
Chapter one-- we meet again

Gathering my hunting tools, I maneuver my way through my sister’s mess. Searching through a giant pile of dirty clothes I find my final arrow. AH HA! Relieved that I found my arrow I hadn’t notice the guards in the room glaring at me. Rolling my eyes, I place the arrow along with the others. Checking my thigh, I felt my knife, on my back my arrows, in my left boot another knife, and on my belt there was a small holder for a sword that I am longing to get. Everything seems to be in place. I smile astonished, everything is set. Time to go get money while doing the thing I LOVE.


“I’ve never seen a female so happy to go kill people,” one of the guards whispered, but I heard it loud and clear.


“What was that,” I asked testing to see what he does. Does he not see my weapons, does he not know how skillfully I can use them. The guard’s eyes became aware and frightened like a little kid on Halloween. Ever since I’ve gotten a letter informing me that 4 others and I would be hunting animals for 100£, I’ve been in a happy mood, it was a very sudden change in my mood so everyone is thinking I’ve gone mad. Who wouldn’t, I’m a shy girl, one who keeps quiet. I use my bow and arrow to let my anger out, rather than yelling at someone for no reason. My mother use to admire how I would be vigorous with a weapon, and so tender with words. I miss her, my mother, I miss her kind words, her words of wisdom. When I young about the age of 8 my village was attacked by northerners, and she was caught and killed. I swore to myself that one day I would never hurt someone innocent, like the man killed my innocent mother. My father couldn’t bare to see my mother die, and he died along with her begging a northerner to kill him, the northerner didn’t have the heart to say ‘no’ a unfamiliar word in their dictionary. I was the age 8, while my sister was the age 11, yet I had been more mature than her. I still am today. A voice pulled me away from my reminiscing of the pass.


“Ma’am we have to leave so stop daydreaming and come,” the guard yelled. I arched an eye brow at him and ventured my way through the pig sty, and what my sister calls a room. The two guards started to leave without me but I soon fell into step with them. After what was 10 silent minutes of walking we stopped at the castle. What are we doing at the castle? Soon enough I heard a trumpet, then footsteps gathering around me. I slightly yawn, this isn’t exciting to me. I’ve meet the Alpha before, we were 9 right after my parent’s passed away, me being my foolish-self thought he was a regular noblemen. During my 11th birthday the Alpha himself came over to pick him up and I learnt the truth, I never forgive him because we never see each other. I don’t believe I want to he lied to me for 2 years. He didn’t even give me any hint bombs.


“I’ll like to present the Alpha himself to give you the message,” said the trumpet player, and then he continued, “Here is Alpha Aiden.” A few steps behind the trumpet player Alpha Aiden stood then he came forward.


“I’ve selected one of your neighbor’s daughter to be my bride,” he announced and I scuffed. Adverting my eyes I played with the knife I took out of my boot. Then something unusual happened.


“Dakota, come hither,” the alluring Alpha Aiden said. My eyes shot up and I stared at him, I became a rebel at the moment forgetting my shy status, and shook my head no. Once I did that the two guards beside me gripped my arms and started to pull me towards him. Me, being my very skillful self, dropped my knife and one of the guards let go to pick it up so I took advantage and kicked him so he was lying flat then turned to the other guard and twisted his arms around to his back unpleasantly, and threw him to the ground. Walking over to the first guard I picked up my knife, as if I would leave it. I stole a glance at Aiden and smiled.


“I think I’ll be going home then,” I retorted in my small voice, but the message was loud and clear. I began to walk, and then heard footsteps quicker than mine. Within a second Alpha Aiden was grabbing my wrist stopping me from moving any farther.


“Dakota, please,” he asked flashing one of the smiles I fell in love with when I was younger. Darn him, I thought to myself. My inner self chuckled at my foolishness, there is no way someone in such high rank could ever love you. He removed his hand from my wrist and causing me noticed how hot it became until it left, now I felt cold. Nope. No. He isn’t my mate. It is just a coincidence, plus my wolf doesn’t response to him like I do.


 I kind’ve like him though, my wolf tells me happily. I scuff after she said that, then gave him a slight smile. Completely oblivious to my surroundings I didn’t notice the guard who was tugging at my foot, so I lost balance and fell onto the ground. I groan in pain, and exhaustion. Why me? Is all I ask? Pushing myself up from the ground I got up and dusted off my sweater of the gravel and dirt. I felt Aiden’s hand reach mine and pull me through the crowd into the forest alone. If I wasn’t trying to figure out where we were going I would’ve been more knowing about of how warm my body felt with him holding my hand.


“Where we going,” I asked for the 10th time in a minute, and once again the answer was silence. Can he really expect me to go into the forest without explanation? He finally stopped and we were standing by the tree where I first meet him.


“See, you could’ve just told me where we were going,” I stated and leaned against our tree. . His arms locked me in a cage, hands on both sides of my head. He leaned forward close to me, then teased me by talking.


“Why ruin the surprise.” Before I could ask him anything, his lips crashed onto mine. I wanted to stop but inside I was screaming in joy. Disappointing myself I pull away, and just smile, a fake smile.


