
Prologue: Searing Shadows

The mild winds were enough to make the lanterns hanging on the abandoned house clang together. The city streets were full of suicide notes, soaked and torn from the rain. They were all written in the blood of their own bodies, possibly their loved ones during this Dark Era.

Here I enter, walking the streets alone. Nobody else is here except for myself. I hear my heels loudly step on the brick road. It was a scary feeling, I feel like someone could be watching me. Hearing me. A feral survivor could pounce on me any second. It was indeed a scary feeling. I was also shivering from the winds, all I had was my violet purple dress on, riding all the way down to my ankles. It was strapless so I felt really cold that I had nothing to protect my skin. I pushed my long black hair to the sides of my face just in case I was actually caught. I'm sure they wouldn't recognize me from the side. Then I would be safe.


My thoughts consumed me as I walked to the left of the eerie and dark red brick road. I believe I remember a bar here. It may be abandoned, but I'm sure I could find something in there. It's the closest thing to me without invading anybody's house. I wouldn't even want to know what's in these citizens' houses.

I put my head down as I reach the bar closer. Someone could be inside, so it is best I hide my face. They would know who I am. Fumbling for the front door of the parlor, I eventually get it open with my head still down. I slowly hear it creaking open. The sound is just as eerie as this whole city, in the ruins and gone to hell.

As the door opens, I walk ever so quietly to make sure my heels don't make any type of sound. I was tip-toeing at this point, the heel part barely off the floor. It was uncomfortable but it was the only way to make sure I didn't attract any savage beast of a human or a Guardian. I put my head up, my hair almost covering my blurry vision due to this mad world. I look up to reveal a lightbulb hanging by a thread. It was flickering and dangling, ready to strike someone's noggin at any moment. Hopefully my unluckiness doesn't strike me.

I slowly look around. Tables and chairs were fumbled all over the place, a few blood stains here and there, broken glass. Nothing too too bad if compared to the abandoned houses in which I've viewed.

I look behind the counter to see everything empty. I do, however, see a broken bottle with red liquid next to it. I squint and see that the liquid was certainly not from that bottle. Blood of course.

[I] Creepy just like the rest of this earth.

I look around the whole bar and see nothing to eat or drink. It was either blood, furniture, or pure emptiness. I walk to the front door and lock it shut. Maybe I can just rest here for tonight. It's more silent than everywhere else I been and my legs are about to fail me.

Taking off my heels, I lay on the wooden floor with the royal blue carpet. It was oddly comfortable. But tomorrow I will have to be a bit more brave to find food. It's been 24 hours or so since I've had food. Or I think so, all I can do for fun is count the days left since I have had food or how long I have left on earth in general. I close my eyes and shiver. I wish to pull the carpet over me, but I'm sure there's blood stains under there. With that, I doze off and I was about to fall into a deep sleep.

Let all my troubles go away for a little while.

My dreams felt like it was dominating over me. It felt nice. I can feel okay for a little bit.

Let us sleep now.

Right as I was about to enter dreamland, I hear a noise. It sounded like footsteps. I immediately open my eyes and sit up. My heart started racing due to nervousness. Who could have gotten in? How especially?

I didn't know whether to run or hide so I sat there, viewing the shadow.

The footsteps grew closer, the person, the creature, was next to me. The darkness away from the light was shielding me.

[I] Please, go away.

"Who's there?" A familiar voice asks.

I know that voice it's--

Before I could process what was happening, I scooted to the very back. Oh, how could I escape? I felt like crying. But I did everything to stay still. I felt something like a boot nudge me. Before the holder of the boots could react, I ran to the left away from him.

Away from the guard.


Chapter One: Palace of The Royal Guardians


Three months earlier...

Another beautiful day at the Palace of The Royal Guardians. Currently, my royalty family and I were sitting at the table. It had a beautiful white and red tablecloth and the best chairs in the city. Our maid, Evelyn, had just finished our breakfast. A crepe with a special-made omelette, only accessible to those living in high royalty.

My father had just sat at the table, his long gray beard seemingly unbrushed like usual, his beautiful brown eyes were droopy. This doesn't happen often. He sat at the table anyway, his hands clasped together, his forehead resting on them.

"Father? Would you like to go back to sleep?" I ask. After a moment, he shakes his head, barely. I frown a bit and nod to myself. Mother didn't say anything, just staring down at her plate, slowly eating.

"Are you okay, too, Mother?" Asks me. She looks up happily and smiles brightly like she always does. "Ah yes! Of course, I'm thinking about the Guards' orders, where they are to go and when they are to return."

I nod in agreement as that is hard work! The ruling is difficult, myself is a bit scared to rule one day.

We eat in mostly bare silence, nothing awkward. Evelyn comes around, picking up everyone's plates. Before she comes to pick up mine, I feel her tap on my chair three times. That is our code word for "Come learn Crushah." Crushah is the official language of Iprellis. It can only be spoken by royalty, as it is a hard language to learn and most riches have prefixes of this language. Mother made that rule when she ruled 20 years ago. Half the people of the city could speak it, but half now could not or they were just uninterested.

However, Mother said I could not speak or learn it until I become Queen myself. She says it is a language not to just be spoken alone without seriousness. She would not want me to hear the Guards speaking in Crushah, for it is business orders. I never heard them speaking it, but rules are rules and I'm sure my mother is only trying to protect me.

"Mother, may I be excused? I want to go to my room and have Evelyn teach me more about the history of royalty." I say. She glances at me then at Evelyn.

"You haven't finished?" Mother asks, squinting her eyes at me. I shake my head no, with a reassuring smile.

"All right, but remember, tell me what you learned when you are finished, yes?" I nod to her recommendation.

I get off the chair and Evelyn and I walk upstairs. I absolutely hate lying to Mother, but I feel like I should learn early, and she can be too strict at times. I'm mostly used to this feeling, but I can still feel the guilt deep down. When we get upstairs, we take a left to the very end of the hall. I open the bronze door of mine and it opens, revealing my room. It had white walls with the best pink bed with fabric and silk of the city. It had my dresser drawers made of pure wood and it had my bronze bookcase, which I cherished. Books are important to this city, luckily every citizen can have them.

I sit on my bed, and our maid goes to the bookshelf, pushing books out of the way, revealing what we call Shoriga Na Haagrin. It is The Secret Book. It is brown with blue text on it. It reads, "Palace History" in English. In reality, the majority of the book is in Crushah.

Evelyn sits in the bronze chair next to me and we flip to page 675 of 900. This chapter entails royalty words and phrases in Crushah. In Crushah, there are royalty words that only high-class use. It is a bit like morse code for the wealthy.

"Are you ready?" Says Evelyn. I nod and she reads out the first sentence normally, thanks to the thick walls in my room.

"Tysui sa nam aagari hyuti liugar cysporoa naa bagosha hyunmar." She reads the first sentence. I tap my chin, thinking.

"This is where we will learn about the phrases of the Kingdom?" I say after a few seconds.

"This is the portion, hyuti liugar, where we will learn about the phrases of the Kingdom."

"Ah! That is correct, I could not think of the correct words." I said. She laughs and reassures me that it is okay.

We go over the whole chapter of 12 pages, which takes about 1 and a half hours. Crushash is really exciting to me and I cannot wait to speak it when I rule over Iprellis. Overall, the lesson of this chapter was not hard at all, I just forget that two words can mean one.

"Good job!" Evelyn said. "Now, 90% of the story is completed."

I cheer, clapping my hands together. "So exciting!"

She smiles at my joy. "Now, go tell your mother that we learned: In the year 1510, the City of Akamane was ruled by those of Delzen Hollow for about 50 years, before the official founder, Akamana Hyuca, took it over." She explained more about the history about the City of Akamane, now called Iprellis. It was renamed by Mother, with our surname Iprellanan. She thought it was better and would listen to nobody else. I guess it made sense for diversity.

"Yes! Thank you so much, Evelyn!" I say, skipping out of the room. I go around to find Mother and I see her on the third floor, walking into a Guard's room.

"Mother," I say a bit loud. She turns around, her hand still on the knob of his door. She smiles at me and claps her hands together as I tell her about the history of Iprellis.

"Yes! You are so smart! The next time you see Evelyn, tell her that she can have a slice of the rich chocolate cake tonight at dessert!"

I smile and go back to my room, jumping on the bed then sitting. It is all really exciting. I recite in my head what was learned:
Tyuraa maaji nah koiuli. Rich cake only.

Qucara iiu naha wuia baro. Guards are to slay.

Guyari haaga bigtyua wera. Guardians will be solely found.

I wonder when I'll be able to use it. Guardians, or dragons, have yet to be found and Guards are to slay them. Maybe they are extinct? Not sure.

I lay down, looking at the ceiling. I grab the book next to me and I resume it. This is a book on how to be the Perfect Queen. Evelyn got it for me on my birthday not too long ago. I love it.

I read until high noon, learning about how to treat the request of the citizens when they come to The Palace of The Royal Guardians; and I love it.


Chapter Two: The Queen's Light

The time had already passed and it was dinnertime. I had spent the whole day reading and talking to Evelyn along with fantasizing about myself being queen and ruling happily with the citizens in a great Golden Era. Time really flies by, doesn't it?

I was on my way downstairs as Evelyn told me it was dinnertime. I happily sat at the table. Father was sitting up straight, normally.

"Father, I'm so happy you're feeling okay!" I said, immediately sitting down. He smiles faintly and nods. Mother smiles.

"You sound really cheerful, Lyrosa. Anything good happen?" Mother asked me. I told her about what I did today, excluding learning Crushah of course. She was delighted that I, myself, was delighted.

We all chatted among ourselves, having a pretty good day today. I know I definitely was, surely nothing could ruin this.

Evelyn was picking up our plates, looking at me the whole time. I could read her facial expression that I did a good job. I could tell by her smiling and raising her eyebrows. She did a half-wink, probably so Mother doesn't seem dubious of us. I smiled at her, handing her my plate, nodding. I saw Mother was looking at me, but immediately looked away the second I made eye contact with her. My heart sank a bit, wondering if she actually is dubious. I clear my throat.

Dessert came, and we were having the Palace's favorite, 18 layers of rich chocolate cake. Chocolate, in general, was another thing that was popular among those Iprellian high-classed citizens. It could be affordable to lower classes, of course, but it was way more pricey, just not tempting enough to buy.

I finished it pretty quickly as I have a big appetite. I clapped my hands together in delight at the rich taste. I look around to see that Father wasn't talking, like always, and Mother was chatting with Evelyn, but her cake was barely touched. A bit strange. It does happen sometimes. I didn't question her, she can become hostile at times; so I asked her if I could be excused. She said yes, yet in a slightly stern tone. She and Evelyn were speaking Crushah, but they were whispering so I didn't hear a lot. I was too happy to even listen. I obey my mother, of course, and I go to my room, shutting the door behind me.


My eyes opened. I woke up to view my ceiling fan above me, not in motion. I wait for my vision to let me fully see and I sit up in bed, looking around. It was dark in my room and from the corner of my eye, I saw the window was bringing a dark blue color, resembling the moon. It was nighttime.

My throat was feeling dry. I woke up because I need water. I doubt that Evelyn is up. I wouldn't want to disturb her even so. After a few seconds, I get out of bed, my eyes feeling droopy. I open the door slightly, to make sure no one is in my way. I walk downstairs and at the bottom of the staircase, I see a light on in the basement. Mother said the basement isn't for use, it is dirty and can only be used just in case the Palace is invaded. I never felt a need to go down there, but the light was on brightly. I have always wanted to view everything in my dwelling. All I could do was stare at the light. The nighttime made it look like I had to do so, like in a movie.

I look around to make sure nobody is here. I walk slowly toward the light that was calling me. Slowly, not to make a sound. Halfway. More steps. Quiet. Mother would be so hostile if she finds me disobeying her. Just a few more steps. So close. No.

I see someone coming up the stairs, I panic, not knowing who it is. It could be mother, father, or Evelyn, or maybe a guard. I could not move, the eerie feeling made me stand in place.

As I saw the shadow, I felt relief. I could tell that it was only Mother. I take a few steps back, so she never could have suspected the calling of the basement. I shake my head and make my way to the kitchen. Suddenly:


I turn around, slightly startled at the loud voice. I turn around instantly to see Mother, looking over me. She was hovering almost.

"Yes, mother?" I say, acting like I noticed nothing.

"What in Iprellis are you doing?" Asked she, squinting her eyes as if she was interrogating me.

"Nothing, Mother. I was getting a glass of water, I woke up because my throat was dry, honest." I said in an innocent tone that would usually work. I felt guilty for lying, but maybe it was best for her not to know?

She shakes her head and sighs, "Yes, Lyrosa, I'm sorry if I startled you." She fixed her dress and closed her eyes for a second. I nodded and got my glass of water.

On my way back, I could see her walking back in the basement only for a split second. She turned off the light behind her, shutting the iron basement door behind her, making a loud noise as if she was slamming it almost.

She must have been skeptical after all. I should keep a low profile, ignore those callings or maybe I should act more innocent. Mother's basement light had a tone to it that just lured me in almost.

I went back to bed, remembering the look of it. The color tone was different. It seemed yellow, almost like shimmering gold. There is something eerie about it, but so curious too.

I thought about that scenario until I went to sleep.


That morning, after breakfast, Evelyn and I were studying another lesson about Crushah. She sat in the same spot as yesterday, opening the exact book.

"Wait, before we start, I have a question," I asked in a serious tone. She looked over to me, a bit strange as I never talk in a very serious tone.

"Yes, Princess Lyrosa, what is it?"

I was reluctant, but I eventually asked the question: "Do you know anything regarding the basement or the light?"

Her eyes widened as if I told her a deep dark secret. She bites her lips before shaking her head instantly. "No no."

"Please do not lie to me." I said, crossing my arms, impersonating my mother.

She opened her mouth, but in the best timing ever, my Father was calling her. She responded instantly, putting the book up and leaving as fast as she could.

"Evelyn-" I tried to call, but she already left the room.

I sat there, staring at my door. Why was she acting like this? Where could she tell me? What is so bad about the basement that I can't be told?

This is not a: 'wait until your queen' situation. I sigh heavily, feeling angry for some reason, remembering the light.

I was thinking about Evelyn's actions the whole day along with the light. I have a bad feeling, but I wouldn't know what it is.


Chapter Three: Spectral Secrets

The rest of today was eerie, spectral, ghostly, chilling. Ever since last night, Evelyn has been silent around me, almost as if she was scared. I sure hope it isn't because of me. I must be like my mother, suspicious. Nobody talked much. I was a bit scared of Evelyn telling my Mother. I sure didn't want to be lectured by her; she's scary along with being very barbarous. Nobody would want to face the wrath of her.

Whenever I would speak, I would either be ignored or just a slight nod or a 'yes' or 'no' to go with it. I'm starting to feel like someone is hiding something from me. Tomorrow, if everyone is acting the same, I'm gonna risk getting caught by entering the basement. I want to know and prove them wrong that I'm smart and as a future Queen, I should be allowed to know everything about this.

