

This universe is full of things humans do not know, different realms filled with the strange and unknown, what those in the realm of humans call fictional and supernatural. For those unique authors who wrote about supernatural beings such as fairies, dragons, vampires, werewolves, and even shapeshifters they were gifted with what we call the Sight. Of the six realms together, I live on Fire. This amazingly spectacular planet I call home is made of brightness and luminosity, of fire and light. However, I am not pure blood Fireite. I was born on the planet Terra, but a raging war caused my parents to seek out refuge for me.
The terrain is mostly black volcanic rock streaked with rivers of crimson lava and orange flame, then decorated with onyx lava tubes. There are some spots on the planet where vegetation grows, but it is scarce. This is why the people of Fire are hard core. Having the heritage I have, my skin is pale as the moons at night, but their skin is dark and tough. Our will and determination is just as hard. People of the other realms say we are warriors, and I suppose that name suits us. The Fireites are a great race, a fighting one, and in this race, there is a group of female warriors, called the Dragon Sisterhood. I among those heart achingly beautiful women who men stare at in aw and women turn green with envy. Fire, besides the humans realm, is the only other world where females are free. We fight, live, love, and die of our own free will.

Chapter One

The warm air rushed through my hair, dry and hot like the rest of Fire. The steady beat of my dragon’s wings were in time with the beat of my own heart. Rage is my dragon, unlike any other in this realm. Ruby says that it is because he has a Terrainian owner, but no one really knows for sure. Most of the dragons’ scales are different variations of red and gold, but Rage’s is dark emerald green, the same color as my eyes. He is larger than the size of the average house, with eyes that glitter black like a starlit night. His wings are not leathery like others, but like a bird, full of soft feathers the color of green gems. He is light weight, built for speed, but muscled for battle. His talons are curved and razor sharp, his spikes just as keen.
We are flying over the River Pele, a deep gorge of molten lava. There are a few teens swimming in it, but I know better. I am not a native of this realm, and if I get anywhere near that river, I will burn to a crisp. Fireites have this ability to swim in lava like can swim in water. It is really neat to watch them being able to swim in it without dying. We pass over, a gust of hot air layering my skin like a blanket. Below us is Inferno Castle, where the royals live, as well as me. It is huge and gothic styles, opened to the volcanoes below and to the two suns above. There is a lava fall in the middle, spitting out neon orange and bright crimson flames. The smoke hangs thick in the air and as I stare down at the palace, it is then that I see Topaz staring up at me. Her short blonde hair curls at her chin, framing her elfish face and highlighting her high, proud cheekbones, her delicate nose, and wise eyes. She is the queen of Fire, and a great one. She is wearing royal clothes, which is quite odd for her. The garnet dress flows from her small frame to the granite floor of the dragon hanger. At her side is Terror, her golden dragon, and at the other side is others to who I do not think I have seen before.
The people with her are clearly not Fireite. Their skin is not as dark, appearing more like mine with its pale complexion, and they look as if they are suffering in their clothes. They have on pants and boots, jackets and shirts, as well as capes. The usual Fireite attire is minimal, since it is so hot here. Right now I have on a black top cropped at my navel with a low cut neck line and the straps of it are about a half an inch thick. The pants I have on are tight and breathable, allowing comfort and movement as well as protection from the heat. They were made from tailors, as well as the special fire proof boots that end at my knees. The tops of my breast appear creamy white at the neck of my shirt, curving smoothly. I am by no means modest, for these people have seen me since I was just a baby, however I am no harlot either. I have a slim waist line, but with curves that just about every female Fireite envies. Ruby, my life long friend, says that it comes from my family, and that if anyone is jealous of me then they will have to deal with her. Believe me, that is something you do not want to see, or be a part of. At their waists are swords, on the backs are bows and arrows. I know we have a reputation, but do they see us a such a threat.
She send a sign for me to come down. I do not have to let Rage know, for we are one. Once a dragon bonds with its rider, they will have no other. Together they form a connection so strong, there are some who can talk to their dragons with their minds, and vise versa. Though I am not of this nation, am one of those people. It astounds Topaz that this has happened. Ruby says that it is because of my open mind and free heart. I just smile when she says something about it. Rage and I are now plunging towards the hanger at a speed that could rip me clear out of the saddle if I am not careful. I stay close to his side, my cheek almost touching the sleek green of his scales. When the visitors are cowering back in fear that my dragon will plow into them, he opens his wings and glides gently to a stop. On his taloned feet, he gets down to a crouch so that I can dismount.
I bow low to the ground as soon as my feet hit stone. “Milady.” With my right fist clutched to my heart, I bend at the waist and eye Topaz’s hem on her dress.
“You may rise, Emerald.” Her voice is like the wind, clear and strong. As I straighten, I see her turn to the men who look shockingly similar to me. A strange twist pulls in my gut and my instincts are telling me something is wrong. I go back to the last few weeks. I have not gotten word from my parents. They live in another realm, and when I was little they sent me here to be safe. There is a war going on, a dangerous one unlike any other. They had fears for my well being and sent me to live with the Dragon Sisterhood, to learn from them. Every other week or so, they sent me letters about them; how they have been faring, what my world is like beyond Fire. Recently, however, I have gotten nothing.
“As you asked, gentlemen. I present to you, Princess Emerald of Terra.” I raise my head at my formal title. I am royalty, that is true, but who are these people to come here looking for me.

