

I’m used to getting up at five in the morning to shower, change and get ready for school. My makeup is usually just simple eyeliner, mascara, and cover up. by six I get my breakfast.
"Morning mom," I said and gave her a hug. She's the third grade math teacher at North view elementary. She has long brown hair, blue eyes and she wears glasses.
"Morning, don't forget guitar and dance tonight." She reminded me like always.
"Yeah mom I know." it's almost six thirty when my brother Logan came down. We are identical twins.
"Morning sis," he said and grabbed his breakfast. We usually don't fight like most siblings do. We are both wearing our school uniforms.
"Morning," I put my bowl in the dishwasher and sat back down.
"I like what you did with your hair today.”
“Oh Thanks,” I have my chest length brown hair curled and my side bangs in a bump. I have hazel eyes, and stand at five food three. At school I’m popular but I’m not preppy. That’s why most people like me, “Com on Logan but is down the street,” We’re only fifteen so we can’t drive yet. I grabbed my guitar case, dance bag, and my back pack, and we walked out the door.
As soon as I got off the bus Bree waved me over. Bree’s about five foot four, skinny, brown hair with blonde highlights, and blue eyes. ,”
“Hey lily,” Alison said when I put my stuff down. It’s really sunny here in Atlanta today. Alison is skinny, has dark brown hair, and brown eyes.
“Hi,” I put my guitar case down on the table.
“Guitar then dance tonight?” Alison asked.
“Yeah, just like every Friday.”
“Can I still sleepover tonight?” Bree asked.
“Yeah, I get done with dance at seven.”
“Okay, just call me when you want me to come.”
“I will, I can’t wait, only three more weeks, and then we hit Hollywood!” I am so excited. We are going to the Hollywood festival, where Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, and Selena Gomez are going to perform. We have backstage passes so we can meet them all. So excited!
“I know!” they both squealed.
“Plus the talent show is next Friday. We’ve got to get another practice in before then. Just so we know where everyone should stand on the stage.”
“Yeah I agree. We should see if we can get the auditorium on Thursday night.” Alison suggested.
“Okay,” I said. For the talent show, the three of us and our friend Toria are doing the song “The Climb” by Miley Cyrus. I’m supposed to be picking out the outfits for the show but I haven’t been able to think of anything. I’ll have figure out something before Friday. I’m lead singer, Bree’s playing the guitar and some back up singing, Toria the drums, and Alison is playing to piano.
North view doesn’t have any celebrities, but our school has a lot of talented people. Most of the people here are stuck up though. They think they are all that because they are rich and talented but that’s not what it’s all about. It’s about the passion and the talent. It’s not about how cool you are or about how you look.
While I was lost in thought the bell rang.
“Lily are you coming?” Bree asked.
“Oh, yeah.” I got up and walked to my locker. They are like mini closets, normal schools have really small lockers, but they give us bigger ones so we can fit our instruments and things in them.
Once I was done with dance I walked home, it’s only a block and a half from my house so it’s really not a long walk. I texted Bree when I got home and told her that she could come over. I hopped in the shower quickly and got all un sweaty. Bree was in my room when I got in there from my shower.
“Oh my god, you really need to go look at your twitter.”
“Why?” I asked.
“Just do it.” She smiled and opened my laptop.
“Okay,” as soon as my laptop started up I logged on to twitter. I noticed that I had on thousand and one followers. That means that I have one new follower since Thursday, “So, I have a new follower, what’s your point?”
“Look who it is!” I clicked on my followers list.
“Oh, that’s cool.” It was Justin Bieber that was following me.
“Uh, yeah, I’m so jealous!”
Bree and I have twenty six YouTube videos of us singing, five of those songs are Justin Bieber songs, “Never let you go,” “Pray,” “That should be me,” “You Smile.” And “Never Say Never,” they are great songs to sing.
“Do you think he’s seen out YouTube channel?” Bree asked.
“I doubt it,” I direct messaged him our URL, so she wouldn’t tell me to. I signed off twitter and I signed in to our YouTube channel. We have over three million channel views and one million six hundred fifty thousand and nine subscribers. We have no new messages, but a lot of comments. I turned off my computer.
“So what do you want to do?” I asked and set my laptop on my desk.
“Let’s just watch TV.”
We watched TV until two in the morning and we finally fell asleep. I was trying to figure out what to wear for the talent show still.


