
Chapter 1

"Okay you can't be serious he's our English teacher Andrea," my friend Zia says hands on her hips. Okay so what he's our English teacher, he likes me I like him" I say sipping my soda. My name is Andrea and I'm 17 years old and I go to Richmond High School in L.A California. Zia sits beside me shaking her head "all these dudes that want to get with you and you choose Mr. Johnson?"
"Pretty much" my three other girls Kelly, Mia, and Maria walk up to us. "What's up?" Kelly asks sitting behind me on the bench "nothing much talking about Mr. Johnson" Zia declares raising her eyebrows at me. "Oh well, how is your boo thang Andrea?" Mia asks smiling at me "great, just great" I finish up my soda putting the can on Zia's tray. "Well I'm so glad we're in his class together so I can keep my eye on you, and you have on your cheerleading outfit, you know he loves when you wear it," Kelly mentions. I am the captain of the cheerleading squad and on game nights we get to wear our uniforms to school "yep" the bell rings and we get up walking to our lockers. At our lockers, as we're getting our books we hear whistling behind us, I turn to see Rob and the football team, I roll my eyes turning back to my locker. Rob is a guy I've gone to school with since Freshman year, he's always had a crush on me but I never gave him a chance because he was rude and a player. He's really handsome, tall, dark skin, hazel eyes, and has dreadlocks, but his personality is very unattractive. "So Andrea what are we doing after the game tonight?" I hear Rob ask from behind me "uh, nothing" I reply looking at him. "Oh, so it's like that?" He backs me into my locker putting his hands on my waist I sigh looking at my girls who were looking as annoyed as I felt. He moves his face closer to mine "move Rob I need to get to class" and with that, I push him away and walk off with my girls. "Gosh, he is such an asshole" Maria mutters "all of them are" Kelly seconds I laugh walking into English class, as soon as I walk in I look at Mr. Johnson he smiles at me and I wink, the bell rings and I sit in the third row where I always sit. "Okay class let's get started" he takes roll and starts his lesson, he then makes us take out our books and do our classwork for today, I take out my cell and text Sean, that's Mr. Johnson's real name. I text hey baby and after I send it I look up at him, he's looking down with a smile so I assume he just read my text. My cell vibrates, it was a text from Sean saying what's up I bite my lip holding back a smile texting back me and u 2nite after the game, your house and I send it. The first time I had seen Sean I tried my best to get his attention and so did many other girls and teachers. He is tall, brown skin, muscular, fresh hair cut with waves, and he looks extra sexy in a suit my cell vibrates once again, it was a text from Sean saying OK what u got in mind? I glance back up at him and he was watching me I look back down at my cell to text back oh nothing, I just wanna play some games in the bed and I laugh quietly to myself sending the text. I look at my girls who were also discreetly on their phones, my cell vibrates I check the text from him saying OK deal I look up once again to find Sean staring at me I lick my lips in a sexy way he smiles shaking his head.

