
Hi my name is Laura I live with my parents Molly and Jeff,I am 23 years old and work in a travel agency, I have worked there for about 3 years and really enjoy my work. Lots of people come in and out for bookings and wanting holidays it makes my job very interesting. My best friend is Tina she is a great bubbly girl she is always the life and soul of a party when she is invited you know it is going to be great. She was coming to my house that night we were going night clubbing. T ina worked at an insurance firm and found it very boring , she was always moaning about it , she had every right to she had some terrible clients. She would usally come over with a blinding headache and say she had someone really bad on the phone today. Tina was the complete opposite to me she was very slim, tall. Very long legs and mousey brown hair , a great style in clothes. I was a little plump but I was on a diet with my mum. My mum had always been a big lady but was always very jolly. My dad was a taxi driver and he worked very long hours. A the weekend they would go ballroom dancing they really looked forward to it . Tina arrived at the house for a geat night out ,we sat down to tea which mum aiways insisted we had before we went out. Tina went in the shower first she always took the longest time in there, I often wondered what she found to do in there.It was my turn to go in the shower and I could hear her shouting up the stairs”come on Laura we are wasting valuble drinking time’’. I could not believe she was hurring me she had been ages.We said goodbye to mum and she told us to be very careful. We got the taxi and heade off to the town centre where all the pubs where, we went into the first pub and ordered a drink, we bumped into a group of lads which we knew they were always causing trouble, so we decided to leave the pub and go onto the next one. Tina ordered our drinks and I glanced around, over the other side of the pub was a gorgeous looking man to my amazment he was staring at me , he walked towards me, my heart missed a beat he said “would you like to dance” I sturrted a reply of”I would love to”.As we were dancing he asked to walk me home I said yes but I would have to speak to my friend Tina, I told Tina and she smiled and said she would see me the next day. As we walked home he slipped his hand into mine ,my heart was racing, as we got to my house he stopped and wrapped his arms around me and kissed me his lips were soft and he was very gentle he was a giant compared to me , he had a mass of blonde hair and great big blue eyes he looked about 30 and had a great style in clothes.He asked to see me agin and I was on cloud nine
I could not wait for Tina to call so I could tell her everything. Tina and I had been best friends since we were small and we told each other everthing. As expected Tina rang we must have spent a couple of hours on the phone she was thrilled to bits for me. I met up with Tony and we went out for a meal after we went for a walk in the park.We went to Tonys flat, I took of my coat and sat down, he offered me a drink and we spoke for hours, As expected we ended up in bed. I don’t know how it happened but I was pleased it did, it was sensational he was so gentle with me and it was just the way I imagined it to be. T he next ccouple of months we got really serious, I took him to meet my parents. I later found out mum was not keen on him there was something about him.We got married a couple of weeks later, non to soon I found out I was nine weeks pregnant, we moved into Tonys flat for the time being he was thrilled about the baby and everything was great. He had a great job as a diretor of a bathroom company . I kept the flat nice and tidy and craved Tonys company all the time , when he did come home after a long day he would slump in his chair with a drink, he never spoke much about his day and was really miserable, I was getting very disillusioned about our marrige and the next day I met up with Tina and told her everything about it. She said they were only teething problems we had not been married two minutes I had to give it time, your hormones must be all over the place give it time. Anyway I put everything to the back of my mind and started to look forward to the baby.Tony came home that night in a foul mood,I offered him a drink andhe said “for gods sake woman put down the drink and get out of my sight” I could not believe the way he spoke to me I went into the kitchen, started to wash up, tears flowing down my face when I felt a prescense behind me it was Tony. “why are you crying” he said I turned and looked at him and said “how could you be so terrible to me”. All I saw was his hand come over and land on my head, I saw stars, I was lying on the floor, hands around my stomach to protect my unborn child.
My head was throbbing and I was very scared. I had never known anything like that before, tony walked away with a scowl on his face muttering “you asked for that”, I could not believe this man would hurt his wife while she was pregnant, I pulled myself off the floor and went to bed, tony must have come up much later.
I never heard him come up I could not wait untill the morning to come, I got up early and rang my mother, she came over pretty quick.
I think she thought it had something to do with the baby. I opened the door to my mother and fel into her arms, she realized how upset I was and said “it’s the baby” we both sat down and I began telling her everything that had happened the nigh before, my mother was astonished and fururious, “how dare he strike you and your pregnant, ill be having words with him. “ don’t say anything mam im begging you this isn’t like tony I swear, it wont happen again”.
