
Perfect Day

The bright sunshine glared through my window, telling me it was time to wake up and get ready for school. It's not that I didn't want to go to school, I just didn't want to get out of my soft, warm bed. Once I brought myself to get up, I regretted it because I remembered I had a big Chapter test today and I couldn't fail it. I groaned but walked zombie-like into my bathroom. My bathroom door was right next to my bedside table so I didn't have to go very far. It was a blood red and a cream color in the bathtub, my mirror over the white sink was outlined in red and the toilet was cream with a red rug surrounding it. I was used to expensive things because all my life I had lived in big, expensive houses that anyone would love to live in.
After taking a shower and doing my hair, make-up and dressing I walked slowly downstairs to the kitchen. Our kitchen was black and white, if one counter was black then the things on either side of it were white. It was our way of staying awake, by looking at stripes. My sister, Lillian was already down here eating her cereal and toast. As soon as I sat down I was served the same by Ms. Helen our cook.
"Morning my little angels" Dad said walking into the room kissing us on our heads. "How is breakfast?"
I gave him a thumbs up and continued eating. Everyday I had the same thing for breakfast and everyday Dad would ask how it was.
After finishing my food, I went back to my bathroom and brushed my teeth. I walked back downstairs, grabbed my backpack and met Dad in the car. He always drove me, Lillian and Byrant to school because Byrant was too lazy to do and I didn't have my license. Byrant was the oldest, 18, I'm the middle, 15 and Lillian is 13. Me and her were really close but Byrant and I are miles apart.
As he pulled into the High School to drop me and Byrant off, my boyfriend walked up to the car and opened the door for me. I blushed, got out of the car and hugged him as he closed the door behind me. Joshua, has been my boyfriend for about two years and he was amazing. He was nice, generous, caring, honest and I could go on forever with compliments.
"Morning, Em. How did you sleep?" he asked. I loved his husky voice, it reminded me of Jacob from Twilight.
"Not bad, what about you?" I asked pulling away from him. He put his arm around my shoulder and we started walking towards the school. Byrant was already in the school because he didn't want to see me and Josh together.
"The same." he smirked. I laughed at his face, it was funny. "Why do you always laugh when I do that?"
"You look funny when you smirk. I'm sorry if you got the wrong idea out of it but I think it's funny, if you saw your face, I know you would laugh too." I explained. He would never understand.
"Sure I would, babe, sure I would" he said nodding. I laughed at that too and he spun me around so I was facing him. We were inside now and at my first class. He pecked my forehead and left me to go to his class, History.
I walked inside and sat in my normal seat next to Jason. He was Josh's brother and was super annoying. He would always ask me strange and absurd questions about me and Josh's relationship but I tried my hardest to ignore him.
In between all my morning classes I would gat a hug or a kiss from Josh and that always pushed me to do my best in whatever class I had next.
Finally when it was time for lunch I jumped into Josh's arms and he chuckled. I always loved lunch because I had a full hour to spend with Josh and my friends, which I don't get much of. I sat next to Josh in the Cafeteria with Vanessa on my other side. He got me my food and I started eating instantly.
"So, I suppose you were hungry?" he assumed.
"Super hungry." I said. He chuckled.
We had about five conversations going on throughout the lunch table which wasn't new but it was annoying. After I finished my lunch I put my head on Josh's shoulder and closed my eyes. I always loved being near him, it was breath taking and amazing. All my friends were jealous of my relationship with him, and to be perfectly honest I couldn't blame them.
"Em, what's wrong?" he asked abruptly.
I took my head off my shoulder and looked at him confused. "What?"
"Nothing babe"
I shrugged and laid my head back on his shoulder and returned to daydreaming. Mostly about me and Josh getting married and having kids but some were about family.
By the end of the school day, Josh had completely flipped me out because he kept asking if I was okay when there was absolutely nothing wrong.
When I got home I walked straight up to my room to do my homework. Within an hour of starting my homework Josh called me and asked to come over. Of course I said yes and he was here in five minutes. We went up to my room and sat on my couch. He took my hand and I saw him shudder as soon as he touched me. I pulled my hand away and glared at him.
"What?" I asked.
"Why are you so cold?" he asked. He put his hand on my forehead. "Now your hot, what the heck?"
I felt my forehead, it was hot but not abnormally hot. I took his face in my hands and he shuddered. "I'm fine, I promise"
He pressed his lips to mine but pulled back almost instantly. "Babe, your lips are like ice. Are you sure you're okay?"
I nodded. "Positive"
"Alright, if your sure" he said taking my wrists in his hands. He pressed his lips back to mine and shuddered but didn't pull back. I tried to get out of his grip but the more I struggled the tighter he held my wrists. I finally yanked my wrists out of his grip and put my hands around his neck. He winced and pulled back, shaking his head.
"Babe, there's something wrong. One second you feel ice cold and the next your boiling hot. What's wrong?" he asked.
I shrugged. "I don't know. Well, I do know that you won't let me kiss you"
"Sorry" he said getting up off the couch and went to my bed. "I'll see you tomorrow, try and be more normal, okay?"
I shrugged. "I still have no idea what your talking about"
He smiled and left the room closing the door behind him.
I frowned but got into my pajama's after taking a shower and finished the little bit of homework I had left.
I crawled into bed, turned the light off and closed my eyes. My mind was going through the conversation this afternoon with Josh and I couldn't figure out what he was talking about. Soon after I settled my thoughts I fell asleep.


About an hour after I had fallen asleep, I woke up again. After that I couldn't go back to sleep, no matter what I did, which way I laid. When it was about 10PM I picked up my phone and called Josh because whenever one of us couldn't sleep we called the other. He picked up on the third ring.
"Can't sleep?" he questioned sleepily.
"Be over in a minute" he said and hung up. About ten minutes later he was walking into my room yawning and rubbing his eyes. He climbed under the blankets and put an arm around me and pulled me so I was pressed against his chest. His lips pressed against my ear. "Good night"
I smiled and tried to go back to sleep. Within a minute I heard him sleeping but no matter what I did, I couldn't fall asleep.
After another hour I got up and sat on my couch, grabbed the glass of water on the coffee table and drank some. I climbed back into bed, being careful not to wake Josh but as soon as my head touched the pillow I was wide awake. I rolled onto my back and checked the clock, it was ten minutes before midnight.
Suddenly, I felt a fire burning through my veins. My eyes started burning and I heard a loud bang through my ears. My arms, legs and head went numb and I blacked out moments later.
The next thing I knew it was morning and I was on the floor. I got up and sat on the bed and glared at Josh and was surprised. He looked so much different. I could see every strand of his bed head hair, I heard his heartbeat and saw dust particles floating around. My eyes started to burn again, so I rubbed them with my fingers but that only made it worst. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I remember screaming at something but wasn't sure what, considering I fainted.
When I got back up I realized why I screamed and fainted. My hazel eyes were no longer hazel and my slightly tanned skin was no longer slightly tan. My eyes a light silver and around the eyeball where white used to be was a dark navy blue. I pinched my arm to make sure I wasn't dreaming but I wasn't. My skin was pale and by pale I mean like vampire pale. I shook my head and went back into my bedroom to find Josh still sleeping. I shook him a few times to get him awake but once he woke up he didn't go back to sleep. He sat up and looked at me.
"Good morning, I hope you..." he trailed off when he actually saw me. "What the Hell?"
"I don't know, I woke up like this. " I told him. I found a pair of dark sunglasses and put them on before he could say something else.
"You're beautiful!" he exclaimed. "Well, you already were but that is just like the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen"
I slapped him in the back of the head causing him to groan. "Shut up, this is terrible"
"Yeah, because every boy at school is going to want you. Ha-ha they can't have you. I'm one lucky man" he said smiling.
I shook my head and got off the bed to brush my hair but when I looked in the mirror my hair was already perfect, not one strand out of place. Huh, that was weird. I shrugged and went downstairs to eat but once I saw the food I had no desire to eat it. Huh, that was ever more weird.
Going back upstairs, I put on a long sleeve hot pink shirt and skinny jeans with knee length boots. I grabbed my bag and hopped in Josh's car and we were off to school. I had no idea how I was going to get away with wearing sunglasses all day but somehow I needed to find a way. I could not let people see me like this. Josh seemed to agree because he kept glancing at me from the corner of his eye.
He parked in his parking spot and picked me up out of the car and put me down on the ground steadily. Smiling at me, he closed the door and put an arm around my shoulder. We walked to my locker so I could put my books in it then to my first class. I was lucky, no one had seen me yet because we had gotten here extra early. I was the first in the class and I used that extra time to search things up on the web. They had nothing for what to do if you wake up one morning and you look like a goddess. Me being a vampire had crossed my mind a few times but I was out in the sunlight a few minutes ago and I was fine so that idea was junk.
Plus, vampires had strength and speed and I have neither so that idea was definitely out of the picture.
When the teacher walked in she stared at me which I was trying to avoid. I put my hand up to wave, and as soon as she saw it she turned away and didn't glance up from her desk again. I huffed. Huh, weird. I shook my head. This isn't happening right now, I don't have silver eyes, I'm not pale and I did not just make that teacher look away from me.
The rest of the class came in one at a time, each taking their turn to stare at me. I was relived when someone called the classroom and told them to talk me out of class, that someone had to talk to me. I didn't care who it was, I just wanted to get out of that classroom.
When I reached the office they showed me to an old man that I had never seen before. He had grey hair, grey beard and lots of wrinkles on his face. I noticed he didn't have a cane or a walker but he did have sunglasses on. When he saw me he stood up and shook my hand.
"Pleasure to meet you, Emma. I've waited 15 years to see the day you grew up and needed my help, and now you do" he said in a low voice. How did he know my name? "Emma, we have much to discuss and if you would prefer somewhere more private that could be arranged."
I shook my head. "Who are you and what do you want?"
He smiled a warm smiled and took my hand. He led me outside onto one of the benches and we sat down. "I'm Herald, Herald Monroe. Now, let's take this glasses off so I can see who you really are" He reached over and took off my sunglasses and then his. His eyes were white, just pure white. It was weird. "Now, let's see where do I begin. What about at the beginning. You are a spirit, Emma. You have powers of a vampire, a werewolf, shape-shifter and some of a ghost. From your pale skin and hot temperature, I'd say you are a combination of a vampire and werewolf mostly."
"What are you talking about?" I asked confused. I am pale and I do have a very hot temperature but what he is saying makes no sense.
"Alright, last night ten minutes before midnight you felt fire burning through your veins, your eyes hurt and you heard a loud bang then you blacked out. When you woke up you looked like this." he said gesturing to my body. "Now, I understand that it is a lot to take in at one time but it will get easier."
"Okay" I said trying to understand. "So, what's so good about me?"
He chuckled. "The looks for one. But no, you can shift into any creature you want once you get practice, when you get really mad you can turn into a huge wolf and run somewhere, you have the strength and speed of a vampire so everything about you is good. If you really try and concentrate you can turn into a ghost, and walk through walls."
"That's scary" I said honestly. I still didn't really believe him considering I'm just a normal human that happens to have silver eyes and pale skin. I shrugged, maybe I'll find out on my own. "So what do I eat? I had no desire to eat my breakfast this morning"
"Well, that's tricky. Sometimes you may want human food, sometimes you may want animal blood and sometimes you might want an animal like a deer or something. It depends on what you crave. Let me tell you one thing, whatever you crave is what you eat, never eat anything but what you crave, it's dangerous"
"How's it dangerous?" I asked suddenly interested.
"You'll learn as time goes on. Now, here" he said handing me a piece or paper with a number on one side and an address on the other. "If you need me, that's how to contact me, goodbye now"
Then like magic, he was gone, nowhere to be seen. I shrugged as I put the paper in my pocket and walked back into school. I put my sunglasses back on and went upstairs to my classroom. I was pretty sure that what had just happened was obviously hard to take in and I was sort of thinking it was a joke. Well, I had until he described what happened to me last night.
I really hoped that this was all just a dream and that when I pinched myself this morning it just didn't work. You can feel pain in a dream, right? I shook my head to get all thoughts about this weird and stupid new life out of my head. Unfortunately, that didn't work.
In my third period class, I was trying my best to pay attention to the lesson when the fire in my veins returned. I only felt it for a few seconds but it felt almost as if someone have put just my veins on my fire and the blood was spreading the fire. When it passed, I had a strange craving for something, something I would never eat in my entire life. It disgusted me to even think about eating it, never mind actually doing it. I shuddered at the thought.
At the end of the day, I went home and thought back to all the things that Herald had said. Well, for one thing I knew I had to get some animal blood in me, because it would be 'dangerous' if I didn't.
I decided to try something. I went outside and started running back into the woods. I was amazed when I saw everything around me fly by me in a blur. I finally found a deer wondering around, and from that moment on I wasn't myself anymore. My senses took over and by the time I got home I had drained 3 deer of blood and I was disgusted by that but was also delighted. I had never done anything like it before and I knew that it wasn't going to be my last time.
I went upstairs to take a shower, to clear my mind and hopefully feel more human. When I saw myself in the mirror, my eyes were lighter then this morning and my hair still looked perfect. Must be because I'm part vampire, I thought. It was weird to think that.
After my shower, I looked 'spirits' up online and found nothing about silver and blue eyes or running very quickly. Huh, maybe no one knows about us. Well, that would be just great, I wouldn't be able to tell anyone or let anyone see me. That would suck.
My mind wondered off to what Josh would think. I hadn't seen him since lunch and that was very abnormal for him. If me being a 'spirit' messes up me being able to have a boyfriend and friends then whoever made me one can make me a normal human again.
What about my family? how would they feel? Let's see, my mom and dad hate abnormal things and my siblings love abnormal so I would have half of my family on my side. That lightened my spirits a little.
I slowly walked over to my couch and unzipped my backpack. As I looked to see what I have for homework, Herald popped into my room. He was sitting on my bed, looking around my room as if committing it to memory. I found I had a worksheet and a few pages to be read in my textbook. I was about to get started on it but he spoke up.
"How was your hunt?" he asked in a solid voice. It was almost like a glass voice that echoed throughout the room for a moment after he spoke.
I had a lot of smart remarks to say to that but I didn't use any. "Fine."
He nodded and walked over to sit next to me. "I know this may sound a bit odd, but I want to see your wolf."
I raised my eyebrows. "My what?"
"Remember how I said your a werewolf and vampire mostly. Well, that means that you can turn into a big wolf. I want to see it"
"Sure, but how?"
"Your boyfriend cheated on you" he said out of the blue.
"WHAT!?" I screamed. I was mad, no I was nine miles past mad. I felt my bones crack and then shift. My eyes burned like before and within two seconds I was a wolf. I had four paws, ears like a dog and a tail. Huh, maybe I could turn into a wolf.
"Wow" he exclaimed. I took a look and I saw a huge snow white wolf from the stomach down. My tail was white at the connecting part to my bum, but got darker the farther down you looked and was pitch black at the tip. My paws were the same as my tail and now that I took a better look, my stomach/waist had some spots of grey. I was beautiful.
I wanted to talk but all that came out was a bark. That will take some getting used to, considering I liked talking not barking.
"Well, that is a magnificent wolf you have" he said. "Now, I must tell you some bad things about being a werewolf. First of all, now that you have been a wolf once your powers as a wolf are in tact. Now, you have a mate that the Wolf Spirits picked for you, you two are perfect for each other. It doesn't have to be a werewolf, it could be a human or anything. You will also have to join the pack around here and you will have a mind link with them. Meaning, you can talk while you are a wolf to them through your mind. They will explain other things like rules and whatnot but you need to know who the Alpha is. He is the leader of the pack and controls everyone in it. He is an all black wolf with no other colors." he explained. "Now, I must leave you"
He opened the window then left into thin air. I growled and it echoed in my room for a moment before disappearing. I jumped out the window and landed in the woods behind my mansion. I started running and almost jumped when I saw another wolf that was about the same size as me. It was a russet brown, almost like Jacob from Twilight and when it saw me it howled and it was a beautiful sound. A completely white wolf and a grey and white wolf came up behind him/her and barked at me, I think.
One of them ran off then a human came with only shorts on and another human beside him. They were both kind of hot but not my kind of guy. One had short blonde hair and the other had short black hair. My sight of them was pretty good but I decided not to stand here checking them out.
"Who are you?" The blond asked. His voice was deep, husky, sexy and scary.
I didn't know how to answer him and I didn't know how to change back into a human so I just stood there ignoring him.
"Go shift" The black haired guy ordered.
I ran back to my house and I wasn't sure exactly how but I shifted back to a human but I had no clothes on.
After I had gotten dressed I ran back to where they were and I noticed it seemed a lot shorter when I was a wolf but I got there in five minutes. There was only two humans and no wolves now, so I felt a little bit more comfortable but not completely. They gasped when they saw that I was a female but didn't run to my surprise.
"Who are you?" The blond asked again.
The black haired guy smacked him and growled loudly. I felt like I should bow down to him or something when he did that. "Vincent, go" he ordered and after Vincent left he turned to me. "Who might you be?"
"Emma Redford" I answered. I had a hunch that this guy was the Alpha but I wasn't sure yet.
"Are you new around here? We haven't come across you yet." he said in a softer voice but it was deep, very deep.
"No, I've lived here all my life. I'm just a new... wolf" I said. It was the first time I had called myself a wolf, out loud and it was very strange and different.
"I can tell. Are you part of a pack yet?"
"Well, then you're in this pack." he stated. Well, apparently he wasn't going to give me a choice so I just nodded. "Come on, I'll show you to the pack house"
Pack house? I shrugged and followed him as he took off into the woods. I had to admit it was a long way to the Pack House but it was huge. It was a light blue and had at least three floors. There was a lounge, kitchen, games room and a few big bedrooms. It wasn't anything like what I was used to but I had to admit it was nice. The first person that came up to me was the blond from the woods. He had a slight tan, blue eyes and had a huge smile on his face when he saw me.
"Your Emma, huh." he said. How the Hell did he know my name? Oh, the mind link. Great now all of the people in this pack could hear my thoughts, just great.
"Yeah" I said.
'She's nice. Wonder who her mate is going to be? Alpha, is it you?' He said through the mind link.
'No, but she can hear you. She's a part of the pack now. Be nice, I don't need another female going to Rogues. That was terrible.

