
5 months later
Chapter 4
I look at the purple walls of my room; they seem to be mocking me about being trapped here.
My brother, Ricky, decided to solve the ‘Situation with the stalker’, so he told my mom that I had a ‘little friend’ that has been a little too kind lately, so my mom planned a trip to my grandma’s house in Texas for a year.
I love it here, the only thing I hate is my room; it’s the same room since I was six. I know that the only reason that my mom brought us here is because I forget everything from California, for a while and I never miss it. Today, though, is different, I don’t actually miss California but I miss Jacob. I miss his smile and his dimple in his right cheek. I miss the way he kissed me that day in the park.
I hate Ricky. I thought he was going to change his mind about him when I told him that he gave me a name but he got madder; he even called me Janet the other day when Jacob carried me over his shoulder. I still don’t understand why he needed to carry me. Then when he stood up to Ricky? What did he mean about that? Does he mean that he loves me more than he’s afraid of Ricky? I hope so.
Someone knocks on the door. “What do you want?!” I ask in my most angry voice. “It’s your grandma.” She says in a worried voice, I’m not surprised, I’m never angry, especially at her house.
She pokes her head through the door and looks at me as if waiting for something. I look at her.
“Yes?” I asked her in a sarcastic voice, but she didn’t notice or she ignored it because she said, “How have you been? Has there been a new friend or a new boyly friend?” Boyly friends? I bet that Ricky already told her about my ‘little stalker’. “Hey!” I yell. “What? I’m just making a conversation.” She says innocently. “Well I don’t want to talk about it.” I say through my teeth, avoiding her gaze. “Well honey I just wanted to tell you that I am here for you twenty-four seven,” and with that she left.
I collapsed down my bed and signed, thinking what he was doing right now….

Ugh!!!!! I scream mentally while punching the bag. Ever since Janet and her family left, I had been working out in the gym, I had been in need of taking out of my anger on something.
“Hey, cool it. You might want to take a break.” I stop and stiffen immediately, I know that voice. I turn to where I thought she was. My assumptions were right. I look into the eyes of Judy.
When she saw me, her friendly smile turned to a flirty one. “Jacob!! I thought I was never going to see you again.”
Judy was my best friend from my old school for three years. Before I left, I told her that I kind of liked her but was too shy to ask her out, and I left before she could reply. She has long naturally curly brown hair, light brown eyes, and light tanned skin. She was a little chunky three years ago, but now, she was perfect.
Now here she was in the same state, city, gym, and room as me. I keep staring at her, waiting for something to happen. After a few seconds, I speak, “What are you doing here Judy?” I asked in an emotionless voice. Her smile begins to fade.
“Well I’m sorry if I ruined your day, I promised not to bother you at our next reunion in six months.” She starts to turn towards the door, but I reach my hand to stop her.
“No, stop. I’m sorry I just have been in a bad mood for the past few months.” I tell her.
She looks at my hand on her arm, after a second I drop it. “It’s ok I understand, it’s been hard for me too.” Does she think that it was hard for being away from her? I mean it was at the beginning but now all but forgotten her.
“Judy…” I began, but I was interrupted by her lips crashing to mine. I was shocked.
I pull away by instinct, not thinking about hurting her feelings. “Judy!! What are you doing?” I scream at her. “I wasn’t upset by having to leave you. I was upset because Janet left me about 5 months ago, when I barely got here and I love her!” I am sobbing uncontrollably now. I collapsed to the ground, hold my legs to my chest, and let it all out, not caring where I was. This was the first time I have cried over Janet leaving me.
Judy looks like she was slapped in the face. She puts on a poker face and hugs me on the ground, rocking me, back and forward.
This must look kind of weird. A buffed seventeen year old boy crying over a girl he just met with a hot brunette right in front of him, comforting him?
I pull away from Judy after my breathing was normal. I look around and half of the people in the weight room were watching us!! Well now I got to find another gym to work out at.
Judy pulls us up, hugs me one last time, and walks out of the room. I got a weird feeling that I am going to be seeing her more in the next couple of days.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.09.2010

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