
I sat on the couch, head in my hands crying.
The stress of all that had happened in the past few weeks building up inside of me. I was slowly dying inside, and my boyfriend sat quietly beside me trying to find a way to make me feel better.

“Babe, your gona be fine. Just don’t let it get to you...” His voice gentle, and soothing.

Looking up I stare into his dark blue eyes.

“It’s never going to end is it?” My voice weak, and shaky.

Wrapping his arms around me, he pulls me close. The heat of his breathe on my neck, and hands rubbing up and down my back…Made me feel so good, safe, and whole. This feeling scared me for some reason…

Pushing him away I stand up, and walk quickly towards the window. Starring out into the night, I try to clear my mind. Why is this so hard?

“Why don’t you ever let me help?” I could hear the sadness in his words, and that killed me…

I want to give Jake everything he wants and needs. I want him to be happy. Then the thought comes to mind, maybe, he disserves much better than me.

“I’m trying so hard.”

“No you’re not. You push me away, and go hide. I’m not sure I can do this anymore.” This time he stood and came over to me.

Grabbing my arm, he turns me around to face him.

“You can’t change the past Kate. Sometimes you have to move on.” His words stabbed me like a knife.

How could I forget about everything, and try to move on? Was it really that easy? Or better yet was I strong enough to do anything at all. I’m mean it wasn’t too long ago that my parents got a divorce, and completely destroyed our family.

What if that happens to us? Could I deal with the pain? I mean I couldn’t bare to lose him, he’s all I have, and without Jake my life would be meaningless and empty.

“How?” You could hear the desperation in my voice.
Brushing my dark curls back and out of my face, he kisses me gently.

“Sometimes two people just fall out of love, and you can’t do anything to stop it.”

“I’m so scared...” Hot tears fill my eyes once again, and I bury my face in his chest.

“What happened to your parents will never, and I mean NEVER happen to us.”

I stay silent, not knowing what to say.

“Baby I love you, and I always will.”

His words, made me smile, and for a split second I thought I felt happy.

Then he completely shocks me.

Kneeling on one knee he pulls out a ring.

“Now the question is, do you want to love ME forever?” A huge smile spreads across his face.
Eyes wide, I smile back, and fall to my knees.


Taking my hand, he slips the ring onto my finger. Running my fingers through his dirty blond curls, I pull him into a kiss.

I had never felt this way before. I now knew what he had been talking about the whole time. He was trying to tell me that it was ok to love, and just because someone else falls out of love doesn’t mean you are.

Pulling away, he takes a breathe.

“Are you happy now?” he questions that smile still on his face, full of hope.

Smiling back, I kiss him again.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.01.2010

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