For the talent show I finally decided on black skinny Jeans, white t-shirts, and black and white converse.
“Ok, now our final group. Is a group of young ladies that have been working very hard to do this, please give it up for Lily, Bree, Alison, and Toria, singing ‘The Climb’ by Miley Cyrus.” Principle Molten announced, we walked out on stage and took our places.
When we finished the song everyone stood up and clapped. We walked offstage and Mrs. Molten walked on stage. “Wow, incredible right?” There were a lot of screams for the audience. “Ok so in fifteen minutes I will be back with the results from the Judges! She walked off the stage.
Fifteen minutes later Mrs. Molten walked back on stage. Everyone was super nervous. She opened the envelope in her hand, “The winner is… Lily, Bree, Alison, and Toria!” We all screamed and walked on stage. “We have a special surprise for you girls.” We were all so confused, but excited at the same time. “Mr. Grosten bring him out now please!” we watched as Mr. Grosten lead out somebody we couldn’t really see at first. Then we realized it was Justin Bieber! Mrs. Molten grabbed another microphone and handed it to Justin.
“Hi ladies congrats!” he shook each of our hands.
“So, Justin has an offer for you.” Mrs. Molten told us.
“Yes, I want you all to be my opening act on my tour with Sean Kingston!” he was all pumped. We were all to shocked to say anything. “Let’s go backstage so we can talk.”
“Ok,” I said and kind of urged the girls to come with. We went back to the dressing room.
“So, my tour is in a month. Do you write any of your own songs?” he asked while grabbing his jacket.
“Yeah, we have six written right now.” I answered.
“Alright cool, here’s me card, you can call me or text if you need me anything. A limo will pick you up in the morning. Where should we send it?”
“Lily’s house,” Bree said. She handed me her little note pad and a pen and I wrote down my address. I handed it to Justin and gave Bree her pen and paper back.
“Great, I’ll see you in the morning.” He told us.
“Thank you so much!” I said. I stood up and put my hand out. He shook it and left with his bodyguard.
“Oh my gosh!” Alison screamed.
“Okay you guys chill, this is our shot we cannot screw this up.” I was saying, trying to calm them down.
“Oh my gosh, Justin is so hot in person!” Bree screamed.
“I know!” Toria and Alison both agreed.
“Girls! Seriously stop, we have to be serious, we can’t be talking about how cute Justin is he’s a normal guy who go to live his dream, just like we WANT to right?”
“Yeah,” all three agreed.
“Now let’s go to my house and try to get some sleep,” we walked outside to where my mom’s parked.
“Hi girls, what happened with Justin?” My mom asked. We got into the car and explained everything to her. As soon as we got back to my house we want straight to bed.
In the morning we got up to the sound of my alarm clock at six. My house has six bathrooms so the four of us could shower at the same time. By seven thirty we were ready and we ate. We went upstairs to my bathroom and brushed our teeth. I’m wearing a baby blue t-shirt and black skinny jeans. Bree is in a purple t-shirt and white skinny jeans. Toria’s wearing a pink t-shirt and dark wash colored skinny jeans, and Alison is wearing a green t-shirt and regular light skinny jeans.
At exactly eight o’clock we heard a honk outside. We all put on our black and white converse that we wore last night. We got outside and there was a white limo waiting for us. The driver opened the door for us. The driver opened and closed the door for us. We only drove for fifteen minutes before we arrived at Island Def Jam Records. Justin is standing outside waiting for us with his body guard.
“Good morning ladies,” He said.
“Morning” We all smiled.
