


This morning was rough, the baby wouldn’t stop kicking. She was moving around all night. I’m eight months pregnant. My name is Kailey, I’m sixteen years old. I have blonde hair and hazel eyes. I’m five foot and six inches tall. Before I got pregnant I was only one hundred and ten pounds, no I’m over that but I won’t say. The baby’s dad is Nathan. He’s seventeen and stands at six feet and two inches tall. He’s muscular and plays a ton of sports.
Nathan and I have been dating for two and a half years and hopefully we can for the rest of our lives. My mom kicked me out of the house when I told her I was having the baby. Nathans mom let me move in and stay in Nathans room. His house has extra rooms, so when the baby comes we will have a place for her to sleep. Also Nathans family is rich so we won’t have to work until we graduate college. Before I got pregnant I was planning auditioning for Americas Needs Talent. I wanted to become a famous singer. But now I gave up on that and I want to go to college and be a teacher and a writer. Nathan and I are juniors in high school. He’s the popular jock, as in he’s captain of the football, basketball, and baseball team. Whereas I use to play volleyball, tennis, basketball, softball, and cheerleading. I was captain of all but tennis. Well I guess in can start my story now… from the beginning.


“Hey Nathan can we talk?” I said crying. I don’t know how I’m going to tell him.
“Of course, why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?” He started to look really worried.
“No, can we please just go somewhere alone and talk?”
“Anything for you baby.” We walked to a quiet corner in the library.
“Nathan, I’m pregnant.” I looked up at him as he shook his head in disbelief.
“No! NO you’re not, you can’t be, we were carful! We have been for the past year!” He let a few years fall.
“I know but I am. I don’t know how far along but I am.”
“I can’t deal with this!” He turned around and walked away.
“Nathan please don’t do this!” H didn’t even turn around when I yelled after him. I leaned against the wall and I started crying as I slowly slid down the wall and sat and walked to class. Today is going to be terrible. I have every single one of my classes with Nathan.
During the first morning class Nathan ignored me; he didn’t even look at me. He looked miserable, no on smile at all, not even his friend could get him to talk or smile. I looked over at him and he had is he down and he was texting on his phone. A sew seconds later he looked at me and my phone vibrated. The text said:
I’m sorry for how I reacted. I was just really shocked.
I love you and I always will, I want to be with you.
We really need to talk to our parents. I want to keep the baby.
I hope we can. Baby you are my world and this baby will be too.
I love you. Please forgive me for the way I acted? I never meant to hurt you.
I didn’t mean to make you cry, I really do love you.

I didn’t text back. I just looked at him and mouthed ‘I love you too’ and I smiled, he smiled back and mouthed ‘forever’. I smiled and nodded.
All of a sudden I started to feel really sick, like I’m going to puke. I put a hand over my mouth and raised my hand, Mrs. Joseph just pointed to the door. I got up and quickly walked out and once I left I ran to the bathroom and threw up just as I reached a toilet.
After I threw up, I washed my hands and rinsed my mouth out with water. I took a piece of gum out of my pocket and put it in my mouth. I pushed the bathroom door open and Nathan was standing there with both of our books in his hands.
“Are you okay? I just wanted to make sure the nothing is wrong.”
“Yeah it’s just morning sickness, it’s been happening all the time. Usually only once in the day though.”
“Ok, well want to leave? We can just skip the next couple of classes. No big deal.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
“Sounds good to me.” I’m really glad we are working this out and keeping the baby instead of abortion or even breaking up.
After we got into his care he looked at me and asked, “Are you hungry?”
“Yes,” I smiled.
“I figured what does mommy want to eat?”
“Burgers and fries, sound really good right now.”
“Perfect,” he smiled and started to drive away. He held my hand during the whole drive and as we walked into the diner.
“Hi I’m Natalie and I will be your server today, can I start you off with something to drink?” the middle aged lady asked, while handing us our menus.

“Two chocolate milkshakes,” Nathan answered for the both of us.
“Okay, I will be right back with those.”
“Thank you,” Nathan said, he held his hand out across the table for me to hold.
“Nathan, we need to talk to my mom about this, she’s not going to be very happy, and she doesn’t even know we’ve been having sex.”
“Yes baby I know, once we are done here we will go talk to her. It’s her day off right?”
“Yeah, she’s going to hate me.” I told him as the waitress brought us out our shakes.
“Are you ready to order?” She asked.
“Yes, two deluxe bacon burgers with no tomatoes and fries.”
“Alright, it will be right out.” She smiled and walked away.
“Baby, your mom won’t hate you, she will understand, she loves you.”
“I’m not so sure about that,” I took a sip of my shake and waited for our food to come.
After we finished our food Nathan paid and we walked back to his red hummer. We silently drove to my house, I stared out the window. Wondering how my mom is going to react. I know that she’s going to be mad. I can already tell.
Once we pulled up, we got out and he held my hand as we walked inside.
“Mom are you home?” I yelled.
“Yes I’m in the kitchen!” She yelled back and we followed her voice.
“Mom can we talk to you?”
“Sure baby what is it?” She looked concerned.
“I’m,” I couldn’t get it out.
“What baby?” she pushed but I couldn’t say it and I started to cry.
“She’s pregnant.” Nathan said for me.


