
Chapter 12


                I can’t believe she would do that. Doesn’t she know that I love her? Am I not enough for her? I look at Janet and Jacob. They are so close together. “If you ever feel like having an affair, come find me.” I feel my fists clench. He knows that Janet belongs to me and he still goes after her. I won’t let Janet be condemned to hell because of this pretty boy. I will make her see the light and save her.



                I see her walk away, limping as she goes. I consider going to help her but I decide against it. My pride won’t let me. I sit on the floor of the infirmary and just watch outside the window. I really meant it. What I told her. Damn. This is not fair. Not fair for anyone. Not fair for me, for her or even Janet. I could care less about that Jonny fella. I hear the nurse come back into her office and I get up to leave. I walk to the hall and I see Jonny’s back carrying a girl. I know that girl. I run towards them. “What happen?” I ask Jonny when I see her unconscious. Jonny looks surprise to see me. “Just leave us alone. Or just leave HER alone.” He bumps my shoulder as he carries her out the front door. I shake my head. Leave it Jacob. She’s not your girlfriend. She’s not your problem. I close my eyes and I concentrate on controlling my breathing. I open them suddenly and run towards them. I can’t ignore her. I run outside but Jonny is already driving away. She’s gone. This is good. This is a good thing for her and me. I shake my head and go back inside.



                I smile weakly at Jonny. I feel the plastic smile on my face. I don’t want Jonny to know about Jacob. Jonny smiles back at me, and gets closer. “Where were you just now?” I keep smiling, “Oh you know how clumsy I am, I fell in the hall and sprained my ankle.” I say while knocking on my head to further clarify how dimwitted I am. He shakes his head slowly, still smiling. “I do know you. I also know when you’re lying to me and when you’re hiding something.” He looks at me, “So… what are you hiding?” He takes another step towards me. I drop my smile and step a step backwards, “No-nothing.” I mumble. “I’m sorry, Janet.” He chuckles, smiling really wide. My eyes widen as I see a hand comes towards the side of my face and I black out.



                I carry Janet out of my car and bring her into my apartment. I live alone because I followed Janet’s family here on my own. I set her down on my couch. I look at her face and brush the hair out of her eyes. She’s so beautiful and so innocent. Why does she love a guy like Jacob? He’s only going to taint her and make her unable to go to Heaven. She has to go to heaven so we can be there together. She might not realize it that I’m her soul mate but soon, when we meet in heaven, she will see that were connected through the red string of fate and were meant for each other. I get my camera. I sit her up, and I take off her shirt and pants. I pose her body, laid on the couch and I start taking pictures. After two hours I stop and put her clothes back on. I have taken 526 pictures of her and I feel like it’s not enough. I sit down next to her on the couch. I look at my watch, it is officially afterschool. Now I just have to wait until she wakes up.



                Ouch. I slowly open my eyes and I see that I’m in Jonny’s house. I look at Jonny, who is next to me, smiling. I remember what happened and I scream at the top of my lungs. Jonny widens his eyes and reaches to cover my mouth. I pull away from him and I get up. I get a head rush and I trip over. Jonny stands over me and tries to grab my hands. I push and kick him away, still screaming. Eventually he succeeds in holding me down. He holds my hands with one hand and pushes my body down with his. He reaches over to get the tape that is on the couch. I widen my eyes and I scream again, this time louder. Jonny looks down at me, curses and covers my mouth with his. I bite his lip, hard. He curses and gets the tape, quickly and covers my mouth with it. I try to push him off but he doesn’t budge and he tapes my hands together. He finally gets up. When his face got close to my feet, I kick him in the jaw, as hard as I can, hoping to knock him out, but my kicks are weak because I am laying down. Jonny reaches to hold his jaw and moves it around. “Ouch, you little bitch. That hurt.” I try to smile but it’s hard because of the tape. Jonny tapes my feet together too. We both freeze when we hear a knock on his door. “Fuck.” He curses and he picks me up to a chair. He tapes my mouth once more and tapes my hands to the arms of the chair. He grabs my cheeks, “Do not make any noise.” He moves me out of the view since his apartment is only a kitchen and a small room and we were in the kitchen which where the door is. He gives me a look and opens the door. “Oh hey neighbor, what’s up?” I try to lean forward to see if I can signal to the person that I am here. Jonny steps outside and closes the door. I could still hear them talking though, “Well I heard some screams and I wanted to check that everything was ok.” Jonny laughs and says, embarrassed, “Sorry, you heard that? That was Janet; we were playing around, wrestling actually.” The neighbor laughs and says, “Oh, little Janet is here? Can I say hi to her?” Jonny stays quiet, thinking. “You know, right now is not a good time, I’m quite busy so good bye.” He closes the door in the neighbors face. He turns towards me, “Shit, shit, shit.” He looks out the window and curses again. He goes into his room and comes out with a gun. I start crying, desperate. “No, don’t start crying now. I won’t use this unless I have to, so don’t make me use it.” 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.10.2013

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