
Chapter 1 (Me)- My Diary

Chapter 1 (Me)-My Diary

Dear Diary,
School is tommarrow. Yipp-yay...not, I just moved here from a Philippines. My birthday just pasted on Aug. 5. I am seventeen-years-old now, and entering a boarding school in Califorina. Even though I went to a different boarding school in Japan. My bother Chad and I live with my Aunty Bloom. I don't know what happened to my parents, Aunty woludn't tell me where they are. Anyways it's 1 A.M gonna go to sleep nite! (Wait where's my room, is it through this door? wait...this,aunty help me please! :) )

~Myself Indrouction~ (you can skip this chapter if you like,-go to chapter 2)
"Hi" I'm Rose Crystal Blossom, p.s. Bright isn't my middle name.'s my second part of my first name, you see well my aunty named me. Don't ask why. I'm seventeen and just starting to start college. Its kind-of a big deal, college is the key for my future. My aunty taught me so well to be a nerd even though I can be dumb at times, instead of a self-centred, clown faced to much make-up, no offense, mean barbie doll. And no I don't wear glasses. I have soft, silky long black hair and no highlights like it would show anyways and my Aunt wouldn't allow me to. At height of 5' 3" and weighing 130 pounds. Medium sized/ hint of chubby not by at all really. I'm not overweight that's what my doctor told me. And come on 130 is a good weight. I have a nice light and darkish tan skin. Anyways I moved here from the Philippines(country from Asia)to get a better education(that and my aunty made me :p, so I'm the "new girl".) Which is not a good thing, my friend Janea said. I think, I couldn't understand what she was saying while crying. Or was she happy about me moving? I don't really get along well with her like my other friends Lily, Stacy, and Magaly. Janea can be uh...i don't like to use swear words so..she can be mean at times. Most of all, when it comes to boys. Why does she like them so much? (No Offense guys) They can be jerks, rude, stupid, and playboys I HAATTEE them the most.

Chapter 2 First Day of School

~ Chapter 2

First Day of School~

~Rose's Pov.~
My aunt just drop of my little brother, he's still in high school so he goes to a public school (lucky). Chad is fifthteen-years-old has light brown hair with a hint of black. He is 5"8', five cms taller than what I was. So what if I'm just 5"3', I'm not small. I repeat I'm NOT small, I'm fun-sized! He's also really good at sports. "good luck little bro" "`Growls", I wish I ate breakfeast!

Auntie just drop me off. I walked to the gate. My knees were shaking like a chiuaua or like I really need to pee. Anyways the pathway was amazing, it was lined with palm trees. OMy Gosh there's a giant beautiful fountain. I could take a bath in it (even through I wouldn't,hah-haha, maybe). I continued to walk when I lost my way. Oh, I should someone for help, "excuse me huh,hello..." I push a really cute blonde guy. He looked mad, okay now I need to pee.

"Oh sorry I wasn't.." I said.

"Watch where you're going Stupid Chinese!" He yelled. "Chill dude", I thought to myself.

"I'm not Chinese! And I didn't mean too!" I shouted as he walked away.

"Yuck, pretty but a jerk faced bas-nahh no swearing" I muttered. Yupp, I'm a good-girl or goody-two-shoes. It doesn't matter.

-I walked to the principal's office-

"Ahh, Mrs. Blossom nice to meet you. Welcome to our school I'm Mrs. Alifea. Say where are you from?" Asked Mrs. Alifea

"Philippines, I wondering what's my classes and dorm." I answered

"Ah yes, here's your information with your schedule, and your dorm number." (is it me or she really likes to say "ahh"? "Class is starting in a few mintues. You should hurry up, if you need help just come to ask me."

"ok" I answered and raced to find my classroom.

Chapter 3 Not you AGAIN!

~Chapter 3

Not you AGAIN!~

"Where am I"

I looked both ways to the end of the hallway. Where is room C-265?

"Do you need help?"

I look for who ask and I found who it was. Standing infront of me was a cute,tall light brown haired boy with hazel eyes.

"Hi my name is Pj and you are?"

"...Neeewww.." Why did I say that! IDIOT!

"I can see what are you looking for?"

"Sorry about that, my name is Rose and I'm new. Ohh! and I'm looking for room C-265, Soical Studies."

"No way, I'm also going there right now. Follow me" Pj made a "come here" hand gesture. I followed him like a lost puppy. I saw a few girls staring at Pj with googly eyes and saying his name like they were cheerleaders.

