
chapter one-

Stepping into my new room I took it all in. The bed in the corner blue and silver lingering in the comforter, the headboard silvery and large, and the bed skirt matches the blue on the comforter. I never understood what the bed skirt is there for. Silvery white was painted on the walls to match the bed. A chandler hung over the bed holding a light. Soft off white carpet was placed under my bare feet it took over the room until it found the bathroom which had cream colored titles. Instead of a door separating the two, there was a blue curtains hanging over the intersection.

From where I was standing you could see the shower, very modern glass doors and six shower heads, also from this point of view I could see some of the sink it is the same cream color as the titles on floor of the bathroom. Off to the corner of the room I saw two French doors, when I’m guessing lead to the closet. Closing the door behind me I walked over to my bed and placed down my suit case on it. The closet yearned me to enter it and the pulling to it emphasized the more I starred at it. I made my way to the closet and opened it. Standing there in awe I studied all of the accessories, clothes, and shoes. Smiling to myself I wonder what my twin brother was doing. My wonderment got the best of me and I stalked out of my room to find my brother. Walking down the hall I opened all of the doors to find that he was in none of them.

Walking down the stairs to the next level I looked down that hall also to find that he was not there. I walked down some more stairs to the next level, let’s just say there is 4 levels and I was on the top floor. Running down the hall I ran into the room that was opened to find my brother, thankfully he was there with his friends. I gasped and covered my abnormal colored eyes.

“Um, Noah,” I whispered then I felt sunglasses put in my empty hand. I turned around to face the door, I think then uncovered my eyes to see one of his friends.

“Shit,” I murmured then quickly put on the sunglasses.

“What do you want Valeria,” Noah asked in a cold tone, everyone flinched in the room except me and I starred at him like he was crazy. I shrugged sadly, I was just going to ask him something but no, never mind. Turning I walked around Noah’s friend trying my best not to touch him. Taking off my sunglasses I started walking up the stairs to my bedroom. Taking out my 100 ways to spy book from my suit case I sat on my bed. I don’t know why I have to continue reading this, I’m not in class anymore. Sinking into my bed I thought about the ways to be a spy, easily you need to be sneaky and have a mission.

“Valeria,” my brother called from outside my door, I quickly shoved my book under my pillow as he came inside. His bushy eyebrow arched and he starred at my hand still under the pillow. I nervously laughed and slipped my hand from under the pillow.

“What’s that,” he asked walking over to my bed, he began to reach towards my pillow. I took his arm and turned it quickly, automatically his arm withdrawled and he held it looking at me like I was crazy. His eyes narrowed in determination and he yelled for his friends. Starring at him the whole time we both waited for him friends to come. Once they did, I saw my brother’s mouth moving but no words coming out. My eyebrows pulled together then Noah’s friend that already saw my eyes can over to me and held me down so I couldn’t move, or he thought.
My brother started going towards the pillow again and I sighed knowing only one way out of this. Kicking Noah’s friend in his baby maker I grabbed Noah’s arm and pushed it away. I moved up towards the head board and sat on my pillow, under my pillow wasn’t only my book, another thing. Another one of Noah’s friend came up to me, but he didn’t touch me. He stood there and starred into my eyes yearning me to get up. I began to do it but then remembered what under it and sat back down. I crossed my arms and looked away. When I looked back all I saw was a bunch of arms and hands coming at me. Noah’s friends grabbed me and pulled me away from the bed and I was having a hard time hurting them all, by the time I got them all off me my brother removed my pillow. He began to pick up my gun and I whimpered the way he was holding it.

“Don’t hurt my baby,” I whimpered running over to him swiftly taking it from his hands putting the safety on. My brother was dumbfounded but he shook it off then looked at the book. Recognition washed over him and I almost felt his heart sink.

“You’re just like Mum and Dad, I bet you’re selfish like them to,” he stated and it hurt like a bullet to the heart. I looked down at the ground my eyes becoming glassy. My lip quivered but I held back the tears that wanted to escape.

“I’m nothing like them, they took my heart and stomped on it and you dare called me like them,” I asked you could hear from my voice that I was beginning to cry, especially my brother. He starred at me apologetically.

“I don’t know what to think,” he admitted then walked out of the room his friends following him. Dropping my gun I felt my heart crack. He loves me, I assured myself. I don’t even believe myself. Running out of the room I grabbed my brother’s arm my eyes glassy.

“I’m nothing like them,” I repeated my voice cracking, looking through my ocean of tears I saw him mad.

“You’re everything like them,” he hissed and I whimpered, he-he-he can’t be serious.

