


High school. The one word Lilia Crystal Lyleson hates the most. From their awful homework addicted teacher to Easton Riverway High's Cassy Eli Dehan. Add high school stress, the mean chick that would date her mirror, nerdy main character, and ah yes- the super hot jerk. Mix all of Lilia's problems in a witch pot, and you have a cliche teen story. Which Lilia does not want to be the main chick. 

Wanting to stop being the poor helpless nerd of Easton Riverway's bullied nerd; she decides to flip her life around. From naturally smart to naturally Troublemaker, hungry for revenge. 


~ X ~


I stared blankly at Ace, I have no idea what move to take. Each step I take, he follows, blocking my way. If only there's a school rule that girls can kick guys in the nuts for blocking the way. I mean really Easton Riverway, you stay the same. And I hate you for it. 


"Are you dumb, deaf, or both? I told you to move." I tried to take a step to the right and Ace just mirrored my move. I left out a troublesome sigh, this dude. This dude must not want to have children in the future. "I said for you to fucking move!"


Silence followed in the hallway. Ok...maybe I yelled that too loud for everyone to hear. I'm suprise teacher's aren't storming to see the drama happening.


"I'm not moving till we talk Lilia." Ace said with a hint of annoyace on the edge of his tongue. "Look, there's a lot of things left unsaid and-"


I couldn't help to snort at him. "-Left unsaid?" I could feel the bitterness tone in my mouth. This dude really thinks I want to talk to him? After all the things he did to me? Hell no. "What do ya' wanna talk about oh mightly popular Ace Aaron? Look everyone Mr. Player Ace wants to talk to poor little nerdy Lilia."  I turned my head side to side to face the emotionless faces of Easton Riverway High. 


Ace grab a hold of my hand, "Lilia, stop. You're causing attention. I just want to talk to you about last night."


I stared down at our collided hands in digust. I ripped my hand away from his flithy ones. "Oh, about last night. No worries, your cruel secret game will not be told. You hear me. I never want to see you ever again. If we do meet again, the proud Ace Aaron will fall. Trust my words, I will have my revenge."


Those were the final words I said to Mr. Player before fading away in the crowds of high school students. words for 2 years, until I came back as a new leaf.


Chapter 1 - Girl, get your shit together


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I stared blankly at the one piece of paper that was mocking me. I actually have to write a sad story for English. A sad in movies that like to make you cry and such. Yeah, no thanks. "Trust me class, it will be easy." My English teacher told us with joy. Yeah sure, easy for you to say since you're not the one writing it. "This will count as a test grade and will be due on Thursday." Everyone in the class groaned.


"Mr. Harry, we only have two days to finish this. The assignment also counts as a test grade. I have soccer, poms, and even cheer leading to attend both today and tomorrow. In my opinion, I think this story you're making us write is absolutely stupid." One of my best friends, Stella Mark,  said in pride with her head held high.


Mr. King had one of his famous looks, not the kind of look students want to see. "Well, thank you for trying me Miss Mark. Sadly for you though, I didn't ask about your day nor care about it. It's just my job to give you an assignment." He stop his pacing and gave our class a 'I don't care' look, "Class you should thank Miss Mark. Instead of this assignment being counted as a test grade; it will count as three. Oh, and instead of the project originally due on Thursday. It will be due tomorrow." Someone please shoot me...or Stella. "Does anymore have problems with that?"


We all shook our heads speechless. The bell finally rang and saved us from hell aka British Literature. I walk in a fast pace to get out of that class. I decided to go to my locker instead of walking with Stella or Kira. Once at my locker I grabbed my AP Geometry textbook but something else caught my eye. Ace Aaron.  


"Hey you, you ditched us." A familiar voice rocked me back to reality. I glance to my side to see a half pissed Kira.


"Hey-" There's three people this entire high school knows not to pissed off. Those three people are: Ace Aaron, Cassey Dehan, ...Kira Harper. Thankfully one of those three is one of my best friends. "-yeah, I'm really sorry. I was in a hurry, I'm really  hungry for food. I thought I could just meet up with you guys at lunch."