Chapter Two

“Princess Emerald.” They looked utterly shocked, like they have seen something insolent. I raise my eyebrows together, watching as the visitors take a step back. “This cannot be.”
“And just why not, might I ask, Lady Valerie?” Topaz moves towards me, gesturing with her hand. “She looks just like you.”
I can hear Rage getting closer to me. He thinks I am in danger. A low growl escapes from his broad chest, filling the air with an threat yet to be carried out. The meaning is simple, ‘watch yourself’. Apparently the significance is clear as day for the guests, for they get on their knees in a bow.
“Forgive us, my lady, for we did not expect for you to be, well, um.” The male stutters, looking at his wife. It is then that I actually look at them. Lady Valerie has wavy brown hair, pinned up on the top of her head elegantly. She has a plump figure, skin slightly lighter than mine, flushed from the heat. Her eyes, which are right now stuck to the area in front of my feet, are bright cerulean blue. Her husband is much of the same with the same body shape, skin color, and hair, but his eyes are brown. The boy, on the other hand. I really only have one word for him. Sexy. Even underneath all the clothes, you can tell that he is well built. Muscles appear on his tanned arm where he has rolled up his shirt sleeves. His skin is almost the same color as mine, which is saying something. His hair falls like white gold, curling over his brown silk collar, the same color brown as his eyes. I struggle not to stare, but it is hard.
“You have to remember, Terrainians, that this young lady here, although of your race, was raised Fireite. You would do well to acknowledge that, for she has a temper of her own to rival any of my people.” Topaz threw her arm around my shoulders, grinning from ear to ear. She was clearing loving their reaction to my state. She has told me before that the Terrainians are more modest in their clothing, but I clearly had no idea until now. The woman herself was pretty much dressed from neck down. Even her hands were gloved.
“Yes ma’am. I ¾” The man spoke now, but was cut off by a scream.
“Rachel!” It came from above us, probably about two levels up. “Get away from there!”
It was a mother, young and beautiful. I have seen her many times in the palace, as a nursery worker. She has a child of her own, a year old little girl, names Rachel. There was a tumbling of rocks from above, small ones the size of my fist that had came loose from the siding. Then time seemed to slow down. There was a small squeal, like a babies laughter, little daredevil, and then down she goes. All we see really is a small blonde haired little girl in a little red dress falling down.
Time seems to slow down like I am moving through thick, sticky molasses. I am stepping towards the edge with my left leg. The mother is screaming as loud as she can from above us and the visitors are looking towards the cliff in scared awe without making a single move to help. Step two with my right foot, Topaz is running towards her golden dragon, who is low to the ground on his muscled legs and bronze talons for his fearless rider. Rage’s darkening obsidian eyes are going between the black cliff and me. Clearly he knows what is going to happen, what it is that every instinct and nerve in my body is screaming at me to do. He is turning, his giant body rippling with strength and grace, like a poisonous snake getting ready to strike its prey dead. Three more large, quick steps and I spring myself with all my might over the edge, gravity sending me plummeting towards the volcanic rock below.
The hot wind is screaming past my ears and whipping over my body. I can barely hear the child, let alone Queen Topaz’s insulting yells to me of my insanity and recklessness as she circles Terror overhead. The only thing I know I hear for sure is Rage’s vibrating roar that echoes through the valley. I focus my utmost attention on the child, reaching down for her desperately. My fingers brush the tips of her dress, light as a baby dragon’s soft wings on your fingertips. I struggle to inch down more, gravity giving in because I weighted a little more than the kid.
“Rachel! C’mon baby! Come here, sweet pea!” I yell through the air. She looks up at me with terrified crimson eyes, and I see just how scared she is. The precious little thing is trying her damnedest not to scream her lungs out, but tears sting in her eyes and fear has a greater hold on her than her will. One of her tears flies up and hits me near the mouth, the saltiness entering on my tongue. I have to save her. With all the strength and power in my body, I force myself to grab her thin little wrist, yanking her to me with enough force I was sure that I had either broken it or pulled her arm from her socket. All that mattered right then was that the child was safe in my arms. I curl my body around hers, pressing her to my stomach. As I try to turn so that the impact of the volcanic rock will to more damage to me instead of her, a bright red light flashed before my eyes. With a great breath of fear, I see the River Pele below in all it’s flaming glory. It then registers in my mind that I cannot live in such a river, and the child in my arms cannot swim.

