

“AGAIN,” my trainer yelled at me while I sit on the floor trying to breathe properly. I look at my trainer sadly and shook my head.

“I can’t if I do I’ll get hurt,” I croaked wiping sweat from my forehead. My trainer looked at me again but this time he looked mad and angry. He pulled me off the floor with so much forced I felt like my arm would go flying off.

“AGAIN,” he screamed pushing me into the ring. I whimper in pain then look up at my next opponent. He looked sorry, he saw the whole thing. He was the same age as me 7. Our trainers talked on the side line and I saw the little boys trainer starring wide eyed at my trainer and then at me in sympathy.

“START,” my trainer yelled and I braced myself. He boy made the move first and I dodged it gracefully, and I took the next swing hitting him in the side. He grunted and I took that time to hit him in the other side. I hate this I thought to myself. I stopped myself and stood completely still in the ring and my trainer started yelling at me. I sat down and calmed myself, and the little boy joined me still holding his sides.

“Sorry,” I told him with an apologetic face and held out my hand. He took it and smiled.

“You’re strong for a girl,” he admitted with a bright smile. I was about to say thank you when I felt something grab my neck and drag me out of the ring. My trainer, I thought to myself struggling to get out of his grasp. He threw me into the nearest wall and I cried out in pain. Sitting up against the wall I saw the little boy wide eyed starting to cry. I felt myself cry to. My trainer picked me up by my neck again and smashed me into the wall again.

“My baby girl,” my mother screamed running to my trainer and she kept hitting him and demanding him to release me. He finally did and I fell to the floor crying for my Mommie. My Mommie fell to the floor and hugged me softly, and she embraced her true motherly ways. She never was this nice to me before. Picking me up I hugged her and she walked us over to her mustang. Once she buckled me into the car I looked out the window rubbing the bruise on my neck.

“I’m so sorry,” my mother exclaimed over and over again until we reached home.

“It’s okay Mommie it’s my fault, I was just so tired I didn’t get a break today, but I should’ve continued.” My mother looked at me for a moment then sobbed.

chapter one.

“Mum, I’m going to Sarah’s house,” I yelled running down the stairs to the door. I heard my mum yell okay so I continued out of the door to my mustang, the mustang that used to belong to my mother, but she bought a new one. Getting into the drivers seat I take out my phone and call Sarah.

“Yellow this is Ms. Awesome,” she said happily, then probably looked at the caller id and screamed my name.

“Hey Sarah, cover for me,” I said then roared the engine.

“Don’t go back to your trainer, he hurts you,” she pleaded me.

“He’s the best trainer there is so what if I have to have one or two new bruises they’ll all just blend in with the others,” I replied sadly. Pressing end I drop my phone in the passengers seat and back out of the driver way then put it in drive and drove to the boxing place I’ve been going to since I was 5. Pulling into the parking lot I see my trainer talking to a boy my age. Putting my gear in park I turn off my car and walk over to my trainer and the boy. I could tell what my trainer was going to do so I move back and he missed hitting me.

“And we were so rudely interrupted by my best boxer, Madeline,” my trainer said giving me the death glare. I roll my eyes his death glare doesn’t mean anything to me anymore. Ignoring his rudeness I walk into the boxing place and say hi to the owner Mr. Piggy, well that’s my nickname for him and he likes it.

“Hi Mr. Piggy,” I said to him just as the boy and my trainer walked in.

“Madeline what on earth are you doing here your mother banned you from here 9 years ago, well you have been coming here anyways. Anyway why are you here all he does is hurt you,” Mr. Piggy asked me concernedly. I roll my eyes again and roll on my heel.

“Well, it’s the summer and I was bored,” I mumbled then walked away towards the locker room. Of course there were only two girls in there and one of them was me.

“Hey Bambi,” I said to Brooklyn calling her by her nickname. She turned to me and sighed disappointed that I was here, their all family here.

“Why are you here, I don’t like seeing all those bruises.” I shrugged and unlocked my locker next to hers. I took out my sports bra thingy and boxer shorts. Pulling off my other clothes and changing Bambi and I talked about unimportant things. I just finished putting on my boxing stuff when I heard a slam. Bambi and I trade glances un-amused by whoever was doing it. Bambi grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the locker room and we saw my trainer pressed against the wall by the boy that was talking to him. I smile brightly and I felt Bambi do the same. My trainer saw it and growled at me, which I just laugh at. That caught the attention of the boy and he turned around and saw us watching, he dropped my trainer unsure if he was doing something bad. When my trainer was fully recovered I felt my heart beat slow down. He came up to me and tried to hit me and I dodged it easily then he tried again which I gracefully dodged kicking at him shin he fell down and grabbed my legs trying to take me down also but instead I kick him face and step out of his grasp.

“I’m not 7 anymore you can’t beat me up,” I said to him standing up to him for the first time. He laughed evilly and stood up as if what I did was nothing. Sighing I back up and look for the boy who had my trainer pinned against the wall. He was starring at me trying to figure me out. I ran over to him and hid behind him childishly and I saw Bambi smirk.

“Yah, I’ll put this shortly, help me,” I told the guy I was standing behind. I just noticed how handsome he was even from behind. Not the time Madeline, I thought to myself. The handsome stranger looked behind him and smirked then left me and went to my trainer. I found myself stalking over to Bambi’s side.

“He’s hot,” I said not keeping my voice down, I don’t care if anyone hears, then I continued, “hot and saving my life.” She nodded and traced one of my scars on my left arm. I flinch a little and look away.

