
Thursday, 8:00 PM

The fire crackled in front of my eyes and the kids talking around the fire didn’t bring my attention, and neither did the counselor telling scary stories. Sure, they were a little scary, but it just didn’t interest me. This whole camp was boring. I wished Mom hadn’t sent me to summer camp. Cameron, my best friend, would have accompanied me during the summer and we would have played video games all day every day. Mom knew I didn’t like the outdoors. Sometimes I thought she just wanted to torture me. I didn’t like the outdoors and for good reason. There would always be my bully wandering around. Her name was Stacy. I hid from her as often as I could without my friends calling me a baby for not facing her. I wasn’t afraid to hit a girl, I just didn’t want to. I would bet that Cameron was at his house right now, eating a bowl of chips and shooting people on Ballistic. Our moms didn’t approve of our shooting games. They were afraid we’d turn out to be murderers when we grew up. Me? In jail? No, thanks. Cameron and I both agreed that our moms were a little overprotective.

Maybe she was being protective by sending me here away from home while the police asked questions about Uncle Ken. It broke Mom’s heart that Uncle Ken was being charged with murder. It was hard to believe it myself. When I was little, he was always the cool uncle who brought me a gift on my birthday and for Christmas. Guess he was more than meets the eye, like Transformers, except he wasn’t a vehicle.

When I had overheard Mom and Dad talking to each other late in the night about Uncle Ken breaking into the old woman’s house and stealing things, then killing her because she’d allegedly startled him. Still, it wasn’t right. He’d stolen from an old lady’s home and killed her. And as far as I knew, he was on the loose and considered extremely dangerous.

If there was a crazed killer on the loose, I would have thought Mom would want to keep me as close to her as possible, but no, she’d sent me to a camp with a whole bunch of people I didn’t know or like. I was stuck here. For the whole summer.

Janelle—I think that was her name—trembled as the counselor continued with the story. It was about some college student who roamed the grounds with a knife and would kill people because he was . . . well, crazy.

I tried not to let it bother me too much because I didn’t want to


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Shyla Mozden
Bildmaterialien: Shyla Mozden
Cover: Horror
Lektorat: lovecreepypastas
Korrektorat: lovecreepypastas
Übersetzung: ShylaMozden
Satz: Hangman is a mesmerizing dissection of the criminal mind and a bulletproof thriller.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.02.2022
ISBN: 978-3-7554-0746-1

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This is dedicated to my friend because she helped me learn that not everything is scary... thank you so much my friend -lovecreepypasta

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