
I don’t know if my mom will ever come back for me, but what I do know she will come back.
I am Princess Jane and I will be respected, my job is to protect anyone. For now my best friend and I have to stay in the human world. I know escaping from my world is against the rules but I will go back until the queen has arrived. The only reason I'm in this world is, because I need to find Christian my loving prince NO matter what if he is my enemy we love each other. I’m here almost dyeing waiting for my donors for blood.
"Jane there is no donors but I got some blood from the woods"
"What do you mean from the woods Mitchi?" i took a deep breath; I was full of horror you could see it in my face.
"I killed the animals and with my magic I made them go back alive so drink some."
I mumbled I got up saying things then, I saw she got a box with at least 20 bottles of blood. The blood was rich and red it smelled sweet. Blood was like a drug to me telling me it wants more and more. I got a bottle weakly picking it up drinking it.
“Aren’t you going to drink?"
"Nope I have my box, it’s at the freezer I want it cold"
"Well you’re missing it Mitchi"

"But y"Mitchi I need to go to the reservation and sign up"
ou have no wolf power" she said grinning
"UH HELLO!" I yelled
“Remember I’m the powerful one in the world I’m one of the gods plus I’m half wolf I can join no matter what okay!"
"Oh I love when you say you’re the powerful one, you make me safe"
"I know Mitchi well I’m going to go change and"
"Look pretty like you always do" she interrupted
I ignored her comment and started going to my closet, my closet was something huge it was a size of a room and it had the most expensive things in it.
I got a red strapless shirt with some red skinny jeans. I went toward the shoes and went to see if I have the hidden blades in the boots, I grabbed them and put them on and then I went to the door. I was outside and I went to my car thinking something weird will happen today.

I went to the beach and I and I saw a man standing there he was about 19 years old he was cute he had no shirt; he had these sexy packs that I wanted to go hug him. Hey um is this the reservation team?
"Yes Janet"
"Wait how you know my full name?" I got scared but I had to know how he knew
"Oh it was my friends name and it just came out of my mouth"
"You sound familiar"
“You must be kidding, can you please show me your arm"
"Yes sure what ever"
"Nope you can't join" he said madly and with pain
"Why did I did something wrong"
"You’re not what we are"
"Are your sure your not going to let me in?"
"Yes completely sure a girl like you"
"Wait like what" I interrupted
“A weak girl a girl who can't be able to fight"
"Hmmm if you were in my kingdom you will be dead"
"KINGDOM! Your just a normal person who has powers but not that powerful" he burst out
"Watch" I eyed.
I turned to a wolf I was silver white with blue eyes, he looked at the symbol I had on my head. I watched him gasp. I started walking away.
"Tell everybody I was here but I do know you’re the leader of your wolf pack" I walked away and I started sprinting I went to my house leaving there my car.
I entered my house end I went to Mitchi room and there she was sleeping. I went to my room I got the blankets and went to sleep.
"Come back Janet come back" I heard whispers saying in my ear.
I started to feel fingers on my arm it was hot warm something that burned I reacted as soon I felt he was on my face I grabbed his hand and threw him on the floor and got my magic and I lift my hands and to shadows came out and hold him against the floor, I got out of my bed and quickly turned on the light and I saw him.
“You again why are you here" I said breathing deeply
"Who do you think I am?"
I went his face and touched his check
"No this can’t be" my heart started to go faster when I seen who he is.
"Why didn't you tell me it was you?"
"Because I still love you Janet, I still like when you lose the weakness and get you get closer too me."
"Then why did you treat me like this"
"Because I didn't want to hurt you more then I already did"
"Christian can't you understand I LOVE YOU don’t leave me again"
"I love you too" he got his hands and he touched me on the cheeks and started kissing me. We went on the bed and he stared kissing me on the neck.
"You shouldn't talk to me like that I was about to kill you."
"Ha-ha kill me I'm one of you, we are both gods"
"Why did you make your clan here?"
"No one can find me here"
"What do you like about me Christian?"
"Your eyes" as we hugged he look at my eyes
"Tomorrow we will go to the clan its east in the meadows go there I will meet you there I have to go okay"
"Yeah what ever leave me here and you go fight the bad guys"
"I don’t want anything to happen to you okay"
"Fine ill stay but you have to accept my deal"
“Where are you trying to get to?"
"well you and your clan have a royal invitation to be prince or princess we will adopt your clan and you well you are already royal, the only thing that changes is that your clan will be in my family which they may be my brothers and sisters" I said smiling
"Fine ill accept it"
"See you tomorrow"
“yeah me too" he gave me a kiss and he left shirtless
I started to crack out.
I try to go to sleep but I was too happy of what happen today.
I went to my closet got all my bags and under in one minute my clothes,shoes,food,jewlery,makeup, were all in the bags. After I packed everything I called my private jet and it landed at my back yard. I told my servant to but the bags inside the jet. "Alvin comes here please"
"Yes my lady?"
"Please tell Mitchi to pack her bags and tell her we found him in time okay?"
"Found who"
"Is this your conversation?"
"No ma'am I’m sorry"
"Then start moving!" I yelled.
I got out of the house and went walking to the reservation. Once I got there I head to the forest. I went to the meadows and I saw a girl heading to me
"Oh I see that Christian told you already?"
"of course we are already packing our bags I’m the first one to be done" she said cheerfully she had red hair and was half vampire and wolf she looked so fragile but when I hugged her I saw her whole life, I saw the pain she been through but she was a strong girl she is barely 100 years old.
"Your so cute can't wait for you to be my sister"
"Yeah I too will be ruling the whole school right"
"Wow your better then I thought"
“I know I look like angel"
"My dad will love you"
“Really you think so" she said even happier
"Yes I’m sure, I already like you guys."
"Marissa is that her?" a voice came from the darkness
"Yes she nodded she is one of the gods in another kingdom isn't that cool"
"Well Marissa I may be a god but not in my dads palace I’m a normal girl there accept I’m popular, powerful, cute, and my dad is the one who orders there and other royalties."
"Awesome!” she yelled
"Wow hey um but do we have to go to classes too?"
"Uh yes we do unless if you want to be in mortal danger"
"No thank you, by the way my name is Cameron."
"These are the rest of clan james,sam,camron,roberto,dimitrti,drake those are the boys your brothers and these are the girls Alice,roza,marissa,leah,jamie."Christian said.
"Christian! And by the why nice meeting you all" I went to Christian and hugged went running hugging him.
"Did all of you guys put the bags into the jet brothers and sisters" I said curiously
"Nope sorry”
"No worries" I looked at Christian and gave him a kiss. I look at their bags and I snapped my fingers the bags were gone and then shadows started to transport us to the jet.
"Everyone started to say what is happening they looked scared.
"Our transportation"
"Sick I need to learn that" Sam said laughing
“You guys will all learn all this at school." I grinned.
When we started walking to the jet Marissa yelled "I call the hot tub!"
While me and Christian hugged Christian laughing told me "I can there going to like the parties"
"You bet but now we get peace for a while"
"What do you mean?"
"Well this plane has a room for you and me"
"I’m starting to like the royalty too"
I started to laugh almost crying from how much I laughed.
Once we were on the room I asked him
"Do you want hot tub or couch and talk or hot tub and talk?"
"hmmm I'll get second choice” he grinned.
Once we change we got onto the hot tub everything was silent we looked at each other eyes. Christian gave me a kiss out of no where but when I kissed him his lips tasted sweet his warm air breathing on me.
"Jane promise something" he look serious and he did not look away from me
"What is that" I said while kissing him.
"Don’t ever leave me"
"I won't but don’t ever leave me"
"No I will never leave you"
"If something bad ever happens to you I won't forget myself" I try to look away but he grab my chin and made me look at him
"I Love you okay" he kissed me on the cheek"
We both started to see TV we heard everybody having fun.
"Did you know the queen is coming next weak?"
"I will love to meet her"
"You bet"
"Now let’s not worry of that but what will you do with your dad?"
"I'll use Marissa on him"
"How you know she charms?"
"Hello once I touch someone I know every single detail."
"Well get ready because we about to land"
I snapped and my clothes were on once we land I was heading out the jet
"Stay here guys and girls"
When I got out everybody look at me
Come out side make a line I whispered everybody looked at them I could see girls already had a crush on my brothers.
"Where is my father just don’t stay there watching"
"Andale move those feet take us to our future father" Marissa said snapping her fingers everybody gave her a dirty look
"Don't give her that look people take me to my father or else"
"You girl take us please"
"Yes Jane"
"Thank you"
Once we started walking everybody followed me as, she was taking us I saw my dad
"Yes father I am I’m sorry of what I did dad"
"It’s okay it’s my mistake"
"Dad I want you to adopt these kids I want them to be my brothers and sisters"
"Are you sure?"
