

I looked around my closet looking for something to wear to school. I finally picked a black tank top with a pink long sleeved, one shoulder shirt that had large gaps in the back. The jeans I put on had lots of holes and were really skinny.
My mom hated when I dressed like a slut, but to be completely honest, all the boys at school loved it and so did I. It was my way of saying I was somewhat a slut.
I had probably had sex with about 5 different guys and that was a record for the girls at my school, because I was 16 after all. Most of my friends loved when I would tell them every detail to my sex life, especially when I had my normal sex day with Zachary. I had no feelings for him, or at least as much as he did for me, which I could say wasn't much.
Meaningless sex to me, was the best kind of sex there was, though most people I know disagreed. I could never figure out what was the big deal about a one night stand, with no strings attached, though me and Zachary were different. Every Friday we had sex after school. My friends hated that but I sure as hell didn't, he fucked me good and hard.
I walked into my bathroom and brushed through my blonde hair one more time before walking out the front door and got in my car.
The drive to school was always a long one to me because I knew as soon as I got there, some random boy would walk up to me and we'd make out before class. I loved it. There were two bad things about that. First, they always thought that they would get some that night, or even become my boyfriend, I didn't do long term relationships. Then, everyone called you a bitch or a slut, not that I minded, just that the teachers always hated hearing it.
As I pulled into the parking lot, there was Zachary standing at the front of my parking spot with a smirk. That's when I remembered it was friday, and I'd be getting some tonight. I quickly pulled into the parking spot and got out of the car.
He walked over to me and sat me on the hood of my car. His hands running up and down my thighs, and I couldn't help but think about what he had planed for tonight. He was the best guy I had ever had sex with and coming from me, that meant a lot. He would always fuck me, fast and hard and every friday, he did it differently, I loved it.
"Can't wait till tonight" he growled. I smiled and pecked his lips, he wasn't the only one. "It's going to be the best time, yet"
"As long as you wear a condom, I don't care what you do"
He smirked. "Oh, I know, and that's why I always fuck you, as hard as you want. Though tonight, you might be in my room a bit longer"
I growled. "I don't like it long, I like meaningless sex and long and hard isn't meaningless"
He narrowed his eyes and put me back on the ground. "Well, I promise that it will be a little over an hour and that it will be the best"
I pressed my body against him. "Do your worst, Zachary, my body can handle it"
"Well, we will see about that" he chuckled.
My group of friends walked over to me and glared at Zachary before he walked off. Jamie and Ginger walked to my sides and started shrieking.
"You better tell us all about your interesting night, tonight. He sounded like he was going to fuck your brains out." Ginger said.
"Yeah." Jamie agreed. "Will he do it in the shower, on the floor, against a wall or on the bed? Or even on the couch?"
The day dragged on, because I knew tonight would be good and that I was going to have the time of my life with him. When the last bell rang I walked swiftly outside and into my car before most of the other students even got out to there car.
I sped down the road towards Zachary's house, my mind completely on him fucking me. Just his body was enough to make me groan, but when we were having sex my moans sometimes woke up his parents if they went to bed early.
When I pulled into his driveway, I didn't hear his music coming from his speakers so I knew I had gotten hear before him. I got out of my car and walked up to his front door, opened it using the key under the mat and went straight to his room. I laid out on the bed, like I always did and looked around his room.
Not all that much had changed in a week but, he did have his stack of condoms in the corner of his closet, instead of in his dresser. I wondered why but got interrupted by his car pulling in the driveway and I heard his laugh when he saw my car.
I quickly got in my sexy position and waited until I heard him come up the stairs. When I did I smirked and watched the door, when he walked in and saw me a smile grew on his face. He quickly came onto the bed but didn't start anything, he just sat there looking at me.
"Well, someone was a bit eager to get over here" he said.
I frowned and got on top of him, and sliding myself a bit down towards his waist, he didn't seem to notice. "I always am" I said leaning down so my lips were centimeters from his.
He rolled onto me. "Ready to get fucked?"
I giggled. "When aren't I?"
He crushed his lips to mine, and I groaned making sure he knew I didn't enjoy him teasing me. He just smiled against my lips and pulled my shirt and tank top over my head in one quick yank then returned to kissing me. I groaned again but didn't push him away because I did like kissing but not when I knew I was getting some. He usually just yanked my clothes off, and I yanked his off and he fucked me, never ever do we kiss.
I pulled away, and stared into his eyes. "We never kiss"
He smiled. "Well, I'm changing that tonight, so stop complaining or you won't get anything tonight"
I sighed. "At least tell me, what we are doing differently tonight?"
"Without giving anything away, I'll just say we aren't staying on this bed"
I shrugged because I didn't remember one time that the entire time we were having sex, we were always on the bed. He brought his lips back to mine and smiled against my lips when I actually started kissing him back. Like usual I felt no sparks or anything as he slid his hands up and down my sides. He always liked yanking my shirt off and then my pants, and teasing me after but this was torture!
He never teased me this bad. I shook away those thoughts and tried to enjoy him. His lips broke away from mine but only to leave a trail of kisses down my neck and shoulder. He continued kissing down the valley of my breasts and right down to where my jeans were. He started unbuttoning then and unzipped then revealing my hot pink thongs. As he ripped my jeans off, his lips started at my right ankle and kissed a straight line all the way up to my shoulder and down my left side.
I was starting to get ticked off with him teasing me but right when I thought he was about to tease me some more, he cupped my breasts in his hands and licked, bit and sucked my nipple. It hardened under him causing him to groan. He left my right nipple alone and did the same to the other.
"Zachary" I growled.
He lifted his head and kissed my lips before pressing his lips to my ear. "Will you stop complaining?"
I sighed and laid back on the bed as he kissed from my chin to the top of my thong. I moaned when he slowly pulled my thong off, fulling exposing me to his eyes. He surprised me when he didn't even look between my legs. I sat up onto my elbows when he finally did something that resembled our normal routine. His hand was sliding down my stomach and in between my legs and he circled my nub with his finger making me moan.
His lips, tongue and teeth played with my skin, on my arms, stomach, legs and neck. When he finally stopped that I felt his finger slid into my slick passage and I moaned again. He pumped his finger slow and soft until I growled. He chuckled and added another finger, pumping his fingers in and out and back in again.
His lips kissed their way down my stomach and started licking wherever his fingers touched. He licked up all my juices and groaned as he started pumping his fingers again and again.
When he pulled then out again, he licked my juices and kissed his way back up to my throat.
"Much better then last time"
I flipped him over so I was on top of him. I ripped his shirt, pants and boxers off before licking my lips. I licked his tip then took him into my mouth. Making sure I enjoyed myself, I licked every millimeter of his penis and making sure he liked it too.
Once I was done he picked me up, so I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me into the bathroom. This was different, we never do any part of sex in the shower. Maybe, it would be better.
He carried me into the shower and crushed his lips to mine. The water didn't touch me with him in the way, though I was completely okay with that because I wasn't taking a normal shower, I was in here with Zachary.
"Now, are you ready?" he said placing me on the edge of the bathtub with his penis just above my waist.
I glared at him.
He brought his lips back to mine and sliding his finger back into my passage, just trying to annoy me.
That ticked me off. "Zachary, fuck me already!"
He didn't hesitate to take his finger away. "What position do you want tonight?"
I thought over all the positions I have ever done or wanted to try in my head. I wanted to try the doggie one with him but also wanted a different one. I shrugged and stared straight into his eyes. "Doggie"
I moved so my hands went onto the other side of the bathtub wall, making my ass fly up and I had to admit he probably had a nice view.
His hands grabbed my hips and I felt his tip stop as he touched me slightly. "Hard and fast or soft and slow?"
I growled and lifted my ass higher.
He groaned and pushed his penis into me. He trusted into me softly at first making me growl but when he started to speed up, my heart started flying. I remembered the person that was going to fuck me tomorrow, and I wondered if he was anything like this. Moan after moan, and groan after groan he only got faster and harder. I knew I was near my climax, which no one but Zachary had ever reached and it was so close.
As he trust into me, I felt my climax and I leaned my head against the wall, moaning loud enough for his parents to hear.
And sure enough, his mom walked into his room and into the bathroom, with her arms crossed over her chest.
"Hello, mother" he growled.
"Hello, son. Would you like to explain why you are moaning, when you are in here alone?"
I felt his gaze on my back. "The water"
She shrugged and right as she was about to walk away, she turned back to face us. Good thing, he closed the curtain. "Don't get her pregnant"
I giggled as she left and he continued to trust into me. It felt surprisingly pleasant to have him in me, well his penis in me anyways.
He started going as hard and fast as he could and this was definitely the best sex I had ever had in my entire life! As soon as we were done he gave me a glass of wine and the rest of the night was a blur.

