
Morning walk

“Sex can be very emotional, but remember to look at sex in a practical view too so that it won’t dictate how you think and how you feel emotionally. If you can enjoy a person with or without sex, then that’s a special connection.” - Leo ext. 5265


For Teena, the day started with a loud bang. The clock showed 4 am. After brushing her teeth, she went to the kitchen to drink water. She did not switch on the lights for it may disturb others who were deep asleep. She searched for a tumbler in the shelves. For a few seconds she struggled to spot the tumblers in the shelf. Slowly her eyes got used to darkness and she now picked up a tumbler to drink a glass of water. The glass filled full with water slipped from her hand and fell on the floor making a loud bang. The water from the glass spilled on the floor and the empty tumbler rolled toward the sink making a loud noise.

    “Sh. Why are you making such a loud noise?” Scolding the inanimate tumbler, she bent down to pick the empty tumbler.


“Why did you wake up so early?” Questioning her mother entered the kitchen.

“I am going to the beach today. We will be having the morning turtle walk today.”

“You don’t stay even a day at home. What's the hurry to go now?”

     “Ma, we will be collecting the eggs today and leave them in a safer place.”


Her mother chuckled. “I remember how we all picked turtle eggs from the shore every Sunday. Every week we will go to gather those eggs for our weekend lunch.”


'You ate turtle eggs. So sad. This shows how people are cruel and they only thought about their food.”

“We could not afford to buy any meat from the market. Turtle eggs were available free in the sea shore. So we would go there to get those eggs. Eggs are nutritious for growing children.”

“Hmm. That's something tragic. We are all now struggling to save nature by protecting these helpless creatures.”

“That is long ago. Now I have stopped eating any non-veg food items. I have become a strict vegetarian.”

“That's good for your health and it is also good for the planet where we live.” Teena answered her mother with a smile.


“Will you be coming for lunch? Do you have any plans to eat anywhere?”


“I may be going to Reeya's house. Don't wait for me.” Teena ran down the steps and walked briskly to the sea shore.


The first streaks of sun light lit the eastern sky. To watch the breathtaking beauty of the morning sunrise makes life a gift. The morning sunrise is a breathtaking display of radiant colors. Bright streaks of red, pink, and orange stealthily took over the dark blue and purple of the twilight sky. For her, the sky resembled a prism; all the colors blended perfectly into each other. The sun peeking out of the horizon with its brilliant rays began to shine brightly and warm the air. The glistening reflection of the sun on the ocean brought to her a thrilling feeling of extreme happiness.


Teena expected very few people at that time. But to her surprise the group looked bigger. Little children anxiously gathered to collect turtle eggs. Reeya explained to the group where to look for turtle eggs and how safely they must collect them. The eggs once filled the containers they will be taken to the veterinary college where they will be incubated.


With the plastic shovels they started to dig the shallow sand near the sea shore. At the end of two hours, they were able to collect more than 200 eggs. Local people who came there for their morning walk were surprised to see those collecting turtle eggs. Some of them volunteered to collect eggs.


After serving the volunteers with glasses of lemon juice, Teena and others loaded boxes of eggs into the truck. When Teena lifted the last box of eggs, it slipped from her hands.


“Oh, Stupid” Teena screamed. “Will you please help me?” Luckily the box did not hit on the ground. Yet, some eggs rolled and fell down from the container. The broken eggs splashed on the sand and it spread a nauseating smell in the morning air. Teena could not stand the stench of the eggs. Some of the eggs were partially grown and she looked at them helplessly. Instead of saving those baby turtles she had killed them. The stray dogs that roamed the sea shore came running toward the broken eggs. Within minutes, they snatched a few and devoured them. This sudden turn of event made her sad.


“Teena, look there” Reeya exclaimed.


To everyone’s surprise they could spot some dolphins. The dolphins were swimming close to each other. After five minutes, they spread out. The dolphins leaped high breaking the surface very often and a few of them also spun out of the water.


Teena felt happy to watch the friendly dolphins, which leaped four feet and turned around three times in the air. Reeya told her that they are spinner dolphins. The mammals looked slender with long thin-beak and a distinct stripe connected the long and pointed flippers to the eyes.


Spinner dolphins are commonly found in the tropical and sub-tropical oceans. He also told me that only spinner dolphins can spin several times in the air. They frequently jump high out of the water and spin around like a spinning top. Some scientists believe that the spinning behavior is a way of communicating with the other spinners. It may also show the alertness and communicate the school where they are. This acrobatic jump may also help the spinner dolphins to free their food that can be attached to other large fish.


Morning times are the celebration time for the spinner dolphins as they play together. The spinners touch and rub each other and engage in playful games. They swim underneath one another and move their pectoral fins back and forth. Some spinners hold hands with their flippers and caress each other with their tail flukes.


Spinner dolphins may differ in body size, shape and color patterns. But, in general they have common characters, namely, slender bodies, long and thin beak, small flippers pointed at the tips, and appeared in dark gray, light gray and white colors. Most of these spinner dolphins have white bellies. Spinner dolphins have 45 to 65 teeth, which are pointed in each side of the upper and lower jaws. The spinner dolphin feed on small fishes and squids. The female spinners reach sexual maturity at the age of 4 to 7 years and the male spinners reach maturity at the age of 7 to 10 years. The newborn calves measure 80 cm in length. The female spinner dolphins nurse their calves from one to two years.


After watching the dancing dolphins for more than half-an-hour, the group walked to the local coffee shop. After refreshing with a cup of coffee, Teena started home.


“You promised to come to my home” Reeya reminded.


“Hmm. I will come some other day. Bye.” Without waiting for Reeya, Teena left the place.


Once she reached her home, Teena took her favorite teddy bear and gave it a squeezing hug. After holding it for a while, she felt relieved. Her mood changed and she felt relieved.


“Is this the power of a good hug?”


“Teena, you are back so soon” She knew about Teena and her changing moods and went to prepare lunch.


“I badly need a tight hug” Teena murmured.


Hug. It can be such a wonderful thing that would relieve you from the mental stress and make you feel happy. Whenever they leave for home during their holidays it became a routine practice to hug each other and wish good luck. She definitely missed her close friends. But now, she needed a bear hug. Her lips tweaked a smile.


Where can I go for a warm hug that could set me again with hope? Probably someone who understands me and let me have whatever I want even without asking.


“Who can be my soul reader?” Teena felt worried. “I am now in my early twenties. This is the right time to get a person who can bring my dreams true. Yet, she didn’t want to get into the clutches of an early marriage that may restrict her freedom and prevent her from doing what she wanted to do.


Marriage may bring in the respect and a place in the society. As a free bird she wanted to explore the world and find out the true happiness as a young girl. It may be great to walk holding hand in hand or ride on the pillion of a bike hugging tightly to the shoulders of your beloved. Yet, that may not bring in what she really thought happiness is. Marriage along with the transparent looking freedom may bring in hidden restrictions that may put a hold on anything that she did freely as a young unmarried girl.


Marriage brought changes into the lives of men and women. The society always gave the freedom to men to be as they were earlier. The same society expected married girls to do what it deemed right in the context of the society and family harmony took the first place to rule their personal lives.


All these years she has been concentrating on her studies and nothing deviated her focus of winning the academic goals. After completing her research program successfully from an esteemed university, she started her career as a content writer. It took more than a year to get into the flow of a successful career. Now after getting a hold on her future career, her mind started to look into other areas of interests.


Teena loved nature more, she loved flowers. She loved birds and animals. Baby animals and birds claimed more of her attention and whenever she had the chance to rescue a baby bird or an animal, she became the first one to be the savior.


She let out a deep sigh for she very well knew that would not happen forever.


Wait, what type of hug you need?


She scrolled through her mobile browser. Something picked her attention. A feeble mew from outside reached her ears.


She walked to the kitchen window and peeped outside. Her eyes could not spot the little kitten. The light drizzle suddenly became a downpour. The little kitten hopped on a broken branch of a tree there. The tree stood without leaves and it failed to protect the kitten from the icy cold rain. The kitten shivered in the cold rain and its desperate mews failed to draw anyone's attention. The whole afternoon the kitten clung to the branches of the tree.


Teena after having lunch watched television and even without switching off the television, she fell into deep sleep on the sofa. When she woke up, it was 5:30 pm in the evening and it was raining heavily.


Suddenly she remembered the kitten in the rain. She peeped out of the kitchen window to see the kitten. She could not see the kitten. Teena wanted to rescue the kitten. Yet, she did not want to take the risk of waddling through the muddy water and get bitten by some unknown insects.


Teena switched on the emergency lamp. Unfortunately, the battery was down and she desperately switched it again and again wishing some miracle to happen. For more than 15 minutes she stood watching at the poor kitten. After some futile efforts to save the kitten, the mother cat jumped and sat at the windowsill.


The whole night passed on with the continuous wailing from the kitten. The downpour continued in the morning also. But she could see the kitten in the day light. The kitten shivered in the cold rain but the feeble mew continued. She stood near the wall watching the kitten for a while and went to sleep.


The rain continued next morning also. Teena helplessly watched the kitten shivering in the rain. The rain water drenched its coat and it looked like a shrunken bandicoot.


“Oh, I feel bad. I could not help you.” Teena stood there for a while watching at the kitten. The kitten mewed very feebly as it lost all its strength without having food for the whole day. The ordeal of standing in the slashing rain also weakened the kitten. If this kitten is going to be like this for another two hours, it will definitely die. Teena looked around if she can get anyone’s help. She decided to call her friend and inform Blue Cross about this kitten.


Teena picked her mobile and called Reeya.


“Aunty, aunty” someone called her.


Sipping the tea she peeped out.


A little girl stood there holding the shivering kitten.


“Oh! Who got this?” Teena smiled happily.


“That anna got this” She pointed toward her neighbor. She could only see a person wearing rain coat and hat and walking away from the place. Her neighbor who watched her standing helplessly looking at the kitten, decided to save the kitten before she could ask him. Unmindful of the muddy water, he waded through the water and picked up the kitten. The kitten having lost all its energy did not attempt to jump or run away. It settled peacefully in his hands. The kitten also must have felt relieved that he was at last saved from death.


“Look how he is shivering.” Teena went inside and brought an old towel. The little girl wrapped the kitten.


“Leave the kitten under the windowsill. The mother will come and take it along with her.”


The rain was still drizzling. The kitten closed its eyes and its body relaxed with the warmth from their hands.


Teena felt a shiver go through her. What a wonderful feeling to share! The warmth of my touch could make this little kitten feel relaxed and happy.


Teena wrapped the kitten in the towel and left it under the window sill. Though the rain lashed through, the space protected the kitten from getting drenched in the rain.