At the end of class, I signal for my girls to wait for me outside the door and after everyone is out of the room I walk up to Sean. He gets up from behind his desk and puts his arms around my waist I give him a long kiss "I'll see you tonight" he whispers in my ear "OK" and as I walk away he smacks my butt I laugh walking out of the room. I used to worry about people seeing me and him together but we're careful so those worries have faded away. "I saw that Andy" Mia says smirking at me I'm guessing my other girls saw it too because they were laughing. "Y'all are stupid" we walk to our lockers, that was like our usual meet up spot "let's meet outside the gym after school" they all agree and we split up, I hurry to Math class so I don't have to hear Mrs. Davis's mouth. When I get to the door my best friend Shaq slips his arm around my shoulders "what up ma?" He asks kissing my cheek "you tell me, why weren't you at lunch?"
Cause I had things to do" I roll my eyes sitting in the seat next to his, Shaq and I have been best friends since Pre-k we told each other everything about everyone, he's more like a brother than a best friend "so how is Mr. Johnson?"
"I wish you guys would call him Sean around me" he shrugs crossing his arms "you know it's not right Andy" this time I shrug with a sigh "that's too bad, I really like him, he really likes me so we do our own thing." The teacher still hadn't come in "well I hope you haven't had sex with him" I smile secretly at Shaq and his eyes widen "I couldn't resist" he laughs in disbelief "that's messed up, you give the teacher some but when I try to get a hit you turn a brother down." I laugh punching his shoulder as a white guy walks in behind Mrs. Person and Mr. Kel our principal, and assistant principal. "Okay class Mrs. Davis is not going to be here today, but you do have a new student, Jake Little, um Andrea you and Jake have the same schedule so you can show him around, raise your hand, Andrea." I smile at Jake raising my hand he smiles back walking back to where I'm sitting all the girls were staring at him in awe as he sits next to me, I glance at Shaq who was smiling. "I will be subbing so take out your books and get to work, Andrea if you don't mind can you show Jake what to do?"
"No problem" I lean over to Jake "we're working on the Pythagorean theorem, piece of cake" he smiles a dazzling lopsided smile that made my stomach do somersaults "thanks"
"You're welcome" I sit back in my seat pulling my shirt down but it rises back over my stomach showing my piercing. I stand up pulling down my shirt and pulling my skirt up a little, then I sit back down looking at Jake who was totally checking me out.
I walk Jake out to his car after school "thanks for showing me around today"
"You're welcome, are you coming to the game tonight?" He shrugs smiling at me "I might just to see you jumping around in that little skirt" I laugh moving my long, black, silky hair to the right side of my shoulder. "Well I better get going," I say backing up "okay see ya later"
"Later" I turn around running back inside the school. Jake is beyond fine, tall, with curly hair that fell into his handsome face, his eyes were a deep blue, his smile was mesmerizing, and he smelled really good, I run into the gym where the team was already doing stretches I sit beside Zia. "Where have you been?" She asks glancing at me "sorry, I walked the new guy out" I didn't look at her because I knew she was giving me that look that for some reason always made me feel guilty. "You didn't"
"I did" I open my legs doing a split "bad girlfriend" I sigh "it was nothing, I just walked him to his car" she rolls her eyes and I stand up "OK guys let's start" we do our cheers while the girls and guys practice then its 4:00, time for the game to begin.

"They are good" Zia mutters beside me, she was talking about the other basketball team, we get up to do our cheer for the second half. Kelly starts the cheer off I stand way back and so does another girl on the team named Brittany. We were going to do cartwheels then when we got to the front do a split and finally it's our turn Brittany and I smile at each other then start to do our cartwheels, when we do our split the crowd goes wild. "Whoo," I yell touching my toe and run back to sit on the bench "okay I'm in serious need of something to drink," I say with a wiping my face with my towel. Sean was working the concession stand as he did at every home game "just so you can see Mr. Johnson" Mia says as she and Zia follow me "exactly" I take two dollars out of my wallet and walk to the back where the concession stand is. My dad was out there talking to Zia's dad who I called Uncle Marc, I run up to them but my girls stay in line "hey daddy, hey Uncle Marc" I give them both a hug. Zia and I have been best friends since we were born her parents and my parents went to high school and college together. Zia and I call each other sisters, not best friends, just like Shaq and I "you did good out there pumpkin" my dad says "thanks daddy, where's mommy?"
Work, are you going out tonight after the game?"
"Yes, so I won't be home until later," I say smirking "OK" I look at my girls who were second in line "well I better go, bye daddy, bye Uncle Marc" I give them a hug and blow them a kiss before running to where my friends were. "They were about to talk you to death weren't they?" Maria asks laughing I laugh with her "couldn't let that happen" we move up and I smile at Sean he smiles back. "Hey ladies what can I get you?"
"I want a soda" Maria states "just a snicker" Zia declares "well I want a soda and a big piece of you" I flirt leaning in closer with a wink he laughs shaking his head. Zia hits my arm I sigh rolling my eyes "thank you" we say in unison I knew Sean was looking after us so I give him a sight to see. I start shaking then I hold up the back of my skirt I laugh looking back at him and he was laughing too "dude" Maria says laughing also I shrug strutting out.