Chapter 1- Issues

When I woke up I was in my own bed, and on the floor. I felt a sharp pain in my head and I knew it was the hangover from drinking last night. Whenever I drunk any wine no matter how much, I would get a headache the day after but it was worth it.
Zachary was one of the people at the party a few months ago that got me to like drinking, even though I was told by my parents not too. Though, that never stopped me before.
I got up off the floor and grabbed onto my head board for support because I knew the dizziness was next.
After, it passed I picked out a bright green spaghetti strap tank top and dark blue short shorts with a heart on one of the back pockets. These were my favorite shorts last year and they also got me the nickname of a slut.
When I walked into my bathroom, I brushed my long blonde hair and checked myself out in the mirror. I did in a lot of ways look hot. My long blonde hair, blue sparkling eyes, my beautiful clear pale skin and my perfect lips. Zachary used to compliment me on my eyes and hair everyday when we were dating in 7th grade but now, he doesn't seem to care.
I walked out of the bathroom, grabbed my bag, threw on some white flip-flops and a jean jacket before heading downstairs. My mom and dad were sitting on the couch with my brother sitting next to my dad. I sat next to my brother and watched my dad.
"Morning, Jess" dad said. "Where were you last night?"
I grinned. "Out with Zachary"
"You know we don't like Zachary!" he reminded me. "What exactly were you doing and where?"
"We were at his place" I said. "Having sex"
My brother laughed but my mom and dad frowned. "Your only 16, and you shouldn't be having sex"
I got up and glared at them. "I don't care! I fucking like it, and I am going to do whatever the hell I want! You are only my parents, you can't tell me what to do. If I want to do it, I will. If I want to get pregnant, I sure as Hell will"
"Sis, you have to calm down" my brother, Jacob warned.
"Shut up, Jacob! You are only 3 years older then me, I won't listen to you!" I snapped.
He got up and put an arm on my shoulder. "Come on, I'm driving you somewhere to calm down."
I frowned but followed him outside and into his car. "They get me so mad!"
He nodded and pulled out of the driveway. "I know. When Crystal was sixteen, she was the same way you are and now she's a striper. You can't get anything out of that, except sex almost every night and a little cash. Trust me sis, you don't want that"
I shook my head. "Don't you start too!"
"I'm only telling you because I don't want to see my little sister in a striper club just because they didn't focus in high school. I'm supposed to be a good role model to you, and if you turned out like Crystal I would get blamed."
"Selfish" I muttered. "And it wont be your fault I'm my own person"
He pulled off to the side of the road and glared at me "Listen, don't be a stupid slut anymore. It won't get you anything"
"Actually" I said. "It gets me a fucking lot, I get whatever I want whenever I want"
He sighed as if trying to figure how to change my attitude. "Sis, Zachary or whoever is fucking stupid! So change your fucking attitude and go back to how you were before Ethan"
"I don't know what the fuck your talking about but you seriously need to stop" I told him.
He pulled back onto the road and started the ride back home. "You know what I'm talking about and you know it"
The rest of the drive to the house was silent though, I know both our heads were going fucking crazy. I wanted to ask him how he thought it would be his fault or why Crystal is a fucking striper. That job was pretty intense and I wanted it someday, but I knew my parents would never agree. They liked me before Ethan, not after.
When he pulled into the driveway I saw Ginger pull in with her car behind us and quickly get out. She walked over to me once I was out of the car and smiled slightly. I knew what she was waiting for, the sex details last night, in detail. Since her and her boyfriend, Beck hadn't had sex yet, she wanted to hear about every detail of my sex life, even more if Zachary was involved.
We went up to my room and I sat on my bed with her on my couch. My room was mostly pink, orange and red with lots of rugs and posters. I really had two floors to my room because the bed and walk in closet were one step higher then the TV, couch and my dresser with non-slut clothes. I had a door to my bathroom on my bed floor and it also had two levels. One with the toilet and sink, the other with my huge bathtub that I had sex in. It was white and sky blue with some dark blue.
"So, how was it?" she asked.
I told her every detail from the unusual kissing to the drinking that I remembered. She gasped at the kissing and sighed and moaned as I told her what him inside of me felt like. She always wanted him to have sex with her, but when she met Beck, that wish was ruined.
My brother walked into the room and sat on the bed next to me, holding a bag with my name on it. He handed it to me and smiled. "This was on your car door"
I looked inside and saw one of my favorite drinks, Vodka laying on the bottom of the bag. When I took a better look, I noticed the bottle was empty. "Dick head"
"Um... Would you mind Beck coming over?" Ginger asked me. I had heard her phone go off but I didn't realize it was him.
"Sure, I love him and so do my parents" I said. Beck was one of my best-friends and had been since 5th grade, although I hadn't seen him as much since him and Ginger started dating.
It was about ten minutes before Beck actually showed up but it didn't bother me about the time considering I was shaving my legs the entire time. When he walked in I rinsed my legs off, threw my shorts back on and went over to my to sit on my bed. He didn't say anything when he saw me but I knew he was happy to see me, he always was. I turned my head when Ginger started kissing him and made a gagging noise. They ignored it.
"Enough!" I hissed. Beck pulled back instantly and jumped onto my bed next to me, like he always did.
"Hey Jess, long time no see!" he said pulling me into a hug. I heard Ginger growl but I only wrapped my arms around him. He knew that Ginger didn't like him hugging me because I was a 'slut' but he never cared. I teasingly nipped at his neck and he pulled away from me laughing.
"No shit! So, what's been happening?" I asked. He was always somewhat mature so I figured I would act the same. It bugged me though.
"Nothing much, and stop swearing it is very rude." he said hopping off the bed and scowling me.
"Fuck. Shit. Damn. Bitch. Ass. Stop telling me not to swear, I'll swear if I want to" I smirked.
He chuckled and slapped my cheek. "Not around me you don't. Anyways, I came because Ginger told me you were playing truth or dare, so can we play?"
Beck had always loved Truth or Dare because he would get people to strip down to their underwear because of the dares he gave them. We always played were if you didn't want to do a dare that you take off a piece of clothing. It was more fun. Me and Ginger exchanged looks then we both nodded. He smiled and laughed at the same time.
"Truth or Dare?" Ginger asked me.
"Who are you having sex with tonight?" she asked with a curious look in her eye. Beck frowned.
"Um... I don't remember his name. Nick or Nathan or something like that" I said.
We played Truth or Dare for about two full hours before Beck's dares started getting hard. I had never ever backed out on a dare before but when he told me to kiss him I hesitated before looking at Ginger.
"What!?" she shrieked. "Babe, what are you doing?"
"Seeing if she's a good friend. You should thank me" he smirked looking over his shoulder at her.
I had never backed down on a dare but I couldn't kiss my best-friends boyfriend. I mean I do go around sleeping with a lot of guys but I resisted myself from Beck because of Ginger. Beck was watching me intensely as I leaned towards him and pecked his cheek. He didn't say it had to be a real kiss, it just had to be a kiss.
He smirked but didn't say anything and we continued with the game. We played for another half hour or so before Beck and Ginger had to leave and I had to head over to what's-his-name's house.
I didn't even want to go over but the only reason I thought about it was because I wanted sex. Though, I could get sex anytime I wanted it, all I had to do was call Zachary and invite him over. He would know that I only wanted sex because we didn't talk much but he would still come.
About an hour before I had to be at the guy's house I called him and told him I wasn't coming and to go fuck some other chick. I usually don't talk to the people that are willing to fuck me like that but who the fuck cares.
I laid down on my bed and turned the light off. I was finally going to spend a night in my own bed, considering the last time I did was a week ago. Most nights after I get fucked I was drove back here and dumped on the bed, to wake up when I please.
That night was the first in a long time that I fell asleep with no problems. I had to admit it was nice.