“Your life could’ve been saved if you didn’t come here, you even have scars Madeline,” Bambi exclaimed almost yelled. My eyes widen from her out burst and caught the handsome stranger looking at me sadly. For some odd reason I feel like I’ve known him forever, like I’m drawn to him. I watch him closely as he gracefully kicked my trainer out of the boxing place. (A/N sorry I don’t know what to call it so boxing place will have to do) He started walking towards Bambi and I then stopped in front of us.

“He’s gone,” he proclaimed and smiled at me. I couldn’t help but to smile back, if I was a true girly girl I would even blush but I’m not. The handsome stranger looked disappointed that I didn’t blush and both Bambi and I caught that. I burst out laughing while Bambi giggled a little.

“She never blushes, the last 9 years that I’ve known her she hasn’t not even when someone proposed to her, of course she said no but whatever,” Bambi babbled to the handsome stranger and he regained his smile after hearing that.

“What’s your name,” I blurted out catching his attention again.

“Noah,” he said smiling a smile that reached his blue eyes. He has memorizing eyes ones that could capture you for hours. I smile back and nodded Bambi noticed my comfort and began awing. I elbowed her in the gut and she stopped instantly.

“No fair, you’re stronger than me,” she complained walking onto the ring. Rolling my eyes I look over at Mr. Piggy coming our way.

“Hey Mr. Piggy,” I sang happily, I don’t know why I’m happy I just am. Have you ever had one of those days?

“Hello Madeline, hello Noah, I was just about to introduce you two,” he said rather confused about why we were talking.

“Hello Mr. Pigton,” Noah said innocently. See now you know why I call him Mr. Piggy. Then there was an awkward silence, I couldn't handle it and looked around for Bambi. She was in the ring getting smoked. I sigh and ran over to save her, she tapped my hand and I got in. The boy she was fighting got scared instantly, he almost ran out of the ring. Noah let out a silent wow and I laughed to myself. The boy gained the courage and lunged towards me and I dodged it he ran into the rope. Laughing again I wait for him to come at me, gracefully I move to the right when he hit swung left. Punching him in the gut with my strongest force he fell to the floor shaking in pain. I let out a small sigh and jumped out of the ring towards Bambi.

“Bambi you could have done better, when he swings left you move right and if he swings right you move left,” I explained simply and she just shook her head.

“Most of us here aren’t fast enough for that,” she replied coolly but then gave me an apologetic look. I roll my eyes and wave her off.

“Madeline can I talk to you alone,” Noah asked me and I nodded. He took my hand and led me away from everyone else. Once we where alone in an abandoned room he didn’t let go but stood there probably mastering up words to say to me.

“Um, this will sound very odd and unbelievable but I’m a werewolf,” he said unsure and dropped my hand. I took his hand in mine and hugged him, I know werewolves already.

“Well considering my father is a werewolf, I believe you,” I told him about to pull but from the hug back he only pulls me back in and hugs me tighter.

“Wait why are you telling me this,” I questioned sort of scared of what the answer might be. He opened his mouth then closed it twice. This can’t be good I told myself.

“You’re my mate,” he confessed after a moment of silence. I stood there unsure of both what a mate is and if it was bad or not. He saw my unsure look and took a deep breath.

“Just think soul mates, means your meant for each other, only that we are exactly that made for each other and only for each other.” I let out a confused breath and looked at him he looked like he was telling the complete truth.

“Okay,” I said still somewhat unsure. I was about to talk again when Noah’s lips crashed onto mine. I responded to him by kissing back and wrapping my arms around his neck, while he wrapped his around my waist.

chapter two

He pushed me against the wall and continued to crash his lips against mine sending sparks coursing through me. His tongue ran across my bottom lip asking for entrance which I gave, his tongue meet mine halfway and the sparks only flared up even more. Playing with the hair at the nape of his neck I noticed how much I was enjoying this. Hadn’t I just meet him, I thought to myself unsure. I don’t care, I argued with myself and pulled Noah closer to me. We continued to kiss until I heard a throat clear. Pulling away from Noah I turned my head to see Bambi grinning widely. I heard Noah sigh and I internally laughed but waited for Bambi to talk.

“Your turn in the ring Madeline,” she told me keeping herself from squealing in happiness.

“Who am I going against,” I heard Darren’s voice call and I froze. Looking over at Bambi I pushed her towards the ring with wide eyes.

“What’s wrong Madeline, are you afraid,” Darren asked leaning against the rope grinning at me. Scowling at him I walked and jumped up to the ring. Shaking my head I starred at the ground, why does he always do this, I asked myself. The announcer called our names and everyone ran over to watch, the two best boxers in a match. Woo, I thought to myself sarcastically.

“Why do you look so bum,” Darren questioned his voice high pitched and sarcastic.

“Pardon me for my lack of excitement but I’m not entirely thrilled,” I answered and shook hands with him. Wiping my hand on my shorts I heard Bambi’s laugh. Darren lost his grin and was now mad, the ref counted to three and when he got out of the way Darren tried to hit me. I dodged it and kicked him in his side. Growling he swung at me again, and yet again I dodged it. Yawning I was bored of him, he tries and tries to take me down. Punching me in the stomach he pulled back his hand and held it. Holding my stomach, I watched as he shook off the pain. I wondered when he was going to give up like he usually did halfway through the fight. Below the ring I heard Noah asking why I disliked Darren so much, Bambi just whispered I don’t know or something like that. Shaking my head I concentrated back on the fight and dodged Darren strike straight towards me.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.11.2011

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