After the game, I'm one of the last ones to leave, the cheerleaders and basketball players help clean up the gym after most games. "I am so glad its Friday," one of the basketball players Billy says sweeping the trash up slowly. I laugh "you and me both, that's why I'm about to go," I say blowing him a kiss he just frowns. I go into the locker room assuming I was the only one in there, I guessed wrong "hey sexy" I spin around seeing Rob I sigh "you're not supposed to be in here." He shrugs moving closer to me "who cares?"
"I do" I grab my bags putting them up on my shoulders, close my locker, and get ready to go out. Rob stops me by pushing me against the lockers "why you keep giving me a hard time?" He whispers in my ear his right hand on my waist "maybe because I don't like you" I say as if it was obvious. He kisses my neck and I slap him "stop being an ass" he looks at me in disbelief "yeah, I slapped you, what you gone do, hit me?" I dared he punches the lockers making me jump "damn it Andy stop being such a bitch" he grabs my arm and I try to push him away "is there a problem here?" we look towards the door and there stands Jake and Zia glaring at Rob, he lets my arm go "Nah man" Jake looks at me "Andrea?" I glare at Rob. "I'm cool" and with that, I walk out of the locker room "Andy are you sure you're cool?" Zia asks suddenly beside me I nod "yes, thanks for coming, both of you, Zia I'll call you with the details later" she looks confused for a minute then "oh OK" she gives me a hug and runs off. "Can I walk you out?" Jake asks "yeah, sure" he takes my bookbag following me out "so you did good out there tonight"
"Thanks, glad you came"
"Me too, I got a great treat" I laugh as we walk through the parking lot until we make it to my car. Whoa, nice car"
"Thank you" I unlock the doors to my red 2012 Mustang, he hands me the bookbag as I put it and my other belongings in the backseat. I turn back to him "thanks again for saving me back there"
"No problem, I'll catch you later"
"OK, bye" and with that I get into my car, driving away.

Once I get to Sean's house I am suddenly in good spirits, I came to Sean's house so much it was like a second home. I knock on the door even though I had the key, he opens the door standing in only some jeans "hey beautiful" he declares picking me up into a kiss and hug carrying me to the couch. "Hey, baby" I push him away "first, I need a shower" he laughs "cool go ahead, your clothes are in that same drawer upstairs in my room" I smile at him hopping up "OK wanna join me?"

"Naw go ahead, I'll work on you when you come out"

"Fine, well can you at least walk me up?"

"My pleasure." Sean is 23 years old and his house is pretty big for him to be a teacher, we've been seeing each other for about 6 months now and even though I know it's wrong I can't help myself. It started one day after school, he was helping me with an assignment and the whole time sparks were flying between us. Once we finished he walked me to the door and I quickly kissed him, the next day I didn't even show up to school because I was so afraid I'd get in trouble. When I finally went back to his class two days later I was still nervous and even more nervous when he asked to see me afterward. He let me know I wasn't in trouble and he wasn't mad, he actually enjoyed the kiss and then he gave me his number, told me to call him anytime and it went from there. "You did good tonight," he says wrapping his arms around my waist "thanks" we go into his room and I go to the dresser that had my things in it. "Are you sure you don't wanna join me?"

"Yes" I roll my eyes taking out my sexy, lacy, panties, my bra, and my booty shorts, I had no shirt so I just shrug walking into the bathroom "be out in a few" I yell leaving the door open just a crack.