Stella, who finally paused looking at her reflection and decided to look at me. "Do you guys think this lip gloss shade matches with my skin tone or no...?"


Kira rolled her dark brown eyes, "Are you serious Stella?"


Stella had a confused experssion on her face. "What did I say wrong?" She even had a even more confused look, " your answer a yes or no?"


"AGH. Never mind." Kira changed her attention back to me with a smug look. "Admit it Lilia, the only real reason you ditched us is to take a secret glance at Ace Aaron. ...So that me or Stella won't find out your little baby crush on him."


"I do NOT have a crush on Ace Aaron," my voice sounded defensively. "I - I mean Ace is good, and n-nice guy?"


"Nice?" Kira said in shock, the same tone she had when her little sister said Justin Bieber was a great musician. [A/N: I don't hate Justin Bieber, it's just part of the story. Chill.] Look Lilia, you're my best friend and I love you but...Girl, get your shit together. Ace Aaron isn't a 'nice guy', trust me our parents had us play together as kids."


I shrug my shoulders, "Well, that's when you two were kids."


She gave me a dull look and sighed in surrender. "He ripped off the heads of my favorite Barbie dolls. WHEN WE WERE ONLY FIVE! He's evil and he's the reason why I hate everyone in this world." Stella and I glanced at each other, Kira's fricking scary when she's mad. "Look-can we just drop this conversation about Ace and head for lunch? I'm hungry."


   Without saying another word, all three of us headed for the lunch room. I was careful not to say a peep about Ace; one more word and Kira would explode and punch an innocent person's locker. We all sat down at our regular table...which I got a perfect view of Ace. His girlfriend Cassy may had saw me, unless she just loves to give me a death glare.


"I'm going to buy pizza, you want one Kira?" She nodded, I've been buying her lunch for a while now. Stella was fine and could afford buying herself a lobster for lunch, if she wanted. Kira however...she's been having family issues. Her mom recently passed away due to lung problems. Her father already has three jobs, but it's still not enough to give money to Kira for lunch while still battling to keep their house.


I paid for both of the pizzas from what's left of my paycheck and headed back to the table.Cassy decided it was time for a talk with her green eyes burring against my core. I stood there like a stone, I had no idea what to do. "I saw you drooling over my boyfriend," she snap at me, "want to tell me what's that about?"


I whispered quitely not enough for hear, "I wasn't staring at your boyfriend."


"Bullshit! Are you lying to me about that?" I shook my head slowly, my palms were getting sweating and my strong grip was on the lunch tray. "Girls, look closely, this is what I call a triple A wimp. She can barely even shake her head the right way." Cassy's followers laugh in the tone as her. I tried to look at Kira for help, then I felt something warm on my crest. Pizza. "Whoops, my hand slipped. You know-you should thank me. That shirt looks like it belongs in a dump - plus, that pizza stain even makes it look better."


I wanted to hit her so badly or just to call her out. I couldn't find the confidence to do such a thing and if I did, the loud laughter from everyone else would had drown it out. "Clean up that stain and buy Lilia a new pizza." Kira and Stella stood in front of me, shielding Cassy away from me.


"Or what?" Cassy replied in amusement while smiling with joy.


Stella had her hands on her hips and tried to look tough, "I-I-I'll make my dad sue you."


Kira sighed with annoyance at Stella, "Stell, you can't just sue people for this type of such."


"Eh- it was worth a shot."


"Seriously. This are the people at comes to save the wimp's sorry ass?" Cassy eyed Kira and Stella from bottom to up. "A soon to be hobo with anger issues and a Barbie doll at is weak without her parent's money? Don't make me laugh."


Kira had eyes that could kill, "You better shut your STD filled mouth."


"You're just jealous that Cassy's way better than you losers." One of Cassy's followers glared at Kira while saying so. I forgot what her name was, I think she's in my gym class. "She's way better than you, and you're just a hobo with anger issues." She pointed at Kira and slowly pined at me, "And you. No worries I never forgot about you. You're the lonely bitch that's suppose to have her head in books instead you stare at Ace like a creepo."