“NO, I’m not I came back,” I exclaimed my breath started to stop in my throat leaving me breathless. Biting my lip I began to sob holding onto his shirt stopping him from leaving.

“Well, that’s the only different thing you did, and I wish you didn’t,” he sneered. Having the feeling that I had just been slapped then punched in the heart I let go of my brother.

“You’re right I didn’t come back, I only came here for a mission, but there is a
difference between them and myself, I love you, but obviously you don’t love me,” I choked out and turned around walking to my bedroom with trails of water streaming down my face. Locking the door behind me I walked to my bed and snuggled under the covers. Wiping the tears for my cheeks and I closed my eyes. In an instant the dark consumed me and I fell asleep.

chapter two

Tossing and turning I woke up to the sun blustering through the window in front of me. Looking at the clock to my right I saw my alarm clock was just about ready to go off. Turning off the alarm I yawned and buried myself back into the bed. It’s so comfortable. Sighing I got out of my comfortable state and slumped over the bed to reach down and pick up my phone. Why is it on the floor, I asked myself. To lazy to think I shrugged and put it on the charger. Swinging my legs over the edge of my bed I stood up and walked over to my closet. Searching through the clothes I found a pair of light blue skinny jeans that had rips up the side and a loose black shirt, and of course my under garments. Half asleep I walked out of the closet to my bathroom.

Walking to the shower I turned the knob to hot, I love hot showers and I need to wake up. Closing the door I waited for it to heat up and stripped down. Stepping into the shower I let the hot water relax my muscles and wakes me up. After showering I quickly got dressed and put my long blonde hair that cascades down my back to my waist into a messy ponytail. Walking out of the bathroom into my bedroom I slipped on my black combat boots. Kneeling down on the floor I reached for my suit case and searched through it for my knife. Finding my dagger I slipped it into my combat boot to hide it. Standing up I remembered my eyes and ran back to my bathroom putting on my colored contacts I bit my lip. I hope no one can tell. I unlock my door and pick up my backpack. Walking out of my room I saw a shadow at the end of the hall and years of spy school got the best of me. Stalking over to the end of the hall I listened and hoped the shadow of the person would talk.

“Noah, you honestly didn’t even give her a chance,” a dulcet voice said, but it was a male. Stepping closer I tried to look but failed.

“Darren, you don’t know if she’s here for some other reason because she even said she has a mission,” Noah exclaimed and I knew they were talking about me. Biting my lip I took another step and saw two figures, my brother’s and this Darren guy’s. My target’s name is Darren, but I can’t know if it’s him. Darren Davidson, an 18 year old male, blonde hair blue eye lean but muscular, at least says my instructor who gave me this mission. Innocently I walked towards the stairs past them. My brother knowing that look gave me the death glare and I shook my head walking down the stairs but stopping when Darren started to talk.

“So, even if she does it’s for a good reason, common how bad were your parents that you hate your sister for no good reason. Your twin sister if I might add.” I smiled, he is right, he shouldn’t hate me for our parents being horrible people. Sighing I continued down the stairs and saw another one of Noah’s friends, he was sitting on the couch eating cereal. Plopping down next to him I poked him. He turned his hand and chewed giving me the ‘yes’ look with his eyes. Giggling to myself I shook my head.

“Oh, um, do you know a Darren Davidson,” I asked completely serious, but all he did was spit out his cereal and cough. My eyebrows pull together and he continued to cough and I patted him on the back unsure.

“Are you okay Nate,” my brother exclaimed running into the room. What just happened, I asked myself and stood up from the couch. Looking over at Darren my eyes flashed with recognition. That is Darren Davidson. My eyes widen and I took a step back, this is bad. My eyes snap over to my brother and I ran over to him.

“Are you okay Noah,” I asked concern lacing my words. I poked him everywhere to see if there were any bruises.

“No, get away from me, why would I be not okay anyways,” he said annoyed and pushed me away. My wide eyes looked over at Darren and I had my guard up.

“She was asking about Darren Davidson, I bet that’s why she is here,” Nate told recovering from his coughing fit. Darren looked over to me confused and I looked over at Noah.

“Nate, you are an idiot I didn’t say Darren Davidson, I said Marry Mickson,” I lied with a poker face.

“Valeria, we’re all werewolves, you can’t lie to us,” Noah said coldly and I kept my poker face and walked out of the house. Advancing over to my motorcycle, I heard the front door slam shut so I know Noah is coming after me. Hopping onto my bike I looked over at my brother who was now standing next to me.

“If you try anything I won’t hesitate to kick you out,” my brother sneered and I scowled, why do I deserve this from him.