Chapter 2- Never

That morning I woke up with a small smile on my face which was very odd for me. I had never in my entire life been happy to wake up but for some strange reason I was. As I got off my bed my brother was pounding on my door with his fist and kicking it with his foot. How it didn't hurt, beats me.
"Go away you ass!" I shouted as I walked into my bathroom. Of course he ignored me but you know he's my brother, he doesn't listen. He was always saying that he didn't need to listen to me only because he was older which is true but I'm the Queen of the house. Though nobody knew it.
"Your the ass, now unlock this door!" he called kicking the door again. He never liked it when I locked it because he didn't have the key to it and wasn't going to get it.
"Never!" I yelled taking the brush and running it through my hair. "And stop kicking it, you'll break it"
He didn't stop until mom told him too which had me cracking up. He had always been a mama's boy and that's why he got everything he wanted and I didn't. My parents loved me but hated me at the same time. They hated the fact that they couldn't control what I did or what I wore but they loved me because I was the youngest. Crystal on the other hand they hated, and were never going to love her. I mean they loved that she was the oldest but that's it. I couldn't really blame them considering she is a striper.
I brushed my teeth and got clothes ready for a shower. I picked a blue with white stripes tank top and black booty shorts.
After my shower, I went downstairs and had just started eating breakfast when I got a text from Jamie.
She wanted to see me at 3 o'clock at our old Tree house. That didn't make sense to me considering we never went there anymore but I agreed before looking at the clock. It was quarter after six in the morning and I was eating breakfast. I must have slept good last night.
After finishing breakfast I went back upstairs and threw a random movie into my DVD player. It turned out to be Friends with Benefits. I watched it for about an hour before I got jealous and turned it off. Looking around my room for something to do, my eyes landed on my ringing phone. I grabbed it and to my surprise it was Zachary.
"What are you calling me on a Sunday morning for?" I snapped. He always hated that and I hated when he called me this early in the morning whether I was awake or not.
"Well, morning to you too Ms. Sally Sunshine. I wanted to see if you could come over here and calm my sister down. She's been going off about some guy breaking her heart or something and your the only girl I know that's up this early on a Sunday morning." he explained. "Plus, if you help her I might be willing to do something for you"
I smirked. Was he serious? He wanted me to go over to his house just to help out his sister, who hates me. "I don't know, Zachary she hates me"
"But if you help her then she won't. Please, I'm begging you, she is getting really annoying"
I groaned. "Fine, but what do I get out of it"
"Anything you want, sex, money, you name it, you get it" he said happily.
"I'll be there in ten," I said hanging up. I can't believe I agreed to helping his bratty sister. I put a jean jacket over my tank top and ran downstairs. I couldn't figure out why I was rushing or why I even cared but I did so I hopped in my car and began the drive to his house. The first time I had ever been to his house was in 5th grade when he was throwing a pool party for his birthday. I remember kissing him but i don't remember if it was good or not.
As I pulled into his driveway I saw him sitting on his front door step with a smile on his face. When I got out of the car he walked over to me and pulled me into a hug, an ackward hug.
"Thank you" he muttered pulling back away from me. When he noticed what I was wearing he instantly put his hands on my hips and pulled me to him, sliding his hands up and down my sides. He kissed the top of my shoulder and was about to pull my jacket off when I stopped him. It was difficult to stop him, considering I did want sex just not right now. "My bad"
I nodded and stepped away from him and inside before he could seduce me. His sister was in her room on her couch when I went upstairs. She was crying and threw a pillow at me but I ignored it and sat next to her putting an arm around her.
"What do you want?" she sobbed.
"To make you feel better. Zachary called me and told me that you got your heart broken and I wanted to make you feel better. Believe it or not two years ago I was in your position." I said. I can't believe I just told her that, I'm suck an idiot.
"Really? How?" she asked turning to face me.
I might as well tell her. "His name was Ethan and he was perfect, everything little kids dream about. His hair was brown with a little red and his eyes were hazel, a beautiful hazel. He was my boyfriend for three years and I still say they were the best three years of my life. We went everywhere together, the beach, on a cruise even to visit my Aunt Judith in Colorado. I loved him with all of my heart. But the day before our four year anniversary we went to get ice cream. As we were crossing the street, I was about to get run over by a truck, but he pushed me out of the way and got hit instead. I cried for months afterward, my parents thought I would never be happy again but after about 7 months I realized crying wouldn't make him come back. I stopped and started living life again. Every time I see a picture of him, a tear slips out but I never spend hours over him, he wanted me to move on, so I did."
She smiled at the story and handed me a tissue because now I was crying. I had told her the reason why I never fell in love with anyone, why I could never love again. Most importantly I told her why I was the slut I am today.
"Really? That's terrible, I'm so sorry" she said putting an arm around my shoulder.
I sent about three hours there total, from comforting Scarlet to Zachary wanting sex. It was definitely hard to get out of but I managed, I said my brother wanted help fixing something and he actually fell for it. Idiot.
As soon as I pulled in the driveway, I saw my mom in the living room pacing and yelling at my dad. She was always yelling at him for something, well we all were. We loved to pick on him, though we know he hates it.
"Morning" I heard my brother say from the front door. He was probably trying to scare me or something but failed.