"I see your popular with the ladies huh" I giggled

"Who, Me! If you mean girls saying your name each time you walk, following you EVERYWHERE, and stalking you. Sure, I guess." Pj just laugh

"Then You Are" I repiled. He smiled at me,and I blushed. When do I blushed!?! We started to laugh. I stop laughing when I saw the pretty yet jerk faced guy yelling at a cheerleader that was wearing a really short skirt.

"Who are you staring at?" Pj asked

"them" I showed him who

"You mean June and Fannie."


"If you mean the blonde and the red-haired, yelling at each other than yup that's them. We should hurry up class is starting soon."

We both walked to the classroom, and all eyes were on me. I hate when that happens. Fannie and June walked in the classroom holding hands.

Chapter 4 Who are you?

~Chapter 4

Who are you?~

"Who are you?" Fannie asked with a disgusting face glaring at me.

"I'm..I'm-" The teacher intruppted me.

"Ok class take your seats, and..(she saw me) and you are?" Asked the teacher while walking forwards me. Everyone else were seating in their seats.

"I'" Oh curd not again, I saw Pj laughing at me.

"She's our new transfer student from Philippines, her name is Rose. Last name, I dunno." Pj said while trying to stop laughing.

The teacher looked at Pj while he talked so did the others. When he stop everyone's eyes were on me again. Oh man, I absolutely hate this. Will you all stop staring at me!

"Then, please tell the class who you are?" The teacher said in a mocking voice. I walked to the center and front of the class.

"I'm Rose Bright Crystal Blossom, pleasure to meet you." I said gracfully

"Uck, we have a goody-two-shoes fatass freak." Fannie said glaring at me. Look who's talking, I thought.

"Stop it Nooww!" yelled Pj and June annoyed.

"I'm just saying." Fannie rolled her eyes.

"Thank you Pj and June, now miss Blossom your seat is between June and Pj." The teacher said while pointing where the seat was.
Hey I'm not stupid! I thought to myself

Chapter 5 I'm miss popular and you're miss loser

~Chapter 5

I'm miss popular and you're miss loser~

I walked to the seat, where it was. It's fun right, I'm seating next to Pj. But I'm also seating next to June and Fannie.

"Ok listen to me NEWbie, I'm MISS POPULAR and your miss LOSER. I'm the BOSS here and your NOT! Got that!" Fannie yelled as Pj,June, and June's (which looks like his group) rolled their eyes. Class was a pain. "DInIGing!!!!!!!" Yes! Class as ended and I was the first to leave. THANK YOU LORD! I walked to the cefeteria and waited in line. I order orded a medium-sized blue raspberry Icee, small fries, and BBQ ridet. I look for my wallet in my bag.

"I'll pay for that." I looked to see who it was Pj,smiling at me.

"No, it's fine I have money with me." I said looking at hazel eyes.

"Nopee, its MY Teat.Oh and can I get a blue rhaspberry as her." He said pointing at me. I blushed. Wait, I blushed!

"fine." I said looking at the tile floor.

He got the trays and we sat at a table and ate. I saved the Icee and just ate some fries and the BBQ ribet.

"I'm full!" I said as Pj smirked at me.

"Ok then let's go." He said and puling me to stand-up.

"to where?"

"to an Adventure! Actually we're going to see where is your dorm. aawwwhhh. =( , He's a K.J. Give me your shedule, it should have room number. Ahh, so room D-373,easy." He walked to the exit and made another "Come here" hand gesture. I followed. We walked to where the dorm houses were. Or should I call the houses, MANISONS instead! I took a slip from the Icee as my mouth drop to the floor.
~p.s. K.J. means Kill Joy~

"These there the DORM HOUSE!" I yelled I think I freak-out Pj's ears.

"Yea...amazing vew huh. And please don't break my ear drums." He chuckled while fixing his ear.


"Its fine, I acted like that when I SAW for the first time." We started to laugh. "and this is your dorm."

"thanks." I said, kissing his cheek. He blushed. Awwhhh, he's soo CUTE when he blushes! WHATT! He is!

"No prob." He said walking away.

I opened the door, finding a guy laying on the bed listening to his Ipod.

Chapter 6 You're my roommate!