The feeling of touch is always reciprocated. The warmth of the blood gave comfort and assured the other to feel relaxed and comfortable. The kitten was shivering all through the night in the rain and in the cold. The soft fur clung to its skin and it trembled in the chill breeze. The dry towel transferred the warmth to the kitten and the shivering stopped for a while. After holding it for a while, she laid it on the window sill and went in to bring some warm milk for the kitten to drink.


“Why did you not take the kitten inside? It is too bad.” Reeya stared at Teena.


“I wished to take the kitten inside. But my mother did not like any animals inside.”


“You must have at least called me.”


“I tried your number. But you didn't attend my call. Leave it, now the kitten is good and now it is playing near the compound wall.”


“But one thing is also important. Usually we must not disturb baby animals or birds unless they badly need help. The nature has given them the strength to come out of any dangers on their own. Yet, it should not be too late. If you feel the mother could not help the baby animal or bird from injuries or death, it is not wrong to help them immediately.” Reeya added.


Reeya loved dogs more than kittens. Yet, she always plunged in to help if she happened to see any baby animals or birds separated and strayed away from their mothers.


One day Reeya was on her way to the office. There was much traffic on that day. All vehicles moved inch by inch. Most of the buses moved crowded. The day was hot and the hot air suffocated Reeya. She moved to the front and stood near the front entrance of the bus. Though the bus was not moving, the evening breeze somewhat relieved her from being sweaty and smell salty. The signal changed to green. Congested without any space to move, everyone wanted to move and be the first to cross that long stretch of road.


Suddenly a bike screeched on the road. A puppy with a wail crossed the road and came directly under the wheels of the bus.


“Stop” Reeya screamed and jumped from the bus which was moving slowly in the traffic. She ran toward the puppy and lifted it. Within seconds it happened.


“Thank god” Reeya kept the puppy in a tight hug. The puppy snuggled closely to her and Reeya could hear the racing heart beats of the puppy, “Stupid. What is the need to rush? You would have killed this puppy” Reeya screamed.


“Hi, Mind your own business” the guy on the riding seat chided and disappeared in the moving crowd.


“Get in” someone called from the bus. Holding the puppy tightly, Reeya boarded the bus.


Every third Sunday, Teena went along with Reeya to a selected place in the city where they would feed stray dogs, birds and cats. Till they started from Reeya’s place it didn’t rain. The day looked bright and sunny. Till noon they were able to feed every stray animal they came across. Around 1 pm in the afternoon, it started to drizzle and within an hour it turned into a heavy downpour.


Teena in a hurry left her mobile at the hostel. She could not call any one in the hostel to inform that she may be late. She wanted them to inform the people at the kitchen that she will be coming for lunch. Reeya’s phone got soaked in the rain and it failed to work. The other people who accompanied them left the place early. Reeya went in search of a public telephone while Teena waited at a stop.


Teena saw a decently dressed guy standing there with his helmet. To escape from the sudden rain, he parked the bike near the shop and stood among other people.


“Excuse me; may I have your mobile please?” Teena requested.


“Sure.” He gave his mobile. Teena called her friends and informed them about lunch. She deleted the number and gave back the mobile to the guy.


“Don’t you own a mobile” the young guy queried her.


“I have my mobile. But it is not a must that I must share my number with you.”


Solomon started to laugh loudly. “No thanks. I don’t need your number.”


Teena frowned at him. “Stupid. You think too much about you. Don’t think are handsome and smart.”


“I never think so. But stupid girls like you always compliment that I look handsome. I don’t want to add one more star from you.”


“Ay, Mr. Go to hell.” Teena chided.


“Don’t think you are now living in paradise. You will turn even a paradise into a hell.” Richard switched on the ignition and started to move. He slowly raised the side windows and looked at her.


“I feel I am safe now.” He smiled at her. “Have you read Fifty shades of grey?” The sudden question confused her.


“Read it first. You may know what guys always expect from girls; but I am not so. I am exceptionally good.”


Teena stood there shocked and his words made her feel nervous and worried.


“I will give back you what you deserved.” She cursed him.


Lovely flowers


One morning the girl at the reception gave her a bouquet of flowers. Teena felt happy to receive flowers in the beginning of the week.


“Who gave these flowers” She enquired.


“The flowers were delivered from the shop.”


“Whoever may be. I am happy.” She kissed those bright colored roses.


“I love roses” she smiled at the bouquet of flowers. She remembered reading an article about gifting flowers to write an article on giving the best gifts to loved ones.


“Whoever it may be; I love flowers in the morning” The flowers cheered her moods and she felt excited and happy.


Teena rushed to take bath as the clocked showed 9 am. She needs to be at the office by 9:30 am. Usually she walked the distance from her hostel to office. It took minimum ten to twelve minutes to reach there. As it was already 9:20 am, she took an auto from the stand.


When the auto reached her office gates she took the five hundred rupee note and gave it to the auto driver. The driver who was already in a bad morning mood barked at her.


“Do you have any common sense? Where I can get the change for this? For fifty rupees you are giving five hundred rupee note!”


“Wait, let me get the change.” Teena walked toward the tea shops at the entrance.


“What do you think about you? Am I to come behind you?” He growled.


“If you want the money please stay there.” Teena replied.


“Excuse me. What’s the problem?” The same guy whom she met on Sunday asked her. As he was wearing the helmet, she could not see his face. In that morning tension, she did not recognize his voice also.


“I need change for to pay the auto. This guy tells he doesn’t have the change.” Teena added.


“No problem.” He pulled out a fifty rupee note from his purse and gave it to the auto driver. With cursing words, the auto driver left the place.


Teena felt embarrassed. Every one watched the heated argument, but no one came forward to help.


“Thanks a lot.” Teena thanked him whole heartedly. If he had not come at that moment, she would have been insulted more.


“Please have changed rupee notes in your purse always. How can you expect a auto driver to have change for hundred rupees in the morning?” He questioned.


“Yes. It is my mistake. Shall I we meet at the food court in the afternoon? I will give you the change at that time.”


“No problem.” He didn’t ask her how she will find him out. But gave her the visiting card and left the place within minutes. Both of them worked at the same building at different floors in different offices.


Teena promptly came to the food court around noon. She wanted to give back the money and tell him thanks.   After reaching the food court, she sat at the corner table with a glass of juice.


As she needs to submit her assigned work at the end of the day, she did not want to linger for long in the food court. She became impatient after waiting for fifteen minutes. She sent a message to his number informing that she is at the food court.


“Hi” Solomon waved from the other end of the dining hall. He had been there for more than fifteen minutes watching her enter into the food court, getting the juice and sitting at the table. Solomon recognized her but Teena did not see his face as he was wearing helmet on the last two occasions. He voluntarily made her wait as he wanted to know her mobile number. When he received the message from her, he waved her to let her know his presence. Teena smiled to herself for she did not message from her mobile but from her friend’s mobile. She knew very well how to deal with guys.


Solomon had already found out her number. Being smart, he knew the way to find out where she stayed and what her mobile number is. Love started to play the hide and seek game with them.

Love dance


“Ma, I am leaving for work” Vel called his mother.


“Try to come early today” His mother replied from kitchen.


“Today I may come late. Don't wait for me” Vel kicked his pulsar and slid smoothly without waiting for his mother's reply.


“Hi” his friend greeted him with a smile.


“Hi, Vikram, what's up?”


“Something interesting, today we will be going on a chartered trip.”


“Hmm”   Both of them did not talk anything for a while. Whenever any chartered trips came to their wing, it was always Vel and Vikram who got the opportunity to go. It always served them better as the trips turned a memorable one for both of them.


“Where are we going today?” Vikram did not reply but started the Volvo after telling his usual prayers.


While returning from the trip, Vikram stopped for a while at a tourist bungalow on the way. Inside the premises of the tourist bungalow an eatery supplied very good elaichi tea with crispy vadas and bond as. Sometimes Vikram and Vel would go on a long ride just to relax. Vel always carried his camera with him so that he could capture moments of surprise on the way. Nature always surprised him with sudden rupture of beauty with colors.   While on duty he could not carry any valuables and during such times he used the camera in his mobile phone to capture perfect moments. Though it came handy, he loved to click pictures with his favorite camera.


Sipping the hot tea, Vel strolled along the entrance. Heavy bushes and trees lined the wall. A huge panneer pushpam tree stood at the corner near the gate. The fragrance of fresh panneer flowers filled the place. Panneer trees bloom at night enriching the air with their fragrance.  


Dusk has set in and the buds from flowering trees started to unfurl slowly letting out their divine smell. Teena walked along with some of her friends to the tree and started collecting the flowers that were strewn around. After collecting a bunch of flowers, they boarded the bus.


Teena took a flower and showed her friends how to play with it. Every one took a flower and started to play it like a flute.   The whole place filled with music that had different shades of tunes and rhythms.


“Stop” Teena screamed at her friends. “This is not the way to play it. So disgusting.”


“Hmm, girls throw it away.” Someone from the team commented. Without waiting for Teena, they crushed the flowers and threw them out.


Teena stared at her friends. “You all lack common sense.”


Vel placed the packet of panneer flowers on the dashboard. The sweet fragrance of the flowers filled the space across the bus.


Tired all the girls in the bus dozed off. For a while there was complete silence in the bus. Teena felt an itching sensation on her right arm and scratched to let it go away. But it didn't go away. It slowly started to spread and she could see swollen red patches on her right hand.


“What happened” Teena wondered.


She sprinkled water on the red patches and tried to cool off the itching sensation. But it didn't stop. Teena felt uneasy as it made her restless. She started to scratch violently.


Reeya helped her to sprinkle talcum powder on the itching areas.


“Oh, my god. What happened to me?” Teena wondered. She tried to recollect what she did while roaming around the trees in the tourist bungalow.


Reeya browsed with her handset and found related information about the itching sensation. Now she remembered the patch of caterpillars on the panneer tree. She then helped Teena to apply lactocalamine lotion on the swollen patches. It gave relief for sometime but it started once again.


The caterpillar is not known for stinging as a rule, but there are some species that do. When you are stung by a caterpillar, the reaction can range from mild tingling, to a severe allergic reaction. A rash will almost always break out at the area of contact with the caterpillar, and it is very important to know how to treat the area. This article will tell you what to do. 1. Utilize some masking tape or other adhesive tape to lift any embedded hairs or bristles from the caterpillar before washing. Just apply the tape over the area, and when you remove the tape, you will remove the hairs.


  1. Wash the affected area very well with regular soap and water. This will help to eliminate any remaining venom from the caterpillar.
  2. Ice the area down well, as this will aid with swelling and pain. If the swelling persists, then contact a physician immediately as this could be a serious allergic reaction.
  3. Take some over the counter allergy medicine to help with the allergic reactions. Anything that you might take for a bee sting will usually work well with a caterpillar sting. Technically, a caterpillar does not sting as it does not have a stinger. It actually delivers venom through the hairs and spines on its body.
  4. Resist the urge to itch the affected area as this will further irritate the reaction. If you cannot keep from itching, then ask your doctor about solutions via a prescription. There are a number of products that can help with the itching.