When I'm done I walk out with only my shorts and bra on "hey" I walk over to where he's lying on the bed "hey" I lay beside him "what time is it?" he looks at his watch "10:02" I make a face "what time you have to be home?"
"No time but I don't want to get in too late" He smiles giving me a kiss I deepen the kiss by putting my arms around his neck. I get on top of him without breaking the kiss and I unzip his pants while he unclasps my bra "Andy you sure about this?"

"You ask me that every time we're about to have sex, yes I'm sure" and I lean back down kissing him. He throws my bra on the floor I lean up so he can take off his boxers and pants and I take off my panties and shorts.

Once we're both naked he starts sucking on my tits I moan moving against him, he puts a hand between my legs moving upwards until one finger is inside of me I groan as he gently bites on my nipple. "I need you, now" I groan while he puts another finger inside of me then he moves away digging in his nightstand, takes out a gold condom, and slips it on. Before he can even lay down I'm on top of him he laughs "you're so impatient" and slides inside of me. "Gosh" I sigh he flips me over going deeper into me I sob as he jerks my hips upward and drives even deeper into me, I throw my legs around his waist feeling myself about to climax. I scream letting go with Sean not far behind. After another round, he slowly lays beside me letting our heart rates go down "I love you, but you better get home" he declares rubbing on my stomach "you're right" I mumble sliding over closer to him "and I love you too" I whispered looking into his eyes "I know baby" he says kissing my forehead and rubbing my hair. I lay my head on his chest closing my eyes, he was my happy place.


Chapter 2

Sean made it hard for me to leave, kept touching on me and kissing on me, I swear I loved him soo much. When I get home I notice that my dad's there but my mom isn't, I sigh, she's hardly ever home mostly because she's a lawyer and my dad's an entrepreneur so they both make good money. They always tried to make time for me, my little sister Destiny who's 12, and my little brother Michael who's 14, I know its hard for them to so I don't push it. I also have a big brother and a big sister, my brother Jay is a Senior at ECU in Greenville NC and my big sister Leah is 27 years old, married, and has a little boy who's three named M.J. I unlock the house door carrying my bags, feeling good, and not the least bit sleepy "hey guys" I say to my brother and sister who were playing their Xbox in the huge living room. "Hey" they declare not even looking at me "where is dad?"

"In his office," Destiny says at the same time Michael says "in his office" I roll my eyes and I hear a loud boom on the TV, Destiny had just killed Michael's man "damn!" He yells throwing down the remote control "haha" Destiny laughs with a big smile "Mike watch your language" I replied shaking my head. Lots of people said my sister looked like me but I didn't see it, she's tall, I'm short, we both have very long hair, and we're both light-skinned. I loved to do hair and dress people up so I often did Michael, Destiny, and my hair. Michael looks just like my dad tall, curly baby hair, muscular, and very good at sports, although Michael is younger than me he takes up for me and just like my dad and Jay, he'll beat anybody down for me, my sisters, or my mom in a heartbeat. My cell rings as I'm walking to my room, its Shaq "hey Shaq"

"Hey Andy, I knew your ass wouldn't be sleep" I go inside my room shutting the door behind me "actually I just got home" then I get an idea "can you come over for a little, my mom's at work and you know my dad wouldn't mind." Shaq always comes to my house, he even spent the night sometimes "aiight then I'll be there in 10 minutes"

"OK, peace"

"Peace" I hang up starting to take off my clothes. I take another shower, slip on my Mickey Mouse pajamas, and head to the kitchen "oh hey dad" my dad was sitting to the table doing work when I walk in. "Hey Muffin what's up?"

"Nothing, dad isn't it OK for Shaq to come over?"

"Yeah, I mean he does all the time" I go over to the refrigerator taking out bananas, kiwi, strawberries, and peaches "daddy you want a smoothie?"

"No thanks sweetie, oh by the way your mom will be home soon" I nod putting the fruit in the blender. The doorbell rings, I leave my things where they are then run to the door and there stand Shaq and Jake. "Hey, guys Jake what are you doing here?"