“Shall we?” He turned around and we all followed him into the studio, “Hey Usher! They are here!” He yelled towards a door and kept walking until we reached the actual recording studio, “Wait here,” he turned around and walked out.
“This is awesome,” I said really calmly even though I’m freaking out on the inside.
“I know! Oh did you grab our sheet music?” Toria asked.
“Yes,” I pulled a blue folder from my purse.
“Okay ladies,” we heard a familiar voice say, just as Usher walked into the room. All of us gasped and he smiled, “Okay so, Justin says you’re good so let’s see what you’ve got. How about you do the song that you sang last night?
“Okay, acapella or instrumental?” I asked.
“Instrumental, just go in the booth,” He pointed to the booth. We walked in and found our instruments. But instead of a piano it was a keyboard, they aren’t too different from each other. Alison can play both. She started us off and I began to sing.
“Wow that was fantastic, do you have any of your songs with you?” Usher asked.
“Yeah, look on the chair behind you in the blue folder.” He got up and motioned for us to come out of the booth, “Okay, we are going to start working with you tomorrow, on recording, one of your parents need to come into sing the contract, and you will be making your first appearance at the Hollywood Music Festival in two weeks so we need to get you ready. You’ll be riding with Justin in his Jet. You’ll open at the festival. Demi, then Selena, then Justin, and last Miley. Do all of you have passports?”
“I don’t,” Alison was the only one without one.
“Okay we will get you one because you need one on the tour. Since you’ll be spending a lot of time together why don’t you go to lunch and get acquainted?”
“Okay sounds awesome,” Bree said and stared at Justin.
“While you’re gone, I’m going to look over your songs and see if they need any fixing.”
“Alright ladies shall we?” Justin asked.
“Yes,” we all answered back and walked to the limo. The ride was quiet, Justin sitting between me and Bree. Alison and Toria sitting across from us, and when we pulled up I looked outside and we were pulled up to a really fancy restaurant.
“Ok, so I have two friends that are meeting us is that alright?” Justin asked.
“Yeah,” we all replied. Alison was busy texting her boyfriend Nick, they are adorable together. We walked inside and it was empty except for some old couple.
“We have to private room,” Justin said to the hostess. We walked in and sitting at the table was Nick Jonas and Taylor Lautner, “Hey guys, this is Lily, Bree, Toria, and Alison.” He announced and we each waved as he said out names.
“Hi,” they both said. Taylor blushed when he looked at Toria. She blushed when she saw that he was looking at her.
“Hi,” was all any of us could say.
“Have a seat ladies,” Justin said. I sat across from Nick. Justin sat on my left at the head of the table, Bree and Alison sat by me and Toria say next to Taylor.
“We should all trade numbers.” Nick suggested.
“Okay, anyone have a pen?” Justin asked and grabbed a napkin. He didn’t need to give anyone his number though everyone already had it.
“I do,” I dug for one in my purse. I grabbed my blue pen. I gave it to Justin and he passed it to Nick.
Once the napkin got to my I put Nick and Taylor’s numbers in my phone. Then I passed it so they could get out numbers. When the waiter came we all ordered some sort of pasta. Justin and I both go spaghetti. Bree, Nick, and Alison had fettuccini Alfredo. Toria and Taylor got chicken Alfredo.
After lunch, Justin told us we could do whatever until we had to be at the studio tomorrow.
“Hey Toria want to go hang out?” Taylor asked.
“Sure, I’ll see you at lily’s tonight.” She left with Taylor to his car.
“Ok, so Justin what are you going to do?” I asked.