“You know I was really looking forward to the hunting, but of course it was just a trick of yours,” I stated to him, taking out my dagger again and began to play with it, twirling it between my fingers. Once he saw my knife he backed up a little, and I don’t blame him. Looking down at my fingers swiftly moving along with the dagger, I notice my birthmark. I’ve always known it was there but I never thought too much of it. The dark black half moon looks like a tattoo contrasting to my tan skin. I stop playing with my dagger and just stare at my birthmark, why can’t I figure out what it means. I try to tear my eyes off of it but I just can’t so I stare at it absently.


“Earth to Dakota,” Aiden said bringing my glaze up from my birthmark to his face. I ducked my head and walked under his arm, then kept walking. I understand why I never look at it, because it brings the sadness out of me, because my mother had the same birthmark. I’m 19 for goodness sakes shouldn’t I know what it means by now?


“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I asked the confused Aiden, and then he nodded.


 Once I got home I searched for my sister and found her in her room digging through her closet. I lightly tap her shoulder to get her attention.


“I DIDN’T LOSE IT,” she screams turning to me, and I stood there dumbfounded. On no, what did she lose.


“You didn’t lose what Daniela,” I asked calmly, but facial expression far off from claim. She started to freak out and then burst into tears. Oh no, I thought again, she lost something important.


“Mom…mom’s… locket… she gave...g-gave… you…” I stare at her heartbroken, she couldn’t have lost it.


“Where did you last put it,” I asked leading her out of the huge mess.


“THE KITCHEN,” she yelled then ran to the kitchen and I followed. We both started to look everywhere, then I heard a knock on the door. I move over to the living room searching the couch when I heard the knock again.


“COME IN DAMN IT.” I continued searching in the couch, then fell to the floor and groan. I look over the living room and notice the giant mess. In the doorway Aiden stood there completely confused. I let out a nervous laugh and pop up from the floor neatly putting the couch together. I walk over to him blocking the view.


“Hello,” I said shyly. My sister ran into the room with her hair messy and was looking all over franticly, like how I was when they came in.


“Bad timing,” Aiden laughed and then saw my eyes, then realized why I was searching all over.


“Defiantly, so if you don’t mind, I need to go back to franticly searching and tearing down the house.” I ran back over to the couch and plopped onto the floor forgetting their there. Lying flat on my stomach I reach under the couch and glared. Where oh where can my favorite locket be. I felt something poke myself and I giggle. Damn, this thing got my ticklish spot. My eyes widen as it becomes familiar. Aiden. I push myself up from the floor and quickly walk into my room, my very neat room in comparison of my sister’s. I walk over to my night stand and kneel next to it rushing through each draw. Not here, I thought sadly. I get up with Aiden at my heels until I see a very scared Daniela. She was looking at her bag then to me then back to her bag. In her other hand was mother’s locket. OH THAT LORD, I screamed in my head.


“Well um, it was in my bag the whole time,” she admitted slyly.


“I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!” I was about to take my locket when an arm snaked around my waist and pulled me back. I instantly clam down from his touch and glare at my sister, shaking she handed me the locket I was originally going to get. In my hand I scan over it to see if anything was wrong, and when noticing was I felt relief all over me, and leaned back into Aiden’s hard chest. I look over at my sister standing in awe at Alpha Aiden. I understood why she was so surprised, but she’s lucky he was here to stop me from going berserk.


“I’m here because my parents want to meet you, again,” Aiden told me then exhaled against my skin. I nervously sighed and broke free of his embrace. After I felt the cold take over, so I took Aiden’s hand to warm me up again. He’ll be my own fireplace. It was winter in Alaska, who wouldn’t want a walking fireplace with them. In this village werewolves aren’t affected as much but it still has an impact on us. Walking into the castle I look towards the guards from earlier and laugh. Their eyes widen and hide behind the other guards.

chapter two

“I thought guards, guarding the Alpha wouldn’t be afraid of a little o’l me,” I whispered to Aiden who had the same smirk on his face as mine did. He was thinking the same thing. Aiden looked at me again and I captured what his eyes where saying, they had guilt and regret in them. Why, I thought to myself determined to know.


 Why does he feel this way? My wolf asked me. I simply try to ignore my wolf, but it made me wonder as well. I was about to break, when Aiden pulled me closer to him and seemed stern. I looked up at what he was sternly starring at and saw Head Alpha, Aiden’s father. Aiden’s grip on me tightened the closer Head Alpha got close.


“Hello Dakota,” he said taking my hand bring it up to kiss my knuckle. I heard Aiden growl once Head Alpha’s lips were on my hand, but I just rolled my eyes. Head Alpha looked down at my hand and his eyes widen in shock as he eyed my birthmark. I arched my eye brow wondering what it means, surely Head Alpha knows if it make him have such an expression. Does he know?


“Do you happen to know what my birthmark means,” I asked skeptically slowly bring my wrist back and away from Head Alpha.


“I’ve read about it, but I thought it was a myth, surely we’ll talk about this later.” I eyed Aiden he was confused just as much as I was.


“Come; we are going to talk over dinner,” I heard Aiden’s mother call from the dining room. I stifle a laugh and saw Aiden doing the same. We walk over to the dining room and I gasp as I look over at the table ten times as large as my room. I frown, I remember when I was younger with my parents we had a table like this, once I think about it this place reminds me a lot of my old mansion. I felt an arm drag me to the table and I arch an eyebrow.


“Why were you just standing there?” I closed my eyes shake my head, wishing I was truly doing what I was sent for, hunting. I miss my arrows truthfully. Then I remember where I was and Aiden talking to me.