"Shut the fuck up, I maybe a soon to be hobo. I feel way sorry for you, at least I don't have stripper name of Diamond. Then again, consider yourself lucky, you don't have to make up a fake name for your future job." Diamond, who I assume, had her nails ready to punch Kira.


"Now. Now, Diamond, calm down. By the way, I'm the one that's suppose to tell her that." I stared that the ground, I didn't feel like seeing Cassy's smile that was creeping through. "Can't you just face the fact no guy wants you nor your mother? I mean really, way do you think your daddy left you and your mom for his younger secretary?"


"That's it!" Kira yelled in a tone that was louder than a battle cry. "You can call me a hobo with anger issues. Talk to my best friends like that, you'll better wish you can get a refund from your plastic surgeon!" Her hand was formed into a tight fist, that was ready to strike at both of them. Something blocked Kira from breaking Cassy's nose. Ace. 


Ace stood there blocking Cassy from view, "Woah there no need for violence. Cassy just say sorry, I mean it is your fault for the stain." Cassy eye rolled and apologized, not in a real tone. I have a feeling we weren't going to get a real apology from her. "Here," he stared at me with his sea blue green eyes, cliche and all his glaze melted me. Ace handed me a handkerchief, "use this to wipe off the pizza stain."I took the handkerchief with my shaky hand.


Kira scowled at Ace and grabbed both of me and Stella's arm, "lets get out of here."


"But I never even got a bite out of my salad!" Stella whined that Kira with sadness in her eyes.

Chapter 2 - Hello Kitty's cool


✈ ✉ ✈ 


Kira pulled me and Stella to the nearest washroom. "Nice guy my ass," Kira kept muttering, "he was pretending to save his reputation."


"He was not!" I defended Ace while wiping the pizza stain with the napkin he gave me. "Come on, admit it, he was nice enough to give me this napkin." I lifted the used napkin to her eye level.


"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Whatever..."  In the washroom mirror we saw Stella struggling to carry our books. "Stell, just give me those books." Kira grabbed the books out of Stella's arms. For a girl like Kira, she was pretty strong for her size.


Stella started whining, "b-bu-but how am I suppose to practice for gym then?" 


"Practice for gym?" I questioned back at her. Stella Marks a girl that does three different sports, needs to practice for gym? I would be the person that should be saying that instead.


Kira started to laugh hysterical. "You, practicing for gym? Why?"


"Cause -" Stella paused for a minute and bite her lip. "- do you know the time Cassy Dehan fell during a cheer leading practice accident? And she broke her leg that month?" Both Kira and I looked at each other in confusion then nodded back at Stella. "I was the girl on the team that made her fell."


Stella looked sad like a puppy that got kicked in the face. While Kira, lets just say she laughing with tears in her eyes. "Woah. Woah. You're the reason that bitch fell?"


Stella lowered her head in saddness, "It was an accident."


Kira stopped laughing to she the mishap was making Stella feel guilty. "Dude, don't be sad about that. It's a good thing; no worries. Remember in like 7th or 8th grade when I punched her in the face and she fell backwards into the Kyle's huge punch bowl?"




"Yours was an accident, you didn't mean to. Mine, however, she had it coming for kissing my boyfriend- well ex-boyfriend on that day." Slowly walking out of the washroom Kira paused her steps and stared at me and Stella with one of her eyebrows up. "Aren't you guys coming? Come on' Lilia, be a good girl, you don't want to miss a class." She teased me for my good ways.


Stella and I followed with Kira's steps. Kira was right in front of me and each time someone mocked me for the pizza stain on my shirt; she thought it was a cue to give them the narstiest look to shut them up. "Do you think the stain's noticeable?" I asked them.


Stella tried to be nice and gave me a white lie. "Well, the stain makes a great pattern on your white shirt."


"It's a white shirt, what do you think?" I wouldn't see Kira's face with her back facing me; but I could tell she had a smirk because of my question.


When we finally reached my AP Geometry class; I told them to meet up at the parking lot when school ends. My seat was in the back close to the window, just the way I like it. People quickly came into the classroom and sat down before the bell rang.