' The person who showed me here said. This was pretty cool. I couldn't wait to see what everyone was thinking, that would be pretty cool.
"By the way, my name's Vincent" he said putting his hand in between us. I shook it and smiled at his niceness. He was listening to the Alpha, huh didn't see that coming.
"The name's Carter, I'm the Alpha if you haven't figured that out yet" he said going into the kitchen. He wasn't so nice, but I could live with it.
'Jackson, come meet Emma. She's nice and just your type, well she would be if you had a type.

' Vincent said.
A large muscular guy came down the stairs. He had dirty blond hair, brown eyes and was quiet taller then me.
"I do too have a type, Vincent." he said smacking Vincent in the arm. "Hello, I'm Jackson, if you didn't hear"
"Oh, I forgot you were in the pack, my bad." Vincent said. He was actually pretty hot now that I was seeing him closely.
I heard someone else come down the stairs, she was slim and tall like me but she had yellow eyes and red hair. She looked like a girl at my school named Emily, I think. She was really nice though I had never met her.
"What did you do this time?" she asked walking up to Vincent's side. Her voice was soft but high, like Vanessa's. "Oh, hi Emma"
"I forgot she was in the pack, no big deal. You guys are always picking on my memory. It's not really that bad." Vincent said annoyed.
"Maybe because you have a terrible memory and that's why your not Beta. You used to always think that it was because I didn't like you but it's really because of your Short Term Memory Loss." Carter told him coming from the kitchen with a plate of food. He called to everyone upstairs that dinner was ready and then like a mad house, everyone came down at once. I laughed but Carter instantly told me to be quiet so I did. "What did I say about all of you coming down at once.
"You gonna eat, Emma" she said. All the boys had gone into the kitchen to eat but she didn't for some reason.
"Uh-uh, I already ate. I'll go check out the house." I told her and walked upstairs. I really wanted some alone time since I hadn't been left alone since I got here. I heard my phone ring and it was Joshua. I didn't want to ignore it but I did anyways.
The house was huge, and that was to say the least. It wasn't as big as my grandma's house but it was definitely bigger then mine. There had to be at least ten bedrooms with pictures or random people on the doors. I didn't enter any obviously but I wanted to open the door with a picture of a really hot guy with a tan and short black hair. It wasn't Carter but it looked a little like him. I continued down the hallway of bedrooms until I found the guy I wanted to be mine, hopefully he was my mate. He had a slight tan as well, hair like Zayn form One Direction and had gorgeous green eyes. I was in love with that picture.
"That's Lucas, my mate" the girl I meet earlier said from behind me, scared me. I turned around and she was looking at the picture too. "He's even hotter in person, trust me"
"If that's possible" I mumbled. She growled lowly but didn't say anything. I went farther down the hallway seeing even more bedrooms. I stopped at a somewhat hot guy, Vincent. "Vincent"
"Yep, he doesn't have a mate yet. I thought it would be the next female in the pack but apparently I was wrong" she said laughing at the end.
"What's your name?" I asked feeling stupid.
"Emily, I go to your school. We all do, except for Carter because he's Alpha." she explained.
I smiled. "I thought you looked familiar"
The next door that we stopped at was another hot guy, and that's when I realized they are all really hot. He had a tan, blond hair and yellow eyes. I didn't know where him and Emily got them from but they were cool. I wanted yellow eyes, instead of weird silver ones.
"That's Dylan"
She told me the names of everyone on the boys side and then all of them on the girls side as well. Her picture was nice, she had green eyes and a darker red for hair then it is now and when I asked she shrugged. She took a picture of me and put it in the first empty door on the girls side. It was pink, purple, red and some orange. It had a queen sized bed with pink with red polka dots as a comforter and the couch matched it. The walls were white and the carpet was a light purple making the room complete.
After I met some of the other girls I met Lucas and like Emily said he was hotter in person.
"Lucas" he said shaking my hand.
"Emma" I said in a shaking voice.
'Emma, would you come down to the lounge, we have some things to discuss.' I heard Carter say through the mind link. I left Emily and Lucas and went down to the lounge with shivers of nerve. Carter had a serious look on his face, though every time I saw him he did. I sat on the opposite couch as him and watched him.
"Now, since you are part of the pack, you aren't permitted to talk to any humans at school and you have stay with people of the pack at school. You will wake up an hour earlier then you normally would and run back home to get ready. Then after homework, you will run back here and sleep here except on weekends. I sent Vincent to discuss it with your parents so they will be fine with it." he explained.
"You may leave" he dismissed me.
My parents were going to be okay with me practically living with a lot of boys. I didn't know how that would go, or how much I was going to get yelled at but you know, I'm a vampire, I can kill them if needed.
When I entered my room there was a strange guy in there. He was about my height, slim, hot and muscular.
"You're Emma" he stated. "Pleasure to meet you"
"Same?" I said more as a question then a reply.
He chuckled. "I'm Gabe"
I nodded and remembered Emily pointing him out.
He left without another word, slamming the door behind him. Huh, really strange.
'Where are all of you?' Carter's voice filled my mind.
Most of us said in out bedroom's but some said for a run and one said at my house, it was Vincent of course. I wanted to know how it was going but I didn't think I wanted to hear that my parents didn't like the idea.
There was a knock on the door, then Emily walked in in her pajama's. They were nice, a royal blue tank top and plaid green, black and blue pants.
"What do you like in a guy?" she asked leaning against the bedroom door.
"Blond hair, blue eyes, muscular, slightly tan, nice, honest, caring, handsome, somewhat smart..." she cut me off.
"Huh, maybe I was wrong" she said. "Goodnight" and left.
I laid in the bed and within minutes I was out cold.

I'm Sorry Did you Say Canada?

‘Everyone get your butt’s up, we have to go on a trip. So get up and we will all meet in the woods. Emily, show Emma where we always meet in the mornings. Be there in five minutes.’

Carter’s voice filled my mind.
It got me up but not by choice or will. I looked at the clock and it was 2AM, who in there right mind would wake a pack up at that hour. I regretted saying that a moment later.

Carter warned in a very frightening voice. ‘I did hear that. Just get your ass up!’

Well, I did as I was told. I found a few great shirts in the closet and pulled a red v-neck shirt over my head and skinny jeans. I knew it wouldn’t matter what I wore if I was going in my wolf form but oh well. I had three minutes, so I used my vampire speed to run around my bathroom and room getting ready. It came in handy. I got my shoes on, make-up done and hair brushed in one minute then another to brush my teeth.
Emily and I were almost there when her mater, Lucas came up behind her and attacked her. I laughed but Carter didn’t find it too funny at all. He ended up using his Alpha tone with then and it was funny but I kept myself from laughing.
“Morning everyone.” he said. Some people said morning or mumbled hi but most stayed quiet. I could get used to this, it was nice to be able to have so many people around you. “Wake up, your not in bed anymore”
We all just listened as he told us what we were doing today. I was going to go back to the pack house, work out to get stronger until six. At six I was to go to my house get ready to go to school then go to school. After school, I would do my homework then return to the pack house where Carter would be waiting to tell all of us about the trip.
“Wait, before we all go our separate ways, I would like Emily, Dylan, Nathan and Vincent to show Emma the Territory.” he said.
“Emma, shift into wolf form, we’ll go that way.” she said.
I shifted into wolf form as I was told and it was relaxing to do so. The bones stretching out, muscles flexing and to be a wolf, it was all an amazing feeling. Emily lead the way, out farther into the woods. When I started to smell a different scent she started running right before the scent got strong, making sure to never cross over.
‘What do you think, pretty big right?’

she asked while we were running. I still couldn’t believe that I had a mind link with all of the people in this pack, it was a lot to wrap your finger around.

I said describing two things at once. ‘It’s huge. Aren’t we almost done, Emily?’

‘No. Emma, just a warning don’t ever let Carter hear you complain like that or you will be in some serious trouble’

Vincent answered.
‘Am I not allowed to complain?’
‘Well, it depends on what you are complaining about’ Nathan put in. ‘If you complain about his orders then you will be in trouble’

‘But if you complain about food or something unrelated to him you won’t have a problem’

Dylan finished. It was weird talking without opening my mouth, and even more so because I was in wolf form. Just plain weird.
‘So, I’m allowed to complain as long as it has nothing to do with Carter or his orders?’

‘You got that right, Em!’

Emily smirked.
I smirked back. ‘Em? Where did that come from?’
‘Well, your name is Emma, so I took the first two letters and made it your nickname. It’s pretty common actually’

‘I like it’

Dylan said smiling.
I growled at the two of them. ‘Whatever’

‘Don’t whatever me, I’ll have your head for it’

Dylan warned.
I turned my head to look at him. He was baring his teeth at me with Nathan behind him just looking around, ignoring us. ‘Sure, should I be scared of him Em?’
‘Whoa, who said you could call me Em? I came up with that for you. Not for me, for you’

‘If you don’t call me it then I won’t call you it’ I said.
‘Deal and no, you shouldn’t be afraid of him…’

Carter cut her off. He sounded mad as mad could get.
‘Emma, Nathan, Emily, Vincent and Dylan get back here right now! You should have been back ages ago!’

he shouted.
We didn’t say another word the entire time we were running though I know we all wanted to. When we got back to the pack house, we shifted back and we were all naked in front of another. The others didn’t mind but I sure did, I didn’t want two teenage boys seeing me naked.
I jumped into the window of my room with the vampire abilities in me and quickly pulled something on. It was a tee and shorts, buy hey it’s better then nothing, right.
Carter had the four of us working out harder because we weren’t there on time but it didn’t bother me, I was using my vampire strength. That had all of them looking at me like I was a maniac because I was at the highest weight and it wasn’t hard. I probably should have used only my real strength but this was fun.
Finally, it was six o’clock and I ran home to get ready. My parents weren’t there and I don’t think either of my siblings were either but I couldn’t be positive. After, I was one hundred percent positive I looked like a normal fifteen year old girl, I hoped into Emily’s car that was waiting out front and she drove to school.
“So, what’s it like having a mate?” I asked.
She gave me a weird look before answering. “Well, it’s the most wonderful thing in the world if you ask me. I mean we go into heat like a cat and it’s really weird but other then that it’s great. He will do anything for you and you’d do anything for him. The males are always really protective and defensive and it’s annoying but it’s worth it. Then, once you complete the mating process it’s like you two are inseparable.”
“What’s the mating process?” I asked not sure if I really wanted to know.
“Step #1: The meet. Step #2: The marking. Step #3: The sex” she explained quickly.
“He’ll bite you on your neck, well in between your neck and your shoulder. It’s a little painful but it’s worth it”
I tried to picture someone biting me, biting my neck but no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t. “How do you tell if he’s your mate?”
“Well, you have this feeling whenever he’s near you that you have to go to him. And when he touches you, you get shivers up and down your spine and when he kisses you the whole world goes away and it’s just you and him. Everyone disappears from sight and it’s the best feeling in the world, well second best”
I knew what the best was and I wasn’t going to ask to make her tell me. “So, in school do you use your mind link a lot?”
“Oh, yes all the time. It’s how we communicate without anyone else hearing, it’s quite useful”
I nodded as she pulled into the parking lot. I wasn’t ready to not talk to Josh or Vanessa or any of them but I had to, Alpha’s orders.
‘Remember no human contact’

Carter reminded me. I loved that voice of his, it was deep and sexy.
‘Okay, Alpha’

I said.
‘No, call me Carter. I only make the annoying ones call me Alpha’

he said.
It felt nice to hear him say that I’m not annoying even if that wasn’t his exact words. ‘Well, thanks. I try not to be annoying’

He chuckled. ‘Well, you succeed. Now, stop talking to me and get to class.’

I shook my head. ‘I’m not technically talking to you’

‘Stop while your ahead!’

He warned. “Before you have to call me Alpha. I’d really rather not make you’

I didn’t say anything else to him while I went to first period and sat next to Emily instead of Vanessa. She wasn’t very happy about it, but when she saw who I was sitting with she didn’t argue.
‘Quite the friend you have there’

Emily said.
I elbowed her in the ribs causing her to groan. ‘I know I’m not allowed to have human contact but don’t insult my friends, they aren’t bad once you get to know them. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover’

I heard someone chuckle and I think it was Carter but I wasn’t positive. Carter was definitely not one of the ones I would expect to laugh at something like that. Or laugh at all even.

’ I asked.
‘Yes, Emma.’

‘Who is mated in the pack?’

I asked.
‘Me and Lucas, Dylan and Marbella, Vincent and Amy, Thomas and Jamie and Wyatt and Regina’

she answered. I was surprised to hear that Carter didn’t have a mate.
‘Carter doesn’t have one?’
‘That’s hard to tell. He says he has one but he wont tell us who. A few of us think it’s you but Carter denied that.’

She explained in a low voice. It was just loud enough for me to hear the teacher and her at the same time.
‘I think I know who it is’

Nathan said.
I turned around to glare at him in surprise. ‘Well, don’t just sit there and listen to the teacher. Who?’

Carter then filled my mind. ‘Wouldn’t you like to know. You know you shouldn’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answer to.’
‘But I do want to know, I don’t know why but I do’

I said a little louder then I had meant to.
‘I think it’s you’

Nathan said.
‘Oh most definitely’

Dylan agreed.
‘Emma, why are you so stubborn?’

Carter asked me. I wonder how he did that, only talk to one person at a time.
‘I’m not stubborn, I may be annoying at times but not stubborn’

I argued. I knew I shouldn’t argue with the Alpha but I was not stubborn and I was going to win this.
‘Oh Emma, you think your annoying but you aren’t. If you were I would be having your ass for being late and I’d make you call me Alpha. Now, do I do that?’

He said in a soft, loving voice. It was still the deep, sexy voice I loved but just softer.
‘No, but I swear I can be annoying at times. Maybe, I can be stubborn but only to some people’

I said.
‘Are we really having this conversation, Ms. Redford?’

He asked in the same soft voice. It made me feel like I meant something to him, other then a pack member.
‘I believe we are Mr. what’s your last name?’

‘Get back to concentrating on school. I can’t be mean, it’s not how I am with a… I mean you’
‘If you don’t mind me asking what were you going to say?’

I knew he was going to say something that he didn’t want me to know but I was going to get it out of him.

he said and left my head. I really wanted to know what he was going to say but I suppose I could drop the subject.
It was almost the end of the lesson when I stopped my little conversation with Carter. Emily tried to ask what it was about but I didn’t answer, and surprisingly she was okay with that.
The rest of that day flew by, except for lunch which was usually my only period with Josh but I was ignoring him and all the other humans. After our last period, Emily dropped me off at my house so I could do my homework, then I’m assuming she drove to her house. I finished my homework in half an hour, took a shower and changed into clothes that I wouldn’t mind if I never saw them again.
I hopped out my window and shifted. I started running for the Pack house as soon as I had changed and surprisingly I wasn’t the first one there. In fact, I think I was the last. I shrugged, Carter doesn’t get mad at me so I’m good.
“Alright, now I know this isn’t what your expecting to here but we have to go to Cape Breton in Canada. You have one hour to pack a bag then we are leaving. Let me make myself clear, not all of us are going” Carter explained. “Me, Emily, Vincent, Dylan, Nathan, and Emma.”
“I’m sorry did you say Canada?” Vincent asked full of surprise.
“Yes” Carter answered.
What? I could not go to Canada, not only did I not want to but it was so far away and would take at least two days to get there if we ran. Plus, not that I had anything against any of them or anything but being stuck in Canada with four boys was going to be Hell.
Turns out we were taking a plane, and a private jet at that. Within the first hour, Carter and I were the only ones awake. He had been having a conversation to the person in charge back home, and I had been reading To Kill a Mockingbird, one of my favorites. As I got to the tenth chapter I decided to take a break and see if I could get Carter to tell me who his mate was.
“Who you talking to?” I asked causally. I didn’t know what he was saying or how he was ordering something but his face got tense. After a minute he snapped back into reality and turned to face me.
“Why don’t you ask me the question you really want to ask me?” he asked. Man, I couldn’t sneak anything past him.
“You won’t tell me”
“Try me”
“Who’s your mate?” I asked in a low voice but I knew he had heard me. I watched him for a minute as he considered telling me, and when he turned back to face me he smiled.
“You really want to know? No matter who it may be?” he questioned. I could tell he wanted me to change my mind, but it wasn’t going to work. Well, it would if I didn’t want to know so badly, if I didn’t want him to be my mate.
He sighed. “Okay, how about this. You guess who it may be”
“I don’t know half the girls you know, probably not even a fourth.”
“I guarantee you know her”
“Alright.” I said considering some of the girls in the pack. “Is she in the pack?”
He looked over at me and smiled. “Yes”
I was surprised to hear that considering if she was in the pack, she would know he was her mate. “Is she pretty?”
“No, she’s gorgeous. The most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on.” he said chuckling a little.
I hated knowing that someone out there is lucky enough to have him as a mate. Huh, I probably got a geek. “Is it Heather?”
“No, she’s a lot prettier than her.” he said.
I hated his little inside joke. But right as I said that his voice filled my mind and I almost died laughing.
‘She’s prettier than Emily’ he said. I had a really hard time believing that considering she could be the hottest girl in the world.
‘Who? You do realize you are driving me insane here, right?’
‘How so?’ he asked in a concerned voice.
Maybe I didn’t want him as a mate, he was so stubborn. ‘You won’t tell me who your mate is’
‘Why do you care so much?’
That stopped me from answering. That stopped me from doing anything. That was the last sentence he said to me on the plane.
When we finally got off the plane, I was relived and Emily was as well. Me and Emily shared a Hotel room and the boys shared one as well. It was nice and roomy but way too white and light, like a hospital room or something. It had a bed, couch, table, kitchen, TV and a little more entertaining things.
‘Emma, do you really want to know?’