“Oh, um I was just startled by how big the table was,” I lied trying to escape the subject, all it could lead up to the subject of my parents’ death. Realizing I was still standing I made an o with my mouth and sat next to Aiden. It felt awkward in here, like I was meant to be in a large dining room with my parents and sister, not Aiden and his parent’s. Well it might just be nerves, meeting his parent’s not knowing if they like me or not. Common right, wrong? All of the wolves in this village know and love each other as family, that’s what a pack is. My nerve’s is coming from that though, probably because of the way Head Alpha reacted to my birthmark putting me on edge. I’ll be fine, I reassure myself. Guards having no job at the moment came out as servers giving us food. I saw the two I disagreed with, they were both still scrambling because of it. I felt a tad bit horrible because of it, but I wasn’t in quite the mood. One of the guards gave me a plate and winked, stifling a laugh. How odd, I tell myself, I wasn’t familiar of that guard I usually know them all. News spreads like wild fire here. I look over at Aiden and he didn’t seem to notice anything.


‘Who’s the new guard,’ I asked telepathically with Aiden. At first I sensed shock from him because he nearly jumped out of the seat then he calmed down to process the words, and then became startled again. His parent’s observed his mood as well as I did and they stared at him confused.

Chapter three-

“We don’t have one,” Aiden said to me, as his parent’s listen. I looked down at my food and smelt something off.


“He tried to poison me,” I said standing up to go after the guard who probably was an imposer. I could feel Aiden tense and heard his mother’s gasp. Starting to run towards outside the castle like mansion, I heard footsteps behind me. I didn’t dare look I could tell it was Aiden. Rolling my eyes slightly I push through doors and turns like a maze. Finding my way out I caught a glimpse of the guard-server-imposer in his wolf form running into the woods. I drew out my knife from my boot and threw it aiming at the imposer spotting it to hit right when he intersects with it. I heard a soft whimper and knew that I hit. Not wasting anytime I ran after him and my knife. I can’t just leave my knife, I thought to myself.


 Catching up to him I withdraw my knife from his back and walk up to him.


“Shift,” I force my voice from being like the Alpha’s, I don’t like being that powerful, but I need to enforce things. Soon enough the guard-server-imposer dude shifts into his human form, to which I cover my eyes and throw him my jacket. You would think I’d be used to it. I look back over to him and lean against a tree near me. Hearing footsteps made me quiet, unsure of who’s their owner. When Aiden came into view I settled down and look back at the dude.


“State your name,” I commanded, and then shifted at the way my voice sounded. Looking down at the ground ashamed I put myself back together and gave him that evil glare of mine.


“Setae.” Weird name, I think then refocus on him.


“Why did you run it makes it obvious,” I stated stifling a yawn from escaping my mouth.


“You’re smart, he warned me and I assumed you figured it out.” Who is he was the only question that popped up into my head and apparently it popped up in Aiden’s to. He took control from here.


“Who is he,” Aiden yelled in his Alpha tone, the one I despise very much. Setae flinched a little, and then shame flashed in his eyes.


“My leader, we don’t belong to a pack we’re all runaways.” Runaways, leader, what is this?


“Why target me,” I cut in. Aiden shifted his glaze to me, I saw his eyes, and his wolf was making his way out. His eyes were an unnatural yellow that glowed, one that wouldn’t be mistaken as anything but a monster. Forgetting about Setae I make way to Aiden and hug him, trying to calm him down. I look back up to his eyes and sigh in relief as they were back to their meadow green eyes, not even they were too bright to be a meadow green, they were an abnormal green that compares to nothing. I step out of my embrace, but continue to hold his arm.


“Well,” I snapped. Setae looked at me with awe, and then shook his head clearing any thoughts.


“The leader said you’re the chosen one, because you have the birthmark.” He pointed to my birthmark and I hid my arm behind me, like I’m hiding my dairy or something to be embarrassed about. I am embarrassed about it, and it shows that I’m different. Not only am I embarrassed but the story behind it is a secret, the people I love gave it to me making it a constant reminder of something I hoped would forget someday. Who am I kidding I’ll never forget my parent’s.


“Did he tell you anything about my birthmark?” Setae looked shocked he must’ve thought I knew what it means.


“He didn’t,” Setae says after a moment to recover. I’m tired, I thought to myself.


“Setae go back to your leader and tell him I went south and that you followed me. He’ll go south.” Setae shook his head.


“He’ll find out, besides if I say that I’ll be killed,” he stated.


‘Go to your leader and don’t come back unless you’re going to help us.’ I persuaded him with my mind. He nodded and shifted into his wolf, running north. I put my hand on my head and let out a breath that needed to escape.


‘Aiden, I feel dizzy, can y—‘ I couldn’t finish mentally talking to him, I had already fainted.


My hand flew to my head as I began to awake. I feel awful, I thought to myself while getting ready to sit up. As I tried to attempt to sit up a hand pushed me down, and then it cupped my cheek.


“Are you okay Dakota,” Aiden asks quickly while piercing his green eyes into my aqua blue ones. I smile to myself knowing that he cares.


“I’m…fine,” I lied with my hand still on my head as if it were preventing it from exploding. Aiden looked at me with concern burning in his eyes.