“Get. Out. Now!” She yelled at me, “I always know you were a dirty little tramp! Get out of my house and never come back. Pack your shit and leave!” she yelled storming out of the kitchen. I dropped to the floor crying and Nathan just held me. After about ten minutes I finally got up and packed my things in my room. I grabbed some tubs from the garage and put all of my clothes in one. I left my bed, dressers, and TV. Nathan was quiet the whole time. He quietly brought each tub of things to his hummer. I finished packing and lay down on my bed and closed my eyes. I started crying. I felt Nathan sit on my bed and he rubbed his hand up and down my stomach.
“Hey babe, maybe fooling around would help you get your mind off things.” He said, causing me to laugh. I sat up and wrapped my arms around him. Being in his arms made me feel a lot better, I know everything will be okay as long as I’m with him.
“Maybe later, I don’t want to be here any longer, let’s leave.” I got up and pulled him up too. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and kissed my forehead. He called his mom and told her everything, even about me being pregnant. She wasn’t too happy, but she didn’t mind me moving in. she said that the servants would bring my stuff into the guest closet, so I could share a room with Nathan.
Once we pulled up Nathan pulled me up to his room, he put on a scary movie, called Insidious.
“Wow, you know I hate scary movie,” I sat on his bed and lay down on the side I usually do when I sleep here.
“Well I know that but I wasn’t planning on watching the move.” He explained and crawled in the bed next to me and laid on his side facing me. He just smiled and reached his lips to mine. He kissed me slowly at first, the deepened it. I moved my hand and held his face. He moved so he was hovering over me. I moaned a little bit as he ran his tongue across my bottom lip.
“I love you baby,” Nathan said before we continued.
Once we were done the movie was already over. Nathan put in Big Mammas House, one of my favorite movies.
“Nathan do you think it’s going to be a boy or girl?”
“I don’t know babe, but I’m hoping it’s a little girl so she can look just like you, beautiful.”
“Awe baby you’re so sweet, but if it’s a boy he will be amazingly handsome just like you.” He smiled and laid down next to me, we started to watch the movie, but about fifteen minutes through I fell asleep on Nathan’s chest. Instead of having a dreamless sleep, I started to dream.
“No! Nathan! Wake up! Please baby!” I screamed looking at his limp body. Seeing the blood soaking through his shirt where the bullet hit him in the chest. He saved my life and took a bullet for me. I’m only five months pregnant, I can’t lose him now. I just can’t live without him.
“I’m sorry miss, he’s dead there’s no way we can save him, the bullet went straight through his heart, he died instantly.” I cried even harder. This baby has to be my best memory of him

“Baby, wake up, come on Kailey wake up,” I opened my eyes and felt Nathan wiping my eyes, “Are you okay? Why are you crying?”
“Baby please don’t ever leave me!”
“Kailey, I’m not going anywhere, I promise. I’m always going to be here for you and the baby. We are a family now.”
“I love you so much Nathan.”
“I love you too babe, me and you forever.”
“Forever,” I lay back down and stared at the wall.
“What time is it?” I asked, it seemed really light out for being early in the morning.
“Ten thirty.”
“What?! We should be in school,” I sat up and looked around the room.
“My mom called us off for the day. She said we needed some time to cope with the news, and that you need more sleep.
“Oh well that was nice of her,” I went to the bathroom and got back in bed.
“Are you hungry?” He asked putting a shirt on.
“Very,” I put in a movie called ‘Friday Night Lights’.
“Alright I’ll be right back,” He left the room and went down stairs. I laid my head down on the pillow and watch the movie. My phone vibrated, I didn’t recognize the number but the text said:

I bet the baby isn’t even Nate’s. I bet its Jake’s, I know you cheated on Nate, hmmm around the time you got pregnant, and do the math sweetie. Did you and Jake even use a condom?

Yes Jake and I used a condom, Nathan knows about Jake and I. he was mad at me but he never broke up with me. I was drunk at a party when Jake and I had sex and he still had the condom on in the morning. I started crying, I know this baby is Nathans. The time wouldn’t make sense. Jake and I had sex four months ago. There is no way I’m four months along.
“Babe, what’s wrong? All this crying is bad for the baby. Nathan brought up some scrambled eggs with toast that had butter and jelly on it. I took the plated and handed him my phone. He read the message and his expression changer quickly to pissed. He handed me my phone, and grabbed his along with his keys and wallet.
“I’ll be back, I’m not mad at you,” he kissed my forehead and walked out. I didn’t question where he was going but I think I already know. I ate the food he cooked and took a shower. While I was in the shower I think I heard him walk in to his room. I wrapped a towel around my body and one in my hair.
“Baby?” I yelled, but no answer. He must have fallen asleep. I got dressed and brushed my hair. I didn’t bother with makeup today. I opened the bathroom door and looked into the room. Nathan was laying there with a cut across his cheek, a bloody nose, bloody lip, and a few bruises on his face. He must have not heard me come in since he lay there with his eyes closed.
“Oh my gosh! What happened?” I rushed to him.
“Jake, but he looks a lot worse than me, I just got blindsided, I wasn’t even going for him, when I got to the shack it was lunch so the seniors were there for lunch an di was trying to go after Alex cause that was him that texted you, but Jake saw me go after him and attacked me from behind. But i go him. I doubt her will even be having sex anytime soon, I kicked him there a few times. “

You know we could have just ignored the text and went on with our lives, it’s no big deal, we both know it’s you baby and that my sleeping with him was a drunken mistake. I love you and it’s going to be us forever.” I said as I wiped down his cuts.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.12.2011

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