Read more :


“Can you please check the First Aid box for Avil?” Reeya requested Vel.


Luckily he could find a strip of Avil in the first aid box. He gave her the strip. The tablet relieved her from the itching sensation and the swollen patches stopped to spread further. This spoiled the joyous mood of the trip. No one sang or danced on their return.


“Girls, let us sing some songs and make this trip a memorable one” Teena broke the silence.


“We are ready.” Everyone replied in a chorus. Till the bus entered Chennai, they all had fun singing and dancing on the floor of the bus.


After reaching home, Vel took the panneer flowers and placed them on the shelf. The fragrance of the flowers spread across the room and the peeping moonlight added grace to the space.


Vel remembered how Swetha, his sister loved those flowers. In his native town, every house had a panneer tree. When they all bloomed the perfume lingered strong on the breeze that blew all through the night. He will pluck fresh flowers from the tree and Swetha would always make beautiful garlands. When she could not make garlands, Vel would make big bouquets of the flowers and gave it to the priest at the Murugan temple. After Swetha got married and went to Lucknow, Vel slowly lost interest in collecting panneer flowers every day. He also moved to Chennai to work at the Metro Transport, and his link with panner flowers started to fade away slowly.


Now after a stretch of five years, he could grasp a bunch of his favorite flowers.


“Vel, where did you get these flowers?” His mother questioned.


“Out of Chennai”


“Yes, it must be out of Chennai only. Nowadays we rarely see any flowering trees within the city. Let me make a garland tomorrow.” With a smile she touched the flowers that made her also nostalgic.


“Do you know what happened today?” Serving food, his mother asked.


“What” his mother always started a conversation like that. And he knew finally where it would end. It always ended with her usual queries of his decision to get married.


“Do you still remember her?” the question shocked Vel.


“Hmm” without replying her he continued eating.


“How long should I wait?” With her eyes brimming with tears, she looked at him.


Vel did not want to make her feel broken-hearted.


“Give me some time”


“How long?” Without replying her, Vel washed his hand on the plate and got up.


Tight lipped, Vel walked to the door. Fresh night breeze hit on his face and spread a chill through him.    


Vel met Ramya at a flash mob event. One drizzling evening while everyone stood waiting for their buses to come, the flash mob team arrived at the bus terminus.


A long whistle set the motion. A group of young girls and boys took their position and they all started to dance.


For five minutes the place vibrated with music that made other young girls and boys to join the team. Someone pushed him from behind. Before he turned to see who pushed him, he was among the team of dancers. Initially he felt awkward to dance with his uniform but the tempo of the steps carried him further and he joined the rhythm of steps along with others.


Next day dawned with a surprise. A photo showing him dance along with the flash mob appeared in the front page of all newspapers. The video showing him dance along with the flash mob appeared in the news channels and brought him into the lime light.


“You are such a wonderful dancer” Vel blushed at the compliments he received from every one.


Till he left the terminus at night, Vel encountered with greetings from known and unknown people. Young girls who take the bus to their school or college pointed at him and giggled making direct comments at him. Now-a-days girls are not shy to tell what they think about their male members in the society. With education and the growing confidence, the girls never missed a chance to pass a remark if anyone caught their attention. Be it a girl or a boy, no one escape from their daring remarks.


“What a pose anna!” One bold girl remarked at him.


“Will you dance with us for our annual day function?”


“You dance so well. Are you a dancer?”


“Your movements are so graceful. You are a born dancer.” Vel kept smiling at the compliments and he simply nodded his head for all the questions asked.


After a tiring shift, along with Vikram he was returning home. There was no crowd in the bus and a very few passengers were there. Most of them returning from office dozed off peacefully in their seats enjoying the evening breeze from the sea.


“What made you dance like that man?” Vikram chuckled.


“You know I used to dance at college. I love to dance.”


“Yes. I know. How long it had been!!” Vikram started to think about their college days. At the local college, both of them studied in the same class and as they took History as their main subject, they enjoyed the college days to the maximum. Vel never missed a chance to participate in the competitions. He always emerged as the winner and everyone loved his dance.


“Will you participate in any channel program if you are asked?” Vikram shot the next question.


“Hi, what happened to you? You are making this one a very big issue.” Vel laughed at Vikram.


“Did you watch the girl who danced near you? Both of you make a good pair.” Vikram added.


Vel frowned. Without replying he looked at the moving vehicles. Even at 9 pm, Chennai traffic congested the road. Vikram stopped the bus at the next stop. To their surprise, Ramya boarded the bus.


Ramya sat at the window seat. She didn't remember Vel dancing along with her at the flash mob dance event. She asked for the ticket. Vel looked at Vikram. He smiled at him with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. After giving her the ticket, Vel moved to the front and stood near Vikram.


“Keep your mouth shut. If you talk anything now, it will be end of your day.” Vel hissed at him.


Vikram let out a loud laugh. While he stopped the bus at the signal, he turned around and looked at Ramya,


“Hi, you danced very well.” With these words he turned and started the bus. Ramya could not make out who spoke to her.


“Excuse me” Ramya called Vel.


“Did you ask me anything”? She questioned.


“No” answering her, Vel looked at Ramya. He turned dumb. The bright and beautiful face of Ramya swept his heart and he fell in love with her at first sight.


Friendly feathers

Vel wanted to present Ramya flowers.


The world will not be a beautiful place if it is without flowers. Flowers with their varied colors and perfume tell the human beings that the life is here to live and enjoy life as it is. Flowers have the power to make even a shabby place look as a place worth living. A flower can bring along with it cleanliness, beauty and peace of mind to the place.


According to wikipedia, a flower is a reproductive structure found in flowering plants. The four main parts of a flower are the calyx, corolla, stamen and pistil. The parts of a flower are arranged in a circular pattern called a whorl. Calyx is the outer whorl of sepals. Calyx is green in color and in some plants it looks like a petal. As a collective unit the sepals form a calyx, and the petals form the Corolla.


The corolla is the inner whorl of petals. The petals are thin, soft and colorful to attract insects for pollination. A whorl of stamens consists of a bunch of filaments. Each filament is topped by an anther, in which pollen is produced. The pollen contains the male gametes. The pistil is the female part of the flower. The pistil has the carpel, which is the female reproductive organ of a flower. The sticky tip of the pistil is called stigma and it receives the pollen grains.


The floral structure of every plant is different from the other. The main parts of a flower are described by their position and not by their function. It is surprising to note that all the flowers do not have all the four main parts of a flower. Some flowers lack some parts or sometimes they are modified for some specific function.


The floral formula is used by the botanists to represent the structure of a flower. Specific letters, symbols and numerals are used to describe the structure of a flower. Many flowers are used as symbols with specific meanings. Red roses are considered as symbols for love, beauty and passion. Daisies are considered as symbols for innocence. Lilies are considered as symbols for resurrection and life. Jasmine is also considered as a symbol for love. Orchids are symbols for perfection, and sunflowers are considered as a symbol for infatuation. In Hindu mythology, Lotus is considered as a symbol for fertility, purity and creation.


Red roses: One of the most common flowers to give in a relationship is red roses. These red roses are beautiful and so is their significance. Red roses symbolize love. You can also give your partner pink roses as they signify perfect happiness.

 Orchids: These are one of the most expensive flowers you can ever give to your partner in a relationship. The orchid is beautiful and natural and would resemble your lady loves' beauty as well. Giving your partner orchids mean that you love her and adore her beauty as well.

 Lilies: These humble flowers signify the mere purity and sweetness of your relationship. If you give your partner a bouquet of lilies, you mean that she is simply sweet in nature. 

Red Tulips: To declare your love for the woman you have a crush on, buy her a bouquet of red tulips. These red tulips symbolize 'declaration of love'.

 Peony: If a guy gives you a bouquet of peonies, then you may just have a good relationship and luck coming your way. Peonies symbolize a happy life and a 'happy marriage' if you are married. 

White Carnations: These beautiful flowers are the best you can give to your lady love on any occasion. The white carnations stand for pure love and innocence. These white carnations will define your true love for her.

Lilac: These fun and pretty flowers are loved by any girl, if you are in a new relationship. These flowers are the best to give to your partner. The lilac represents innocence. It is also the perfect flower for the 'honeymoon' stage of a relationship.

 Daisy: When it comes to loyalty, daisies are the right flower to give your partner in the relationship. The daisy stands for loyal love and your commitment to her.

 Forget me not: No matter what the name of the flower would mean, this flower is a must give in a relationship. The 'forget me not' means that you believe in true love and you will be faithful to your partner always.

 Hibiscus: The red hibiscus resembles delicate beauty. You can express the way you feel about her beauty through these flowers. 

Red Camellia: If you want to tell your lady love that she is the flame in your heart. What is stopping you? You can now say it by giving her a bunch of red camellia flowers. 

Daffodil: The daffodil is a precious flower that one can give to their partner in the relationship. The 'daffodil' means that she is the only one for you, for the rest of your life.

Honeysuckle: To seal the bond of love, give your lady love a lovely bunch of honeysuckle flowers. She will love it!

 Oleander: When the flower is given to your partner it resembles her beauty and grace. Give her a bouquet of these beautiful bright flowers and make her happy.

 Chrysanthemum: This flower speaks a lot when it comes to a relationship. If you are stuck in a dilemma and do not know how to confess your love, do it with these flowers. Chrysanthemum flowers tell you that your Love is reciprocated. Source:


The morning busy hours didn’t allow him to think about anything. Every day when he boarded the bus, he always wanted to have a glimpse of Ramya at least once. They rarely see each other. Once in a week she hopped into the bus he was in or he happened to be in the bus which she traveled. Though hours of duty didn’t coincide with their timings, still he yearned to see her at least once in a day. But time played the game. Something are other happened at office, either she stayed back or she left the office early. Though Vel didn’t see her on a particular day, she filled his thoughts and he hopefully expected to see her the next day.


Every day he bought a rose for her; but never got the chance to give her.



Little Monu peeped out of the hole in that huge banyan tree. It has been drizzling from the morning. The mama bird left early when the streaks of dawn started to arise in the horizon. Before leaving she asked the little parrot and her siblings not to come out of their nest. While the rest of the brood kept to their corner relishing comfort of being safe, Monu peeped outside. Its young beaks stiffened in the cold breeze and the young feathers did not protect it from the chillness.


