass off, but I just continue,

"Twinkle, twinkle little whore,
Keep your legs close, you're not a door.
Twinkle twinkle little whore,
Your at school not Jersey Shore.
You are such an ugly mess,
Please go find a longer dress..."

"Song over! Miss Willows wins!" Mr. Mute shout to the entire class as I bowed. Brittney stormed off, stomping back to her desk.

*Edited by*

Chapter 6

~Jake's POV.~

As I made my way to lunch, it seemed as if everyone was whispering about me. Jake this, Jake that. I wanted to turn around and scream at them to shut the fuck up.
But I kept my cool.

I trudged to the lunch line, and payed for my sandwich. Now came the hard part. Before, I used to sit at the popular table with Brittney.

But sitting there is out of the question, now. I couldn't sit with Chloe, because she still hated me. Just because she agreed, doesn't mean that she's automatically my friend.
And I couldn't sit with anyone else, because before, when I was a jock, I treated everyone who wasn't in my crowd, like they were shit on the bottom of my shoe.

So now that I was a loser, I couldn't sit with anybody. So.. That made me a loner.

So, I sucked it up, and sat down at that one table that no one sat at. The right next to the trashcan.

"Look, Loser Jake has to sit by the TRASH. I guess that makes sense, seeing that you ARE trash." Brittney sneered.

"Oh look, the Fat ass Brittney is sitting right next to the lunch line. But I guess THAT makes sense. So she can smuggle all the food she can eat without being caught." A voice spoke up behind me.

I resisted the impulse to go, 'Ooh! BUUURN.'

I glanced back at whoever stood up for me, it was Chloe.

"Really, you again? What the hell is your name anyway?!" Brittney sneered.

"My name is Chloe." she said slowly.

"Oh." Brittney replied shortly, looking up and down at Chloe in disgust.

"I'm not a fat ass. Have you SEEN this body?" Brittney clarified.

"No, but I'm sure Nate has. And I bet he's disgusted. I bet you guys haven't had sex since that first night, am I right?" Chloe retorted.

Oh my god! The look on Brittney's face! It was priceless! She sneered so hard, her face resembled one of those derps!

I couldn't help it. I had to say it. If I didn't I'd mentally explode.

O.k., that was a little too dramatic, but I just HAD to say it. "Do you need some aloe Vera? Because you just got BURRNED."

Chloe laughed long and hard for a full minute. And during that minute, I realized that the whole cafeteria had gone deathly silent. Jeez! This isn't some CW33 show! Go run along and do your shit and let us do ours!

Chloe wiped a tear off her face, "OOOOOOHHHH. That was a good one." She lightly punched my shoulder. "So, am I right?"

"Underneath those designer clothes and the ten pounds of make-up, you're just a low-life, bitch who fucks up everyone's life. I bet even NATE. The guy you cheated on your boyfriend with, is disgusted with you." I think her name was Jasmine, said.

"Bitch, please. He loves me, right Natie?" Brittney turned to face Nate. Oh, I gotta see this.

He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, "Err-"

He was cut off by Brittney, "RIGHT? Nate?" She asked through clenched teeth.

"Hey bitch! Why don't you go fuck off my girlfriend and make me a sandwich?" Nate commanded Chloe. Talk about bi-polar...

Brittney gave a satisfied smirk. That bitch..

I could tell Chloe was getting seriously pissed off, "And..why won't you just get off your lazy ass in the bed with Brittney! And fucking make your own sandwich you sexist prick!"

Before they walk off Jasmine looked over her shoulder's to Nate, "Oh...and P.s. lover boy. I don't like you anymore. So, go ahead and suck the slut's cunt off for all I care." Then she winked and stuck her tongue out at him.

I wonder what that's about?

*Edited by*

Chapter 7

~Chloe’s POV.~

-After School-

“UGH. Too much homework!” I yelled frustrated with my boat-load book bag on one of my arms. I saw Jasmine shaking her head at me.

“Please Chloe, it’s not that bad.” Not that BAD?!

“NOT- THAT- BAD?!” ‘Trying’ to pick up my bag to show it at her, but it was too heavy. Plus, I was just plain lazy to.


Rolling my eyes at her, of course she’ll say that. She’s the smart-ass one in this friendship! “Yeah, sure Jasmine-that’s because you’re a smart ass nerd. Plus I have math homework, I suck at math! You know that!”

“I’m not T-H-A-T smart..” Jasmine started, “I can help you on your homework if you want-” That’s when I jumped at her for a hug.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! AH!- I love you!”

She gave me a ‘Why are you such a weirdo’ look, “ah…love you too?” Jasmine paused for a quick second, “I guess…? Want to come over my house then?”

“Sure, whatever it takes for you to do my math homework.”

“I said ‘help’ not to let you lazy-off and cheat on it.” UGH! She’s giving the stern eyes and the mother’s ‘I’m so disappointed at you’ look! I hate it when she does that! “Besides, that’s a little word called ‘cheating’.” Goody two shoes. Hard to believe Jasmine is the rebel and trouble-marker in our friendship, Huh-



“Here we are!” Jasmine yelled as she opened the door, “Welcome ma’am, may I take your coat and bag?” She said in a fake but horrible British accent.

“Why? Of course you may!” I tried to do a fake a British accent. But…it failed. Big time.

“Wow. We both suck at British accents!” Jasmine laughed.

“And…that’s why you two should never go to England.” I heard a girl say, I knew who it was. Clayse, or should I say Jasmine’s little sister. She’s not that little, I mean, Clayse is just in 8th grade not like in preschool.

Jasmine greeted her little sis’ with a hug, “And how’s my favorite little sister doing?”

“Nothing much. Hey Chloe!”

I smiled, Clayse is a really nice girl, “Hey to you too, Clayse.” Times like these make me wish I had a little sister or sibling like Clayse.


“What do you mean you don’t know this equation?!” Really? How the hell, am I suppose to know how to find all rational zeros of P(x)=x3-7x+6?!

“I-I don’t know! It’s hard!”

“AH! FINE! How about this-” Jasmine’s eyes search all over the math textbook for a new and I wish, and easier question. Oh god. Oh my, god. Oh my, god. Please let the question be easy! “What’s 25^189?”

Oh good! That’s really easy! With a calculator that is…”No sweat Jazz, just lend me a calculator and-”

“No calculator.” She interrupted me. Darn…I’m dead.

Quick Chloe think a number in your head. “29?”

“No. Really, Chloe? 29?” HEY! Don’t judge me, I stink at math and you know that Jazz.


“CHLOE. Come on, at least try.”


“Not even close.”

“Can I take a break Mrs. Ling?”

“No…and I’m not that old!” I turned my head and saw a calculator. Yes! I quickly typed in 25^189 while Jasmine wasn't looking, but all I got was ‘Overflow


“I know the answer Jazz! It’s Overflow~” I yelled.

