
The Adventure

There once was a girl named Forest. She has a special and unique thing for a young 17 year old girl. She could fly with her arms. Now, Forest never knew she could fly until one fateful day, a trip with her grandparent's Sandy and Marty Ostrander. They were being occompanied by by her step mother Nena, her mother Mindi, her father Ryan, her step dad Rich and her half-brothers and sister, Martin, Terry, Dakota and Sierra. Now, Forest never liked her step mother or father or step grandmother, yet she didn't mind her sister or brother. She did however, deasperatly love her mother, step father, grandfather and her two half-brothers, Terry and Dakota. As they were packing, Forest looked at her mother and she said
"Mom, do I really have to go on to this trip? Why can't I stay home with grandma and grandpa?"
"Now Forest, we have talked about this many times before. Your grandfather invited us all to attend such a special trip, and Paul and Brenda insisted upon you comming instead of staying home all the time," Mindi answered stearnly. Forest looked at her mother with pleasing eyes and hands folded together.
"But mother, I don't want to deal with Sandy or Nena or Ryan, I hate those guys," she said pleadingly,
"Tuff, you'll have to suck it up and stay vy us then," her mother said sternly once more, not having any crap from Forest about not going on the trip. Forest sighed, she had been defeated in battle and went back to packing, cursing all the time in her mind.

A few hours passed and Forest climbed into the car with her mother, step father, and half-brothers as they prepared one last time to make the trip to meet the others at the hotel. During the long and tiresome trip, Forest and Terry were messing around in the back seat while Dakota was asleep in his car seat when Terry stopped in the middle of their game to look at Rich,
"Dad, when exactly will we get there and what hotel are we staying at?" and Forest to looked at her parents with the same question lurking within her blue eyes, her short cut dirty blond hair blowing in the wind that was comming in the car through the windows,
"We are staying at the Plaza Hotel in Freankenstine city," Rich answered him. Forest and Terry both laughed at the name,
"Now guys, I know it is a wierd name, but it is a very old and ancient city and you will have a good time, besides, the hotel has a pool and hot tub." Mindi said, a bit tired from the trip still, and the yelling at Forest and Terry.
"I bet I can get to the hot tub before you can," she whispered in Terry's ear,
"Bet you cant, I'll beat you this time Forest, I have been working on my running skills," he whispered back, a bit firercly then he would like, but Forest just smirked.
"We'll see little brother, we'll see," she said evily. They were quiet the rest of the car ride. When the five cramped passengers made it to the hotel, Forest and Terry looked up at the huge brick building with a stone roof and stone windo frames and the American flag waving in the breeze on the top of the building, Forest then looked around her and she was in awe of the little neat trees and neatly trimmed bushes growing around it with a little pond full of Coy fish and a fountian with an angel blowing a horn with a stram of water comming out of the wide end, the flower beds had all sorts of flowers like daisy's, pansies, tulips and so on with bees and butterflies fluttering or buzzing from one flower to another, sipping it's nectar and pollinating the flower it landed on. The little bushes were a bloomed with beautiful red, pink, white and yellow roses, Everything was neatly trimmed and well kept for. Forest even heard the birds in the trees singing loud for the world or for people who want to listen to hear them, and Forest just stared, she was mezmerized by the beauty of everything and she took out her camera and snapped a few pictures of the beautiful scene before her,
"Wow, this is so beautiful!" she whispered mostly to herself. They were soon inturrupted by the others presence as Marty said "Hello Forest, so nice to see you once more,"
"Same goes for you grandpa," Forest said back just as cheerfully to her favorite grandfather, she did however give the others a smile, even though it was painful for her to do so, she figured that if she played nice, they wouldn't be so bad as they usually were, but when they did not return her smile back but gave her dirty looks, she frowned and gave one back, and to add more fuel to the fire, she flipped them off in the process with a wicked grin at the end. When they had all of their things together and unpacked from their cars, they headed into the lobby to get their room keys and headed up to their rooms. As they were walking through the hall ways, Forest stayed back a bit to look at the pictures on the walls, some were of flowers that were so pretty and others were of a beach with a sunset going on, but one picture stood out the most, it was of a girl in the air flying with nothing to hold her up but her arms spread out like a birds wings, and as she studied the picture, she felt something strange rise within her, almost as if she knew the girl and wanted to try it, so she pushed the feeling back down. When she was studying the picture, she had not noticed that she had stopped and the others were already in their rooms besides her sister Sierra who was making her way to Forest,
"Hello Sierra, you shouldn't be here, your mother would have a fit if she seen you hanging out with me," Forest siad, when she finally noticed her sister.