Usually the mother parrot brought more nuts so that they will not starve till the parent birds return. Little Monu wanted to try her luck on that day. She wanted to hop out and see how the world looked. Her curious young eyes watched everything with wonder. She slowly climbed out of the hole and perched on a near-by branch. The thick foliage protected her young feathers from the drizzle. She tapped on the bark of the tree and tested the strength of her beaks.


Slowly she walked till the end of the branch and returned safely to their nest. She kept on walking till her legs pained. Monu stretched her young feathers and flapped them slowly. Her mother has already told that her wings are not strong enough for flying and it may take another week.


Monu stretched her young wings and tried to fly from one branch to the other. She did not succeed in the initial attempts but flied successfully after awhile. The drizzle suddenly started into a downpour and the rain drops hit her like pellets with force. This dampened her young feathers and made her stumble down. Before she could realize what   happened to her, she fell down. The rain soaked her feathers and she struggled to get up from the muddy water that ran around the tree.


“Monu, Monu” her siblings continued to call her. Their feeble voice did not reach her ears and she looked around her. For the first time, her brains realized the dangers of the world. The distance from the ground to her nest looked longer.

Monu dragged her way through the muddy water. The drizzling rain blurred her eyes and she could not clearly see what moved before her. Suddenly someone lifted her from the mud. Two angry eyes of her mother stared at her.   Luck helped her out of danger on that day.   The mother parrot helped her stay safe from the rain. They moved into an abandoned nest at the bottom of a tree and stayed there till her feathers dried.


“Please don't take chances. Next time I may not be near to save you” her mother warned her the next day before she left home to bring them food. A week went off without any events. Monu never missed a chance to peep out of their nest and examined their surroundings. She would rush in if she listened to any sound that warned her safety.


The little parrots were all grown up. Their wings were stronger and they were ready to fly. The mother parrot helped them to collect food from the nearby places and they returned immediately without staying longer.


One weekend her siblings hopped together in a garden nearby picking up walnuts. Monu felt bored. She wanted to explore the sky and see the space beyond their living place.


“Mom, shall I fly till that fence and come back” Monu asked.


“Be safe. I saw some hawks flying in the morning sky” Her mother warned.


“Thanks, Mom. I will be safe.” The freedom thrilled her. Monu flapped her wings and started to fly high in the sky. In the fence, she saw red colored fruits. She landed in the middle of the heavily grown climber and started to eat heartful. Those fruits are their favorite. Next to walnuts, Monu loved to eat those fruits.


In the morning light, Monu watched a shadow that lingered for a while above her. A hawk. A shock went through her.   Her mom warned her about hawks and now she could see one right above her. Monu hid herself in the thick foliage of the climber. The shadow slowly moved away. Monu hurried through the remaining fruits. 


“I will come and eat tomorrow” Monu hopped out of the foliage and started to fly. Moving her wings fast, she hurried forward.


Half-way through before she reached their home tree, a shadow lingered once again above her.   Monu looked around. No birds were there. Flocks of birds seen eating on the ground, bushes and on tree branches disappeared suddenly. Not even a single bird.


“Oh, my god” Monu started to flap her wings wildly.  


“I must escape from that hawk.” But the hawk was keen on getting her prey for the day.   Monu, the little parrot looked to be an easy target for her. The hawk followed her stubbornly with the speed of a heavy wind.   Monu desperately wished she would escape from the thick talons of the hawk. In the grip of those tough talons that day may turn to be her last day.


Monu rushed her way to reach the safety of her nest. But things took a bad turn. The hawk persistently chased her and Monu deviated from the way that took her home. She moved far away from the thickly grown trees and reached the highway that bustled with traffic. Monu saw the moving traffic that congested the highway. In her attempt to escape from the hawk, she decided to get into one of the vehicles that moved on the road. She entered through the entrance of a moving bus and landed literally on Vel's lap.


Vikram applied the brake suddenly and it jerked everyone in the bus. Vel looked at the little parrot on his lap. Monu struggled to move away from him but slipped and fell down at his feet.


Vel picked the parrot and examined her feathers. The parrot trembled at his touch. The beady eyes helplessly looked at him. To pacify the trembling parrot Vel cuddled it to his chest. He tried to comfort the bird with his warm touch. He stroked the bird with his fingers.


Though Monu struggled initially she slowly gained confidence. She relaxed for a while with her eyes closed. The racing heart beats retold the chase of the hawk and how she luckily managed to escape from the hawk’s cruel talons.  


Human Touch is Powerful

There is nothing that compares to the feeling of holding hands, a soft cheek against your own or the power of a warm embrace. Human touch is extremely important to our mental, physical and spiritual well-being as it offers us the opportunity to feel love, care, affection, warmth, kindness and compassion from others. Not many of us know this, but our skin is our largest organ and it is very responsive and sensitive. Human touch can offer us reassurance when we feel lost and confused and it can be healing when we are experiencing mental or physical pain. The touch between humans is something so powerful and it can help in a variety of situations. Discussed below are five major benefits of human touch. What has human touch done for you?


Reassures and Comforts

The need for human touch does not fade as we grow older. Babies and the elderly appreciate human touch, as does everyone in between these age groups. By simply holding someone’s hand or cuddling, you can give the gift of love and nurturing. People who are given cuddles, hugs and kisses on a regular basis feel reassured and comfortable. They tend to be more at ease and feel as though things will be okay.

Aids in Relaxation and Stress Relief

Human touch relaxes us and relieves stress. Anyone who has ever had a massage knows this. If you’ve had a hard day at work, asking your partner to rub your shoulders will make you feel better. You can literally feel the stress and tension melting away.


Builds Confidence

When someone touches you in an affectionate way, it makes you feel good about yourself. A pat on the back for a job well done lets you know that someone’s proud of you. A lover’s embrace means someone finds you attractive. Human touch builds confidence.


Shows Love

Some people are not good at expressing how they feel about someone. They can’t say they love them, but they use human touch to show them. Whether it’s holding hands, kissing or making love, human touch is a way to physically express love without having to talk about it.


Promotes Healing

Human touch promotes healing. It increases the number of immune cells in the body which promotes the healing of various physical and mental ailments. Human touch also improves behavior.


Human touch is something that everyone needs. It has phenomenal healing properties and can deeply affect an individual’s experience of life in a positive way. When in doubt, reach out and touch someone you love.


Vikram smiled at Vel. “Buddy, you got a new friend”


“Yes. I am planning to take it home.” Vel loved birds. He already has some love birds at home. He loved listening to their continuous love talk. Though his mother did not like him rearing birds at home, they relieved her monotony of being alone. After every one left for work, she stayed alone at home. Those love birds gave her the company. Cleaning their cages, feeding grains and changing their bowls with clean water became one of her routine work but she enjoyed doing it every day. Everyone at home welcomed Monu with a smile. Yet, Monu missed her family and the dense trees that made her original home.


Vel never encouraged having birds in cages at home. He felt that it curtailed their freedom and forced them live in a prison. Though the walls provided them safety and food without dearth, the lack of freedom made everything a big zero.


“Be at home till you are grown. Then I will let you go and explore the wide sky. Now you are so small and you need my protection.” Every day Vel spent his leisure time with Monu. Though the love birds were kept in a cage, Vel allowed Monu to roam around the home after he closed all the windows and doors. He did not want to let him accidentally into the open space and risk her life. So many stray cats and dogs roamed around his home, and any day Monu could end up as their food.


“Don’t let me feel guilty.” Vel kissed Monu before going to bed. Monu always slept near his bed and he wanted to provide her a secure home. But when moon rays peeped through the open windows, Monu always wanted to go out and see how the world looked during day and at night. Every month, Vel took her to the pet doctor and provided all the luxury a bird would love.


Vel taught Monu to speak small words. Gradually, she learnt to talk small sentences. Whenever Vel arrived home after work, Monu would flap her wings and would welcome him with a loud “I love you da.” The words cheered him always and he felt elated every time Monu spoke those words.


The little children who visited his house looked at the parrot with wonder. Monu loved their company. Vel never allowed any one to touch her for he felt someone might hurt her. Monu became so much attached to Vel that she started to be so possessive of him. She never allowed anyone to come near him or even put a hand on his shoulder. Vel’s friends laughed at this possessiveness and they sometimes mocked at him saying that Monu may turn out to be her love mate.


One evening on a Sunday every one sat watching a movie in the television. Monu sat cracking some nuts from her dish. A company of parrots flew and sat on the top of the guava tree in their neighbor’s house. The screeching sound of parrots reached Monu through the windows. The natural instinct triggered her curiosity and within seconds she flew out of the window. Monu perched on a branch of the guava tree and looked at the parrots. Their shiny red beaks made her feel at home and she reached them with her brisk walk. The evening breeze caressed her shining feathers and she yearned to be one among them.


“Come with us.” One of the parrots invited her. “We will explore the world. It is exciting to fly in the sky.” Monu accepted their invitation. But before she flew away, she flew into the house through the windows. She perched on Vel’s shoulder for a while and looked at him. With her beaks she kissed on his cheek and flew away to join her company.


“Why did you let it go?” Vel's mother questioned.


“Ma, she must be with her company only. Don't worry, she will come back” Vel replied calmly.


Love mate


In the evening, the rain started with a drizzle. But it gradually increased and when Vel returned home he had to wade through flooded streets. Her mother sat at the door for him.


“Ma, how many times I have asked you not to wait. Why are you standing here in the rain?” Vel parked the bike and ran on the steps to escape from the rain.


“Hmm, Get married. Then I will not worry you.” Vel finished eating quickly to avoid further conversation. Such a conversation always ended with her mother crying silently and she will not sleep till late night. To avoid such scenes, he sat near the window reading a weekly magazine. The street light burned brightly and lit the street like day. He preferred to read in that light for everyone at home were deep asleep.


Suddenly he could hear ruffling sound of feathers. In the dark he could not see any birds. But he could hear the sound. Monu always ruffled her feathers after her morning bath in the round tub at the balcony.


“It is raining so heavily. Where will she be?” Vel could not read more. The love birds in the cage cuddled together in a corner and slept peacefully. Birds once they started to live with the humans, they are made to live a comfortable life and there was never a moment of struggle to get their food.


Though the birds in captivity lacked the real life skills, why men continued to rear them as their pets? To his knowledge, ornithologists always encouraged silent bird watching and Vel doesn't know in particular if they encouraged having birds as pets at homes. Birds always fascinated Vel and he loved to go for bird watching along with his friends during summer vacation. He enjoyed going for trekking with the local club friends and till now has enriched memories of those wonderful days.


After he came to Chennai, he could not think about trekking and birds. Work occupied most of his time and he spent his leisure time with colleagues who always preferred to go for a film during weekends. His mother insisted having birds at home for she felt lonely after everyone went for work. Birds were a better company to her for she didn't like watching television throughout the day.


Next day Vel had a tough time traveling in water logged roads. The road congested with snarling traffic tested his patience and when his shift ended he felt drained and exhausted. He just wanted to go home and sleep.