Chapter Three

I turn my back swiftly, knowing that the impact is coming soon. The dry air flies passed up, taking the black hair that is not sticking to my sweat drenched body and blowing it into my eyes. Rachel’s blonde curls pushes itself into my mouth as she seeks more safety from within my embrace. Sweat drips from my forehead, stinging my eyes as well as coating my neck. Out of the side of my eyes, I see the ground starting to slope towards us. We are closer to the hit. I know that it will hurt. Though volcanic rock is still a type of earth, it is originally from fire, not my talent. I know that my talents to wield earth will only cushion my impact somewhat, and I am right.
The first jolt nearly knocks Rachel from my grasp, but I hold on tighter to her, struggling not to turn, to stay on my back. At the very least, I wrap myself more securely around her, making sure she does not have her head, legs, or arms where they can be crushed. The black rock is more like glass, slicing into the skin on my right side. It is a deep, painful wound. When I bang my head against the ground, black dots dance before my eyes like stars in the sky. My vision is fading, getting darker, and I fight to stay awake. Barely visible is Rage, a dark green spectrum in the light blue sky. Farther up is Topaz and Terror, both bright as one of the shining suns. Barely visible is three bodies, leaning as far out as they dare on the shear side of the mountain wall, watching as I fall down farther, surely for my death.
Tears splash on my chest, making dirty streaks in my dust encrusted skin. Rachel is crying, her cherub face stained with tears. I brace myself for a hit in the face as I turn my head. I am looking for the edge of this damned cliff, our last touch of land before we take our plunge into molten lava. I see it, as well as a hand hold. Hope flares in my chest like an erupting volcano. Moving the Fireite child into my left arm and tightening my grip on her so that I do not lose her, I get ready to grab the rock. I am about four feet away now, and Rage’s deafening roar fills the air around us. I look up at him, watching as he folds his emerald, bird-like wings to his back and plummets down like a meteor. My hand grasps the rock, my body sending strength and my soul sending the will to hold on to it. The sudden stop rips Rachel from my arm. I reach frantically for something of her to grab, her hair, an arm, a leg. Anything to save this innocent toddler from falling and drowning. A screaming pain in my back travels throughout my body like fire in my veins and as quick as lightening. It is followed by a gentle tickling, inching its way down my side, leaving a trail that I can feel. I am bleeding.
There is a sound beneath me and I turn my head to see that I have my hand wrapped around Rachel’s. She looks up at me with crimson eyes rimmed with crystal clear tears. I can not hold on much longer, the wound in my side, as well as the much smaller ones, are draining my strength. I can feel with every nerve in my body as her small hand slips from mine, centimeter by centimeter. I was dropping her. I cling to her fingers, willing them to stay there, but my will is not strong enough. Her smooth baby fingers slide from mines, calloused with practice fights and weaponry. Involuntarily, I watch helplessly as she falls through the air. From above, I can hear the heartbreaking scream of her mother as she observes her daughter; it combines with my own, as well as Rachel’s. Her golden mass of curls frame her face, her cheeks flushed pink from both the exhaustion of crying and the fierce heat coming from the river. Her beautiful crimson eyes are wide with pure terror, locked on my face as if I am he last life line to this planet. I suppose I am, and you see that I have failed her. Tanned arms and legs are flailing about, like she is trying to teach herself how to fly. The dark burgundy dress is waving like a valiant banner in the wind. My own deep green eyes brim tears rarely shed, my throat burns with hot sobs bubbling from my chest. I could not save her, and now I am forced to watch as she drowns in the river below.
The muscles in my body are as tense aqs a bow string ready to snap. Feeling like a tortured soul, I ready myself to hear the sickening splash of her hitting the lava, but it does not come. Rage, as gallant as ever, flies underneath her. She lands on his back, gripping the saddle with all her capability. His brilliant scales gleam like the jewels they resemble, the sunlight on them dancing like green flames as he moves. With a turn of his powerful body and a change of elegant wings, he is flying up the mountain side, parallel to the straight rocky cliff. Within seconds his huge claws wrapped safely around my body, cradling me within his grasp. I can no nothing but lay there in his hold until he enters the hanger.
Topaz is beaming proudly at me and Rage, and then her gaze turns to the child. I climb out of my dragon’s claws so that he can lower himself, but I nearly lose my balance and fall over. Rage’s head snaps to me and I put a calming hand on his leg. Turning my back, I try and hide the wound from Topaz. The child my come first. I take a cautious step away, testing the weight on each foot. Nothing feels broken, thankfully. Still, my head spins as if Rage and I are doing barrel rolls. Nauseated and dizzy, I stumble away, letting down my guard.
“Emerald Jade, what in the hell did you do?” Topaz’s shrill but authoritative voice filled the air around me, making my head throb like someone was playing the drums on it. “Get to the infirmary, right this second, young lady.”
I sigh, breathing in and out slowly, hoping that it will help me catch my bearings. I take a step or two and then the ground seems to move beneath my feet. It pitches right, and I go left. Seconds before I hit the hard ground and black out, I feel a male’s strong, warm wrap around my torso.