Carter asked.
‘More then anything. I don’t see why you’re keeping it from everyone, I mean she’s just some girl’
‘It’s you. You’re my mate, Emma’

he said.
Wait, what? I can’t be his mate, can I? No, no, no I cant be, I was meant to have a nice, charming and non-stubborn mate, not Carter. The Alpha of my pack was my mate? No, that didn’t make any sense, non at all. I couldn’t even put into words my feelings towards him right now. Pain. Hate. Anger. More Pain.

he questioned after a moment of silence. I didn’t answer him. I didn’t answer Emily when she asked me what was wrong.
He came through the door to the Hotel room and starred at me with wide eyes. “Ignoring me, now?”
I didn’t answer him, not only because I didn’t want to but because I wasn’t completely sure I could talk without yelling at him. Shouldn’t I have known he was my mate? Shouldn’t he have told me?
‘You’re right, I should have told you, but I knew you would be angry with me. So I didn’t. You can understand that right?’

He said after he went back to his room.
“What was that all about?” she asked.
I shrugged. “Who knows how he works”
She laughed. “You know, I like you, you’re really funny. Whoever your mate is will definitely in for it”
That got me back into my no talking mode, no talking to anyone. Carter didn’t like her saying that one bit.
‘Would you shut it, Emily! Can’t you see she’s in a bad mood about something, no need to bring up her mate’

He demanded.
‘Wait, so she has a mate already. Who?’

She said. Shit, he had seriously messed up because Emily will not let this go now.

He said.
Emily jerked her head in my direction and smiled. “You’re mate is Carter, why didn’t you tell me?”
‘Emily Smith, leave her alone about it!’

Carter ordered in his Alpha voice. I smiled at that but hid it from Emily.
‘No, she doesn’t have to. She just wants to know why I didn’t tell her.’

I said. I needed him to know that if I wanted her to shut it, I could tell her myself. ‘It’s not like I’m embossed that you’re my mate’

‘You make it seem that way, sometimes.’

I snapped back at him.
I heard him talking to the boys in the other room. ‘Man, you got your hands full, she practically hates you’
‘No, need to rub it in, Nathan. I get that I should have told her yesterday, but come on she can cut me some slack right?’

Why should I, what has he done for me? Argh, he was really getting under my skin and he was annoying.
“So, when’d he tell you?” Emily asked me, snapping me out of my daze. I shrugged and went back to ignoring the world.
I was just about to turn the light off to go to bed, when Carter came in. I shut off the lights but he only turned them back on. Argh, he is so difficult, and I only knew him for two days.
“I would like to go bed, if you don’t mind” I said as a smart remark. Of course, he didn’t like that at all.
“Don’t give me a smart remark” he warned and turned the lights back on after I tried again. This time he kept his abnormally large hand, on the light switch so I couldn’t move it.
“I’ll give whoever I want, a smart remark” I said. I was about to say something else but Emily had sat up and glared at us.
“Will you two please turn the lights off? I really need my beauty sleep. You can flirt with each other in the morning.”
I frowned at her. “I sure as hell am not flirting with him, and he won’t let me turn the lights off.”
"Carter” Emily groaned laying back down and putting a pillow over her head. “Go to sleep”
“Not until she agrees to actually talk to me, instead of ignoring me.” he said staring at me with those gorgeous blue eyes. I shook my head instead of string back.
“I’m talking to you right now” I reminded him. “Unless you have a different definition of talking then I do”
Emily laughed and the crowd of boys at the door did too.
“She’s going to be able to control him. He’s not even getting mad at her, wow she has it good.” Nathan said and they all agreed with him.
“Shut up, Nathan.” Carter warned. “I meant willingly talking to me, not just talking to me because you want the lights off.”
“Don’t hold your breath” I said going and laying down in my bed. “Fine, if you won’t turn the lights off, I’ll sleep with them on”
He sighed. “Why are you so difficult? And stubborn?”
“I’m not difficult, you’re the one that is difficult. I’m not stubborn, that’s you, Alpha”
“I told you, you don’t have to call me that” he smirked.
“If I said what I really wanted to, I would so I’m saving myself the trouble.” I finally told him.
“I bet you don’t have the guts to tell me what you really want to tell me” he mumbled.
I sat up and walked over to him. “Fine. You’re a stubborn, difficult person that shouldn’t even be the Alpha because you’re a child!”
He raised his eyebrows. “You have some nerve, telling me that. I can kick you out of this pack, just as quickly as I put you in it!”
“I’m not scared of you” I told him.
He dropped the hand on the light switch and took a step towards me. “And now?”
“I would say no, but then you’d just step closer to me again and I don’t want that” I said. I reached around him and turned the lights off then went to lay down in my bed. “Thank you”
He growled lowly at me. “You are difficult, Emma”
He growled again but I heard them all go into the other room and Carter slam the door. Probably shaking it off the hinges. I laughed at the thought of him breaking the door on a hotel room.
I fell asleep that night with no problem, surprisingly.

A Week in Canada

‘Emma, get up!’

Carter told me.
I groaned. Did he have to wake me up this early, it’s bad enough I’ll have to deal with him the rest of my life. I groaned at the thought of seeing him everyday.
‘I’ll be the highlight of your day’

He said smirking. Then, the lights turned on and I groaned again.
“Come on, Carter!” Emily groaned but I don’t think she was awake. Was she dreaming about Carter. “No Emma!”
“It was just a thought, not a sentence.” I said putting a pillow over my head to block out the light. It failed. “Carter!”
“Yes?” he said flickering the lights. Every other second it was light in the room.
“That is very annoying. Plus, why are you bugging us anyway?” I asked.
“I came in here to get you up, but Emily woke up too. I wanted you to see something but if you don’t get up, then I guess I wont” he said flickering the lights about 30 more times.
“The only thing I want to see is the insides of my eyelids.” I said. “In case you didn’t get the clue, I want to sleep”
“Now, who’s being difficult?” he smirked. I was going to kill him, which I could easily do but they didn’t know that. Crap, I really need to control my thoughts.
“Still you” Emily and I said at the same time.
I finally gave up on going back to sleep and sat up in my bed, glaring at him. “I’m awake are you…” I trailed off when I saw he didn’t have a shirt on. Holy crap, he was hot! He was very muscular, and had a six pack which definitely didn’t surprise me considering how he worked out yesterday. He was tan, and beautiful.
“Done staring now?” he asked me.
I was going to answer him but I wasn’t sure if I could tear my eyes away from his chest. “I wasn’t staring”
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Emily laugh and him raise his eyebrows. “You still are”
I looked up at his face. “Am not”
“Whatever, you know you were” he chuckled. “So what were you going to say before you started staring at me?”
“I was going to say, I’m awake are you happy now?”
He growled then smiled. “Yes, because you are finally showing some kind of attraction to me.”
“Am not!” I said still sneaking looks at his chest once in a while.
“Will you two shut up, some of us are trying to sleep?” Emily said rolling over onto her side.
“I wanted to sleep too, but this doofus wouldn’t let me” I reminded her.
Carter growled. “ I’m not a doofus, I’m an Alpha”
“We don’t care” we said together.
He growled again and walked over to my bed and sat at the bottom. “You sure will, soon”
“I’m not scared of you” I said.

shouldn’t be but she should be.” he told me.
“Why should I be scared of you, and she shouldn’t be? That makes no sense.” Emily said into her pillow.
“Sure it does, she’s my mate. Do you think I want her to be scared of her own mate?” he said.
“Thanks for reminding me” I groaned. I couldn’t get used to the fact that he was my mate but, I know I could get used to that chest.
Emily finally sat up and looked around. Her eyes landed on his chest and smiled. “Lucky you” she mumbled.
I grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at her. “Shut up!”
He chuckled. “You two act like you have been friends forever, not two days.”
“You can shut up, too” I said hitting him with a pillow and smirking. He didn’t like that.
“Don’t hit me with a pillow” he said. ‘You won’t like the consequences. I can promise you that’

I hit him again. “Your probably right, but like I said, I’m not scared of you. Or your consequences”
He growled. “Say’s the difficult one”
I hit him again. “Hey, this is kind of fun, I could get used to this.”
“Do me a favor, shift then meet me outside of the hotel in the woods. Both of you” he said and left the room flickering the lights once more.
I shrugged and went outside with Emily right on my heels. I was going to jump but I changed my mind on that. Instead, I did it the long way and walked around to the back. It was the first time I would see, Carter’s wolf. I was told it was all black but I wanted to see how that would look.
After I shifted, Carter shifted and Emily did as well. Carter was a completely black wolf like Herald had told me but his paws were a dark grey. All in all, he was beautiful though I already knew he would be. His human was, why not his wolf too.
‘What is this for, we are still tired’

Emily said.
‘More like exhausted because he woke us up at 2AM yesterday and wouldn’t let us go back to sleep this morning’

I added.
‘You two both love me and you know it, so shut it!’

He said. We started running in a triangle, me on Carter’s left and Emily on her right but a little behind him. ‘We’re going up the mountain, to see a little someone’
‘Not your mother again, she thinks I’m stupid and to be completely honest I think she’s talking about herself. Sorry if that upset’s you but I had to get it off my chest.’
‘I told her that when I found my mate, I’d let her meet whoever it is. And she isn’t talking about herself, she’s talking about you, Emily’

He growled at her. ‘Don’t whatever me’
‘Emma can, why can’t I?’
‘Emma, is my mate, your not . Sorry, for bringing it up again Emma.’

he said in a warning voice.
‘Sure you are’
‘So are you the Beta now, or is that still Vincent?’

Emily asked me. I had no clue what a Beta was and I don’t know if I wanted to find out.
‘No, considering she’s not exactly my mate, yet’ he said.
‘I’m not your mate now? Would you get your story straight, yesterday I was and today I’m not’
‘He means you haven’t completed the mating process’

Emily said in a low voice.
‘You are certainly not biting me’
‘I could bite you right here, right now. But that would be against your will, and I wouldn’t do that to you’

Emily growled. ‘You two act like an old married couple. And Emma, what’s so bad about him biting you, Lucas bit me’
‘Yeah but you probably love him, I am far from loving him. Plus, I already have a boyfriend’

I regretted saying that as soon as the words left my mind.
Carter turned around and got on top of me with one paw on my chest and his head leaned down near mine. ‘Who?!’
‘Josh Wilson’

I said. I struggled to get out from under him but he wouldn’t let me up.
‘Emily, I’m going to school with you next week’

he said releasing me. I quickly got up and we were running again.
‘Because I said so, don’t question me, Emily’

He warned.

I asked him.
He didn’t answer, he just growled.
It turns out his mother lived in a log cabin up in the mountains. From her house you could see the ocean and I had to admit it was an amazing view. She was short and a little chubby but for an old lady she was skinny. She had grey hair, round glasses and many wrinkles but she looked like my grandmother.
After we had shifted and got dressed, we went inside and sat in the living room. It had three couches, two coffee tables and a lamp. Small but nice.
“Mom, this is my mate Emma” he began motioning from her to me. “Emma this is my mom.”
“Finally, you found your mate, how lovely. I remember when your father found me, oh such a lovely memory.” She went on to ask some questions about sports I like, hobbies, foods I like and things like that. She had told Carter to go down to the ocean and find her something, I wasn’t paying attention. It took him almost an hour, but I was busy answering questions when he got back. She stopped her questions when he came back because she said she didn’t want him to think we were talking about him.
“Alright, thank you dear.” she said as he put whatever it was on the counter. “Why don’t you and Emma go for a run, she really is a nice girl”
“That’s okay, mom I don’t think…”
“Go” she told him.
“Come along Emma. We’ll go to the beach, or something” he said in a nervous voice.
I shrugged, it couldn’t hurt. It’s not like I was going to come back fully mated or something.
It took us about fifteen minutes to get down to the beach and it was a silent run. When I saw the water, I almost fainted at how different it was in Canada. It was a beautiful blue, like the blue ocean of Florida. I loved it.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” he asked sitting down next to me on the log.
I nodded.
“Don’t hate my mother for saying this but she only told us to come down here because of my thought’s on my way down here.” he explained. “Don’t hate me either”
I smiled. “What were you thinking?”
He hesitated for a moment before answering. “Mostly, just thing about you. If you were ever going to accept the fact that I was your mate. If you were ever going to actually let the…” he trailed off not wanting to finish that sentence.
“Don’t I have to accept it? Do I really have a choice?” I asked.
“Am I really that bad, that you would even ask me that?”
I hesitated. I didn’t know what I felt for him but I did know for one thing that I wouldn’t want to be with him over Josh. “I don’t know you”
“Well, then what do you want to know?”
“Everything” I said without meaning to.
He chuckled. “That could take awhile.”
“Okay, what’s your favorite thing to do?”
I asked him about thirty questions by the time we were done. Some answers he didn’t want to say, but I reminded him I was his mate and he told me. Some of his answers weren’t what I was expecting but, you cant judge a book by it’s cover.
We had walked along the beach and I had to admit I liked being with him. Like he was the only person to fill a hole in my heart. It was really nice.
“You definitely aren’t the person I thought you were” I told him.
“I could say the same about you. You don’t seem like the type to like skateboarding.”
I shrugged. “You don’t seem like the type to be a mamma’s boy”
“I told you not to hold that against me” he reminded me.
“Oops, it slipped” I lied. He knew I was lying but a girl had to try, right. “Sorry”
He stopped walking and I stopped too. I turned around to face him and what he did, I didn’t see coming. As soon as I turned around his lips were on mine and his hand cupping my neck. I wanted to push him away but I couldn’t, I didn’t really want to. I finally got what Emily said about having a mate, that when he kisses you it’s only you and him. I got a shiver down my spine and butterflies in my stomach. My heartbeat accelerated and I realized that having a mate was the best thing in the world. He pulled back and smiled.
“Finally, you show some interest in me” he said out of breath.
“Oh shut up”
“Come on” he said. We ran back to the house and my mind was swarming with more questions for him. “Do you still refuse to let me bite you?”
“Yes, you may be my… mate but I don’t plan on anyone biting me anytime soon.” I explained.
He sighed. “You’ll change that attitude very soon. If you don’t hate me that is”
“Why would I hate you? I may be mad at you…” he cut me off.
“Why are you mad at me?” he asked, his voice full of concern.
“Well, it could be the small fact that you kissed me against my will” I reminded him.
“If it really was against your will, you wouldn’t have kissed me back” he smirked and I frowned. “Don’t have something to say to that, do you?”
“Yes, shut up!”
He shook his head and opened the door to the log cabin for me. I frowned at him but walked in the house to be hugged by Emily.
“It’s been like three hours, did you go fishing, cook it and then eat it? I mean it takes fifteen minutes to get down there” she said pulled away. “By the way, he kissed you?”
“Your thoughts were pretty loud” she smirked, sitting back down on the couch.
“Well, now I have a witness. You feel something for me, you just won’t admit it.” he assumed.
“Whatever” I said.
We spent the rest of the day at his mother’s house talking about random things. Though, she loved to bring up me and Carter’s relationship which of course, bugged me but he didn’t mind. He thought it was funny when I would shift in my chair because of a question she would ask. I hated him for that.
By the time we got back it was dark and misty. Carter had insisted on me sleeping on the most comfortable bed in both rooms, which just happened to be in the boys room. It was the one he slept on last night. Vincent switched to my bed and Carter slept in his bed. I wasn’t happy with Carter sleeping on the bed next to me and Dylan sleeping on the other side but when I was tired I didn’t care. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light bulb.

When I woke up the next morning I felt something warm over me, and I realized someone had covered me during the night. Carter was dead. I quickly and quietly got up with a pillow in my hand and was about to hit him with it when he grabbed my wrist. I screamed in fright and dropped the pillow on his head.
“Any reason you want to hit me with a pillow?” he asked throwing it back onto my bed.
“You covered me with a blanket.” I said.
“I was trying to do something nice for once in my life. It would be nice if you wouldn’t be so stubborn”
“I’m not stubborn” I argued.
“You’re not?” he asked, I shook my head.. He wrapped my waist and sat me on his bed effortlessly. “Wow, you didn’t scream”
I got up. “Because I don’t want to wake everyone up, unlike you”
He sat up and glared at me. “Why is it so hard for you to like me?”
I raised my eyebrows. “That’s what your trying to do? Get me to like you?”
He shrugged and smirked. “Somewhat.”
“Stop trying so hard, and maybe I will. And stop being a jerk” I said laying back down in my bed. I knew I wasn’t going to get anymore sleep but it couldn’t hurt to try.
I tried for about an hour before I gave up and started getting ready for the day ahead of me. I went into the bathroom to take a shower after getting an outfit that was nice but I wouldn’t mind if it got ruined.
As I walked out of the shower with a towel around me, Carter opened the door sleepily but woke up when he saw me. I swear he was eye raping me, which in a towel wasn’t very hard but I slammed the door in his face and got dressed. I can’t believe that just happened.
‘Carter, did you just walk in on Emma in the bathroom after taking a shower?’

