
Meet the Family... Along With a Couple of Monsters

The rain pitter-pattered against the window as we drove into Elko, South Carolina. I looked at the little droplets of rain in wonder. It was official: I was bored as hell.
    This is the third school I have attended in the first two months of my senior year. The amount of friends I've made are... Well, almost non-existent. I was seventeen, almost eighteen years old, and I had not had a boyfriend since Dominique, my first boyfriend. Of course – you know how it goes – girl falls for boy, boy pretends to fall for girl, girl catches boy cheating on her, girl cries, boy moves on without a second glance. I'm not hung up on the guy – who, by the way, Azrael gave a pretty good beating to after I came home crying that day – but ever since then I've wanted to be “normal”. I wanted to go to prom, fall in love again – even though it sucked majorly the first time - have friends that I don't have to worry about leaving and missing, etc., etc. In general, I wanted to stay in one place for more than a month.
    Azrael was the oldest at the age of 29, and not to mention, the most protective of me. He's kind of like how I would have expected Dad to be if he were still with us. Azrael was the one driving and, as usual, singing along to some old classic rock song from the 80s or some hip-hop or rap music from the 90s. Azrael was the type of guy who didn't follow the rules, who didn't even know what a rule was. In other words, he was a classic "bad boy". With that quality along with the strong body that came with monster hunting, Azrael tended to go for a lot of one-night stands, which, in turn, scarred me for life. Time and again.
   Briley, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. He's 24, and about three years ago he had to leave college to help us find Mom – who, we later found out, was taken by a demon and brutally murdered, in case you were curious. Briley always followed the rules, listened to opera and classical music instead of classic rock. Standing at about 6' 11" and having the brains of a genius, he also attracted a lot of women, but he never really did anything about it; he's still in love with his old girlfriend, Ella. She died not too long after he left with us for the whole hunting thing. Briley was in the passenger seat, listening to music from his Ipod. He wasn't normally into Rae's songs.
    We were constantly moving around from one town to the next, looking for demons to kill. I remember when I was younger how my brothers and father were so determined to keep me out of “the family business”. When I turned 14, I kind of wanted to be a hunter; that desire was crushed when I met Dominique, though.
    "Hey, Ash, you okay? You wanna stop somewhere?" asked Rae. Like I said, over-protective. That's how things are with this man. He doesn't have a care in the world, except when it comes to me. When it comes to me, it's a totally different story. If I'm too quiet for a certain amount of time - today, I basically didn't say much to anyone - he would end up thinking I was sick or something.
    "Rae, calm down. Take a breather; listen to the island breeze. I'm just getting tired - that's all," I said. It wasn't a lie, either. I hated traveling. It always made me incredibly sleepy - especially after 10 hours of it, with occasional stops, of course.
   "Are you sure? Because we can stop somewhere if you're getting hungry. I'm sure there's a diner somewhere around here..." He trailed off. It was twelve o'clock in the morning in one of the smallest towns in America. Nightlife is not one of the features around these parts, except for maybe a sports bar with half-frozen food and drunk, busted chicks. Azrael would probably get dogpiled in an instant, unwillingly.
   I just shut up, knowing that Azrael was probably thinking along the same lines that I was. He wasn't stopping until we got to the motel.