She checked my head, there was a bit of brusing coming up on my brow “you’ll have to go down to the doctors and have it checked out” said mam.
We popped down to the GP, he asked how I had done it and I said I had fell down and banged my head. He checked it over and said it was fine. My mother was glaring at me for telling lies, I did not want anyone thinking bad of tony. Along came the evening and I was dreading him comeing home. I had tea ready, the table set perfectly, there was nothing he could complain about. In came tony with a massive bunch of flowers, he wrapped his arms around me and cried, he was inconsolable. I could not calm him down. When he had settled we had our tea and when to bed and lay in each others arms all night. I felt safe and sucure.
I put what happened to the back of my mind, my mam could not forgive tony but put on a brave face for me. Everything had to be perfect for tony beds had to be made, house had to be cleaned and defently no dished to be letf. This was my job, to look after tony and his house.
Tina popped round round that day and we were having propper girlie time. I got really carried away with the time and before I knew it tony was home, I had done not a stroke of house work. He walked in with a big smile and greeted tina and offered her a life home. She declined the offer as she had brought her own car. Tina and I hugged each other and said we’d have to do it again sometime soon. I turned, his fist was in my face, I fell backwards on to the sofa, tony leaned over me and began slapping me very hard, I tried my best to cover my face but he was to strong for me. He pushed his knee against my throat and continued slapping me harder and harder. After what was only minutes that seemed like hours, he decided to stop. I was left devastated, blood pouring from my face. I staggered from the sofa into the bath room, I cleaned myself up, I had a swolen lip and a black eye. I made my way back into the sitting room. Tony was slouched on the sofa watching TV. He turned and looked at me and said “ don’t ever make do that again its really hard discipline you”
I went to bed thinking what had happened. Tony had swore never to hid me again. When I woke the next moring my mind was all over worst of all my mother decided to invite herself over. As I opened the door a look of horrer was on her face, she stood in disbelieve and was lost for words, “ your with child laura, how could he do this to you, you must leave him, it’ll only get wosre” she said.
I could not take in what she was saying, leave tony? The thought had never crossed my mind. “ things will get better mam” I replied.
“ I am going to tell dad about this and he will have a word with tony” mother said.
“ please mam iam begging you don’t, don’t tell anyone” I begged.
“to late I have already told tina about the last episode” she hadn’t yet got the words out of her mouth when there was a knock on the door, tina was standing there. “ I cant believe what you are going through” tina said hugging me. “ things will get better tina, tony just needs time to get used to family life, that’s all” I replied. Tina and mam both shook there heads in dismay. “ it’ll work out, it will work, ill work on it” I pleaded with them to give him one more chance. After they left I potterd about the house getting thing clean and tidy as best as possible. Every thing was spick and span, when tony walk in he couldn’t be more apologetic. of cause I forgave him, things went really well the next few months.

I was sitting on the sofa when I got an enormous pain and my warters had broke, I rang my mam and told her It was time, she was on her way. I tried too phone tony at the office but couldn’t get through, so I left a message. Mum drove me to the hospital, Iwas hopeing Tonywould be there for the birth but it was not to be, I had the baby at 4pm and was very glad it was all over, my baby girl was so beautiful I decided to name her Charly. Tony walked into the ward with handfuls of flowers and balloons, I felt so proud, he picked up our little girl and cried, he was over the moon ,he leaned over and kissed me.”she is so beautiful just like her mother, he bent over me and whispered”I am going to change I will be a model husband and father just you wait and see” Ww left the hospital and Tony was great with Charly, he changed her nappies ,fed and burped her annd soothed her when she cried.As the days went on I thought I was in heaven Tony was so attentive and adored Charly. One night my mum asked to have Charly for the night so me and Tony could have a night to ourselves. Tony was not that keen but I talked him round,we went to a lovely restaurant and had a lovely time, we were shattered so we had an early night. When we got home I was feeling a bit sexy I got into bed and Tony soon followed me I slipped my arms around him and kissed him,I waited for him to respond but he just turned over and went to sleep. I needed comforting, I had just had a baby.The next morning I got up and saw to Charly she needed feeding and changing, I was up most of the night with her crying.I was sitting on the sofa when Tony came rushing down the stairs screaming he had been kept awake all night He would not calm down, he was ranting and raving, his arms were flailing about . I stood up put Charly down and tried to pacify him but there wa no talking to him. I asked him if he wanted any breakfast and he nodded, I went into the kitchen and started to make it when suddenlyTony was behind me he lunged at me punching me in the face and stomach. Suddenly blood poured down my legs I was hemorrhaging I was panicking, he would not stop I was screaming as he kicked and punched me repeatedly he leaned against the bench I couldn’t belive his face he had no remorse “get this placed cleaned up and pull yourself together” he screamed, as he left the kitchen I managed to pull myself up and get to the bathroom, I jumped in the shower then realized there was something wrong with my face, it felt rather odd I looked in the mirror and gasped in horror, my mouth was completely to one side.
