

I awoke to the smell of bacon. I felt sore everywhere. Where was I ?
I was in a bed,but whose was it ? There was a man in a chair asleep he looked familiar
but I couldn't be sure. I got off the bed quietly trying not to awake the sleeping stranger. I looked at the pictures along the wall. I saw myself in most of them but i was surrounded by people I didn't know who were they and who was I ? "JUAN"! I heard somebody yell. So I guess my name was Juan I walked down the stairs to find a women cooking breakfast. She turned to me "Hurry up your gonna be late for your first day of school" she said. Suddenly a picture popped into my head a girl but who ? Suddenly I had the urge to get to school "Can you drive me" I asked. "Sure get your bag and lets go" she said. I sat in the old van.
When I got to school I walked inside got my schedule. Then I saw three other people I knew Roman my best friend Mihalis my other best friend and Alen my other friend. Then all of a sudden everything stopped. E. How come I could move? Then I noticed I was doing this.


I walked into class to see that I was surrounded by strangers after what had just happened I knew I was different. The only people I knew there were Roman,Mihalis,Alen,and Kathy. I sat next to Mihalis we usually just called him Mike. It was a.m homeroom we had History first period. "Throughout history people have claimed to have special powers". said the teacher."But it is only a myth". "Can these special powers be inherited?" I asked. "Like i said Juan it is only a myth." after class Mike and Roman came up to me "so you got your powers?" asked Roman "I don't know what your talking about" I said. "Don't lie we got ours to I can turn invisible" he said the he disappeared and appeared again. All i could do was stare. I turned to Mihalis "So whats your power?" I asked. "Super Speed" he said. He took a step then he was a blur he ran across the whole field twice in a second. "Whats yours ?" Roman asked me. "I can control time" I said than I stopped time and went to trip Mihalis who was now in front of the basket ball court. I walked back over to Roman and unfroze time he looked at me and started laughing after he saw what I had done to Mikey. We walked over to the basketball courts to shoot a few hoops when out of nowhere Alen appeared right next to me. "So I guess you can you can teleport" I said he looked at me with one of his annoying smiles he cocked an eyebrow and threw the ball at me. I stopped time walked over to him picked him up and put him where I was standing. I unfroze time and it him right in the face. He fell over and we all started laughing.We all walked home together then we split up two blocks away from my house.I walked in and her my parents eating dinner I walked straight into my room and fell asleep.


"ROMAN"! I yelled my friend had just been dropped off the schools roof. I awoke yelling and sweating it had all been a nightmare. My parents ran into my room to check on me.I told them I was fine and went to shower. I got dressed and went to school. I got there to find Mike fighting with some stranger. I knew this was soon about to get out of control. I walked over and stopped time Mike had always had a temper. I grabbed the other kid and moved him. Then I unfroze time. I felt something touch my arm I looked around but saw no one then I knew Roman. He appeared in front of me with a crooked smile. I looked at Mihalis he was still getting over what had just happened. Alen walked in he looked at me he had a strange look in his eye. " You OK?" I asked he looked at me and nodded. Then we turned our attention to Mihalis he was walking over to us. He looked at Alen and nodded then he turned his attention to me. Roman reminded us we were suppose to hang out at the mall today. We all agreed we'd meet there around 6 o'clock. I got ready and ran to the mall. My friends were all already there. We were eating at Burger King when Alen went to stand up to go to the rest room some guy bumped into him. "Watch it" said Alen the guy turned around and pushed Alen so hard he fell on the floor. Alen disappeared and appeared behind the guy he grabbed him and disappeared again. We heard screaming we ran out to see Alen holding the guy over the railing of the fifth floor.He let go everything happened so fast one second the guys falling then hes next to us. I looked at Mihalis "You did that?" I asked he nodded we were all now staring at Alen he was looking at us with that strange look in his eyes again. He was out of control then he just disappeared. I looked at Mihalis and Roman he isn't going to stop and we all knew that he was going to do something reckless. "This just in The president of the United States has just been kidnapped" We all turned to look at the t.v. What had Alen done.


We all snapped into action. We ran for the exit and ran all the way home. When we got to my house we all started talking at the same time. I stopped time I needed time to think for myself. I ran upstairs and thought about what were gonna do. I unfroze time and grabbed the phone I dialed Alen's number. After two rings he answered. "Hello" he said. "What have you done?" I said The phone went silent then he appeared right next to me. He came up to me and stared me right in the eye,he still had that crazy look. "I'm going to make this world appreciate us" he said by becoming the president. Then he disappeared, I ran downstairs everyone was still arguing. I looked at everybody's and I saw fear. We had to do something to stop him.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.01.2012

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