She just gave me the stern eyes again, “I know you used a calculator, Chloe.” Damn-it I’m caught! “How about…9^8?”

I just shrugged, “I dunno.”

“43,046,721” She answered without a calculator and went back to the textbook. “Oh! An a easy one!” I rolled my eyes, yeah sure, easy. Jasmine saw me, “Relax, it’s 1^99.” What?!

Wait, I know this. 1* 99 or 1 times 99 is 99 right? “99?”

“No! Come on Chloe Willows! This is just for 7th or 8th grade!” Jasmine screamed.

“Don’t pu-sh me!” I yelled back at her, some of my words stuttering.

“You should know this!” She yelled back.

“Will you two stop yelling! I’m trying to do homework here!” Clayse shouted in a very mad sounding-voice. “Oh, and Chloe the answer is 1!” Thanks Clayse…for making me look so stupid.

“SEE!” Jasmine bark, “Even an 8th grader knows!”

“Hey! I heard that! And I’m taking it as an insult Jamie!” Clayse bawl. Oh, and Jamie is Jasmine’s nickname from her little sister.

“Wwe-ee-ell” Jazz stutter at her sister, “How do you know if it’s not a compliment?!”

“Cause! I’m not as stupid as how dumb Chloe is at math.” Jeez, Clayse, thanks.

I ignore it though, “I’m taking that as a compliment then!”

“No offense, Chloe!” Clayse said to me.

“No prob.” I said back to her, then turned back to Jasmine. “Can I take my break now Mrs. Ling?”

She gave me a ‘Be Quite’ look but quickly said, “Sure."


I walk upstairs to the kitchen to get food out of the refrigerator, and passing Clayse who was still studying. “Hey little C.” Little C is my nickname for Clayse by the way.

“Hey Chloe what’ca doing?” She asked but not taking her eyes off the science textbook.

Opening the fridge I answered her, “I’m getting food. You?”


“Not done yet?” I questioned her with a confuse look stuck on my face.

“No…” Clayse pause a minute to think, “I was too busy day dreaming about someone.” After she said, “Day dreaming about someone,” my intention was taken by her.

“Who? Who? Who?” I yelled really fast that I sounded like an owl.

Little C gave me weird look, “Calm down. It’s just a guy. Remember Asher?” Asher who? I wanted to say. Wait. Asher, A-S-H-E-R. Huh- the popular football player in her grade, who plays for the Lions? A.K.A Asher her crush who is also a trouble marker?

“Asher, dark-brown hair, dark green eyes, trouble-marker?” I asked Little C.
Little C blushed a bit, “Yeah…but he has hazel eyes. Well…his eyes are more of a light blue color and-”

“Note to you Clayse, I don’t really care about his eyes. But him right, why?” Girls and their crushes. Nothing new here.

“Because…I do-don’t really kn-no-w, he’s nicer to me this year…and he stopped calling me names.” Wow. Once again…girl’s and their fairy tales. Which by the way don’t existed. Sorry to ruin your fantasies. Then Clayse started to talk about what happened. “It all started like this-”

Chapter 8

~Clayse’s POV.~

“It all started like this-” I began telling Chloe, “in 6th grade there was lonely girl who wanted to fit in someone’s little you know-group.-”

“Let me guess…” Chloe interrupted, “...that lonely girl was you. Right, little C?”

I nodded.

“So what happened next?”

“Well….I kin-kinda be-tray-ed some…of my fr-iends to be friends with a girl who’s a-little bit popular…and…”

“You what?!” Chloe yelled.

“I know, I know, I was young and dumb but that’s not the point!” I tried to calm her down. “Her name was ah-ahh let’s say Tina, yeah-Tina.”

“So…this Tina chick was she mean-I mean like B-mean?” Chloe asked with a confused face.

“Well…no…” I began, “She didn't really like one of my friends…and. that’s also not the point! Tina liked Asher and well-”

Chloe raised an eyebrow, “And what?”

I said slowly, “And well…I hated Asher so much that I wanted to punch him in the face every single day.” That’s...when Chloe started to crack up.

Can’t this chick just stay quite and listen?

“Oh- Jasmine!” Chloe shouted to my older sis, “Come here!”

“Why?” She shouted but and her footsteps leading to the kitchen. “What’ up?” Chloe’s tan-ish white index finger pointed at my face, and started to bump her elbow at my shoulder.

“Tell her.”

“She knows…” I gave Chloe my best ‘really?’ look.

“Asher?” Yup! Jasmine’s this smart! I kinda hate having a older sister who’s smarter than you at everything! “So what?”

I continued telling my story to Chloe however. “In 7th grade he started to tease me about being Asian. I mean really- he invented a fake and annoying word just to pissed me off.”

Sis and Chloe exchange each other looks.

"So..Plan A or Plan B?" Sis asked Chloe with a raised eyebrow. Plan A, Plan B? What the hell are they talking about?

Chloe "hum" before answering, "Oh, Yyeeahh. Wait, what?!" I rolled my eyes at her, another dumb blonde moment for Chloe right there.

Wait...she's not blonde...I must be the dumb blonde then..
No offense to any blondes, it's just a saying.

Jazz rolled her eyes just like me. "Plan A-Telling that she likes him. Or. Plan B-Get a guy to make him jealous!" Sis playfully knocked on Chloe's skull and muttered "dumbness much?"

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. I'm not doing that!
Are they fricking nuts?!

"I'm not doing any of those!" I shouted like a judge, my hands slamming on the glass eating table.

"Calm down sis, those are just Plans' A and B. We got more." Jasmine winked at me like a devil. See what I have to live with? The devil of pain and knows how to annoy the butt out of me.

"Exactly..." Chloe said calmly to me, "We got plans all the way to the letter Z." She tried to convince me.

I sighed, "O.k...what are your plans then?"

"Just follow us." Jazz and Chloe started to walk up the wooden stairs to my room. I swear I heard Jasmine asking Chloe, "Do you actually have more plans?"
Chloe shook her head a "No."

Well...I'm dead then.

❤ * ♡ * ❤

After their little "Plan" for tomorrow Chloe left to go back home. She promise though she'll come back early to help with their little "Planie" for me.
I can't believe they're making me do this...

"Jasmine Mai, sweetie, can I talk to you please?" I heard my mother's voice calling for sis. With my mother's head sticking out of my bedroom door, her long strands of black hair dangling in the air.

"Coming mom."

"Do you want me too mom?" I asked her.

She shook her head, "No. It's o.k. dear, I just need to speak only to Jazz. Alone."

"Oh, o.k." I shyly said as Jasmine walk to our mother. I watch them walk away to another room upstairs (we have a 3 story house by the way), before slamming my door shut.

I wonder what that was about...

I spent back on on wasted valuable time for homework. Which by the way, was caused by Chloe and Jasmine. After a hour of doing lousy must be essay-length homework for L.A. I stopped to crack my hands.