Tony left for the office and I booked an appointment for the doctors, I didn’t dare tell my mum she would have went mad, I got Charlie ready, and went to the doctors my doctor was brilliant so comforting and understanding I walked into his surgery and he looked in to my face asking what had happened, I said id woke up withit this morning =, obviously he didn’t belive me put carried on examining me he told me the ligaments in my face had snapped which occurs when someone has been screaming profusely, he gave me some tablets and sent me to see the nurse “is everything alright at home” he asked?, I nodded my head “tony isn’t violent is he laura, I hesitated and turned to him and said “of course not my husband is wonderfull”, leaving the doctors I bumped into tina, she asked what had happened. We went for a coffee and sat outside having a drink, she began picking my brains about tony, I told her everything that had happened and was she was amazed at what I had been going through “ you’ll have to leave him before he kills you” I tried to convince her now we have our baby he will calm down after all it was probably me causing it in someway, tina took some convincing but I think I managed, I left her to collect my tablets then went home.
I put Charlie in her cot then made tonys tea.
In he walked with a solemn look upon his face I excpected another beating but instead he apologized for this morning,”god laura did I do that?!” “don’t worry tony its sorted I went to the doctors” “did you tell him what happened ?” he asked with a twinge of worry, @no of course no I said I woke up this morning this way” I brought out the meal and we sat at the table talking and suddenly tony said “the potatoes are a bit hard “ I apologized and he said not to worry, I reached for his hand and felt a stabbing pain in my hand, he had impaled my hand to the table with his fork, I screamed in agony he clenched his hand around mine, there was blood everywhere. “clean this up and make me a proper meal”.
It was at that moment It dawned on me what a monster he really was, it seemed he enjoyed hurting me and I couldn’t risk Charlie I couldn’t be so selfish…..I had to leave.
The next morning tony left for work this was my chance I packed our things and I left for my mothers. They were amazed not just by the fact id turned up after so long but by the sheer amount of damage to my face, my mother broke at the front door my father kept his compsure enough to usher us into the house “ill sort the bags out” he said timidly. The whole story poured out my dad was furious all he could do was threaten tony spouting insults untill he was red in the face, nothing could calm him it would seem. The phone rang, it was tony my mother just hung up after screaming never to call again, weeks went by without any contact from tony .
