
~Chapter 1

The Begining Awaits~

~Rose's POV.~

I walk down the halls almost limping. Why am I limping? What happen? Why was I in the nurse's office? Why does my leg hurt so bad? And why the heck am I asking you all of these questions?!
I kept walking though, I notice something wired. Each time I took a gimpse at both of my sides, someone always came seeking up me behind a door. Glaring and staring at me while I limp to my...well, June slash my droom.

Sorry I am soo..sleepy right now...I stay up all night planning, finding photos, making the book cover, do the blurd till midnight for you guys. Gotta Sleep, I'm not a vampire sorry about that =)

By the way chapter 1 and 2 I came up with while I was taking a shower..=3


Texte: © Copyright C. Joyce
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.04.2012

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