"What the hell do you mean you're 'sorry'?! Sorry for what?! Not telling your own, your own daughter the truth?!" I thought I heard 'Jasmine' yelling? To who though, was my question.

"I can't believe you mother!"

"You hid this in my entire life?!"

"B-but your fa-fa-father", Mom stutter, "He-he tol-told me n-not to tell you until you're old en-enough." Dad...

"Who cares about that old fag?!" Jasmine's voice got louder and louder as she yelled, "I don't care!" I do...

"Well, I do..." Mom repeated just like she read my mind.

If you're wondering what happened to our father...well..Our mom caught him cheating with a blonde "hooker" and well, let's just say he left us for the hooker. Mommy went into a depression stage that was so horrible that Jasmine had to take care of her. Since she wouldn't eat or drink water. Or even sleep but boy, she would drink. A lot. We became less of a family. Always fighting, yell swears at each other, and even crying. When it finally over, we never talked about our so called "Dad" anymore.

The End.

Before the door slam shut, I heard Jasmine bitterly bawl, "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" at our mom's weak heart. After Jasmine harsh words came soft but loud enough to hear cries.

What was that about?

Chapter 9

~Jasmine's POV.~

“PSST.” I poked my little sister on the side. She groaned and away from my finger. Why is she so hard to wake up? I mean, it’s only 5 in the morning. Get over it.
“CLAYSE!” I whispered loudly, poking her repeatedly on the side.

“Mmm… Go awaaaay.” She mumbled.

“Clayse. Clayse. CLAYSE!” Every time I said her name, my finger jabbed into her side.

She grunted and shifted away. “Get yo fat ass out of this bed or else I’ll come in there and spoon you.” I threatened sassily, with a hand on my hip. I watched Madea’s Witness Protection, and since then, I've been quoting it like crazy.

“UP UP UP UP UP.” I sang in her ear. Chloe strutted in the room and surveyed the scene. She smirked and walked back outside. Oh god, she has an evil plan!
She came back with some.. putty.. in a mini toilet..

What the crap?

She still had that evil smirk on her face. Well THIS is going to be interesting…

She crept over to Clayse’s bed and took the putty out of the little toilet. She squished it back in and it made a loud ‘FFTT’ sound. She groaned out loud, as if she had just let loose a bunch of air she had been holding up.

I bit my tough and laughed silently, slapping my leg like some maniac.

She took the putty out and squished it in again. “Ahhhh.” She moaned again. Tears made their way to my eyes and my face turned red from containing my laughter. I couldn't take it anymore, so I let it all out.

“AHAHA!” I laughed.

“GAH.” Clayse yelled, sitting straight up. She rubbed her eyes furiously. “What do you want?” She grumbled.

I suddenly dumped a huge bucket of ice- cold water on her. She gasped and sputtered. Failing her arms around madly and wiping the water away from her eyes. “WHAT THE CRUD?” She shrieked.

“That was your shower.” I stated.

“WHAT?!” She yelled.

I hid a bucket in her room the night before when Chloe and I came up with Plan C. Make my lil sis IRRESISTIBLE. So gorgeous, all the guys would want to bang her, but our goal was to make that Asher kid go green with envy. Making all the guys want her was just a bonus.
Not an original plan, but hey, this is Chloe and I we’re talking about. We’re famous for our fashion sense.

Just kidding.

And we needed lots of time to get this chick a presentable. She dressed like a typical nerd. Ugly jeans with the school shirt that’s ten times bigger than her. No, just no.
We need her to look like a bad ass. She needed to look, and feel like a bad ass. “Alright. First, go brush your teeth.” I commanded.


“Okay.” Chloe sighed.

“Let’s start on your hair.” She decided.

Clayse rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. I sighed loudly and took a lock of her hair in my hand and winced.

“Have you ever heard of CONDITIONER?” I asked. “Yes.” She huffed. I raised an eyebrow at Chloe. Sure.

Her hair was like a tumble weed. It’s gonna take SO long to get it fixed! And it was already 5:30! We had three hours till she had to be in school! THREE!

That gave me a surge of motivation. I hopped off of her bed and clapped my hand. “ Alrighty then! Now, what should we do it your hair?” I asked.

“I d-“ I didn't let her finish, but I went on and explained my plan to her. “We’re gonna give you a bad ass look. A bad ass nerd.” I smirked and glanced over at Chloe. She was giving me the same look I was giving her. I tried a style back in middle school, when I didn't know what I wanted to wear. I went for a nerd/ bad ass look. I pulled it off quite well if I do say so myself.

But I was gonna have to make some adjustments to the look with Clayse. I had a whole afternoon and the morning to get ready, she didn't. I put pink streaks in my hair. And I wore a skirt that was barely in dress code. With a tight shirt and cute suspenders. My hair was straight and curly. I didn't curl all of it. And boom. I showed up at school and guys were staring from all directions.

Chloe whooped and went back to my room to gather supplies.
I paced around Clayse’ chair and studied her. Her hair looked so much like tumbleweed; I didn't even know how long her hair was anymore.
It was so frizzy! This is gonna take a while…

Chloe came back with two of my Chi’s and we got to work.


It took us a while, but we did it. I stepped back and admired my work. Man, her hair was LONG! It was down to her butt! Chloe worked on curling some of Clayse’ hair, while I went to my room and picked out the clothes.

A tight fitting, plain black tee, some cute suspenders, and a plaid skirt, with knee high black combat boots. This chicka is getting a COMPLETE make over. Everyone will want to be her friends. All the boys will want her, I’m sure of it. I smirked and went back to Clayse’ room. Chloe already finished curling her hair and was now applying make up on Clayse. We decided to put on dark blue eye shadow and eye liner to bring out her chocolate brown eyes and to give her that mysterious look.
We put on pink lip gloss. That was about it.

While she stepped into her clothes, Chloe and I went downstairs to grab some breakfast. We came up with a plan to make Clayse act like a bad ass.

“How should we do this?” Chloe asked as she poured a bowl of cereal. I poured myself some and sat down next to her on the counter.

“Scare it into her?” I suggested.

“No! That’s so mean!” Chloe yelled.

“Fine, fine.” I surrendered. “We don’t have time to teach her everything there is to be a bad girl..” I continued.

“Well then. We’ll just bribe her.” She huffed. I laughed and checked the clock hanging on the wall. It was already eight! What was taking her so long?!

Chapter 10

~Clayse's POV.~

Oh, fudge balls! Oh, fuge balls! Oh, fudge balls! I hate this, I hate this, I hate this! Should I downstairs or shouldn't I?

I asked myself...Weird I'm talking to myself again...

Just do it!

A angry voice boomed inside of-me?

What the-

"Clayse! Hurry up! You're so damn slow!" I heard Jasmine yelled at me downstairs in the kitchen. Jeez, someone's on their time of the month....