"Alright promise me you won’t leave again with out guards"
"I promise dad"
"I see you are with Christian again"
"Yup he will be attending this school"
"Now let me see my new kids"
"Hi dads I will be a good girl thank you for accepting us and me" Marissa said plus she said with happiness.
"dad this is marissa,roza,leah,alice,jamie and the boys are roberto,drake,jonathan,sam,dimitri,camron."
"Please call me dad and you guys understand that you will be prince and princess"
My dad called a man and gave the schedule for their classes and the coolest thing is that my classes are the same as Christian’s
"Well my kid's your rooms will be big so no need to bother to get it bigger"
"Wow we all are in the royal stop now I wont be like the only one."
"hey um what if I’m like hungry Jane" Sam interrupted well you tell the maids in your room"
"I’m mostly like a peaceful person so like if I get into problems what do I do"
"Well Jamie you’re a cute girl I don’t think you will have problems. Your royal you do your guardians will help you okay?"
"Okay” she said happily"
"Well go to your rooms guys time to sleep"christain said
"I’m too scared can you take me to my room?"
"My pleasure"
Christian grabbed me by my waist and everybody giggle I turned around and wink
"Night” I whispered
"now my princess you are now here I will try to get contact with you okay plus I’m right next to your room okay so good night" he gave a kiss and he went to his room.
I step inside my room I was happy to be back to my room and rule.
I sat there dreaming how happy I’m going to be with Christian how happy I was going to be.
I knew if I gone to the real world I will find him. I stop thinking and went to my huge closet and in 2 seconds I already put everything in order. I went and said a spell and there it was my necklace of I’m a true god, my necklace always shine I touched it then I started to get it and I started to look at it. It had my mom initials and had a clan sign I was sure this had something to do of what had be attacking us. After I stop looking at it I put it on and I look like my mother just as I remember her. I remember I haven’t seen Mitchi for a while since I came here so I will go to her room like always were she was always at.
I went to my bed and as soon I got to sleep Christian used his magic so he can talk in my dreams.
"Oh I need too learn that!"
"Ill teach you tomorrow"
"You better" I laughed
"So our first period tomorrow will be kicking butt"
"Why you say that"
"Because we have training to protect ourselves"
"Oh yeah totally forgot."
"You know I have seen allot of things from you Christian"
"Like what"
"You’ve change"
"I changed cause of you; you make me feel better when I’m around you"
"Awe that is so sweet"
"You know what Christian I need my beauty sleep I just can’t be with you everyday you will"
"Make you crazy" he interrupted smiling
"Fine ill leave you but, remember that’s how I feel about you" he mumbled
"WHY do you always have to make me feel sad with these words you attack me with?"
"What words" he replied
"OH! Don’t act like you don’t"
"Fine I don’t know"
"Stop it"
"Remember I love you ill see you tomorrow I love you" I heard it again and again as he started to go.
When he was compleatly done I was back to the beautiful darkness in my head.
By the time I woke up Christian was already there he was calm looking at me but he was, kneeling down next to my bed, his elbows was resting in the bed in and his hands well, on his chin, then his eyes watching me.
"Are you stocking me?"
"Ha-ha very funny"
I looked around my room and I found and black mini skirt and a black skull shirt next, to the shirt there were some fishnet tights.
"Oh darn it"
"You will look sexy on it"
"I’m not wearing that I always wear strapless black shirts and a leather jacket and swords hanging on my back!"
"And what you were for bottoms"
"Skinny jeans"
"Skinny jeans, seriously"
"Yes there either ripped or have blood on them."
"Why you wear that?"
"Hello that’s what people wear here"
"Here I wondered you were going to do something like this"
I handed him some black skinny jeans with bleach stains on them and around them it had weapons and a black shirt with a leather jacket.
"This our dress code"
"And do we always have to have weapons?"
"Yes we do"
"Why didn't you tell that to your brothers?"
"Uh HELLO their my dad kids now for sure my dad gave them what to wear don’t worry"
"Why is this so important?"
"If we want to go off camp ace we have to have a guardian and have weapons because weird things happen lately and I’m close to found so, quick I need to go do a quick research."
"Oh okay"
Before we left I checked on my brothers and sisters and there were already out.
When I got out and went to the library to ask for the book about all true goods"
Mrs. Warner looked at me with these eyes and she found out I was up to something and she didn't even bother asking why I want this book.
"That’s it, that's all you want?" Christian asked confused
I nodded I opened the book and read the information for the crystal but, nothing important in was in it all it said was,
The day, when your in danger she will come for you, either she was dead she had the spell to rise again, but you have all the power. I thought what that meant but I haven’t found out anything. I got the book and closed it and had it on my hands. I went to Mrs. Warner thinking about what I just read.
"Found anything you were looking for"
"Not enough but I did Mrs. Warner, thank you"
I started to speed walk away from the library.
"Anything okay?"
"Yea it was something I wanted to know about my mother" I said I hated to say lies but, it wasn't completely lying because it was about my mother.
"Oh you must miss her allot"
"Yep you bet"
"We have one hour left for class anything you want to do?"
"Yeah actually I need to go see a friend"
"Oh ill come with you then"
"I mean you should go look around the school and meet new friends okay, it's because my friend does not like visitors accept me" I made another lie but I had to lie again.
"Okay" I will I saw Christian leave and I rushed outside and went to Mitchi house.
"Mitchi open the door!" I yelled outside her door and at the same time knocking.
Mitchi open the door.
"What Happen?"
"I think it’s my mom’s clan"
"How do you know my crystal it has my mom symbols of her clan"
When she looked at the symbols she made this eyes that you wish you didn't want to see.
"Come in this is not safe to talk it here"
I step in her house "what you saw something you felt something while you touched it?"
"Yes someone wants to hurt you"
"Me if I am like the favorite of everybody"
"Well according to my magic it says that it wants to make you suffer"
She nodded
"You should go back ill tell you something if I find something okay"
"Okay" I did a weak smile and transported to my room.
I got out of my rooms and went to the feeders room were found, which Christian was located I saw Christian surrounded by allot of royal girls he look he was so interested in March.
I went toward Christian and said hi to him but he ignored me.
"Christian you coming to eat with me or not"
Once again he ignored me he was cracking out with March.
"If you don’t respond it’s over"
And still I got doubled ignored I got so mad that I went and drank allot of blood and when I turned there was drake serious like always
"Need something?" I said whipping the blood out of my mouth.
"He ignored you didn't he"
"Yep I never thought he was going to act like this he just flipped me off"
"Yeah I saw"
"Well since now that we are part of your family we will flip him off to okay" Marissa stepped in
And everybody agreed with her
"Awe you guys act like if I am you sister"
"Because you are" James said smiling
"Awe you guys don't make me feel left out you know"
"Well I have to go to class bye everybody" I gave them a hug and a kiss before I left, after I was don’t I went to class.
When I went to class Mr. Ruddy wanted to embarrass me but I was way to professional then him.
"Oh look at Mrs. Jane I thought you would of been dead how did you survive did you get attacked or something"
"NO I did not, I used my powers and I protected myself"
"Oh so you must have experience"
"Yes sir plus it runs in my blood I’m a god of all vampires and any other creature"
"We will see Mrs. Jane will you please go to the matt"
"Yes, sir" As I looked forward there was March sitting next to Christian, Christian was laughing enjoying all this.
"Now I will now choose the most advanced person in this class"
"Sir please get my 10 guardians so I will be controlled"
"Why is that?"
"Hello I killed allot of people i can do allot of damage, I’m a god!” I said insane
"Oh yes I forgot sorry"
As I saw Mr. Ruddy pressed the buttons the guardians surrounded us I Look at March and I felt my eyes changing into grey waiting to get my prey.
"You think you’re good?"
"Because I am" I ran toward March and she just grabbed me out of no where and tackled me.
"No need to thank"
I went toward March with two practice swords I got my left hand and slowly went to her stomach and got my right and pushed her neck with sword
"If I moved the sword a little you will be dead but instead I will do this, I catched on fire and threw her around the room.
"No one attacks me"
I went toward her and grab her by the neck and lift her up in the air.
"Please let her go Mrs. Jane"
"You told me to fight no?"
"Yes but let her go!"
"Aw look at her suffering"
The guards came running for me but I ignored them.
I saw one of the guard shot me a sleeping fizz
When I fell I heard someone screamed my name.
When I slowly started to lose my weakness I felt someone carried me.
"Back away or else" I heard with me ears.
I moved one more time who ever arms I was on.