Chapter Four

While two parents made the most important decision of their lives, war raged outside on their beloved land. The cries of the fighting and wounded echoed up to their room, drifting into every corner. The angelic mother was nervous, looking at every shadow for fear that someone would step out and take her child. They had to protect their daughter, for she was the only one who could save them all, the only one who is to end the war. The infant lying bundled in satin, silk, and velvet was destined for a life of hatred, war, bloodshed, and battle.
The darkness will not rest until the Earth Warrior is killed. They still believe it to be a male, but the birthmark on the back of the child’s neck confirms it. She is meant for greatness. The Earth Warrior is supposed to be nothing but legend, a myth. Someone who can control the element earth with just a thought or gesture. Power beyond anyone’s imagination. But with that power, comes great responsibility.
Afraid that fear would make her faint, she sat on the edge of the great bed in their chamber. Below them in the commons, a large sound erupted. The front door of the castle has been broken, and the enemy is coming through.
“Aedan, we have to hurry.” A woman said. Her knee length hair floated around her like ebony silk, draping her tiny frame. Her skin was the color of pure new fallen snow, her lips stained sunrise pink. Violet eyes peeked beneath heavily lidded lashes and she held a bundle in her long elegant arms.
“I know, Gemini. Believe me my love, of all the horrid things going on right now, I know.” The young king was a living wreck. He ran a hand through his blood red hair, disheveling it. His skin was tough, the color of ivory, and scared by times of war. The warrior marks on his neck stood out, the color of the green forest trees at night. Aedan paced back and forth, his velvet robes of royalty rushing about after him. “I know it is for her own good, but I can we not simply hide her away somewhere. Surely the darkness cannot go to every corner of the realm.”
The gentle wife took her raging husbands hands into her own. With the right, she placed upon their daughters heart and his left she brought to her cheek. Tears stained his fingers, and her sorrow brought him close. Their foreheads touching and their child between them, they stepped through the portal.
When they came through to the other side, the Fireites were waiting. All around them the warriors stood, some in respectful stances and others wary of the visitors. Queen Gemini held her dearest possession closer to her, afraid to give it up. Gallantly, a woman strode up, her long legs eating up the distance between them. Her brilliant blonde hair was pulled back in a waist length braid and a young teenagers shadowed her steps. This could be no one others than the warrior queen, Star, and her young daughter, Topaz. Around Topaz’s neck clung a baby dragon the color of polished gold.
“King Aedan.” The queen addressed. Aedan nodded his head in acknowledgment. “And you wife, Gemini?”
“Yes.” She too nodded at her name, her hair framing her elfish face. “Please, my lady, take our child.”
“I will do as agreed.” She held her arms out to the child. “Her name?”
“Emerald.” They held on to each other as they watched the Fireite hand over the child to Princess Topaz. “Her name is Emerald Jade.”

Those names are forever imprinted in my mind as is they images of how they belong to. Other than that, I have not other image of my parents. They gave me away just a few days after I was born, for fear that I would be attacked, and killed. They risked their lives to make sure I kept mine.
I jolt upright, clutching the sheets to my chest. My side hurts like hell, a burning pain that skewers through to my very core. My head throbs along with the beat of my heart. I sense another presence in the room with me, sending me into alert. With the little strength I can muster up, I leap from the table and land on the floor, the white sheet spread out around me. My fist keeps the top of it closed and the way I am kneeling keeps anything else private from showing. I glare at the boy standing over him. The torches around the room lit his hair, turning in a shimmering golden color closer to white. It was beautiful, just as his warm dark chocolate color eyes are. They stay glued to me as he makes his way forward. A low chuckle sounds from the corner and I looked over to see Topaz.
Topaz was only thirteen when I first arrived in her life, and she took to pretty much raising me herself. She was the one who raised me, who found the dragon egg in the Solar Cave at the peak of the mountains and then taught me to care for and ride Rage. She is a step mother to me, the only one I have ever known in my life.
“I would not go any closer to her if I was you, young man.” She pushes her lean body from the granite wall. “She has a the instincts of a dragon.”
“Dragon.” He laughed. “Females are not meant to be warriors, my lady.” He shrugs out of his cloak and hands it to me, adverting his eyes. I stand cautiously on shaky feet.
“Who are you?” Despite my physical demeanor, my voice is pure and strong. “Why are you here?”
He sighs. “Lady Emerald, please put this on.” I look to Topaz and she nods her head. I take it and wrap it around me, feeling the soft fabric against my skin. My hands brush against something at my side and I look down to see a white bandage across my torso. With much exaggeration, I groan.
“What have I gone and done now?” The queen laughs at me, throwing her head back to the ceiling. I laugh with her, my soft melody blending in with her high one.
“Come.” She hold her hand out to me, and I take it. I feel as if I was two again, walking the halls of the castle. “We have much to talk about.”