“I’m not trying anything, and for the last time don’t treat me like mum and dad, their dead to us and you should forget,” I hissed then turned on my bike kicking the stand then riding off to the school. Wind blowing through my hair I accelerated and made it to school in record time. Madness and lament coursed through me as I parked my bike. Taking the key and putting it in my back pocket I felt glares on my back. Turning around I was welcomed by a bunch of wolf whistles and envious girls. Letting out a frustrated breath I walked towards the office. Walking into the front office the secretary didn’t notice me and went to get my schedule.

“Here you go Valeria Voss,” she stated and handed me the light slip of paper, I smiled at her and thanked her. Slowly I made my way out of the office and to my homeroom. Having a hard time finding it I made it 5 minutes late. Opening the door to my homeroom I walked in and there was those annoying wolf whistles again. Sending the guys who did them a death glare I felt an abnormal pair of eyes on me. Looking around my eyes landing on Darren leaning against the wall acting ‘cool’ I suppose. Shaking my head I looked at the teacher and showed him a note on the schedule. He looked it over then at me. Giving it back to me I read it, it was from my instructor to my teachers.

Dear Valeria’s teachers,
Valeria has been at the SS Academy for the last 10 years, she has been learnt and trained as a spy, the only reason she is here is for a mission on work so do not bicker about her horrible grades if she gets any, which will not happen.
From, Madam Marten.

Rolling my eyes I waited for the teacher to show me where to sit. He poked to a seat next to Darren and my eyes narrowed.

Chapter three-

I make way to my seat and plop down in it. Crossing my arms I crossed my legs on top of the desk. Ignoring the teacher I wonder why I needed to find Darren, I found him, now what. I’ll have to ask Madam Marten. Raising my hand Mr. What’s-his-face looked happy, he probably asked a question, he nodded.

“Can I use the bathroom,” I questioned and his happiness flipped and he looked ticked-off.

“Are you really going to use the bathroom,” he asked and I grown up only telling the truth.

“Nope,” I replied popping the p, everyone around me laughed except Darren, then I continued, “but either why I’m not going to be listening to your lesson.” He grunted and held out a pass for me, swiftly I got out of my seat and took it from him.

“SEE-YA,” I shouted as I walked out of the classroom. Taking out my phone, that was being charged, I went through my contexts and stopped at Madam Marten’s number. Pressing send I heard the door to my classroom open and Darren came into view, just as I was going to hang up Madam Marten answered.

“Yes, Valeria,” she asked and I starred at Darren.

“I need further instructions,” I whispered but Darren still heard coming closer to me.

“Go away,” I told him backing up.

“Valeria, you’re the one who called me, and what do you mean further instructions you found him,” Madam Marten questioned and I let out a frustrated breath.

“You found who Valeria,” Darren asked as he surrounded me in a corner.

“Darren, go back to class,” I said and I heard Madam Marten’s intake of breath, she probably didn’t think I’d find him this easily. Hitting end on the phone I put it in my back pocket.

“Why were you searching for me,” he questioned taking another step towards me and I took one back into the wall. Damnit, I thought to myself. Looking around I saw no one.

“You’re my target and I don’t know why, what did you do bad boy,” I questioned him this time pushing him, but instead of taking a step forward I took two steps back, metaphorically speaking. Tingles went down my hand and I shook my head, he just starred at me. His left eyebrow arched and he took his hand as if to confirm the sparks. Sparks shot down my hand again as he took it in his. Oh shit, was all I could think at the moment.

chapter four~

Clenching my jaw, I quickly twisted my hand so that his would let go. Ignore the sparks, I thought to myself focusing my eyes towards the target. Yes, he's Noah's friend, maybe, he is your mate, but he still is being targeted by the I.S.S. If he stays alive, or at least loose, it will be danger.

"Darren baby, I asked what did you do, why are you a target," I questioned with a sugary sweet tone I learnt from Madam Flirty over at SS academy. He gave a quiet laugh and use it as time to run off thinking that he would get away easily. Yeah right, I told myself with a laugh to myself. An ignorant target, that's all you are to me. Without hesitation I ran after him all the way outside to the parking lot. There I jumped from behind him and used my body weight to keep him down. After correcting my position, I made the call to Madam again.

"Confine him, then bring him back to us, I'll explain in detail here, just hurry," she instructed then hung up without warning. Very well, I thought then slipped my knife out of my combat boot and put it against his throat as I started to get both of us up.

"Your lucky day,you get to go to London," I coaxed with a swift tone, then kept the knife to his throat until a black SUV pulled up beside me. Mr. Elinor, I thanked god and quickly pushed Darren into the SUV. After shutting the door Mr. Elinor locked the doors allowing me to slowly move the knife away from his throat.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.12.2011

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