Hilarious, now go! Or else she'll you into a dog, wait, you already are one..


"CLAYSE!" Now this time, both Jasmine and Chloe shouted at me. Calm down people, what am I a good ole' dog?


I tried to ignore that annoying voice and just ran down the stairs while jumping off 3 stairs. Yes! Finally! I didn't fell face flat to the tiles this time! Yeah...I'm a true klutz, who knew?

I did.

Shut up! You're making me feel like an idiot talking to myself.

But you're not, you're talking to me, Clayse Moonlight Ling.

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! How do you even know my full name?

I burst back to-ah-me? Nothing, finally, that got whatever to shut the fudge up. I turn to my right side to get food from the kitchen. Only to find Chloe and Jasmine with weird looks on their faces...

"You o.k. Little C?" Chloe questioned me with a steady voice.

I slowly replied, "Yeah..."

It was Jasmine's turn to talk and she to had also a confuse and worried look on her face,"You sure sis, I mean, you were yelling at yourself...and-"

"I'm fine guys! Jeez, calm down, what'a are you guys? The cops?" I rudely said my tone not at all nice. I opened the refrigerator's white doors and a blast of cold wind sweep onto my face. I search inside the refrigerator for anything to eat. My eyes quickly landed on a chocolate fudge cake and guess what! Delicious yellow sweet mangoes! Yummy!

"Don't even think about it!" Jasmine's voice interfere my thoughts on me starving on the delicious fudge cake.

"But why?!" I whined like a three year old, I want to eat that cake so bad!

"Because you're going to get fat!" Is that her excuse? I'm already chubby! Heck, I don't even care if I get fat, I just want that cake! My sister is stubborn as a log by the way, the only way for her to say "Yes" was from Chloe. So, I flip my head on to Chloe, who was too busy texting someone.

Chloe's hazel eyes burned into my dark chocolate brown eyes. "No." Chloe said as like she read my mind. Well...that hurts...I'm so sorry my dear cake!

"But..." Jasmine started, "if you act like a badass then, I guess, you can have the cake."

"YES!" I shouted with victory.

*Ding dong*


"I'll get it!" Jasmine shouted as she ran to the door.

"No, I want to!" I raced faster to the door than my oldie of a sister and opened it. There stood a tall dude with black hair. He was like six foot something with dreamy sapphire eyes that sucks you into them. Who is this dude?

"Ah..." The dude mutter with confusion, man! I need to stop calling this dude, "The dude". Oh man, I did it again!

"Is Chloe here?" Ooohhh,Chloe's got a little boyfriend, well o.k., he's not little at all.

My soul was laying to the dude's eyes....Snap out of it Clayse!

"A-Ah ye-yeah..." I murmured quietly.

"Jake! You're here!" Chloe's voice creep out from behind me. So this dude's name is Jake? Jake? Jake? Jake? Whoa, blonde moment there! It's Jake, thee Jake Marshall! I should have known!

"Hey Chloe! Yeah, I need to talk to you about-" Jake Marshall, "The dude", was about to say until my meanie sistero had to say something.

"Talk about what?" The three of them exchange each other a glance. While I, Clayse Ling, just stood there like a lone wolf.

Jake just mutter in a stern voice, "Nothing. Right, Chloe?"

"Ri-right....well got to go Jazz!" She grab Jake's hand and ran out the door into his sports car.

One question was stuck on my mind: Are they dating?

I could tell Jasmine was pissed off, she hates when people answer her with a "nothing." I do also, it's in our blood. "Come'on Clay, let's go to school. Want me to drive you?"

I shook my head, I wanted to ride my baby to school. Dude...that sounded so wrong...

You're such a perv.

I talk back to the voice, what is it anyways?!

We both walk out of the house and onto the driveway, where Jasmine's pure purple 2012 Yamaha Yzf R1 was. While mine was inside the garage. My baby was a shiny blue with gray and white stripes 2010 Yamaha R1. Even though Jasmine's motorcycle was newer and mine was 2 years older, I still love my baby. I got on the seat my leather pants that were getting tighter. Jazz got on her seat also, who was wearing short shorts, yuck. I never wore short shorts in my life and never will.

Jasmine was getting ready to put on her black with a red rose on it motorcycle helmet. Before she was about to Jasmine yelled at me, "Remember don't be causal be radical!" The words rolled in my mind...Don't be causal be radical


You heard your sister, follow it!

I did as told and didn't even bother to wear a helmet.

I nodded as I drove outside the garage and onto the driveway. Where I stopped next to Jasmine, "And remember when we went to Philippines?". She had a grin growing on her face, "Lowest to the low."

"Definitely." Jasmine and I both laugh as we went onto our separate ways to school.

❤ * ♡ * ❤

As I made to the front doors of my school, people were staring in shock. What they never saw a 8th grader riding a motorcycle?

That...and maybe they're checking you out since some guys are drooling over you.

The voice was right, I took a glimpse to see a group of guys checking out my body.


I also saw Asher but he wasn't looking at my body at all. His face just looked-tense when he saw what I was wearing. I was only wearing tight black leather pants, combat boots, a dark chocolate colored leather jacket, and inside was a white tank top that had a rose on it. It's not that bad...right?
I just ignored all the boys and walked into school. As I walked to my first class, Gym, more guys drool over me. While girl's gave me hateful daggers, jealous much?

❤ * ♡ * ❤

"Clayse! Clayse! Clayse, please come back! I swear, it's not what it looks like!" He shouted fiercely at me but I just continued on walking home, crying.

★ ☆ ✰

I'm Done With This Chapter! I will make a short story (called: Endlessly) for Clayse maybe only 10 or more chapters! Yeah! Whoa! Why? Cause I actually like Clayse the most besides Chloe and Jasmine of this book. O.k..I lied this chapter is a shorter version and the complete version will only be on "Endlessly."'s the story so far? Do you guys want more drama, fighting, swearing, kissing? Please not kissing...(weirdos, jk). But no worries there's 20+ chapters to go, Jessica and I will add all the drama you guys like. Maybe too much. =3 More hearts the faster we write, it works like us. I know, I know, pushy much? Nah, school is getting in my way of writing. But see you guys soon, I dream of a new chapter when I come back to write. Sorry for any grammar mistakes, but I hate proofreading. -_- Too much boredom. Me and Jessica will take a break so new readers can catch up. I hate reading a new story when I have like 11+ to read, so yeah... Remember hearts! Like this---> ♥ or like this --> ❤

Love you all,
C. Joyce =3

Chapter 11

~Chloe's POV.~

Jake and I walked into the regular, nothing new, high school. It felt like everyone's eyes were on just the both of us. Fudging gossipers, were chic-chatting about us two again. Why can't people just get a life?! Stares of shock and even death stares sent daggers just onto me but not Jake. No, everyone was still scared of Jake since he can beat any guy or gang member into a pulp. Although, I never knew anyone that was scared of me...I was just boring ole' Chloe Vanessa Willows.