"You must have bad news, considering you didn't say good morning." I said remembering the last time he had bed news. I walked up to him and sat on the front steps alongside him. "Out with it"
"Well, there's this new kid in school and I wanted to tell you to not be a slut around him. We don't need you scaring him to death, he's already nervous about a new school. So just stay away from him." he said. He didn't look or sound like he was joking though he was never serious so it was hard to tell.
"I'll do my best, you know how I am. Anyway, how do you know so much about him?"
"I don't even know his name. I found out from your friend Jamie because she was assigned to show him around." he explained.
"What?" I said. Jamie had always had a small crush on Jacob and told him everything but not before she tells me. "She never tells you things before she tells me, I'm her best-friend."
"Well, I don't know what you want me to do about it." he said.
I stood up and walked, well marched really up to my room to plop down on my bed. Jamie never did that, not even when her and my brother were dating which I hated to think about. I winced at the thought.
I looked at the clock remembering that I was meeting Jamie at the Tree house at three. It was noon which meant I needed to start getting ready. I changed into some short shorts and put a an ocean blue zip-up jacket over my tank top. It took me about an hour just to decide what flip-flops to wear then another hour to get to the Tree House. I ended up getting there an hour early but who the hell cares.
She showed up about a half hour later but she wasn't alone. She had a somewhat tall male standing next to her. His skin was a little tan but that only made him hotter along with his gorgeous smile. He had to be around six feet with short, spiky, dirty blond hair and dark brown eyes. His shirt was white and he had a grey and black striped jacket over it with blue/grey jeans on. All in all he was hot, and I mean smoking hot.
"Jess, your early!" she shrieked pulling me into a hug leaving the boy beside her at her car. "Jess, I'd like you to meet Jason. Jason this is my best friend Jessica, Jessica this is the new kid at school, Jason."
"Jay" he corrected. His voice was deep, husky and sexy. In some ways he reminded me of Ethan but in others he reminded me of Zachary. Terrible combination. Though, he had the voice of Ethan and the looks but the style of clothing like Zachary.
"Okay, Jay, nice to meet you" I said smiling and trying to sound nice. On the outside I was perfectly calm but on the inside, I was dying to rip that boys clothes off. If he was in my bed, or vice versa, I'd be in heaven. My heaven.
"Nice to finally meet you as well." he said walking up to me and shaking my hand. His hand was warm and oddly the same size as mine.
I felt shivers run up and down my body when we touched. As soon as he pulled away, they were gone.
"Well, lets get up to the Tree House and get ready for the party" she said pulling us to the big oak tree. I hadn't been here in about three years but nothing had changed. The wood on the 'house' was still dark and shiny, while the inside was light and shiny. We had two couches, a table and a chest for games and whatever else we wanted.
"Nice" he commented when he got inside. I sat on my favorite black couch with blue pillows and he took a seat on the other end of it. Jamie gave me a dirty look but didn't say anything as she sat down on the other. It was black with yellow pillows. We didn't have good taste in color when we built it.
"It's bearable" she said. "It certainly isn't as bad as our first one, we ended up on the ground with the first party."
I laughed at the memory. "It was funny though, I landed on top of Ginger and she couldn't get up until she said the magic word. We were so pathetic back then"
She nodded. "Oh, yeah. I landed on Henry and he farted in my face, it isn't one of my favorite memories."
"Well, our first party in this house was amazing. I remember having someone spin the bottle and kiss the wall. I think that was Charlie but I'm not positive"
Jay chuckled. "You two are pretty funny."
I smiled at the compliment. I didn't get them often, except from Zachary. "We try to make all of our memories fun, so in later years we can look back at them and laugh. It's a great habit to get into"
We talked for awhile about old class memories or trips to the mall and the beach. When Ginger, Beck, Zachary, Jack and Andrew showed up we started playing Truth or Dare then Spin the Bottle. I had to kiss Zachary twice and even Beck again but the entire time was nice. Beck wouldn't let any of us drink but surprisingly I didn't want to because I wanted to show Jay that I was a regular teenager. I also didn't feel the urge to have sex with anyone but Jay, which for me was a big improvement. Zachary tried to get me to have sex with him, but I rejected him and he didn't talk to me the rest of the night.
When we all said our goodbyes I was looking forward to seeing Jay and the rest of them at school tomorrow. The trip back home was long, or at least it seemed long because it was practically ten. I couldn't remember the last time I was out that late at a party without getting drunk or fucked. Maybe I'll do this more often, it was fun remembering the night instead of it being a total blur.
My parents weren't waiting for me downstairs, only my brother and his girlfriend, Veronica. She was ugly and stupid if you ask me. They had been dating since 5th grade and not one time have they even thought about breaking up. Or so I thought. They were fighting about some money or something. I know I should have stopped and calmed them down before going upstairs but I couldn't bring myself to do it.
After I took a shower and got changed into my lace, purple, sexy nightgown and climbed into bed. About an hour after I got into bed, I climbed back out and went downstairs to break up the fight that was keeping me up.
"Why don't you two shut your pie holes and get some sleep?" I asked annoyingly from the top of the stairs.
My brother ignored my question. "Going to Zachary's bed?"
I knew he was talking about what I was wearing and I couldn't blame him for commenting. It was a light purple and was transparent except for my breasts, and had spaghetti straps. There was also some glitter on it but that wasn't major. "No"
"Well, good he'd rip that thing off before you even got inside" he teased. I stuck my tongue out at him. "And no we can't"
"Why don't you break up?"
They considered it then agreed and I went back to bed. Within twenty minutes I was sleeping.