Nathan asked.
I groaned and started doing my make-up.
‘Hell, yeah. I didn’t do it on purpose though, well maybe a little but she looked amazing. All she had on was a towel’

‘You two do know she can hear you, right?’

Dylan asked.
‘Sorry, Emma’

Carter says.
I walked out of the bathroom and frowned at him. “I think you are just trying to get under my skin.”
“Well, I’m trying to be nice and if you weren’t part of this pack it would have worked.” he said smiling innocently.
I growled and went into the other room to see Emily. She was still sleeping of course, but I soon fixed that. “Emily, wake up”
“Huh” she said rolling over and falling onto the floor. She got back up quickly and frowned at me. “You made me fall off the bed!”
“My bad” I said. “I’m going to run down to the beach, you want to come?”
“Uh-uh, I want to call Lucas then Vincent, Dylan and I are going for a run.” she explained.
I nodded, waved then turned and jogged out. I ran down to the beach in about twenty minutes and adored the water. Since I had planned to go into the water, I had a bikini on under my clothes. I stripped down and hopped in, it sent shivers up and down my spine.
Once I got used to the coolness, it wasn’t that bad and I started to enjoy it. Right as I was thinking it would be better if someone else was here, Carter ran into view. He smiled when he saw me and took a seat on the log we sat on yesterday.
“There you are” he sighed.
“Here I am. Where you looking for me?” I asked.
“No, but I wanted… okay maybe a little but I found you and that’s all that matters.” he said.
I shrugged. “Come on in, the water’s great”
“I really shouldn’t”
I got out of the water, grabbed his hand and pulled him in behind me. “There, why are you so difficult?”
He was till staring at me but answered. “You have got to be trying to tease me now”
I smirked. “Nope, I didn’t know you were following me”
He shook his head. “Your lying, why wouldn’t I follow you? You’re my mate, I need to know you safe.
I walked up to him so that I could reach out and touch him. “I’m safe, I promise”
He smiled and wrapped his arms round my waist. “I know, but it would make me feel better if you were marked”
“Not happening” I reminded him.
He pulled me to him and kissed my head. “Why not? Do you not trust me or something?”
I would have answered him but I couldn’t. His scent, his touch, his voice it was all sending shivers up and down my back. I wanted him, I know I did but I would never admit though I knew he knew it. I pressed my head on his chest sending more shivers up and down my back.
“You didn’t answer my question” he chuckled. I knew he was trying not to laugh, but I didn’t move away from him. I didn’t want to.
“I don’t want to be bitten” I said in a weak voice causing him to chuckle again. He found this funny, I sure as hell didn’t, he was messing with my ego.
“Why, so you don’t feel anything for me?” he said. “That wouldn’t work considering I see that you do”
“I do not” I said pulling my head away from his chest. I really want to be pressed against him but I held myself back.
“You do too, don’t make me prove it” he said.
“You don’t know that, I don’t feel anything for you!” I told him stepping back out of his grip.
He sighed and pressed his lips to mine. I instantly kissed him back and I knew he would take that as I liked him or something, which I did but I didn’t want him to know that. He pulled away and smiled.
“I told you” he said. “Why don’t you just admit it?”
“Well, I wouldn’t if you weren’t my mate” I muttered but I knew he heard it.
He pulled me back against his chest and I knew he was smiling. I wonder if he felt the same way for me, that I did for him. If so, I was scared.
‘Emma, I see you’

Emily said. I turned my head to see Emily standing on the edge of the sand and she was smiling. ‘Do you actually feel something for him?’
‘Of course, I want him more then I’ve ever wanted my boyfriend. Is that how you feel about Lucas?’

She nodded he head and barked to get Carter’s attention. They were talking about something and I hoped it wasn’t what I told her but soon she disappeared.
Carter looked down at me and smiled. “She really likes you, you know?”
I nodded. “I know”
We stood there for awhile and it felt nice but when the wind started to pick up I got out. He laughed at my being a girl move but put a towel around me. I shrugged it off and he frowned at me.
“Your going to get sick” he scowled.
I had a different idea. The warmth off him was more then a heated blanket could do, so why couldn’t I just stay by him. When he sat on the log, I climbed onto his lap and got as close to him as I could.
“Your warmer then a towel” I mumbled. I felt my heartbeat accelerate when he wrapped his arms around me.
“And you said you don’t feel something for me” he muttered. “I knew you did”
He got up and carried me all the way back to the hotel room. When he put me down for the second I wasn’t touching him I was cold, so I clung to his shirt. He climbed into the bed with me and wrapped an arm around my waist.
I never did go to sleep but he did, and the only reason I could tell was because of his breathing. It was nice and slow.
After about another hour I fell asleep and when I woke up he was gone. Nice, my mate abandoned me. I shook that thought away and looked around the room.
“He’s taking a shower” Dylan said from my right. I jumped a little at how close he was to me but it didn’t really bother me. “He’ll be out soon.”
I nodded and walked into the other bedroom while I waited for Carter. Me and him had to talk, and maybe more then that. Emily was reading To Kill a Mockingbird when I walked in but when she saw me she dropped it.
“Hey, so you and Carter are actually a couple now?” she asked smiling, book forgotten.
“I don’t know” I mumbled.
“Well, you sure as hell should be! He looked at you like he was eye raping you or something and you weren’t much better. By the way, he’s behind you”
I turned around to see Carter standing there with wet hair and a smile on his face.
“You weren’t supposed to tell her” he scowled.
“Oh well” she said and picked her book back up.
“You wanted to talk to me?” he asked.
I cursed myself for thinking that, when I knew he would hear it. “Uh, maybe”
He smiled. “ What?”
“If, you were to bite me, would it hurt”
He chuckled. “Why? Have you reconsidered?”
“I said if”
“But you asking means you were at least thinking about it” he chuckled.
“Can you two have this conversation somewhere else, I’m trying to read?” Emily asked gesturing to her book.
He growled at her. “What did you just say?”
“That’s what I thought” he said.
“It may have crossed my mind once or twice. Can you just answer the question?” I asked.
“Yes, it hurts” Emily said. “But not that much”
“Emily!” He growled at her. “Keep to your book”
“Then, you’re definitely not biting me.” I said and went to walk away from him but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him. There was only a few inches between his face and mine, I wanted to close that space so much.
‘Are you two really going to kiss, in front of me?’

Emily asked me.
‘No’ I said and walked away from Carter. I heard him growl at her but then he followed me. I had walked outside and when he caught up he put his hands on either side of my face and pulled my face to his. The kiss was brief but it meant the world to me.
“Now, you can go wherever you were going” he said when he pulled back.
The rest of the week was nice and peaceful. I had gone to the beach to the beach at least once a day and Carter went with me at least five times, not that I minded. He made me feel complete, like I was a puzzle and he was the last piece that need to be filled in. It was amazing what he did to me. I had never wanted anyone more then I wanted him, and apparently I would never want anyone as much as I wanted him. That was good to know.
On the plane ride back to Pennsylvania, I feel asleep on his lap. His lap was surprisingly comfortable but, honestly I didn’t care if it was comfortable or not, I wanted to be near him. Well, touching him in some way.
The whole day after we got back I spent sleeping and Emily did too. I didn’t know how the boys weren’t tired but who cares.

Mark me

‘Emma, can you come here a minute?’

Carter asked me, waking me up. I smiled at his voice and went straight down to his study. It was a nice study, blue and white and was quite large. He was sitting in the chair behind the desk and smiled at me when I walked in. I soon realized why, I was in a tank top and short shorts. I was teasing him again.
“Yes, all mighty Alpha” I said walking over to the other side of his desk and sitting on his lap. He pushed the chair outward and wrapped his arms around me.
“You know, I don’t like you calling me that” he warned kissing my forehead. “Anyways I wanted to know if you would mind talking to another pack in the area, with me.”
I pressed myself closer to him and nodded. “Today?”
“Doesn’t matter when” he mumbled into my hair. I had gotten really close to him in Canada and I thought he was going to mark me then but he never did. I was completely okay with that.
“Tonight, I’m too tired” I said resting my head on his shoulder. He got up from the chair and carried me somewhere but I didn’t want to be put in bed, I’d fall asleep. I don’t even remember him setting me down but when I woke up he was sitting next to me, watching me.
“Good evening” he said smiling.
I smiled back up at him. I can’t believe I was actually in the same bed as him, a few weeks ago I didn’t even know him. “Do we still have to go?”
He caressed my cheek with the back of his hand and smiled. “You don’t have to go, but I do”
I nodded then got up. I took a shower, did my make-up and brushed my teeth before throwing on some shoes. In thirty minutes, Carter and I were running to some guy’s house.
“Please be nice” he pleaded.
“Why he’s not my Alpha, you are. I don’t even have to listen to you, so why should I be nice to another Alpha”
“Because I did this.” he said. Suddenly, my back was pressed against a tree and his face was inches from mine. He pressed his lips to mine and the shivers went down my back again and again. He pulled back.
“That’s not going to make me behave” I teased. How far was he willing to go? I was going to have fun with this.
“How far am I willing to go? If I went that far, you’d hate me” he smirked.
“Doubt it”
“I’d mark you” he told me.
I shook my head, “That’s it wow…”
“I’m not sleeping with you just so you’ll behave with this stupid Alpha.” he said pecking my lips. “Sorry, I got your hopes up”
I frowned at him. “Funny”
“I thought it was, but I suppose you would disagree.” he smirked. “Just behave”
I nodded and we finished the run to this Alpha’s house. It was a large log cabin, smaller then ours though.
He knocked on the door and almost instantly someone opened it. He wasn’t hotter then Carter but he was somewhat hot. He had black hair and was kind of pale but not as pale as me. His big black eyes were frightening, even more so because he was huge and muscular. Maybe, I was wrong about him being hot, he was scary. I took Carter’s hand and squeezed it. He chuckled beside me.
‘Scared of an Alpha, are we? I’m an Alpha, I’m not scary’
‘No, because I know you, I don’t know him. Plus he could hurt me, and you I know would never even think of it’

I explained.
‘I’m glad you know that. Now, please lay off my hand, you’re cutting off the circulation.’

he said and I relaxed my hand. He sighed. ‘Thank you’

“Carter, I see you have found your mate. Congratulations! Who is she?” he said in a deep, husky voice. It was a lot deeper then Carter’s. It wasn’t sexy like Carter’s.
I felt Carter tense up. “Look at her the wrong way and you’re dead!” he warned using his Alpha tone. “And this is Emma, Emma this is Logan”
“Pleasure to meet you” I went to shake his hand but Carter slapped it away and shook his head. What was his problem. ‘Do you not like him?’
‘No I don’t because he looks like he’s eye raping you but I can’t do anything about because we are on his Territory! I fucking hate him!’

He shouted.
I blinked a few times, he had never shouted at me. ‘If it makes you feel any better, I don’t find him attractive. At all’

He chuckled. ‘Let me guess, to you I’m attractive’

He frowned at me. ‘If you say so’
‘Your more then attractive’

He smiled at that but didn’t say anything using the mind link.
“Indeed, I’ve waited five years for him to find his mate” Logan said in a softer but still deep voice. Yep, he definitely was eye raping me, and was enjoying it. “So, what brings you here?”
“I heard you got the newest wolf around here.” Carter said clenching his jaw. Wow, this Logan really got under his skin.
‘Carter, calm down.’

I said. I really hoped he did, he was starting to get as frightening as Logan.
He nodded and unclenched his jaw but his body was still tense. ‘Sorry’
‘What can I do to calm you down, your scaring me.’
‘You could kiss me, but that wouldn’t be in your best interest.’
‘I will after we leave’

I promised.
‘You really shouldn’t have told me that. I’m trying my hardest not to rush through this but you just made it harder.’

He said..
‘Don’t you think I would rather be kissing you, instead of being near Logan. The more he looks at you the more I hate him.’

he explained.
I smiled at how protective he was of me, it was nice to have a boyfriend like that. I wasn’t used to that. I hadn’t noticed but there was now a slut-looking girl next to Logan and she was checking out Carter. A growl rumbled through my chest and Cater chuckled. She had blonde hair, blue-green eyes and a slim body. She had to be a slut. I hated them.
“Jessica, this is Carter and Emma, Carter and Emma this is Jessica”
We smiled and nodded at each other though I felt like ripping her pretty little head off.
“Has she found a mate?” Carter asked. I knew his plan, he was trying to calm me down, though even if she had one, I’d still like to rip her head off.
‘Emma, are you mad because she’s looking at me?’
‘Maybe, I’d be fine if you was just looking but she’s checking you out!’

I growled and he chuckled.
“Possibly” Logan said and just by his tone of voice I knew it was a yes. Jessica probably didn’t know it yet.
“Logan, I know it’s a lot to ask but she’s upsetting my mate. Could you control her, please.” Carter said in a very serious voice. Wow, he really did care about me, a lot.
“I’m not doing anything. It’s not my fault you’re hot” she said and a snarl ripped trough my throat. Before I knew it my bones stretched and I landed on the ground, on all fours. I bared my teeth at her and Carter stood in my view of her.
“Whoa, nice mate you got there” Logan commented.
Carter ignored him and looked me into the eyes. ‘You need to calm down before you go in there and kill her.’

I looked at him and started to calm down just by the look in his eyes. ‘I don’t know, Carter. She ticked me off!’
‘I got that vibe when you shifted beside me. But, listen to me. I’m controlling myself, you can too.’
‘Logan didn’t call me hot like she did with you. I have every right to get mad.’

‘Actually, since we aren’t fully mated you aren’t expected to act like that when someone checks me out.’
‘Don’t start with that again’
‘I’m just telling the truth, now please stop shaking.’

I nodded my head and he moved out of my view of her. I hated her guts, and I really should run in there and kill her.
“Sorry, she is a bit… offensive” he apologized.
‘Why the hell are you apologizing to them?’
‘Because you shifted unexpectedly.’

“She is some mate, you’re lucky” Logan said causing Carter to growl.
“We are going to go, before things get ugly. Jessica…” I cut him off by hitting the back of his leg with my nose. “Nice meeting you. Logan, I’ll see you again”
“Have fun with that mate, she looks like a handful”
Then just like me, that had him a wolf. We quickly ran off before it could get ugly, like Carter had said.
‘You said something about controlling yourself’
‘He passed the line. He was judging you by looks and attitude, by your cover, and you are nothing like that. But you are very offensive’
‘I had a good reason to be.’
‘So, if someone starts checking me out in a parking lot or something, your going to shift in front of humans?’

He asked smiling.
‘No, she wasn’t human so I could’

I reminded him.
We where about half way to the pack house when he broke the silence. Sometimes it was nice to have the mind link but other times it was just plain annoying.
‘Yes, Carter?’

I said.
‘Tomorrow, your going back to school with your boyfriend. Should I keep tabs on you?’
‘My boyfriend means nothing to me anymore. I just have to break up with him, which I’ll need you for’

‘Emma, if I go anywhere near him I’ll kill him’

He said. I looked over at him and he was looking at me. His eyes were a beautiful bright yellow, they still looked like his eyes if you looked at them long enough.
‘Control yourself, for me. Please!’
‘If you let me do something to you. Let me mark you’
‘No way!’
‘Then you don’t want me to be there.’