Then I was completely dead.
Not entirely dead but dead. When I woke up I was not at the schools clinic. I was at my room and there was Christian.
"Get out! I don't want you here"
"What I do"
"Oh now you’re going to act like you did nothing"
"Look Christian I Think the best is for you to leave" drake interrupted
"My hero" I mumbled
"Drake I’m stronger then you don’t tell me what to do"
"Look bro I’m not what you think I am"
"What a God!" he yelled
"Better” he grinned
"Now get out"
Drake got a hand on Christian and both disappeared and few minutes later my room turned silent.
After I waited I heard someone say
"You should get ready the queen is here"
"O um o okay" I said having a problem talking
"Look I’m not your brother okay"
"I talked to your dad that I won’t be part of your family"
"Oh well okay"
"Well get ready ill wait here for you."
I nodded and went to my closet i decided to were black tight shorts and a t-shirt only
With some high heels.
As i change i thought about my mother then the queen, but then i decided not to think about it anymore. I went outside and there was drake the words he said he actually accomplished it.
I looked at drake he was dressed different he had a black muscle shirt and some grey skinnies.
"Someone looks good" i smiled
"Yeah the person who looks sexy is you"
"Shut up"
"Well let’s get going"
I nodded then i wanted to tell him about what he did to Christian but i decided not to.
When we arrived the queen have not came but everybody started to come with boys and more.
I looked around then i saw the section for the royals and i went toward, and well drake walking behind me. I sat down and drake right next me i saw Sam with that girl again matter in fact I’m going to call her tomato! I thought nonsense allot in my head but she was a red headed bitch. I stop thinking all these nonsense when i heard the trumpets booming
"The queen has arrive" said laughing but also crossing his mind
"What are you up too?"
"She’s going to humiliate you but that won’t happen"
"Wait what do you mean by that won't happen?"
"You’ll see"
As everybody sat down i saw someone sit down last it was Christian but it was because he kissed that tomato head.
"Dumb tomato head" i whispered
The queen and sat down.
The queen look like a woman very respectful and really she wasn’t there she was with her orange eyes and dark brown hair.
I looked at her with my blue eyes closely and she was staring at my direction, everybody was silent but, not only silent LOOKING at me.
"Mrs. Jane" she announced
"Yes and welcome"
"You were out in the city isn't that right"
"Yes it was" i said fiercely
"Look ladies and gentlemen when you are out there or you think from being out there your parents or should i say mom will come back for you, that will never happened, you can be killed” she grinned
“Don’t talk like that about my mother"
"Sorry, but I’m saying what’s right"
"You know that you try to take her mother's power you tried to rule her, but you never could because, she almost ended killing you" drake stood up
" How do you know this?"
"Well according to me I’m the top killers of her army see" he got out a hand and all the blood got written on his hand 30,000,000,000 people killed.
"How can we find her TELL US?"
drake made of sounds tut" i don’t think so I’m a student i wont help you I’m her old guardian"
"And personal trainer"
The queen started laughing "that’s all you tried to humiliate me with that?"
"OKAY that day when you attack her i was there of course you cried for her power and especially Jane’s dad the only reason you have so much hate on her."
"No don't believe him Janet"
I crossed my hands and looked at her.
"See you know better you are after her crystal, and with that crystal she can kill anyone also, you are planning something dark which I’m close finding out” drake interrupted
Once drake got closer the queen disappeared compleatly.
I Watch drake and next thing i know he was up in the air, bowing for someone and there was wind looking like a tornado then it stop and it was a lady it looked exactly like my mom. Blue eyes just like her and dark red hair
"This lady was attacking us and of course"
"I was protecting you guys and especially you my darling" the lady interrupted i looked around who it was. There was a lady in the shadows
"Mom is that you?"
"Yes it is, we must leave"
"WAIT UP YOUR NOT TAKING HER NO WHERE.” my father stepped in"
"Oh aero you have to stop messing with me she is my daughter and all she did was suffer with you"
"No that's not true" my father hissed
"And YOU Christian all you made my daughter but suffer and go with your little mother and tell her i will kill her soon or later"
Christian left with fear in instant
My eyes got watery i dropped on my knees and starting crying. Drake went to my shoulder that instant "I see you took care of her good drake"
"Yes like always"
"Don’t cry" drake whispered me while hugging me.
Drake looked up when March got up. Mrs. Julie i been there for her the whole time and i was also wonder if i can get my rank moved up?"
"Oh sweetie I’m recognized as most wanted, most powerful, the true killer, but you cannot lie to Me." march backed away feeling ashamed
"now aero i been here in this cam pace the whole time you just cant see it so it will not be visible with this charm i put a while ago, its right next to you, its also a school but for well experience and my daughter will be training with drake at these to coma pace happy?"
"Yes much better"
"Oh AND i will be building more things to make your school better because first it has no protection and many more things"
"Yes with that i agree."
"Well let’s go Janet" my mom got me out of the school and while we walking over there to her place she had a kind of immortals like us and people in our grade to all separate but it was closed with something like a bubble. The bubble was actually glass but it had protectors which was change every two weeks.
"You missed me?" my mom said with joy
"Yes mom and you know what i miss more calling you mommy."
"Awe how sweet, how have your father been treating you?"
"Like a princess"
"Good that’s how you should be treated because you are the only we have kiddo."
"Oh mom i though you will never come back and you will be there for me to protect me"
"WHAT if i was always there drake took good care of you right."
"Well yeah"
"Because i send him" she said while she stops on the gate
My mom said "dark true blood" as for the answer to open. "You were lucky i was here for you" drake whispered"
"Shut up" i said nudging drakes head
We walked in more and passed the little kinder, then went to a building when i entered i saw allot of cute boys that had body.
My mom saw the eyes i did when i saw them
"Hell yeah!"
"Wow always hitting on boys"
"Well remember that time you liked that guy and you kissed him out of no where"
"Okay ill shut up but no time for that training first"
"Okay mom"
"Well we are here"
"Finally i’m going asleep"
"Warning you have a room mate"
"ROOMMATE!"I repeated
"Yes but don’t worry its drake"
"Oh okay good but no bunk beds are like queen sizes beds?"
"Yes it is queen seize"
"Okay thank you mom i love"
"you welcome, well good night" my mom kissed me and me and drake went in and i went to my bed i heard that drake and my mom were talking then i heard drake went in. drake turned on the light i watch that he took his shoes off and his shirt he had a tattoo of symbols i wonder what they meant then drake saw i was staring at him,
"You sure?"
"Yeah just wanted to say thank you"
"Well you welcome."
"Good night" i turned around and turned to a ball with my blankets then all the light were turned off and everything was silent i fell asleep "you will be dead in my arms you will be dead you will see"
as i saw a lady tying me around the pole as i saw she came out with a sword she stabbed me with a sword i couldn't breath i was to weak then a squeak came out of my mouth then i felt a force the i was able to scream i woke up screaming and crying.
I saw i saw drake was right next to me hugging me
"Its okay she’s trying to get contact with you and make you suffer."
"How did you no i said" it sound like was hiccupping
"I heard the noise you were doing so i decided to see what you were dreaming." he said trying to look into my eyes but i didn't
Want to look to his eyes so i decided to not reply his answer.
"I'm suffering again"
"Why your mother is here"
"But that lady"
"She won’t get near you; she's not even your mother, so why are you going to cry for something stupid like that"
"How do you know?"
"She tried to kill your mom that's why your mom left you but she was always near you."
"You know your right i won’t listen to that girl and i’m going to move on"
"Okay... but if i was you i would take a rest because you’re going to run miles"
"You’re so mean"
"I hate you"
"hmm i’m like a god to make you suffer while training, i’m also a prince but i’m from south so i bet you never did your training so tomorrow morning good night” he smiled at me but i didn't smiled back. Even though i said i was not sleepy i fell asleep. I felt something liquidly dripping down my face it felt colder and color
"I told you it’s already huh 10:00 am i gave you time to sleep put trainable clothes to go run 20 miles around the field."
"Why are you so... so... cruel?"
"Your mom orders"
"Err i’m going to change but remember i hate you" i mumbled i went toward to my closet with my hand on my head.
I took a spaghetti strapped shirt with some black sweats. I went too the bathroom grumbling things. I changed to the clothes and put make up and got a towel and dried all the water. It felt good to be dry but i wanted to go asleep and feel good. I went towered the door and i got the door knob and open the door. Then i started walk toward drake after i raise my both hands “Like this"
"Yes perfect let’s go"
We went toward the field and i was looking that it was lunch and i was hungry.
"Okay we are here."
"And what do i do, were do i run?"
"Simple follows the white lines"
"Ooooooo kay?"
