
Chapter One

Kendra La'Pree ran across the small meadow. Her younger sister Meggan was struggling to keep up with her. "Kendra, "Meggan said,her breathe short. "Can we please stop and rest,just for a few moments?" Kendra was about to anwser when she heard the sound of horses galloping in their direction.
She grabbed a hold of Meggan's hand and ran towards a large rock pile. "Meggan,get in that hole up there, and do not come out for anything! Do you understand me?"

Meggan nodded and started to sob. "Shh,Megg, You need to be quiet, don't let them know you are here. "Kendra gently pushed Meggan up the rocks and waited until she was hidden in the hole. "If I don't come back,run for the Lagan's. They'll keep you safe."

"Please come back for me!"Meggan said from within her hiding place.

Kendra took off at a run across the field,she reached the woods just as the horses came into view.

"There she is! "One of the riders called. Kendra ducked under some branches and took off through the forest. The horses entered the woods behind her. She exited the woods and slid to a stop. A cliff dropped off in front of her. She turned around as the horses and riders came out behind her.

"My dear,lady Kendra,"Lord Aldred said. "I have been so kind to you,and this is how you repay me." "You have done nothing but be cruel,"Kendra said. "You have taken everything from me and I will see to it that the king hears of it. You and your father will be finished!" "Do you really think that the king will care what goes on between a man and his betrothed?"Aldred asked. "I am not betrothed to you. "Kendra said. "I will never marry you. You have destroyed my home.Killed my mother,my father and my brother,and I will find a way to destroy you!"

Aldred laughed as he stepped forward. "My dear, dear Kendra. I cannot have you going about and telling these horrible lies about me." He stepped closer and grabbed her by the wrist. "I am sorry my dear, but if you will not be my wife, then I must marry your dear little sister." "You leave Meggan out of this."Kendra said.

Aldred laughed again and roughly pushed Kendra. She stumbled backwards, a scream entered her throat as she fell over backwards.

Aldred turned back towards his men, laughing. "Leave her,she'll either crawl out or she'll die. "They mounted their horses laughing as they turned back towards the castle.

Meggan watched them ride by, they were laughing and their horses were prancing,excited from the run. She couldn't see Kendra with them, so she figured that they either didn't find her, or they had hurt her and left her behind. Once they disappeared into the woods on the other side of the valley she climbed out of her hiding place and ran towards the direction they had come fun.

When she reached the cliff side, she looked both directions for a sign of Kendra. When she didn't see her she carefully leaned over the edge and looked down. She screamed when she saw Kendra laying at the bottom. "Kendra,can you hear me?" She called. "Kendra,you have to get up!"

Meggan sat down on the ground and started sobbing. It was nearing nightfall and she had no idea how to get Kendra back up. She jerked upright when she heard a twig snap just inside the woods. She slowly stood up and when she heard another snap she took off running.

"Geoff, can't you watch where you put your feet. You've scared the lass off. "Iain MacPhearson, looked at his companion ad sighed. "You get to run after her and catch her. I'll see what she was staring at down that cliff." "Oh sure, I always have to run after someone while you just wander about, looking at everything. "Geoff said. He shot Iain a glare and took off after Meggan.

He caught up with her just inside the woods. She cried out when his arm wrapped around her waist pulling her towards him. He put his hand over her mouth just in time to cover her scream.

"Easy lass, I'm not here to hurt you. "Geoff said. "We saw you were in trouble so we are only here to help you." Meggan relaxed and leaned back against him. He slowly lowered his hand. "My sister,please help my sister.They hurt her."She whispered.

Geoff lead her out of the woods back to where Iain was standing. "There is a girl lying at the bottom of the cliff. "He said. "I've seen her move twice so she is still alive.Do you think you can get to her?"
Geoff leaned over the edge and studied the side of the cliff. "I can get down there," He said. "It might be difficult getting back with her,but it can be done."

Iain whistled and six more men walked out of the woods. They went over to Iain and stood around him, looking down at Kendra. Geoff walked over to her and lead her over to a log and motioned for her to sit.He wrapped a cloak around her shoulders and walked over to the group of men.He spoke to one of them who nodded and walked over to stand behind her.She looked up at the Scottish giant. He had dark red hair, and he was built strong with broad shoulders. He looked down at her and smiled. "I am William milady. If anyone comes while they try to get your sister out, I'm to get you away to safety."

