
in the 60's, 70's and 80's and still today people what to be a rock star. do they love to sing, play, the fame, or is it the SEX, DRUGS, AND ROCK'N'ROLL

as growing up, every teen try's to become a big time Rock band, Alot don't, but very few do. they end up going to a big city like L.A. or move on in there teen life.
in this I interviewed Johnny depp, baby gramps and many more

*Johnny Depp

so house is it your doing?
*well... very well.. the movie is moving along fast though
really, how so?
*um...(laughs) it just is, why are you asking those types?
um.. I dont know, when you first saw a band how did you feel?
*wow.. you know... I felt amazing.. like.. like some one hit me and made me feel all good... you know?


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.05.2011

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to Johnny depp and my self

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