“I was going to ask Bree if she wanted to go bowling.” He said.
“Oh Bree you should go.”
“I’d love to.” She said. They walked to the limo.
“I’m meeting Nick here; he’s coming to get me.” Alison said.
“Oh, so I might as well just walk to my house, it’s not too far from here.” I said sadly.
“Or you could come to my hotel and hang out.” Nick offered.
“Sure,” I was kind of hoping he would ask. He’s really nice.
“Okay, let’s go then.” He took my hand and we walked to his blue mustang with two white racing stripes down the middle. He opened and closed the door for me and then walked to his side.
“I really like your car; it’s a really pretty color.” I told him.
“Thanks,” I looked at him and he was smiling. The rest of the ride was kind of quiet. We got to a hotel, “This is where we are staying for the week”
“Sweet,” the hotel was giant. We walked to the elevator. He pushed the button to the fifteen floor. The doors opened on the fifteenth floor, and they opened to a huge suite with green and white furniture.
“Hey Joe, Kevin, Danielle, this is Lily, One of the girls Justin’s working with.”
“Hi,” They all said. I shyly waved.
“Let’s go hang out in my room” He politely offered.
“Ok,” we walked to his room. I saw his guitar, it was black just like mine, “I have on just like,” I said as I looked at it.
“You play?”
“Can I hear something?”
“Sure,” I grabbed the guitar and sat down on his bed and played a song I’m working on.
“Wow, that was great, is it one of your songs?” He asked curiously.
“Yeah, it’s called ‘let it rain’ bit it’s not done and I need a guy partner, the girls want to ask Justin.
“Cool, if you want I can help you finish it.”
“Sure, that’d be cool.” I pulled out a red folder from my purse that has songs we are working on in it. I brought it with me just in case Usher wanted to see some more. I pulled out the song and we started working on it.
A few hours after we started working on the song we finished. I realized what time it was and I jumped up, “I really need to go.”
“Alright, I’ll drive you.” He said. When we got outside it was freezing. I started to shiver. Nick put his blue sweater around my shoulder.
“You’re welcome,” Nick opened and closed the door for me. I pushed my arms through the arm holes of his sweater. The drive home was quiet, but mostly because we were both tired. I showed him what way to go. He pulled up and put it in park. I opened the door and go out. So did Nick. He walked me to the door.
“Again thanks for helping me with the song. I had a great time.”
“No problem it was fun, I had a lot of fun.” He gave me a hug. I took off his sweater and gave it to him.
“Also thanks for the ride.” I wanted to hang out with him longer. He brushed my bangs out of my eye, and leaned in and lightly touched his lips to mine. It was the sweetest kiss I’ve ever had.
“I’ll text you later.” He said and started to walk away.
In a daze I replied, “Ok,” I walked into the house. I heard music coming from the game room. I figured it was Logan. I walked in to say I was home but it was Alison and Bree playing Guitar God. Of course Bree was winning.
“Hey, Toria back yet?” I yelled. Bree paused it.
They both shook their heads.
“How’d it go with Justin?” I wanted to see if anything happened.
“We played three games and he won every time. The he brought me back here and walked me to the door, we hugged and he left.” She sounded bummed, “How about you and Nick”
“Well, we went and hung out for a while and he helped me finish ‘let it rain’ then he brought me back here and he walked with me to the door and he kissed me.”
“Cool! So can we hear the song?” Alison jumped in.
“Sure, let’s go to my room.” We shut off the game and went to the third floor. I grabbed my guitar.
“Ok, I’ll sing both parts because we changed it a lot.”


