
Chapter 1 - The. Great. Escape.

Chapter One
Second story
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Not edited


He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into, the nearest classroom. He locked the door, and pushed me against it, holding both my hands in one of his, above my head. "Why, why do you continuously torture me like this?" he questioned angrily. "I want you, I want all of you. Most of all I want 'You' to want me" he said in the same tone raising his voice on the words 'you'. I was a little shocked, I couldn't talk, my mind was tell me to say something, but my inner wolf and body was saying stay, let him have his way with you. I felt hot breath near my nose, I knew he was getting closer, I could feel his body, against me, I felt the hardness in his pants.

"See what you doing to me" he spoke as if reading my mind. I felt his breath near my neck, his lips skimmed my neck, instantly a fire was ignited. He slowly moved up my neck, to my jaw line, then finally my lips. His kiss was fierce, I kept my mouth sealed though at least I had this much control. He stopped. "Logan..." was all I managed to say. As he used this to force his tongue in my mouth. I had now lost all control over my body. I was in love with Logan, but he wouldn't ever find out!

Luna's POV

"No, no, no, this is so not happening" I cried. If I didn't leave in ten minutes I wouldn't make it to the airport, I won't escape this cold life of mine. This was my first year in college, and I would be away from my abusive father, my father didn't know I was going to college, he wouldn't allow me to, he wanted me to work for him, so he could buy hookers and alcohol every night.

The worst part was he sold me to strange men, almost every night of every week. The first time I lost my virginity, was the day I changed into a wolf. It happened when my fathers best friend came. I came home from school, and they were both drunk, he called me over.

I was ready for the beating he gave me everyday, I got home from school, but I wasn't ready for what happened next. His friend pinned me down and ripped off my shirt. I called, screamed, cried and pleaded out to my father. But he just stood there laughing. I was raped that day...

I would finally be able to leave, the hell I was surrounded in. I looked in the mirror, and saw the bruise that curled above my right eye. I quickly pulled my fringe out, to cover it.

I wore a white tee and some jeans, I grabbed a pare of joggers, and my suitcase. Quietly walking down the stairs and left. Catching a taxi to the airport. Finally. I practically laughed with joy. The taxi driver looked at me with confusion. I smiled softly. I gave the driver, $15, and exited, whilst checking in I filled all the forms I needed, and boarded the plane earlier than anyone else.

I closed my eyes and drifted of to sleep.

My eyes flashed open, as I felt someone sit next to me, she seemed the same age as me. Maybe a bit older. I moved my bag. So she would have more room. I knew my eyes had changed color, from the dark black to a new sparkling dark blue, from the sudden shock.

For a few seconds I thought I was still at home with my, father. After my mother died he resorted in hurting me. I guess he felt if he hurt me, he would forget mum. He didn't.

I toke in all the punches, slaps, kicks, glass cuts, basically what ever kind of physical pain you could inflict on a person. But he didn't stop there, he also emotionally tortured me. After the age of twelve when it all happened, I forced myself to change, I had trained my self to take in all the beating I would get, without leaking a single tear drop, but I guess I couldn't stop all the traumatic things he said.

I'm different, not even my own father knows this, my mother and him were both werewolf's, I never showed any of the signs of being a wolf, so my father thought I wasn't one.

When I turned fifteen I shifted from human to wolf. It was excruciating, the pain I felt when I first shifted, but after that, I would secretly train myself, to become faster, stronger, quieter, smarter, and I managed to trained myself to track. By that time, my father never noticed anything, like the change of eye color when I felt angry , threatened or in danger, he never realized how quickly I healed, he never noticed the small growls that managed to escape, whenever he hit me.

I didn't want my father to know what I was. Because if he did he would force me join his pack. My father was the Alpha, of his pack, back home. He wasn't meant to be, but when the real alpha died, he was second in command.

My father wasn't always bad. I remember when, I was ten and he would, take me to the park to feed the small ducks, or when I was seven, and he used to swing me around in our backyard. I would never forget when I was eleven, and mum had made chocolate cake, we ended up having a cake fight.

Some days after beating me, he would yell, saying things about a new wolf, he sensed but couldn't find. I knew that new wolf was me. But I didn't want to be in his pack. A few of his words remained though.