It is currently nighttime and I lay in bed, thinking about how I plan to sneak into the basement. Maybe I will wait for my Mother and or Father to leave for whatever reason? Maybe I could sadly force Evelyn since I am in a more higher class than her? Possibly make up a story about how I lost something and I feel like it is in there? I feel like I would have to go for the second option, it seems the less riskiest to me. If not, I would just have to go with whatever fate gives to me. Fate is something I should start practicing. I'm fully convinced that Mother, Father, and even loyal Evelyn are hiding things from me about the basement. My instinct is telling me so. I sense something else doing so, but I wouldn't know.

I would have to do this slowly, though. My Mother has always been smart, and she is good at guiding him. I never thought this would apply to me, the nervousness with discrete planning. I am at the age where I'm curious too. All of these factors made me have to do so. My Mother is sweet and kind, but even those people hide things for the ones they loved, whether it is for the good or bad reason. For this, it is for bad reasons. I know how smart she is. Once I discover the basement, everything should be okay. I don't think anything too bad is in there.



That morning, Evelyn didn't even wake me up like usual. Already making me wonder. At breakfast, the family was normal. Mother was back to her usual nice self, Father was always the same. Dull, tired, and didn't speak that much. Even yesterday he was the same, but even quieter. I can't really say if he knows about what I tried to do. He only disciplines the guard, harshly. He's a different man around them. I'm a bit glad, I have doubts about him doing anything with me like my Mother. Perfect, according to plan, if possible.

I tried my best to seem like my normal self, always cheerful with any suspicions about the basement at all. Mother seemed to agree with my totally normal self unless she can play the faking game like me. I think she may not even have a clue.

The Crushah lesson was not happening today because Evelyn wasn't "feeling it." I know exactly what her intentions are. I feel really bad and I know remorse is going to come and grow on me. I just feel that secrets can't be kept from a future Queen. I grew even more nervous at the thought of this. Risky.


That night, my Mother and Father left with the Guard Captain. I think it was to talk to someone in another part of Iprellis, but I'm unsure. What great timing!

I called for Evelyn a few minutes after my family left the Palace on rare occasion. She wouldn't respond, perhaps she was running from me? I felt a bit sad at the thought. I had to do what I had to do though. It's what is best for me.

After about five minutes of trying to find Evelyn, I saw a Patrol Guard that patrols when the royalty is gone. He has never gotten orders about me not being able to do things, so he is an easy obstacle.

"Have you seen our dear Maid Evelyn?" I said loud to get his attention. He turned around in his silver armor. I could hear the armor make noise as he turned around. He looked at me for a second.

"I believe she is in her room, Princess Lyrosa."

I nodded and thanked him before speed walking across the Palace. I was out of breath when I got to her door. I caught my breath for a second and right as I was about to open her door, she opened it, slightly jumping at the startling sight of me.

Now is my chance.

I let out a sigh and clear my throat. I opened my mouth, but my facial expression turned worried. Her look. Her expression. It looked more scared than ever.

"Uh, yes, Miss Lyrosa?" Said she, addressing me formally.

I can't do this.

"You don't have to address me formally, Evelyn," I said, taking her hands to show my friendliness. The remorse started growing on me for some reason.

She said nothing,


"Yes, you what, I have to go by commands," Evelyn said, acting like I'm the Queen.

"I want you to tell me why you're acting like this." I managed to spit out in a soft tone. She looked at me for a second, her worried expression going away slightly. She looked at the floor.

"I cannot tell you that." She said in her normal tone of speaking to me.

"Why not? Why can't you tell me things? You secretly do things for me so-"

"Your Mother threatened to kick me out of the Palace!"

"What? Why?" I asked immediately, holding her hands tighter.

"She thought I was to tell you about the basement."

I look down at the floor, letting her hands go and looking at the floor. I nod.

"Thank you for telling me."


That night, I was sitting on my bed, in a trance looking at my bedsheets. I never thought my Mother would ever threaten people, especially those who are a resident of the Palace. Especially to just kick out Evelyn for false things?

I felt angry. I felt remorse. Sadness.

Suddenly, I felt something in me. A longing for the light from the basement. I quit my trance the second I felt it. Why?

I decided that I should go to the basement alone. I swallowed and left my room, taking off my heels to make sure I don't make any noise and grow the suspicion further. If I get caught, I'll have to be myself. Confess that it was me who wanted this, not Evelyn. I may be a higher class, but I can't be like how I wanted to be this morning. My heart is better than that.

I slowly close the door behind me, quietly. I tip-toe downstairs and I took a right to the hall. I took the final flight of stairs that would lead me to the basement. At the bottom of these stairs, I looked around. Nobody was there. I didn't feel like it, at least.

Walking down, quietly, I could see the basement light on from the distance with the door open. That's a bit odd, what if someone was in there?

My heart started to pound fast as I told myself: It's too far to go back now.

I mustered up enough courage. I walked to the basement door which was open. I saw the light up close. It's shimmering gold color. I could sense something from it. The more I looked at it, the less it blinded me. I can sense a bad feeling coming from here. Now I have to go downstairs into this eerie place.

I look down to the basement staircase, there were so many stairs that I couldn't see the bottom. It now felt like my duty. I bit my tongue slightly. I stepped down. One step.

I stepped down again. Two steps into the secret basement.

Three. Four. Five.

I kept walking down, the deeper I went down, the more I wanted to go back up but at the same time go down. My heart was pounding off nervousness faster than ever. I started walking down the stairs faster. Faster. FASTER.

Running down, I could see the floor. It was a gray brick type floor. I started slowing my pace as it was now pitch black except for the floor. Just a few more steps and the basement is revealed.

Right as I was about to be able to see the inside, I felt someone grab my arm from behind.

I turn around immediately in fear. I felt heavy pain on my arm.

It was Mother!

She said nothing, her nails digging into my arm.

"Mother! Let me go!"

She dug them even harder to my arm and forced me to go back up the stairs. Tears started forming in my eyes from fear and pain.

Once we got back up the stairs and out of the basement, I stared at the light one last time, before Mother slammed the door.

"Room." Mother said, in the angriest yet soft tone I have ever heard.

"Wait, Mother, please let me-"


She let go of my arm, as I saw her nail marks drew a slight bit of blood, nothing life-threatening.

I stared at her like Evelyn did with me earlier. It was scary.

She pointed to the staircase leading to the second floor, her face scrunched up so much from anger. I gritted my teeth and ran up the stairs, crying quietly.

That night, I cried myself to sleep as my heart wouldn't stop beating hard all night. Evelyn is now going to be punished and now I know Mother's insincerity about being truly nice. Mother must not trust me either. I felt the longing of the light in me, but I didn't dare move. I heard Mother wouldn't be back until tomorrow!

I was so angry and sad that I could burst. Why am I now finding out these things? Why? Why? Why-

My thoughts interrupted me as I could hear Mother yelling at someone in the hallway. She must be screaming if I could hear her!

I ran and put my ear against the door, scared.

That was when I heard her screaming in Crushah.


Chapter Four: Major Revelations


I listened closely to every word said.

"Uriyu grayul njiha di bariva tyrguar raio vyroa!" And you had to be stupid enough to not answer her.

"Nyurti gahaa jyurtia yurei cystari di mapji solpe haaga jiyu!" She almost found out about the basement!

"Miu Kayaa Cysara-" Miss Queen Cysara.

"Oum. Di hyua griiha iaaryu maui zeru zera poiu ouhaa yusro na viroa reiutnamla!" No. She could have found out about the prisoners down in the basement you know.

Wait. Prisoners? I never swear, but what the hell? What does she mean?

"Oyuri goyeu naabi hyura mayliuar zera poyurtn mliru yaatae oyai kayaa, Yi, jaisyu weiqu liora cypina?!" Maybe I will kick you out because I, the Queen said so and I will devour this city myself.

I stared shaking. Prisoners? Devouring the city? Kicking Evelyn out?

Tears formed in my eyes once again. This must be a bad translation on my end. There's no way my Mother-

"Yui tryan hyeeri poyutns Lyrosa baaci yagyara gyuri yi twuri saal jun firu wytia!" You know that Lyrosa will never rule, she will be a slave like all the others!

I grabbed my heart to my chest. I tried not to make any noise, even though I know she probably wouldn't hear me. My whole body was shaking.

"Oiytru, yui di rayuod cyqui haagal naaturi kopo griiha qwuia naabaar lasi Lyrosa haagyung bicru ipona taan!" Lastly, you know that Lyrosa is going to find out once everyone becomes evil. I will kill you if you tell.

No. No. No. I ran to my bed, burying my face into my pillow. I tried to block out her voice but I could faintly hear:


I looked up at the door as I finally reached my last mark in Crushah:

"You're fully aware that my own Mother made me evil. Maybe I will start with you. Maybe you will become a prisoner along with the future slaves of Iprellis. I will put my evil magic into their bodies. I will reign supreme forever. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? YOU BETTER WATCH LYROSA! HOW COULD YOU TELL HER I WOULD THREATEN YOU?"

I felt my own body shutting down. I felt all the tears on Earth flow down my face. This is a nightmare. I know my Crushah is wrong. It has to be. It simply has to be. I heard my Mother screaming more and Evelyn saying "Yes, Queen Cysara." All I could do was listen. I had to listen-


My eyes open slowly, seeing that I am in my bed like I always am. I sit up after a few seconds and look around the room. I was unusually cold. I got up and grabbed my robe made of silk and silver on my way out. I slipped it on and went downstairs to the dining table. Only my Father was there, eating alone. From what he is eating from his plate, I believe it is lunchtime.

"Father? Where is everybody?" I asked. Father looked up at me.

"Evelyn is out running errands, the most of the Guards are patrolling around the city, and your Mother..." He trailed off.

"I believe she is all the way on the third floor." He said. I nodded and sat down at the table.

Then, it suddenly hit me. I remember what my Mother said last night about her mother forcing evil magic into her and my Mother wanting to make this city full of slaves with evil. She also wanted me to be too, as I'll never be Queen. She threatened Evelyn even harder.

"C-Can I be excused? I don't feel like eating right now." I asked in a slight fearful tone. He didn't seem to understand the tone thankfully as I saw him nod. I ran to the nearest bathroom across the way. I shut the door behind me and vomited in the toilet out of all these emotions I'm feeling. I weep to myself as I flush the toilet. I force myself up. I go to the sink and splash water all over myself and wipe it clean. Please tell me this is just a nightmare and my Mother isn't evil and going to make this city a slave-court. Please. Please. Please.

I heard a knock on the door. I don't look that way, I just look at my reflection in the mirror knowing that I am the daughter of this evil Queen. What I used to have were hope and trust. Now I feel empty instantly and I've been fooled all these years. I can't believe how fake and stupid this all is.

The knocking continued. It could be my Mother. The one I have to live with and possibly become a slave. I don't want to risk this.

"Are you in there, Lyrosa?" A voice I knew said loudly. The knocking turned into beating. That voice was the potential first slave. Evelyn.

I open the door without any expression. I don't know what to feel now.

"Let's go study Crushah," Evelyn said, winking. I didn't say anything or make any expression, I just followed her to my room. What's the point now that she's going to be a slave anyway? Mother would know how to stop me even if I tried.

She shut the door behind her. I sat on my bed and she sat next to me.

"Listen closely, please," Evelyn said. I looked at her, again, doing nothing.

"I can tell that you probably heard the things from last night, yes?"

I slightly nodded, wanting to cry.

Even though we couldn't, her voice was set to a whisper.

"I'm super sure you already know, but you have to get out of here. You have to. You and I both know it isn't safe here, but you matter more than me. Get out of the city. Runaway."

I wanted to tell her how important she was to me, how much she could come with even if I was too. I want to tell her that I don't want to risk it because when royals go missing, it is the most serious thing of all time, news spreading like an epidemic. I just didn't have the strength to.

All I did was feel tears coming out. The next thing I knew was that I was silently weeping into Evelyn's shoulder, feeling guilty that I almost could have gotten her into more trouble. I also didn't want Iprellis to turn into a slave town. The worst part was that I have been lied to all my life. I feel played. By my own Mother who has been ruling as a Queen for many years.

"Even if you don't want to, I promise that I'll get you out of this city. I shall probably make a diversion or send someone to do so. Only you, I, your father, and the Queen know of our plans. The Guards' walls are thicker than yours." The maid explains. I didn't respond like usual, but I was nodding in my own head.

Yes, I did want to get out. I don't know where I would go. I would probably be found so easily as everyone knows the face of a royal, especially in Iprellis. It is the most popular and most populous city.

"Why did she tell you?" I unknowingly asked until I asked it.

"Well, I overheard heard your Mother saying it to your Father, which is most likely why he is quiet. I was courageous enough to confront her. She knew I was always scared of her which is why she threatens me. This was about eight years ago when her plan wasn't fully devised just yet. I know she regrets telling me, but it's said and done." Said she.

I smiled to myself because she is so brave. I envy her. She should be the Princess, not I. Father must have known for a long time. I remember that he was always quiet. Over the years, it grew. Maybe Evelyn is right.

"Don't you worry, I'm willing to sacrifice myself for you. I also did know you went in the basement, when you started walking down I saw you, then that was when the Queen came in."

I listened to every word said. I felt happy that she was willing to be my savior. I slowly started feeling happy, but heavily damaged still.

"Why can't you come with me?" I asked, sitting up and looking at her.

"You're special, Lyrosa; you know this. The Queen would know exactly what to do if we both ran away. I attempted to flee about 10 years ago, actually. I was caught by the Guards and that is another reason why I'm threatened so much. I was watched 24/7 for about a year until Cysara started trusting me again. Now, she never would. I feel as if the evil started spreading in her over the years."

I nodded to every few words, now looking at the floor.

"Evelyn!" Mother called.

Evelyn quickly said, "I want you to start packing. Slowly, so no one is more suspicious than they already are. Within a few days hopefully, I will get you out of here. Trust me."

She ran out of the room, closing the door behind her gently.

I wish I could have said thank you before she left.


Chapter Five: Runaway


That night, I did exactly as Evelyn said. Ironic, yes? I got out my suitcase used for visiting other cities near like Wrenwood, Hajiun, Elxurian City, and more. I have not traveled in a while, but that was about to change. I was to finally "travel" by myself. It made me nervous of course. I could still feel my heart pounding. I put some of my clothes in there, the ones I never wore for whatever reason that could be it. Nobody would know that it would go missing, but that is the least of my troubles right now.

I packed a bit of socks and heels that I had not worn in a few years. I also put a few hair products in there, as my princess instincts came to me for once.

I put the suitcase under my bed, ready for a lot of space. In the meantime, I have to act nice and my usual self, I'll leave when they least expect it. I'll be their savior.


About three days have passed, I have been packing a bit, little by little. My family in which I do not think of anymore didn't notice yet. Or at least they are playing the faking game like Mother is doing every day. I can play that game too like I've been doing to.