    I woke up and went to the bathroom with the clothes that I wanted to wear wrapped up in my arms. I turned on the shower and glanced in the mirror. Green eyes with flecks of purple – my favorite feature about me – hooded by my black eyebrows; I had a smallish, straight nose and lips that weren't amazing but weren't horrible. My hair was a blue-black color, which normally gave me no problems in the morning – surprising, because it's kind of wavy and should be at least a little harder to straighten, but whatever. Then there comes my new-found curves; at first, it was weird, and kind of sudden, but I don't even notice them anymore. Looks like it's time for another shopping trip, I thought to myself.
     When I finished my shower I started my normal routine: dressing, brushing my teeth and hair, straightening, little bit of make-up, then waking up Briley and Azrael. It's always harder to wake up Briley than it is Azrael; Azrael, in everyday situations, tends to be a little more stubborn and set in his ways, but Briley is more willing to try new things – he has more of an open mind. Once it comes to waking up, their personalities seem to switch up a little.
     Normally, I wouldn't go with them on their hunting trip, but they were kind of short on hands. On a normal trip, they could manage by themselves, but this time it's different. The pattern of the missing people and killings seemed a little more complex and confusing, which is something that Briley almost never admits. This is the fifth time that I'd be accompanying them. Of course, my father's father was in the military, and after he retired officially, he taught my father a little bit. I don't think you're actually allowed to do that, but damn if he didn't. So, being the over-protective man that my father was, he passed this knowledge on to my brothers, but to me as well; this "knowledge" consisted of how to break almost every single bone in the human anatomy with the flick of a wrist, how to use a gun, and martial arts along with some boxing and wrestling. He wasn't really intending on me using it for this purpose - considering the fact that he wasn't planning on dying so soon - but with Rick on the other side of the country and him dead, things happen and drastic measures needed to be taken.
     By the time Azrael and I were finished eating breakfast, Briley had just stepped out of the shower. I grabbed his laptop and started looking up the information we needed: stuff like the patterns - which Briley had conviniently documented on his computer, which also had discriptions of the missing children and how they were stolen, along with potential suspects and family members that have been killed and the ones that are currently alive- as well as the possible types of monsters that could have done these things. Briley had pretty much already taken some notes on that subject, but I added some of my own. After Briley finished his breakfast, he took a glance at what I came up with.
     "I don't know; I think you're just trying to think up any monster that does that kind of stuff. You can't just list random things. Really, less tends to be more. You have to be able to narrow things down. If you have a list of random monsters that do similar things, you'll never know what to do and how to stop it."
     "Yeah, Briley's right," Rae jumped in. "You can't just list random monsters that have similar actions. You have to know. There are sometimes two similar monsters, but you never really get more than that. Normally, the hardest thing is actually getting rid of the monster."
     Yeah, I guess that's true, I thought. Dad always knew what he was going into; of course, his research skills were even better than Briley's, but he did do it for almost 30 years. And he did it without the Internet, most of the time.
     "A changeling is definitely the monster we're hunting. Which means that we have to find the fairy mother and burn the bitch," said Azrael. I nodded at him, and we headed for the door. Time to go kill some fae.

The Hunt

    We walked up to the door of the pretty yellow house - the color shone through the moonlight. The house reminded me of something I wouldn't mind living in one day. The door was painted white, the trim a pale blue. The porch was wooden, and it was decorated with boxes of flowers and piles of toys. There was a sun window on the second floor, right in the middle; the other windows were placed symmetrically on either side of that window. The house itself wasn't very large, but it was bigger and nicer than a cheap motel room.  
     Although the house was beautiful, what happened inside couldn't even be described as ugly - which would be a very large understatement. The changelings are very interesting creatures. They look like the children that the fairy mother replaces them with, but they kill the parents of those children; in case you were curious on the how, they tend to eat them. They're disgusting, I know, but that's life. C'est la vie.
     We walked into an empty foyer, but of course, we could hear some scuffling and whatnot - signaling that there was some sort of life in the house. Azrael and Briley immediately walked toward the noise. Me? I stayed back, trying to avoid as much unpleasantness as possible. Of course, that doesn't always go down the way I want it too; I mean, I'm not gonna be a complete wuss.
     Of course, the first step to every changeling case is to find the fairy mother. Once we find the bitch, we have to figure out where the actual kids are, then burn her. When the fairy mother goes down, all her little spawns go down with her. This saves the children and we get to move on to the next city.
     But of course, you don't actually think I'm gonna give you the low down and not give you the details, right?
     So I finally gather enough courage to walk in with my brothers. As soon as I catch sight of them, a crazy changeling pops out of nowhere and starts trying to gnaw on Briley's neck. Before I even have time to react, Azrael is beating the living hell out of this thing. Once I see that the thing is unconscious, I see the fairy mother in the corner of the room. She's just sitting on the edge of the couch, watching the whole thing. You'd think it'd be easy, right? You'd think that I could catch a quick break and be able to kill this disgusting abomination? Hell, no! I don't get that kind of luck. As soon as I start toward her, she's not there any more. Maybe she used her fairy magic?, I thought.
    And then, BAM! I go flying. I was originally at the threshold, but after that shove/kick/punch/hit, I ended up practically embedded in the wall. That's gonna leave multiple marks, I thought to myself. I didn't even have time to think that thought as I was pulled out of the wall and I flew into a fist. Whose fist I'm - still, to this day - not entirely sure, but I do know that this fist went in direct contact with my right eye. Which hurt. A lot.
     "What the hell!!??" I screamed. Azrael and Dad always told me to not actually respond to other people's hits, just go for your own. Honestly, though, that really hurt. I heard a giggle or chuckle. The I felt a foot kick my abdomin, which resulted with me caving into the floor. I'm assuming that since I could still see in front of me, yet there was no figure there, the fairy mother went all invisible on me and started taking cheap shots.
     This was when I fell through the floor and into the basement. At first, everything was a little blurry, but then I started noticing things. First, I noticed something black-ish in the corner of the room. Then I noticed that black-ish thing was a cage. Then, there was something inside of those cages. That's when I realized that this was where the children are. I started to run to them, but then I was pulled back and thrown. Then I saw the wimpy bitch - because let's face it, if you turn ivisible to knock your opponent down, that's exactly what you are - right in front of me. Her face was terrifying; her eyes weren't even there, but she did have everything else, it seemed. The skin on her face - which was dry and gray - was sunk in to the point where you could literally see each and every contore of her skull. Her mouth was pretty much a hole, and her nose had the cartiledge, but there weren't any nostrils to breathe through. Her hair was very long, and it was almost gray too. Her clothing was a thin, raggedy plain cloth dress; there was no design or frill, basically just something to cover herself up with. Not an average Tinkerbell, by any means.
     The child in the cage whimpered in fear as the thing in front of me hissed. I grabbed her by the neck hoping to distract her so I could find the key. This is going to be VERY gross, I reminded myself. The distraction worked - consdering the fact that she had no nostrils to breathe through - and I found the key in some kind of hidden pocket on her sleeve. I ran over to the cage, unlocked it, and threw the door open.
     Looks like a job well done, I thought to myself in victory. The kid grabbed onto my jacket and held tight, thanking me, and asking me where his parets were.
     I looked back to find Azrael looking very proud and very satisfied. Which meant that he found the parents upstairs alive, and since the changeling actually looked like changelings, then they must be half-alive. Halfway dead, but still alive. We called an ambulence and got out of there. We didn't worry about explanations or anything; we had to get to the next destination.

