

*Destiny's P.O.V*

Hey my name is Destiny, I have purple eyes and smooth blue hair. I live in an orphanage. I'm 17 years old, 5 ft.3 and I go to a high school. I LOVE SPORTS!! My favorite is football! You can call me a tomboy if you want, but I could care less. This morning, I woke up from my phone. Yea, I know but I don't have enough money to buy an alarm clock. After getting up, I walked into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then, I stripped my clothes off to take a shower. As I stand in the shower, I put lilac shampoo and conditioner on my head. Then I put my favorite body wash, which is the scent of kiwi.

Then, I went to search for an outfit, not that I have much to look for. I picked out a Areopostale shirt, that I got from the boys section, with some blue jeans, that I also got that from the boys section. If I do say so myself, I look like a boy and I love it! Just as I was about to leave the orphanage, the beast I call "mother" roared my name. " When you get back, clean this dump you call home because people are coming here to look for kids to adopt!" she barked. "Will do." I replied in obedience. Then I leave to go to school.

I got on my skate board and rode on the street, suddenly someone, a hyena possibly, jumped on me! OMG!! At first I thought it saved me, then I gazed into its eyes, it looked as if it was hungry. I got up with my board in my hand and sprinted as fast as my legs could carry me. I ran into the forest without looking back. I was scared out of my mind, yet I felt like I HAD to go back for some reason. "No, no don't think that, focus and RUN!" I whispered amongst myself. I have to run and get out of this place!

Unexpectedly I tripped over a branch. 'A branch really.' I'm thinking to myself. I was now on the forest floor. I turned and saw it was close. It's so close I could touch it! I screamed on the top of my lungs. I thought that screaming would catch someones attention but it didn't. Now I begin to freak out. There's no one to rescue me. As I shriek once again, the hyena began to transform into a human! HOLY DONUTS!!! *Yeah I said holy donuts deal with it.* Awe Man, why do these things always happen to me!?! This is what a crappy life feels like.

* Adrian's P.O.V *

The dude fell. "Come on man really." I thought. At that instant the guy backed up and suddenly I realize it was a girl, a beautiful one in fact. No, you shouldn't be thinking that! I have to find a mate similar to me, not a human! But I couldn't stop, she is so enchanting, I have never seen any girl like that in my entire life. Another screech came from her again, I couldn't bare the high pitched sound. So I changed back into my human form, but this time I'm fully clothed. Then I covered her mouth with my hand. I felt a strange tingle in my hand and I think she felt it too because she shivered as we touched.

No! That human girl can't be my mate! I'm the alpha male of my hyena pack. What is going to happen if she really is my soul mate? Will she even accept me? Will the PACK accept her? Okay I just need to breathe so I can talk to her. "Hey, no need to scream thank you very much." She was um...... I guess trying to register what I just said.
"........." She was speechless.
"Well that's a great way to say thanks!" I uttered sarcastically.
"Um... I guess, thanks for saving my butt." she quivered.
Her voice was music to my ears. "Uh.. yeah no prob."
"Well my name is Destiny, yours?" she calmly replied.
Ah beautiful name for a beautiful girl I stood there dozing off, then quickly back into reality. "Oh my name is Adrian" I said.
"Adrian," she repeated softly, as if she was an angel sent from heaven "I like that name, well I guess I will see you around Adrian."
I blushed and she laughed just as delicate as a harp plays. "Yea you to!" I said. I will see you again, I am determined to know more about you Destiny.

* Destiny's P.O.V *

I walked out of the forest, got on my skate board and headed to school. When I was going to school I thought about him, "Adrian". He is a hyena, finally I'm not the only one that's a hyena *sigh*. I got to school and people stared at me. A guy, and his friends, came up to me and said "Hey I'm Josh you're the new guy right?" I sighed. "I wish I was but no, hey I'm Destiny." he was shocked. "Whoa your a girl, no offense though you seem friendly!" someone cleared their throat. It was Adrian "Well guys, that's kinda rude ya know." God do I love his voice it's so velvet-like I would just melt every time I hear his voice. "Oh hey man, how you doing? How's life?" Josh said friendlily "I'm doing fine and it's great!" Adrian said. "Well I'll be going then." I said as I got back on my board and left. I walked to where the main office is. "Hi I'm new here, may I please have my locker number and schedule." I smiled. "Yes, may ask your name?" the lady questioned.
"My name is Destiny Holt." I stated. She filed through her paper work. "Ah! Here you go and have a great first day!!" she exclaimed while I walked out of the office.