“Hi, do you mind coming with us for trekking next week?” Balaji inquired. “Ok, ok” without waiting for his reply, he left the place in a hurry.


Suddenly thoughts about Monu preoccupied him, and he wished Monu would come back to him. He wanted to know how safe Monu was and where he stayed.   Vel did not fail to remember that the world is a vast place and definitely Monu will have a safe place to sleep at night. As a modern man we may not know the comfort of sleeping on a tree protected by its leaves and branches. But early man lived on trees and caves only. Nature as a mother has its own way of protecting all living things in this world. Let it be a cat or a dog or a bird, nature provided a safer place where they can sleep at night.


Deep thinking always brought in numerous thoughts into his mind. A small thought precariously branched into too many thoughts and they pressed his brain bringing in numbness. Though he meditated every day before starting for the day, sometimes he could not escape from feeling so isolated and depressed. As his mother tells him getting married could be a solution for all these types of useless thoughts. To escape from all these mishaps Vel decided to take a break and go for trekking along with his friends.


Till they boarded the train to Coimbatore, Vel did not know where they will be going for trekking. Usually his friends preferred to go to some places where they can take bath in the water falls and have good food and rest. They never wanted to strain much by trekking or enjoy some feats of real adventures.


This time it was quite a surprise for him for they decided to go for trekking. But the plans changed as usual.


“Anna, we are all going to theosophical society at Adyar today. Will you please drop me?”


When Swetha asked him, he decided to spend the day with her.


Around 8 am they reached Theosophical Society at Adyar. Swetha’s friends greeted her in chorus.


“Hi, Swetha! Is this your brother? Will you please introduce him?” A bold voice requested Swetha with a giggle.


“I wish you should not get slapped by him.” Swetha mocked at her.


“Don’t think too much about him. Ask him to take off the helmet. Let us see how handsome he looks.”


One more girl teased Swetha.


“Hmm. A beautiful sister will have a handsome brother only.” Swetha replied.


But he was not in a mood to flirt with those young girls.


Vel called her sister around noon.


“Come for lunch at Nadhinee Sweets.”


“No, we will have some sandwich and milk shake at Aavin parlor. It will be good there.” Swetha replied.


“You saved my money. Come home yourself after lunch.” He left the place immediately.


“Anna, anna” Swetha screamed at the phone but he didn’t answer anymore.


When Swetha roamed around the vast space inside the campus, Vel was also there. But he was on the other side of the campus. The place looked to be the right choice to spend time alone.


The meditation hall inside the campus looked cool and solacing. Vel could see some foreigners doing meditation. The vast library with the good collection of books opened every day for public. Yet, a very few came over there to ponder over the wealth of books.


To his surprise Vel noted many species of birds inside the campus that could not be seen anywhere in the traffic congested areas of the city.   He saw many green colored parrots at the banyan tree. They reminded him of Monu. Vel decided to spend the entire evening over there until the security guard asked him to move out.


In the library he came across so many interesting books about life. There were so many books on philosophy written by scholars. He sat there reading for more than one hour. Vel decided to come there at least once in a month.


While walking back to the entrance, he saw many kinds of birds that cheered him with their dialogues. He once again remembered Monu and his eyes literally searched for her among the green trees over there.


One morning Monu suddenly appeared at the drawing room window. She sat at the window sill for a while and flew into the room and sat near Vel who was reading a newspaper. From that day onwards Vel could see a change in the behavior of Monu. When he came home, she constantly talked to him.


Sometimes you just get a hen that is determined to mate. The hen chooses you to be this “mate.” You are now the recipient of nasty bites whenever you get too close to another human being. Basically, your roommate, spouse, or other family member becomes a threat. The jealous little hen will bite you to make you move away from them. Sometimes the hen will become aggressive toward the family member and suddenly lunge out to bite them when they stand or sit next to you. Obviously this is a serious problem and can make everyone in the home miserable.


The first step is to re-set boundaries and dominance. Generally, hens need a very strong-willed owner. Lovebird hens are very territorial when hormones are raging and they will attack if they feel their “nest” or “mate” is threatened. It isn’t pleasant to have their little beaks sink into your flesh.


Sometimes this problem can be managed by having the “threats” handle the bird more often when the “mate” is not home. You will often find that when a lovebird hen overly bonds to one person, they are only aggressive when they are in the presence of that person. By spending time with the bird when they do not have to focus on protecting their mate, the other family members can forge a stronger bond with the bird.


When we talk about parrot puberty we are talking about when the animal becomes sexually mature. The age that this transition takes place varies from species to species and can vary according to the animal’s gender as well.


Most parrots go through a significant personality change as they become sexually mature, some of these changes are temporary and only occur during breeding season (which also varies from species to species). In the wild, parrots who want to breed will have to find and defend their nesting spots. In captivity they may become aggressive and territorial.


Parrots pair up with a mate during breeding season and if your bird doesn’t have another parrot to fall in love with, he just might fall in love with you. Parrots that are never exposed to other parrots during childhood can become sexually imprinted to humans which means that they will think they are supposed to mate with people and can actually reject other parrots as potential mates.


If your bird falls in love you, he (or she) may become extremely aggressive toward other people and may do strange things with you. Love struck parrots regurgitate food and offer it for you to eat, they may also try making love with your hand or pressing their back up against you inviting you to mate.


Be careful not to sexually stimulate your parrot by touching your bird around the vent and lower back, encouraging your bird to regurgitate food for your, or letting your bird rub itself on you. If you stimulate your bird, the bird’s attraction to you will solidify and things can get really strange really quick. Can you say awkward?

If a female is over stimulated she can lay eggs which can be a horrible health risk. The eggs won’t be fertile but they still take a lot of energy to produce and your parrot can suffer and even die from malnutrition.


Sex is confusing for a captive bird and sexual frustration can cause your parrot to display a wide range of behavior problems from screaming to feather plucking. Be patient with your poor little bird. He’s confused and you would be too if you were taken away from your kind at birth without ever truly understanding what type of animal you were.


Sexually related behavior problems can be fixed with careful training or by simply waiting them out. Parrots tend to calm down when breeding season ends. If you keep your bird active and well socialized with a large group of people, he or she can be mentally healthy and fairly friendly even through these difficult times.


Adult parrots, those who have been sexually mature for several seasons, tend to calm down as they age. Many people report that their adult birds don’t like to travel or try new things the way they used to when they were young. If they have been properly socialized they can become very docile and loving. Old and well tamed parrots can still be a bit unpredictable but tend make fairly good family pets or visitors to schools and hospices.


In captivity some species of parrot can live to be 80 or 90 years old. In the wild a bird will almost never reach this age, as soon as they become slow they will be picked off by a predator. In captivity that risk is usually not around so make sure you are prepared for a lifelong pet before you take a parrot into your home. Many birds will outlive their owners so make sure to have a second care taker inline for the day that your body returns to dust of this good earth. Enjoy your time with your little feathered friend. You and your parrot will have your ups and downs, your frustrations and your laughs, your times of peace and your battle wounds. It’s all a part of parrot keeping. If you hang on tight you’ll eventually learn to love it all! (Source:

Dancing tunes


The group reached Mahabalipuram at dawn. Darkness lingered and the sun reluctantly sent the light rays to brighten the day. Ramya felt sick and she did not want to be included in that dance schedule. That is the first time she got the opportunity to be the lead dancer in the song and she did not want to miss it.   Though she danced gracefully, she always got the place at the back row. Whenever she danced at the school day celebrations, everyone wanted her to be the lead dancer and she took the centre stage.   But life taught her a different lesson.


Life forced her to accept whatever role that came in as her earnings became a must at home. Her father fractured his right leg severely in an accident and had been bed ridden for more than six months. After prolonged treatment, now only he is returning back to normal. Though he wanted to move out and earn for his family, doctor restricted his wandering within home. Though he felt heartbroken to run the family with Kayal’s earning by dancing in commercial films, he was forced to accept it. The team looked after Ramya very well and she never felt out of home. She enjoyed the warmth of love in a protective environment. Though society sneered at the lives of dancers, Ramya didn’t know anything about the darker side of their lives. In the evening after she reached home, she never wasted her time and she diligently prepared for her university exams.


For the past ten days, she had been preparing for her undergraduate exams. Though she had been constantly reading her lessons, it was tough to read through the entire book in a day. If she had been regular to the college, things would have been different. As she appeared for the exams through distance education, she had to struggle alone. Yet, she tried to do the exams well much to her satisfaction.


Ramya had to join the team immediately without relaxing for a while and take rest after spending long hours reading for exams. While walking to their cottage, Ramya fainted and fell down unconscious.


The Production Manager much worried about the schedules told her bluntly to go home. “No one here has the time to take you and leave at home. If you are sick why did you come here? I will let you know tomorrow.” He threw a hundred rupee note at her and asked her to leave the place.


Vanaja not worried about her heavy make-up took her in an auto and helped her to sit comfortably in the bus. She requested Vel to help her take an auto once she reached her place. It turned out to be a pleasant surprise for Vel to see Ramya there.


“Are you not well?” Ramya nodded.


When the bus left Mahabalipuram after ten minutes, Vel could not hide his excitement. He wanted to make use of that precious forty minutes and know more about Ramya. Frail looking Ramya evoked pity and he could not control the sudden urge to embrace and comfort her. Looking at Vanaja he understood she has been there for a commercial film shooting. Most of the time during his official trips to Mahabalipuram, he had watched many shootings going on. Initially he was also much interested in joining the crowd to see the film actors and others. But gradually he lost interest as he was mostly there officially.


Sometimes he came across dance rehearsals at noon on the hot sands of the sea shore. He always felt pity for those dancers who danced on the hot sand without wearing any shoes or slippers.   Once he watched some female dancers applying coconut oil to cool off their burned feet.   He wanted to ask Ramya why she was there at that time and what connection she had with the commercial film shooting.   A sense of possessiveness took him over and he wanted to wake up Ramya and ask her what made her come there.


Till they reached the terminus, Ramya did not wake up from her sleep. She wanted to keep herself awake but she could not control. If she had danced in that schedule she would have got five thousand rupees which would have solved most of the financial problems at home. She took a month break from dancing as she wanted to clear her exams in the first instance. To enable the month long break without any financial problems, she saved some money at the bank. That money helped her to stay at peace and focus on studying for her exams.


Ramya planned to take rest at least for a week after her exams. But when they asked for her availability in the upcoming schedule, she immediately accepted it. The next schedule will start only a week later and she could not avoid feeling bad about it.


“Hmm, what to do, I need to be at home for another week” Thoughts went wild and made her feel tired at heart.