"I don't really care what she thinks, you are my sister and there is really nothing she can do about that, besides, I am just as interested in this photo as much as you are," she said happily. Forest looked at her,
"Oh really Sierra? I find that a bit hard to bealieve, this photo is like those of old war time photographys," Forest said skeptically to her sister, but Sierra ignored it, and Sierra said,
"She looks just like you Forest, that girl in the photo," and Forest looked back at her sister confused,
"You think so?" she said, Sierra nodded,
"I know so, and it is a bit creepy at how she does, don't you think?" Sierra said as she turned to Forest, Forest nodded,
"Yes actually, it is a bit creepy, but I wonder why, I mean, people couldn't fly back then could they? The tag below it dates back to 1964, and it is 2011 now," Forest said, more confused now then ever, Sierra smiled at her sister and laid a hand on her shoulder,
"Anything could be possible Forest if you bealieve, after all, isn't that what you tell me all the time? Anything is possible if I just bealieve? Well maybe it was the same back then to, and probably even now, you could probably be able to do that if you wanted to," Forest sighed, her sister was right, but she highly doubted that she would be stupid enough to even try to fly, it was just not possible, humans can't fly with just their arms without something to help them out in the air, so how was this girl able to do it? And why did she look so hauntingly familiar to her? Forest and Sierra stayed there for a while longer, looking at the picture and studying it when they heard their names being called by Forest's mother, so they snapped out of it,
"We better go before we get in trouble," Forest said, a little reluctent to leave the photo without figuring it out first. Sierra nodded,
"If your mother is calling for you, mine will soon be to," Sierra said while sighing. When Forest began to make her way to her room, Sierra grabbed her sleeve,
"I have news to tell you of what Nena was talking about," and Forest knelt down, starring into her sister's eyes,
"What did she say about me this time Sierra?" Forest asked curiously, Sierra matched her sister's gaze,
"She calls you a short haird blond jerk that should not be hanging out with us, expecially around Martin and I," Forest nodded,
"Thanks for the news Sierra," she said. Sierra nodded and they heard their names being called again and this time they went to their rooms. When everyone was fast asleep, Forest took one of the room keys to her room and headed out to the picture that she and Sierra were looking at before. As she studied the photo, imiges were comming back to her in her mind, she wasn't sure what she was seeing but she could feel the breeze, the joy of flying, the exilleration of fast falling and the sheer joy of flying back up before she hit the ground, and she was so into the movie playing in her mind that she did not notice the bag boy comming up behind her,
"She's beautiful isn't she?" he said, and Forest wheeled around frightened and holding her chest as her heart was beating wickid fast, a shocked and frightened look on her face, she then relaxed when she seen it was only the bag boy and she took even breaths to calm her racing heart and clear her mind once more,
"I'm sorry, but what did you say again?" she said, once her heart had calmed down some, but the boy didn't answer her, instead she was facing a really shocked and speechless boy and she wasn't sure why, so she waved her hand infront of his face,
"Hello? Anyone home?" she asked, a bit confused by the boys sudden reaction,
"Sorry, I just said she is beautiful," he said when he recovered from the sudden shock, and Forest looked back at the photo, a smile on her face,
"She is actually," she said happily, but then her face fell and she had that thinking look on,
"But I can't get over how much she looks like me, or is it that I look like her?" she said, still trying to organize the order in her mind,
"I know a tale to that photo, well it is more of a phrophacy really, but a tale none the less," he said, seeing Forest's confused reaction. Forest looked over at him,
"Really? Can you tell me it?" she asked, a bit eager to hear about the girl in the photo and maybe, just maybe, she might understand why they look so much alike, so they sat down across from the photo, leaning against the wall,
"Well, it was in 1964," the boy began, and Forest got comfertable and listened,
"My great, great, great grandfather was a little boy, he was always into dreaming up crazy things and told wonderful stories. When he turned 17, he wrote his first book about a girl who could fly with her arms like a bird. He wrote that she was the only one of her kind and she had 5 friends who also knew her secret, along with her mother,"
"What were the names of her friends and her mother? And what was her name?" she interupted him, and he smiled,
"The names of her friends are Michelle, Crystal, Shiela, Christine and Rain, and her mother is named Mindi," and Forest looked at him in shock when he mentioned her friends and mother's name,
"What is it?" he asked, confused a bit,
"Nothing, please continue," she answered, waving off the question with her heand, the boy looked at her with a bemused look but continued,