“Don’t lie to me Dakota,” he said then laid next to me in the bed. How did I get here, I ask myself.

chapter four


The leader’s p.o.v -

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE DIDN’T GET POISONED,” I yelled at Setae. How could she know? I wrinkle my nose at the thought of her.

“She knew it was poisoned and didn’t eat it,” Setae said fear itching through his words. I gave a sigh in frustration, she needs to die. Werewolves shouldn’t be equal to leeches, and other supernatural creatures, we should be powerful and rule over them. If she dies they will have no way to insure that they will have equality.

“Go back and kill her,” I snapped to him. Setae looked fazed.

“I can’t.” I felt my insides burn and my eyes turn black.

“What do you mean you can’t” I yelled, my wolf coming out ready to kill her myself.

“She did something so I can’t go back,” he stated taking a few steps back. She can’t be that powerful, I thought to myself.

“Annabelle,” I hissed. Annabelle came into the room with her chains dragging behind her.

“Yes,” she said softly.

“Your daughter, what’s her ability?” Annabelle’s eyes widen as she took a step back into one of my guards.

“Her mind, anything with the mind she can do,” Annabelle chokes out. After the words slipped Annabelle widen her eyes even more in disbelief. So she didn’t lie, I thought to myself. I smirk and tell the guards to take her back.


Dakota’s p.o.v


“MMMMMMORRRRRRRRRRNINGGGGGGG,” Kayla shouted running into the room jumping onto the bed.


“Brooter, mum said to bring Kota down stairs for food,” Kayla said in her child accent. I smile at it and pulled Aiden out of bed. He groaned but got up anyway. When he was standing up he wrapped his arm around my waist and hugged me tighter to him.


“Why do you think that the leader is after me,” I asked Aiden carefully, trying not to master up bad thoughts.


“It has something to do with your birthmark so why don’t we ask my father what it means.” I nodded and stopped walking. Slowly I turned around and went on my tiptoes to kiss Aiden. He kissed back our lips started moving magically together and my arms found their way around Aiden’s neck. Playing with Aiden’s hair I deepen the kiss putting more force into it. Aiden backed me up so that I was pinned against the wall. His hands roamed my body and stopped when they touched my knife on my hip. He pulled back and looked at me. I slowly look away and went under his arm getting out of the space between him and the wall.


“Come, let’s go before Kayla notices,” I told Aiden pulling him down the hall.


Reaching the dining room I felt my head spin, and I lost balance almost falling, but Aiden carefully held my hand tightly. Placing my hand on my forehead I wonder why that happen, while thinking carefully it did it again and I fell into a chair.


“Kota,” Kayla said my name worriedly, which made Aiden worry even more. I looked up at them and felt my head spin even more.


“What’s going on,” I asked my voice cracking horribly. Pain erupted in my veins and mostly it was directed towards my birthmark. I bit my lip to keep from screaming, the pain was agonizing. Aiden looked in concerned. I adverted my eyes away from Aiden and repeatedly said words in my head to calm myself, somehow it worked and all the pain went away leaving me emotionless. Standing up from the chair I walked out of the dining room and down the hall to a door that leads outside. Stepping outside I breathe in the fresh air and felt relieved that whatever that was over and confused to why that had happen. Looking down at my birthmark I had expected to see the half-moon I had always had but I was surprised to see it has been added to swirls and circles intertwined with the half-moon leaving me astonished. Starring at my birthmark in complete awe I didn’t hear the door open behind me but Aiden was there standing in front of me looking completely pained and confused. Fixing my eyes so that they were looking at him completely I hugged him, in a way to say ‘I’m still here,’ or ‘stop looking like that.’


 “What happened,” he asked anxiety spilling in his words. I didn’t answer with words instead I simply removed my hand from my birthmark and showed him. He took a step closer to me and traced over the new additions, completely in awe.


“How,” he asked the same question that was running through my mind.


“I don’t know.” My voice sounded unfamiliar, and Aiden noticed, what does he not? He took his hand in mines and stormed into the house I was unsure of what he was doing. Pulling me into the dining room I saw the king and queen sitting on different ends of the table and Kayla was sitting in the middle. When she spotted me she ran over to me and attacked.


“You’re okay,” she exclaimed and I smiled hugging her. Pulling away from the hug Aiden pulled me over to his father.


“What does her birthmark mean,” Aiden asked venom dripping from his voice, it made me shiver. His father was shocked and starred at my birthmark, his eyes grew wider.


“The addition happened already,” he asked dumfounded. I nodded and he stood up towering over Aiden and me. He started to walk away and then turned around motioning us to follow. Aiden grabbed my hand tightly and pulled me following his father.


 We followed him into the study room.

chapter five-


Annabelle’s p.o.v (Dakota’s mother)


 I stare down at my birthmark, tracing over the new additions, Dakota has the same now. A tear slipped from my eye and I thought about how much I put my daughter in danger. Wiping the tear away from my cheek I saw the leader walk in and I adverted my eyes away from him.


“Your daughter is the Atrides and I will kill her,” he hissed then walked over to me. Lifting my chin up to face him he slapped me and I felt a bruise already forming, but I didn’t care. All I care about is my daughter.


“You won’t,” I retorted, then continued “she is the Atrides there is no way you can get to her.” He smiled as if he thought he plan through. Laughing at me he turned around and left, slamming the door behind me. I went back to looking at my birthmark, tracing the circles I remembered what it all meant. The moon for the werewolves and shifters, swirls for the vampires and demons, and circles for any other supernatural creature in this mad world. I couldn’t help but wonder how Dakota is doing and if she could handle this. Of course she can she is Dakota.


