
Chapter 1

She didn't know if she is going to reach him before everything is going to be too late, but she ran. Thank god, she reached him and at that very moment the window smashed on the floor. Pieces of glass scratched her skin and blood flew.

2 years later
She didn't want to go to the beach, but she still couldn't refuse her two best friends Kaitlyn and Claire. Both of them were sun bathing at the very moment, but Riley was wearing long jeans and a long arm shirt, so nobody could see the scars on her leg and the scar on the inside of her forearm. Even her short brown hair was held so that people shouldn't be able to see the scar on her left cheek, but somehow her hair never cooperated, so everybody could see the disgusting scar of her or at least it was what she thought.
She was walking down the street at the beach when she saw a little girl ran and fell down. She immediately started to cry. Riley waited for the mother to come but after a while she couldn't help but go to the child.
"It's okay, you don't have to cry. It's just a little scratch."
The girl stopped crying and the mother came. Saw Riley's face and shouted: "Let go of my daughter! Do you want to scare her to death or what?"
She took her daughter and went away really quick as if Riley had an incurable illness.
"My pleasure." Riley muttered.
It was always like this, so she was already used to it, but she just couldn't help but want to help people. She sighed and went into a nearby beach café where she sat down by the counter. Without looking up she ordered a cola. The guy behind the counter gave her one glass and said: "That one is on me."
Riley sighed, looked up and put her hair aside, so that the scar could be seen. While saying in an annoyed voice: "I have a big disgusting scar. Still hitting on me?"
The guy laughed. "I think you misunderstood something. I am not hitting on you, even though you are quite pretty even with the scar. I saw you helping the little girl and since the mother wasn't thankful at all, I thought that I could help the kid saying thanks."
He smiled and went to a bunch of girls who were calling for him. Riley wanted to thank him, but he was quite busy, so she just let a note and went away.

Thanks for the coke ツ

Chapter 2

Kyle tried to get away, but the girls went on talking, so the girl with the scar got away. Then while washing her glass he noticed a little note. He smiles, but then said: "You couldn't have write down your mobile phone number, could you, Riley?" With which he got some strange looks from the customers, but he didn't care.

Meanwhile Riley returned to the hotel where her friends were already waiting for her.
"Where have you been? Do you know how worried we were when you didn't answer your phone? We were about to call the police!"
"Sorry, I forgot the time in that beach café and when I wanted to call you guys I realized that my batterie ran out."
Kaitlyn wasn't stisfied at all and wanted to know more: "A beach café? What was so special about it?"
Claire said amused: "Maybe there was an hot guy." And laughed. Also Kait started to laugh, but Riley blushed. They saw her blush and stopped laughing. Both were speechless. It had been so long since Riley had shown any interest in a guy. well, she didn't even talk to them if it wasn't necessary. Her brother Adrian and her best friend Sam were exceptions. But what Riley didn't know was that Sam was secretly in love with her. Of course Kaitlyn and Claire knew it, but they had to swear to never tell her, because he didn't want to destroy their friendship.
It was silent. Then Claire spoke: "There really was a guy that made you blush like this, wasn't there? Oh my god, what was his name? What did you talk about and the most important question when are you going to meet again?"
Riley's expression saddened. "I am not going to see him again. I don't even know his name. He was one of those popular guys. I am sure he already forgot about me."
Totally confused Kait asked: "Just another popular guy? Definitely not! If he really was one of them we wouldn't be talking about him right now. You're not that kind of girl, Riley. You never were."
"I am not sure about that myself."
It was clear that Riley was disappointed, so they didn't ask any further questions.