Advance Math~ Mrs. Phillips

Advance P.E~ Mrs. Connors

Advance Science~ Mr. Freezman

Advance Trigonometry~ Mrs. Henry

Advance English Language Arts~ Mrs. Forge


Advance Social Studies~ Mr. Connors

Advance Art~ Mrs. Freezman

Study Hall

Locker #~ 530 Combo~ 6/3/36

Yeah, I know I have a lot of advance classes but that's because so the "wannabe's" don't bother me. I was on my skate board while looking at my schedule then *oomph* I landed on my bum. I got up and mumbled a "sorry" then went to get my board. I picked my board up and saw that I was face to face with Adrian. "Um... hey Destiny...." he said, it sounded like he was nervous for some reason. Strange... I just met him and he's nervous.
"Oh hey Adrian I forgot to tell you my last name it's Holt... Destiny Holt!" I said confidently. "...I can show you where your class is. Can I get your schedule?" he asked still nervous, weird. "Here" I said while handing him my schedule. He smiled "You have all the same classes." I was shocked! Wow! I have all the same classes as him, that's incredible! "Okay then c'mon, we'll be late Destiny!" he rejoiced then handed me my schedule back as we walked to class.


*Destiny's P.O.V*

We went to class and Adrian sat in the front and I sat in the back by the window. I just stared blankly at the window. Then someone tapped me on the shoulder I turned. "Hey you must be new I'm Katherine" Katherine held her hand out to shake I took it. " yea I'm new here my name is Destiny" I smiled. Then another girl came in with a very short skirt that you can see her thong. 'Dammit' and she wore a tank top that you can see her bra. Katherine and I made conversation for a little while until the Little Mrs. Slut came up to us. " hey get off MY seat" she snarled " well hello and I don't see your name on it" I said innocently and looked around for any name on it nope. " So what if there is no name on it I sit here everyday" said Little Mrs. Slut angrily.

"well do you have any proof huh?" I asked "well n-" I cut Little Mrs. Slut off "exactly then it's not your seat" I stated. Then she stomped off HA HA. " WOW no one has been able to stand up to her like that" Katherine said " well someone has to stand up to her and I guess that's going to be me." I said wow why is everyone so scared of her? Then the teacher came in " Good Morning everybody oh we have a new student here with use today" Mrs. Phillips said "come up and introduce yourself" she said I walked up to the front of class " hey my name is Destiny Holt I have no family I live in an orphanage I'm 18 and have all Advance classes oh and my hair and eyes they are natural" I said " that's good to know about you Destiny and I'm sorry that you have no family" she said with pity even-though I don't want it ,so the teacher goes back to teaching and I go into my own little world till the bell rings since I know what she is talking about.

Then the bell rang and everyone left and I went to gym. 'yes':) I love gym. I was walking to gym and walked in the dressing room. I went to my locker and opened it I took off my shirt and every girl in the dressing room their jaw dropped. I smirked cause I have a six pack hehehehehe yea I work out everyday at the gym after school. I put on the school gym uniform and and the shorts on and walked out of the dressing room. Every boy was gawking at me cause they thought I was a boy well they thought wrong. And I have curves and a slim body and everything else that every boy would want in a girlfriend. Even Adrian was gawking at mwah tsk tsk. "Take a picture it will last longer" I said smirking.

What surprised me was that they actually did. 'boys' I sighed I mean I was just joking gosh. But what do you got to live for anyways. "okay class lets start we will be doing football today" Mrs. Connors said the girls groaned except me and Katherine wow these girls aren't active I guess. " It will be girls vs. boys" she said 'oh yea the boys don't know whats coming to them' I thought evilly Mwwahahahaha we got in our positions and said hike I tackled Adrian and smiled got up ran and caught the football and ran for the goal dodged the boys and made a touchdown. The girls squealed and ran up to me and hugged me and for the boys their jaws dropped. Guess the boys never gotten beat well that's all going to change while I'm here.

"Amazing uh..... Destiny would you like to be on the football team?" she asked " yes I would love to join" I said happily "great practice is after school okay?" she said/asked "okay I will be there" I said "wow your on the football team and the only girl and you actually tackled Adrian and he's the quarterback of the football team" said Katherine shocked "well I can't wait till practice oh this is going to be fun" I said mischievously to her hehehehehe. Then we walked into the dressing room and put back on my boys cloth now I feel like a boy when I wore my gym uniform I felt like a girl ugh... And I was the last one out "where's the hot girl we saw?" a boy asked "you mean the girl with a 6 pack that girl?" I asked " yea her" he said then I show my 6 pack and his jaw dropped and so did the other boys then I walked away.

'Now that's how you leave a guy or more speechless' I thought. Laughing to myself though other people would think I'm crazy laughing for no apparent reason. The day went by fast then it was time for lunch 'yum-mm'. Once class was over I ran all the way to the cafeteria I'm so so so hungry right now. It's like my stomach is eating my insides. When I got there I saw Katherine waiting for me at the double doors. "hey girl how you doing?" she asked "I'm doing great now come on I want to eat and if you don't want your food I'll eat it" I said and she chuckled. " yea you can have my food I'll eat at my house when I get there" she said "okay well after I clean the whole orphanage can I sleep at your house? I have no friends at the orphanage" I said/asked. " yea sure oh I'm sorry that you live in a orphanage." she said sadly just like the teacher I sighed and went in line to get food.