"Start running a lap every lap is a mile the field s pretty big."
I went running a lap and people were surrounding the hole fence "black sheep make them noticeable" i said in a whisper i started to her every conversation about me i remember to use magic in order to know what their were saying.
"Look at the pretty lady who is she"
"Eddie don’t mess with her she is the queens daughter"
"Dam no wonder she so fine!" he said smiling
I look at the boy he was smiling, so i decided to wink at them.
"Look see Dondre she wink ill get her sticked to me in no time"
I laugh for the stupid things he was saying he thinks i’m hoer well i guess he is wrong.
I decided to use my powers and finish this in 2 seconded i went fast and finished it
"I wondered when you were going to use it
"Yeah and i wonder why allot of boys think i’m blood hoer"
"Yeah they think there good looking and can get any girl on there beds"
"O really" i got closer to drake and pull him by the shirt and we were face to face
"Will you protect me from them?"
"Yes it’s my job"
We look into our eyes and our lips touched but he backed up quickly
"Well practice is over i think you should go eat and these are your periods" he said handing me out the paper
"Okay see you in class?"
"Yeah sure what ever i said taking of my sweats. Under i had mini shorts i got the sweats and left them there on the floor. As i snapped a backpack was on my back and I continue walk to the lunch court. When i got there i saw bottles of weak blood, rich blood, black blood, animal blood, human blood. I decided to get human blood and i ask for to i did not know where to sit so i saw a dirty so i snapped and everything was clean, and the table was made of gold. Everybody stared of what I’ve done but it was not really surprising.
"Your Julie’s daughter right"
"Yeah" i said looking up there was a girl and a grouped of people.
"Cool you should join with us you mind we sit her with you" she said smiling
"Sure but wait" i got up and made a big table about with up to 20 seats and of course it was gold but i went going toward to the middle and sat down.
"So your mom is the most powerful can you kill like her?" she said seriously
"Hell yeah" i said laughing
"Let me see your arm"
i gave her my arm and she blowed dark fire on my arm, the fire was not painful it was a checking shadow but with flames, once she was done in blood in my hand there was a number it was 500,000,000, on it, that was how much i killed.
"Wow you have skills" you should teach me one day
"Yes but i cant you have to be a god i’m a god from terra"
"Yeah we know your family history."
"You never mention me you name" i said looking at her right straight to her eyes.
"My name is Kyra"
"I’m most popular here and everybody asks me help everything people tell me is secret i’m also a guardian"
"Oh cool you should be my guardian one day" i said grabbing my bottle of blood opening it and drinking it.
"That will be awesome but i have to have a connection with them all i have is a little sign of connection with you all i can feel is what your feeling"
"That’s cool"
"Don’t worry like i said i’m a guardian I can’t tell anyone” she smiled
"No worry i know how it feels to be betrayed."
"Yeah it’s painful and full of hate"
"Exactly" she responded with painful eyes
I look around and i saw drake with a whole bunch of boys and girls he was look at this direction but, also talking.
"The guy that is staring is popular too but he has allot of friends that are ass wholes"
"I see he is my trainer and guardian of my mom"
"Yeah we know but the part of coaching i NEVER knew, how does it feels to be with that Hattie, it also must be a pain for him to coach you because, too be your mom's guardian is imposable but for him it's possible"
"Oh well he is cute but um i just don’t i don’t know, i feel something for him but i don’t know"
"Hey we are having a party after school you want to come" i look who it was but it wasn't from our table it was from drake's table, i looked at drake and he was smiling then i looked at the boy.
"And you are...."
"Oh yea sure love too"
"He is such a Hattie" a girl said once Dondre left
"Yup totally he has body" i laughed looking at him
"My name is Rosalie"
"Cool nice meeting you"
"So what you think"
"Pretty fucking cool hot boys and parties"
"You do know if your weren’t your moms daughter they wouldn't treat you like this, and for sure you have haters"
"Why you say that?"
"because your a cute girl and have good looking an nice eyes and fore shore you already made other girls boyfriends to fall in love with you” Kyra interrupted
"Exactly” Rosalie said
The bell rang we all looked at each other
"Dang right when we were having a good time"
"Well bye people” Kyra said
"Bye" i responded but also waving goodbye.
"Well what's your next class Jane?"
"Uh i believe is positions and advanced training?"
"Oh cool that’s my next class our teacher is Mr. Whitehead, he spits allot and tries to get you in trouble."
"Does he have a white chunk part of his head or something?" i cracked up of how stupid i was to say that.
"No but everybody makes fun of him, come on lets go." Rosalie got me from the hand and started to take me to class. When we got there Rosalie talk to Mr. Whitehead "she is new can she sit next to me Mr. Whitehead?"
"No i will decided"
"NO i decide understand that" Rosalie hissed look at his eyes at that instant i say that Rosalie used compulsion on Mr. Whitehead.
"Come on lets go" she grabbed me by the hand and we went to the seat and I decided to sit next to the window.
"Good morning class we have a new student Mrs. Jane"
"Okay i think everybody knows can we move on” Rosalie yelled out.
"Yes we sure can."
"Thank you, can anyone tell me what is the form to make a shadow control the dead."
I raised my hand but, he just ignored me
"Watch Mr. Whitehead" i got a hand and a shadow came with a body of a man his face was unseen
"how easy i think i should go to advanced i know your last name is not mr.whitehead but its better then white chocolate." i laughed and i hit the table as i saw drake, drake got mad and left the building i knew i was in trouble because i was 100% sure that he was going to snitch. Everybody laughed
"Mrs. Jane stay patient"
"Okay but hurry up"
"Oh i will" he said smiling
I saw Mr. Whitehead sign these papers oh detention i get a good punish today i stood up and threw my chair.
"Are you done with your gayness?"
"yes i am” he handed me a paper and as i grabbed it i responded mocking
"You just admitted your gay but don’t worry ill hook you up with a gay person like you."
I left the class cracking out and i went were it said in the paper red dorm i did not know where to go so i used magic to get there.
"Uh Mr. Whitehead told me to come here." i explained the lady in the desk
"can i see your pass” straightly looking at me.
"Yeah its right here" i got the paper and i gave her the paper.
"Thank you" the lady look at the paper then took out a big book she flip papers and papers, all i know she was pointing at something.
"Well of what you've done your punish will be that you will be in your room from the whole day since your new i wont do something really worse then this"
"Thank you." i mumbled and exited the door and used magic to go to my room, when i got there my mom and drake where there.
"Why are you acting like this?"
"It’s because i want to get over of Christian mom."
"I understand we will get every single thing of what he did i promise you"
"okay mom” I hugged my mom but she slowly disappeared. I went toward to my closet and i got some high heelss and a mini dress that looks like a little tutu on the bottom. I got a color purple tights so it can match my dress. In one second i was already in them.
"Where are you going" he said looking at me
"Wow! Your party" i mocked
"Oh right"
"Yeah and you got me in trouble!"
"Remember this is not your school, you acting like you own it other girls will want to beat the crap out of you” he rolled his eyes and then laughed.
"Wait... you’re worrying about me" i said pointing my finger at his chest it kind of hurt because it was hard like metal. He drop to his bed and i continue saying
"Tell the truth you’re worrying about me “I mocked
"no it's just the truth"
"But you said you will kick their ass"
"Yeah so you won't kick their ass"
"Exactly because i’m a danger"
"Let’s go i’m tired let’s just get over with it"
"ooooooooooookay what ever you say” I raised my hands then i left through the door” I felt drake smiling from behind. I stop at the door were the party was when i entered it was a party for me actually. My mom was there standing widening her arms to hug me.
"Hi mom i thought we weren't aloud to have parties"
"Yes we are because all these kids you see are responsible, not like your father's"
"And you made this party for me mom?"
"Yes i did and all for you"
"Thank you"
"No need to thank my daughter, it's my way of saying sorry of what i done"
"But you didn't anything, when i was in the real world there was drake protecting me from Christian and i can’t forget that"
"You right but your my daughter, well i got to get plans to kill that queen."
"Bye mom"
"Bye see you later"
The party started to get loud and i got some wine mixed with blood. I went toward the couch and sat down. I saw drake dancing techno i started to think that he was one, the guy that was for me, the guy that really loves me. I was not sure what to do but what i did know that i loved him with all my heart. I got a human boy by the hand
"Hey what’s your name?"
"Come here sit next to me, my lovely donor"
"You are here thinking you will be one of us eh"
"Yes i do, but you should take a rest, because you look drunk"
"Look i’m not human we don’t get drunk easily now you will have to pay for that response my dear Edward"
"no please don’t kill me" the boy ran with fear but i got him from the shirt and i kissed him a couple times then i bit him, i sucked and sucked his blood it was sweet and fresh once i was done i got him and threw him like a couch
"This is better than drugs" he laughed weakly.