I love her, she can’t get hurt.



Dakota’s p.o.v


 Reading over the fine print again I couldn’t believe it. The Atrides, the one born destined to bring all forces of the supernatural into peace. I read on about what the new additions meant, all three together meant the forces. I looked up from the book and pulled my eyebrows together looking at Aiden. He read the book also and was pacing back and forth. Walking over to Aiden I put my hand on his shoulder and he stopped pacing but looked hurt.


“What if they kill you,” he asked fear leaking into his words.


“They won’t you won’t let them,” I told him insuring that he will save me.


“You’re right,” he stated and pulled me into a hug as if I would soon disappear. I promised to myself that I won’t, I can’t if I want everyone to be peaceful. World peace, I thought to myself then corrected myself, supernatural world peace.


“I’m hungry,” Aiden whined and pulled me out of the library back into the dining room. I smiled at him and sat down next to him. The queen sat on one of the heads of the table and I smiled at her but she looked distressed and had an apologetic look on her face when she looked at me. Pulling my eyebrows together I looked over at Aiden.


“What’s your mother’s ability,” I asked Aiden unsure of what she was apologizing for. He was hesitated for a moment then turned in his chair to explain to me.


“She can tell if two people are mates, also she reads emotions.”


 “Hmmm.” He turned back around in his chair and looked at his plate which was now full of pancakes, mine was too but I ignored it. I was too busy wondering why she was sorry, does it have to do with Aiden and I? Pushing the plate forwards I prop my elbows on the table and lay my chin in my folded hands in wonderment. Deep in thought I didn’t notice Aiden and Kayla left but when I looked up it was only the queen and I. I stood up from my chair and headed for the seat next to hers. Pulling it down and plopping down I gave her a ‘please help me’ look. She gave a small smile and it faded too soon.


“Well since Aiden told you my ability I don’t have to,” she said then continued but her voice changed now it sounder sad, “you two are not in fact mates I can tell, you guys are in love but not mates. It’s horrible, you’re so lovely and all.” When the words left her small perfect mouth I could not believe it. I sat there astonished and heart broken, this is surprising and horrible. Aiden came back, his energetic mood after eating soon vanished at seeing my face. I gave out an exasperated laugh and went over to hug him.


“Aiden, I love you, sorry,” I whispered with a lovely smile, the one time I would give a smile full of love, why would it have to be like this? My face etched back into an anxious frown. I was determined not to break in front of them, so I twitched my lips into a small weak smile and hugged the queen. Pulling away from the hug and turned on my heel heading towards the hall to the outside. Once outside I broke down into tears and walked towards my house where my sister was, hopefully she will still be mine. If we aren’t mates, our love would just be a hindrance once we find our real mates especially since he is the new alpha after his father.

chapter six

It feels horrid to just leave without saying goodbye but he won’t miss me, he won’t have a yearning to get me back. Walking into the woods I make no noise just silently let tears fall. I heard a crack and I stood in mid step, swiftly I hid behind a tree. Peaking from behind it I see a group of three people all werewolves two my age, and one who looks to be 12. The twelve year old is a girl and the other two were boys. Concentrating on their conversation I slowed my breathing and listened in.


“He said she would be around here,” one of the guys implied sadly, annoyed at the most.


“Why do we have to kill her, we want be on her side,” the girl whined. Both of the boys let out a frustrated breath and started to walk again.


“We should go to the village and ask if anyone saw her, for all we know Dakota could already be dead,” the other guy said a bit worriedly for someone he never meet before. Walking around the three I popped in front of them and smiled, which they saw right through because my tears were slightly drying into my skin.


“I can take you to Dakota,” I offered them taking a step forwards my hands ready to draw a knife or arrow if needed.


“You probably heard us we don’t want to harm her so you better not,” the girl informed me, then there was a silently moment which gave me time to study them. The twelve year old had blonde hair, pale, and very skinny. One of the guys had brown hair that was shaggy, the same skin tone as me, and he had crystal clear blue /grey eyes, somehow I was drawn to them but I ignored it. The next guy to his left had black hair, tan skin and regular muddy brown eyes, they all had the same type of outfit like it was a uniform. Who were these people, and why on earth are they trying to kill me.


“Do you work for the leader guy,” I asked him remembering Setae. They nodded but the one with the pretty eyes didn’t he stood still then took a step closer to me.


“How do you know,” he questioned his position ready to draw any weapons he has.


“Someone said he was trying to kill my cousin Dakota, I’m,” I stopped for a minute mastering up a fake name, “Charlotte.” His hand that was ready to withdraw a knife at any moment ranked through his hand and I felt like fainting then remembered Aiden clearing the thought of any boy. It was too soon to think of that name, my eyes glossed over, quickly I sucked it up and faced the group accordingly.


“Well Charlotte, want to join us, we decided we will fight for Dakota rather than against her.” He offered a hand and I took it tingles and sparks escaping through me down my whole body, much more than Aiden’s, but instead of assuming anything I ignored it and stepped next to the other two.


“What’s your name,” I asked the girl next to me, my voice cracking from the tingles being sent through me still. The girl smiled at me.