Evelyn and I came up with the oldest trick in the book. I would attempt to let Mother let me visit Wrenwood, the city closest to us by myself. I can show her how independent I am, her fake kindness should allow me to go. If that fails, we'll wait for them to leave and that's when I run. Plan B is most likely going to happen, as I'm sure my Mother knows. Evelyn plans for me to leave in at least tomorrow night or overmorrow.


It was night, and my Mother and Father left for the rare, but occasional meeting all the royals hold every few years. That was when my heart was pumping fast as I decide I can't wait tomorrow or overmorrow. It has to be now. This is my opportunity. I packed everything that could fit in my suitcase, including food and water and comfort clothes. I wanted to leave as soon as I could, so I cried while writing the note to put in Evelyn's room:

"Thank you. I love you."

I set the note down under her pillow, just a hiding spot. A tear dropped on her pillow as I shut the door behind me. I also place my tiara under it. I smile to myself. Then I start running.

Running downstairs, I hear my suitcase running, ready to burst at any second. None of the Guards were on the first floor, thankfully. They must have been on other floors. If any Guards stop me, I will tell them I am traveling. I am a Princess, surely they can't tell me no.

I look around to see a Guard coming in the hallway, I run left and I see the front door within eyesight. I look behind me, he wasn't there. My hand reached for the front door. I grab the handle. I hesitate for a second.


I open the door quietly, still loud as can be. I close it behind me, attempting for it to be quieter. The second it closes behind me, I run as fast as I can. I run down the Palace doors, leaving the gold and silver structure behind me for forever.

I run down the main road, and I take a left into a small forest so it is less of a chance that I get caught by somebody. I run until I take a few seconds to catch my breath. I look behind me, the road was barely in sight. I start walking but at a fast pace. I felt everything within me fade almost. I was nervous and I felt like crying. My heart felt like it could fall into a million pieces any second. I know fate brought me like this. It must be for the best, maybe.


Running again, I make it to the end of it, seeing a road that looks like the beginning of the route to the Palace. I take a step forward, stepping on a twig. I then heard the voices of people. I run to the left behind a few trees. I was undetected unless that voice took a turn here, which I doubt. It sounded like a Guard and his lady. That Guard used to work for the Palace I believe. I sat for a minute, catching my breath, waiting for the voices to fade. Once it did, I ran to across the road to get ahold of my surroundings. I was at the beginning of the road indeed. I ran straight, off the road. This part didn't have as many trees, it was just a lot of empty land. I was so nervous about getting caught. By anyone for that matter. I was paranoid. Just about everyone recognized me. I was thankful more people weren't as active at night. I would stop every few minutes to take a breath then keep running or walking.

I crossed that part of the land, then I saw myself at the South-east part of the city, one of the busiest parts. Even though it is nighttime, many vendors and night owls were out. I quickly opened my suitcase and shuffled for a hair tie and I put my hair up in a ponytail as I put my coat on. I closed my suitcase, with a few things still hanging out, but it didn't matter to me. I kept my head down as I heard the people talking and laughing, being happy and fully unaware of the Queen's real intentions. They don't know their Savior. I feel eyes on me. Nobody sees a woman or man in expensive clothing at night in these parts of town. I walked fast to avoid anyone speaking to me.

"Hey, you-"

I heard a few voices say. I ignored them. They did nothing after that, they were probably thinking I'm a weirdo. A twit running from her Mother instead of actually doing something about it.

I crossed the bridge and took a left to see a near forest again, but it looked scary at night. I could see in this now pitch black darkness because of the 35% night vision inherited from generations of Iprellanans. That is sure nice for me, but not the rest of my family. My heart calmed down a bit for some reason. I still felt nervous as hell, but maybe I sensed that I was far away from them. Lucifer. Mother. Father. The corrupt Palace itself, but not Evelyn. I wonder how she was doing.

I keep the hood on just in case. They probably suspect that I'm already missing. I just have to keep walking. You will prosper, Lyrosa.



It has most likely been a few hours since I left, and from my surroundings, I felt that I was close to the exit of the city. From being in the city a lot, I think just another 30 minutes or so and I would probably be free. I would have to sneak my way through, as the Guards may be aware of a lost Princess that is me.

I have been on my feet all day, but my fear defeated the physical pain, fatigue, hunger, and thirst. I skipped dinner because of Evelyn and I's postponed-forever plan. I kept crossing forests and I barely ran into people regarding the South-East part of Iprellis.

Soon enough, I saw the gates of Iprellis in sight. I could climb the border wall and run left, I believe the right would go right in the direction of Wrenwood. I ran to the wall, not caught. I clung to the wall, only able to see half the Guards that were protecting the Gates. Only the Gates was guarded. I am thankful ironically for the low level of Security. I had a plan.

I threw the suitcase over the 8-foot wall, and I hid behind a few trees like I had been doing. I did so and ran to the nearest trees. I saw the Guards turn their head, gripping their weapons. They looked at each other, said something inaudible, and went back to their natural stance. Maybe they thought it was a rock or a storm or something.

I let out a small and almost inaudible sigh as I now have a use for the climbing skills my Father taught me when I was 7. Little did he know that I remembered it. All of it. I quietly grabbed onto a loose brick on the wall, hoisting myself up, I was able to reach the top of the wall with the thankfulness of natural-born long arms. I throw myself over the wall, landing in the grass, so not much noise was made. I stop moving for a second that the Guards on the other side didn't suspect a thing-


I freeze. I turn around, wanting to cry. I look to see that the Guard wasn't talking to me. He was looking at a person who was running to the Gates. Another escapist from another city maybe? I think they were holding him down, the man yelling things in his own language.

I shake my head and grit my teeth. I run to the left, almost crying.

I run and run until I see the guards out of sight. I take a right, away from the border wall. I took a breath and walked once again. I felt like I could pass out at any moment. I then heard the noise of an animal and I started running again.

I eventually stopped in a forest about what seemed like an hour after I climbed the wall. It was a bit hidden, as I didn't see it myself. Secret almost. It was hidden by a wall of leaves and it looked like a normal wall. I was looking behind me as I walked through it.

This is where I camp out for tonight. The fatigue overtook my fear and nervousness. Laying my suitcase next to me, I lay on the ground, hugging my hoodie over me. I held back the tears somehow. I then closed my eyes, dreaming about a Palace with Guardians in it and pure pink and gold. Just like my happy colors.


Chapter Six: Evelyn


I know Lyrosa is as tense I am. I worry about what actions she's going to take next. This is why I want her to follow my lead. She is very co-dependant and I know she may not be able to do this independently. She is not alone. I was returning from cleaning up the dishes in the sink from the kitchen. I was commanded by that Queen of mine to do so.

"Lyrosa!" I call out. Nothing. I start to worry very quickly now. I kept calling her name on my way to her bedroom. I opened her door, seeing that she wasn't in there currently. I checked my own room, maybe she was looking for me. I look around but of course she isn't here. I was about to exit the room when I saw something sticking out from other my pillow. One part of it looked paper while the other looked silver. I became severely worrysome. I took off the pillow quickly to see the tiara. It was silver with the purple gems in it. Lyrosa.

I read the note:

"Thank you. I love you."

I stare at the note in disbelief. This couldn't be it. Has Lyrosa runaway without my consent? Is she going to be a lost royalty now? This is bad. I wasn't ready. Now I have to make up an excuse to the Queen which I know I am just going to be bruised once again. Dammit.

I check other rooms to make sure this isn't some type of game. I look around the Palace. No signs of Lyrosa. This is just simply fantastic. I may as well be thrown in the prison of prisoners and be the victim. It was all going to happen, so instead of having slight fear, come at me Cysara.

I sighed many times as I drag my feet across the floor, jumping in my bed. I was awaiting the screams of Queen Cysara and possibly King Manugar too. Manugar actually loves his daughter, but I can tell he fears his own wife as well. I feel a bit sad to let Lyrosa go, I do care for her very much. Even though there's no way she'll come back to me or the Palace, she would have been a way better Queen than any royalty I've worked for. I also pray to Akamane that she doesn't get caught. I will not speak up to Cysara, even if it means passing away. I'm committed to sacrifice those with a good heart. Even those that I've known for a long time. I grab the note next to me and I hold it up to the light rereading it. For the first time in months I felt my eyes getting teary. I don't know if I will ever truly let Lyrosa go, even in my dreams or when I become reincarnated. I can sense things exactly like her. She was always like my daughter sort of, but now she is truant along with now being a lost royalty. It is for the best.

I close my eyes, not because I'm sleepy, but because I feel at peace. I feel like everything and everyone is going to benefit from Lyrosa, even though she's left. I have all faith in her. She's a smart girl. She'll rule one way or another. I'm 99% sure of it.

Then the peace ceased. The reason was because I heard what I was supposed to be prepared for.


I smirk and respond to the call of the Queen.

Thank you, Lyrosa, I know your a hero. I thank you too for keeping me sane. I thank you for keeping me happy and I'm glad I could too when your Mother can't. I've never told you, but I love you too.

Let the screaming begin, maybe even a possible sacrifice. It's all for Lyrosa.

All for her.

What a beautiful goodbye this is.


Chapter Seven: Fortuitous Meeting


 That morning, I was awoken to a strange noise. It sounded like a creature quickly moving from place to place, like in the movies. I was alert immediately as I got up. Is it possible that I'm found by the Palace Guards or Evelyn? Possibly my Mother or Father themselves? I quickly but quietly gander at my surroundings, hearing the noise as if it was circling me. I got my knife out of my suitcase, it was silver and small hunting knife I stole from a Guard a few years ago, nobody had noticed that I stole it. I was hiding it slightly under my foot, hoping the thing that I was hearing could have their guard down. Hearing it coming closer, I clutched the knife harder, ready to put all my force and committing a possible murder. I was ready, not going to let my guard down. I could hear it coming closer and closer. Of course, my eyes are unable to see it.

Suddenly, the noise stopped. I relaxed for a split second, then tensed right back up again. I felt paranoid and I didn't want to be fully relaxed and let my guard down. I sit down, barely making any type of sound. I still tightly held my knife in my hand. I was breathing a bit heavily, waiting for the noise to possibly make a comeback. In the meantime, I look at the sky. It was at sunrise. In whatever part I'm in, it is early in the morning.

For the rest of the morning, I didn't hear the noise. I still stay awake out of paranoia.


It was I who was searching around for possible food, as mine was stolen. This most likely happened when I was asleep. After that happened, I'm no longer going to sleep. Sleep is for the weak and the runaway.

Earlier this morning I was fully awake and active for hunting prey or finding something to eat at least. My technique was to be sneaky, to be unseen. I was using my technique in the bushes, checking to see if I could find anyone or anything. I did, however, see a girl that seemed to be startled with a knife in her hand. She looks a certain way. Familiar, perhaps. I fled for that reason along with not wanting to put up a fight. My camp was very near to the females' camp. It was a short walk, a very few minutes. I also heard her footsteps which is another reason in which I went to check. Shall I become her acquaintance to see if she would help me or I can perhaps help her? Again, could be very hostile.

As I sat at my camp, I was currently thinking about this. I will in a second, I just need her to be calm; less paranoid. She could be of my aid, she may be a runaway too. She seems to be very, well, royal. Soon, I'll see her intentions. Soon.


It was currently the afternoon as I could see the direction of the sun, along with its sunlight. The trees surrounding me were swaying back and forth, it was a bit windy, not too chilly. I still had a sense of paranoia, I felt like someone was near me. I fear that it could be a guard from Iprellis watching my every move, or perhaps a crazy killer. I learned as of now to never trust anyone. Not a single soul. I have to protect myself, yes?
I was carving a fallen tree branch, I was sharpening it. My knife could begone, for whatever reason. I was mildly bored, wishing I was with Evelyn learning Crushah. Suddenly, it came to me.


I shivered at the thought: What if Mother punished her? What if Evelyn is put in the secret basement of who knows what? What if she isn't with me anymore? I gripped my knife hard in one hand the tree branch in the other. I suddenly felt tears streaming down my cheeks. I stared off to the distance, my body slightly shaking. I felt shameful, but happiness. Shameful for Evelyn, happiness for me and possibly Evelyn could be happier in heaven now if she's not alive.

Get it together, Lyrosa.

I trust in Evelyn's decisions, she's smarter than I. I'm sure she knew what she was doing. I hope by me running early it didn't affect anything. Either way, I would have been gone. Right?

I was staring at the ground now, looking at my feet. Evelyn, if only I could finish telling her everything. If only she wasn't possibly punished. If only life was easy. If only Mother wasn't evil, perhaps Father too. If only-


I jump up, my knife tightly gripped in hand. I look up. It was a man! He was taller than me, he was in some type of chest armor, brown hair, looked like he was in his 20s. Immediately though, I put my knife up to his neck, trying to stab him. His arm was holding mine, preventing it from moving.

"Woah! Don't be scared, 'Princess.'" The man said, emphasizing the word 'princess.' I glared at him, using all my might to harm him, but he was strong. I dropped my arm, as it got tired. I didn't feel like dealing with anyone, he could be an undercover guard for all I know! I ended up not responding to what he said.

"I'm not trying to hurt you, miss," said he, "I just want to know, where are you coming from to be in this abandoned forest?"

"Where are you coming from?!" I said, yelling at him. I take a step away from him, sitting down and crossing my arms. I really don't want this interaction. Anything but this, please.

"Well, let me be completely honest. Do you see my armor? It is the main part of the guards in Wrenwood, close to Iprellis. I, er, ran away because my father as the former guard captain was excessively abusive to me, as an attempt to motivate me, which did not. I rebelled along with a few other guards which I have not seen in a while. I wanted to show my father, who isn't even the guard captain now, that I'm not standing for any of it."

Believe him? Yes, I do. I do a lot. I've seen the upperclassmen uniforms of the Wrenwood Guards. I have. For some reason, I slowly start to think he's lying. It's obvious he's not, but I can't help it.

"Do you trust me?" The man said, kneeling in front of me. I said nothing, just stared at him to see if his expression will change to expose his potential lie.

He sighs, "I guess not. What city are you from?" I didn't answer that either.

"Answer me, you can't live your life in silence forever, you know."

He continued to ask questions and say things like this, in which I didn't reply to at all. I didn't want to talk nor did I want to listen.

"ANSWER!" The man said, provoking me by poking me hard and making me flinch.

"IPRELLIS!" I yelled out of anger. I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth. Dammit, he knows I'm from the future graveyard of a city.

"Why? I hear many good things from Iprellis. I hear the guard force is good, the maids are loyal, the King is good, and the Queen-"

"Shut up!" I said. He squinted at me and put his hands up as if I'm a guard telling him to.

"Jeez, all right, all right, what's so bad about Iprellis anyway-"

His eyes widen.

"Are you Princess Lyrosa?"

I glare at him. "No! No, I am not."

"How come you look so royal then? I also heard that before I left, that someone in Iprellis was missing."

I look down, tearing up once again. I tried to cover my face with my hair, I don't dare let anyone see me cry. Especially not with this man.

"You are!" His voice was slightly more shocked. He made me put my head up as I wiped away the tears.

"We're both runaways, then, huh? Don't worry, I won't tell. I'm on your side."

