
Signs of Change

Looking for signs in nature is not something new that people believe in.  Ancient people relied much on nature and they always looked for good or bad signs in nature only.  Today we live in a world of sophisticated technology.   But we are still living the lives of human beings that exist for thousands of years.  Even if you travel from place to place in a  super fast transport facility,  you have to eat and sleep to lead a normal life.  So that process has not changed. It is same as it existed years ago.  Modern medicine may have found the ways to control pain and diseases,  but still no one can tell where we all go after death.  Only nature knows that secret.  Birth and death goes on in a cycle that helps the life cycle to go on forever.


Nature is the best guide to help you with umpteen number of signs that really require your intuition to guess what they tell you. Now I can watch pairs of sparrows chirping happily and fly up and down in the balcony.  Every morning I can hear the songs of morning birds that assure a good day ahead.  Sometimes these pairs of sparrows come and sit on the door of the open window and peep into our hall.  The bright summer morning with fresh flowers dancing in the morning breeze and the happy chirping sparrows is really a treat to watch.


During my teenage days I lived in a house surrounded by thickly grown climbers and trees. Whenever I felt depressed, I looked for guidance from the nature. Nature like a scholar showed me the signs from where I could take the cue and act accordingly.

One fine morning, if I watched a spider diligently working on its way to build its web or coming down the web and climbing once again assured some good news on the way.  Spiders are diligent workers and they are never tired of building their broken web limbs again and again.  

If I could watch two ravens together eating their food that foretold happiness.

Chirping little mynas on the grass told me that I would maintain high spirits and would write more poems on love.

Jumping squirrels on the guava tree told me that I must learn to enjoy every moment in my life. They helped me to pen down so many poems at leisure.

Living with nature is a gift by the Almighty. Even now, I can watch ants shifting busily their nests before a rainy day.

Dogs can also guide you with their howls. I have heard that cats can also guide you with the change in their behavior. The cat that visited every day for its share of milk to my kitchen windowsill made me feel happy.  It will patiently wait for me till I give her a bowl of milk.  Otherwise she will move away without complaining.

During stressful times when life was not peaceful, the hoot of an owl could warn of bad times ahead. The number of times an owl hooted also foretells what can happen. I could never forget how owls flew down to our door-step and hoot all the night warning us when my parents were facing their toughest times. If it is a hoot or a screech that difference can guide you. In the place where we live now I could not hear the hoot or the screech of an owl.

Even dragon flies that fly on a bright evening showed the signs of happiness and prosperity. It tells of a serene and peaceful life without fear and tension.

It is a surprise to know that plants can also guide you with the way they flowered.  The direction in which the flowers or inflorescence of a banana tree emerge from the node can foretell both good and bad times. Normally people cut and remove the banana tree if they happen to see the budding inflorescence in the direction that is not good.  We planted some custard apple seeds in our garden. They grew with fresh green leaves and were a sight to see. One fine day all the plants dried and died on a sudden. Followed with that my dad's business met the worst, and it is still painful to think of those days of sufferings. 

I read in an article that the position of clouds on the sky can foretell a natural disaster like earth quakes. Even a bowl of fish kept on the shelf can tell you how things will be.

Happy golden fish swimming in a bowl kept in the shelf can tell you of happiness and prosperity. Rely on nature and your life will be happy.

Nature can be our best friend forever!!!


Lizard Clucking


Though the world now is enriched with technology and support our lives with so many gadgets to help us lead a comfortable life, still something continues to exist as the same.


It may be surprising to note that people who live in Tamil Nadu believe in the prediction of lizards that live in their homes.  The common lizard found in every household can predict your future.   It depends upon the sound the lizard makes from a particular direction.


There are so many lizards in the house where we live now.  Whenever I am into serious thinking,  these lizards will cluck loudly.  I have heard that people wait in a particular temple to get the approval of the local diety from the clucking sound of the lizard that lives in the sanctum.


The prediction depends upon the direction and also the day of the week.


On Sundays, there are different points that can be understood which depends on the chirping of a lizards. The directions and the emotions can be mentioned as follows.

East-- fear,
South-east-- evil,
South-- good,
South-west-- opportunity to see relatives,
West-- quarrel,
Northwest-- gain of new cloth,
North-- gain of gems,
North-east-- general gain,
Above-- success, and
ground below-- failure in attempts.

On Mondays, the chirping is said to prophesy as noted below.
East-- gain of wealth
West-- reception from king
North-- gain of new cloth
Sky--evil and
Floor-- prosperity.

On Tuesdays, the good or evil indicated by the chirping can be explained as below.
South-east-- gain of relatives,
North-west-- news from distant parts,
North-- fear from enemies,
North-east-- gain of vehicles,
Sky-journeys, and
Ground-- great gain.

On Wednesdays, there are different directions and also different emotion attached to it that is connected with the chirping of the lizard.
East-- joy,
South-east-- gain of wealth,
South-- bodily sickness,
South-west-- loss of relatives,
West-- fear,
North-west-- loss of wealth,
North-- happiness,
North-east-- want of success,
Above-- good news,
Below-- prosperity.

On Thursdays, the good or evil indicated and the entire factor depends upon the chirping of the lizards as well. The following can be mentioned.
South-east-- good reception from relatives,
South-- gain of wealth,
South-west-- success in all the undertakings,
West-- loss,
North-west-- good news,
North-- failure,
North-east-- good meals, and above or below-rebellion.

On Fridays, the following particulars can be mentioned.
East-- good news,
South-east-- decoration,
South-- visit of relatives,
South-west-- good news,
West-- joy,
North-west-- quarrel and rebellion in the house,
North-- quarrelsome and rebellious words,
North-east-- victory over the enemy,
Above-- gain of things,
Below-- freedom from pollution.

On Saturdays also there are particularities which can be mentioned as.
East-- good words,
South-east-- gain of wealth and sandal paste,
South-- audience with the king,
South-west-- sickness,
West-- gain of new cloth,
South-west-- relationship with a new woman,
North-- pleasing or agreeable news,
North-east-- fear from thieves,
Above-- failure in attempts, and
Below-- success in everything.




 From days I remember, intuition always helped me to expect whatever that may happen before hand.  This helped me to be aware of anything good or bad that would happen, and be prepared to do the best.


I feel that is a blessing for me that helped me to take the correct decision at the right time.   Prayers and my belief in the existence of a supernatural power guide me to pass through difficult lanes with ease.


If you can take the correct decision at the right time, then you can understand some spiritual guidance is there for you.  Rely on that.  That will give you the strength to be strong and tackle whatever problems that come in the way.


Fish at Home

 Maintaining an aquarium at home also brings to you signs of happiness.  Watching the fish in the aquarium helps you feel at heart.  Even a turbulent mind will feel at peace after watching those fish swimming elegantly across the tank.


Sometimes fish in the tank happen to die on a sudden.  We may not know the reason.  But it is true, it prevented some bad things happening at home. 


Initially, the aquarium at home had a pair of gold fish, a pair of black molly, a pair of platy,  a pair of guppies.  Unfortunately, we lost our gold fish, black mollies, and platies.  We all felt so bad to see them die one by one on a sudden and we could not find out the reason.  


One of the mollies was pregnant when we got her home.   One fine day,  she delievered 50 mollies to our surprise.  Though we lost the mother fish, we now have more than 50 mollies in the tank.


This is definetely a good sign.  Prosperity is coming to us.  We will be wealthy and happy once again and win back whatever we lost during our times of struggles.  Probably, this a good sign that gives me some hope about our peaceful life ahead.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.06.2012

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Predicting signals from nature to do our best

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