When I was dressed, we walked through the garden. Mainly there are cacti here and a lava fountain where small children play. Today, however, the commons was empty. Now, as I look over the area, I see ghosts of what used to me. Only visible in my mind, I see my parents standing together, tears blurring their vision as they give their one and only daughter to what is known to me heathens.
“It must have been hard for them.” I say, fingering the emerald stone at my throat.
“It was. I remember that day clearly, when you came to us. You were so little, and you looked so fragile, I thought that I might break you when I held you in my arms.” She looks at me now. “You are not so little, or so fragile. You are one of the strongest people I know.”
I look away from her. “Why are they here?”
She stops and faces me. “I love you, Emerald. You are family to me, but,” she looks into my eyes, her gold into my green, “your own family needs your help.”
“My family.” The image of my parents floods my mine. “Are they okay?”
A sad look crosses her face. “Your parent’s strong hold was attacked. I am sorry, but your mother did not make it. You father is fatally injured, and they do not expect him to last much longer.”
I was shocked speechless. Though I have never met my parents in person since I was brought here, the very knowledge that I was not to see my mother again filled my hear with sorrow.
“You father wants you to come home, Em.” She kisses my forehead. “It is time for the Earth Warrior to come home, to end this war.”

Chapter Five

I stood in my room, looking out the huge floor to ceiling window. Below me, the sudden cliffs and rolling streaks of lava spread out to the horizon. I had grown up here, this is the only true home I know. I turn my back to the view and grab my bag, a huge breath leaving me in one great huff. I do not want to leave, but I know in my heart that I need to.
Walking down the hallway, I feel like I am leaving a part of me behind. I see everything passing by, each with its own memories: where I first learned to walk, the room where I began my training, my very first bedroom. I stop outside the door, a hand on the wood. As I push it open, the familiar scent of sweet lavender wafting over me. I breathe it in, relishing in its soothing scent. It clears my mind of all the jumble, making one thing certainly clear. My destiny is laid out before me.
I make my way out and down the maze of corridors, walking down a flight of stairs, and then out onto the hanger. It seems as if everyone has turned out to watch my departure. I see Gage beside Topaz, his brown hair falling over his shoulders. I walk towards them, my chin held high, trying not to cry. Topaz rushes up, a wave of crimson robes and dresses.
“Are you sure that you have everything that you need?” Topaz asks. I laugh at her and roll my eyes. I can tell that she is genuinely worried about me, and she should not be. I am more than capable of handling myself; she taught me everything that I know.
“Yes ma‘am. I triple checked everything before I left my room.” I watch her as she begins to pace around, distraught. I pull her into a giant hug, wrapping my arms around her waist and spinning the woman around. Though she is a fair amount larger than me, I handle the task as simply as lifting a feather.
“You always were a strong one.” There is pride in Gage’s voice when I put her back onto the ground. He is standing behind me, dressed regally in a black pair of slacks and a golden shirt, making the lighter brown of his hair and eyes stand out.
I joke with him. “Not bad for a Terrainian, huh?” I hold my pale hand out to him.
“No, not bad at all.” He grasps my forearm, his brown eyes shining. I pull him into a hug, and our embrace is strong. Tears burn in the back of my throat, falling from my eyes. They land on his shirt, staining the brilliant color darker.
“We shall miss you, little earth.” He whispers in my ear.
“And I, you.” I say and we pull away from each other. Topaz comes around and grips his hand. Before more words are spoken, a sound comes from near the sky. Loud and fierce, the Fireites move out of Rage’s way.
You are not leaving without me. I walk up to him, staring up into his enraged eyes. I see the fury, loyalty, and love within them, bright as the morning sun.
I would never dream of it. He lets out a triumphant growl before lowering his head to mine. I wrap my arms around his jaw, not even making it the whole way around, it is so big. His green scales are warm from the suns, and I take comfort is the familiar feeling. Suddenly, from out of no where, I hear a voice.
“Hey, hurry, and you are not taking that beast with you!” It is the Lord and Lady from Terra. I give Topaz a meaningful look and she smiles. I run up for one more hug, throwing my arms around her.
“Never forget us, my sister.” She says, placing something in my hand. I pull away and look down, eyeing the garnet stone suspended by a black cord.
“But, Topaz, this is one of the royal jewels. I cannot v¾” She cuts me off.
“You can, and you will.” She says, taking the jewelry and putting it over my neck. As soon as the cord touches my skin, a hear a shuffling behind me. I turn to see th4e Dragon Sister hood standing in two lines. The two blondes, Ruby and Sapphire, are on one side while Onyx and Amethyst are on the other. Their fisted hands are on their hearts and they are bowed at the waist.
Rage is saddled and ready, bent down for my mount. My eyes misting up, I walk forward. Right on cue, the four sisterhood members raise their swords, the tips touching. Golden red flames erupt from the hilt, lighting their blades. I walk under them, unafraid. On the other side, I turn back to see blades put up and them watching me.