His words sounded sincere, but I wouldn't know if he was being truthful or not.

"What else do I need to prove to you that I'm telling the truth?"

I said nothing.

"I pretty much told you my story and I'm in Wrenwood gear. The former guard captain is Zariem Ericson Wood. He is 52 years old. Ask Wrenwood if you still don't believe me."

Maybe he was right. I can't fend for myself, and I want him to help me. I think I do trust him.

"I believe you," I said quietly, staring at the ground. He smiled and took my hand and stood me up.

"I'm glad, thank you."

After a few moments of awkward moments of silence, he finally spoke:
"I'm going back to my camp very close from here to get supplies to bring back since you don't have much. It's the least I can do for making you startled or sad or whatever it is."

He turned to leave, then stopped.

"Also, the name is Boris, but call me Bo." With that, he went to his camp.


Chapter Eight: For The Night


I was back at my campsite grabbing supplies for the now lost princess of Iprellis, Lyrosa. I may stay with her for the night, learn more about her, the Queen, and see if we can help each other. I hope we can sympathize with each other, it seems she cannot trust. Maybe her Mother was just like my Father? Perhaps worse since the Queen would have way more power than a guard captain who isn't even apart of a certain occupation anymore.

As I reach my camp, I grab the supplies that I need for me and her. I want to give her as much as I can, as she is a Princess! Still a princess? She may be spoiled as I heard back in Wrenwood. Anyway, I grab my firewood, sword, knife, and the basic equipment needed for camping, with slight changes as being a runaway. I bring it little by little to her spot, she is not even showing any expression of thanks. Gosh, spoiled she probably may be. Or maybe she is just overwhelmed with everything going on in this time frame. I feel a bit bad for the girl myself. She seems weak.

"Well, are you going to thank me?" I ask as I finish the transfer of supplies, sitting in front of her. She was sitting on the grass, a few feet from the fire, slowly burning with flares struggling to stay alive.

The Princess looks up to me and makes an agitated look. She shakes her head and attempts to avoid eye contact with me.

"Seriously, the least you can do is say thank you. I don't know if you're spoiled or not but-"

"Me? Spoiled?" Lyrosa suddenly looks up and says, leaning back and putting her hand on her heart as if I offended her. I could tell she was being serious anyway.

"Back at my city, I heard many different things about the Royals of Iprellis."

She sighs and sits back, slightly relaxing, "I want to know what the stereotypes are."

"Well, the majority of the city seems to think you guys are spoiled because it is easier to acquire high-class things there; unlike us. I also hear the Queen is probably evil, but it's mostly a running joke after our King met with her about five years ago."

"How so? Evil?"

"Wrenwood citizens say that she only ruled because her mother made her or else she would die or something along those lines."

I saw that Lyrosa was a bit tense now. She just looked at me as if the joke were significant.

"Is it true?" I asked.

"Uh, well, I'm not so sure, uh, let's just come back to that topic later."

"Fair enough I guess."

We talked for a bit about each other before as the fire eventually gave out all the way.


Night came to play, and I got to know a lot more about Wrenwood and Bo. We both shared a lot of traits along with sympathy. I still wasn't fully sure if I trusted him by telling me on this, so I was still paranoid and never let my guard down. I really hope this isn't a mistake to tell him everything. Wrenwood was always ready for anything, so maybe it is a good thing. Should they battle with Iprellis, it would be because of me. I'm not sure how I feel about that. That could have its many pros and cons.

Boris shared with me about how he grew up to his mother passing when he was 3 because of his father's instincts as a guard captain when he thought a stranger was in their home. After what he did, he stepped down as a guard captain and slowly drank and became abusive. He also shared that training in Wrenwood is harsher. They say Wrenwood is good at fighting, but magic is a great weakness. I'm kind of glad to hear about Wrenwood. Mother never let me go out that much, now that I think of that again. I pretended to ignore the thought, I would like to have a semi-peaceful moment for once.

I look up at the sky because I don't think I've seen it because of the trees and I was more alert of what was around me. The sky was dark blue, with a few stars here and there. The moon was awfully dark tonight. Must have been a new moon. I smile at the moon as it seems to smile back at me, unseen.

"What are you looking at?" Bo asks, looking up with me.

"Just the moon."

"Ah yes! A new moon. I think my Mother told me I was born on a new moon before she passed."

I smile at him slightly and nodded. After a few minutes, I looked back up to see the moon was covered by fog. I looked at Bo and sighed. He was making hot dogs with the half-lit fire. I never had a hot dog before. Apparently, it was for middle-class people and not high class. I already told the man in front of me about it and he was shocked. Another stereotype in his book. When they were done, I took a bite and I thought it was pretty good for a middle-class food. I finished it, feeling okay for once.

After ten minutes, he finally said that we should go to sleep. I agreed as I felt a bit sleepy myself.

"Don't worry, I will wake up immediately if anyone is here. It's apart of my instincts." Bo said. I nod, hoping it wasn't a joke.

I lay on the ground, covering myself with my robe. I felt a blanket be put over me. I snuggled with it and I fell asleep.

Tonight, I dreamed of a new moon taking me on a spaceship to a planet that resembled Iprellis. That was all I had remembered, though.


Chapter Nine: The Relocation


I woke up to see Bo awake, coming to the fire with firewood in his hand. The fire was out now. I sat up anyway and looked up to see the sun was mostly out, but there were a lot of dark clouds.

"Are you going to start a fire again?" I asked him.

"At dusk, why?"

I pointed to the sky and he looked up and squinted.

"It never rains here at dusk."

"How would you even know?"
"I have been here way longer than you."

I cross my arms and say, "I guess that's fair enough."

We sat for a bit and talked a bit more. I sensed something every few seconds. I wasn't sure what it was. Maybe it was just my paranoia.

"I feel like someone is here," I said. Bo shook his head but looked around anyway, staying close to me just in case someone were to grab me if I seemed alone. Bo sat back down and shook his head.

"Nope, nobody is nearby."

I nodded but I wasn't fully satisfied with my request. They could be expert stalkers like he was. They could have been fast-paced and could strike any second. I really hope he wasn't letting his guard down. Was he? Is someone even here? No. I tried not to let my thoughts get to me. Boris was here to protect me. Or I hope so.


It was now evening and the whole time I sensed someone but I was reassured through all that time. I feel like he should trust me. Someone is coming for me. I know it. It slowly drove my mind insane.

"We have to relocate, I'm serious," I said. Bo gave me a strange look.

"We're fine."

"Do you not understand? As a notorious Princess, someone could be here for any minute of the day."

"Miss Lyrosa, trust me."

"No, trust me-"

I heard rustling in the bushes. I turned around to where I thought the noise was. I look at Bo.

"Fine. I guess we shouldn't get too comfortable." I grunt out of annoyance and we get our stuff together, not trying to leave evidence behind.

"Where would we go?" I asked, closing my suitcase. Bo shrugged.

"Well we can't just go anywhere, you know," I said. Bo nodded like I was his annoying mother. We were about to leave as I heard more rustling coming from the bushes. I stood stiff and still, not wanting to move. It was an instinct that I learned. I didn't want anyone to hear my footsteps.

"Come on," Bo said, a few feet away from me. I looked at him with a look of insecurity.

Then, I was running.

Bo and I were being chased by men in full black suits. That's all I knew. We were running from the forest. My bag was gone. Bo's was on his back. We passed through the forest onto a road that could lead anywhere. We passed some people who went out of their way for the black suit men. We ran on the road and took a left into a small forest, yet full of trees. We went in zig-zag and all over the place in a direction so they could possibly be confused. Bo climbed a tree and pulled me up in one of the taller and more covered trees. We looked down to see the black suit men confused. They looked up and they looked directly at me. We didn't move a muscle or even breathe.

"Dammit, we lost them." One of them said. They turned around and walked off, yet slowly. When they were out of sight, I breathed again. After a few minutes, we jumped from the tree and ran the opposite direction in which they left. We ended up in an apple orchard. Some apples were growing. I picked off a few and ate them, even if they weren't ripe nor washed. Bo did the same as me.

"Alright, so we lost them," I said, attempting to make plans.

"Yes, we did. While we were in the tree a few minutes ago, I remembered a place where I planned on hiding, yet I tried to find an alternate route and got lost."

I nodded, "I see. What's this place?"

"Delzen Hollow."

"Delzen Hollow?" I asked, looking at him in a confused manner. It sounded like an abandoned town in which I have never even heard of.

"Really? As a Princess, you don't know all the cities and towns?" Bo said, thinking I was crazy. I rolled my eyes and he apologized.

"Anyway, Delzen Hollow is a small and pretty underground town. It's really a borough, but it's used as a town. They have been known for letting people in and they are more secret. They usually remain neutral in battle and I know someone there who used to live in Wrenwood. I am sure he is willing to come to our aid some."

"I see." I said, still a bit paranoid, "how would we know that it's safe?"

"As I said, I know a lot of the small towns in this area and trust me, it is safe; because they are small and pretty powerless, they wouldn't hurt me or you, a royal, anyway."

"How would we get there? How do you even know where we're at?"

Bo took something out of his bag.


He took out a compass and stood up and walked around the empty orchard.

"Delzen Hollow is very South of it all, so we should go...that way!" Said he, pointing South of us.

"Is this really how this works?" I asked. He nodded. I felt like he was wronging me but I guess we had no other choice. I took some more apples with us before we left. Due to a lot of our stuff being left behind, we had a shortage of food. Who knows what Delzen Hollow would do for us? After about thirty minutes or so of walking into forests and trying to conceal ourselves, we suddenly saw the light become darker.

"Is it normal for it to be suddenly so dark?" I whisper. Bo nods.

"Yes, that should mean were close since areas around here are naturally dark."

We walk for a few minutes more when he saw some people around. We followed them in secret to see if we were close to Delzen Hollow. The compass was saying yes, but I made him make sure. Soon enough, we saw a gate of some sort surrounded by a cave or rock of some sort.

"I believe this is the place," Bo said. We backed up a bit to appear father on the road, so people don't think we're weirdos just coming out of the trees. Bo suddenly went out onto the road and walked toward the gate. My heart dropped. I pray to whoever that this doesn't get screwed up. I secretly followed him and I saw him talking to someone I couldn't see for a moment before he looked my way and raised his eyebrows and nodded a bit. I backed up and walked to the gate. It was black, made of pure iron. It was surrounding a cave. The one Guard at the door widened his eyes when he saw me.

"Is that you, Princess Lyrosa of Iprellis?" The guard asked. I nodded. He bows down to me for a long time before standing normally.

"What brings you here, milady?"

I didn't want to answer. Delzen Hollow could be my death trap for all I know. He seemed to recognize me, he could be a black suit man or anyone that wants to capture me. Bo whispered things in the guard's ear but I couldn't hear. It infuriated me some.

The guard nods fast.

"Yes, yes, come in come in! Welcome to Delzen Hollow!" The guard said, frantically getting the gate open. We went inside and I followed behind. We walked on a path before I saw an elevator. I didn't question it. This must have been the way to the underfoot of this place. We got on the elevator and the only button read:


I pressed the button and down we went.


Chapter Ten: Evelyn Part II


I go to the Queen's calling, ready for whatever sacrifice is to be done. I face her in all seriousness. Her usual looks seem off today. It didn't matter, as I would be dead in less than an hour or so.

"WUUIYA ES LYROSA UI?" The Queen asked, which translates to: 'Where is Lyrosa?'

"I don't know ma'am, I thought she was in her room or maybe with you," I said, permeating the white lie.

"I KNOW YOU ARE LYING," Cysara said, slapping me across the face. I gritted my teeth to not make the noise of this pain.

"Ma'am, I swear that I am not," I said, looking her dead in the eyes. She looks discouraged for a second but went back to her power-hungry look:


I kept telling her I did not know. She kept asking me. I kept telling her I did not know, then the cycle repeats. Soon enough, the Queen had enough.

"Come with me. Basement." Is all she said. I had no choice but to follow her. My death can set me free and now they have less evidence of Lyrosa ever being gone.

The light blared and led me to believe that I was a victim of the bottom which was untold. Slow suffering. Brutal punishment. Darkness. All of it; but I didn't care. Cysara grabbed my arm to keep me from running and at a fast pace, she led me down the stairs. I already saw the bottom. The floor. The coldness if I were to step on it. The chills I would receive.

She threw me in, landing on my hands as my head was down. I heard the door slam behind me, locked in for good. I looked up.

This was worse than the last time I saw this.

The King gently grabbed me and led me to the spot. The spot where I would suffer. The spot where I could be sacrificed. The spot where it all ends.

The spot.

I wasn't scared at all. I was ready like always. I'm sure my body would give up early.

I'm willing to do this for the one and only. I have since day one.

Then, I sensed myself becoming vulnerable.


Chapter Eleven: The Underground Borough


The elevator came to a stop and at that moment, I felt something hurt in my heart. I don't know what it is. It's probably the whole scenario that is playing out as of now. It's happened twice now. I've already come to reality.

The elevator opens and a rush of people go in the elevator as we come out. Everyone bows when they see me. It made me have a small shade of confidence. Was I really that notorious? The thought made me chuckle a bit. Bo looked at me, already knowing why I chuckled.

A lot of the citizens welcomed me to this underground society. It felt more peaceful here. I actually felt welcomed. Too bad that could change within an instant. A fast moment. Any second someone could strike in this powerless borough. I was still following Bo, confused on where we were going. He could be bringing me to my death. No. I don't think so. Right? I shook my head and just trusted him. I'm sure if he were really evil he would have killed me in the forest right then and there, away from the people if this place really is powerless. I let out a sigh. It's okay, Lyrosa. You are fine.

We arrive at the town hall, according to the sign. Were we really about to talk to a leader? For some reason, anxiety grew in me. We enter and there was the leader. A middle-aged man with black hair and a thick black beard as well.

"Ah! Boris and Princess Lyrosa, what brings you here?" The leader of Delzen Hollow says, shaking our hands. How does he know Bo? Is this the "friend" he was talking about? I let my thoughts go away and listen to what is said carefully so no detail is wrong. Any detail wrong and I could end up dead. The situation was explained in accurate detail by my friend. The leader nods to every word he says. Once they finished talking, the leader closed his eyes for a second before opening them back up.

"If it is found out that you are here, Miss Lyrosa, then we will be forced to negotiate with Queen Cysara. If that does not work, then battle it may be. For now, we will give you luxury housing in the back of the town. Not many people stay in that area. It is secret for the most part, so I will take you there." I thanked him and so did Bo. We walked to the back of the town, which took about an hour. Not that long. I was glad but not at the same time. It's going to be easy to find me. Before we got there, the leader, King Tobi, told us a little about the history of Delzen Hollow and where things are in the city. Every time I go out, I must conceal myself, he says. It is out of the danger of someone looking for me may be here. I wasn't too worried about that. Unless they are smart. I'm sure Tobi has made this place "not very secret" if he says he would have to negotiate with my excuse of a Mother; if it does really come to that.