It was a beautifull day outside so I took Charlie to the park. I sat on the park bench watching Charlie giggling and playing with all the children I loved how happy she was ,”I thought it would not be long before tou came to the park, when I turned around it was Tony standing there,”what do you want Tony” I asked. He said he was missing me and Charly he had changed or so he said , I played along with him about going back,I told him I would meet him back at the flat when I picked up all my clothes, he said that was great, Iwas relieved he had took it all in. Ihad no intention of going back, he suddenly took hold of the buggy “What are you doing with Charly” he said he was taking her back to the flatand would meet me there later, he knew I could not stay away while he had Charly. I went back to the flat mam and dad went crazy when I told them what happened everything was ok, eventually I went to bed. He came in and began caressing me . It made me feel sick to the stomach, he must have realized because he turned over and gave up. The next day he was still here, I got up and he was in the kitchen , he turned to me and said I have two weeks off do you fancy going away for a break? I couldn’t believe what I was hearing I was looking to escape him and here he was trying to play happy familys, I dont feel to well I just want to rest I replied, well you can go out with your friends if you prefer and ill look after charly, he knew I wouldn’t leave charly, he took the baby out for a walk and I immediately got n the phone to tina I explained what had happened she said we would sort something out we have to get him back to work that will ebe the time to get you out, I waited for him to return with the intention of playing him at his own game the phone rang it was my mam offering to look after charly so tony and I could talk things through, I mentioned it to him he just scowled and said no thanks well just have a night in, he said tell your mam well have a nice couple of weeks in peace without her ringing every 2 minutes days passed and I got on living in the same house as tony my hatred growing day by day on the Friday I was cooking breakfast happy in the knowledge I only had to get through the weekend and he would be back at work, to stop him pestering me at night I was slipping two sleeping tablets in his drink before bed so he was asleep before I went up. On the Sunday I told him I was going to the supermarket, he said ill take you and wait outside with charly ok I said . I got the trolly outside and realized I didn’t have any change so I asked a man if he could give me some change he was quite polite and gave me the change with a bit small talk we walked in the shopping center I got my shopping and took it to the car, tony was more quiet than usual I remembered thinking something was wrong he just nodded at me then pulled away, we arrived back home I got charly while tony brought in our grocerys I heard him lock the door and I knew something was wrong, charly was asleep and I started unpacking the shopping. In walked tony to give me a hand .. Or so I thought but he slapped me, I turned to him and asked whats this about he pulled a face and said so you like speaking to men you slut?! Well you wont be doing that again! Something inside of him snapped he started punching and kicking I couldn’t take anymore so I reached for the knife and thrust blindly it went into his chest I forced it deeper I felt the blade grinding against ribs somewhere amidst the screams and blood he fell to the floor silent except for the gradual slowing of his rasping breath, I raced to the phone and dialled 999, they took my details and arrived shortly afterwards the paramedics came straight into the kitchen and began attending to tony, they took him straight to hospital telling me only that he was in a bad way, the police asked if there was anyone to look after charly so I called me mam and dad, they came immediately, she told the police I couldn’t have taken anymore of his abuse, the police took me down to the station to make a statement. I was taken to a small interview room and a lady officer came in she asked me to tell her everything, I told her it all from beginning to end, she seemed to be very sympathetic, you are a battered wife laura you should have left earlier I tried to so hard but he always found me I was arrested and placed in police custody until my parents found me a solicitor, sitting in the cell gave me time to think about what I had done, as I was pondering a police officer came in the charge was murder….tony had died in hospital. My solicitor followed shortly and I just repeated my story, he said he would go for a man slaughter charge as it wasn’t premeditated . I was to appear in court in two weeks time my soliciter was trying for bail the time when a blur it was time for court everyone seemed so solemn I was seated in a glass box I could see tina and my parents they were smiling at metrying to convey reassurance my soliciter was fantastic he told them my story far more eloquently than I could ever have done my gp stood as a witness with my records, the jury was made up of mainly women to which I hoped would go in my favour, they retired to come to a verdict. It took them four hours to find me guilty of manslaughter I was slightly relieved but had to wait for sentencing,…another night in the cells. The next morning arrived and I was taken to court the judge looked sternly at me and started to speak i never heard a word he said I was in a world of my own..numb..I heard him call my name “I have decided your sentence will be two years probation on condtion you attend counseling” I was astounded I looked over to my family they were crying I was led out to a room downstairs where I had to sign a lot of forms then I was let out. My parents were waiting the first thing I wanted to know was how was charly mam didn’t seem to hear she just replied she was missing me. I went to their home and tried to sleep my mind was reeling with what I had done I had killed him. Me and tina sat talking for ages the next day, she asked if I was moving back to the flat I told her I couldn’t face moving back there I had to sell up and move on I put the flat on the market the very nex day it