
Chapter 1

I and my friends were outside recording a horror, it was going pretty well until I tripped and passed out...

After a while, I woke up in some yellow room... no...rooms, I got up wondering where I was, the only thing I heard was buzzing from the lights, I called my friend's names but nothing...I was kinda scared and thought this was some kind of prank, I looked at my phone, and it didn't have the time it was just "0:00",  my battery was luckily at 95% because I didn't use it that day too much, I tried to call my friends and there was no service, I started panicking and ran anywhere I could go, after a while I stopped... I heard loud footsteps coming close to me, I knew a human doesn't make that much noise, I started sprinting the other way and tripped on my foot, I couldn't get up, I thought it would be the end for me... the thing ran to me and...


didn't kill me?

Chapter 2

The entity didn't kill me?


I opened my eyes to only see the creature holding a hand out to help me stand, I didn't want to at first but I didn't want to be alone in here, I couldn't say no, when it held my hand, its hand was very cold, when I was close to the entities "face" I noticed that it had wide black pupils, we looked at each other for a long time, after some time the entity spoke... "" Its voice was very beautiful and weir at the same time, I said "yes..." the entity nodded and we started walking, after a few minutes the creature started to talk again "I should introduce myself... right?" I looked at it and nod, so he started "My name is Ivan... my friend who died a while ago... made me like this... I know you probably.. thin i'm 'it' no you can call me he.. it makes me feel.. human..." That's ll he said before he stopped talking.


 We didn't say anything the whole time after that, until we heard a fucking loud ass scream, I flenched and Ivan looked at me and held me close to him and only said "Shh.. it's ok.. it happens everytime..."


Then it hit me.. I felt comfortable with him..

Chapter 3

I wandered with Ivan for like 6 days and I still haven't found the exit, Ivan most of the time talked to himself quietly in his own language, which I don't understand.


For no reason my feet start to hurt, I stopped and looked at what was hurting me, nothing.. they were just red, probably from the moist carpet, I kinda didn't care about it. I've seen many entities in the corner of my eye, I knew it was just my eyes messing with me because if it was real, Ivan would've immediately stopped it from killing me.


When we walked again for a while, I saw a light shining from a door, I asked Ivan if it was safe and he said "I didn't know.. I never saw it.." I actually got kinda scared, but it might be the only opportunity to escape.


Before I went into it, I grabbed Ivan's hand in case I would lose him. I walked in and only saw light, nothing else.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.04.2022

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