
chapter one

In my hands I hold a picture, a picture of my family. My family contains of two sisters’ and both my parents everything is normal. We all share our naturally pale skin, and good qualities. So, we all are identical in those ways only. They all share black hair and dark brown eyes, each one of them, but I am an outcast within my own family with silver-blonde hair and grey eyes. The reason is unknown to all of my classmates, but my parents and I both know I’m not their child no matter what they plant in my head. I am still there family though. Lightly placing the picture back on the mantel I walked away to the couch. A knock on the door sent me zooming out of the living and hiding behind the wall. My parents ran to the door and opened it.

“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Westwood, we would like to meet your daughters,” a heavy and manly voice announced. My sister’s came running out of their room giggling making their way to the living room. Looking around the corner I saw that the man and women came into the house and sat on the couch where my two sisters’ stood in front. Also, their was a boy, our age perhaps.

“You have another daughter don’t you, I heard that there are three girls leaving here,” the lady asked, looking around. I, instead of going into the living room, just backed away and leaned into the wall. As if I would get chosen anyways.

“Um, no we don’t, she is our maid,” one of my sisters proclaimed feverishly quick. Looking at the floor I felt alone, they never did like me. It was as if I was a pet they had to keep nothing more but a burden.

“Mattie,” my other sister exclaimed with a high pitched squeal then she continued, “of course we have another sister, not by blood of course. But she is part of this family.” My lips lifted a bit into a barely noticeable smile, at least she thinks so. Then I heard her murmur something like ‘I’ll go get her’ causing me to quickly move away down the hall. She came into the hall grabbing for my waist but with my fast movement I dodged it shaking my head.

“Madison. Come back,” my father said but it had no effect on my sister. Looking at her I grabbed her hand carefully.

“Its fine Maddie,” I told her softly. She nodded as I released her hand. Silently I waited for her to leave but instead of leaving she took my arm and forcefully pulled me into the living room where everyone was waiting for her. Everyone turned to look at us, more Maddie than me. Looking at the floor my sliver-blonde hair draped around my face and hid it.

“Why is she hiding,” the boy asked, well I believe it was him at least, because unlike his fathers it wasn’t as heavy just colder as if he was scolding someone. Me, of course.

“She, um, how do I put this,” Maddie started but I only continued to look down at the off white carpet.

“She is an embarrassment to all people,” Mattie stated as if it were a regular topic.

“Gee thanks,” I murmured delicately. Looking up from the door I waited for their reaction, either sudden love or hate.

“Oh my, I didn’t think anyone could resemble an angel as much as you do,” the mother implied. The father on the other hand was eye rapping me and it was uncomfortable so I moved behind Maddie and hid like always. When I was younger I would always be watched, by people who love me or hate me, by everyone. When I was adopted into the Westwood Family Maddie was like a shield and I would always hide behind her. She is my best friend and I’m hers. Maddie and I have that special bond which Mattie dislikes, causing a hateful grudge towards me.

“Ivan I think we found three young ladies who are going to be in the special program with you,” Ivan’s father exclaimed at Ivan but all of his attention was still behind Maddie at me. What does he mean ‘the special program’?

“We will send the tickets and uniforms right away, please enjoy yourselves at your new academy,” Ivan’s mother informed.

~The new academy two days latter.

Pulling the edge of my skirt I tried to lower it but it only would bounce back up which is worst. This is horrible.

“Maddie, I don’t like the uniforms, it’s like they want us to show our skin and other stuff,” I complained softly hoping no one was listening. Maddie numbly agree and looked around the front gate where all the other students were. How come they have a different uniform then us, I questioned myself. Then suddenly Ivan’s father’s words rang in my head, special program. Wonderful.

“Are you kidding, I love this uniform,” Mattie joyfully cried out dancing into the crowd of people who were watching her like she was some movie star. Holding the back of Maddie’s uniform I walked behind her hoping not to be spotted by the vultures.

“Valerie, please let go and walk beside me,” Maddie asked knowing my discomfort. Sighing in frustration I released her uniform and walked beside her. Once I was in pace beside her an eruption of gasp and awe’s and oh’s exploded. My hair was pulled half up and curled so even if I tried to hide it wouldn’t work. I gave Maddie my death glare for doing my hair this morning.

“Can you be my girlfriend,” a scrawny boy my age asked breaking everyone into silence. I stopped walking dragging Maddie to a stop with me.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know you, please ask me when you might know something about me,” I suggested softly but because of the remote silence it wasn’t as quiet.

“Awe she is so cute, just because you are the student council pres. doesn't mean you can ask her out,” one of the students yelled. Tugging on Maddie’s hand I continued forwards towards the main office.

“Awe, why is she holding her hand,” and “that girl is so lucky to be holding hands with her,” sounded about the crowd. Stepping into the main office I felt better.

“Maddie next time hide me please,” I asked softly still scared of the students outside who looked like hungry dogs at the doors.

“Valerie, if you always hide how are you going to get a man or live without me,” Maddie explained then dragged me into the headmaster’s office unannounced. The headmaster stood up and gracefully joined us at the door.