"Well after the game Shaq and I decided to hang out"

"Oh" I let them in Shaq gives me a big hug "you did good out there tonight"

"Thanks." Now one thing that is true is that my house is huge, our house is green with chandeliers in the living room, dining room, and kitchen, we have shiny tile floors, but the living room floor is green carpet. When people see that I love to read and write they can't believe it because for one I'm the cheerleading captain, I've been getting all A's since I was younger, I'm very smart and I can't stand some dumb boys. I lead them to the kitchen "what's up Mr. Brown?" Shaq asks as we walk in "hey Shaq" he says looking at Jake "daddy this is another friend of mine Jake, he just moved here" my dad smiles standing up "nice to meet you, Jake"

"Same here Mr. Brown." My dad is fine its the reason why teachers love seeing him he's built, dark-skinned, and is always smiling at everyone "well you kids have fun and Jake, Shaq I don't blame you if you end up staying the night" Shaq laughs as my dad walks out and Destiny and Michael run in laughing. "Hey Shaq," Destiny says giving him a hug, Michael gives him some dap, I finally finish making my smoothie and I pour it in a cup, my brother and sister stare at Jake. "Jeez guys this is my friend Jake, Jake this is my sister Destiny and my brother Michael" he smiles at them "hey, you're cute" Destiny flirts batting her eyelashes he laughs "thank you, and you're a very beautiful young lady" she giggles and blushes I chuckle. "Y'all want something to drink?" Jake shakes his head but Shaq walks right over to the refrigerator taking out a soda "or help yourself" I look at Jake who winks at me and shakes his hair out of his face in this sexy way, I turn my head trying not to look at him. "Well guys I'm going to bed" Michael announces throwing up the peace sign and walking out I hop up "I'm going upstairs" I declare glancing at Destiny "I'm going to watch TV" she smiles one last time at Jake and walks out I shake my head. "So what have ya'll been up to?" I ask going up the curvy staircase "nothing really, went to Jake's house" Shaq says running up to my room ahead of Jake and I. "He knows this place pretty well doesn't he" Jake says walking beside me "yeah, him and Zia act like this is their second home" we finally make it to my room where Shaq already had his shoes off, remote in his hand, and lying on my bed.

I lay beside Shaq and Jake sits beside me, my bed is huge "let's watch The Game" I say taking the remote out of Shaq's hand and turning the TV "you like this show?"

"Love it" and he winks at me I chuckle looking back at the TV and Jake lies down beside me. "So Andrea, you got work tomorrow?" Shaq asks yawning "yep" I don't need a job but I've always thought it would be good for me, so I do, I work at a barbershop not too far from my house. I love working at the barbershop its soo much fun I also help out at the disability center on Thursdays and Fridays form 4:00-6:00 but I choose to. I worked at the barbershop on Mondays-Wednesdays we didn't have work today thank god, on game nights my boss Mitch made me come in on Saturday or Sunday which I had no problem with. "Where you work?" Jake asks moving closer to me "the barbershop downtown" he nods "that's cool"


"Her lunch break is 4:30" Shaq declares smiling I laugh shrugging "like he cares"

"It's very helpful" Jake replies hitting my shoulder with his, I do it back. "Well, Jake man you ready to roll out?" Shaq asks sitting up "yeah" he gets up "well Andy we out see you tomorrow I get up following them out the door and down the stairs. "Okay" at the door Shaq gives me a hug and kiss on the cheek after Shaq walks out the door Jake gives me a hug I smile in surprise. "See you tomorrow beautiful" he whispers in my ear, I nod dumbfounded watching him walk to Shaq's car.