"Thank you William."Meggan said. "Does he really think he can get Kendra out of there?"

"If anyone can, it is Geoff. "William said with a laugh. "He can climb almost any wall."

Geoff gently lowered himself over the edge of the cliff. He climbed down until he reached Kendra.He gently turned her over,her arm was bent in a bad angle and there was a cut along her forehead.She moaned,as he moved her,but remained unconcious.

"How is she?"Iain called down to him.

"Her arm is broke,and she has a cut on her forehead thats bleeding,"Geoff called up."I won't know more until I can get her up,and we get them to a safe place so I can have a fire."

Iain knodded and prepared to pull them up."Let me know when you are ready."

Geoff gently tied the rope in a harness fashion,around Kendra.He picked her up and settled her up against him."Ok,he called up."Slowly,I'll try and keep her steady as we come up."

William helped take ahold of the rope,and pull Kendra up to safety.

Meggan rushed over as soon as they had her pulled up."Kendra!"She said,as she dropped down to her knees next to her.

"Go fetch the horses,"Iain told one of the other men

"William,,I'll need you to help Iain hold the lass while I try and set her arm."Geoff said.

"How are you going to do that?"Meggan asked.

"I'll have to pull it,and then splint it when I have the bones aligned properly."Geoff said.

Meggan paled at his words."That will hurt her."She whispered.

"Meggan lass,why don't you go help fill the saddle bags."Geoff said."I will call you over when I am finished."

Meggan was silet for a moment."You promise?"She asked.
"I promise."Geoff said.

Meggan looked at her sister before she rose,and went to where the horses where.William moved around and got a grip on Kendra's legs.

"I need you snd Iain to keep her as still as you can."Geoff said.He picked up Kendra's arm,he glanced up at Iain and William and gave a quick pull on her arm.Kendra arched up and pulled against Iain and William.They tightened their grip on her."Easy lass,it's almost over."Iain whispered in her ear.

Geoff grabbed the two small sticks that he found and placed them against her arm,he quickly wrapped a bandage around it,tying it off."That will have to do for now."He said."I can do more when we get them some where safe."

Iain stood up and looked over to where Meggan was standing near Brodric."I'll let her know your finished."He said."The lass can ride with me."He said,nodding at Kendra."We can take a different trail so that if they come after us,you can get away quicker."

Geoff knodded as he checked the cut on her forehead."It isn"t to bad,but I doubt she will be awake for a few days.I say we take them to Roger and Cathrine's."

Iain walked over to Meggan and the horses."Geoff is finished,"He said."You are going to ride with Geoff,while your sister rides with me.If they decide to come back out to look for you,and see the hoofprints they will know that someone helped you and they will go after you.I can take a different trail that way they can ride quicker and get you to safety."

"Will Kendra be okay?"Meggan asked,her face still pale.
"Geoff thinks she will be."Iain said."We need to get going though."He let her go over to Kendra while Geoff got on his horse."Come along lass."Iain called over to her after a few moments.She quickly gave her sister a kiss on the cheek then hurried over to were Iain was standing next to Geoff's horse.He grabbed her around the waist and settled her behind Geoff.Then he grabbed his horses reins and lead him over to where William and Brodric were standing next to Kendra.He put his foot in the stirrup and swung up into the saddle as Willaim and Brokdric gently picked Kendra up and settled her infront of Iain.

He tucked a cloak around her,to help keep the chill off."We will meet you at the camp just over Roger's boarder."Iain said."If we aren't there by morning,go on and we will meet you at Roger's.Tell them what is going on,and let them know that they might have company."

Iain stopped at the top of a hill a short while later.He eased his horse back a bit,adjusting Kendra before they started down.He glanced down at her and brushed a lock of hair off her forehead.
Kendra drifted in and out of conscious.Everyonce in a while she thought she would hear a gentle voice speaking to her,in a heavily scottish accent.She tried to open her eyes to see who was holding her,but every time she drifted back into blackness.

"Are we getting close?"Meggan whispered from behind Geoff.

He smiled before anwsering,"Yes,my sweet,we are nearly where we are making camp."

"Are you now?"Came a voice from the darkness."And just where would that be??

