

1. Beautiful eyes


2. Saved by grace


3. So long


4 .Creation


5. Demons


6. Tumor


7. On the road


8. Shakespeare girl


9. Silent universe


10. Night walker


11. Caught up in emotions


12. Out of balance

Beautiful Eyes

  • Beautiful eyes like flowers blooming in spring

Beautiful eyes brighter as a diamond ring
You looking at me makes my heart sing
I was trapped and didn't want you as a fling
That day our hands touched it made my head swing
My soul burning like a bee sting
I wish I could put you under my wing


Beautiful eyes like a summer rain drop
Oh beautiful eyes you bring my breathing to a stop
Every time we go our ways I think of you non stop
For you my heart is an open shop
Your smile precious like the flower of Scotland
Your soul can't be auctioned
Your halo made my smile soften and broaden

Beautiful eyes your kind like mother nature
Beautiful eyes that will become fierce to protect her own from danger
Yet when souls meet love plays in A major
And when hearts touch


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.10.2018
ISBN: 978-3-7438-8314-7

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I want to thank my friend Loudene Els for all her support, without you none of this would've been possible. I was in a dark place while writing these poems and you were the light~ your support was my corner stone. I also thank the Lord our God for giving me the talent of writing. Thank you to all my other friends who stood by my side over the years you guys are amazing!! To my beautiful little redhead princess Roxanne Jade Emslie: thank you for being my biggest inspiration and also my biggest fan. Remember even thou we are miles apart you are always on my mind and in my heart. I love you lots

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