~Chapter 6

You're my roommate!~

~June's pov.~
After football practice I went to MY dorm. I like this school, well not at all. But I didn't have to share my dorm with anyone. Class was a pain, Fannie was annoying the "Newbie" for no reason. Fannie was my bitchy cheerleader girlfriend. Word of adivce, DON'T DATE mean self-centered cheerleaders, trust me. Speaking of pain, football practice was killing me. Coach made me run fifty laps around the football yard! Just becauses I'm the team's captain. He's a di--OW my legs are killing me too. Finally I reached my dorm. I layed on my bed and opened my Ipod to listen to some music. The door just opened I looked up to see who it was.
"YOU!" We both yelled

"Oh it just you Chinese midgit girl." I joked

"For your information I'm filippino And I'm 5'3", I'm not a midgit. I'M FUN-SIZED!" She said

"Whatever, but your still a midgit though." Humm..Its really fun to tease her. Instead of Fannie who would hit,slap,kick me with her heel when I tease her. Yeah, she's..she's, nevermind.
"So what are doing here?"

"What? Sorry I wasn't listening. And why are you here in my dorm." Wait her dorm!?! I stand up and moraned in pain cause of my leg. I pained her to the wall. She's was short so I had to look down at her when I pinned her on the wall. Then again I am 6'4", so I am pretty tall.

"Are you ok? Do you need help? Is it your leg, I can help." How does she know my leg hurts!

"No thanks your not a nurse." I smirked at her.

"No not yet, but I studing to be one." She smiled back. Ok...was that a burn or she is telling the truth?

"Fine, help me then." I said letting her go. I layed down on my bed. She started to warp my foot and massage it. It really felt nice, maybe she's not a bad roommate after all.

"Done." She said. Wow...she looks really pretty, and those lips of her's . AH! Stupid horomones!

"thanks." I said and contiuned to listen to my Ipod.

"Hey where's the bathroom? And can you help me finish unpacking? Pretty PLEASE" She asked,I pointed to the bathroom. I walked up to help her unpack. My eyes were shocked to see her ------.

"What are you holding!" she yelled from the bathroom. Her hair was wet, she was still taking a shower. She ran to me, she's was wearing a small towel. That I could see her curves. She looked really hot! Shit, stupid horomones! She also looked mad, is she going to kill me?

Chapter 7 Why are you holding my pantie!

~Chapter 7

Why are you holding my panite!~

~Rose's pov.~
"Where's the bathroom? And can you help me finish unpacking? PRETTY PLEASE." I begged him and he pointed to where the bathroom was. I walk to the bathroom, I took a glimpse of June walking over to my luggage. I smiled. Wait, I did I remember finish packing my underwear? Oh well, whatever. I striped my clothes and got in the bath tub. Turn the hander on to take a shower. I washed up and put on a towel that I could find. I wish he has other one. This towel is so small it only reach to my butt. I opened the door to ask if he has another towel that I can use. I saw what was in his hand one of my PANTIES! I race towards him.
"Why are you holding my pantie!" I slipped on one of his tee-shirt and fell on top on him. I kissed him! OH NO! But it tasted really good. WHY DID I JUST SAY THAT!!!

~June's pov.~
She saw me holding one of her panties! That and she fell on top of me. We kissed! Wooww...I love this school. Haha kiddin' I'm not a pervented. I just stared at my clock while, she got up. I saw her blushing. She took her blue-hearted Victoria's Secret panite from my hand.
"Oh look at the time, we better sleep. Want'a sleep together?" I joked.

"Yeah...WAIT NO, NO JUNE!" She hit me with one of my pilliows.

"I was just joking :p" I jumped onto my bed and fell fast alseep. I had a really good dream. But if I tell you may think I'm actually a pervy. I blame it on horomones, HOROMONES got that! I woke up to go to school. I checked my clock 6:50. I'll go back to sleep school doesn't start till 8:30.

"Wake up wake up." I heard a angel's voice telling me to wake up.

"10 more minutes" I yawned sleepy. I wish I could hear that voice while I slept.

"WAKE UP YOU PERV!" Ok that voice sounded like a devil. I opened my eyes to see Rose on top of me again.

"You must really like me, cause you can't help to be on top of me. Right?" I smirked as she blushed.

"NO! You'll be late for class." Rose said

"What time is it?" I remove my bed sheets.

"7:50, I'll wait for you if you want." Rose replied. " And PLEASE put on a tee-shirt." She turn to look away. I stared down at what she was looking at my 8 pack abs.