Once we got to the studio I played the song for Justin and Usher.
“Girls I love it!” Usher got all pumped, “Ok I’ll take lily’s mom, Bree, Alison, and Toria with me, Lily you and Justin work on the song together.”
“Ok,” I said. We worked on the song until Justin got it down.
“This song is really good.” Justin said and put his hand on my knee.
“Thanks,” I was glad he liked it.
“Ok, all we have to do is wait for Usher and we’ll be ready to record.”
“When we make both our new albums they will go on both.”
“Cool,” I smiled, “So you and Bree?”
“I don’t know, I like her but I kind of like someone else too.” He moved his hand up to my thigh. I put my hand on his and moved it.
“Oh, well give Bree a chance she really liked you.”
“Ok,” He sounded bummed, “She was flirting last night, but I didn’t really mind.”
“You two will be really cute.” I smiled.
“Thanks, she is pretty but I think you’re prettier.” He leaned in a little but I got up and put my guitar down.
“So, Justin you have it?” Usher asked as they all walked in.
“Yeah.” He answered. Bree grabbed her guitar from its stand and the three of us walked into the booth. The song didn’t have keyboard or drums in it so it just needed the three of us.
After we finished that song we worked on the rest of the songs. They took a while.
“Ok, Girls see you Friday.” Usher said and walked out.
“Hey Justin thanks again for recording the song with me,” I said.
“No problem,” he hugged me and then pulled Bree off to the side. I checked my phone for messages and I had one from Nick:

Hey, what time do you get done at the studio?

I answered back:

I just got done. Why?

I grabbed my purse, “I’ll be right back, I have to go to the bathroom,” A couple minutes later Nick texted back:

Ok, can you hang out? I’ll pick you up in a few if you can.

I replied quickly:

Sure I’d like that.

I washed my hands and fixed my hair and makeup. I walked out of the bathroom. “Mom I’m going with Nick if that’s alright?”
“Yes, just be home by ten you have school.” She sternly said trying to act tough.
“I will.” I looked at my phone it’s only four forty six. We were in the studio since seven this morning. I walked outside and waited for Nick. Good thing I decided to wear something nice. I jean skirt with white leggings, with a blue sparkly shirt and white tank top, Also with black gladiator sandals.
After a few minutes of waiting Nick pulled up. I opened the passenger door so he didn’t have to get out and do it for me.
“Hey how was the studio?”
“Good,” I answered, “where are we going?”
“The beach, just going to walk around and relax,” he answered but still kept his eyes on the road.


“Okay, now I’m really nervous!” Bree started to freak out after looking out the curtains at the crowd. There had to be at least thirty thousand people here at the Hollywood Festival.
“Listen girls we are going to do fine, we’ve practiced these songs at least a hundred times.” I calmly stated but on the inside I am really nervous!
“Hey girls are you nervous?” Justin came up behind us and asked. We all nodded, “Ah don’t be it’s a rush once you start, I suppose Lily is the most nervous huh?”
“A little but I’m actually really excited.” I was lying but I didn’t want to show it. I know he only said it because I’m the lead singer. Usher has this whole angle where one voice is going to be strong enough, but I convinced him that I need some back up occasionally.
“I see, well you’re on in ten. They’ll announce you.”
“Okay,” we were only singing three songs. ‘Time to Shine’ ‘Let’s Rock’ and ‘We Can’. We don’t really know what the others are singing except for Justin. He’s singing ‘One Time’ ‘Baby’ ‘Never Let You Go’ ‘You Smile’ and one more but he won’t say.
We got to talk to Demi and Selena for a little while they were really nice. But Miley wouldn’t come out of her dressing room she told us to go away. I don’t know why but she won’t talk to us. We didn’t do anything wrong but oh well.
We are all wearing white skinny jeans. I’m wearing a blue shirt, Bree’s wearing a purple one, Toria’s wearing a bright orange shirt, and Alison’s wearing a red one. We all have high tops that match our shirts. Everyone’s hair is left down but mine. I have mine half up and my side bangs down.
“How’s everyone don’t tonight?” we heard Usher scream. Screams came from the crowd, “Ok so I’ve been working with these girls for a few weeks they are signed with me we call them The Girls Next Door.” We all walked out, “Girls introduce yourselves.” I grabbed a microphone.
“I’m Lily.” I passed it down.
“I’m Bree.”
“I’m Toria.”
“And I’m Alison.” People screamed even though they didn’t even know us.
Once we finished singing, I started breathing heavily. “You all know and love her, here’s the lovely and talented Demi Lovato!” I yelled the best I could. I had sweat dripping down my face. We walked off stage as she came on.
“Weren’t they fantastic?” Demi asked. Screams came from the crowd, “well if you have tickets to see Justin Bieber they are opening for him on his upcoming tour!” Everyone screamed.
“Holy cow, you girls totally rocked it.” Justin said, “oh and Lily make sure you’re sitting on the side of the stage.”
“Why?” I wondered.
“Just because”
“Okay,” I was super confused. Justin just walked away.
“Maybe he’s going to bring you on stage and sing One Less Lonely Girl to you,” Toria suggested.
“Um I don’t think so, I’m not his girlfriend.” I stated and looked at Bree. She looked really upset. I didn’t really say anything and I just sat on the side of the stage so I could see. I watched Demi and Selena perform. When Justin came on I paid more attention to it. He sang all his song, all but the last one, “Okay so, I’ve been working on this amazing song! But I need Lily to come out here and join me!” I brought my stool out with me. Justin had Asher play the guitar part. I know he wants me to sing ‘Let it Rain’ Asher began to play and Justin began to sing.
When we finished the song everyone clapped and screamed.
“I’m glad you liked it,” Justin grabbed my hand and brought me center stage and we took a bow, “To end the festival Miley Cyrus everyone!” he still had my hand and we walked off stage. As we walked passed Miley she gave me a dirty look. I went to my dressing room to grab my phone and my other stuff. Then I met up with Justin and the girls and we headed out to the limo to get back on the plane.
Once the plane ride was over we all got off.
“Okay you girls head home and rest, I’ll see you on Monday for rehearsals.” Justin said.
“Okay,” we all said.
“Oh and Lily, I was thinking we could make ‘Let it Rain’ the closing song on my tour.”
“That’d be cool,” I said.
“Okay, see you Monday.” He said and we all headed home. I can’t believe the tour is in less than two weeks. I’m so pumped. My parents bought me new clothes just for the tour and everything. I heard my phone vibrated on my bedside table. Nick texted me:

Hey call me when you get up in the morning, I’m back in town.

I didn’t text back but I’m really excited to see him. I lie down and shut my lamp off.
I woke up and it’s nine thirty four. I took a shower and i got dressed and did my makeup. I decided to wear a pair of white shirt and a lime green shirt. I grabbed my I phone and dialed Nick’s number.
“Hello, Nick’s phone.” It was Joe.
“Hey Joe where is he?”
“Shower, do you need a ride?”
“Yeah,” I grabbed my tooth brush.
“Okay, be there in five.”
“Okay, bye.”
“Bye,” he hung up.
I grabbed my sunglasses and I put my flip flops on I waited for Joe. He pulled up two minutes later in his black hummer.
“Hey,” I put my seatbelt on.
“Hi,” he put it in drive and headed for the hotel.
“Thanks.” I got out of the hummer.
“No problem,” we walked up to the elevator and went up to the suite.
“Hey Kevin, Danielle.” I said
“Hey,” they seemed busy so I just went to Nick’s room and Joe came in a minute later.
“Can we talk a second?” he asked.
“Sure what’s up?”
“Okay, listen and please don’t interrupt, Nick has had a lot of girl’s break his hear and mostly because of him being famous. He really likes you and I don’t want ot see him get hurt so please don’t break his heart okay?” I didn’t know if he was done so I started talking when he didn’t continue.
“Look Joe I promise I won’t do anything to hurt him. I really care about him.” I put my hand on his shoulder.
“Thank you.” He gave me a hug and left the room. I didn’t really know what was taking Nick so long in the shower, so I just lay down on his bed and closed my eyes.
I think I fell asleep but I woke up when Nick kissed my forehead. I opened my eyes and smiled.
“Sorry, I guess I was still tired.” I gave him a hug and then fixed my hair a little.
“It’s alright, but I have something for you,” he got up and went over to his desk and brought back a little box, “I’m going to come and see youas much asi can on tough, and I want to make a promise that I will be completely faithful while you are on tour and I want to give you this to show my promise.” He opened the box and it was a diamond and sapphire ring that said love, “it’s a promise ring.” He took it out and put it on my left ring finger.
“It’s beautiful and I promise you that I will always be faithful too.” He had the same ring on his left ring finger. I gave him a hug, but he held on tighter and longer than he ever has before. I pulled away and looked at him. I am really happy with him. Nick put one hand on my waist and the other on the back of my neck. It was really sweet. I put my hands on the back of his neck and deepened the kiss.
“Oh guys that’s gross!” We heard Joe say, we immediately looked up at him. I let go of Nick and looked around awkwardly.
“Sorry,” I said, Nick and Joe just started laughing. I just smiled. Joe left the room.
“Sorry he does that all the time,” Nick moved from standing to sitting on the bed. I sat down next to him, “So do you have a swimsuit at home?” He asked.
“Yeah, I have like seven but why?”
“Because I was thinking about going swimming in the pool downstairs, I mean if you wanted to?”
“Yeah, that would be fun. Is it going to be just me and you?” I wondered.
“No, Joe and Demi are going to come too.”
“Ok, sounds good.” I go in the passenger’s seat of Nick’s car. After he got on the road he held my hand as we made our way to my house.
“Nick, am I supposed to take the ring off in the water?”
“No, I usually keep mine on.” He kept his eyes on the road and was rubbing his thumb on the side of my hand. We got to my house and I quickly went to my room and put on my dark blue bikini with white polka dots. I put on a pair of tan shorts and a black tank top. I grabbed an extra pair of clothes to change into, my brush a towel and a hair tie. I grabbed my purple bag and put everything in it. I made sure I had everything and I ran out to Nick’s car.
“Got what you need?” He asked as I got in and put my seat belt on.
Once we got back to the hotel Nick went back to his suite to get his suit on and I went to the pool to meet Joe and Demi.
“Hey Lily,” Joe said as I walked in.
“Hey I took off my tank top and shorts.
“Hey Lily I meant to tell you that you sang amazing last night.” Demi commented.
“Thank you.” A group of teenage girls walked in as I said that. They came up to us with note books.
“Hi Demi, Joe can we have your autographs please?” A pretty blonde girl asked.
“Sure ladies we would be happy to.” Joe answered. They started signing their notebooks.
“Demi your show last night was amazing we saw it on TV.” One of the girls said.
“Thanks, what did you think of the openers?”
“They were really good!”
“Well the lead singer Lily is right there.” Demi pointed to me and I looked up from my phone and waved. The girls came up to me and held out their notebooks. I signed them with my name and a heart. I knew that’s how I wanted to sign my name. As I finished signing the last girls autograph, Nick was walking in and all the girls rushed up to him. He signed all of their notebooks and they left. I just laughed. I stood up and walked over to the hot tub. I could feel Nick walking behind me. I just got in and sat down, the water felt really relaxing. Nick came and sat by me.
We sat in silence for a few minutes; I looked at Nick and noticed that he was looking at me.
“Well hi,” I smiled.
“Hi there,” He leaned in and kissed me. He put his hand on the side of my face and kissed me harder. He’s a really good kisser. I put my hand on his shoulder and pulled him closer. He pulled on my waist and pulled me so I was straddling him. I definitely am not use to this. I kissed him back for a bit and then stopped. I rested my forehead against his.
“I love you Lily,” Was the first thing he said.
“I love you too Nick,” I kissed him again and then pulled him out of the hot tub and I pushed him into the pool. I laughed and walked over to the table and I wrapped myself in my towel.