“I’m Elizabeth, call me Lizzy,” she introduced herself then held out her hand, only a fool would touch it, she has the power to kill someone with a touch I can tell by her creepy smile. She withdrew her hand and smiled approvingly. Her guts for her small body made me let out a little huff.


“I’m Nathaniel,” the guy with brown eyes said nodding to me. Wiping the now dry tears from my cheeks they started to walk and I wondered why they first guy didn’t tell me what his name was. Following them I wondered where they were going.


“How do you guys know if you meet her, well besides having me,” I asked them as I almost trip over a vine. Looking behind me at the vine I cursed at it and everyone laughed, by everyone I meant Nathaniel, Lizzy, and myself.


“She’s my mate,” the guy up front grumbled and I looked at my hand which was still responding to our hand holding. Quickly looking away from it, I wish everything would be normal.


“Also, her birthmark looks like a tattoo,” Lizzy murmured secretly to me. My eyes widen and I slightly saw my birthmark in the corner of my eye.


“Maybe we should go to the village she likes to shop there,” I suggested, maybe there I can get something to cover my birthmark. They nodded and I started to lead them out of the forest, stepping over the edge of the forest I felt safe. Walking into the Village, I remembered that everyone knows that I’m Dakota and I froze in place.


“What’s wrong Charlotte,” Lizzy questioned from behind me and I turned my back to the village and smiled at them assuring that everything was fine.


“You guys go first I have to do something real quick,” I told them and they walked around me into the village completely token aback by my behavior. Running the opposite way they went in the village I rushed into Missy’s store, in the store I smiled at Missy the owner and noticed a hooded long sleeved robe. Taking it I walked up to Missy and smiled a ‘please’ smile.


“How much,” I asked quickly and her eyes bulged out of her sockets.


“Free of course,” she stated dumbfounded.


“Thank you,” I called already half way out of the door slipping on the robe like thing. Stepping into the street I saw Lizzy and Nathaniel searching it completely determined. When they saw me they rushed over to me.


“Have you found Dakota, Christian said his wolf was yearning him to be in the village, so she must be here like you said.”


I shook my head and felt my hands shaking, what if they find out I’m Dakota will they hate me?


“Err, no,” I said lying through my pearly white teeth. Christian walked towards us like he was in a trance and I hid behind Lizzy, hopping he won’t know I’m his mate. Standing in front of Lizzy, Christian looked confused.


“She right here, but Lizzy is right here,” he explained, and Lizzy moved exposing me.


“Traitor,” I exclaimed at her and she looked confused. Ms. Wills came rushing over to me breathlessly.


“Dakota, your sister needs you,” Ms. Wills told me and Lizzy, Nathaniel, and Christian’s eyes were on me.

chapter seven

“Where is she,” I questioned ignoring their stare. Ms. Wills pointed down the street and I saw my sister. My breath caught in my throat and I started to run over to her. In inhumanly speed I was by her side.


“Who did this,” I asked breathlessly trying not to cry in front of all these people. They shrugged and I placed my hand on her side where she was wounded and urged it to heal, partly my ability. Crying I pushed even more energy into her wound pleading the gods to help her. She cried out my name and I sighed in relief.


“You’re okay,” I exclaimed hugging her. She whimpered and I released her murmuring an apology. I stood up and then helped her up. Once she was standing she looked frantically around the village as if to spot something.


“Some random guy came and stabed me then whispered 'atrides must die',” Daniela said frantically and my eyes widen and shot over to Lizzy, Nathaniel, and Christian. They looked at me mad and regret filled me. Ignoring their glare I hugged my sister again happy that she is still healthy.


“Thank god you’re alright Daniela,” I exclaimed and searched the village with my eyes and I spotted someone I didn’t know. I pushed Daniela behind me and walked over to the guy. Stepping in front of him he looked pissed. Who can this be? I thought to myself and as I was wondering he had me in a choke hold, but it didn’t hurt me.


‘Let go of me,’ I commanded in my head and he slowly released me. Taking a step towards him he took one back and I smiled.


“Did your leader send you here,” I asked my voice low and deathly, which I even flinched to. He nodded frantically and backed up some more.


“Are you the one who hurt her,” I questioned taking a step towards him.


“Yes, but I had no choice, if I didn’t I would be the one dead,” he exclaimed and looked like he was about to pee himself.


“You did have a choice,” I told him my voice still low and deathly, “but you chose to listen to him, if you hadn’t run away from your pack you could’ve avoided this situation.” He listening to that he cried and slumped in defeat. Falling to the ground on his knees he begged for forgiveness, and sadly enough, because he did not kill my sister I said,


“Don’t kill anyone and leave your leader and I might forgive you fully, for now I’ll let you live.” He thanked me and stood up running off into the forest. Turning around to face the village I saw that everyone went back to their regular work and my sister was making her way back home. Running up to her I punched her in the arm and she whined.


“That’s for almost getting killed, go home and don’t leave unless it’s with your mate,” I ordered and she bowed her head walking home. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Lizzy and Nathaniel staring at me and Christian looking away. Regret filled me and my eyes became glassy, slowly I back away shaking my head then turned around. I don’t understand myself, I’ve only known them for a matter of minutes why am I upset and regretting my actions?


“Wait, Char—Dakota,” Lizzy pleaded and this caused me to quicken my pace to avoid them and catch up with my sister.