"Well, he wrote that anyone who saw her viewed her as an angle from heaven that has come to save them, and so they admired her and made parades up for her that still go on even today. Well, low and behold, his character wasn't really a character, but a real person, and she was the first one to puchase his book and read it. She admired at how he knew so much about her and her friends and mother, so unknown to him, she was going to go pay him a visit." and Forest smiled and waited for him to continue,
"He was walking through a park one day after getting off late from his job when he seen this young women land infront of him, now he was shocked and a bit frightened at first for he could not see any wings or a line that stated that she was being lowered by something, and the women held out her book and asked 'are you Dane Stearlingback?' and Dane nodded, speechless at the young womens looks and shocked at how she knew how to find him, and she said 'I'm Forest, I perchased your book when it first came out, and I thought I should pay you a visit and ask you a simple question. What made you want to write this book?' and knowing Dane, he kept up the conversation for a long time," and Forest smiled and yawned,
"Why wasn't he still affraid of her? I would have been," she said, now getting tired,
"I don't really know, from what I was told, it was said that Dane fell in love with her," he said, a bit tired as well,
"Then what happened?" she said, wanting him to keep going on,
"Well, a few years went by before he could see her again, but by then, she was in grave danger, for you see, her evil step mother Nena and her evil father Ryan hired a gun man to hunt her down and get rid of her once and for all," Forest flinched a bit at the failiar names, and something inside her made her feel a bit angered, but she wasn't sure why, so she waited for him to go on,
"Forest had been avoiding him for the years that he could not see her for she wanted to protect him from the guy who was comming after her, but it drove him nuts to not be able to see her, so he decided to go out and search for her and demand a presence with her and confront her and ask her why she was avoiding him," and Forest smirked
"Did he find her?" she asked,
"He did after a while, but so did the gun man, and for a few tense moments, it was a three way face off between them. However, the love Dane felt for her was strong so despite the risk, he stepped in between Forest and the gun man and refused to move, even if it killed him, however, the gun man wouldn't have minded killing them both," and Forest looked at him shocked
"What happened? Did he shoot them?" she asked, eager to hear the rest
"He would have killed Dane if it wasn't for Forest, right when the gun man pulled the trigger, Forest pulled him from infront of her and placed him behind her and took the bullet instead," and Forest clutched her chest, for some reason, she immediatly felt the pain in her chest, as if she was living the tale herself
"As she dropped, Dane caught her and held her close, tears were forming in his eyes and coating his cheeks and he appkyed pressure to her opened wound, but the blood kept gushing out of it despite what he was doing and he felt helpless, and he looked down at her and said with hurt in his voice and pleading in his tear coated eyes 'don't die on me Forest, please don't die, I love you' but she just shook her head and said 'don't cry, tears are useless now, my time is up here and you should be glad for me that I will no longer be in pain, it would have been more painful to watch if it was you here Dane, you had your whole life ahead of you, this is my destiny, I saw it a long time ago,' and her breathing was slowing and becoming more labored and Dane said 'I won't let you die on me Forest, just hang in there, help will be here and you will be all right,' but she shook her head and took a shuddering breath and said 'no, there is no need for them to come, I am almost gone anyways, it will be a waste, I am just glad that it was me and not you, if anything, you need to keep living on, and if not for you only, then do it for us,' and she closed her eyes and whispered 'but I will be back, I will be reborn in a young girl who will look, act and be like me, look for her' and she slipped into deaths hands," and Forest felt tears in her eyes as well,
"Oh, that is so sad," and the bag boy nodded, tears coating his cheeks to
"Sence then, generations of my family have been searching for this girl who harbores the spirit of Forest within her," and Forest looked at him confused
"Why? Why look for her anyways?" and the boy looked at her and smiled that heart warming smile that could melt a girls heart in three seconds
"The boy of the family who finds her becomes her boyfriend, then hopefully her husband, if Forest had been alive still, Dane would have married her instead of his wife Sherley," and Forest giggled
"Thanks for telling me, that was a nice tale," she said, a smile huge on her face, and before Forest could stand, the bag boy held on to her arm
"What is your name anyway? Mine is Alexander," he asked her, and Forest grinned, she would get a kick out of this
"Mine is Forest Ostrander, goodnight Alexander," and she stood up and headed into her room, leaving Alexander sitting on the floor with a stunned look on his face.