"Like what you see?" I stood up kissed her cheeck. And she blushed again! Wow, she really likes to blush. :p But I'll admit she looks really cute when she blushes. I took my uniform and race to take a shower. I finished, I put on my uniform and check if she was still there. And she was, I felt happy about that. Yet i don't know why.
"Ready?" Rose asked.

"Yea, let's go mate." I said in my Australian accent. As we walked to class. It took her three minutes to say something.

"wait...mate?" Rose asked, she doesn't know what mate means?! Isn't she smarter than I AM!

"You don't know what mate means?" She shooked her head. "Its a australian word that means friend."


"Yup" I said as we walked in the classroom. I saw Fannie glaring at us. She always looks like a bull when she's mad. She stomped towards us. Rose got frighten. I wish I didn't see Rose's scared look on her face, it made me feel sad to even see it.

"What the fuck are you with HER! Fannie yelled while pointing at Rose. Rose hid behind me.

"Talking" I replied

"STAY AWAY FROM HER!" Fannie contiuned to yell.

"Well that's going to be hard." I shurgged

"And why is that?!"

"Cause she's my roommate." I replied annoyed.

"WHHHHHHHAAAAATTTAT!!!!!" Everyone looked at Fannie, birds flied from the palm trees and in tree's in the garden. I was pretty sure people in China would complain about the noise level here.

~Fannie's pov.~
There I was practicing my cheerleading rountine. I was their captain and ~The MOST POPULAR GIRL in school~ du-hh, I had to be good. Wait, I had to be ~FABLOUSS~! When I saw the ugly Newbie with my HOT HOT boyfriend June. He were laughing and smiling with, with that BITCH! I was pretty sure she was using my Juniey-boey to get popular. What a slut! I raced over over there to ask what's going on.
"What the fuck are you with HER!" I asked poliety.

"Talking" June replied. I don't believe him at all.


"Well that's going to be hard." Why did he just said that! I'm his girlfriend!

"And why is that?!" I asked

"Cause she's my roommate." June replied to me. I didn't what to hear anymore from him.

"WHHHHHAAAAATTTAT!" I yelled. It can't be, his roommate is HER! I wonder what did they did, that June wouldn't let me do.
"Your roommate is that SLUT!" I yelled, June's face looked shock and Rose looked hurt. But I didn't care a shit about her. I ran over June to Katrina and made a slaping hand gesture with my hand, ready to hit her. But as soon as I did.....

-haha, next chapter please!

Chapter 8 Your eyes are yellow and her's are red

~Chapter 8

Your eyes are yellow and her's are red~

But as soon as I did June came infront of her to protect her. HUH! I HATE that stupid Rose Blossom chic. I felt my beautiful light browish hazel eyes turning yellow. They always turn yellow when ever I get mad. I took a glimpse of June's green eyes turning to sliver. I can see he's angry with me now. Each time before he "changes" his eys turn to sliver. Also his dirty blonde hair changes to dark brown.

"You have better not, what I think you would have done. Fannie." He growled at me. I got frighten with the look on his face; furious and serious. I never saw that look on his face before. Does he care for Rose more than me? NO! I'm the main character in this story and in his life! I better be. I got fustured, I pushed June to the ground and hit Rose. She instantly fell to the floor with a bleeding scar made by me. I felt happy to feel the stronger one between me and her. Don't blame me. I glance at June who was being pulled back by Erick, Daren, and Jaren. Who were June's best buddies, they are strong but not as June. I think June wants to beat the shit out of me. Why?! While June's other bestfriends Dan and Kyle went to help Rose. Those stupid boobs why didn't they come to me instead and congrats me. I just kept staring at Rose's scar that HEALED! Is she a vampire? GG Mckanez and Taylor Thomason my lower-ranked "friends" just stared. They're bunch of losers. Before I could think that I have useless friends, Rose's brown eyes turned blood red eyes. She got up and ran towards me. That's all I could remeber after everything turned black..

~June's pov.~
-at lunch-
I can't believe what Rose just did to Fannie. Besides Fannie called my girl (sonner or later) a slut! She beat her up more than what I would have. :), That's my girl (not yet). I hope Rose would become my mate. Shut it I'm NOT in love! But since when does Asian girl's hair turn Blonde (mostly her bangs, and only some parts of her hair turned blonde) when they're mad? Even Rose's beautiful dark brown eyes changed to red, blood red. Rose punch Fannie, got her arm, and slams her onto the desks. After that "fight" which Rose won she fainted. I carried her to the nurse's office, she was kind-of....heavy. Afterwards every single jock,boy,or gay guys calls her hot,sexy, and other pervy words about her. I wanted to kill them when they talk like that about Rose. I was at lunch sitting at my table with my best friends and other friends of mine. (I wouldn't call my bestfriends "besties". If guy's said that, it sounds gay to me.)