Meggan let out a shriek and tightened her grip on Geoff's waist.

"Easy lass,"Geoff said to her."He is a friend."Turing towards the voice in the direction the voice came from."It is Geoff,Jamie."He said."We came across a couple of lasses in a bit of trouble.Iain is coming along with the other girl,she was hurt badly from a fall."

"I will keep a look out for him."Jamie said."You should go on up to the castle,I sent a messanger ahead and Cathrine will have a room prepared for the lass."

"William,you take the lass and I will wait here for Iain."Geoff said,turnng his horse to stand side by side to William's horse.William reached over an wrapped an arm around Meggan's waist,easily slidding her over to sit in front of him.

"I'll send Brodric and Magnus back to see if they can find them."Geoff said."When you get back,the rest of us will follow."

Brodric and Magnus nodded and turned there horses back towards the woods.Meggan watched them until they dissapeared into the night."Do you think we were followed?"She asked William

"Nay,if we were we would have heard or seen them before we reached the castle." William said.

Meggan nodded,as William kicked his horse into a canter.The castle came into view when they topped a small hill.She could see people standing around on the battlements,and could faintly hear them yell as they were spotted.The main gates opened as they approached the castle.When they rode into the courtyard they were greeted by a tall man.

"I hear we have company?"The man said,as Magnus dissmounted and helped Meggan down.

"Aye,"William said."this is Lady Meggan.Meggan,this is Lord Roger.He will keep you safe until we get back with your sister."

"Come child,"said a woman from the top of the stairs,she walked down to Meggan a shawl wrapped tightly around her.She took another shawl from a young woman standing next to her,and wrapped it around Meggan's shoulders."Fiona,is the water ready for her in the chamber we prepared?"

"Yes milady."The girl said.Cathrine took ahold of her arm and started walking her back up the stairs.They walked down a long hall and entered the main dining hall.Meggan stopped when she noticed a young man seated in a chair near the fire.

"Phillip?"She asked,taking a step towards him."Phillip,is that you?"

The man turned his head towards her.His face was full of connfusion as he stared at her."Meggan?"He said after a moment.

"Phillip!"Meggan raced across the hall and threw herself into his arms."They told us you were dead."Meggan said,sobbing into his shoulder."Eldred said that he sent men out to kill you."

"Meggan." Phillip said. "I remember now."He said looking up at Fiona."I remember everything.He did send men out to kill me,and he would have succeded if it wasn't for Fiona."He reached out his hand to her.Fiona took it and stepped closer."Meggan,love.This is my wife Fiona,after Eldred's men attacked me they threw me into the river.I floated down stream and Fiona found me.How she got me back here I'll never know,but she nursed me back to health,and then a month ago we were married.Fiona,this is my sister Meggan."

"It is nice to meet you Meggan,"She said.She smiled at Phillip and rested her hand on his shoulder. "We really should get her upstairs and get her a bath drawn up and some dinner. I'll bring her back down after we're finished."

"Wait,where is Kendra?"Phillip asked looking around.

"Eldred pushed her off a cliff. If Geoff and Iain wouldn't have found us she would be dead,and his men probably would have found me."Meggan said."Geoff fixed her arm as best as he could and when we left Iain took her a different way so that if we were followed we could get away quicker."

"How bad was she hurt?"Fiona asked."I can have everything prepared for her when they get here."

"She broke her arm and she had a cut on her forehead.Other then that,I don't know."Meggan said.

"My poor girl," Cathrine said putting an arm around her shoulders. "Come, let us get you taken care of, once you get a bit of a rest and some warm food in you, you can tell us your story."

Meggan wrapped her arms around Phillip and hugged him one more time."We can talk more when you come back."He said.

Meggan follwed Cathrine and Fiona up a set of stairs.Cathrine opened a door to a bed chamber,inside was a steaming tub of water,several servants were inside,one was laying several dresses across the bed."Leave us,"Catrhine said."Please have one of the cooks prepare some cheese and bread and a small bowl of broth please."She said to one of the girls.The girl made a quick curtsy and left the room.

Fiona stepped around behind Meggan and began helping her out of her dress.

"Burn it." Cathrine said,wrinkling her nose at it."You must have been stuck in it for a few days." She said looking at Meggan. "I am glad that Iain and Geoff found you and brought you here. Phillip needed this."