In the morning, I was up on my feet and dressed in a blue tank top and skinny jeans before my alarm went off. That was a first for me, I was usually still in bed when my third alarm went off. I wasn't about to waste about twenty minutes wondering why, I just brushed my hair and teeth before arguing with myself over what shoes to wear. I finally decided on a pair of silver three inch heels and went downstairs for breakfast. I had an omelette and two pieces of toast before getting in my car and driving to school.
When I parked in my parking space, I noticed Zachary standing there again today. What was that about? I only saw him on Friday's and I know today is not Friday. I shrugged and decided to just ignore him and walk over to Jamie and Jay. They were talking about there classes and which ones they had together. As I walked up Jamie asked me what classes I had today. Turns out, Jay is in most of my classes and the only classes he doesn't have with me, he has with Jamie. Great.
All day people were pointing at me and Jay and I know what they were saying but he didn't so I just ignored it. After awhile it did get annoying but, I didn't want to look bad in front of him, so I started a conversation with him. He was very easy-going.
At the end of the school day, Zachary needed a ride home so I gladly gave him one, not knowing what a big mistake that was. He wouldn't shut up.
"Why are you a slut?" he asked.
"I don't do long-term relationships so I don't get my heart broken."
"Why don't you stop? I mean you have a bad reputation at school and your parents hate you."
"Never will I Ever" I said. Did he seriously have to ask stupid questions? I hated it.

Chapter 3- Dreams

I wasn't sure where I was going or where I wanted to go but I was moving very quickly across the forest floor. Someone shouted my name from behind me but I ignored it, and kept running to my unknown destination. I was suddenly flying through the air and landed on the ground with a thud and groan from me. I quickly got up, brushed myself off and started running again, ignoring the pain in my legs.
I pulled myself to a stop when I got to our Tree House and climbed up the stairs, hiding inside. Still not knowing what I was hiding from, I crawled to the back of the Tree House and guarded my face with my hands. I heard loud banging on the stairs below, but they didn't bother me enough to see who it was.
No one came up the stairs, or at least I didn't see anyone in the little space between my arms.
Suddenly, medium-sized hands moved my hands away and held them back. The boy in front of me was smiling, almost laughing as he glared into my eyes. His eyes were a dark brown and he was slightly tan. I recognized him from somewhere but I couldn't place a name or where I had met him.
"Are you hiding from me or that wolf back there?" he said in a deep, husky voice. He motioned behind him with one of his thumbs.
"The wolf. It was following me for some reason and I ran up here so he wouldn't attack me" I explained.
He smiled and leaned into to kiss me. My heart-beat accelerated and there were butterflies flying in my stomach. Right before our lips touched I realized who it was. Jay.