Mrs. Janet walked into the classroom, carrying our tests that we took yesterday. "Usually I would say 'Good morning class' but your test scores gave me a migraine before going to bed. Your to I say this in the nicest way possible? Your test scores were pathetic excuse for you Sophmores." She handed our tests back to us. "Only one person in this entire class got an A on it, a 98% even. If you got anything a C- and lower, which is most of you; your punishment is going to be text book pages 150-180 all of the questions." Mrs. Janet paced her talking and turned to my direction. "In that case, Miss Lyleson, you are out of the class punishment."


"I-I am?" I whispered to myself, trying to hide my joy from not having to do the assignment.


Mrs. Janet pulled up a long set of notes on the smartboard and she continued on, "Lilia is the only person in this entire class to get an B and higher. Now pick up your pencils and start copying these notes. Lilia as an reward you can sit back and do whatever you like until the class finishes copying their notes."


I did as told and started to read one of my favorite books 'Maxium Ride'. There was a light tap on my shoulder, I bought my head up to see Ace. Wait, how did I forget he's in my class? He's a smart guy, seriously, my memory lately.  


"Can I borrow a pencil? I lend my last pencil to Jacob in football practice , and he tought it was happy to throw it across the field." My brain just shut off for a second a two before turning back on and giving him my pencil. "Hello Kitty?" He questioned me with a smirk.


I gasp. "Ah - that's my little sister's-and I was borrowing it?"


He smiling and kind of laughing at me. "No sweat, Hello Kitty's cool." Hello Kitty's cool? That's something you rarely hear a football player say or even a regular guy for the matter. "I'll give it back to you when I'm done." Ace gave me one last small smile for turning back to his notes.


Hello Kitty's cool. I repeated what Ace said with a smile.


When class was finally over Ace gave back my pencil and thank me. He went to talk with some of his buddies; no, jocks in my school aren't idiots. Ok, fine, only half of them were idiots.  A test message popped up on my phone


Kira : Are you coming? It's getting late, we got an essay to write.


I texted back to her 'I'm coming.' Fuck,  I forgot about that essay.


 ✈ ✉ ✈ 

Chapter 3 - You have to know even Prince Charming could be a jackass.


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The bell finally rang and I began to walk out the class to my locker. It was a daily struggle against the crowded halls of East Riverway High. I finally arrive to my locker, it was a decent size. As in the jocks could fit a poor nerd in them, but they would have to be skinny. "Let's see...I need to bring home my British Literature, Honors Geometery, Ap European textbooks-"


"-Talking to yourself again?" I glanced up to see Ace Aaron looking down at me. "Need help?"


He handed me my British Literature textbook which was on the high shelf. "Thanks." I whispered quietly, "so what are you doing here?"


Ace began to turn around both sides, as if he was glancing if someone was looking at us. "Well, I wanted to apologize again for Cassy. I know she can be a..."


"-A crude miscreant?" I finished for him.


Ace started to smile and did a chuckle, "I was going to just say a bitch, but crude miscreant sounds nicer. But yeah...I'm really sorry for what she did to you and for what she said to Kira. Knowing Kira though, she probably still wants to punch Cassy in the face."


"Oh trust me, she really does." I smiled back at him and continued to put my stuff into my book bag. I tried lifting my bag, it felt like I was carrying five pounds of rocks.


I guess Ace saw me struggling with my bag since he asked, "what me to carry your bag for you to your car or something?"


"Nah, I got it." I may had jinks myself because right after I said that and got my bag on my back, I went backwards to the floor.


Ace quickly lift me off the floor and took a hold on my bookbag. "Jesus, what the fuck is in your bag?"


"Books," I answered him. "And I don't want you carrying it. I can handle it."


He rolled his eyes, "yeah, sure you did. Stop being stubborn Lilia, and let me carry it to your car." Ace just said my name. He just said my name. Ok, chill. Keep calm."What about your stuff?" I asked Ace when we started walking.


"I finished most of my homework in study hall. Geometery homework, Mrs. Janet can bite my ass about it, don't give a crap about shapes and proofs. The Ap European homework...I'll do it in study hall." He answered back and while looking down to my height. There was a awkward silence for a second before Ace talked again to me. "How are you good at geometery?"