The Finding Of Forest Ostrander

Alexander stayed there, dumbfounded. He wasn't sure if he had heard her name right or not, could she be Forest Ostrander? The reincarnation of Dane Stearlingbacks first and always will be love? Or could she just be messing with him? She did look a lot like her, in fact, she looked identical to the one his great, great, great grandfather loved, maybe, just maybe, she wasn't messing with him after all, if she was the reincarnation, then that would mean the prophacy is comming true and she would be in danger! Alexander came out of his daze and checked his watch for the time, when he saw that it was four in the morning, he started to head back to the room where his father would most likley be getting up and would probably wonder where he was. When he came to the door, he opened it quietly, so if his father and mother were still sleeping, he would not wake them up, but as he entered in, the little light that shined into the room, illuminated his fathers figure sitting up in the bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and taking a moment to fully wake up, but when the light shinned on him, he looked up to see his son in the door. Alexander smiled and walking in, he closed the door, it took him a while for his eyes to adjust to the darkened room, but when he could see, his father switched on the lamp and the room was once more flooded in a warm light, "Morning dad," Alexander said, whispering a bit for his mother was still sleeping, curled up under the blankets, unfased by her husbands movement in bed. Alexanders father looked at his son once more and nodded, still sleepy but on the verge of being fully awake, his father stretched, "What on earth are you doing up so early in the morning son? Don't you have work to do tonight?" his father said, letting out a huge yawn which was followed by Alexander who nodded, "Yah, but I heard something out in the hallway" he said, after he finished with his yawning spree, his father nodded, curiosity getting the better of him, he stood up, "Did you see who it was?" he asked, trying not to seem curiouse but failing. Alexander nodded, "It was a girl and she says that her name is Forest Ostrander, and get this, she is identicle to the Forest that Dane loved," he said happily, but still a bit doubting that he had heard her name right. Alexanders father looked at him as if he had three heads, and they way Alexander was feeling, he wouldn't be surprised if he did sprout two other heads, "Oh really? Are you sure you heard right?" his father asked, Alexander nodded, feeling a bit more positive that he had not misheard, "I'll show you tomorrow, then you will see as well" he said determindly. Alexanders father nodded, "Get some sleep son, you will have a long night I'm sure"."Yes father" Alexander said, he climbed into bed and fell asleep, hopefully he could get enough sleep in before work would begin, maybe he might even be able to sleep the whole day away, he faintly heard his father get ready for work then leave.

Alexander Introduces His Father To Forest

When Alexander woke up, he went outside, he could tell it was morning time now, but he continued on looking for Forest. When he finally found her, he felt rage boil up withing him when he seen an older women standing threateningly over her, a crossed look on her face. Alexander snuck over to the big fake tree that was close to them so he could hear the conversation that was going on,
"You are a horrible and thoughtless child Forest! You never consider your brother and sister at all! And you wonder why I don't like you!"
"I tried to get them something Nena! But Sandy wouldn't allow it! You want someone to yell at?! Yell at her! I have spent my entire life trying to please you! But no more! You are the selfish person here! Not me! So before you start anything with me! Just remember this! All it takes is one little white lie and one officer to put your butt in jail!" Forest shouted back, just as venemously. Alexander stared at them with wide eyes, now he knew for sure that the prophacy was comming true and Forest really was going to be in danger all over again,and he continued wathing.
"Why I never Forest! You do not talk to me like that! I am an adult and as such I am your boss!" Nena shouted, now to the point where she was on the breaking point of slapping her,
"You're not my boss! My true mother is! You are not equal to my mother so you are not able to tell me what to do! So back off now or there will be trouble to come!" Forest yelled, nearly screaming on the top of her lungs, her face was red with anger, she looked like a bull about to charge at an intruder and Nena looked no better, and just as Nena raised a hand to slap her, a police officer that saw the fighting going on started to make his way over, and when he was there, he grabbed Nena's hand and glared down at them both,
"If you two ladies do not calm down and lower your voices, I will be foreced to remove you from the premesis," he said with a bold and stern voice full with authority. Nena glared back at him but Forest gave him the innocent look, but she too was still steaming at Nena,
"Please do remover her officer, I would not have had a problem if she hadn't started anything," and the officer looked at Nena once more, the stern look never leaving his face,
"Is this true miss?" he asked in a demanding tone.
"Don't even think about lying to him Nena," Forest said, when she seen that Nena was about to make up a lie. Nena shot a look that if they were lazers, it would slice Forest into pieces, she then faced the officer and snatched her hand away from him,
"I am just disciplining my step daughter officer, so yes, I have, but she refuses to listen to me," Forest glared at her,
"I do not! You yelling at me for no apparent reason won't help you with me listening to you!" she spat at Nena,
"Calm down! I am listening to the both of you!" the officer said to Forest, he then turned his gaze back to Nena, not bothering to reach for her arm again,
"she does have a point ma'am, yelling at children will not help with them listening to you," he said, now a bit more calm that he was getting them under control,
"And who says that?" Nena shot at him, she was standing up boldly and defiantly despite the fact that she was talking to a officer.
"You do not talk to me like that!" she officer shouted, now anger flarring on his face, he cuffed Nena,
"You are comming with me, I'm taking you to the station," he led Nena away, who looked behind her and spat at Forest, the death glare on her face,
"I will get back at you for this Forest, you just wait and see, I will get you once and for all," she snarled, but then the officer led her outside and loaded her into the car and turning on his lights he drove away, Forest watched the car drive away,
"I warned you Nena, don't mess with me, now have fun in jail," she said, as the cruiser disapeared around the cornor. Alexander slowly came out from behind the fake tree, eyes still buldging with shock at what he had witnessed, and when he seen Forest finally notice him, her face redened as she blushed,
"I'm sorry, did you see that?" she asked, he could tell she was hoping he didn't, but he nodded, still speechless.