 Shaking my head I still heard their footsteps behind me. Taking my dagger from my boot I began to play with it, somehow it calms me.


“Dakota, put it away you might kill someone,” Daniela exclaimed and I shook my head.


“I don’t kill people, killing is…. Just no, I don’t kill.”


 Daniela looked over at me lament filling her eyes, then she adverted her eyes to behind me.


“Who are they,” she asked her voice weak and low, not looking behind me I shrugged and then felt air being pushed against my back. Nathaniel probably done it, it’s his ability to use earth elements, air isn’t exactly earth but it counts.


“I’m Nathaniel,” he said walking beside my sister.


“Why is she ordering you around aren’t you older than her,” Lizzy asked from behind us. A smile taunted to blossom at that moment, Daniela hates when people point that out. Daniela almost as if she heard my thought let out a frustrated screamed and my smile did shine. I shook my head and Lizzy looked confused.


“Just because she orders me around doesn’t mean anything, she still is my LITTLE sister, maybe she is controlling and took over our mum and father’s place doesn’t mean anything! I’m the one in charge,” Daniela proclaimed as she started to stomp towards the house. Letting out a laugh I looked over at Lizzy’s dumbfounded face also Nathaniel’s ‘what just happened’ look. I continued to laugh as Daniela screamed again.


“Oh my lord, that’s hilarious, look at your faces,” I exclaimed without even acknowledging Christian.


“What does she mean, ‘took over your mum and father’s place’,” Christian asked stopping me from my laughing fit. The scene flashed in my eyes as I thought back to it.


 The house was still and quiet it was at night, my sister and I were sleeping in the same room since we were scared and young. I heard the floor creak and I shook my sister awake.


“Sissy, did you hear that,” I whispered to Daniela as she slowly awoke.


“Hear, what,” she grumbled into the pillow. That creak sounded again and she heard it, her eyes widen and she pushed me off the bed. As I fell to the floor I heard my mum’s voice telling it to go away. My sister scrambled out of the bed and pulled me into our walk in closet.


“Don’t talk,” she ordered and I couldn’t help but to listen I was scared. My father’s voice boomed the house and I crawled over to my sister and hugged her with all my life.


“DON’T,” my mum screamed then her sobs came after it, all I could think of was my Daddy. Snickering came from outside our closet but stopped when a bright light filled our room.


“She’s not here,” a deep and mad voice snarled and my mum’s sobbing stopped. My head titled and I couldn’t think about my mum being hurt. I buried my head into my sister’s shoulder and waited for the light to turn off. Once it did the house was quiet and still just like before. Unburying myself from my sister I walked out of the closet to and through our room to my parent’s room. Jumping onto their bed I looked for them, where are they?


“Sissy, where are mum and daddy,” I questioned as she came into the room with red eyes and tears streaming down her rosy cheeks. She crawled onto the bed with me and just hugged me for a reason unknown.


“Gone,” she sobbed and my eyes widen and started to burn.


“B-b-bu-t-but- i-i-i- ne-need my mum and d-daddy,” I stuttered as hot thick tears came rushing down my small cheeks. She nodded and stopped making a noise when a pair of footsteps were to be heard. She sniffled silently and pulled me off the bed with her and pushed me under it. Looking from under the bed I saw the door swing open and two shoes, both big and like the army’s shoes, the ones that the guards wear.


“Come out, you’re parents are already dead, why not join them,” a male’s voice sneered and I held onto my sister for protection. I shook my head and pleaded god to make the man go away, and with that plead he did. My sister and I fell asleep laying under the bed.


 Shaking my head out of the scene I felt something hot drop onto my hand and looked to see a tear, I hadn’t even realized I was crying.


“Their gone,” I replied simply my voice cracking, sniffling I ran over to Daniela and stayed quiet. Everyone walked into our house and I noticed it was still all messy from our search. Everything scattered around the room, like a tornado hit.


“Really, you didn’t even clean Daniela,” I questioned as I fixed the couch.


“Hey you were the one who destroyed the couch I only made a tornado in our bedroom,” she exclaimed and I rolled my eyes as I took my mum’s locket. Studying it in my hand I sat on the couch and sat criss cross apple sauce.

chapter eight

“I miss her,” I stated out of the blue starring at the locket. Leaning back in the couch I wondered if there was some possible way they could be alive. Frowning I realize how absurd I’m being, of course that wouldn’t be possible. The spot beside me went down as someone sat but I was too entranced with the locket to see who it was. She can’t truly be gone, can she? I leaned my head on whosever’s shoulder was beside me and starred at the locket.


“You know, you’re mother misses you to,” Christian said from beside me. I looked up from the locket and over to him in confusion. She misses me, I’d hope so, but how does he know. Christian’s blue/grey eyes glanced into mine releasing off a lament feeling.


“How do you know,” I asked softly knowing the answer could only rip me into pieces. I closed my eyes and the worst came to mind, Christian had a close to death experience, well not exactly the worst I don’t know him.


“She’s alive, the Leader has her in the chambers,” he stated casually, how could he even say that casually. Hopping off the couch I stared at him with bulging eyes. My throat started to burn and I felt useless, I could’ve been saving my mum all this time but instead I’ve been mourning over her.


“Take me to her,” I pleaded him, my eyes blurring from tears. I have to see her, I thought to myself and blinked away the tears.


