
chapter one

i was 13 when sammy left , we had just began dating and he moved away without telling me. i always wonder if i would ever forgive him because he was the only person i had besides from my little brother max . my father went to live with his other family when i was 12 and since then my mom is never around so i got to do whatever i want and thats how i ended up with mike my lovely boyfriend even though i am 16 and he is 21 we still have a pretty normal relationship other than when things get kinda rough. i have two friends and they are always there for me too.

LEXY i heard my brother calling my name it was time for school and i was already late . what do you want i asked him don't you see me sleeping . sorry for bothering you he said ,i could hear his foot steps fading as he walk down the hallway. i got up took a shower and started shearing for some clothes am always looking sexy no matter what i wear. downstairs i caught my brother making breakfast which i didn't eat . i took a apple and left.

chapter two

my friend came to pick me up jasmine and carmen i took the front seat and we headed to school listening to jasmine brag about her new boyfriend. any plans carmen said as we pull in the school yard, yeah we can go to that park i've been hearing about , uhh sorry but i can't i'm busy . what you have not been hanging with us lately said carmen . i rolled my eyes and got out of the car i have a man now i said.

while i was in class i got a call from mike he wanted me to come with away with him

i can't i have a test coming up.

mike: so the test is more important than me thats what you are saying

me : no am just saying i can't skip class today .

mike : and i say get you ass down here before i do something to you.

me: ok

uhh miss can i use the bathroom i ask since that was the only way i could leave. sure she replied . i walk out and saw mike waiting in the front , i got in the car and he was silent for i few seconds i told you not to diss me like that he said while smashing my face against the car window you bitch always dissing me , your hurting me i said , he drove off and went to a his house we gotinto his room and he told me to take my clothes off . i know i deserve what i got a while ago i said to my self i was the one who pissed him off. i took my clothes off and let him do what he alway did.

chapter three

i didn't make it back to school so mike left me at the bus stop . while i was there i saw some cute ass guys coming towards me there was one guy with braids in his hair and the other guy was cute too but damn i said to myself as they came over to where i was standing i tried not to stare too hard but i couldn't help it they were fine. LEXY the guy with the braids said , my heat started pounding , i turned around and looked real hard then i figured out who it was sammy i said unsure . yeah he said as he hug me real tight i've been thinking about you ever since i left he said . uuhhmm i said , ohh this is my friend alex he introduced me hi i said back so it nice to see you again i said .
so you gonna give me your number he ask sure i said . while i was giving him my number i notice mike's car coming towards the bus stop
that my ride i told them i got into the car and he drove away so thats what you do when am not around mike said angrily i was scared of what was gonna happen next you know what he said we are over he said as he open the door and pushed me out . i had bruses all over my skin . i took the bus and went home. when i got home and saw max doing his home work hey i said hey where have you been you are late i have been waiting he said . long story i so if you don't mine i am going to my room.

chapter four

i went upstairs took a shower and laid on my bed my phone rang it was carmen hey girl where were you today oh i left wit my man and guess who i saw today looking all fine and sweet who carmen asked sammy you mean your old boyfriend sammy yeh let me send you a picture of him and his friend . ok but wait are you gonna get back with him . if you you look at the picture you will know what i am thinking i told her . while i was waiting for carmen to call back , i got a call from sammy hey i said hey baby he said back

me :baby???

sammy : i know you are mad at me leaving witout telling you and i am mad at me too but i was young and i as you can see am a grown man now.

me: well i didn't think it was gonna be this easy but i forgive you

sammy : thats the girl i know. so when can i see you again he ask

me: well why would you want to see me don't you have a girlfriend

sammy : what if i say you are the only girl i want

me: ok see you tomorrow

sammy:well i will come pick you up at 2 pm by the way you have any sexy friends like you that need a man

me : i think i can help you with that anyway bye
sammy: bye baby.