I got up and put on a black coat. I left through out the door. I went to the little park they had. I got on the swing. i started to think why Christian did this to me i knew he never loved me all he did was that he treated me like a doll when the swing swang up in the air i drop to the floor and my face was facing the sand i was crying the whole time
"WHY ME" i screamed like i was crazy, i hit the floor i punched and kick i didn't care if i was bleeding
"I thought i’m strong, but turned out i’m not" i said talking alone
"Come on lets go to the room ill clean you up" some whispered behind me.
"No i’m going to stay here"
"But you’re bleeding"
"I’m already in pain you think i care"
"Well if you didn't care you wouldn't be crying"
"and you have a problem” I sobbed and spit the sand.
"Look come let’s go i’m drake you’re not going to listen to me seriously?"
"Look go away"
"You’re just going to have hate of we he did to you; you do know what you showing them"
"What" i hissed
"That you’re weak and without them your nothing, you’re going to show them that"
"No of course not"
"Then lets go" he responed angerly
I got up cleaning the sand of my face, ignoring the blood i continue walking weakly and sore. Although i liked drake i couldn't tell him what i felt for him. i felt so dizzy, my eyes started to see bright lights, next thing i know i felt to the ground, i haven’t closed my eyes yet, but i did felt when drake carried me.
"Everything will be okay ill take care of you"
I raised my hand to touch his cheek but, i was so weak that i did not touch him.
I was in his arms like if i was dead before we went to the room i already had my eyes closed.
I felt something cold on my head.
I woke up and there was drake laying down with me taking care of me all night just like he said. I try getting up silent and soft, quickly as well but he had too much experience that he woke up.
"Where are you going?" he said sitting right next to me and his face facing mine.
"You took care of me its time for you to go asleep."
"No i’m okay and your not"
"Your wrong and i’m right"
"Lets see"
drake got close to me even more and kissed me on the lips at least about 3 seconds, his lips was cold and were not dried like other boys lips drake stop and put his two fingers on his lips and kind of tilted to the side.
"That won’t happen again"
"You feel the same for me" he stood quiet that it was a good moment that a cricket should of start singing.
"Yea i do Jane"
"Mmmmm well do you well want to be together" i looked at the ground and not wanted to look back up. But drake got his hand and touched my chin and slowly moved my head up to look at him.
"I never though you would like me"
"And i thought i will never fit in with you"
"Look Jane like i said i would be there for you but now"
"WHY NOT NOW?" my mom entered in surprise
"Julie” drake stand up straight and tall just like a solder
"Well Julie, i’m not the right one for her"
"Nonsense boy you feel love and passion for my daughter, and well she needs to get rid of the ugly and peasant boy."
"Well i g...g.g...guess ma'am i promise i wont let her suffer and my life is all on her just like i did to you" drake made a new face he was full of joy and next thing i know he grabbed me by the hand he was colder then me. I felt butterflies on my stomach something i never felt when i was with Christian.
"Well Jane and drake i should be leaving and you guys to and there’s going to be a meeting today after lunch understood."
"Yes mom"
"Yeah of course ill be there" drake still hold my hand but it was so light i didn’t t even know he was still holding my hand. Once my mom left the room hit silence i looked at drake and then looked somewhere else.
"Well i think i should be leaving"
"I should be too see you in class later"
I rushed to class and i wished i spend more time with him but i was to scared i felt so Dum maybe i didn’t like Christian allot and well drake is way different. I feel like i’m out of breath like if i’m going to fight he is the one that everyone likes but he doesn’t finds girls of how they look, but from the inside. I went to class. A guy with red hair almost bald with orange eyes attended me. "Hello Jane"
"Hi" i wondered around looking for drake
"lets see who will be your partner for battling" while he looked around i notice some scars it look like if someone had attacked him i was so concentrated on the scars that i did not know drake was next to me. "Jane are you there"
"Uh... Oh yes right well drake has to be my partner he is also my personal trainer and has my same powers but i have not discovered some of mine yet." i looked at drake and looked back to Mr. smith.
"Yes i see its orders from your mom"
"yes sur" i smiled i was nervous to be with drake i had that weird feeling the same feeling that i had when i kissed him i felt safe when i was around him i felt like he can do anything, and when i mean anything i mean anything.
"Okay first move is you throwing me to the floor" drake looked at me and getting into position
"You sure"
"Yeah these are training fields you can’t feel no pain here or get hurt."
"I can’t do that to you though" i giggled and turned to the side and look back to drake with my dark blue eyes.
"Yes you can"
"No i can’t” "okay I'm going to do it" I mumbled words in my mouth
drake got far away and tackled by the time he tackled me we were up in the air and hit the ground i bounced and finally stopped i felt nothing it was like it was jumper after he did that he looked in to my eyes and we stayed there for few seconds then i got my feet and pushed him up so high and he stop middle in the air floating smiling.
"We can do that" i whispered
"We can do anything"
I got up in the air and used charm in order for him to come. i got drake from the neck and my other hand in the back in i twisted him and made him spin the ground, it looked like if he was a rock going to brake the floor, but once i got defeated he flip back and threw flames at balls it was big enough to at least knock out 5 people. the flame pushed me on the floor and my face hit the ground i slowly made little crystals of ice and turned them to glass it looked so clear that he would not see what i was doing i go up and my back was facing him. I raise my hands and i turned around and pointed at drake the glass went toward him and shanked him drake was bleeding but it healed. After i was done i won the battle but the bell ring at least i have time to chat with him at lunch.
"Very impressive Jane"
"Yeah i know i actually tried"
"Yeah i know well your mom added this since we are getting attack by the queen we will know to at least protect each other."
"Yeah" it felt silent and i felt someone touched my hand and it was drake i realized we were holding hands again drake stop and i though he did not wanted to be with me.
"What’s wrong?” I said looking at him holding both of his hands.
"Please tell me you won’t be in danger or never leave"
"I promise i wont"
"Why is this so important?"
"I don’t want to loose you"
"You wont loose me but you look frightened is it really important."
"well i had a girl just like you someone who liked to have fun, laugh, smile, respectful but i got captured by the queen and well she tried to save me and at the time the shot her with a metal stick full of poison and she fell right on my arms, i though i could cure her but turned out i didn’t, then she died right my arms” drake looked so painful his eyes turned watery there was sorrow in him that started to come out and from right there i notice that’s the sadness he had the whole time, well now he cant forgive himself.
"It’s not your fault” I looked at him one more time and i hugged him
"She will pay everything i swear" i tried not to cry but the water came out of my eyes.
I took a deep breath and continued
"Well let’s go get some blood and walk around campace.”Drake nodded while holding my hand. We went to the cafeteria and allot of eyes turned at us i went to one of the guys and sucked his blood it felt so good that i felt i had energy drained away from me. drake took blood from a lady she was full of bites the other ones she had more in her hand, she had burses, she was so young but she was so drained she looked like she was forty years old. I got my left leg and moved it thinking if i should keep walking or keep looking at the lady. As i look forward i saw a table an empty table so i can sit alone. I went towards the table and sat down right there i looked in to space thinking way beyond.
"Why are you sitting here?"
"Uh i don’t want to be in the hall of fame i want to be normal i guess"
"well not to be rude Jane you wont be normal your a god and you can be normal but you will never leave what you are.” he replied with a serious face.
"i know i just don’t want to sit with people that i don’t know” I look so annoyed that i did not want to talk about this subject.
"So when is my training again?"
"We just did training"
"Oh sorry is that i have to much sorrow that i want to go away"
"You want to leave me?” he studded
"No that’s the point if i wanted to ill be gone by now"
"But ill find you no matter what" he smiled
"Stalker" i laughed looking down to my hand on the table he was touching my hand.
"I will do anything to protect you"
His words got so close that i felt the air of his mouth coming out. The last few words that came out of his mouth was "i love you"
we started kissing his lips tasted like candy it was so sweet that we kept kissing my eyes were closed thinking it was a dream but drake stopped and i wished he continued my eyes were still closed and when i open my eyes he was smiling playing around with his trey of food, i looked at him and looked around hundreds of eyes looked at our direction i looked at drake and he leaned back to his chair smiling.
"Why do people gave staring problems” I whispered.
"Well i’m the most things that each girl would want to have just like you."
"Shut up!” I yelled the bell ran
"Right about time” I mumbled i wished i had more time with him but at least we had a meeting so that means i can sit next to him. I had a feeling that this meeting is so important because the whole school is going. I didn't know were was the meeting room so i followed drake.