was sold within a few weeks, I started looking immediately I didn’t want to impose on my parents any longer I found a house near them it was perfect. My offer was accepted within amonth. Family and friends rallied around me and helped me move in. mam said you should consider going back to work soon. The day I was dreading…me and charly all alone I put her to bed and sat on the sofa I started to think about tony why had he been the way he was I felt so guilty taking a life but the outcome could have been so different, it could have been me and then what would have happened to charly, the next day we went to meet tina we went for a coffee then some retail therapy, I bought a blouse ad hand bag and some clothes for charly, whille we were out I told tina I didn’t want to work full time maybe well pop in the job center, there wasn’t much barring a part time receptioist at a part time garage so I applied as it wasn’t far from my home and the hours suited perfectly, I got the job asfter a brief interview, I started work the following Monday. My job was answering the phone and taking appointments i got on really well with everyone I still hadn’t met the boss as he was on holiday for 6 weeks. I went back to work on the Monday morning and just sat at my desk when I heard a voice “black no suger please” I looked around and standing was a gorgeous looking man “put the kettle on love” he came and sat in the office we talked about the job all I could do was nod I couldn’t belive how he was making me feel I went home that night thinking about the boss I never even got his name. the next morning I went back to work full of the joys of spring as I got in I saw him sitting at my desk “coffee?” I asked him yes please I didn’t get your name he said laura I replied, and yours? Mike he said. Mikei thought to myself.. That suited him well, he made me laugh and think how different he was to tonys the weeks went by we got closer eventually Mike me asked me out I did not know anything about him, was he married , did he have a partner, I needed to ask him all these questions.I had a good talk to him and he was single ,”now will you go out with me’ I said okay and we arranged a date. My parents looked after Charly and Mike and me went to the local restaurant, I had a real good time , then we got a taxi home and he walked me to the door and asked if he could come in for coffee I said “maybe another time my parents are at home”.I knew eventually I would have to tell him everything that had happened to me , would he still feel the same way about me, time would tell. I thought if he asks me out again I would tell him everything, we kissed goodnight and he left. The next day I went to work and Mike was waiting for me he said he had enjoyed the date and asked if we could go out again. He was my perfect man I did not want things to go to fast I had not told him about Charly yet. The days passed and we spent a lot of time together, we had arranged a meal at my house and I decided to tell him everything. He arrived at seven he was always punctual. We proceeded to have our meal and Mike said what a good cook I was. We went into the sitting room and sat on the sofa and cuddled up.I needed to tell him everything I looked up at him and said Ihave something to tell you, he put his hand over my mouth and said he knew everything he needed to know I just blurted it out “Mike I have a two year old daughter her name is Charly” he just looked at me and said he had always wanted a family. And could not wait to meet her I had told him about my daughter I still had to tell him about Tony. The day came to move in with Mike and everything went smoothly all my furniture fit in great. My parents looked after Charly for me while Mike and I got settled in . We got her back in the evening and Mike settled her down to sleep, they got on really well it was if they had been together for a long time, Charly was going to love this house, it had a big garden and an apple orchard. The shops were a car drive away but I did not mind.Weeks went by and I started looking after Mikes business affairs and did not relize how much money he had, he had lots of other business but he never told me much sbout them. The next couple of months we got on really well and Sunday evening was really special. We would order in a meal, we were just finishing up when Mike said would you like to go on holiday, I was really excited and of course said yes “Where are we going, “Mike said how about China” I was thrilled, we were going for a week ,I asked my parents if they would look after Charly as I thought she was to young to travel. Mike had already booked the holiday, we were going next week. We got to the airport and I was very excited Mike had told me it would not be very long before we were there, we arrived at the hotel and it was very posh, the room was just what I had expected. The beds had flowers strewn all over . We spent our time sightseeing and lazing on the beach, we decided to go to one of the local markets, I loved rummaging about in them, we came to a stall that sold statues and I rather fancied one of them Mike said I will buy it for you, I was thrilled I loved buying presents for everyone, Mike carried the statue and decided to have an inscription onit he took it to a stall and I waited at the café for him, Mike brought it back and had inscribed with all my love Mike I was thrilled .We went back to the hotel as we were leaving the next day. Mike packed his case and I packed mine, I decided to put the statue in my case Mike said it would be better off in my hand luggage as it might get broke in transit I totally agreed//We arrived at the airport the next day and went to check in I put my hand luggage through sfter Mikes it went through the scanner and Mike walked ahead of me suddenly one oftheairport official took me to one side and asked me to accompany him to the office, I looked for Mike but he was no where to be seen I went into the office and felt very alone. They started asking me questions but I could not understand them I asked for someone to interpret in walked in Julie and she asked me what had happened , they revealed my bag and took out the statue, they broke it open and inside was white powder which I later