"I think I like Jake," I tell my girls on our way to English class the next day Kelly gasps "but you can't, you already go out with Sean" I sigh knowing it was true. "Well as smart as you are I know you'll figure out something," Zia says putting an arm around my shoulders, Sean is writing on the board when we get into the class he smiles brightly seeing me I wink walking back to my seat. Sean and I have been going out since I was in the 10th grade "OK guys today we will be writing an essay on the most important person in your life and why they are the most important, be creative, give me details and it must be two pages, get started" I groan not really feeling the assignment. I take out my cell when he hands out the paper for us to get started I text Sean saying

u always have been bad giving u should do better

I send it putting my cell in my lap ready to start on my essay just at that moment my cell vibrates. A text from Sean saying

am I bad in the bed 2??

I laugh to myself trying to hold it in

Ohh no you're the best I've ever had

I send it. I had already decided that I was going to write about my dad, he's very important to me, I get a text

thought so...want to get my loving 2nite?

I make a pouting face

I would love to but I've got to work.

I start writing, bored out of my mind "pssst" I turn my head slightly looking at Zia she hands me a note smiling just a little it said

I was wondering if you would like to do something Saturday, excuse me if I'm being too forward

I smile looking over at him then I write OK circling it multiple times "Zia pass it back" she narrows her eyes but passes it back and I get a text

Too bad. Now get bck to work before I whoop u

I smile in amusement but I slip it in my pocket and I glance over at Jake who was smiling just slightly.

I head to my car after school "Andrea, wait up" I turn to see Shaq running my way "Hello Shaquille what can I do for you?"

"My hair" I run my fingers through his baby hair "OK, but after I get off work tonight" he grins "can I bring homeboy along?" I sigh rolling my eyes "do whatever you want" I open the door to my car "goodbye Shaq, see you tonight" I drive off going to Dunkin Doughnuts. The thing the guys love most about me at the shop is I'm always bringing them something to eat, After I get 5 boxes of doughnuts I head to the shop, oh and another thing, the guys loved to flirt with me. Once at the shop I take out the doughnuts and my purse, then head inside "There goes my sexy mama right there" white boy Mark yells I smile rolling my eyes "hey guys"

"Hey Andy," they all say together I head to the back. Six dudes worked here Mark, Lawrence, Josh, Walker, K.C, and Mitch, I'm the only girl. I walk back out tightening my smop that I had to wear. "So what's up sexy?" Josh asks as I get to my station that's between his and Mark's "nothing much, chilling, being cool" he chuckles "looking good in that skirt" Mark declares looking at my butt I laugh "thank you, Mark"

"Anytime" I look at the customers and I notice this mixed little boy sitting all alone looking scared. "Hey little man, you want to go get a doughnut so then I can do your hair?" I ask he looks at me through his load of hair, he nods. I hold my hand out and he takes it "awww look at Andy being nice to the little boy"

"Shut up K.C" I look at the cute little boy "my name is Andy, what's yours?" He turns his green eyes on me "Jackson" he sounded so sweet "that's a cute name and how old are you?"

"Six" I hand him the doughnut and we walk back out to my station, he sits down in my chair "Andrea you coming on Sunday?" Mitch asks "if you need me to, I don't have any plans" I look down at Jackson "you want some braids?" He looks around thoughtfully "yes please" he had such good manners. "I wish you guys were as sweet as he is," I say pointing to Jackson "man I'm very sweet, wanna see if I'm sweet in the bed too Andy?" I laugh shaking my head "no thanks Lawrence" I put grease on his scalp beginning to braid "yo, check this out, his brother is white, and he's mixed, weird" Walker declares cutting another man's hair "it happens" Josh says as Mark moves to turn on the radio. The barbershop is big and it was a little packed, most of the guys only came to talk and gossip "maybe we should make Andy our person who brings in snacks K.C says coming from out of the backroom licking his lips, he probably just ate a doughnut. "I thought I already am" I joke as South Dallas Swag comes on, Jackson starts singing it, I was glad that I was already about done with his hair. All of a sudden Jackson jumps up and starts doing the dance I laugh and so does everyone else I mean he was a sight to see. When he's done everybody starts trying to talk to him "OK guys let me finish his hair so when his parents come to get him he'll be ready" Jackson comes to sit back down I give him a high five "nice little man" he just smiles like he's satisfied.