He said and looked away. We had reached the Pack house and I quickly shifted, jumped to my room and got dressed before he saw me. I went down to the Study, where I knew he would be and opened the door without knocking. He wasn’t there, so I sat on the couch and waited for him.
When he came in he sat next to me on the couch and put an arm around my shoulder.
“Why are you so stubborn?” he asked turning his head to look directly into my eyes.
“I just don’t want to be bitten” I said.
“Is there anything I can do to change that? Anything at all?”
He sighed and pressed his lips to mine. One day I was going to pass out when he kisses me and he’ll think it’s his fault. Why did you have to feel so attracted to your mate? Like you couldn’t live without them.
He pulled back only to kiss a firing trail down my neck. He stopped right where he would mark me and I sighed.
“Mark me” I said.
He didn’t hesitate to bite into my skin. It burned at first but when he pulled away he licked it to make the pain go away. Now, I was going to feel even more pulled towards him. He brought his lips back to mine. He was going to pay for this. He pulled back and looked down my neck, at the bite mark.
“Now, that’s how your neck should look.” he said smiling.
“Why do you have to bite me anyways?”
“So that other werewolves know that your mine and our scents our mixed now.” he said.
I got up off the couch and walked into the nearest bathroom to examine it. He was right behind me, pulling my hair out of the way before I could. It was a little red but it was definitely a bite mark. I growled and turned around to look at him.
“How am I supposed to hide that?” I asked him.
He pulled my hair down and covered it up. “Go to school like that. I don’t care what humans think it is as long as werewolves know your mine.”
“But what if I don’t want to be yours?”
He frowned and growled. “You shouldn’t have told me to mark you then.”
I shook my head and walked out of the bathroom and right into Emily. We both laughed as we fell to the floor. Well, I didn’t because Carter caught me but she did. I helped her up and we laughed again.
“I’m sorry” I said once I stopped.
“Don’t stress…” she trailed off and smelled me and moved my hair from my neck. “He finally marked you!”
“Yep, so what were you saying?”
“Don’t stress over it. Oh and you shifted in front of the newest Wolf around here, huh? She did something to Carter didn’t she?”
I nodded.
“She has some nerve, anyways, I got to go, later.” she said waving and walking off.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and put his chin on my shoulder. “So, what do I have to do tomorrow?”
“Be my boyfriend.”
“That shouldn’t be too hard, do I get to kiss you?” he asked kissing my earlobe. A shiver went down my back and I lost my voice.
I opened my mouth to say something but because of where he was, I couldn’t find my voice. He only chuckled when he realized what he was doing to me.
He pulled away from my shoulder and ear, and picked me up in his arms, like I had just married him. He carried me upstairs and into his room, which was surprisingly neat. After he put me on the bed he sat down next to me and watched my reaction.
“Why am I in your room?” I asked looking around. He had lots of CD’s and DVD’s and a flat screen TV. The bed comforter was a dark blue and the sheets looked white and blue. It was a nice room.
“Because your sleeping in here tonight” he said putting his hand in mine. I didn’t pull away, instead I smiled as I looked at our hands in each others.
“Who’s going to make me?” I joked. He pushed me back so my head was on the pillows and got next to me so his face was inches from mine. His arm was draped over my waist, not too tight, but tight enough. It was nice having him so close to me, made me feel protected and complete. Plus, the warmth of his skin sent shivers up and down my back along with butterflies in my stomach.
“Me. Don’t try and say you don’t want to stay, because I know you do.” he said kissing my cheek.
“I can say it, it just won’t be true I would…” I trailed off when he kissed from below my ear to my chin, my jawbone. My breath caught and I swear my heart stopped beating while he did that.
“What was that?” he said with his lips hovering above mine.
“Why are you teasing me?” I asked.
“It’s fun and I want to see how much you’ll let me get away with before you admit you feel something for me.” he said pecking my lips at the end. He was teasing me way too much to be legal. He kissed my jawbone again, then trailed down my neck and right at the seam of my shirt all the way up to the bottom of my other ear. Back down my jawbone and hovered over my lips. “Anything?”
I couldn’t answer him, I was in shock from him. Was he really teasing me like this? I hated it but loved it so much, at the same time.
He pecked my lips once, twice and three times before I finally took hold of his face and pulled his lips to mine, hard. He smiled against my lips and kissed me back. I swear I could get high off his kisses, and pass out from them.
I knew where this was going and he did too. I wanted to stop it but at the same time I couldn’t help but want him. I’ve wanted him for a week now, I was finally getting him so how was I supposed to stop. He pulled away but rested his forehead on mine.
“We should stop, before I can’t” he said. I knew then that he wanted me just as much as I wanted him.
I nodded but didn’t want to stop. I mean I was only 17 and he was 18 but I wanted it so bad. “I can’t “
He crushed his lips back to mine and a low moan escaped my throat. I knew that this meant I would really be his mate, but that thought didn’t bother me anymore. I wanted him and I would stop at nothing to get him.


That morning I woke up with a smile on my face, with him below me. My head was on his bare chest and my left leg was wrapped around his legs. I sat up a little only to see a dark room, but once my eyes adjusted it looked just like it had last night. I felt him get onto his elbows and look over at me.
“Morning” he said kissing my forehead. He still wanted to tease me, what kind of mate was he?
“What time is it?” I mumbled. I hadn’t noticed that my face was on his chest again until I went to talk. I didn’t care.
“Around five-thirty, why?” He kissed the top of my head at the end of the sentence.
“I have to leave at six”
“We have to leave at six today. So, I can be your boyfriend in front of your boyfriend” he smirked.
I groaned and sat up. “I don’t want to go to school, I’m tired.”
“Well, your going whether I have to bribe you. Josh

, is going to regret ever meeting you”
I groaned and put my head back on his chest. I was all over him this morning, good thing I was his mate. Wait, if I wasn’t I wouldn’t be here. “Can’t I just stay here, with you all day. I prefer being with you over teachers and cranky high-school students.”
“Your being cranky right now” he reminded me.
I slapped his chest. “Shut up”
There was a knock on the door then Vincent stepped inside. I felt a growl rumble in Carter’s chest but it was low.
“Vincent? What are my rules about coming in here before eight?” Carter growled at him.
“I knocked first though, so it’s got to count…” he trailed off when he saw me on Carter’s chest. “You finally got her, nice”
“Keep your eyes off of her!” he growled in his Alpha voice. “Or I will make you regret it.”
He looked over at the TV and smirked. “Sorry”
“What do you want?” he snapped.
“Well, I wanted to tell you that Nathan went out for a run but now I want to know if I get to stay Beta?”
“Nathan can go on a run, without my permission I don’t care as long as he stays on our Territory. And she’s my mate, do you really think your going to…” I cut him off.
“What if I don’t want to be Beta?” I asked and he growled. I got my answer.
“I didn’t have a choice with being Alpha, and you being my mate it’s traditional so no, Vincent”
I groaned into his chest and sat up enough to look into his eyes. “Do you hate me or something?”
“You can leave now, Vincent” Carter growled and when he left, he softened his voice. “If I hated you, would you be in my bed?”
I looked down at the bed, then back at him. “No”
“Then you have your answer” he mumbled.
I groaned and got out of bed only to be pulled back onto Carter. “What?”
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked with his lips pressed against my ear. I moaned and he chuckled.
“To get dressed so I can run to my house and get ready for school. Unless, you were keeping me home today?”
He let go of me and I got up, hearing a groan from behind me. I walked back to my room, without anyone seeing me naked, and put on some clothes. I went back to Carter’s door and knocked to get no answer, so I just opened the door and he was sleeping again. I jumped on top of him and hit him with a pillow, with a groan as a response. I leaned down and kissed his lips to get him fully awake, and it worked. I pulled back and he was fully awake with wide eyes.
“Must you?” he asked and I shrugged.
We ran back to my house and I jumped into my window while he used the back door. He didn’t get caught luckily but I was already in the shower by the time he came in my bedroom. I heard him gasp at something, not sure what but it had me rushing to get out. It took me five minutes to get dressed, do my make-up, put the sunglasses on and get out of the bathroom.
He looked over at me and smiled. “I’m so glad you’re not a slut”
I hit him with my pillow then, walked over to my couch. I sat down with him next to me, and I put my head on his lap. “Do you mind?”
I was almost sleeping when I heard my alarm clock go off. I got up and turned it off before grabbing my bag and running out the door with him on my heels. It took five minutes to get to the school and as soon as I stepped into the parking lot, I saw Josh standing at his car. Right where I wanted him to be.
I took Carter’s hand and walked quickly over to Josh, scared as hell. When he saw me he smiled but when he saw Carter behind me he chuckled.
“Your breaking up with me, for him?” he chuckled. “Is there something wrong with your eyes or something?”
A growl rumbled in my chest and I was about to attack him but Carter held me back by my waist. “Carter!”
‘He’s human, you can’t attack him even though I know you want to. You can’t, think about something else’

I relaxed and he relaxed his grip on my waist but didn’t release me completely.
“So, you cheated on me?” Josh asked.
“Yep, and I’m proud of it. I’d rather have him over you” I snapped back making him jump.
“Since when? Oh, let me guess he supposedly loves you and I don’t? Is that it, Emma-Marie?”
I growled again and Carter tightened his grip. “Don’t call me that”
‘My full name’

Carter chuckled and I elbowed him in the ribs. He groaned but didn’t let me go, or even relax his grip.
“Why then?”
“Because I can treat her better then you can.” Carter said.
“I didn’t as your opinion, jackass!” Josh snapped. It didn’t surprise me that he would get mad but I didn’t care anymore.
I tried to jump at him but Carter held me back, tighter. “It’s not his opinion, it’s the truth. I don’t care if you like it or not!”
Carter put his chin on my shoulder to calm me down. It worked. “Calm down, please. I don’t need you scratching my eye out when you shift”
I took a few deep breaths and stopped shaking. He could always calm me down, no matter how mad I was.
“You better treat her good, I’ll have your ass if you don’t” Josh growled though it didn’t scare me one bit.
“I could say the same. If I see you anywhere near her, you’re in deep shit!” Carter said letting me go completely. I turned around and rest my head on his chest. “Can I trust you, not to rip his head off in school?”
“Well, then you’re staying home with me today. Congrats, you got your wish!” he mumbled into my hair, wrapping his arms around my back.
I heard someone come over here but I didn’t know who until I could smell her. It was Vanessa.
“Way to go, Emma!” I knew she was talking about Carter. I had to admit he was smoking hot.
I pulled away from him but only for him to wrap his arms around my waist. “What? Him, oh yeah”
“Of course him.” she said staring at him.
“Vanessa, my boyfriend Carter, Carter, my best friend Vanessa” I introduced them. Carter was too busy mumbling things into my ear to notice I had even said his name.
“Boyfriend? What about Josh?”
“Broke up with him, when I met Carter” I said.
“Can we go now, I’m tired of all these guys looking at you” he mumbled into my ear. I shivered but he didn’t notice.
“Well, nice. I have to get to class, later” she said walking away.
Carter and I ran back to the Pack house, not saying a word but I know my mind wasn’t not thinking anything. I was a Beta, which meant second in charge of a pack. Did that mean I had almost as much control over them as Carter? Cool.
We ended up spending most of the day in his office, him at his desk and me watching him on the couch. I got bored after awhile of just staring at him so I went over to him and took his shirt off. He chuckled but didn’t say anything. I had spent at least an hour memorizing every muscle or bone that was visible with his shirt off. He asked me a few times what I was doing but I ignored him which he growled at.
After another hour of me staring at his chest, abs and arms I decided I was getting bored again. I got up again and thought about taking his pants off but I didn’t, instead I pulled the chair out and sat on his lap. He chuckled and did his work around me. That didn’t work for him.
“You are very hard to work around” he commented.
I looked at him and smiled. “Then don’t work around me.”
He chuckled. “You shouldn’t even be with me right now”
I growled at him and was about to say something when Vincent walked through the door holding Jessica by her neck. I gasped but since I didn’t really care about her, I didn’t really care if he was hurting her.
Carter put me off his lap and walked over to her. I walked up behind him and stayed so where I could see her every move.
She was checking him out but he didn’t notice and I tried to control myself. “Are you going to put me down now?”
“No! Alpha, I found her on our Territory.” Vincent said holding her up higher. I laughed lowly.
“You aren’t allowed on my Territory! Unless you’re mate is in this pack, is he?” Carter growled.
“I don’t know who my mate is and I didn’t know I was on your Territory, no one went with me”
“Since, you’re new I’ll let it slide but if it happens again I will personally have the right to kill you.”
“I’d be happy to” I volunteered.
Carter turned around and put and arm around my waist, picked me up while he sat back down in his chair. “You can leave now”
I smiled up at him and rested my head on his chest. I loved everything about me being so close to him, the warmth, the feeling of being complete and just being with him. He was definitely worth breaking up with Josh.
“Are you almost done?” I asked.
“I was until a little somebody got bored and decided to come sit on my lap” he smirked.
I went to get off his lap but his arms tightened around me. “You…”
“I didn’t say I didn’t want you over here” he said and I pressed my head back against his chest. “You tired?”
I shook my head. “No remember, I should be in school.”
He chuckled. “School isn’t tiring, unless they’ve changed a few things since I went to school”
“Maybe they have! We have sex all day, and it’s really tiring” I joked.
He growled. “Not funny”
“I thought it was”
“And I” he said kissing my cheek. “Don’t think it was”
Oh no, he was teasing me again. This time I wouldn’t put up with it, I got up off his lap and sat down on the couch, smirking at him.
“You think you’re funny, do you?” he said walking over to me and picking me up into his arms. “Now, who’s laughing?”
“Put me down!” I said trying to get away but the more I struggled the tighter his grip got.
If Emily hadn’t walked in, I would have been a pancake in Carter’s arms. I laughed at the thought.
“Squeezing your mate to death?” she asked walking in and sitting on the couch. “You’re as bad as Lucas”
“Oh, I am not. You two stayed up in his room for how many days straight after he marked you?” he said and she didn’t answer. “I’m not that bad”
“If you don’t put me down in the next five seconds I’m going to pinch you!” I warned. I know, not a great threat but I loved him, what was I supposed to say.
“I’m not scared of you. And Emily, what are you doing in here, the door was closed for a reason”
“Whatever, so when are you planning on giving me my best friend back?” she asked smiling. He was going to have her ass for that.
“If you keep talking to me like that, then never!” he said putting me down. I went and sat next to Emily. Thank god he let me go.
‘By the way, the school dance is this Saturday if you were planning on asking your over-protective mate. I know you tuned out when it was because of Josh but now you actually have someone to ask, plus it’s Girl’s Choice.’
‘I’m not going to that stupid thing!’

I replied. I hated dances, well slow dancing because the last time I slow danced with someone, I got puked on. It wasn’t a pretty picture.
‘I’ll tell him if you don’t. Me and Lucas are going to be there so why can’t you come?’
‘I don’t like dances’
‘He does and has never been to one because he hadn’t met his mate. You’re his mate so I’m positive he would say yes and you’ll be able to see one of the benefits of having a mate’
‘What benefit?’

I asked suddenly curious.
‘Let’s just say if you find the right dress you won’t be getting any sleep that night’

She said.
I smiled and nodded at her. ‘I’ll ask him but I want to buy a dress first. Your coming with me’
‘Sure, I was going in a few minutes anyways.’
“I’m stealing her for about an hour or so if you don’t mind” she said getting up and grabbing my wrist. She pulled me to the door then turned around to look at him for approvable.
“Make sure she returns in perfect condition. If she has one scratch on her, your in deep shit!” he said and Emily ran me outside. I didn’t even have a chance to say bye to him, or anyone before we were in her car and backing up.
We had went to about five different until we found the perfect dress for me. It was an elegant silver evening gown featuring sparkling crystals on the slim fitting bodice. A flirty side slit on the floor length skirt and small train gives this sequin gown perfect for a prom look. I loved and Emily did too.
Her dress was short and revealing, but it was a bright blue with a bow on the top left breast. It went down to her mid-thighs and she picked out a sparkling silver shoe to match. I picked a black sexy, high heel with five straps on the top of my foot and a few coming up a few inches.
“He is going to die” she said on our way back home. I didn’t think she knew him like I did but who knows.
“I don’t think so”
“Whatever you say, Beta”
I growled at her but walked inside. We put our dresses in Andrea’s room to hide them until Saturday. She agreed that Carter and Lucas were probably going to have a heart attack when they see them but I still didn’t think so. I went straight down to Carter’s study to ask him, when Andrea was done talking about them.
I sat on the couch and looked over at him. He smiled at me but nothing more, this might be hard.
“Can I ask you something?”
He turned his chair in my direction and raised his eyebrows. “Of course”
“Well, I was thinking…”
“Did Emily dare you to do this?”
“No. She reminded me that the School Dance was this Saturday and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?” I asked. There were butterflies in my stomach, from nerves of him saying no more then anything.
“I’d love to” he said and kissed my lips. “Is that where you went today?”
“Yes” I said not wanting to lie.
The rest of the night was peaceful and enjoyable. Most of the time I spent up in Andrea’s room talking to her and Emily about the dance. Andrea wasn’t going because she didn’t know who her mate was and no one else peeked her interest enough to ask. Emily had begged her to go and we’d dance with her but she still refused. I would have refused to if I had thought that Josh was going to be there. I knew he hadn’t found someone else yet.
By the time it was time to go to sleep, I found that Carter wasn’t in his room. I shrugged, went to my room and changed into a nice nightgown I had always wanted to wear. It was a light sky blue Victoria secret silk nightgown that only went a little farther then my waist. There was white lace at the bottom and a few flowers on the breasts on growing up from the bottom. He was going to get a kick out of this.
I tried for at least an hour to go to sleep but because he wasn’t there, I couldn’t sleep. I put on a silk white robe and walked down to his office. As soon as he saw me his eyes widened and he practically froze.
“Are you coming to bed, I’m tired and can’t fall asleep without you in that bed.” I said going to sit on his lap.
“Seems like your trying to tease me more then anything” he said getting up. He carried me to his room and laid down on the bed next to me. I took the robe off and his eyes widened again as he stared at me. “Yep, you are definitely up to something”
“No, this was in the closet in my room so I figured I’d try it on. I promise, I’m not up to anything”
“I really need to have a talk with Emily. She was the one who stocked your closet, she practically begged Andrea if she could do it once she found out you were my mate.” he explained. “I think she’s up to something”
I shrugged and put my head on his chest. I was almost sleeping when I felt his hand trail up my leg and under the nightgown. I held back a moan and tried to sleep but I couldn’t with his hand trailing up and down my thighs like that. I finally let the moan out and he chuckled.
“I do like my sleep you know.” I reminded him as he starting tracing my jawbone with his kisses. I was in such I good heaven, no not in heaven yet but if he kept going I would be. And of course he did.