I sat up after waking up from that strange dream. I didn't know I wanted to kiss Jay, I mean he was smoking hot and everything but I don't kiss anyone. As I got out of bed, I looked over at my alarm clock and surprisingly enough it hadn't gone off yet. Huh, weird.
After my morning routine, I was off to school. My mind kept fluttering off to that stupid dream. I kept telling myself it was only a dream but my heart didn't agree with that. I thought about that for a minute. If my heart wanted that dream to be real, then wouldn't that mean I liked Jay. No, no, no I don't like anyone, even Zachary who I had sex with once a week. Though, if I did like him that would explain the dream, not wanting him to find out that I was a slut and the weird feeling I got in my stomach when he was close.
That didn't make sense though, I have never had a crush on anyone in my entire life and now a new guy comes here and I like him. Stupid boy, I thought to myself.
The day dragged bye only because of my new theory which I still didn't know if I was right or not. Was it normal to have a crush on someone at sixteen? On the way back home, my head was filled with thoughts about my newfound 'crush'.
I called Ginger on my way home and invited her and Jamie over for a sleep over, though it was really for me to ask them about having a 'crush'. They would probably think I had lost my marbles or something because it was the first real girly talk we were going to have. After ten years you'd think we would have but they know that I hate all the girly stuff.
When they got here, I was in my room making the couch more of a bed. They walked in smiling and giggling like little seven year olds. After they got settled on the couch, I sat between them and plopped a movie into the DVD player. Ginger had picked one of my favorites; Men in Black 3. I had seen that movie in theaters and begged my mom to buy it for like five hours before she finally cracked. I had to admit I could get almost anything out of her, as long as I did my puppy dog eyes that Crystal had taught me when I was seven.
About half way through the movie Jamie turned it off and turned to look at me. She had a confused look on her face and I knew she had figured something out, I was busted.
"Out with it, you're hiding something and I want to know what it is." she said crossing her arms over her chest. She really wanted to know.
"Well..." I started, getting up off the couch. I walked around the couch and leaned on the back, glaring at Jamie. I loved her with all my heart but sometimes I hated her. "I think... I might... have a... crush on... someone"
Jamie and Ginger smiled and giggled. They started shrieking and pulling on my arms asking so many questions I couldn't even hear them.
"Hush" I warned. "Now, one at a freaking time. You two are acting like I'm not a girl or something"
"Well, you have never had a crush on anyone, so it's a big moment for you and us. Now, who?" Ginger practically yelled.
"Jay. I had a dream last night that I was running from a wolf and climbed up to our Tree House. He was up there with me, and was about to kiss me when I realized who it was. Then I woke up before our lips touched." I explained.
"Yeah, you like him" Jamie agreed.
"Well, how do I unlike him? I don't want to have a stupid crush on the new guy. My brother told me to stay away from him, not like him"
"You kind of can't unless he does something really bad that you don't like. It's your heart that will tell you if you don't like him anymore." Jamie said.
"Plus, you being you, you probably won't be happy until he's your boyfriend..." I cut her off.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm not dating anyone, you know I don't do that. They just end up messing up your life." I said remembering Ethan. "I can't do a relationship again, never again"
Ginger rubbed my back, trying to comfort me. "We know it would be hard but, that's how me and Beck ended up together. He liked me, I liked him and he asked me out. Jess, we've been together ever since. Maybe it was fate telling you that you and Ethan aren't meant to be together."
Jamie slapped her arm and gave her a WTH look. "Jay and you are definitely good for each other, and if I could pick someone for you to like, it would be him. Just try a relationship, it might work out."
"No!" I shouted. I can't have a repeat of what happened to Ethan, it took me five months to admit it wasn't my fault. I could have prevented it, sure but maybe Ginger was right, maybe it was fate. "I can't do that"
"Stop being a slut and you can"
"Like I said to Zachary yesterday, Never will I Ever do that. I'm happy now, I get whatever, whenever" I explained sitting back down.
"What can we do, to make you stop being one?" Ginger asked.
"Nothing. You can try but you can't, I'm not breaking." I said.
Jamie took out her phone and texted someone but I couldn't tell who it was by her expression. "See if that will."
I sighed and walked into my walk-in-closet and picked out a short, sexy, red silk nightgown and changed into it. I put my favorite black silk robe over it but even that went a little above my knees.
When I came out of the bathroom, after changing I saw the last person I wanted to see on my couch. Jay.
He turned around to look at me and even I could tell he eye-raped me. I pretended to ignore it and sat next to Ginger on the couch. They were lucky I wasn't sleeping in something more revealing.
"Jay, what are you doing here? It's nearly 10PM" I said giving Jamie a 'You're dead' look.
"Oh, I invited him over. Hope you don't mind"
"No, of course not..." I was cut off by Jake walking in the door. He was wearing black boxers and no shirt. Jamie got a kick out of that.
"Oh!" he said when he saw us all sitting on the couch. "I didn't know you had company, thanks for the warning"
I got up and leaned my back against the back of the couch, allowing my robe to open. "I have company, Jake"
He shook his head. "Before hand. Anyway, what did you want for a midnight snack tonight"
"Um..." I said trying to think. "Doesn't matter"
"Hey, Jake" Jamie said.
He waved then rolled his eyes, so Jamie couldn't see. "Hey. Oh, sis next time you have Jamie in particular over, let me know"
I shook my head. "Nope, I'm good"
"Maybe, I won't convince mom to give you your..." I cut him off not wanting Jay to hear what he was going to say.
"You have them?" I questioned, he only nodded. "Your dead" I chased him out of the room and into his, so I could pin him on the floor. He gave them back but only after I promised he'd get something of mine. We walked back into my room and he started looking around, while I hid my birth control.
"Anything, but any of my movies" I said.
He nodded and found a picture of Zachary naked that I was supposed to give to Ginger, when she asked. "Um..."
I glared at him, took it and handed it to Ginger. "That was very hard to get, you owe me"
She smiled and took it. "Sure it was. All you have to do is get him naked then take a picture."
"Like I have that kind of time to stand around taking pictures of naked people." I added. I heard Jay mumble something under his breath that I couldn't hear. Shit! "What was that Jay?"
"Oh, nothing just laughing" he chuckled.
"No, you said something. What?"
"Nothing I want you all to hear" he mumbled. Ginger and Jamie didn't hear it but I did.
When Jake finally found something, he picked a poster of Miley Cyrus that was on my wall and went to his room to put it up. I slammed the door behind him and locked it so he couldn't come back.
"Oh, Jay. Were you planning on spending the night?"
This time when he mumbled something I heard it but Jamie and Ginger didn't. "I'll stay every night if that's what your going to wear"
"I'm sorry, was that a yes" I asked as I blushed.
He shook his head and left. I climbed in bed, shut the light off and went to sleep as soon as possible. I didn't want Jamie or Ginger asking me any questions. It worked, to my surprise.

I was running, that part was obvious but I didn't know what from. Yesterday it was a wolf but today I had no idea. I had already passed the Tree House by about a mile and I was almost in Connecticut.
My vision was getting blurry and I realized it was because I was crying and the tears had already gotten to my chin.
Suddenly, I was pushed to the left and landed on the ground with a thud. It was a person that had pushed me out of the way. Though, it wasn't Jay like yesterday, it was the person I was running from.
I screamed and screamed but no one heard me, or at least no one was coming to save me. I closed my eyes and waited for something bad to happen that I would regret but it never came.
When I opened my eyes, Jay was standing in front of me with an arm stretched out towards me. I willingly took it and he pulled me up to standing. My heart accelerated again and the butterflies were back. He leaned over to kiss me but I was awake before our lips touched.