All About Rick

Normally - if it's on the way - we stop by my dad's old friend's place, Rick. Rick is a hunter, too; he started doing this when his wife was killed by a vampire. Of course, he didn't know about it at first, but when he started looking into the attack a little more, he started noticing that some things didn't quite add up. Then my father showed up - this was shortly after my mother died - to kill the very same vampire, and he met up with Rick to interrogate him about the attack - not exactly a good idea to interrogate a mourning man about his dead wife, but like I said, he was still a rookie when it came to this kind of stuff. After he cooled down from the investigation, Rick convinced Dad to teach him how to fight monsters, and the rest is history.
     The thing about Rick is that he didn't really do hunting jobs anymore. After my dad died, he got really depressed and decided to start helping us with the research and stuff. He helped us out when we didn't know what to do - like if we forgot how to kill a monster or we tried everything that we could think of and it didn't work. Of course, he goes out and does local jobs every now and then - the last local job, though, was three years ago. Nowadays, he normally just sits in his huge house, drinking beer and looking through his library of monster books.
    He lives in Norton, Virginia, which is only about 6 hours away from Elko. Luckily, our next destination was Lexington, Kentucky - which was three hours away - so we could just stay the night at Rick's until the next night (it was already pretty late in the night by the time we left). We got there at about three in the morning. I was wide awake at this point - I was very used to staying up during car rides - so I walked straight up to the door, holding it open for the boys so they could bring in the bags.
     Rick's house was very, very big; it was kind of old-fashioned, though. It wasn't even really all that pretty, although it probably once was. The house was a dirty cream color, which - about eighteen years ago - was probably once an actual white. That very same paint was peeling off in so many places, though, that there was some metal paneling showing. The windows were big, but they were just wood now; the paint is pretty much missing completely on those bad boys. The porch was wooden and wrapped around the whole house, but it was so rough that if you walked in a pair of flip-flops you could get blisters. The steps leading to the door were concrete and very steep, and there was about ten thousound scraps of metal thrown every which way across the yard. 
     The same description spread to the inside of the house, as well. The furniture was scanty, limited to necessities only. Rick decorated the place with one picture in the living room, which was of his wife, as well as a picture or two of her in his room. Upstairs he had three bedrooms, each one with a bed and a dresser. The only one that wasn't limited to just those items was Rick's bedroom, which had everything that his wife decorated it with before she died. The two extra bedrooms were just painted white, with absolutely nothing to give them any flavor or personality. The walls and beds were painted with white, and the furniture was just wood. Normally, Azrael would sleep in the living room on the couch, allowing me and Briley to sleep in the bedrooms, but sometimes Briley insisted that he sleeps in there, instead.
     "Hey, beautiful!" Rick said to me as I held the door open. No matter how late or early we come in, Rick is always up. I never really knew why, though.
     "Hi, Rick. What's up?" I asked.
     "I just got finished making some dinner for you guys - " said Rick, but he was interrupted momentarily by Rae goaning in happiness. Rae loves it when Rick cooks for us. I think Rae wouldn't mind cooking, but he would burn a motel room down in a matter of seconds.
     "What'd you cook?" asked Briley, as he brought in the last of the bags. We only had three - one for each of us that held all of our clothes and toiletries. I grabbed mine and started to pull it upstairs.
     "Breakfast, since I figured you guys wouldn't get here until the morning anyway," he answered. Rae called him on the ride up.
     Once I came back downstairs, I found the guys in the kitchen, Rae and Briley chowing down like they've never eaten eggs and buiscuits in their lives.
     "I put a big plate in the microwave for you. Figured they'd eat it all," said Rick. If Rae ever misses something when it comes to making up for my father figure, Rick pretty much evens it out for him.
      I smiled at him. "Thanks," I said. I walked over to the beat up microwave and brought the plate over to the table. By the time I sat down, the boys had finished up their plates and were going in for seconds. I just watched them and ate my food slowly.