Chapter 3

It was night. The ocean and the sand of the beach looked so beautiful in the light of the moon.
Kyle still wasn't sure how he could see her again. As soon as he saw the note he called the friend who helped out in the café and told him that he should his job himself and thus Kyle ran out searching for Riley, but he hadn't found her. The beach was empty. Or at least he thought it was. But
then he saw someone swimming. He was fascinated by the person in the water who definitely was a girl. The way the moon was reflected by her skin. She was beautiful.
Suddenly she came back to the beach really quick and held her stomach. She was in pain. He ran to help her and then recognized her. It was Riley!
"Hey, are you alright?" Kyle asked.
Her head turned around. She was surprised for a moment then said with a voice filled with pain: "Yeah, I think so. It was just a jellyfish which I didn't see."
Kyle was furious. Without her permission he carried her to the next bench. She was startled. "It's okay. The hotel I am staying in is nearby. I will go back and put some creme on it and it will be alright."
But he didn't listen anymore. Instead he carried her like a princess while she tried to get down, but his strength made it impossible.
Claire and Kaitlyn who were sitting at the lobby bar came running at them.
"What happened?"
"Jellyfish. Which roomnumber?" Kyle responsed.
Then he carried her all the way up into her bed. Afterwards Claire pushed him away and said: "I'm going to take form here." And thus Kait pushed him out, but in the light he saw something her didn't noticed before. He could see all her scars. Every single one. Kait went outside with him after seeing his expression and closed the dorr behind her.
She sighed. "You saw them." It wasn't wasn't a question. It was a statement.
"What happened? That definitely wasn't caused by the jellyfish."
She sighed again and suddenly looked tired.
"Let's sit down first. It's not gong to be easy to tell the story even though it was much more painful to see it actually happen."
They sit down on a nearby bench and Kaitlyn stayed quiet a while, thinking how to begin.
"I think it's better to go back two years when everything began. But first a question to be sure. By the expression she made I conclude that you're the guy from then beach café, am I right?"
Kyle nodded. She gaved him a little smile.
"I am quite sure that she wasn't nice to you when you met, am I right?"
He smiles. "She was more annoyed and thought I wanted to hit on her, so she show me her scar on her left cheek."
"I thought so. But you have to know that she wasn't always like that. She was beautiful, well she still is but she was scarless. And the most important thing is that she was more cheerful and thus really popular..."

Chapter 4

“… Nearly every guy in our grade had a crush on her, even many older ones had, but she wasn’t interested. She had that totally stupid but cute idea that somewhere out there is a person who is fated to be her partner. But not only the boys liked her. She was loved by anyone. The teachers were fascinated by her and the girls had her as their model. But one day on her way home a window of a new built building fell down. It would have smashed that kid when Riley didn’t pushed him aside and somehow covered him up. Well, she wasn’t in real danger, so she could leave hospital on the following day, but that incident left scars which changed her forever.”
Kaitlyn paused. Her body was in the hotel sitting right beside Kyle, but her mind was far away.
“Of course she somehow hated the scars, but she was still herself. It were the people who made her change. After the first day back in school her whole personality changed. She didn’t dare to look into a mirror anymore, just wore long jeans and shirts and wasn’t as cheerful as in the past. But don’t get it wrong, she was happy that she could help the child. It’s just that she couldn’t bear how the people looked at her. All the pity in their eyes were just too much. At first she told me with a little smile that it wasn’t that bad and that her fated partner is going to love her any way, but day after day her smiled faded away till she couldn’t even fake a smile in front of the ones she treasures. The pity in the eyes of our schoolmates and teachers were just too much, but the worst were the ones who looked at her with that disgusted expression. She lost her innocent way of thinking and saw the cruelty of life. She lost hope and at the end Sam, Claire and me were the only friends she had left.”
She paused and let him time to understand the real meaning of the story before she continued: “I can see that you think that she is an interesting girl, but interesting is not enough. Your expression says ‘I want to protect her’ and that is one of the reason I told you that. To me Riley is like a little sister and I won’t let her experience any more pain if I can prevent her to. But she seems to like you. Just being friends would be okay as long as you really mean it. However, if it’s just pity or some protective instinct of yours, then stay away from her. There are many other girls in this world you can protect. Just go and protect them in it’s just about a protective instinct.”
Then she stood up and opened the door.
“I think she should be ready by now.”