chapter five

hey carmen guess what , alex is looking for a girl and i think you are the perfect girl, are you serious me and alex am up for it . so can you get jasmine to stay with max while we are out with the guys . sure carmen said. i went to max's room hey bro you are gonna stay with jasmine today because i have some stuff to do . ok he said thats why i love you i said back . i was wearing a sexy dress that made my ass show i made my tall black hair into a bun i didn't have to put makeup on because i am natural beauty . i got a text message from sammy , he was outside so i grab my pruse and went outside where they were. hey sexy sammy said i could tell he was impressed by the way he was checking me out . alex was in the back seat so i went to the front. looking good . all i could do was smile and he knew by the look on my face that i was nervous . he look and smelled so good that i couldn't even talk. when we got to carmen house she was waiting in the front looking all good like she always did. i introduced her to alex and sammy and we headed to where they were taking us on our way we were talking , laughing , and making jokes alex and carmen where all up in each others face while me and sammy talk about the past . then i remember while we were leaving my house i could swear i saw mikes car , i heard my phone vibrate and it was sammy saying;

am sorry for what i did the other day , i don't know what had gotten into me
i'm missing you right now and i promise if you forgive me i will make it right.

after reading the message i text carmen telling her she text back TURN YOUR PHONE OFF i didn't turn it off though . we arrive at a beach i was kinda disappointed until the sun started to set it was so beautiful and i was tempted by sammy i just wanted to get on top of him and do things that i shouldn't do., right then i felt his lips against mine a few seconds later i found myself on top of him wanting everything that was in his pants , but he stop . whats wrong i asked , no matter how much i would like to get it in i can't because i know you are not that type of girl and that not the type of girl am looking for . i smiled and sat there on the sand feeling cheap and thinking to myself , was i really thinking about having sex on the beach . my thoughts were interupped by by sammy it was time to go .when i got home he gave me a kiss and watched mye walk into my house.

chapter six

i got inside went to check on my mom and my brother they were bout asleep. i went to my room laid on my bed and started thinking about what had happened then my phone vibrated it was mike calling i didn't answer . there was 30 miss calls and six text message all from mike , i didn't even bother to read them.

i was dating sammy for almost 2 months now and mike has been calling , texting and stacking me nonstop . i couldn't bother with his drama . i was not gonna ride with my friends this after noon and sammy was out working so i had to ride the bus . while i was walking out i saw mikes car , i tried to turn around and walk the other way but he already noticed me

mike : you weren't answering your phone so i figured i would come here with this gift

me: look i don't need you or your cheap ass gift OK i have move on so just leave me alone.

mike : i told you to stop dissing me like that you hear me i came over here to apolagize to you with this gift and thats how you do me

me: i don't really care if am dissing you or not you are not my man

he started pulling closer to me , i tried to run but he grabbed my neck and push me against the wall i couldn't breath . then i heard a voice i couldn't tell what the person was saying but mike had let go off my neck . i woke up to my mom standing over me what happen she asked i don't know i lied mom can you give me a minute . ok baby she said leaving the room . it took a while before sammy spoke . who was he and don't lie to me i was thinking about lying but then i told the truth that he is my ex boyfriend who use to abuse me day by day. how can you keep something like that from me he is dangerous he could have hurt you. what were you doing here by the way . i wanted to surprise you. my door burst open are you OK carmen and jasmine said. alex was here too. am fine guys i said i was just getting ready to go to Sammy's house . so i talked to my girls and left with sammy.

chapter seven

sammy house was cleaner than i thought it would be i was amazed . you want something to drink . a water i said he brought me a water and we went into his room am gonna take a shower you want to come sure i said . we showered and came out looking for some clothes sammy came over to where i was pulled me close and asked , can i get it in now . he pushed me against the wall and kissed me . he started off slowly but then he speeded up i thought i was tough but damn he had me crying i told him to relax and let me do my thing but when i looked into his eyes i couldn't hold the tears back it was like my first time all over again his dick couldn't even fit it hurt so bad but still it felt so good that was one night i would never forget. i woke up in the morning and saw my baby looking at me just then i figured out how much i really loved him we talked he laugh about me bragging and still crying i didn't pay him any mine . he also convinced me to press charges against mike so when we left he house i did.

chapter eight

mike hasn't bother me since so every thing was pretty OK . carmen and alex were the perfect couple , my family was ok and i didn't cry any more during sex as a matter of fact sammy was the one who cried.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.08.2012

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