     "Okay, Rick. Have you figured anything out about this next town?" Briley asked.
    Rick just looked at him like he was crazy. "Oh, I'm sorry!" he said sarcastically. "I wasn't aware that I had to look up your monster information. I thought you guys were old enough to do that already," he said. It was a pretty awkward silence, until I broke it by giggling.
     "I guess he told you," I said to Briley, very ammused. I thought it was funny because normally Rick has a little bit of information, but he probably just forgot this time. If I know Rick, by the time we get up in the morning, he'll probably have a good idea of what it is. He might act all sarcastic about it, though.
    Azrael just kind of laughed, and then Rick joined in. Briley started off looking all pissed, but then he joined us with the laughter. "Whatever," he said, still kind of laughing. 
     I finished my plate and took it to the sink to wash it off. After I was done, they had already started the monster-talk again, so I decided to go to bed. We were probably going to leave almost as soon as we wake up because every second counts.

Rules and Schools

I woke up the next morning to Rae shaking me to death.
     "You have to go to school," he said grimly. Turns out that Rick had given him a lecture on keeping up with the dates and when school starts. Apparently, it was going to start back up in about four days.
     We left a couple of hours later - after Rick gave us some information and a prediction on what he thought the monster was based on the patterns - and headed for Lexington, Kentucky. By the time we were halfway there, I was enrolled - they had an online enrollment form, I guess - and I had school supplies and a couple more outfits. Of course, we used fake credit cards, considering the fact that we didn't make money by fighting the monsters we killed.
     Rule number 1 when attending school while in a family that hunts monsters: you never tell anyone about them, unless under DIRE circumstances. If you have to tell them about your family, you say that they're entreprenuers and go with that. That's basically the story. I used to tell them that my brothers were really highly ranked in the Army and had to move around to different bases, but I didn't really get the military system, so I stopped using that when people got too interested.
     Rule number 5 is to never invite people over. We stay in motels, so I'd never invite someone over anyway, but it's still a good rule to go by. If my family's entreprenuers, why would you stay in a crappy motel room with two queens? A question that would have an incoherent answer.
     At this particular time, we were sitting in a diner in some town near Lexington, getting some very much needed food and doing a recap on the game plan. I was to only worry about school for the next month or so, while they went on about their business with the whole monster hunting thing. I was sitting in the booth, listening to Drops of Jupiter by Train and whispering the lyrics. That was when this really sexy guy walked up to us in waiter attire. DAMN, I thought. Honestly, that's pretty much all I could think when I looked at him.
    He was like the modern version of Adonis. He didn't have on anything too fancy - just a pair of black slacks and a white tee with a black apron tied around his waist - but he was a sexy beast, nontheless. He was maybe a couple of inches shorter than Briley, with black hair and dark tan skin. To be perfectly honest, he reminded me of one of those sexy mobster guys from the old mafia movies - like a hit-man or something. His arms were strong and thick, as well as his shoulders. His hips were very narrow, and his legs were long. He had a really white smile that looked even whiter against his dark skin, and he had such perfect symmetry and bone structure, I wanted to make babies right then and there. When he spoke, I seriously thought that I was going to melt. For a moment there, I could have sworn my skin was dripping to the floor.
    Rule number 2? No boys. This was a rule made specifically for me as soon as I started liking boys. Of course, this tends to get broken every now and then, but only in secret. Normally.
    "Are you ready for drinks?" he asked politely. Was it just me, or was he looking directly at me while he asked that?
     I just stared at him. There is no way that I can describe his voice to you and do it justice. People say that the symphony of the Creation was beyond beautiful, but I think that God must have wrapped up the sound of the best song on the planet with the sound of the Creation; perfect. I bet that he can sing like an angel.
     I must have been staring at him much longer than I intended because by the time I "woke up", Briley was laughing hysterically, Azrael looked ready to kill the dude, and the sexy waiter guy was smiling the most inviting smile at me. I was this close to taking him up on that invitation. 