Some people came over to our table and sat down I looked at Katherine. "that's my other friends I'll introduce you to them." she told me I nodded and went back to my food I punched in my number and went to our table with Katherine. "hey guys this is Destiny and shes new to our school" Katherine told them and then they started to stare at me "Yo yea my names Destiny I have a six pack and I'm a tomboy" I introduced myself their faces looked shocked to me. Then they said in unison "WHAT! YOU HAVE A SIX PACK!" they yelled "shh I don't want the whole school to know and yes I do" I told them and looked up and saw everyone in the cafeteria looked at our table. "WHAT YOU LOOKING AT HUH?!" I asked/yelled then everyone went back to their own business. "that's what I thought" I said then Katherine introduced her friends to me " Destiny meet Cody,Shawn,Henry,Ray,Tyler,and Winter"

Cody female,green eyes,black hair with blue highlights in them has her hair up to her waist like mine but mine is up to my ankles. She has tan skin and shes 5'4. She is a great athlete and a very good friend. She has a great personality once you get to know her. She can get overprotective of her friends at times too. Lastly she is single at the time.

Shawn male,baby blue eyes,raven hair with pink highlights and no hes not gay trust me. Has a girlfriend witch we get along pretty well. He is 6'7 man is that boy tall. He has a eight pack because he is on the football team (oh and by the way Shawn and the other guys at our table doesn't know I'm on the football team now boy am I going to surprise them hehehehehe). Tan skin also and he is the clown of our group. I mean he is so funny. He has a funny personality and great to be around with.

Henry male,silver eyes,jet black hair and he is like the cool person in our group. He is currently single right now. He is also on the football team. He is 6'8 dang he is taller than Shawn. He has a eight pack and has even skin. He has like a brotherly thing so to me guess he is like the brother I never had. He is an awesome person and friend and kinda my brother.

Ray female,purple eyes,blonde hair witch makes her eyes pop out and waist length. She is single because she doesn't want to deal with relationship problems. She is 5'4 loves to get revenge on someone who pulls a prank on her. She is usually hyper when she eats too much candy. She is a caring person to mostly everyone she meets. She has good grades not like a nerd but a cool nerd yea. She is in gymnastics and no she is not on the cheer leading squad she says it's only for sluts. She is the awesome one in our group she says. She can lift someones spirits up sad,mad, even happy now that's her personality.

Tyler female,ruby eyes,red hair to match her eyes her hair is also waist length. She is the shy girl in our group. Single for the time being. She is on the soccer team witch is great for her to bring out her confidence. She is very loveable to everyone at school. She is 5'2 she is short for a soccer player but hey at least she likes the sport and plays very well. She gets very angry very easily because of the sluts Ugh... She is the best friend you would ever want besides Katherine. Oh and also tan skin like mostly everyone has.

Winter female,sapphire eyes,midnight blue hair that's waist length. She is the calm one in our group. She reads tons of books she says if you go to her locker it's like a library in there. She is a book worm like everyone says. She is single cause she says boys don't like book worms. She is 5'6 yea I know she is tall for a book worm. She makes sure we are getting good grades she is like our mom in the group.

I didn't tell you how old they are cause we are all 17. "well nice to meet you guys I'm glad I have some friends in this school." I said "whoa I can't believe you have a six pack can you show use?" asked Shawn "yea sure" I said while standing up and lifting my shirt up showing my six pack. "OMJ! I can't even get a six pack and I'm on the soccer team" said Tyler with her mouth open. With the others at our table gaping at me "what?" I asked "It's just.... how do you get those abs?" Henry asked "well I'm a boxer and I go to the gym everyday" I said with a 'duh' tone. "wow well does anyone want my food?" Katherine asked the boys held their hand up and my hand shot up "me sorry boys but I called dibs HA HA" I told the boys "what you already finished your own plate now you want to eat Katherine's?" questioned Shawn "yes I do want to eat hers cause I called dibs" I said.

"That's not fair!!" yelled Shawn and I just stuck my tongue at him and grabbed Katherine's plate. "Well too bad" I said and Shawn huffed and mumbled something under his breath. "Oh you know you love me" I told him "sure


"See you admitted it" I said cheerfully and grinned at him. "Whatever floats your boat" he said under his breath. "HEY! I heard that!" I yelled at him then everyone at our table busted out laughing "I don't see anything funny" I huffed. "Awe come on Destiny cheer up if it helps I'll get you ice-cream" Shawn said. "YAY!!" I screamed and started bouncing up and down in my seat and he chuckled. "After school Destiny" Shawn said sternly "Awe what you get me all excited and now I have to wait till after school to get my ice-cream that is just poop" I said I could see Tyler holding in a laugh and ask "what did you just say??" "I said 'Awe ma-'" I started to say but then she cut me off "No,no I know what you said but the end of it" she explained

"Ohhhh.... Well I said 'that is just poop' whats wrong with that I just don't like cursing is all unless I get like super angry" I told her


Texte: kathalina678
Lektorat: May123
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.10.2012

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