"So the prophacy is comming true, you are the reincarnation of Forest, everything is happening all over again," he said, finally regaining his lost voice, he seen Forest hold up her hands and stepped back, a worried look on her face
"Woah there Alexander, my name may be Forest Ostrander but I highly doubt that I am the reincarnationg of her," she said, Alexander was still determined though, and excitement getting the better of him he smiled,
"Have you ever tried to fly before Forest? Have you ever had any types of feelings that you couldn't explain?" he asked, hoping that she had and he would get some information about her,
"I don't want to fly, I don't want to make a fool of myself, and yes i have but I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for them," she ssid, still holding up her hands, but she stopped backing up for she was now against the wall and there was nowhere for her to go,
"But you will never know if you do not try, and what have you felt?" he asked, now pushing her for the information,
"It doesn't concern you and no, i have no desire or intention to fly or even learn how to for that matter, please don't bring that subject up again," she said, returning to her stubborn self a bit,
"Fine, but will you come and meet my father and mother? They would love to meet you and I'm sure my father can help you figure out if you are or not, he knows everything about her," he asked, hoping that she would agree.
"Fine, I'll meet him, but do not expect me to stay for long, I have ot meet the others for we are going on a tour today and I can't miss them," she said, her hands going back down to her sides. Alexander smiled victoriously and he motioned for her to follw him.
"Stay here, I will give you a formal introduction to them, they like that," he said after he stopped her infront of the door to the room, Forest nodded and allowed him to do what he needed to, he opened the door and led her in, leaving her by the bathroom as he stepped up to his parents,
"Mother, Father, I would like you both to meet Forest Ostrander," he said, and he held out his arms to display Forest and she took that as her que and went by Alexander. Alexander stepped back as his parents took in shocked breaths that he was sure they would probably catch the hicups from it. Both of Alexanders parents stood up, his mother walked forward and snatched Forest's hand and shook it violently with excitement,
"It is a honor finally meeting you Forest, we have waited for many generations for you to show up," Forest forced a smile and went with it, slowly pulling her hand back before it was ripped off. Alexanders father came to her rescue and took his wife away, he then faced her and cleared his voice,
"My name is Robbie Stearlingback and this is my wife, Rebecca Stearlingback, and you have already met our son Alexander," Alexander nodded at her, still staying where he was, waiting for his parents to finish with her and hoping that she wouldn't hate him for this, Forest nodded.
"Pleasure to meet you all," Forest said, being as pollite as she could and taking Robbie's hand when he held it out for her,
"Oh, cute and has manners, yup, she's the reincarnation all right," Rebecca said in awe and glee.
"Here, have a seat," Robbie said, offering Forest a seat by the window, Alecander and his mother took spots on the bed as his father took the other chair across from her.
"Tell me Forest, what is it like to fly?" he asked. Forest looked at him as if he was crazy,
"Fly? I can't fly," she said in a matter of fact tone. Robbie looked at her,
"Hmmm," he said in a thoughtful tone, "Have you ever once looked up at the sky and get the feeling that you could fly? Or wanted to?" and Alexander notice the recognition in Forest's eye show and she nodded,
"But I never tried, I only wished, everyone wishes they could fly eventually don't they?" and Robbie nodded, he looked like he was deep in thought,
"But what is the feeling you got?" he asked once more, pressing her,
"Well, it was more of a longing really, the need to want to go but then there was the fright as well, the fright that if I should then something bad was going to happen to me," she said, going in a daze a little bit and Alexanders mother leaned over,
"She looks like she is slipping into the memory," she whispered in his ear, he nodded, noticing it to,
"That's because when you flew, people, mostly hunters mistook you for a big game bird, so they shot at you," and Forest looked at him with the dazed look,
"Why is it that I remember that?" she asked Robbie.
"Tell me what it is that you remember," he asked, pleased with the resutls that he was getting, Forest finally slipped away into the memories,
"Well, I remember some wind in my hair and the occasional bird comming in for a look, and I remember looking down and seeing a bunch of people looking up at me holding something in the air pointing at me, that's when I heard the whistle of the air the bullet left when it zoomed passed my ear, and then the next thing I know, I'm dodging bullets," and Alexander watched as her eyes opened up wide with fright and recognition,
"Oh my gosh! I remember now! A whole group of hunters were shooting at me!" she exclaimed as the memory came flooding back to her. Robbie nodded with a smile on his face,
"So, your other self is comming out," he said thoughtfully but happily, Forest's eyes went back to normal as she regained her former self and she shook her head,
"Really?" she asked, Alexander seen the confusion on her face of what was happening,
"Then tell me what hapened," he asked, wanting Forest to hang on to the memory as much as she can,
"Well, when I managed to escape, there was this guy on the roof top of a big building pointing a gun at me and I was heading right for him. I remember feeling the urge to want to flee but there was also the urge to want to stay and fight, so I dived at the man," and Alexanders mother straigtened up,
"Why would you want to do that?" she asked, confused as to why anyone would want to dive at someone with a loaded gun pointed right at them. Forest looked at her,
"My life was in danger and I was tired of running from the bullets, so I figured I would fight instead of dying as a coward," she said, her other self had came back once again. Alexander was watching everything with eyes full of shock and happiness, he finally found the reincarnation of Forest, someone many of the people in his family failed at doing, and he went back to listening to the conversations.