We made a stop and there was luxury housing. Wow! The outside was about five stories high, as it was an apartment and not a house. I was still fine with it, this could help. The outside was made of silver and it shined on me as if it knew me as Princess Lyrosa. It had pillars and looked like a place where a great leader or a very wealthy person would stay. It sort of blended in with the dark walls, somehow. I was excited, but at the same time deep inside of me, I felt that I didn't deserve this. I have yet to do anything good in my time as royalty. I must take it, though. That is the benefit of being royalty.

We enter through the bronze door that took us into the lobby. Everything in the lobby was expensive and the walls were white. The floor was black and white tile, but it felt like gold. Tobi led us to the receptionist. The receptionist was a lady with brown-orange curly hair, a young adult she looked like. The desk was bronze as well, with everything on it looking like it was worth a million dollars, even the paper!

"Code Blue, Hyoa," Tobi said, pointing his finger back at us as we stood behind him. The receptionist looked confused for a second but then nodded in agreement. She looked through her file cabinet behind her before pulling out a folder. She dug through it for a minute.

"All right, Mr. Boris and Ms. Lyrosa. You will be staying at room B3, on the second floor." Hyoa says, giving us our keys which were made out of bronze and silver.

Boris and I thanked her as Tobi quickly followed behind us. We got on the elevator and it went up this time, it felt like I was going back onto the surface.

"I hope you know that you have nothing to worry about," Tobi said during the elevator ride. I nodded to him, smiling, my hand gripping tightly on the silver rail behind me. I sure damn hope that I have nothing to worry about.

The elevator comes to a stop and it opens. We look at the hallway on the second floor. The walls were a very expensive looking white like the lobby and the floors were wooden. Walking on it still felt like gold. I seriously don't deserve this. I sigh as Bo goes in front of me, probably because I was walking a bit slow. We stop at B6, and Bo slid the key into the lock, hearing the click. We opened the wooden door and there was our room! It was a studio apartment. Two beds and there was the living room. The kitchen was on the left and the bronze chairs and tables were on the right of that, then there was the bathroom door. Everything looked like it was over a million! I still am shocked by this. In conclusion, I feel that this cost more than my own bedroom back in Iprellis.

"Wow..." I whisper to myself.

"Well, I shall be taking my leave now. If you need me, there is an emergency telephone next to the bed. And yes, this is free of charge. I'm sure a rottyubin wouldn't have money along with a good friend of mine." Tobi says, laughing. We thank him as he closes the door behind him. I replayed his words in my head:

"I'm sure a rottyubin wouldn't have money..."

Rottyubin was Crushah for runaway. I don't know why, but that killed me inside even more than I already am.

I turn around and sit on the right side of the bed. To my right was a wardrobe that I didn't even see earlier, it blended in with the wall! I opened it and was so relieved to see what was inside. It different clothing for the wealthy. Finally, I can change!

"So, how do you feel now?" Bo asks me as I take out a black formal dress that barely sparkled.

"What do you mean?" I ask him, looking at him as if I were annoyed.

"You know, Lyrosa. We're living in great luxury and you seemed very surprised by it."

"I still feel scared of my literal death. Yes, I may be living like how I always did, but someone could bust down the door any second and find their search for me."

"All right, all right, no need to suddenly be so cold," Bo says, putting his hands up. I groan and go into the bathroom to try on the dress.

The second I walk in there, I gasped, almost dropping the dress that was in my hands. There was a mirror right in front of me. I look like a homeless person. A person who survived a war. A lost royalty. My medium length black hair was so greasy and so dirty looking. My clothing was tattered, rips and even more dirtiness. I don't even know who this person is anymore. Is this really me? In this moment of time?

I shake my head. This poor reality. Poor, poor, reality.

I set the dress down and lock the bathroom door. I'm going to be in this shower for a long time. A very, long time.


I look out the window of the apartment. It is always dark as usual. How am I supposed to tell the time? I couldn't find any clocks. I sit on my bed and sulk with my black dress and now clean hair which took a few hours to clean. I looked like a royal again, for the most part. I look more like a high-class person, but not particularly a royal Princess. Maybe it's for the best in this setting?

"Are you doing okay?" Bo asks, laying on his bed, looking at me.

"How are you even supposed to tell the time in this place?" I ask, laying on my bed too.

"Well, in the mornings, it will be foggier and slightly lighter in a dark purple. In the afternoon, it will be less foggy and a purple-like haze. The evening will be barely foggy and it will be a dark purple, and night will be pure black and no fog." Bo said casually.

"How do you even know?
"I've been here a lot if you couldn't tell already."

That does make sense. I look out the window again. It was hard to tell through the blinds, but I believe it was evening.

"Evening?" I ask.

Bo nods and smiles.

I ignore his gesture and stare at the white ceiling. I close my eyes. I did not wish to eat or drink, just sleep. I pull the blanket over me and feel myself going into deep sleep already. This is the first time I felt most comfortable in a long time. It felt like I was sinking into the bed. I'm glad I can feel fine for at least a moment. Once again, my dreams dominated me for tonight.


Chapter Twelve: Wanted in Masks


It was late in the morning, 11 AM according to Bo, which was when I woke up. I never knew I could sleep for over 12 hours. I felt so refreshed and had no regrets. Thankfully, there was a bit of food in the fridge already there at our arrival yesterday. He and I were currently eating, just bacon. It was the only breakfast food we really had. It was more of a low-class food, but Bo said it was quite high-class here. It was a Delzen Hollow recipe. It was sweeter and had a worse texture, but I ate anyway because I wanted to cherish whatever I ate or looked like now. It feels like a game of survival rather than just living everyday life.

"How are you liking Delzen so far?" Bo asked me. I look up at him.

"From what I've seen, it's okay, I guess. I really do like the housing but I don't look forward to going outside in a mask, or going outside in general."

"Ah, I can understand. You know the other day how we were being chased?"


"I swear those guys looked familiar, and I think they are from Wrenwood because I've seen them there. I think they were looking for both of us."

"Really? I only heard them calling my name, but maybe you're right because I learned all about the different organizations in Iprellis and those people weren't apart of my city."

A sudden chill went through me.

"Well, what other organizations are-"


Bo looks at me, surprised that I interrupted him. He waits.

"Do you think Iprellis and Wrenwood teamed up or know you're currently with me?"

My roommate turns serious in which I haven't seen in a while.

"I actually didn't think of that somehow. You are probably correct, though. Even if they weren't teamed up with Iprellis, both cities are probably aware of our potential locations."

"Right, it all makes sense. I sure hope Tobi isn't secretly a spy or he told Iprellis or Wren-"

"Now you're starting to overthink it."

I fold my arms to Bo's response. I probably am, but now I feel more afraid actually thinking.

"I'm sure a rottyubin..."

"Wait. Is Crushah a language here?"

"Uh, I'm not sure but if Tobi spoke it then possibly. Isn't it used as a code or something?"

"Well, in Iprellis the law was changed by Cysara that it was to only be spoken by royals. My father, er, Manugar, would give guards orders in Crushah."

"I only know some Crushah, what was the word the leader said yesterday to you?"
I hesitated real hard before saying the translation of the word.

"He said rottyubin. It means runaway."

"I guess that would make sense with the law since he didn't say it in English.

Saying nothing, I finish my food. I know I probably should say something, but I didn't want to talk anymore about this. I feel drained the more I talked about anything associated with the evil Mother of mine. Bo must have gotten the message because he didn't say anything related after I ignored him. At least someone can understand.

I lay on my bed, thinking about what I could do today. Since I'm technically free I guess, I want to go out, explore, and feel like I can actually do something.

"What do you want to do today?" My roommate asks me from the dining table.

"I actually want to go out and possibly explore, but I wouldn't want to be seen."

"You'll be wearing a mask that Tobi gave me. He gave me two."

I never noticed that he had a mask, or even two. I didn't want to wear it, though. It frustrates me because I know I have to.

"Fine. Let me see it."

Bo goes to his closet and fishes around before pulling out the masks. I sat up from my bed and saw the mask. It was half light purple and half white. It looked like it would only cover the top of my eyes and around my eyes. I'm not sure how this would conceal me very much. But the more I look at it, the darker it gets. Maybe it does conceal me?

I take the mask from Bo and I go into the bathroom and look at the mirror. I put it on slowly and the reflection goes blank for a second. My reflection then shows me, but my face is different? It's me, but my eyes aren't mine. My eyes are usually a bit small and they are green. Now, they are slightly bigger but dark blue. It looks unnatural. What is this?
I look at Bo and he looks at me strangely.

"What the hell? Why do you look so different?" Bo asks, looking at me as if he's seen a ghost.

"I don't know, I thought maybe you would know? Is Delzen Hollow full of magic or something?"

"This is getting a bit strange, magic may be involved but it shouldn't be likely. Let's go ask Tobi."

I agree with him. I'm surprised to see him surprised. He puts on his mask and his eyes change from brown to green. It still looks unnatural.

I saw that Bo changed his outfit yesterday, so we must be good. I take the key and hide it in my pocket and we almost run.

"Wait wait, let me ask the receptionist," I say, stopping him as we reach the lobby.

"Excuse me?"

The receptionist looks up from her computer. She looks at me and smiles.

"Yes, who are you? I don't know if I've seen you before."

What? I don't even look that different except for my eyes.

"Huh? It's me, Lyrosa?"

"Are you sure?"

Bo takes off his mask, his eyes closed. He opens them and his normal eyes come back. I do the same.

"Oh! It is you guys! I'm sorry." Hyoa says, smiling.

"Ah, yes; but do you know why these masks make us look...different?"

"No ma'am, I was going to ask you the same thing. I actually never saw anything like that before." Her expression looks like fear and wonder.

"Oh, thank you. We were about to go ask the leader." I say. She nods and goes back to her computer. Bo and I look at each other and put our masks back on before heading off. In the corner of my eye, I saw Hyoa staring at me.

We leave the building and see quite a few people were out compared to yesterday. None of them were wearing masks. As we walked by, some looked at us in a very strange and inconsiderate manner. I felt very uncomfortable, but Bo was too. It made me feel a bit better. He also remembered the way to the town hall, but I didn't because mixed with my nervousness was my occasional forgetfulness. I hated it, but because of the people being in our way and staring at us, Bo was holding my hand. I tried to let go but he glared at me with those fake eyes of his and made me hold his. It didn't feel like he wanted to either.

I looked around as we were walking. I was curious about all the small billboards I have been seeing. It was advertising everyday products. Nothing about magic or anything like that, it was eerily normal. That's when I saw something that didn't belong. It was a small poster of some sort. It was paper, but it was on the corner of a blue billboard. Squinting at it, I saw that something was weird.

"Wait, Bo," I said, letting go of his hand. I scrambled to get to the poster as Bo was trying to make me stop.

I looked at the poster. My heart dropped. I felt skittish and suspicious of everyone currently around me. The paper read:

"Wanted: Lyrosa May Iprellanan, Runaway Princess of Iprellis. Bring back alive. Reward: $50,000."

Above those words was a picture of my face. The picture was of me smiling. I was in my normal Iprellis clothes. I think this picture was from a few months ago. Was it? Does it matter?

I collapsed to the ground, my hand on my heart as I stared at the ground. Bo helped me up, my legs trembling.

"Lyrosa! Are you doing okay?"

"Does it look like it, Boris?" I say, almost yelling. I would have shouted but I didn't want to cause a scene for multiple reasons.

"Come on, I'm sure it's somebody's job to put posters and stuff places. Nobody is here, they can't be."

We continued to walk but faster than before, but not enough to cause people to wonder. We tried to blend in as much as we could at this point.

Finally, we reached the town hall. We saw a guard at the entrance.

"Halt. Names?"
"Lyrosa and Boris."
The guard looked at us for a good while before finally letting us in. We rushed to Tobi's office. Thankfully, he was in there searching for something in his drawer. When he was done, he looked up at us simply in a neutral expression.

"Hello Miss Lyrosa and Boris, what do you need? I could have come to you guys."

Dang, we had forgotten about that. I'm glad though because now I know someone is out here, looking for me.

"Two questions. One, why does this mask change our eyes? All the citizens were looking at us as if we were crazy and Boris and I are very puzzled too."

Tobi nods and chuckles, "I bet. Listen, magic is very rare among cities and towns; but I used Delzen magic to change people's physical appearance a bit. With the masks, I put magic in it as it was being manufactured for situations like this. Trust me, certain people have come here and so I made the masks."

"Does nobody else know about this?"
"They do know that Delzen magic exists, but they were probably judging the fact that you two were wearing masks. People wonder about it because a lot of them know that runaways and people of that kind are rare, but can happen. I'm sorry that they were staring but I can't blame them. You guys do look different."

"Yes sir, unnaturally looking."
"Correct. The downside with this specific magic is that it makes things look unnatural, it can't be mastered because even the best magic-wielders in this town can't master it. Only those of Iprellis can." Tobi said.

My eyes widened, "Iprellis?"

"Yes, I thought you would know? Iprellis does use magic more than Delzen, but I believe it is still rarely. I don't know what kind of magic, though."
"Sir, I have never encountered any magic there. My Mother severely banned it from most people."

"I see. I can see why since this is your first encounter."

"Okay, okay. Apart from that, I saw a Wanted poster with me on it." I started to overthink things again, so I changed the subject. It was still important, right?

"Wanted poster? In Delzen?" The leader said, confused.

"Yes, sir," Bo said.


"I think it is a few blocks back, it-"

I was interrupted by a guard rushing into the office.

"Mr. Tobi! We have to hide Miss Lyrosa and Boris even harder than before! I saw that people in black suits and those in Iprellis uniform are here, sir!"

"What?!" Tobi said, turning into a serious stance.

"Come with me, NOW!" He yelled. We immediately followed him, and so did the guard. Bo held my hand tighter than ever, our palms both sweaty. Mine had to be worse, though. Everything regarding me must be worse.



Chapter Thirteen: Further Underneath


The three of us were following the leader of the town. We followed him into the back of the building, where a small chariot sat. The back of the building was hard to see, so nobody would have known that he owned this.

We got on immediately, the guard in the front and me and Bo in the back. Tobi opened the gate and got on, being the driver. He whipped the horse and immediately the horse neighed, starting up its legs. Within seconds, we were out of the gate.

Nobody spoke. For me, it was because I was fearful. Bo was probably protecting me by nobody hearing us and I knew he was already fearful too. We looked to see where we were going. People were scrambling out of the way as we went to parts of the town I had never seen. I hope nobody gets run over by the damn chariot! Everyone seemed prepared, which was good. I kind of wanted people to get hit, only because I want the victims to be the lurkers from Iprellis and Wrenwood.

Out of sudden fear, I put my head down. I didn't want to see any of those actual lurkers nor did I want them to see me. Once again, Bo and I held hands and I felt a sense of comfort. I also felt tears well up and I tried to hold them back, it could affect the Delzen magic in my mask.

"Don't cry," Bo said. I saw he was looking at me. He was about to cry too.

After what seemed like forever, the chariot came to a stop.