"Me too," Fiona said. "He is happy,but I knew something was missing. He knew something was missing. He would sit in front of the windows for hours like he was waiting for something."

Meggan felt tears welling up in her eyes.

"Oh,don't cry sweet." Fiona said,turning the younger girl around and wrapping her arms around her. "You are here with us now,nothing is going to happen to you or your sister.Iain has her and he will bring her here to."

"I never thought I would ever see Phillip again," Meggan sobbed. "And now Kendra is hurt. What if she deosn't make it?"

"She will," Fiona said. "She doesn't know that Philip is here,and the last thing she would want to do is leave you here alone.Now come,let's get you washed up so we can get you back downstairs.I am sure Philip will want to speak with you again,and I will have a bowl of stew brought to you.





"What are your plans now?" Roger asked Philip as he poured a cup of ale and brought it to him.

"What do you mean?" Philip asked,taking the cup from him.

"Lord Aldred and his father will not give up easily.Sooner or later one of them will get wind of Meggan being here." Roger said."If what she says is true,they can force me to give her back to them if she is bethroed to Aldred.What are your plans to protect her?"

"I haven't thought of it," Phillip said. "I still can"t believe that she is here."

"Do you want my advice?"

"Of course,"Phillip said."If you have any ideas that will protect her,I wish to hear them."

"Marry her."Roger said,

"What?" Philip asked,setting her cup down."Marry her to who?"

"Marriage is the safest thing for the lass right now." Roger said. 

"Let me think on it," Phillip said.,a frown settling over his face. "I will talk to her before any decision is made." 


Upstairs Meggan sat queitly as Cathrine and Fiona brushed out her hair.Once she was out of the tub,they dryed her off,wrapping her in a soft towel as she dried.Fiona left the room once and came back carry a dress in a light blue color.She layed it out on the bed and turned,placing a hand on her hip as she studied Meggan.

"Do you think they well be here soon?" Meggan asked,looking at Fiona.

"Iain will be taking it slow if her injuries are as serious as Geoff said," Fiona said. "He might even be taking her to Magda,she knows the most when it comes to healing.She helped me a lot with Phillip."



Chapter two

Iain could feel Kendra burning with fever.They had been riding for two days,often having to stop to let her rest or to hide from Lord Aldred's men.He knew that they were close to Magda's cottage,he could smell the smoke from her fireplace.He was still debating on whither or not to take Kendra there when a voice came out of the darkness.

"Are you going to bring the lass in,or are you going to hold her there till she dies?" 

Iain smiled down as Magda stepped up next to his horse."Still as silent as ever,Magda." He said. He looked down at Kendra. "She needs you."

"Bring her in and lay her down," Magda said,as she dissapeared into the darkness again. "I need to gather a few things that will help with the fever.

Iain rode his horse to the front of the small cottage.He slid down,carefully lowering Kendra down off the horse.He turned towards the house,the door was already opened for him so he ducked his head to enter.He smiled when he seen that the bed had already been readied for her.He gently layed Kendra down,alarmed at how still she was.

"There is some hot stew and a loaf of fresh bread on the table," Magda said as she came bustling back into the cottage. "You can help yourself after you help me get her undressed. No need to worry about modesty,no one here but me,and the lass will not even notice." 

Iain moved around the other side of the bed genlty lifting Kendra up into a sitting postion.Magda began untying the back of her gown. "She has some brusing, and her arm is diffently broken," Magda said. "But, as long as no fever sets in I should have her well enough to get you on your way in a couple of days." 

 Iain felt anger begin to rise in him as Magda lowered her dress down, revealing brusies on her shoulders and back. "I will kill that man." He said as he gently lowered her back onto the bed.

"I know you will," Magda said. "When it is time, you will get your revenge.But,at what cost? Who will you hurt?"

"What do you mean?" Iain asked.Picking up a wet cloth and gently washing Kendra's face. "And do not speak in riddles."

Magda smiled as she picked up Kendra's dress. "You will have to discover that on your own." She said as she walked across  the room.Throwing the dress into the flames she looked back at him. "Just know,that your destiny is no longer your own."

Iain frowned as Magda left the room. He glanced back down at the woman laying still on the bed. She stirred as he brushed his knuckle across her forehead.




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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.05.2012

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