"Um, I would like a chocolate milkshake, please," I said. Azrael looked at me, and his face told me everything I needed to know: "You're gonna get a talk on the way there." I took a large gulp of air. 

The waiter walked away, and I'm gonna say that I wasn't ashamed enough to not stare at his ass. It was so round... Briley was stiffling a laugh or two, while Azrael looked about ready to kill; I mean that in a literal sense, too. He looked how he does when he sees a monster eating a person; pissed to the point of angry slaughtering time.

   "What the hell is your problem?! Huh?!" he basically screamed. "You don't need to be worried about boys; I will kill a dude!"
   "Azrael! He's like, seventeen! You can't just go kill every guy that I look at!" I stage whispered. "And stop yelling, man! He's gonna hear you, and then you'll get in trouble for threatening a minor, idiot!"
   Rule number 7 is to not fight. Ever. My dad taught us those fighting skills to defend us in times of need and not anger. Plus, they're military, classified fighting skills; if anyone knew that and reported us, we would be in a lot of trouble and end up being chased down by the country. We also have a lot of dirt to hide, and we don't need that shit in the open.
   "I don't care! You don't need to be tempting teenage boys! I know what they want, and they don't want LOVE -" he said, but I interrupted him.
   "What makes you think I want to give him my love, Rae?" I asked. I was just playing, but it turns out that Rae didn't think it was funny. For about two minutes, it was really quiet, and then -
   "Are you shitting me?! And what THE HELL makes you think I want to hear about crap like that from my LITTLE SISTER!!" he screamed. 
   "Rae, calm down. I was just joking, okay?" I said. I honestly sounded like I was talking to a child.
   "Yeah, come on. Ash isn't like that and you know it," Briley said. Seemed he finally stopped the laughter.
   "Ash, you know that I don't like hearing you talk like that, or seeing you act like that! You can't just say that kind of stuff to me, it's GROSS! It gives me involuntary mental pictures and then I get pissed. You know how I am! If you're gonna look at some guy, at last have enough courtesy to not do it in front of me," said Rae. I'm guessing that he still thought of me as a little, innocent girl.
   The waiter guy came back over, and I tried to be a little bit better about it. If you saw him, you would understand: that task is not so easily done.
   "Sunkist, Pepsi with extra ice, and a chocolate milkshake for the lady," he said. I looked up involuntarily. He smiled at me, and I was a puddle on the floor in two seconds flat. I smiled back once I came to. Then I heard Azrael sigh.
   "Are you gonna ask us for our orders, or not?" he asked, kind of rudely, if I might add.
   The guy looked at him kind of funny; Rae just kind of looked at him. Then the waiter got on with his business: he asked for our orders, we told him, then he went and got them and brought them to our table. Eventually, Rae went to the bathroom, and I told Briley that I was gonna go talk to the Dreamboat.
   "You sure about that?" he asked with eyebrow raised and a mischevious smile placed on his lips. "You do know what will happen when he sees you with him, right?"
   "Yeah, but then again, he is in another room, correct?" I said. Rae technically can't get mad at me since I waited until he's out of the room.
   I walked over to the register - he was standing there waiting for us to finish, and there was no one walking into the building and no other customers at that moment, so I wasn't interrupting something - and I gave him a flirty smile.