There was two deathly auras on me and Jake. I looked up to see both Brittney and even...Jasmine glaring murderously at us two. Whoa! Why is Jasmine pissed to the bone?


"GET AWAY FROM HIM!", they both burst at the same time. First, Brittney and Jasmine looked at each other's eyes with hatred. Then, me and Jake did the same thing only not with hatred but with confusion.

"What the hell is going on?", Jake whispered quietly at me. I only shrugged back, how should I know?

Brittney violently grabbed my arm and pushed me into the solid wall, and hold on Jake's arm like no tomorrow. "Stay the fuck away from him! HE'S M-I-N-E!"

"Hey! Don't you fucking dare do that to my best friend, you sorry excuse of a whore!" Jasmine's face was red with fury yet still manage to look pretty as always. Jasmine pinched her hand on Brittney's arm so they can look face-to-face. Even though Jasmine's Asian and well-not trying to be a stereotype- short, way shorter than Brittney...Jazz was the feirce one out of the both of them. "Listen to me princess of sluts-"

"-Why sh-should I-I lis-ten to y-you?!", Brittney A.K.A "Princess of sluts" stutter a bit but tried to manage wanting to look "tough".

Jazz jammed her nails harder, making her nails deep into her skin causing Brittney to cry a loud screech. "Because-of you listen to me...the less pain you have to go though. Got that?!", Brittney nodded, "Good. So first, if you do anything that will hurt Chloe either mentally or physically, I will be your karma. I always hated you from day 1, so don't think I wouldn't take a fist onto your fake, plastic face. Now...why don't you just go back to your little "sex toy", Nate, and forget 'this' ever happened. Okay?" Jasmine said "okay" like a teacher talking to a little 5 year old. As Jazz slowing remove her hand on Britt's arm, I could see five red nail marks on her skin.

Princess of sluts just nodded and slowly walked away, still scared of her little accident with Jazz. "Wait-", Brittney stopped her high heels and turned to face Jasmine, "-take this!" Jazz punched Brittney's face and the noise run throughout the entire school. A back bruise was only left with the little princess feeling the bruise. As Brittney was slowly removing her hand on her face...she jumped on Jasmine causing both of them on the ground-attacking each other.


"Whhhooooaaaa! CHICK FIGHT!"



"No way dude! Brittney is like a kitty-cat with claws!

"YOU CAN DO IT, BRITTNEY!", the last two made me puke!

They were on the floor exchanging punches to each other. Like any other chick fights-hair pulling, scathing each other with their claws...I mean "nails", and name calling. Like for example:





Silence filled the air then came the laughter...

"Ha ha! Jasmine's still a virgin?!"

"Looks like "Miss Bad ass" is scared of 'doing it'!"


"Want to come house later babe?"


"Awwwhhh, looks like Miss Bad ass/Nerd doesn't have a man!" One of Brittney's drones shouted causing the other drones to say back...
"Hell! Who would want to do it with her?"

"Miss Bad ass is actually the school's SAAAIIINNNTTT!" The one who said that was "Mr. Hockey jock" A.K.A Darren, who received high fives from the entire football team.

Jazz. She stood up slowly not saying a single word and stared into my hazel eyes. Her dark brown eyes was reddish with a few tears slipping away. A few tears turned into fives, tens, and finally a hundred of liter of tears fell to the ground. Jasmine got both of her hand to cover her eyes, and roughly pushed away the crowd to runaway to the exit. I still could hear her sound of cries in the background of the laughing crowd.

"Jasmine!" I shouted her name, running after her but it was too late when she drove away on her motorcycle. I turned back to face Brittney, "What the hell did you just do?!"

"Awwhhh...", she fake a sweet tone, "Little Ms. Freak show lost her body guard?!" A devilish grin was growing on her lip gloss cover lips. I shook my head really slowly and pushed her out of my way. "Don't worry loser

, I'm not done with the both of you!"

Chapter 12

~Jasmine's POV.~




I heard Chloe shout my name, to be honest, I didn't felt talking to her. I just ran to my motorcycle, hoping to run away. As I got on, I quickly accelerate on the gas. I never cried so much today or ever. My last long lasting cries were from Nate or about my dad leaving. I just wanted to run, cry, and cry.

I hate my life.

I'm not strong, I'm just a little weakling.

Like before when I was younger.

- F L A S H B A C K -

I sat on the cold and rough sidewalk, all alone. School had ended over an hour ago and I'm still there. My parents still hadn't pick me up from preschool. Being only 6 and half, being alone was frighting. My eyes had swell red from all of my crying. I got goosebumps from the chilly wind, I was only wearing a purple sweatshirt.

"What's wrong?" I remember that voice, it belong to the meanie in my art class. Should I look or...should not? I felt like ignoring him and continued on crying, he was being a big bully in class. I forgot his first name but remember his last name. His last name was 'Dalton' or something like that. Dalton sighed and walk over to sit next to me.

I turned my head to see him, his dark green eyes melt into my brown ones. "Wh-what are you do-doing here?" I stutter while asking him.

He kept a stern, emotionless face, "I told you already. What's wrong."

"Nothing..." My voice was soundless but can still be heard.

"Don't joke with me Ling," How does he know my last name? "Look Jasmine, I know we're not the'friends' but, ah- Fudge, how should I put it?!"

Wait, me and him are FRIENDS? No way...I never had a 'friend' before. I was too shy and scared of everyone besides my parents. A smile strike on my mouth, I finally had a friend! A FRIEND! My actions to over my brain, and I hugged him. Dalton, last name kid's cheeks reddened.

I kept on hugging him, "So...I'm guessing I help? Cool, now let go." His voice was low and harsh sounding. I stopped and flinched at his tone, and took a look at his face. Dalton had dirty blonde hair, dark green eyes, and..dimples. He lowered his heard to the hard ground. "Sorry...I didn't mean to scare you, it's just-it's just. Girls have cooties, and I don't want your cooties."

Cooties? I giggle a few times then laughed at him. "What are you laughing at?!" Dalton yelled a pinch and started to laugh also.

"I'm Nate, by the way." So, Nate is his name. Nate had a full smile on his face, showing all his pearly white teeth, "Nice to meet you."

His right hand was out, and I took it as a handshake. "Jasmine Ling, the pleasure's all mine." I gave back a smile to Nate. The cold blasting wind got me shivering.

"You're cold?" Nate asked while getting something out of his book bag. "here, take this." It was a jersey jacket, slightly bigger than me but then again I was smaller for my age.


Nate ignored my answer and put his jacket over my shoulders. "It's not problem, jeez, you're such a little baby." His words made a few more tears to fall out. "Wah-stop it Jasmine! I was just kidding!" All of the sudden his soft yet cold fingers we're wiping my tears. As my crying ended I show Nate pulling another thing out of his book bag. It was a cute little brown stuff dog. "I-don't use Car so much anymore, you can have him. If you promise to take care of him..."