"Get off, hurry now!" Tobi said. Everyone got off the vehicle and what was in front of us was a small building, very small. It was the size of a one bedroom house, almost. It was a dark blue and it run down.

"We had to relocate you two to the farther back of the city, we're almost at the outskirts of town. This house is where we have to hide you guys. If we find that anyone is actually here then I will find Ryuna, the master of magic here, to make the house invisible."

"Shouldn't you do it now-" I said.

"No time. Get in, get in." Tobi said. We followed his directions and Bo and I entered the house. Before we closed the door, Tobi said:

"There is no emergency phone here, so whatever you guys do, do not leave the house unless me or a guard gives direction, understood?"

"Yes, sir." We both said. Tobi nodded and left with the guard on his chariot. Why is everything suddenly becoming so much more serious and fast? I'm starting to think we should have never come here. Hiding in an abandoned forest is much more ideal for me.

Bo closed the door behind me. The house was definitely not luxurious, it was low-class basically. I actually hated this, but I understand why it was built like this. We both looked around the small house. Exploring was probably less than two minutes. There was one bed. No way I'm sleeping with this dude.

"Hey, wait!"

I followed the voice of my friend into the bedroom. He was looking down at the ground next to the bed. I looked closely and I saw there was a door on the ground, severely blended in with the floor. There was a metal knob-looking thing. I blinked and my mask fell off. After a second of blurry vision, I couldn't see the door at all.

"Bo, take off your mask because I can't see the door anymore."

He followed my rule and did so. He couldn't see the door or the knob either.

"Is this apart of the magic where things are hidden?" I ask.

"Most likely since Tobi was talking about the girl being able to use magic to disguise the house."

I put my mask back on and open the door. All I saw was a ladder going down a dark hole. The walls surrounding the ladder looked exactly like the ones from the basement back in the Palace of The Royal Guardians. Suddenly, I felt something familiar. I think it was the feeling of the light. That basement light.

"Bo, no time to explain. I have to go down there."

"No way, we probably shouldn't."

"We? I said me. This might lead to something I've been wanting to know about for years."

"Whatever it is, don't be so brave. Don't do it. This is for our safety."


Bo looked at me seriously. I took a step forward and he grabbed my hand to the point where it hurt.

"Dude!" I yelled, trying to escape his grasp.

"Lyrosa, listen. This is for us. Don't be so god damned stupid! I'm not going to die because of you!"

"Me? Says the one who could have got me caught because of the people in the black suits! I don't know what got into you!"

He ignored what I had to say. We both stared at each other. I learned a tactic I heard from my Father while he was training guards. The tactic was to stare at the person hurting you because they will eventually get discouraged and stop whatever they were doing. Of course, with Bo, a guard, it may not work. He was probably trying to use the same trick on me. I dug my nails into his fingers but he persisted.



Finally, he let me go. I saw my hands and his grip caused blood to draw. My hand was shaking and my heart felt dead inside. What the hell is going on with Bo?

I saw his hand and it was drawing blood as well. We had nothing to treat it with.

I sat down against the wall and started to cry as I held my bleeding hand. It wasn't bleeding that much, but something in my body told me to cry. I removed my mask and never opened my eyes.

Suddenly, I felt arms wrapped around me. I opened my eyes to see Bo hugging me. I felt safe. I felt peace with that. I felt sincerity.

"I'm so sorry. My guard instincts were half kicking in and I care about you and myself. You were suddenly just so brave that I thought something was wrong and so I acted the same way. I really shouldn't have run away because you have an actual reason to do that. If I had stayed in Wrenwood, then I would never have caused you to bleed. You possibly could still be in the forest with less worry. I feel that I really should not have even run away to put into basic words." From his tone, he was crying.


We stayed like this for a minute, forgetting all about the light calling me.

After we let go of the hug, I saw that the mask was no longer effective.

"Bo! Your Mask! Your eyes went back to normal!"

Bo's eyes widened and he ripped off the mask.

"You must be right because I didn't feel any changes." He cursed under his breath.

"Don't you dare even go down that door now." He said.

"I won't, but only for you."

"Well, now I guess I'm glad I ran away?"

I roll my eyes. At least he was feeling better. With my words saying I won't, I don't think I'm being fully truthful. I felt the light again. I may end up going down there now that his mask is defective. I put my mask beside me.

From that moment on, I suddenly didn't trust Tobi. The only person I trusted was Bo, even if it means he's not going to trust me later.


I looked out the window and saw that it was nighttime. Bo was asleep in the bed, and he was snoring. A heavy sleeper he must be which was good. I quietly put my mask on. I adjust to it and see the door on the ground. I slowly open it and I grab the ladder and I swing my foot onto it. I slowly start climbing down. I really hope Bo doesn't wake up because he may not be able to see the door, but he'll know where I am.

The closer I go down, the more I sense the light. I felt anxiety grow and fear. I kept climbing down. If I could do it once, then I'm sure I could do it twice. I look down and see the floor. It was the same as the one in Iprellis. What on earth?

I reach the end but I didn't let go of the ladder just in case. I was able to see an entrance of some sort without anybody seeing me.

All I could make out was a throne of some sort and I could hear people...screaming? I look closer and saw from the corner that there were people in cages! They looked like all sorts of people, old, young, rich, poor. I wanted to climb back up and rip my mask apart, but something told me to stay.

"Who's ready to be inflicted with dark magic?" I hear a voice say over the sudden silence of the prisoners. It sounded familiar. I haven't heard the voice in so long.


I climb back up at the speed of light. Faster than anything I have ever done in my entire life. I eventually reach the top, feeling the light need me more than ever. I ignored it.

I climbed back up and I slammed that door shut and I threw my mask across the room.


I let my vision adjust and I see Bo standing over me. He looked scared and irked at the same time.

"I tell you not to go down there!"

"I know, I know, but something made me go down there. I don't know what, but it was some type of craving that used to be there in Iprellis."

"What did you see? You look like you've witnessed a murder along with you throwing your mask."

With that question, I couldn't answer. I felt like I was going to be executed if I did. All I did was look at him.


I wanted to tell him everything so bad but the trembling fear is more than I can take. I don't feel alone in my skin anymore. I feel like a bomb about to go off. I feel like I am going to die.

"M-mother..." That is all I could say.


Chapter Fourteen: Insoluble Mysteries


"What are you talking about?"

I grabbed Bo's arms, feeling like I'm going to pass out. He looked at me. He was ready to listen.

"Econyuu....matii i hayugo...maijutaa...Ipreliissu..."

Prisoners. Dark Magic. Screaming. Iprellis. That was all I could say. My instinct made me say it in Crushah. My mind was just scattered all over the place.

"I don't know Crushah that well. Please, English. I know you can tell me. Nobody is here to come get you right now. All I could decipher was Iprellis."

I let go of his arms, just staring at him. I collapsed to the floor and sat on the floor. I just want to run away again and never look back.

"P-prisoners...dark m-magic....screams...Iprellis." I said, now staring at the wall. I felt my heart rotting inside as I said those words. I look over to the door that I can no longer see. I felt that it would open any second.

"Is this what your Mother is doing?" Bo said, sitting by me and holding my hand.

I slowly turn my head and nod.

"Dark magic...does that even exist? I thought it was a myth." Bo said, trying to stay calm. I said nothing and continued to stare at the wall.



My eyes opened and I shot up from whatever I was laying in. It was just the bed. Only the bed. I felt something on my head flop onto my lap. It was a wet rag. I couldn't remember anything except for me arriving here. I suddenly didn't see Bo and I was starting to worry immediately.

"Boras!" I yelled out of fear. Where is he? I became so afraid.

"Lyrosa, it's okay, I'm right here." He said, running into the room. I felt slight relief.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"Well, you passed out at the mystery."


"I don't know if I want to tell you because you might pass out again."

"Tell me. I feel more okay than I was before we got here."

Boras explained what I told him which was last night, it was morning right now. All the memories came flooding back. I think I felt the same as I did before I passed out, but lesser.

"Oh, r-right," I said.

"Stay in bed, Lyrosa. Don't think about it."

I nod and lay down, staring at the ceiling. He sat next to me, feeling the soft touch of his hand once again.


Sitting next to Lyrosa, I was thinking so hard on the little information she gave me. She said she ran away because her Mother is evil. I guess she found out that the dark magic is being used on random prisoners? If so, then where did dark magic come from? I swear I thought it was fake...but screaming? Were people being attacked with it? How? Can someone tell me otherwise? All the questions ran through me just like Lyrosa. I wanted to go down myself using her mask, but I have to be the strong one and protect her at all costs. I care about her and she is the one being searched for the most. She really should not have gone down there anyway. She probably would have found out soon enough, but if only it was while she was in a better mindset. I sigh and look over at her, she was looking up at the ceiling.

Lyrosa, if you were damaged this bad, then I would have taken your place. You're too pure, kind, and beautiful to be in this situation. I wish I could tell you but now is not the time. I wish I knew about this weird magic and I wish I knew your mother's plans. But I don't, Lyrosa.

"Why are you looking at me?" Lyrosa asks as she was looking back at me without even realizing it.

"No reason," I said, and I enjoyed this moment while it lasted.


I went to go see if there was any food somewhere in this house. Bo didn't want me to leave the room, but I did anyway. I opened the small fridge and there was nothing. The water faucet in the sink happened to be working and there were a few clean cups in the cabinets thankfully. I brought water to Bo.

"Thank you very much, I really needed this." He said, smiling at me. I smile back, feeling that sense of comfort coming back.

I didn't dare think of the situation right now. I felt safe, and that was all that mattered right now. I'm shocked that I even said that, but I guess passing out was healing me slowly, very, very, slowly.


Chapter Fifteen: Runners on The Run

 It was the evening right now and Bo and I had talked all day about random stuff more than we ever have. I feel a connection with him like he's my best friend that I've known for a long time. Somehow, I forgot everything that was wrong in my life. All was good right now. We were basically surviving on water. We were very hydrated now and we were filled up. I really wish I could take a bath, though. The faucet in the bath doesn't work and that tub is super dirty anyway.

"Tobi has yet to come around, do you think people are really here?"

"I hope not. I don't need to get my hopes up, but I feel safe right now."

"When you say you feel safe, elaborate on that."

"I feel protected by you and you're like a best friend to me and you just make me feel safe, along with this more secretive place that I hope won't be found."

"I'm glad," Bo says, his face starting to turn pink. I laugh and he gets embarrassed.

"Anyway, you seem to be doing better."

"I am, but I know that's only going to last a very short time."

"I hoped you wouldn't say that, but it's better than nothing."

We talked for a bit more until we heard a knock on the door. I suddenly became how I always have been: Alert, anxious, scared.

Bo looked through the peep-hole and opened the door. It was only Tobi.

"Yes, sir?" My best friend said, suddenly in a guard stance.

"We thoroughly searched the town, and nobody from Iprellis or Wrenwood is here. However, the foreigners here are just citizens as it is in the records."

"Really? That's so great!" I said happily. I still didn't feel fully trusting of him, though.

"Oh, sir, I need to talk to you for a moment," Bo said, beckoning him inside. He obliged and went inside. They talked in the other room quietly and it was almost inaudible. I could hear them, but I didn't know what they were saying. I was feeling a bit anxious at that. Bo telling him something without me hearing? That seems a bit suspicious.

"You two, come with me. I am going to relocate you back to the luxury apartments since Boris was telling me about that...door."

"Are you sure it's actually safe?"

"Why yes, as a leader I assure you-"

"Last time you had to relocate us because of what a guard told you, which was untrue."

"Lyrosa." Bo looked at me and chided me. I rolled my eyes.

"I understand why you're not fully trusting of me, but I promise you that I am telling the truth," Tobi said.

I grit my teeth and finally go outside with them. I get on the chariot and see the same guard waiting. I don't talk on the way back to the apartment, even though everyone there was trying to speak to me. I don't feel safe right now. At all.

Halfway through the ride, we stop. I look around to see what it was. We were in the middle of Delzen. I get nervous. Why on earth would we be stopping? That's the last thing that needs to happen right now.

"We have a busted wheel," Tobi said.

"Are you serious? No, tell me you're joking. Fix it!" I said. I don't care that I'm being snarky right now. This is the greatest timing ever along with me not trusting anyone excluding Bo. I'm probably going to be caught right here, right now.

The three men tried to fix it, but they were struggling. I never learned how to fix a chariot wheel or any wheel for that matter. If they can't do it, then I definitely can't do it either.

"We can't fix it, what are we going to do now?" Bo said, having a slight attitude like me.

"I-I'm not sure," Tobi said. People in the background were watching. Great.

"What do you mean you don't know?" The guard of Delzen said. The three started arguing and I didn't even bother to do anything. I have nowhere to hide.

"Hello, Lyrosa." An unfamiliar voice said.

Everyone stops and turns around. It was a black suit woman.

Bo and I looked at each other and we started running the opposite direction of the lady. We ran faster than ever. We were pushing through a crowd of confusion and we had no idea where we were going.

We didn't look back. Not this time. We ran through the slight fog and through many roads of people. This place was too small for forests or hiding spots. Bo and I held hands so we don't lose each other. We saw a big tree and hid behind it, catching our breaths. I was sure this was our death spot, but there was no black suit lady. We stopped for two minutes before we continued to run.

Soon enough, we saw the elevator, the entrance! We ran into the elevator full of people coming in and out. I pushed the up button one too many times. It wouldn't close.

"Come on!" I yelled. I looked up and saw the black suit lady running toward us, she must have followed the main road.

Bo got in front of me like a shield. I wanted to do the same, but she seems to be here for me. I saw the door closing finally and she was only a few steps away. The second the door closes, her foot gets between it, causing the elevator to open back up, we were somehow the only ones in there.

I scream as she goes inside with us. Bo pushes her and punches her in the face, making her move out of the elevator. Before she can come back in, the elevator closes and starts moving back to the surface.

"Boras..." I whispered. He was still shielding me. Everything was in slow motion as he looked at me. He saved me. It was only one small action, but now I feel so thankful for him.

I switched back to reality immediately as the elevator opened back up. I followed behind Bo as we ran through the incoming citizens but my eyes never left him. I didn't lose sight of him.

We ran through the opening gate to Delzen Hollow as the guards called out to us. We ignored them and ran back into the bushes in which we originally came from. We rushed through them and we ran, forgetting the route.

We finally collapsed from being out of breath. I look up to see that we were in the orchard from a while ago. There were fewer apples now. I think winter is coming.

For what seemed like forever, we were able to start running again, Bo still in front.

Then, there were black suit people in front of him. We turned around but they were there too. I suddenly felt the urge to fight them. I think it was because of Bo. I felt the sense of comfort for some reason and I tried to remember everything about fighting from when I was little in seconds. The black suits came running toward us, and I punched the first one in the face and I elbowed the second one. The third one got their arms around my neck but I grabbed their arm and managed to pull them off of me, throwing them to the ground. I turned around to see Bo struggling a bit, trying to protect me. I kicked one about to stab Bo in the chin and the other one tried to come at me. I grabbed the knife from the ground and stabbed them in the chest, causing them to groan out in pain. Bo managed to throw the last one to the ground. We ran for our lives before they could get back up, the knife still in hand.