Whatever fate and destiny bears
With our last breath
And final flame
The Dragon Sisterhood
Will forever proclaim
We fight ‘til death
For ours, mine, and theirs

The sisterhood’s battle cry and motto was something I lived by. For the Fireite people, it meant that whatever fate and destiny puts them through, with our last breath and the final flame, the Dragon Sisterhood will fight until death to protect everyone in this realm, whether they knew them or not.
With a salute to my heart and a bow at the waist, I mount Rage. He rises high, nearly to the hangers ceiling. I look to Topaz, over the Fireite crowd, and then to the Terrainians. With a rush of powerful magic, a great portal opens up before me. Tinged in purple and silver light, I can just barely make out the visions from the other side. Images of far off places in the realm of Terra. Excitement builds and with a might push of wings, Rage lifts off and then flies through.

Chapter Six

All around me, I could feel the lights as they landed on my skin. It did not hurt, it was more like someone poking you. The colors were magnified within the portal, like someone had turned the luminosity up to one million. It hurt my eyes, but I did not want to shut them. It was beautiful. Different hues and shades of violet purple, crimson red, lightening blue all meshed together is great swirls. Through the gaps, you could see a land of which I have never laid eyes on. Great mountains lined the distant horizon on my left. When I switched to my right, I saw miles and miles of endless trees and plains. I moved my eyes to the front of us, where a white light rested in the distance. It seemed that either it was getting closer to us, or we were getting closer to it. I leaned it towards Rage’s neck as he barrel rolled through the hole. A bright flash of light occurred, and then all was still. I lay resting on Rage’s back while his breathe came in quickly, his sides heaving greatly.
“Are you okay, Rage?” I ask him, patting his neck.
Yes, my lady. I will survive. He stays low to the ground as I slide off. I survey my surroundings, taking in the huge trees. They are bigger than even Rage, which means he can easily be hidden.
“You stay here. I’m going to find out where we are.” I tell him and he lies completely on the ground. With his coloring, he blends in well. I walk slowly beyond the tree line, listening for some sign of life. A rustle sounds above me in the trees and I look up to see a flock of brilliantly colored birds. Their feathers are a bright royal blue, tipped in lemon yellow, with fire red eyes and sunrise orange beaks. I then focus on the tree they were in, looking at it’s rough brown bark and farther up until I see its dark green leaves.
All around me, it’s sisters and brothers blow in the breeze. It sings through the leaves, an enchanting melody that travels through my ears and enters my heart, a song specifically saying that I was home. Scents of the world around me filled my lungs; flowers, trees, dirt, rivers. It all came to me in one moment. I was home. This was where I belong.
I continue on through, laying my hands on the trunks of trees as thick as Rage’s neck. A small stream trickles nearby and I make my way towards it, carefully stepping so that I would not crush any little white wild flowers growing there. As I got closer to the creek, something catches my eyes on the other side. It is an archway, made of white stone and covered with a green vine with purple flowers. In my heart, something clicks, telling me to go over to it. I take a few steps back, measuring the distance I have to jump. Energy surges up within me and I take off running, my legs pumping, pushing me faster and faster. At the edge of the stream, I push, flying through the air over the six feet of water.
As soon as my feet hit the grass of the other side, I feel something within my soul. The back of my neck tingles with energy. I feels as if I have been here before. I place my hand on the stone, power surging through me. The back of my neck burns like fire, but I continue on. I need to be here.
I walk the worn stone pathway. Cracks have severed the stone, giving leave for grass to grow between them. Flowers from both sides spill onto the footpath, scenting the air sweetly and adding brilliant splashes of color to the area. White stone buildings stood off to the side, lined with flowers that look like pink trumpets. I veer off the main passage and walk to one of the smaller buildings. The door has long ago been torn down but the windows have remained intact. I step inside and gasp involuntarily. Blood stains the walls and some of the furniture are pierced with old arrows and knives. Three skeleton heads lay in the corner, two adults and a child. Some of the wooden chairs look scorched and burned. I look up onto the northern wall, seeing a flag that resides there. Part of it is three feet long, while the rest if about half a foot. The shorter edges look charred. I gather the material in my hands, feeling the brittle cloth. Blood is splattered over a piece of an emblem, a circle with a lotus flower in the middle. I take a step back, looking at the larger picture.
It is made up of three individual rings, with the flower being in the middle. The area between the middle circle and the smallest is filled with vines and flowers while the last ring is filled with trees. Recognition ignites as I realize that I am looking upon the banner of the Terra realm. I once again step forward, putting my hand over the lotus flower. I remember what Topaz told me about my people’s symbol.
“In the middle is the lotus flower.” She had said. She had taken it upon herself to teach me bits and pieces of my heritage and ways. “It represents life, from beginning to end. It starts at the bottom of a lake, and works its way up to form a beautiful flower. The rings represent the different stages of life. The first ring is the beginning, the second adulthood, and the third death. In between the rings are images of the stages of the forest. Flowers inhabit forests first, and then trees and shrubs are next. To you people, Emerald, it is about the circle of life. Everything must begin, and everything must end.”
She told me that Terrainians were strong people, like the Fireites. That they were not warriors unless provoked, and then if a realm challenged them, it would be like waking a sleeping giant. As I stood there, I remember the symbol on the back of my neck. It is exactly like this one, but smaller in size. Tenderly, I reach back and cover the mark with my hand, feeling nothing but smooth skin. That does no matter, for I still know it is there. It is a birthmark, not something that was put upon me by force. It is the Earth Warrior’s mark.
A flicker of light off to the side catches my eye and I reach for my sword at my waist. I unsheathe the weapon, gripping the golden hilt. It is purely a thing of beauty. The hilt, made from pure gold, is engraved with flowers and vines. The blade is silver and razor sharp. Towards the top a words are shown, with the Terra emblem beneath it.