By the time I'm done with Jackson and four other people it's my lunch break "I'm going to lunch" I announce coming from the back with my purse and keys I walk over to Jackson who was on his third doughnut. "Who's coming to pick you up, sweetie?" He shrugs "my brother I think" I really didn't want to leave him here with all these men and he looked like he was starving. "Come on" I hold out my hand, he takes it while picking up his Coogi jacket as we're walking out I almost bump into a running Jake "hey Andy"

"Hey Jake" he looks down and smiles clearly amused "trying to kidnap my brother I see"

"I didn't even know he was your brother, I was just taking him to get something to eat, he's been here for a really long time" I could kind of see the resemblance between the two of them. "You know you shouldn't have left him alone" he shrugs "had things to do, plus it looks like Jack's grown onto you," he says pointing to Jackson who was hugging my leg. "He's my new favorite customer" Jake smiles with a twinkle in his eyes "well I was just going to take Jack to get something to eat, wanna tag along?" I make a face "I would hate to be a bother"

"You wouldn't, I would love to get to know you better and Jackson is attached to you" I chuckle "OK" he smiles that smile that made my insides roll "well let's go" and Jake grabs my other hand catching me completely off guard but I make no move to pull away. "Jakey you left me alone" Jackson mutters from beside me "sorry little man" we get to a gray jeep with Jake's name on the side "nice," I say approvingly " thank you" he goes around opening my door and Jackson's door "thanks"

"No problem, buckle up J Bug" he closes my door and walks to his side. "So where do ya'll want to eat at?"

"Burger King" Jackson yells from the back I laugh "What about you Apples?" I raise an eyebrow looking over at him "nice nickname, it doesn't matter Burger King's cool" we drive with Jackson the only person singing the songs. "Oh Jake your brother had us cracking up in the shop"

"What he do?"

"Man, he was in there dancing and singing to South Dallas Swag" Jake laughs "yeah he loves that song, I taught him how to do the dance so now every time it comes on he does the dance." I chuckle "do you have any other brothers or sisters?"

"Yeah an older brother named Derrick, a younger sister named Kelsey, and a deaf younger brother named Jaylen," I notice him tense up when he mentions his brother being deaf "you know Jake, there's nothing wrong with having a brother that's deaf. Sometimes I work at the disability center and I love it and the kids, they're wonderful and special" he doesn't say anything then he says "I go see Jaylen every day no matter what. I would love for you to meet him and the rest of my family" I raise my eyebrows in surprise "I'd like that" he smiles and nods. We pull up to the drive-through, order our food, and head to the park, once at the park Jackson barely eats all he wanted to do was play. "You are soo beautiful" I blush when Jake says that to me "I mean it, you're sexy as hell" we both laugh, I look at my watch it read 5:00. We better get going" I put my uneaten food in the bag while Jake gets Jackson, then we head to Jake's jeep then to the barbershop "can I stay with you, Andy?" Jackson asks giving me the puppy dog eyes "sure" I say not hesitating to even think about it. "Andy you don't have to"

"I know but I want to, you can pick him up tonight when you and Shaq come over" he sighs shaking his head "OK then." Jackson jumps out of the jeep running into the barbershop "he's going to be in love with you by the end of the week" we both get out and I glance inside the shop to see my co-workers looking at us. "So I'll see you later"

"Yeah" he hugs me around my waist "cant wait" he whispers in my ear as his hands move farther down then he steps back. "Bye"

"Bye" and with that, he gets into his jeep and drives off I walk inside the shop "so that's your new boyfriend?" Lawrence asks twirling Jackson around in his chair, the shop was just about empty which is surprising. "No Lawrence, he's just a friend" I drink some of my tea "yeah, yeah, whatever you say Andy" K.C smirks "ya'll are stupid, go get a girlfriend" they all just laugh.