The Dance

‘So, wake up sleepy head’

Emily said waking me up. I was of course on his chest, or my head at least and my legs were hanging off the side of the bed.
‘I’d rather not’

Carter lifted my head slightly and put it down on the pillow. “I have to go talk to Logan about something. I’ll be back soon, by the way your staying home today”
I smiled and nodded at him before he left the room. I knew I wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep so I didn’t even try. I took a shower and put on a grey tank top and blue polka dot shorts that were more like booty shorts. I walked down stairs to eat breakfast, a normal breakfast because that’s what I was craving. I hadn’t had a craving for anything since that animal blood before I met Carter. I hadn’t eaten anything since then and I hadn’t been hungry, that sure was nice.
When Carter came back I was doing the homework we were assigned yesterday that Emily brought home for me. I was in his study on his couch and until I heard the door to the study open I hadn’t noticed he was home.
“Hey, babe what are you doing?” he asked sitting next to me, but on the floor. Babe? Since when did he call me that? Who cares, it was so sweet.
“Homework that was assigned yesterday” I answered.
“And what are you wearing?” he asked gesturing to my shorts. I know he didn’t mind but he was worried about the un-mated boys in this house.
“Clothes. I could go nude but you wouldn’t like other people seeing me like that now would you?”
“I don’t want people looking at you at all, but I have to deal with it. But, this is just asking for people to eye-rape you”
“Like you were doing last night?” I asked.
I laughed. “It’s comfortable so stop complaining and shush so I can do some homework.”
He kissed my forehead, got up and went to his desk. Wow, he actually listened to me, that was a first.
When I had finally finished yesterday’s homework, Emily walked in and dropped today’s homework on my stomach. I groaned and was about to say something but she was gone. I started it immediately so I could be finished quickly, but he had to come over and distract me. He sat on the edge of the couch and smiled at me.
“Yes?” I asked.
“You know you don’t have to do that now, you have the rest of the day” he reminded me.
“It’s already four, how much longer do I have. You’ll probably keep me up half the night, then tomorrow Emily and Andrea will wake me up at like five so I’ll be perfect for the dance. And Sunday I’ll be sleeping all day from staying up all night. When am I going to have time?”
“I’ll have someone do it for you” he suggested after considering my answer.
“That’s cheating and I don’t cheat”
He pecked my lips and smiled at me. “Please”
He kissed my jawbone and neck, avoiding his mark then smiled at me. “Please”
“No matter what you do, I’m not letting someone else do my work.” I protested. He continued teasing me but I kept to my word and didn’t let him have someone do my work for me. He had kissed my jawbone about ten times but nothing except a distraction.
“How the hell are you resisting me, I’m your mate. We are fully mated” he asked in shock.
“Not easily” I said.
“Then stop trying so hard to resist me. I know you don’t want to” he muttered.
“I said no matter what you do and I’m sticking to that”
“You’re a tough nut to crack but I can crack you”
“No you…” I trailed off when I felt his hand. It was on my thigh almost below my shorts but he stopped when he felt the fabric of my shorts.
“I can’t crack you?”
“You just want me to cheat”
“No, I want you to stop doing your stupid homework” he said sliding his hand under my shorts until he reached the lace of my panties. “Still say I can’t crack you”
“Okay, okay you can crack me” I admitted.
“Thank you” he said and removed his hand. I growled at him but he only chuckled. “You are too easy”
“If you weren’t my mate I wouldn’t be” I mumbled and went back to my homework. He growled but didn’t say anything.
I ignored him and continued my homework without anymore distractions. Emily had asked me a few questions about the homework but I ignored them until I was done. When I finally was, Carter was in the living room for the pack meeting. I of course went in there and sat on his lap before he could even say anything to me. He chuckled and I got a lot of laughs from the pack too.
“Are you finally done?” he asked.
I nodded.
“So this is the famous Emma, that I’ve heard so much about?” a deep voice asked.
“Leave her alone, Jack.” Carter growled.
The guy, Jack raised his hands in surrender and sat back down. “Didn’t know you were so protective”
Carter growled and ignored him. “What are you doing Emily?”
“Oh, uh. Something”
I glared at her.
Carter cleared his voice. “Answer my question.”
“Well, a few people at school were asking around about why Emma broke up with Josh. So, one of her friends came up to me and asked if she found someone else and if so if I could get a picture of her and him together. So I did”
“You can’t ever follow rules can you” Lucas mumbled next to her. She smacked him in the arm.
“Both of you be quiet” Carter demanded. “What do I say about no human contact?”
“I saw you and Emma talking to a human, so you can’t tell us something then not do it yourself” Andrea said.
“Emma, is allowed to do anything she wants, and so am I” He reminded her. “In case you’ve forgotten she is my mate”
I smiled at that. I loved when he used that against people and that I could get away with a lot.
“How is that fair?” Jack asked.
“You haven’t found your mate yet, that’s why it doesn’t make sense to you. When you find her, it will”
“I highly doubt that having a girl in your life can change your entire world”
“It can” Lucas said, making Emily smile.
“Not just any girl, Jack. Do you even know what your mate is? She’s the person that is perfect for you…” Lucas cut him off.
“You’d do anything for them”
“Don’t interrupt me” Carter hissed. “But you are right”
“Okay, if you’d do anything for your mate, would you die for her?” Jack asked to no one in particular. Carter answered first.
“Without a doubt”
“Most definitely”
“Of course”
Everyone started saying random things about mates and everything and I felt guilty for starting it. If I hadn’t come in here they would have never gotten on the subjects of mates.
“Babe, don’t feel guilty it’s not your fault” He said. “Quiet!”
Everyone got quiet immediately and turned there gazes to him. Some were on me but most were on him, and I was glad about that.
“Jack, apologize”
“To who and for what?”
“My mate, for bringing up mates. She feels guilty” He said.
“No way, I don’t even like her”
A loud growl rumbled in Carter’s chest when Jack said that. “Apologize, now!”
“I’m sorry, Emma”
Carter stopped but kept a firm gaze on Jack. He said some other stuff that I didn’t hear because my ear was pressed to his shoulder after I had gotten off his lap. Not once did anyone say something about me or even look at me for that matter and it was pleasant. Emily was about the only one to actually talk to me through the mind link, but other then that my head was silent.
That night Carter was having a conversation with Jack while I changed into pajama’s that I thought would tease him. I was in his bed, looking around when there was a knock on the door. I didn’t answer because it wasn’t my room but it turned put that it was absolutely nothing. A few minutes later Carter came in and practically threw himself on the bed, next to me.
“You enjoy teasing me don’t you?” He asked kissing my forehead.
“Yes, it’s funny” I answered. He just rolled his eyes and brought his lips to mine. It was a slow and soft kiss but, whenever he kisses me I’m happy. There was another knock on the door then someone walked in. It was Emily.
“Emily!” Carter growled.
“I know, I know, I’m supposed to wait until you open the door or say come in to enter the room unless it’s after ten then…” she trailed off. “It’s after ten”
He nodded and growled. “What do you want that couldn’t wait until tomorrow morning?”
“Actually, I’m here to see Emma” she said pointing at me. She smiled when she saw what I was wearing.
“How did you know she was in here?” he asked.
“Come on, everyone knows she sleeps in here every night. It’s kind of obvious, from…never mind.”
He smirked and rolled his eyes. “Make it quick” He turned away from me, and went out of the room.
“Thanks, you scared my mate away. What do you want? And why is it so obvious?”
“You keep us up, moaning all night long. Anyway, I wanted to know if Carter happened to have an extra condom that Lucas could use?”
“And you’re asking me, why?”
“Because he made me come ask and I didn’t want to ask Carter, he’d laugh his ass off.”
“He hasn’t used any, Emily. I don’t think he has any”
“Oh” she said trying not to laugh. “So, quick question, how is he?”
“Oh my god, Emily!” I said. “You seriously did not just ask me that”
“I did”
Carter came back in and got back in the bed. “Emily, get out!”
“She didn’t answer my question”
“Emma” Carter said. “Answer it, please”
I groaned. “I answered her first one, isn’t that enough?”
“No” Emily said. “Please”
“Carter” I pointed to the door.
“Oh, hell no. I’m not going out there unless I have to, it’s too noisy”
I laughed. “Sure, but please.”
I glared at him then rolled myself on top of him and gave him my best puppy dog eyes. “Please, Carter”
He groaned. “Why do girls always do that? Don’t you know, no one can say no to that”
“Yes, that’s why I did it”
“And you are on top of me because…?”
“So I could have your full attention”
He groaned and walked out of the room after I got off of him.
“He’s amazing to say the least…” I trailed off when he came back in. He got on the bed and shooed Emily off.
“That was enough time out there, now bye Emily”
“I have a question for you Carter”
“Don’t ask him, he’ll laugh his ass off” I reminded her.
“What?” he asked.
“Um… Emma, can you ask for me?”
“Hell, no. Lucas should, not me or you”
“He didn’t want to come in here and see you then have Carter rip his head off for coming in here and why not?”
“What is so important that you can’t even ask me?” He asked annoyed. “I do have a life to live”
“Uh, it’s not important it’s… Emma?”
“Emma, why is she so stubborn?” he whispered into my ear.
I shrugged.
“Lucas, needs a condom, so he sent me down here to get one”
Carter didn’t say anything.
I smacked him.
“What the hell, was that for?” he asked. “Oh, I don’t have any”
Emily went pale white and tomato red at the same time if that was possible and walked out the door quickly. I burst out laughing when she left but he got me quiet again.
“What was funny?” he said trying not to laugh.
I shook my head. “Nothing”
He rolled his eyes at me. I put my head on his chest and my hand on his stomach. I felt his stomach and I whined, he had a shirt on. I sat up and glared at him.
I ripped his shirt over his head then returned my head to his chest. I was sleeping in a matter of seconds.

In the morning, I swear every girl in the pack and even some other humans were making me look perfect. I got a manicure and a pedicure and a new hairstyle, I think or just a little darker shade of brown so it was cuter. They were treating it like it was this big deal, like my wedding day or something. It was just a school dance, not the prom.
Right before the dance this house was a mad house. Emily was already done but they had to make sure I looked perfect because I was the Alpha’s precious little mate. I hated it.
When they finally said I was done, I walked out of the room and stood at the top of the stairs. Emily and I walked down them together and when Carter saw me his eyes practically popped out of his head. When I finally reached him, he gave me a brief kiss on my cheek.
“I was definitely right about the most gorgeous thing I have ever laid eyes on. You look stunning”
I smiled. “Thank you”
“Hey Emma, love the dress!” Jack called from the kitchen.
Carter growled at him before the four of us walked out of the house. Someone booked a limo to take us, and I was about to argue until I got inside. The seats were beautiful and very comfortable, there was a disco ball and a small bar. I didn’t drink.
“Emma, you should know something” Emily said nervously.
“Your not going to any school dance, you’re going to the Prom.” she said quickly.
“What!? And you’re telling me this now?”
“I knew that if I told you it was the Prom then you wouldn’t have even considering coming. I had to lie”
“Don’t you ever lie to her again” Carter demanded.
She nodded. “I’m sorry”
“You know he’s not going to miss the Prom, he’s been taking about since he was twelve”
“I’m sorry, Emma”
I shrugged. “It’s my Junior Prom, I can’t miss it”
She sighed. “Exactly”
The ride to the school was short but it seemed like only a second. Carter helped me out of the limo and opened the door for me, like a gentlemen. It was so romantic. Across from the doors, the other side of the Cafeteria was Josh sitting on a bench drinking beer.
“I knew it!” I said lowly, so he couldn’t hear. Carter took my hand and led me over to a corner and put his hands on either side of my face.
“Forget about him, you’re with me now. I didn’t get dressed up to see you go mingle with your ex-boyfriend…” Josh cut him off.
“Emma, you showed up. Not alone, I see”
I ignored him.
‘Don’t let him get to you, if he tries to even lay a finger on you, I’ll have his ass. You know that’
I nodded and leaned in closer to Carter. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head.
After the first few rap songs, Carter asked for a dance and of course I took my chance to make Josh jealous. I think it worked.
Dancing with Carter was like a dream, no the heaven of a dream. The way we moved in sync with each other, it was magical, like I was designed for him.
My feet started getting tired after a while but as if Carter read my mind he lifted me up onto his feet. Even though I wasn’t I couldn’t help but think that I was crushing his feet.
“Doesn’t this hurt your feet?” I questioned.
“Not one bit.” he said as I put my head on his chest. “Can I ask you something?”
He gave me a sour look. “What did Josh do to you that was so bad that you don’t even mind moving on? Emily said you’ve been together for about five years”
“You’re better then him” I said. “In more ways then one”
He chuckled. “I know that, but that doesn’t answer my question”
“How do you know he did something? Maybe I just like you a lot better then him, because I know that you would actually…” I trailed off.
“You don’t have to tell me, if you don’t want to” he said. I could hear the eagerness in his voice, him ready to kill Josh for what he did.
“He raped me” I said in a low voice. If I hadn’t said it I wouldn’t have known that someone spoke.
He tensed and started shaking. He looked like he was ready to murder someone, and that someone was Josh.
Emily came running over and glared at Carter. She gasped and tried to calm him down but it only got worse.
I put my hands on either side of his face and kissed him. He stopped shaking but he was still very tense when I pulled away. Emily went back over to Lucas and I heard them talking but tuned it out to focus on Carter.
“You okay?” I asked.
“Do I…” he trailed off when he noticed who he was talking to. “No”
“Is there anything I can do?”
He looked down into my eyes. “Yes, but I wouldn’t suggest it. We are in public.”
I laughed and kissed him briefly. “I shouldn’t have told you, I knew I shouldn’t…”
“No, you had to know I was going to get mad. I probably should have waited until we got home to ask you but, I’m fine”
The rest of the night was magnificent, to say the very least. Carter ended up getting calmed down by the end of the night and got home to actually talk to anyone but me. He didn’t want to know anything else about what happened or he didn’t ask anyways. Once we got upstairs and in his bed he was a lot calmer and I could tell by the reactions I got from things I did.
“Why did you stay with him?”
I hesitated a moment before answering. “His best friend pulled a knife on me and told me that he would kill me if I broke up with Josh because he raped me. Trust me, I didn’t want to be within a hundred feet of Josh after that but I didn’t see any other choice”
He didn’t say anything for a long time after that. I began to think he had fallen asleep but he spoke the next second. “If you don’t mind me asking, why did Josh…”
“His parents were gone for the weekend and he was throwing a party because school was about to start again. Of course, he invited me and I went not knowing that he had been drinking. He had been drinking a lot, so much the entire house smelled like a bar. He tried to get me to have some but I was underage so I didn’t.
“About half way through the party, him and his friends were playing spin the bottle and I happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. It landed on me and he kissed me, but he wanted sex, and I didn’t. I…” I trailed off into his chest.
“I’m going to kill him the next time I see him” he muttered.
I hadn’t noticed I was crying until I felt a small wet spot on his shirt. I shrugged and cried into his chest like a baby. It felt good to finally get that off my chest and to tell someone what happened that night.
“I won’t make you talk about it anymore, I’m sorry”
I shook my head. “No, I’m glad. I’ve never told anyone what happened that night and it feels good to finally tell someone.”
He sighed. “I still feel guilty”
He nodded. And I fell asleep just like that.