"Damn, Lyrosa! Badass much?" Bo managed to spit out. I laughed and felt good about myself. I actually felt alive!

We ran into a forest. I believe it was the same one as last time but I can't fully remember. We stopped halfway through it and we climbed up a tall tree near us. We climbed about four branches.

I felt like my body was going to shut down because I pushed its limit of running. Bo seemed to be too. We caught our breath once again.

"Do you think we lost them?" Bo asked.

"I think so-"

I felt myself falling off the tree. Then, everything went black.


Chapter Sixteen: Echoes of a Shadow


I open my eyes like it seems like I've been doing all this time. My vision was blurry and I was in an unclear state within my surroundings. Once my eyes adjust, I was in an empty room. The walls were gray, like brick, and the floor was white, and that was it. It was very enclosed too like I was in rehab. I couldn't tell where I was or where anyone else was. I stood up and walked around, seeing if there was anything secret of some sort in this weird room. I touched all over the walls and floor, becoming desperate that I find an escape or someone else here.

The more I touched the walls, the weirder it felt. It felt unnatural, like liquid almost. I felt as if I could stick my hand through the wall.

I then asked myself:

Is this a lucid dream?

Testing it, I leaned my hand against the wall really hard. It felt like jelly, which made me fall through. I looked at the outside of this building that I was in. The outside looked like the colors of the stairs in my basement back home. I saw the light sitting on top of the building which had no roof. I look behind me, it was nothing but dark blue and green color, it was also below me. There were objects floating, they looked like white lines but with letters written on them. I stand up, seeing that I'm not even falling. I'm sure I'm dreaming.

Walking toward the thick white line, I was able to touch it. It felt like paper. The letters read from up to down. I managed to read:


It was in Crushah, it meant 'burn.' How strange. I never had a lucid dream before, so I was trying to imagine different words that were more pleasant. I saw a few lines close to me change. I check what they said:


Vic a to.

Liiu ni tierro a pato.

Perish. Just die. Give me your life.

I was starting to get creeped out. Was my mind just to messed up to change? Is this lucid dream even working? I read words similar to what I read earlier. Something isn't right. What was it?

I look behind me to see something in the distance. I couldn't make out what it was, but it looked silver and blue. I started walking towards it. The closer I got, the more it started to look like something I knew. Closer and closer I went. It started to look more like a person in armor. Running is what I have come too, just like I always had been.

I was able to make out the figure, and it was indeed a person. It looked like the person was wearing armor from Wrenwood. He had brown hair.

Armor from Wrenwood.

Brown hair.


The figure was floating in the position of someone drowning. I held him up, and it was Bo, but with the eyes of the Delzen Hollow magic. They were half open. He wasn't moving. I wasn't sure whether to be worried or not, as this is a dream. The white lines suddenly became black, the letters became unreadable as it faded away in the black. My heart started to pound. I looked left, right, and down to see if there was anyone else or anything else. There was not until I looked up.

A shadow-like figure was appearing above me, holding a picture frame. The figure had a feminine body and long, brown hair in a long black robe. I couldn't see its face. From what I could make out from the picture, it was me. The same picture as the Wanted poster I saw recently. Unable to make out the figures face, the picture frame was dropped and instead of it landing on the invisible ground, it fell into the endless void of this place.

The shadow looked at me, and I could see its face. It looked like a mix of so many people that I once knew. Mother, Evelyn, some female citizens that I have seen in Iprellis. It looked like all those people, but it had small cracks all over its face. It looked like an overall nightmare. I stared back at the shadow girl, wanting to look away. I didn't, though. I blinked a few times and it was in front of me, smiling at me. The smile was crooked and big. It was super unnatural.

I look beside me and Bo was gone. I looked back at the mysterious lady.

"Lyrosa." She said. Her smile became bigger and she held her hand out to me. Those words of her started to echo infinitely. I decided to do what I do best, which was to run.

Swatting her hand away, it went through her like a ghost as I started to run away. I felt as if I was running faster than I did before. I started to sweat for some reason and everything turned numb. Something made me come to a stop for no reason. I felt a tight grip on my leg.

I went into the void.

The blackness made me feel irrationally sad and worried. I couldn't see anything but the lady's face. She was coming toward me. I tried to run, but she was faster. She caught my arm and the echo started again:


I tried to speak, but I couldn't. I think it was just one of those things in a dream.


I attempted to imagine this figure going away but I couldn't. I tried to just imagine it disappearing forever. I then imagined myself punching it in the face out of anger and I felt her grip on me loosen. She acted like I really punched her. Is this how to lucid dream like this? Is this something important that only I could destroy?

"Don't use your mind, Lyrosa, you'll die." The figure whispered, only hearing my name echo. Not listening to the demon shadow, I imagined myself punching and kicking her in self-defense mode like I learned when I was little. I heard her groaning and acting in pain.

She suddenly ran up to me and put her hand over my forehead. I suddenly couldn't think.

I couldn't touch her because she was like a ghost. I felt her long nail touch my heart, I suddenly felt like my body was shutting down. I felt like I would die in real life if I were to die in this strange dream too. Then, her touch stopped and I felt like I could breathe again. I look to my right to see Bo there. I felt happy. He helped me up and because he couldn't talk, he pointed at his brain then proceeded to do signals as if he was using a sword to fight. I think I knew what he was talking about.

Without question, I ran from everyone and imagined I was fighting her with a long, silver sword the Iprellis guards would use, the first weapon in my head.

I could hear the silence cease and the echoes of my name continue with the extra pain noises in the background. Finally, I imagined myself hitting her in the heart; and for a split second, I swear I saw a light inside of her, the same light of the basement.


I was in a hospital bed and everything felt normal. I had awoken. I look up to see Bo, Tobi, and a doctor.

"Miss Lyrosa, we found you after fighting off the black suited people, and you had head damage. You're in the Delzen Hollow hospital. Luckily, your damage didn't get to your brain. But while you were asleep, you kept tossing and turning as if you were being tortured on the inside." Tobi said, smiling at me with a hint of worry.

"Oh, really? I think it was because of..."

I heard the echoes replay in my head.

"Just a strange lucid dream I had that I never had before. It was pretty scary too. Let's just say I had to fight off a shadowy demon."

Everyone looked at each other in a strange manner and back at me.

"Miss Lyrosa, please refrain from speaking any longer. We need to run more tests." The doctor said. He put a rag on my head and back to sleep I went.


Chapter Seventeen: Infirmary


I spent the whole day in the hospital. The doctor was feeding me a lot and giving me a lot of water to drink. He also did many brain scans and tests, and all of them came back with no problems. He acted like me having a lucid dream regarding my state of mind is really bad. I'm not sure whether he's overreacting or it's actually a bad signal. From time to time, I could hear the echoes of my name.

After a day of all the scans and questions, I was sent back to the luxury apartments like originally planned. I was taken in a chariot by a guard on an alternate route, a more "secret" way, he says. I don't believe it, but at least I could get home at least safely. Tobi and Bo had left the hospital earlier because of the questions I was asked. I was asked about the description of the general dream. I didn't answer all of it truthfully because I didn't trust most people and I feel like it is something to be kept to oneself.

I knocked on the door to the apartment Bo was in, impatient. I was ready to take a bath and feel okay for a few moments again. I imagined myself opening the door just because. Then the door opened. I felt fear for a second but it was just Bo behind the door. He had opened it for me. I chuckled, wondering if I'm going crazy.

Later that night, I was laying in the same bed as a few days ago within this apartment. It felt good to be clean again. I had a new set of clothes on as well. Bo and I also didn't really talk a lot today. I think he knew me well enough to know I wasn't in the mood to talk right now. He was already asleep.

I relaxed in my bed. I wasn't feeling all too tired due to the infirmary. I started to wonder about the dream.

Who was this lady?

Growing up, I always heard that if you dream about someone, you have actually seen them in real life. I now don't believe that, as I would know if I saw something as horrendous and confusing as whatever, whoever, that was.

I ended up staying up the whole night due to the sleep previously and I was deep in thought about that lady, but I could never figure out what it was or who it was exactly.


Chapter Eighteen: Dead of Night


I woke up in the afternoon and everything for most of today was going pretty okay. The lady still wouldn't leave my thoughts, as if I was attached to the memory of her. Somehow, I thought about it so much that I wasn't even bothered by it anymore. I'm sure I would find out at some point. I wish I could lucid dream again or even remember my dreams in general. That would really help me.

"Do you think we're safe for today?" Bo suddenly asked me as I was laying in my bed.

Without looking at him, I answered him. "I don't even know anymore. Every day we have to be running, running, running because I'm a lost Princess. Well, run away."

"Right, but I feel like we will."

"How come?"

"I don't know, today and yesterday seemed pretty peaceful, and after you fell off the tree, Tobi and his guards helped me fight off the guards. When we returned to the city, I looked everywhere and I no longer saw any Wanted signs or anything else of that matter."

"Thanks, Bo, but you know that's going to change in an instant."

Bo shrugged. I don't know how he can be so positive about this, he seems more comfortable being on the run. I guess I can understand, it's been about, what, almost three months? I'm not sure, but that's my wild and probably inaccurate guess.


"What do you mean 'why' Lyrosa?"

"Why are you so positive and comfortable about being on the run? Not sure if it's just me, but you used to be a bit less positive about things. Don't you think this world is mad?"

"I'm sure I'm the same me, but I do agree that this world is seriously crazy, especially knowing about your situation. I'm also trying to be the protector, so I don't speak my mind or freak out."

"I sure don't remember that."

"Well being related to this, did your scans go okay?"

"Yes, they did, I didn't forget anything," I said in a cold manner.

"Alright, got it, sorry," Bo said, sitting at the dining table.

That night, I had looked out the window multiple times and there seemed to be fewer people then there usually were. I decided not to mind it, for obvious reasons.

"Is it just me, or is there fewer people out?" I heard Bo ask. I look to see he was looking at the side of his window. Well, guess I should mind it just like every little thing.

"Yeah, I was thinking of that," I said, looking back out again.

"Don't worry about it."

"Then why did you even point it out?"

"I don't know, I'm just trying to make conversation."

I roll my eyes. I did start thinking about it. From all the times I saw people out at night, there was quite a lot, even late at night. Now it was scarce, less than 10 people out probably. I was staring out in a trance. I saw a middle-aged woman sitting at the edge of a mini fountain in front of the building. She looked happy, with no worry of this mad world. I wished I could feel just like her. Then, I saw that something pulled her under the fountain. I blink and wipe my eyes with my hands. She was sitting the same way at the fountain again. Was I hallucinating? Have I officially gone crazy?

"I think I'm going crazy."

"No, you're not."

"I just hallucinated though."

"Probably just in your head, maybe? Or maybe you're just more tired in reality?"


"Well, what was your hallucination?"

"I saw a woman outside looking happy, then she was pulled under the fountain. But when I cleared up my eyes, that never really did happen."
"Let me see."

He looks out the window on my side of the room.

"There's nobody there. The woman probably just happened to leave, though."
"Great timing for everything, right?"

Bo looked at me hopelessly. I ignore it and force myself to think that I'm really just going crazy, I'm sure of it now. I lay down and doze off for only a few hours.


Broken sleep. I awoke to the sound of screaming, it sounded familiar. I shoot up from bed and let my vision adjust. I look out the window and see a big amount of people screaming and running all over the place.

"Bo!" I yell, running to his bed and slightly pushing him.

"Hm..." He says, waking up.

"Wake up! NOW."

After a minute which seemed like forever, he got up and I took his hand and led him to the window on my side. He stared for a second until he was awake and alert.

"Oh. My. God."

We both saw black suits outside with guns and some even using some type of magic.

"We have to hide. Now." I said. Bo agrees and pushes the curtains shut. We lock everything and we hide in the bathroom, every light turned off. We jumped in the empty tub and pulled the shower curtain over the tub.

"Oh my god. This is all my fault." I whisper to myself, feeling breathless. Bo comforts and protects me by putting his arms around me. The screams were heard for a while.

We hid for a long time, not one of us even thinking of dozing off. I was silently crying, wishing to die, wishing to never have left Iprellis. It would have been smarter to just take Mother's magic or whatever she's using. Maybe Evelyn-


It hit me even harder. She's probably dead. She's most likely gone. I think that was that feeling of my heart breaking when I first came to Delzen Hollow. I should never have been Princess Lyrosa. I should have been Dead or Never Born Lyrosa.

"I'm sorry..."
"Don't be, it's really all your mother's fault. I don't really blame you for running away." Bo whispered to me.

After a few more minutes, I stood up.

"What are you doing? Sit back down." Bo demanded.

"I have to check to make sure it's safe."
"Don't be so stupid, remember what happened last time you did something like this?"

"You do stuff on your own without me and from what I see, it's not a good thing."

"Do we just hide forever?"

"That's what we've been doing this whole time, right?"

"Bo," I said.

We heard the front door open loudly as if it was kicked down. I sat back down immediately. I held my breath. We heard footsteps around the apartment.

"Where is this damned Princess?" A voice of a man said.

"She obviously isn't here, along with that boyfriend bodyguard of hers." Another man said.

Bodyguard boyfriend?

I heard the footsteps fading.

"Wait, we missed the bathroom."

Oh. No.

The bathroom door was kicked opened it seems and there was a loud thud. I tried not to jump at the sound. Bo and I didn't move. We didn't breathe. We felt like we didn't exist.

After about twenty seconds, the footsteps left the room. For a minute, we still heard them. Barely a second later, they were inaudible. I think they left. Still, Bo and I didn't move nor speak.

Bo looked at me and said, "Are they-"


I looked behind me and saw a man in a black suit, the lights flickered on and that was when I saw a blue spark hit my face.

As if it was a transition, I was back in the dreamland from earlier. For the whole time, the shadow lady looked at me from a far distance as my imagination didn't work. She also did nothing.

The more I looked at her, the more familiar she was. Her face molded into one person and one person only then from the last time I saw her. From what I could see with her cracks, she looked like...


She was staring at me and I saw a red flare of something in her hand, I think it was magic. The echoing of my name started again, and it sounded like her voice this time.

It caused me to suffer this whole dream.


Chapter Nineteen: The Truth of Chambers


That's what I awoke to. I was confused out of my mind, it was so loud. I couldn't open my eyes. No matter how hard I tried, it was impossible. It felt like they were actually glued shut or something, and it feels like they really were. The screaming, however, was causing me a headache not to mention a great amount of fear. I felt like I was packed in with people. I couldn't feel anything else. I was wondering if I was dreaming again in blackness, and the screams were the imagination of my mind.

"Open her eyes." A voice of a woman said. I was suddenly confused. Where am I? Wait, is this what I'm thinking of? The chamber or dungeon? I could suddenly feel the light again.

No way. It was.

I felt the great anxiety grow in me so much more than ever. I broke into a cold sweat, feeling like I'm about to pass out.