地 球 戰 士

It means ‘The Earth Warrior’ in Fireite. I turn towards the light, searching for whoever is watching me.

Chapter Seven

It looks like just like a female. Her hair is jade green, her skin pale, and she has eyes the color of morning mist. On her body is very little clothing. Her small, but full breasts are uncovered, but she has a forest green skirt on with a slit up to her thigh. Her right hand is gloved up to her elbow and a thick gold band decorated her neck. As I step forward to get a closer look, she lands on the windowsill and watches me in return. She has pointed ears pierced with gold bars and hoops and golden yellow and black wings adorn her back. Thin black tribal tattoos and dots decorate her skin.
“Cé go bhfuil tú?” Her voice sounds like little bells. She speaks a strange language, one of which I have never heard of before. I look at her quizzically, not knowing what to do. “D'iarr mé ceist agat.”
Suddenly there is a breeze that flows through the room, lifting dust from its place and leaving everything clean. The scorch marks disappear, and the bones and weapons are gone. Something sweet sits in the air, reminding me of summer.
“Listen with your heart, my daughter. You will understand.” This new voice achingly familiar as it sings to my soul. I look for it, desperate to find it’s owner. There is a shimmer in the corner, where the bones once lay. I peer deeper into the dimness and see four people there. In the middle is a woman, her hair the color of the soil and ending at her knees, skin white of snow, and eyes the hue of grass. She smiles warmly at me, lighting up her young face. “It is good to see you, dear.”
I can only look as she walks forward, not even touching the ground. She reaches out and touches my cheeks, a gently caress like the wind. “Who are you?” I ask. Instincts are telling me that I should kneel, but all I do is nod my head.
“I understand why you know not.” She tilts her head, her brown hair falling off her pale shoulder. I see the little being there, sitting on the strap of the woman’s green and brown dress. “Emerald, you have returned to where you belong.” She leans forward and kisses my forehead. “I am Mother Earth.”
The little women on the shoulder makes a impatient sound, a glow around her turning red. Mother Earth laughs. “And this is Ivy.”
“Ivy? What is she?” I look closer and Ivy kicks me in the nose. I jerk back, stumbling into the table.
“Ivy, you will behave yourself.” Mother Earth commands. “She is a fairy, Emerald, and quite a rude one at that. Ivy, do you have any notion on who you just kicked?”
The fairy shakes her head and Mother Earth whispers something in her ear. When finished, Ivy looks astounded. She silently gets up, her little wings flittering. She disappears out the door. As I watch her leave, I catch the eye of the other three people that stood behind Mother Earth. It is a young mother heavy with child, her grey eyes weary and a hand on her bulging belly. In her other is a little girl with blonde braids and bright sky blue eyes. She beams at me, happy, and the looks to the man. He is gazing at me, a knowing smile on his lips. He picks up the little girl and they both wave.
“Who are they?” I ask the brunette woman. She turns, her dress swirling around her ankles.
“You released them.” She says. When I just look at her, she nods gently. “They have been trapped here for seventeen years.”
Trapped? Like ghosts? I think back to how many bodies had been lying there. Three, two adults and a child.
“Come. Let us walk.” She says and I follow as she walks outside. Everything seems to brighten where she steps, livening up. Butterflies of all shades fly around us, some landing in her hair while others stay aloft. “Do you know where you are, child?”
“No, ma’am. I do not.” I reply. She smiles, and then it fades. “This used to be your home.”
“My home?” I ask, looking around. I see more houses like the first one, a temple with a statue out in front that looks like Mother Earth, and then I see a great wall. I run towards it, bracing myself for anything. I run through the doorway and come to an immediate stop.