"over here through these halls” I followed drake we entered to these halls it didn't look like halls it looked like a battling room allot guardians in each side of a hall they we were all pale with red eyes, with black coats and of course the tattoo of the queen marked with blood. I looked at their symbols and i remember they were true killers true vampires like who were born by my mom, that’s when i knew that they were my brothers.
"Drake” I whispered
"Are they my brothers like it says on the book?"
"No that’s a lie people want to make things about your mom so they can get her to actually meet her"
"So what does those symbols mean?"
"They mean they are top but also the people your mom trust to share with your mom powers"
"Oh but how does she knows she can trust"
"with her power, with her power” he repeat
"Yeah but do they kill more then we do or are better then us?"
"Then me No but yea they are true vampires"
"Why are they not better then you?"
"Because i’m a king, god, student, guardian, i don’t have a queens power autorotation my powers are original and they have copies."
"What do you mean by copies drake" i looked so confused still walking the long hall
"Well if anyone betrays your mom well her blood is in them and she can kill them by saying a code"
"What code"
"Well each of them have a code"
"Oh" i said depressed.
Drake got right next to me and grabbed my hand
"Lets sit on the front we just need few more steps for the door"
As we walked my mom was sitting there in a golden throne. As everyone settled down in the chairs my mother stood silent till everybody sat down everybody settle down it was so loud until my mom raised her hand and felt silent.
"Thank you” my mom paused and faced the audience and she continued
"As you can see my daughter is attending this school, Jane please stand up" i looked at my mom and slowly got up
"Now Jane please come up here" i looked at my mom very serious and shy. My mom snapped and the guardians brought golden throne it had red diamonds and other jewels. As i stood beside my mom, waiting for her to talk once again.
"We are being attacked and as you know i’m going to be busy by helping new borns so drake come here."
Drake stood up and walked forward and once again my mom snapped and another guy brought a throne with blue diamonds. Drake faced forward, looking to the people in front of us.
"these people are my chosen ones if i die they are in charge and as you know we are being attack they will be you trainers.” my mom took a deep breath and continued
"i will also have a little game my special top killers will be attacking you guys.” my mom stopped and at least 5,000 killers came stood in rows all with tattoos made from my moms blood. "these b2k's stand for born 2 kill will be attack you guys to see how well trained you guys and to get you ready and before this meeting is over these two chosen ones will be official by my bit. As i watch my mom getting up of her throne she preyed on drake and gave him a kiss on each cheek and then got closer to his neck and bit him. I saw my mom that she had a bowl and it was mixed with right colors she got her finger and mixed it turn light blue she did a weird symbol on drake. I looked at drake because i never seen nothing like this i was new at this. drake just stood there like if no one was there, my mom was now in front of me she kissed me on both cheeks and then she bit me on the left side it was a pain the i could not stand i feel to my knees and my mom touch one shoulder the other shoulder she got one finger and raised me up in the air, in the front of my neck she put in these Greek letters TRUE VAMPIRE and, on the back she put first princess. On the side of my neck were the bite was at she put the symbol as i realize it a half from drake symbol once she was finished i had no pain.
Me and drake sat down on the throne we hold hands once again and my mom gave the hand as we are dismissed me and drake got up and left.
"We are actually going to fight students!" i was so excited that i said it out loud
"Yeah we are"
"Oh is this first time we do this"
"No but we are going to kick some ass"
"Ill be watching you if your failing my princess"
"Yeah you wish"
"I don’t wish it true” he mocked
"What ever"
I went to history and of course drake did to
"This is mr.lhoner he says that in the history we learned the girls back then will always be after him"
"Such a lie"
"Yeah i looked into his history and nothing"
"I just did too"
"Yeah but i think he hides something your mom does to so we keep a close eye on him"
"Oh no problem ill find out what it is just right now when class starts’ said like if i know everything
"Yeah sure, but you sit next to me."
As me drake and i wanted sitting down this girl came up. "Hello i’m Dana"
"Just wanted to let you know that welcome to the school i never knew you were her daughter"
"Well yea i am"
"I see you’re with drake” she didn't look at us she looked at our hands holding
"No offense but i have a problem with that"
"oh really” I said standing up
"Jane stop"
"Fine” I sat down and the girl just flicked me off.
"Oh she did not"
I made a clone of my self and that clone sat right next to drake then i teleported to Dana. I got her and i threw her up the she made a whole on the roof and she stayed up there i heard drake yelling "JANE STOP!"
“I flewed to the roof and then landed on to of her.
"I would like you o flick me off again"
I got her and i threw her back in. i got the roof and i raised my hand were the roof had the hole and i said, "the sky has shown now cover it all up" then the hole disappeared i got the girls cutes and healed them put the pain of my energies will continue.
"oh Jane” drake said putting his hands on his face.
"She’s alright"
"YEAH! But you got to CONTROL YOUR anger"
"Fine” I yelled back
Mr.lhoner came and i as so talented looked like an angel.
"class has started i want this class quiet.” he said strictly
"mr.lhoner i have a question"
"What is it Mrs. Jane"
"If i travel to the history from the morals and like they say they are some people that know we are in there land how do they know that if this is suppose to stay as a secret"
"Well people have legends people from tribes people believe in them some people don’t"
"Then why do werewolves and we are enemies" i said curiously
"Well other vampires were in there land killing there animals and people like they say they protect their own little town."
"I see well i got to go"
I started packing my bags but Mr.Lhoner interrupted.
"Were you going” i raised up and my head and took my hair out of the way
"Yes sir"
"Where are you going?"
"Yea turn around" i slowly go out some hand cuffs and put them on him as fast as i can
"UN cuff me now! Before i suspend you or!"
"Me killing you for betraying us” I interrupted him
"How do you know?"
"Well first no one knows about that story but you did because you where with Christian, and well Christian told me the same ass STORY!"
"So let’s see if you’re going to suspend me now"
Mr.Lhoner broke the hand cuffs and i got up from the neck choking him and with other hand bending his arm.
"You move i will bite you and i can control your blood and kill you"
"Ouch!!!"he yell with pain
"Okay lets walk-in left with Mr.Lhoner forgetting that drake was there everybody started to Ooooooo and yell "GO JANE".
"Hold on tight we going to teleport” I closed my eyes and looked were my mom was and teleported to her.
My mom was sitting down on her desk working with her paperment i go mr.lhoner and threw him on the floor.
"What happen honey?"
"She is young little lying girl you should suspend her Julie" i sqinch my eyes and i kick "remember ill bite you and control you and i will kill you so shut the fuck up now” I spit on his face
"Hon. Calm down"
"How do you expect me if he works with that fucking queen"
"How do you know this?"
"I asked some wolves questions and there story about why we enemies and he told me the same story and then at the end when i hand cuffed he told me how i know and i told him what Christian told me."
"Why dear James you do this"
"They were going to kill me"
"You lied i don’t care if they where you where suppose to tell me"
"911" my mom yell one of the b2k group came
"Take him to the room of flames and don’t let him out he has betray us."
"Thx honey what would happen if i did not had you, but i always suspect something dark about him my magic always sensed it"
"I know drake told me mom"
"You and he have a good future that i only trust you guys"
"Thanks mom"
"Mom i have a question why did you left me"
"I never did i had drake watching you"
"I know but i never go to see you though"
"Well your dad had allot a contact with the queen and well he never wanted to leave her or take her royalty away because they have something’s going on."
"Oh don’t tell me mom"
"Well it’s the truth"
"I know"
"Well are you going to go the moral world and buy your dress for the ball?"
"I did not know plus i need transportation"
"That’s why we have private jets you should take some friends"
"Okay mom thanks"
"But with what money in your room there is a credit card and they’re about 20,000,000$ in it."
"Thank you what can i do with out you mom"
"nothing of course who is the best” she laughed
"Of course you mom"
"Well i’m start leaving school is over and i’m going to walk around with drake around the school."
"Well hurry" my mom laughed
"Wait does this mean can i go to the moral world when Eva i want"
"Yes you can"
"Okay i’m going right now!!"
"Okay go, go, go, go, and go"
I left of the room thinking abut drake but there was drake standing there in the wall
"Got to make sure if my princess was okay" he smiled
"Yea sure well get ready we go to Philadelphia."
"You had permission"
"Of course bring 6 people and ill bring 6 girls and you... well... boys of course"
"See you at the airport"
"oh Kay” he responded
I went to the cafeteria and i went to the future and looked with who i was going to hang out and be my best friend and they were these girls name Cassie Sammy (as best friend) and Marisol and Angie. I got up on a table and said
"Attention people"
"There is some training going on and i need these following girls Cassie, Sammy Marisol and Angie."As i see them come they were all pretty all with red eyes and pale very pale.