I nodded and stick out my pinky, "Pinky swear?" Nate rolled his eyes but did so.

And that's how I met Nate Dalton.

- F L A S H B A C K O V E R -

My mind was set on Eminem's song 'Not Afraid', besides the road. The endless road, my helmet was swear with my dry tears.

I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid
To take a stand, to take a stand
(Yeah, it's been a ride)
Everybody, everybody
(I guess I had to)
Come take my hand, come take my hand
(Go to that place to get to this one)

We'll walk this world together through the storm
(Now some of you)
Whatever weather, cold or warm
(Might still be in that place)
Just lettin' you know that you're not alone
(If you're tryin' to get out)
Holla if you feel like you've been down the same road
(Just follow me, I'll get you there)

What the hell happened to me?

You can try and read my lyrics off of this paper before I lay 'em
But you won't take the sting out these words before I say 'em
'Cause ain't no way I'ma let you stop me from causing mayhem
When I say I'ma do something, I do it, I don't give a damn what you think

I'm doin' this for me, so fuck the world
Feed it beans, it's gassed up if it thinks it's stopping me
I'ma be what I set out to be, without a doubt, undoubtably
And all those who look down on me, I'm tearing down your balcony

When did I get so weak?

No if, ands, or buts, don't try to ask him why or how can he
From "Infinite" down to that last "Relapse" album
He's still shittin' whether he's on salary, paid hourly
Until he bows out or he shits his bowels out of him

Whichever comes first, for better or worse
He's married to the game, like a fuck-you for Christmas
His gift is a curse, forget the earth, he's got
The urge to pull his dick from the dirt and fuck the whole universe

Before I knew it, I had pause into a dark alley. Fuck...where the hell am I?! "Lookie here boys, a new play toy." Shit...A low cold, and emotionless voice that went up my spine and not in the good way. I got off my bike and slowly walk to an dead-end. Wow, I should really win the 'Dumbest Asian' award. Do I dare to turn around and face a new monster...?

I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid
To take a stand, to take a stand
Everybody, everybody
Come take my hand, come take my hand

FUCK! I already had enough! Oh well, why not look? I did a slothful turn to face them, six monstrous body-built men stood face-to-face. Shit... They all looked bitter and displeased but had lustful glint in their eyes. DAMN, can't this day get any worse! My wish was answered when a black Hennessey Venom GT Spyder swarm behind the jackasses. The front lights of the car was shiny enough to blind me. Out stepped the one and only, Nate Dalton. The guy I despise the most, even out of all humans on Earth. Yes, including Brittney.

"Oh, Jasmine Ling, aren't you a trouble one?" Nate said full of annoyance. "But then again...I love trouble." He started marching to where I stood, "Guys, playtime's over, go back to your mommys'." That did not make them happy, in-fact, the bastards started charging to punch Nate. The annoying jerk managed to duck most of them but got hit by one. Once down all the monsters played 'Beat the crap out of Nate.' TSK, that dumb ass! I had

to help, I couldn't just leave him to rot. I took my chance and started to punch some of them, even to get them to leave Nate alone.

"Feisty chick, I like it~" The main leader said with full pride.

"Leave.Her.ALONE.", Nate was trying to cough some of the blood coming from his mouth. While he stood next to me arms-on-arms ready.
His dark green eyes went inside of my eyes, "Ready Ling?"

A devilish smirk had grown on my lips, "More than you're ever be, Dalton."

Chapter 13

~Chloe's POV.~

I couldn't help it; I took a menacing step towards her. “You wanna say that again?” I said through clenched teeth. Jasmine and I have been through so much shit. We stuck together and we had each other’s backs. And that bitch made Jasmine cry, shit’s gonna go down. I wanted to throw a piece of crap at her fake ass face, just to see how many pounds of makeup it can wipe off. That hoe pissed me off to no end.

“I SAAAID, I’m not done with you LOSERS yet.” Brittney taunted in her annoying, high pitched voice.

“THAT’S IT.” I yelled as I rugby tackled her to the ground with an ‘oomph!’ Brittney cushioned the fall for me; I didn’t feel sorry for her at all.

I could faintly hear cheer of the people around us, but all I could think of, was jacking up that hideous face.

My mind was clouded with red anger. My fist pounded mercilessly at her face. “Don’t..” –punch- “ever” –punch- “hurt her EVER again.” I gave her one last punch for good measure. Bitch, nobody messes with Jasmine without facing my wrath.

I was straddling her the whole time, so she couldn't escape. Like she cared, she was too busy protecting her ‘Barbie- gone- wrong’ face. I slowly got up and planted my foot on her stomach. Her cheer uniform had ridden up, so everyone could see her stomach and thong…

I leaned down till I was face-to-face with her. I ignored her wide, frightened eyes and the breath being knocked out of her. “And if you do.. well lets just say you won’t be so lucky next time.” I threatened.

After all the adrenaline rushed out of me, I was left with nothing but my heavy breathing. With my last shred of energy, I pushed off of her causing her to gasp again. The crowd parted for me as I made my way out of the circle they made around Brittney and I. There were whispers all around me. Some people cheered, some glared at me. Some looked at me like I was some caged freak.

I walked around for a while, searching for Jasmine. I didn’t care if I missed class. Shocker, right? A nerd saying that, is about as rare as a unicorn eating leprechauns. I only had like 2 periods left anyway. I’m not a nerd at all, now that I think about it..
An ex nerd who beat a cheerleader up..

Then, the shock of what had happened caught up with me. I beat a girl up… In front of the school! The teachers could see it! Then I might get suspended! And that’ll go on my permanent record… Then I might not go to college! No college means no money, and that means no house! And THAT can lead to living in the streets! And THAT can lead to death…
Jesus Christ, I’m gonna die.

Chapter 14

P.s. I was forced to write this from my good friend, Jessica...different Jessica.

~Jasmine's POV.~

"More than you'll ever be, Dalton." I said, my voice full of smug. Nate returned me a original Crimson the Cat grin.

"You get that dude," He pointed to a shaggy looking dude, who was the smallest out of all of them. I gave Nate a 'Really?' look, I'm not weak. "Yeah. Really, you can handle that little midget...right?"

"Look," I was so pissed off this very minute. "I know I'm short because I'm Asian, but that doesn't mean I handle the-"

"WATCH OUT!" I got interrupted...and roughly pushed to the wall. Dammit. Nate came rambling to my side, "You okay?"

I nodded, "Yeah...just perfect

." I bluntly reply a lie, my back hurts like hell. I took a glance to see one of the guys smiling like a devil.

"Stay behind my back." Nate made himself into a shield for me. "You're safer behind me..."