“Are you kidding me?!” This can’t be happening. I’m so upset right now. “I can’t believe this!”
“You think any of us can?” Toria asked. Bree, Toria, and I are all looking at the new issue of Teen Beat magazine and it had pictures of my and Nick kissing in the hot tub and the head line for it was ‘Is the New Pop Star Using the Pop Sensation? Who Knows?’ Bree and Justin were on the next page kissing at the arcade with a caption saying ‘The Player is playing the Game Again!’ and Toria and Taylor had pictures on the same page as Bree and Justin they were kissing at a restaurant the headline was ‘Tn’T Bound to Blow Up Sooner or Later’ I felt so bad Toria is crying.
“We are barley famous and this is happening,” I said, “I’ll be back,” I said and got up. I walked out the door and sat on the steps and I started crying.
“Are you okay?” I knew that voice, it was Justin. I shook my head and then looked up.
“What’s wrong?” He asked as he sat down. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder.
“You mean you haven’t seen the magazine yet?”
“Yes I have but you just have to let stuff like that go.”
“You’re right,” I looked at him surprised at what he was saying. His face looks so sincere. He moved his hand from my shoulder to my waist. He moved my bangs to the side, and we got caught up in the moment and we both leaned in and kissed each other. My heart started racing and butterflies formed in my stomach. I pulled away fast.
“Justin we can’t I have a boyfriend and you dating my best friend.”
“I’m really sorry, it’s just I feel different when I’m with you and I when I’m with Bree I don’t feel like we belong. Whenever I’m with you I get nervous. When we touch, and when we just kissed I get huge butterflies. There’s the just something about you. “
“Well let’s just go inside.” We got up and walked into the living room.
“Good Justin you’re here, we need to talk alone.” Bree said. She pulled him into the other room.
“What’s going on?” I asked Toria.
“She doesn’t want to deal with this,” she pointed to the Magazine, “She’s going to break up with him.”
“Oh wow, that’s going to make the tour awkward.”
“No, she really just wants to be friends. She told me that when they kissed she didn’t really feel anything and that the spark wasn’t really there. So it shouldn’t be too bad.”
“You know Justin told me the same thing outside. But he wasn’t going to break up with her.” I said, I went to the kitchen and grabbed a small glass of Apple Juice. I drank it quick. I walked back in the living room and Justin was sitting down next to Toria. They were talking.
“Where did Bree go?” I asked.
“She went to meet up with a friend, but she didn’t say who.” Toria looked at me kind of worried and she motioned her eyes towards Justin.
“Oh, Justin are you going to be alright?” I asked.
“Yeah I’ll be fine.”
“Okay good, well I’m going to see Nick at the stadium, they have a show tonight.”
“Cool can I come?” Justin asked.
“Yeah, Toria?”
“No I have a date with Taylor.”
“Okay, see you later then,” I gave her a hug and then Justin and I left for the stadium. It was early but I wanted to spend some time with Nick. The ride was quiet. Justin got his license a few days ago. He’s driving his black Range Rover he got from Usher.
“You should let me see your license picture.” I said. He took his wallet out of his pocket and handed it to me. I opened it and giggled, he looked at me.
“They made it so they could see my eyes.”
“Oh,” I smiled and gave it back to him. They made him part his hair so they could see his eyes. He looked funny but cute. Wait I have a boyfriend I can’t be thinking about other guys.
When we got to the stadium we want straight to Nick’s dressing rom. We walked in and he was making out with some girl.
“Oh my gosh are you kidding me?!?!” I started crying. I walked out and started running. Justin and Nick were both chasing after me. I ran down the stage stairs and I couldn’t run any more. I dropped to the ground and started crying really hard.
“Lily I’m so sorry I didn’t know Nick was like this.” Justin sat next to me and wrapped his arms around me trying to calm me down.
“Lily wait!” Nick yelled.
“Why? Nick I can’t believe you! I loved you! I thought you loved me! We’re done!” I threw the ring he gave me at him.
“No, Lily please don’t do this, I really do love you. You’re my life.”
“No Nick, if I was your life you wouldn’t have cheated on me. Justin would never do that to me!” I turned and hugged Justin tight and he pulled me out to the car.
“I’m really sorry Lily; I really want you to know that I would never hurt you like he did. I can be totally honest and say that I’m in love with you. I want to be with you forever Lily will you please be mine?”
“Yes,” I looked at him and he grabbed my hand. I kissed his cheek and just looked into his eyes. He kissed me slowly and he didn’t push it any more than that. He knows how bad it hurts right now. But kissing him made me feel warm and secure, Just being with him made me even happier.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.01.2012

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