"Well first i see you guys are very pretty but come on lets go i see in the future we will be best friends" they looked at me so add
"Come one lets go" as we walk i heard them whispering but i did not want to hear i was full of joy.
"So you guys are sisters right"
"Yes” they all said at the same time"
"where are we going” a kind voice said
"And you are"
"Well Samantha we are going to California and we will buy anything you want."
"How sweet but we don’t have money"
"Don’t pay attention to that ill be buying it"
"Thanks again Jane"
"Well i look to the future and i saw that we were best friends we were all best friends so i that’s why you guys are coming"
"Jane i’m Marisol and i really thank you, but i’m guessing we are going for the dresses for the ball?"
"Yes Marisol"
"Cassie"i said
"What do you want to get or buy?"
"I don’t really know but we really thank you"
"Angie what is your hobby?"
"Talking to the spirits"
"Yea i knew there was someone who does all sorts of things like that" everything was silent then i stop were there was a big jet.
"Well we are here" as i saw there was 7 guys
"Who are they” I asked Samantha
"well they are eddie ,isic ,alvin ,taylor ,drew ,daniel, and last and final the boy i like Samuel."
"Oh really"
"Yea everyone knows but he will never like me"
"oh... okay” I said interesting.
"Well these are is..."
"I already know who they are and i suppose you know who these girls are” I interrupted
"Yea i do"
"Then lets get in, i can't wait to go to philidolphia"i said excitedly with a cheerfully voice. As everyone got up me and drake met again, and started holding hands.
"hey um drake can you do me a favor” I leaned to his shoulder looking at drake.
"Look Samantha likes Samuel"
"Yes everyone knows"
"Well i want you to talk to Samuel if he likes her and well if he does well give him advice to ask her out you know"
"Well ill try but i do know that he does like her but he is shy."
"Well give him advice you guys go sit out there and we are going to the little room kay?"
"Alright what ever you say” drake smiled but the he said in a low voice "gossip danger"
"I heard that!"
"But thanks" i got closer to drake and kissed him on the cheek and skipped with the girls
"Let’s go to the right and go to that little bar"
"You sure"Angie said
"Oh i’m sure” I grind
"The spirits tell me your are planning something" she mocked Angie got her hands and wiggled them on face then she said "wooooooooo"
"Oh stop it Angie" i started laugh everyone got in accept Samantha she stop and looked at Samuel.
"Samantha come let’s go"
"Ill go right now"
"Okay now is now hurry don’t worry you get to see your honey later...well future hon.honey"i stuttered Samantha came in the room
"Alright lets all sit down and get to get to know each other better."
As everybody sat down, looking around they all turned at me and we all smiled and laughed for no reason. "Okay everybody has to say one good thing and one bad thing who wants to go first?” I looked around and no one raised their hand not even say me.
"well ill go first i guess” I paused then i continued "well i was first in love with a boy that i thought we will be together for ever, but turned out he betrayed me and used me to get information for a queen that is trying to kill us all, and well that’s my bad thing and my good thing is that a found a wonderful boy that is drake and well my mom finds future in us. There.....i guess i’m done Sammy your next"
"me?” she responded
"no me again” I laughed
"oh okay well my good thing is that i believe soon or later i will be next to Samuel and well my bad thing i fear i wont be next to him on his side."
"Marisol” I said
"Uh well my good thing is that I and my sisters are always together the bad thing is that i’m worried for Angie"
"Okay tell me that later"
"Cassie your next"
"Well my good thing is that today i just killed a terran that was out in the woods"
"and what’s that” I said curiously
"One of the queen’s solders"
"Well i’m proud of you"
"The bad thing is that i can’t find my true love"
"You will Cassie you will’s repeated.
"Well Angie sorry that you were last but tell us your bad and good thing"
"well good thing is that the queen will fall dead i swear and my bad thing is that the queen kill my loved my mate, my soul, he's everything Emmet” tears dropped out of her eyes.
"Don’t cry everything will be okay"
"I’m not crying my eyes are sweating"
"Oh stop it your crying cause of pain of that dark headed girl torn almost each piece of us but i promise you she won’t run away with the things she done"
"Promise" she said with sorrow filling her up.
"Ill do anything you have my word “I got close to her and i started hugging her. As i hugged her everybody came and hugged her. I actually cried because what will happen if i loosed drake i never though about that until now.
"Well lets all calm down and go with the boys and talk to them” we took about five minutes of calming down and we all left the room. I went to the counter and sat right there and there was Samantha she sat right next to me.
"Thanks allot"
"You welcome i think you should go hang out with Samuel or else you will never get his heart boys are like fishes and we are the net trying to get our true love forever."
"Nice quote"
"Yes i know now go for it"
Drake came over her and sat right next to me
"Well i did what you asked me and apparently he does like her just like i said i told him to ask her out once he see's her and he said he will so yeah"
"Oh thank you so much i just like seeing people so happy but Angie i don’t know she has sorrow so much"
"See that lady broke her heart she took her boy Emmet and she into pieces what if i loose you."
"You won’t remember i’m way powerful then her she would of killed me by now"
"but i still don’t want to loose you” tears started coming out of my eyes
"Don’t cry"
"I’m not crying i’m sweating” I laughed because when Angie said it was funny and when i said it was weird.
"Well you have a shoulder to sweat on"
I put my shoulder on drake and i cried so much that i went to sleep. About 10 minutes later i woke up, i realized that i was and drakes lap
"You comfy"murmered everybody laughed in the background.
"is Samuel and Samantha together yet” I said confusedly not knowing they were there
"Yes we are Jane yes we are" a girl repeated laughing
"uh Sammy” I said worry
"Yes it’s me Jane"
"Fuck you discovered me “I crack out so bad that i cried
"So how did you know that mr.lhoner has betrayed us?"
"Oh Eddie are you always like this?"
"Yeah always as curious"
"Well um he told me the same thing was my ex the boy that broke my heart someone who betrayed me “I squeaked my eyes got full of water.
"Oh Eddie you always have to ruin tha happy moments" drew complain
"My eyes are sweating so don’t think i’m crying"
"Ha-ha it’s a good word to use right"Angie laughed
"yea i laugh well we are lets go shopping well guys you go with drake and well ladies go with me and lets try to stick together just in case so don’t try to stay that far."
I got my two credit cards that had drakes name and i gave it to him
"Here baby have it"
"Thanks hon"he laughed
"we all exit and we at downtown the limo was right in front of us waiting for us we all got in as i told the driver "the mall please" everybody looked at the humans.
As we got the mall we split up.
"Hi Sammy"
"Hi thank you for putting me with Samuel"
"Yea i talk with drake so he can go talked with"
"Well why are we here" Cassie said
"Too buy our beautiful dress of course” Marisol said.
"Yeah but i don’t know what will look good on me" Angie said guilty
"Oh don’t worry i will tell you what to wear like hello fashion time!"
"Let’s scream fashion at three 1...2...3..."
"Fashion" once we yelled fashion we started running like little girls.
"Let’s go and buy some best friends necklaces"
We all ran so fast to a jewelry store
"Well get anything you like girls"
"I went towards the gold i found this gold necklace with a red ruby on the middle i just grabbed it and put it on the cart. I got the 5 golden bracelets that said besties forever on each one of them. I got two other ones that i ordered that said my name and drakes name and on the back the date we were together.
I left 5,000 thousand and left.
"Let’s go check out the dresses"
I went toward the dresses store and i saw a strapless black and purple dress
We went to the store and i went towards the lady with all the bags
"Yeah can i have that dress ready by today?"
"Yes but it will be 1,000 if you want it right now' the lady answered back
"I don’t care just give to me"
"Oh kay please right your measurements and everything here on this paper there i put all of these 4 girls"
"So it will be 4,000 thousand"
"Her you go" i gave my card and i put in the pin and she gave me credit card back.
"We will all look the same and pretty ha-ha"
"You guys like?"
"Yea it’s not to girly" Angie responded
"Yea we all love it” Samantha said excitly. The lady brought four big boxes
"Thanks hey lets go to the limo and hide these and lets act like we did got none dresses kapish?"
"Kapish" they all say at the same time.
Got all the boxes and put them in the lime and came back less in a minute.
"Lets go lets buy some cloths i’m running out"
"Really!"Samantha said
"Yea uh you guys don’t have allot of clothes do you"
"No our parents were really poor" Angie said sadly
"i see well you guys will be out of the poor come on lets go and buy what ever we want"
"You know that’s why here in the real world people have to study and work for there money so i say the we are lucky that we have different lives at least."
we entered sears and we all got skinny jeans spring, dress, tank tops, work out clothes, beanies, scarf’s, flip flops, sandals, shoes, high heals, and more.