It's after 8 when I finally leave the shop but Jackson and I go get some ice cream and bubble gum then only do we head to my house my parents are already there. "I'm home" I yell walking into the kitchen with Jackson trailing behind "ooh you brought another cutie home" Destiny swoons sitting beside him I laugh helping Jackson open his ice cream sandwich. "My name's Destiny when you're done you wanna play some video games?" He starts nodding vigorously "cool then" the doorbell rings. "Des can you get that?" She runs out of the kitchen "you thirsty?" He nods again licking his fingers "want some juice, water, or Kool-Aid?"

"Juice" I take out the juice and a cup "hey guys," Shaq says walking in I pour Jackson's juice "what's up?"

"Nothing much," Jake says rubbing Jackson's head "he hasn't been a pain in the butt has he?"

"Nope, sure hasn't, he's a good little boy, and he's sweet" Jackson smiles at me. "So are you ready to go play some games, Jackson?" Destiny asks walking back into the kitchen "yes let's do it" he yells jumping off the chair and leaving out behind my sister. "I think I left my phone in the car, I'll be right back," Shaq says patting his pockets and walking out of the kitchen, leaving Jake and I alone. For a moment neither of us says anything we just look at each other, he was looking so good too, like always, "Andy why are you giving me so much a hard time?"

"What do you mean?" I question drinking some more of my smoothie "I mean, you know I like you so why not be my girl?" I bite my lip to keep from smiling so hard. I knew Jake liked me but to hear him say it gave me butterflies all in my stomach "well I have to get to know you more before I can become your girl"

"So then go on a date with me" he offers walking over to where I am. I wanted to say yes to going on a date but I knew if that happened I'd feel bad because I'm already involved with Sean. Then a part of me wanted to go ahead and tell Jake I'm involved with someone but deep down I don't want him to lose interest because of that, and I don't know what he'd think of me if he knew I was dating a teacher at the school. No one knew about me and Sean except my best friends, I trusted they wouldn't tell anyone, it was important to me that no one else knew about the relationship because I'd die if Sean got into anyone trouble. "I would Jake but I don't know if that's the best idea"

"And why is that? You're not feeling me?" He questions, now he was right in front of me, my heart was pounding so hard and fast in my chest I was sure he could hear it. "You know I'm feeling you Jake" I whisper as he puts one hand on my waist pulling me into his body, he had on some cologne that turned me on as soon as I smelled it. "Then go out with me" he suggests lifting my chin so I'm staring into his blue eyes and just then someone behind Jake clears their throat. We hurriedly pull apart to see Shaq and Michael standing in the doorway smirking at us "just nasty" Michael comments making a face and walking off. "I leave you two alone for 5 minutes and look what happens" Shaq jokes shaking his head "oh shut up," I say moving away from Jake without looking at him, my face was already hot and I knew looking at him would only make it worse. I wasn't trying to get too involved with Jake but he wasn't making it easy for me, I was slowly beginning to want him more and more.

Chapter 3

One thing I hated to be was confused, and at this point, I was past confused. I wanted Jake but I also wanted Sean, they both had everything I wanted in a boyfriend and they both treated me so good. I have a deeper connection with Sean though because I've known him longer, he was my first and only, and I had so much love for him. But on the other hand, Jake makes me feel wanted and he turns me on just by making eye contact, then they're both just so fine. "Hello, earth to Andy" my mom sings snapping her fingers in my face bringing me back to reality "oh I'm sorry mommy" I mumble sipping on my lemonade. We were at the nail salon getting our nails and feet done, a part of our monthly mother-daughter day ritual. She's always so busy with work that she doesn't get to spend a lot of time with any of us, the 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.01.2013

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