Everything is burned black. The ground beneath my feet is still charred, unable to grow new grass. Stone houses lay in crumbled heaps, gardens are burned. Everywhere old blood stains the ground and homes. The scent of death still lies thick in the air. The great wooden door to the once grand castle is broken into heaping piles of burned logs.
I feel Mother Earth as she walks up behind me. As she lays a hand on my shoulder, I realize that I am shaking. “What happened?” I manage to ask.
“War.” she says, nodding her head.
“War?” I repeat, still looking about. “Over what?”
“No one truly knows, daughter. The Darkness will fight just to fight. They see it as sport.” She pushes me forward slightly, motioning me to go into the castle.
We walk in through the torn doorway and enter a great foyer. The floor is black, but where her step the soot and dust moves to show white marble. Two grand A grand staircase adorns the middle of the room leading up to a balcony that wraps around the whole foyer. There are doors to both the left and right, as well as to each side of the stairs.
I go up to the banister of the stairs, running my fingers along the engraved wood. Dust rubs off on my fingers and lifts into the air. “How long ago was this?” I ask.
“Seventeen years ago, a week after you were born.” Tears fall from my eyes as she speaks those words. I walk up the stairs, taking them slowly to test their weight. With luck, they hold and I make it to the top.
A great banner lies there, with the symbol of the nation on it. A hallway leads from the banner and I take the one to the left. The walls are all scratched and stained, with bones and weapons lying everywhere. The walls seem to be a warm golden brown. Some areas are blackened and burned, others orange from blood. All the doors to this floor have been broken, the windows smashed to bits and pieces. At the end of the hallway, a great entrance fills the whole wall which is badly burned. Hesitantly, I step inside, and stop dead in my tracks.
It is like an image from a dream, which is what you can very aptly put it as. Everything in here is burned, the drapes torn halfway up. A shattered vanity leaves shards of mirror on the floor, but from the looks there is no bloodshed, no weapons. No matter the looks, I still know whose room this was.
“Your parents fought bravely, and they made a great sacrifice.” Mother Nature’s feature were blurry as I ran passed her, down the stairs, and out of the castle grounds. I did not stop until I was back at the first home I visited. Tears burned in the back of my throat, but none had fallen during my run. I did not have to know when the woman returned. I was sitting amidst the flowers, playing with the small ants that lived there. I was back to normal.
“I am afraid that I have to go, Emerald. You should hurry as well, I believe that they have found you dragon.” she says, turning towards the family. Just a few seconds later, Rage’s roar fills the forest and building, sending everything into vibration. I turn quickly, sheathing my sword.
“Wait, Emerald. You will not get there in time.” I turn my head to Mother Earth who gestures outside the door where a glittering white light shines. “Take Aurora.”
Aurora turned out to be a huge horse with an iridescent coat, star white mane, and a spiral horn make of opal protruding from her forehead. I have heard of these sacred creatures before. They were unicorns. Without hesitation, I leap onto Aurora’s back, gripping her main with my fingers. She bounds forward towards the forest just as the figures dissolve into nothingness.

As we race through the forest, I realized how far I had actually traveled. We dodge trees and bushes, all the while animals rush to get out our way. Another of Rage’s growls stain the air.
“I’m coming, Rage!” I scream to the wind. I can hear men shouting now, telling people to throw spears. Others are screaming for others to get ropes or to get out the way. Aurora runs even faster, bursting through the last remaining trees.



Cé go bhfuil tú: means, who are you.
D'iarr mé ceist agat: means, I asked you a question.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.05.2010

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