“Will some miracle happen to save our family from these misfortunes?” Ramya questioned. Now not well, with her health condition frail, she felt lost and could not control her tears. With her eyes closed, tears rolled down on her cheeks.

The morning breeze dried them away quickly, yet Vel didn't miss those tears. He wanted to ask her what pained her heart and tell her he was there to comfort her. A sudden urge to help her feel lighter made him also feel lost at heart for a while.


As promised to Vanaja, Vel helped her to get into an auto and reach home safely.


Ramya feebly thanked him and left the place even without looking at his face.


For the first three days of the week, Ramya spent her time mostly sleeping. Her mother prepared nutritious food to nourish her and bring her back to normal health. On the fourth day, she felt normal and helped her mother in the kitchen.


“Hi, Ramya, How are you?” Vanaja called her around 8 pm in the night.


“I am good akka. How are you? Where are you now?” Ramya sounded normal.


“Here in Chennai only. Next week we have a schedule once again at a resort near ECR. Can you join us”?


“I am waiting to join you all.” Ramya felt relieved and happy. Dancing again will definitely bring her spirits back and it will help her to feel better.


Ten minutes later she got a call from her friend Divya who wrote exams along with her at the University.


“Ramya, how are you? I heard you were not well.”


“Now I am ok now Divya. What is the news?” Ramya asked.


“Tomorrow we are all going for an interview at a new TV channel. Are you interested?” She enquired.


Ramya immediately agreed for it would be great to enjoy their time together after writing their exams. It turned out to be a celebration of their successful completion of the course. At the end of the day to her surprise, Ramya got the appointment letter that appointed her as the Junior Program Executive. Divya also got a position in the administrative wing and both of them felt good for they will be working together and they can see each other every day.


While they were returning home, they could not stop giggling. Ramya felt so happy that she never expected such a change to happen so soon in life. Though she loved to dance, her father didn't want her to be in commercial films. Dancing in films also required talent and grace, yet the society did not give them their credit. People never stopped talking behind them and pass unnecessary remarks. The lifestyle of dancers was always queried for most of them had a struggling career and the severe competition lead to back stabbing and cheating. You can never believe the person next to you for anyone could turn against you and make you suffer at your own cost.


But she still had fond memories of being a dancer. She remembered the day when she participated in a reputed program in one of the television channels. The appearance at programs brought her numerous opportunities to dance as a child artist in films. As she was the youngest in the team, everyone protected her as their own sibling and she never felt anything different other than being at home with her parents. Her father decided not to allow her to appear in films when she entered her teens. Unfortunately her father met with a severe accident that left him bed ridden for months. Her mother could not opt for any work as he needed her constant attention. Unwillingly he allowed her to take up all assignments that came in her way. She never stopped going to school and her father was particular that she did not mess up her education with the dancing career.


Every day until she came back from any shooting schedule, he was restless and after she reached home he pestered her with too many questions to assure her safety and find out if anyone misbehaved with her. Initially she felt irritated to hear the same questions again and again every day. One day when one of her fellow dancers explained her why he enquired so, she promised herself that she will never go astray.



Love heart

It has been more than six months Ramya started to work as a Junior Program Executive. This designation brought her recognition and happiness in her life. Having been a dancer, she could understand the nuances of dance and she played a major role in organizing dancing events for children and young adults.


As a dancer she knew to express different emotions expressively. She did not fail to watch Vel and see how his face beamed with happiness whenever she boarded the bus.   Her heart also understood the love signals from Vel. But Divya always teased her and she enjoyed watching the silent exchange of emotions between them.


“How he flirts with young girls in the bus!” Divya teasingly exclaimed at Vel.


Ramya frowned at her. “Will you stop talking like this?”


Divya grinned. “Today only I read an article on body language. I think I can cross verify with him if they are true.”


“Please stop now. Otherwise.” Ramya pinched Divya.


“Ouch. What is this” Divya screamed. Vel turned and looked at their friendly squabble. Ramya blushed and looked away through the window.

Body language refers to the nonverbal signals that we use to communicate. According to experts, these nonverbal signals make up a huge part of daily communication. From our facial expressions to our body movements, the things we don't say can still convey volumes of information. According to various researchers, body language is thought to account for between 50 to 70 percent of all communication. Understanding body language is important, but it is also essential to remember to note other cues such as context and to look at signals as a group rather than focusing on a single action. Learn more about some of the things to look for when you are trying to interpret body language.

Facial expressions are also among the most universal forms of body language. The expressions used to convey fear, anger, sadness, and happiness are similar throughout the world. Researcher Paul Ekman has found support for the universality of a variety of facial expressions tied to particular emotions including joy, anger, fear, surprise, and sadness.

The eyes are frequently referred to as the "windows to the soul" since they are capable of revealing a great deal about what a person if feeling or thinking. As you engage in conversation with another person, taking note of eye movements is a natural and important part of the communication process. Some common things you may note is whether people are making direct eye contact or averting their gaze, how much they are blinking, or if their pupils are dilated.

When evaluating body language, pay attention to the follow eye signals:

  • Eye gaze When a person looks directly into your eyes when having a conversion, it indicates that they are interested and paying attention. However, prolonged eye contact can feel threatening. On the other hand, breaking eye contact and frequently looking away may indicate that the person is distracted, uncomfortable, or trying to conceal his or her real feelings.
  • How To Flirt With Your Eyes
  • Holding eye contact with someone you find appealing for approximately five seconds is well-used flirt tactic, mostly because it is highly effective, although its ease and simplicity of use doesn't hurt. According to the book, "The Definitive Guide of Body Language," by Alan and Barbara Pease, the person initiating the flirt will - on average - need to lock eyes three times before the flirt recipient catches on.
  • Blinking Blinking is natural, but you should also pay attention to whether a person is blinking too much or too little. People often blink more rapidly when they are feeling distressed or uncomfortable. Infrequent blinking may indicate that a person is intentionally trying to control his or her eye movements. For example, a poker player might blink less frequently because he is purposely trying to appear unexcited about the hand he was dealt.
  • Pupil size One of the most subtle cues that eyes provide is through the size of the pupils. While light levels in the environment control pupil dilation, sometimes emotions can also cause small changes in pupil size. For example, you may have heard the phase "bedroom eyes" used to describe the look someone gives when they are attracted to another person.

How To Flirt By Preening

There are many, many ways one groom themselves in public in a flattering yet flirty way, depending on your gender. Ladies can try some hair stroking, posture enhancing, neck exposing, hip tilting (if standing), clothes straightening or lip licking - all with the intention of calling attention to her attractiveness. Men can also straighten their clothing, lick their lips or fix their hair, but they should also include things like hooking their fingers into their pants (if standing), suck in their stomach, or take deep breaths to increase the size of their chest. For both men and women, try to use preening body language that shows off your best features while enhancing what makes you, you.

How To Flirt With A Smile

There are few things better than receiving a genuine, radiant smile from a stranger, yet many people don't respond to them as a flirt tactic. Therefore, use your smile in conjunction with the other body language ideas listed in this article to ensure whomever you've got your eye on realizes a flirt is your intention.

How To Flirt By Pointing

No, not by using your finger silly. Instead, try to 'point' at the person you want to flirt with by moving your body towards them. Take your feet and make sure they are facing your flirt target, and use your shoulders to lean into them - even if you aren't speaking with them. Other ideas include facing your shoulders towards them or 'closing off' a space just for the two of you (such as crossing your legs towards each other).

How To Flirt Using Touch

Look for opportunities where you can touch the person you want to flirt with, either 'accidentally' or otherwise. Shaking hands is an excellent flirt tactic, because not only does it place your hands together (which conveys a "higher level of intimacy" according to Alan and Barbara Pease), but it is easy way to combine flirting with an introduction. You could also try carefully and casually placing your hands on the person's arms to very gently 'move' them so you can pass by on your way to the bathroom, or lightly tap their arm while sharing a laugh. And if you aren't quite comfortable touching the person you want to flirt with quite yet, you can try mimicking their movements for a short period of time


A silent bond slowly grew between them. A silent exchange of glances told how much they loved each other. Every day after Ramya climbed down the bus at the terminus, Vikram smiled mischievously at him and asked how things are going on and when will they break their silence?


“Mind your own business” Vel grimaced.


“Yes. Not only me, all people watched you. Day by day you glow in love.” Vikram chuckled.


“Tell your love soon. Otherwise someone may come and snatch her away.” Vikram stressed.


Vel believed that type of energy exchange occurs between individuals. The concept has not yet received the acceptance from the scientists of the world due to the absence of a possible mechanism to describe this energy and show how it facilitates the exchange of energy. He knew that the heart generates the strongest electromagnetic field for he could feel the strong vibration of positive energy whenever he is surrounded by well wishers and loved ones. He experienced higher energy levels whenever Ramya stepped into his thoughts. The frequency of wavelength between them resembled and a sound sense of satisfaction leapt him without his will.


Is there a connection between the same frequency level and the palpitation of the heart? Why should my heart beats go fast as if they want to jump out of my ribs and feel her love beats? Vel could not tell how Ramya also felt. Though he wanted to know how she felt, he did not have the courage to take the first step and get it acknowledged.


The heart has been considered the source of emotion, wisdom and courage for years. It is interesting to know the physiological mechanisms by which the heart communicates with the brain and influences information processing, perceptions, emotions and health. It is not yet easy to answer questions such as “Why do people experience the feeling or sense of love and positive emotional state at heart and what are the physiological processes of these emotions? How do stress and different emotional states affect the nervous system, hormonal and immune systems, the heart and the brain? All these years, we may have experienced with different psychological and physiological measures. Yet heart rate variability or heart rhythms stood out as the most dynamic and reflective of inner emotional states and stress.


It is clearly understood that negative emotions lead to increased disorder in the rhythm of the heart, and in the nervous system which adversely affected the rest of the body. Positive emotions created increased harmony and coherence in the heart rhythms and improved balance in the nervous system. If there is disharmony in the nervous system it leads to inefficiency and increased stress on the heart and other organs. Harmonious rhythms are more efficient and less stressful to the systems in the body. When specific techniques are applied that can increase the consistency in the occurrence of rhythmic patterns of heart rate. A shift in perception increases ability to reduce stress and deal more effectively with difficult situations. A heart acts as though it had a mind of its own and it profoundly influenced the way we look at the world and respond to the world. The heart affects both intelligence and awareness. (Source: The Institute of Heart Math (IHM) Research Center)


Ramya did notice Vel but she didn’t want to encourage and get into conflicts. Having been a part of a film world that reeled with infatuation and absence of any emotional bonds, she didn’t want to take the risk of getting into unnecessary problems. Ramya knew that her father may not like it or encourage her love. After seeing her going for a regular job, he felt calm at heart. He never pestered her with bothering questions and allowed her to do what she liked. Ramya did not want to spoil this positive environment at home and she wanted to see her parents happy and satisfied. She just wanted some more to take a decision and she also wanted her father to accept whatever decision she took regarding her married life.