"Hey June isn't Rose SUUPPERR HOT!" Daren the ladies man and one of my best friends said. I wanted to beat him up when he said that.

"SHUT IT!" I growled at him. I swear I wanted to get the table and hit his face with it.

"Ok, don't bring your wolf out." He tease. Everyone at the table started to laugh. "So do want her as your mate then? Or you know she's the one?" Daren asks. So many questions!! He knowed me long enough to know I'm not a genius!

"Shut it Daren, let him think. You know he's an idiot at love. Or just a big idiot instead." Jaren joked. Jaren is the second best of sports and cool I guess. I was the best one at sports out of all of them.

Everyone at the table just thought and made the "hand/look thinking face". "BOTH" they all replied. Idiots...

"Whatever!" I yelled at them and making a face that always made them scared. Weeines..

"Oh come guys, Rose's nice and also really cute" Dan smiled. Dan who be know as "Cute, sweet" to the girls.

"Speaking of cute, chick at 12 o'clock" Kyle said. I look behind me seeing Rose walking towards me. "Thump, Thump" is that my heart why is it beating so fast?!

"June, can you tell me why everyone saying things about me?" Rose ask innconety, man! She looks cutes.

"You don't remember?" I ask. Everyone looked shocked.

"Are you sure, babe?" Daren smirked at her. I growled at him.

She just smiled and said, " one don't call me that. 2. I'm not your babe. 3. If you actually have one I feel bad for her." I smiled at what she just said. Rose smiled afterward. She was a perfect Aplha mate. If she is one.

"OHHH!! Daren just got REJJEECCTTEEDD!!!" Jaren, Erick, Dan, and Kyle yelled. I laughed. I couldn't believe a girl actually rejected Daren. She is PREFECT, find I'll admit now. I do like her. Wouldn't you if you were a guy? She's sweet, kind, smart, funny, and beautiful girl. She turn to look at me. I blush; geeze I sound like a pansty.

"So, June are coming to the dorm soon?" Rose asked.

"Why should you care." Damn I sounded harsh. Will she think I'm a jerk.

"No reason, I just forgot how to go there." She said shyly and sadly. I felt like a jerk and wanted to hug her. "Nevermind, I'll just ask Pj were the room is." Rose said before she walked away. Wait Pj?

"Smooth, man. Real, Smmootthh" Kyle said.

"You live with her?! LUCKY!" Daren said. "Do you guys did it yet?" I rolled my eyes.

"Quit thinking that Daren!" I snapped. I turned my head to see Rose talking to another guy. He had brown hair, I sighed when I saw her smiling at another guy. But is it me or there's something weird about him? He seems evil somehow.

"Hey June, isn't there something weird about who Rose's talking to?" Erick could tell people's foutunes.

"Yea I guess. Why?"

"Just protect Rose will you." Erick just replied to me. What does he mean? "By the way she's your mate." Say what?

After school the walked to my dorm. I saw Rose sleeping under shady tree. She looks cute when she's sleeping. I walk towards her. Wow! I think I am in love, don't tell anyone. I'm not really a lover boy type. Except I can be a player time to time, so what. There's a time when guy's become that. Sometimes and all guys would,not most of them. Thank you lord!

~Rose's pov.~
I woke up at the nurse's office. I forgot what happened, shouldn't I be in class? I looked at the clock 12:15 P.M. Which is by the way is the time for lunch. I got out of the white similar hosptial bed. I had a huge head-ache, I wonder why? I don't have any memories about what happen before.

"Where are going sweetie?" I heard the nice yet young blonde nurse asked.

"Lunch." I answered.

"Ok, just take these pills." The nurse said while handing me pills.

"Thank You." I took the pills and walk to the cefeteria.

~Mystery person POV.~

She took it them. IDIOT..little newbie. You better watch out for me. Cause you ruin my life. Its payback time. No one mess! One word Rose Blossom: dead.

write more soon!!!
Quick question should I continue in this book or add more in part 2 of this book? So it will be Howling at Midnight or something 2?


Texte: ©Copyright 2012 C. Joyce
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.12.2011

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