Chapter 5

He immediately stood up and nearly ran into the room. His eyes were automatically searching for her and found her sitting in the corner hugging a pillow as if it could make her invisible to him. He noticed that she changed clothes: again a long jeans, but instead of a long shirt she wore a t-shirt. Her eyes found Kaitlyn and she came running at her. Riley hugged Kait tightly, then she turned to Kyle and gave him a shy smile. “Hey.”
“Hey. Are you alright?”
“Yes, thanks for carrying me here.”
“Don’t mention it. It was my pleasure.”
Then there was this embarrassing silent. Claire smiled and said: “Oh come on guys! Well, I think you both definitely need to talk, but Kait and I want to sleep, so you two go talk outside.”
With these words they pushed Riley and Kyle out.
“Sorry, normally they aren’t like this.”
Kyle was quite happy to be alone with Riley and was thankful that her friends made it possible.

They went down the road to the beach without saying a word. Riley shivered and he realized that she was only wearing a t-shirt, thus he gave her his jacket.
“Here, you should wear it. You’re cold.”
“No, if I wear it you’re going to be cold.”
“I am okay. It’s not cold at all. Just wear it already.”
She hesitated but took it at the end.
“You’re welcome.”
“Ehm... I know it sounds strange but I don’t even know your name.”
“Oh yeah. Kyle King. My pleasure.”
“Riley Hathaway. Nice to meet you.”
He laughed. “You don’t have to be so formal. By the way was it that hard to write down your mobile number or maybe the hotel you stay at? Well, at least you wrote down your name.”
She was confused. Riley had no idea what he talked about and was about to say it when she remembered the note she left at the beach café. She blushed.
“Why would a guy who was surrounded by so many girls want to have my number and by the way I didn’t know you. Not even your name, so why would I give my number to a complete stranger?”
He thought about it for a while then smiled.
“You’re right, but that doesn’t change the fact that I had to search for you many hours with just knowing your name. Damn it, I didn’t just said it out loud, did I?”
She chuckled, but then slowly the meaning of his words leaked into her mind.
“You were searching for me? Why?”
“Mmh… after you were gone I couldn’t concentrate. You always popped into my mind until you were the only thing I could think about. Your face, your voice and that beautiful smile of yours which you just showed that little girl. My mind was full of it. I knew that I needed to find you and that I wouldn’t let you go again once I’ve found you.”
He grabbed her hand and turned her around. Riley looked directly into his eyes which immediately captured her.
“Riley, you may not be ready for such a relationship, but I know I would regret it if I don’t tell you this.”
He paused, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then opened his eyes and said: “I love you, Riley! I know we don’t really know each other, but it was love at first sight. I can’t it and I don’t want to change it. I never met a girl like you. When you’re not with me I can’t concentrate on anything. You’re all I think about and when you are right in front of me like now. I don’t know how to explain it. It’s like heaven and hell at the same time. Heaven because you’re here, but hell because you make me burn from inside out. It sounds crazy and made up, but it’s true you make me feel I’m completely when I’m beside you. I love you, Riley. I really do.”
“I can’t, Kyle. I just can’t.”
His gave her a small sad smile and said: “Yeah, I thought you would say this. But look Riley. I heard form Kaitlyn had a boyfriend, ‘cause you were always waiting for the right one, but you won’t know if maybe I am the one unless you try it.”
She shook her head. “That’s not why I can’t.”
“Then what?”
Her eyes got teary. “You’re definitely going to get fed up with me. And… and I know that I couldn’t possible stand to lose you once I let this feeling enter.”
Her eyes filled with tears she tried to suppressed to the whole time and he couldn’t help but hold her tight while whispering: “I am not going to leave you! How could I possible abandon you? I love you! Je t’aime! Ich liebe dich! Aishiteru! Wo ai ni! Ngo ai ngei! Please, give me… give us a chance. How can I make you believe me? Just say a word and I will do it. No matter what I will do it! I am willing to do anything!”
“I know you mean it right now, but how about tomorrow, in a week, a month or maybe a year?”
“Time doesn’t matter! I mean it now and tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day after that and even the day after eternity.”
She looked to to him and wanted to believe his words.
“Are you sure you’re okay with me? I’m not beautiful, not very intelligent and can’t associate with people and…”
Kyle didn’t let her continue. “Whatever it may be I am okay with as long as you are by my side. There is something special about you. I have never felt like this before and that’s why nothing except you matters. Even if your dad is going to beat me up for stealing his precious daughter, I am fine with it.”
Laughter. She really laughed. “I don’t think that’s going to happen, but my brother Adrian might want to hit you. He is too overprotective.”
Now it was his turn to laugh. “I am glad he is.” Then he got serious again and said in a tempting voice: “But I am going to take it from here. I will protect you no matter what, my angel.”
She blushed and smiled shyly as Kyle let her out of his arms and grabbed her hand instead. Hand in hand they walked back to the hotel. Then Kyle asked: “How about a date? Maybe tomorrow?”
She just nodded happily and went inside.

