

(Holding a piece of paper)


How to play the game of love: F.L.A.M.E.S 


  1. On your sheet of paper, write your first name and that of the person you are interested in.


  1. Any letters shared by both names should be crossed off


  1. Count and add the number of leftover letters.


  1. Write down the word FLAMES, then Move through the letters in the word "FLAMES" one at a time until your count reaches the total number of leftover letters that you found previously.


5: Note the ending letter and analyzed your future: 


  • F= Friendship
  • L= Love
  • A= Affection
  • M= Marriage
  • E= Enemies
  • S= Sister


(Scribbles) My name is S..A..M..A..N..T..H..A and then his name is A...L...E...X...Any letters shared by both names should be crossed off then count and add the number of leftover letters... so it's 10 letters... then move through the letters in the word "FLAMES" one at a time until your count reaches the total number of leftover letters that you found previously...which is the left letter will be... E = enemies?!" Tsk...Who the hell created this stupid game! (She throws the paper out of the window)


What's this? Why is it that our names are written here?


Shit... Give that back to me! (Grab the paper out of his hand) Thi...this is nothing I am just trying to put curse in you... hahaha (gave him an awkward smile)


Whatever...So what are we going to practice or not? For god sake you're really slow are you?


Why is it that each time they had to pair us up and of all the dances, It's Tango! I hate how lewd its steps are!


Hey... you have to thank me that I agreed to be paired with you, aren't you happy that you'll have the chance to be the partner of the most handsome guy here in our class (smirks)


Huh? Who? Where is he?


I've never heard you say that I'm cool and good looking, even if there's already a whole bunch of girls saying that I'm handsome and they have a crush on me, why is it when it comes to never admit it?


Please stop hoping for that to happen... You will never hear that thing coming from my mouth.... Hahaha... In my eyes you don't have any charm... that's because I don't have a thing for you... maybe those girls just like you that's why they are all saying that you are cool?


You don't have to say it that way...just a little bit of appreciation will do...we're friends anyway...right??!!


(make face) There's nothing I can do about this... you can dream on that forever...hahaha (laughs)


Both of us don't realize that we are already making memories; we just thought that we are enjoying each other companionship. They say that a childhood memory is part of life that creates memories, for me there's more than just a childhood memory between us.


I didn't expect that these


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: The Author
Bildmaterialien: All rights reserve to the Copyright holder of the images used in this book
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.12.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7396-3103-5

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I would like to dedicate this to my friend Sarah Bacay ^_^ this book is based on my friend's unforgetable memories of her childhood friend; she denies it but it's obvious it was her first love :P

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