"No matter where you are, wolf, I'll find you!" he called a hooker, and drank the night away.

I shook my self back into reality, realizing the plane was about to land. This was actually happening.

I didn't need to book an apartment, because I would be living in dorm. Thank god I had gotten that scholarship. Lucky I never told father about it. I had found a job, back home via Internet, which would pay for all the things I would need.

After going through customs. I changed in the airport bathrooms, putting on a hoodie, which covered my bruised face, and changed into skinny jeans, they were faded and a bit ripped, but it sort of looked like, a kind of pattern, as if it was meant to be like that.

Logan's POV

I groaned, as Jonah, my younger brother punched my arm. I am 19 turning 20, I have just started college, a week ago. I knew any minute now, my mum would burst through, yelling for me to wake up. I got up and rubbed my eyes. I may be young, but after my father Jace died I became alpha of the Moon pack. My father was a great Alpha, and an exceptional warrior, he never let his men do any dirty work, that could involve them losing their lives, this earned the packs respect.

I was sort of living of that respect. My pack now looked up to me as a leader, and a brother. Even though I am a spitting image of my father, at school and college I am the bad boy. But I manage to keep all my grades up, that keeps mum of my back.

I felt pain for my mother, she lost her mate. I am yet to find mine. But from the way she reacted after the news was delivered, was so shocking. It made me want to find my mate, to make sure she was alright, and was with me.

I would cherish her, kisser her, tell her I love her, everyday. Just like dad. I got up, as my bro left the room. I showered, and prepared for college. I was lucky, I already had a reputation at high school. Which now leads into college.

I knew I would be respected and popular. College would be great. There would be a lot of single girls there. Instantly I felt a tightening in my stomach. I regretted the words, that would mean I betrayed my mate.

I knew I had, had those thoughts before, but why did I, feel the pain this time? In the small part of my head right at the back, there was hope. Maybe my mate was close.

I got ready and went down stairs, my mum had cooked bacon and toast, with fruit salad and fresh orange juice. I sat down and ate.

When I finished, I gave my mum a small peck on the cheek, and hola as I walked out. My pack was already waiting for me. My house was in the middle of the forest, were no human's entered.

"Alright boys, patrol up", I commanded, they lowered their heads, and then ran of, to guard the woods. This forest contained my pack and their families. So I had to constantly have it watched.

I jogged out, to main rode. I knew the college was only a ten minute walk from were I was. I was so excited, this would be great. A whole different experience. I smiled at my self. Walking to college, I realized I couldn't look this happy. My peers would think I was softening.

Before I entered, I changed my face. Making it look more cold, whilst straightening my back. I walked in and every pair of eyes looked at me.

They all knew me. I walked over to Duke, he was my best friend and he was also my second in command, in the pack. He high-five's me, then gave me a light fist pump.

"Yo, what's up dude. Did you know, there's a new kid coming today, I heard one of the seniors talking about it. And apparently it's a girl." he said with a grin. I elbowed him. We both hadn't found our mates, which sucked.

I talked to them for a few minutes longer, and then went to Jess. She was my girlfriend. But it wasn't working out so, I decided to end it. I couldn't pretend she was my mate, I didn't feel anything special for her.

"Jess, we need to talk" I said slowly, before she even looked back to see who it was.
"no, those are the four words people say when they want to break up. Hold on wait, are you saying we need to break up?" she squealed, tears bubbling in her eyes.
I hated it when women cry, it just made them look ugly, so her tears weren't working on me.
"I'm sorry, it's not working" I said, retreating.
"Your going to regret this, Logan!" she yelled after me.

I did feel sorry, I didn't want to Hurt her, but I was just lying to her and myself. The previous week, when we were together, every time I touched her I felt sick. And when I kissed her I wanted to puke.

I didn't know what had gotten into me.

"Yeah same..." Duke was answering a question, that I hadn't listened to, because I was distracted by a, beautiful, floral smell, it was sweet, and sexy. My nose flared up, wanting more of the scent. It felt like, I was going to be addicted to it.

My wolf screamed "Mate". My eyes frantically searched, for were the smell was coming from.