Chapter 6

Back in her room her friends who were waiting, rushed to her as she closed the room door. “So tell us what happened. We want to know every detail.”
“Nothing much.” But Riley blushed and made the lie even more unbelievable than it already was.
“Oh come on Riley. Not even Sam would believe this lie.”
She took a deep breath and said: “He invited me to a date.”
Kaitlyn and Claire were screaming happily. “Oh my god! When tomorrow?”
“He said he wanted to come around 12pm.”
“Okay, wake up at nine. We need to style you up. After we finished you’re going to be irresistible.”

At the next morning her friends pushed her under the shower then they did her hair and she got a total dress up. While Claire complained: “You shouldn’t have brought only jeans, long shirts and some t-shirts which by the way are definitely not attractive at all.”
Riley smiled and Claire said: “Don’t you dare to laugh! Thank god you got the same size. You couldn’t possibly have gone in those jeans and hooded shirt.”
In the end it turned out to be hotpants and a blue summer blouse, but Riley said: “I can’t go like this! Except for the scars on my tummy you can see every single one. And the pants are too short! Why even wearing them?”
She wanted to go to change, but it was too late. It knocked and they let Kyle in. He saw her and his eyes widened, his mouth was half opened, but he was speechless. Then he turned to the girls and nearly yelled: “What were you guys thinking? I can’t go out with her dressed like this if I don’t want…”
But he couldn’t finish that sentence because Riley response: “Yeah, of course. I am going to change immediately.”
She ran into the bathroom while forcing herself to smile. But in the bathroom she broke down and cried silently, because even if she didn’t want to admit it, she really hoped that the scars wouldn’t matter. Well, he did say they didn’t matter, but in the end they’re all the same…
Claire was furious! “You asshole! I think Kait told you not to play with her feelings! You…”
Slap. Kaitlyn’s hand hit Kyle’s face really hard.
“I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just that she attracts to much attention. Some other guy is going to snatch her away and…”
Claire looked irritated, but Kait said coldly: “I know what you mean but please consider her feelings. She is not as self-confident as other girls, you know. Do you know how happy she was when she came back yesterday? And even though she told us that she would like to hide her scars I could see that somewhere inside of her she wants to wear these clothes. She really believed you said you wouldn’t mind her scars!” Her expression softened. “It’s been a while since she smiled without fear and sadness. After the accident her smiles never reached her eyes, but yesterday she was truly smiling. Go and explain the misunderstanding.”
He knocked. After nobody answered he slowly opened the door and went inside. He hocked beside her and said: “You know that you look stunning, don’t you? You look so amazing in this outfit that I got scared. I was scared that you would forget me if the other guys give you all the attention you deserve and start to flirt with you…” He turned to her and made her look at him. While wiping away her tears he whispered: “I am sorry that I made you cry and I am sorry for loving your crying face. I am the worst for making you cry and feeling happy somehow. But these tears are the proof that you love me as I love you.”
She chuckled. “You’re totally crazy. I have no idea why you have that kind of thoughts. I definitely won’t be noticed by any guy. The insecure of us should be me, not you.”
“Well, you won’t believe me till we finally go out, so let’s go.”