A Clan

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Austin” I said to Emily’s brother. He wasn’t a werewolf or anything but he knew, and he was very aware of everything. He was about my size, 5’7 and he was just like Emily. He had the red hair, facial features and slim body, but he had blue eyes instead of yellow. Another thing they had in common was annoying the hell out of me.
“Oh, I think you do. You have a mate and you are going to tell me who he is before I throw something at you” He said in his guy-Emily voice.
I felt Carter come up to me, wrap his arms around my waist and put his chin in my shoulder. Just one breath and shivers went up and down my back and my heartbeat accelerated.
“Morning, babe” he whispered into my ear. I turned around and gave him a quick kiss before returning to making my breakfast. It wasn’t much of a breakfast, just cereal and toast but it worked.
“Morning” I said when I found my voice.
“Would you like to explain to me how you got out of bed without waking me up?” he asked going to grab my toast.
“Moving very slowly and quietly. You were out cold and you’re a light sleeper, I didn’t want to wake you up” I explained.
“Your mate is going to be pissed if he finds out your cheating on him” Austin said.
Carter jerked his head up to look up at me, dropping the toast. “What?”
“Austin, he’s my mate”
“Oh, sorry dude.”
“Like you would actually cheat on me. I’m perfect” he said handing me my toast. He had taken a bite.
“Far from it” I said taking a bite of my toast.
“So are you saying you’d cheat on me?”
“Hell no, I just meant that you aren’t perfect” I explained. I finished my breakfast having a small conversation with Carter but it was mostly quiet. That was until Emily woke up and came down stairs.
“What’s up, crazy people?” she said skipping into the kitchen. I laughed and Carter chuckled but Austin stayed quiet.
“We aren’t crazy, just abnormal” I said. Carter chuckled more at that answer and I smacked him across the head on my way to the dishwasher. As I put it away his hands were around my waist and his lips on my ear. He knew that drove me crazy, almost as much as when he kissed his mark.
“You two are inseparable” Dylan said coming into the kitchen.
Carter pecked my neck then spun around and thumped Dylan in the back of the head before starting his breakfast. The whole time watching my reaction.
“So not funny, Carter” I scowled.
“I thought it was funny, though I could see were you would disagree.” he chuckled. “Sorry if I upset you, babe”
“Sure you are” I mumbled to myself.
“We are trying to eat over here, so if you’re going to make-out or something go upstairs” Emily said.
I gave her a sour look. “You and Lucas are the same way”
“They were worst right after he marked her, they were all over each other in every room in the house. It lasted for weeks” Carter said taking a bite of his toast.
“Thanks for putting that image in my mind, Carter”
He shrugged and finished his toast. “Just the truth”
“Okay, so what did Austin do this morning to annoy you?” Emily asked putting her dishes in the dishwasher.
“He said that my mate was going to be pissed if he finds out that I was cheating on him, with Carter” I explained.
“Carter actually thought she was cheating”
“Well, I was just making sure because I’d kill him then not talk to her for a day or two” He said. “When you hear someone say your mate is cheating, you don’t deny it, you believe it.”
“But, you should know I would never cheat on you” I muttered.
“You muttering things under your breath is going to get you in a lot of trouble someday, Ms. Redford” Jack said entering the kitchen. As soon as he did Carter growled and Dylan left the room.
“I’m the only one that will be punishing her, she’s my mate.” He told Jack and walked over to me, to kiss my forehead. “Not yours, Jack”
“I know, Carter” he said and left the kitchen with a bag of chips. He was so unhealthy.
“He really gets under my skin” Carter said.
“Oh, I know he does. But look on the bright side, at least he’s not hitting on me or something”
“Don’t jinx it, babe, please”
I laughed then went out into his study. I knew what was coming, and I wasn’t sure how or why but they were and fast. I hoped nothing bad could happen to me considering I was what I was but I couldn’t help but think about Carter and Emily. Even the rest of them, that I don’t know so well. I didn’t want any of them to die for me, I wanted them to die when they got old and had grandchildren not young and no children. Life wasn’t meant to end that way.
“Babe, what’s wrong” Carter asked walking into the study and closing the door behind him.
“Nothing, just thinking” I lied. He sat on the desk and watched me curiously.
“I know you’re lying, Emma. What’s really bothering you?”
I turned around to look him in the eyes. “I’m not just a werewolf, Carter. I’m a sprit, half vampire and half werewolf. A clan of vampires is coming here to see me, I don’t know for what though. That’s what’s really bothering me”
He didn’t say anything, he just continued to stare at me like I was speaking a foreign language. I could tell he wasn’t thrilled to hear the truth but, I had to tell him sooner or later. “Vampire?”
“Yes, is something wrong with that?”
“Not with you, no. Just we don’t communicate with them, they are our enemies, and we are theirs.” He spoke in a quiet voice.
“Oh, well in a way you do.” I said and he chuckled.
“You don’t smell or act like one though, if you did you’d be different” he told me.
I took his hand put him on my back like he weighed nothing. I ran out of the house with my vampire speed and around the territory once before returning to the Pack house and his study. I put him on the desk and sat on the couch.
“I can if I chose to. That’s how I was able to resist you, because I’m not a full werewolf”
“Wow, that was amazing” he breathed. “How do you do that?”
“Running with Vampire speed”
He sighed. “Better then a werewolf, that’s for sure”
I shrugged. “Werewolves are better, a lot better”
“And why is that? If you can run that fast, why would you say werewolves are better?”
“Because of you. I was meant to be with you, and I would never change that…” I trailed off at the knock on the door. I ran over to it using my speed once more. It was them. There were two of them, one tall one short and both pale white and ice cold. Carter walked up behind me and gasped at the sight of them, this was going to be interesting.
“Emma Redford, the sprit, pleasure to finally meet you” the short blonde girl said. The tall male wasn’t as happy as she was though.
“No pleasure from me, pure hatred instead.” he said.
“Okay” I said. “So, what are you here for?”
“Come outside and we will talk farther, no need to fret, we are the nice ones.” She said.
Carter and I walked outside and leaned against the house, watching for any sign of movement. My eyes were faster to sense movement then his, but he could still help.
“What’s the man doing here?” The male asked.
“He’s my mate” I said loving the words.
“Wonderful” he said.
“Now, I understand that a few months ago you joined this pack of dogs before you met us. We are a clan of vampires and in many ways, can give you more then them, but that is off the topic. Right now, we are giving you two months to decide to stay with these filthy dogs or you can join our clan and forget them. Two months, Emma, we will need your answer.” She said and right as she said the last word they were gone. Not even here for five minutes, that must be a new record.
“Of course, you are staying a werewolf, right?” There was doubt clear as day in his voice.
“I don’t know” I said and ran up to his room. I laid across the bed hoping he wouldn’t follow me. I didn’t want anyone to comfort me right now, not even him, not even Emily.
Why did my life have to be so complicated? I mean, if I look at the benefits of both I get a tie, if I look at humanness definitely a werewolf and if I look at more of a life a vampire. So it was a dead tie.
Vampires had amazing strength and speed along with the five senses that were enhanced. The sight was amazing during the night, but a little on the bad side during the day, the listening was good all the time along with the other three. I could do anything with all that and have a blast.
Werewolves on the other hand, changed into giant, massive wolves and had a never-stop-growing pack to call a family. Not to forget the incredible mind link with the other members of the pack. You also were born with a mate that was your perfect match and I couldn’t leave Carter. Not after him putting up a fight just to win me over, and putting up with Jack and his side-comments.
Both had good things and both had bad, and both were amazing and abnormal things that aren’t supposed to be real. Somehow I had to figure out how to pick between something I have always wanted to be and Carter, the love of my life. I punched the bed at the thought of choosing, not hard enough to break anything though.
Carter walked in the door and sat by my feet on the bed. He didn’t look happy at all like he had this morning or every time he was with me. “You want to be alone?”
I shrugged. It didn’t matter to me all that much whether he was here or not, whether I was alone or not.
I spent the rest of the week moping around like a zombie or the living-dead. Many people asked me various questions but I couldn’t answer them, I was too busy thinking. I had a constant headache that no matter what I took for it, it wouldn’t go away. That was a down side to being a werewolf, you can feel pain.
Everything around me, I was saying a good or bad thing about being a werewolf or a vampire which got on Carter’s nerve but he dealt with it. For me. Another upside, your mate doing anything for you. Lucas for Emily, Carter for me, it was all fantastic but is it worth giving up all that being a vampire has to offer. I must be crazy for thinking I would have a decision in a month and three weeks.
Carter put a calendar up on the fridge and crossed off everyday that passed and I hadn’t had a final decision yet.
My brain was telling me vampire, my heart was telling me werewolf and the rest of me was undecided. I hated that part of me that was undecided and I hated the parts of me that wanted vampire because of Carter. Was that my answer, a werewolf? No, I couldn’t live forever. I was literally driving myself insane with all this thinking, but it had to be done, I had to choose. Werewolf or Vampire?
I felt like Bella from Twilight, having to choose between Edward and Jacob. The only difference with her was that she didn’t have much of a decision because she loved Edward with all her heart.
I love Carter with all my heart but do I love him enough to lose everything that being a vampire has to offer? I always come down to that same dumb question. Was my love for him enough?

The Big Dare

‘Emma, you know you are like my best friend, no you are my best friend but you are making a huge deal out of nothing’ Emily told me on the last day of school. I was having a hard time concentrating on anything they were saying and I had already walked into two people and I had lost track of how many walls I hit.
‘You say it’s nothing but I say it’s probably the biggest decision I will ever have to make’
‘No, the biggest will probably be saying yes or no to Carter when he asks you to marry him. We all know he’s going to, it’s only a matter of time.’
‘That’s easy, a million times yes’ I said forgetting he could hear me. Shit! Shit! Shit!
‘Babe, did you happen to forget that I can hear you?’ he chuckled. I could hear the happiness in his voice and I laughed at it.
‘No, I know you can but I forgot that you hear everything’ I said.
He chuckled then went back to doing whatever he was doing before he heard me agree to marry him, when he asks. I smiled at the thought of one day being Emma Jamison, that just sounds so sweet and cute.
When I got home from school, I went straight to Carter’s study and right onto his desk to distract him. I was playing with his pens, trying to fling them at him when he got off the phone and smiled at me.
“So, you’re done with school until September, what can I do to keep you busy until then?”
I laughed. “You are so dramatic, I’m not going to spend all of my time moping around trying to choose between you and being a vampire. It just gives me a headache”
“You just now figured that out, it’s been three weeks since those strange vampires came and gave you the decision to make. If you look at it the right way then you won’t have a decision to make at all.”
“Hush, I’m done thinking about that until the week before they come and ask me, I think”
“Good, because you really need to clear that mind out, it’s got to be cluttered with all that thinking you do.”
“Whatever, I’m just glad that I finally have one thing in agreement. I hate big decisions”
“Oh, I should’ve been told that from the very beginning” he complained. I laughed and didn’t say anything else. I stopped playing with his pens and laid on the couch thinking about all the fun I was going to have this summer. I would go to the mall, the beach, and every other place Emily found summer-like or has one summer dress or something. She was such a girl, it made me feel like I’m a tomboy.
The rest of that day, I spent in Carter’s study watching him do whatever it is he does all day. I wish he could take the summer off or at least half of it.
“I am” he said. “After today, I’m all yours for the whole summer”
I ran up to him and hugged him so hard he couldn’t breath which for me was easy but I let him go before I literally hugged him to death. I skipped out of the room and straight into Lucas.
“Sorry Lucas, I wasn’t watching where I was going” I said and went around him up the stairs to Emily’s room. I knocked before entering only to find her sprawled out on the bed.
“What’s up, Emma?” she asked sitting up.
“Carter does have to do whatever it is he does all day this summer. I guess he took it off or something.” I said.
She smiled. “Lucky you, Dylan is going to Korea for something so his mate is going to be unhappy, Lucas is going somewhere so I’ll be stuck here and Andrea is going to Egypt. This summer no one is going to be here.”
I shrugged. “Don’t think of that as a bad thing, think of it as a good thing. We have more space”
“I suppose”
I spent the rest of that night in her room until she went to Lucas’s room to go to sleep and I went to Carter’s after changing. He wasn’t there yet but knowing him, he would be soon. I was right, within the next five minutes he was in the bed with me.He put his arm around my waist to turn me onto my back and pecked my cheek.
"Yes?" I asked with my eyes closed.
He chuckled. "Good night"
"You know, when people say that they usually don't wake their mate up in the middle of the night"
"Your loss" he muttered. I'm not sure if he knew I heard him or not but I pretended I didn't.

The next day I spent most of my time in Emily's room with her and Andrea. Carter and Vincent had gone somewhere for something and would be gone until at least five. We used that time to spend some time together. We played one of my favorite games, truth or dare.
I learned very quickly that saying Dare to Emily was basically asking for something bad. It was my turn and I had said truth to her five times in a row so I had to say dare. Carter had gotten home right as I said Dare.
"Get Carter alone" she began smiling. "Then make him think that you wanted some then give him one last kiss and walk back up here."
"No way, that is too mean"
"You said Dare"
"I had to"
"And you have to do this"
I groaned before going downstairs and finding Carter in a pack meeting in the living room. He was going to kill me. I peeked my head in the door and met his gaze.
"Can I steal you, for five minutes?" I asked in a sexy voice. There were a lot of gasps in the room and shocked expressions. The conversations using the mind link were nasty thoughts, good but nasty.
"Sure, babe" he said and walked over to me. "Yes?" he said when we were alone in the kitchen.
Before I could do anything he spoke again. "And if you are going to do that dare that Emily said, you might want to think again"
"You heard that?" I asked. Crap! Crap! Crap! He was going to kill me, later.
"I'm the Alpha, I hear everything." he said. "So that what you wanted to see me for?"
"Kind of"
He chuckled, kissed my forehead and went back into the living room. I went back upstairs and plopped sown on the pink couch in Emily's room, giving her a nasty look. She glared at me then returned to her game of Truth or Dare with Andrea. She knew I didn't want to play anymore.
About the time when I knew Carter would be coming to bed, I changed into something that was sure not to tease him and walked into his room. He wasn't there yet, but by the clock on his bedside table, I knew he'd be up soon. And five minutes later he was climbing into bed, next to me.
He put an arm around my waist and made circular movements with his finger on my hip. "I've barely seen you all day"
"I'm sorry" I said rolling over to face him. As soon as my lips were in reach of his, he was kissing me. I moaned as soon as his lips touched mine, I hadn't kissed him since yesterday which was too long. He smiled against my lips and I felt his tongue brush against my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I granted it eagerly and plunged my tongue into his mouth. I had to admit, he may be difficult sometimes but it's moments like this that I wish I could hold on to and never let go.
He slid his hand up under my shirt and unlatched my bra before taking my shirt and bra off. His lips left mine but only to leave a trail of kisses down my neck, a fire burning trail that always gave me a shiver. He kissed from lips, down my neck and to my left breast. While he kissed my breast and sucked the nipple, he was playing with the other one. He paid each breast equal attention and as he kissed down my stomach I was almost at my climax and he had barely done anything yet. He pulled my pajama pants down and threw them somewhere on the floor, revealing my hot pink lace panties.
What he did next, I did not expect. He took the top of my panties in between his teeth and pulled them down to my ankles and threw them somewhere as well all with his teeth, like a dog. He flicked his tongue and licked a circle around my most sensitive nub, teasing me. Then, I felt his finger slide into me and I moaned and he groaned. He started pumping his finger slowly, the slowest he's ever gone.
"Carter" I moaned. "Please"
"Please what?"
He smirked and pumped his finger the fastest I've ever felt. I was almost at my climax and his first pump with two fingers hit it. I moaned and when he spread my legs farther, I moaned again.
"Oh" I moaned. He flicked his tongue licking up all my juices before kissing his way back up to my jawbone. "I don't think you can get any better"
He sighed. "I know"
I turned him onto his back and started unbuttoning his pants, I threw them somewhere on the floor along with his boxers, revealing his confirmed manhood. I leaned towards his shaft and first just licking at the tip. Then slowly taking more and more into my mouth, when he was completely in my mouth I repeated the process making him moan for the fifth time. I was happy I was pleasing my mate. He tried to push me away when he was almost at his climax but I wouldn't budge. When he hit his climax his seed filled my mouth, i swallowed his sweetness and let him out of my mouth.
"That was fucking unbelievable" he said breathlessly.
I smirked and before I got a chance to peck his lips, his shaft was right above my passage, waiting.
"How do you want it, babe?"
"As hard and fast as you can go"
He definitely did that. I swear he was going the fastest any man could, and man did it feel good. Moan after moan and climax after climax, I was starting to wonder how he wasn't at his climax. I moaned as he went even faster then before, which I didn't know was possible. Oh God, did he feel good.
"Oh God!" I moaned.
He pulled out and smirked at me. "Turn over"
I did as I was told only for him to enter me again, but slowly. I whimpered at the new slowness but he only chuckled.
"You are definitely, my mate" he muttered before going faster then he had ever had before. I moaned so loudly I thought I was going to wake the whole house up.
"Holy...Shit" I breathed. Moans after moans and climax after he climax, he didn't slow down nor did he speed up. I didn't care that he didn't get any faster, I was loving this and could sit here with him fucking my brains out all day. It was fucking good! Better then anything. My walls started to close around him, so he thrust into me as hard as he could one last time making me move up on the bed and moan like crazy.
"Oh God!" I moaned. "Please don't stop!"
"Sorry babe, I can't go any longer" he said breathless. He kissed my lips for a brief moment them plopped down on the bed next to me.
If he couldn't go any farther, then maybe I can. I got him back in me, when I sat practically on him and went as fast as I could. It wasn't as fast as him but it was very pleasurable. My main goal was to keep him wanting more, and that's exactly what I did.
I didn't last even half as long as he did but, I thrust down at the same time he thrust up and we both climaxed. I let out the loudest moan possible and he joined in on it, that was the most awesome thing ever. I wanted more, but I couldn't go any more and he was still panting like crazy.
"This is... officially the best night of my life" I breathed.
He kissed my lips again before speaking. "Definitely, the best"
I put my head on his chest and was sleeping in seconds. I feel asleep with a smile on my face and I know he did too.
We both woke up to cold water being splashed on us. I screamed and jumped up meeting Jacks gaze. He didn't keep that gaze for long, he was too busy checking me out, and his thoughts were ones I would never repeat.
"What the Hell?" Carter asked throwing a blanket over me to stop Jack from staring.
"That is what you get for keeping all of us up until 1AM. Some of us like our sleep and we can't get it if you're fucking her. We already know..." Emily cut him off by running in with a huge smile on her face.
"You are telling me every single detail.."
"Not happening, I'm tired"
"Well no duh! We all heard you two moaning like God was having sex with you or something. I love Lucas and all but I'd rather have Carter as a mate if thats how he treats his mate."
A snarl ripped through my teeth. "Not going to FUCKING happen"
She jumped back at my tone of voice then raised her hands in surrender. "Sorry, I didn't think before I said that"
I nodded then snuggled back up under Carters arm. He chuckled but didn't say anything to me. He told everyone to get out and when everyone left I looked into his eyes.
"She had it right" I said. He gave me a confused look. "The God os Sex was fucking me"
He threw his head back and laughed. "I'm far from it babe, but as long as I please you I'm happy"
I brought my lips back to his and I was shocked that he actually had the energy to make the kiss passionate. I pulled back.
"What did I do?" he asked confused.
"Were you even here last night? I have absolutely no energy and yet you can kiss me like we just slept for two days and are full of energy"
"I'm tired, I just want you to be happy"
"I'll be happy if I get a repeat of last night, every night"
"Hate to burst your bubble, babe but it takes energy to do that, energy I don't have" he said.
I pecked his lips. "I was joking. If I had that every night, I'd never have any energy"
He chuckled. "You aren't the only one"
We ended up going downstairs at around two in the afternoon. Everyone clapped when we walked by them but I ignored it and so did he. There was a knock on the door and when I opened it, Carter gasped and so did I. It hadn't been two months, had it?