Vikram dropped Vel on his way home. Vel got down at the main road and started walking toward his home. Though it was past midnight, he didn’t feel anything scary as he often traveled to distant places at night. He had heard so many stories about ghosts from his colleagues who were driving night buses. He crossed the house that stood at the corner of the street. The doors and windows were locked. The main gate of the house lacked a lock and that allowed people easy entrance into the front yard. Some guys turned that space into a drinking bar and they made it as a regular meeting place to share their drinks. Rarely some men come along with girls and they would go to the back yard and spend their time there. The empty vacant land laden with bushes sprawled near the house and so there was no interference from any nosy neighbor also.   The abandoned house turned to be a favorite place for ghosts and those drunken men at night.


But, whenever he walked past that particular house on the main road, uneasiness gripped him. With their gates locked, doors and windows shut, the house gave an eerie look. Though the locked space gave way for antisocial elements to rejoice and during the hours after midnight agitated souls from the nearby cemetery roamed around. Heavily drunk men sometimes didn’t leave the space and they slept through the night. They often had unaccounted recollection of wild memories of being dragged and kicked from the place where they slept. No one could give an elaborate account of what happened but had vague memories of apparitions that roamed the place.


Lifting emotions


“Think of the devil” Solomon chuckled at Teena.


Teena didn’t answer. There was no one in the lift except both of them.


“Why so late?” Solomon questioned.


“Is there any restrictions that I must reply to your questions?’


“No need. I think you have mistaken me. I asked that in a friendly way only.”


“It is none of your business.”


Suddenly the current went off. The lift stopped in the middle of its descend. She could not tell where it got stuck. The mirror on the doors reflected both of them. Teena desperately dialed her office number. They promised her that something will be done immediately and there is no need to panic.

Solomon did not react. He did not want to talk anything and make her panic. He pressed the alarm bell.


Solomon took a small torch from his shirt packet and lit the space. The light brightened the space and he could see Teena’s face white with fear.


An unknown fear gripped her. Her palms wet with fear gripped at the handle at the side. She slipped and fell unconscious. Solomon initially didn’t know how to handle this sudden turn of events. He looked at Teena who lied unconscious on the lift floor. He always carried a bottle of water in his backpack. He splashed water on her face. This stirred her and she opened her eyes.


Teena opened her mouth to scream as she saw Solomon’s face so near her.


Luckily, the current renewed, and the lift started to move down. Teena tried to get up and stand but she could not do so. Still her eye sight blurred and she felt dizzy.


The lift reached the ground floor and the door opened. No one was at the door. Feeling relieved Solomon asked her to wipe her face with the shawl.


“If you don’t mind I can drop you at your place” Teena spontaneously responded to his request. Nothing registered in her mind for she may need some more time to come out of that shock. Even after he dropped her at the hostel, she could not come out of the shock. Solomon told the warden what happened at the lift and told her to take care of her.


Teena quickly gulped her dinner and went to bed. She could only remember the comforting grip of Solomon. Teena could not imagine anything further. That was the first mishap that happened to her at the lift and she wished she will not take the lift again.


Sex is in the Air

There is a good amount of evidence suggesting that men release their sexual intentions through airborne pheromones that emerge through their sweat glands, saying, “Yeehaw.” This may happen even though his little man might seem to be saying, “Why don’t you come back tomorrow.” This is what is considered to be a woman’s intuition for knowing when Mr. Sparky is ready to play. As it turns out, you really should rely on your instincts when it comes to these matters, as the brain has been designed to pick up on a man’s most subtle cues.


The “Oh” Face

You can tell a lot about a guy by studying the expression on his face. Women don’t have physical signals that are as obvious as men’s when it comes to deciphering sexual arousal. Research suggests that when a guy is interested in getting frisky, he will study a woman’s face, looking for telltale signs that she is in the mood. This is usually the very same curious look he gives while trying to figure out how to rub your breasts so that it feels good. This is what some women have come to know as his “oh” face (“Oh, you do want to have sex”).


His Leaning Tower

Men can get an erection while thinking about a woman or fabricating bird feeders in the garage. Women imagine that when he adjusts his manhood (think Michael Jackson) it is a clear sign that he is uncomfortably at attention and in the mood. This is not always the case. Researchers say there is a big difference between a physiological erection and one achieved from stimulation within his mind. This is one of the biggest reasons why the love drug, Viagra, is rarely refilled after the first prescription. Getting a man in the mood is often mistakenly believed to be all about his erection. However, what should really be involved is exciting his big head long before his littler one. Most guys in relationships like a little foreplay. Just because a soldier is standing at attention, doesn’t mean he’s ready for battle.


“If you think you are sexy your partner will think you are sexy!” – Psychic Deejay ext. 5435


Mind Games

Unlike most things in life, a man can’t work hard in order to make himself “hard.” As it turns out, the best way for a guy’s sexual system to function is to just let it happen. Guys often allow their head to get in the way, and think that they can “will” their member into readiness. This is usually when he allows too much thinking into the bedroom and ends up having difficulty maintaining his normal performance level. What this means is that men are more likely to be aroused when they least expect it. It is not the lazy guy lounging in bed on vacation that will be difficult to talk into having sex. It is the guy, who is pinching his nipples, talking dirty to himself, and promising that this has never happened before.


The Nose Knows

Rather than base your decision to approach your guy solely on the direction his crotch is pointing, take note of other physiological cues, such as dilated pupils, increased heart and respiration rates, and the engorgement of blood within his face. The increase in blood pressure associated with arousal can make his lips appear full and red, while also causing parts of his face to tingle, which may prompt him to lick his lips, scratch his ears, or rub his nose (interestingly, these are also signs of him lying, so try not to confuse the two).


In short, guys may not always be easy to read. However, if you can change a light bulb, you’ll probably eventually get the hang of it!



Love bathe


Watching the sunrise from the mountain is a wonderful experience that could stay in your memory forever. It took him hours to see the extent of the landscape. Looking over the dark cliffed mountains he could see the sun rising in brilliant colors through the trees. The sky lit up in shades of red, orange, yellow, and pink. The thin morning clouds pillowed through the sky without obstructing the sunrise to their usual extent. As the birds flew through the sky passing through the rays of light their flapping wings were quick to catch his attention.


Sitting on the mountain peak watching the day unfold he thought of how he never wanted to be there. The branches of the trees were positioned just to let a few rays pass through as if they were to escape from a prison inside of the sun. The rays illuminated everything they touched with beauty, color, and life. The earth began to glow in the golden light as the sun rose higher and higher in the sky.


When he roamed over the side of the mountain, he came upon a small lake. But what it lacked in size it made up for in vibrant color and clarity. But this time the sun was just past the top of the sky and it cast its golden rays across the lake just as the wind rippled the clear blue water. The rippling water shinned and shimmered in the sunlight as the subtle little creatures came out to bask in the beauty of the sky. The whole scene was so captivating Vel could not help but longed to be a part of it. The yearning didn't last long because he was unable to resist and he slowly submerged himself in the peaceful lagoon.


“Come and join me” he called Kayal who came there in search of her.


Kayal touched the shallow water to feel how cold it is.


“Oh!! It is freezing” She screamed. “Don’t you feel it” she looked at Vel.


“This water is pure and cold. You must not miss it.” He sprinkled the cold water on her.


“Don’t you want to carry with you sweet memories of our trip’ Vel teased.


Kayal looked around no one was there. The entire place looked lonely. A very few women on their way to pick fire wood looked at them and smiled. The people who live in rural or hilly areas are always friendly and they never hesitated to approach and talk casually.


“Take bath and go away quickly. Wild elephants will come here to drink water. Sometimes wild dogs also come here.” A woman in the group scared them.


“We will go” Kayal started to plead.


“At least for ten minutes we will be here. There are so many fish. We will catch some and ask the cook to deep fry it.”


Vel waded through the shallow water for some more minutes and climbed to the bank. He pulled Kayal also into the shallow waters. Kayal did not expect this; she did not know how to react.


Completely drenched, she shivered. Without talking anything she stared at him. Least bothered, he continued to wade and swim in the shallow water.


Suddenly, they could hear the sound of someone running. They could see a herd of wild buffaloes running down from the hills.


“Go away from here” A man came running toward them. “Please move fast from this place. Otherwise you will get killed by them.”


Vel and Kayal walked fast. Yet, they could hear the stamping sound of the hooves. The man who asked them to run helped them to climb a nearby tree. Vel helped Kayal to sit on the branch and he also moved near her. They didn’t expect this to happen.


The herd of wild buffaloes ran into the shallow water. Some of them started to drink and some young buffaloes waded through the shallow into the deep water.


“They usually come only late afternoons. I don’t know why they came so early today.”


“When can we go back to our cottage?” Vel questioned him.


“You can’t go now. If they see you, they may chase you. It is very difficult to get away from wild buffaloes.”

“Let us wait. No problem.” Vel picked the mobile from Kayal and started to shoot pictures.


The huge tree branch strong enough to hold more than four strong people swayed in the breeze. It took some time for Kayal to learn how to balance and sit on the branch. The buzzing sound from the top of the tree made her feel nervous also. The huge honey comb at the top of the tree looked scary. She had read about the wild bees and how they can kill a person within minutes with their poisonous stings. The holes on the trees also scared her. If there are snakes in the hole, what will she do? If she jumps from the branch of the tree, she may break her legs.


There are so many colored ants moving up and down the tree. Though they didn’t bite her, she did not want to take the risk.


“Come, we will walk slowly and go away. I am scared.” Kayal whispered to him.


“You don’t rely on me. I am here to save you.” Vel smiled at her.


“I just now saw how you ran for life. Come, we will go.”


One of the holes on the tree trunk looked huge and Vel peeped inside to look what is inside. He had read that wild parrots lived in holes like that and they used them as their nests. He could see few eggs inside. A small baby parrot looked at him with curious eyes.


“I have got a pair for our Monu” Vel spoke happily. “We will take this to Chennai. Monu will then have company at home.”


“No need. We will go away now. If you don’t help me to get down from here, I will jump down.” Kayal warned.


“Hmm” Vel helped her to get down from the tree. The man from the hilly village also accompanied them to the cottage. The wild buffaloes still waded in the water and it may take hours for them to leave that place. Reluctantly Vel followed Kayal to the cottage. He felt one of his romantic endeavor in the forest lake abruptly came to an end because of the buffaloes.


“I missed such a wonderful chance to be with Kayal in the water. I also didn’t catch any fish.” Vel kept on murmuring till they reached the cottage.