"Me? Good at it?"


"Yeah, you got 98% on the test that everyone failed on."


"I honestly hate geometery...but yeah, I had my older sister Sakura help me on it."


"Seriously? You're fucking lucky your older sibling's smart. My older step brother's a total dumbass at everything, seriously, he managed to set water on fire." We passed the front doors which Ace opened the door for me. Which was nice. Keep calm Lilia, god damn it! Don't ruin the moment, he just opened the door for you. That's all.I finally managed to keep myself together from my crushing moment. "Ho-How do you set water on fire?!"


"I dunno, you would have to ask him. Anyways where's your car?"


I paused my steps for a moment and eyed around the parking lots for Stella's car. I finally spotted Kira and Stella in a minute. Kira was on the hood of Stella's car, looking pissed and impatient. "Over there where Kira is." I pointed to the direction of Kira, Ace had a 'oh shit' expression. "It's fine, I can carry my bag now. And thank you for carrying it Ace." I smiled at him and grabbed it as fast as I could. I hurried off to Stella's car before fully realizing Ace was blushing.


Kira saw me and wasn't too happy, "where were you?"


"I had trouble carrying my bookbag-" She moved to see behind me, which was Ace walking back to his car.


Kira rolled her eyes, "Let me guess. Ace being a 'Prince Charming' decided to help you, uh?" Her tone was full of sarcasm. I didn't answer her back and just looked at her for a second before going into Stella's car. "I'm telling you, he's not a little prince. He's probably messing with your head so he can fuck you and leave and embarrass you. You have to know even Prince Charming could be a jackass."


"And how would you know?!" I shouted back at her and I could feel my eyes getting watery, "And do you honestly think I would be that easy?!"


"Lilia, don't cry..." Stella began hugging and rubbing my back. "Kira, you crossed the line this time. Let her have her crush. Jesus, you're acting like it's a sin for Lilia to like a guy."


Kira sighed and hopped into the driver's seat. "Look, I'm sorry. I'm just looking out for you - you and Stella are like my sisters." She told me as the car started, I didn't say anything else the way home.


Seven minutes of dead silence in the car, they dropped me off to my house. I waved bye at them and nothing more. I walked over to my mail box and took the mail, which was mostly Khol's maganizes and bills. I opened the door to my house and set the mail down onto the coffee table in my kitchen.


My mom was in the kitchen as well, making her daily coffee. "Oh, you're home and what happened to your shirt?"


"I accidentally got it dirty when I was eating pizza." I lied to her, she doesn't need to know about Cassy. Plus, I don't think she really cares about my state. My eyes were red and puffy but she only cared about my shirt.


"Lilia, you're in the honor roll, I thought you would be smart enough to know how to eat pizza."


"Yeah, sorry." I hanged my jacket in the closet and walked up the stairs.


"-And I'm working the next three nights by the way. So watch your little brother, Sakura will be back from college in a week or so."


"Ok then." I relied back and walked into my room. Three hours passed by as I just sat in my chair and looking outside my window. Within those hours my mom left for work and she got my little brother Luke to bed. Which makes it easier on my part. I managed to finish study for geometery and did my Ap European reading and writing homework. I also finally decided to stop being lazy and commence typing my sad story for english:


[A/N: You can skip this part, unless you want to read the side story. I actually did wrote 'On The Edge' for my English class last year and no, it's not based on a real story.]


On The Edge by Lilia Crystal Lyleson


“If you could invent something that does not currently exist, what would it be?” I remember that question from the Spring of my Freshman year. Those words danced closely to my brain, never wanting to stop their waltz. A few weeks later, I knew my answer, A Cure for Death. My older sister Juliet, was hit by a drunk driver. My parents received phone call from the hospital a few days later; my father stood frozen as an ice sculpture. The sound of the phone contacting the floor echoed in the silent room. His blue eyes were fogged up by sorrow and pain. While my mother fell on her knees and her eyes cascade with tears. Juliet died a few weeks before my 15th birthday…


On that night, my eyes couldn’t close themselves. I would have to go on for miles before I could fall into a slumber. How can anymore fall sleep on the day they heard their love one just passed away? I could hear the wind pounding against my bedroom window.