Chapter 7

The first stop in the city at the beach was a café. She ordered an ice cup and he just wanted a coffee. While she ate her ice he didn’t stop looking at her, then after a while she said: “Will you please stop starring at me? I can’t eat like this.”
Her face was totally red from embarrassment.
“I’m not starring. I’m gazing.” ♡
„It’s creepy.”
“It’s romantic. I wouldn’t want to miss one move of yours. Especially because you eating your ice cup is totally adorable.”
She laughed. “You’re crazy.”
“No, I’m just totally in love. I can’t help. I just can’t believe your mine.”
“You can’t believe I’m yours? I should be the one who thinks it’s a dream. But still I am not starring at you when you drink your coffee with closed eyes.”
“Ah… do I? So how do you know that I drink my coffee with closed eyes?” He laughed when she blushed. “You were starring!”
She grinned and responded: “No, I was gazing.”
“Yeah, creepy.”
Both of them started laughing. Then Kyle grabbed her hand and said in a soft voice: “I love you my little angel.” And of course Riley blushed. When they walked hand in hand down the street she whispered: “I love you too.”
Kyle’s head turned to her and she immediately turned away and blushed once again. But that was more than he dreamt of.
They went passed some shops then Riley suddenly stopped. In a shop window was displayed a beautiful strapless light blue night dress. It was quite long and thus it wouldn’t show her beautiful legs but she would feel more comfortable in it, since nobody could see the scars on her legs. But still she would look gorgeous in that dress was the only thought Kyle had when he looked at it.
“It’s beautiful. You would look amazing in it. Do you want it?”
“No, I had no idea when to wear such an high class dress. It’s just so beautiful that I had to stop
And look at it. And that price. I could never spend that much money on a dress I will never be able to wear.”
She looked at it for bit and then went on going. They passed a jewelry shop where Kyle suddenly stopped.
“What’s the matter Kyle?”
He didn’t answer and just pulled her into the shop. The shop assistant came and formally said: “ Welcome Mr.King. How could we help you today?”
He turned around to Riley and asked: “What kind of accessorize do you like the most? Chain? Bracelet? Earrings?”
“You don’t need to buy me anything.” And quietly added, so only he could hear her: “By the way the things and also the shop here look very expensive.”
“The price doesn’t matter. And I want to give you something. Please, let me be selfish with.”
He made a puppy face.
Shyly she said: “Then how about a bracelet?”
The shop assistant who already looked annoyed quickly changed her attitude and responded: “Then how about these bracelets which you can create on your own?”
“And what do you think my angel?”
“I like the idea to create my own bracelet.”
“So what charms?” Then he turned to the shop assistant. “Can you please show us the charms?”
“Of course, Sir.” She bowed and went into another room. After a while she came back with some boxes. They looked at the charms, but they were all so pretty she couldn’t decide, so Kyle suggested: “How about an angel wing another as a mobile phone chain?”
She smiled. “So that you will always think of me if you exchange phone numbers with some other girl?”
He laughed and said: “As if I can think about anything else when you’re not by my side.”
Then she suddenly saw a teddy bear charm and instantly fell in love with it. Kyle also bought him. He would have bought more, but Riley was against it. While they were wandering around he asked: “So you like teddy bears?”
She blushed, but answered: “Yeah, it may be childish, but I love them. They always cheered me up if my parents weren’t at home. My brother always buys me a teddy bear as birthday present.”
“I just realized that I nearly know nothing about you. Come on tell me something.”
“I am Riley Hathaway and I am going to turn 16 on the 23rd July of this year. My brother…”
But he stopped her: “Wait! The 23rd of July?! It’s in 13 days!”
“It is, but that doesn’t matter, because I’m already back home by then.”
He looked at her in shock, then he was in thoughts.
They didn’t talked much on the way back, but back at the hotel he said: “How about we meet again? Tomorrow? I would like you get to know my best friend. And your friends should also come.”


Texte: Kaitlyn Rose Hathaway (pseudonym)
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.12.2012

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Written for my little sister who always wants a story before going to sleep

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