Love waves


Solomon stood still looking at the foaming waves of the sea. For the past two years, it has become a habit to spend hours together on the sea shore every full moon night. The cold rays of the moon glistened on the shimmering waves of the sea. Solomon can recognize every person who sat scattered on the sea shore. Every full moon night the whole neighborhood gathered on the shore and made the place noisy. Solomon preferred to sit alone and enjoy the cool lights of the moon along with the musical chant of the sea waves.


Luckily, on that night, very few people occupied the sea shore. With his causal steps, he reached his favorite place and sat down. Looking into the widening horizon of the blue sea, he can see one or two ships anchored. The tall coconut trees grown all along the shore looked stunningly beautiful and it slowly brought in a sense of romance to the entire surrounding. Slowly, Solomon snoozed into a deep sleep. With his eyes smoothly closed, his heart beating rhythmically to the cool breeze, the sleep took him over to a world of dream.


Yet, something happened within him. His soul actively peered into the foaming waves of the sea. Suddenly, something stirred through the waves and started to swim toward the shore. A beautiful mermaid! Her silver like fins glistened in the moon light and she started to sing beautifully. It is not a song of human language. The song reflected natural sounds of the sea. The tune of the song touched him gently and whispered something into his ears. The smooth sea breeze carried the song to him and whispered something in a strange language.


At the other end of the sea shore huge rocks blocked the sea waves from entering into the town. In his sleep, Solomon felt the smooth rustling movement of the mermaid toward those huge rocks. With her tail fin merged inside the sea water, the mermaid stood leaning on the huge rock. Half of her body hid behind the rock, and she starred at Solomon with a steady gaze. Mesmerizing magnetic waves traveled from her eyes and reached the palpitating heart of Solomon.


With a mesmerizing tone she whispered to him, ‘Wake up, my dear soul mate, it is time for wonders. Listen to me my heart, it is time for wonders.’ The mermaid stood there for some more minutes and never took her gaze from Solomon. Then, she turned and swam back into the sea. When someone shook and woke up Solomon, he blinked literally at everyone around him. He still felt the warmth of her magnetic gaze and slowly came to his senses as if from a trance.


“Teena, are you a mermaid?” He could not answer the question immediately. Once in a while he dreamed of mermaids and he usually skipped them as something that reflected these thoughts from the books he read for that day. But when it started to occur again and again it worried him. Now at the sea shore he met a mermaid face to face. He could not skip that as a dream.


Solomon knew very well that no one will believe him if they tell this. They may brand him as a person who is not in his normal sense. He could not capture the mermaid in his mobile for it went away before he could realize what happened to him.


Mermaid dreams are always as fascinating as they are perplexing. They can also be very haunting, whether you dreamed you met up with a mermaid, or that you actually were one. Either way, mermaids are creatures deeply rooted in mythology and folklore. As such, they have symbolic meaning that is rooted in the human subconscious. If you’ve been dreaming of mermaids, here are some possible interpretations.


Mermaids are creatures associated with femininity. This is not just because they are usually portrayed as beautiful women with long, flowing hair and scallop shelled bras, but because they reside in the water. Water is considered a feminine element-- associated with emotion and intuition. Mermaid dreams are always as fascinating as they are perplexing. They can also be very haunting, whether you dreamed you met up with a mermaid, or that you actually were one.


Whether you are a man or a woman, dreaming about a mermaid could be telling you something about your feminine side. If in the dream the mermaid made you happy and inspired awe, most likely you are happy about getting in touch with your feminine side. If you were a mermaid and happily dashing through the waves, it means you're embracing your femininity.


If, however, the mermaid frightened you or made you uncomfortable, it could mean you're afraid of being overwhelmed by the feminine side of your soul. It should be noted here that all men and all women both have feminine and masculine sides. The degree to which they express each side can vary, but we all have both sides.


Merfolk are hybrids. They are half human, half fish. Sometimes dreaming of a mermaid is reminding yourself that there is more than one side to you. Perhaps you are focusing too much on one side of your nature but have been ignoring the other side. You may be too busy playing the role of mother or wife and have been denying your creative side. Perhaps you’ve been a workaholic and have not been letting your fun side out to play enough.


Either way, becoming a mermaid in your dream could be your subconscious reminding you that you have to find a more balanced lifestyle to be happy.


Water and women are primal symbols of emotion. If you dream you’re facing a mermaid in your dream that is a threat to you, it may be a sign that you’re feeling emotionally overwhelmed. If she’s fighting with you, struggling with you, dragging you down into the depths, you may be having a hard time coming out of an emotional state like depression or despair.


Dreams like this may indicate that you’re in over your head and need to seek help and support.


There are two ways in which mermaids symbolize transformation. The first is in their own transformation from human to fish. Out of the water they look like the rest of us, in the water their legs are magically transformed into a tail, their skin transformed into scales. The other reason mermaids are associated with death is that their songs were said to lure sailors to their doom.


Either way, death in a dream rarely means physical death, but is a symbol of transformation. You have to kill of parts of yourself in order to let other parts be born, this is just the way of life. Mermaids may indicate that you are going through a major transition—most likely that transition is very emotional for you.


Either way, when a mermaid shows up in your dream, it’s not something you can easily forget. Pay attention to what she’s telling you and you can learn a lot about what’s going on in your subconscious



A mermaid is a legendary aquatic creature with the upper body of a female human and the tail of a fish.[1] Mermaids appear in the folklore of many cultures worldwide, including the Near East, Europe, Africa and Asia. The first stories appeared in ancient Assyria, in which the goddess Atargatis transformed herself into a mermaid out of shame for accidentally killing her human lover. Mermaids are sometimes associated with perilous events such as floods, storms, shipwrecks and drownings. In other folk traditions (or sometimes within the same tradition), they can be benevolent or beneficent, bestowing boons or falling in love with humans.


Mermaids are associated with the mythological Greek sirens as well as with sirenia, a biological order comprising dugongs and manatees. Some of the historical sightings by sailors may have been misunderstood encounters with these aquatic mammals. Christopher Columbus reported seeing mermaids while exploring the Caribbean, and supposed sightings have been reported in the 20th and 21st centuries in Canada, Israel, and Zimbabwe.


Mermaids have been a popular subject of art and literature in recent centuries, such as in Hans Christian Andersen's well-known fairy tale "The Little Mermaid" (1836). They have subsequently been depicted in operas, paintings, books, films and comics.



With nearly three-quarters of the Earth covered by water, it's little wonder that, centuries ago, the oceans were believed to contain many mysterious creatures, including sea serpents and mermaids. Merfolk (mermaids and mermen) are, of course, only the marine version of half-human, half-animal legends that have captured human imagination for ages.


C.J.S. Thompson, a former curator at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, noted in his book "The Mystery and Lore of Monsters" (Kessinger, 2010), "Traditions concerning creatures half-human and half-fish in form have existed for thousands of years, and the Babylonian deity Era or Oannes, the Fish-god, is represented on seals and in sculpture, as being in this shape over 2,000 years B.C. He is usually depicted as having a bearded head with a crown and a body like a man, but from the waist downwards, he has the shape of a fish covered with scales and a tail."


Greek mythology contains stories of the god Triton, the merman messenger of the sea, and several modern religions, including Hinduism and Candomblé (an Afro-Brazilian belief), worship mermaid goddesses to this day. In folklore, mermaids were often associated with bad luck and misfortune. They lured errant sailors off course and even onto rocky shoals, much like their cousins, the sirens — beautiful, alluring half-bird, half-women who dwelled near rocky cliffs and sung to passing sailors. The sirens would enchant men to steer their ships toward the singing — and the dangerous rocks that were sure to sink them. Homer's "Odyssey," written around 800 B.C., tells tales of the brave Ulysses, whose naked ears were tortured by the sweet sounds of the sirens. In other legends — from Scotland and Wales, for example — mermaids befriended, and even married, humans.



Solomon knew the reason very well. His mind is disturbed. He could not concentrate on anything except thinking about her. For years his mother had been looking for a bride. Nothing materialized. Something or other happened and she could not see him married. Solomon had everything in life except a life partner.


When all his friends got married and moved along with their wives and children, he stood alone. The bachelor life that looked good and fascinating now turned into a complete boredom. Every day he returned to a empty house that did not give him the warmth of love and care. His mother could not come to Chennai leaving his ailing dad. The bond between couple gets stronger once they enter into their old age. Solomon remembered how his father screamed at his mother for a trivial reason and blamed her for everything that happened due to his fault. He never accepted his fault. But now he is not ready to permit her to stay with Solomon.


Solomon wanted to enjoy the bliss of married life. He started to yearn for an intimate companion with whom he can share his likes and dislikes and live a life full of happiness and emotional bonding. Physical intimacy did not matter much now for him. He needed a warm, loving female at home who can shower him with love and care. And he wanted that from a life partner only. After seeing Teena, he desperately wanted to be with her and have a life of fun with her. Yet, nothing clicked on his part and he desperately wanted something to happen soon. He even called his mother about Teena and wished she could help him in marrying her. After listening to his conversation, his mother felt happy and relieved. She promised that she will come there soon and meet her.

Love food

  1. Seeds & Nuts. Almonds and walnuts contain the necessary healthy fats and nutrients that are required in the production of sex hormones. Without these critical nutrients one can experience depression and can negatively affect mood, desire and focus. Almonds have been described as a sexual stimulant but have also been found to reduce infertility and miscarriages. These nutrient dense nuts also provide critical minerals such as selenium, zinc and provide a great source of vitamin E. 2. Citrus Fruits. Citrus fruits such as grapefruits, oranges and added lemon to your water can boost your confidence and performance in bed. According to several studies vitamin C has been found to improve overall sperm health in men and decrease the risk of infertility in both sexes. Citrus fruits provide a boost of antioxidants and glucose for improved focus, enhanced mood and decreased impact of stress hormones that can kill an erection and the moment.
  2. Berries. Berries can be one of the most sensual foods for both men and women. Strawberries contain high amounts of folate and vitamin C. These powerful nutrients will enhance your thoughts, your actions and your performance. How creative you are with your berries may indicate how creative you are sexually. Blueberries, raspberries and blackberries all make perfect teasers that can drive your partner over the edge. You can dip those berries in chocolate for added stimulation to your pleasure centers.
  3. Dark Chocolate. Eating chocolate may be music to your ears and send you to a state of bliss. Dark chocolate is a sensual food that can not only trigger the mood but also the brain chemicals needed for sex. The brain chemical serotonin can directly produce feelings of pleasure. Dark chocolate also contains arginine and flavinols that can create a Viagra like effect.
  4. Avocados. Avocados are one of the healthiest foods on the planet. They are loaded with healthy fats that will stimulate fat loss, balance hormones and pack a powerful aphrodisiac effect. Avocados are a super food for your brain, heart and most importantly the blood vessels in the action areas. Source:



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.12.2014

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