Carter's POV

I left her that morning unwillingly to go to some north state that meant nothing to me. I shouldn't have gone, I know it.
We were on the plane and all ready to go and I was doubting coming. I wanted to stay home and fuck her gorgeous self as hard as I possibly could instead of getting my dad's so called business check. It was worthless to me, but he insisted.
When we got off the plane, my phone rang and the caller ID said it was Emma. Well, it said My Love, but that meant it was at least coming from Emma's phone. I picked it up eager to hear her voice, even though I had heard it earlier this morning.
"Yes, babe?"
"Are you coming home yet? I miss you"
I chuckled. "Babe, I just got off the plane, I wont be back for at least two days"
"Carter" she moaned. God, I loved that. She could moan my name for every word she said and it would never annoy me. I would never hear it enough, well when I got back I might.
"Emma, I'm sorry but..."
"Emma, get off the phone I want to show you something" I heard Emily say in the back round.
"No, Carter's on the other end" she said. "Sorry, what were you saying?"
"I'm sorry but I'm here for a reason, I can't come then go straight back" I explained. "I'm sorry"
"When are you coming home?"
"As soon as I possibly can, I promise you that. Now, I have to go before Nathan gets cranky and drives us all to drink"
"You promise as soon as you can?"
Man, she really wanted me home. I wonder why? "I promise"
"I love you"
YES! Finally, she admitted she felt something for me. It was the first time. I felt loved. "I love you too"
She hung up and I hung up only to scream 'yes' as loud as I can. Nathan came over to me and gave me a dirty look.
"What did she say?" he asked in an annoyed voice.
I sighed. "She loves me"
"We all knew that"
"It's nice to hear"
He shook his head and we all walked down to where my father told us to meet him. He stood there with his grey hair and beard and creepy look on his face like always. He nodded to us when we walked up to him and gave me a one-arm hug. I'm glad at least my mate loves me. I smiled at the thought and stopped myself from yelling again. She honestly had no idea what that meant to me.
"What's with the smile? And where is your so-called beautiful mate?" my dad asked when I went to stand next to the car he was driving. It looked older then him, and he was fifty-two.
"His mate just told him, she loves him and she's at home probably moping around because he's not there."
"Why didn't you bring her, I would love to meet her?"
"When I come up next month, she will be with me."
"What's her name? What's she look like? Is she anything like you?" he asked. I stared at him stunned that he could care so much about anything but football and baseball, it was very hard to get him to be excited about anything. Or be interested in anything for that matter.
"Her name is Emma. She is the most gorgeous thing I will ever lay eyes on, I don't think she's anything like me"
"Oh please, they are practically the same person. She has an attitude just like his, the mouth on her..."
"Okay" I warned. "If you say so. If she was that much like me, she wouldn't be my mate."
They all shook their heads and I just got in the car. All this talk about my mate was making me miss her like crazy, even more so when I thought about all the fun we were going to have when I got back. I was going to make her moan so loud, every one in the house will regret me ever leaving. Not that I was only doing it because I missed her and that was the best way to apologize for leaving, but because I wanted to and I knew she did too.
"Alright, enough thinking about her. It's getting annoying"
I thought about a moment when she was naked to Dylan and he gagged. I chuckled.
"Seriously, I have my mate to think about. Not yours"
"If you even think about thinking about her, you're in deep shit" I warned then returned to thinking about her. Every moment I had spent with her since the day I met her, though not all of them were my favorites, I still liked them because I was with her. She was absolutely my world now, if anything happened to her I would die.

Emma's POV

After I hung up the phone I was happy, no not happy, thrilled to hear him say he loved me. I knew he did, he had from day one but to hear meant so much to me, I couldn't even put it into words.
I shook the thought of him out of my head, so I wouldn't be dreading every moment he wasn't here. Well, I already was but I didn't need to make it any worse.
It was a long day to say the least. I didn't really eat anything and Emily gave me an hour lecture about that. I also spent most of the day in his study remembering all the memories. I went around to every room of the house remembering memories of him and I in those rooms. I spent the most time in his room thinking about the three or so times we've had sex in here. I loved thinking about that. replaying all details and every touch, every kiss, every thrust and every moan. I remembered it all and I loved it as well.
At the end of the day I called Carter's cell phone to say good night and he picked up on the third ring.
"Hello?" he asked kind of mad.
"Carter? Are you okay?"
"Oh, Emma. Yeah, you woke me up so I was a little grumpy. Why are you going to bed this late?"
"It's only ten PM, Carter. Plus, I highly doubt I am going to get any sleep at all"
"Well, I suggest you sleep a lot. Because when I get back you won't want to sleep and I want you to have lots of energy"
I smiled. "I'll keep that in mind"
"By the way, my dad wants to meet you so next month when I come up here, so are you"
"Why couldn't I come this time?"
"Because my dad wanted to know what you were like before meeting you. He can come off as a very grumpy old man."
"Babe, what's wrong? You sound heart broken or something? Please tell me it's nothing I did?"
"I miss you, that's all" I said my voice cracking. Tears filled my eyes and I wasn't sure why I was crying, but I was and I tried to stop so Carter didn't hear me but I couldn't.
"Are you crying?" he asked suddenly alarmed.
"No" I lied.
"You're lying. Why are you crying?"
"I honestly don't know"
"I have to go" he hung up

Carter's POV

No, I didn't make her cry. No, someone else did. I quickly got up hit both Dylan and Nathan with pillows so they would get up. Dylan sat up at once and cursed under his breath.
"What the Hell?"
"Get up, we are going back home, now!" I said pulling pants on. I threw a random T-shirt on and slapped Nathan awake. "I'll explain everything when we get to the airport"
They got up and got dressed surprisingly and we were all in my dad's car in five minuets.
"Will you explain now?" Nathan asked.
"I was on the phone with Emma and she started crying. I don't know why but I can't help but think it's something I did so I got you guys up so we can go back, I can't live with myself if I made her cry. I can't" I explained.
They sighed. "So, just because your mate is crying, we have to leave Vermont and get on a plane to go back in the middle of the night?"
"Yes, and if you think it's no big deal it is. I can't stand the thought of her being upset" I said. I stomped on the gas, making the car go as fast as it could, I had to get home and I had to get there ASAP.
When we got off the plane, Emily was right there with Lucas's car waiting like I told her to be. I told her not to tell Emma that I was coming home because a few hours ago I didn't either and I didn't want her to wait for me.
"Please tell me she stopped crying." I said getting into the car and stepping on the gas pedal before Nathan was fully in the car. He slammed the door and mumbled something under his breath.
"No, she got worse when you hung up. I don't know why she's crying though"
"Either do I, that's why I had to come back. And wait, it got worse" I said slamming on the gas pedal. I didn't look at the speedometer but I knew we were going well over a hundred.
"Yes, she's up in your room practically balling her eyes out. The more anyone tries to talk to her the more upset she gets. It's really weird"
I pulled into the driveway and ran inside and upstairs. I stopped in front of my bedroom door because I heard her. She was crying, and it felt like my heart was breaking.
I opened the door and she only buried her head in my pillow, without even noticing who it was. I sat n the bed next to her and put my hand on her back and she sat up to look at me.
"Babe, what's wrong?"
She wrapped her arms around me so tight I could barely breath. But I didn't care, if not breathing was the way to stop her from crying, I would never let her go. I wrapped my arms around her back and kicked the door closed with my foot.
She pulled away and smiled. God, I missed that smile. "You said you wouldn't be home for two days. It hasn't even been a day"
"When I heard you crying on the phone, I got on the next plane back. You didn't think I would sit up in Vermont knowing that you were crying. When I talked to Emily on the phone, she sounded so worried about you. I had to come home."
"You came home for me?"
I chuckled. "Of course. You sounded heartbroken on the phone, I couldn't not come home."
"But what about your dad?"
"Emma, I'm not concerned about him. He can scream and yell at me all he wants but I came home for you and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. When are you going to realize how much you mean to me?"
"Now" she said and started crying again.
I took her face in my hands and wiped them away with my thumbs. God, I never want to leave her side again. "Why are you crying, now?"
"I'm happy you're home."
"I'm happy I'm home too."
"Carter?" Emily called through the door.
"Um... someone is here to see you. She says she needs to speak to you, now." she said.
"No matter, who it is I'm not going down there. I just got back do you think I'm going to go downstairs?"
"It's your mom"
Those three words hit me like a brick in the face. I had called her to ask why a girl would just start crying because there really wasn't a reason. I hadn't expected her to come here and talk to me.
"Emma, I promise I'll be right back. Stay right here, with Emily" I said and kissed her forehead. I walked out of the room trying so hard to not turn around and go back to her but I went downstairs to find my mom sitting on the couch in the living room. I sat on the one across from her and glared at her.
"Son, you know I wouldn't have come all this way to tell you something unimportant right?"
"What's so important? My Emma is upstairs crying, make it quick"
"It's about your mate. You see, I know why she's crying. Well, I have a very good guess and if you'd allow me too I'd like to go up and see her."
I led her upstairs to my room and right as we walked in Emma jumped up and ran into my arms. Yes, I get that she missed me but something was off. Very off.
"Hello to you too" I said wrapping my arms around her. I breathed in her scent, I missed it so much and I hadn't been gone a day. Man, I loved her.
She pulled back and put a hand on her stomach. "I feel like I'm going to puke"
I stepped back and just like that she hurled on the carpet. When she was finished I told Emily to go get a bucket, we might need it. I went to hug her but she puked again, right onto my legs and feet.
I may love her but I hate vomit. I gagged and went to my closet to change into something. I changed into some jeans then went over to her and rubbed her back. Something was definitely off.
"Carter, I'm sorry"
"No, it's fine. I have other jeans"
"I don't care if you puked on my jeans. They can be replaced."
She nodded and put her head on my chest. "I don't feel too good"
"Yes, I was definitely correct. Carter, should I tell both of you or just you? It's quite breathtaking"
"I'll be right back babe, lay down and try to feel better. If you puke in my bed I don't care." I said and me and my mom walked into the hall. She walked away from the door and I followed her into Emma's room.
"You ready to hear this?"
"How bad can it be?"
"It's not bad at all, it's wonderful. Well, to me it is I don't know about you two but it's amazing." she paused. "Emma is pregnant"


Carter's POV

I froze when the words sunk in. What? I got her pregnant? What? I loved the fact that I would be a dad but I really wasn't thrilled to hear I was going to be one at eighteen. I should've known to buy some condoms and use them but who would think I would get her pregnant? I shook my head, I wanted proof.
"I don't think so"
She pulled a pregnancy test out of her purse and handed it to me. "Go prove it. I've had kids, son, don't you think I would know. You left for barely twelve hours and she cries because you aren't with her, the puke, I am 100% positive she's pregnant"
I shook my head. "She can't be I mean..."
"Have you used a condom?"
This is not the conversation you ever want to have with your mother. I shook my head.
"Is she on Birth Control?"
I shook my head.
"Then it is possible, son"
I shook my head. "But"
I was having a very hard time believing that I got her pregnant. That was bad, she wasn't even eighteen yet, I mean she would be in five months but, still. I shook my head back and forth and was about to say something when Emily came in the door with a worried look on her face.
"She wants you, now"
I pushed past her and walked into my room. The bucket was already at least a forth full and I gasped when I saw her face. Just by her face I could tell she was sick, it wasn't the normal pale white, it was a light green. It was very faint but I could tell because I had seen every inch of her and she was different.
"See, I'm telling you she is"
"Is what?" Emily asked.
I whispered in her ear. "She thinks Emma is pregnant"
She gasped. "No way"
"Keep it down, Emma doesn't know. Don't mention it to her either"
She nodded but had a huge smile on her face. I might regret telling her.
"Carter, come here"
I went over to her and pecked both her cheeks before looking into her eyes. "Yes?"
"I want to know what your mom told you, please. Maybe it will make me feel better" she whispered.
"No, I doubt it will"
"Please, Carter" she begged.
I could never say no to her when she begged and I just couldn't speak. I don't think she wanted a child and I know I didn't. Well, if I was nineteen or twenty maybe but not eighteen and Alpha of a pack.
"I'm sorry, baby, I can't. Maybe tomorrow morning but not right now, I'm trying to take it in myself"
She took my face in her weak shaking hands. I shuddered when I thought I was the cause of this. "Please Carter?"
It took all my power to shake my head. To say no to her. I had never done it before, not after we completed the mating process. It was harder then I thought.
Then she did what I couldn't resist. "Carter"
He moaning my name was all it took. I couldn't not tell her now, I had to tell her. Right when I was about to tell her she dropped her hands.
"In the morning when I wake up. I want you to tell me"
I nodded then kissed her forehead. "Goodnight"
She nodded then she was out. I got off the bed and walked downstairs, I needed to sit down and think about all this. I mean what do you do when your mom tells you that your mate is pregnant with your child. Or at least I hope to god it's my child, wait why am I thinking negative? She hasn't had sex with anyone but me, well willingly that is. It had to be mine, it was too late to be Josh's because from what Emma said he raped her ten months ago. Since those ten months she met me and I don't have to rape her to get her in my bed. She going there willingly.
"Carter" Emily said sitting down on the couch across from me. "How are you doing?"
"I don't know, Emily. How am I supposed to be when my mom tells me that I got my mate pregnant. Then all these thought about how it might not be mine run through my mind, so tell me Emily how should I be?"
"It is yours, she told me herself that you and Josh are the only one's that she has ever had sex with. I know it's not Josh's so it has to be yours."
"Surprisingly, I think knowing I'm going to be a father is the highlight of my day. Actually no, her telling me she loves me was but it's a second"
"Bad day?"
"Is there anything any of us can do?"
"Yes, go get that baby out of Emma's stomach before she finds out." I said. "Actually no don't do that."
"I wasn't going to anyways. Think about it Carter, you are going to be a dad. Didn't you look up to your dad when you were growing up, probably still do. When people say 'that's a cute baby' you'll be able to think that part of you is in that baby."
I considered that. Part of me was in that baby and it would look up to me all throughout it's life but I couldn't bring myself to not feel guilty. "Yes, I know but I still feel guilty."
"Don't. It's going to love you just like Emma does and just think you'll have a family. Being a parent will be great"
"Thanks Emily, that actually helped."
"It's what I'm here for."
I got up and turned around only to see Emma walking down the stairs, looking perfectly fine. I instantly went over to her and she hugged me.
"Carter, I feel better"
"Emma, you were just puking your guts out. How can you be better already?"
"I don't know, maybe it passed."
"I hope so"
"So can you tell me what this big breathtaking secret is? I'm dying to know. Please tell me"
I sighed. She really did want to know and I didn't want to keep it from her any longer, I mean she was it's mother. It was in her right now, if it was there. Which I still wasn't convinced she was pregnant. "Sit down"
We sat down on the couch and I took a deep breath. How do you tell your mate that she's pregnant and to pee on the stick to tell for sure. How the hell do you say that?
"I'll handle it." Emily said. "Emma, your future mother-in-law has a theory about you being so clingy to Carter, throwing up and all."
"Well what is it?"
"We think you're pregnant"
She took a minute to consider it then shook her head. "No, I can't be, Can I?"
She directed the question at me but I didn't want to speak, she might get mad at me for getting her pregnant.
I turned to look at her. "Yes?"
"Can I be pregnant?"
"You can be, but if you are I don't know"
She swallowed loudly. "And your okay with that?"
"What do you mean by okay?"
"Your not going to run off and find someone else? Not going to..." I cut her off, I didn't want to hear her theories.
"I'm not going anywhere whether you're pregnant or not. I'm the one that got you pregnant anyways." I said. "Right?"
"Right what?"
"It would be mine, right?"
She smacked my arm. "No shit sherlock. No it's this guy's that I met in a dark alley, of course it's yours"
I smiled.
My mom walked up behind her and handed her the pregnancy test. She took my hand and pulled me to the closest bathroom. I waited outside the door because she wanted me to know first if she was or not.
When she came out and showed me the results my heart dropped. She was pregnant. I was going to be a father. She was going to be a mother.
"Well..." Emily said at the same time Emma said the same thing.
"She's pregnant." I said.
The room fell silent and I looked into Emma's eyes. Her eyes showed pain, and hurt, and to know that I did that to her broke my heart.
"Emma" I started.
"No, I'm fine"
"No, Emma. I'm sorry, I..."
"That's your problem?" she asked her voice flat. "That's why you look like you just saw a ghost then your love broke your heart? You think I blame you"
"Why wouldn't you blame me? It takes two to make a baby, Emma" I reminded her making her smile. That was a start.
"I'm not mad or upset or anything bad. I'm surprised, nothing else. I don't blame you, Carter. Like you said it takes two to make a baby, I had thought of this possibility but didn't think I'd get pregnant"
"I'm still sorry. If you want to ignore me or hit me with something, go ahead, I don't blame you." Yes, I didn't want her to ignore me but if it made her happy, I'd survive.
"I'm not mad, Carter. I still love you just as much as I did all day today, if not more. Basically everyone has children, Carter, it will just be a little harder considering we're younger."
I sighed. She wasn't a normal seventeen year old that's for sure, she was better, in more ways then one. "Thank you Emma"
I wrapped my arms around her barely even touching her. She pulled away and glared at me. She was mad at me, great. "What?"
"Stop treating me like glass, Carter. I'm not going to break"
I wrapped my arms around her again but didn't treat her like I had before. She hugged me back and it felt really good to know that she didn't hate me or even get mad at me for getting her pregnant. I felt loved. Which I would be by two people now.
"Um, you two do know that for werewolves you're only pregnant for four months, right?" my mom asked.
"No" Emma said. "But that's good right? Less time with it in my stomach"
"Yeah, I suppose" she said.
"It's going to be alright, I promise"
She looked up at my face. "I know it will be, because you're here." she whispered. "I love you, Carter"
"I love you too, Emma" I said. I looked into her eyes and saw that she really did love me, with all her heart. I was going to have a hard time sharing her, she was too amazing to share. But I would do it, because even though it was probably going to take some of Emma's attention away from me, I still loved it. It has part of me in it, how could I not.


Texte: Kaitlyn Fetterman
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.06.2012

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I'd like to dedicate this book to my cat because I got the idea for this book looking into her eyes. I love her <3!

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