I squeal a "NO!" I'm getting so...AGH! I'm not FUCKING WEAK! I dash to the guy who force me onto the wall and gave him a nice uppercut. My punch sent the douche bag falling downstairs, blood dripping from his nose. That's what you deserve asshole!

"Oh," The tone of the voice sounded like Nate's, "Not bad punch...not bad." Even though his words were full cockiness. There was glint of approval in his eyes. "But baby, I can do better, way

One of the douche bag's friend took a disapproval look at him, and was charging to Nate. I can tell he was planning to face Nate in the face. Nate only had a cocky smirk, then, kicked him in the balls. Ouch.

The jerk was on the cold and harsh ground, holding his 'spot' in agony. Damn, that's gotta hurt like a bitch! Serves him right! Nate chuckled in happiness and entertainment but a slight boredom. "Is that you can only do? I'm pretty sure this crybaby can beat you all." He swung his arm on my shoulders when he said 'crybaby'. Our eyes met something was odd though, his dark green eyes had transformed into a midnight black. "What? Had enough Jasmine?"

"It's not all we got, Blondie."

"Jasmine huh-?" Nate and I cast our attention to the main leader, "I got to remember your name at during our bed...I mean 'Playtime'." His words were not but just crepuscular, the way he said it made nightmares. Nate took his time to remove his arm away and shag to the main devil leader. The other three guys took charged at Nate to defend their leader.

It was an awful déjà vu moment...Nate bustled a few attacks on the three while he block their punches. One of the members was about to do front kick on Nate but I had to help also. A stereotype Asian me, I roundhouse the dude back into place. "You're barking up the wrong tree." My mind adjusted for a minute, "okay...trees."

The dude swiped a small trail of blood on the side of his mouth. "Okay little princess, I'm holding this against you during our bed time."

"Sorry..." I started my voice was hollow, "but I don't have a bed time." The jackass just smiled a smile own by the evil doll Chucky. AGH, I hate Chucky...creepiest red-head doll.
The jackass came up to me and well...I did as many kicks as I can. Even while trying to dodge his punches, kicks, any attacks. I practiced front kicks, side kicks,roundhouse kicks, back kicks,crescent kicks, stomp kicks, and axe kicks on him. The only reason why I do more kicks than punches is because I'm stronger on my legs not my arms. My practice doll finally fainted and crashed on the floor.

I once-over to see Nate fighting another blockhead, nonstop punches were sent to each other. Nate had thrown an jab, followed by cross punch, and finally a hook punch. The fatigue and imbecile guy fell to his knees. There were cuts and stains of blood on his face. Nate took a peek of his knuckles, bloody-stain knuckles. Nothing but red was on his hands. It look like a scene in a horror film. Nate glimpse at me and flashed his famous smile.

My eyes blink for a quick half-second, then a gun shot bang in an echo. I force my eyelid to reveal..The first thing I saw was Nate falling to his knees. He was standing in-front of me, like he was shielding me.

Oh god.

"You FUCKING dumb ass! Look what you just did! You killed a fucking ass boy!" A hatred filled voice belong to the main leader.

"I-I dunno...I was aiming for the girl, I-it was an in-incident-"

"AN INCIDENT?!" The leader bark in exasperation, "Oh, yeah. Like the cops will take killing a teenage boy as an 'Incident'!"

My eyes were on Nate, who was almost life-less on the filthily stone ground. He doesn't deserve this, dying. Sure he's a annoying, harsh, jerk but he doesn't need to die. I mean, look at Brittney, she's the princess of hell and the daughter of the devil.
I could feel one of the member's eyes only on me, "Lo-look..if we kill the girl, no problem right?"

"'re right, shoot her." Two simple words 'shoot her' will sent horror down your spine. The psychopath did as told and aim the gun directly on my head.

I'm really going to die.

My body felt stronger, like supernatural powers were steaming in my body. "HOLY SHIT!" I heard both of them curse. I peek open my eyes to see the bullet floating before my body. Huh? Not just that, the assholes running away like babies. My head was spinning, full of air that felt like carbon monoxide. Before I knew it, my body was crashing down to the floor. The last thing I saw was Nate trying to whisper my name.

Then...darkness took over my body.

Chapter 15


~Jake's POV.~

Social Studies class was such a bore. I mean, how the hell can you not

fall asleep? Must be magic then. Mr. Davis kept talking on and on and on about random things. One minute the class was on the Civil War and then he started about 'Back in the day'. My eyes were directly on the clock, nailed to the wall. 11:57, just a few more seconds.






"Everyone, homework is on text book page 399, numbers from 1-30!" Okay...what? NOW, you just tell us!




Almost Jake, almost, don't be upset.



"Oh! The big 13 chapter test is tomorrow also!" 1.

I pace away from the lame hole as fast as I can.
My body slammed open the black door and I yelled out loud, "FREEEDOOM!" I took a glance at Mr. Davis, who was shaking his head in disappointment.

"JAKE! JAKE!" I paused my heel to see one of my friends, Chase, chasing after me.


"Dude. Mr. Davis was so pissed off of you when you did that."

My voice was in monotone, "So? He's boring as hel-"

Then...I got interrupted. "Jake!" There was Chloe walking to where Chase and I stood. Her arms were full of text books, reading books, and other stuff.

"Need help?" I asked kindly, since I knew Chloe wasn't so...strong. She shook her head in an answer of 'no'. There was a grin growing on Chase's mouth. The grin had me irritated, "What?"

"Oh," Chase started still smiling like a fool, "nothing..." He turned his head to Chloe was, "Chase Britton, by the way."

Chloe just smiled like a love struck weirdo, "Ch-Chloe..."

Chase was about to walk away when he said, "Cool-ie-yo. Well, don't what to be a third wheel in you two...lovebirds. So, see ya in the assembly."

Me and Chloe just scream out loud to Chase, "WHAT?!"



As the assembly was about to begin. Our principal, Mrs. Foster, was getting ready. She took the microphone and the loud speakers started to buzz. "Attention, fellow students of Ridge Way High. There - has been an accident with two Seniors of this school." Every student gasped, o.k., everyone except me. "It seems yesterday, two Seniors were assaulted by a group of gang. The defilement happened on October 27, 2013 at the time of 10:05, in Elm South street. It has been an over obliged, one of the Seniors made to the hospital just a second no later."

"What happened to the students?!" Some random Freshman questioned. There where a follow of 'Yeahs' before the teachers got everyone to shut up again.

Mrs. Foster cleared her throat before speaking again, "Both of the pupils were safely driven to the hospital. Our contemplation of the Ridge Way High school, Home of the Wolves, is to have every single of our scholars safe. That's why every student must now have an I.D. to enter to school. There are also security guards at every entrance." The entire crowd groan. "I know, no student wants to wear an I.D. But please, it's for your own protection."

A Sophomore speak up and I look a simple look at her, "Who were these Seniors?"

"The school board including I, arrive at a firm conclusion not to declare their names."