   The reaction that I'm used to happened across his face: a dreamy-looking smile.

   "Aren't the waiters normally supposed to introduce themselves? I have absolutely no clue what your name is." I did giggle a little, in case you were curious. I don't normally do that, but I was a little dumbstruck, to be perfectly honest with you.
   "Oh, yeah, sorry," he smiled a very sexy smile. "My name's Hunter. Yours?"
   "Ashlynne, but everyone calls me Ash. What school do you go to?"
   "Paul Lawrence, what about you? I don't think I've seen you around here before," he said. I saw this look in his eye, and I can't truthfully tell you I didn't think it was hot as hell.
   "I'll be going there this coming school year. I'm from California, but we move around a lot during the summers. I just came from Elko, South Carolina. Are you from Lexington?" I asked. I wasn't trying to be all stalkerish or anything, but I wasn't aware that gods lived there, so...
   "No, I came from Maine. My mom's from Italy and my dad's from Ireland. My mom's always wanted to live in Kentucky for some reason." The guy's hot-blooded, then? That's what I'm talking about!
   "Cool," I said.
   "So, do you have your schedule yet? Maybe we can meet up sometime and compare them?"
   "Sure, why not?" I didn't want to act all crazy and desperate. Plus, guys are easy; you can pretty much have anyone you want.
   After that, we pretty much got into a really long flirt session. It involved a lot of whispering from him and giggling and touching his arms from me. You'd be surprised how well that works.
   That lasted for maybe about two minutes before Rae came out. Briley had gotten up and was almost out the door - trying to get away from the hysterics that Rae was gonna throw before they happened - but Rae was almost over the counter, so he came back in and threw him out the door.
   "Umm, I got to go!" I said to Hunter.
   "Wait, I don't have your number," he said.
   "I don't have time! Meet me in front of the school on Monday and I'll give it to you," I said. I rushed out the door and got in the car, as soon as I got in, my brother had a few more than a couple hateful words to spew at me.


   School finally started, and after Rae's plan to pretty much ignore me completely and Briley not wanting to piss him off, I ended up actually begging to go to school for some sort of social activity. For the last two days, I was forced to stay in the room while Briley and Azrael searched and searched. This meant that my connection to the outside world was non-existent until they came back, which was normally not until the wee hours of the night; the only thing that was even remotely interesting was the TV, which had no cable - stuck with re-runs of old rom-com TV shows two days straight is not the way you want to spend the last two days of summer break.
   When I got up for school, Briley and Rae were already up. Apparently over my punishment for the Hunter thing, Azrael was making me some breakfast: an omlet with extra sharp cheddar cheese and tomatoes. I walked over to the small card table in the corner of the kitchenette and sat down. This is pretty much the routine when school is back in session. The only exception is that I wake the boys up instead.
   Azrael placed the plate in front of me. "Why are you up so early?" I asked him.
   "I felt kind of bad about acting the way I did, so I decided that I would wake up and make you breakfast," he said. His blue-green eyes looked up at me through his long, thick eyelashes, and a blush spread across his cheeks; he looked so much like a little kid, that I just couldn't deny him forgiveness.
   "It's cool," I said. I smiled at him, and he then let out a breath of relief and smiled back. He's not one to apologize very often, so even if he was all "normal" about it, then I still would have forgiven him.
   After breakfast, Azrael dropped me off at school. I walked up the steps to the door and took a deep breath. Every time I go to a new school, this is my first day routine. I go to the doors, take a deep breath, and to the office I go - I never really know how to get around, and the secretary always gives me directions to my first class.
   Then I heard a really beautiful and familiar voice behind me, which is when I hault.
   "You're not ditching me, are you?" Hunter asked. I honestly didn't see him there; how, I can not answer for sure, but I didn't see him. Maybe I was anticipating him wearing his uniform?
   I was dead wrong if that was the case - I mean, we were in school; he wore a plaid button-up that was rolled up to his elbows. His shorts were a little baggy, and his shoes were Converse - red. Simple, I know, but just right. He had his backpack slung over his shoulder and a cell phone sticking out of his front pocket.


Texte: The places are real - of course, the descriptions are off - but the characters are pretty much all mine. Other things might sound familiar, but that's only because I got inspiration from a TV show... So yeah.
Bildmaterialien: Google Images, baby!
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.06.2012

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To anyone who's actually willing to read this: you are an angel... Thanks, :). I really appreciate it.

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