Whenever my daughter finds a lizard on the wall, she will scream and move away from that place. Laughing at her, I would tell her they resemble dinosaurs.
I know little boys who will not rest until they kill a lizard spotted on the compound wall. Armed with pebbles, they will chase them to death. Though elders at home warn them of severe headaches or some serious injury, these boys will not stop their hunt of lizards.
It is pity to note that these lizards could not escape from these boys even if they give away a part of their tails. The cats may be decieved with the wriggling tails. But not these boys.
Lizards may help our home to keep away from insects but not from ants. These lizards may eat winged ants but not the ants that go in a non-ending line to a box on the shelf.
As a Hindu, I believe that chirping lizards are holy and auspicious. These lizards with their chirping accompany me early morning in the kitchen. Listening to devotional songs in the morning, I proceed with household chores. These lizards keep me company and help me not to feel lonely at the break of dawn.
Now and then, they chirp from their hiding place and let me know what they think about the thoughts that go through my mind. The direction from which the chirping is heard on particular days of the week will give the prediction.
On Sundays:
East-- fear,
South-east-- evil,
South-- good,
South-west-- opportunity to see relatives,
West-- quarrel,
Northwest-- gain of new cloth,
North-- gain of gems,
North-east-- general gain,
Above-- success, and
ground below-- failure in attempts.
On Mondays:
East-- gain of wealth
West-- reception from king
North-- gain of new cloth
Sky--evil and
Floor-- prosperity.
On Tuesdays:
South-east-- gain of relatives,
North-west-- news from distant parts,
North-- fear from enemies,
North-east-- gain of vehicles,
Sky-journeys, and
Ground-- great gain.
On Wednesdays:
East-- joy,
South-east-- gain of wealth,
South-- bodily sickness,
South-west-- loss of relatives,
West-- fear,
North-west-- loss of wealth,
North-- happiness,
North-east-- want of success,
Above-- good news,
Below-- prosperity.
On Thursdays:
South-east-- good reception from relatives,
South-- gain of wealth,
South-west-- success in all the undertakings,
West-- loss,
North-west-- good news,
North-- failure,
North-east-- good meals, and above or below-rebellion.
On Fridays:
East-- good news,
South-east-- decoration,
South-- visit of relatives,
South-west-- good news,
West-- joy,
North-west-- quarrel and rebellion in the house,
North-- quarrelsome and rebellious words,
North-east-- victory over the enemy,
Above-- gain of things,
Below-- freedom from pollution.
On Saturdays:
East-- good words,
South-east-- gain of wealth and sandal paste,
South-- audience with the king,
South-west-- sickness,
West-- gain of new cloth,
South-west-- relationship with a new woman,
North-- pleasing or agreeable news,
North-east-- fear from thieves,
Above-- failure in attempts, and
Below-- success in everything.
Gauli Shastra, or Gouli Shastram, is a method of predicting future evens based on the sounds made by a lizard. This is an oral tradition and is not based on any books. It is only followed in some regions, especially in South India. Gouli means house lizard and the sounds made by Gouli is seen as omen of good or bad things to come.
Gouli Shastra predictions relating to lizard take into account the following points:
The number of times the lizard makes a sound.
The time at which the lizard makes the sound.
The relational direction from which the sound of the lizard is heard.
They type of lizard that makes the sound.
In case the lizard were to fall on the body of a person, the place where it falls.
The number of lizards that make the sound.
The day and the nakshatra or star on which the sound is heard.
The voice type of the lizard.
Please note that this is purely an oral tradition and so the predictions vary from region to region. There is no uniformity.
Gaulishastra is not followed by majority of Hindus.
Source – Encyclopedia of Hinduism published by India Heritage Research Foundation.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.07.2016
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Lizards that crawl on the wall at home