found out they were drugs I was looking for my partner Mike he was bound to be worried,she checked my flight and told me Mike had boarded the flight and was on his way back to Britain, I could not believe he had gone and left me. What was I going to do .I asked if I could make a call to the british embassy snd get someone over to help me,Iwas placed in a holding room till someone came,I did not have to wait long the door opened and in walked a very stern looking man he sat me down and opened a notebook.He asked me to tell him everything that had happened,I explained what had happened and he just shook his head.Iasked what he thought of my situation,we they believe me for gods sake,I was telling the truth why was noone listing to me.Mr Moore that was his name he informed me,he at to look into things and get back to me.I was to be held in what they called a holding were kept in there till you got bail. There was a couple of women already there.They looked very worried and one of them was crying. She was very hungary I never thought of food till then.I tried to talk to them but they were Chinese and could not understand a word I was saying/Isat in the corner of the cell which had a scruffy toilet in the corner. Iwatched as the girls were walking around the cell frantically looking for someone to help them.I just hoped someone would be there for me,just as I was feeling very lowthe door opened and in walked Mr Moore he walked straight over to me and shook my hand.and said you are free to go Laura. Everything is sorted and no charges are to be pressed.I asked him how he had managed to sort it out he just shook his head said don’t ask you are not the first to fall for this scam and you wont be the last I would advise you to get the first flight home.Itotally agreed and went straight to the airport Ifelt really sorry for the girls I was leaving behind.I phoned my parents to meet me at the other end.When I got on the plane and it took off I was relieved but at the same time very sad.Mike had left me high and dry, why had he not stood by me, and why was Mr Moore telling me to be very careful about my assocation with Mike, why did he leave me and why had he not been in touch with me.As far as he was concerned Iwas still locked up and could have been for years.Things were starting to add up, the way he got the statue inscribed he had plenty off time to hide the drugs inside why would he do that to me.There was definitely something wrong here, was I being set up by someone there was something wrong somewhere. I could not wait to get back home and find out what was going on.I arrived at the airport and my parents were waiting for me, could always depend on them.I asked where Charly was and my mother thought it better to leave her at nursery. We decided to talk about what had happened when we got home. I thought it was a bit funny they were taking me back to there house. We got back home and we had a cuppa I was pleased to be back, my parents sat me down and Said there was rumours going around about Mike he had never been to tell my parents about anything that had happened to me,mam said there was something untoward happening but she could not put her finger on it . We went and picked up Charly qnd decided to sleep on it , Was Mike finished with me but was scared to tell me, I just did not know what to think. Anyway I would enjoy my time with Charly and see Mike tomorrow.I never got a wink of sleep thinking about mike I still loved him deep down but he would have to have a good explantion about why he had left me, deep down I knew he had set me up and just dumped me, I kneeded to hear it from his lips.Deep down I was hopeing everything would still be the same as it was before we went away, that was going to happen I was living in a dream world. The next day me and mam got Charly ready and took her off to nursery, we went for a cup of coffee at our favourite coffee shop, just as we sat down I noticed Tina walk by I shouted over to her and she turned looked at me, she had a strange look on her face, she walked over and seemed very agitated she never looked once at mam Ithought that was very unusual, she had always liked mam, she made some excuse and said she would have to dash off, I looked at mamand said “did you find Tind very standoffish” mam just looked at me qnd shook her head things were getting wierder mam knew something but was not letting on.I insisted mam went home,I had to find things out for myself. Imade my way to Mikes garage but the mechanic said he was out for the day.I decided to wait for the evening and surely I would find him at home. Iasked mam to look after Charly she shook her head and said she would come with me, I would rather be with you when you confront Mike. I said okay as long as she left me to deal with Mike,We arrived at Mikes about seven and rang the bell there was no answer, mam suggested I use my key and get out my clothes, I agreed and in we went, I stated to collect my things when we both heard a noise in the bedroomI openede the door and to my amazment, in the bed was Tina and Mike. The look on there face was priceless I looked at Tina and said “ why you are suppose to be my best friend, how could you do this to me” I turned and looked at Mikeand said I thought you loved me. Mam and me walked out of the bedroom and waited for an explantion. In they walked brazen as can be Tina was the first to speak I have being going out with Mike for monthsand if things had gone the way they were supposed to you would have been in prison for years. I could not believe what she was saying I thought why were thy doing this to me.Mike looked at me with a strange look on his face he just glared at me for what seemed like hours, then he spoke “it was revenge I needed you to pay and the best way was to separate you from Charly and your family” why do you hate me so much my name is mike but I have the same surname as Tony he was my brother till you killed him . O my god I could not believe this my mam just looked at me and said walk away Laura and leave rubbish together we walked out of the door and left everything benind us the end


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.05.2011

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