Once we all plaid we went to go put the bags on our limo and go back. We went to a buffet to meet up the boys they all had a silver box.
"Me and five guys are going to do a speech and we will be talking to the girl we like"
"Ooo how special i turned to Samantha and then Angie Marisol and Cassie.
"first drew will go up” drake looked at drew and drake got Angie and put her next to drew.
"Hi Angie i know you still like someone else and the days we spent learning how to control dark magic, well i started liking you and well" he stop and continue
"i wondered if you wanted to go to the ball with me and get to be forever i promised ill do my best to protect you" Angie cried i was not sure if it was for happiness or as she crying because she got sad.
"Of course i will but just because your are with me don’t ignore me like other guys do in school" she hugged drew and drew opened the box and put a necklace on her while hugging her it was a heart. "When you open it, it had a light it means that love will always go on" i explained
"Do you have one” she told drew
"Of course mine shines like blood"
As drew and Angie left to the limo Cassie was next. Cassie face Daniel and Daniel started talking. "Cassie i know in the past i been treating you bad and making fun of you was not a good choice, i did not do it to get you mad or in other was for you to hate me but at the same time i did good things and bad things but i thought by being bad i would get your attention, but now i se that it did not work"
In a sec Daniel put a necklace on Cassie it was the same one accept this light was blue.
"I will forgive you and especially when you help me fight that guardian"
"I know and well the day i spent with drake well he made me changed” he said they grabbed there and hand and as well they left to the limo. Taylor and Marisol were next.
"Marisol i wanted to say just because i’m royal and your not don’t mean that i got to hide and by being with drake he made me learned to not hide and especially the person i loved. Please forgive?"
"yes i will okay” they grabbed hands and i hear Taylor said while they left "i’m going to tell everyone we were together for all these years and we wont be hiding anymore."
"Finally Samantha and Samuel"
"Well Samantha i really love you and i don’t know why we weren't not together before i’m sorry that i let everyone to humiliate again i promise i will protect you with my whole life" they hugged and he put the necklace on her and they left holding last"
Finally I and drake were alone
"Well that was a nice long speech lets get going’s said acting like nothing will happen
"Come here” drake said when i turned around drake was so close to me that his chest touch mine.
"no matter what ill love you and i seen that destiny made us be together but i promise Christian will pay i promise you and all my life that i been taking care of you i seen that you care for people for example today i seen you bough clothes for those girls you know how happy they left"
"Yes i do"
"Well you’re the key of happiness Jane"
"How” I said deeply
"Because you make people happy especially when you’re with me"
"I love you"
"I love you too"
Drake gave me a tight hug and put a necklace accept mine was with many colors
"It’s so beautiful"
"Yea well let’s go home"
"Okay" mean and drake went to the limo and when i got there i fell asleep on drake again.
"I accept” I said to the priest
"Do you accept Mr. Drake?"
"i accept” he responded
"You may kiss the bride” the priest said
when i kissed drake it felt so sweet it was way better then the kiss he usually kiss he gives me when we start walk out side drake falls to the ground and then Christian and his mom and with her little solders now called droids attacked my mom, and began to Christian laugh in front of me
"See told you he would never be protecting you and i always end up taking away the most important thing away from you."
"Don’t die” I mumbled when i was asleep
"Drake DONT LEAVE"I yelled waking up
"It’s okay jane its okay"
"Don’t leave me drake" i grabbed drake so hard that i wildly kissed i stop and hugged him again.
"Go to sleep you need rest we are here and you bags are in the floor nothing was open don’t worry"
"I’m not sleepy"
"If i go to sleep i never know if you leave me “I said frightened
"I wont, matter in fact ill sleep with you"
Drake hugged me and kissed the top my head i leaned on drake and slowly closed my eyes and once again me thinking i’m safe with him. As i slept i slept of pure darkness the sound of peace. I worked up in the morning and drake was still there with me but reading a book.
"Good morning"
"What are you reading?"
"True love"
"Oh... well what’s it about?"
"Well two people that love each other and no matter what they still are there for each other"
"Oh, sounds like a good book"
"Yeah it is well get ready today is game day"
"Game day?" i said with confusion
"Yea we going to attack the students"
"Oh yeah! But we are students too"
"I don’t think so"
"What do you mean?"
"We won’t be students for a while"
"Yeah...right" i got up going to my closet getting a black sport braw and some black pants.
"I see you are dressed"
"Yea well i need to go because i’m supposed to be out but i was waiting for you to wake up"
"Oh well in that case go leave quick!” I laughed and yelled.
I took a quick shower and put on my sport braw then my pants. I turned to gloves area and but on some long gloves ripped on the finger tips.
I got my rubber banned and made my hair in a pony tail. My number showed on the back of how many droids i killed the number was 90,965,000,000. My tattoo on my stomach which meant true good it was a beautiful color it was light blue my favorite color. I went out the room being slick no one so far had not seen me Eddie passed and i jumped to the wall and went inside the vent. I went so fast and i teleported to the cafeteria. There was Dana and i decided to attack her. I transformed to a girl who had black hair and blue highlights with dark black eyes. I went toward Dana and i transformed back to myself. I hissed at Danna
"Oh Danna" she turned around and i got her and threw her. Everybody stopped it looked like everybody got freeze. Danna got a sword from her back and started swinging. Danna got closer and closer. She shacked the sword but i moved my body to the left i got be hinder her got my elbow and hit her with it on the neck, Dana react to the hit and she kneeled down and i got her and hit her again. She hit the floor and i counted to three and then i pressed the button on the side of her waist. The machine loudly said "defeated” the machine answered.
Everyone clapped and i continued walking forward’s heard Eddie screaming outside and i went running and i saw a dude with a mask having drew in the air. I realized it was drake by the symbol in the neck he had i stood on the wall watching them. Angie came and had shadow behind her she got them spinning around drake make him to not see. As i saw Angie shape shifting to a shadow she knocked down drake and the drake used light and the shadows blasted of drake got Angie and threw her.
"Don’t touch my girl"
Drake used a rough voice that you can hardly recognized him.
"then you better save her don’t just stay there look right now if i was a droid i would of killed her by right now."
drew went toward drake and shot him with fire and got started gaining energy he got his foot and just kick drake and he started flying.
Drake had allot of body muscle that he cracked the wall drew went towered to drake and press his button defeated.
"nice job drew i stepped in” I started clapping
"See what happens when we feel all that power of love"
"Yeah i do"
"Not even your best friend he would of get you and kill you but we can’t go hard on you guys."
"Oh shit that was drake"
"Yeah dude you did a good ass job"
"Well thanks bro and i’m sorry"
"No need that’s why i put the mask so you guys won’t know it's me and you guys fight to fight no matter if they or is your best friend you never know if they switched side get that straight"
I smiled and help Angie up "you did a good job"
"You did not do that bad"
"Yeah i know"
"Here is some advise you dark magic, use death penalty, dead people, poisen blades anything that is dark magic."
"Ill do that"
"Yeah and practice you will surely beat up everybody accept us ha-ha"
"Yeah”she giggled.
As me and drake left drake started looking at me.
"What i look ugly?"
"No you look sexy"
"Yeah grrrrr"
"Stop it’s laughed as i started walking and i surprised attack a boy.
i hissed and i got the boy from the waste and made a flip still holding his waist he went flip with me, he fell on his bottoms and feeling that i got up and then i look at him and got his shirt and put him in the air. The boy turn to liquid and then he turn to normal. He got his fist and hit me on the stomach my stomach was hard and i did not feel nothing. The boy got his blades and shanked me on the arm and the other on the leg.
the boy got his sword and almost hit me on the legs but i open my legs then closed it then the sword was between my legs i got the sword and threw it. I got him and threw him on the air and hit him with my fist. The boy went flying down and then once he hit the floor i counted to 3 then i press his button "defeated"
"Here take my hand" the boy gave me my hand and i healed his wounds leaving no pain
"Ill be training you personally you need more training because not knowing how to fight well you can be killed"
"Thank you princess jane"
"Your welcome just need the school safe and the kingdom right?"
"Well see you later"
I went walking leaving everybody there i decided to move on and not take a long time on my fights this time. I went toward a group of kids and started knocking them down
"Number one keep your eyes always open"
Everybody attacked me and i got one of the boys by the hand and turned him around.
"Never attack all by once"
"I got the boy and bit him the boy fell by pain and then i healed him as fast as i could and then pressed his button i started doing the same thing to everybody repeating the same rules but no one use my strategy.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.06.2010

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