“Hello Valerie Prince and Madison Westwood,” the headmaster politely said as she pulled us further into her office. Valeria Prince, is that my real last name?

“Prince,” I asked her softly, she barely heard it but still turned to look at me with a bright smile.

“You’re engaged with Ivan Prince,” she exclaimed dramatically and then looked from my head to my toes approvingly. This is horrible, I thought to myself.

“You mean Madison Prince… right?” Both the headmaster and Maddie shook their heads. This is going to be a long year, I thought to myself hopelessly then heard banging on the door so I quickly jumped behind Maddie. The door opened and 5 others walked in then the last one a blonde guy closed the door. Mattie was one of those 5 people so I guess this isn’t a fan club. Sighing in relief I stepped to the side of Maddie.

“Valerie I’m sorry I told you when you didn’t know yet, will you ever forgive me,” the headmaster cried then hugged me tightly.

“Please stop headmaster, I’ll forgive you,” I spoke softly hoping only she heard. She released her tight grip and walked over to her desk acting as if nothing happened.

“My god Valerie, speak up,” Mattie complained in her usual ‘get-on-with-it’ voice.

“My god Mattie, shut up,” I complained using her voice. Both Maddie and Mattie gasp.

“Valerie, are you okay, I mean has something happened? You never ever said something like that,” Maddie asked then patted her hand on my forehead.

“I think Mattie deserves it, the way she talks to Val,” a familiar voice suggested. That voice, I remember now.

“Taylor,” I murmured under my breath and looked at the 4 others for Taylor. His usual bright green eyes shined out in the crowd. Running to him I quickly flung my arms around his neck and hugged him joyously. My second best friend, who am I kidding this is going to be the best year ever. He was like Maddie’s sick kick when it came to keeping me happy.

“Maddie I will win,” Taylor insisted. Giggling I continued to hug him.

“Yeah right, I always win,” Maddie retorted. Taylor hugged me closer to him and stuck his tongue out at Maddie. Just like when we’re kids, I thought to myself happily.

“Win what,” the blonde dude asked confused. Ivan entered the room looked at Mattie only. Shrugging I tried to get out of the hug, but Taylor didn’t let go. Trying again nothing happened except everyone was starring at us. Maddie laughed at Taylor and hugged her sides.

“So much for winning, just watch,” she mused, then started to walk towards us. Sighing I calmed down and quickly got out of Taylor’s hold. Everyone in the room looked at me like I was a mastermind.

“How’d you do that,” a girl unknown to me asked in admiration.

“Practice, also, it’s Taylor’s habit to hug me none stop,” I explained quietly and got that feeling Mattie was going to say something along the lines of ‘talk louder or shut up.’ But instead of anything like that she stayed quiet.

“Anyways, my young students you guys belong to the special progr--- Taylor put Valerie down,” the headmaster started but ended on the wrong note. I waved her off and she continued,

“program called the E.G.S.A elite group special A. this is because of your natural abilities and grades,” she explained but kept an eye on Taylor the whole time.

“The whole school will take an amplitude test if you 8 do not get within the top 8 scores you will be kicked out of the E.G.S.A and be replaced by someone who is,” she continued but completely serious causing Taylor to put me down. When my feet hit the floor I felt over joyed, solid ground how nice. I wonder what rank I will get, I usual get ranked in the low scores because of everyone watching me and causing me to be uncomfortable. Pulling my brows together I raised my hand awkwardly.

“Yes my Valerie,” the headmaster asked dreamily, ignoring it I mastered up the words in my head.

“We aren’t going to be with the other students while taking the test are we,” I asked causing both Taylor and Maddie to hug me.

“We’re sorry for your horrible life where all those creeps gather around you causing you to fail miserably. Taylor won’t help any though so I win,” Maddie tried to sound sad but it only sounded like a challenge to both Taylor and I.

“No, the E.G.S.A has their own building, that’s where only the E.G.S.A members can go in and out of. Not even teachers can go in, I on the other hand can come and watch my Valerie anytime,” the headmaster said. Arching a eyebrow at her I wonder what she is getting at ‘watch my Valerie anytime.’ Apparently Taylor and Maddie were thinking the same thing as they stood in front of me. I shrugged and turned around facing the others. I only recognized 4 people out of the 8. Raising my eyebrow I looked at the girl who looked like she admired me.

“Oh, I’m Savannah, It’s my pleasure to meet you, trust me,” she introduced causing me to laugh.

“It’s nice to meet you two Savannah, I’m as you know it Valerie,” I introduced softly and smiled.

“I swear this Valerie person has two identities, I’m Tristan,” the blonde guy said with a lopsided grin. He held out his hand for me and I was about to shake it when Taylor pushed me back and Maddie shaked his hand instead.

“We didn’t know if it was a trick or something, after all we need to look after our Val Val,” Taylor explained and played with my cheeks. Taking his arm I fully flipped him out me and when he landed on the floor I sat on him.

“Don’t play with my cheeks Taylor Mark Anderson,” I said coldly like Tristan said two identities. Turning to the face the other I still sat on Taylor’s stomach. Pointing to the girl beside Savannah I smile.