“No, the Leader will just take you and kill you,” Christian argued trying to seem more angry than scared.


 "I don't care, I need to see her," I begged grabbed his arms and shaking him out of desperation.


Annabelle’s p.o.v


She’s coming, I feel it, my beloved daughters. I can’t let this happen, she can’t. I wish she could come and free me; but if she comes it is the end.


“GET ME OUT OF HERE,” I scream causing chaos among the guards outside my door. The door slams open to reveal the very annoyed leader.


“What,” he hissed, I dared to smirk although I wanted to flinch and hid in fright, but for my daughters I will do anything. Daniela and Dakota, the only ones left for me to love. Standing up I shook off the nerves I felt. The chains danced to a melody as I moved, and with such grace I walked towards the leader. He hates those who don’t fear him.


“The longer you keep me here, the longer my power grows. I will kill you in a matter of time, remember I also bear the birthmark of Atrides. This is your chance to live, let me go,” I snaked around him the chain clamping onto his feet, his anger grew inside you could tell by his facial expression and the glow of yellow in his usually black eyes. He slammed me against the wall his hand around my throat.


“You think you can fool me, why after all this time do you want to leave. WHY NOW, is she coming? TELL ME,” he screamed spit flying at me. I choked back the disgust I felt.


“She doesn’t know I am alive, and if she were to come why would I leave? I want to see my daughters.” I chuckle then continue my voice dropping a note, “I just was warning you. You know my power evolves the longer I am in one place. You should be warned. The leader grew stronger with every sentence I stated until he finally released his hold letting me gasp for air. My eyes stayed open an aware, and focused.


“You better not lie to me. Your life is in my hands right now, for your own good be a good little pet and don’t bite your owner Annabelle,” he whispered with a mocking smirk when he said pet.


“Heh, I won’t just bite, oh ‘owner’ of mine, I will kill you.”

Chapter Nine


Dakota’s p.o.v


The others were all hesitant, but my sister and I were swiftly gathering our essentials ready to embark on a journey to their leader and where my mother was. After collecting a bag full of stuff, I grabbed my bow and arrow and point towards the door.


“Lead the way,” I urged, gesturing them to get a move on. Elizabeth, bit her lip with her brows slanting in concern. Nathaniel just stood up and made his way towards the door, probably not thinking anything of the plan. Christian like Elizabeth was wary, but less concerned than her. Daniela was as prepared as I was regardless of what we were about to face. However, she doesn’t know the whole story yet, and well neither do I.


“Okay enough with the looks, we can slowly make our way to your leader. It’s not like the five of us alone can save my mother, we will need more people,” I coaxed, hoping they will stop worrying and help.


“I agree with my sister, all I know is that my mother is still alive, and for all we know is in a dangerous situation,” Daniela insisted, she too thought that time was against us. Finally they changed their expressions from concern to agreement and sighed before heading out.


“So what do you know about your leader,” I questioned, anxious to know the mysterious man who captured my mother and is threatening to kill my sister and I. Christian and Nathaniel ignored me, but Elizabeth looked back and forth between them and me.


“I don’t know what to tell you,” she murmured, all of them seemed tense at the question and she was obviously uncomfortable with it. Daniela not quite getting the vibe continued,


“Does that mean that you don’t know, or that you don’t want to tell?”


“Be quiet, if you want us to take you to your mother,” Christian warned his voice cold and dry. Daniela quickly simmered down and stayed quiet. We followed through from my house to the area where I first encountered them. Nearing the Alpha’s mansion, I got uncomfortable. It was weird, my mind, heart, and wolf all felt something different. My mind thinking only of my situation and how to save my mother, my heart beating at the thought of Aiden inside the mansion which was close, and my wolf yearning the mysterious guy that I just met and his wolf. All the different feelings were complicated to relax to. We kept north and quickly passed the mansion. Remembering the werewolf who tried to poison me and where he headed when he left, I realized they were taking me on a different pathway.


“Where are we heading, is there a city or town,” I wondered feeling that they were taking me somewhere away from the leader. Again the two guys ignored my question and Elizabeth looked back at me. Sighing shortly she fell into step next to me.


“It’s as you said before, just the five of us cannot save your mother, there are too many followers of the leader,” she quipped hoping I would drop the subject. Daniela opened her mouth about to say something, but Christian turned and gave her a glare, she quickly contracted whatever thought she had. Somehow the slight feud they have gave me a small smile, even Elizabeth enjoyed the exchange between the two. We walked for a long while before anyone spoke. Nathaniel was the first to break the silences that embraced us on our journey.


“We aren’t that far from who we are meeting, so prepare yourselves they aren’t werewolves like us,” Nathaniel informed with a smug look on his face, as if he thought Daniela and I couldn’t pull ourselves together in front of people that aren’t werewolves. I can, but I also thought like Nathan when it came to Daniela. When we were kids our parents spoiled us, and after taking over for my parents I tend to spoil her as well.


“I’m sure we can handle ourselves, thank you,” I reassured him, then observed my surroundings. We were only several miles away from the village, yet the tree’s leaves were a different shade of green almost ten times darker and the atmosphere made the chill breeze feel ten times cooler. I’m guessing the person we are meeting doesn’t have bright of a personality, or anyone from this town for that matter. Although I’m not sure what to expect.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.11.2011

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dedicate this to God, because with out him i wouldn't have an inspiration

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