"But-but, how did that happened? I mean, they must had been in school before then..."

Mrs. Foster had a frozen face, "We-we're not sure how they manage to end to trouble. Although the police had been notified and analysis some information. One of the Seniors, a girl, was racing to Elm South Street away from trouble at school, that day. Where she was about to be to be rape by a bold gang. That's where the boy Senior, had probably chased after her and tried to protect her. They were both skirmish by the hooligans. The boy had been shot on his left arm trying to shield the girl, while the girl fainted by her cuts and wounds. They were thankful sent to the hospital on time."
She paused for a minute, "But for the reason the girl ran from school was definitely of bullying. Bullying is against school laws and you can be expelled and kick out of any school in the district for doing so. Once we find out who case a ice for the poor girl. I will deal with them, myself. Yes, there will be police involve with the bully."

Bully huh-? I know eyes scan for Brittney and she sat with her cheer leading team. Her face was full of confidence yet her eyes were full of nervousness and only a pinch of guilt. We all know though, Brittney will never be guilty or apologize for her mistakes.

All because she's Brittney Taylor Kingsley, the princess of hell and bitches.


-After School-

"Come on, Chloe! It's going to be fun!" I yip my voice full of happiness and excitement, then got out of the car.

She shook her head slowly causing dark brown hair flying in the air. "It's fun for you since you're Jake Marshall. But Jake, I'm Chloe, the weak one...remember?" Chloe was slow as a turtle getting out of the car.

"Oh, trust me." My voice was hollow, "I know very well." My feet was chasing after the cliff close by. "Come on!" Chloe finally hike all the way to the cliff, where I stood. Chloe shook as she took a quick glance down low. Her eyes were full of fright and stumble onto her butt. Her hazel eyes cast into my blue eyes, as she pleaded 'no.' I laugh at her wimpish side, she reminded me of a little girl. Out of nowhere, I just started to remove my shirt. Revealing my 6 pack abs, Chloe covered her eyes as an innocent saint. Such a girl.

I look down her clothes, every single of her skin was covered. Saint much? Well...those clothes are going to go and soon. "What?! No, Jake, no. I'm not going remove my clothes!" Chloe did a firm 'no' again and I nodded my head. Her feet was backing away and my steps got close. "Jake...." Then she made a run for it. The poor girl didn't know how fast I was. "Jake!" Chloe would laugh my name in happiness, a few times as we chased. So close just a bit more-and got her. My arms had pinned down her arms to the grass. While my legs were in a tight stop not to let her get away. "Jake..." Her voice was still low from our little 'joy' run. -_-

"Take them off."

"No-I don't want to be seen only in my underwear!"

"So?" I asked, "Besides we both know that's a slight I want to see...Plus, will be seeing more in the future." Oh god...I sounded like a man whore!

Chloe finally surrendered. "Fine....but don't look." I got off of her, making sure not to crush her. Dear all girls, if you tell a guy not to look..It makes us tempted to look more! My hands were on my eyelids making sure not to look. Great, I'm so tempted now! "And turn around!" I sighed but did as told. Every now and then, I would take a small peek. Hey! I can't help that I'm a guy. "Done."

There she stood, only in her underwear. Trust me, I'll be a good boy and not do anything 'bad' to her. Chloe had tried her hair into a high ponytail. But boy, the view! Curves on the right places, nothing boring, she should show his more to me. Only me.
"Go-good. Now let's go." I ran off the cliff and into the freezing cool waters. "Chloe, jump in!" She was still on the edge of the cliff and staring at me.

"Bu-but I'm stared!"

"Man up!"

"I'm not a man though!"

"Okay then...woman up! Wait...that'll just make you a scary cat." I can tell Chloe was puffing her chest, took a deep breath, and jump. The only thing I heard was "AAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!", before my ears were turning deaf because of it.


I swarm over to Chloe was, "Jake Marshall." She started, "I'm going to kill you." Chloe stated and splash water to my face. I did the same thing back.

"So...the lesson?"

"Oh, let's see...this morning I told you not to act popular." I nodded. "'re still acting popular!"

"Hey, it's in me."

She gave me the stern eyes. "Fine then...go for girls below your ranking."

I questioned a, "What?"

"How about me then...?"

"I dunno Chloe!" I shouted, how the hell am I suppose to know what kind of guys she likes. "How about Chase? He's pretty er-good...looking." I officially hate her side of request. Each time I tell her a guy for her, I feel gay. And trust me, I'm not FUCKING gay.


"Yeah. I can hook up with him." I, Jake Marshall, and being cupid for the rest of 12 weeks.

Yet, I can't even get the girl I like.

Chapter 16


~Chloe's POV.~


" want me to hook up with one of your best friends?" I asked Jake while drying off my hair with a towel he gave me. 

"Right now, he's probably my only friend."

Well, that's just said. "No...." 

"Come'on Chloe." Jake said in a monotone. "My entire friends and my girlfriend backstab me. Chase is probably my only friend left!"

"I'm your friend-" I paused to think for a few seconds. "I guess..." After I was all dried off and put on my clothes, I went and took a seat in Jake's car. I left him speechless as he got in. The rest of the car ride was plain quiet. Did I say something wrong? "So...about what I asked about Chase."

He kept his eyes on the road but quickly stole a glance at me, "I'll ask him to go on a date with you tomorrow. But you have to wear something that shows off your curves that day. Ok?"

Something nice to wear? Is there something wrong with my daily sweatpants and a tee-shirt? "What's wrong with I usually wear?"

"I don't know-" Jake closed his mouth before he said something wrong. "-Chase likes girls that-you know-'showoff'." Oh yeah, I forgot, Chase was a pervert.

I sighed a after Jake told me that. What am I suppose to wear tomorrow? A mini skirt and a see through tank top? "How about no? I'm not a slut."

"Suit yourself, then." Jake smirked, "You'll end up 20 and already a cat lady. You don't want that do you?" 20 and a cat lady? That's every teenage girls' nightmare. 

"Well, no..."

Jake was curving onto my drive way, "Just wear something nice on that one day."

When Jake finally parked the car to a complete stop, I was debating whether to hug him or not. I did the most stupid thing. I shook his hand as a thank you. "Thanks for driving me and fine I will." I got out of his car and smiled at him.

"Er-you're welcome." Jake quickly turned to face the other side. I squit my eyes, to check if Jake Marshall was actually blushing. "See yeah tomorrow, Clovers." Clovers? He called me by my old nickname. MY old nickname from himself.....



Texte: ©Copyright 2012 C. Joyce and Jessica237
Bildmaterialien: The maker of the cover and character banners: Clujel Joyce (C. Joyce)
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.07.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Dedication: Jessica237 since she is the co-writer! =3 QueenofFantasy on Wattpad for the cover, here's her link: Oh! for the edits and LadyBlahBlah (on Wattpad) but I didn't put them up yet..XD Of course you guys! *trailer*

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