"Then what happened?" Robbie asked, now curiouse to hear what happened,
"I managed to knock him over when I flew over him, me right foot knocked him over the edge, he lost hold of his gun and went falling down to his death, I just stayed there for a bit befor I high tailed it out of there, I was not really sure if they guy made it or not," she said, the memory fresh once more in her mind. When she resurfaced from what was happening once more, she stretched,
"I gitta go now, I need to be back before they leave without me, plus, I need to savor my victory with Nena," and the name made Alexanders parents take in another huge breath of air,
"Nena is back?" Rebecca asked shocked and worried. Forest nodded,
"I guess, but I took care of it, or really, a officer took care of it for me, either way, she has been taken away and I need to savor my victory with her, this only happens once in a blue moon when I can get back at Nena and I need to take them when the chances come," Alexander stood up and Forest looked at him,
"There, I said I would come, I came, now I must go," she said, Alexander nodded and stepped out of her way and allowed her to go. Forest turned back to his parents,
"Thank you guys for having me, I hope we can see each other some other time, good bye," she then headed out the door. Alexander closed it behind her and turned to his parents with a wide smile on his face,
"Fun isn't she?" he asked. His mother looked at him with a proud glem in her eyes and his father had a big smile on his face,
"So you did find her after all Alexander, tell me, do you like her?" and Alexander looked at his mother as if she was crazy,
"Like her? What do you mean? As in a friend?" he asked her, and he was taken off guard when she shook her head no,
"I mean do you like, like her," she asked again. It took Alexander a while to register where his mother was going at but when he did he exclaimed,
"MOTHER!" and he was shocked that she of all people would ask something like that, he shook his head,
"Sometime I wonder who the adult is around her," he said under his breath, his mother was laughing in her pixie like laugh,
"Oh come on Alexander! You know she's a catch so why not take the chance when you can? Snatch her before someone else does?" she asked cheerily, still enjoying what was going on. Alexander looked at his mother bewildered,
"You can't rush these things mother, it takes time," he said, finally giving in, he smirked at his mother's expression, and his father was laughing.

The First Flight And The Meeting Of Old Friends

When Forest arrived at the main entrence, she seen her family already beginning to get in the car without her, so she ran waving her arms in the air and yelling at them to wait, but they were already in their cars and driving away. Forest stopped where she was and glared at them as they kept on driving, not even bothering to wait for her, and she was so full with rage that she didn't notice when Alexander came up from behind her,
"They left you," he said, as if she didn't notice the obviouse. Forest rolled her eyes,
"No dip sherlock, I havn't noticed that," she said, turning around,
"Anyway, why are you here?" she asked him, he held up his hands,
"Easy now, don't need to bite my head off," Forest just snorted and watched the cars vanish around the corner,
"So why not fly after them?" he asked confused.
"Probably because I don't know how to," she spat at him, but then after a few minuted something finally popped into her head, and idea that she thought might be crazy enough to work,
"Why not then ask you past self to help you out? You know, until you can fly by yourself?" Alexander asked. Forest looked at him as if he could read her mind and he was a freak for doing it, but she sighed,
"Fine, I'll try," she said, defeated, she then closed her eyes and took a deap breath, clearing her mind and she went deep down inside herself until she came to a big cage with a girl sitting in a chair rading a book. It took Forest a while to talk to her but she walked up to the cage,
"Can you help me?" She asked her other self. The girl put the book down and looked at her, she smiled,
"Sure I can help you, but what do I get in return for it? I don't help without something in return," she said. Forest could tell she was testing her,
"How about the feeling of flying again? Shouldn't that be enough to get you to help me?" she asked, taking on the test that was laid before her. The Forest in the cage smiled, she stood up and walked to the entrence of the cage,
"True enough, I do like flying, but should I help you, you have to do everything I tell you to do, one wrong mistake up there and you will fall to your death, got it?" she said. Forest nodded and stepped back, allowing her other self to come out of the cage. When she opened the door, she stood in front of Forest and she looked down on her,
"You do know that when I am done helping you, you're on your own right?" Forest nodded,
"Then you better pay attention to what I show you and tell you and you better remember it, unless you want to be a pancake on the road or side walk," Forest nodded again,
"I will listen to what you say Forest," As if pleased with what she had said, Forest stretched to realese the tensness in her limbs,
"So I get you flying just this once and you do it on your own right? That was the agreement we made?" and Forest nodded again.