I quickly sat up to come face to face with the two worried faces of my best-friends. Ginger's eyes were wide and full of worry and I couldn't say Jamie's face was much different.
"Are you okay?" Jamie asked with a shaking voice.
"You were screaming about someone getting away from you and then said something about Jay." Ginger said with the same voice.
"I'm fine, trust me. It was just a dream... a really good yet bad dream. Maybe I'm a little mad because I keep waking up right when he's going to kiss me." I said. Did I say that out loud? "I said that out loud, didn't I?"
They both nodded and got off the bed. We talked the whole time we got ready and most of breakfast. Jake hated the idea, we had come up with but I told him off for that and he didn't say another word after that. It's not like I wanted him to hear but he had good ears and was at the table too, so it was hard for him not to hear it.
As we arrived to school, Jamie was the first out of my car and she went straight over to Jay. She was going to ask him about what he thought about me and then if it was good, I'd go talk to him but if it was bad then she would talk up about me.
I didn't know if the plan to make him like me was going to work and really I don't know if I wanted it to. Most guys in this school wouldn't give up the chance to even talk to me but him, he was a mystery.
"Do you think it will work?" Ginger asked as we got out of the car. She was so excited I could see her eyes light up when I slowly nodded. "Me too"
I shook my head and put my bag on my shoulder. "You are so excited and I don't get why. He is after all just a boy" My heart disagreed with that sentence but I wouldn't let anyone see that. What was wrong with me? I had never liked anyone before, why now? Why him?
"You really should be more excited. Oh, and he's not just some boy, he's your first crush. Which is a major deal."
I shook my head, not seeing the point in some guy. " Sure, I guess"
Jamie walked over, well skipped really and had a huge smile on her face. "He said your a nice, pretty girl that he'd love to get to know better. Go over there and talk to him."
I shook my head. "I can't"
"Why? We are talking about Jessica Ann Hamilton here, not some shy girl. You don't get nervous or frightened by anything." Ginger reminded me.
"Well, I get nervous around him. I can't go over there and talk to him after you went over there and talked about me. He's not stupid, he will think something is up." I told them.
"Go!" they said and pushed me in his direction.
I gave them death glares but walked the short distant between us. I fell into walk beside him and smiled at the close distant. What was happening to me? I'm nervous to talk to a boy, since when? I had never in my life got nervous or anything so it was all new to me and made me feel like a child. I hated it.
"Hey" I finally said.
"Hey, do you have any idea why Jamie came over here and asked me about you?" he asked in a flat voice.
I looked over at him and meet his gaze. I wanted to melt just looking into those eyes, those amazing dark brown somehow beautiful eyes. I hated feeling low, shallow. "No, she didn't mention anything about that."
"Huh, weird" he said back in a normal voice.
Damn, I was busted. I may not know much about him but I do know a lot about boys and he knew something was up. Dammit! "Yeah."
The rest of the day we didn't talk except when he needed help in Math and asked me but I had no clue. I hope he didn't like smart girls. Whoa, wait, why did I want him to like me? I'm turning into a girly girl, urgh.
When I went home, Jamie and Ginger came over again and again we watched a movie. This time we actually got to the end before I got hammered with questions. Jamie wanted to know if he knew something was up and Ginger wanted to know what I said and his exact words in response. It was weird thinking that I had a crush, considering me being a slut but it was even weirder when I talked about it. It made me feel like I was a girly girl, not a slut.
That night I didn't have any unexpected or unwanted visitors to my room, and I was happy about that. Only my brother came in once to ask for an extra pillow because he did something with his. I threw it at him which ended up in a pillow fight between me, Jamie and Ginger vs. him. I didn't know who won or if it even had a winner but at about eleven I went to bed.

I was running from Him, the man who raped me. Him, the man who I hated with most of my heart and would do anything to never see him again. Him, the man who I was running from, again.
"I will catch you, and when I do you better have and ambulance ready" he said out of breath.
I on the other hand wasn't out of breath at all but I couldn't figure out why. I shrugged and pushed myself to go faster. My destination was the basement in the tree house. We had made a 'basement' so that if we were hiding from something or someone we could hide in there, all we needed was the key.
I climbed the stairs as quickly as possible then searched my pockets for the keys. I didn't see it anywhere, or feel it. Dammit, I was dead meat. I had cornered myself in a small Tree House with a murderous man chasing me. I was so stupid at times.
I heard him climb up the stairs and I guarded my face with my arms hoping I wouldn't die. But the pain I was expecting never came. I unblocked my eyes to see someone standing in front of me, protectively. I didn't recognize him from the back but it looked like someone familiar.
After he had scared the murderer off, he turned around to show his beautiful face. It was my hero, Jay.

I woke that morning with a frightening view, my brother's face was right there blocking my view of anything. I slapped his cheek making a loud sound and moving his head to the side. He slapped me back and we continued this until my alarm went off. He moved off my bed and I was happy with that but then I noticed Jamie and Ginger weren't up yet. I got out of bed, woke them up and got in the shower before I could hear them complain. I was in the middle of my shower when I heard banging on the door, then it opened. Ginger did her make-up and Jamie brushed her hair. Thank god for opaque things.
After we finished getting ready, I grabbed my bag and we headed downstairs. My brother had just started eating and I had regretting running early. My dad came downstairs and hopped in his car with saying a word, he must be super late. The three of us got in my car and headed to school as fast as possible.
Jay was standing near my parking space when I pulled in and that alone put butterflies in my stomach. I walked over to him with Jamie and Ginger on either side of me and looked up to meet his gaze. Those eyes, would be an amazing weapon to just stare someone down with.
"Hey" I said.
"Do you even know my name?" he asked looking over at me.
I nodded. "Jay, why wouldn't I?"
"Well, everyone here says you sleep around and don't even bother remembering people's names. I was seeing if it was true"
I shook my head and cursed my bad reputation. "I know everyone's name, I don't know where you heard that from. I promise you I know people's names"
He shrugged. "Prove it"
"How? Do you want me to tell you everyone's name?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.
He nodded eagerly. "I was just going to ask you who was who but that works."
All day I told him everyone's name in the grade, and even some in higher grades though I didn't know anyone in lower ones. He thought it was pretty cool that I knew everyone, and in a way it was cool. You could walk down the hallway and say hi to people you never even talk to.
"You know, I would bet someone just made that rumor up. I'm sorry I believed it" he said as we walked to the last class. Wow, someone actually saying sorry to me, that was a first.
"Apology accepted" I said and walked into the changing rooms in Gym. He had told me that I didn't have to tell him everyone's name anymore but I did just to show off, which got a laugh out of him. I had to admit he was really nice, sweet, honest and everything Ethan was. This guy might have a chance.
Jamie and Ginger had tons of questions for me and that's why I dropped them off at their houses instead of coming back over to mine. I drove home slowly, not in any rush and it was nice to just calm down once in a while. Once I got home, my mom had me put the dishes and new groceries away which I got payed for.
I went upstairs and went straight to bed. I didn't fall asleep until after midnight but that night was the first in four days that I didn't dream.