I felt a hand touch my forehead, then my eyes. My eyes opened in an instant, no vision needing to adjust. A great lust of every negative emotion coming to me. What I was looking at was horrible.

The screaming turned silent. In front of me were gray walls and white floors, just like in the dream. The throne I saw earlier was there, too. A red carpet was sprawled out from me to the throne. A globe of some sort was next to the throne, but instead of planet Earth, it was just red glistening balls of magic I think it was. Blacksuits were everywhere. I was at a higher level compared to everyone below. I didn't realize what was around me until I touched it. Rusted, golden bars. Beside me, the same. Prisoners packed in with me, desperate. I, along with many other people, was in giant bird cages. Some higher, some lower. Giant cages. In the basement of my own home. Or at least I think it was my own home. I look to see the spot where I climbed the ladder, but it was invisible. It was made with magic too.

For some reason, I could not cry. I could only lament but in a small amount.

Was I really trapped? Caught because I ran away? With the dark magic or what that might be? Is this really my fate?

This must be the end.

I held onto the bars tighter. Where are my friends? Bo? Evelyn? Maybe even Tobi? All these questions weren't answerable. This is really the end.

"Hello, my beautiful prisoners." A familiar voice said. I look up and see her enter the room. Everyone was more silent than before, as quiet as a pin dropping. She looked at me and smirked. The one I hate. The evil infested woman. Cysara Iprellanan. Mother.

"As you all know, I finally was able to catch the elephant in the room today. If you look over in the middle, you can see her."
Everybody looked over and they were all looking at me. After exchanging a few glances, I kept my eyes on my Mother and her only. She was the elephant in the room, not me.

"After about three months, we were finally able to catch her. Her name is Lyrosa Iprellanan if you don't know, which you should. She is my daughter who betrayed me and now knows of all my plans. Now clap for her arrival!"
Prisoners were quiet for a second before they started clapping, one by one it seems. It was obvious that they didn't want to clap for me being captured by the evil Mother of mine.

"Now that she's here, I can finally continue infecting you all with dark magic where you all will continue to be my slaves. Too bad Lyrosa didn't stay, she could have ruled with me, but now I know her heart is too 'good' for this, so she will watch all her loved ones die on the inside and become a slave! Then it's your turn, daughter of mine."

She continued:

"Wetous i hayuga tiro Evelyn, jui h Boris, jui h syuo a niotua." First I'll start with Evelyn, then Boris, then a few of the citizens.

"Bihaey vidro j iupo..." I whisper to myself, instincts telling me to say it in Crushah: "Please, don't do this." Mother started laughing.

"Maybe Evelyn will actually die for disobeying my rule about no teaching Lyrosa Crushah! Everyone, laugh!"

Everyone started laughing at me, all sounding fake except for her own. I collapsed to my knees. I guess she could hear everything I was saying, do I dare even question this?

Once the laughter quieted down, Mother left the room for a second and came back with Evelyn in metal handcuffs. I clenched my fists heavily, staring at this Evelyn. This Evelyn is different. Her medium brown hair was now short to her ears, messy. She looked like she hadn't eaten in a while along with sleeping. Her clothes were torn just like mine. She looks like a runaway. What did they do to her?

"Are you seeing this, Lyrosa?"
I was now angry to the core:
"STOP!" I had yelled, my hands on the bars and my head almost touching it. I was on my knees at this point. Evelyn looked at me, not in any happiness or relief, but fear. I looked at her the same way.

"Oh, why should I?" Mother asked, putting her arm on Evelyn's shoulder to anger me more. I felt the waterworks starting up inside me mixed with boiling anger.

"Why are you doing this? You were always so nice to everyone! What made you like this?"

Mother's green eyes went to blue for a split second before she shook her head and replied:

"Lyrosa, Lyrosa. You're really dumb, aren't you? I was always this way, I just didn't have enough power and notoriousness to go through with my plan. It's called putting on a fake smile."

A dictator she was, then. Maybe I was dumb enough. Everyone must have been dumb. Father must have been. I wonder if he's even alive or is planning something too.

"What will you gain from this? Nothing about this is like you!" I yelled, feeling as if I was going to break these bars. Again, her eyes went from green to blue. Was this magic? Is she made of magic? Is she truly not like this?
"I will gain more power, and finally be able to take over this Earth under my rule. It will have me deal with fewer problems and more fortune; and for your information, this has always been me. You really must not know me you twit!" Mother roared at me, clenching her fists.

"Are you sure? I know you more than this, you aren't this evil woman. You're a caring ruler who loves me and everyone, you don't want to kill anyone, you-"

"SILENCE!" The Queen shouted, interrupting me. Her eyes went blue for a few seconds longer. I obeyed, watching her every move. Something tells me that this really isn't her.

"HER MOTHER INFLICTED HER WITH DARK MAGIC WHEN SHE WAS A TEEN-" Evelyn suddenly shouted, being interrupted by Mother slapping her in the face, causing her to fall to the ground.

Everyone in the room gasped excluding Mother and Evelyn. Even I had gasped. This whole time I've been here, I was thinking something was wrong. It all started to make sense. Mother never spoke of her Mother, only her Father. Whenever someone mentioned it, she would become alert. Evelyn once even caught her having an episode for no reason around 10 years ago. Was that Mother's dark magic truly taking over? Was I just too blind as a kid to see that?

Is all of this really done by the works of Queen Cysara? No, I believe Evelyn. It was the magic, the dark magic.

"I have no idea what she's talking about, I simply found the dark magic from learning it in my free time. It is forbidden, yes, but I created it. Never was it somewhat also extracted from me, not...I don't know what the nonsensical words are for, Evelyn will be executed right in front of everyone in this room!"


I shook the cage, hoping it would open or fall down. It was useless. I would watch her die.

"Wait, wait, sweetie." Another familiar voice of a man said. He came into the room, my Father.

"What now?" Mother snapped at him.

"Don't you think we should start with a few citizens first? They are weaker after all and we have to make yitaou be more likely to look." Father asked, laughing at the prisoners. I had no idea what yitaou meant, is this even Crushah?

"Ah yes, Evelyn can also watch people die too, she is being punished too. Aren't you?" Mother said, looking at Evelyn, grinning at her.

"Uh, yes ma'am, I am." She said, looking down at the floor.

"Good, you can go in a cage, I'll let you pick one, at least I can be a little generous." My Mother said, pushing her towards the cages.

Evelyn looked back at Mother who nodded at her. She looked around, looking at the cage I was in the most. The ambiance became darker by the second.

"Lyrosa..." Evelyn whispered to herself. Then, black suits started pushing her toward my cage. The closer I saw her, the worse she looked. This is when my tears finally started to fall. I fled to the middle of the cage as she and the black suits got closer. I was too scared to even face anyone at this point.

The cage was lowered by black suits on the right of the room using a rope. The cage slowly started coming to the ground. I felt like I was getting motion sickness even by its slowness.

When it was fully lowered, the cage was opened. Someone next to me stared at the door, waiting for the perfect moment. Evelyn was thrown into the cage, hitting her back on the back of the rusted metal, it could be heard. My broken heart was also heard by me. This world is truly, ever so truly, mad and insane.

Right before the cage was closed, someone attempted to scramble out of there, as if it was a smart idea. His arm was able to reach out from the cage, but of course, he was quickly stopped in a matter of seconds by the black suits. "Now you're going to be one of the first victims." One of the blacksuits whispered after putting the man back into his cage. I looked over and saw his eyes. They were dark, dead, and welled up with tears. Most prisoners looked this way. Evelyn and I were next to each other finally. All we could do was stare at each other, too busy to even feel the cage lifting back up. When we finally looked away, we held hands tightly, not even enough to say a word.

"Now that everyone is imprisoned, shall we go forth with the dark magic?" Mother said, clapping her hands together and looking at us all. Everyone looked at each other. Mother's eyes went red for a second, and when I saw it, I started to say yes along with everyone else.

"Good, I knew you all would! Who should we start with?"


Everyone looked around until they saw the lowest cage to the ground. A man, middle-aged, was who said that. He was waving his hand around. Barely able to see, he looked like he had seen horrors and was within them for months.

Mother laughed, "I see! How energetic you are, but are you from Iprellis?"
The man hesitated, "N-no!"

"So sad then, guess you'll have to watch all your foreign friends and family die before you!" She said in a rude tone.

The man just sat there, staring at her. He nodded and put his knees up to his head, rocking back and forth. It killed me inside to watch.

"Alright, since nobody else will volunteer, we'll start with the first person in the first cage to your left."

To my left was the first cage, it was the highest. My guess is that the higher, the more suspense. All the people in that cage, however, scrambled to the back as it was becoming lower and lower.

I counted and saw that I was in the middle. A chill went up my spine thinking that, but I only know it'll get worse when I witness the infliction of the magic.

Horror was about to be seen. Me, Evelyn, and everyone else knew it. For fear was the only thing in this room.

Looking back over, someone was pulled from the cage by a blacksuit. This made all negative emotions begin to increase, second by second.


Chapter Twenty: Horrors Commencing

The prisoner that was pulled out was being handcuffed and pulled to the front of the room. The prisoner looked dead. He looked like he was ready for it. It made my heart break just only for him.

He looked up and saw Mother hover over him like a giant. She smirked and pulled the dark magic from the orb that was behind her. It was red, and moving all around her hand, it looked like lava almost. The blacksuits held his arms. She smiled one last time as she inserted the dark magic right into his heart. The lights started to flicker and he started to scream. His body looked like it was melting for a second but rebuilt. His whole body turned into the same color as the magic before he finally collapsed and fell to the ground. His body twitched and went back to normal for the most part. His hands and chest were still dark magic colored. The lights went back to normal and two of the blacksuits took him out of the room, never to be seen again. The horror killed me. All I could picture was the screaming and pain of his body changing and simply dying.

I think my eyes were dead like everyone else because Mother glanced at me and smirked and simply put her hands together in delight. Everything felt weird now, there was no way to put it.

I think I died inside.

After a silent moment, the blacksuits came back in with nobody in their hands.

“Get the next prisoner.” Mother said, looking at me the whole time with her infected eyes. I would have to watch this so many times and could I even survive just looking at it? No. I couldn’t, but I had to. Something compelled me to watch. As the next prisoner was being taken out, I slowly started to feel nothing.


10 people have already been infested with the dark magic, only a few requested death and Mother surprisingly obliged. The death was instead the blacksuits pulling out weapons with dark magic and beheading them like a guillotine. I felt so much shock and horror. I’m slowly starting to feel nothing anymore after the last few people that went and became a servant to this Mother of mine. All I really did at this next person was look as if I was watching something naturally. I could still feel their pain deep down inside. Mother didn’t seem too pleased with it. I’m sure she wanted me to suffer, which I already had enough. Perhaps she wanted me to be one of her slaves, but since I’m her daughter I would probably get worse treatment if she lets me stay in the Palace. I think requesting death is better. I left my thoughts for a moment as I heard loudly a few more screams and pains were heard as the dark magic orb was slowly running out. I watched it like an hourglass, but it would last for days.

Mother must have had enough because she glared at me and stopped the blacksuits from getting the few people from the second cage.

“Halt. I think my dear daughter has seen enough, I think it is her turn and she can suffer LESS.” Said she in a sarcastic tone. The two blacksuits looked at each other and nodded. My cage was being brought down to the ground. I felt no emotion but a slight sense of nervousness. Maybe it was because I was going to be in front of my Mother after some time. I would look into those eyes that I never knew were truly evil. Should I even try to see those true, innocent eyes behind her? Is it really going to be worth it? After all I’ve seen, would it even matter?

No. She already made you suffer enough. I know you will hate her forever, Lyrosa. There’s really no going back now.

I felt so hopeless at this point like always. This was another emotion I started to feel as the cage touched the floor. The floor of the damned. The blacksuits opened the cage and the blacksuits grabbed my arms tightly. I endured the pain but Evelyn was holding my arm too. I looked back at her as she looked at me in all sadness.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” I said. Her grip slowly loosened. The blacksuits took me out of the cage, revealing all the space I wanted. The room was bigger than from up high. This is the basement, chamber, killing place.

I looked in front of me. I was a few steps away from this Queen. My legs started to tremble and wobble the closer I got to her. It’s like I could feel her evil intentions and magic now, just like the light.

I didn’t realize it but I was now standing in front of her. There she was. Standing in front of me. Now I await my punishment.

“Look at you. You’re nothing but an ugly and low-class looking daughter who betrayed me.” Mother said. She shifted her eyes toward the cages in front of me. They were so much smaller. The prisoners started to laugh and even though I know they didn’t think it was funny, I still felt embarrassment.

“I’m sure you just want to die.

With those last three words, her eyes turned to the normal color that they really are. I could see sparkles around them when they switched. Is that magic? Is it dark? Delzen?

Is it a mask?

I suddenly felt determined to see if I could get that invisible mask off of her, or at least I hope that is the mask. I felt like I should play along to what she wants me to say.

“Yes. End it.”

Mother furrowed her brow but grinned after it. She laughed and put her finger on my nose to show that she was mocking me.

“How do you feel?”

“Nothing. Nothing at all.”

“You don’t seem too worried.”
“No. After all I’ve seen, just do it. You know you want me to be your little slave.”

Mother squinted her eyes at me in pure disgust as if I offended her. It was my intention to do so, but I didn’t think she would fully notice.

“Enough talk! I will commence with the inflicting of Lyrosa Iprellanan, betraying daughter of mine.”


Mother looked at me.



The sparkles from her face showed up again for a split second.

“Enough.” One of the blacksuits said. I didn’t respond but I waited for my chance.

When she turned around, I quickly ran and jumped on her back, clawing my nails into what I hope for was around her eyes. She screamed and was running all over the place faster than I thought. It made the blacksuits surprised and it made it more difficult for them to get me.

I felt some type of material around her, just like the mask I wore. I felt it leaving her eyes as I pulled harder. The people in the cage start cheering me on as if it turned into some type of battlefield. It raised my confidence quite a bit.

As the so-called-mask was about to come off her face, she stopped and grabbed my hands, digging her own nails into my own hands. It was only ten seconds before that this was all happening, and I’m not going to let her stop me like this. As if it felt like it came off, the blacksuits grabbed me and put handcuffs on me, forcing me to take a few steps back from Mother. She was on her knees facing the opposite of me. Her hands were over her face. It went silent.

“Queen Iprellanan?” One of the blacksuits said from the other side of the room. He walked up to her and she pushed him out of the way. She turned around and I had failed at taking off the mask, but she had small amounts of blood around that area.

“YOU.” She sneered, looking at me intensely as if she revealed her truest evil form yet. I felt a bit nervous but at the same time, I wasn’t scared.


My heart dropped at the thought of death, especially if it’s my own Mother, evil or not. The blacksuits pushed me to the front of the room. I looked up at Evelyn, who was giving a crooked smile. She was crying, but I think she’s happy that I’m not afraid to face people like that. I give her a quick smile. As I turn my head, I saw Mother forcing out big amounts of dark magic from the orb in the corner of my eye.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.06.2019

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