Then I found her, she was beautiful. She had black sparkling eyes, she had a perfect body, even though she was covered up in jeans, and a hoodie, the material clung to her body showing all her beautiful curves. Her lips were full and had a light natural color to them. She was a bit tan. I then noticed her hair. It was black, very black, she had long hair that framed her face, and that the wind whipped around her. It came down to below her belly button. Then my eyes caught a bruise above her eye.

What! Who in their right mind, could even think of hurting her, let alone actually doing it, she was beautiful, pure and perfect. But most of all she was my Mate. Who dared to hurt my mate, I wouldn't let them go.

I snapped out of my trance, looking around, for any danger or threat. The bruise looked fresh, meaning it hadn't happened long ago. I felt the fury rising from the pit of my stomach.

That was the first time I noticed, every males eyes were on her, and they liked what they saw. I didn't want anyone looking at her except me. A growl rippled through me...


So that was the first chapter, hope you enjoyed. Please feel free to give me advice, on how I could fix this.


Chapter 2

Hey, so as you can tell this is part 2, ^^^^^
So I hope You's enjoyed the read, if not please comment on how I can fix it.
Not edited, srry



Logan's POV

I snapped out of my trance, looking around, for any danger or threat. The bruise looked fresh, meaning it hadn't happened long ago. I felt the fury rising from the pit of my stomach.

That was the first time I noticed, every males eyes were on her, and they liked what they saw. I didn't want anyone looking at her except me. A growl rippled through me...


Luna's POV

My nose tingled, But I didn't want to look up, and meet the eyes of all these strangers. I could feel all their stares. They were probably already wondering what I was doing here.

When I first arrived at the entrance or the college, I realized that all the cars looked like they belonged to rich people.

So what the hell was I going to do. All these students most likely never had to work. Whilst I'm going to be working every night.

But I guess, I don't really care about how people see me. As long as I can graduate with
good grades.

I had to lock up the fear I had of my father. I felt as if he would follow me here. Even though he didn't know I got the scholarship here, he would find out.

It's only a matter of time, before he finds me. I just hope by than, he can be more understanding.

I walked straight, not looking anywhere except the ground. My head snapped up as I heard a growl, it was loud, sharp, dominating, yet strangely inviting. But most of all, I knew at once it was a werewolf's growl.

My eyes found, the creator of the growl. Instantly my stomach tightened, my breath caught, my body froze, and my heart accelerated. "Mine!" my wolf screamed inside of me.

How could this god like boy be mine, I hushed my wolf, and hurried inside the building. Finally being able to look up. I found the office. A small granny like lady, handed me the keys to my dorm room, my time table followed by my schedule.

I thanked the lady and quickly rushed out of the office, as two students walked in. I found my room. It was the room furthest from the college. I didn't have to share, because this was the only room which was a single.

I was lucky though, this room had its own bathroom, small kitchen and bedroom. This was more than I could ask for.

But what caught my eye the most was the large glass window, and the forest that was directly behind it. I was so happy, I would still be able to train. I opened the large window and jumped out.

I landed swiftly on the ground, without making a noise. I check left and right, luckily no one was around this area. I jogged into the forest and striped down. I left my cloths on a nearby tree and shifted.

I had noticed a few things different about my me. My wolf size was much more larger, and I was also much more faster, I also noticed my sight, smell and hearing had increased, by far.

I looked around, this forest was beautiful. All the trees were alive and I could hear he bubbling of a small stream. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the sounds around me. I heard singing coming from small birds, I heard wild animals running, and I also heard the wind whipping around, causing the environment to make rustling sounds.

I opened my eyes, and began running. I had no idea where I was going, but I knew I would be able to find my way back. As long as I followed my scent. The bubbling from the stream increased, and I could now see the stream, it was actually more like a large lake. It was beautiful and clear.

I walked over towards it, and bent down. I stared at the reflection of my wolf. I noticed my eyes weren't the usual black. My right eyes was a lime green and my left eye was a gold. What was happening.

When I shifted back home, this had never happened. Why was I changing so much. Was I sick. My mind rushed through multiple possibilities. But none of them fit. I slowly followed my scent, back to the tree where my cloths hung.

I shifted back into my human form, and jumped up onto one of the branches. I quickly put on my cloths. Jumping down, I heard footsteps. I knew they were a far distance away, but I also knew how wired it would look if they saw me here. I quietly but quickly ran back to the dorm, and them leaped into my room.