The Big Question

The past week had been pretty intense, and wild. Jay and I had become great friends and I haven't had sex since I met him. It was really weird not going to Zachary's every Friday but there are bigger things in life then sex. I had gotten everyone to start calling me by my actual name instead of the slut of just slut.
Jamie and Ginger were just waiting for the day Jay would step up and ask me out but I wasn't going to hold my breath. I still hadn't decided if I would even say yes considering I don't do long-term relationships. Ginger had been trying to help me get over that but so far it wasn't working. Jamie on the other hand was teaching me how to flirt which was new for me because to get a guy all I needed to do was ask. I never had to flirt. It was hard, and at least ten times I almost gave up, but she wouldn't let me.
It was Friday when she finished and we had to go to school, and now we were going to be late. Yes! Finally, something I'm good at, getting out of trouble.
I convinced the teacher the they were late and not us, I don't know how but I did. Jamie gave me a high five then turned to the teacher, smiled and started coping the notes she was writing on the board. I pretended to but I was really checking Jay out. His perfectly messed up dirty blond hair, beautiful dark chocolate eyes and his oh so perfect lips.
Suddenly, the announcements came through the speakers. "Jessica Hamilton, report to the office, Jessica Hamilton"
I asked the teacher if I could go, he gave me a pass and I walked slowly down to the office. I hadn't done anything, that I know of and none of the bed guys that I used to hang out with did. I had no idea what I did but I knew I was going to find out. Wait, I didn't do anything bad since Jay had got here so that he might like me. I can't get in trouble for something I didn't do, can I?
I shrugged as I opened the door to the office. It was green and red and in my opinion ugly. I walked up to the front desk and said my name. She pointed to an old man sitting in one of the chairs. He walked up to me smiled and shook my hand. Weird.
He motioned for me to follow him into the conference room and I took a seat at one end, with him across from me.
"Now, if my calculations are correct it has been exactly six months since your last birthday and six months until your next birthday, correct?" he asked. His voice was low and husky.
"Okay, so sometime today something is going to happen to you. When it does I want you to run into the woods and wait until someone starts chasing you, they will be the same as you. Then, they will explain everything" he said.
"Um..." I started but he was gone. I shrugged and walked back to class having so many questions in my mind.
The rest of the day flew by, and I was glad for that. After I dropped off my friends I drove home and just as I got out of the car I felt my bones stretching along with my muscles. I began to hear, see and feel more then I could seconds ago. Then, I was on four legs, had a tail and fur. I was a wolf. No way, I was a werewolf. Sweet!
I did what the man instructed by running into the woods. There were new scents that filled my nose and my brain thought they were other wolves, that was nice. I ran and ran until I heard someone chasing me. I slowed a bit but they couldn't catch up, I was a really fast werewolf. I finally just stopped and he went back to a human. He was naked at first but before I could get a good look he ran off then came back a minute later with shorts and a shirt on.
He had a slight tan on his huge muscular body and he reminded me of one of the boys at my school. His midnight black hair was a little ruffled and came down to the tip of his ears. Out of all his facial features his lips and eyes stood out to me. His eyes were the blue of the Ocean and his lips were just begging to be kissed. He stood with confidence and determination. All in all he was hot.
"Go shift so I can talk to you." he demanded pointing off into the woods. His voice was a sexy, deep and husky type of voice. So sexy!
I ran into the woods and somehow shifted back to human and I was naked when I did.
After I went home to put some clothes on, I ran back to where he was waiting, tapping his foot on the ground. I walked up to where I was standing before and he glared at me.
"Another girl, just great" he groaned. "I'm guessing your the new wolf around here"
"Yep, why?"
"Well, Logan won't be happy about this but he'll just have to deal. Come on, your now in this pack so follow me, and stay human" he said and took off to the left. I followed him easily and he stopped at a large log cabin in the middle of the woods. He entered the house and it was blue and white inside. There was a living room, kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms and workout room. He showed me to a study it looked like and he knocked on the door.
Another deep, husky voice told him to come in. They looked nothing alike. This man wasn't tan at all but wasn't pale white either and had black hair. Okay, maybe they looked a little a like but not much. He had big black eyes and an even bigger, muscular body then the other guy next to me.
"Who is this?" he asked.
"I found her in the woods, as a wolf" the guy next to me asked.
The guy behind the desk stood up and he was taller then me. "What's the name?"
"Oh, um... what is your name?" the guy next to me asked.
"Logan" said the guy behind the desk.
"Andrew, but everyone calls me Drew" the guy next to me said.
Logan walked out from behind the desk and looked at me. "Are you in The Midnight pack?"
"Um... no?"
"Yes or no? And mean it" he demanded.
I jumped back at his voice and stumbled on somebody. "I'm sorry"
He looked at my eyes and met my gaze. His eyes were green and a beautiful emerald green at that. His hair was black and looked just like Drew. Though, this guy was a lot hotter. I felt the warmth from his body on mine and it sent shivers down my back and sides. "Don't worry about it."
I stepped away from him unwillingly but looked back at Logan. "No"
"Lucas, you did not knock" Logan roared then he turned back to me. "Well, your part of this pack."
Someone walked in the door and I recognized her by the red hair, she went to my school. "Andrea?"
"Oh, hey Jess" she said in her sweet voice.
"Show her around and tell her the basics." Logan commanded.
Andrea showed me to my new room and told me about mates, packs, territory and rogues. It was a lot to take in but, I think I managed.
I heard a knock on the door downstairs. I used my nose to know that they were werewolves as well and there were two of them. A girl and a boy, mates. I went downstairs because I heard my name and the two people weren't really together. They were mates but they didn't act like it. The man was big and muscular like Logan and the girl was the most beautiful thing I had ever laid eyes on. She had light blond hair that flowed perfectly down to her breasts and her eyes were covered with dark sunglasses that I couldn't see through.
Logan was already here greeting them.
"Carter, I see you have found your mate. Congratulations! Who is she?" he said glancing at the girl.
"Look at her the wrong way and your dead" 'Carter' warned. "And this is Emma, Emma this is Logan"
"Pleasure to meet you" she said and went to shake his hand but Carter slapped it away, shaking his head.
"Indeed, I've been waiting five years for him to find his mate." Logan said smiling. "So, what brings you here?"
"I heard you got the newest wolf around here" Carter said.
Logan nodded and showed me to them. "Jessica, this is Carter and Emma, Carter and Emma this is Jessica"
We smiled and nodded at each other. They must be the midnight pack that Logan was talking to me about.
"Has she found a mate?" Carter asked.
No, I said to myself.
"Possibly" Logan said. He said it in a way that made it sound like I did when I hadn't. How strange.

I didn't stay for the rest of the conversation. I was too busy being jealous of that Emma chick that had Carter all to her self. Stupid boy. 

When I entered my room I found a guy about my age laying on my bed. He was tall and slim and had gorgeous blue eyes. His hair was a light brown that matched his caramel skin tone. 

"Who are you?" I asked. He was hot but not hot enough for me to allow him in my room. 

"What's it to you?" He asked. Oh My God, his voice was so sexy and husky and so many things I cant describe! So perfect! 

"Your in my room, just wondering why." I stated bluntly. 

"No shit, and its not for my benefit, trust me. I'm only here to give you a message from my brother, he said and I quote: 'Your his mate'"


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.06.2012

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