My eyes roamed around the room, they stop their focus on Juliet’s bed. The sight of her bed felt like I was stung by hundreds of bees. The sound of a downfall could be heard also.





The rain’s tone was a match made by cupid with my tears. I hugged Juliet’s old teddy bear that night; it felt like the bear was hugging me back also.


After Juliet’s death, I tried my best to be like her. I pretended to be a mini Juliet in order to find the shiny glint in my parents’ eyes. Each time I showed them my achievements; their eyes only staged sorrow self-pity. I know now I could never replace my older sister. Juliet was and always will be the wonderful joyful jewel in my parents’ eyes. While in their eyes, I will always be their second best. The times I even tried harder to make them smile; it only felt like I was being malicious mocked. If only my parents knew their bereave blue coated eyes brought me pain and suffering.


During my Junior year in high school, my life was crumbling apart. My father filed for a divorce after 20 years of marriage with my mother. I could feel that my life was now on the edge of a cliff. My ocean colored eyes that used to be filled with hope and joy, was now replaced with emotionless bitter. My heart was howling in despair due to the tight chains. While my smile is now spiritless and made of plastic. I used to care too much, that now, I don’t care anymore. The room was darker than the death of an abyss. I tighten the rope that was on my neck, I could feel the tiny thorns that bit on my bare neck. My feet were now on the edge of my wooden chair.


I decided to leave a note before I fall into my coffin. The note read:

“If you could invent something that does not currently exist, what would it be?” I remember that question from the Spring of my Freshman year. Those words danced closely to my brain, never wanting to stop their waltz. A few weeks later, I knew my answer, A Cure for Death. My older sister Juliet, was hit by a drunk driver. My parents received phone call from the hospital…


✈ ✉ ✈


-Ace Aaron-


I laid in bed while texting Cassy, after I finished my homework. Well, I ones I actually want to do.


Cassy: I can't believe those losers embarrassed me in lunch.


UGH. I thought, she decided to change the subject back to her problems.

'You kind of deserved it...' I texted back at her.


Cassy: R u actually defending them? I literary can't believe u, ur my boyfriend, u should be siding with me. Not dem.


'One babe, it's literally not literary. And two, you know I hate it when you text like that. And three, I'm saying you started it, you should know about karma being a bitch.'


Cassy: Ace, idgaf about the word. And there u go again defending them.


Cassy: I hate u.


Cassy: I thought you love me.

'I'm not choosing their side, I'm just saying. You started the problem, look can we please get off this topic already? They're not that bad.'


Cassy: -_- Not that bad. Kira's a bitch n that Lily or whatever her name is a little piece of shit.


'Kira's can be a bitch including to me and that's too far with Lilia. If you get to know people better you might know they're actually cool. Instead of just blashing on them.'


Cassy: ...Why da fuck r u being nice about them? They're just lower than us.


You know some times I wonder why I'm still dating you...You're kind of a bitch to others. I really wanted to text that to Cassy but she would dump my ass. Instead, I just didn't text her back and went to take a shower since I was still sweaty from football practice. Within a ten minutes in the shower, my phone's text ringtone went off every 20 seconds.


Looks like she's back... I mentally sighed, grabbed my towel to dry off, and glanced at my phone's messages.


Brennan: Hey dude, you going to Joey's party on Friday?

'Yeah' I quickly texted my best friend Brennan back before looking at Cassy's messages. Prepare yourself for a headache.


Cassy: Where r u?


Cassy: Y aren't u texting me back?


Cassy: I hate u. I hate u. Y aren't u replying back? u know what, were over.


Cassy: Jk. Bae, i luv u.


Cassy: U love me back right...?


'Yeah, I love you back. What's with the question mark?' I texted back to her when my headache finally went away.


Cassy: Well, if u truely love me, you'll do anything for me right...?


Texte: @Copyright 2011 Clujel Joyce
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.12.2011

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