"Fair enough, let's get this show on the road." Forest looked at her younger self, examining her younger features, so much like hers, their hair was the same langth, long and half way down the shoulders, their eyes had the same eagerness and defiance in them, the laugh lines on the sides of their mouths was still there from so many years of laughter with their friends.
"Now, open you eyes and let me take over, but remember what I said, keep note of everything I do for it will save you life when you fly on your own." Forest nodded and opened her eyes, but she wasn't herself anymore, she was the old Forest, her older self took full control of her body, but allowed her mind to remain her own. When she was ready, Forest took off into a run, she slowly spread her arms out as she gained speed, spreading the fingers out to catch the wind like a bird would do with their feathers, she began flapping them up and down, up and down until she began to rise in the air, and after about a few minutes passed, she angled her body so that her legs were straight out behind her and her feet were pointed, her arms were out fully and her fingers were shifting in the wind to keep her air born. When everything was going well,
Good, so what is the color of the car and mini van you are hunting down?

she heard her voice say,
"The mini van is white and my mom has a green blazer with blue firefighter lights on top of it, she has wolf stickers in her back window,"
Ok then, now, to remain in the air but keep watching around you, you always need to keep your mind clear, for a jumbled mind will make you lose concentration and you will plummit to your death.

Forest nodded and cleared her mind just as she was told.
Good, now, do you see the van and blazer?

Forest looked around on the ground, she soon spotted them,
"There! Down at the red light! They are between Subway and the bank!" She said happily, proud of herself for spotting them out from all of the other cars that were there.
Good, good, now, to lower yourself down, you need to angle your body to poin down, but do it slowly, you don't want to go into a fast nose dive that you can't pull out of in time. Then you angle one arm down so that you tip in that direction and spread your legs so that you can create friction in the air to slow you down, but go slowly until you master this tecknique.

Forest did as she was told and she began to lose altitude, when she got closer, she could see Terry looking up at her with wide shocked eyes through the window, yet no one around noticed her yet, which was a realiefe to her, for the last thing she needed was to have people gawking at her on her first flight. Forest then began to lower herslef even closer to the ground, but by then, the red light changed to green and they began driving off once more with Forest following right behind them after pulling up out of her nose dive, and she noticed out of the corner of her eyes that people had finally spotted her and they were watching her with shocked eyes, some even looked frightened from seeing her. When the cars reached their destination, Forest was not far behind them when she landed not far from the parked cars, and a few minutes later, her family were climbing out of their cars and looked at her with eyes the size of gumballs and their mouths wide open that they could catch a swarm of flies if they left it open long enough, Forest smiled innocently at them,
"What?" she asked, as if it wasn't obviouse. When her mother stepped up to her, she looked her daughter in the eyes and placed both of her hands on Forest's shoulder,
"Were you just flying Forest?" she asked her, shock and a hint of fright was in her voice, but her eyes showed curiosity in them.
"No mom, you must have been imagining it, that's impossible to do without an airplane or parachute," she said, hoping that it would drive her mother off of her case,
"But, lets talk about you leaving me at the hotel," she said, now anger rising back within her from their betrayal at leaving her behind.
"We gave you a dead line Forest that you failed to keep, you were not there when we were ready and we were not going to wait any longer." her father said. Rage rose up in Forest and she shot lazers at her father, she couldn't believe that he was acting like this again, and boy was grandma going to murdur him when she gets home and tells her what Ryan did, then something happened to Forest that she was not expecting at all, Nena stepped out from behind her father, a smug look on her face,
"Plus, the trouble that you got me into with that cop didn't help your case out any either." Forest looked at her, she couldn't believe that she was standing there, she was shocked and speechless, but when she regained it, venom seeped into her voice,
"How did you get out?" she asked.
"With help from you father, he paid the fee and realeased me," she said, as if that was the most obviouse thing, which to Forest, was a bit obviouse, she should have seen that her father would find out and get his wife out of the slammer. Mindi placed herself now between Forest and Ryan and Nena and the others, she snarled at them
"Don't start anything with my daughter you two, just back off and leave her alone," she spat at them, a mother bear protecting her cub is what came into Forest's mind at the moment and she looked at her mother with gratitude in her eyes, but shot lazers at the others. Forest's grandfather, Marty came up with his pipe in his mouth and a puff of smoke comming from it,
"All right you guys, that is enough," he said stearnly. Forest had never heard her grandpa like that so she looked at him with confusion at his tone.