Logan's POV

She stopped walking, and her head snapped up. I realized I had growled. No one except the members of my pack, knew about werewolf's. She looked around, for were the growl had originated.

It surprised me, how quick she had found the source. Our eyes locked for a brief moment. I saw her eyes clearly then. They were like dark pools of emotions. I just couldn't pin point, a single emotion, even though I knew many were there.

She looked lost in thought, than all of a sudden she looked away, and continued walking. I stood there with my mouth hung open, as did the rest of the student body. How had she just been able to snap out of it.

I knew she was my Mate and I also knew she was a wolf. No wolf should be able to snap out of their mates eyes like that, right? Why didn't she approach me. Did she not like what she saw. Did she already have some one, this thought caused a small growl to immerse, but I forcefully quietened it down.

Different seniors flowed through my mind, but none of them seemed to make any sense. What had just happened, I wasn't sure, but one thing I was sure of was, she was my mate, and no one else's.

Werewolf's only fall for someone once. This someone is their Mate. A Mate, can cause you great pain, but it can also give you unlimited joy. A mate is capable of making you beg, and plead.

One of the most interesting things about Mates, are that they have the ability to enhance your abilities, such as speed or strength, but for that to happen. You have to mark your Mate. This also allows you to communicate though each others minds and also to feel when your Mate is troubled, hurt or in pain.

Duke nudged my shoulder, and I too, finally snapped out of my thoughts. "Well she is one hot Chic" he said with a little lust in his eyes, "did you notice someone growl, as if she was their mate. I might just be imagining it though" he continued. I pushed him hard on his chest.

Causing him to stubbled back. "huh?" he said questioned. "She's mine!" was all I was able to mumble out, before I would be to angry to talk. I felt myself on the verge of shifting. The thought of all those male eyes on her.

I knew they all wanted her, and quite frankly I couldn't blame them. She was beautiful. But she wasn't theirs to have. The thought of her, not paying as much as two minutes of attention to me, lingered in my mind.

I knew when you find your mate, you are addicted, after all the stories my mother had told me, I knew I had found my mate. But I couldn't quite understand. Was it possible for werewolf's to have one-sided mate love?

*Ding, ding, ding, dong*

The bell sounded, causing me to realize, I had been standing here in the same position for over fifteen minutes. I let out a sigh, it felt as if I had been holding my breath. I walked into the building and then to my locker.

As I rounded the corner, to which corridor held my locker, I spotted a figure, but it wasn't the figure I had been hoping for. It wasn't my Mates. It was Jessica's. I folded my arms across my chest, and walked towards her. As I approached I said "What is it now?".

She put her hands on her small hips. "Why did you break up with me, aren't I pretty enough for you liking" she whined. "No, that's not it, it just wasn't working out. Like when we touched it didn't feel right" I replied.

"What is wrong with you, is it because the stupid, trash of a girl has come" she said more angrily. "What girl?" I questioned, slightly annoyed. "The slutty New Girl" she replied, "every male on campus was eye-fucking her!" she continued spitting the words out.

"Don't you dare say that about her, ever again!" a practically yelled at her. She looked scared and shocked. "if I ever hear you say anything like that about her, I will personally rip you fucking head of!" I continued yelling the words at her.
She straightened up slightly, and began walking off. "You'll regret this" she said once again more coldly than ever. I opened my locker and let out a huge huff. Maybe I should call it a day. But what if I see her again.

As I grabbed my books Duke came up next to me. "She's your mate isn't she?" he smirked. I laughed at his expression, thank god Duke could make my mood more reasonable. I nodded. He smiled, his eyes held happiness, but also carried some sadness, I knew how much Duke wanted to find his mate.

My nose tingled, as I smelt the addictive smell. From the corner of my eye I saw her, she was walking to her next class. Maybe she'll stop to say something, because she would have to have smelt me.

I waited, but she just walked straight past, not even flinching. "Eh!" I huffed and slammed my locker door shut. I walked to my next lesson.


So I like hope that this chapter gave more information.
I know it's short, but I guess I'm not much of a long writer, I will try to improve though.

I will try and update soon.
All comments welcomed!




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.09.2012

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