“I’m Rose, I’m honored to meet someone like you Valerie especially with your double personality. It seems to make your angel like appearance shine,” she stated and I smiled even when Taylor coughed.

“Nice to meet you Rose, I like that name, it reminds me out a garden I used to visit everyday. At the garden there was a rose bush I treasured, it was a shame when all of the bad kids in my class burnt it down when they realized how much I like it,” I told her quietly. They would always either love or hate me right? Never an in-between. Rose looked sad at my sudden story so I pursed my lips and hoped on Taylor’s stomach for help.

“It doesn’t matter because Maddie and I cheered her up and planted a new one,” Taylor explained and I nodded. Maddie crossed her arms and looked spaced out, probably reminiscing.

~back then
As the rose bush went up in flames shadows of smoke followed. Sitting on the dirt path I cried, why are they so mean? Running up to the bush I quickly picked out one of the roses that didn’t burn and cherished it. Plopping down on the dirt beside the now ashes and smoke rose bush I waited for Maddie and Tay to come to my rescue. When they did I hugged them tightly, Maddie, Tay, and the rose.

“We’ll just plant a new one, together,” Maddie told me wiping one of my tears away while Tay wiped the other one.

“Why don’t you hate me like they do? They are always giving me a hateful glare or doing something mean,” I asked sniffling up some courage. Taylor sat down beside me and took my small hand while Maddie did the same with my other. They will always be on either side won’t they, I asked myself.

“It’s because we,” Maddie started then Taylor finished, “love you Val Val, because you is you.” Squeezing their hands I felt at peace for once in my life.


Standing up off of Taylor I felt happy to have my other half back, without him it just doesn’t feel like I can fully be there.

“Hey Val Val, you haven’t met my brother have you,” Taylor asked then took my head leading me to the other side of the room where all 6 of them talked.

“Valerie did you know Ivan is Taylor’s brother,” Maddie exclaimed. Titling my head I gave them my confused look. Maddie and Mattie sighed both knowing that look whole-heartedly. But I wasn’t truly confused I just didn’t understand why I have to be in an arranged marriage with my best friend’s brother.

“Are you guys the same age? When we were little I never saw him in your house or out,” I wondered and both Maddie and Mattie looked stunned.

“We’re twins, but when we were younger he was either on the rode doing something for the company or a competition,” Taylor explained.

“Hi Ivan, it nice to meet you properly before I hate you for the rest of my life,” I stated coldly and everyone flinched.

“She’s so scary at times,” Mattie whispered somewhere in the corner.

“Taylor didn’t you hear, Valerie and Ivan are in an arranged marriage,” the headmaster gossiped, and as she did so I quickly escaped the room. When I was outside the room I felt relieved that no one noticed, well that all slipped away when Ivan was in front of me leaning on the wall outside the door. The palm of my hand met my face as I felt horrible.

“You didn’t even wait for my reply, anyways, Valerie you have met me before in the house and you were my friend, but of course Taylor robbed those memories from you,” he explained causing me to gain interest. Stepping forward I quickly spun around then leaned against the wall beside him.

“Continue,” I stated softly, back to my old self. The corner of his mouth twitched as if a memory came up in his mind and he was enjoying it, but then his lips went back down to a fine line.

“Well, I was always gone, but when I was at home you’d always come visit me and tell me about the times you had with Maddie and Taylor, but when it was my birthday you would only think about me, when I turned 9 so did Taylor, but he asked one of the doctors at our house to erase the memories of me from you so that he would be the center of your attention that night, and he did. I thought you forgot about me so I didn’t speak to you again, I was foolish and young but I didn’t know what he did. Not until I turned 10 and one of the doctors told me. I was angry at him, but relieved inside because it wasn’t you who forgot me. It’s just sad how we didn’t make any more memories because you never knew I existed,” he told, once and a while he would look over at me to see if I was actually listening. I was, but why would Taylor do that?

“After I turned 10, after I found out what Taylor did I was mad and asked my father to send me away so I didn’t have to see him or you because you would never remember me again. Taylor still isn’t my number one fan, but we grew together after we turned 15 because neither of us was with you anyways. Forgetting all that, here you are with both of us. This is obviously war with him, because he still wants you to only look at him. Valerie, please don’t let him make me sound like the bad guy, but I’m not trying to make him sound like Dr. Evil either. I just want you to know the truth.”

“Wait, you’re last name is Prince but Taylor’s is Anderson, I think I’m being fooled by Taylor Mark Whateveryourlastnameis,” I murmured softly and took my hand back holding it behind me with my other.

“That’s a story for another time,” he said then walked down the hall. When I was left alone in the hall I couldn’t help but feel sad. Why would I be happy, Taylor doing something like that? After a minute or so the rest of the members come out of the room behind the headmaster.

“I’ll be leading you to the E.G.S.A classroom,” she announced then slowly walked us down the highly decorated hallways. Walking with the others I couldn’t help but look towards Taylor in wonderment and ask myself if he would truly do it?


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.02.2012

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