"Are you going to stand her and bicker like a bunch of jackles or are we going to actually explore this town?" he said, eyeing them all up, they soon began on their tour, Forest staying by Mindi, Rich, Terry and Dakota while the others except for her grandfather kept their distence, and even though they started a bit late on their tour, they managed to fit in everything that they wanted, Forest even got some really awsome pictures both from the ground and when no one was looking from the sky as well so it gave them a birds eye view look to them. When the sun was beginning to set in the distance, they all filed into their designated cars and drove to the nearest diner, as they chose a seat next to the TV and ordered their food, the news came on and it showd a blond women in her mid 30's with wavy hair and deep blue eyes, her lips were red from wearing red lipstick on them and he cheecks had a pink glow to them that showed she put on blush right before the news started to film, and Forest looked at her family who by now had their food and drinks and were having a good time, Forest wasn't really hungry so she just ordered a simple sandwich and rootbeer to drink,
"This footage was taken recently today by a young high school student Jean Compacts," the news women said, and a picture showed up of the boy, he had short wavy brown hair, his eyes were black and he had chubby cheecks coated with freackles, they even made a bridge over his nose, he was holding up a black and white picture of her past self, he was extremley excited so it was hard to understand what he was saying.
"I tell you, it's Forest! She has come back! I know it is her!" he shouted, still holding the photo in his chubby hands.
"Nothing else could have moved like that, I know, my grandfather showed me a video of her many years ago, it was passed down through his family for generations now, and now I have a new footage of it!" he was way over excited, then the show switched back over the the blonde news women,
"Could this remarkable story be true? Or is it some false acusation of a hoax? We'll get back to you tonight at 11." The news then went to commercial and Forest was left starring at the screen, she couldn't believe what was happening, now how was she going to go out? She then noticed that she has yet to touch her food and the others were almost done with theirs, so she began to eat her sandwhich.
"I told you anything can be possible, just like you always said to me Forest," she said to Forest. Forest looked at Sierra with pleading eyes begging her to not mention anything to anyone, but Sierra just went back to her meal and soon so did Forest. When they were all finished with their food, they paid the bill and headed back out to the cars to make their final journey back to the hotel and Forest was dead set on hopping into that hot tub when she got there. Forest finally noticed that Terry was acting very strange around her, he was avoiding eye contact with her and trying to sit as far away from her as he could, he didn't even sit next to her at dinner like he normally did, so she looked at her brother
"What is wrong with you Terry? You're acting very strange," she said, concerend on how her brother was acting to her, he was trating her like she was some contagiouse disease and he might get it.
"Nothing is the matter with me Forest," he said, but she could tell from his voice and posture that something was definatly wrong with him, but she did not want to pressure him anymore so she say back and crossed her arms over her chest,
"Fine then, don't confied in me anymore," she said, hurt that he was acting like this to her and they were quiet the rest of the ride back. When they arrived back at the hotel, Forest and the others walked in through the main entrence to check in, Forest looked around and noticed that Alexander was nowhere to be seen, so she took that oppertunity to get back to her room as fast as she could before he did show up. When she was let in to her room, she took out her bathingsuit from her suitcase and went into the bathroom to change, when she was undressed, she slipped on her blue one piece bathing suit with purple flowers on it and she snatched her Tweetie Bird towel and headed down to the hot tub long before her brother was even ready. When she arrived at the hot tub, she smiled in victory, she had once again defeated her brother in their endless race to beat one another, so, opening the gate, she closed it behind her, laid her towl on a bench and read the thermomitor, she was pleased when it read 79 degress, she watched the bubbles make their endless dance on the surface of the water for a minute, constently being created by the powerful jets down below. Forest slowly began to climb the stairs down and make her way to a sitting area, when she sat down, what was once weist deep was now neck deep, so she placed her hair on the deck so it wouldn't get too wet and she closed her eyes and fell into the relaxing state that hot tubs put you in, the only disturbence was when her brother finally climbed in, but he too was soon in a relaxing moment. She could faintly hear Sierra and Martin splashing around and laughing in the heated pool, and one look showed her mother, step father, father, step mother, step grandmother and her grandfather were enjoying foot massages that was being delivered by ladies in black uniforms, she then closed her eyes and soon fell asleep. Forest was suddenly woken up when she felt a tap on her shoulder, and when she opened her left eye, she moaned silently for standing right there was Alexander with a big smile on his face,
"Can I join you?" he asked, still keeping that stupid smile on his face.
"Don't you have work to do?" she asked, hoping that he did and would leave her alone, she was not in the best of mood at the moment and he wasn't making it any better either,
"Nah, it is my night off, so can I?" he asked, still persistent. Forest sighed,
"I guess, just don't bother me, it is my relaxing moment and unless you want to see daylight, you would do best to leave me alone when it is my relaxing time," she then closed her eyes again, her brother was still fast asleep on the other side. Forest felt the temperature rise as Alexander had it up to 82 now and he climbed in and laid back next to Forest, he too was surcumed to the relaxing stage.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.09.2011

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